RP: "Badger's Betrayal" or "Adventures in Gunrunning" - Act 4

UPDATED: Saturday, January 17, 2004 16:45
VIEWED: 17420
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Wednesday, January 14, 2004 6:12 PM





Mal set up a deal with Badger to pick up some goods in Serenity Valley on Hara. While en route, Mal got a wave from Niska, who has apparently taken up with one Jubal Early. Neither Niska nor Early had anything immediate to say, so Mal told them to wave him when they felt like talking.

Wash, having not slept for three days for fear of River killing him in his sleep, has begun having sleep-deprived hallucinations and has taken the ship off course. Serenity is now rapidly headed toward the edge of explored space.

Zoe has been attempting to get Wash to wake up completely from the drug-induced, waking nightmare that is driving him, while Shepherd Book goes looking for Simon, hoping the good doctor can give Wash something to either bring him out of his nightmare or put him more fully to sleep.

While Inara points out the ship's current path will take them into Reaver territory, Jayne and Zoe try to convince Mal of the insanity of heading to Serenity Valley for a pickup...

ACT 1:

The crew was thrown into chaos over the mad dash into the edge of Reaver space and the resultant disabling of Serenity. Simon was knocked unconscious, Jayne armed himself in preparation for a Reaver attack, and Wash passed out from exhaustion after finding evidence the the ship had been sabotaged, probably by Jubal Early.

River took over care for Simon, Mal and Book took steps to revive Wash, and Zoe and Kaylee began repairs to the engine. Inara, thinking things under control, began dressing in her shuttle only to find that things were about to get much worse.

With the ship in disabled and in chaos, Niska and Early attacked. Mal, Zoe, and Jayne took out Niska's lackeys, but not before Early snuck up to Inara's shuttle and managed to get Inara stripped, bound, and gagged.

Niska avoided shooting and capture, then headed for the unconscious Simon in the infirmary. He found a scalpel and tried to hold Simon hostage for Mal to put down arms, but Wash managed to get the drop on Niska, pinning him and exacting revenge for his treatment at Niska's hands in War Stories before Niska passed out. Between them, Wash and Simon subdued Niska as Mal and Zoe entered the infirmary, leaving Jayne to deal with the bodies of the dead goons.

Book took Early by surprise, letting Inara get to safety in the cargo bay. Early and Book fought, Early finally knocking Book unconscious and stealing Inara's shuttle. As her shuttle disappeared, Inara freed herself and found Jayne's workout towel to wrap around her nakedness.

Kaylee got the ship limping, then came down from the engine room in the all-clear and found Mal exacting a little revenge of his own on Niska (in the form of taking off Niska's ear). There was no one on the bridge to see the proximity alert echoed in the sensors of Inara's shuttle. Book and Early made an agreement to work together to survive what's coming.


ACT 2:

As the Reavers locked their docking clamps onto Serenity, Book and Early worked together to draw them away. Early left Inara's shuttle and attacked the Reavers from Niska's ship, while Book used Inara's shuttle to ram the docking clamps, making them release Serenity and being knocked unconscious by the impact. Early brought him back to Niska's ship, where Book awoke, escaped, and returned to Serenity's infirmary for some rest and doctoring.

During the exchange between Early and the Reaver's ship, Zoe manuevered Serenity away from the battle, but close enough for Book to get back aboard.

Inara managed to borrow a shirt from Mal and pants from Zoe, completing her ensemble until her shuttle could be returned to the ship. She and Zoe got Wash into bed, where he dreamed strange dreams.

Niska escaped from his bonds in the infirmary and shot Mal in the back. Jayne paused in his cleanup after the gunfight to recapture Niska, inflicting damage while dragging Niska back to the infirmary to be drugged and re-bound. Simon got Mal's unconscious form back to the infirmary to tend his wounds, after drugging Niska into oblivion.

River retreated to her room; Inara and Kaylee heard the gunshot and went running to the infirmary. Book, upon seeing Inara, informed her that her shuttle had been badly damaged.

Jayne made his way back to the cargo bay to check the bodies of Niska's goons, spacing them once they had been stripped of guns and valuables. Kaylee returned to the engine room to continue repairs to the ship after seeing that Simon had everything under control in the infirmary.

Early chose to fly away, leaving Niska to the tender mercies of the crew. The Reavers followed and captured Early, subjecting him to torture. Early met Saffron aboard the Reaver ship and resolved to take control of the ship, using it to exact his revenge against the crew of Serenity.

After making sure that Mal was safely in Simon's care and Wash soundly slept, Zoe returned to the bridge, retrieved Inara's shuttle by remote, and got the ship back on course to Hera and moving toward the job waiting in Serenity Valley...

ACT 3:

Captian Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds - Humble (
Inara Serra - Ciara (
Zoë Warren - Astriana (, MSN)
Wash Warren - ZachsMind (
Kaywinnit Lee 'Kaylee' Frye - BoomerGoodHeart (, MSN)
Simon Tam - CapnRahn (, MSN, AIM)
River Tam - TeelaBrown (
Shepard Book - ManiacNumberOne (
Jayne Cobb - SerenitysSon (

Adelai Niska - Kelso (
Jubal Early - Succatash
'Rosie' Thorne - Geezer (
Rowan - Channain

DIRECTOR {i.e. GameMaster}


EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View
WT = Working Title

None have been established. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

Last but not least, the whole RP gang would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!



...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.

Edit: I'm still working on the synopsis for Act 3. Will update again when I finish. Boy, we sure do have a lot of posts to go through!


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 6:21 PM


OOC:CASTING CALL!!! Exciting RP opportunity!!!Looking for character to play "Thorne". Our contact on Hara. Can be either male or female. Should be on the shady side. Also, possibly a passenger, maybe bartering with Mal for transit to outer colony world of New Hikido. Passenger can be either male or female. Some character ideas might be Asian passenger that is either a gambler, jack of all trades, cook, or musician, etc.(P.S.:Well done on the synopsis Astriana, my hat's off to you! Thanx to Haken for providing this most excellent site for RPing as well!)


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 6:55 PM


OOC: Wow, Astriana! Awesome work! Thanks!

"Hang on, travelers..."


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:45 PM


Great job on the synopsis as well as the new RP forum folks!

Jayne's Turn:

Jayne, uncharacteristically concerned for someone other than himself, heads over to Inara after Mal leaves. Jayne quietly whispers...

"Look Inara, I ain't exactly the brains of this here opperation but, I can tell somethin's ruttin' wrong with ya'."

"I ain't about ta' sit here twiddlin' my gorram thumbs waitin' fer somethin' bad ta' happen to ya'. Now, ya' gonna' tell me what's goin' on here or am I gonna have ta' git the Doc?"

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Wednesday, January 14, 2004 10:46 PM


Previously in the Infirmary

"There seems to be a time for all things, Doctor."

Book hands the container to Simon, who opens it. Book sees Simon's eye's widen slightly in recognition.

"I ..."

"I don't think you've got anything like this in your arsenal of drugs. We need some answers from this man."

Book's eyes lose a little of their shine, and he lowers his head to stare at the Bible in his limp hands.

sighs heavly
"I agree, but where would a Shepard ..."

during this exchange, NISKA bites down hard onto his fake tooth, used only as a last resort, and becomes comotose... as if he were dead

Book looks up startled as he hears Niska's head go limp onto the chair. Book rushes forward to Niska, but Simon is closer and reaches him first.

deeply ironic
"Wasn't that convenient?"

As Simon looks into Niska's glazing eyes and slips his stethoscope onto his ears, Book grabs Niska's wrist and feels for a pulse.


Simon finds no sinus rhythm through his stethoscope, frowns and looks over to his monitors ... after a few tense seconds, he barks an uncharactistic laugh

"Not to worry Shepard. I have seen this type of reaction before."

Simon opens drawers and gathers equipment.

"The Captain and Zoe's old platoon-mate used the same drug, Bicadin. Too bad for Niska - that I have a good memory. I'll still need your contribution to make a stimulant in order to wake him much faster than in two weeks."

Looks at Book in askance

Trying to not be ill at ease at farbicating a 'white lie'

"I believe ... this 'item' -indicating Books bottle- was part of the, ahem ... haul at Ariel. Was it not?"


I thought I would condense the Infirmary 'shots' to help in this new GREAT playground! Just to help 'Book', 'Niska' and 'Simon' keep track.

I did a bit of add-editing, hope it worked, if not I'll eliminate it.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, January 15, 2004 2:48 AM


Inara's turn

"I ain't about ta' sit here twiddlin' my gorram thumbs waitin' fer somethin' bad ta' happen to ya'. Now, ya' gonna' tell me what's goin' on here or am I gonna have ta' git the Doc?"

Inara looks away, refusing to meet Jayne's intense blue eyes. I...I'm fine, Jayne. Your concern is sweet. I'm just still a little shaken up. There is something I need, but I'm confident I can procure it on Hara.

she knows where to get the drugs...she has a contact on most every planet they've visited...surely she can make it that long...if the crew found out, Mal would never let her stay, she'd be a liability- she'd never be able to take clients again...all her hard work, hiding her illness all these years...a bribe here, a shy turn of the one needs to they?

The convulsions come on suddenly. Her blood has thinned, the clotting factors from her last dose finally spent. Her brain isn't recieving enough oxygenated blood, and the world goes one wants a sick Companion....

The last thing she sees is Jayne's concerned eyes. He reaches to catch her as she stiffens, her eyes glazed. Her long neck arched, her head thrown back, the convulsion breaks over her in waves. All she can manage is choked cry as every muscle in her body betrays her.

no one wants sick Companion....

End Inara's turn
ooc--yeah, I'm apparently a drama queen--I've never done fanfic or RP or I guess I'm overdoing it a bit--sorry!!

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, January 15, 2004 3:25 AM


River keeps walking. She stops in front of a hidden hatch.

They come for me.

She continues walking
Tash- I'll be quiet. (I assume you know what I mean)

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Thursday, January 15, 2004 5:56 AM


OK, I got ALL of the other threads asa text in a MSPub file ... 302 pages ... let me repeat for clairity ...


Is anybody else working on this?

Now, I plan to format it more in a script style (OOCs and all!) and see what we got. If it looks good as a script, I would suggest we put it in as FanFic when we complete it.

Heh, meebe TPTB may see it and take a likin' ta it! .... riiiight

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:07 AM


Yep, I've been working on it since the weekend. I'm putting it together in MS Word, pulling out all the OOC stuff, and making it a little more uniform-looking between moves.

Just got started on the formattin' part of it, but right now, in Times New Roman, 10 pt., I have 68 pages.

Seems like we were thinkin' along the same lines, Capn!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:25 AM


Great Minds and all that!!!

You doin' it as script, or novel? Which are you best at?

I am gonna keep in the OOC stuff, just code it differant.

I will be interesting to see each of our editing skills put to the test.

If ya need anything, just gimme a yell at

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:26 AM



Wash gets everything situated and cleans up his bridge as best he can, but keeps glancing over at the charred remains of the homing beacon console across the room from his workstation. Sitting where he does, it remains in the corner of his eye, a sober reminder that they've been watched and perhaps are still being watched by someone unknown.

Why were Niska and Early seemingly working together? How'd they get on board Serenity? Is Badger behind all this? Wash knew working with Badger was bad news back on Persephone when he followed Mal to Badger's quarters, but Mal didn't heed Wash's warnings as usual. And now what a mess. Not that he would think to question the judiciousness of the all high and mighty grand poobah of the ship. Perish the thought!

Wash sat down in his seat in a huff, then glanced over at his dinosaur toys. Even they seemed the worse for wear. One of them looked like it was looking right at him.

"What're you lookin' at?" he said to his dinosaur toys. Then he rolled his eyes and reached over to lightly knock the dinosaur off its haunches and on its side.

Wash glanced at the navigational sensors and got a cold chill up his spine.

"Less than an hour to showtime."

He hits the ship's intercom.

"Attention all hands, we are fast approaching Alliance space-- uh, I mean the Alliance thinks it's ALL their space but several parsecs around Hera they tend to keep a lotta their eggs in that basket, so let's watch our P's & Q's and if there's anything in plain sight that wouldn't pass inspection better hide it good and proper now.

"And Mal? Lemme know at your earliest convenience if we have a planned explanation what I'm supposed to tell the uniforms when they come a callin' and they will. Usually they want documentation or somethin' to validate our passing through. Do we have a story to tell them or am I pullin' something outta my goh seh? Wash Out."

He turns off the intercom. Pauses a moment, then says to himself. "Wash. Out." And chuckles.


"Hang on, travelers..."


Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:27 AM


I guess more like a script. I had thought about goin' the novel route, but my hubby balked a bit at that level of effort (collating actions, making actual conversations, etc).


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:54 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by HUMBLE:
OOC:CASTING CALL!!! Exciting RP opportunity!!!Looking for character to play "Thorne". Our contact on Hara. Can be either male or female. Should be on the shady side.

OOC: I'd like to take a crack at Thorne, if that's OK with the folks who have done such an excellent job so far. Figure a minor character is a good palce for a newbie RPer to start.

Just need a couple of non-story points clarified. In what time window does most play occur? I could look at the post times, but converting GMT to EST always makes my head ache. Also, my work's firewall precludes IM or chat use. If this is a hindrance to you I'll just bow out.

Anyway, here's 'Rosie' Thorne. He is an older man of medium build, maybe 50, but still fit and active, if a bit scarred up. He has cropped salt-and-pepper hair and is clean-shaven - looks ex-military. His right ear is missing. Wears Browncoat pants and boots, with a long black leather coat against Hara's spring chill. Carries a large blue-steel revolver on his left hip(being left-handed) and a short Tanto knife. He's sitting in the Hara Cary bar, drinking a dry Martini and waiting for Serenity to arrive.

Keep the Shiny side up


Thursday, January 15, 2004 6:57 AM



Camera cuts briefly to outside the ship. Serenity is coming towards the camera, and then it passes us very closely as the camera follows along its bow. We hear the opening bars of the song The Boy Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn by Allison Krauss.

(actually the version I'm listening to is by bluegrass picker, Dan Tyminski)

When Serenity passes us by and we track it until its bright engine flares the lens briefly, we see it's aimed towards another bright light in the distance. Could be a star. Could be the planet Hera. Could be all the combined activity of Alliance ships and stations making one bright light in the distance, that outshines all the stars surrounding it.

Camera then cuts to inside the ship, but we still don't hear anything but the music. A montage of each of the nine principal players doing their own thing, preparing for the impending planetfall, and close proximity to Alliance officers. As the song continues.

"Tell You a little story and it won't take long,
'Bout a lazy farmer who wouldn't hoe his corn.
The reason why I never could tell,
That young man was always well."

The music fades as the sound comes up and the camera alights itself upon... (whoever posts after me. =)

"Hang on, travelers..."


Thursday, January 15, 2004 7:07 AM


OOC: Welcome, Geezer! I'll update the "Guest Starring" portion of our leader to include you. Do you have an e-mail you're okay with posting?

As for playing time, depends on who's playin' mostly. Seems there's a lotta stuff happens in the AM (EST), round between 7 and 10, and a bunch more in the PM (EST) after 7 til early AM again. (I guess this pretty much means anytime. )

For GMT to EST, subtract 5 hours. For example, if you see that GMT is 5pm, it's 12pm in EST (like now!). Also, you can go to My Firefly to update your profile (Edit Profile on the left) so that when you log in, the site will show you EST. (There's a drop-down box at the bottom, just above the 'Update My Profile' button.)

Again, welcome to the fun!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 7:29 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Astriana:
OOC: Welcome, Geezer! I'll update the "Guest Starring" portion of our leader to include you. Do you have an e-mail you're okay with posting?

...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.

OOC:Thanks. I'll generate a new email addy just for this when I get home and let you know what it is.

Thorne, still waiting at the Hara Cary for Serenity to arrive, switches from Martinis to Rob Roys. Mumbles to himself:

"Hope those clowns get here soon, or I'm gonna be too floshed to sunction."

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 15, 2004 7:47 AM


Books Move

Location: Infirmary


Simon to Book

Trying to not be ill at ease at farbicating a 'white lie'

"I believe ... this 'item' -indicating Books bottle- was part of the, ahem ... haul at Ariel. Was it not?"

Book eyes harden once more, and he glances up to see Simon's askance view and his raised eyebrow.

Book to Simon

"I wish it were, son. But I've had this a little too long..."

Book looks down again, staring through the hull of the ship to a point in space far away.

"Too long."



Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:04 AM


"Hope those clowns get here soon, or I'm gonna be too floshed to sunction."

aaagh we have to get there before our contact is pished! hehe--great first post, Geezer :)

Ciara "I'd rather have a botte in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" Sera

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:28 AM


OOC: Welcome Geezer. Just remember, if I think your dead, all your stuffs fair game...)

Jayne's turn:

Jayne sees Inara start to tumble and lunges to catch her. Inara starts to convulse and Jayne feels panic start to well up.

Jayne thinks to himself... "I ain't no ruttin' Doc, what the hell do I do now."

Nothing readily at hand Jayne sticks the meaty part of the side of his hand in Inara's mouth to spare her further injury. Inara involuntarily bites down as all the muscles in her body tighten, sinking her teeth deep into Jayne's hand.

Jayne fight back a yelp and grits through the pain. Inara's convulsions start to subside and Jayne wonders what to do next. Thinking to himself that Inara is hiding something for a reason (having been on the wrong side of the law for so long taught Jayne a few things about deception) Jayne decides to take the unconcious Inara back to his room, trying to avoid the rest of the crew. His concern deepens as he sees the trickle of blood from her nose but, is still determined not to turn on Inara's trust (thinking to himself he has let these people down once to often as is).

Stripping the corse wool blanket from his bed he lays Inara (still unconcious) on the bed, quickly ties a bandana around his bleeding hand, then quickly heads to the ruins of Inara's shuttle. Images of his little sister flood into Jayne's head as he thinks to comfort Inara. Jayne thinks "Ruttin' hell I ain't seen Delilah in goin' on 10 years, hope she ain't in any trouble either"

As Jayne enters Inara's shuttle, he see Kayle deeply engrosed in the rear engine compartment of the shuttle. Mustering as much stealth as possible. Jayne gathers some silken blankets and quickly heads back to his quarters. He wraps Inara in the blankets then heads to the Infirmary.

Jayne barges into the Infirmary and sees Simon and Book leaning over Niksa.

"Doc, get away from that bastard and git me somethin fer my hand. My arm started spasming when i was loadin a belt feeder inta' on of them guns I took. you got a pill or somethin' ta stop the shakin?"

Simon comes to examine Jaynes hand and Jayne violently pulls it back.

"I didn't say I needed no fixin' just a pill for the shakes Doc. I've had em before and the pill fixes 'em up just fine."

Simon shakes his head at Jayne then heads to a cabinet. "I'm sure your simian brain can't remember the medical term for the 'pill' you took before so I assume Dipanabromaline is what you need."

He pulls a bottle and removes 2 pills, setting them down on the counter and turns back to Niska. He waves his hand towards the door and says "You can go now..."

Jayne grabs the pills and heads back to his quarters. He grabs a chair and waits for Inara to regain conciousness, hoping these pills will take care of whatever is wrong. He pulls out the roll of gauze he took from the infirmary and properly wraps his hand after washing it in the sink nearby.

OOC: Okay off to work again back at 2 am. I work tommorow at 10 am so I will not be able to post again until Friday night around 10 pm. Have fun folks the story is rolling along well.

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:30 AM


OOC: Lol Ciara, "I don't even have a little dog Toto." Poppies... Poppies... Poppies...

Also... I can kill you with my brain...


Thursday, January 15, 2004 8:50 AM



Originally posted by SerenitysSon:

Thinking to himself that Inara is hiding something for a reason (having been on the wrong side of the law for so long taught Jayne a few things about deception) Jayne decides to take the unconcious Inara back to his room, trying to avoid the rest of the crew. His concern deepens as he sees the trickle of blood from her nose but, is still determined not to turn on Inara's trust (thinking to himself he has let these people down once to often as is).

ooh-hoo... I can't wait to find out what happens if Mal finds out!

"I think the right place to start is to say, fair is fair. This is who we are. These are our numbers." Mr Willis of Ohio - The West Wing


Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:15 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

-Thorne’s still waiting at the Hara Cary-

On the bar, covering nine empty martini glasses arranged in a square, sits a complicated geodesic dome constructed of toothpicks, olives, and cocktail onions. Thorne stands nearby, facing the room, swaying slightly. In his right hand is a large crockery Buddha, a straw protruding from its navel.

Thorne is singing, in a surprisingly good voice, “Vesti la giubba” from Pagliacci.

“…Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul taro amore infranto!
Ridi del duol
che t'avvelena il cor!”

As Thorne finishes the aria and sips from the Buddha’s straw, a local music critic hurls an empty shot glass at his head. Absent-mindedly plucking it from the air inches from his face, he gently sets it on top of the dome like a beacon, and tries to sit down on his barstool, which is three feet away.

Falling to the floor, he winds up sitting, back against the bar. He continues sipping his Zombie, which he did not spill, and quietly hums the second cello part to Beethoven’s 6th. He’ll be in the same spot when the Serenity crewfolk finally come to find him.


OOC: Well, at least Serenity’s long trip to Hara is giving me some time for character development. I’ll be on the road home until about 5:00pm EST.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:24 AM


OOC: Ciara & SerenitysSon - "You must be...the WIZARD!...the WIZARD??"

Kaylee's Move:

After having jeri-rigged a little something together, Kaylee proceeds to Inara's shuttle. Working in the heart of the console, she hears something behind her, but chooses to ignore it, as her scanner has started beeping wildly. After much searching in the innards, she comes up with a small vid-recorder.

"What the devil is this?" she wonders. "Can't be good, whatever it is..."

Taking a small screwdriver from her back pocket, she takes the casing off and starts to poke around the inside of the thing. Amidst much mumbling and poking, she manages to shut the thing off.

"Better tell the Cap'n 'bout this..."

Kaylee heads off to find Mal.

End Turn

"I love my Captain."


Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:39 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally postec by Humble
OOC:CASTING CALL!!! Exciting RP opportunity!!!A passenger, maybe bartering with Mal for transit to outer colony world of New Hikido. Passenger can be either male or female. Some character ideas might be Asian passenger that is either a gambler, jack of all trades, cook, or musician, etc.

OOC: Well, I think I'll give this a shot. I mentioned the passenger idea to Astriana and she was all for it. I've never done RP before, but I think I've got the gist of it. I like Humble's suggestions too.

Rowan - Asian woman who knows a little bit about just about everything. She's had nearly every interplanetary grunt job there is to have, which fuels her true obsession - professional nine ball. Naturally, like all passengers who come on board Serenity, she has a secret, and a good reason to stay on the move.

And a little longer approach to Hara is okay. I still have some catch up reading to do - provided I'm accepted into the can I play too?

Firefly Artwork Series


Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:41 AM


OOC: Well, yeah! Welcome, Channain! As far as I know, the only rule about coming into the game is that the only characters you can't play are those that are taken. I'll add you to the 'Guest Starring' cast list! Yay!

Welcome to our sandbox theater!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:45 AM


OOC I love Channain.... and nine-ball


Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:46 AM


MAL:[Enters Engineering looks around, doesn't see Kaylee.]Says aloud:"Gorram it! Where's that girl done and got herself to now?"[Sets food tray down. goes over to intercom.]Says to Zoe:"Zoe, what's the good word from Thorne on Hara? Everything set for our meet and pickup site? Also, anyone seen Kaylee? Need to get an idea where we're sittin' on repairs before entering Hara's atmo."END TURN. ooc:Welcome to the RP Channain and Geezer!


Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:48 AM


*cheers* welcome to the fray, Channain!! Can't wait to play wit'cha

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:55 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

OOC: shiny! I'll be keeping my avatar for awhile - part of the whole idea of making Rowan Asian. At least until I find a picture (or draw one) that fits her.

Guess I better get better with my pinyin, huh? And on that note, Ciara, I have that link you gave me, but I think I need to make adjustments for the language difference. A bit of guidance would be appreciated.

Firefly Artwork Series


Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:05 AM



After ten minutes go by, Wash hits the intercom again.

"Wash to Mal. Hera's gettin' no smaller in the starscape and I still don't know what you're wantin' me to say to any Alliance ships.. oboy."

He clicks off the intercom because his long-range scanners just picked up an Alliance scoutship on routine maneuvers. Wash knows if he's just now spotting them, it means they've known about Serenity for at least five minutes, provided their scanners are higher quality than a tweaked up Firefly, and those chances are good.

Wash forgets to breathe for a minute and looks hesitantly at the doodad which will tell him when an incoming transmission is pending. It's quiet at the moment but the seconds keep ticking by...

He tries to think up a story on his own, something he's been doing the past twenty minutes, and he feels like a little kid on a stage being told to sing an opera.


"Hang on, travelers..."


Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:09 AM


Book's Move

Location: Infirmary

Looking up from nowhere at the sound of Wash's voice coming over the comm, Book is drawn back to the present. Book walks silently to the door of the infirmary, leans himself forward and peers quickly from side to side, assuring that he and Simon are alone with Niska. He closes the door and goes back to the med table.

Book to Simon

"I thought you'd realize my deception sooner, doctor... I'm sorry I had to do it."

Book takes the vial from Simon and peels off the false label he had attached.

"I didn't want anyone to know I had this... better, if ever it got found, that they thought it was a stimulant... and it can be used as one... a very powerful one. Better to think that they are using it for that... better than to know... the truth"

Book hands the vial back to Simon


Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:19 AM


MAL:[Clicks on intercom to Bridge.]Says to Wash:"Drive inconspicuously. Wash, we don't need no explanation to our purpose as we're not breaking any laws. But if we do get hailed, tell 'em we're here for a pickup. Keep it short and simple. Also, don't enter Hara's atmo 'till I get the high sign from our wunderkind mechanic that all's well with Serenity. Oh yeah, did Zoe get a wave sent off to Thorne yet?"[Mal stays in Engineering awaiting answer.]END TURN.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:19 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by ManiacNumberOne:
OOC I love Channain.... and nine-ball

OOC: Maniac, you're sweet. Crazy, but sweet. Do you think there could be such a thing as a portable billiard table? If so, what could it be made out of? I can't see a professional going an entire trip without practicing.

Firefly Artwork Series


Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:36 AM


Zoe's Move:

Responds to MAL's questions regarding the meet:

"Makin' the call now, Sir."

Flips the necessary switches as WASH moves to the side. No one answers immediately, just a message screen shows. Hits the switch to disconnect the call without leaving a message and turns back to the intercom.

"Can't seem to raise Thorne. Might be he ain't sittin' right in front of his vid screen waiting for us. Might have to leave him a message with our ETA on Hera."

Looks at the plate she brought WASH before the fires broke out. Tests the temperature with her finger and finds it cold. Takes the plate back to the galley.

To WASH: "Sorry, dear, it seems your lunch got cold. We can do something about gettin' you fed once we set down."

End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:50 AM



Wash patiently listens to Mal's response via intercom and then tersely gives his reply, "Drive inconspicuously. Copy that, sir." Then he shuts the intercom off. He glances over at his dinosaur toys, one of which is still looking at him ruefully.

"Didja git all that?" he mumbles at it.

Drive inconspicuously, thinks Wash to himself. Not doing anything wrong? Oh, other than harbouring a couple fugitives. Nothing wrong. About to go pick up some jing-tsai contraband or down on their luck criminals or who knows what but other than that we're a bunch of flying nuns with halos in here.

Why the hell am I still here? Oh yeah. Love. He smiles to himself. What an incredible idiot I am.

The scout ship doesn't change its course and doesn't hail Serenity. Wash does the same. Like a snake in the grass, leave it alone it'll leave you alone, but the fact it doesn't hail Wash makes him sweat even more as the seconds tick by and they draw ever closer to Hera.

Ten minutes or so more drift by, as do a few other Alliance ships. And thus far no hails. No alarms on his console. Nothing. Wash drives Serenity strong and steady, hoping she and he belay a lack of confidence he's feeling inside.

Into the shipwide monitor: "We'll be hitting orbit range of Hera in about fifteen ticks, gang. Planet fall will be soon after that."


"Hang on, travelers..."


Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:59 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's move:

Flashback: Thorne sets up his comm to recognize the Firefly's signal and return the call in case he's otherwise occupied. He records, voice only, no vid:

"Welcome to Hama, Serenity. This is Thorne. Trust you had an uneventful trip. Meet me at the Hara Cary bar when you get in. I'm transmitting a packet of clearances that should get you past purple-belly customs with no problem. See you shortly."

Present: The comm, responding to Zoe's call, sends the message throught the Cortex to Serenity.


OOC: Astriana, please add my email address to the cast list.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:03 PM


MAL:[Sensing it might be awhile for Kaylee to return to Engineering, starts looking around engine room. Thinking that there's a good deal of jury-rigging going on in here. This furthers his resolve to overhaul engine and keep a stock of critical spare parts in ship's stores. Getting hungry while snooping around, Mal starts eating Kaylee's food.]END TURN.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:23 PM



Zoe said, "Sorry, dear, it seems your lunch got cold. We can do something about gettin' you fed once we set down."

Wash replies, "That's okay, I wasn't hungry. You're the only nourishment I need, lover." He gives a weak smile.


"Hang on, travelers..."


Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:47 PM


Quick Synopsis

Wash and Zoë are on the bridge, eating and piloting.

Mal is “searching” for Kaylee in the engine room, and her food is getting all cold and eaten. Kaylee, having found a vid-recorder in Inara’s shuttle, goes in search of Mal.

Jayne has taken the semi-unconscious Inara into his own quarters, and gets some pills to give to Inara.

Simon and Book are in the infirmary preparing drugs to revive Niska.

River wanders freely about the ship.

Serenity is about to land on Hera.

Thorne awaits their arrival, and also Rowan, a feisty, Asian jack-of-all-trades.

Early is close enough in the Reaver ship to use his video monitors, again…


Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:00 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

OOC:I have a funny feeling that, unless a Deus ex Machina occurs pretty soon, four acts just isn't going to wind this puppy up. Does it look like this is shaping up to be a two-parter? Not that I have a problem with that, mind.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:02 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move

In the Hara Cary bar, a slim Asian woman is leaning over the holo-billiards table. The two-piece cue braced on the edge of her hand, resting lightly on her thumb is simple black lacquer, bearing the Chinese symbols for Luck and Fortune opposite the symbols for Black Dragon, all engraved in platinum. Hearing the thud behind her that punctuates some powerfully loud, but remarkably on-key Italian Opera, she sees the martini pyramid first, then its architect schlumped on the floor against the bar, humming. Absently, she wonders if there's anyone who would bother to wonder whatever became of him.

Shaking her head slowly, she returns to her shot - five ball in the corner - well aware her opponent is paying closer attention to the neck of her blouse than the fact that he's fast on his way to losing 100 platinum.

Medium thrust, soft tap on the cue ball and she stands back to watch. The sound of the cue ball tapping the five makes her smile (just right--gotta love the Billiards Gold upgrade with true table sound) and she turns to her drink as the five sails right into the pocket.

The mark...that is, her opponent - who had gone from checking the neckline of her snug black T-shirt to checking her rear view - suddenly takes account of the fact that only four balls remain on the table and he's hasn't so much as lifted the butt end of his cue off the floor yet.

MARK: "I...wait, you.'d you do that?"

Downing a shot of the shiong mao niao that passes for whiskey (no tequila to be found anywhere on this rock, the horror of it all), she smirks and turns.

ROWAN (lifting one shoulder noncommittally): "Dunno, I just hit 'em and they fell in."

As she lines up the next shot - six ball in the side - a high-pitched beeping starts from somewhere behind her. Looking again, she scans the bar and finds the signal is coming from the fella under the bar. Apparently someone just might be wondering a bit. Who'd've thought?


OCC: Back to Reading

Edited for formatting and a little content - decided a little less is more.

Firefly Artwork Series


Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:20 PM



__--__ Hi RP Readers.

I am curious how many non-player readers there are who are willing to chime in.
Nothing sinister, just curious what kind of following, if any, there might be.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:38 PM



Originally posted by Channain:
OOC: shiny! I'll be keeping my avatar for awhile - part of the whole idea of making Rowan Asian. At least until I find a picture (or draw one) that fits her.

Hmm...Asian woman professional nine ball player? How about this one:

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:39 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's move

Thorne hears his comm link beep, but knows his recorded message will respond. Eyeing the two cute Asian chicks hustling the marks at 9-ball, he launches into the drum solo from In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, using the now-empty Buddha as a drum and a pair of ebony chopsticks as drumsticks. Thorne loves classical music.

Edit: EOM (gotta remember protocol)

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:54 PM



Book eyes harden once more, and he glances up to see Simon's askance view and his raised eyebrow.

"I wish it were, son. But I've had this a little too long..."

Book looks down again, staring through the hull of the ship to a point in space far away.

"... Too long."

Jayne barges into the Infirmary and sees Simon and Book leaning over Niksa.

"Doc, get away from that bastard and git me somethin fer my hand. My arm started spasming when i was loadin a belt feeder inta' on of them guns I took. you got a pill or somethin' ta stop the shakin?"

Simon comes to examine Jaynes hand and Jayne violently pulls it back.

"I didn't say I needed no fixin' just a pill for the shakes Doc. I've had em before and the pill fixes 'em up just fine."

Simon shakes his head at Jayne then heads to a cabinet.

"I'm sure your simian brain can't remember the medical term for the 'pill' you took before so I assume Dipanabromaline is what you need."

He pulls a bottle and removes 2 pills, setting them down on the counter and turns back to Niska. He waves his hand vaugley towards the door.

"You can go now..."

Jayne exits

Book looking up from nowhere at the sound of Wash's voice coming over the comm, he is drawn back to the present. Book walks silently to the door of the infirmary, leans himself forward and peers quickly from side to side, assuring that he and Simon are alone with Niska. He closes the door and goes back to the med table.

"I thought you'd realize my deception sooner, doctor... I'm sorry I had to do it."

Shepard, you should know that I don't pry into anothers affairs. smiles ironically And I know how to keep a secret or dozen. It was a long process getting River from those maniacs using only my private resources. If you need or want to talk ...

Book takes the vial from Simon and peels off the false label he had attached.

"I didn't want anyone to know I had this... better, if ever it got found, that they thought it was a stimulant... and it can be used as one... a very powerful one. Better to think that they are using it for that... better than to know... the truth"

Your business is none of mine, unless you want it to be. Between only us.

holds hand out for vial and accepts it.

"Well, it looks like we need to get our noses to the grindstone then. I'll need 23cc' of clorozopram, 3cc' of zoloftvecid and ... about 2 tablespoons of sugar."


I am trying something new here in the 'format' of this post .... tell me if you like it.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:55 PM


OOC: Figured we can't go further until we touch down so lemme git this outta the way. Hopefully I'm not jumping the gun.


No surprises. By the numbers. Isn't that how Mal always wants it to play? Well, that is for once just how things go down, and even Wash's more pessimistic fears melt away as they pass one outpost and looming Alliance vessel after another with nary a blink and a nod. Besides the predicted coms between Wash and Space Traffic Control to clear for a landing at the port on surface, planet fall goes through without a hitch.

As the ship enters orbit and then breaks through the atmosphere, we are treated to a series of brilliant scenic shots of Serenity. She shows a few dark patches and cuts and scrapes along the side near the damaged shuttle, but it makes her look like a wild dolphin in the sea with a few battle scars from other dolphins and sharks. Rough around the edges but eclipsed by Hera's daystar, it's nothing short of glorious, and accompanying these scenes is a brief acoustic rendition of "Freedom's Girl" by Diana Lorden.

"you don't owe nothing to anyone
well the world is your playground and the rules are your own
so you'll thrive with your independent nature
you've got freedom
but freedom is a lonely word."

And Serenity lands with a grace rare among several tons of metal.

Wash clicks the intercom, "all ashore whut's goin' ashore!" He sounds perky.


"Hang on, travelers..."


Thursday, January 15, 2004 2:23 PM


Kaylee's Move:

Kaylee runs into Mal making his way to the bridge, finishing up her meal.

"Captain? I think you need to see this. After the fire with the homing beacon, I got to thinkin' and rigged up this here scanner. Beeps when it runs across something that oughten't be there. I was usin' it in Inara's shuttle and found this dohickey. Pretty sure it's a vid-cam. Chances are we'll find more scattered 'round Serenity. Do you want me to do a sweep first, or go out for parts first?"

End Move

"I love my Captain."


Thursday, January 15, 2004 2:23 PM


OOC I like it.
Is the spoon full of sugar to help the medicine go down?


Thursday, January 15, 2004 2:33 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Wow. I don't know which impresses me more; that there is such a thing as a professional female Asian 9-ball player, or that Shiny knew who she was. Nicknamed "Black Widow" even. Sa-weet!

Thanks Shiny!

Firefly Artwork Series


Thursday, January 15, 2004 2:43 PM


MAL:Says to Kaylee:"First things first. Are we all right for entering Hara's atmo? Did we take any structural damage to our heat shielding when we were attacked?" [Looks at the doo-dad she's holding.] Says to Kaylee:"Think I've seen one of these before. When we land do a clean sweep of Serenity and then go for supplies."END TURN.






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