A Defiant 'Verse OOC and Sign Ups

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 09:34
VIEWED: 50344
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009 3:11 PM


My post went a little long but I wanted to include everybody that's in the conversation.

I won't be in the chat room tonight like I'd planned. Gotta go make up the work I missed while I was writing Jackie's scene.

None of you could probably be there over the next hour anyway.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 4:13 PM


We need an image of Bucket.

If you don't have any particular actor in mind, may I suggest Gordon Michael Woolvett? (Any Andromeda fans here?)

Here's a link to the gallery at his main site (I know the Web Master). Let me know if you have trouble seeing it. At the moment I forget how to upload images here.

Ainsley needs an image too. YinYang, I sent you an image I thought might be good if you don't have one, but maybe you didn't get it. It's been awhile. It was the actor who played Tory in Battlestar Galactica recently but I don't have the image handy.

Much more fun (at least to me) when we can see the character's face in a picture.

This is fun! I hope everyone else can join in soon.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 5:31 PM


Cool posts you guys! Im bummed about the lack of sugar though..
One thing about my post and the universe at large.
I was thinking that the cortex seems, well, kinda core-ish.
Its a central information, communication and media creature, and as much as its likely decentralized in the sense that it exists kinda like the internet, I still think it just feels core-ish.
Not necessarily alliancy (though a bias should be noticeable if the independents dont post much on it, preferring their independent media and communications- [thats what my made-up indep-casts are])
If anyone disagrees, let me know and I can remove it. Or adjust to a happy middle.


Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:45 PM


Not sure man. I'd have to think on the cortex thing a bit more when I have some thinking power left. Writing my post tonight took about all the last of it I had.

Going to bed soon but I just wanted to post to say I posted.

Maybe we can find a way to pick up even more crew on our first job, eh?

"Big.. big mug."


Friday, June 19, 2009 12:16 AM


Sure could, if theres willin writers out there. A wounded survivor could definitely be rescued and patched up, or several other scenarios.
Whats happening with our stowaway? Havent heard from Alexander of late..


Sunday, June 21, 2009 1:34 PM


I'll post more late tonight(in a couple hours or so).

Also I'll be hanging out in the chat then as well, for a few hours.

"Big.. big mug."


Sunday, June 21, 2009 6:14 PM


Are you all still looking for more writers?

I'm interested enough to speak, but near terrified, as I'm kinda shy around here. I don't speak up a lot :)

I'm working on a CS, I've read all the posts I can find (I hope I got them all). I tried to send a pm to Defiant, but I honestly don't know if I did it right, I've never doen it here before lol.

I'm impressed enough with what I see in-game, I'd love to try and join you :)

You know you want it -

You know you need it -


Sunday, June 21, 2009 6:44 PM


Welcome Shadesiren!

He's a bit busy lately but I'll make sure Defiant is aware of your interest. I am sure we'll take you on but his word is of course law around here.

Also, very nice art.

"Big.. big mug."


Sunday, June 21, 2009 6:47 PM


*blush* thank you very much! Way to make me more shy lol (j/k)

I'm thinking of applying for a muscle position. I'm not thrilled with the background story I have though - not the story, but the way I've written it out. Gives me time to keep, err, ironing lol.

You know you want it -

You know you need it -


Sunday, June 21, 2009 6:55 PM


Take all the time you need. If you need any help or info not provided just ask.

And feel free to stop by the chat, I'll be hanging around for a while longer. It's a bit dull there... this month. Heh

"Big.. big mug."


Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:25 PM


For Your Consideration: (Open for edits)

Name: Delshadi “Shade” Whitmore (del-SHAH-dee)

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Social Control Number: 042,123,4,8997

Role: Muscle

Gear: Flat brimmed black hat, knee-length coat, endless supply of green tank tops, and mismatched pistols. Also often accessorized with various bruises.

Assets: Resilient, loyal, determined and resourceful, high tolerance to alcohol, good hand to hand instincts and excellent shot

Complications: Violent, hot-tempered, doesn’t tend to flex the brain-muscle as often as any others, stubborn

Physical Description: With warm brown eyes and unruly brown hair, Shade would probably pass as quite pretty if she put the effort into it. No one has ever been quite brave – or stupid – enough to suggest it to HER, though. Long dark hair, wiry and strong, very fit. Tallish, but not tall, there’s always a little spark of looking-for-a-fight in her eyes. Sports various scars, a few visible when she’s wearing a tank top. Has several tattoos, including a pale sword on her upper right arm, point down; a simple mandala on her inner left wrist, and a few chinese characters up her spine, (champion, valiant, and truth, top to bottom).

Personality: Shade has a soft spot for the underdog, and a passion for defending the defenseless, but it’s not obvious unless you get to know her. She seems brusque and cocky, impatient with self-indulgent nonsense, and certainly never quite what you could call “ladylike”. Too often, she seems to go looking for a fight, usually with a sense of ‘this is going to be fun’. Too often she comes home with bruises and other injuries – but she always comes home, and through sheer determination rather than any magical fighting skill or martial arts, she usually does more damage than she takes. She’s fiercely loyal to her boss – until the day the boss crosses “that line” and then all bets are off. Most of the time, she’s fairly easy going, a sort of slightly beyond tomboy, ‘drinking buddy’ sort of person.

About ten or eleven years ago, a somewhat scrawny teenager got off a transport, and disappeared into a crowd. That was the last time anyone saw Venice Casey. Her father put up only the most cursory search, and then forgot about her. The ‘Verse forgot about her.

Shade worked on various vessels and for various private parties over the years. Her first jobs were grunt work, but she did them, and happy for the chance at real work. Her nature led her to one too many altercations, and one enterprising old shepherd introduced her to ‘boxing’. It was really more a basic punching bag workout, and it gave her the chance to work out her aggression and learn to throw a better punch at the same time. She stepped up to guns on accident – a shoot out lead to a dead-but-armed-crewman, and from there an armed and pissed off young woman. Only thing she’s never sold is that one gun – Egg, after the Chinese man that had previously owned it.

She got a reputation for being a bad girl – not the fun kind, the ouchie kind. Eventually, she was hiring on as security, goon, even cargo handler, whatever job title they chose to give her, the real job was always about how fast and well she could shoot – and how much muscle she could dish out. More than once her femininity helped her get a job – they never expected the GIRL to kick ass – but Shade never paid much attention to it, beyond when she could use it as an excuse for a fight.

Work helps her keep her more self-destructive tendencies in check, occasionally even giving her a purpose. It rarely lasts. Neither does the money after each job – leading her back to the start finding a new one.

It’s suspect she harbors some sort of personal tragedy, but Shade’s not the sort to whine about it. There’s more fun to be had by living life, and what’s happened in the past can’t be changed.

(Note: Deslhadi is Iranian, and means “Cheerful, Happy Little Heart”)

Full backstory available upon request, but it’s all about forming the brain of someone like Shade, it has no other bearing on her present. Family is out of the picture completely (she considers her previous identity deceased, as does her family).

EDIT: wow, it looks so LONG on here...


Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:29 PM



I'd like to come back when I've been away to characters like that everytime. Accepted without a doubt, and I'm sure no one can dissagree it's an absoloutly brilliant character sheet.

Anyway, I've had RL problems and internet problems, but I'm back.

Lincolnz: I'll have an explosion in my pants pocket when I get a text message now


Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:30 PM



I love it!!
I vote yes anyway :)
Great to have another girl onboard, but even better to have an arse-kickin fight-startin tomboy babe!
I had worried a little that our crew would be overall a little to meek and mild, and here you come!
Every interesting ship needs a "Jayne". Glad to meet one :)
Any ideas on where we could pick you up?


Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:39 PM


We have the best crew. :D

"Big.. big mug."


Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:02 PM



Originally posted by LincolnZ:
We have the best crew. :D

"Big.. big mug."

This x1000

Lincolnz: I'll have an explosion in my pants pocket when I get a text message now


Monday, June 22, 2009 6:10 AM


She's recently "left her position" (re: had a fight with someone and been booted) and has been spending her last paycheck in the local bars gathering a new collection of bruises and leaving a string of dazed and broken men in her path.

She's looking for a new post before she goes "too far", so if there's still word on the cortex you got a position, she'll present herself for an interview.

If you've spent some time here (and I gather you have, if not a LONG time), chances are you may have either seen her in a fight, or overheard the commotion.

She has a tendency (like Mal's going to a Alliance bar on Uni Day) to sort of encourage inappropriate men so she has an excuse to kick their asses. She's already been banned from at least two bars.

So... I can start whenever you want.

and wow, talk about smiles and blushes - I didn't really expect such a nice reaction to what felt a little like a dashed together CS.

I may change her description (coloring only) once I find a face - that's my goal this morning, finding her a face. Limiting it to the slightly ethnic looking dark hair and eyes is kinda making it more of a challenge (I keep finding semi-decent light colored people, but no really suitable dark ones). I'll keep looking!

And thanks ^.^

oh - and I'll hang out in the chatroom today, much as I can, so if I'm there but don't answer, I'll be checking it again soon :)


Monday, June 22, 2009 6:26 AM


If you knew what sort of RP a few of us started on you'd understand our excitement at having another great writer/character on board. :D

"Big.. big mug."


Monday, June 22, 2009 7:43 AM


ok, I so hope that was ok - I so don't want to jump the gun or step on toes jumping in too soon.

Just kinded flowed, seemed general enough where it lets off to be flexible, but I can change or remove if needed.

You know you want it -

You know you need it -


Monday, June 22, 2009 8:52 AM


I found a picture I'm happy with. Tossed in a background from Serenity part one, so she wasn't just against a white background. If you squint, you can kinda tell it's a blue sun logo on something in the background.

ok, I made two, but I mostly had to share cuz I changed her T-Shirt. The original had a man on his knees offering someone standing a kitten, from a basket of kittens on the ground between them.

I changed it to a man begging for his life over a bag full of money. Note the gun under the edge of her hair, and the double-slashed C on the bag of money.

Yeah, I was looking for something to do today...

I'm not much good with Sigs, but it seems Defiant makes those shiny ones you guys have? *bats her eyelashes hopefully*

I found this useful, sharing if anyone wants a copy -

You know you want it -

You know you need it -


Monday, June 22, 2009 1:53 PM


Sweet post. Introductions are always the most awkward part too. At least in my experience. Could be interesting showing up at the very last second before we leave.

Also, you forgot Bucket in your bio sheet.

"Big.. big mug."


Monday, June 22, 2009 1:58 PM


He shows up as the third one when I viewed it - but it's set up wierd, I tried to get everyone on one sheet, to mimic a handful of RPG character sheets.

I'm working on how she's going to approach the ship, I've kinda seen what going through her mind, as she's looking at the ships available - might have to post one fail before she approaches the firefly.

You know you want it -

You know you need it -


Monday, June 22, 2009 2:05 PM


Oh dang, my mistake. I missed it when I looked.

Might be the headache and the three hours sleep I got. Thanks for keeping me up chatting :P

Seriously kidding, I slept more like six or seven. Not about the headache though.

"Big.. big mug."


Monday, June 22, 2009 2:14 PM


Sorry about the headache :( *sends positive anti-headachey vibes* Hope that helps :P

I am SO tempted to print up the bios, I so prefer paper to text for stuff like that... but I'm saving the ink lol and I have WAY too many notes and papers all around my chair here already lol


Monday, June 22, 2009 6:37 PM


Hi there Defiant, you know me as... well you can probably guess it, EH?

Lo, I have (most of) a CS done. I'll wrap it up tomorrow, I just want to know what you think of the guy before I delve into his backstory.


Name: Maurie "Moe" Kasper

Age: 35

Sex: Male

Role: Mechanic

Gear: Black faux-leather jacket and appropriately vintage brass-rimmed shades; keeps a short blade in a spring-loaded sheath up his right sleeve, and a two-shot derringer around his right ankle. Not one to go around with fat bundles of tools dangling off his belt, as he prefers to leave them where they're most likely to be needed.

Assets: Quick-witted and canny with words; Coolheaded, knows when to fight and when to fly; Accomplished mechanic, guy knows his stuff; Fast draw and steady shot make him a sound last line of defense.

Complications: Doesn't mingle a whole lot, aloof demeanor and bouts of sandpaper wit oft had him labelled a self-important ass; Self-centered pragmatism makes it hard to win his respect and loyalty.

Physical Description: A tall man, with rugged good looks salt and peppered with stubble. A thin ridge of scar tissue hoops around his neck, arching from one earlobe to the other, no doubt a token of an earlier brush with death. He is loosely fit, with a healthy coat of fat and thick, muscled limbs. He might not have the endurance of a cross country runner, but he packs a knockout, and his knobby, callused knuckles attest to his readiness to use it.

Personality: Moe is a man wary of the trappings of an overburdened mind, and as such lives by a disarmingly simple motto: shore up the good and brush off the bad. His likes include high-risk, high-paid employment, and he gravitates towards individuals who demonstrate qualities of self-reliance, whereas he dislikes meek and indecisive people and typically looks down on most all instances of neediness. That aside, he also keeps a few hobbies: He is a collector of exotic ammunition and and his liking for unsafe velocities is what got him into mechanics and engineering in the first place. He lives his life looking dead ahead, his thoughts focused solely on the present moment, and leaves the worrying and guesswork to those still trudging under the shadow of doubt.

Background: I'll... fill that up later, tomorrow hopefully. I hate writing backstories v_v


Monday, June 22, 2009 7:00 PM


Uh yeah... no sorry REJECTED!

.... :P Just kidding. Of course it's accepted. :D

"Big.. big mug."


Monday, June 22, 2009 9:15 PM


...Bitch took my line. =(

Anyway, welcome to the crew man.

Lincolnz: I'll have an explosion in my pants pocket when I get a text message now


Monday, June 22, 2009 9:52 PM


Yes, it's the new OOC thread. Lincoln braught this up with me earlier, and I agree that this one is to bulky. Please repost all CSs there.

- Thanks,

Lincolnz: I'll have an explosion in my pants pocket when I get a text message now


Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:34 AM



Excuse my lapse back to the 70's but I'm just awed at the new people!

This is gonna be so fun. Hi, everybody!

I still have a pile of work left, but I hope to have time to play on the Defiant tonight.






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