Firefly MUSH to play in...

UPDATED: Thursday, December 1, 2011 15:31
VIEWED: 36123
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Sunday, September 5, 2004 8:05 PM


Sounds very promising. Please, just don't make the common mistake that too many MUSHes make and try and represent all of the Firefly universe? You'll end up with too few players in too large aspace and the thing will die. Keep it small at first; there'll be plenty of time to expand as the playerbase gets larger.

If you can survive death, you can probably survive almost anything.


Monday, September 6, 2004 2:26 PM



Originally posted by Beylix:

We said September (after one slight pushing out) and we are sure as hades going to make it september! *grins* Don't worry on that matter.

I think (hope) that I speak for the community at large in saying that although we are wanting this out as soon as you guys can get it out, please don't rush. If it takes a little while longer to get the best possible game, then so be it. It'll just make it that much sweeter. I for one am looking forward to my first MUSH experience

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Monday, September 27, 2004 6:34 AM


So we decided to take your advice ;)

Seriously, real life has slowed us down a touch, so we'll be opening the MUSH in October.

Meanwhile, you can go to to see what we're all about!


Monday, September 27, 2004 7:46 AM


Will zMud be an acceptable client for use in this MUSH?


Monday, September 27, 2004 2:32 PM


That should be just fine. There are so many clients out there, we couldn't list them all. :) But any client that allows you to access MUDs (including telnet) should work.
Ahem. And I do apologize for stating a date that rl kept us from keeping. Osiris and Greenleaf have beaten me upside the head for it already.
Feel free, anyone, to tell them they can stop.

Life is neither the candle nor the wick - It is the burning.


Wednesday, September 29, 2004 6:35 AM


I can't wait for October to roll arround so we can all start rping in the this sure to be awsome 'Verse'


Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:28 PM


Another question: Will the Alliance government be entirely admin run or will PCs have the option of playing Alliance soldiers, pilots, beaurocrats, etc. (as opposed to normal civilians who may be loyal to the Alliance) with chances to rise in rank and power within the Alliance government?


Thursday, September 30, 2004 8:18 AM


Questions are good!
Amnesiack, to be honest, a lot is going to depend on what the players want.
At this point in time there are only two unacceptable concepts - Reavers and Canon characters.
If you want to be an Alliance soldier (politician, etc) /please/ go for it! Personally, I think that is going to be one of the more interesting areas. Advancement chances are going to be there - its no fun if you can't grow.

Life is neither the candle nor the wick - It is the burning.


Saturday, October 2, 2004 1:59 PM



Saturday, October 2, 2004 2:08 PM


Osiris (Yes, my name is wrong here 'cause someone else has it ), head coder at Into the Black with another public service announcement.

We're hard at work putting the finishing touches on the MUSH. I'd like to announce the completion of player owned stores, letting characters who choose to be shop owners buy and sell goods to other players! Character Generation is complete and the administration will be creating characters within the next day to test it out and give the game a good run through! :)

The only thing left will be populating our space system (Everything's charted and plotted, it's just not put in the system yet. That's saved for last). Then we'll turn our eyes towards how economy interacts with space, make tweaks as needed, and then...Hopefully that'll be it.

Also, I've added another project that'll be completed after the game opens. Essentially, I'll be trying to recreate the Cortex. You'll be able to use this to send "Video Messages", text messages (think email), and read "webpages" designed by both admin and the players. It'll also enable you to "hack" certain things for your own gain. That's a pretty hefty project and will have to wait until the MUSH is online and running or else we may never open!

So excuse me while I light one up and dive back in. As always, questions will be answered and things explained.



Saturday, October 2, 2004 8:03 PM


Are the parts of the website that are still under construction going to be completed before the MUSH goes live?


Sunday, October 3, 2004 12:05 PM


Yes. The parts of the website that're currently marked as being 'under' construction will be available shortly. Frankly, I forgot to email myself some of the files from work so was unable to put them up this weekend. My bad.

Expect files to be online no later than Tuesday night. Also, we should have access to our own chat forums to help alleviate the good folk of this site from having to listen to our blabbering.

Stay shiny.



Sunday, October 3, 2004 1:07 PM


As per the website:


Following on the heels of that – Companion RP. There will be NPC companions running around that are played by admin. They will be ‘fade to black’ in policy.

I could be dense, but can you explain what NPC and "'Fade to black' in policy" mean? Does this mean that a Companion character is not available to regular players?

Because the character of a companion would be very interesting to play, and wouldn't necessarily involve areas that might be considered too risky for the RP. As we've seen with Inara, she is a very well developed character, with a good storyline behind her, and an integral part of the show, despite the fact that her activities are very private and do not usually involve any key characters.

Just a thought anyhow, as for me, a companion would be the ideal character to play. Their culture and tradition are deeply interesting!

Sherie @-)---


Sunday, October 3, 2004 1:25 PM


'NPC' generally means 'non-played character'. That is, a character who's generally brought out for a specific purpose but isn't played all the time. Often they aren't even character-objects, but are just emited or spoofed by someone else.

'Fade to black' generally means that the RP will stop before it gets too sexually explicit, keeping things at a PG13ish level. With a character like a Companion, any scene that has to do with that aspect would 'fade out' before the real down and dirty happened. ;)

Just my take on things, but from my years of M*ing, those are my definitions.


Sunday, October 3, 2004 4:15 PM



'NPC' generally means 'non-played character'. That is, a character who's generally brought out for a specific purpose but isn't played all the time. Often they aren't even character-objects, but are just emited or spoofed by someone else.

That basically hit it right on the nose as for what "NPC" stands for. Thanks Aerrin.

As for what the file on our website says about companions, the fade to black policy only applies to Admin owned/played Companions. It in no way restricts players from having characters that are Companions. In fact, it really is a great platform for some really indepth characters. The fade to black policy applies to Admin Companions only for several reasons, not least of which is legal obligations on our parts. :) Players, on the other hand, can do as they please, when they please, how they please.

Stay shiny.



Sunday, October 3, 2004 4:24 PM


Not a dense question at all!
The terminology we are using kind of goes like Aerrin said.

PC = Player Characters - These are the character objects you create. You will only have one of these to play. They are the character run by you, the player :)

NPC = Non-Player Characters - These can break down into two categories.

1. Admin Played Characters - These are characters that we, the admin, will be running to either advance the plot, provide entertainment, or provide atmosphere. In the example that was mentioned, it was being stated that while we may provide a Companion NPC, we will be fading to black on intimacy (more on fade to black in a bit :))
2. Player created/emitted characters. This is a bit easier to explain by example. We know that you are creative imaginative people who are capable of providing entertainment and atmosphere all on your own. If you are in a bar, you can have the bartender doing something you can react to. We would say it needs to be in theme with the bar (IE: Having the bartender stand up to do a strip tease is NOT going to fly on most worlds) and it needs to be done respectfully and correctly. But you will be able to create those little enviromental enhancements. Just keep in mind that player created 'NPC's are for enviroment only. You can't have an NPC crew.
Again, this may be easier to see rather than explain. Let me know if an example would be more helpful.

Now, Fade to Black? Its just a term to coin how most PG-13 shows will do a fade to black and not actually show anything too explicit. Just like Aerrin noted, yup.

And, please feel free to play a Companion! We all know that there is more to them, to the culture and the guild than ...ahem... the down and dirty of the job.
After all.... we already have some temple locations set up for them to inhabit.

Life is neither the candle nor the wick - It is the burning.


Tuesday, October 5, 2004 9:19 AM


This is a call for help!!

We require some assistance from our fellow fans and gamers. Basically put, we have very little graphically artistic skills. Furthermore, we have absolutely zero skills when it comes to ASCII/ANSI art.

What is ASCII/ANSI art, you ask? Basically, it's using numbers and letters for several lines in depth to make the shape of a picture, object, whatever.. :)

An ASCII picture is primarily used in the opening connect screen of a MUSH. Kinda eye candy and not really needed, but cool none-the-less. :) If anyone out there has mad skillz, krazy, killa talent, or just wants to lend a helping hand, feel free to send me an email at with your ASCII art. Full credit and perhaps some award down the lane on the game will be in order.

If we can't seem to find a picture we like, we'll make one or we wont. Again, this isn't going to stop the game from opening. Just think of it as making the best brownie in the world but you just can't seem to put those little crests in the frosting the way your mother did.

Stay shiny.



Tuesday, October 5, 2004 9:23 AM


One more thing for potential artists. :)

Please keep your pictures below 80 characters in width and no more than say ... 40 in depth. :) Thanks. :)

Stay shiny.



Tuesday, October 5, 2004 8:28 PM


I'll send something quick I made up off to you.

Oh, and I'm getting people from other mushes I'm in interested, and have already got a 5 man (well.. 3 men 2 women) crew. Everyone's getting excited. :)


Wednesday, October 6, 2004 5:28 PM


Starting to notice that our post frequency is starting to become more regulard? Must mean we're nearing our opening day (Still unannounced), eh?

Just a quick blurb today to letchyall know that we've updated the website with a few minor additions. Those additions are the ECONOMY page and the BEGINNER'S GUIDE. These pages will be continual works in progress due to the nature that code and the like is constantly changing so expect to see several versions arrive concerning those. Those pages can be found under the RP SYSTEMS link to the left of your explorer window.

Also, expect to see another planet added to the database in coming days. This will be the last planet before we open and will roundout that page nicely. Hint: Alliance-minded folk, this'll be your primary base of operations.

A starship page will be available real shortly that'll outline the types of ships available to the playerbase and their purposes. This'll also coincide with the debut of the SPACE webpage under RP SYSTEMS to further explain our somewhat unique take on space and the 'verse in general.

That's about it from the folk at Into the Black for now. If you want to contact us, you can use,,, or you can contact all of us at .

Stay shiny.



Wednesday, October 6, 2004 10:31 PM


I've played primarily in MUDs rather than MUSHes in the past (though they've all been rp-enforced MUDs) so I'm rather hazy as to what the @rp command is for. Does it mean that there will be avatars running around acting out of character that will be diferentiated from those currently acting in character based on some use of this command? All my previous MU*s have required you to stay IC at all times, except through private tells/pages and on ooc channels. Can someone with more experience in this particular area enlighten me?


Thursday, October 7, 2004 2:18 AM



Originally posted by amnesiack:
I've played primarily in MUDs rather than MUSHes in the past (though they've all been rp-enforced MUDs) so I'm rather hazy as to what the @rp command is for. Does it mean that there will be avatars running around acting out of character that will be diferentiated from those currently acting in character based on some use of this command? All my previous MU*s have required you to stay IC at all times, except through private tells/pages and on ooc channels. Can someone with more experience in this particular area enlighten me?

I don't know specifically how they're doing it here, but all the MUSHes I've been on, while you're certainly encouraged to be IC as much as possible, sometimes you're just not in the mood to RP and just want to hang out and chat with people in an OOC room. I find it builds more of a sense of community, although it can get out of hand if everyone's just there to chat and not RP.

As to this particular MUSH... well, I'm appreciative of all the effort here, and I wish you the best of luck, but there's too much in the policies and setup that I find I don't like. I may still app at some point, but I'm probably not going to app the character I originally wanted to, and it may take me a while to come up with someone I want to play there. (Just for clarity, I'm not saying that you've done anything _wrong_, just there are certain things I look for in a MU*, for my own enjoyment, and this one isn't working for me). Hopefully someone else will start another Firefly game at some point under a different model... the more, the merrier.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Thursday, October 7, 2004 3:22 AM


Star Pilot,

I know I and the other staff would be very grateful if you would write to us at one of the above listed e-mails to discuss what it is about the policies that isn't to your liking.

We'd very much like for everyone to feel welcome, and it could be that our policies need adjusting or perhaps that you're reading more into it than intended.

Any feedback at all would be appreciated!



Thursday, October 7, 2004 6:25 AM


This is just a small backup to what Greenleaf has already stated.

Basically, if any questions, concerns, or complaints are being had regarding the contents of our website, we would very much like to hear them. Preferably, we would like them to be posted here in the open so that the masses who might be thinking the same thing but unable or unwilling to post them have the opportunity to be informed as well.

While Greenleaf is right in saying that we may be attempting to develop a game where all folk can feel welcomed, we hold no fantasy that it will indeed appeal to everyone. That's just the nature of the beast and we accept that. What we can do, however, is our best to attempt to clarify and expand on policies, systems, etc. and perhaps even make some concessions to appeal to a spectrum of players that we have somehow overlooked because we, ourselves, are but a very, very, very small segment of the roleplaying demographic.

In essence, we're asking you to help us make this a better game before and after it opens. By telling us that something is 'wrong', even in your opinion, is like going to the mechanic to have him tell you that your car's broke and then leaving it at that. The problem will most likely still be there when you leave.

In closing, we're a very feedback friendly MUSH. We like it in a sick way. You will never get 'flamed' by the administration 'cause, honestly, we're too busy trying to create a good game for that.

Give us the facts of your opinions and we'll give you ours. If not here, then you can definitely email us at the above listed address. Preferably at

Stay shiny.



Thursday, October 7, 2004 8:14 AM



Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
I don't know specifically how they're doing it here, but all the MUSHes I've been on, while you're certainly encouraged to be IC as much as possible, sometimes you're just not in the mood to RP and just want to hang out and chat with people in an OOC room. I find it builds more of a sense of community, although it can get out of hand if everyone's just there to chat and not RP.

That is slightly odd, considering that I've always been told that MUSHes are more rp-focused than MUDs. It seems like that would be rather detrimental to keeping an authentic roleplaying environment, if you can walk into a room and some people are acting IC and others OOC. I've always found that OOC channels build that same sense of community just fine, but since you can turn it off at will, you don't have to be distracted by it if you don't want to. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it actually works out in this game. Thanks for the info.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 9:59 AM


Quick clarification here -

There is a specific room for OOC interaction. At this point, I believe we're only intending on having one OOC room and everyone in that room is Out of Character. It can provide a good place to get to know the other players, true, but I tend to think of it in other terms for myself.
There are times when I am on the MUSH and unable to be actively involved in RP, but I don't want to disconnect. I want to remain on, but I'm just not able to be rping.
The OOC room gives a place go for situations like that and also when you know you'll be away from the keyboard for a long time. Rather than hide your character in an ic room (thus running the risk that someone might come in the room and be thinking you are 'there' and be left waiting for some sort of response, or having people travel to see you and be left waiting outside the door) you would jump to the OOC room. People could still page you and talk to you - plan for characters meeting up ICLY and the like... but you aren't considered to be role playing just yet.
I've heard it called the "Green Room" of a MUSH.
And of course, no one has to go to the OOC room. :) Its merely a jumping off point and an occasional refuge.

I hope that helps!

Life is neither the candle nor the wick - It is the burning.


Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:47 AM


Think of the ooc room as a place to go when you're not gaming but want to chat with folks.

The OOC room is just that - OOC. IC and OOC don't mix here. You hop out to the room if you're going to be afk awhile or if you're at work and can't steadily RP but want to talk to folks on OOC channels.

This way you don't keep folks sitting around an IC room waiting for you but meanwhile you want folks to know you're around, when you'll be available, etc.

It's exactly to keep the IC flavor going that there's a separate space to go for OOC interaction :)


Thursday, October 7, 2004 11:11 AM


So the @rp command actually transports your character into a different room? That makes much more sense. The command explanation I saw made it appear as though it just raised some sort of flag that differentiated between people currently acting IC and OOC. Thanks!

Edit: Out of curiosity, when you leave the OOC room, do you automatically return to the IC location you left from?


Thursday, October 7, 2004 12:18 PM


I'm going to have to clarify the newbie help page. Reading it, I realize we took for granted that all MU**s have some sort of command like @rp.

My apologies.

Greenie and Beylix already went over what the @rp command does so I'll just respond to what Amnesiack wrote:


Edit: Out of curiosity, when you leave the OOC room, do you automatically return to the IC location you left from?

Yes. The @rp command will remove you from the IC 'Grid' and place you in the OOC room where you can stay online but be hidden from those in character (IC). Typing the command again will return you to the exact location you departed from so you can continue on your way when able/willing to RP. :)

Stay shiny.


Edit - I don't know why my words are struck like that. :P


Saturday, October 16, 2004 12:34 PM


Effective Immediately:

Into the Black MUSH will only be posting critical updates to this message board system and occassional notices to bump the message up for new visitors of the site.

Please take note of the following website:

Now players and curious guests can view or login to reply and chat with the administration or fellow players.

Of note, please check out the Announcements section concerning a big website update tomorrow (Which will link the forums among other things) evening as well as a special offer for the first weekend! :)

We hope to see you there if for the very least to keep up to date to the latest shindigs of our online roleplaying game. :)

Stay shiny.



Monday, November 1, 2004 6:36 AM



For those not following the discussion threads at, I'd just like to post what was repeated there concerning our firm date of opening.


Alright, cowpokes, heeeee-eeeeeeere we go!

Effective immediately, not withstanding, to never be changed, altered, transferred, mutilated, dictated, mutated, emulsified, branched, boiled, chopped, sliced, diced, glued, nailed, pickled, or jellied:

Into the Black: A Firefly MUSH will be opening its doors on November 4th, 2004 at 6:30pm EST.

That's next Thursday, just so you don't have to look it up. Next Thursday, November 4th we will be opening for Chargen with an official RP kickoff at 6:30 EST on November 5th

This will enable us to approve characters and have folk on the move, get ship orders accomplished, etc. With that said, spread the word, get your crews and get ready. The deadline for the special offer is now Saturday, the 6th at 6:30pm EST. For those of you who sent in bio submissions or ideas, we haven't been ignoring, just extremely busy and I, myself, have been away for the week.

So....Limited, one-time offer, bargains gallore!

Head Coder
Alliance Director

That's right, we're opening this Thursday at 6:30pm EST. That's -5GMT for you international folk.

Feel free to stop by, ask questions, create a character, enjoy the 'verse, or anything else you'd like to do.

You can also throw your settings into a client or telnet using the following information:

Client: port 2517
Telnet: telnet://

Our website is at and our forums are located at

Stay Shiny.

Head Coder
Alliance Director
Into the Black: A Firefly MUSH


Wednesday, November 3, 2004 6:25 AM



Just giving everyone a head's up that Into the Black: A Firefly MUSH is now officially on the Top Mud Site webpage.

For those of you not familiar with that site, it's basically a free website where you can advertise for new players and show support for your favorite MUSH.

You can vote once a day using the following link:

Basically, you click the link, then click on VOTE FOR THIS SITE and that's it. It'll take you to the homepage and voila, you see a listing.

Currently we are #96 out of 972 games. Each day your vote counts new again and the numbers keep ticking away.

So take a second a day if you want, show support for a game that represents your favorite television show (Even if you don't want to play on it) and exit the windows after clicking on VOTE FOR THIS SITE and the homepage appears. That's all. :)

Thanks in advance to those who decide to help and thanks greatly to those who make this a somewhat habit and thanks for being fans of one of the most original shows on television.

Remember, we open tomorrow (Thursday) at 6:30pm EST. :)

Head Coder
Alliance Director
Soapbox Misfit


Wednesday, November 30, 2011 12:30 PM




Thursday, December 1, 2011 3:31 PM


Was this a necropost?

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.






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