Bernie Sanders Discussion Thread

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Sunday, April 17, 2016 11:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, Texans are notoriously conservative. Nobody can save them from themselves.

I have a few problems with this line of argument, which seems to imply that Democratic voters in Texas don’t reflect the larger Democratic electorate.

“Secretary Clinton cleaned our clock in the Deep South, no question about it,” Bernie Sanders said during Thursday night’s Democratic debate in Brooklyn. “That is the most conservative part of this great country,” he continued. “But you know what, we’re out of the Deep South now. And we’re moving up.”

(The remarks Thursday night echo previous comments made by Sanders and his campaign.) Consider Sanders’s reference to the term “Deep South,” which traditionally describes Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina: These are five of the only six states, along with Maryland, where at least a quarter of the population is black. Given the United States’ history of disenfranchising black voters — not to mention the importance of black voters to Democrats in November — it’s dicey for Sanders to diminish Clinton’s wins there.

Texas is quite diverse. Ideologically Austin isn’t exactly “the most conservative part” of the country and Texas is diverse racially. It contains not only a substantial number of African-Americans but also Hispanics and, increasingly, Asian-American voters.

In fact, Texas is demographically representative of the diverse Obama coalition that Clinton or Sanders will have to rely on in November.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 17, 2016 11:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, you're focusing on the most trivial aspect of my post. Firstly, Texas is NOT reflective of the greater USA, no matter how "diverse" you think it is.

But more importantly, are you so wedded to having "a Democrat" in office that you don't care that that particular Democrat is so wedded to big money and neocon interests that she's a DINO (Democrat in Name Only)?

Except for some "social policy" differences with the GOP .... which is the least of our problems right now ... Hillary is a warmongering, bankster-loving, welfare-cutting, free-trade groupie. That woman has been a disaster thru her entire career. She voted for the Iraq War, which was the prominent reason for her defeat by Obama, and is endlessly quoted by the reichwing here for her endless justifications (at the time) of that misguided vote.

There is nothing important (ie outside of some social policy votes) that she's gotten right in her entire career. As far as I can tell, she's a bank/CIA whore. I challenge you to find one thing that redeems her. Take your time. I'll be interested in the results.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 12:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND, you're focusing on the most trivial aspect of my post. Firstly, Texas is NOT reflective of the greater USA, no matter how "diverse" you think it is.

But more importantly, are you so wedded to having "a Democrat" in office that you don't care that that particular Democrat is so wedded to big money and neocon interests that she's a DINO (Democrat in Name Only)?

Except for some "social policy" differences with the GOP .... which is the least of our problems right now ... Hillary is a warmongering, bankster-loving, welfare-cutting, free-trade groupie. That woman has been a disaster thru her entire career. She voted for the Iraq War, which was the prominent reason for her defeat by Obama, and is endlessly quoted by the reichwing here for her endless justifications (at the time) of that misguided vote.

There is nothing important (ie outside of some social policy votes) that she's gotten right in her entire career. As far as I can tell, she's a bank/CIA whore. I challenge you to find one thing that redeems her. Take your time. I'll be interested in the results.

I will pretend I'm a politician and say, "I agree with you completely about Hillary. If I had a choice, Obama would be running for a third term. Bernie would be my second choice. But sadly for all us Bernie supporters, our wonderful candidate is slightly behind the evil witch according to

If there is a chance Clinton will be the nominee, our Bernie should not try to sabotage her before the nomination. OR AFTER. A Republican President would only be worse than the witch, as bad as she is."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 17, 2016 12:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Bernie can't "sabotage" her with the facts. Hillary sabotaged herself when she decided to lap-dance for the banks and the internationalists and the neocons. Along those lines, I can't see a dime's difference between her and establishment Repubs. If she loses, she deserves to lose.

I noticed that you can't come up with any redeeming qualities for her, all you can say is ... But Cruz! But Trump! Personally, I'd rather vote for Trump. Sure, he's a manic blowhard. But better a manic blowhard than a sociopathic shill.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 12:33 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Bernie can't "sabotage" her with the facts. Hillary sabotaged herself when she decided to lap-dance for the banks and the internationalists and the neocons.

This is Bernie "sabotaging" Clinton rather than "factually" campaigning.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Along those lines, I can't see a dime's difference between her and establishment Repubs. If she loses, she deserves to lose. Personally, I'd rather vote for Trump. Sure, he's a manic blowhard. But better a manic blowhard than a sociopathic shill.

And this is you making sure that everyone knows the mentally ill witch is evil beyond redemption and that Clinton is no different (except maybe worse) than the worst Republican running for President. Personally, I think she can be persuaded by Congressional Democrats to do right where a Republican President could not have his mind changed.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 17, 2016 12:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, I listened to the Bernie Sanders clip, and I couldn't find anything factually wrong or "sabotaging" about his statements.

Is he raising most of his money from small donations?

Is Hillary dependent on large donors for her campaign?

Is the United States "moving to" an oligarchy?
Well, according to a convincing research paper published by respected academicians, we're not "moving to" an oligarchy, we're already there.

I have linked this paper at least five times by now, you really should at least read the abstract about policy outcomes and who gets to determine them, from a study of the results of about 1800 well-polled policy decisions.

As far as Hillary being a sociopath, it was the quickest summary of my view of her record. FWIW, I think she's a "made" sociopath, not a "born" one. That doesn't take away from the fact that she's been a destructive and evil force for much of her career. I'm not going to repeat over and over the observations that have led me to that conclusion.

As far as Congress being able to "persuade" Hillary to "do the right thing" ... Congress is a money-grubbing, neocon-and-fake-evangelist-dominated, smoke-filled back room. Congress has NOT prompted Obama to "do the right thing" and it's doubtful they would be heading in that direction post-November. Don't count on Congress, for god's sake, to steer the USA! What we need is President who will prevent the WRONG thing, not someone who "might" be persuaded to go against the source hundreds of million$ (if not billion$) by a Congress which doesn't exist.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 2:12 PM


This is why I support Sanders. He's the only candidate to correctly identify our oligarchy, and the only one who wants to change it.

Hillary will continue giving blowjobs to all her big money owners. She is bought and paid for, and she'll be indistinguishable from the Republicans on most matters.

Money controlling politics is our #1 problem. Hillary's fine with it. Sanders is our last chance to recover democracy.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 2:28 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Is the United States "moving to" an oligarchy?
Well, according to a convincing research paper published by respected academicians, we're not "moving to" an oligarchy, we're already there.

I have linked this paper at least five times by now, you really should at least read the abstract about policy outcomes and who gets to determine them, from a study of the results of about 1800 well-polled policy decisions.

I can't disagree with that paper: "Leaving aside the difficult issue of divergent interests and motives, we would urge that the superior wisdom of economic elites or organized interest groups should NOT simply be assumed. It should be put to empirical test. New empirical research will be needed to pin down precisely who knows how much, and what, about which public policies."

Centuries ago, most of the American people (as in all women and all men without a certain level of wealth, which varied from state to state) couldn’t even vote and the wealthy rushed into the power vacuum when Americans switched allegiance, slowly over many years, from King George to George Washington, leaving the government in the hands of the richest American in the 13 colonies, the Original Oligarch. The King lost control, but the rich never gave back control of the country to the citizens since March 1, 1781. Bernie will have to do a whole lot more than nominate a Supreme Court justice who would vote to reverse the Citizen's United decision of January 21, 2010. Bernie hasn't explained what more he can do.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 17, 2016 2:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"... but the rich never gave back control of the country to the citizens since March 1, 1781."

FDR, who created the New Deal starting in 1935, can arguably be said to have represented the citizens of the country in opposition to the oligarchy. However, he wasn't elected under those terms, but came to them after socialists and communists started the largest mass movement of workers in the country. Which is why I've concluded the US democracy has never tested the power of the vote itself - the will of the people in pure, free political expression, without violence or the threat of it - as a force in opposition to the ruling class.

It would be sad, and incredibly ironic, if republicans had a populist candidate first.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 3:23 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

On the Democratic side, primaries have specialized in having at least one bold truthteller like Bernie in every cycle since the 1960s. Sometimes they're lefty truthtellers, sometimes they're "hard truths" truthtellers, and sometimes they're a bit of a mishmash. But the one thing they have in common is that they can afford to tell the truth—in the beginning, at least—because they're mostly running as rebels who don't really expect to win. And if you're not seriously trying to win, there's no downside to being entirely candid. Who cares if you're going to lose a few important demographics in the process?

Since 1968, we've seen at least one of these in every contested Democratic primary. Off the top of my head, the list includes Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Mo Udall, Gary Hart, Paul Simon, Paul Tsongas, Bill Bradley, Howard Dean, and Dennis Kucinich. They all attracted a crowd of fans, some more than others, and generally speaking they were lionized by the press. None of them won except for McGovern, who went down to an epic defeat in the general election. (Probably any Democrat would have lost that year, but McGovern lost in a landslide.)

So this year I look at Bernie, and I see the same old thing: a bold truthteller who could afford not to play conventional politics because he was never really planning to win. He just wanted to get his issues on the table. The fact that he's running so close is probably as much of a surprise to him as it is to everyone else.

But this is obviously something that's far more salient to older voters than to younger ones. Bernie doesn't seem fresh and courageous to us. He seems like the same guy we've seen every four years. They all have one or two issues they care about. They want those issues on the table, and running for president is a good way to do it. They usually drop out by spring. And generally speaking, most of them probably didn't have the temperament to make good presidents.

Obviously your mileage might vary. Maybe Bernie is finally the one to do it, and I'm just too old and jaded to see it. Maybe his temperament is different, and he'd surprise us all by being a pretty good president. Maybe he'd get serious about rallying his troops to care about downballot elections, and win control of Congress. Maybe he'd really get a lot of the stuff done that he's been talking about.

I doubt it. But then again, none of the previous truthtellers has ever made it to the White House, so who knows? Maybe eight years from now we'll all be feeling the Bern.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 4:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The relationship between Hoover and Roosevelt was one of the most severely strained in Presidential history. Hoover had little good to say about his successor. FDR, in turn, supposedly engaged in various petty official acts aimed at his predecessor, ranging from dropping him from the White House birthday greetings message list to having Hoover's name struck from the Hoover Dam ...

As your own cite (above) indicates, FDR didn't start the New Deal in repudiation of Hoover. No, his repudiation took the form of petty slights. Instead, he was elected on a series of modest proposed reforms. He moved only later to more controversial reforms under pressure from communists and socialists.

This reference indicates FDR's initial actions were modest in nature.

Many historians distinguish between a "First New Deal" (1933–34) and a "Second New Deal" (1935–38), with the second one more liberal and more controversial. The "First New Deal" (1933–34) dealt with the pressing banking crises through the Emergency Banking Act and the 1933 Banking Act. The Federal Emergency Relief Administration provided $500 million for relief operations by states and cities, while the short-lived CWA (Civil Works Administration) gave localities money to operate make-work projects in 1933–34.[5] The Securities Act of 1933 was enacted to prevent a repeated stock market crash. The controversial work of the National Recovery Administration was also part of the First New Deal.

And FDR provided only tepid support for workers' rights, and people's welfare in general, as opposed to the oligarchy

Roosevelt’s concessions to workers did not have the effect he intended. He expected that granting workers the legal right to organize alone would placate workers so that he could get on with the business of stabilizing the economy. In a 1933 radio address, he specifically urged workers not to struggle to win the right to unionize:

The workers of this country have rights under this law which cannot be taken from them, and nobody will be permitted to whittle them away but, on the other hand, no aggression is necessary now to attain these rights…. The principle that applies to the employer applies to workers as well and I ask you workers to cooperate in the same spirit.23

These words undoubtedly began to ring hollow to workers whose employers called out the National Guard when they tried to exercise their legal right to unionize. Meanwhile, it soon became clear that Roosevelt had only grudgingly consented to grant workers the right to form unions–and he deliberately wrote Section 7(a) of the National Recovery Act so vaguely that it could easily be interpreted as ensuring the "rights" of employers to form company unions. Many employers found it convenient to interpret the NRA that way in order to prevent workers from organizing genuine unions. Soon many workers were referring to the National Recovery Act as the "National Run Around."

It wasn't until later that FDR would throw his support behind workers (again, as opposed to the oligarchy).

The "Second New Deal" in 1935–38 included the Wagner Act to promote labor unions, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) relief program (which made the federal government by far the largest single employer in the nation),[6] the Social Security Act, and new programs to aid tenant farmers and migrant workers. The final major items of New Deal legislation were the creation of the United States Housing Authority and Farm Security Administration, both in 1937, and the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which set maximum hours and minimum wages for most categories of workers.[7]

But it was a move made only under pressure from labor unrest, and to turn labor into a political ally.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 4:54 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Clinton IS corrupt. From her Wall Street speaking engagements to her list of top 20 donors to the hundreds of millions poured into the Clinton "foundation" from nations like Saudi Arabia, to her tenure as neocon head of the State Department, to her private email server...

Clinton is a bought, sold, butchered, graded, and packaged politician. You don't need a jury trial to figure that out.

I know exactly what she'll do when she gets into office: she'll represent the interests that have given her the most money: Banks, international law firms (like the Panamanian one that was just exposed), Saudi Arabia and the rest of the GCC, and the ultra-wealthy. She's for the TTP and TTIP. She's for Saudi Arabia, She's for the banks. Do you really think that Hillary will reform the WH in the way it so desperately needs?

So you believe it's only the White House that needs fixing? And that all politicians have sold the US out. Or is it just Hilary that has turned this
nation into a Third World country? Do you actually know what a neocon is?


I sincerely doubt you know what a neocon is.
Care to share what your personal definition is?
This ought to be a hoot.

Two words, oh exalted one, Bush - Cheney

Too much wisdom..........must - bow - down, your knuckleheadedness!
Please spare this poor humble peon as I tremble at your exalted greatness!


Aaaaand, you delivered.
You are defining Bush and Cheney as New Conservatives, or vice versa.
Did you get that from some Libtard dictionary? Something that includes FDR as a neo-con?

Actually, what is a conservative? Define that!!!


In the Political Spectrum of America, there are 5 partitions.
In the middle are Centrists, generally not heavily biased.
On the far left of the diagram are the Radicals.
Between Radical and Center are Liberals - still well left of middle.
On the far Right of the diagram are Reactionary.
Between Reactionary and middle are Conservatives, still right of Center.

In the Golden Age of Radio and Television broadcast "journalism" or "news" when many yellow journalists pretended to be unbiased or balanced, and attempted to give the impression of being Centrist, they were merely liberal while trying to appear Centrist.
But Uncle Wally (Cronkite) was able to put a severe spin on the content and ushered in the current Hard left, Radical, and extreme Liberal position of the MainStream Media, while most of America resides in Conservative or Right side of Middle. This mismatch is why MSM so vehemently tries to claim that they are unbiased or Middle, Centrist - so that the most gullible will believe them and suspend disbelief while pretending to accept this falsehood.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 5:02 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The fact that he's running so close is probably as much of a surprise to him as it is to everyone else.

...Bernie ... seems like the same guy we've seen every four years. They all have one or two issues they care about. They want those issues on the table, and running for president is a good way to do it.

WOW. Is the author dismissive of "issues" or what? Because aggressing against the nuclear power called Russia (that has already said it will use nuclear weapons if threatened) is, well, just another thing called an "issue". Banks counting derivatives as assets that are 20x the global GDP, and which could plunge he world into a depression the likes of which we haven't seen, is just another thing called an "issue". Bail-ins which would impoverish every entity that has money in a bank is just another thing called an "issue". The income gap that threatens not only the middle class but the ability of the economy to function is just another thing called an "issue".

So the FACT that Hillary is on the wrong side of these doesn't matter, because, hey, they're just "issues" And everyone has "issues".


What a stupid-ass lame argument.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 5:02 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The fact that he's running so close is probably as much of a surprise to him as it is to everyone else.

...Bernie ... seems like the same guy we've seen every four years. They all have one or two issues they care about. They want those issues on the table, and running for president is a good way to do it.

WOW. Is the author dismissive of "issues" or what? Because aggressing against the nuclear power called Russia (that has already said it will use nuclear weapons if threatened) is, well, just another thing called an "issue". Banks counting derivatives as assets that are 20x the global GDP, and which could plunge he world into a depression the likes of which we haven't seen, is just another thing called an "issue". Bail-ins which would impoverish every entity that has money in a bank is just another thing called an "issue". The income gap that threatens not only the middle class but the ability of the economy to function is just another thing called an "issue".

So the FACT that Hillary is on the wrong side of these doesn't matter, because, hey, they're just "issues" And everyone has "issues".


What a stupid-ass lame argument.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, April 17, 2016 11:15 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

What a stupid-ass lame argument.

Not an argument, but an observation that the Democratic party has seen Bernies before with different names:
Eugene McCarthy,
George McGovern,
Mo Udall,
Gary Hart,
Paul Simon,
Paul Tsongas,
Bill Bradley,
Howard Dean,
Dennis Kucinich

I was wondering who the hell these people were? Wiki helped.

Bernie will go back into obscurity, remembered only because he, also, has a wiki page, if he does NOT beat Clinton. But if he does beat Clinton, Bernie will be remembered forever with his face on Mt Rushmore or somewhere semi-permanent like youtube, with millions of hits when you enter the word Bernie.

Need I say that Obama was raised from obscurity the same way Bernie will be raised? By beating Clinton!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, April 18, 2016 2:12 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Silly me! I thought you posted it in response, and because you agreed with it.

In any case, as I opined days ago, my hopes are with Bernie, but my expectation is that Hillary will win the nomination. But nothing says I have to vote for her. Nope, I'll be among the rest of the 52% who view her unfavorably.
/ And I can't speak for them but I intend to take my vote elsewhere. Because she may have the "D" name on her but her policies are "R", and she's creepy.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, April 18, 2016 5:13 AM


So Cronkite was a leftist/communist shill!? And all the media as well!?
And here I thought that "Yellow" journalism was part of the reactionary right
using sensationalism to further their cause and sell newspapers - I'm thinking
of the Spanish-American War in 1898, the sinking of the Maine.

I would consider the Guardian as a leftist radical newspaper, but not part of
the mainstream media. Somehow I don't see CBS news and "Uncle Wally" waving
the communist flag in one hand, while clutching Stalin's communist manifesto
in the other. It's news to me that the majority of the country is "Conservative
or Right side of Middle."

CBS, NBC and ABC are all part of the mainstream media, along with Fox, although
they lean more to the right, and, for the most part, they are all conservative
more so than leftist - more middle of the road in that regard. They mostly play
it safe so as to appeal to the broadest audience. It's what you guys call
"political correctness."

For example:

The local Fox 5 News here maintains a very middle of the road approach to the
news of the day, to appeal to a wider variety of folks and sell more stuff
during commercial breaks. While the national Fox News broadcasts in the
colorful and often sensational style of "Yellow" journalism that mainly appeals
to the extreme right of the spectrum. The ultra-conservatives and their ilk.

But I would consider Fox as part of the "Yellow"
kind of journalism.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Clinton IS corrupt. From her Wall Street speaking engagements to her list of top 20 donors to the hundreds of millions poured into the Clinton "foundation" from nations like Saudi Arabia, to her tenure as neocon head of the State Department, to her private email server...

Clinton is a bought, sold, butchered, graded, and packaged politician. You don't need a jury trial to figure that out.

I know exactly what she'll do when she gets into office: she'll represent the interests that have given her the most money: Banks, international law firms (like the Panamanian one that was just exposed), Saudi Arabia and the rest of the GCC, and the ultra-wealthy. She's for the TTP and TTIP. She's for Saudi Arabia, She's for the banks. Do you really think that Hillary will reform the WH in the way it so desperately needs?

So you believe it's only the White House that needs fixing? And that all politicians have sold the US out. Or is it just Hilary that has turned this
nation into a Third World country? Do you actually know what a neocon is?


I sincerely doubt you know what a neocon is.
Care to share what your personal definition is?
This ought to be a hoot.

Two words, oh exalted one, Bush - Cheney

Too much wisdom..........must - bow - down, your knuckleheadedness!
Please spare this poor humble peon as I tremble at your exalted greatness!


Aaaaand, you delivered.
You are defining Bush and Cheney as New Conservatives, or vice versa.
Did you get that from some Libtard dictionary? Something that includes FDR as a neo-con?

Actually, what is a conservative? Define that!!!


In the Political Spectrum of America, there are 5 partitions.
In the middle are Centrists, generally not heavily biased.
On the far left of the diagram are the Radicals.
Between Radical and Center are Liberals - still well left of middle.
On the far Right of the diagram are Reactionary.
Between Reactionary and middle are Conservatives, still right of Center.

In the Golden Age of Radio and Television broadcast "journalism" or "news" when many yellow journalists pretended to be unbiased or balanced, and attempted to give the impression of being Centrist, they were merely liberal while trying to appear Centrist.
But Uncle Wally (Cronkite) was able to put a severe spin on the content and ushered in the current Hard left, Radical, and extreme Liberal position of the MainStream Media, while most of America resides in Conservative or Right side of Middle. This mismatch is why MSM so vehemently tries to claim that they are unbiased or Middle, Centrist - so that the most gullible will believe them and suspend disbelief while pretending to accept this falsehood.


Monday, April 18, 2016 5:20 AM


What else are we talking about?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

It's a political statement using sarcasm .... So what if I'm being a jerk, sometimes that is needed to get a point across.
Being a jerk is sometimes necessary to get your point across, but I have no idea what point that would be, and I daresay neither does anyone else.

So let's start with something simple:


You want to know the real reason why I laugh at this post.............Because,
it's so heavily "doctored" it's not even FUNNY.

WHICH post is doctored? The Youtube of Hillary beaming and giggling because she just got someone killed?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, April 18, 2016 6:20 AM


Actually, I read your post, about 95% of it. I found his answers - interesting!

I don't get this love affair with Bernie, I really don't. You say he speaks
truth, that he's going to "change" the White House and turn the country around.
Based on his speeches and debate performances, I gather. And you say that Hilary
is a witch, and the most evil person on the planet. Whether or not that's true
is irrelevant, because people believe it. But all in this race have made speeches
and promised things that, quite frankly, border on the spectacular.

Believe in your candidate, that's the ticket. I don't think he will accomplish
half of what he's promising. This is no slight on Bernie, or his followers, just
an observation based upon watching the office these candidates are striving for
over the years. It changes a person.

As I have stated numerous times, it certainly is about time for the "little guy"
to gain something positive in this country. For far too long, especially these
last 8 years, the politicians have run this country ragged. We, the people need
to take back control. With our vote and with keeping the elected officials feet
to the fire. Bernie believes in his heart that he will be the person to lead
the country into a new direction, I say Bravo! Lead away! But I don't think he
will make the drastic changes he claims he will make, that is yet to be determined.

Like I said, just an observation. By the way, just because I criticize Bernie
doesn't necessarily mean I'm against him and what he's hoping to do; the change
he's looking to affect. Nor does it mean that I'm blindly pulling for Hilary.
I have my concerns about her as well. I am not afraid of Trump, Cruz or any of
the candidates. But I am concerned for this country and the future of this



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Lesson received loud and clear.



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Have you read the article? Just curious. You mean the one I quoted from beginning to end, with the FULL context of the questions and each entire reply in green; rather than the dishonestly reported version 2nd posted? Yes.

A woman has a major leak in her house. She steps outside her door to find 2 people waiting there. One has his truck parked in the driveway and it says 'licensed plumber' and he's wearing overalls with his name above his left breast pocket that says "Bob" The other is her next door neighbor Susie, in her yoga pants and brand new Reeboks holding a Do-It-Yourself book that reads "Plumbing For Dummies" written on the cover. Yours is a wildly inaccurate analogy. The more accurate analogy would be - she sees a blind licensed electrician with a truck that says on its side "we break it"; and she also sees her concerned neighbor who says "we need to find a way to fix that". Because Hillary has never even admitted to the existence of the problems Bernie focuses on. That's why the woman with the major leaks sees a blind electrician, not a sighted plumber. Also, every decision of Hillary's has led to a disaster. Well, maybe those were her intended goals, but they look like disasters for the American people from where I am. That's why the logo on the truck says "we break it". Meanwhile, Bernie comes over, sees the leak, thinks it's a problem, and goes about finding the fix for it.

Who do you think has the better chance of fixing the leak?

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Monday, April 18, 2016 9:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The USA never had a slogan like France: "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité" The closest it got was "Give me liberty, or give me death." Bernie, with his talk of an "oligarchy" that Clinton spends all her free time entertaining and her grandchild was born into, is pointing to a real part of the country. The country has always been ruled over by the people with the most money. They are the people who bully their employees and are constantly asking (and getting) special favors from the federal government or state or local. If anybody claims the first Presidents were NOT part of an aristocracy of money, but really middle class, you’d be wrong.

I don’t think Bernie can push back the oligarchy because Americans like the idea of oligarchs ruling. That’s why Americans don’t see a problem with the President, supposedly the friend of the common man, living in the most expensive residence in America. And Americans, except for a mystery arsonist in Austin, see no problem with Governors living in mansions with multimillion dollar a year operating budgets.

Originally posted by 1kiki:

And FDR provided only tepid support for workers' rights, and people's welfare in general, as opposed to the oligarchy

Roosevelt’s concessions to workers did not have the effect he intended. He expected that granting workers the legal right to organize alone would placate workers so that he could get on with the business of stabilizing the economy. In a 1933 radio address, he specifically urged workers not to struggle to win the right to unionize:

The workers of this country have rights under this law which cannot be taken from them, and nobody will be permitted to whittle them away but, on the other hand, no aggression is necessary now to attain these rights…. The principle that applies to the employer applies to workers as well and I ask you workers to cooperate in the same spirit.23

These words undoubtedly began to ring hollow to workers whose employers called out the National Guard when they tried to exercise their legal right to unionize. Meanwhile, it soon became clear that Roosevelt had only grudgingly consented to grant workers the right to form unions–and he deliberately wrote Section 7(a) of the National Recovery Act so vaguely that it could easily be interpreted as ensuring the "rights" of employers to form company unions. Many employers found it convenient to interpret the NRA that way in order to prevent workers from organizing genuine unions. Soon many workers were referring to the National Recovery Act as the "National Run Around."


Monday, April 18, 2016 1:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It's a political statement using sarcasm .... So what if I'm being a jerk, sometimes that is needed to get a point across.- SIGNY

Being a jerk is sometimes necessary to get your point across, but I have no idea what point that would be, and I daresay neither does anyone else.
So let's start with something simple:

"You want to know the real reason why I laugh at this post.............Because,
it's so heavily "doctored" it's not even FUNNY."
WHICH post is doctored? The Youtube of Hillary beaming and giggling because she just got someone killed? - SIGNY

What else are we talking about?- SGG

The Youtube video of one of Hillary's most widely-quoted statement is "doctored"? Don't believe Youtube? How about CBS, which did the interview?

She was variously described as "cackling", "chuckling", "joking", "laughing" in different media outlets. Sorry SHINY, but you're 100% wrong: that was all Hillary, all the time.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Monday, April 18, 2016 6:08 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
It is kinda funny........lmao -SGG

Which part's funny? The part where Clinton turned Libya into a failed state crawling with jihadists? Or the part where she's so happy about it?

Probably the part where she can blame Conservatives for her failures and ineptness, knowing that the gullible like SGG will worship everything she says.


Monday, April 18, 2016 6:14 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Have you read the article? Just curious. You mean the one I quoted from beginning to end, with the FULL context of the questions and each entire reply in green; rather than the dishonestly reported version 2nd posted? Yes.

A woman has a major leak in her house. She steps outside her door to find 2 people waiting there. One has his truck parked in the driveway and it says 'licensed plumber' and he's wearing overalls with his name above his left breast pocket that says "Bob" The other is her next door neighbor Susie, in her yoga pants and brand new Reeboks holding a Do-It-Yourself book that reads "Plumbing For Dummies" written on the cover. Yours is a wildly inaccurate analogy. The more accurate analogy would be - she sees a blind licensed electrician with a truck that says on its side "we break it"; and she also sees her concerned neighbor who says "we need to find a way to fix that". Because Hillary has never even admitted to the existence of the problems Bernie focuses on. That's why the woman with the major leaks sees a blind electrician, not a sighted plumber. Also, every decision of Hillary's has led to a disaster. Well, maybe those were her intended goals, but they look like disasters for the American people from where I am. That's why the logo on the truck says "we break it". Meanwhile, Bernie comes over, sees the leak, thinks it's a problem, and goes about finding the fix for it.

Who do you think has the better chance of fixing the leak?

But the leak is not there.
And when you get her to see the leak, it will have just popped up out of nowhere, not existing when you said it did, and she can blame the conservatives because the leak was caused by their witch hunt conducted years after the leak started.
Otherwise an accurate analogy.


Monday, April 18, 2016 6:30 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND, I assume that you posted those extended (negative) opinion pieces about Sanders because you agree with them.

As you know, I'm not a huge Bernie fan. But the thought of voting for that evil witch Clinton (with apologies to witches everywhere) makes me gag.

It is second, not SECOND.

In all fairness, should point out that many times, such as now in this thread, your name posts as SECOND, all capitals. Sometimes names do post as all lower case, sometimes mine posts as all caps or only caps for JSF. But please do not be offended if we do not see how you intended, because I don't even see mine posting the same all the time. Unless you sign your every post, like SGG.

Pretty soon that will make no difference because the witch will beat Bernie. Then the noise machine will be turned on the witch, but it has been noisily pointing out the witch's faults since Benghazi and the emails, however many years ago that started.

To summarize:

1) I prefer Obama to Clinton or Bernie, but I can't have Obama because of far-sighted Republicans acting in 1947.

2) Bernie has little chance at this second of being elected President and very soon everyone will know he has no chance.

It appears the Reut6ers poll has Bernie ahead 49-48% in their 9-13 April poll, flipped from their 2-6 April poll.

other polls show Hilliary with leads of 6% in Connecticut, 6% in PA, 6% in CA - all far less than the supposed and announced leads she had in Michigan and some other lost Primaries. Those delegate counts seem to be 55-CT, 189-PA, 475-CA.
I don't count Brooklyn-born Bernie out against Carpetbagger Clinton yet.


Monday, April 18, 2016 7:16 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
It is kinda funny........lmao -SGG

Which part's funny? The part where Clinton turned Libya into a failed state crawling with jihadists? Or the part where she's so happy about it?

Actually, BOTH!!! HI-larious!!!

You know what else is funny, how Libya is the only thing NOT Obama's fault.
Bush invades Iraq, well that's fine. Kills, or has killed, Sadam; oh, that's
applauded.............downright laughable.

Then Obama gets Osama (hey that rhymes!) and he's BBQ'd for actually doing
something right, and something that Bush had promised.

Stop it, my sides are

Benghazi Committee is actually set to meet AGAIN! Ha, ha I'm dying here. It is
now officially the longest government-sponsored investigation in America's
history, and the least effective.

"During this time, the Select Committee has identified no evidence to
support claims that Secretary Clinton ordered a stand-down, approved an
illicit weapons program, or any of the other wild allegations about the
Benghazi attacks Republicans have made about her for years."

Stop it, stop it you're killing me............lmao


They might be able to wrap it up if they just look for the classified emails under Hilliary's Rose Law Firm Billing Records hidden in her closet of the White House, or wherever it is these days - maybe her super duper Sercret Service Agent's car trunk, or Server case.


Monday, April 18, 2016 7:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

An article about Bernie ended with:

This year, the insurgency is larger than it’s ever been, and that in itself is an opportunity. A chance for the insurgents to play the long game, to co-opt the institutions that have held them back and to emerge as the leaders of a new Democratic Party. Sanders may not be the Democratic nominee, or the president of the United States, but if his supporters take the opportunity, they’ll accomplish what past insurgent candidacies couldn’t, and he’ll stand as a key figure in the origin story of a new, new left.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, April 18, 2016 9:26 PM



Originally posted by second:
An article about Bernie ended with:

This year, the insurgency is larger than it’s ever been, and that in itself is an opportunity. A chance for the insurgents to play the long game, to co-opt the institutions that have held them back and to emerge as the leaders of a new Democratic Party. Sanders may not be the Democratic nominee, or the president of the United States, but if his supporters take the opportunity, they’ll accomplish what past insurgent candidacies couldn’t, and he’ll stand as a key figure in the origin story of a new, new left.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I think Bernie's candidacy, along with the Democracy Spring event in DC are a continuation of the Occupy movement. They're all about the same issues.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 4:53 AM


I'm curious.....Has Bernie done anything of note? Please post!



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND, you're focusing on the most trivial aspect of my post. Firstly, Texas is NOT reflective of the greater USA, no matter how "diverse" you think it is.

But more importantly, are you so wedded to having "a Democrat" in office that you don't care that that particular Democrat is so wedded to big money and neocon interests that she's a DINO (Democrat in Name Only)?

Except for some "social policy" differences with the GOP .... which is the least of our problems right now ... Hillary is a warmongering, bankster-loving, welfare-cutting, free-trade groupie. That woman has been a disaster thru her entire career. She voted for the Iraq War, which was the prominent reason for her defeat by Obama, and is endlessly quoted by the reichwing here for her endless justifications (at the time) of that misguided vote.

There is nothing important (ie outside of some social policy votes) that she's gotten right in her entire career. As far as I can tell, she's a bank/CIA whore. I challenge you to find one thing that redeems her. Take your time. I'll be interested in the results.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 5:28 AM


Bernie's always been a "voice in the wilderness." He's been amazingly prescient and 100% correct on the issues, but we're dealing with a congress of paid whores.

Elected by the state of Vermont 8 times to serve in the House of Representatives.
The longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history.
He was dubbed the “amendment king” in the House of Representatives for passing more amendments than any other member of Congress.
Ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee.
Former student organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).
Led the first ever civil rights sit-in in Chicago history to protest segregated housing.
In 1963, Bernie Sanders participated in MLK’s Civil Rights March. One of only 2 sitting US Senators to have heard MLK’s “I have a Dream Speech” in person in the march on Washington, DC.
Former professor of political science at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and at Hamilton College.
Former mayor of Burlington, VT. In a stunning upset in 1981, Sanders won the mayoral race in Burlington, Vermont’s largest city. He shocked the city’s political establishment by defeating a six-term, local machine mayor. Burlington is now reported to be one of the most livable cities in the nation.
Co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus and chaired the group for its first 8 years.
Both the NAACP and the NHLA (National Hispanic Leadership Agenda) have given Sanders 100% voting scores during his tenure in the Senate. Earns a D- from the NRA.
1984: Mayor Sanders established the Burlington Community Land Trust, the first municipal housing land-trust in the country for affordable housing. The project becomes a model emulated throughout the world. It later wins an award from Jack Kemp-led HUD.
1991: one of a handful in Congress to vote against authorizing US military force in Iraq. “I have a real fear that the region is not going to be more peaceful or more stable after the war,” he said at the time.
1992: Congress passes Sanders’ first signed piece of legislation to create the National Program of Cancer Registries. A Reader’s Digest article calls the law “the cancer weapon America needs most.” All 50 states now run registries to help cancer researchers gain important insights.
November 1993: Sanders votes against the Clinton-era North American Free Trade Agreement. Returning from a tour of factories in Mexico, Sanders says: “If NAFTA passes, corporate profits will soar because it will be even easier than now for American companies to flee to Mexico and hire workers there for starvation wages.”
July 1996: Sanders is one of only 67 (out of 435, 15%) votes against the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act, which denied federal benefits to same-sex couples legally married. Sanders urged the Supreme Court to throw out the law, which it did in a landmark 2013 ruling – some 17 years later.
July 1999: Standing up against the major pharmaceutical companies, Sanders becomes the first member of Congress to personally take seniors across the border to Canada to buy lower-cost prescription drugs. The congressman continues his bus trips to Canada with a group of breast cancer patients the following April. These brave women are able to purchase their medications in Canada for almost one-tenth the price charged in the States.
August 1999: An overflow crowd of Vermonters packs a St. Michael’s College town hall meeting hosted by Sanders to protest an IBM plan to cut older workers’ pensions by as much as 50 percent. CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and The New York Times cover the event. After IBM enacts the plan, Sanders works to reverse the cuts, passing a pair of amendments to prohibit the federal government from acting to overturn a federal district court decision that ruled that IBM’s plan violated pension age discrimination laws. Thanks to Sanders’ efforts, IBM agreed to a $320 million legal settlement with some 130,000 IBM workers and retirees.
November 1999: About 10 years before the 2008 Wall Street crash spins the world economy into a massive recession, Sanders votes “no” on a bill to undo decades of financial regulations enacted after the Great Depression. “This legislation,” he predicts at the time, “will lead to fewer banks and financial service providers, increased charges and fees for individual consumers and small businesses, diminished credit for rural America and taxpayer exposure to potential losses should a financial conglomerate fail. It will lead to more mega-mergers, a small number of corporations dominating the financial service industry and further concentration of power in our country.” The House passed the bill 362-57 over Sanders’ objection.
October 2001: Sanders votes against the USA Patriot Act. “All of us want to protect the American people from terrorist attacks, but in a way that does not undermine basic freedoms,” Sanders says at the time. He subsequently votes against reauthorizing the law in 2006 and 2011.
October 2002: Sanders votes against the Bush-Cheney war in Iraq. He warns at the time that an invasion could “result in anti-Americanism, instability and more terrorism.” Hillary Clinton votes in favor of it.
November 2006: Sanders defeats Vermont’s richest man, Rich Tarrant, to be elected to the U.S. Senate. Sanders, running as an Independent, is endorsed by the Vermont Democratic Party and supported by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
December 2007: Sanders’ authored energy efficiency and conservation grant program passes into law. He later secures $3.2 billion in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for the grant program.
September 2008: Thanks to Sanders’ efforts, funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program funding doubles, helping millions of low-income Americans heat their homes in winter.
February 2009: Sanders works with Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley to pass an amendment to an economic recovery bill preventing Wall Street banks that take taxpayer bailouts from replacing laid-off U.S. workers with exploited and poorly-paid foreign workers.
December 2009: Sanders passes language in the Affordable Care Act to allow states to apply for waivers to implement pilot health care systems by 2017. The legislation allows states to adopt more comprehensive systems to cover more people at lower costs.
March 2010: President Barack Obama signs into law the Affordable Care Act with a major Sanders provision to expand federally qualified community health centers. Sanders secures $12.5 billion in funding for the program which now serves more than 25 million Americans. Another $1.5 billion from a Sanders provision went to the National Health Service Corps for scholarships and loan repayment for doctors and nurses who practice in under-served communities.
July 2010: Sanders works with Republican Congressman Ron Paul in the House to pass a measure as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform bill to audit the Federal Reserve, revealing how the independent agency gave $16 trillion in near zero-interest loans to big banks and businesses after the 2008 economic collapse.
March 2013: Sanders, now chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and backed by seniors, women, veterans, labor unions and disabled Americans, leads a successful effort to stop a “chained-CPI” proposal supported by Congressional Republicans and the Administration to cut Social Security and disabled veterans’ benefits.
April 2013: Sanders introduces legislation to break up major Wall Street banks so large that the collapse of one could send the overall economy into a downward spiral.
August 2014: A bipartisan $16.5 billion veterans bill written by Sen. Sanders, Sen. John McCain and Rep. Jeff Miller is signed into law by President Barack Obama. The measure includes $5 billion for the VA to hire more doctors and health professionals to meet growing demand for care.
January 2015: Sanders takes over as ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, using the platform to fight for his economic agenda for the American middle class.
January 2015: Sanders votes against the Keystone XL pipeline, which would allow multinational corporation TransCanada to transport dirty tar sands oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.
March 2015: Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced legislation to expand benefits and strengthen the retirement program for generations to come. The Social Security Expansion Act was filed on the same day Sanders and other senators received the petitions signed by 2 million Americans, gathered by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
September 2015: Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and Rep. Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.) today introduced bills to ban private prisons, reinstate the federal parole system and eliminate quotas for the number of immigrants held in detention.
January 2016: Sanders Places Hold on FDA Nominee Dr. Robert Califf because of his close ties to the pharmaceutical industry and lack of commitment to lowering drug prices. There is no reason to believe that he would make the FDA work for ordinary Americans, rather than just the CEOs of pharmaceutical companies.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 8:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by reaverfan:

In 1963, Bernie Sanders participated in MLK’s Civil Rights March. One of only 2 sitting US Senators to have heard MLK’s “I have a Dream Speech” in person in the march on Washington, DC.

I just picked this one accomplishment at random. And what did I find? Click:

I would have preferred that Bernie could list as one of his accomplishments: "Beat a Republican Senator senseless and Grand Jury refused to indict after hearing Bernie's testimony."


Tuesday, April 19, 2016 11:34 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Originally posted by reaverfan:

In 1963, Bernie Sanders participated in MLK’s Civil Rights March. One of only 2 sitting US Senators to have heard MLK’s “I have a Dream Speech” in person in the march on Washington, DC.

Originally posted by second:
I just picked this one accomplishment at random. And what did I find? Click:

You found that, according to Snopes, reaverfan was right?

Origin: On 20 January 2016, the web site Democratic Underground posted a photograph purportedly showing Bernie Sanders participating in a 1965 civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery (Alabama) with Martin Luther King, Jr. The web site identified the man standing "behind Coretta King, just right of Old Glory in the glasses, white 't' shirt, open collar and dark jacket" as the future United States senator and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate.

Even Sanders himself hasn't claimed he took part in the march

However, according to Snopes, he did say he participated in the event where MLK gave his 'I Have a Dream' speech, and was very active in the Chicago Civil Rights Movement.

For the record the March on Washington, where MLK gave his 'I Have a Dream' speech (1963) and which Sanders says he participated in, was a different event in a different year than the march from Selma to Montgomery (1965). It was the march from Selma that the Democratic Underground claimed Sanders participated in, but which Sanders himself never claimed.

If Hillary Clinton wins in November, it won’t happen because America has gotten over sexism or because the Democrats have forged a pathway to the future. It will be because she was nominated by the party that is dying slowly and somewhat politely, rather than the one that just blew itself up in public with a suicide vest.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016 8:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

However, according to Snopes, he did say he participated in the event where MLK gave his 'I Have a Dream' speech, and was very active in the Chicago Civil Rights Movement.

I am impressed with Bernie for seeing and hearing that speech and I am equally impressed by the millions who saw the speech on youtube, without seeing the back of the head of the people standing in front of Bernie in the crowd. Those millions should also tell everybody, constantly, that they, too, heard and saw MLK Jr. more clearly than Bernie ever could.

Did Bernie notice that MLK Jr. talked in the language of money? Checks and Promissory notes? That wasn't completely allegorical, either. It was send cash, please, the only language Americans of all colors really understand.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 20, 2016 8:52 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Bernie Sanders is (still) the Future of the Democratic Party
by Matthew Yglesias on April 20, 2016, 7:00 a.m. ET

Even in defeat in New York and most likely in the overall quest for the 2016 Democratic nomination, he's already won in another, perhaps more important way: His brand of politics is the future of the Democratic Party.

Sanders is the overwhelming choice of young voters, scoring 67 percent of voters under 30 in New York even while losing overall amidst a set of election rules that were highly unfavorable to his cause. National Reuters polls now show him with a large 56-38 edge over Clinton with voters below the age of 40.

The votes of old people count just as much, of course, but any young and ambitious Democrat looking at the demographics of the party and the demographics of Sanders supporters has to conclude that his brand of politics is extremely promising for the future. There are racial and demographic gaps between Clinton and Sanders supporters, but the overwhelming reality is that for all groups, the young people are feeling the Bern.

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 20, 2016 9:37 AM


He got slaughtered in NY. Not really surprising, given the byzantine rules for registering to vote and changing party well before even the first debate. His voters largely couldn't.

There might be some investigations, but AZ showed us that nothing will change.


Thursday, April 21, 2016 3:59 AM



Boo Hoo! Bernie runs home to sulk and then to spew venom over ass whupping.

That's how we do in NY!!!!!



Originally posted by reaverfan:
He got slaughtered in NY. Not really surprising, given the byzantine rules for registering to vote and changing party well before even the first debate. His voters largely couldn't.

There might be some investigations, but AZ showed us that nothing will change.


Thursday, April 21, 2016 7:21 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Boo Hoo! Bernie runs home to sulk and then to spew venom over ass whupping.

That's how we do in NY!!!!!



Originally posted by reaverfan:
He got slaughtered in NY. Not really surprising, given the byzantine rules for registering to vote and changing party well before even the first debate. His voters largely couldn't.

There might be some investigations, but AZ showed us that nothing will change.

You are in NY? I guess that explains a lot.


Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:14 PM


"The sea was angry that day my friend, like Bernie Sanders trying to return soup in a deli."


Friday, April 22, 2016 6:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


That's how we do in NY!!!!!

Indeed [/snark]

Additional Evidence Of Mind-Boggling Fraud Emerges from The New York Primary


For the past week or so, I’ve been warning readers that the supposedly “liberal” state of New York has some of the most repressive voting laws in the country. Before reading the rest of this post, I suggest refreshing your memory on just how undemocratic New York is by checking out the following:

Published April 13th: Hillary Clinton Will Win New York, Because New York is Running a Banana Republic Primary

Published yesterday: As Expected, New York’s Primary is Already a Pathetic Mess

As such, two things were obvious going into the New York primary: 1) Hillary Clinton would win. 2) There would be an enormous amount of voter suppression and fraud.

Well the results are in, and the state of the state in New York is very, very bad.

The Daily Beast reports:

Alba Guerrero was dumbfounded. She’d arrived at her polling place in Ozone Park, Queens only to be told that she had been registered as a Republican since 2004.

That was news to her. She remembers registering to vote for the first time as a Democrat so she could vote for Barack Obama in the general election in 2008. When she recently moved from Manhattan to Ozone Park, in Queens, she re-registered at the DMV, she says, and even checked online on March 9th to be sure she was registered at her new address.

But when she showed up to vote for Bernie Sanders at PS63 on Tuesday, she says she was told she couldn’t. New York is a closed primary, where only registered Democrats can vote in the Democratic Primary—and voters had to be registered by last October. She was told—very politely, she wants to make clear—by poll workers to take it up with a judge. She was given a court order in nearby Forest Hills.

Guerrero drove to the Queens County Board of Elections and pled her case, but Judge Ira Margulis initially turned her away.

“The judge tells me, ‘No, that’s it—2004.’ He shows me, I’m registered as a Republican. He says there’s nothing we can do,” she said.

But on her way out she saw a Board of Elections worker holding something with her name on it. It was her 2004 voter registration, replete, she remembers, with her name, her social security number, her birthday—and someone else’s signature.

“I said, ‘Excuse me, that’s not my signature,’” she said. “It’s not my handwriting. It showed completely different signatures.”

Sure enough, the signatures are strikingly different. Next to a box checked “Republican,” her 2004 signature is written in clear, deliberate, legible cursive and includes her middle name. Her more recent signature is a loopy, illegible scrawl. She insists she’s never changed it in her life, and says she can produce old tax forms to prove it.

So Guerrero went back to to Judge Margulis and showed him the discrepancy.

“He allowed me to change for that day,“ she said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who tweeted at 11:50 a.m., “There’s nothing more punk rock than voting. #GetOutAndVote”, had to change his tune by the end of the day. WNYC reported this morning that 126,000 Brooklyn Democrats had been removed from the voting rolls since last fall.

What a fake liberal clown.

“It has been reported to us from voters and voting rights monitors that the voting lists in Brooklyn contain numerous errors, including the purging of entire buildings and blocks of voters from the voting lists,” he said in a statement released after 5 p.m. on Election Day. “I am calling on the Board of Election to reverse that purge and update the lists again using Central, not Brooklyn borough, Board of Election staff.”

A spokesperson for New York Attorney Eric Schneiderman told the New York Daily News that his office received “by far the largest volume of complaints we have received for an election since Attorney General Schneiderman took office in 2011.”

Some polling sites did not open on time, citing too few election workers. Others had faulty voting machines, or were delivered half the number of promised voting machines.

“I spent three hours this morning trying to vote,” he said. “I’m at a loss for words. I don’t understand that in the 21st century you have to stand in front of a judge to get to vote. It was laughable.”

Gershman was peeved by what happened to him, but he wonders what would’ve happened if he didn’t have a car, or the ability to miss a morning of work to fight for his ballot. And he’s also confounded by what happened to Guerrero’s voter registration form, which he shared on YouTube and calls “pretty clear fraud.”

Guerrero calls the whole incident “creepy.” She has “no idea” who might want to forge her signature on a voter registration form.

“It’s just disheartening. We’re supposed to be the number one country in the world, but things like this you’d imagine would happen in a second or third-world country,” she said. “What happened to me, basically, was fraud.”

Welcome to the real America, Alba Guerrero.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, April 22, 2016 11:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Jerry Brown once played the same role as Bernie, except with the OTHER Clinton. Bernie is nicer than Jerry was.

If you're ever interested in what an ugly Democratic Party primary campaign looks like, I would suggest taking a look at this exchange between Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown in a 1992 debate. It starts with a softball lobbed at Brown about Clinton's electability that Brown turns into a vicious attack based on a now-forgotten scandal involving conflicts of interest in Hillary Clinton's legal work.

"He is funneling money to his wife's law firm," Brown says. "It's not only corruption, it's an environmental disaster and it's the kind of conflict of interest that is incompatible with the kind of public servant we expect for president of the United States." Brown goes on to say he would refuse to serve as Clinton's vice president. This argument was literally about chicken shit.

Even OBAMA was meaner to Clinton than Bernie is:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, April 23, 2016 1:24 PM



Originally posted by second:
Jerry Brown once played the same role as Bernie, except with the OTHER Clinton. Bernie is nicer than Jerry was.

If you're ever interested in what an ugly Democratic Party primary campaign looks like, I would suggest taking a look at this exchange between Bill Clinton and Jerry Brown in a 1992 debate. It starts with a softball lobbed at Brown about Clinton's electability that Brown turns into a vicious attack based on a now-forgotten scandal involving conflicts of interest in Hillary Clinton's legal work.

"He is funneling money to his wife's law firm," Brown says. "It's not only corruption, it's an environmental disaster and it's the kind of conflict of interest that is incompatible with the kind of public servant we expect for president of the United States." Brown goes on to say he would refuse to serve as Clinton's vice president. This argument was literally about chicken shit.


Even OBAMA was meaner to Clinton than Bernie is:


It would not have been worth my time to waste watching a Dem debate, but every once in a while Moonbeam has a point, and is accurate and correct.


Saturday, April 23, 2016 1:27 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

That's how we do in NY!!!!!

Indeed [/snark]

Additional Evidence Of Mind-Boggling Fraud Emerges from The New York Primary


For the past week or so, I’ve been warning readers that the supposedly “liberal” state of New York has some of the most repressive voting laws in the country. Before reading the rest of this post, I suggest refreshing your memory on just how undemocratic New York is by checking out the following:

Published April 13th: Hillary Clinton Will Win New York, Because New York is Running a Banana Republic Primary

Published yesterday: As Expected, New York’s Primary is Already a Pathetic Mess

As such, two things were obvious going into the New York primary: 1) Hillary Clinton would win. 2) There would be an enormous amount of voter suppression and fraud.

Well the results are in, and the state of the state in New York is very, very bad.

The Daily Beast reports:

Alba Guerrero was dumbfounded. She’d arrived at her polling place in Ozone Park, Queens only to be told that she had been registered as a Republican since 2004.

That was news to her. She remembers registering to vote for the first time as a Democrat so she could vote for Barack Obama in the general election in 2008. When she recently moved from Manhattan to Ozone Park, in Queens, she re-registered at the DMV, she says, and even checked online on March 9th to be sure she was registered at her new address.

But when she showed up to vote for Bernie Sanders at PS63 on Tuesday, she says she was told she couldn’t. New York is a closed primary, where only registered Democrats can vote in the Democratic Primary—and voters had to be registered by last October. She was told—very politely, she wants to make clear—by poll workers to take it up with a judge. She was given a court order in nearby Forest Hills.

Guerrero drove to the Queens County Board of Elections and pled her case, but Judge Ira Margulis initially turned her away.

“The judge tells me, ‘No, that’s it—2004.’ He shows me, I’m registered as a Republican. He says there’s nothing we can do,” she said.

But on her way out she saw a Board of Elections worker holding something with her name on it. It was her 2004 voter registration, replete, she remembers, with her name, her social security number, her birthday—and someone else’s signature.

“I said, ‘Excuse me, that’s not my signature,’” she said. “It’s not my handwriting. It showed completely different signatures.”

Sure enough, the signatures are strikingly different. Next to a box checked “Republican,” her 2004 signature is written in clear, deliberate, legible cursive and includes her middle name. Her more recent signature is a loopy, illegible scrawl. She insists she’s never changed it in her life, and says she can produce old tax forms to prove it.

So Guerrero went back to to Judge Margulis and showed him the discrepancy.

“He allowed me to change for that day,“ she said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who tweeted at 11:50 a.m., “There’s nothing more punk rock than voting. #GetOutAndVote”, had to change his tune by the end of the day. WNYC reported this morning that 126,000 Brooklyn Democrats had been removed from the voting rolls since last fall.

What a fake liberal clown.

“It has been reported to us from voters and voting rights monitors that the voting lists in Brooklyn contain numerous errors, including the purging of entire buildings and blocks of voters from the voting lists,” he said in a statement released after 5 p.m. on Election Day. “I am calling on the Board of Election to reverse that purge and update the lists again using Central, not Brooklyn borough, Board of Election staff.”

A spokesperson for New York Attorney Eric Schneiderman told the New York Daily News that his office received “by far the largest volume of complaints we have received for an election since Attorney General Schneiderman took office in 2011.”

Some polling sites did not open on time, citing too few election workers. Others had faulty voting machines, or were delivered half the number of promised voting machines.

“I spent three hours this morning trying to vote,” he said. “I’m at a loss for words. I don’t understand that in the 21st century you have to stand in front of a judge to get to vote. It was laughable.”

Gershman was peeved by what happened to him, but he wonders what would’ve happened if he didn’t have a car, or the ability to miss a morning of work to fight for his ballot. And he’s also confounded by what happened to Guerrero’s voter registration form, which he shared on YouTube and calls “pretty clear fraud.”

Guerrero calls the whole incident “creepy.” She has “no idea” who might want to forge her signature on a voter registration form.

“It’s just disheartening. We’re supposed to be the number one country in the world, but things like this you’d imagine would happen in a second or third-world country,” she said. “What happened to me, basically, was fraud.”

Welcome to the real America, Alba Guerrero.

You sound surprised.
Only an ignorant Libtard (sorry for the redundancy there) would be unaware that Democrats are undemocratic, or that New York politics is a racket.


Sunday, April 24, 2016 9:44 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Only an ignorant Libtard (sorry for the redundancy there) would be unaware that Democrats are undemocratic, or that New York politics is a racket.

One thing the left, the middle and the right have in common: they're convinced that most people support them (if only they would vote), even when they lose and even more when they feel like they were cheated out of victory. Hence the "take back our country" canard.


Sunday, April 24, 2016 10:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


"He is funneling money to his wife's law firm," Brown says. "It's not only corruption, it's an environmental disaster and it's the kind of conflict of interest that is incompatible with the kind of public servant we expect for president of the United States." Brown goes on to say he would refuse to serve as Clinton's vice president. This argument was literally about chicken shit.

Listening to Bill Clinton reminds me what a lying weasel HE was, even then!

"I did not ... my wife did not..." said with complete apparent sincerity.
"I'm a change agent ... I think about the lives of ordinary Americans..."

What a dick. There was only ONE thing that Clinton did for ordinary Americans during his Presidency, and that was to raise the Federal minimum wage. You know the saying that begins "Fool me once?" I may have voted for him the first time, but I sure didn't vote for him the second time!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 24, 2016 10:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You sound surprised.
I do? Then you would be wrong. I'm NOT surprised.


Only an ignorant reichwinger (sorry for the redundancy there) would be unaware that Republicans are undemocratic, or that Texas politics is a racket.
Fixed it for you.

This is a flaw that establishment politicians share, no matter what party, since they're all feeding at the same trough and your vote simply gets in the way of them doing what they been bribed .... er, I mean paid ... no, that is elected ... to do. Is Ted Cruz really any better than Hillary Clinton??? Do you think he'll represent your interests in the WH any better than she will?

The thing that makes some Republicans an extra-crispy hoot is their religious evangelism and their denial of science.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, April 24, 2016 1:59 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Is Ted Cruz really any better than Hillary Clinton??? Do you think he'll represent your interests in the WH any better than she will?

Charles Koch: 'Possible' Clinton could be better than GOP nominee
Koch is the Republicans' real-life equivalent of Montgomery Burns from The Simpsons.

Oil tycoon and conservative mega-donor Charles Koch had kind words for both Bill and Hillary Clinton in an interview Sunday, saying there was an outside chance he could support her in November.

"We would have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric. Let me put it that way," he said on ABC's "This Week" Sunday. "But on some of the Republican candidates we would -- before we could support them, we'd have to believe their actions will be quite different than the rhetoric we've heard so far."

Earlier in the interview, Koch said Bill Clinton was better than George W. Bush on issues of economic growth and government spending but did not offer a full-throated endorsement of either Clinton.

"As far as the growth of government, the increase in spending, on restrictive regulations, it was two-and-a-half times under Bush than it was under Clinton," Koch told ABC.

Asked if it was possible another Clinton could be better than a Republican, Koch said: "It's possible."

Charles Koch, or Mr Burns, high on ether.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, April 25, 2016 10:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Voters' 'Bernie or Bust' efforts persist despite Sanders' vow not to be another Ralph Nader

In interviews, Sanders has said he has no intention of being another Ralph Nader — the third-party candidate blamed by many Democrats for siphoning votes from Democratic nominee Al Gore in 2000, helping give the White House to George W. Bush.

Some of his supporters remain so steadfast, however, that a #BernieOrBust movement has picked up momentum on Twitter. So has an online pledge for supporters who vow to vote for Sanders as a write-in candidate if he loses the nomination.

A recent McClatchy-Marist poll found that 1 in 4 Sanders supporters would not back Clinton as the nominee, a sign of the party's deep divide — and Clinton's high negatives — at this point of the race.

Democratic pollster Anna Greenberg says she is confident that many Sanders supporters will ultimately vote for Clinton if she wins the nomination, especially if she faces Republican front-runner Donald Trump or Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

"They might have to hold their noses to vote for her, but she's going to seem better ... than the alternative," Greenberg said.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, April 25, 2016 4:52 PM


Probably the part where she can blame Conservatives for her failures and ineptness, knowing that the gullible like SGG will worship everything she says.

Yes, I'm gullible alright. And America stands for everything good, right and decent
in this world. Elvis was the King, the Christian faith tops all religions, GWB was
a hell of a president, Cheney is an upright citizen who loves the world (especially
black people), Limbaugh is the smartest man alive, Palin the smartest woman alive
and Major Cage wasn't a private.

Yeah, I'm as dumb and gullible as a bag of rocks!



Monday, April 25, 2016 5:16 PM


Fugetaboudit! NY has the best voter suppression in the country, f#ck Neveda, Colorado, hell even North Carolina or the Koch brothers can't top the Big Apple.

New York, the home of the crooked politician............we aim to destroy the
democratic process. Cuomo colluding with the prick from New Jersey "Jumping
Jimmy" Chris Christie (what $50 million missing from the NJ Transit Hub?).
Yep, we have the market cornered when it comes to suppressing the vote. Every
where else their as honest as the day is long. How do you think Trump built
all those buildings and never paid anyone under the table?

Sheldon Silver ran NY like a Chicago night club for decades without taking a
single, wait....he's going to jail for that. And Bush got
the Supreme Court to shill for him without so much as a whoopsy daisy. Yeah, NY
is a steaming pile of doggie dung when it comes to downright nasty cheating.
Everybody's on the take.

New York, so nasty they named it twice...................



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

That's how we do in NY!!!!!

Indeed [/snark]

Additional Evidence Of Mind-Boggling Fraud Emerges from The New York Primary


For the past week or so, I’ve been warning readers that the supposedly “liberal” state of New York has some of the most repressive voting laws in the country. Before reading the rest of this post, I suggest refreshing your memory on just how undemocratic New York is by checking out the following:

Published April 13th: Hillary Clinton Will Win New York, Because New York is Running a Banana Republic Primary

Published yesterday: As Expected, New York’s Primary is Already a Pathetic Mess

As such, two things were obvious going into the New York primary: 1) Hillary Clinton would win. 2) There would be an enormous amount of voter suppression and fraud.

Well the results are in, and the state of the state in New York is very, very bad.

The Daily Beast reports:

Alba Guerrero was dumbfounded. She’d arrived at her polling place in Ozone Park, Queens only to be told that she had been registered as a Republican since 2004.

That was news to her. She remembers registering to vote for the first time as a Democrat so she could vote for Barack Obama in the general election in 2008. When she recently moved from Manhattan to Ozone Park, in Queens, she re-registered at the DMV, she says, and even checked online on March 9th to be sure she was registered at her new address.

But when she showed up to vote for Bernie Sanders at PS63 on Tuesday, she says she was told she couldn’t. New York is a closed primary, where only registered Democrats can vote in the Democratic Primary—and voters had to be registered by last October. She was told—very politely, she wants to make clear—by poll workers to take it up with a judge. She was given a court order in nearby Forest Hills.

Guerrero drove to the Queens County Board of Elections and pled her case, but Judge Ira Margulis initially turned her away.

“The judge tells me, ‘No, that’s it—2004.’ He shows me, I’m registered as a Republican. He says there’s nothing we can do,” she said.

But on her way out she saw a Board of Elections worker holding something with her name on it. It was her 2004 voter registration, replete, she remembers, with her name, her social security number, her birthday—and someone else’s signature.

“I said, ‘Excuse me, that’s not my signature,’” she said. “It’s not my handwriting. It showed completely different signatures.”

Sure enough, the signatures are strikingly different. Next to a box checked “Republican,” her 2004 signature is written in clear, deliberate, legible cursive and includes her middle name. Her more recent signature is a loopy, illegible scrawl. She insists she’s never changed it in her life, and says she can produce old tax forms to prove it.

So Guerrero went back to to Judge Margulis and showed him the discrepancy.

“He allowed me to change for that day,“ she said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who tweeted at 11:50 a.m., “There’s nothing more punk rock than voting. #GetOutAndVote”, had to change his tune by the end of the day. WNYC reported this morning that 126,000 Brooklyn Democrats had been removed from the voting rolls since last fall.

What a fake liberal clown.

“It has been reported to us from voters and voting rights monitors that the voting lists in Brooklyn contain numerous errors, including the purging of entire buildings and blocks of voters from the voting lists,” he said in a statement released after 5 p.m. on Election Day. “I am calling on the Board of Election to reverse that purge and update the lists again using Central, not Brooklyn borough, Board of Election staff.”

A spokesperson for New York Attorney Eric Schneiderman told the New York Daily News that his office received “by far the largest volume of complaints we have received for an election since Attorney General Schneiderman took office in 2011.”

Some polling sites did not open on time, citing too few election workers. Others had faulty voting machines, or were delivered half the number of promised voting machines.

“I spent three hours this morning trying to vote,” he said. “I’m at a loss for words. I don’t understand that in the 21st century you have to stand in front of a judge to get to vote. It was laughable.”

Gershman was peeved by what happened to him, but he wonders what would’ve happened if he didn’t have a car, or the ability to miss a morning of work to fight for his ballot. And he’s also confounded by what happened to Guerrero’s voter registration form, which he shared on YouTube and calls “pretty clear fraud.”

Guerrero calls the whole incident “creepy.” She has “no idea” who might want to forge her signature on a voter registration form.

“It’s just disheartening. We’re supposed to be the number one country in the world, but things like this you’d imagine would happen in a second or third-world country,” she said. “What happened to me, basically, was fraud.”

Welcome to the real America, Alba Guerrero.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016 7:29 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

That's how we do in NY!!!!!

Indeed [/snark]

Additional Evidence Of Mind-Boggling Fraud Emerges from The New York Primary

For the past week or so, I’ve been warning readers that the supposedly “liberal” state of New York has some of the most repressive voting laws in the country. Before reading the rest of this post, I suggest refreshing your memory on just how undemocratic New York is by checking out the following:

Published April 13th: Hillary Clinton Will Win New York, Because New York is Running a Banana Republic Primary

Published yesterday: As Expected, New York’s Primary is Already a Pathetic Mess

As such, two things were obvious going into the New York primary: 1) Hillary Clinton would win. 2) There would be an enormous amount of voter suppression and fraud.

Well the results are in, and the state of the state in New York is very, very bad.

The Daily Beast reports:

Alba Guerrero was dumbfounded. She’d arrived at her polling place in Ozone Park, Queens only to be told that she had been registered as a Republican since 2004.

That was news to her. She remembers registering to vote for the first time as a Democrat so she could vote for Barack Obama in the general election in 2008. When she recently moved from Manhattan to Ozone Park, in Queens, she re-registered at the DMV, she says, and even checked online on March 9th to be sure she was registered at her new address.

But when she showed up to vote for Bernie Sanders at PS63 on Tuesday, she says she was told she couldn’t. New York is a closed primary, where only registered Democrats can vote in the Democratic Primary—and voters had to be registered by last October. She was told—very politely, she wants to make clear—by poll workers to take it up with a judge. She was given a court order in nearby Forest Hills.

Guerrero drove to the Queens County Board of Elections and pled her case, but Judge Ira Margulis initially turned her away.

“The judge tells me, ‘No, that’s it—2004.’ He shows me, I’m registered as a Republican. He says there’s nothing we can do,” she said.

But on her way out she saw a Board of Elections worker holding something with her name on it. It was her 2004 voter registration, replete, she remembers, with her name, her social security number, her birthday—and someone else’s signature.

“I said, ‘Excuse me, that’s not my signature,’” she said. “It’s not my handwriting. It showed completely different signatures.”

Sure enough, the signatures are strikingly different. Next to a box checked “Republican,” her 2004 signature is written in clear, deliberate, legible cursive and includes her middle name. Her more recent signature is a loopy, illegible scrawl. She insists she’s never changed it in her life, and says she can produce old tax forms to prove it.

So Guerrero went back to to Judge Margulis and showed him the discrepancy.

“He allowed me to change for that day,“ she said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who tweeted at 11:50 a.m., “There’s nothing more punk rock than voting. #GetOutAndVote”, had to change his tune by the end of the day. WNYC reported this morning that 126,000 Brooklyn Democrats had been removed from the voting rolls since last fall.

What a fake liberal clown.

“It has been reported to us from voters and voting rights monitors that the voting lists in Brooklyn contain numerous errors, including the purging of entire buildings and blocks of voters from the voting lists,” he said in a statement released after 5 p.m. on Election Day. “I am calling on the Board of Election to reverse that purge and update the lists again using Central, not Brooklyn borough, Board of Election staff.”

A spokesperson for New York Attorney Eric Schneiderman told the New York Daily News that his office received “by far the largest volume of complaints we have received for an election since Attorney General Schneiderman took office in 2011.”

Some polling sites did not open on time, citing too few election workers. Others had faulty voting machines, or were delivered half the number of promised voting machines.

“I spent three hours this morning trying to vote,” he said. “I’m at a loss for words. I don’t understand that in the 21st century you have to stand in front of a judge to get to vote. It was laughable.”

Gershman was peeved by what happened to him, but he wonders what would’ve happened if he didn’t have a car, or the ability to miss a morning of work to fight for his ballot. And he’s also confounded by what happened to Guerrero’s voter registration form, which he shared on YouTube and calls “pretty clear fraud.”

Guerrero calls the whole incident “creepy.” She has “no idea” who might want to forge her signature on a voter registration form.

“It’s just disheartening. We’re supposed to be the number one country in the world, but things like this you’d imagine would happen in a second or third-world country,” she said. “What happened to me, basically, was fraud.”

Welcome to the real America, Alba Guerrero.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

Fugetaboudit! NY has the best voter suppression in the country, f#ck Neveda, Colorado, hell even North Carolina or the Koch brothers can't top the Big Apple.

New York, the home of the crooked politician............we aim to destroy the
democratic process. Cuomo colluding with the prick from New Jersey "Jumping
Jimmy" Chris Christie (what $50 million missing from the NJ Transit Hub?).
Yep, we have the market cornered when it comes to suppressing the vote. Every
where else their as honest as the day is long. How do you think Trump built
all those buildings and never paid anyone under the table?

Sheldon Silver ran NY like a Chicago night club for decades without taking a
single, wait....he's going to jail for that. And Bush got
the Supreme Court to shill for him without so much as a whoopsy daisy. Yeah, NY
is a steaming pile of doggie dung when it comes to downright nasty cheating.
Everybody's on the take.

New York, so nasty they named it twice...................


I am getting the impression that you think the rest of America should fix the Democrat party of New York, or maybe also the Republican Party of New York. Or maybe all of New York.
I have not heard anybody ask NY to fix the party system in any of the other states.
Each state controls the rules of the parties, and the elections within their own state - and then the individual party in that state makes their own rules within the rules and laws their state has enacted.

Why should you not just fix your own state? That is what the rest of us work with.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016 12:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I am getting the impression that you think the rest of America should fix the Democrat party of New York, or maybe also the Republican Party of New York. Or maybe all of New York.

Bernie Sanders — without appearing to realize it — put his finger on why his campaign hasn't succeeded.

"Poor people don't vote," he said in an interview with Meet the Press on Sunday. "It's just a fact."

Bernie is correct. The poor don't vote at anywhere near the rates their richer peers do.

Bernie's theory of the "political revolution" is that Americans are so eager for free college and Medicare-For-All that they will not only sweep Bernie Sanders to the White House if he's nominated, but will elect more and more progressive Democrats down-ballot who will then vote to pass Sanders's agenda through Congress.

Among people who actually vote, Bernie's policies aren't popular. The "political revolution" is only plausible if it's about changing the composition of the electorate: bringing new people to the polls who don't normally vote, even in presidential elections. 30 percent of eligible voters aren't registered to vote, or aren't accurately listed in the voter databases that campaigns use. Those voters are basically ignored by candidates. And, just like the nonvoting yet registered-to-vote population as a whole, the not even registered-to-vote population is more likely to be poor than voters are — and more likely to support liberal policies on government spending.

A candidate who can figure out how to reach out to that 30 percent of eligible-but-not-registered voters could actually make a political revolution happen.

The bottom line is that Bernie Sanders and his campaign have identified an intriguing electoral strategy, but it's becoming pretty clear they're not going to be the ones who prove whether or not it works.

This should be good news for Sanders's supporters: Just because it looks very unlikely that this particular candidate will win the nomination this particular time, that doesn't mean that a different candidate won't be able to succeed with a similar platform and strategy.






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