Father Of "Drowned Syrian Boy" Was People Smuggler

UPDATED: Friday, July 1, 2016 13:53
VIEWED: 10050
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015 9:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I was referring to the "It's not personal, it's just war", as if that excuses all manner of barbarity on "your" side.

You've certainly repeated it often enough, it's even been discussed, and I certainly got your point (although it's not the point you think you're making)

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015 9:55 AM



Originally posted by G:
Dear friends... I think it's time...

It's been weighing on me...

Time to unburden myself...

Time to confess...

I am a 6th generation member. Great, great, great, great granddad "A" was the first. He made his name at the Battle of Pinjarrain in Pinjarra, Western Australia. One day, while on duty protecting dead livestock, the lanky Scotsman smelled a foul odor and went looking for it's source. A couple hundred yards from camp he came upon an Aboriginal spit roasting a marsupial that he thought was stolen from a collection meant to be sent back the Her Majesty's exotics larder (side note: some say roasting marsupial smells like burning hemp). Unfortunately, because "A" had left his post he was also blamed for the disappearance of a tennis racket expertly strung with dry wallaby gut. After serving his 30 day isolation sentence A was understandably bent on payback, so he tracked down the unfortunate indigenous he had originally encountered, and spit roasted him. Or someone who looked very much like him. Or he may have only spit on someone who looked like him.
In any case, our family's killing niche was claimed and we would forever forward be known as:


(All Civilians Must Die No Matter Who No Matter Where Because It's Not The People With Guns You Have To Worry About It's The People Doing Nothing Who Get In Your Way And Block Your Shot).

So you're one of those A's. I thought there was something sinister and familiar about you. I guess it could be worst G, you could be one of those awful unscrupulous B's.

B's are from the far western end of the Russian Federation and survive by eating there own crap. There names are unusual and so they are easy to spot. The B's consists of two clans. THE EL SIG'S AND DO KIKI'S. If spotted please contact the board of health because these B's are especially filthy and disturbed.


Saturday, October 31, 2015 1:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

By the way, I've been castigated relentlessly for posting pictures of dead children, emblematic of the hundreds of thousands of children directly killed by USA troops or indirectly killed by USA policy of supporting terrorism.

Dead children that the western press and western governments prefer that you would forget, or not even imagine

And yet, KPO's BBC link posts a video which shows - in detail and close up- the body of a drowned toddler on a Greek beach. The video which immediately follows- an interview of Alan Kurdi's aunt- shows that she thinks of the viral relaying of her nephew's body not as "gratuitous" but as a "message from God".

When it suits you, you have no problems using images to win sympathy for "your cause". That's OK- images are powerful tools to help people see - literally- events. It's not the fact that I posted those images that tweaks you. It's that there is heavy criticism of USA policy attached to it. Personally, I think that the pictures of these dead children are ALSO messages from God (if you believe on God), or at least an appeal to the best part of your personality (assuming you have a best part).

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, October 31, 2015 8:36 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"images from GOD"

Nope. "MESSAGES from god"

All I did as read ONE phrase of yours - and it was wrong.

Get your shit together. Either learn to read or learn to stop so blatantly, obviously lying.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Saturday, October 31, 2015 11:26 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Before there were children drowning in the sea, there were dead children in Afghanistan

In Iraq

(Soon to be dead)

(beheaded by ISIS)

.... Libya

.... Palestine

Syria ....

gas attack by jihadists

Ukraine ....

Who ignited and fed this clusterfuck, anyway?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.




My life is otherwise wortheless. How can I help stop this?

I don't mean giving money. I mean head-first nose-dive kamakazie action to keep this shit from ever being replicated again?

My niece is an angel, and She has a great Mom and Dad and I never have to worry about Her....

These kids never stood a chance.

Give me 5 minutes alone in a room with whoever the fuck did this to them and even if it's not me, only one of us are coming out of that room alive.

I know that if I were to die I left my Niece with a lot....

I think that could be a future government program though....

When a man has gotten to that age that he just doesn't care and can't get the cute young girl anymore because of his less than rich status, he can just push the button and sacrafice himself for the betterment of his bloodline.

The only reason I'm still here right now is because I believe I'm better off alive to her than dead in our collective recent future....

I'm here until I get a helpless gut-shot wound or die of untreatable cancer....

I'm Her Goddamned Secret Service patrol, over 30 years before She becomes our first Female President of these United States :) (Sorry Hillary..... Barack made sure we have at least 5 terms of nothing but old white men through 2030.....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, November 1, 2015 8:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Yesterday's news makes it crystal clear, at least to me, that the drowning of children is Greek government policy. These Syrians could be walking into Greece rather than drowning.

About 500 anti-government protesters, who traveled from Athens and several towns in northern Greece were involved in the clashes near the border with Turkey after challenging a police cordon blocking access to the fence that spans more than 10 kilometers (6.2 miles).

The demonstrators are demanding that Greece tear down the fence and allow refugees to cross by land instead of risking their lives on the sea crossing to Europe.

The government says it cannot remove the fence for "practical reasons" and has called on other European Union countries to speed up additional support promised for search and rescue operations in the east Aegean Sea.

More than 60 people, half of them children, have died in the past four days while trying to reach Lesbos and other Greek islands from the Turkish coast.

If Alexis Tsipras, Greece's Prime Minister, will not give the order to remove the fence with Turkey, he should reduce confusion about the situation rather than let it take care of itself. He should have the Greek Navy machine gun the Syrians while they are in their boats. Sounds absurd, right? Not for Tsipras; in July he had a referendum vote that decided to NOT take the bailout deal the Germans were offering Greece. Two weeks later he took the deal.


Sunday, November 1, 2015 10:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


My life is otherwise wortheless. How can I help stop this? I don't mean giving money. I mean head-first nose-dive kamakazie action to keep this shit from ever being replicated again?-6IX

Vote. Try to tell the people you know about this in a way that will move them.


The only reason I'm still here right now is because I believe I'm better off alive to her than dead in our collective recent future....
Yes, please be there for your niece. You are MUCH more valuable to her alive than dead ... provided you get a hold of your drinking habit.


When a man has gotten to that age that he just doesn't care and can't get the cute young girl anymore because of his less than rich status, he can just push the button and sacrafice himself for the betterment of his bloodline.
6IX, any woman who rejects you because of your lack of wealth ... now, there's a girl you don't want to get mixed up with anyway.

OTOH, it's not out of the question for a woman to want stability. I chose hubby because he's intelligent, hard-working and serious although at the time he was a poor motorcycle mechanic going to university part-time. I think he chose me for the same reason, although I was a scholarship student with not a penny to my name.


Sorry Hillary..... Barack made sure we have at least 5 terms of nothing but old white men through 2030.....
PFFFWAAAHHH! You just made coffee shoot from my nose, damn you!

Too true!

But that's only because people vote "identity politics" ... that is, they vote for/against someone because of that person's race, gender, age, religion, etc, not because of what they've done, or any realistic expectation of what they'll do. That's how we got "Uncle Tom" Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court. He had the support of "the black community" because ... well, he was black. They thought he would represent them, when in reality all Uncle Tom was was a house slave who would lick the massah's boots clean, if they asked.

I'm not voting for Hillary. Not because she's an old white hag, but because she's a corrupt neocon in Democrat's clothing. Just being a woman doesn't make you better - heck, look at Clinton (soul has been sold to neocons), Yellen (happily sold to USA banks) and Christine LaGarde (willingly sold to intl banks).


Do Right, Be Right. :)
Good motto.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, November 1, 2015 10:41 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Wrong. It IS exactly the fact that YOU posted them.-GSTRING
If THOSE are your priorities, then your priorities are as fucked-up as I've been saying all along.


Your tactics are as self-serving and smarmy as the lowest politician and just as untrustworthy. You can't be trusted to tell the Truth - any truth.
Oh, what a load of hogwash! You can't even recognize the truth when it's in front of your face. And when someone sticks it under your nose, you can't handle it. YOUR reaction to the TRUTH that the USA has killed somewhere to the north of 75,000 children (more like a several hundred thousand) children?

Not "Oh my go, that's terrible."
Not "What can we do to not do that again?"
Or How did we ever get into this mess in the first place?
Not How can we stop?
Or What can we do to fix this?"

It's been
Eeeew! SIGGY posted it! That makes it a LIE! I'm not looking! It's in POOR TASTE! SIGGY is a sick f..!

All you've managed to demonstrate is that it is more important TO YOU to "win". Instead of reacting to the individual and collective tragedies of our foreign policy, you've wasted 100% of your time by attacking me, as if I were the bigger problem!

You have not made a single step towards demonstrating that you're NOT a sick fuck.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, November 1, 2015 3:25 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by G:

Where's your TRUTH?

The truth is that Greece has more than enough commercial ferry boats to transport everybody. Rather than Syrians paying Turks for illegal rides into Greece, the Syrians could be paying Greeks, but that's not happening.

The drownings have cast an unflattering light on Europe’s immigration policies and the slow pace at which EU leaders have moved to deal with the emergency. After 22 people drowned in two separate incidents on Friday, the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, accused the continent of an “inability to defend its values” by offering a safe alternative to the dangerous sea journeys.

Tsipras will not admit that he, all by himself, could provide the safe alternative. The Syrians will be paying Turks for the boat ride. Why can't the Syrians pay Greece for a far safer ride? The Prime Minister of Greece can make it happen and it won't cost Greece anything because Syrians will be paying all costs!

Tsipras will visit Lesbos, the Aegean island that has borne the brunt of the influx, with the president of the European parliament, Martin Schulz, later this week.


Sunday, November 1, 2015 4:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Dumb hag - you nitpick my word use ..."

You mean when you deliberately misrepresented what Signy posted? Though, in your defense, I'm sure you think mere lying is a trifle ...

"How's that search going for all the times you say I said I wanted to kill civilians?"

Oh yeah - and this? A complete fabrication. As usual. BTW - I invite you to find that quote where you were accused of wanting to kill civilians. A quote where anybody actually says you *WANT* (using that word) to kill civilians will do.

I can wait.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, November 2, 2015 8:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

In my humble opinion, very few of the EU nations are obligated to take refugees.


Because they didn't cause the problem.

No, that honor belongs to
(1) The USA, for the destruction of Afghanistan
(2) The USA and Coalition of the Willing (Billing, and Shilling) for the invasion of Iraq
(3) The USA, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey for the destruction of Libya
(4) The USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan etc for the attempted destruction of Syria
(5) Frau Merkel, who extended the welcome mat.

Hmmm... so starting with the USA (whose name appears more than once) and Saudi Arabia (and it's Merrie Band of Terrorists who benefited greatly from the chaos that the USA and its allies visited on the ME) they should start shelling out lots and lots and lots of goods and funds to the impacted nations so that the refugees/migrants can be decently fed, housed, and held in-place until such as time as their nations have been stabilized and they can be safely returned home. Yanno, turn the refugees from being a financial burden to a financial asset. Or just take in the two or three million refugees (but who the hell wants to go to Saudi Arabia??) directly.

Greece, whose economy is really suffering under Troika austerity, is almost as much a victim as Syria and Iraq etc. The Greek nation should be recompensed for shouldering the burden that the USA and its allies caused. It's emblematic of the USA that is expects its "friends" to clean up the messes that the USA creates. My god, it's like following an elephant parade with a whisk broom.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, November 2, 2015 9:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


How's that search going for all the times you say I said I wanted to kill civilians?
It's going GREAT!
I never said that at all, so my search is done before it even started!

To refresh your memories, I'll just go to the first page, which is:


Sig: "Unlike you, I don't condone killing Ukrainians en masse. I just don't condone it when they do it to others."

RAHLMACLAREN: "Sure. Prove that G did. When. Where.Cite it. One exact post.

Maybe English is your third language, but that's no excuse for not websearching a word that you don't understand. Do you know what the word "condone" means??

Apparently not! Here, let me help you out with words you were too ignorant to understand and too lazy to look up:



1.)to disregard or overlook (something illegal, objectionable, or the like):
The government condoned the computer hacking among rival corporations.
2.) to give tacit approval to:
By his silence, he seemed to condone their behavior.

Now WHAT have I been chivying (that's another word for you to look up) GSTRING for all this time? His relative SILENCE on events where a lot of real people are being killed.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, November 2, 2015 9:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

No, that honor belongs to
(1) The USA, for the destruction of Afghanistan
(2) The USA and Coalition of the Willing (Billing, and Shilling) for the invasion of Iraq
(3) The USA, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey for the destruction of Libya
(4) The USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan etc for the attempted destruction of Syria
(5) Frau Merkel, who extended the welcome mat.

. . .

Greece, whose economy is really suffering under Troika austerity, is almost as much a victim as Syria and Iraq etc. The Greek nation should be recompensed for shouldering the burden that the USA and its allies caused.

Alexis Tsipras has to be paid before he will save lives? Despite being poor, Greece could almost completely end the drownings in the Aegean Sea. The rest of the Mediterranean is beyond that Greek's ability. Blame Alexis Tsipras. Put him on your culprit list.

Why is Erdogan of Turkey not on your list? He is not helpless.

And why is Bashar al-Assad not on your list of culprits to blame for drowning Syrians? While you're expanding and reordering the list, add Turkish smugglers who overload boats. And Jehovah if you are a believer. Israel could be on the list, too, for without Israel the USA would not be deeply involved in the Middle E.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, November 2, 2015 10:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Why is Erdogan of Turkey not on your list? He is not helpless.
Erdogan is DENFINITELY on my list. You might have noticed that I pointed out TURKEY as being part of the cause of the problem??

Turkey has been hosting over two million refugees for several years now. It appears (to me) that this "sudden" influx of refugees into Europe ... refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya as well as Syria ... refugees who have been cooling their heels in Turkey for a few years already ... has nothing to do with the state of fighting in Syria and a lot to do with Turkey engineering the sudden release of hostag ... I mean, refugees ... into the EU as a pressure point.


Despite being poor, Greece could almost completely end the drownings in the Aegean Sea.
I don't think you know what poverty is in Greece. You seem to think its just a term for not having enough money in the bank. As far as GREECE is concerned, it is THE poorest nation in the EU. HALF of Greek children experience "food insecurity" and 25% experience actual hunger. HALF of young adults are unemployed. 36% of Greeks live in poverty.
/ Pensioners are out on the street, some Greeks are starving to death. THIS is the nation that should take on the burden of millions of potential refugees and migrants?? Do that, and Greece runs the risk of not being just "poor" but a "failed state".

Meanwhile, the USA is sitting fat and happy, isolated from all the trouble it has stirred up? I believe, among other things, in balancing responsibility with authority. Why make Greece responsible for something it has no authority to either stop or start?

An ethical response from the USA (and the UK) would be to open our pocketbooks and pour money onto the problem, instead of "helplessly" wringing our hands from afar.


And why is Bashar al-Assad not on your list of culprits to blame for drowning Syrians?
He's responsible for creating al Qaida and ISIS, and for attempting to overthrow his own government by using jihadi nut-jobs?


While you're expanding and reordering the list, add Turkish smugglers who overload boats.
Yep, I blame them too.


Israel could be on the list, too, for without Israel the USA would not be deeply involved in the Middle E.
It might be, but in this case I find Saudi Arabia and the rest of the GCC more complicit than Israel. Because, yanno, we have ANOTHER reason to be in the ME: Oil.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, November 2, 2015 10:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So how's that search going for all the times you say I said I condoned bombing civilians?-GSTRING
Oh, perhaps you didn't see the definition of "condone" (which I helpfully provided above). Please go read it and educate yourself.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, November 2, 2015 10:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

What the USA is donating is a pittance compared to the problem. When our donations to the region match the amount of money we spent on destroying it ($1trillion+) then I'll figure we're serious about it.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, November 2, 2015 10:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So how's that search going for all the times you say I said I condoned bombing civilians?-GSTRING

Oh, perhaps you didn't see the definition of "condone" (which I helpfully provided above). Please go read it and educate yourself.-SIGNY


Me: "Do you really think someone thinks bombing civilians is ok?"-GSTRING
You: "Yes, you."-SIGNY

I guess I should have indicated [/snark]. Because what have I been pointing to ... over and over and over and over... it's your SILENCE on the topic of people getting killed, your diversions from the topic when challenged ... it certainly does speak to a level of tolerance for the killings. The focus of the vast bulk of your posts indicate EXACTLY how much you "care".

And yanno what? You're still making yourself the focus of the conversation, and I'm just apparently enabling a narcissist. It's not all about you. Really, it isn't!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015 10:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I guess I should have indicated [/snark]. Because what have I been pointing to ... over and over and over and over... it's your SILENCE on the topic of people getting killed, your diversions from the topic when challenged ... it certainly does speak to a level of tolerance for the killings. The focus of the vast bulk of your posts indicate EXACTLY how much you "care".

And yanno what? You're still making yourself the focus of the conversation, and I'm just apparently enabling a narcissist. It's not all about you. Really, it isn't!

Except that's not true - so wrong again. I was the one who started the thread about Russia invading Ukraine and I was the first one to post in that thread about how this would likely lead to civilian casualties on both sides and how sad that was.

When asked by Kiki what I thought if there was no full scale invasion (snicker), I said who cares, it's not about me.

So actually the opposite of what you're saying.

And he's still talking about ... himself!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015 3:39 PM



Wednesday, November 4, 2015 8:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And wrong again. I'm talking about you being wrong again.

Uh huh.

So, do you want to keep on talking about you? Or do you want to talk about something else? Because so far, in this entire thread, the only thing you managed to talk about is (1)you and (2)what you think I think about you and (3) what you feel about me.


ETA: Yanno what? That was an unfair reply, because it's destined to jerk yet another personal response from you. I'll stop talking about you now, if YOU'LL stop talking about you now!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, November 6, 2015 8:08 PM


not sure how accurate but interesting, I seen vids Lizardheads like Icke, a from Canadian white-first nationalist, the UKIPs and AlexJones style alternative news, on facebook, twitter etc its a shame when u have to see truth on tinfoil head sites like these....mainstream media is dead now
but Alan B West and other more mainstream people are finally speaking out


Friday, July 1, 2016 1:53 PM


Finally…U.S. forces just crushed ISIS in Iraq, but there’s one question I must ask…


On Wednesday, a second group of ISIS vehicles and fighters formed east of Ramadi, in the Albu Bali neighborhood, Garver said.

“When strikes from both Iraqi and coalition air hit the convoy, the Daesh fighters abandoned their vehicles and fled on foot,” he said. “We estimate coalition strikes destroyed approximately 120 Daesh vehicles. Again, we know the Iraqi security forces destroyed more.

I’ve read some reports that some 250 ISIS fighters were killed. Finally… but I must ask, why did it take so long?

anyways that may be the start of step one

and even if they, the US and its allies such as the new Iraqi military reclaim still have ISIS operations in Libya, Syria, Turkey etc so I doubt this refugee wave is over

Some have wondered if a formation of a Kurdish State exmaple Kurdistan would act as a barrier between the militant terrorists of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey






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