GR RP "Adventures in Gunrunning" ACT 21

UPDATED: Thursday, October 14, 2004 03:08
VIEWED: 16421
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004 3:26 AM


ACT 20:


Tools and tricks for the hip RPer.

Storyline work and a place for the acKtors to hang out.

OOC 21

Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for prior acts

Tips and tricks and preferred RP methods, developed by the Gunrunners and Hitchers themselves

Guest DireKtor - DragonflyDireKtor { AIM, MSN }
Guest Asst. DireKtor - MercedesTroy { AIM}
GameMaster - Geezer { }
Co-Director - FrauDirektor {, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266}
Co-Director - Channain {; AIM}
Minion - DirektorsSmeagol { } , MSN, AIM)


None have been established yet. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View

Last but not least, the Gunrunners and Hitchers would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!

JossGunrunners & Hitchers
HakenGunrunners & Hitchers

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 3:30 AM


Roundabouts 1945hrs/ 7:45 PM AMT

MAL & BOOK - Mal's dorm

INARA & THORNE - Her Shuttle.

WASH, ZOE, KAYLEE & DAMON - On the bridge.

MERZ, ROWAN & RIVER - In the Infirmary.

JAYNE - Welding in the Cargo Bay.

SIMON, CORVAIR - Off on a tangent.

SLIGHT - Still in the GryFalcon - Dead?

JONAS HEXX - In New Hokkaido, casing the villa of The Shop

FROST - Still on ice.

NISKA - Hera - passed out on ly a kliometer from the city.

EARLY - Tied to a Reavers 'Kings Cross' and awaiting his Ceremony.

SAFFRON - Trying to hide from the same Reavers.

OR'SHA - Waiting for Hexx.

XIANG - Oroboros, beginning to feel the 'pressure' of the coup happening to the Enclave.

BOOMER - Selling leather-goods at the Uchigatana ReinAct Faire - unaware of her impending meeting with Nicoallez after the Faire closes

NICOALLEZ - Taking a break from telling stories at the entrance of the ReinAct Faire on New Hokkaido and checking out the Faire grounds.

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 2:33 PM


Damon’s turn:


"Just set 'em in the Engine Room, thanks. I will put 'em up later."

(Wash points to the tool bag, and asks Damon): “Hand her the soldering iron, please…”

Damon kneels down next to the toolbox and hands Kaylee the soldering iron and the spool of wire she’s reaching for. Knowing she’ll need some wire snips, he hands her those too.

“Need anything else from the engine room while I’m in there?”

He moves over to his pile of cleaning stuff and starts picking it up.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 3:25 PM


KAYLEE’S move,


DAMON reaches into her toolbox and fetches up the soldering iron and some other stuff she was needing. Mighty nice of him ta give her a hand. She plugs the iron in a handy socket and sets it down carefully away from any skin or other meltable items. She fetches the solder from her pocket where it had hidden.

Need anything else from the engine room while I’m in there?

KAYLEE considers his question very carefully, while her hands continue to work on the console. Suddenly a thought hits her, something that came across her mind earlier, and was distracted clean away.

She stops what she is doing, and turns to face him. He has moved over to the cleaning supplies and is picking them up to put away.

Ya know, I think I lied when I said there was nothin’ more to be done. But something got me thinking. Mr. Thorne says that conex is a little fragile to be slingin’ it about, and it’d be a bunch of effort emptying crates and re-packing that cargo.

She smiles brightly at Damon. We have some of those really long rubber bungee cords, as long as the bay is, ‘bout, say 60 feet or so. Kinda had a thought that half a dozen of those sorta braided together would make a nice brake for that box. Once it gets to the end and kinda stops before slinging back, cut the cords and it drops neat as ya please. See what I mean? But we need ta get it set up tonight. Are you game?

Oh and thanks for the clean-up in here
, she motions towards the console. WASH turns a little pink himself, though not so much as the lightbulbs. It looks really good.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, September 9, 2004 7:17 AM


Location: GyraFalcon
Time-not important.

The DeepRED detects that the strings have attached themselves, and plugged into the organs. Utilizing the power source, the DeepRED grinds these systems into action. Then it makes a horrible discovery-
These systems are in need of repair. Desperate need.
The DeepRED comes to another conclusion. There are limited supplies. The necessary componants are within this very ship. It sends 71 nanytes to scout for possible parts, and the needed supplies. The swarm lifts. As the it disperses, it resembles a cloud of smoke. . .or perhaps a soul, disappearing into the ether. . .

We can't all be heroes, since some of us have to sit at the curb and clap as they go by.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 2:43 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move

Rowan and Merz Blended Post

ROWAN (inwardly): Aunty Merz?

Charmed, Rowan bites her lips to hold back the smile, not wanting Merz to feel embarrassed and curious as to where she would have heard such vernacular, especially in this particular context. Would Troys think of themselves as a family unit?

RIVER: Fa-Zhou Rowan, River Tam.

Hearing her last name, Rowan blinks in surprise, wondering if River just knows, or if Rowan might have let it slip. She can't recall giving it to Reynolds or mentioning it to anyone else. How long, she wonders, would it take for them to guess who her father is?

MERZ begins her examination of the girl. MERZ gazes carefully into her eyes and inhales deeply, catching her exhalations. Finding nothing particularly troubling, except for indications of the stress she is clearly under, MERZ moves on. Carefully and slowly, beginning with her head, she runs light fingers over RIVER’s skin; feeling for warm spots or other discontinuities, gently moving the joints, pressing lightly on various junctions and nerve bundles. It is a methodical and apparently long practiced analysis of her physical condition.

Rowan frowns, watching Merz's meticulous examination with interest. So maybe the theories on Troy biotech is true?

ROWAN: "I could hook her up to the physio-analysis system. Wouldn't take but a minute."

MERZ looks at ROWAN, head tilted to one side. She raises up her left hand and forms a fist in front of her own eyes.

MERZ: "This equipment is a luxury I normally do not have. Machines can malfunction, can lie."

She slowly opens her hand and turns the palm toward ROWAN, turning her face toward her at the same time.

MERZ: "This I can trust above all things. Not perfect. Don't claim that. But a known quantity." She lowers her eyes and her hand. "I need that, right now."

Thinking of her own installation of the holo-billiards system in the galley, Rowan can heartily agree. There is something to be said for the comfort of situations and conditions that are wholly and completely understood.

ROWAN (softly): "shì...wánquán dŏng." She breathes a long sigh. "Well, you won't mind if I try to render a second opinion, will you? I should probably see if I remember how this system works."

Moving over to the controls, she pulls up the system, activates it and returns with two wireless electrodes. Looking at the two bits of metal and plastic in her hands, she glances at River and considers what bringing medical instruments close to the girl might do. One could only guess what may have been done to her in the Academy with the assistance of instruments similar to these. And they had just gotten her calmed down.

When River looks over, Rowan already has her hands behind her back, hiding the electrodes.

ROWAN: On second thought, why don't you be the diagnostician. I'll take notes."


shì...wánquán dong = yes...understand completely

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, September 9, 2004 4:27 PM


Malachi's Move
Location: so close, but yet so far.

Holding it up above his head and looking through it into the muted white light, Malachi flicks a bubble to the top of a syringe and squirts the excess fluid into the air. His nostrils widen slightly as he slides the needle into the vein on his arm. Book. Malachi's eye twiches in derision I will cause him to suffer if I don't find that card. The fool... letting it go.

Letting out a great breath, he releases the strap on his bicep and feels the drug rush through his system. His face and hands quickly turn a shade of blue, and for a few minutes euphoria overwhelms his senses. As the color fades from his skin, a signal light flashes and a voice in Chinese chimes emotionlessly from the comm speakers, "10 hours."



Thursday, September 9, 2004 4:59 PM


MERZ move


MERZ watches ROWAN reassess using the lab’s diagnostic equipment. By the time RIVER glances in her direction, ROWAN has already reconsidered.

On second thought, why don't you be the diagnostician. I'll take notes.

… good thought. too many reasons to leave that machine out of the equation …

Examination shows some evidence of cranial intrusion in the past, but well healed and not of particular note at this time. If causing this distress, is beyond my ability to alleviate. No visible or hidden trauma detected other than the slight scrapes on her knees. Those I will clean now. Unable to find physical reason for her misery. I lack the … understanding … of …
she trails off into silence. How to explain that she cannot understand how these civilians process thought enough to tell what is normal or abnormal for them? She and I do not really understand one another. I thought you might comprehend her better.

She approaches the cabinets and locates some swabs and disinfectant, and busies herself cleaning the shallow wounds on RIVER’s knees.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, September 9, 2004 8:35 PM



River lies on the medical bed with Rowan on one side and Merz on the other. She seems to have completely tuned them out as she idely braids a small piece of her hair while staring up at the ceiling. Kaylee is better, Book is with Mal, Rowan is better, Damon isn't so worried. Things are almost back to where they are supposed to be. If only Simon were here...

"Nightmares are gone but they'll be back."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:07 PM


Damon's turn:


Ya know, I think I lied when I said there was nothin’ more to be done. But something got me thinking. Mr. Thorne says that conex is a little fragile to be slingin’ it about, and it’d be a bunch of effort emptying crates and re-packing that cargo.

She smiles brightly at Damon. We have some of those really long rubber bungee cords, as long as the bay is, ‘bout, say 60 feet or so. Kinda had a thought that half a dozen of those sorta braided together would make a nice brake for that box. Once it gets to the end and kinda stops before slinging back, cut the cords and it drops neat as ya please. See what I mean? But we need ta get it set up tonight. Are you game?

There is no end of work on this ship. Least I'm not dead weight or they wouldn't need me around.

Damon picks up the last of the cleaning supplies and stands up. Truth be told, he's glad to have work to keep him busy. Free time only lets his mind wander to where it oughtn't and it's not like he has anything better to be doing.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see what Jayne and Merz are up to."


Oh and thanks for the clean-up in here
, she motions towards the console. It looks really good.

Damon smiles. Getting thanked and complimented for his work is still something he's getting used to. "Thanks, but next time I think we should make the mess makers do their own dirty work." He throws a smile at Wash and heads for the engine room.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, September 10, 2004 5:48 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move

Taking out the hand-held, Rowan sets up a new audio file and sets it to record. In a sub window, she pulls up a note file and uses a stylus to begin jotting down notes. Observation, possible Troy - Academy refugee.

MERZ: Examination shows some evidence of cranial intrusion in the past, but well healed and not of particular note at this time. If causing this distress, is beyond my ability to alleviate. No visible or hidden trauma detected other than the slight scrapes on her knees. Those I will clean now. Unable to find physical reason for her misery. I lack the … understanding … of …

ROWAN's NOTES: Almost autonomic knowledge of anatomy and first aid. Approach is more similar to a mechanic's attitude toward the workings of a hover trans than a human.

MERZ: She and I do not really understand one another. I thought you might comprehend her better.

Merz approaches the cabinets and locates some swabs and disinfectant, and busies herself cleaning the shallow wounds on RIVER’s knees.

ROWAN: "Oh, I don't know about that. I have a feeling you two might have a lot more in common than you might expect."

Glancing up, Rowan sees River lying quietly on the bed as Merz takes care of the knee scrapes. Braiding her hair like that, with the singular self-distraction more reminiscent of a small child than a teenager, Rowan can't help but feel animosity to the all-powerful THEM that put her into this condition. What Merz said about the cranial intrusion only leans Rowan toward the confirmation that River is indeed a victim of the Academy. Rowan would, however, stalwartly disagree that it is "not of particular note at this time," as Merz so succinctly put it.

She walked into his office while still reading the data sheet in front of her, and didn't notice how the conversation stopped the minute she stepped in. "I finished the next wave if you want to take a look at it. I think I managed to find that angle we were…"

Realizing there was another person in the room, she looked at Robert and realized. "Oh, sorry, I'm interrupting."

He looked over at Robert and the two shared a significant look that made her frown.

"What's going on?" she asked.

He picked up a data sheet from the desk and held it out for her. Moving forward, she took it and saw that it contained the latest intelligence information about the Alliance institution called The Academy. Thinking of Ru, she smiled at first and pictured her brother there as a star student impressing the hell out of the academic community. That smile faded as she read on, and eventually felt the frown form.

"This can't be right," she said. Looking up, she met his eyes and seeing bald truth, switched to Robert. He had the same look. "My brother went there when he was sixteen."

He got up from behind the desk and moved around toward her. "Rowan."
She ignored him. "That means they've had their hooks into him for over a decade."

He tried again. "Mêilì Long."

"Gûnkai," she replied succinctly, and switched to Chinese. "Look me in the eye and try to tell me my brother has not been changed into some kind of monster. I defy you."

He couldn't do either one. He could only stand there, looking at her. He wanted to say he was sorry, but knew she wouldn't accept that from him either. So he held out his arms to her instead. Rowan wanted to scream, she wanted him to fight with her, to help her exorcise her rage. Instead she went to him, held on to him and crumpled that datasheet in one hand as she sobbed silently into his strong shoulder.


ROWAN: (inwardly): And it's happened all over again, hasn't it?

Rowan swallowed hard to dislodge the lump in her throat. It helped work through the stab of pain that hit her right temple, reminding her that she still had to look into what Simon did with her during that surgery. So now there were two options. She could wait until Merz and River were out of the Infirmary, or take steps now to get to the bottom of the situation. When it came down to it, the choice was fairly simple.

ROWAN: "Merz, I've been having some pain I can't identify. Are you by any chance able to identify narcotics in the blood stream with those magic fingers of yours?"

RIVER: "Nightmares are gone but they'll be back."

At that, Rowan can only roll her eyes in exasperation, no longer in doubt that the girl is a reader.

ROWAN (sarcastically): "Fabulous."

Mêilì Long - Beautiful Dragon
Gûnkai - fuck off.

OOC: I don't wanna work. I just wanna play in RP all day!

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Sunday, September 12, 2004 8:59 AM


JAYNE'S move

"You can try to be as bad as you want to be, Jayne Cobb, but you and I both know when it comes down to it, you know where you stand. That is indeed a rare thing."

Jayne doesn't know quite what to make of that, and is content to just mull it over in his head as Rowan disappears from the cargo bay. Ah, soon they'd all be gone and everyone could settle down again, all nice and normal.

Now, where was he? Right, the work. Jayne breathes deeply, powers up the stick welder, and continues his work.

Jayne quickly becomes lost in the welding again. The sweat of his chest and back shimmer in the light of the welder, and he starts humming a tune his father taught him.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 12:02 PM


MERZ move


ROWAN: "Merz, I've been having some pain I can't identify. Are you by any chance able to identify narcotics in the blood stream with those magic fingers of yours?"

MERZ just looks at Rowan with her head tilted to one side.
MERZ: "I do not have the skill to perform a chemical analysis in the same fashion as a physical assesment. If you do, I would appreciate being shown the technique. I can do a simple assesment by taste and smell - if it is something I am trained to recognize, that would be sufficient. For anything complex or uncatagorized, I would want to use the equipment. Let's get a blood sample."


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 3:18 PM


As ...

"You have much on your mind. And you obviously haven't slept in far too long."
Reaching down, Book opens a drawer and sets the gun inside. He raises his eyebrows and looks questioningly at Mal
"I'll have Inara bring you something for your head. She has quite a stockpile of soothing teas."

Mal hold up a hand, indicating he wants Book to 'hold on'.

his voice drops deeper - constricted
"Wait ... si ... I mean, Please Sit."

Mal continues, unheeding of Book's response. Through his clenched jaw with barely constrained furor, Mal's words course. A veritable palette of raw seething emotion paints these softly spoken words. Crimson anger boiling in the forge of known and potential betrayal. A vile fog, the shade of puce, layers the shades of emotion as a veil of indecision. Mixing this miasma, a muddy brown tide of frustration swirls and distorts the other feelings within Mal. Neon green flashes of lightning hold the presence of Inara and Mal's unsettling connection with her. Darklighted on the fringes of all this burning, a shadow flits and flashes. Hopelessness seems to devour the other sensations a tiny particle at a time. Book is nearly set back on his heels from the non-verbal onslaught. In all the conversations, spoken and otherwise, Book has shared with Mal, he never sensed the full force of these brutal flares of loathing and depression.

Eyes locked on Book - hard and flinty edged in challenge, as if expecting ... more
"Is a man supposed to pay for his past sins in the here-and-now or in the afterlife?"


Pretentious, ain't it!

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, September 13, 2004 6:57 AM


The DeepRED suddenly gives off a warning:
The fuel cells in the biologics body whould have lasted for several years more. But the combined distortion of the initial EMP attack and the accelerated generation of a new nanyte brood have drawn heavily on the mutated biological soup that generates energy.
The DeepRED reviews data on the power cells. Spheres, with energy "poles" at opposite ends. These poles collect energy from the carefully cultured bacteria. The bacteria is similar to the bioluminescent bacteria from Earth that Was. The bacteria was tailored to generate a more effecient energy type than light itself. If drawn at a set rate, the bacteria will keep itself maintained and create enough power to maintain, and will even charge at times to have a backup when neccessary. However, the bacteria, if drained, will "dim," and eventually go out unless an electrical surge is maintained for twelve minutes. The DeepRED considers options, and reviews the reports from the scouts. There is a terminal nearby, with its own power source. The nanyte brood, now numbering 17,823,402 units, begins to collect at the back of the neck, forming an umbilical. It slowly grows, slithering like a dying man to water, towards the terminal. . .

We can't all be heroes, since some of us have to sit at the curb and clap as they go by.


Monday, September 13, 2004 8:53 AM



River lies on the medical bed, lost in thoughts and memories of Simon. If she could only know that he'll be alright... She soon drifts into sleep.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, September 13, 2004 9:03 AM


Damon's turn:

After dropping off the cleaning supplies in the engine room, Damon makes his way down to the cargo bay. Mal is still talking to Book, which is fine. Damon's not in a hurry to get in there, Mal will call again when he needs to.

Looking down from the catwalks, Damon sees Jayne hard at work. By the looks of it, he's been working a while. Damon makes short work of the stairs and walks over to Jayne.

"Hey, Jayne, how's it goin?"

(pause for Jayne's answer)

"Need any help 'fore I get started on my next job?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, September 13, 2004 5:05 PM


JAYNE'S move

More clattering of feet. Jayne turns his head to see who it. He sees absolutely nothing directly in front of him, temporarily blinded as his eyes adjust. It's a big guy, though, and the unfamiliar gait tells Jayne that it may be Damon.

"Hey, Jayne, how's it goin?"

"Makin' progress", he says plainly. Damon's features finally become recognizable.

"Need any help 'fore I get started on my next job?"

"Ya found more work ta do? Well, I was gonna get you to look into how we can drop this here load for Thorne, but I guess I can..."


Wednesday, September 15, 2004 11:09 AM


Book's Move
Location: Mal's Dorm

Eyes locked on Book - hard and flinty edged in challenge, as if expecting ... more
"Is a man supposed to pay for his past sins in the here-and-now or in the afterlife?"


"Some believe... that the here-and-now and the afterlife aren't so very different." Book, who had been standing next to Mal's cot, sinks down onto it, the hard pad very much like the one in his own quarters, the blanket coarse. "Heaven or Hell or whereever you end up when you die, is what you make of it, and so is this life. A man's guilt will haunt him forever. If you don't accept responsibility for your sins and allow them to be taken from you... they will keep you from what you want."



Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:23 PM


Damon's turn:

"Ya found more work ta do? Well, I was gonna get you to look into how we can drop this here load for Thorne, but I guess I can..."

Jayne pauses long enough for Damon to step in.

"Kaylee's already a few steps ahead of you. She asked me to braid some bungee cords for the drop. I think I might be needin some help though so lemme go find Merz."

Damon turns and heads for the passenger dorms. He didn't see Merz anywhere on the upper deck so he assumes that's where she's got to be. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a protein bar he picked up on his way through the galley, pulls it free from his wrapper and takes a bite. Not as good as dinner was, but food just the same. He almost discards the wrapper on the floor but thinks better of it and pockets it instead.

Halfway through the common room, he comes to a stop when he hears Merz's voice drifting out from the infirmery. He walks to the doorway and finds her talking to Rowan with River lying on the medical bed between them.

"...if it is something I am trained to recognize, that would be sufficient. For anything complex or uncatagorized, I would want to use the equipment. Let's get a blood sample."

Damon takes another bite of his protein bar as he walks into the room and throws the wrapper in the garbage when he frees it from his pocket.

"Jus stick a Rapiheal patch on it- I hear they work wonders."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, September 16, 2004 8:58 AM


JAYNE'S move

"Kaylee's already a few steps ahead of you. She asked me to braid some bungee cords for the drop."
Jayne scrunches up his face and mouthes the word "bungee?" "I think I might be needin some help though so lemme go find Merz."

Jayne just stares at Damon's back. Bungee cords? That wasn't what he was thinking at all. Did they even have any bungee cords? And if so, why weren't they set up around the cargo bay for fun yet speedy decent from the catwalk?


Thursday, September 16, 2004 11:37 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move

Merz "...if it is something I am trained to recognize, that would be sufficient. For anything complex or uncatagorized, I would want to use the equipment. Let's get a blood sample."

Damon takes another bite of his protein bar as he walks into the room and throws the wrapper in the garbage when he frees it from his pocket.

DAMON: "Jus stick a Rapiheal patch on it- I hear they work wonders."

Rowan raises an eyebrow at Damon's snide tone as her mouth curls into an affectionate smile.

ROWAN: "Smart ass. I suppose you're here to pester me about how come I haven't done that diagnostic yet, aren'tcha?"

Turning to Merz, she watches as the other woman moves to the cabinets. Taking into account the storage space of the average Firefly and habits of most medical personnel, Rowan makes an educated guess.

ROWAN: "Try the third drawer on your left. There's probably a blood kit in there."

OOC: Six more days. Just six more days. Reserving the right to edit for Chinese later. Dictionary's at home.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, September 16, 2004 1:20 PM


Damon's turn:

ROWAN: "Smart ass. I suppose you're here to pester me about how come I haven't done that diagnostic yet, aren'tcha?"

Damon shakes his head. "Naa, not my place to fuss about who does what. Though I hear Mal won't be happy if stuff's not finihsed."

He continues eating and looks over to Merz. "But work is why I'm hear. Kaylee asked me to braid some bungee cords for dropping the container and I thought maybe you could give me a hand if you weren't busy."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, September 17, 2004 5:26 AM


MERZ move


She is glad that ROWAN decided to cooperate, would not have liked to force the issue. MERZ turned towards the cabinet to locate what she needs to take a blood sample. Behind her she hears someone enter the room.

"Jus stick a Rapiheal patch on it - I hear they work wonders."

She smiles just a little bit at his words, he is trying to be helpful after all. She does not listen particularly to ROWAN's reply to DAMON, it is of no interest to her at this time, but is filed away in case need develops later. But ROWAN's suggestion as to where she might find what she seeks is heard and noted. Moving to the drawers, she does find the kit in the third drawer on the left.

She removes the kit from its drawer and turns back towards ROWAN. Glancing at the bed, she also notes RIVER has fallen asleep, and appears to be resting quietly. Good, she needs that.

ROWAN and DAMON have continued to converse for a bit before DAMON turns his attention back to MERZ. Through a mouthful of protein bar, he says, "... Kaylee asked me to braid some bungee cords for dropping the container and I thought maybe you could give me a hand if you weren't busy."

Busy for a moment Damon, not for long. Happy to give you a hand in about 15 minutes. Where would you like me to meet you? I must finish here first.

She turns her whole attention back to ROWAN and begins laying out the necessary equipment to draw a blood sample. Once all is laid out and prepared she reaches for ROWAN's right arm. ROWAN places her right wrist in MERZ hand and relaxes for the procedure. MERZ positions ROWAN's arm in a comfortable position and ties off her arm above the elbow. After locating the vein with careful fingers and swabbing the target area on the inside of the elbow with antiseptic, she seats the needle and draws a single ampoule of blood. Deciding that will be sufficient, MERZ sets the sample carefully aside, removes the needle, cleanses the area again and places a cotton ball over the small wound. ROWAN, knowing the next step places a finger over the cotton, putting pressure on the area, and MERZ unties her arm.

I will run a full TOX scan on this, Rowan. Do you wish to wait?


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, September 18, 2004 6:35 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move

DAMON: "Naa, not my place to fuss about who does what. Though I hear Mal won't be happy if stuff's not finished."

Rowan rolls her eyes briefly at that and raises her right hand to do a mock salute in the general direction of the captain’s quarters. Then she lowers it as Merz returns with the blood kid and takes one long breath to relax. Blood draws are nothing, generally--one quick stick, maybe two, depending on the skill of the person doing it. Considering the background of the person doing it now, Rowan figures the stick will be so precise, she won’t even feel it.

Turning her eyes from Merz so she won’t tense up in anticipation of the needle, she watches Damon continue eating the protein bar with more relish than the substance deserves. Her nose wrinkles of it’s own accord.

ROWAN: “You know that stuff is just low grade protein with Blue Sun supplements, right? Cardboard tastes better than that.”

MERZ: “Busy for a moment Damon, not for long. Happy to give you a hand in about 15 minutes. Where would you like me to meet you? I must finish here first.”

Feeling the tiniest prick after that, Rowan counts to ten before she looks down, just before Merz applies the cotton ball to the entry site. Ready for it, Rowan puts one finger over it to apply pressure as Merz unties the tourniquet.

MERZ: I will run a full TOX scan on this, Rowan. Do you wish to wait?

Rowan breathes a sigh and reaches for the small rapiheal patch herself. She manages to take the cotton ball away and swiftly apply the bandage one-handed. Funny the skills a girl could acquire.

ROWAN: “No, I’ll catch up with you later. I better get my little buns in gear and test out the cannon. Wouldn’t want the captain to have a kenipshen.”

Moving out, she nudges Damon’s shoulder playfully, just as he’s taking his last bite of the protein bar. When he scowls at her, she just smiles, winks and heads out.

Funny how the air seems different outside the infirmary. It’s that way on most ships--cold, sterile, antiseptic inside, warm and inviting outside--but on Serenity, it seems more intensified.

Heading up the auxiliary hall to the dorms, Rowan steps inside and is pleased to see everything in its place, as if no one had felt the need to further ransack her room in search of lipstick. She shakes her head, smiling at the absurdity of Jayne wearing the deep red shade she affectionately called “bitch stick.” If he wanted makeup tips, all he had to do was ask.

Giggling to herself over the image (“Uh, Miss Rowan, uh, y’got anything this side of mauve?”), Rowan grabs the source pad and ear piece and turns to head back out. The source-pad activates with a light touch to the power switch. Tucking the earpiece in place as she moves along, she remembers the message signal she received while she was in the galley and works her way through touch-screens to her personal message center.


END LOCATION: On her way to the bridge.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Sunday, September 19, 2004 3:51 PM


Damon's turn:


ROWAN: “You know that stuff is just low grade protein with Blue Sun supplements, right? Cardboard tastes better than that.”

Damon shrugs and keeps eating as he leans against the wall next to the door. “It’s not as good as your cooking was for sure but it’s not so bad. Fills the stomach.”


DAMON turns his attention back to MERZ. Through a mouthful of protein bar, he says, "... Kaylee asked me to braid some bungee cords for dropping the container and I thought maybe you could give me a hand if you weren't busy."

Busy for a moment Damon, not for long. Happy to give you a hand in about 15 minutes. Where would you like me to meet you? I must finish here first.

Damon watches as Merz turns her attention back to her equipment, realizing for the first time that it’s intended for Rowan. Silly me for thinking the one on the med table was the one bein fixed. He swallows his food.

“No rush. I’ll be in the cargo bay either helpin Jayne or findin the cords.”

Merz nods and addresses Rowan.


MERZ: I will run a full TOX scan on this, Rowan. Do you wish to wait?

ROWAN: “No, I’ll catch up with you later. I better get my little buns in gear and test out the cannon. Wouldn’t want the captain to have a kenipshen.”

Moving out, she nudges Damon’s shoulder playfully, just as he’s taking his last bite of the protein bar. When he scowls at her, she just smiles, winks and heads out.

Damon watches Rowan go, his muscles relaxing from the tightened state they instinctively jumped to on their own accord. It takes him a second to remember he still has food in his mouth and he swallows it after releasing his breath. He sighs and turns back to Merz, idly rubbing his wrist with the opposite hand.

“I don’t suppose you know how to braid do you?.”

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Monday, September 20, 2004 7:39 AM


The DeepRED reviews all available protocols. Clearly, any methods of rejuvination will not be a viable course of action. As such, a repair matrix is out of the question. With such options, the DeepRED must depend on the biologic. It has its own repair protocols, juxtaposed with a survival instinct that outweighs any A.I. It begins to review.

We can't all be heroes, since some of us have to sit at the curb and clap as they go by.


Monday, September 20, 2004 1:00 PM


MERZ move


ROWAN heads out of the door, after chiding DAMON on his snack choice. Means nothing to MERZ, who still regards eating as a necessity most of the time, and does not care what she eats. (Although that is changing under the influence of food that is lovingly prepared, if not precisely real.)

Observing DAMON reaction to ROWAN’s casual contact with him, MERZ realizes that his earlier reaction to her touch was not entirely a reaction to her specifically. …ah, he dislikes contact. a bit unusual, but not greatly so … She files it away in the database for further consideration.
I don’t suppose you know how to braid do you?

MERZ just stared at him, perplexed. Did the fact that she had not re-braided her hair lead him to believe she could not do so? Interesting. She decides a simple response will be sufficient.


All the while, her hands keep up their motion, setting up the diagnostic equipment to test ROWAN’s blood sample. First step, to turn off the activated system and then relocate the wireless electrodes a distance away from her own position, and make sure they are also deactivated. She prepares a shallow, sterile glass dish with the decanted blood sample, leaving a very small sample still in the tube. Placing the dish in position, she turns the diagnostic device back on and proceeds to carefully program it with the proper parameters. It is clear that while she is able to perform this function, it is not done so as automatically as some things she has been observed doing. The machine begins to hum away, processing the sample.

She picks up the tube once again, contemplating the amount she left. With the equipment there, surely no more is needed. Does not matter. ROWAN is her saathi. She will get nothing less than MERZ best efforts. Decision made, she opens another drawer and removes a thin glass pipette from a sterile wrapper. She lowers it into the remaining blood sample and removes a couple of drops. These she carefully place upon her tongue.


saathi = friend (Nepali)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, September 20, 2004 3:30 PM


Damon’s turn:

Merz works busily with the blood she just got from Rowan and Damon wonders for the second time since she started drawing it what’s wrong with Rowan. Again, he considers asking but again decides it’s none of his business.


Damon reddens a bit at Merz’s expression, feeling embarrassed at the question and stupid for having to ask. Everyone knows how to braid- it’s probably as easy as tying your shoe.

Merz goes back to her blood work and Damon tries to find an easy way to say what he needs to without making himself look like an idiot. After a moment, he comes to the conclusion that there isn’t any way around it.

“Well, um… you think you could teach me? cuz I’m all up for braidin cords but…”

Damon slows to a pause when he sees Merz put a couple drops of blood on her tongue. A brow disappears beneath his hair that’s almost long enough to get in his eyes. He tries to keep talking while his brain tries to figure out what the guay she’s doing- not that he has a problem with blood, he just can’t figure why someone would deliberately put someone else’s blood in her mouth.

“…I just don’t…” Screw it. “What are you doing?”

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 1:22 AM


MERZ move


Well, um… you think you could teach me? cuz I’m all up for braidin' cords but…

MERZ mind is on other things, foremost being the sample in her mouth. She has closed her eyes and turned all of her analytical skills inward. She savors the sample, and lifts the tube with the remaining blood to her nostrils - scenting it and adding the results to her analysis.

…I just don’t… {pause} What are you doing?

MERZ snaps her eyes open. DAMON sounds very confused. Why? It is a normal enough procedure if diagnostic equipment is not available. And a good way to keep skills honed if it is.

ROWAN requested some bloodwork. There are substances that test similar to that machine but leave different aftertaste. Just being thorough. To answer your question - yes, I can teach you to braid. Is there something else you require here?

MERZ dips the pipette once more and applies a couple more drops to her tongue. Closing her eyes once again, she returns her attention to the analysis, scent and taste.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:24 AM


Damon’s turn:


ROWAN requested some bloodwork. There are substances that test similar to that machine but leave different aftertaste. Just being thorough. To answer your question - yes, I can teach you to braid. Is there something else you require here?

MERZ dips the pipette once more and applies a couple more drops to her tongue. Closing her eyes once again, she returns her attention to the analysis, scent and taste.

Damon’s expression seems to get even more confused at Merz’s attempted explanation. But the last part he did understand: he’s disrupting her work. He takes a step back toward the door.

“No, I’ll be in the cargo bay and leave you to it.”

Merz is too busy concentrating to give an answer so he turns and heads for the cargo bay. By the time he gets there, his confusion is dismissed. No point in trying to figure something out if it’s not important. If anything, he can ask about it later.

He walks into the cargo bay, looking around for these bungee cords Kaylee spoke of.

“Jayne, you know where the bungee cords are?”

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 1:34 PM




Thanks, but next time I think we should make the mess makers do their own dirty work.
He grins at WASH, and exits the bridge, with new work on his mind.

Boy’s got a point.
She gives WASH a mildly evil smirk over the smoking iron in her right hand. WASH cringes a little and smiles back.

OK, I’m sorry. It was an accident. It won’t happen again. I promise. Again.

Yeah, yeah. It’s OK. I love my pilot. Just a little, mind you.

Behind them, still seated at the gunnery controls, ZOË smiles to herself, chuckling faintly. What a pair of idiots.

They work in silence for a while, both utterly familiar with the job and with each other’s abilities. On her back, arms buried in wires and cables, KAYLEE works away, separating the still good components from the blown parts and shorted wires. Watching him from floor level, she can tell WASH has something on his mind. She is about to drag it out of him, when he decides to spill it on his own.

Kaylee, about those … pink … lights. Do you suppose we could do something about, say, replacin’ them with something more … suitable? Like a nice, normal red? He smiles hopefully at her.

I don’t think so.

You don’t think so? Other pilots get red lights. It’s traditional! It’s manly and full of testosterone. Pink is so … well … embarrassing. What if someone saw us like that? Through the view port. How could I live it down?

KAYLEE looks pointedly at the fuchsia hibiscus flowers surrounding the hula dancers on his aloha shirt.

Wash shakes his right forefinger at her. Hey, hey – that is entirely different! Don’t go dissin’ the shirt now. That’s traditional too. No really, Kaylee. Why can’t I have my red bulbs back?

For starters, because we don’t have any.

We don’t have any? How can we not have any? Did we have some before? Can you get some? Kaylee, that makes no sense, unless the guy flyin’ this boat before us was no guy.

Kaylee shakes the soldering iron at him. Look, it’s like this. Remember that fire a while back? We lost a few lights when we vac’d the ship. I replaced them when I could, some of which had to wait for the next landfall. The pink lights were cheaper and we were under a budget. As usual. I don’t … have … any red ones, unless there are a couple of the original lights that are still working somewhere.

Good. That is good. Would you look? Can you just replace the one on the bridge for me? I would like that. Really. So anyone looking in knows what a hard case I really am.

KAYLEE looks at WASH, and shakes her head. Her expression is difficult to interpret.

Wash, I can’t change the bridge light even if I can find another one. That one is an engineering nightmare. Some gorram designer frelled that one up big time. She looks up at him; at the pitiful expression on his boyish face and sighs. It’s like this. That light is shielded, and cannot be reached from inside Serenity. In order to change the alert bulb I have to go outside, through an access plate on the hull and then disconnect and remove part of the life support system. Now, I might be persuaded to go EVA for your ego, but the rest of the crew gotta breathe. So you are just gonna have to wait.

‘Sides, I’m gonna disable the thing again anyway. We don’t need a battle stations alert on a cargo transport. Who’s got a battle station in this crew?


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 2:39 PM


JAYNE'S move

"Jayne, you know where the bungee cords are?"

Jayne keeps a steady eye on the stick welder and the slag, and replies without looking up, "Nope."

As Damon turns to try his luck elsewhere, Jayne adds, "If ya can't find no rubber bands, ya can always try my idear." Jayne keeps working and continues, "A 900 square foot parachute, with a drogue chute. Course, that's only gonna work if Thorne's box is under 1,200 pounds. Maybe with airbags on the bottom."

Jayne retracts the welding torch and spits right onto the near molten slag, vapourizing it with a quick hiss.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:09 PM


The Ending of Brink Helsing

As the ultimate audience and voyeurs, we now look to the fragile web of tissue and electricity that comprises the corporeal mind of Brink 'Slight' Helsing. This web is failing. Flickers of neural energy pulse sluggishly along their chemical pathways. Whole sections of brain cells darken with the advent of decay, their food and air supply cut off at the moment of Slight's physical death. A vicious murder accomplished by the hands of Corvair Troy, directed by a bizarre version of Adali Niska.

Following a weak, luminescent crimson memory trigger, we see it approach a cluster of neural cells covered in a fine netting of tiny red dots. At closer inspection, these dots resolve into a network of interconnected figures - Nanites. These particular units look like a bizarre combination of squid and scorpion. Using claw and tail, they form a substructure to support the flagging information nodes. Neural energy flashes from nanite to nanite, until the electro-pulse reaches its intended destination. There the pulse is stored chemically within a nearly comatose brain cell.

The pulse that we have been following reaches this area of intense reconstruction. Its substance shatters into thousands of fireflies that bob and flit across the nanite network. Much like an infusion of adrenalin to a muscle, the cell network is rejuvenated and enervated. Cell growth and regeneration fairly explodes. Nanites are dragged apart as new pathways are created to accommodate the growth. Inspired by this surprising reaction to a memory trigger, a new plan of action by the DeepRED is initiated. Active stimulation of the memory in order to revive the lagging brain tissues seemed the appropriate action. It triggers the most traumatic recent fresh memory it can access. The Biologic witnessing its own Discorporation would do adequately.


A Man awoke to Chaos - an observer to a passion play within the Mindscape of Brink Helsing. The Man fails to realize he is witnessing his own demise, that he is indeed Brink Helsing. Thunderstruck, he can only watch the scene unfold, as shifts and flows to become the Observer. Frozen figures in front of the Observer appear to be the actors in this scene. The Observer continues to watch, anticipation surging from him in palatable waves.

They all stand staunchly arrayed in a shifting landscape. Alternating between metal panels and dust-fine debris, a kaleidoscope comprised of the backdrops of personal history swim by. Sections of life memories tumble around the legs of all. Balls of withered earthly distractions that are unheeded by the Actors and the Observer. Three face off in a nearly perfect triangle. A prim and proper looking doctor - Simon, another man dressed in a futuristic armor with glowing red eyes - Slight, and a frail looking old man that radiates a great darkness - Niska. A fourth presence hovers near the frail looking oldster -- not much more that a silhouette of a huge man, etched as if in the heat haze of a desert highway. His essence cannot be identified by the Observer. It/he is a wildcard.

A silent call from the unseen director signals: ACTION ...

Slight suddenly drops to his knees. "And despite it all, I thought you were a God. I thought … I blindly thought that someday, it would be over, and I could start differently."

Apparently divorced from the scene playing out with Slight, Niska and Simon face each other. The fourth non-presence drifts towards the kneeling figure of Slight. The figure of Simon is obviously attempting to move, but fails. Niska seems to be working nonexistent controls and speaking to someone off-stage.

Simon, still paralyzed, can only watch as Niska makes his calls, and works his deals. So far, he has tried to remain calm - what else can he do? "Maybe Slight will wake up," he thinks desperately. "Maybe he'll wake up, and secure him. Find some way to get me back in my own body!" Fantasy after fantasy keeps going through his mind. But his thoughts become too loud; too noticeable in the gestalt thought processes.

"Ahhh, yes," Niska’s voice hisses through Simon's mouth as the figure of Niska continues to work invisible controls. "Yet another traitor." Suddenly, both Simon and Niska seem to now be aware of Slight on his knees nearby. Both watch in stupefaction at his bent and shaken form.

Between the three Actors, the ground cracks and flows. Rising in a stately column of ash and fire, Father Helsing forms.

Slight watches the specter of his father rise, flesh shedding freely in wisps of foul vapors, as the figure starts towards him. After the first step, only an iridescent blue skeleton remains. The Observer cringes in fear; exhibiting the emotion that Slight keeps in full check at this unholy advance. Gray, torn cloth flaps, shakes and dances about the form of Slight's spectral father. Bones shriek and wail in protest as the skeleton swells to its full height. Dirty gleams of reddish-purple drift in the eye sockets, highlighting the missing eyeballs. These evil slivers of fire lock on to the figure of the fallen Slight.

"But you, you are a false God!" Slight hisses between clenched teeth.

"THERE IS NO GOD!" exhorts the skeleton, filthy green and yellow flames punctuating each word. "THERE ARE NO ANGELS. THERE ARE ONLY DEMONS. FOR EVERY HERO, THERE ARE A THOUSAND DEVILS." The voice may not roar, but its resonance is as deep as an avalanche. "FOR EVERY SINGLE BRIGHT STAR, THERE ARE BILLIONS OF LIGHTYEARS OF DARKNESS." Slight begins to cower, attempting to deny the teaching of his father. Closing his metaphorical eyes, Slight reaches for his balance -- it is time to be free.

Slight's mind-form rises, the Raven spreading its ebon wings, energy sweeping up and flourishing from the body of Slight. "Enough!" he shouts, raising his hands to ward his father away. "I have been the slave to nightmares long enough. I choose to be on the right side, be the numbers with me or no! Enough! No more ghosts, no more graveyards! I have blood on my hands even now. And I will never wash it away. But that doesn't mean I have to your slave anymore!"

The skeleton of the elder Helsing stops, indecision somehow apparent in its posture. This tableau remains fixed, until ...

As if on cue, the debris of memory sweeps closer, driven to hurricane strength. Visibility is occluded by the dirt and grit of past sins. The Observer finds he has nothing more here to assimilate. He is struck as though by lightning, his very being flashes in acute transition.


Upon finding himself inserted into another scene, the Observer reverts to being the Man.

His eyes open just as the futuristic armor encasing him crackles into dust, and he finds himself unprotected, on his back. The last thing he sees is a huge man, standing over him and slashing down with an object. Suspended in the final second, he doesn't even see Corvair's hungering expression. All the Man sees as he peers drunkenly at his assassins face is the heat haze of the fourth insubstantial figure. A name is plucked from recent memory - Corvair Troy. Shifting his bleary gaze to the face, he sees that the features are so very familiar. Suddenly, Corvair's features blend and morph into those of Merz; an expression of horrified curiosity marring her stark beauty. The Man's shock is so severe that he utterly fails to act. An explosion of agony tears his consciousness away from the tangible world. The memory of his life fades, as Brink Helsing spins away into an obsidian abyss.

The recent data DeepRED has assimilated shows a distinct improvement in the Biologic's neural activity and cellular regeneration. The power access port connection is noted as secure. The nanite power bridge emerges from the Man's open, unseeing eyes. It appears a fine net of iridescent webbing that twines into a thin slivery cable trailing across the distance to the open power access. Occasional surges of power caused a scintillation of lights along its length. DeepRED is confident that the Biologic is slowly and surely returning to viability.

Meanwhile, deep in the recesses of his own shattered and jumbled memory, The Man tries to remember who, and especially 'what', he is. Failing this task fully, his silent screams wrack his ephemeral body. Convulsing, he is flung further from the warming glow of his memory.


This lengthy scene bit is the result of collaboration between Raven, Merz and I. We hope you enjoyed it!

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 6:25 AM



ZOE crosses her arms and leans back against the console in her favorite spot in the corner - just to WASH's right, where she can see everything - and listens to the interchange between KAYLEE and WASH, amazed and amused at WASH's apparent foray into machismo.

KAYLEE: "‘Sides, I’m gonna disable the thing again anyway. We don’t need a battle stations alert on a cargo transport. Who’s got a battle station in this crew?"

ZOE straightens and puts one hand on WASH's shoulder, the other propped on her left hip.

ZOE: "Actually, KAYLEE, might not be a bad idea to leave it connected. Way this job's been goin' so far, way may need it." --beat as ZOE looks at WASH-- "Just make sure the switch is good and red..."

As she speaks this last, the corner of ZOE's mouth lifts in a wry grin.


OOC: I'm Baaaaaack!! Woo hoo! *happy chair dance of joy*
And Merz: Thanks for putting that tag in to let me know where Zoe was - made it easier to pick up...

~Mostly-Invisible Long-Winded Goddess of Inter-Board Communication and Diplomacy a/k/a El Jefe Magnifico's Mistress... of Communications and Harems~

...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 10:14 AM


Damon's turn:


Jayne keeps a steady eye on the stick welder and the slag, and replies without looking up, "Nope."

As Damon turns to try his luck elsewhere, Jayne adds, "If ya can't find no rubber bands, ya can always try my idear." Jayne keeps working and continues, "A 900 square foot parachute, with a drogue chute. Course, that's only gonna work if Thorne's box is under 1,200 pounds. Maybe with airbags on the bottom."

Jayne retracts the welding torch and spits right onto the near molten slag, vapourizing it with a quick hiss.

Damon turns back to Jayne with a slight look of confusion. "Do we have a 900 square foot parachute? or a drogue chute or air bags? or the materials to make them? and how are we going to weigh the thing? I think braidin cords would be a might easier don't you?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 11:19 AM


JAYNE'S move

"I think braidin cords would be a might easier don't you?"

"Hey, I don't mean ta be pissin on yer parade here. Jus I never seen a cargo drop done with rubber bands afore." Jayne fishes behind him with one hand for another metal beam. "I really can't help ya out here. I woulnd't even know where ta begin figurin' how much the cord would hold an' how far it'll stretch. So, best of luck. You ain't thinking of tying the cord to the crane up there, is ya?" Jayne listens, then breaks in suddenly, "say, who's idea is this anyhow?"


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:03 PM


Damon's turn:


"Hey, I don't mean ta be pissin on yer parade here. Jus I never seen a cargo drop done with rubber bands afore." Jayne fishes behind him with one hand for another metal beam. "I really can't help ya out here. I woulnd't even know where ta begin figurin' how much the cord would hold an' how far it'll stretch. So, best of luck. You ain't thinking of tying the cord to the crane up there, is ya?" Jayne listens, then breaks in suddenly, "say, who's idea is this anyhow?"

"Kaylee gave me the job. I assume its her idea. I get paid to do the jobs I'm given, not to ask if they are going to work. I assume she's smart enough to know whether her ideas will work or not. an I don't know where we are attatching the cords to yet, she jus told me to braid them."

Damon turns, walks toward the com and turns it on.

"Kaylee, where're the cords at?" Mutters quietly to himself: "an please don't say I gotta dig through more gorram boxes..."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, September 23, 2004 5:55 AM


Alliance Force Declaration:

Wanted Dead or Alive:
Albino male, five foot eleven inches, age sixty-three. Red eyes, white skin, white or black hair. Uses following aliases: Brink Helsing, Brian Howards, Pedro Chavez, Weilong Ran, Hrünta, and Blue Child. Wanted for treason against the Allied planets of the ‘Verse, the deaths of Core representatives Elizabeth Warrick and Gerald Hoffman, Baron Lee Tsung, and Baroness Cleopatra Delacroix Tsung, and unrelated, recently passed CEO of Blue Sun Corporation Harold Helsing, as well as uncounted civilians, grand theft vessel and embezzlement.
There is a possibility that the suspect is already dead consorting with radicals and/or criminals. If so, do not tamper with the body, and report on the Cortex immediately.
Reward for suspect: 7,000,000 credits
Penalty for fraud: 50,000

Wanted Dead or Alive:
White female, five foot three inches, age seventeen. Last seen with shoulder length lavender hair, eyes are white flecked with purple. Uses the following aliases: Silver Sun, Serena Garrison, Candy Seraph, and Blue Daughter. Wanted for treason against the Allied planets of the ‘Verse, conspiracy with radical terrorists and criminals, minor theft, murder in the first, second and third degree, grand theft vessel, theft against major corporate allies, impersonation of Alliance federal agents, aiding and abetting other criminals and supporting crimes against the Allied planets.
Reward for suspect alive and healthy: 500,000 credits.
Reward for suspect dead or severely injured: 412,000 credits.
Penalty for fraud: 400,00

OOC: Notice how it's AFD, instead of APD

We can't all be heroes, since some of us have to sit at the curb and clap as they go by.


Thursday, September 23, 2004 12:55 PM




Time. Time is everywhere the same, and everywhere different. It’s a point of view thing. From my point of view, right here and right now, it is 18:03 AMT (6:03 PM). The date (if I am not mistaken) Year 2518 ~ Day 023/January 23 ~

Actually, KAYLEE, might not be a bad idea to leave it connected. Way this job's been goin' so far, way may need it.
ZOE looks fondly at WASH Just make sure the switch is good and red.

Kaylee thinks about that for a moment. An idea strikes her suddenly and she giggles out loud. She slithers out from under the console and knee-walks over to her toolbox, after sending an evil grin toward ZOË. Scattering tools and still giggling, she digs down to the bottom of the box, and lifts out a small blister pack. Seated so that no one can see what she is doing, she begins opening it.

I got something even better than a red switch. I found this down in parts storage when I first came aboard. Reckon my Captain isn’t the only one who considered arming this boat.

She holds it up. It appears to be one of those fancy firing trigger thingy’s, with a flip-top lid securing the button/toggle/switch that is the important part.

WASH’s eyes pop at the sight. He is almost jittering with excitement, his face beaming.
Wow! Hook it up! Hook it up … ! Shiny! Thanks Kaylee! I owe you one, or several.

He turns toward ZOË and snatches a kiss. Now that has a really high cool factor, don’t you think bao-bei?

As WASH is obviously ready to place his new switch, KAYLEE reaches to hand it to him, and goes to dive back down for her soldering iron. The comm comes on suddenly.

Kaylee, where're the cords at? …
There is some further muttering, too soft for the comm to pick up.

Aahhh, poo. ZOË can you hit the comm for me?

DAMON, the bungees are in a locker under the stairs leading from the cargo area to the dining area. There is a K painted on the latch. Just push in on the center of the letter and release. The door should open. Don’t mess with anything but the bungees, OK?

Thanks ZOË.

KAYLEE and WASH return back to work contentedly, and even as they move on to other parts of the helm console, WASH’s eyes keep straying back to his new toy. The one he just KNOWS he will be forever forbidden to touch – on pain of mutilation. Ah, he just loves it when things are ... interesting. REX will love it too.


Bao-bei = baby

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, September 23, 2004 2:24 PM


Damon's turn:

DAMON, the bungees are in a locker under the stairs leading from the cargo area to the dining area. There is a K painted on the latch. Just push in on the center of the letter and release. The door should open. Don’t mess with anything but the bungees, OK?

Damon waits a moment before answering as he silently repeats Kaylee's instructions to himself, making sure he didn't miss anything.


He switches off the com and turns toward the stairs. After a few moments of searching, he spots K and opens the locker. If not for the fact that he knew it would be here, he probably wouldn't have found it. Reaching into the dark storage space, the scent of something sweet and chocolate fills his lungs. His eyes roll closed as he exhales with a moan. He sits back on his heels, savoring the aroma with deep breaths

(in Chinese:)"Damn, that has got to be the best gorram thing I've smelled in almost a decade..."

He opens his eyes and spots a small box of candybars- real candycars- in the corner of the locker. To say he isn't tempted to take one would be a lie. He would trade his boots for even a small reminder of what chocolate tastes like. But they aren't his and wheteher he likes it or not, he needs his boots. The smell will have to suffice.

"Ruttin' hwoon dahn," he mutters as he grabs for the rubber cords neatly coiled in the back, "Makin me scrape for change an spend all I have on erasin you from my life, when I could be buying chocolate."

A beautiful picture of killing Crofton comes to mind but he reluctantly pushes that aside too. Killing Crofton would mean seeing him again and that is one thing he is determined never to do.

Damon picks up the large bundle of cords and gently kicks the door of the locker closed as he stands up. Walking over to an empty area on the floor, he drops the coils and starts unwinding one of them. Once again, he finds his thoughts on his upcoming talk with Mal.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, September 23, 2004 3:54 PM


MERZ move


Once the diagnostic function finished, the machine grinds to a halt. MERZ leans over to look at the readout. She is already sure what it will say. And she is not mistaken.

i can still do a adequate analysis. mission complete …

She requests a printout of the results and after scrounging for a pen, adds her own analysis to the bottom of the page.

Negative, negative, negative, negative. And printed at the bottom, hardly distinguishable from the typed words.


This is not to say there was no data found. MERZ knows for certain now, that ROWAN is fatigued, stressed and in pain. But she is not suffering from any chemical or biological hazard, no toxin, and no venom, nothing discernable at all.

… will she consent to a physical exam, i wonder? …

MERZ tucks the paper into a breast pocket. She will give it to ROWAN as soon as she sees her. Turning off the diagnostic machine she prepares to leave the room. She has a momentary concern for RIVER, but judges that leaving her asleep in the darkened infirmary will not be either dangerous or frightening for her. She looks down at RIVER one hand almost reaching out. But not quite.

Turning off the light as she leaves the room she glances back once again to make sure RIVER is calm for the moment. MERZ exits into the corridor, closing the door softly after her.

Time to assist DAMON with his new endeavor. Anything to keep busy.

18:05 AMT (6:05 PM)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:33 PM


Location : Mal's Dorm

"Heaven or Hell or whereever you end up when you die, is what you make of it, and so is this life. A man's guilt will haunt him forever. If you don't accept responsibility for your sins and allow them to be taken from you... they will keep you from what you want."

Very weary
"Taken from you ... I think I see what you mean."
shakes himself a bit as if coming to a descision

"OK, I'll take your advice and not cogitate on things. If you see Damon tell him to come to my room as soon as he has finished work."
Mal pauses a moment
"It'd be best if the crew loosen up a tad before the run tomarrow ... check with kaylee and tell her to "open up the cabinet". She has got a mighty fine inter-engine brandy that should be ready to uncask. Let 'em have fun t'nite."


"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Monday, September 27, 2004 6:55 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move

The personal message center on her source pad indicates a message has finally come in from the UBA.

Greetings Tournament Participant;
The Storm virus has been successfully thwarted. Therefore, your tournament information and complimentary guest package is now available for your access. We apologize again for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
Best Regards
UBA Administration

Translation: they managed to contain the Storm virus for the time being, long enough to get the general messages and packages properly routed. Rowan grins, picturing a somnolent technician somewhere draped over his or her source box, still mumbling incoherent frustrations over a full-proof virus while simultaneously cursing and praising the name Exile.

Climbing the steps, Rowan reaches the first landing just as she's filing the UBA message away, and another message blinks in. This one is from the Selene with a simple text message from Aislin.

Givan - Captain Arshagouni - has received his membership package. He informed me with tremendous enthusiasm as to the date and location of the UBA reception. It is difficult to say who is more impatient - Givan or me. Only three more days,
xiâo long.

ROWAN (inwardly): So she gets to call her captain by first name, does she?

Rowan lifts an eyebrow at that, wondering over the nature of their relationship. The situation on board a luxury liner would be dramatically different from the one on a ship like Serenity, and not just in the more obvious measure of opulence, or--glancing up at the exposed pipes and wiring in the companionway overhead, Rowan has to concede--the lack thereof. A companion contingent is a requirement on board such vessels, and the women holding that title are treated the same as if they were living in a companion house on any planet lucky enough to have one. That means the captain would have the same privileges as any other civilian customer, but usually they also have the same restrictions. Under those circumstances, neither Aislin nor Captain Arshagouni - Givan - should have broken the boundaries of title and position. Yet Aislin obviously has.

Then again, Reynolds and Inara seem to have stepped past that boundary themselves. Granted, Serenity is smaller, the crew more close-knit and involved in each other's lives, to the point of a family dynamic. The tension couldn't be any more obvious between them, yet they still manage to skirt the boundaries just enough to keep from breaking whatever rules Inara feels she has to adhere to. Companions are strong by nature, they have to be to compromise their personal emotions to perform the professional duties of their occupation without building an attachment. Nonetheless, strong women often have an unfortunate tendency to respond to strong men, a point Rowan understands only too well.


Pausing, she reaches one hand out to the railing as a sharp spear of pain cuts through her right temple again. Vastly duller than the last time, it's still proving to be something of a nuisance--bèn dàn wúnéug de rén yíge yīshēng. It also serves to remind her of one thing she needs to do before she gets to New Hokkaido.

As the pain slowly subsides, Rowan starts up the stairs again. Accessing the public cortex, she pulls up the contact information of the optometrist and lens specialist she's used in the past to obtain her colored lenses and fires off an order. With luck, he'll be able to pop the request to an affiliate on New Hokkaido.

At the top of the stairs, she takes a right and heads down the hall into the galley (wasn't she just in there for something like hours?). The cue case is right where she left it in the lounge area. Detouring just a bit, she grabs the strap and slings it over one shoulder before continuing on. One hand drifts down and she rubs the ball of her thumb over the symbol for "Luck" which coincidentally is the same as "Xiang."

On the other side of the Galley, Rowan takes the short steps quickly, and heads down the hallway, noting as she does so that the door to the captain's quarters is open. She can hear two voices coming from the below-deck chambers, one Reynolds and one that sounds like the Shepherd. Since one would think that a confession of any sort would warrant some privacy, Rowan figures that isn't the sort of business the two are going on about--aside from the idea that Shepherd Book is more than the collar alludes to and Reynolds doesn't seem much like the confessing sort

Hearing Kaylee giggle from the direction of the bridge, Rowan sets the touch screen on the source pad to hold and looks up as she reaches the stairs. She takes them two at a time and reaches the bridge hatchway to find Kaylee in the middle of two things at once, and happy as a lark. Wash is helping her and Zoe seems to have paused in her work to give her husband a humoring smile.

KAYLEE: Aahhh, poo. ZOË can you hit the comm for me? DAMON, the bungees are in a locker under the stairs leading from the cargo area to the dining area. There is a K painted on the latch. Just push in on the center of the letter and release. The door should open. Don’t mess with anything but the bungees, OK?

DAMON: "Sure."

ROWAN: "Makes one wonder what else a girl would have in her locker."

When Kaylee looks out from under one arm with a smile, Rowan gives her a wink.

ROWAN: "I believe I was asked to do a diagnostic on the captain's new big damn gun. Is this a good time?"

bèn dàn wúnéug de rén yíge yīshēng = idiot trash doctor

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Monday, September 27, 2004 12:22 PM


KAYLEE’s move


Makes one wonder what else a girl would have in her locker.
Rowan winked at her. I believe I was asked to do a diagnostic on the captain's new big damn gun. Is this a good time?

KAYLEE grins back at ROWAN, her mood as chirpy as it ever has been. Doin’ stuff like this, is just what the Doctor ordered. She sighs. Her face falls just the least little bit … just can’t stop thinkin’ bout Simon, not really … She pushes the thought away for now, really needing to keep her mind on the job at hand.

Can’t see any reason why not, s’long as ZOË is done, and since she already stood up – go for it. And appreciate the hand. Been such a busy day I don’t know what we would have done without all you extra folks.

No, no, WASH. That don’t go there. Haul it back out and move it back a notch. OK, better.

Go ahead ROWAN, do your stuff.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, September 27, 2004 12:53 PM


MERZ move


MERZ closes the door softly behind her, and turns in the direction of the Cargo Bay. DAMON has apparently located what he was looking for and is unrolling the coiled cargo straps. Braiding those should prove … interesting.

She speaks as she approaches him from behind, so as not to startle him. DAMON, I see you found what we needed. Let me help stretch those out and we will see about making a thicker cord out of it. She takes another one of the coils, and starts unrolling it across the length of the bay.

Do you know what KAYLEE has in mind?


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, September 27, 2004 1:51 PM


Alliance Force Declaration:

Wanted Dead or Alive:
White male, 5’ 11”, age 27. Brown eyes, brown hair. Rouhgly 170 pounds. Named Damon Boster.

Escaped slave wanted for the murder of 19 Feds and 2 civilians in the second degree, resisting arrest, grand theft vessel.
Property of Crofton Trinh

Reward for suspect: 50,000 credits
Penalty for fraud: 8,450 credits, and siezing of any space vessels owned by any guilty parties.

We can't all be heroes, since some of us have to sit at the curb and clap as they go by.


Monday, September 27, 2004 4:12 PM


JAYNE'S move

Jayne is mindful of the noises in the cargo bay. Since he's not alone, he keeps his singing to himself and only lightly hums the fiddle portion of a lively old dance tune.

His shirt and handkerchief are both as wet as he is now, and further brow-mopping in the uncomfortable heat created by the welder seems pointless. Jayne shakes his head violently instead and picks up the last metal rod he has left. Running out of material is a good reason to take a break. It'll give him a chance to cool off while looking for more.


Monday, September 27, 2004 6:59 PM


Damon's turn:

DAMON, I see you found what we needed. Let me help stretch those out and we will see about making a thicker cord out of it. She takes another one of the coils, and starts unrolling in across the length of the bay.

Do you know what KAYLEE has in mind?

Damon looks up and tosses Merz the legth of cord he has uncoiled as she walks down the cargo bay.

"I am under the impression that she wants us to braid 6 of these cords together to slow the container down when it drops. She said something about cutting it before it starts coming back up. I figure we can just start braiding and get further instructions later."

He picks up a third coil and starts unraveling it. Again, he tosses Merz the loose end when he gets enough length.

"So how does this braiding thing work?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:56 PM


Blended post DAMON and MERZ


She pauses in unrolling the coil of cord as DAMON tosses her a free end on the one he has, and then selects a third coil, frees one end and tosses her that one too. He plays out the cords for her as she walks three ends down the bay.

So how does this braiding thing work?

MERZ considers how to answer the question. She learned by example as all her family does. It is not something she can really describe. Civilians, she has decided, may be limited but they are not all ignorant by any means. If she shows him, as she was shown, will be interesting to see if he can learn.

Let me get these straightened out and I will show you. The process does not lend itself easily to description, but is fairly simple.

Once the cords are at full extension she returns to the other end and reaches for the three free ends. She hooks them onto the stair railing, about waist height and looks at DAMON.

It starts like this. With her right hand she takes the cord on the far right, and shifts it over between the center strap and the left-most one. At the same time, she moves the left strap over between what has become the right most strap and the new center one. She repeats the procedure with each hand once again, and then stops to glance at DAMON. There, can you see how it works? Would you like to try it?

DAMON nods and takes the cords from MERZ. He looks down at them a moment and then continues where Merz left off, slow at first and not nearly as tight. He back tracks a little, determined to get it right, and then starts again, making sure it doesn’t get too loose. It’s harder than it looks, but he is already starting to get the hang of the hand movements.

Behind him, Merz watches his progress carefully, while doing the other half of the job, that being keeping 60 feet of cord from tangling miserably while the forward edge is being dealt with. When he unravels and re-does part of the braid, she nods with approval at his professional attitude, but worries a bit. He won’t be able to keep it up that tight for long, he probably does not have her hand strength. Besides it is not needed.

You need not keep it tight or even, you are not braiding a companion’s hair. This is just a means to an end. But you are doing quite well.

Damon gives half a smile at her compliment, and loosens up a bit as he continues. After a few minutes, he is moving at a steady pace. Merz keeps up with him, assuring that the cords are straight and taut behind him and come freely as he need them. Between the two of them, a full braid is accomplished in about 10 minutes.

Near the end, MERZ becomes aware of something tickling her nose, a scent that really does not belong in this context. She lowers her head and sniffs at the cords. The smell of the rubber does not quite overcome the other scent, which is almost heady. I wonder what that is, she mutters, almost familiar, and so indescribable.


That smell. On the cords. Nice.

“Smell? Damon suddenly remembers the chocolate but can’t believe that’s what she could mean. He frowns. You don’t mean the chocolate do you?

Chocolate? Yes, yes that is it. How interesting. I have smelled that before, long ago. It is a … pleasant scent and quite evocative. I don’t know what it is evoking though. Odd.

Damon looks at Merz, his confusion quite apparent. You’ve never tasted chocolate, yet you can smell it on this cord? He sniffs the cord but only smells rubber.

Now it is Merz’ turn to look confused. You can’t smell it? Once you ignore the rubber it is quite strong. Interesting. What else can you not smell?

He looks up towards her, still confused. How can I know what I can’t smell if I don’t know if it is there?

Merz sighs, You make a good case. Would you care to try an experiment?

Damon’s confusion shifts to skepticism. What kind of experiment?

Tell me what you smell, right here and now. Close your eyes and breathe deep. What can you scent on the air?

Damon almost laughs at the absurdity but seeing how serious Merz is, he relaxes his posture and closes his eyes with a deep sigh. Eyes closed, Merz waits for Damon to go first.

He is quiet for a moment, letting his nose do the talking. His first impression is nothing. No blood, no dirt or dust, no human filth, no oil or burning fuel, no sweat – well some, but not much. He decides to start with that. I smell sweat …


And nothing… just air.

Merz starts her olfactory analysis. She mechanically recites each impression as soon as it verifies in the data bank. Rubber from the cords, hot metal and chemical traces from Jayne’s flame, traces of tequila, incense from the shuttle, very faint, may be jasmine. Quite a lot of tonight’s meal, some has been spilled in the bay. Shaving soap. Ozone from the air scrubbers. Lubrication oil from the engine room. Chocolate. Gun oil, faint, no direction. Sweat, blood, some of it yours. Humm. That is sufficient.

Damon stares at her incredulously. “Tzao gao, you can smell all that shi…?!

Merz just looks at him. Yes. I was trained so. I could follow you through a crowd by scent alone, bhaai.

They come to the end of the cords. Damon hands Merz the ends when he finishes, not sure what to do with them. He shakes out his tired hands and rubs a wrist while stretching his fingers. He isn’t sure that’s very comforting to hear. A thought occurs to him. What does bahaai mean anyway? He struggles with the pronunciation but gets it close enough.

Merz looks away from him, a peculiar expression on her face. She does not want to look at his face when she responds. Faintly, but loud enough she says. Little brother.

She takes the braided cord he has handed her and hooks it over a convenient bit of chain around a carton, until she can find something to tie it off with. She turns to go back to the other end, to start over with the second batch, without speaking.

Tzao gao = damn


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress






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