'Dragonfly' Preproduction - Epi. "Procrustean Karma" RP and Indi film.

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 7, 2004 05:42
VIEWED: 16742
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Saturday, September 4, 2004 6:02 AM


Hi CapnRahn! That's a real shame about the Whedon meeting, but I hope you're not discouraged.

If you're trying to divorce Dragonfly from Firefly, maybe a name chance will do that. But I did like the similarity in name, and especially the asian reference of "dragon" (to replace the explosive "fire").

As for the other stuff, I can't comment. Using the Rubicon without the Chimera completed doesn't enter into the equation so much as, are there stories you can do on the Rubicon? And will the lack of the lead ship (a very strong anchor in every scifi I know - even Dr Who's tardis was static [although possibly for cost reasons]) endanger the show?

Consider yourself smacked. =)


Saturday, September 4, 2004 7:01 AM


StJ : Not discouraged, more PO'd than anything. See I did a little investigatin' and found that the person responsible, possibly may have a personal link to a ... enemy of mine, from the days I was on a prop Forum. A collector who is more than a bit insane and enjoys screwing people over. He is a real jerk and VERY obsessive. Ignoring him is usually best -- he HATES that! Nuff said on that subject here.

Not really trying to divorce it, just was wondering if it sounded TOO derivative and silly. It isn't -- in my opinion, but I wanted others input. Such as yours! Thanks!!!

Yes, there are many stories that can be done on the Rubi. Actually the Rubicon has already been used in the GunnRuners RP with your character, Hlastoni along with Jax and Thilda. In an effort to 'slide' into a spinoff, I am using them as the pickup for the guns that Serenity is running.

Also we intro'd Merz in "Adventures in GunRunning" as well. Building up backstory through her eyes and past. Not to mention my overlong interludes that intro Corvair Troy, NicoAllez and a few others that will be instrumental in Dragonfly.

Oh yes, Rubicon actually 'slots' int the Chimera's nose as one of the supplementary ships. Now, I must mention that the Chimera is quite a bit larger than Serenity - perhaps around 2/3rds to twice as large, with more support vessels.

Speaking of those -- let's see, there is 4 shuttles, The Rubi and Hlastoni's Outrider for a total of 6 with the ability to convey humans or cargo. There are a few small ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicle) as well. The cargo pods that string behind the Chimera have limited flight and landing ability.

OK - enuff of the ship dissertation fer now!

And thanks fer the slap!

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Saturday, September 4, 2004 5:58 PM


Hmmm ... Capn .. Perhaps you and I should try some email prequel scene or other to try to get Hawk started .... might help help to get me into the swing of things ...

>> Mike


Sunday, September 5, 2004 12:24 AM


St J -

Don't you be dissin' the Rubicon around me! (Kiddin' cause I know you aren't).

I actually think that showing the start with the Rubicon and the creation of the Chimera could prove very interesting. The contrast in size for one, as well as how the crew 'feels' about each vessel.

And we would see the Chimera grow and change as they will be creating her all along ... most ships we know from the past already exist. Ours will clearly be a labor of love.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, September 5, 2004 12:45 PM


I thought I would post a bit of the Dragonfly related Interludes that have been a part of the Firefly RP "Adventures in GunRunning for those readers who have not followed the RP itself.

Let me know wht you think - I will post the others here as seperate posts soon. HTere is the Interlude with NicoAllenz and aniother with a character called Or'sha.

Again, please feel free to provide as much opinion/input as you wish!

As ...

At New Hokkaido Control's instruction, Hlastoni slotted the Rubicon into the outer perimeter holding flight pattern. The battered looking engineering tug changed vectors with the grace of living creature.

Hlastoni garnered no satisfaction from his skills nor the whistle of appreciation from N.H. Control. Nothing was more important than controlled precision -- in all things. It was as simple as that. Controlled Precise Response.

Rising and falling in his unique rhythm, the voice of Corzair Jax drifted forward from the cargo deck. He was telling yet another lengthy tale to the diminutive cleaner, Thilde.

They made a perfect pair. Jax continually overflowed with chatter, facts, figures and even fantasy. If Hlastoni would deign to listen, he may have found Jax's anecdotes amusing.

Thilde, on the other hand, was the consummate listener. She would focus on the speaker’s face, her own bearing the innocent expression of a simple child. She would often ask the speaker simplistic yet invariably penetrating questions. Although at this moment she was quietly swept up in Jax's tale of derring do in the rescue of Veila from the brig.

'So many years ago', Hlastoni thinks as a fragment of Jax's story filtered clear of the various ship chirps, clicks and hums to wash over his conscious. An involuntary flash from Hlastoni's memory briefly overrode his vision. Stuttered images of the harried breakout shuttered across his mind's eye. With a practiced skill, he carefully stowed their images and their concurrent emotional content away into a well worn section of his subconscious.

The incoming wave signal from N.H. Control begged for Hlastoni's attention.

N.H. Control
singsong female Chinese voice over headset
"Flight 66-Rubicon, Control. Please remand helm to Control. Control out."

gruff matter-of-fact tenor
"Control, Flight 66-Rubicon. Helm remanded. Flight 66-Rubicon out."

With naught to do but watch the scenery, Hlastoni diverted his attention by considering Thilde. She was a very strange bird, normally quiet and almost invisible. She did a helluva job at cleaning and organization. Hlastoni was sure she could make an Alliance Training Instructor weep with joy at the shininess of her attention to detail.

The only reason she was with them on this weapon retrieval was that the Captain had allowed it. Upon hearing the pickup was to be at new Hokkaido, she had apparently had informed Captain Rahn that on that particular planet there was a client she had a prior commitment to. Thilda had mentioned something about a full cleaning and reorganization of a business of some sort. The Captain asked no questions, and automatically allowed her to join Jax and Hlastoni on this, a simple job.

Apparently, she would be gone for a few weeks. She had assured Veila that she could catch up to the Chimera, even if the contract lasted longer than agreed fortnight.

Hlastoni sighed and settled back into the pilots chair to get a quick 15 minute 'zone-out'. Still, he had one eye slitted and observing the control panel.

Under N.H. Control's electronic guidance, the Rubicon swiftly winged it's way closer to the next holding orbit. Rubicon's rough and rusted exterior belied it's speed and precise maneuvering as she slid into her assigned flight slot.

Inside the Marshal's Office
As ...

The MARSHALL is seated at his desk, HLASTONI stands with his arms folded. His hood of his flight suit creased neatly across his shoulders and his goggles/breather nestled in its holster on his chest. His attitude is one of restrained and controlled snapping of ones patient sanity. His stance and an occasional rippling of his jaw muscles are the scant indicators of his wound up mental state.

CORZAIRE JAX is standing with papers clenched in his fist, the only indication of his rising anger. His voice is very quiet and controlled as he questions the MARSHALL.

"We have our permits and clearances and I have acquiesced in all of the other stipulations and other variant improbable criteria. with a slip of composure and allowing sarcasm to sneak into his tone "And paid ALL of the associated fees, tariffs, licenses and ... tips." the last word is grated out as if it cost flesh and blood for JAX to say it.

The MARSHALL grins at Jax’s momentary loss of control. He waves to the pile of platinum coin on his desk and says in his peculiar nasal swinish wheeze...

"Diz here ull buy ya zum lezzway. Butz I ztill haz ta check yer bona-fidez. Lezzen ya got a bet'er method of suzpeedin' yerselfz along."

Greed fairly oozes from the MARSHALS every pore as he leers up at JAX. However, JAX is momentarily lost in the reflected sparkling of the coins. The flashes of light dancing merrily across the multiple fold and greasy creases of the many chins dangling beneath the MARSHALL's lips and jaw like a grotesquely inflamed wattle of a giant turkey.

Shaking himself free of the hypnotic lights and horridly quivering gelid flesh, JAX shakes his head in the negative. The MARSHALL sighs and scoops up his coins and waddles to the closed office door. He then makes a production of turning around in stages, maneuvering his bulk in tiny steps.

After getting no response for his theatrical effort from either JAX or HLASTONI, the MARSHALL shrugs and turns again and struggles out the door.

over his shoulder and in a peevish whine
"I b zeeing to yer bona'z here is a zec, gotta drop a load of ferta'lizer inna can first."

After the MARSHAL exits, JAX uncharacteristically pops the door with one hand and it slams with a heavy thud.

in a strained high pitched rant
"Of all the smeg swilling ... ignorant gimboyd ... lemur molesting ... Camel urine sucking ... Ga'shite-nas!"

in his dry and bored tenor, with NO hint of mirth
"Gesundheit" He shifts position slightly and peers thru slitted eyes and in a sideways manner at JAX "We're going to be late for the transfer. CAPTAIN RAHN and THORNE will not be amused." HALSTONI blinks a single time and continues "And you would not want to disappoint TILDE, now would you?"

JAX gives an all suffering grimace towards HLASTONI. He then looks heavenward as if asking the Gods to strike this leather clad heathen with a bolt of lightning. In HLASTONI's case, preferably bolts - plural - of massive damming and huge amounts of amperage containing holy fire from the blue heavens above.

When no such Godly retribution is generated in response to his unspoken plea, JAX drops his chin to his chest and emits an explosive, resigned sigh.

weakly and without force
"Sod off, you testosterone poisoned git."

with a slight tilt of his head and a stern reprimanding tone lacking any hint of comedy
"Language, Squire ... language."

Interlude 2 Part III
Docking Bay 54, Cargo Tug Rubicon
0713 AMT
As ...

Corzaire Jax, ESQ. sits on a small milk crate. He is muttering and making small sharp gestures. His movements tilting the crate in such a manner that it threatened to dump him on the Rubicon's small cargo bay floor. Jax pays no heed, he is pondering murder.

"Such a simple thing... " he thinks, his mind concocting wonderful images of a full blown torture and murder of scruffy, self-important officials. He shakes off the idea of ending a sentient's life with a deep frown - "Takes too much trouble to neutralize all the crime scene evidence. " He blows a halfhearted raspberry and lowers his head to his hands.

"Smutbunnies!" He explodes. Anger vented, he sighs, "As Milla would say."

Jax grumbles further to himself in a silly brogue, "Why canna things ere ga smooth?!!!"

Hlastoni drops down from the cockpit with his usual grim expression. Seeing Jax bent over, he pauses. After a few moments, it becomes apparent that Jax is not going to look up.

Hlastoni's jaw firms as he grits his teeth at Jax's frailty of spirit. Slightly shaking his head, he speaks in a booming tenor, "Squire, maps are done."

Jax finally totters off the crate at the report of Hlastoni's voice. He falls on his back with a thud to the deck. Ironically, flat on his back he is looking up at Hlastoni.

With no sign of his pratfall coloring his voice, Jax says, "So, I suppose you want me to wave Thorne with the choices?"

"Yes, you know the history between he and I." Hlastoni rumbled with a stony expression.

"It wasn't that bad. You didn't know his family estate was in Serenity Valley. Well, at least you didn't know it was his when you strafed it in your skiff." Jax replies innocently.

With no change of expression or acknowledgment of Jax's barb, Hlastoni hands Jax a memory rod. "The choices for a drop and exchange are on New Hokkaido's moon. Over half a dozen prime locations. All criteria are noted -- timing of orbital traffic, cover, escape routes and the like. Tell him to wave his decision to both the Rubicon and Chimera." Hlastoni grates. Without waiting for an answer, he does an about-face and ascends back into the cockpit.

Jax tilts his head back to follow Hlastoni's progress. When the pilot disappears, Jax sighs softly, lips twist in a wistful grin, he whispers, "Never forgives, never forgets, loves his pain."

Jax relaxes back to the cool deck with a big grin at his friend’s foibles, "What a smeghead."

Interlude 2 Part IV
Docking Bay 54, Cargo Tug Rubicon
2518 AD~Solor Day 024/Jan 24~1717hrs/5:17PM AMT
As ... On wave receiver monitor:

"Squire, still as big a ponce as ever, I see. Afraid you'll never know how they're hangin', just that they don't swing your way. Looked over your list of prime real estate, and number three looks O.K. to me. Dry and empty as HLASTONI's heart. Not my idea of a pleasure palace either. Maybe after the deal's done you and I can hit Hokkaido City and have a good carouse before you head home. But don't bring your boss. All in all, he's just another brickhead in the wall. THORNE Out."

Shaking his head ruefully
"That old dingo is NEVER going to let me forget the practical joke we played on him last Unification Eve. Wasn't that at that unlicensed bordello on ..."

"Barbarelle's Pygar Saloon, Mhatmoz Central City. And I still say you should have shaved your mustache and goatee. It clashed with the pink hair band and grey feather boa-bra."

in mock defensiveness
HEY! I was SUPPOSED to have a veil with that outfit. And further - Rosie knows how I swing, he just has to have the last bloody word and try to wind me up -mostly under his breath and with a tiny laugh- and he usually succeeds, the friggin' bastich."

looking up, tilting his head to the left and raising both his eyebrows
"He probably feel that once a transvestite, always a transvestite. Not to mention - your very ...with a hint of disdain... touchy-feely."

"Pbbbpth ... oh, camel-buttberries, you two are just too wrapped up in your testosterone poisoned posturing. If I touch you, you gimboyds think I want to ram you. I may seem girlie-man to you seething gits -- but I prefer innies and not outies in the groinal area. And I despise hairy arses. -with a wicked grin- "Can't help it that I was born pretty"

looking thoughtful for a moment and then says with no change in inflection
"Option 3, map co-ord 51n18 by 42w69, also called Groom Lake. OK, I figured he would like that one. Nice multichannel canyons with tri-corbormite ore to scramble sensors. Perfect location - natural overhang big enough for the Rube and their shuttle or conex and with room to spare. -he pauses for a moment- and a few handy sniping positions. Best to use slugthrowers, tri-c is tetchy when it comes to sonics."

not quite under his breath
"Always changing the frippin' subject."

Interlude 2 Part V
Market Concourse
2518 AD~Solar Day 024/Jan 24~1730hrs/5:30PM AMT
As ...

THILDA LEON wends her way thorough the crowds thronging the Market Concourse. Her diminutive and slender form shrouded in a dark embroidered burka. Occasionally light would sparkle from the tiny silver-black hematite beads. They were sewn in scattered archaic Toltecah* patterns within the flowing and sharp script of the embroidery.

With a comedic ease, she flowed through the crowd. A skip and a angled slide here, sidestep there and then a sideways twirl to avoid a wheeled messenger's blindly erratic and high speed charge. Beneath the veil, THILDA's bronze face shone with calm happiness of simple joy. This easy rapture stemmed from her private dance, performed in order to avoid collisions. Most folk don't look down while wrapped in a crowded market. So, they don't see a teen sized body like THILDA's. Much less notice her moving through and between them like water coursing through a bed of stones.

If any of the travelers cared to observe, they could have noted a unique midnight black medium sized case. It was the only item THILDA carried than her belt of pouches, the dark leather flashing from beneath her outer robe with her movements. The case itself was nearly indistinguishable from the burka. It's bulk swallowed in the fabric flowing around her arms, sweeping to and fro in the voluminous robe sleeves.

With the ease of practiced grace, TILDA skips and dances in an abrupt ninety-degree course alteration. Her target is the south hub entrance of the Uchigatana docks - the legend DOCKS 42 - 54 broadly displayed in ideograms on the overhang.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:42 AM


OK, Deb said that this thread was loading reeeeal slow and suggested I started another one.

So here is Part 2:

Carry on!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"






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