RP: "Adventures in Gunrunning" - Act 11

UPDATED: Sunday, March 14, 2004 17:00
VIEWED: 16135
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Tuesday, March 9, 2004 3:19 AM


River stops trrying, and looks at Rowan.

"I don't suppose he mentioned if I get to keep this?"

River replies by reaching over to the tool table and grabbing the pieces of contact, and the whole one. She says:

This one was found broken. No chance you could fix it, it fixed you.

Rowan takes and looks at the contacts, and then looks at River. River keeps on talking.

You haven't seen him in a while. You have little hope, but you refuse to give up. He hasn't forgotten either.

Rowan looks at River, wondering how she knows about him. River continues:

He never mastered nine-ball. You were happy. It was something you could beat him at.

Rowan, still looking at River, gets a small hint of fear in the back of her mind: How could she know? Maybe she's been through my stuff. More questions formulate, and River goes to do busy work around the infirmary.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 8:18 AM


Slight snaps into his reverie, with a mental comment. >Suppose you're right, on the shuttle. I've just been dancing with death far too often to have much regard for anyone anymore. We'll take you're ship, old man.< Thorne can "hear" the sarcasm. >You know, wouldn't surprise me if you're even half my age, strictly speaking.<

Wash notices for the first time the two mechs snooping around on the bridge just as a girl disappears from the ankles up down an access hatch. He quickly stuffs away the hat and hook. "By the way," he says slowly, trying not to scare Damon into dropping. . .whoever she is, "the trigger should go about here."
He indicates the section of the console where the callback button used to be, when they all got stranded a year ago. "That'll do just. . ." he trails off as he stares at the console. He then snatches up the com. "Cap'n, Alliance patrol boat will be overflying in about fourty minutes. They'll spot us in about thirty, so I suggest we move a bit quicker."

I'm talking about geese.


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 8:46 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's/Mal's Move

Location: Loading Ramp/Warehouse

[As THORNE and SLIGHT hit the ramp, a voice crackles ove the comm.]

WASH:"Cap'n, Alliance patrol boat will be overflying in about forty minutes. They'll spot us in about thirty, so I suggest we move a bit quicker."

THORNE:"SLIGHT, you go get your stuff out of the shuttle, and I'll prep the Gyrfalcon."

[SLIGHT continues into the ship, and THORNE turns to the warehouse. He's surprised to see the conex still sitting in the entrance and wonders what the holdup is.]

THORNE:"Cap'n, you in here? We gotta get this box out the door so I can get the obs craft out. SLIGHT's gonna borrow it a while."

[He continues to the craft, pulls off the dust cover, and starts the automatic pre-fly cycle.]

[MAL hears the comm, followed by THORNE's remark. He's in no mood for banter, so he heads for the winch controller in the hold. As he walks beside the cable, checking for kinks, he shouts...]

MAL:"ZOE, get JAYNE out here MA SHONG! I need him to help guide this load. ZOE? You hear me?


Ma-Shong = On the double

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:05 AM


OOC: SerenitysSon - You'll probably have a few choice words after this post...

Zoe's Move
Location - Loading Ramp/Warehouse

ZOE hears WASH's announcement and instinctively looks into the sky.

ZOE: "Ai ya! Huaile!* Like we ain't got enough troubles as it is!

MAL: "ZOE, get JAYNE out here MA SHONG*! I need him to help guide this load. ZOE? You hear me?

Suppressing an annoyed look at MAL, ZOE responds as she heads for the cargo bay to retrieve JAYNE.

ZOE: "I'm on it, Sir."

ZOE sees JAYNE giggling and making silly faces at INARA, who appears to be tolerating it in the interest of getting him sober. ZOE walks past them both to the galley, grabs a bucket, and fills it with water. She heads back down to the cargo hold, bucket in hand and a look of determination on her face. INARA notices ZOE's look and discreetly moves away from an oblivious JAYNE.

Without missing a beat, ZOE strides directly to JAYNE's spot and dumps the water over his head. As she sets the bucket down next to him, her eyes flash fire.

ZOE: "JAYNE! You've had more'n enough and there's work to be done. Cap'n wants you out there guidin' the winch load in. A little work should dry you out quick enough."

End Move.

OOC: *prepares for incoming fire.*

Ai ya! Huaile! = "Sh!t on my head!" - an exclamation of surprise at bad news
MA SHONG = on the double


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 9:30 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move:
LOCATION: Infirmary

Watching River going about, doing busy work around the infirmary, she ponders the girl again. Twice now she’s made a comment about “he hasn’t forgotten,” as if she’s referring to Ru. Only how could a teenager know anything about him? He would be in his late thirties by now if he’s still alive, and aside from that if the Alliance has its hooks in him, he could be anywhere.

Then again, she could be something else, couldn’t she? Thinking back, Rowan recalls the reports that could never be confirmed about secret Blue Sun projects involving human experimentation. Xiang had always wanted to put something out on the Revolution about it, but without any manner of confirmation they were never able to.

RIVER: He never mastered nine-ball. You were happy. It was something you could beat him at.

Rowan smiles, recalling her brother’s frustration and begrudging pride over her instant proficiency. Looking down at the contacts, she lets the words come out, suspecting the girl would hear them one way or the other anyway.

ROWAN: “Ru was brilliant, but he was born premature, so he had one lazy eye. It wasn’t obvious unless he was overtired, but it made him color-blind and nearsighted. And here I come along with better than twenty-twenty vision in both eyes and I’d still trade them for his, just to avoid all the gorram attention.”

With a sigh, she slides off the table, feeling like she hasn’t moved in days. Going to the window, she looks at her reflection and sees one jade green eye staring back.

ROWAN: “I guess I’ll just have to live with it for a little while.”

Tossing the tattered lense into the nearest garbage recepticle, she puts the other in her mouth to moisten it before expertly inserting it into her good eye. Turning back to River, she sees the girl looking shyly at her over one shoulder. Rowan smiles gently.

ROWAN: “Thanks for watching over me, mei mei. If you see that brother of yours before I do, tell him I appreciate his skills.”

Her intention is to leave the infirmary behind and that pwerfully strange dream along with it. She remembers seeing Ru as he was, and Xiang as she hoped he would ever be. They were the ones who spoke to her of her talents beyond her beauty, as her parents had - the ones who helped her believe there was more for her than a normal life.

Looking down at her right hand, she runs her left hand over it, then lets the fingers curl back as if she is still holding that nine ball, the choice as yet unmade.

Realizing that River has see everything, she snaps to and glances only briefly at the girl before she leaves the Infirmary behind. Deciding to find out what's been going on, she heads for the stairs leading toward the bridge rather than make an all ships call to find out what’s going on. The ship isn’t moving, that much she can discern, and the bridge seems the best place to get an update.


OOC: I was pretty foggy yesterday, so I wasn't able to write this the way I wanted. Edited to add two paragraphs as an afterthought to the dream.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:19 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move:
Location: Passageway leading to the bridge.

Nearing the bridge, she can hear voices - one belonging to the angry young man from before (and good to know he hasn’t gone for a quick push and a hard woosh out the nearest airlock) and a woman’s voice she can’t place. Not Zoe then, or Kaylee, but someone new. Some ships are a magnet for wayward souls, bearing illusive quality that seems to draw in those in need. Apparently, Serenity is one of those ships
MERZ: "That's it. Now we just need the wires from the box to fasten on this end and run to whichever console gets the firing controls and it's done. Do you feel like climbing out for the wires?"


MERZ: “You are surely a stubborn randi ko chhoro. Just how badly are you damaged?”

Damon: “Nothing I haven’t survived before.”


MERZ: "Sit down. I'll get the wiring finished and the deck plates moved back. You sit."

DAMON: "I'll stand."

MERZ mutters something intelligible then: "Do you suppose there is any chance I can get a cup of tea around here? And you too for that matter. I think we have earned it."

DAMON: "Galley's down the hall can't miss it, but I only drink that go se when it's cold. I'll take a beer if they have one and water if they don't."

Watching a slim blond woman make her way swiftly to the bridge steps and directly toward her, Rowan can’t help noticing how she moves like a sleek cat. With light but sure-footed steps, she all but skips down the stairs with impressive grace considering the heft of her quality footwear. Somehow Rowan isn’t surprised when the other woman freezes at the base of the steps to look up and stare directly at her. Suddenly under the vague feeling that she’s being sized up as a potential combatant, Rowan tries to lift an eyebrow in return only to find it hindered by the medical tape holding the cover over her right eye.

ROWAN (wryly): "I’m Rowan. Passenger at large and semi-invalid. I don't believe we've been introduced."


randi ko chhoro = son of a bitch (Nepali)

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:23 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location: Warehouse

[The computer pre-flight is running smoothly, so THORNE grabs a shop cloth and bottle of Windex from a drawer and begins to clean the craft's windscreen, talking quietly to himself, the habit of a loner.]

THORNE:"Amazing when you think on it. Windex one of the few products from Earth-that-was still being made. All that other stuff gone, and Windex, Pez, and Timex watches survive. Oh, and Mad Magazine. 'What? Me Worry?'...'Look on my works, ye Mighty, and dispair.' and Alfred E. Neuman outlives Ozymandias. Gotta be a lesson there somewhere.


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 11:32 AM


Book's Move

Location: Fields around Thorne Farm

Book continues to search the ground, looking carefully under the few sparse bushes in the dusty area. Approaching close to the Thorne Farm once again, he sees a small group of tiny, yellow flowers growing defiantly in the dust.

Softening his visage, Book breathes again, or rather he notices that he had not been. Taking his Bible in both hands he rifles through the loose pages. "Of course, Psalm 23, The Lord's Prayer." Book says, slightly ironically, "That would have to be the missing page."

Book goes over to the small group of flowers and picks just one. "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies."

He goes to the ruined house again and sets the flower down on the stoop next to the ones Thorne had left; a little further from the house and a little closer to the valley. Bowing his head for a moment, he stands alone. Then he turns, leaves behind the Thorne farm and heads back to Serenity.



Tuesday, March 9, 2004 11:42 AM


Damon's turn:

Damon watches as Wash makes points to the consol to the left of the navigation controls and then returns to staring at the sensors.

"What's wrong?" Damon asks setting down the box and walking up behind Wash.

Wash glances up at him and starts making nervous gestures with his hands. "Wrong? Well, nothing really except for an Alliance patrol boat that will be on us in about 30 minutes."

Damon closes his eyes and hangs his head with a sigh. Couldn't those hwoon dahns mind their own business for just one day?

"Tzao gao, nothin's ever easy."

He turns back to his box of equipment and starts sorting it into three small piles, leaving the tools he borrowed from Kaylee in the box. He pulls his pocketknife out of his poket and uses it to open up the consol and start connecting the cannon's conrols.

hwoon dahns = bastards
tzao gao = shit/damn it

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 2:18 PM



MERZ heads for the stair from the bridge toward the galley. Why am I still here? She is pondering this question when she is very aware of being under observation. MERZ freezes immediately and swings towards - a young and formidabily attractive woman who has simply stopped to watch her. Another one injured, there is bandaging over her right eye. Appears I missed out on all of the fun. she thinks.

There is something in her stance, her carriage, her very body language. This one would make a worthy sparring partner. Been too long, I'm gonna start slowing down if I don't . . . She steps down on that thought fast. She can't stay here - too many bad feelings already.

When MERZ has gone on long enough without movement or speech, ROWAN says (wryly) "I’m Rowan. Passenger at large and semi-invalid. I don't believe we've been introduced."

"Merz. I am just passing through." There is a slight pause before she continues. "I am pleased to meet you."

They continue sizing each other up for a bit before MERZ asks "Can you show me the galley? I would appreciate some tea before I leave, and I believe I can smell some brewing. Oh, and DAMON wants a beer."

They walk together toward the common area. MERZ appreciates the way ROWAN carries herself, proud and competent. Something strikes her and she pauses, one hand very lightly on ROWAN's arm just to get her attention. (And just maybe to judge the musculature beneath)" Damon has been under a doctor's care recently, yes? Do you know if he was - given medication. A beer might not be a good idea."


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 2:29 PM


Inara's turn


Jayne eyes the hand grasping his precious bottle of tequila. Using one hand to sip his tea, he begins to slowly inch the other hand along toward Inara, a sloppy attempt at retrieving his liquor. Inara calmly sets the bottle on the floor and continues watching Jayne with a smile of companionable graciousness.

Finding himself caught, Jayne grins broadly at her and returns to his tea. Inara can see he is merely pressing his lips against the rim of the cup, pretending to swallow Book's brew.

Sighing inwardly, Inara puts down her cup and turns toward Jayne, hoping to reason with him.

Over his shoulder, she spies Zoe stomping down the catwalk steps, a large, sloshing bucket in hand, and a murderous glint in her eyes.

INARA notices ZOE's look and discreetly moves away from an oblivious JAYNE.

A deluge of water washes over Jayne's head, flattening his hair and filling his cup to overflowing. She gives Jayne an innocent look and turns away--"I think Zoe has some things to discuss with you, Jayne--we'll pick this up later"

Inara turns and runs toward the cargo bay door, not wanting to embarass Jayne further with the laughter that is becoming harder and harder to contain. Inara can hear Jayne's bellow of rage as she rounds a stack of cargo boxes.

A peal of laughter comes to her lips as she ducks around the corner of the bay door and leans against Serenity's warm side. The tension and worry of the day seems to drain from her, as, eyes closed, she takes a breath and leans her head against Serenity, holding her face up to the softly lit sky. A warm breeze tousles her hair, long curls coming undone and caressing her face.

End Inara's turn

ooc--Book, Mal, Thorne,anyone else--it'll be a few moments before Inara realizes she's laughing in the middle of Serenity Valley--a vast wasteland where so many died--if you want her in a good mood, now is the time

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 3:56 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's move:

Location: Serenity Valley

[As THORNE finishes the pre-fly on the Gyrfalcon, he hears a peal of laughter from outside. Puzzled by this totally inappropriate sound in such a place, he goes to the door. Inara leans back against the sunlit side of the ship, her face lifted to the warmth. She is so totally in the moment, a being of pure joy and light. THORNE feels his sorrow melt away in the radiance. How could any sadness remain when this woman smiles? He has to know her better. Regardless of events, he has to make his case now. As he walks to her, a smile starts to pull at his face. The compsition his sub-conscious has been developing springs full-formed into his mind.]

THORNE: ”Mademoiselle, grant me a moment please. I would have waited for a more appropriate time, but my soul moves me to speak now, and cannot be denied. I believe that we may have reached an understanding earlier, and I wish now to present my Supplication in the proper manner, if you would consent to hear it.”

[At INARA’s nod, THORNE strikes the traditional lector’s pose, left hand behind back, right foot slightly advanced, and right arm raised with hand at shoulder level, palm facing up. He begins to speak in a clear, firm voice, with the trained accent and intonation of a core-worlds courtier.]

“If the white night ever comes again and rest eludes my soul
I’ll recall the color of your eyes, the perfume of your hair
Then like a swelling tide of peace, your love o’er me will roll
As my nightmares change to reveries, so comforting and fair

In the world we only met today, yet you I’ve ever known
As a Goddess, as a Fairy, as a lover, as a friend
In this time, so brief, between us, the vision I’ve been shown
Has stirred a song within me which I hope will never end

I have seen you so courageous, and I have seen you kind
As in my hopeless dreams I had imagined you would be
And now the only hope that lives within my helpless mind
Is that some day you’ll find the things you always sought - in me.

Dear Companion, in the hours since I was captured by your sigh
“Inara” has become my prayer, my hymn, my battle cry”

[Supplication finished; he lowers his hand and makes a leg toward INARA, then stands quietly and awaits her reply.]


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 4:08 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's Move:

Location: Cargo Bay

[MAL hears a splash of water, and then light footsteps as INARA runs giggling through the cargo bay, not seeing him at the winch controls. What's that fool woman got to laugh about in this hellhole?]

MAL:"JAYNE! Get your butt up here and help me get this load in, or you'll be walkin' home."

[THORNE is talking outside, and snatches of poetry come through the mechanical sounds of the bay. Why's the old man versifyin' now? Has everyone gone crazy?]

MAL:"JAYNE? ZOE? Anybody? A little help here?


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 5:30 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move
MERZ: "Damon has been under a doctor's care recently, yes? Do you know if he was - given medication. A beer might not be a good idea."
Rowan nods as she guides Merz down to the galley.

ROWAN: "Good instincts. He seemed wounded pretty bad when I came on board. I don't know how extensively, but the doctor knows his trade so I imagine he'd use some manner of pain killer that wouldn't mix well with alcohol."

Gesturing vaguely to her eye, she gives Merz a thin smile.

ROWAN: You may not want to stay on board too long. Seems the only way to secure passage is to get yourself wounded. I wouldn't recommend it.

Hearing a soft chuckle behind her, Rowan leads Merz into the galley where she finds a ceramic teapot set aside on the back counter. Lifting the lid, she can smell peppermint and licorice root and a further combination of leaves and spices that's meant to clear the mind and dull a few aches and pains.

ROWAN (sighing): Just what the semi-invalid ordered. And there's enough for two. Shall I pour?

She starts to take down a pair of mismatched cups from the cupboard.


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 8:56 PM


Jayne's Turn:

Jayne sputters as the water deluges over him. He weaves a little, shakes the water out of his face and hair, rocks a little unsteadily, then smiles a lopsided grin.

"I seem ta' be a liddle wet"

His smile broadens and he proceeds to tip over backwards off the crate. He hears Mal yelling for him and yells out..

"I'm comin' chapn tighty whitiesh. Just let me getsh my gorram butt outa da shwimmin pool I seem ta done fell in..."

The Hero of Canton, the man they call... Meeeeee!


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 11:11 PM


Book's Move

Location: Returning to Serenity

Book walks slowly but steadily back towards the ship, searching in vain for what he knows is now a lost cause. Yet another lost cause in this valley.

Book doesn't know if he can make it back to his room without being seen or spoken to, but he wants to try... He doesn't feel like he could help anyone right now. Too many memories, that he thought he had buried deep, had rushed to the surface when he looked out on the devastating remains of the battlefield. he angles his approach to the ship.

It was hard to not lash out at Thorne when he had been attacked, but something told him that Thorne wasn't himself at the moment. It was hard to sit on the ground afterwards and think of different things to allow for a calming period to pass within himself. He didn't want to strike out at that man. He didn't want to hurt anyone.

Arriving at the same hatch from which he left, Book enters Serenity, hears someone singing from the other end of the cargo bay, ignores it, and goes quickly to his quarters. He slides the door closed quietly, goes to the mirror and sets down his incomplete Bible. Taking the collar off his shirt, he sets it down on top of the Bible and looks at himself. Anger grows in the eyes staring back at him and he suddenly strikes the mirror with a closed fist.

LOCATION - Book's Room



Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:04 AM




ROWAN: You may not want to stay on board too long. Seems the only way to secure passage is to get yourself wounded. I wouldn't recommend it.

MERZ chuckled softly to herself as she followed ROWAN into the room. She doesn't want passage that badly. She can smell the brewed tea easily in the small room and it only gets stronger when ROWAN lifts the lid on the teapot. MERZ does not recognize it, but can identify peppermint and licorice root from prior experience. It smells good.

Sighing, ROWAN says "Just what the semi-invalid ordered. And there's enough for two. Shall I pour?"

MERZ nods "Yes, thank you" she says absently, and while ROWAN is fetching cups for the tea, she is locating the other smell in the room. There is a pot on the stove, no longer on the heat, and from the aroma it has been somewhat scorched. The spoon it was stirred with is still inside, and MERZ cannot resist the temptation to taste it. She does not think anyone else is going to eat it.

The taste, even partially ruined, is indescribable to her. fresh ingredients, and freshly made . . .. She hasn't eaten anything but survival rations for weeks, except the last couple of days - she ran out. The valley had limited resources. She was not wasting ammo or risking detection to get a dingo, that's for sure. Yesterdays meal, well lizard was never going to be one of her favorites.

She takes one more spoonful, closing her eyes and just savoring the taste, and then lays the spoon across the top of the pot. Turning around she sees ROWAN seated with the steaming tea cups before her, and joins her at the table. The taste of the tea was everything that the smell had promised. MERZ feels herself wanting to relax, just for a moment. But can't, not here. Not yet.

MERZ looks at ROWAN, her head cocked to one side. "I can see why you are only wearing one lens. What I don't see is why wear them at all. Vison correction? Then why change the color of your eyes?" She sips her tea and her eyes close in contemplation. I have to get moving, should finish the job and . . . .. She takes another sip.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 3:33 AM


Zoe's Move:
Location - Cargo Bay As...


JAYNE sputters as the water deluges over him. He weaves a little, shakes the water out of his face and hair, rocks a little unsteadily, then smiles a lopsided grin.

JAYNE: "I seem ta' be a liddle wet"

His smile broadens and he proceeds to tip over backwards off the crate.

MAL: "JAYNE! Get your butt up here and help me get this load in, or you'll be walkin' home... JAYNE? ZOE? Anybody? A little help here?"

JAYNE hears MAL yelling and yells out..

JAYNE: "I'm comin' chapn tighty whitiesh. Just let me getsh my gorram butt outa da shwimmin pool I seem ta done fell in..."

ZOE: "There in a minute, Sir."

Sighing with resignation, ZOE leaves JAYNE struggling to lever his sodden bulk into a standing position. She walks over to MAL and says in a low voice:

ZOE: "Sir, he ain't in any shape to help with this. Think we outta just leave him be until we get the cargo loaded. Then get him to his bunk and let him sleep... it... off..."

ZOE's voice trails to a stop as she sees JAYNE finally manage a standing position and begin the swaying, seasick journey over to them. Rolling her eyes, ZOE turns and gives MAL a look that speaks volumes on the foolishness of drunk folks.

ZOE: "I'll go guide the conex in, Sir."

She turns on her heel and heads out to where the conex is waiting to be winched in.

End Location - Serenity Valley, just outside the ship
End Move.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 4:33 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

MAL's move:

Location: Cargo Bay

ZOE: "I'll go guide the conex in, Sir."

[As ZOE leaves, MAL reaches into his pocket for the item he removed from the medkit in the warehouse. He was hoping he wouldn't have to do this, but...Well, actually he was kind'a hoping he'd have to do this. JAYNE stands swaying as MAL turns to him, smiles, and speaks.]

MAL:"JAYNE, ol' hoss. I got somethin' for you. Found it in THORNE's treasure cave. Ever see a popper before? Alliance made 'em to boost performance when their troopers were wore out. It'd 'bout keep a dead man goin'. Great for a quick sober-up. Course the side-effects are a mite rough, but they're usually temporary. Nausea an' stomach cramps for the first couple minutes, then itchin', sometimes hair loss or skin color change. Nothin' to worry 'bout."

[JAYNE just grins as the captain's words go right over his head. MAL suddenly slaps the popper onto JAYNEs left bicep. It sticks there and jabs a large-bore needle through his skin. A witches brew of drugs is forced into his system, then the empty device falls off. JAYNE winces and rubs his arm.]

MAL:"There, you ho-tze de pigu. You're gonna love this!"

[MAL turns away and switches on the winch. The conex slowly rolls up the ramp as JAYNE starts to react to the chemical hell unleashed in his veins.]


Ho-tze de pigu = Monkey's ass

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 9:00 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mouse's Move:

Location: Porch of Thorne Farm Ruins

She didn't remember seeing the big creatures before, they weren't dingos or hawks, but you hide from anything that large and noisy. After they'd been gone for a while she carefully stuck her nose out to smell around. Nothing bad on the wind, but a nice food smell close by. Scurrying from cover to cover, she climbed to the porch and ran to the bunch of flowers. They were heavy with seed pods, which she tasted and then immediately began tearing apart, filling her cheeks with seeds. She made several trips back to the nest before the seeds were all gone.

On her last trip back, a shadow fell across the ground and she thought a hawk had her. She froze, since no cover was near, but nothing struck. It was just a piece of white stuff with strange black spots, blowing in the wind. It landed near the nest entrance and she examined it as she passed. It was soft enough to shred, and would make good bedding for the den. The babies were coming soon, and maybe with the bedding and the food more would survive this time.

Can a mouse feel happy, or lucky? Can she appreciate a gift from the heart, even if she's not the intended beneficiary? Is the giver blessed, even if he never knew that his gift was received in an entirely unexpected way?


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 9:19 AM


Damon’s turn:

Damon smiles to himself as the firing controls light up in his hands. Somehow getting something to work properly was just as satisfying as seeing it blow into a thousand pieces.


Damon glared at the passing guard and then picked up another part off of the conveyer belt. He quickly turned it over, severed the wires at the base of the part and then set it back down on the belt. He picked up the next one and repeated the process until he noticed that it was almost time for the test flight.

“Hey, Phil,” he called over to the worker ahead of him. “If the guards ask where I am, tell them I got in trouble again.”

Phil shook his head, barely containing a smile. “You will be in trouble in about five minutes.”

“Two minutes.” Damon smiled and headed for the door, adjusting the handcuffs on his wrists. He looked around for any guards and then slipped outside. He squinted at the bright light, relishing the warm sun on his skin. But he couldn’t stay and sun bathe. He hurried over to the bushes, made sure than any passing guards wouldn’t see him and looked over to the landing area. Three jets were being prepped for take off. He could barely hear the voice over the com:

“Start up in five, four, three, two, one…”

Damon jumped as all three jets exploded, sending pieces of hull flying across the landing area. He grinned and burst into laughter. NOTE: crossing the main power line with the auxiliary line at the fifth juncture results in minor engine failure. He laughed all the harder, falling onto the ground clutching his aching ribs. Now they would have to go through the entire fleet of jets and find out what was wrong with them. So much for Alliance air support.

He continued laughing until several pairs of hands grabbed him and pulled him out of the bushes. He knew what was coming: several beatings, maybe even the whip, and then no food for however long they decided. He looked over at the charred remains of the jets and grinned. It was worth it.

Damon wanders back to the present and realizes that he’s grinning. His precious few moments of joy were always brief during those years, but they kept him sane, and alive. He pushes the wires back into the consol and screws it shut.

“There you go,” he says to Wash. “I’ll be back in time to blow that patrol boat out of the sky.” He checks the time, noting that they’ve only got fifteen minutes left, gathers up his box of tools and his bag, and heads for the galley.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:43 PM


Slight retrieves his things from the shuttle, and shuts it down, his movements quick but careful. Last thing he needs is to break down the ship he was about to "borrow" for a time. He suddenly pats his pockets, and lets out a stream of steady curses. Of all the things to leave behind. . .
He bolts out of the door, making sure all the other weaponry he has is concealed. He flies down the catwalk, and runs into the galley, suddenly seeing the dragon and the newest member of the ship. He stops, and stares, stock still. He can't tell why, or how, but he feels drawn to her, drawn to this total stranger that he can't feel, can't "see" the way he's used to "seeing." But there was no reason for it. She looks almost careworn. Slight begins to wonder if. . .
He shakes his head. "Old boy," he thinks to himself, "you got no time for fantasising."
He decides to simply destroy any chances of it, and removes his glasses, showing both of the women there his bloody gaze. Her shock and disgust will be enough to break any ideas. he walks towards her, holding out his hand to properly introduce himself this time.
Although the Blue Sun had improved his physicality, they had been surprised at his being born albino. Even with his proficiency with physical movement contained, it was still easy to see-he was diferent.
His father had taught him, as he grew, that others were mere mortals, below him. His pale skin, and red eyes, made him more. And his abilities, his upgrades, would make him a god among men. And on his first mission, after the thrill was over, he realized that he was unstopable.
But as he continued through the worlds, he realized it didn't matter what he could do, all that mattered was what he was. He got tatoos. He even painted his own skin for a while, to no effect. He had only to look at someone, and it all went to hell. And the Blue Sun didn't improve things, either.
Slight smiles, keeping his hand out. "My name is Brink Helsing, but most folks call me Slight. I never caught yours earlier." He waits for her to be shocked. . .and is surprised when he sees. . .nothing. It's like she doesn't even care. . .

I'm talking about geese.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:01 PM


Inara's turn


Inara drifts inside her own head, soft light shining behind her eyelids, the rush of breath in and and out...a living ocean for her own enjoyment.

She hears the cruch of boots on gravel, feels the soft tingle that signals someone is watching...Inara opens her eyes and turns.

THORNE: ”Mademoiselle, grant me a moment please....I wish now to present my Supplication in the proper manner, if you would consent to hear it.”

Inara smiles and nods, lifting herself from Serenity's side to stand upright once again, one small fist held to her chest..listening.

THORNE strikes the traditional lector’s pose, beautiful words flowing from his lips with perfect cadence and tone.


“If the white night ever comes again and rest eludes my soul
I’ll recall the color of your eyes, the perfume of your hair
Then like a swelling tide of peace, your love o’er me will roll
As my nightmares change to reveries, so comforting and fair

In the world we only met today, yet you I’ve ever known
As a Goddess, as a Fairy, as a lover, as a friend
In this time, so brief, between us, the vision I’ve been shown
Has stirred a song within me which I hope will never end

I have seen you so courageous, and I have seen you kind
As in my hopeless dreams I had imagined you would be
And now the only hope that lives within my helpless mind
Is that some day you’ll find the things you always sought - in me.

Dear Companion, in the hours since I was captured by your sigh
“Inara” has become my prayer, my hymn, my battle cry”

Inara can't help but stare at Thorne, eyes soft and wide, she is afraid to speak, to break the beautiful tapestry of sound he's woven with his prose.

Putting speech aside and deciding instead on action, Inara steps forward, laying a soft hand on Thorne's forearm. She lifts her head to stare up into his eyes, an expression of gratitude on her face. Finding strength in contact with him, Inara whispers:

I have been courted by many men and women in my years as a Companion, Mr. Thorne...but never have I been so blessed. Your supplication is uneccesary, I will accept you as a suitor, and would be most honored with your company--though...*glancing over to Serenity, Mal's voice whispering in her ears* I fear a Client-Companion relationship will have to wait until you are no longer a member of Mr. Reynold's crew. He and I have come to an agreement on this point.

Turning and wrapping Thorne's arm with her own, Inara says "I have never seen Serenity Valley, Sir. I'd like to look around, if you're interested in joining me."

End Inara's turn

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 2:58 PM



When she opens her eyes again, there is a man standing in front of her, caught in the act of raising his hand to her. Odd, she neither heard nor felt him approach. walks light, this one

SLIGHT smiles, keeping his hand out. "My name is Brink Helsing, but most folks call me Slight. I never caught yours earlier." In his other hand are the dark glasses he was wearing earlier. He is watching her, with a strange intensity in his eyes. Not only in his eyes, his entire bearing is tense, almost as if waiting to be struck down.

What can he expect me to see? I see a pale man, with dark hair and . . grey, pink . . eyes . .? Strange shade . She raises her right hand and takes his firmly. Not to hurt but no chance that'll be taken for a caress. "They call me Merz." is this fear? what does he see, when he looks at me. have I been . . . no, not possible. let it go "You say most folks call you 'Slight'. I'm not interested in that. What do you prefer to be called?"

His gaze is unsettling. MERZ cocks her head to one side and in a cold voice, asks SLIGHT "What is it you see, when you see me, Brink Helsing?"


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 4:32 PM


Damon's turn:

Damon enters the galley where Merz and Rowan sit at the table with cups up tea in their hands. Slight stands near Merz looking at her with those strange red eyes.

MERZ cocks her head to one side and in a cold and demanding voice, asks SLIGHT "What is it you see, when you see me, Brink Helsing?"

Something about the whole scene was just freaky and he couldn't firgure out why. Maybe it was because the guy had tried to melt his brain a couple hours back.

Damon sets the box of tools down on the table and walks over to the kitchen. He scrounges around until he finds a beer. His pocketknife makes short work of the cap and then he takes a long swig of the wonderful drink.

He looks back at the other people in the room. Somehow he didn't think the captain would like it if he found out all of the drifters were taking a tea break when there was work to be done. But even more unsettling was the thought of an Alliance patrol boat boarding while he was still on it.

He adjusts his bag on his shoulder and walks back to his box. "Hate to interrupt, but don't you guys think we should be worrying about that patrol boat? I doubt the Feds are taking a tea break right now."

He picks up the box and holds it against his side with one arm and swallows some more beer. "I'm gonna return these and head down to the cargo bay."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 4:34 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Thorne's Move:

Location:Heaven on Hera

INARA:"I have been courted by many men and women in my years as a Companion, Mr. Thorne...but never have I been so blessed. Your supplication is uneccesary, I will accept you as a suitor, and would be most honored with your company--though I fear a Client-Companion relationship will have to wait until you are no longer a member of Mr. Reynold's crew. He and I have come to an agreement on this point."

Turning and wrapping Thorne's arm with her own, Inara says "I have never seen Serenity Valley, Sir. I'd like to look around, if you're interested in joining me."

[The Alliance ships are 15 minutes away, the cargo's not loaded, there's much to do, but THORNE cannot help but spend a few minutes with this woman. He places his hand lightly on INARA's, where it rests on his arm, and leads her away from the ship.]

THORNE:"I hesitate to disagree with someone so lovely, but my supplication was entirely necessary. Even my best is unworthy of one such as yourself, but still I must offer it, hoping that you will overlook it's failings and perceive the purity of the emotion that brings it forth."

[They walk in silence for a while, surrounded by the blasted and burned landscape. Only a few seeds, blown by the wind, have taken root in the almost sterile soil.]

"But you ask of the Valley. Let me paint it for you as it was when I knew it best.

All that you see burned and sere, imagine as lush green and growing. Picture the ground too steep to farm as planted with gardens of delight. Trees, shrubs, flowers, lawns. Streams and fountains. Sculpture and statuary. pavillions and follies. All carefully, lovingly arranged. See the farmsteads there, laying lightly on the land, designed for comfort and rest, holding generations of families. Smell the earthy fragrance of new-turned soil. Hear the lowing of cattle, the joyous cries of children playing, the dinner horn calling the workers from the field at sunset. The cool air flowing from the snow-capped peaks in the far distance. My Lady, I've been to most places in the 'verse, and I swear this was the finest. Gone now...but not gone. As long as my mind holds it in memory, it still exists."

[They stand a moment in silence, then a twinkle comes to THORNE's eye.]

"And, if I may be so bold as to correct your misapprehension, I am not part of Captain Reynold's crew. In truth, he is in my employ for this endevour...although he sometimes seems to forget that little piece of information.

Now, I fear, we must return to the ship, and to my endevour. Time passes too quickly, especially in your company, and there is much yet to do."

[Still arm in arm, and somewhat regretfully (at least on THORNE's part), they turn back towards Serenity.]


"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:19 PM


Jayne's turn:

Jayne winces a little and rubs the spot the popper just fell off. An almost instantaneous clarity washes over him. Images rush back into his head, something Inara tried to make him drink, Zoe tossing a bucket of water on his head, that cute Rowan girl he met down in the cargo hold...

"Uhhh, wow that done cleared my head right up. Gonna head to my bunk real quick for a change then later on, Zoe and I are gonna adress my soggy britches... Meet ya' in the bay in 20."

The Hero of Canton, the man they call... Meeeeee!


Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:35 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

MERZ: "I can see why you are only wearing one lens. What I don't see is why wear them at all. Vision correction? Then why change the color of your eyes?"
Managing to hold her surprise in check, Rowan blows over the steaming tea in her cup as she considers what to tell her. Suddenly the idea of wearing them for vanity seems foolish, and it’s likely that someone who was able to notice the lenses at all might not believe the other reason. An Asian woman with green eyes would be easy to identify - provided the Alliance was aware of her at all - but that would lead into the whole reason behind that justification, and that’s not even an option.

The entire conundrum is put on hold when that powerfully strange fella Slight walks into the galley, only to stop dead in his tracks the moment he sees Merz. After a moment of staring baldly the way a man does when smitten by a woman, he removes the dark glasses to reveal blood red eyes. Feeling the tape over her injured eye pull again as her own brows rise of their own volition, Rowan wonders what in the ‘verse she could have to feel self-conscious about. Slight appears tense and somewhat defensive, as if expecting some manner of reproach. Merz, on the other hand, is completely composed and not the least bit affected by what Rowan could only call Slight’s otherworldliness.
MERZ cocks her head to one side and in a cold voice, asks SLIGHT "What is it you see, when you see me, Brink Helsing?"
Noticing the young man Damon quietly enter from the bridge passage way, Rowan notes his puzzlement before he sets down a box of tools heads back into the galley. Hearing him rummage around in the refrigeration unit, she determines that he’s decided to find his own brew, thank you very much, and hopes the stuff Blue Sun passes as beer doesn’t react negatively to whatever meds Simon had him on.
DAMON adjusts his bag on his shoulder and walks back to his box. "Hate to interrupt, but don't you guys think we should be worrying about that patrol boat? I doubt the Feds are taking a tea break right now."

He picks up the box and holds it against his side with one arm and swallows some more beer. "I'm gonna return these and head down to the cargo bay."

Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck rise, Rowan sets her cup down as she straightens in her chair.

ROWAN: Hang on - patrol boat? Nobody said anything about a patrol boat - what’s the ETA?


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:43 AM


Damon's turn:


Originally posted by Channain:

Feeling the hairs on the back of her neck rise, Rowan sets her cup down as she straightens in her chair.

ROWAN: Hang on - patrol boat? Nobody said anything about a patrol boat - what’s the ETA?

Damon keeps walking toward the engine room and calls back to Rowan: "Less than fifteen minutes."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:39 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:

ROWAN to herself: Fifteen minutes until the Feds come down to bring their peculiar brand of civilization to ... wait, where are we?

ROWAN to MERZ: Hey, having just woke up and all, I’m little behind the eight ball on current events. Somebody wanna clue me in on which corner of hell we happen to be sitting on right now?


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:43 AM


Slight's shocked at the reaction.

"You say most folks call you 'Slight'. I'm not interested in that. What do you prefer to be called?"

Slight shrugs, locking eyes with her. He keeps waiting for a flinch, a shudder, a gasp. But there is still. . .nothing. A calm, almost serene acceptance. "Slight is who I am. Or was." Suddenly he feels lost. The humanity that Thorne saw return is creating confusion. He was so used to being what others saw of him. . .

"What is it you see, when you see me, Brink Helsing?"

Slight decides to be truthful. "Nothing, m'lady. That's the point. I. . .Blue Sun designed me as a sensitive, a reader of others'emotions, thoughts and memories. But my eyes have been able to go farther, to see things that everyone else misses. But you," he hesitates, before saying a name so simple it almost pains him, "Merz, are a blank. It's like you're immune to me. I know you're not a creation of the Blue Sun," he says, continuing as she opens her mouth with a question, "trust me, I know. And that makes me all the more curious of you."

Slight has a sudden moment of inspiration, as everyone begins to hassle them on the limited time.

"I'm going to be leaving for a while, and I was wondering if you'd care to help. We could use the extra hands, I'm sure."

I'm talking about geese.


Thursday, March 11, 2004 8:46 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

MAL's Move:

Location: Cargo Bay

JAYNE:"Uhhh, wow that done cleared my head right up. Gonna head to my bunk real quick for a change then later on, Zoe and I are gonna adress my soggy britches... Meet ya' in the bay in 20."

[Apparently the misunderstanding about who the Captain is has spread from the hitchers to the crew. MAL hopes that it's just a side effect of the drugs, and that the more common, and unpleasant, ones will kick in soon. Before that, though, he'll have to set JAYNE straight.]

MAL:"I'd try to feel bad 'bout your soggy britches, but knowin' the Alliance is 15 minutes out has sucked all the 'Give-A-Shit' right out of me. You bun tien-shung de ee-duai-ro! Get your sorry ass up there an' tie that container down soon as it stops rollin'! You want to change? There'll be da bianhua in your health if you don't move right now!"

[At MAL's last word, the conex wheels hit the pre-placed chocks, and the winch automatically switches off. Folk are needed right now to secure the cargo.]

MAL:"Tzao gao! (shouting)Little help here. Anybody not doin' three other things come help soggy-pants JAYNE tie off the load."

EOM (plus edit for Squee)
Bun tien-shung de ee-duai-ro = Stupid inbred sack of meat
Da bianhua = Big change
Tzao gao = Shit

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, March 11, 2004 3:20 PM




DAMON: "Hate to interrupt, but don't you guys think we should be worrying about that patrol boat? I doubt the Feds are taking a tea break right now."


ROWAN: Hang on - patrol boat? Nobody said anything about a patrol boat - what’s the ETA?


DAMON: "Less than fifteen minutes."


ROWAN to MERZ: Hey, having just woke up and all, I’m little behind the eight ball on current events. Somebody wanna clue me in on which corner of hell we happen to be sitting on right now?

MERZ can hear the conversation in the background, and she knows that she is going to have to play it back and pay attention to it . . real soon now. But for this instant, something is more demanding of her attention than the simple if important words going on behind her.


SLIGHT: "Nothing, m'lady. That's the point. I. . .Blue Sun designed me as a sensitive, a reader of others' emotions, thoughts and memories. But my eyes have been able to go farther, to see things that everyone else misses. But you," he hesitates, "Merz, are a blank. It's like you're immune to me."

MERZ wants to speak, to say something to stop this, outpouring. Somehow what he is saying and what is being said does not completely mesh. he does not know that he is showing . . anything. he has forgotton his mask He prevents her speaking, this time.

I know you're not a creation of the Blue Sun, trust me, I know. And that makes me all the more curious of you."

This time is is MERZ who has raised her hand, but he goes on, driven by a something that is watching her completely and yet seeing nothing.

"I'm going to be leaving for a while, and I was wondering if you'd care to help. We could use the extra hands, I'm sure."

Again MERZ raises her hands to SLIGHT; she will respond to him in a moment. Right now other things come first and she would like the room emptied.

MERZ to ROWAN: "We are sitting on the floor of Serenity Valley while the actual crew are loading whatever they came here to get. Yes there is a patrol boat incoming soon. The good news is the Laser Cannon is installed. The bad news is we have not had a chance to actually test the blessed thing. Please go with Damon and have him show you where to stand and see the gun from the cargo bay. I don't want you outside, but someone has to watch and see if it will actually respond to the controls. Test firing is just going to have to wait for a target.."

MERZ to DAMON: "Yes you are right. This is a bad time for a tea party. Feel better? I will be out in two minutes."

As they clear the doorway she returns her absolute attention to SLIGHT. Her voice has remained unemotionless and her face almost locked in a non-look. "You are correct, I have nothing to do with Blue Sun. And there is much I do not understand. But I understand this - you would do very well indeed to curb any curiosity you have of me. You do not want to be in my head. You do not want to know where I come from. And should you ever meet another like me, be wary. If they are working they are dangerous." MERZ put her palms together and rested her chin on them, eyes still locked with SLIGHT. "If they are rogue they are more dangerous . . . and unpredictable." She pauses and considers is offer once again. But . . "It might be interesting to go with you. However I can't help but believe that would let me in for more complications than I can handle right now. I decline your kind offer. And I would request a favor of you. Unless you can keep others of your kind from knowing your mind, I would appreciate it if you forget you ever met me." until we meet again . . . perhaps

"And in case you are wondering - I am the third option. I am free." And MERZ turns away and hurries into the hallway, before he can see the doubt she can feel reflected in her eyes.

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Thursday, March 11, 2004 6:20 PM


Damon's turn:
Location: on the move to DINING ROOM/GALLEY to on the move again


MAL:"Tzao gao! (shouting)Little help here. Anybody not doin' three other things come help soggy-pants JAYNE tie off the load."

Damon stops halfway to the engine room when he hears the captain's voice hollering from the cargo bay. Sounds like time was runnning out. He sets the box down in the hall and drains the rest of his beer before running back toward the galley.


... The bad news is we have not had a chance to actually test the blessed thing. Please go with Damon and have him show you where to stand and see the gun from the cargo bay. I don't want you outside, but someone has to watch and see if it will actually respond to the controls. Test firing is just going to have to wait for a target.."

MERZ to DAMON: "Yes you are right. This is a bad time for a tea party. Feel better? I will be out in two minutes."

"I'll feel better when we're back in the black." he says. He looks at Rowan and then heads down the stairwell two steps at a time.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:28 PM


Book's Move

Location: Book's Room

Book closes the drawer containing, among other things, a tube of extremely potent ointment and a bit of med tape and walks back over to his bunk.

Staring at his injured hand, which he's cunningly wrapped to be inobtrusive, he feels a chill go up his back, as though someone's watching him. There are many souls watching me in this valley.

Suddenly he is reminded of the memory stick that Simon gave to him. Where did I put it? Ah yes. Still in my pocket. Book pulls the slim blue stick from his coat pocket and studies it. A retinal scanner, hmmm. ok.

Book puts the scanner in front of his eye and clicks a small indentation on the side of the device. A purple beam shoots out and runs up and down swiftly across his retina then focuses into a small beam for a moment before disappearing back within the stick. Book listens as Simon's voice speaks a few words, and then Simon's face appears in Book's mind.

----------- * a few minutes pass *

Book sits, head in hands on the end of his bed, thinking about what he just heard on the memory stick. Wearily looking up at a sound outside his door, he stands and goes to the damaged mirror to turn off the light and put back on his collar.



Friday, March 12, 2004 3:14 AM



MERZ moves down the hallway hardly aware of where she is going. She needs to find DAMON - there is someting important he needs to know about the cannon.

Part of her is listening for his voice, to identify where he is, part of her is listening to another voice entirely. nothing m'lady. m'lady. no one has ever called me that before. am i pleased, or scared? *may laman ba yang kokote mo, mercedes? deep breath, let it go


*may laman ba yang kokote mo = you got anything in that head of yours (Filipino)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, March 12, 2004 3:38 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
MERZ: "We are sitting on the floor of Serenity Valley while the actual crew are loading whatever they came here to get. Yes there is a patrol boat incoming soon. The good news is the Laser Cannon is installed. The bad news is we have not had a chance to actually test the blessed thing. Please go with Damon and have him show you where to stand and see the gun from the cargo bay. I don't want you outside, but someone has to watch and see if it will actually respond to the controls. Test firing is just going to have to wait for a target.."
The second impression Rowan receives with Merz's tidy and succinct information and commanding attitude is that this is a woman who has commanded people before. She also can't help but wonder which side Merz was on during the war. All of that is set aside, however, with the first eight words of her statement. We are sitting on the floor of Serenity Valley.

Serenity Valley on Hera, the bloodiest battle of the war - where most experts say the fall of the Independent Movement began. Rowan can remember hearing the reports that eventually came in from there, how nearly half a million people lay dead on that field at the end of the day day's end, about a third of them Alliance soldiers. Rowan still found it hard to believe how quickly it happened. That no less than five days in, there were so many officers dead that the only ones left to command were staff sergeants meant to command a squad of only thirty or so foot solders, not entire platoons. And by the time the fighting was over there were less than 500 still standing, such as they could.

And she would never forget the sorrow that haunted Xiang from the end of that awful battle until the last moment she saw him. Sometimes she even thought he let himself be taken as penance, rather than to save her.

ROWAN (angrily): "We have to leave."

Rising from the table - absently wondering if anyone has had time to run diagnostics on the weapons systems yet - she accompanies Damon as instructed and meets the young man's eyes as he speaks.
DAMON: "I'll feel better when we're back in the black."
Unsteady on her feet thanks to lack of depth perception - qingwa cào de lâotou chùsheng xai-jiao de xiang huo - Rowan nonetheless follows his quick descent, guiding herself with one hand on the bulkhead as she goes.

ROWAN: "You and me both, xiâo dì dì. Hey, you've run a diagnostic on that gun's systems, right? Made sure there isn't some surprise waiting when we power it up?"


qingwa cào de lâotou chùsheng xai-jiao de xiang huo = frog humping old geezer, animal-fucking bastard

xiâo dì dì = little brother (unfamiliar, like saying "man" or "dude")

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, March 12, 2004 4:21 AM


Zoe's Move:
Location: Outside Serenity to Cargo Bay As...


MAL: "I'd try to feel bad 'bout your soggy britches, but knowin' the Alliance is 15 minutes out has sucked all the 'Give-A-Shit' right out of me. You bun tien-shung de ee-duai-ro*! Get your sorry ass up there an' tie that container down soon as it stops rollin'! You want to change? There'll be da bianhua* in your health if you don't move right now!"

At MAL's last word, the conex wheels hit the pre-placed chocks, and the winch automatically switches off. Folk are needed right now to secure the cargo.

MAL:"Tzao gao*! (shouting)Little help here. Anybody not doin' three other things come help soggy-pants JAYNE tie off the load."

ZOE follows the conex up the ramp, guiding it as it goes. As the conex comes to a halt, ZOE and JAYNE immediately begin securing the conex. As she works, ZOE thinks about where they are and what's coming down on them.

ZOE (to herself): Don't seem fair, all this ruckus over one conex. And to hafta come back to the 'Valley for it, too. I know we need the work, gotta keep flyin', but whatever possessed MAL to bring us here? We got folks on board we know nothin' about, an ex-Blue Sun op, and the Alliance is on us again. Maybe WASH is right: We should tell MAL we need a break - all of us. Wouldn't mind not bein' chased every time we turn around. Take a break - take a real bath! - maybe find a little peace. She gives a mental sigh. Ain't likely to happen today, though, and the Alliance ain't gonna back off just 'cause I'm tired.

ZOE mentally shrugging off her growing disquiet, ZOE and JAYNE finishes securing the cargo just as DAMON, MERZ, and ROWAN appear on the catwalk. Checking the ties one last time, ZOE stands and looks at MAL.

ZOE: "Five minutes, Sir. Cargo's as secure as it's gonna get. Don't mind sayin' I'd be glad to be on our way."

ZOE glances at the newcomers and back at MAL, bringing her hands up to her hips. To the others, she appears perfectly calm, but MAL can tell she's waiting - anxious, even - for him to call WASH and tell him get the ship moving before the Alliance comes bearing down.

End Move.

bun tien-shung de ee-duai-ro = Stupid inbred sack of meat
da bianhua = Big change
tzao gao = Shit


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, March 12, 2004 6:30 AM


Damon's turn:
Location: Cargo bay

ROWAN: "You and me both, xiâo dì dì. Hey, you've run a diagnostic on that gun's systems, right? Made sure there isn't some surprise waiting when we power it up?"

"It'll work fine," he says over his shoulder. He reaches the floor of the cargo bay and walks down the ramp, dropping his bag in a corner on the way. He looks up at the cannon, inspecting it one last time, and then looks toward the bridge for Merz.

"Merz! Everything looks good from here! You need anything else?"

He looks out over the valley and spots three specks getting closer. "Shit... he didn't say three..."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, March 12, 2004 7:02 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
Location: Cargo bay
DAMON: "It'll work fine."
Spoken like a fella who has no point of reference when it comes to Alliance duplicity. Considering his youth, Rowan figures Damon never saw much more than the media coverage that used to pre-empt entertainment vid on afternoons after school.

ROWAN (with extreme skepticism): "Uh-huh, and apples tossed over enemy lines are completely harmless too - you won't mind if I get my gear and find out for myself before the top of this ship blows off?"


OOC: Who knew that the media coverage of Vietnam that used to pre-empt my cartoons when I was a kid would come in handy as a point of reference for Firefly?

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, March 12, 2004 9:20 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Mal's Move:

Location: Cargo bay

MAL (thinks to himself) "Thought we'd never get that tzao gao loaded. Why can't things ever go smooth?"


Tzao gao = Shit

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Friday, March 12, 2004 9:29 AM


Damon's turn:
Location: ramp


Originally posted by Channain:

ROWAN (with extreme skepticism): "Uh-huh, and apples tossed over enemy lines are completely harmless too - you won't mind if I get my gear and find out for myself before the top of this ship blows off?"

Damon looks at Rowan trying to keep his frustration from blowing up at the wrong person.

"You can check it all you want but it will work. I have three years experience with those things. Hell, I could assemble one in my sleep."

He looks back at the three ships that are getting closer.
"Tzao gao. MERZ! What's going on up there?"

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, March 12, 2004 10:09 AM


Book's Move

Location: In transit from Book's Room to Bridge

Books slides open the door of his room and pokes his head out. No one. Memory stick in his pocket again, Book hides his injured hand in the other pocket and goes up the aft stairs.

Sensing that all must be in readiness if most of the help is sitting having tea, Book walks through the galley giving nods where appropriate and makes his way up to the bridge.

Arriving at the bridge, Book stands out of the way at the back of the room, watching Wash go through a few last minute preparations.



Friday, March 12, 2004 11:29 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
Location: Stairs leading to the cargo bay from the bridge.
DAMON: "You can check it all you want but it will work. I have three years experience with those things. Hell, I could assemble one in my sleep."

He looks back at the three ships that are getting closer.
"Tzao gao. MERZ! What's going on up there?"


Sensing Damon's testiness, Rowan gives him a frank look that clearly states she's not about to let anyone get away with that tone, however blythly delivered.

ROWAN: "You know what, I don't have any wherewithal left to argue semantics, so let me make this clear. I never said you didn't know your business, but I do know this; you don't know for sure where the hardware came from or how many hands it passed through, and neither do I which means we have no way of knowing what was done to it before it got here. Now, if it's all the same to you, I'm going to grab my gear and make certain it hasn't been tampered with."


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, March 12, 2004 11:30 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

gorram double post!


Friday, March 12, 2004 12:14 PM



MERZ has a sudden recollection - deciding on a cup of tea before running the final wiring from the hull to the controls. "*Bala ya khumak", she almost screams the words "I should be killed until I die!" What a thing to have let slip.

i may have killed us all

She takes off at a dead run up the stairs into the bridge, across to the box of parts, grabbing the wiring and dives into the crawlspace as fast as she can move. She does not quite blur. It takes very little time to attach the three wires to the sockets that transfer through the hull to the matching wires outside, and she is very careful not to mix them up. She then crawls as swiftly as she can to under the console where the controller is laid out and waiting and pushes the other end of the wiring up through the deckplating. She is still cursing incoherently, in several different languages. Rightly the wires should be in the console but there is no time.

"Damon, you **muji, get in here or we are all ***morre ko manchi!"

No response. MERZ lets out a wordless scream of frustration and starts crawling back towards the opening again. Those controls have to be finished and tested, now!


*Bala ya khumak = May you get swept by a catastrophe(Arabic)

**muji = ass(Nepali)

***morre ko manchi = dead people (Nepali)

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, March 12, 2004 12:31 PM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan’s Move Supplemental:
LOCATION: Cargo Bay, Passenger Dorms, stairs up to second level and the long way around to the bridge.

Leaving Damon staring after her with some mystification, Rowan crosses the cargo bay at a jog, straight for the passenger dorms. Reaching her room, she drops to her knees by the bunk and pulls out the attaché bag. From the bulging front pocket, she takes out a pouch made of stiff black leather and carefully tucks it away into her duffle bag before closing the storage space. Hefting the attaché to her shoulder, she heads for the stairs leading to the second level, wondering absently who the masochist was that decided to opt against including dual occupant lifts on Firefly class schematics.

The passenger dorm stairs are actually the long, scenic route to the bridge as it takes her past into the rear passageway. Hearing voices murmuring behind her, she takes a quick look over her shoulder and catches a glimpse of Simon and Kaylee, their heads close together. Quickening her pace, it isn’t long before the murmuring becomes soft moans of appreciation and pleasure. Smiling softly, Rowan silently wishes them well.

Crossing the galley - with another quick glance at Shephard Book on the way - she makes her way to the bridge and finds a slim pair of legs that strongly resemble Merz’s sticking out from under the port side console.
MERZ is still cursing incoherently, in several different languages. Rightly the wires should be in the console but there is no time.

"Damon, you **muji, get in here or we are all ***morre ko manchi!"


Rowan sets her bag down next to the console, figuring that her sense of timing is still pretty much bang on.

ROWAN: “Damon’s still down in the cargo bay. I have a systems test program that’ll direct us - should cut down the hook up by a couple minutes."

Unzipping the bag, she takes out a top of the line dedicated source pad, thicker than the standard model due to a gargantuan memory upgrade that enhances the standard wireless capability. Using thumbprint recognition, she powers up in a split second and delicately touches icons on the screen to access what she needs. In no time, the diagnostic is running. On the screen before her, a complete schematic of the 03-K64-Firefly appears, then swiftly changes to include modifications made to this particular ship. Watching with interest, Rowan inserts the audio transmitter into her left ear as she nods in approval. Kaylee does indeed know her craft.

ROWAN: “Okay, ready whenever you are.”


We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Friday, March 12, 2004 1:45 PM




“Okay, ready whenever you are.”

ah, now then this is more like. MERZ ceases her pointless diatribe and gets down to work. "Thank you, Rowan. I was beginning to think about having a panic attack."

With someone on the outside to run diagnostics the inside wiring goes far quicker and soon the hookup is as complete as it can be without actually running power through it.

"ROWAN, please send a tickle charge through here while I am still under the console and tell me if we are leaking anywhere. If not I'm coming out and replacing the decking before someone breaks their neck. Then give me 5 minutes to get outside and test the gimbel mounts. We have to know if the blessed thing will turn and target." She pauses.

"Oh yes, this is the important part. Out of the box this particular cannon has sighting problems, every one I have ever seen is 15 to 25 degrees out-of-true. And never in the same direction. Please tell the gunner that. The first shot is going to miss. Every time. If it is new. Which I don't know. It is not the gunners fault. But if they watch how much they miss and in what direction, they can compensate. If they know it up front."

"Stand back, and give me power. And cross your fingers."

If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Friday, March 12, 2004 2:17 PM


Damon's turn:
Location: from cargo bay to bridge


ROWAN: "You know what, I don't have any wherewithal left to argue semantics, so let me make this clear. I never said you didn't know your business, but I do know this; you don't know for sure where the hardware came from or how many hands it passed through, and neither do I which means we have no way of knowing what was done to it before it got here. Now, if it's all the same to you, I'm going to grab my gear and make certain it hasn't been tampered with."

Damon sighs as Rowan walks off. He didn't think about the fact that the cannon probably wasn't fresh from the factory, but that didn't change anything. He had still made sure that everything was working properly during the installation.

He hears Merz's voice up in the bridge.

"Damon, you **muji, get in here or we are all ***morre ko manchi!"

Damon turns back inside and runs up the stairs toward the bridge. He grimaces as reaches the top and jogs down the hall, holding a hand to his injured side. Now was not a good time to be running around, but getting caught was not an option.

He steps onto the bridge and sees Rowan standing at the computer with some kind of diagnostic equipment.

Merz speaks from in the crawlspace:

"Oh yes, this is the important part. Out of the box this particular cannon has sighting problems, every one I have ever seen is 15 to 25 degrees out-of-true. And never in the same direction. Please tell the gunner that. The first shot is going to miss. Every time. If it is new. Which I don't know. It is not the gunners fault. But if they watch how much they miss and in what direction, they can compensate. If they know it up front."

Damon suddenly grins and then bursts into laughter. He winces as the laughing only causes more pain. After several attempts, he gets his laughter under control, but can't stop grinning.

"I can fix that if you want, Merz."

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Friday, March 12, 2004 2:47 PM



DAMON, laughing. "I can fix that if you want, Merz."

"So can I boy and never forget that. But not in . . . approximately one minute. Lock and load boy, cause you are probably on your own."


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress






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