RPG Stocktake

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 02:55
VIEWED: 3011
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Monday, October 11, 2004 5:59 AM



I thought it was worth asking about the various RPG systems for Firefly that are out there now.

I know of four so far, are there any more?

There is the Unisystem Firefly rules (which I did) published in Eden Studios ESP#1.

I also played in a brilliant firefly game using the Cyberpunk system and the original characters at Gen-Con.

There is the QAGS system supplement that has sadly been pulled, but was really well done.

I've seen a lot of talk about a D20 version, but not seen any rules. But I'm rather glad about that as I loathe D20.

Finally I see the there is a GURPS version running at So-Cal Gen Con this December. As it seems sponsored by SJG I wonder if they are interested in the licence. If the guys running the GURPS game are on the list, can they post and tell us the plan? I'd also like to make contact anyway as I'd love to see what they are doing (and America is a long way from the UK!)

Are there any more systems people have heard of, and what do you all think of the offerings so far?


Tuesday, October 12, 2004 2:55 AM


I've used GURPS Traveller in-house, seen a RISUS version, and just saw mention of a campaign using Teenagers From Outer Space. There were a dozen different systems mentioned in one of the early "Firefly RPG" threads here. It seems that everyone has their preferred game system already, and would rather adapt that to support Firefly than learn a new system, no matter how well suited to the subject.

I think we'd be better off pushing for a high-quality, system-agnostic setting sourcebook, suitable for use with any game. Look at the Colonial Marines Technical Manual (for Aliens) for example, or the various anime Ultimate Fan Guides by Guardians of Order (though these have BESM statistics in the back). What's needed is a movie/TV guidebook with more meat than just pretty pictures: maps, background, timelines, personalities, politics, technology, etc.

I doubt we're going to get it, though, as long as Mr. Whedon wants to maintain some wiggle room in how his universe is put together. Anything that hasn't been pinned down by the end of the movie is likely to stay nebulous until the sequels are in the can as well, or the series is at an end.

Far Trader: the handbook for interstellar merchants.






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