RP: "Adventures in Gunrunning" - Act 12

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:45
VIEWED: 15622
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Monday, March 22, 2004 4:07 PM



All is quiet. MERZ slowly sneaks back to her room, to try once again for rest. Once inside, she removes her wet exercise clothes and lays them out to dry on the deck, decides her jumpsuit is too dirty to wear and lies back down on the floor. Tomorrow will be time enough to see about getting her clothing clean. For tonight, it is unimportant. This time, if her sleep is not dreamless, at least she remembers nothing more, for several peaceful hours.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:03 AM


Book's Move

LOCATION - Galley/Pool Hall

ROWAN: "We'll call that a warm up. That kind of enthusiasm warrants a do-over."

Book lowers the cue back down and watches as Rowan reinitiates the holographic cue ball. Arching an eyebrow at the new ball, Book stops and looks back again at Rowan; who is urging him like a mother watching a child on his first day of school.

ROWAN: "You might as well get your licks in while you can, Shepherd. I've never let anyone win, so if I start this game, I will finish it."

"In that case" Book says smiling and turning away from the table, "lets draw this out as long as possible."

Book sets the cue stick down gently on the table and walks over to a nearby cubbyhole. Getting down on his knees, he moves a large bag of turnips out of the way, reaches far back into the cubbyhole and pulls out a large bag of beets. He smiles up at Rowan, who's giving him a look as though she thinks he's gone a little ghua chan ye, and then he goes back in again and returns with a bottle of very fine-looking wine.

Standing up slowly, he takes the bottle to the counter. "This was stowed carefully on the bottom of one of those crates Mr. Thorne brought us. We're lucky it avoided the gunfire."

Book uncorks the bottle, pours a few glasses and returns to the table. "Preachers don't often imbibe," Book frowns mockingly, then breaks into a grin, "but a little choice wine now and again can be most pleasant."

Book takes a sip of his wine, sets it down and picks up the cue stick again. He quickly sets himself, strikes the cue ball and the rack explodes with sound and motion. Immediately the 2 ball drops, followed shortly after by the 7. Book smiles until he sees the cue ball come to rest on the rail behind the 5. Trapped, he has no choice but to try for luck. Book grimaces at the table, taps the cue ball firmly with the stick and watches it go two rails and hit the 1 ball close to the corner pocket, but failing to sink it. He extends the cue back out to Rowan, and she accepts it with a glint of delight in her eyes.

"I think a little more wine for me."


ghua chan ye = soft in the head.


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 4:17 AM


A little nonsense from me. Thanks to Merz for the inspiration.
River wakes up silently. She seems to be listening to music, but there is nothing there but sounds of the ship, the sounds of people walking about, just sounds. She starts to slowly move around, as in a dance. She speeds up a little, but she still is moving slowly. She dances alone in her room. Just dances, no cares in the world.

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2 plus 2 make 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Teela Brown, keeper of bad typing.
"No one reads these things any way."- Bart on Blackboard


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:33 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

Rowan's Move:
LOCATION - Galley/Pool Hall

BOOK: "Lets draw this out as long as possible."
Taking a long deep breath of the fine red in the glass in her hand, Rowan can tell which vineyard on Osiris cultivated the grapes and magically created such an excellent bouquet. Sipping sparingly to make it last as long as possible, she watches Book's second break with admiration. As he hands the cue back to her, she decides that the Shepherd is going to make the trip even more interesting than she originally figured.


BOOK: "I think a little more wine for me."
ROWAN: "That was a fine break, Shepherd."

Setting her glass down on one of the chairs, she leans in to aim at the cue ball, which strikes the 1 and sends it smoothly across to the 6. The six gently bumps one rail, only to come rolling back toward her and lazily into the pocket right in front of her. She's already gone to retrieve her glass for another sip before the six vanishes. The 2, meanwhile, alines itself back with the 5.

ROWAN: "Nothing like a good game with a good wine."

Moving around the table, Rowan leans into the shot. Tapping the cue ball sends it at an angle against the 2 which rolls over to kiss the 5. The 5 makes its way to the corner, only to bounce off the edge of the pocket.

Rowan makes a face as she glares at the 5.

ROWAN: "Every game has one ball that refuses to do as it's told. (she angles her eye at Book) That seem right to you?"


OOC: Score: Book 2, Rowan 1
Off Table: 2, 7, 6
On Table: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
Still anybody's game, with Rowan at a handicap. With enough wine, this could very easily lead to a revealing philosophical discussion.

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 11:45 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Please move on to the shiny new Act 13:

We have art so as not to die of truth ~ Neitzsche






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