Nu-Democrats and radical sex politics. Open Border Feminist Insanity....Red Pill & Mens Rights vs US family court system and MGTOW

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Monday, January 11, 2016 12:04 PM


Red Pill, US Western Demographics plus Birth Rates, Mens Rights, 4th Wave Feminism, islamics turning women into baby machines, US family court system and MGTOW

Why does the Western man refuse marriage with the American woman, men won't marry the USA's woman anymore?

I support feminism but I wonder if its gone too far
Gays if the have not broken Laws and done something illegal and got jailed for crimes then Gays and Lesbians should have equal rights and if a woman wants to be with a woman or a man wants to be with a man that's really none of our business...but where does 4th Wave Feminism go
I do wonder sometimes if the destruction of the old American nuclear family has gone too far?

Has feminism broke the US family? Seems maybe some relationships have got more shallow or people have become more hollow, No Debate together, No Interests, Self Centered. The young generation are becoming more empty Miley Cyrus tastes in music, shopping for usless hangbags and fashion items, I-phone hedonistic stoner it any wonder its all failing...and the men are leaving the family game....they want to sit at home on their own buy their own car, drink their beer, play their Xbox and Playstation, watch the Baseball and Basketball until these men go old
Pastors, Preachers, Marraige Registry offices all report record low levels of Marraige and the ones who do Marry are getting older and older...Men seem to be opting out of the whole tie-the-knot and fatherhood thing, they are portrayed news and in movies and shown in tv sitcoms as a kind of a joke, also in break ups mostly Courts will favor the woman and the Man will lose A LOT OF INCOME...many who don't pay supprot go to jail, for example over 90% of those punished, sent to jail for not paying child support are men. The Consequences of the current American society is Men are not Marrying the American Woman.

I have noticed this trend a lot over the years, its growing...Westerners, American men, many who still want to marry they now marry a girl from India, Russia, Cambodia, fly over and get a bride from China, Bolivia, Peru....yet they avoid the American woman today?

Did US feminist go too far?
It's like the Man has been slowly dumped for...? ...more stronger femimism....a welfare state?...Metro-Sexuals? give women the same stresses and pains of male work and leaving raising kids as an give women the option to marry other women and go to the sperm bank for the lesbain raised kid?...whatever the reasons its many... modern culture is changing...the traditional 'Man' role in the USA has been dying a while now

I have heard all kinds of opinions from many parts of this world, from black, white, yellow, brown on the whole marraige thing...why the Men of the United States are Giving Up On Marriage...So many people have told me how Men are Fed up with American Women or Western Woman and Why Men Don't Want to Marry the American Woman Anymore. I have seen writing and heard talk from political people, from wealthy people, from less wealthy, from atheists, from religious people

Anyways I'm not sure of the reason or reasons but I think its true the Western Men are now Avoiding Marriage with the American Woman

some vids on it

trends for American women are bad in the US white, latino, asian community and maybe even worse in the black community....for whatever reason
A satisfied, content and happiness gender gap has also emerged across all enthic groups for women, in America all women are now un-happy compared to men

America needs to wake up. We have swung the pendulum too far in the other direction—from a man’s world to a woman’s world.
That’s not equality. That’s revenge.
One thing that I do think is interesting at explaining why I get-along with the women over there: the Chinese word for 'feminism' is nan-nü pingdengzhuyi... which literally means 'male-female equalism'. What a nice concept!

I've traveled a lot, I've seen how women are treated in a lot of countries and it sickens me. Women in too many traditional societies aren't even treated as scarcely human. By comparison, women in the U.S. are so fucking spoiled. They really are. They've had it so good for so long that they've lost all sense of reality or proportion. Look at the statistics: they are among the most privileged 5% of all women on the planet, and yet it's NOT ENOUGH.
Back in February 2012, I wrote how young men were getting fed up with women faster than any other group of men based on a series of comments at The Spearhead. Since then, that entry has become the most read page on this blog.
The story of how guys are fed up with feminism and western women can be easy seen in the very high number of blog postings, it usually higher than any other subject. Plenty of Fish forums largest threads were on this subject before they were deleted. American women bitched too much about the truth. Daily poster start new threads along these lines but they are usually deleted. This is a major issue that is completely ignored by the mainstream press. They would rather talk about how a couple of fudgepackers got married.
The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Are you fed up with American women?
If today is the best time for women in terms of having freedom to do whatever they want while simultaneously controlling the behavior of men via misandric protests and laws, then it can not also be the best time for men, for gender balance is a zero sum affair where the gains of one is the decline of the other. No, the best time for men, in terms of fulfillment with women, has long since passed, and all we can do today—in fact, what we are forced to do today—is to go against our nature and be aloof players and approach robots in order to get sexual intercourse, a very basic feature of human life since time eternal, in between grinding away our lives in front of glowing computer screens and smartphones as we make our masters proud, hoping to feel just 1% of the masculinity that men of the past felt.

Could it be said that there is a prevalence of American men who are fed up, so to speak, with American women and instead prefer foreign women?

Modern feminism seems a little lost now. So I see there's a women against feminism thing on blogs, on twitter women going with this hastag # 'IdontNeedFeminism'

all kinds of opinion on it
what do you people think?


Monday, January 11, 2016 5:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Lot of thoughts on the topic, but not much time.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, January 11, 2016 5:30 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Too many videos. Maybe you can summarize each one below.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, January 11, 2016 5:46 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Modern feminism seems a little lost now.

You have a REDICULOUSLY, hilariously one sided perspective. Not gettin' any?

P.s. Most....wait....ALL of the women I know in person over forty never want to marry again. After getting stuck with scrubs that are drunken narcissists, cheaters, abusive dicks that are INCAPABLE of communicating, I don't blame them.

Should my own dearest depart, I won't ever re-marry. No more slaving to make meals that are unappreciated or watch macho crap movies or clean pee dribble off a toilet ever again. My day will be my own.

Oh, and I kill my own spiders and fix my own appliances and plumbing, thanks. Thanks to sperm banks you have made YOURSELVES TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.



Monday, January 11, 2016 6:46 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Lot of thoughts on the topic, but not much time.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

LOL great, I thought people were not going to touch this one with a 10 foot pole


Originally posted by Wishimay:

P.s. Most....wait....ALL of the women I know in person over forty never want to marry again. After getting stuck with scrubs that are drunken narcissists, cheaters, abusive dicks that are INCAPABLE of communicating, I don't blame them.

Cool, that's great I support women and I don't think any of them should have to endure an abusive relationship

You Wishimay, You're the one who opened up that San Bernardino thread aren't you? Before any facts presented themselves you immediately screamed out 'gun control' and blamed the white male? or was American male or wast it that you blamed all the male human species for the all violence...I remember you being way-off before the factual data started coming through with police bulletins
anyways you were proven wrong when news broke, one of the killers turned out to be a female foreign muslim....a muslim Woman
how did it feel to be proven wrong?

were you shocked? did you get angry that you could not blame all the male species? were you disapointed you could not blame all American men with guns for San Bernardino

I remember you backtracking a lot when a woman was involved, and she had an IED and pipebomb factory in her house


Originally posted by Wishimay:
Should my own dearest depart, I won't ever re-marry. No more slaving to make meals that are unappreciated or watch macho crap movies or clean pee dribble off a toilet ever again. My day will be my own.

So you would like the marraige to end? Or you are waiting for him to die?
Anyway you sound kinda miserable, maybe you should have seperated or got divorced or something or never got married...I don't know I'm not a marraige guidance person
If what you say us true scrubs, macho movies, peeing, unappreciated...he sounds like a bit of a schmuck or lazy bum
I'm wondering what's stopping you from grabbing one of your girlfriends and leaving, having that Thelma & Louise moment so to speak, heading off into the sunset and having that sisters thing or female "bromance"


Originally posted by Wishimay:


You're more or less there, one of richest in America is a woman on tv Oprah...sure there are a few more steps in that ladder to climb...woman president, maternity leave, medical service, pay at work....a few more steps but you are almost there, even if womankind runs up those last fedw is only going to get a little better...there is no magic land with honey and gold and unicorns....sadly most problems humans face today you will still face as a 'liberated' woman, it will get a little better but it won't get a whole lot better than this


Originally posted by 1kiki:

Too many videos. Maybe you can summarize each one below.

Might sum them up later, they talk about much of what is said in this thread.


Monday, January 11, 2016 8:33 PM


Too much blah blah blah.

I sum up.


Men are in prison 10 times more than women. There's an assault on a women by a man every NINE FUCKING SECONDS. I'm sorry if you can't understand the implications of that. How does it feel to be oblivious?

Women Jihadists ARE RARE. It's the exception that proves THE RULE EXISTING IN THE FIRST PLACE. He went over there to find an accomplice and bring her HERE. I doubt she would have been able to complete it without his green card, so YEP, he's still to blame.

Every relationship has issues, I'm am as happy as anyone else. I won't have any more children, so there is no need to be in a relationship past this one. At least I'm IN a relationship, not shopping for feral hoes in a third world country who probably wouldn't know what to do with a toilet...


Monday, January 11, 2016 8:49 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

I sum up.


Yes I'm sure the human male species does terrible things, it is the more agressive, more violent
but do you think those stats are accurate do you think those numbers are true and worldwide?

People Watch & Laugh When Woman Is Seen Beating Up Man

what if the statistics for domenstic violence were something like 7% versus 4% and social attitudes to the violence of the sex were different


Originally posted by Wishimay:

Women Jihadists ARE RARE. It's the exception that proves THE RULE EXISTING IN THE FIRST PLACE. He went over there to find an accomplice and bring her HERE. I doubt she would have been able to complete it without his green card, so YEP, he's still to blame.

wow, so here you find a way to Defend a female mass murdering terrorist...AGAIN!?
and BLAME ALL MEN again?


Originally posted by Wishimay:
At least I'm IN a relationship, not shopping for feral hoes in a third world country who probably wouldn't know what to do with a toilet...

wow! and I thought I exploded online
I think you might be surprised to find some of these 'foreign' women may even be civilsed, might even be nice, it might even be possible for you to have a conversation with them...but hey maybe I'm being to judgemental on your potential for Open-mindedness


Monday, January 11, 2016 11:18 PM


You are the very definition of troll-bait.

Are you really that bored??? Or that narcissistic?


Tuesday, January 12, 2016 7:06 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

I was hoping for a serious discussion

here are some more links to try get the thread back on topic
the links are from all kinds of sites, left, right, independent, maybe extreme tinfol conspiracy....
...some comments are sad, some bitter and angry, some of what is wrote clever and thoughtful...all kinds of ideas
hopefully it will get the topic moving again


Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’

Fewer young men in the US want to get married than ever, while the desire for marriage is rising among young women, according to the Pew Research Center.
Pew recently found that the number of women 18-34 saying that having a successful marriage is one of the most important things rose from 28 percent to 37 percent since 1997. The number of young adult men saying the same thing dropped from 35 percent to 29 percent in the same time.
Pew’s findings have caught the attention of one US writer who maintains that feminism, deeply entrenched in every segment of the culture, has created an environment in which young men find it more beneficial to simply opt out of couple-dom entirely.

5 Reasons Why Some Men Avoid Marriage
Ani Alexander

alex jones site thread
And here an anti-feminist blogger and writer explains: (....posted youtube link)
Naturally I disagree with the notion that men should avoid marriage -- and therefore bringing children into the world. However, this woman hits the nail on the head in regards to why so many males feel that marriage and family are both to be avoided.

Why Young Men Are Avoiding Marriage
- See more at:
A report from the chaotic post-feminist dating scene, where only the strong survive
Here's Jeff from Middleburg, Florida: "I am not going to hitch my wagon to a woman . . . who is more into her abs, thighs, triceps, and plastic surgery. A woman who seems to have forgotten that she did graduate high school and that it's time to act accordingly." Jeff, meet another of my respondents, Alex: "Maybe we turn to video games not because we are trying to run away from the responsibilities of a 'grown-up life' but because they are a better companion than some disease-ridden bar tramp who is only after money and a free ride." Care for one more? This is from Dean in California: "Men are finally waking up to the ever-present fact that traditional marriage, or a committed relationship, with its accompanying socially imposed requirements of being wallets with legs for women, is an empty and meaningless drudgery." You can find the same themes posted throughout websites like AmericanWomenSuck, NoMarriage, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), and Eternal Bachelor ("Give modern women the husband they deserve. None").The reason for all this anger, I submit, is that the dating and mating scene is in chaos. SYMs of the postfeminist era are moving around in a Babel of miscues, cross-purposes, and half-conscious, contradictory female expectations that are alternately proudly egalitarian and coyly traditional. And because middle-class men and women are putting off marriage well into their twenties and thirties as they pursue Ph.D.s, J.D.s, or their first $50,000 salaries, the opportunities for heartbreak and humiliation are legion. Under these harsh conditions, young men are looking for a new framework for understanding what (or, as they might put it, WTF) women want. So far, their answer is unlikely to satisfy anyone--either women or, in the long run, themselves.

Why Men Do Not Want to Marry
Renee Wade

What’s in it for Me: Black Men Avoid Marriage Longer than Every Other Race
On a prior post, It’s Ok to Be Superficial, an interesting comment thread transpired on why marriage occurs so late in the black community.

Avoid American Women At All Cost

Unfortunately, I'm DEADLY SERIOUS when I say this. In light of events in this country, (Duke Lacrosse Rape case and Crystal Gail Mangum, Lorena Bobbitt, Mary Carol Winkler and way too many others to mention) American Women's changed attitudes towards men and increasingly misandrist laws you must avoid American Women in particular and ALL WESTERN WOMEN in general, to preserve your manhood and to preserve your freedom..

Why Are Men So Angry?

Men in their twenties and thirties are fed up with women, but author Kay Hymowitz says you can’t blame them when women are demanding equality except when it comes to romance. Plus, Jessica Bennett on the modern male's identity crisis.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016 9:51 AM


Serious discussion on the American people, talk on male and female humans in America if possible....and why the America man or Western men of today are avoiding marraige to the American woman

more quotes to get it moving again
According to The Pew Research Center, the data from 2012 illustrates a steady increase in the percentages of American men and women who are 25 years and older who have never been married. The same research shows that men are more likely than women to have never made it down the aisle (23% vs. 17%). The facts are clear that fewer people are getting married, the question as to why men are choosing not to in large numbers, remains a debate.
Not wanting to tie the knot is not a concept limited within U.S. borders.
According to the Office for National Statistics, marriage in Britain is at its lowest level since 1895. In 2011, there were just 286,634 ceremonies—a 41 per cent fall from 1972, when 480,285 couples were wed. Although not getting married has been a progression over the years, one of the most convincing reasons for men, specifically, is simply because they don’t need to.
Aside from the obvious economic inconveniences that are involved with an actual wedding, a recent piece titled “Why men won’t marry you“, by Suzanne Venker goes right for the jugular when she argues that it’s actually the woman’s fault that this is happening. No matter how difficult it is to hear it, there is a logic to what she is arguing, starting with the reality that men ca
Read more:

How feminist will counter the problem of men avoiding marriage in America?
The thing about feminists is that they are pretty much universally socialist, and they will throw women under the bus quite gladly if they disagree with socialism (i.e. if they are libertarian). For all their "independence" they are still dependent on men because you can't be a single mother and work a full time job and do everything else too. It takes a village. It used to be that women were directly dependent on men. They raised the kids, the man earned the money to feed them. Now they don't want a man, but they still need his money. Which they now get indirectly by force from the state either through grossly unfair child custody laws or more commonly through taxation.
I'm a single man, I don't have any kids, I don't want any either, but my taxes are probably going to subsidise a single mother. I am in effect doing the job of her husband. She is benefiting from my labour, and getting my money from me by force rather than me voluntarily giving it to her if she was my wife and child.
Basically, women no longer need men's cooperation in order to get our provision. So they'll "counter" the problem by upping taxes and spending on single mothers. But since men are now earning less, after all why kill yourself if you're only working to feed one mouth not 5, this isn't a viable long term solution. Even if it wasn't totally hypocritical.

As the author of three books on the American family and its intersection with pop culture, I’ve spent thirteen years examining social agendas as they pertain to sex, parenting, and gender roles. During this time, I’ve spoken with hundreds, if not thousands, of men and women. And in doing so, I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a subculture of men who’ve told me, in no uncertain terms, that they’re never getting married. When I ask them why, the answer is always the same.
Women aren’t women anymore.

Why Young Men Are Avoiding Marriage
You guys that whine about women hear this? You're a "breeding experiment run by women." This is truly how they think of you. That's why wasting time hating religions, blacks, women, etc. is nonsense.
You only give them what they want; control. Many women fail to see that they are truly not the "end all, be all" social engineers they believe themselves to be. One must realize that Kate Hymowitz is still merely a woman. Therefore she is being controlled just like the other programs. To sit back and believe things are the way they are because women are insane and men are reacting to them is the thought pattern of a fool. Its way too simplistic.
Again, I encourage men to follow the paper trail. Study the history of money, the history of our banking system, and look at who funds these studies or organizations. The Matrix is deep.....
And I'm sorry but I seriously think "Josh" is either a woman or a feminist. Not that I care that much...just why not come as you are? LOL!
Its kind of ironic that in the United States, the politicians in a number of states there have included marital education and sexual abstinence lessons in place of sex education in their high schools as part of the government's welfare policies.
Despite the introduction of that shit, large numbers of young American men are choosing not to get married and are choosing the bachelor lifestyle. Looks like the Bible-thumping branch of American conservatism can't see the bigger picture as the reasons why the state of sexual affairs between men and women in the US are up Shit Creek (all thanks to 40 years of modern feminism screwing things up to the point of no return).
To all the American men of my generation that chose the bachelor lifestyle, disregarded the marital education and sexual abstinence propaganda thats pumped into the high school system, and went MGTOW and having the time of your lives, this Australian Man has got these kind words to say - I Salute You! :D ;)
Why Men Don't Get Married
I found this blog entry from a link from the Dont' Get Married Board. I won't post the entire entry and there are also tons of comments on this blog entry as well.

Across the internet, women have begun making statements such as: Why are men avoiding marriage? Why do guys avoid commitment? Being single sucks.

A Carl Weisman study showed American men are increasingly avoiding marriage. Men fear getting involved in bad marriages with bad wives. This fear is partly driven by the feminist based anti-husband messages of women's magazines and writers.
For example, Parenting Magazine claims their marriage survey shows moms are angry at their husbands "at surprising levels". They state husbands "often don't notice what needs to be done around the house or with the kids". They also claim husbands have "more time to themselves" as compared with moms. Their survey stated 46% of moms get irate with their husbands once a week or more. Lisa Bain, executive editor of Parenting Magazine said "The truth is if you prick any one of us with a little pin, anger comes out". Female writers of ABC News and the Associated Press discussed the survey and expressed outrage at husbands.
However, the magazine's survey completely ignored husbands. No husband was asked anything. His opinions were considered unimportant. His efforts at work were ignored and he was largely unappreciated by his wife.
One stay at home mom participating in the survey stated she was angered at her husband (who worked 11 hour days) because he set aside some time one day a week to be an independent music producer - something he enjoyed. Another wife responding to the survey stated though her husband did 60% of the housework plus his job, she was angered she had to ask him to do housework.
Divorce overwhelming favors women, and seeing as how men are usually the breadwinners of the family, men get kicked hard in the nutsack during a divorce while a woman usually ends up gaining in the process.

10 Reasons Not To Marry - Why Men Should Avoid The Trap

By Winston Wu (Founder of
"A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished." - Zsa Zsa Gabor
Society says you are incomplete until you're married. It is part of our social programming. Your parents are expecting you to get married, to follow on with their tradition and give them grandchildren. Your friends are all getting married too, leaving you left out. So, if everyone is doing it, doesn't that mean it must be right? Are there any reasons not to marry?
You bet! Many good ones. There are many disadvantages, risks and opportunity costs that come with marriage. But society will never tell you about them, because society is not there to give you truth or freedom. It is there to CONTROL you and make you a conformist. But I am not. I am here to tell you the truth and give you the other side to consider.
And no, just because everyone is doing something doesn't mean it must be right. As my school teachers always said, "If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?" And Gandhi said, "Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth." In other words, everyone doing something has no effect on the truth. The truth is, there is no one thing that's right for everyone. And society does not tell you the consequences of what it expects of you.
So before you get married, understand what you are getting into. Here are the many disadvantages, risks and opportunity costs that come with marriage which you may not have yet considered.

what are you doing G?


Originally posted by G:
youtube vid>>eakKfY5aHmY

Wrong thread G, I think the Ornithology or DiscoveryChannel/NationalGeo thread is down a few pages
Or are you just here to troll?


Tuesday, January 12, 2016 11:40 AM


Alternatively, why would anyone get married in today's day and age? You get some tax and medical benefits, that's about it. Everything else you can get with cohabitation and custody agreements.

I don't think it has anything to do with feminism, rather I think the world is more cynical and there's no point in tying yourself down. I think though that maybe there's a reaction against feminism that wants to turn everything into a gender war, and where that happens both sides are a pain in the ass, or even terrifying in their own way.

As for the "young generation," those sentiments have been expressed by every older generation towards every younger generation. I give each instance the same amount of credit and consideration for being an accurate observation - none whatsoever.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016 1:08 PM


Hey, Ive been in a firefight before! Well, I was in a fire. Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity.


Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Alternatively, why would anyone get married in today's day and age? You get some tax and medical benefits, that's about it. Everything else you can get with cohabitation and custody agreements.

I don't think it has anything to do with feminism, rather I think the world is more cynical and there's no point in tying yourself down. I think though that maybe there's a reaction against feminism that wants to turn everything into a gender war, and where that happens both sides are a pain in the ass, or even terrifying in their own way.

As for the "young generation," those sentiments have been expressed by every older generation towards every younger generation. I give each instance the same amount of credit and consideration for being an accurate observation - none whatsoever.

I pretty much agree with you BYTEMITE. People living together is on the rise and it has to do with any number of reasons besides “feminism”. It likely has more to do with people looking for a “partner” and a relationship built on honesty, trust and respect rather than relying on just an emotional attachment (ie: love) and the rejection of traditional roles married people are supposed to have.
Given the amount of debt, poor career prospects and general instability in society, younger people are not as likely to establish the solid foundation (stability in finances and career) necessary in order to marry as in the past. If a person’s concern is with everything else other than building a relationship with a partner, then it’s not going to go well.

Simply, men (real men that is) want a partner to share a life with, not just a wife (read surrogate mommy). Some male whining about feminism or that “woman aren’t women any more” as a reason to not get married, my advice is go home to live with your mommy so you have protection from the big, bad feminists and all the other bad things that life holds.

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face;
With stars to fill my dream;
I am a traveler of both time and space;
To be where I have been


Tuesday, January 12, 2016 9:22 PM



Originally posted by DEVERSE:

Some male whining about feminism or that “woman aren’t women any more” as a reason to not get married, my advice is go home to live with your mommy so you have protection from the big, bad feminists and all the other bad things that life holds.


Succinct as always, D.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016 3:59 AM


You will find plenty of Black Men to marry worthless White Women in USA...

For the rest of us, there's the promise of CS&N's Southern Cross...

Seriously Sigs...

F.U.C.K. American Women...

They knew that in the 70's, well before I was born.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 13, 2016 4:14 AM


All that I have left to say on this topic of discussion is why does some Girl Group from Seoul make a better argument for a Female President than any woman in America could in the decades after Woman's Suffrage in America?

It's because of the women in America who aren't fat and slothful and stupid in America, most of them are just young and soon will be. Look at celebrities that women have looked up to in the last 20 years....

I'm only 36, and 9 out of 10 women I found irresistible in High School will be goddamned hogs at the trough at my 20 year reunion in 2 years.

I feel bad a lot of the time since I lost a lot of my friends and we don't hang out anymore after they got married and especially after they had kids, but then I think about how awesome it is not to have all that responsibility while married to Shamu and I'm thankful for the trade off.

I still hung out with them, btw, until their wives considered me a bad influence and cunt me off.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 13, 2016 11:14 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Or are you just here to troll?

JT - no, not trolling or trying to be a smart aleck. I was looking for something to visually illustrate how Internet trends work. I noticed a number of your links have exact matching phrases. This happens when people who get most of their info from the 'Net, take info from one source and reapply it to their own. Multiple that by the 1,000s of bloggers and forum posters and you get a similar pattern to the bird flocks. People who never thought of "men won't marry American women" are now following that concept, looking for it, posting on it, passing it on and getting more to follow. Yes, that's viral Holmes. I thought the birds were a great illustration.
So in other words, I think the premise is just cut-n-paste and any interest is made up of catchy phrasing and pretty colors. Any attention is largely an overreaction caused by the Internet Ripple Effect and our herd mentality.

JAYNZTOWN trying to understand what G is saying.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016 11:19 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Alternatively, why would anyone get married in today's day and age? You get some tax and medical benefits, that's about it. Everything else you can get with cohabitation and custody agreements.

I don't think it has anything to do with feminism, rather I think the world is more cynical and there's no point in tying yourself down. I think though that maybe there's a reaction against feminism that wants to turn everything into a gender war, and where that happens both sides are a pain in the ass, or even terrifying in their own way.

As for the "young generation," those sentiments have been expressed by every older generation towards every younger generation. I give each instance the same amount of credit and consideration for being an accurate observation - none whatsoever.

Good point BYTEMITE. I would also mention the chauvinism being displayed here that I have not seen others pick up on. Have you noticed it is JAYNZTOWN's premise from what he posts that men are refusing to many American women and not the other way around. Todays women are no longer chained to the yokes that suppressed their grandmothers nor dependent on men as in the past.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016 11:42 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I still hung out with them, btw, until their wives considered me a bad influence and cunt me off.

6ix, your attitude towards women is probably the most shallow I've come across. I don't blame them.

When my dad had cancer they put him on Estrogen to slow the tumor growth.
He gained 40 pounds in six months. He absolutely said that it was the estrogen.

That's all I'll say. I know you are jaded and hurt at being rejected and have developed this position as a defense mechanism. You will be dating your left palm the rest of your life because of it. What good is owning a house if you never have anyone to share it with??

BTW, How's the job thing coming?


Friday, January 15, 2016 1:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow, a lot has happened since I last visited this thread! Going back to JAYNZE'S original post...


I support feminism but I wonder if its gone too far
First, define feminism. Then we can decide if it's gone "too far". This isn't just a reflexive
rhetorical question, it's very pointed, and I'll get back to that in a minute.


Gays should have equal rights and if a woman wants to be with a woman or a man wants to be with a man that's really none of our business...but I do wonder sometimes if the destruction of the old American nuclear family has gone too far?
Well, that's a more specific question. The American nuclear family was defined by economic relationships: DAD, the breadwinner, MOM and children, scurrying around to MAKE DAD HAPPY.


Has feminism broke the US family? Seems maybe some relationships have got more shallow or people have become more hollow, No Debate together, No Interests, Self Centered. The young generation are becoming more empty Miley Cyrus tastes in music, shopping for usless hangbags and fashion items, I-phone hedonistic stoner it any wonder its all failing...and the men are leaving the family game....they want to sit at home on their own buy their own car, drink their beer, play their Xbox and Playstation, watch the Baseball and Basketball until these men go old.

Pastors, Preachers, Marraige Registry offices all report record low levels of Marraige and the ones who do Marry are getting older and older...Men seem to be opting out of the whole tie-the-knot and fatherhood thing, they are portrayed news and in movies and shown in tv sitcoms as a kind of a joke

Yes, and it annoys me no end ..


also in break ups mostly Courts will favor the woman and the Man will lose A LOT OF INCOME...many who don't pay supprot go to jail, for example over 90% of those punished, sent to jail for not paying child support are men. The Consequences of the current American society is Men are not Marrying the American Woman.
I think you've hit the nail on the head: PEOPLE (women AND men) have become more shallow. I've seen it happen in my lifetime.


I have noticed this trend a lot over the years, its growing...Westerners, American men, many who still want to marry they now marry a girl from India, Russia, Cambodia, fly over and get a bride from China, Bolivia, Peru....yet they avoid the American woman today?
American women today are less dependent on men than some women abroad. I'm sure you'll find a lot of Romanian, Thai, Peruvian, and Philippine women who are willing to put up the the "priest, prophet, provider, and protector" routine ... or the "lord and master" routine.. . even put up with a certain amount of abuse ... in return for a better lifestyle. And a green card.


Did US feminist go too far?
The question "What is feminism?" again.


It's like the Man has been slowly dumped for...? ...more stronger femimism....a welfare state?...Metro-Sexuals?...
All of the above


to give women the same stresses and pains of male work and leaving raising kids as an give women the option to marry other women and go to the sperm bank for the lesbain raised kid?...whatever the reasons its many... modern culture is changing...the traditional 'Man' role in the USA has been dying a while now


I have heard all kinds of opinions from many parts of this world, from black, white, yellow, brown on the whole marraige thing...why the Men of the United States are Giving Up On Marriage...So many people have told me how Men are Fed up with American Women or Western Woman and Why Men Don't Want to Marry the American Woman Anymore. I have seen writing and heard talk from political people, from wealthy people, from less wealthy, from atheists, from religious people
What I think you've heard is that MEN are talking about "American women" while American WOMEN are talking about the institution of marriage.


Further on, some of your vids and posts talk about young women who are "feminists" who feel free to take your money in the form of drinks and entertainment while they prattle on about .... whatever it is they that prattle on about. In my day, at the height of feminist fervor, we called them "cock teases", and that is NOT feminism, in our POV. Anyone who tries to paint it so has just got a grotch about feminism. That's why I asked you to define "feminism": it's an idea used to cover a multitude of sins.

The relationship between men and women, and between families and society, is economic and biological. In the past, because of prejudicial, legal, and economic reasons, men were quite often the main conduit between their families and the larger economy. The person who made, and handled, the money has the pathway to "freedom" ... escape from the family. When men failed their economic functions (for example, became the town drunks), people tsk-tsked, and sometimes religious charities stepped in, but there were no end of indigent women and children.

Women should not be dependent on men. That gives men an unfair bargaining advantage in marriage. But once women can survive without their menfolk, what is the role of men?

Women are now able to "have it all"- all of the bill-paying, all of the job stress, AND all of the childcare and housework. So if you were to ask a responsible WOMAN what role she would appreciate from her man, it would be as HELPMATE. Pitch in on the never-ending tasks of keeping a household going. For various reasons, I don't think this would suit most men's basic personality, because they seem- as a sex- to be generally bigger, more prone to aggression and dominance, more demanding of sex, and more desirous of adventure. Maybe some middle ground can be found.

Now, most young men today - like most young women- have been degraded. They no longer think about anyone but themselves, and then only in the most shallow of ways. (Did you read that, JACK?). Both men AND women are being relentlessly bent towards shallow commercialism, where they get to sell themselves. The best description that I can find is ...

Blackout: Remembering what I Drank to Forget

Women are a little bit more conservative because of the pull of having children, but even THAT is beaten out of them by the endless ads and selfies. Not only are men avoiding marriage, women are avoiding children.

JAYNEZ, I credit you with the desire to find a partner with whom you can have an honorable relationship. It's almost impossible in today's culture- best of luck. However, if you're trying to argue that buying a woman from abroad is based on anything other than (her) sheer economic self-interest and a way to a green card, and that a bought-and-paid-for bride can result in a REAL meeting of the minds - well, maybe there will be no divorce because she comes from a more traditional culture, but your view of marriage and women seems kind of rigid.

ETA- Actually, on further thought, the relationship between the family and society is reproductive. In the current state of affairs, when transnational corporations rule the world, they have found it's much cheaper to import labor than to "grow your own". That's probably why there is such an emphasis on immigration.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 17, 2016 7:01 AM


The decline in marriage and the need for more purposeful parenthood

We used to assume people would marry before having children. But marriage is no longer the norm. In fact, marriage is getting rarer, especially among the youngest generation and those who are less educated. And half of all children born to women under 30 are born out of wedlock. The proportion is even higher among those without a college degree.

What’s going on here? Most of today’s young adults don’t feel ready to marry in their early 20s. Many have not completed their educations; others are trying to get established in a career; and many grew up with parents who divorced and are reluctant to make a commitment or take the risks associated with a legally binding tie.


Originally posted by DEVERSE:

Some male whining about feminism or that “woman aren’t women any more” as a reason to not get married, my advice is go home to live with your mommy so you have protection from the big, bad feminists and all the other bad things that life holds.

Sounds like you've never seen an abusive relationship, where a court system screws the guy over

Or you simply carry your balls around in your wife's purse
if she ordered you to war while she meet up with the post man would you do it?

Never seen an abusive woman
or balls in your wife's purse
...which is it?


Sunday, January 17, 2016 11:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The article that you linked says ....


Women are no longer economically dependent on men, jobs have dried up for working-class men, and unwed parenthood is no longer especially stigmatized. The proportion of children raised in single-parent homes has, as a consequence, risen from 5 percent in 1960 to about 30 percent now.

Conservatives have called for the restoration of marriage as the best way to reduce poverty and other social ills. However, they have not figured out how to do this.

The George W. Bush administration funded a series of marriage education programs that failed to move the needle in any significant way. The Clinton administration reformed welfare to require work and thus reduced any incentive welfare might have had in encouraging unwed childbearing. The retreat from marriage has continued despite these efforts. We are stuck with a problem that has no clear governmental solution, although religious and civic organizations can still play a positive role.

Among single women under the age of 30, 73 percent of all pregnancies are, according to the woman herself, either unwanted or badly mistimed. Some of these women will go on to have an abortion but 60 percent of all of the babies born to this group are unplanned.

So, is the problem a marriage problem, or a childraising problem? Do you fix it by encouraging marriage? Or do you fix it by by delaying childbirth? Is childbirth supposed to happen when women are (1) in a long-term contractual relationship with a man or (2) financially able to raise a child alone?

The reality is that men and women, and couples, respond to long-term trends just like any category of people. Activities that are dis-incentivized and unrewarded will be avoided, and activities that are rewarded will be sought out.

For example having children is costly - not just in terms of money, but in terms of opportunity and time. Instead of focusing on work, education ... or partying ... a young woman with a child will go through many sleepless nights, and spend the next five years (until child is ready for K-garten) focusing on dirty diapers, toilet-training, feeding, minding, and teaching her child, and trying to get some help from someone else with the myriad of tasks. That lifestyle expense is why Hispanic immigrants coming from a rural background where 12-13 children were the norm (I kid you not, I know three such women) quickly throttle back to six, two, or one child when more diverse opportunities present themselves.

Also, the rewards and disincentives are NOT uniform across-the-board. A young woman of color generally doesn't have the same opportunities of a young white woman, so a woman of color doesn't "lose" as much when she has a child at a young age. If you want to "even that out" you have to even out the opportunities.

I agree with you that children do best when they have a male figure in their lives. I observe how involved fathers treat their children - including their daughters. They tend to roughhouse more. Be more active. Demand greater performance. Women tend to be more solicitous, but women want GOOD children who don't take a lot of care. Men tend bring a wilder element to the equation. As you know, our daughter was born with a brain bleed, and as a result is permanently brain-damaged. Most men would have left (statistically true), hubby has stuck it out. Raising our child to achieve the most that she is capable of has been a challenge, we have had to make some horrifically important decisions and his input on those and the day-to-day has been priceless. (And actually, so was my sis'. It does indeed take a village- especially if you have a compromised child.)

So, as far as MEN being fathers ... well, are men interested in it???

I don't know- look at JACK. Nice enough guy, but 100% interested in himself, his videogames, hot babes, and in the stinkin'-thinkin' that comes of being an alcoholic.

Not fatherhood material. Probably only good as that uncle who show up once in a while smelling lightly of booze or beer, entertaining as hell, professing deep devotion, but totally undependable.

I would take a stab and say that MOST men on this board have never been fathers, and probably never will be. The only person in the past who fessed up to being a dad was CHRISISALL.


What is the solution?

Well, once again, we- as a society - HAVE TO DECIDE WHAT WE WANT. Do we want a bunch of underwear-wearing, pizza-snarfing, video-game playing guys who only want a hot women to give them head once in a while while they're engrossed in their virtual worlds? IF NOT, WE HAVE TO MODEL A DIFFERENT BEHAVIOR ON THE MEDIA - one that portrays fatherhood as manly and not- as you say- a buffoon.

Do we want women who are doing their best to fit into this hyper-commercialized world, where they're encouraged to sleep around as much as possible in the mistaken belief that this is somehow "liberation"? Or who feel that they have to do everything by/among themselves because their male counterparts are lacking? THEN WE HAVE TO MODEL A DIFFERENT BEHAVIOR FOR WOMEN IN THE MEDIA.

Do we want a younger generation which realizes that life doesn't always give you happy endings every thirty minutes, that uncertainty, sacrifice, and even pain are part of the equation of being alive, that personal comfort and titillation are not the highest goals in life, and that the art of being an adult is showing up, day after day, and sometimes just keeping on keeping on?


And that, my friend, would take such a sea-change I doubt that we will get there in my lifetime, even if there is utter catastrophic collapse compelling us in that direction.

But, barring total social change, a change in tax policy and assistance might help - if not encourage, at least not discourage - childbirth in wedlock. The marriage penalty is still not completely eliminated. The dependent exemptions are a joke. And Earned Income Credit (EIC) as far as I can tell, encourages single parenthood. I don't want women and children to be stuck in abusive situations by any means, on the other had, taxes should not discourage people form pooling their resources.

A long rambling answer, like so many of mine, Sorry.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, January 23, 2016 5:15 PM


I have a friend who blames it on 'her mum' or the in-laws, he says the in-law of an American girl or Western woman mother-in-law is a very difficult creature to put up with.


Sunday, January 24, 2016 12:07 AM


My family has been mostly non-existent in our marriage.

It's HIS family that's the freaking Barone's from Everybody Loves Raymond.

You generalize like an idiot.


Sunday, January 24, 2016 8:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I have a friend who blames it on 'her mum' or the in-laws, he says the in-law of an American girl or Western woman mother-in-law is a very difficult creature to put up with.

Well, if you want to talk about MIL-problems, I (female) lived with MY MIL, and it was a struggle for control - especially as she was very passive-aggressive.

The problem works in both directions, buddy! I very much doubt that is the source of the problem. I think the reality is that people of both sexes are encouraged to be vapid, shallow, individualistic consumers who have no loyalty to each other, no real roles of importance, and no interaction with each other except mutual predation and mutual masturbation.

It's not a problem with women, it's not a problem with men, it's a problem with society. And it certainly won't get fixed with one sex pointing the finger at the other.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, January 24, 2016 4:29 PM



Sunday, January 24, 2016 4:39 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
The young generation are becoming more empty Miley Cyrus tastes in music, shopping for usless hangbags and fashion items, I-phone hedonistic stoner culture....

Young people have always been generally hedonistic and superficial.

Think Opium and Laudanum and Absinthe and that plant that worked so well in ancient days for contraception that it went EXTINCT.

There will always be people who are traditional and get married either because of naivety or religion, just as there will always be people who are only capable of downing the nearest pharmaceutical and becoming parents from hell.

Welcome to Earth, you just fall off the turnip truck YESTERDAY?


Monday, January 25, 2016 5:55 PM



Any American Girl today that is over 24 years old.... her parents better pay a WHOLE TON OF SHEEP...

Most of them are full to the top of their tits with attitude and no substance to back their mediocire tits and fading youth up....

Basically, they're worthless...

EDITED TO ADD: The ONLY reason that Women are legally told to us that they're financially worth anything after they're too old to pretend they're anybody's sexy older sister is because of some bullshit Supreme Court Case that happened before most of us were born....

The only thing that women are GREAT at doing is manipulating sympathy from a group of 13 strangers and making a man pay for her shortcomings...

you get married to an American Woman, you get what you deserve....

a ZERO % investment on your return, is all...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 25, 2016 6:11 PM


Most American Women can't even sell it anymore because they hate themselves more than American Men hate them...

Everything they do is deplorable and worthy of hate.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 25, 2016 6:20 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

you get married to an American Woman, you get what you deserve....

a ZERO % investment on your return, is all...


Dude, you are an old, drunk, out of shape, unemployed, stoner, by your own admission.

You put so much stock in the way a woman looks, or what SHE's worth when your own value is dropping by the second.

I spent half my day today navigating insurance and healthcare nonsense just to fill ONE of HIS prescriptions, making dinner, washing dishes, ran to the store for yet another of his obsessive wants, and then did three loads of laundry.



Monday, January 25, 2016 6:24 PM


Trent Reznor gave his life to a woman back when he was a feeble man, made of skin and bones....

Years before he bulked up and told GWB to go fuck himself...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 25, 2016 6:35 PM


And no, I won't pretend I'm not half-gay enough to enjoy it...

Maybe I'm all messed up?

Right now I don't want to think too much about what we should or shouldn't do....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 25, 2016 7:05 PM


Top Divorce Countries wiki


from records dot com

10. USA: 53%

This may come as a surprise to some, but the United States is only the tenth highest on the list of countries with the highest divorce rate. The U.S., which has some of the best kept data when it comes to marriages and divorces, is facing a steady decline in marriages according to the Census Bureau.

Not only are the number of marriages per year shrinking, but people are waiting longer to marry, and there has been an increase in the number of divorces in the United States. In fact, a divorce happens every one in six seconds, with a higher trend in the South and Midwest as opposed to the Northeast.

Nevada, Oklahoma and Arkansas are some of the states boasting the highest divorce rates, while New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts have some of the lowest divorce rates in the United States.
9. France: 55%

France, Paris, the Eiffle Tower… they all seem to allude to romance and couples, however it’s only an illusion as France appears as the ninth country on our list.

An argument can be made that France has such high divorce rates due to their openness to all things, however the high proportion of marriages that end in divorce makes one wonder about the well-being and happiness of the people, so much so, that in 2012 the French government thought it was worth being concerned about, and introduced a new initiative aimed at lowering the divorce rate in the country.
8. Cuba: 56%

Cuba has the highest divorce rate among all countries in Latin America. It’s so high that Pope John Paul II, during his 1998 visit to Cuba, criticized the high number of divorces there.

There are several reasons for why Cuba has such a high divorce rate. The first has to do with the island’s terrible housing shortage as well as high poverty which forces married couples to live with their in-laws and other relatives. As you can imagine, having to live with so many other people can cause a strain on even the best of marriages. The poor economic conditions don’t help either.

Cuba’s laissez-faire approach to divorce also contributes to its high divorce rate. It’s cheap and effortless, costing a couple about the equivalent of four U.S. dollars and twenty minutes of time. Because of the poverty, there are few possessions to divide, making divorce a truly simple process.
7. Estonia: 58%
Estonia averages nearly six in ten marriages ending in divorce. The nation is a former satellite state of the Soviet Union which has had legalised divorce for a long time, and as such it’s more or less accepted by society. As with Cuba, however, a newer trend showing a dramatic decrease in marriage levels has been the more significant talking point in the country. This trend – more and more common in countries with a high divorce rate – may be attributed to the high levels of divorce creating a society disillusioned with marriage. It should be pointed out that unlike several other nations, Estonia does not offer any tax breaks to married couples, only those cohabiting, meaning that there is no legal or logistical incentive for couples to marry.
6. Luxembourg: 60%

One of the smallest nations in Europe, Luxembourg lies sandwiched between Belgium, Germany and France, and has a population of just over half a million people.

Luxembourg sees many travellers, expats and others pass through the country. Grounds for divorce in the country require that both parties are above the age of 21 and that they have been married for at least two years, although legal separations and annulments are also possible. As with other nations, the marriage rate in Luxembourg is falling, while those most likely to divorce in the country are between 40 and 49 years of age.
5. Spain: 61%

At first glance it may be surprising to see Spain on this list since it’s historically been known for its close ties to the Catholic Church. However, the country has been moving away from its religious heritage – in 2005, new divorce legislation, designed to make divorce by mutual consent quicker and easier, was approved.

Under the legislation (known as divorcio directo), a couple wishing to divorce must have been married for a minimum of three months (less if there’s domestic violence), neither party needs to present any grounds for divorce and there’s no minimum period of separation required beforehand

The financial troubles the country has suffered in recent years have also been cited as another reason for marriages in the country breaking down.
4. Czech Republic: 66%

The central European nation of the Czech Republic has one of the highest divorce rates in the world, and at one time the highest in Europe. Around 11% of all men and 13% of women in the country are divorced and, as such, the practice is destigmatised. Grounds for divorce in the country are fairly straightforward: a fundamental breakdown of relations between spouses must be proven for the courts to dissolve a marriage. In terms of the custody rights of divorced parents in the Czech Republic, however, the practices are arguably worrying: Well over 90% of women in the country are granted full custody of their children in the aftermath of a divorce and the arguments of rights groups for fathers in these situations remain largely ignored.
3. Hungary: 67%

For a long time now Hungary has had an enormously high level of marriages ending in divorce. Hungarian courts grant a divorce either by mutual consent or if proof is given that the marriage has irrevocably broken down. Marriage rates are dropping here, and it has been noted by the OECD that the numbers of cohabiting unmarried couples remain low. This suggests that many who wish to live together may marry before doing so, only to later realise that romantic bliss has eluded them. Just under 10% of all Hungarian men are divorced, while 12.4% of women in the nation have been previously married.
2. Portugal: 68%

Another unusual entry on our list, Portugal, like neighbouring Spain, is known for its traditionally Catholic heritage. However, the nation is not as tied to this background as you may think as divorce has been permitted in the country for over a century. When first introduced, divorce levels were low, numbering only a few hundred every year, but the figures have skyrocketed of late. At the same time, however, the marriage rates in the country remain high according to the OECD, suggesting that couples in Portugal remain firmly attached to the institution of marriage.
1. Belgium: 71%

The Divorce Rate in Chile is 3%


Tuesday, January 26, 2016 9:16 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Why is it some people from other countries can't focus on their own countries and instead constantly post about America?


Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:09 PM



Has feminism broke the US family? Seems maybe some relationships have got more shallow or people have become more hollow, No Debate together, No Interests, Self Centered. The young generation are becoming more empty Miley Cyrus tastes in music, shopping for usless hangbags and fashion items, I-phone hedonistic stoner it any wonder its all failing...and the men are leaving the family game....they want to sit at home on their own buy their own car, drink their beer, play their Xbox and Playstation, watch the Baseball and Basketball until these men go old

The cause is capitalism not feminism, you nit.


Thursday, January 28, 2016 11:00 AM


there are definitely different standards, a girl slaps a guy in public its ok, a guy does it call the cops
a girl stoned almost drunk in California, talking, shouting stupid, skirt hiked up her butt, exposing herself, doing it on the streets...its ok she's finding herself, partying, being a young 'liberated' woman
a guy does it...a the cops


Originally posted by G:
I noticed a number of your links have exact matching phrases.

How does this one fit into your political theories?
The modern substitute for motherhood - the "progress" of liberalism in the West

and btw I would probably be still classed by most people as 'Liberal'


Thursday, March 17, 2016 7:32 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Too much blah blah blah.

I sum up.


Men are in prison 10 times more than women. There's an assault on a women by a man every NINE FUCKING SECONDS.

Are you trying to imply that women really don't assault men more frequently?

Women Jihadists ARE RARE. It's the exception that proves THE RULE EXISTING IN THE FIRST PLACE. He went over there to find an accomplice and bring her HERE. I doubt she would have been able to complete it without his green card, so YEP, he's still to blame.

Did you not get the facts that SHE radicalized HIM? He wasn't looking for an accomplice, just a decent companion since he couldn't find one here, which brings us back to the OP of this thread.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 10:12 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Are you trying to imply that women really don't assault men more frequently?

Pretty much. I've met plenty of battered wives, but never once a battered husband.


Did you not get the facts that SHE radicalized HIM? He wasn't looking for an accomplice, just a decent companion since he couldn't find one here, which brings us back to the OP of this thread.

Did you not get the fact that HE went over there to find a women and SHE was what he found? If he wasn't in that market, I'm sure there were plenty o girls he could have had instead. Maybe American girls weren't radical enough and that is why he was there to begin with. It was his green card. He had a baby with this chick so they could pass on their stellar DNA and then was completely complicit in the act and you are ready to pin all of that on HER?
Not that she was innocent, but she couldn't even have gotten in the country if it weren't for HIM.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:59 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I support feminism but I wonder if its gone too far
Gays should have equal rights and if a woman wants to be with a woman or a man wants to be with a man that's really none of our business...but I do wonder sometimes if the destruction of the old American nuclear family has gone too far?

Has feminism broke the US family? Seems maybe some relationships have got more shallow or people have become more hollow, No Debate together, No Interests, Self Centered. The young generation are becoming more empty Miley Cyrus tastes in music, shopping for usless hangbags and fashion items, I-phone hedonistic stoner it any wonder its all failing...and the men are leaving the family game....they want to sit at home on their own buy their own car, drink their beer, play their Xbox and Playstation, watch the Baseball and Basketball until these men go old
Pastors, Preachers, Marraige Registry offices all report record low levels of Marraige and the ones who do Marry are getting older and older...Men seem to be opting out of the whole tie-the-knot and fatherhood thing, they are portrayed news and in movies and shown in tv sitcoms as a kind of a joke, also in break ups mostly Courts will favor the woman and the Man will lose A LOT OF INCOME...many who don't pay supprot go to jail, for example over 90% of those punished, sent to jail for not paying child support are men. The Consequences of the current American society is Men are not Marrying the American Woman.

I have noticed this trend a lot over the years, its growing...Westerners, American men, many who still want to marry they now marry a girl from India, Russia, Cambodia, fly over and get a bride from China, Bolivia, Peru....yet they avoid the American woman today?

Did US feminist go too far?
It's like the Man has been slowly dumped for...? ...more stronger femimism....a welfare state?...Metro-Sexuals? give women the same stresses and pains of male work and leaving raising kids as an give women the option to marry other women and go to the sperm bank for the lesbain raised kid?...whatever the reasons its many... modern culture is changing...the traditional 'Man' role in the USA has been dying a while now

I have heard all kinds of opinions from many parts of this world, from black, white, yellow, brown on the whole marraige thing...why the Men of the United States are Giving Up On Marriage...So many people have told me how Men are Fed up with American Women or Western Woman and Why Men Don't Want to Marry the American Woman Anymore. I have seen writing and heard talk from political people, from wealthy people, from less wealthy, from atheists, from religious people

Anyways I'm not sure of the reason or reasons but I think its true the Western Men are now Avoiding Marriage with the American Woman

trends for American women are bad in the US white, latino, asian community and maybe even worse in the black community....for whatever reason
A satisfied, content and happiness gender gap has also emerged across all enthic groups for women, in America all women are now un-happy compared to men
America needs to wake up. We have swung the pendulum too far in the other direction—from a man’s world to a woman’s world.
That’s not equality. That’s revenge.
One thing that I do think is interesting at explaining why I get-along with the women over there: the Chinese word for 'feminism' is nan-nü pingdengzhuyi... which literally means 'male-female equalism'. What a nice concept!

I've traveled a lot, I've seen how women are treated in a lot of countries and it sickens me. Women in too many traditional societies aren't even treated as scarcely human. By comparison, women in the U.S. are so fucking spoiled. They really are. They've had it so good for so long that they've lost all sense of reality or proportion. Look at the statistics: they are among the most privileged 5% of all women on the planet, and yet it's NOT ENOUGH.
Back in February 2012, I wrote how young men were getting fed up with women faster than any other group of men based on a series of comments at The Spearhead. Since then, that entry has become the most read page on this blog.
The story of how guys are fed up with feminism and western women can be easy seen in the very high number of blog postings, it usually higher than any other subject. Plenty of Fish forums largest threads were on this subject before they were deleted. American women bitched too much about the truth. Daily poster start new threads along these lines but they are usually deleted. This is a major issue that is completely ignored by the mainstream press. They would rather talk about how a couple of fudgepackers got married.
The Men Giving Up On Women And Checking Out Of Society
Are you fed up with American women?
If today is the best time for women in terms of having freedom to do whatever they want while simultaneously controlling the behavior of men via misandric protests and laws, then it can not also be the best time for men, for gender balance is a zero sum affair where the gains of one is the decline of the other. No, the best time for men, in terms of fulfillment with women, has long since passed, and all we can do today—in fact, what we are forced to do today—is to go against our nature and be aloof players and approach robots in order to get sexual intercourse, a very basic feature of human life since time eternal, in between grinding away our lives in front of glowing computer screens and smartphones as we make our masters proud, hoping to feel just 1% of the masculinity that men of the past felt.

Could it be said that there is a prevalence of American men who are fed up, so to speak, with American women and instead prefer foreign women?

Modern feminism seems a little lost now. So I see there's a women against feminism thing on blogs, on twitter women going with this hastag # 'IdontNeedFeminism'

all kinds of opinion on it
what do you people think?

I did not watch the videos.
Some point you did not mention, cause-and-effect-wise.
Nuclear family was defined following WWII.
Men were the breadwinners for decades, and women held down the household. There were still not enough jobs all of the time for men to remain employed.
Women got some taste of working a job due to the necessity of War. Yes, this is a simplification.
However, feminism changed the economic equation of workforce supply and demand.
Now, with women willing to work, the workforce doubled and the working wage was able to be halved. Now a family NEEDED 2 incomes to accomplish the same fiscal success that one income had previously accomplished.
This created working poor as well as a myriad of other economic and workforce unbalances.

You didn't see this in the other countries you were in, did you?
And no, I am not talking about waitressing or cleaning, I mean displacing the occupations that had been largely not filled by women.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016 12:31 PM


LOL! It's a real problem? It's caused by feminism?

Sorry, just too ludicrous.


Monday, May 2, 2016 1:22 AM


Well presented and very true. I was married once, and she was the laziest and most selfish person I ever met. She gained over 50 pounds after marriage, quit her job, started expensive hobbies such as Maryk and pampered chef, buying so much for her family and girlfriends. Of course, these things did not start nor show until I was already trapped. She spent so much of the money I earned that we were in debt, and I made 140k a year.

I know live comfortably with 45k a year, working part time by choice, single and do what I want without someone constantly fussing at me. I can travel and enjoy the world, go on a cruise once a year, and I still date time to time. My relationships almost always end with them deciding that our agreement that it will not be serious is no longer what they want, and they try to get me to commit to marrying them. Every freaking time. It is like a disease, women can only think about landing a guy and walking down the isle. Some have even tried to get pregnant to force my hand.

I will never marry another American woman. I have not met one that has not done some kind of sexual act with less than 5 guys, and that is being generously conservative on the estimate. Women do nothing but badmouth everyone else, fish for compliments, and struggle with severe insecurity. I am content with a new woman every few months, without commitment or I'll never again be in a situation where a woman owns me, such as marriage. I get a proposal from a woman at least once a year, and that is always my sign to move on. The moment you piss them off, they make some sort of comment about you being less than a man, and they get more pissed that I laugh. They can be mad all that they want, but they still will not be raiding my home, life and happiness. I think I still have a few voice mails of them flipping their shit about me not wanting to marry them. Funny as hell.



Monday, May 2, 2016 11:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Well presented and very true. I was married once, and she was the laziest and most selfish person I ever met. She gained over 50 pounds after marriage, quit her job, started expensive hobbies such as Maryk and pampered chef, buying so much for her family and girlfriends. Of course, these things did not start nor show until I was already trapped. She spent so much of the money I earned that we were in debt, and I made 140k a year.

Can I ask you a stupid question: Why did you get married in the first place?

More specifically, what were your expectations of your wife? Was she supposed to continue working or quit her job? If she quit her job, were you expecting her to wash and cook and clean? Or develop a hobby? Or sit around all day looking pretty, ready to be your sex-slave and arm- bauble for parties? Did you expect her to take care of your family with the same generous attitude that she took care of hers? Did you give her any agency over the family coffers? Or was she supposed to ask for money each time she purchased something?

Dude, unless you get these things straightened out BEFORE you marry, you're likely to be joined to someone who is not even heading in the same direction you are, they're heading out on a road at a 90-degree angle from you!

I blame at least half of your clusterfuck on you, dude. You married someone pretty without even looking into HER motives and morals.


I know [sic] live comfortably with 45k a year, working part time by choice, single and do what I want without someone constantly fussing at me. I can travel and enjoy the world, go on a cruise once a year, and I still date time to time. My relationships almost always end with them deciding that our agreement that it will not be serious is no longer what they want, and they try to get me to commit to marrying them. Every freaking time. It is like a disease, women can only think about landing a guy and walking down the isle. Some have even tried to get pregnant to force my hand.

I will never marry another American woman. I have not met one that has not done some kind of sexual act with less than 5 guys,

Unfortunately, this is the kind of woman that THE MEDIA has convinced them what men want. But here I am, back to what YOU want.

So, what do you want? A near-virgin as your only (unmarried) lover? Do you want to be a dad some day? Do THEY want to be moms some day? Create a loving household and solid partnership with which to raise children?


and that is being generously conservative on the estimate. Women do nothing but badmouth everyone else, fish for compliments, and struggle with severe insecurity. I am content with a new woman every few months, without commitment [or - delete] BUT I'll never again be in a situation where a woman owns me, such as marriage. I get a proposal from a woman at least once a year, and that is always my sign to move on. The moment you piss them off, they make some sort of comment about you being less than a man, and they get more pissed that I laugh. They can be mad all that they want, but they still will not be raiding my home, life and happiness. I think I still have a few voice mails of them flipping their shit about me not wanting to marry them. Funny as hell.


So your planned future is as selfish as these women's seem to be, and I'm wondering if that wasn't the problem all along: You're the equivalent of someone who doesn't want to get into a true partnership with anyone, and probably not fatherhood material. And EVEN IF you met a woman (and you probably already have) who was ready to be a steadfast contributing partner, with each of you putting into the relationship the best they could at the time and drawing from it when times were tough, that's not what you want.

You want your undisturbed life, with YOUR money and YOUR activities and YOUR games and YOUR sex, and nobody (except a nobody who is there to fulfill YOUR needs) belongs in there with you. Am I right?

I think I am.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, May 2, 2016 12:03 PM


I was injured in Iraq, so acclimating to the civilian life. I honestly never dated up to this point, aside from high school, as I was always being deployed somewhere. I went in naive to what to expect, I guess, but I assumed she would continue working, and we would make meals together, hike together and the other things of such fun. I rather expected her to be the person she was before we married. I never put up a front or played any games, and I expected none in return. We did date for more than a year, so, I assumed we worked out all of those things. But, I am sure everyone loves to blame the guy, because that is what society teaches us to do.

I am just living my life for experiencing as much as I can. I would have liked to be a dad, but those years are in the past. My time in the service was the best time for that. I simply live to enjoy life. I go into relationships with this openly. I share my ideals and thoughts of these things, and if they are in concurrence, we date. Women seem to have a hidden agenda though, and it seems to hit them around the two month mark. I take a month off, and then go into the dating world again. I never lie or coerce, but they still end up expecting that ring.

I did want a family and "the American Dream" as it were. But these women only seem to be interested in money. So, yes, I lost that care for anything more meaningful. You assault me with words, such as selfish, but where is it selfish to not allow one's self to be used. I am not their paycheck, and things will remain that way. If that is selfish, so be it.



Monday, May 2, 2016 1:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Richie, what you say you want is a female buddy/ companion - someone that you can share life with AND have sex with, in a non-committed way.

But your motives may not be as straightforward as YOU think they are. So, for example: Are you dating well below your age? Dating younger women means that you're dating women who aren't as advanced in their careers as you are. They're probably not making as much money. They might not even be financially stable. They have less world-experience then you, and a less-mature outlook. THEY may be interested in having children, while you are not.

IF (big IF) you want a committed relationship, and you are fishing in the junior pond ... or any pond for that matter.... you had better be clear about what THEY want as well as what YOU want.

To tell the truth, your current plans don't seem to have room for a real, living, breathing human woman with plans, fears, needs, and ideas of her own. I hear about what YOU want. I'm not hearing anything about what you're offering in return, except the pleasure of your company. As you found out, you don't need to be married for that kind of relationship. And if all you're looking for is a casual relationship ... a relationship of convenience, without commitment from either side .... then don't blame women for your failure to find something more, because you aren't looking for it.


Not that hubby and I are an ideal couple, but we match up in a lot of important ways. At times, when life shat on us undendingly, our relationship has been like foxhole mates. We usually make the same amount of money, and we're both pretty chintzy about spending it. We put the most that we can into our family at the time that we can, in terms of insight, energy, sympathy, and patience, and have relied on the other when all of that other stuff ran thin. We have a working relationship that's solid because we agree on all the major stuff. You need to know what's going to happen when life shits on you. If you're looking for THAT kind of relationship, you might need to look fairly deeply.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, May 2, 2016 2:05 PM


I date various ages. I do not know how, "I have no interest in ever getting married," is confusing, lol. Woman that I date are typically older than 32, so I do not have the child issue often, but it has come up. I refuse to date anyone younger than 30, as their is a maturity level and generation gap in interests. I like how you are trying to find a hole in this. It is simply, women lie to get what they want, men generally pack up and leave confrontation of this sort. I have never been happier, since I gave up on the illusion of a true partnership in marriage in the US. It just does not exist anymore, except on rare cases. Statistics do not lie.



Tuesday, May 3, 2016 12:24 AM


You generalize too much.

I married my husband while he was working at McD's. *I* bought the rings. *I* owned the mobile home he moved into. *I* have NEVER had sex with anyone other than my husband, but he has had sex with several people before me. Figured out he had Asperger's shortly after getting married, will be married 16 years this month.

You are probably looking for a woman who fills your dreams out, but marriage is 99% HARD WORK. FOR AS LONG AS YOU BOTH SHALL LIVE. FROM BOTH or it's "so long, sayonara."


Tuesday, May 3, 2016 6:17 AM


Indeed, it is generalization, because it is the majority by far. You would be one of the rarities, which is something like finding a diamond in a coal mine. Nothing is impossible. I have been used and lied to far too much to trust that I will find that rare gem, so I accept my circumstances, and found peace with it. I do not hate women, obviously, but I do not trust women 'generally'. I have written a song for each girl that I have dated, cook my famous chili (as every guy probably has their own recipie) or some other dinner on a regular basis, buy flowers and all of that. The big difference, I will not get that marriage liscence that entitles her to all of my possessions now and to come. I am a romantic, just one that will not be used again. If I found a woman that honestly never wanted to marry, well, that might be a permanent relationship.



Tuesday, May 3, 2016 9:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Richie:
Indeed, it is generalization, because it is the majority by far. You would be one of the rarities, which is something like finding a diamond in a coal mine. Nothing is impossible. I have been used and lied to far too much to trust that I will find that rare gem, so I accept my circumstances, and found peace with it. I do not hate women, obviously, but I do not trust women 'generally'. I have written a song for each girl that I have dated, cook my famous chili (as every guy probably has their own recipie) or some other dinner on a regular basis, buy flowers and all of that. The big difference, I will not get that marriage liscence that entitles her to all of my possessions now and to come. I am a romantic, just one that will not be used again. If I found a woman that honestly never wanted to marry, well, that might be a permanent relationship.


It sound to me like you've had one bad experience, and now you'd like to use the excuse that since nearly all woman are lying, you don't want to get married.

I tossed that idea against all of the women that I work with ... office assistants, technicians, chemists, student workers/ interns etc ... and out of the approximately 30 women that that constitutes, of anywhere from college age to retirement age, I can only think of two exceptions (women who would use men's sexual attraction to them to achieve an unfair relationship) Of all of the women that I work with- married and unmarried- over 90% are hard-working women who contribute not only their salary but also housework, cooking, and child/husband care to their marriages. Most of them are normal weight. Some of them fix their own cars, others volunteer at church or are otherwise engaged in useful outside activities.

Now, all that being said, I would say the same for most of the men I work with. They ALSO contribute their salaries to their marriages, although they generally do less childcare and housework. The exception is the unmarried father, who is taking care of one child who is his and one child who isn't his.

I think the problem must be you.

Oh and BTW, women in their early 30s have their biological clocks ticking the loudest. It's at 35 that the risk of Down's Syndrome and infertility rises, and women who have deferred having children so they could advance their careers are thinking about children right about then. So your assumption about children not being an issue with women who are 32 is not only wrong, it's 180 deg wrong for many professional women. If you don't want children to be an underlying issue, instead of assuming that (erroneously, as it turns out) based on age, why don't you just ask?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016 7:57 PM



Originally posted by Richie:
Well presented and very true. I was married once, and she was the laziest and most selfish person I ever met. She gained over 50 pounds after marriage, quit her job, started expensive hobbies such as Maryk and pampered chef, buying so much for her family and girlfriends. Of course, these things did not start nor show until I was already trapped. She spent so much of the money I earned that we were in debt, and I made 140k a year.

I know live comfortably with 45k a year, working part time by choice, single and do what I want without someone constantly fussing at me. I can travel and enjoy the world, go on a cruise once a year, and I still date time to time. My relationships almost always end with them deciding that our agreement that it will not be serious is no longer what they want, and they try to get me to commit to marrying them. Every freaking time. It is like a disease, women can only think about landing a guy and walking down the isle. Some have even tried to get pregnant to force my hand.

I will never marry another American woman. I have not met one that has not done some kind of sexual act with less than 5 guys, and that is being generously conservative on the estimate. Women do nothing but badmouth everyone else, fish for compliments, and struggle with severe insecurity. I am content with a new woman every few months, without commitment or I'll never again be in a situation where a woman owns me, such as marriage. I get a proposal from a woman at least once a year, and that is always my sign to move on. The moment you piss them off, they make some sort of comment about you being less than a man, and they get more pissed that I laugh. They can be mad all that they want, but they still will not be raiding my home, life and happiness. I think I still have a few voice mails of them flipping their shit about me not wanting to marry them. Funny as hell.


Well, this is a noble effort, on this board.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016 8:03 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I know [sic] live comfortably with 45k a year, working part time by choice, single and do what I want without someone constantly fussing at me. I can travel and enjoy the world, go on a cruise once a year, and I still date time to time. My relationships almost always end with them


deciding that our agreement that it will not be serious

Siggy, did you miss this part?

is no longer what they want, and they try to get me to commit to marrying them. Every freaking time. It is like a disease, women can only think about landing a guy and walking down the isle. Some have even tried to get pregnant to force my hand.

I will never marry another American woman.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016 8:08 PM



Originally posted by Richie:
I was injured in Iraq, so acclimating to the civilian life. I honestly never dated up to this point, aside from high school, as I was always being deployed somewhere. I went in naive to what to expect, I guess, but I assumed she would continue working, and we would make meals together, hike together and the other things of such fun. I rather expected her to be the person she was before we married. I never put up a front or played any games, and I expected none in return. We did date for more than a year, so, I assumed we worked out all of those things. But, I am sure everyone loves to blame the guy, because that is what society teaches us to do.

I am just living my life for experiencing as much as I can. I would have liked to be a dad, but those years are in the past. My time in the service was the best time for that. I simply live to enjoy life. I go into relationships with this openly. I share my ideals and thoughts of these things, and if they are in concurrence, we date. Women seem to have a hidden agenda though, and it seems to hit them around the two month mark. I take a month off, and then go into the dating world again. I never lie or coerce, but they still end up expecting that ring.

I did want a family and "the American Dream" as it were. But these women only seem to be interested in money. So, yes, I lost that care for anything more meaningful. You assault me with words, such as selfish, but where is it selfish to not allow one's self to be used. I am not their paycheck, and things will remain that way. If that is selfish, so be it.


You remind me of an old saying.
Men get married thinking their wife will never change.
Women get married thinking they will be able to change their husband into the man they want.
Neither gets their wish.

Also, women keep whining that men don't want to commit, but it is really the women who do not want to commit.
Women want the men to commit to a wedding, so they get a lifetime of income to leach from the guy. But women do not want to commit to a lifetime of marriage, just enough to qualify for alimony.






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