RP: "Adventures in Gunrunning" - Act 13

UPDATED: Monday, April 5, 2004 04:04
VIEWED: 16081
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:28 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for prior acts

Chat and storyline work

More in-depth conversations about character
development/storylines and actor absentee notices

Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds - Geezer (
Zoë Warren - Astriana (, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266)
Wash Warren - RavenWhyteWing (
Jayne Cobb - SerenitysSon (
Kaywinnit Lee 'Kaylee' Frye - BoomerGoodHeart (, MSN, AIM)
Simon Tam - CapnRahn (, MSN, AIM)
River Tam - TeelaBrown ( AIM: Teela Sera)
Inara Serra - Ciara (; AIM)
Shepherd Book - ManiacNumberOne (

Adelai Niska - temporarily played by CapnRahn
Brink 'Slight' Helsing - RavenWhyteWing (
Damon - Squee (; AIM: Squee755)Jubal Early - Succatash
Mercedes 'Merz' Troy - Mercedes Troy
Roosevelt 'Rosie' Thorne - Geezer (
Rowan - Channain (; AIM)

GameMaster - Geezer (
Co-Director - FrauDirektor (, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266)
Co-Director - Channain (; AIM)
Minion - DirektorsSmeagol (, MSN, AIM)


None have been established yet. Each player has a unique style for posting a move that is consistent within itself. You'll catch on!

EOM = End of Move
OOC = Out Of Character
POV = Point Of View

Mechanics of RPing:
Includes links to:
Chinese for the RP Player
New Character Backstories
Serenity Deck Plans - By gaidheal
Speculative Map of Firefly System - by Hans

Last but not least, the Gunrunners would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Joss Whedon for creating a whole new 'verse for us to play in, and to Haken for giving us a bright, shiny new sandbox theater!



Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:40 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Kaylee, Thorne, Merz, Damon, Inara - Asleep in various quarters - or engine room as the case may be - having eerie ass dreams. It's been an eventful day.

Mal - On watch on the Bridge, possibly dozing by now.

Zoe & Wash - Almost in their quarters. enuff said.

Book, Jayne, Rowan, - Galley - Jayne's on dishwasher duty, and Book and Rowan just started a game of 9-ball with a quality bottle of wine. Score: Book 2, Rowan 1. Rowan is displaying a handicap (still wearing the eyepatch) Off Table: 2, 7, 6; On Table: 1, 3, 4, gorram 5, 8, 9. Still anybody's game.

River - In her room, dancing to music only she can hear.

Slight and Simon - Elsewhere, searching for River's cure.

Niska, Early, Saffron - Could be anywhere, doing just about anything.

If I missed or mis-placed anyone please let me know.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:10 PM


Book's Move

Location: Galley/Pool Hall

ROWAN: "Every game has one ball that refuses to do as it's told. (she angles her eye at Book) That seem right to you?"

Book is having trouble containing his smile. "That seems more like a problem you might want to discuss with your preacher, than a quirk of the game. I don't seem to recall you saying anything to that ball."

Book takes the cue from Rowan, approaches the table and smoothly shoots the cue ball at the 1 ball, banking it cross-table to pocket the 5, (which was just waiting by the pocket to go in.) The angle and speed of the 1 ball hit the 5 just right and it follows it into the pocket. "Well, that wasn't exactly what I wanted to do." Book sets down the cue for a moment and goes to take another sip of wine, which he notices has been refilled to the brim when he wasn't looking.

Setting down the now half empty glass, Book returns to the table, picks up the cue stick, calls a reluctant "Safety." and hits the cue ball into the 3. Managing to hide the cue ball behind the nine, Book turns back to Rowan and Jayne, who is done washing and is now watching, beer in hand, with more interest. "I bet you'll still manage to make something out of that."



Tuesday, March 23, 2004 5:18 PM


OOC: A little set up to get Zoe caught up...


Making sure her hair is neatly pinned back again, ZOE enters the galley, places her and WASH's dishes in the sink (while JAYNE glowers at it being his turn to wash), takes a moment to glance at ROWAN and BOOK setting up the projectors over the dining room table.

ZOE (to herself): "Any other time, I might be tempted to watch a bit... Maybe even play. But, I got other things need doin' 'fore WASH's shift is up."

Seeing that BOOK and ROWAN are engrossed in setting up the game, ZOE wordlessly leaves the galley and heads for the bunk she shares with WASH.


ZOE climbs down the ladder, pulls the big wash basin out of the storage cabinet, and fills it with water. She strips off her dirty, tequila-scented clothes and sponges herself off, making sure all traces of the events of the day are washed away. Finished, she puts the washtub to one side - WASH might want it when he he's finished on the bridge - and dons the slinky negligee WASH bought for her on their last visit to Persephone. ZOE takes a moment to luxuriate in the feel of the silky material skimming down her body, frees her hair of its bonds, then turns down the bed and sets the alarm to go off just before MAL should be waking up to relieve WASH on the bridge, knowing she should get some sleep while can. She sets out candles, matches nearby, and slides between the sheets. When she wakes, everything will be ready.

----Meanwhile, on the BRIDGE----

WASH spends his shift now watching the sensors, now occassionally playing with his dinosaurs, but mostly letting his thoughts linger on the beautiful warrior woman waiting in his bunk. WASH sighs, feeling the time drag, and begins to think that this shift will never be over, when MAL appears on the bridge.

MAL (grinning evily): "Pretty slow night, eh? Think I'll go make some coffee before I take over. That slow drip kind that takes 'bout 30 minutes, maybe. You don't have anything else to do, do ya?"

WASH stands and makes a show of stretching and yawning hugely.

WASH (stifling a pretend yawn): "Well, I'd love to hang around, but I'm awful tired, MAL. Hate to think o' dozin' off while you were in the galley, and havin' Reavers catch us unawares. Maybe, just for the safety of the ship, you should take over now and I'll bring you a cup later on?"

MAL: "Oh, go to your wife, you ruttin' liou mahng*. Just keep it down, so everybody else can sleep."

WASH smiles and almost runs for the door as MAL settles down in the chair. Almost giddy with freedom and the thought of ZOE waiting, WASH hurries down the corridor to their bunk.


When he enters the room, he sees candles standing at the ready, and notices that the alarm has been set but not turned on. Looking to the bed they share, he sees that the covers have slipped away to show ZOE sleeping peacefully, wearing the negligee he bought her. He doffs his clothes, does a quick rinse down, and dumps the dirty water down the pull-out sink, then stashes the basin away again.

Pulling on fresh shorts, he quietly wanders to ZOE's side and sits next to her on the bed. She stirs, and he brushes her hair back from her face. As her eyes flutter open, his lips turn up in an amused grin.

WASH (smugly): "You'll be waiting, huh?"

ZOE (with a teasing grin of her own): "Well, I am aren't I?"

ZOE reaches up and pulls WASH's head down, kissing him fully. He lowers himself to bed with a sigh of homecoming...

[Censored ... The rest is for WASH an' ZOE... ]

End Move.

liou mahng = bastard

OOC: Okay, so this was a bit longer than I intended, but hey... They needed to catch up!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:42 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
LOCATION - Galley/Pool Hall
Book is having trouble containing his smile. "That seems more like a problem you might want to discuss with your preacher, than a quirk of the game. I don't seem to recall you saying anything to that ball."
She does consider it for a bit - they do say confession is good for the soul. Yet, hearing the dishes moving around and knowing Jayne is still there isn't her only reason for abstaining.

As Book cleverly sinks the 5 as if to prove his point, and then the 1 right after it, Rowan figures it's just as well. Taking the bottle, she fills his glass, then her own and takes a longer drink.

ROWAN to herself: Pretty smooth stuff. Might have to make note of that label for future reference.

The 3 snuggles in behind the 9 at the far end of the table as Jayne comes out from the kitchen to watch. Rowan stares at the 9, recalling the stark white table from her dream, the girl in the doorway and a choice still to be made. Rubbing the fingers of her left hand against the palm of her right - where she can still feel the 9 ball from her dream - she realizes Book is speaking.
BOOK: "I bet you'll still manage to make something out of that."
He means the game, of course. But maybe even with Jayne still in the room there's a way to talk about it without revealing anything.

She takes in the entire table, finds the shot and moves to take the cue stick from Book. Inadvertently, her right hand brushes his lightly as she goes to the starboard side of the table. Leaning in, she takes aim at the cue ball. Striking it solidly, she banks it at an angle into the 3. The 3 hits two rails, coming back to hit the 8 which rolls toward the pocket and drops in as if pulled on a wire.

JAYNE: "Lashî yige guniang - you are a ringer."

ROWAN (smiling confidently): "Girl's gotta make a living in the 'verse somehow. I was told early on I would never make a decent Companion, and as the only good tech engineering jobs are on Alliance payroll, I figured I better stick with my gifts."

Jayne gives her the once over as she moves around to the end of the table nearest the engine room and frowns.

JAYNE: "You sure got the looks for Companion work."

ROWAN: "Looks, yes. Temperament, no. I've always had a tiny little problem with authority."

Rowan shifts to the corner and finds the shot for the 3 as if it's been waving to catch her attention the entire time. Ignoring the 9, she sets up another bank shot that sends the 3 off the rail and into the corner. The 3 has only just dropped in the corner as she's gauging her next shot.

ROWAN: "What's your theory on dream psychology, Shepherd?"


Lashî yige guniang - shit, girl
(Lah-shee vee-gey goon-ee-ahng)

Score: Book 4, Rowan 3; On Table: 4, 9; Possible win or a tie - still anybody's game.

OOC: Maniac: If you see any errors, don't hesitate to speak up.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 6:52 AM


More nonsense from Teela.
River lifts her arms up like there's a partner there. One, two, three, one, two, three, the beat is strong. She twirls and smiles. The world has melted away, and she is in her own world. She laughs at jokes only she hears, and she dances to music only she hears. But all is happy.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:03 AM


Damon's turn:
Location: spare shuttle

Zzz Zzz Zzz

OOC: still sleeping

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:10 PM


i know kanda hill, why do you ask?


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 1:28 PM



Originally posted by RecordXChange:
i know kanda hill, why do you ask?

Are you in the right thread?

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:42 PM


River's mind continues...this is mostly improv...
The background goes from blankness to a clock on the floor. A turntable of time, on which River is dancing. She dance around the clock, each step getting a little younger. She stops. A small girl is alone on stage, dancing a solo. She dances with such emotion and power, that the people in the audience flet what the dancer felt. A young boy in the audience looks up at the stage. He whispers to the dancer, but it is not made out. The dancer keeps dancing, dancing the fears away...

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:30 PM



Originally posted by TeelaBrown:

Originally posted by RecordXChange:
i know kanda hill, why do you ask?

Are you in the right thread?

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard

I think she is responding to me, Teela.


Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:15 AM


So sorry, Maniac.

*Teela backs out of room, and shuts the door behind her*

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:08 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Throne and Mal’s Move:

Location: Thorne’s Quarters/Bridge

[THORNE wakes as instant transition from asleep to fully alert. It’s four in the morning, ship time, and he briefly considers going back to sleep, but he’s had enough rest, and the day promises to be full. First thing is to check on that message. He pulls on a shipsuit, slips a knife into his boot-top and a small pistol in his front left pocket, and heads for the bridge through the cargo bay.

MAL is leaning back in the pilot chair, watching the stars and thinking about nothing in particular. He swivels the chair at the sound of footsteps and sees THORNE at the door.]

”Good morning Captain. Sorry to disturb you, but the comm system says I have a message on the Cortex. Mind if I check it?"

“Nah, go ahead. Need some comp’ny to keep me wakeful anyway.”

[THORNE sits down and touches the screen to bring up the inbox. His message is encrypted using a Blue Sun code he is familiar with. He types in the algorithm and touches Play. BRINK HELSING’s voice comes from the speakers.

"Agent Slight, reporting to Thorne. All is well. Simon Tam is onboard with me, but quite focused, and not very social at the moment. There's no mention of an unauthorized Firefly-class in Hera. To all of the crew, I salute you on exceptional flying and shooting. Well done. Reply to this message with a return date, if you'd like to pick up your wayward doctor. If not, and with Captain Reynolds permission, I can have us off-planet within a day."

"Well, Cap’n, you heard that. They’re doin’ good so far. Sounds like SLIGHT was able to hack the Alliance system on Hera and pull any specific data on your ship. Smart lad. Any opinions on when we can return to pick the good doctor up?“

"Ought’a be about five days, I guess, to get to New Hokkaido, dump your load, an’ be back on Hera. I’ll have WASH find some nice lonely coordinates out in the waste, an’ we can call the kid back tomorrow…later today, I mean.”

[THORNE taps the ‘attachment’ icon on the screen, reads SLIGHT’s note about the ‘sticky’, and deletes it. No need to bother the captain about that. The other attachment is addressed to MERZ, and he’ll pass it along later. Thinking of MERZ sets him to wondering about the new crewmembers.]

”Son, I’d say you’re shot through with luck, considering the quality of hitchers you pick up. They all surely pulled their weight yesterday, and we both know how rare that is. Any one of them would be a prize, but three at once? Are you gonna try and keep them on board?”

“Yeah, they did all right, an’ they’re just as good at aggravatin’ me as the old hands. Don’t know what they plan on doin’ once we hit New Hokkaido. I’d take some of ‘em on, but I got a full crew already. More folk just thins out everyone’s cut.”

“Tell you what. I’ll chip in a little more for my job, and you can pay them off with the rest for this caper. At least it’ll give them walkin’ around money if they decide to move on. And if you let any go, I might be able to find them some work on Hera.”

“Well, you and me do have one thing in common, old man. We tend to pick up strays. I’ll make sure they get their share.”

[THORNE nods and heads for the cargo hold. There’s some stuff he stashed in the conex that he’ll need soon. Neither he nor MAL have mentioned that he did good work yesterday as well, commanding the escape from Hera, and he knows they never will.]


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:25 AM


As ...

"Don't suppose you're up for conversation."

SIMON stirs and smiles politely and shakes his head. SLIGHT can't even be sure it's in response to his question as SIMONs refocuses inward.

snapping the word out loud
"Bi zuie."

SIMON is still lost in thought as SLIGHT reaches for the Cortex wave.

SIMONs thoughts fragment and surge against his consciousness with the force of breaking ocean waves What is going on? Why am I off on a mission? This is a long shot at best. SIMON sighs as his thoughts drift from RIVER to KAYLEE ... ah, for her, you bleed!!!... SIMON is taken aback at the intrusion of a quiet alien voice in his head. He looks sharply at SLIGHT, but SLIGHT is speaking softly into the wave set.



Thursday, March 25, 2004 9:36 AM



As ...

In the observation lounge late into Omega shift the CAPTAIN of the Lancelot stood and watched quietly from the deep shadows of his favorite table as the starfield swam by. He was startled as the giant figure of one of the passengers loomed out of the darkness into view from the still open port door. Spooked, the CAPTAIN thought -- What was his name again ... NicoAllez or somesuch? Isn't he an evangelist? Or was it a mechanic?.

NICO paused, locked eyes with the CAPTAIN across the stygian darkness in the lounge. After the briefest moment, NICO clasped his right fist into his left at just below sternum level, bowing from the waist and without loosing eye contact.

Still slightly offguard, the CAPTAIN noticed that the evangelist had his forearms at a precise military parallel to the deck. As NICOs head dropped to the level of the CAPTAINs, it hits for the umpteenth time of exactly how tall this brimstone&hell-fire preacher truly was.

The CAPTAIN involuntarily thinks At six foot six, I USED to be the biggest bloke on this ship! This'un must top out way over seven foot!. He then quickly returns the bow, knowing NICO will take offense if the acknowledgment of respect is not shown.

NICO slowly blinked twice, then resumed his full stature and moved to the starboard side of the large wraparound viewport, leaving the CAPTAIN to his solitude.

As the Lancelot gently banked to starboard, New Hokkaido was revealed. Shining in reflected sunlight, the planet was a beautiful glowing emerald and teal sphere.

NICO reverently dropped to one knee and gazed at the vision with focused and rapt expression on his face.

A brief thought ripples the placid sea of NICOs mind ... This is where is it all will begin ... again.


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:44 AM


Book's Move
LOCATION - Galley/Pool Hall

ROWAN: "What's your theory on dream psychology, Shepherd?"

"I've got a few theories. Depends on what kind of dream it was though; a fleeting dream, a semi-lucid dream, or a dream that felt like reality." Book moves around to the other side of the table, watching Rowan examing the last difficult shot she'll need to make. After the four, the nine ball will be a gimme."...and also what it was about."

Rowan pauses from the shot she had lined up, hands still on the cue stick and looks up at Book. "You seem to have a lot on your mind... companion training, the Alliance, tech engineering, authority, pool and I'll bet a lot more." Book starts to walk around the pool table again, taking Rowan's eyes with him.

Stopping next to a side counter, Book stops and sets down his glass. "No one ever asks about dreams, unless they've had one. Tell me about it... and then I'll tell you what I think."



Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:59 AM


More River-esque things...Capn, I can change this if you want.
YR- Young River
YS- Young Simon
The stage disappears, and the scene changes to a small cabin. The summer before River left...

YR: Simon, watch.

YS: Mei-mei, I'd love too. But you know I have to do this.

YR: Ge-ge, just once.

River pulls Simon to his feet.

YR: Now, just let it come.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Thursday, March 25, 2004 1:55 PM


Suplemantary move...same abbreviations apply...
River shows Simon her dance.

YR: You try it ge-ge.

YS: River, honey, I can't...

The cabin fades away, back to the clock...

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Thursday, March 25, 2004 2:33 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Book's Move
LOCATION - Galley/Pool Hall
Book: "No one ever asks about dreams, unless they've had one. Tell me about it... and then I'll tell you what I think."

She tries to stay as general as she can, telling about how she saw her brother as he was when she last saw him, and his jealousy over how she always played pool better than he did, despite his more advanced intelligence. When she came to the part involving Xiang, she referred to him only as a past lover. She included the passage from the Song of Solomon, and the song lyrics from the music Ru used to listen to.

ROWAN: "The whole thing happened during a game of 9 ball, only I was playing like it was 8-ball, calling every shot and knocking balls off the table sequentially until I got to the 9."

Staring down at that self-same ball, positioned in the kitchen in a simple angle to the corner, she recalls how cold the 9 in her dream had felt.

ROWAN: "It was pretty clear that by hitting the 9 ball in, I was making a choice. Only I didn't hit it. This door opened, so I picked it up and took it with me instead."

Sighing and realizing how tired she is, she sees both Ru and Xiang in her mind as they appeared in the dream. She closes her left eye and presses both of them tightly shut, ignoring the pain on the right.

ROWAN: "I lost them both, Shepherd. Ru was my first love and Xiang was my last and the Alliance had a hand in both of them disappearing. I don't know where they are, I don't know if they're alive or dead. I only know I have this big empty space where they used to be and I don't know how to fill it up again."


OOC: Not to worry, gunrunners and hitchers. We'll move it along after this - right Maniac?

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:06 PM


Damon’s turn:

Damon awakes from his troubled sleep, still sitting in the pilot chair of the spare shuttle. He checks the time: a little after four, this makes the third time that he’s woken up in the last hour, or was it the fourth?

He sits up in the chair and stretches the cramps out of his neck and back before standing up. Walking over to the bed, he picks up his weapons belt from the floor and buckles it at his hips. He pushes his bag back under the bed and pulls his gun out from under his pillow. After making sure it is loaded and that the safety is on, he holsters his weapon and opens the shuttle door to step out onto the catwalk. He walks over to the rail and leans on it to look down at the cargo bay floor.

It’s quiet. Only the hum of the engine upstairs disrupts the silence that has settled over the ship, a nice contrast to the hectic adventures of the day before. It’s hard to imagine that less that twenty-four hours ago he was running through the streets of Hera with a dozen Feds on his tail. Time is definitely not something he thinks kindly of. It had a cruel tendency to make a few hours of hell last an eternity and a year of freedom pass way too fast. Seems like only a few weeks ago he was on Dis trying to decide what to do with the last bullet in the gun he had snagged… If it hadn’t been for Xiang…

Damon suppresses a shudder at the thought of how close he was to killing himself, of how close he could be to killing himself if he isn’t careful.


You won’t survive another day on Dis, Crofton will make sure of it.

Crofton… that hwoon dahn’s name alone makes Damon’s blood boil. But his anger soon turns into a smile when he tries to imagine the look on Crofton’s face when he found out that Damon had escaped.

“Bu huai le, meh, tah mah duh hwoon dahn. I won.”

hwoon dahn = bastard
bu huai le = not broken
meh, tah mah duh hwoon dahn = Mother humping son of a b----

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:14 PM


Book's Move
LOCATION - Galley/Pool Hall

Book sits and listens without interruption while Rowan recounts her dreams. Jayne has taken a seat on a nearby chair, slinging a leg over an arm, and closing his eyes to listen.

When she finishes, her plea resounds in Book's heart. "Sounds to me like you know what your dream was about." Book smiles fatherly, looking deep into Rowan's green eyes, which he's noticed but never commented about. "You miss having a family. That's a common ailment here." Seeing the look on Rowan's face, Book sighs softly. "We can talk more tomorrow."

Book walks over to Jayne and hears him breathing the deep breathes of sleep. He walks back over to Rowan and says quietly. "It's time you found some sleep as well."

Book takes the empty bottle of wine to the recycling bin and then goes to the doorway of the Galley/Pool Hall. "Good night, and hopefully pleasant dreams. Let me know if you desire any techniques to help you control your dreams." Book walks through the doorway and down the aft stairs to his quarters. Sliding the door ajar, he turns on a light and sits down in his chair. Sleep will come, eventually.



Friday, March 26, 2004 2:38 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move

Location: Cargo bay/Passenger quarters

[THORNE retrieves a duffel and hard-side case from the conex, and heads back for his bunk.

Entering the short alcove leading to the passenger quarters, he hears soft, rythmic, footsteps coming from RIVER's room. The door is slid partially open, and he glances in. She is dancing in an irregular circle within the confines of the cabin, her step almost soundless despite the heavy ship boots she wears. Her eyes are closed, and her face soft as she glides around the room...almost, but not quite, touching the walls and furniture as she whirls, waltzing with an invisible partner. THORNE smiles at the beauty of her dance, and at the fact that she's leading. He'd like to cut in, but hesitates to break the spell.]


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, March 26, 2004 3:33 AM


OOC: Just to keep 'em in the loop...


WASH and ZOE continue to be... occupied.

End Move.

OOC: When the night has progressed a little farther, we'll get 'em talkin' again.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, March 26, 2004 3:42 AM


Geezer- using your character, but not for much.
Her world is going back to the actual world. The dance slows down, stops, and she does a slight courtsy. River seems to be coming out of a beautiful dream. She hears a clapping sound. She looks up. There, Thorne in the doorway. He streches out his hand, andbows slightly.

THORNE: May I have the pleasure of this dance?

River takes his hand, and starts leading, aound the room.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Friday, March 26, 2004 7:16 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: River's Room/Common Area

OOC: Teela. Right back at ya.

(RIVER) hears a clapping sound. She looks up. There, Thorne in the doorway. He streches out his hand, and bows slightly.

THORNE: May I have the pleasure of this dance?

River takes his hand, and starts leading, aound the room.

[THORNE is a practiced dancer, and quickly falls into step. He can pick up the rhythm from RIVER, but is used to leading, not being led. He subtly shifts his hands, indicating he'd like to change. River spins away and returns, her right hand lightly resting in his left, and her left hand on his right shoulder as his arm encircles her. In silence, they dance out the door and into the roomier common area.

As they twirl across the floor, THORNE thinks of how they must look, he in a stained shipsuit and she in castoff clothes and heavy boots. Like a father and daughter on some backworld planet, pretending to dance at a fancy cotillion ball.

The music in RIVER's head winds to an end, and they stand together for a moment, catching their breath. THORNE finally steps back and bows from the waist. "A true pleasure, Demoiselle Tam. You are surely the finest dancer and greatest beauty at the ball." RIVER curtseys and smiles coyly, then dissolves into giggles, her hands flying up to cover her mouth. She breaks away and runs to her room, turns to face THORNE at the threshhold, sticks out her tongue at him, and closes the door.

THORNE stands alone for a while, smiling softly and swaying in time with an unheard waltz. Then he picks up his bag and case, and enters his room.]


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, March 26, 2004 8:29 AM


OOC: Channain, I'm taking Damon into the galley, but I'm not sure where Rowan is. I thought that if we both state the time that we are there that it would avoid confusion.

Damon’s turn:

Damon's thoughts return to the present when he hears someone enter the cargo bay. He looks up to see Thorne walking down the stairs and across the cargo bay toward the conex. Time to get the day started.

Damon crosses the catwalk and makes his way up to the galley. Looking around, he spots Jayne asleep in one of the chairs. All of the other chairs have been pulled away from the table, which has been completely cleared off. Looks like Book and Rowan played a couple games after all.

He crosses the galley to the kitchen and helps himself to some left over stew from the night before. Even cold, it still tastes wonderful. After grabbing and drinking a cup of water, he takes his bowl of food and heads for the bridge. He assumes that the highest ranking, on-duty crewmember will be there.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, March 26, 2004 12:23 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
LOCATION: Galley/Pool Hall 12:15 AM

Book: "It's time you found some sleep as well."

ROWAN (to herself): Ah yes to sleep, perchance to see Xiang, to remember, to feel the ache intensify upon wakening. Nope, not likely.

Book: "Good night, and hopefully pleasant dreams. Let me know if you desire any techniques to help you control your dreams."

That would imply that she had any intention of getting to sleep, which she doesn't. Staying busy has been the key thus far and she really does need the practice, in case her eye isn't healed up well enough to remove the patch. Quite a sight that will make at the tournament. She makes a note to check the doctor's stores later, see if he has any of that cell regeneration acellerator drug - never can remember the name.

Taking the pad from her waistband, she sets up another rack of nine and plays through several more, pounding the balls at each break and skillfully dropping each one in single set ups and combinations until it becomes purely automatic again, all the while watching Jayne twitch in his sleep. Seems he's one of them as can sleep through mortar fire on a rock ledge if he has to. Not the most attractive thing in his sleep either. Every dream he has displays on his face, from something powerfully distasteful, to something that might be considered pleasurable.

When she sees the small clock in the kitchen grotto display 4:04 a.m., she decides to call it quits. She'll need to relax a little, preferably before Book wakes up. Shutting down the holo-billiards system, she packs up the cue stick into its velvet-lined case, and pauses to take one last long look at Jayne.

He's calmer now, more settled, probably in the deepest part of sleep. Walking softly to him, she pulls her long hair around to one side and holds it back before bending down to drop a quick kiss at the corner of his mouth. He stirs a little, mutters and turns toward her as she straightens, only to settle back down. Smiling at his boyishness, she turns away, silently promising them both another time. After all, New Hokkaido is still a day or two away.


Jayne's Move:
LOCATION: Galley/Pool Hall 4:10 a.m.

She moves quiet enough, but there weren't no mistakin' her for someone else, that's for damn sure. She smells too good to ever let that happen - like black licorice, all spicy and dark. Didn't expect the kiss though. Soft mouth half over his lips, half on his beard, that little suckle - like she had some idea in her head that he was a tasty treat. Tìan xiâo de how she ever got that notion.

Did she take the long way back to the dorms on purpose? With one eye cracked open, he watches her walk away, admiring the shapeliness, the stride, even the light in her hair. Be damned if she isn't the most amazin' thing he's seen in a coon's age. Whoever that Xiang fella was that left her, he's daì ruò mù ji, no gettin' around it.


Rowan's Move - Supplemental:
LOCATION: Passageway to Catwalk to Dorms

Rowan decides to take the long way around on the forward stairs, just to stretch her legs a bit. She's on the upward landing when she catches a glimpse of someone moving around and pauses to watch the fella from the Hara Cary - Thorne was his name - go one way, then Damon come from Shuttle 2 and cross the catwalks to head up the other. Waiting until they're gone, she descends and crosses to the common area and up the ramp to her room, tiptoeing past the Shepherd's as she hears his light snoring. Setting the cue case aside, she pulls her duffle bag out from under the bed, and opens it. Snuggling the money pouch down one side of the diffle, she digs down to the bottom and produces a book. Gray cover with a blue gray spine, a black satin cord bookmark dangles from just inside the front cover. Opening it, she glances over the detailed map of a Chinese family compound from earth that was. Turning a couple pages, she comes to the cover page that reads "Spring Moon: A Novel of China." In the upper right corner above it is a name hand written in Chinese - Li-Chen Xiang.

Running the tip of her middle finger over his name, Rowan rearranges the two pillows she was given and curls up to read about Spring Moon's plight to free her slave girl.


Tìan xiâo de - God knows
daì ruò mù ji - dumb as a wooden chicken

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, March 26, 2004 12:32 PM



As ...

At New Hokkaido Control's instruction, Hlastoni slotted the Rubicon into the outer perimeter holding flight pattern. The battered looking engineering tug changed vectors with the grace of living creature.

Hlastoni garnered no satisfaction from his skills nor the whistle of appreciation from N.H. Control. Nothing was more important than controlled precision -- in all things. It was as simple as that. Controlled Precise Response.

From the rear, drifted the voice of Corzaire Jax. He was telling yet another lengthy tale to the diminutive cleaner, Tilde.

They made a perfect pair. Jax continually overflowed with chatter, facts, figures and even fantasy. If Hlastoni would deign to listen, he may have found Jax's anecdotes amusing.

Tilde, on the other hand, was the consummate listener. She would focus on the speakers face, her own bearing the innocent expression of a simple child. She would often ask the speaker simplistic yet invariably penetrating questions. Although at this moment she was quietly swept up in Jax's tale of derring do in the rescue of Viela from the brig.

'So many years ago', Hlastoni thinks as a fragment of Jax's story filtered clear of the various ship chirps, clicks and hums to wash over his conscious. An involuntary flash from Hlastoni's memory briefly overrode his vision. Stuttered images of the harried breakout shuttered across his mind's eye. With a practiced skill, he carefully stowed their images and their concurrent emotional content away into a well worn section of his subconscious.

The incoming wave signal from N.H. Control begged for Hlastoni's attention.

N.H. Control
singsong female Chinese voice over headset
"Flight 66-Rubicon, Control. Please remand helm to Control. Control out."

gruff matter-of-fact tenor
"Control, Flight 66-Rubicon. Helm remanded. Flight 66-Rubicon out."

With naught to do but watch the scenery, Hlastoni diverted his attention by considering Tilde. She was a very strange bird, normally quiet and almost invisible. Did a helluva job at cleaning and organization. Hlastoni was sure she could make an Alliance Training Instructor weep with joy at the shininess of her attention to detail.

The only reason she was with them on this weapon retrieval was that the Captain had allowed it. Upon hearing the pickup was to be at new Hokkaido, she had apparently had informed Captain Rahn that on that particular planet there was a client she had a prior commitment to. Something about a full cleaning and reorganization of a business of some sort. The Captain asked no questions, and automatically allowed her to join Jax and Hlastoni on this, a simple job.

Apparently, she would be gone for a few weeks. She had assured Viela that she could catch up to the Chimera, even if the contract lasted longer than agreed fortnight.

Hlastoni sighed and settled back into the pilots chair to get a quick 15 minute 'zone-out'. Still, he had one eye slitted and observing the control panel.

Under N.H. Control's electronic guidance, the Rubicon swiftly winged it's way closer to the next holding orbit. Rubicon's rough and rusted exterior belied it's speed and precise maneuvering as she slid into her assigned flight slot.


"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Friday, March 26, 2004 2:44 PM


Ships Time 3:25 A.M.


LOCATION - DORM To BRIDGE and hallways in between.

MERZ has had all of the sleep she can take for now. After a good meal, a satisfactory workout and a nights rest she feels recharged and up for whatever the day will bring.

She spends 30 minutes in basic calisthenics that can be done easily in her room, just to wake up and warm up. Then she wipes down with her tank top. Ships temperature is comfortable and everything she owns is too disgusting to wear – and besides they are in the black. Can be at home here. MERZ heads for the dining area, just as she is.

There is someone asleep in there, Jayne she thinks it is. He is sleeping peacefully enough and is not in her way as she rummages for a protein bar and a glass of water, although it looks as though he has shifted position recently. He is snoring lightly. She takes both along on her way to the bridge, to check in and see about watch standing.

MERZ hears someone enter the galley as she exits.

Ships time approx 4:12 A.M.


OOC: I have painted myself into a corner. I am stuck in the hallway until I know who is on the bridge at this time of the morning. Someone wanna help me out?

OOC2: edited to correct timetick.

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, March 26, 2004 3:57 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's Move

Location: Bridge

Time 4:15

[MAL thinks about SLIGHT's message. Looks like a return trip to Hera to pick up the Doc. Have to talk to WASH about a rendevous point an' get a message off to the kid. An' what to do about his new crew? If he was headin' for a fight they'd be handy, but the haul this trip should let Serenity fly for quite a spell without having to resort to violence. Wouldn't mind keeping that MERZ on board. Mighty good with the laser, an' decorative too. What with INARA battin' eyes at THORNE, might do to have her around.]


OOC: MERZ, Mal's on the bridge.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, March 26, 2004 4:40 PM




Merz enters the bridge area, glad that the Captain is on deck.

"Good morning, Captain Reynolds. How stands the day? Do you need me as a watch stander and if so, when. If I have a bit of time free, I could use someone to show me the laundry facility."

Nothing could induce her to admit that she has never actually done laundry - she can learn.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, March 26, 2004 7:33 PM


As ...


River shows Simon her dance.

YR: You try it ge-ge.

YS: River, honey, I can't...

The cabin fades away, back to the clock...

SIMON awakes with a jolt as a series of clicks from the forward sensor suite crack the stillness of the Gyrfalcon's cockpit. The dream of RIVER trying to teach him to dance still warm and cozy in his memory.

Seeing that BRINK still has the pilots position aptly filled, SIMON nestles back to enjoy the warm unfocused muzzyness of just waking. Images behind his closed eyelids flash and flitter like so many unbound butterflies. One image begins to dominated the others - KAYLEE. Her image kept supplanting each memory fragment until, much like the child's flip book movieola, the disparate images snap slowly then faster and faster until they blend into a coherent cinematic flow. A soft mental rewind brings SIMON to a shocking realization: this was the last minutes he had spent with KAYLEE before he abandoned Serenity.


As ...

SIMON stands in the ENGINE ROOM door frame, hesitant to enter the empty room. Suddenly, KAYLEE drops down from the ceiling with her back to him.

KAYLEE turns her head slightly, her eyes glazing over a bit. The engine is turning slowly...Wash must have left it in idle for a quick getaway. Her eyes snap down to a unit below the floor. A frown crosses her face as she picks up her wrench and starts to bang on it.

"Piece of go-se....this ain't th' time....oh, come ON already..." Taking a
breath, her head tilts again. "Ah, that's much better."

Turning to toss her wrench into her toolbox, she sees Simon standing in the

"Oh....uh.....hi, Doctor. Didn't hear ya come in." Nervously, she runs a
smeared hand through her hair. "Fix that Rowan girl up?"

SIMON nods mutely as he stands frozen in the door. KAYLEE notices and states

"Come on in, nuthin is gonna bite."

At least KAYLEE hopes their isn't going to be a flare up from SIMON.

He smiles and moves forward. As he gets closer to KAYLEE his stance and stride become more confident and at ease. As he reaches her, he looks deep into her eyes. His own eyes are open to his very soul as he musters the strength to toss the dice and place his heart at KAYLEE's mercy.

softly and with a very slight hesitant pace
Umm, I would very much like to talk with you. If you have the time"


I know, I know ... that was just a tease ... I have had a long day and am pooped ...
Hey Boomer! If ya want to respond in this flashback - go ahead. If ya haven't I'll just press on with it tomorrow. Send me an email if ya have any ideas ya want to bat around.

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Friday, March 26, 2004 8:11 PM


OOC: Hmm... maybe the time idea was not so great cuz now we have a problem... it was 4:15 when Damon was in the galley on his way to the bridge and now its 5:30. Geezer, Debs, could you guys edit that? Sorry, I take back the whole I thought that if we both state the time that we are there that it would avoid confusion thing.

Damon's turn:

Damon approaches the bridge and hears the familiar voice of Merz talking to the captain.


"Good morning, Captain Reynolds. How stands the day? Do you need me as a watch stander and if so, when. If I have a bit of time free, I could use someone to show me the laundry facility."

Damon stands just outside the bridge, leaning against the doorway as he waits for Mal to finish with Merz. He spoons another bite of food in his mouth and starts wondering about his own laundry situation.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, March 26, 2004 8:12 PM


Location: Dreamstate

Inara sighs and rolls over, fighting the urge to waken--her lids flicker a bit, then are still-she rests once again, one arm flung over her face, one slim leg peeking from beneath her robe.

ooc taking an RP break still :)

*gives the thumbs-up to Geezer*

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Friday, March 26, 2004 10:18 PM



As ...

NICO paused at the hatch and let his pupils softly dilate to adapt to the strong sunshine bathing the New Hokkaido port city of Tomokomai. Satisfied he was now prepared, he stooped low and crossed the threshold from the Lancelot to the open-air ramp leading to the ground.

Not moving his head NICO, swept the crowd with his steady gaze. He noted the flow and surge of the people thronging the docks and off-world market. He focuses on a brightly colored poster that was announcing a Faire nearby to the docks. He closes his eyes to pull up a mental image of the maps of New Hokkaido he had studied. "There" he thinks, "Tha verra place I ra'quire."

Curious children formed a bow wave around NICO has he crested through the mass of humanity towards his goal. The children were actually opening a swath before NICO's assured tread.

Many minutes later and many more children and a few piqued adults added to NICO's impromptu legion of the curious.

Just outside the Faire and in a huge blistering hot open waiting area, NICO stops. Only moving his eyes, he glances up at the tattered remnants of a tent roof for this large shallow dish of an amphitheater. There is a massive fountain at the center, many meters away from the entry arch. Dozens of people were utilizing the the obviously overworked well, but they still looked hot as they languished in the meager shade until they could mover closer to the cooling spray of this ailing water supply.

Smoothly rotating his head a precise 45 degrees to port, NICO takes in an abandoned section of the amphitheater. Though he knew it to be mostly an illusion, it seemed that the heat waves were more intense in that area than anywhere else. The dearth of occupants also spoke of a location too intense for just anybody to settle into.

NICO allows himself a small smile of appreciation directed towards the creator and its sense of balance in all things.

During this short inspection, NICO's crowd becomes restive, starting to drift off in boredom or chattering to each other about other strange things they have seen here at the dockyard and newly errected Faire.

Still carrying the small smile, it subtly changes from appreciation to one of humor. NICO thinks Always I ha ta live 'Th' Show', th' word iz'na enuff ta motivate thez pur fallowers. He strides to the large fountain and inspects a suddenly cleared area of the ledge.

Huge 3'x3'x3' cropped tip triangular slabs of a polished black and gray granite nestle together in a repeating pattern. Adjusting his rucksack to his left shoulder, NICO wraps a huge hand around one of the outer truncated tips of the 10 inch thick slab. With a bunching of muscles in his forearm and right shoulder, NICO pries free his slab from the others with only a slight puff of dust.

Carrying the slab like a suitcase, NICO strides, alone towards the hot spot. His crowd is now stunned speechless and motionless. Either at the immense strength just showcased or at the sheer audacity of this giant of a man.

At the sixth row of seats formed into the ringed stone, NICO stops again. Carefully he places the slab upright on one of the long sides and balanced on the 'seat' of stone. After dropping his ruk behind the vertical slab, and with an easy hop, NICO perches upon the stone with one foot on either side of the apex. Adding to his imposing height, the additional 5 feet of bench and slab made NICO seem to loom over the entire amphitheater.

After a few second of closing his eyes and baring his face to the sun, NICO clears his throat with a soft yet dust rumbling "ahem". He remains with his face still upturned and eyes closed.

The entirety of the assembled crowd adruptly focuses on NICO.

The light falling on him seems to burn away a barely perceptible grayish fog surrounding him. This has the effect of revealing NICO for inspection by the more distrustful of the throng.

The vision of a 7' 2" man balanced on 3' wedge of rock was not something that happened very often, even at these Faires. Light gleamed off from both his bald pate and nearly luminous deep copper of his hair. His mustache was braided into mutton chops that neatly wound across his sculpted cheeks to rest like wing tips over his ears and then dive down into a thick braided cable of hair that fell past his rear.

His simple leather vest bared his massive arms and shoulders. Hair stood arrayed like fine copper wire along his forearms. As it climbed to his shoulders the trail of hair lengthened and broadened to a light pattern across his deltoids.

Dark blue and dark burgandy knotwork tatoos peeked out from the shadows of his clothes. They ran along the folds and ripples of his muscles in a weirdly compelling pattern.

With no preamble, NICO slowly lowers his head to peer from hooded eyes at the massed tourists and natives. He raises his arms in supplication to the crowd and quietly penetrating baritone brogue, says...

"I would have words for yeh all, if yeh are intrrested in a tale of Lies, Love, Blood, Anger an' th' Murder of entire planets."

NICO's gently resonating organ vibrating basso profundo seemed to ease the crowd as they pressed forward to listen intently to his tale.

smiling in a warm, infectious and welcoming manner
"Be free ta ask any questions, but yeh 'member - ..." he assumes a mock sternness and shakes a mighty digit "... ta be polite is ta be returned th' favor tenfold! Iffn not, yeh better be ready ta heave-to an' take a sit in a shadier place!"

A nervous laugh spins up from the assembled mass of mesmerized onlookers and softly fades.

even quieter and with a air of theatrical conspiracy
"Tiz begins wit a sturdy lad and a faire lass, as it always does..."

The audience settles, oblivious to the raging heat and close quarters of the other onlookers pressing together. As NICO's voice is carried by the wind, others drift in and join the growing mass.


Sorry, this one wanted to be written right now!

Let me know what you think!

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Saturday, March 27, 2004 12:52 AM


Inside the Marshal's Office

As ...

The MARSHALL is seated at his desk, HLASTONI stands with his arms folded. His hood of his flight suit creased neatly across his shoulders and his goggles/breather nestled in its holster on his chest. His attitude is one of restrained and controlled snapping of ones patient sanity. His stance and an occasional rippling of his jaw muscles are the scant indicators of his wound up mental state.

CORZAIRE JAX is standing with papers clenched in his fist, the only indication of his rising anger. His voice very quiet and controlled as he questions the MARSHALL.

"We have our permits and clearances and I have acquiesced in all of the other stipulations and other variant improbable criteria. with a slip of composure and allowing sarcasm to sneak into his tone "And paid ALL of the associated fees, tariffs, licenses and ... tips." the last word is grated out as if it cost flesh and blood for JAX to say it.

The MARSHALL grins at JAX's momentary loss of control. He waves to the pile of platinum coin on his desk and says in his peculiar nasal swinish wheeze...

"Diz here ull buy ya zum lezzway. Butz I ztill haz ta check yer bona-fidez. Lezzen ya got a bet'er method of suzpeedin' yerselfz along."

Greed fairly oozes from the MARSHALS every pore as he leers up at JAX. However, JAX is momentarly lost in the reflected sparkling of the coins. The flashes of light dancing merrily across the multiple fold and greasy creases of the many chins dangling beneath the MARSHALL's lips and jaw like a grotesquely inflamed wattle.

Shaking himself free of the hypnotic lights and horridly quivering gelid flesh, JAX shakes his head in the negative. The MARSHALL sighs and scoops up his coins and waddles to the closed office door. He then makes a production of turning around in stages, maneuvering his bulk in tiny steps.

After getting no response for his theatrical effort from either JAX or HLASTONI, the MARSHALL shrugs and truns again and struggles out the door.

over his shoulder and in a peevish whine
"I b zeeing to yer bona'z here is a zec, gotta drop a load of ferta'lizer inna can first."

After the MARSHAL exits, JAX uncharacteristically pops the door with one hand and it slams with a heavy thud.

in a strained high pitched rant
"Of all the smeg swilling ... ignorant gimboyd ... lemur molesting ... Camel urine sucking ... Ga'shite-nas!"

in his dry and bored tenor, with NO hint of mirth
"Gesundheit" He shifts position slightly and peers thru slitted eyes and in a sideways manner at JAX "We're going to be late for the transfer. CAPTAIN RAHN and THORNE will not be amused." HALSTONI blinks a single time and continues "And you would not want to disappoint TILDE, now would you?"

JAX gives an all suffering grimace towards HLASTONI. He then looks heavenward as if asking the Gods to strike this leather clad heathen with a bolt of lightining. In HLASTONI's case, preferably bolts - plural - of massive damming and huge amounts of amprage containing holy fire from the blue heavens above.

When no such Godly retribution is generated in response to his unspoken plea, JAX drops his chin to his chest and emits an explosive, resigned sigh.

weakly and without force
"Sod off, you testosterone poisoned git."

with a slight tilt of his head and a stern reprimanding tone lacking any hint of comedy
"Language, Squire ... language."


I think I got the stuff I needed to foreshadow finished in these 2 interludes. At least till the mini begins!

I am working my way up to fashon the all important and highly anticipated "Kaylee and Simon Encounter" flashback continuance.

*Cap'n attempts to duck any rotten fruit and/or veggies tossed his direction*

"Observe Analyze & Respond"
Motto of the A.P.E.s
Alliance Protean Engineers


Saturday, March 27, 2004 8:51 AM


Keep the Shiny side up



MERZ: "Good morning, Captain Reynolds. How stands the day? Do you need me as a watch stander and if so, when? If I have a bit of time free, I could use someone to show me the laundry facility."

[MAL's first reaction is shame, since he's obviously asleep on watch and dreaming the image of MERZ, standing at parade rest, wearing nothing but skin. He shakes his head, but the image remains, and he slowly realizes that he's awake, and a beautiful naked woman is standing there awaiting his orders.]

MAL: "Wu de ma! Well...Uh...Laundry first I'm thinkin'. And then put some of it on. We tend to wear clothes on this boat, mostly. All that outfit'll do is have you fightin' JAYNE off with a stick an' givin' Shepherd Book a case 'o the vapours. The laundry's down off the common room, next to the lavatory, so run an' get you some cleanin' up done now. But first stop by your bunk and wrap a blanket or somethin' 'round you. When you get that done come see me, an' we'll talk about your duties."


Wu de ma - Mother of God

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:42 AM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by Geezer:
MAL: "Wu de ma! Well...Uh...Laundry first I'm thinkin'...

Damon looks up when he hears Mal's reaction. Merz is standing completely naked with her back to him.

Tzao gao...

He feels his face go red and he quickly diverts his eyes back to the empty bowl in his hands. Despite the fact that she is much older than he is, he can't help but be reminded of how long it has been since he was last with a woman. A long gorram time.

The woman has guts to walk around like that on a boat full of strangers.

Mal finishes talking and both wait for Merz's responce.

Tzao gao - shit
Wu de ma - Mother of God

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Saturday, March 27, 2004 2:59 PM


MERZ move


MERZ cocks her head “Do I understand that you find my appearance inappropriate? Humm . . . I will remember it in the future. On my last posting, I was assured that among associates this was merely an indication of trust. I did not intend to distress anyone. I shall, of course, take care of this at once. My apologies Captain.”

She turns to leave the room, and is unsurprised to see DAMON behind her. His breathing had given him away. But before leaving the room, she pauses and looks back at MAL. “I do have one question, but the answer can wait until I return. What is a Shepherd?”

She nods to DAMON as she passes and returns to her bunk, shaking her head. * ich schwre, daß sie die richtlinien bilden, während sie entlang gehen. sie sind gerechtes verwirren mit meinem kopf


*I swear they are making up the rules as they go along. They are just messing with my head. (German)

OOC: this neither translated well nor translated back well. this is what I represent her as saying anyway

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Saturday, March 27, 2004 4:56 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Location: Bridge

MERZ: “Do I understand that you find my appearance inappropriate? Humm . . . I will remember it in the future. On my last posting, I was assured that among associates this was merely an indication of trust. I did not intend to distress anyone. I shall, of course, take care of this at once. My apologies Captain. I do have one question, but the answer can wait until I return. What is a Shepherd?”

[MAL watches MERZ walk away with a mixture of enjoyment and puzzlement. What gorram kind of 'verse does this woman come from that she thinks walking around a ship buck naked is normal? And how could anyone not know about Shepherds? As MERZ moves out of sight, he finally registers that DAMON is standing in the door, blushing to the ears.]

MAL: "Well, put your eyes back in your head an' come in. At least you're dressed. An' you do know what a Shepherd is, right?"


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, March 27, 2004 10:45 PM


Damon's turn:


“Do I understand that you find my appearance inappropriate? Humm . . . I will remember it in the future. On my last posting, I was assured that among associates this was merely an indication of trust. I did not intend to distress anyone. I shall, of course, take care of this at once. My apologies Captain.”

Trust? Yeah, definitely a sign of trust. You have nothin' to hide, you can walk around as carefree as you want.

Damon steps aside, trying to keep his eyes off of Merz as she passes.


Originally posted by Geezer:
MAL: "Well, put your eyes back in your head an' come in. At least you're dressed. An' you do know what a Shepherd is, right?"

Damon clears his throat, as he looks up at Mal, and walks onto the bridge.

"Yes- well no, but I heard him being called Preacher so..."

He is quiet a moment as he pulls himself back together and reminds himself of why he is here.

"I came up to ask what I can do to pay for the ride. I don't know if you're lookin' for a hired hand but I'd be willing to work hard for any coin you can throw my way after I pay off what I already owe."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Sunday, March 28, 2004 6:18 AM




Between the bridge and her bunk, MERZ is careful not to cross paths with anyone else. Bloody difficult to keep all the rules straight. Hardly worth bothering to try, let them take her as she is. oh yes, like i can do that. must maintain an appearance of normality. must blend . . . easier to shoot self and be done with it

She sneaks quietly back into her bunkroom and closes the door. She carefully removes the blanket from the bed and does a clumsy but functional wrap, covering herself. Gathering her clothing she leaves again, slowly to avoid tripping over the trailing blanket and returns to the common area to find the laundry area. Glad it is a slow hour of the day and she does not have to dodge many of the crew.

MERZ finds the correct area. Now, this is going to be the fun part. How does one go about this? First washing machine. Check. The box in the middle with a door on it. Second: probably put clothes in machine. Check. Third: Soap? Where? Ah, box on shelf marked “Laundry soap”. Good enough. Dump some soap with clothes. Fourth: Start? Hum. Yes, button marked start. Satisfactory noises from the box, well at least something is happening.

MERZ settles down on the floor and waits for the machine to fall silent again, supposing that will mean the process is finished.

there, that was not so hard. learn something new every day It isn’t until some sort of foam starts emerging from under the lid that she suspects that something is not quite right.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:23 AM


As ...

Inara stretches, rolls over, and finally allows her eyes to open. She rises to her feet and reaches over her head, stretching out all the kinks in her back.

Fully rested and more than a little famished, Inara grabs a snack from her secret stash and sits before her cortex terminal, nibbling on dried fruits. One leg pulled up to her chest, chin resting on the knee, Inara begins her research for the evening.

A much younger picture of "Rosie" Thorne appears on her screen, the Companion database providing a long list of likes and dislikes, history and prior companion interactions. Thorne's Companion history is impeccable, often visiting a companion more than once, and being quite loyal to only her in the meantime. Inara smiles and sits back, biting her lip as she ponders her choices for the evening. Finally rising and removing a shift from the wardrobe, Inara begins to undress in preparation for her bath.


Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:28 AM



Zoe stirs slightly in her sleep, sated and content with Wash curled behind her ("spooning"), one arm draped across her waist. They sleep peacefully.

End Move.

OOC: Lemme know when it's time to wake 'em up!


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:21 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: His quarters/Laundry area

[THORNE hears someone rattling around in the laundry, and decides it would be a good time for him to take care of his washing too. He digs out his laundry bag and heads out to claim the next spot. MERZ, wrapped in a course blanket, is sitting on the laundry floor, watching with puzzlement as foam starts to overflow the washer. THORNE steps past her, pushes the lid down and flips the sealing latch. The overflow stops.]

THORNE: "Have ta' remember to seal the washer on these Fireflys. Specially if you use too much soap. Should be all right now. From the looks of it, you found a laundry just in time. Blanket's not the most convenient thing to wear, is it?"

[THORNE would like to find out why MERZ is just a blank to his empathic senses, but can't think of a way to bring it up. Maybe if he just talks to her a bit something will come up.]

"Really was impressive the way you handled that cannon yesterday. I'd guess that you're no stranger to combat. And your discipline has all the earmarks of Alliance training. So how'd you end up sitting on a rock in the middle of Serenity Valley? It's not your usual place to catch a ship, though it worked out pretty good for you."


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, March 29, 2004 12:59 AM


Book's Move
LOCATION - Book's Room

Book rises, as always, at 5:00 a.m., washes, puts on a long informal tunic and sits in the half light of his room for an hour of meditation. Afterwards, taking his Bible in hand, he goes to his door, slides it open wide and goes up the aft stairs to the galley to await other early risers with coffee.



Monday, March 29, 2004 1:49 AM


MERZ move


MERZ is obscurely glad when someone enters the laundry, and proceeds to correct her error with the machine. Now she will know next time. And was spared asking for assistance.


THORNE: "Have ta' remember to seal the washer on these Fireflys. Specially if you use too much soap. Should be all right now. From the looks of it, you found a laundry just in time. Blanket's not the most convenient thing to wear, is it?"

Ah, she knows who this is now. Between his scent and the voice – this is the command voice from yesterday. One of the crew (?) she has not yet met. She puzzles over how to speak to him correctly as he continues speaking to her.


"Really was impressive the way you handled that cannon yesterday. I'd guess that you're no stranger to combat. And your discipline has all the earmarks of Alliance training. So how'd you end up sitting on a rock in the middle of Serenity Valley? It's not your usual place to catch a ship, though it worked out pretty good for you."

again with the questions. always with the questions. maybe i should just post it on a board for them all to read

MERZ looks up at him, debating smiling. Decides against it – has had enough of that ridiculous grin for one day. She sticks one hand outside of the blanket – she knows this gesture ‘see I am unarmed and therefore harmless’ and allows him to take her hand. “Mercedes Troy. They call me Merz for short. I appreciate the assist with the laundry. My wardrobe is on the limited side. I tried it without the blanket first. Apparently an error on my part.” She retrieves her hand and carefully makes sure the blanket is sufficiently protective.

“I was in the valley for a reason. Did not work out. Serenity just happened along about the time I decided was time to move on. When I came up to see if they were in a hiring mood – heard DAMON request assistance mounting the cannon. Was something I could do and had expected to try to bargain for passage anyway. Worked out well, I would not have wanted to be around when the patrol came through.”

She looks up at him, head canted to one side. “You are military yourself. You don’t learn that command voice all at once. You may think of me as ex-military, which is sufficiently accurate. Firing that cannon . . . was not something I wanted to be reminded of, but I suppose it could have been worse. Serenity would have been safe anyway – I would not be surprised if DAMON could not have manned the cannon just as well.” She pauses. “I never caught your name either.”


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Monday, March 29, 2004 6:47 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Location: Bridge

DAMON: "I came up to ask what I can do to pay for the ride. I don't know if you're lookin' for a hired hand but I'd be willing to work hard for any coin you can throw my way after I pay off what I already owe."

[MAL considers what THORNE had just said about chipping in a little extra to help out the hitchers, and decides he can be generous, since it's someone else's money.]

MAL: "I figger you've been on the books since you helped get that cannon workin', an' crew don't pay room an' board on my ship. Guess I could charge for the hop from the docks to the Valley, but the bookkeepin' would cost more than the fare. If you're willing to work 'til we get rid of the cargo at New Hokkaido, you'll get a half share of this caper, an' then you're on your own. Sound fair to you?."


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, March 29, 2004 7:14 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Location: Laundry

MERZ: “Mercedes Troy. They call me Merz for short. I appreciate the assist with the laundry. My wardrobe is on the limited side. I tried it without the blanket first. Apparently an error on my part.”

[Without the blanket? That would have been interesting. You'd think that a women of MERZ' apparent age would know better than to walk around a strange ship in the alltogether.]

MERZ: “I was in the valley for a reason. Did not work out. Serenity just happened along about the time I decided was time to move on. When I came up to see if they were in a hiring mood – heard DAMON request assistance mounting the cannon. Was something I could do and had expected to try to bargain for passage anyway. Worked out well, I would not have wanted to be around when the patrol came through.”

“You are military yourself. You don’t learn that command voice all at once. You may think of me as ex-military, which is sufficiently accurate. Firing that cannon . . . was not something I wanted to be reminded of, but I suppose it could have been worse. Serenity would have been safe anyway – I would not be surprised if DAMON could not have manned the cannon just as well...I never caught your name either.”

[Well, that was a long speech that provided almost no information. Just that she wouldn't mind being off the Alliance's screens. Time to give a little and see if I get something back.]

THORNE: "Oh, sorry. Where are my manners? I am Roosevelt Thorne. I've chartered this ship to deliver a cargo to some friends on New Hokkaido. And yes, I've been in both Alliance and Independent service, though not since the end of the war.

I hesitate to disagree with you, but I don't believe DAMON could have handled the situation yesterday. Even unwounded, he would not have your strength or reflexes. The Crazy Ivan would have left him stunned on the floor. You obviously train hard. Any particular technique?"


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, March 29, 2004 1:35 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

Not hard to tell on a Firefly when it's time to be up and around. First she hears extra water intake from the stores in the general direction of the laundry, which means someone is getting pretty ambitious for what remains of the wee hours. Then one of the other dorm room doors opens and she hears footsteps on the deck grating that sounds wide-spaced and easy. Book, probably. That means the rest of the ship will be up soon. So if she's going to see to her eye, now is probably the best time for it.

Placing the black book mark with its embroidered green dragon in place - just as Bold Talent is remembering his time on foreign shores - she sets Spring Moon aside and swings her legs down to slip back into her sandals. Heading out, she finds the passageway empty and moves down across the common area and into the infirmary.

Gathering up appropriate supplies, she sits down on a handy stool and uses the shiny cone of a surgical light, manipulating it so she can see the Rapiheal patch. Carefully lifting the tape, she pulls the patch away and is surprised to see that the injury isn't nearly as bad off as she figured. Must be a number 10 patch - unusual to see more than a number 5 this far out in the black - which makes her ponder the idea of Serenity's doctor dabbling a bit in black market medicines.

The flesh around the eye is still somewhat discolored but not nearly as dark as she had imagined, and the marks left by the splinters still show, but only as the barest pink scars.

Staring at her eyes, one brown and one green, she reluctantly ducks her head to remove the dark brown contact. Looking up again, she stares at green eyes that seem strange and foreign, as if they belong to a complete stranger.

He was reviewing the latest Revolution transmission with her, hearing his own distorted voice discussing the political aspirations of one Crofton Trihn - mining tycoon and known slave owner, in addition to being a loudly voracious supporter of Unification - and she could tell he was fascinated with the green Asian eyes she had used for the video representation of "The Exile", the Revolution's fabricated rogue reporter.

"That's incredible - how long did it take you to do that?"

She turned to look at him. "Do what?"

He gestured to the monitor. "To digitally change your eyes to green for the avatar? It looks so natural. I had no idea you were that talented."

It made her smile. "Well, it's not so much a matter of talent as genetics."

He frowned, confused. "I don't understand."

Looking right at him, she did the one thing she never thought she would do with anyone. She shifted aside the lens she had worn since she was eighteen to show him the true color of her eyes. He stared, just as she expected he would, but not with the same sense of shock or revulsion she had come to abhor from others. The fascination he had displayed while staring at the screen returned to chase his frown away.

"Lìngrén jingyì," he said softly.

Staring back at him, she saw his mouth curve and knew she wasn't looking at her former teacher, or the Independent leader anymore, but the man.

And her heart leapt for joy.

Rowan blinks both eyes, then the right one on its own to test the muscles. It still aches a bit, but not nearly as much as it could have without treatment.

ROWAN (softly, amazed): "That Simon knows his craft. Family money was well spent on that boy."

She stares at herself again, breathes a sigh and stands to go toss the last lens in the trash. She can't very well walk around with one brown eye and one green - it would be ludicrous. Nevertheless, dropping the lens feels like dropping an identity or tossing aside a shield she's held in front of herself for years. Watching it land in the trash, she folds her arms tight around her shoulders and takes another deep breath before turning away.

Food would be the next order of business, then perhaps a visit to the Companion. She may have the kind of makeup that would cover up whatever is left of the injury before they reach New Hokkaido.

Climbing the steps up to the galley, she begins to formulate what she's going to say when folks start to notice her eyes. About halfway up, she smells the coffee brewing and quickens her steps in anticipation.

ROWAN (to herself): Maybe... no one will notice?


Lìngrén jingyì - stunning, amazing

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche






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