GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars seeking playtesters

UPDATED: Friday, October 15, 2004 01:19
VIEWED: 3125
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Friday, October 15, 2004 1:19 AM


Hang on, Travellers!

The Traveller roleplaying game in all its incarnations is as close as you can get to a Firefly roleplaying game right out of the box: experienced professionals in a realistic universe, often the crew of a small merchant starship. "Nothing says Traveller like shotguns in space." -- Michael Hensley.

Now Steve Jackson Games is bringing out a new version, even better for our purposes: the Interstellar Wars setting is near-future, near-Earth, and designed with both an oppressive central government (the Vilani Imperium) and wide-open frontiers. This is your chance to read the draft and make comments that will influence the final form of the sourcebook. New Travellers are particularly welcome, as this book is intended as an entrypoint to the Traveller universe.

You must be a subscriber to the Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society (JTAS) or SJ Game's Pyramid magazine to participate.

Reposted from JTAS, with permission:

Subject: [ADMIN] Playtesters Needed for GT: Interstellar Wars
From: Jeff Wilson
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 04:38:11 +0000 (UTC)

Greetings to all prospective playtesters!

GUPRS Traveller: Interstellar Wars covers the 200-year period of the Interstellar Wars, from about 2100 to about 2300 AD, with background on previous Vilani history. Not only military matters, but mercantile and social aspects of the era are also covered.

The playtest is expected to last at least a month, and author Jon Zeigler will join it in progress as deadlines allow. People with all degrees of familiarity with Traveller and GURPS are welcome. I will be your playtest leader, with William Barnett-Lewis as my able assistant. We expect things to get underway this weekend.

[specific playtest instructions omitted]

If you're still with me, you can apply for the playtest and verify your current Pyramid or JTAS membership by going to sjgames.test [not .playtest!] and posting a follow-up to my [ADMIN] post there. Please put your credited name followed by your preferred e-mail address in angle brackets on the same line, like so:

Jeff Wilson <>

The playtest leadership thanks you for your sincere efforts to make this playtest as productive, efficient, and painless as possible for everyone.

Jeff Wilson -
Playtest Leader
GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars
< >


Subscription information is available at:

In addition to playtest and discussion board privileges, you get 52 bi-weekly editions of JTAS (three articles each, for 150+), plus access to the archive of all previous JTAS Online articles (more than 670 at last count).

Far Trader: the handbook for interstellar merchants.






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