TRUMP - Just because.....................Naw, I just can't say it!

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Saturday, May 28, 2016 8:03 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Donald Trump masqueraded as publicist to brag about himself

Is Donald Trump’s Hair a $60,000 Weave? A Gawker Investigation

But at least if he loses it will be all over in 6 months . . . Right?


Saturday, May 28, 2016 8:46 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 28, 2016 11:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It turns out that liberals are just as fact-avoidant as Tea Partiers.

This thread has devolved into nothing more than name-calling, complete with pictures. I recall getting splattered with the same style of "discussion" from the other side. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

So, about Trump.

Unlike Hillary and Sanders, who both have solid political records (as Senators- and in Hillary's case her record as Scy State and First Lady) Trump's political record is ... ahhh ... elusive. So all we have to speculate on is his hair, his family, his business record, his hair, his hands .... his hair ... really, nothing substantive that will tell us what he might do as President.

And his campaign statements don't clarify anything. They're deliberately outrageous, and even I don't believe that he believes 85% of what he's saying.

But that's OK, because if there's one thing that Obama taught me is that you can discount about 99% of what a candidate says or promises. (I voted for Obama on the basis that if he only accomplished 15% of what he promised, it would be a step in the right direction, and as it turned out I was 99% wrong.)

Anyway, back to Trump.

What I got out of Trump's business history is that Tump is a salesman. Every self-made billionaire - from Rockefeller to Gates - has ONE THING that they pursue, and it's not money. Money is only a marker. For Gates and Rockefeller and Vanderbilt they wanted 100% market domination. It was their goal to create the widest horizontal and tallest possible vertical monopolies in their (new) market niches. For Trump, the one driving factor seems to be - really- the art of the deal. It's a challenge for him to sell ... an investment, a TV show, a book ...

A candidacy.

Unlike most of Trumps critics, I've listened closely to a few of his stump speeches, and I realize that 90% of what Trump is saying is sales pitch. I don't know if his supporters believe what Trump is saying, but I'm sure Trump doesn't. (Yanno, kind of like Hillary, who's just as much of a snake-oil salesman but less convincing.) The reason why I know that Trump is more than his campaign speeches and his birther movement is that when he gets into private conversations with some of his detractors they come out as either supporters or at least grudging fellow-travelers.

So Trump is a salesman. Is he running for the highest office in the land just because it's there, like Mt. Everest? Is he looking for just another notch in his belt?

Again, I have just speculation. But I sense that there is something driving Trump besides the challenge of running for office, and that he really does have a goal. First of all, unlike Hillary, who I think is so wedded to international banks she would unhesitatingly sell the US economy downriver, Trump is a national capitalist. He makes all of his money here, not abroad. His power, his ego, and his fortune are attached to the UNITED STATES leisure economy, not to Goldman Sachs or the military-industrial complex. And from that vantage point, Trump has seen American economic prospects (and therefore his) deteriorate due to outsourcing and needless bellicosity. From his viewpoint, he would make "better deals" for American than the previous six leaders and one prospective one. And he probably would. Trump's self-interest in something I can believe in.

But if you want a measure of what Trump is about, just listen to one of his detractors; Meg Whitman (Hewlett Packard and former candidate for governor of CA)


When CNBC’s Jim Cramer chimed in that Trump was a “great businessman,” Whitman said, “You know, I think the jury is out on that.”
This from the woman who is widely seen as driving HP into the ground. But I digress ...


Free trade and the ability to manufacture [ABROAD] where it is more cost-effective is key to competitiveness, she said, especially as U.S. companies compete against Chinese rivals and others.

“We’ve got to compete against Huawei, against Lenovo, against our competitors here in the United States,” she said. “And if we are prohibited from manufacturing in the right locations, that means that the jobs in the U.S. will be in jeopardy because Hewlett-Packard Enterprise won’t thrive.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, May 28, 2016 4:44 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:
Jayne (or Adam Baldwin) tweeted today that ‘Real Women’ Like Trump

Rush Limbaugh declared today that “real women” like Donald Trump, and in case you’re wondering, yes, he did define exactly what constitutes a “real woman”:

“Not left-wing activist Feminazi-type women, you know the type of women I’m talking about. The girl next door, the businesswoman, the woman that’s confident, the woman that likes herself––those are the kind of women we’re talking about here. Wholesome American woman.”

Limbaugh made it clear he’s “not talking about women that are angry, that feel like they’re victims of something, that think men are the biggest obstacles they face on earth.”

He went on to declare that these “real women” like Trump because “he’s not PC-whipped” and “he stands up for himself.”

Because, Limbaugh concluded, “no real woman respects any man who can be so easily PC-whipped… and whatever else that you might say about Trump, that is something that he isn’t.”

All of those facts must really burn you.

Facts!? Really!? You've got to be kidding me!

Both Drumpf and Limpdick are slime from the same, strike that, bottom of my shoe. No, the skeezy a-hole of Cheney......yeah, that's the ticket!


Sure, I conjured that the facts would really burn you as well, but I didn't know you were reading along.
You make Pavlov's Dog look like a judicious and critical thinker.

Are there any of these facts that you care to dispute? Or are you only upset that they don't fit into your surrealism?
Or is your woman directing you to post that?


Sunday, May 29, 2016 1:17 AM


Agreed. He's a pathological sleaze - a million times worse than anyone on this planet - and when people press him for answers he caves and tries to "shrug" it away. The housing bubble thing - "Oh, I'm a business man, I'm supposed to make money."

What he leaves out is "I'm a sleaze bag, I'm supposed to step on people's necks when they are down to take advantage of them - because I'm rich. Poor people
suck and are losers." He says he loves the un-educated. There is a reason; he
takes advantage of them as well.

FUCK Donald and anyone who believes this scumbag has anyone else in mind but Donald Drumpf. How about that? Hilary is rich, but at least she's not a scumbag, degenerate sleaze-bag fuck who uses women like so much toilet paper.

Hilary for POTUS!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck anyone else!



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

While I have no doubt about the sheer meanness of republicans . . .

It's easy to extend the generous hand when you feel your own life is secure. But when it starts to become a zero-sum system, their gain is your loss; and suddenly, people become far less charitable. . . .

Well fuck [Hillary] and the disease-riddled donkey she's whipping to the finish line so she can pocket her gold.

I want to make this simple. Here's what Donald Trump did recently:

He pledged $1 million to help veterans.

He tried to weasel out of it for months by saying he already paid and hoped no one would notice he had not.

When he finally got caught, he insulted the reporter who caught him.

Even among sleazebags, this is not normal behavior. This is pathological sleaziness. It's literally beyond belief. Do not let Trump distract you with his latest barrage of insults. Do not turn your attention to Hillary. Do not let this be normalized away as "just another Trump thing."

Maybe we need to put this in simpler terms.

$1 million is one ten-thousandth of Trump's claimed wealth. The average American household has a net worth of about $50,000. One ten-thousandth of that is $5. In terms of its effect on his personal finances, what Trump did was the equivalent of promising five bucks to a homeless vet and then trying to weasel out of it. What kind of person would do that?

This deserves far more attention than it's gotten. If character is supposed to be important in our presidents, this is evidence of the most contemptible kind of character imaginable. He tried to cheat a bunch of veterans! Can we please not shrug our shoulders and let this fade away into talk of Hillary?

Need I mention that multi-billionaires can go insane? Houston's very own billionaire Howard Hughes for example. Trump is already going there. Eight years from now, President Trump could be hoarding bottles of his own urine like Hughes did. Or in Trump's case, his own hair.


Sunday, May 29, 2016 1:36 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Who's crazier? The man who lies or the woman who wants nuclear confrontation with Russia?

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, May 29, 2016 2:01 AM


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...............HA!

You've got to be the stupidest motherfucker on the face of the planet, and below as well. You really think women like Drumpf, or is it his money? Drumpf is a street thug who happened to inherit a wad of cash from his daddy..........that's all.

Want to talk about Nazis, both you and drumpf!

Bugs Bunny would love you. Hiel Hitler!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:
Jayne (or Adam Baldwin) tweeted today that ‘Real Women’ Like Trump

Rush Limbaugh declared today that “real women” like Donald Trump, and in case you’re wondering, yes, he did define exactly what constitutes a “real woman”:

“Not left-wing activist Feminazi-type women, you know the type of women I’m talking about. The girl next door, the businesswoman, the woman that’s confident, the woman that likes herself––those are the kind of women we’re talking about here. Wholesome American woman.”

Limbaugh made it clear he’s “not talking about women that are angry, that feel like they’re victims of something, that think men are the biggest obstacles they face on earth.”

He went on to declare that these “real women” like Trump because “he’s not PC-whipped” and “he stands up for himself.”

Because, Limbaugh concluded, “no real woman respects any man who can be so easily PC-whipped… and whatever else that you might say about Trump, that is something that he isn’t.”

All of those facts must really burn you.

Facts!? Really!? You've got to be kidding me!

Both Drumpf and Limpdick are slime from the same, strike that, bottom of my shoe. No, the skeezy a-hole of Cheney......yeah, that's the ticket!


Sure, I conjured that the facts would really burn you as well, but I didn't know you were reading along.
You make Pavlov's Dog look like a judicious and critical thinker.

Are there any of these facts that you care to dispute? Or are you only upset that they don't fit into your surrealism?
Or is your woman directing you to post that?


Sunday, May 29, 2016 2:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Agreed. He's a pathological sleaze - a million times worse than anyone on this planet - and when people press him for answers he caves and tries to "shrug" it away. The housing bubble thing - "Oh, I'm a business man, I'm supposed to make money."

What he leaves out is "I'm a sleaze bag, I'm supposed to step on people's necks when they are down to take advantage of them - because I'm rich. Poor people
suck and are losers." He says he loves the un-educated. There is a reason; he
takes advantage of them as well.

FUCK Donald and anyone who believes this scumbag has anyone else in mind but Donald Drumpf. How about that? Hilary is rich, but at least she's not a scumbag, degenerate sleaze-bag fuck who uses women like so much toilet paper.

Hilary for POTUS!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck anyone else!

Hillary would probably provoke WWIII thru unmitigated hubris. I'm not kidding. She's a neocon-in-drag.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, May 29, 2016 2:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"You really think women like Drumpf?'

Hunh? You're incoherent.

Was I speaking for 'women' --- at all? I was bringing up Hillary's follies - oh. I meant to say her greatest accomplishments - Libya, Ukraine and Syria, and her stated platform to get tough on Russia because she doesn't 'believe' Putin will ever go nuclear for any reason; and too, let's not forget her 110% support of Israel, no matter what, and her cozy relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Some people are concerned about the economy, some people about abortion. I'm focused on who is least likely to get us into a nuclear exchange with Russia. Maybe you could address that.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, May 29, 2016 2:19 AM


It turns out that evil fucking trolls have shit for brains...................oh, look at that - you know something you're absolutely right. This has devolved into
nothing but name-calling.

What a shame! If it makes you feel any better, I'll use a Drumpf statement to smooth things over - Pocahantis...............that seems the Non-PC trend these
days. Factual, concise, intelligent and totally gentlemanly of the super-rich gentleman from New York. The one candidate that, according to JSF, is a total
babe magnet. The one candidate that has the market cornered in intelligent conversation and has his finger on the plus of true Americans. According to JSF,
a real he-man (makes you wonder how he knows this, but I digress).

There that should get things back on track. Only political and factual statements from now on.

In other news: The Brooklyn Bridge has been offered up in a financial scheme to be sold to a Conglomerate from the West Coast (Film at 11). DeBlazio, the mayor, has
promised a full investigation.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It turns out that liberals are just as fact-avoidant as Tea Partiers.

This thread has devolved into nothing more than name-calling, complete with pictures. I recall getting splattered with the same style of "discussion" from the other side. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

So, about Trump.

Unlike Hillary and Sanders, who both have solid political records (as Senators- and in Hillary's case her record as Scy State and First Lady) Trump's political record is ... ahhh ... elusive. So all we have to speculate on is his hair, his family, his business record, his hair, his hands .... his hair ... really, nothing substantive that will tell us what he might do as President.

And his campaign statements don't clarify anything. They're deliberately outrageous, and even I don't believe that he believes 85% of what he's saying.

But that's OK, because if there's one thing that Obama taught me is that you can discount about 99% of what a candidate says or promises. (I voted for Obama on the basis that if he only accomplished 15% of what he promised, it would be a step in the right direction, and as it turned out I was 99% wrong.)

Anyway, back to Trump.

What I got out of Trump's business history is that Tump is a salesman. Every self-made billionaire - from Rockefeller to Gates - has ONE THING that they pursue, and it's not money. Money is only a marker. For Gates and Rockefeller and Vanderbilt they wanted 100% market domination. It was their goal to create the widest horizontal and tallest possible vertical monopolies in their (new) market niches. For Trump, the one driving factor seems to be - really- the art of the deal. It's a challenge for him to sell ... an investment, a TV show, a book ...

A candidacy.

Unlike most of Trumps critics, I've listened closely to a few of his stump speeches, and I realize that 90% of what Trump is saying is sales pitch. I don't know if his supporters believe what Trump is saying, but I'm sure Trump doesn't. (Yanno, kind of like Hillary, who's just as much of a snake-oil salesman but less convincing.) The reason why I know that Trump is more than his campaign speeches and his birther movement is that when he gets into private conversations with some of his detractors they come out as either supporters or at least grudging fellow-travelers.

So Trump is a salesman. Is he running for the highest office in the land just because it's there, like Mt. Everest? Is he looking for just another notch in his belt?

Again, I have just speculation. But I sense that there is something driving Trump besides the challenge of running for office, and that he really does have a goal. First of all, unlike Hillary, who I think is so wedded to international banks she would unhesitatingly sell the US economy downriver, Trump is a national capitalist. He makes all of his money here, not abroad. His power, his ego, and his fortune are attached to the UNITED STATES leisure economy, not to Goldman Sachs or the military-industrial complex. And from that vantage point, Trump has seen American economic prospects (and therefore his) deteriorate due to outsourcing and needless bellicosity. From his viewpoint, he would make "better deals" for American than the previous six leaders and one prospective one. And he probably would. Trump's self-interest in something I can believe in.

But if you want a measure of what Trump is about, just listen to one of his detractors; Meg Whitman (Hewlett Packard and former candidate for governor of CA)


When CNBC’s Jim Cramer chimed in that Trump was a “great businessman,” Whitman said, “You know, I think the jury is out on that.”
This from the woman who is widely seen as driving HP into the ground. But I digress ...


Free trade and the ability to manufacture [ABROAD] where it is more cost-effective is key to competitiveness, she said, especially as U.S. companies compete against Chinese rivals and others.

“We’ve got to compete against Huawei, against Lenovo, against our competitors here in the United States,” she said. “And if we are prohibited from manufacturing in the right locations, that means that the jobs in the U.S. will be in jeopardy because Hewlett-Packard Enterprise won’t thrive.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, May 29, 2016 2:24 AM


As opposed to.......................gee, I wondering if I say what I want to say,
would it be factual, after all I did promise. Gee, you got me there Siggy! Touche!

A factual statement and you didn't even devolve into name-calling, truly Bravo.
You have mind-boggling skills, yes you do.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Agreed. He's a pathological sleaze - a million times worse than anyone on this planet - and when people press him for answers he caves and tries to "shrug" it away. The housing bubble thing - "Oh, I'm a business man, I'm supposed to make money."

What he leaves out is "I'm a sleaze bag, I'm supposed to step on people's necks when they are down to take advantage of them - because I'm rich. Poor people
suck and are losers." He says he loves the un-educated. There is a reason; he
takes advantage of them as well.

FUCK Donald and anyone who believes this scumbag has anyone else in mind but Donald Drumpf. How about that? Hilary is rich, but at least she's not a scumbag, degenerate sleaze-bag fuck who uses women like so much toilet paper.

Hilary for POTUS!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck anyone else!

Hillary would probably provoke WWIII thru unmitigated hubris. I'm not kidding. She's a neocon-in-drag.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, May 29, 2016 2:40 AM


Well said second, good reply. Strong, to the point and as factual as any I have seen posted here. The humor in the un-flattering pictures escapes some, I have seen
similar pictures and memes of Hilary and, I must admit, they make me laugh. I could
appreciate a good joke. But that's me.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So SECOND, in reply you offer a unflattering picture and a made-up video? You've descended to THUGR-levels, who offers "raspberry wars" in lieu of a relevant reply.

You're normally lucid and on-target. So, are you one of those Hillary-voters who can't explain their vote?

I'll just pick editorial that was published today in the Houston Chronicle. But you could have looked around too, if you would just bother yourself a little bit and try rather than quote empty nonsense. You wrote:

One of the interesting things that I heard in that extended video of the Left Forum, in which Chris Hedges speaks, was Hedges' decrying of the flabby left (my words) In essence, what he said was that

if the right wing becomes powerful, it's because the left has offered no alternative to people who are suffering.

You Are Wrong, signym.

Assessing Obama’s war on inequality

Paul Krugman says president’s new rules on OT pay will do more than most people realize to fight income imbalance.

There were two big economic policy stories this week that you may have missed if you were distracted by Trumpian bombast and the yelling of the Sanders dead-enders. Each tells you a lot about both what President Barack Obama has accomplished and the stakes in this year’s election.

One of those stories, I’m sorry to say, did involve Donald Trump: The presumptive Republican nominee — who has already declared that he will, in fact, slash taxes on the rich, whatever he may have said in the recent past — once again declared his intention to do away with Dodd-Frank, the financial reform passed during Democrats’ brief window of congressional control. Just for the record, while Trump is sometimes described as a “populist,” almost every substantive policy he has announced would make the rich richer at workers’ expense.

The other story was about a policy change achieved through executive action: The Obama administration issued new guidelines on overtime pay, which will benefit an estimated 12.5 million workers.

What both stories tell us is that the Obama administration has done much more than most people realize to fight extreme economic inequality. That fight will continue if Hillary Clinton wins the election; it will go into sharp reverse if Trump wins.

Step back for a minute and ask, what can policy do to limit inequality? The answer is, it can operate on two fronts. It can engage in redistribution, taxing high incomes and aiding families with lower incomes . It can also engage in what is sometimes called “predistribution,” strengthening the bargaining power of lower-paid workers and limiting the opportunities for a handful of people to make giant sums. In practice, governments that succeed in limiting inequality generally do both.

We can see this in our own history. The middle-class society that baby boomers like me grew up in didn’t happen by accident; it was created by the New Deal, which engineered what economists call the “Great Compression,” a sharp reduction in income gaps. On one side, pro-labor policies led to a striking expansion of unions, which, along with the establishment of a fairly high minimum wage, helped raise wages, especially at the bottom. On the other side, taxes on the wealthy went up sharply, while major programs like Social Security aided working families.

We can also see this in cross-country comparisons. Among advanced countries, the U.S. has the highest level of inequality, Denmark the lowest. How does Denmark do it? Partly with higher taxes and bigger social programs, but it starts with lower inequality in market incomes, thanks in large part to high minimum wages and a labor movement representing two-thirds of workers.

Now, America isn’t about to become Denmark, and Obama, facing relentless opposition in Congress, has never been in a position to repeat the New Deal. But more has happened than you might think. Most obviously, Obamacare provides aid and subsidies mainly to lower-income working Americans, and it pays for that aid partly with higher taxes at the top. That makes it an important redistributionist policy — the biggest such policy since the 1960s.

And between those extra Obamacare taxes and the expiration of the high-end Bush tax cuts made possible by Obama’s re-election, the average federal tax rate on the top 1 percent has risen quite a lot. In fact, it’s roughly back to what it was in 1979, pre-Ronald Reagan, something nobody seems to know.

What about predistribution? Well, why is Trump, like everyone in the GOP, so eager to repeal financial reform? Because despite what you may have heard about its ineffectuality, Dodd-Frank actually has put a substantial crimp in the ability of Wall Street to make money hand over fist. It doesn’t go far enough, but it’s significant enough to have bankers howling.

And while the move on overtime comes late in the game, it’s a pretty big deal and could be the beginning of much broader action.

Nothing Obama has done will put more than a modest dent in American inequality. But his actions aren’t trivial, either. And even these medium-size steps put the lie to the pessimism and fatalism one hears all too often on this subject. No, America isn’t an oligarchy. Money talks on both sides of the aisle, but the influence of big donors hasn’t prevented the current president from doing a substantial amount to narrow income gaps — and he would have done much more if he’d faced less opposition in Congress.

And in this as in so much else, it matters hugely whom the nation chooses as his successor.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 29, 2016 2:45 AM


Yes, she, and only she, has shown a propensity toward violence. Perhaps I was a bit hasty in my support of her. Perhaps I should consider switching sides and joining the ranks of the great "unwashed" and support Drumpf. He's made it known that he's
totally for peace, good will toward men and women. Hmmmmm, It's something to consider.

I will sleep on it. Boy oh boy, this is exciting. I'll finally be free of my "liberal" shackles and actually be popular again.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Agreed. He's a pathological sleaze - a million times worse than anyone on this planet - and when people press him for answers he caves and tries to "shrug" it away. The housing bubble thing - "Oh, I'm a business man, I'm supposed to make money."

What he leaves out is "I'm a sleaze bag, I'm supposed to step on people's necks when they are down to take advantage of them - because I'm rich. Poor people
suck and are losers." He says he loves the un-educated. There is a reason; he
takes advantage of them as well.

FUCK Donald and anyone who believes this scumbag has anyone else in mind but Donald Drumpf. How about that? Hilary is rich, but at least she's not a scumbag, degenerate sleaze-bag fuck who uses women like so much toilet paper.

Hilary for POTUS!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck anyone else!

Hillary would probably provoke WWIII thru unmitigated hubris. I'm not kidding. She's a neocon-in-drag.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Sunday, May 29, 2016 2:57 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Meanwhile, you've avoided mentioning her illustrious history called Libya/Ukraine/Syria or her foreign policy platform posted on the Internet or her speeches.

For someone who's pretending to be for Hillary you sure seem awfully reluctant to discuss the facts about her.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, May 29, 2016 3:23 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Seeing as how you're busy posting everywhere else sgg, you wouldn't happen to be running away from discussing this,

Meanwhile, you've avoided mentioning her illustrious history called Libya/Ukraine/Syria or her foreign policy platform posted on the Internet or her speeches.

would you?

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Sunday, May 29, 2016 10:50 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I have to say that these OED folks are remarkably up to date. Very impressive.

Donald Trump is in the Oxford English Dictionary because he is an excellent example for a definition of Apophasis
Late Latin < Greek
denial < apophania to speak off, deny < from apo- + phanai to say.

Rhetoric the artful mention of something by denying that it will be mentioned.

1952 R. NIXON Checkers Speech 21:24 And as far as Mr. Sparkman is concerned...He's had his wife on the payroll. I don't condemn him for that, but I think that he should come before the American people and indicate what outside sources of income he has had.

2016 D. TRUMP Wash. Post On Vince Foster's suicide: I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair.

2016 D. TRUMP NY Times On Bill Weld: I don’t talk about his alcoholism.

2016 D. TRUMP PolitiFact: Pants On Fire On a National Enquirer report that Ted Cruz’s father may have been involved in JFK's assassination: I was on a show...And I just asked, what was that all about?

2016 D. TRUMP Meet the Press On retweeting a hoax video claiming that a guy who rushed the stage at one of his rallies was an ISIS sympathizer: Now, I don’t know. What do I know about it? All I know is what's on the internet.

2016 D. TRUMP Wash. Times On George Bush lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: Well, a lot of people agree with what I said. And I'm not talking about lying, I'm not talking about not lying. Nobody really knows why we went into Iraq.


Sunday, May 29, 2016 11:12 PM


He really is frightening. It shows how sick our country has become.


Monday, May 30, 2016 2:18 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

But then, who's more frightening - a confabulating blowhard - or a person bent on provoking nuclear war with Russia?

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Monday, May 30, 2016 11:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This belongs in the Hillary thread. But I'm going to post it here since this is where it came up:

It was written by a former Swiss military analyst who calls himself the Saker. (Saker is a large falcon.) I'll just jump right into the article:


So let us now examine the Russian reaction to Empire’s stance.

First, the Russians want to make darn sure that the Americans do not give in into the illusion that a full-scale war in Europe would be like WWII which saw the US homeland only suffer a few, tiny, almost symbolic, attacks by the enemy. Since a full scale war in Europe would threaten the very existence of the Russian state and nation, the Russians are now taking measures to make darn sure that, should that happen, the US would pay an immense price for such an attack.

The only attack that Russia could bring to the USA would be nuclear. He goes on in the article to say... (and I've edited it for brevity)


The Russian effort is a vast and a complex one, and it covers almost every aspect of Russian force planning, but there are four examples which, I think, best illustrate the Russian determination not to allow a 22 June 1941 to happen again: ....

The deployment of the Sarmat ICBM
.... Russia thus needed some kind of weapon which would truly strike fear into the Pentagon and White House in the way the famous RS-36 Voevoda (aka SS-18 “Satan” in US classification) did during the Cold War. The SS-18, the most powerful ICBM ever developed, was scary enough. The RS-28 “Sarmat” (SS-X-30 by NATO classification) brings the terror to a totally new level.

The Sarmat is nothing short of amazing. It will be capable of carrying 10-15 MIRVed warheads which will be delivered in a so-called “depressed” (suborbital) trajectory and which will remain maneuverable at hypersonic speeds. The missile will not have to use the typical trajectory over the North Pole but will be capable of reaching any target anywhere on the planet from any trajectory. All these elements combined will make the Sarmat itself and its warheads completely impossible to intercept.

The Sarmat will also be capable of delivering conventional Iu-71 hypersonic warheads capable of a “kinetic strike” which could be used to strike a fortified enemy target in a non-nuclear conflict. This will be made possible by the amazing accuracy of the Sarmat’s warheads which, courtesy of a recent Russian leak, we now know have a CEP

circular error probable


of 10 meters

The Sarmat’s silos will be protected by a unique “active protection measures” which will include 100 guns capable of firing a “metallic cloud” of forty thousand 30mm “bullets” to an altitude of up to 6km. The Russians are also planning to protect the Sarmat with their new S-500 air defense systems. Finally, the Sarmat’s preparation to start time will be under 60 seconds thanks a highly automated launch system.

Great. We're going to have to think about automated nuclear missiles. That makes a perfect "dead-man's trigger"


What this all means is that the Sarmat missile will be invulnerable in its silo, during its flight and on re-entry in the lower parts of the atmosphere.

The deployment of the Status-6 strategic torpedo
Do you remember the carefully staged “leak” in November of last year when the Russians ‘inadvertently’ showed a super dooper secret strategic torpedo on prime time news? Here is this (in)famous slide:

What is shown here is an “autonomous underwater vehicle”

Another automated nuclear weapon


which has advanced navigational capabilities but which can also be remote controlled and steered from a specialized command module. This vehicle can dive as deep as 1000m, at a speed up to 185km/h and it has a range of up to 10’000km. It is delivered by specially configured submarines.

The Status-6 system can be used to target aircraft carrier battle groups, US navy bases (especially SSBN bases) and, in its most frighting configuration, it can be used to deliver high-radioactivity cobalt bombs capable of laying waste to huge expanses of land.

In other words, the submersible warhead .... because there are no people on board .... can lay off the coast of the USA and detonate a warhead that would send a tsunami through the city and then make it uninhabitable for 20-30 years (depending on how much radiation you wanted to tolerate). Imagine NYC - or Miami, or San Diego, or Seattle - being swamped like with Superstorm Sandy, and irradiated instantaneously afterwards.

Now, personally, I think an airburst which creates a huge EMP in addition to destruction from flash-burning and shock wave would create the greatest damage, but I'm sure the military specialists on the other side have done their homework about the vulnerabilities of our infrastructure and have already figured out how to do the most damage.

So with Obama's trillion-dollar nuclear-weapons budget, military planners in THIS side are trying to configure/upgrade their systems for a "successful" first-strike on Russia.

What I get out of the Saker analysis is that the Russians are taking this threat very seriously. So even if a first strike on Russia takes out much of the Russian population and political and military command structure and installations, there are those automated silos and submersible warheads that will still be viable AFTERWARDS to wreak vengeance on the USA.

Back to Mutual Assured Destruction.

Do the American people - on this day when we celebrate our war dead with picnics and barbecues - have the faintest clue as to what is going on in the command structure way above their heads, and how they themselves are calculated as potential casualties in the great game of chess that Brzezinski envisioned?


I recommend that you read the entire article, and also the previous one which is linked "popular myths about modern warfare".

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016 6:16 AM


Perhaps you wish to enlighten me, Oh Factual One. Both you and Sig know so much, and me, I'm but a mere mortal, a peon, with a pea of a brain failing to understand the intricacies of the world around me.

I bow down at the enormity of your wisdom and kneel before you ever at the ready to
attempt to learn at your feet. I bow and scrape..............teach me!



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Seeing as how you're busy posting everywhere else sgg, you wouldn't happen to be running away from discussing this,

Meanwhile, you've avoided mentioning her illustrious history called Libya/Ukraine/Syria or her foreign policy platform posted on the Internet or her speeches.

would you?

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Wednesday, June 1, 2016 6:18 AM


Those Oxford dudes are really good. Of course, none compare to the brilliance of 2 of our own scholars - kiki & Sig.



Originally posted by second:
I have to say that these OED folks are remarkably up to date. Very impressive.

Donald Trump is in the Oxford English Dictionary because he is an excellent example for a definition of Apophasis
Late Latin < Greek
denial < apophania to speak off, deny < from apo- + phanai to say.

Rhetoric the artful mention of something by denying that it will be mentioned.

1952 R. NIXON Checkers Speech 21:24 And as far as Mr. Sparkman is concerned...He's had his wife on the payroll. I don't condemn him for that, but I think that he should come before the American people and indicate what outside sources of income he has had.

2016 D. TRUMP Wash. Post On Vince Foster's suicide: I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I don’t do that because I don’t think it’s fair.

2016 D. TRUMP NY Times On Bill Weld: I don’t talk about his alcoholism.

2016 D. TRUMP PolitiFact: Pants On Fire On a National Enquirer report that Ted Cruz’s father may have been involved in JFK's assassination: I was on a show...And I just asked, what was that all about?

2016 D. TRUMP Meet the Press On retweeting a hoax video claiming that a guy who rushed the stage at one of his rallies was an ISIS sympathizer: Now, I don’t know. What do I know about it? All I know is what's on the internet.

2016 D. TRUMP Wash. Times On George Bush lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: Well, a lot of people agree with what I said. And I'm not talking about lying, I'm not talking about not lying. Nobody really knows why we went into Iraq.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016 6:19 AM


Hey Second...............You see!



Originally posted by 1kiki:
But then, who's more frightening - a confabulating blowhard - or a person bent on provoking nuclear war with Russia?

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Wednesday, June 1, 2016 6:32 AM


I remember reading an article, or was it on the internet, around 2008 when Obama was about to become our president. Actually, during his run for office. Several conservatives and Tea Party people swearing up and down how Obama was going to abolish the 2d Amendment.

Fast Forward to 2016. People still own guns and not a black helicopter in site.

Pause for a SIG moment: But we have Drones! among other things.

Time back in: That's just an observation. You see, that's what I do. I observe
things. I may not post reams of articles and such, but that's what I bring. And now, we have the Donald wanting to bring back the good old days, Nazi Germany, and
regurgitating that old chestnut - Hilary is looking to abolish the 2d Amendment.
Quick, you guys should catch him up on current affairs - Hilary is a neo-con and
spoiling for war. Of course, he's trying desperately to tie her in with Obama, so
you should catch him up.

Notice I didn't mention Russia once.



Wednesday, June 1, 2016 10:32 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Hugh Hewitt exposed the fact that Trump lacks basic understanding of the structure and mission of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. But Trump can't stop talking as fast as possible to hide that he has no idea what "nuclear triad" means.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016 12:24 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

While under oath, Ex-Employees Criticize Trump University, Calling It ‘Scheme’ and ‘Total Lie’ in newly released testimony from lawsuit against school.

Jason Nicholas, another witness for the plaintiffs who worked as a sales associate for five months in 2007, also said he was appalled by what went on at the university. “They were unqualified people posing as Donald Trump’s ’right-hand men,’” he wrote. “They were teaching methods that were unethical, and they had had little to no experience flipping properties or doing real estate deals. It was a facade, a total lie.”

In his sworn declaration, Mr. Schnackenberg he quit his job after refusing to pitch the seminars to a couple that he thought couldn’t afford them. “They had no money to pay for the program but would have had to pay for the program using disability and taking out a loan based upon equity in his apartment.” He said another sales manager “talked them into buying a $35,000 seminar.”

Donald Trump was personally involved in devising the marketing strategy for Trump University, even vetting potential ads, according to newly disclosed sworn testimony from the company’s top executive taken as part of an ongoing lawsuit.... “Mr. Trump understandably is protective of his brand and very protective of his image and how he’s portrayed,” Michael Sexton, Trump University’s president, said in the 2012 deposition. “And he wanted to see how his brand and image were portrayed in Trump University marketing materials. And he had very good and substantive input as well.”
Corrine Sommer, an event manager, recounted how colleagues encouraged students to open up as many credit cards as possible to pay for classes that many of them could not afford. “It’s O.K., just max out your credit card,” Ms. Sommer recalled their saying.

....Ms. Sommer recalled that a member of the Trump University sales team, who had previously sold jewelry, was promoted to become an instructor. He had “no real estate experience,” she said. She added that many of the instructors had the quality that the school seemed to value most: “They were skilled at high-pressure sales,” she said.


Thursday, June 2, 2016 7:26 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Are your referring to the fake suicide, or the coverup and whitewash?

Or are you trying to blend them together, muddy the facts.

None of your false choices.

So you are incapable of answering the simple question?
Are you confused, or is it because you shun the truth at every turn?

It's always been a little bit unclear to what extent anyone believes Hillary shot Vince Foster in the head as opposed to cynically peddling murder theories for partisan advantage. Trump is seeking partisan advantage because he is in a fight with Hillary. See how Trump might be a liar?

How Foster died is very clear. In the days before his death, Foster was having trouble eating or sleeping. He told his sister that he was suffering from depression but was afraid that seeing a psychiatrist would cost him his security clearance. His sister provided him with the names of two DC-area psychiatrists anyway, and urged him to see one "off the record" to alleviate his clearance concerns. He called one, but got an answering machine. He spoke to his doctor on the phone in Little Rock and got a prescription for antidepressants.

Then his body was found in a park with a bullet through his head and a gun in his hand.

The US Park Police had jurisdiction over the matter and concluded, in conjunction with the FBI, that it was a suicide. Later investigations by independent counsels Robert Fisk and Kenneth Starr concluded the same thing. When a depressed man is found dead in a park with no sign of a struggle and gun residue on his hand, the natural conclusion is suicide, and every subsequent piece of evidence confirmed that finding. Depression plus easy access to firearms lead to an avoidable death, as it all too often does in the United States.

Sometimes your gullibility is amazing.

Libtards are defined as retards who believe any Talking Points the Democraps spoon feed them.
Libtards believe that gravity is a force which can be suspended by Democraps upon demand. The blood from Vince Fosters gunshot head would was able to traverse his face it the direction opposite gravity - meaning up, towards the sky. Unless, of course, after shooting himself and falling down and having his cranial blood ooze out of his wound and then set, he then decided to move his head around so that the gravity-driven blood was finally in position to indicate the suspension of gravity.

And Libtards believe that the Parks are regularly covered in carpeting, which explains why carpet fibers were stuck in the blood from his head wound. Unless he decided that after shooting himself, he would travel miles to find an area of carpet to rub his bloody head into, before returning to the scene of the "suicide" and resting himself again.

How convenient that the body was placed - or "discovered" - in a place which would be under jurisdiction of somebody that was a Clintonista suck-up appointee who could control the progress and direction of the so-called "investigation".
The United States Park Police are within the Department of the Interior, under the Secretary of the Interior.

Your Strawman argument that Hilliary herself shot somebody is quite lame. The Clintons have a long history of killing off their inconvenient "friends" via hired hands. The only in-person crimes they participate in are the conspiracies, lawyer tricks for Hilliary, and serial Rapes for Slick. Why would any reasonable person try to refute or shun the facts by claiming that Hilliary herself shot somebody? Nobody but Libtards claim this to be the facts of the case - do you know something that none of the rest of us know about Hilliary shooting her friends herself?


Thursday, June 2, 2016 8:01 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Sometimes your gullibility is amazing.

Thank you for straightening me out.

Donald Trump just outlined a plan to profit personally off a Trump administration

It's traditional for American presidents to put their financial assets in a blind trust when they become president, meaning that they still own what they own, but for the duration of their time in office they have no control over the assets. This isn't a legal requirement, but it's a customary way for chief executives to set people's minds at rest over the obvious conflicts of interest inherent in actively managing a stock portfolio while also serving as leader of the free world.

Donald Trump has indicated in the past that he wouldn't follow this practice, and the particular nature of his assets — many of which literally have his name on them — would make blindness difficult to achieve. Be that as it may, in a Thursday midday tweet he for the first time said clearly that if he wins the election he intends to seek to personally profit off his office.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

After the litigation is disposed of and the case won, I have instructed my execs to open Trump U(?), so much interest in it! I will be pres.

10:02 AM - 2 Jun 2016

Trump University is pretty clearly a scam, for which Trump is seeking to avoid legal accountability through a racist smear campaign against a federal judge and campaign contributions to state attorneys general. Serving as president would presumably give Trump new tools with which to help get the "university" (which, to be clear, is not in any sense a university) out of legal trouble and create invaluable opportunities to publicize it.

You might wonder why a person who says he's worth $10 billion is so eager to find new ways to make money, and the answer may well have something to do with the considerable evidence that he's massively overstating his net worth.


Thursday, June 2, 2016 8:26 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Cable news has often struggled with how to cover Trump accurately given his habit of constantly saying things that aren't true or don't make sense. Today, CNN took a big step forward with this chyron:


This goes back to March, when Donald Trump was talking about the security situation in Northeast Asia.

He'd suggested earlier that the United States was spending too much money on stationing soldiers in South Korea and Japan, which are both high-income developed countries that can afford to defend themselves against North Korea.

This led to the suggestion that Korea and Japan should develop their own nuclear arsenals — obviously a big change from current American foreign policy, which tries to discourage the spread of nuclear weapons. It's also a politically sensitive issue in Japan, which is the only country that's actually been hit with nuclear weapons. Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said flatly, "It is impossible that Japan will arm itself with nuclear weapons."

Today at a rally in Sacramento, Trump said, falsely, that Hillary Clinton was lying when she said he had proposed this.

"She made a speech, she’s making another one tomorrow, and they sent me a copy of the speech" Trump said. "And it was such lies about my foreign policy, that they said I want Japan to get nuclear weapons. Give me a break."

In fact, Trump very explicitly said this. Here he is in an April interview with Chris Wallace:

TRUMP: It’s not like, gee whiz, nobody has them. So, North Korea has nukes. Japan has a problem with that. I mean, they have a big problem with that. Maybe they would in fact be better off if they defend themselves from North Korea.

WALLACE: With nukes?

TRUMP: Including with nukes, yes, including with nukes.

Start at 9 minutes to catch Trump in another lie:


Friday, June 3, 2016 3:54 AM


Speaking of mentioning her illustrious history, you do that enough for the entire website. Plus, no matter what I say you'll only come up with more "examples" of how cruel she is, and how she plans to nuke the world, cause war and famine, and pull
the wings off butterflies - oh, and drown puppies and kittens.

Besides that's not my strong suit, that's more your department. That and posting articles nearly verbatim. Anyway, I'm not here for your entertainment. I post what I please, you just have to deal with that fact. Whenever I'm of the mind, I post
articles that catch my eye and comment on them (or at least I used to), I got slammed a number of times for posting my take on things, then I answer in kind and I get slammed for it.

I'm not falling for the old "hook" routine. Nope, not gonna do it. So go ahead slam Hilary, Donald, Bernie or whoever. Me, I'm gonna do my thang!



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Meanwhile, you've avoided mentioning her illustrious history called Libya/Ukraine/Syria or her foreign policy platform posted on the Internet or her speeches.

For someone who's pretending to be for Hillary you sure seem awfully reluctant to discuss the facts about her.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Friday, June 3, 2016 5:24 AM


Second, I admire your approach to the tactics used by some here to ridicule, manipulate and deflect. Bravo! Very shiny!

Trump University:

I saw an interview with NY State AG Eric Schneiderman, who said "We have a law against running an illegal, unlicensed university. This never was a university."

He's investigating the Donald and the university for Fraud. It is nothing but a scam, which some refuse to believe because, well, they're stupid.

"Trump University engaged in deception at every stage of consumers' advancement through costly programs and caused real financial harm,"

Posted this article for all you sports fans.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Sometimes your gullibility is amazing.

Thank you for straightening me out.

Donald Trump just outlined a plan to profit personally off a Trump administration

It's traditional for American presidents to put their financial assets in a blind trust when they become president, meaning that they still own what they own, but for the duration of their time in office they have no control over the assets. This isn't a legal requirement, but it's a customary way for chief executives to set people's minds at rest over the obvious conflicts of interest inherent in actively managing a stock portfolio while also serving as leader of the free world.

Donald Trump has indicated in the past that he wouldn't follow this practice, and the particular nature of his assets — many of which literally have his name on them — would make blindness difficult to achieve. Be that as it may, in a Thursday midday tweet he for the first time said clearly that if he wins the election he intends to seek to personally profit off his office.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

After the litigation is disposed of and the case won, I have instructed my execs to open Trump U(?), so much interest in it! I will be pres.

10:02 AM - 2 Jun 2016

Trump University is pretty clearly a scam, for which Trump is seeking to avoid legal accountability through a racist smear campaign against a federal judge and campaign contributions to state attorneys general. Serving as president would presumably give Trump new tools with which to help get the "university" (which, to be clear, is not in any sense a university) out of legal trouble and create invaluable opportunities to publicize it.

You might wonder why a person who says he's worth $10 billion is so eager to find new ways to make money, and the answer may well have something to do with the considerable evidence that he's massively overstating his net worth.


Friday, June 3, 2016 7:58 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Texas Republicans are little Trumps, except not as energetic, crooked and loud.

When, and if, Trump loses the election, the little Trumps will disown Trump as never being truly one of their own. But long before Trump even won the nomination, Republican big shots in Texas were doing special favors for Trump. This morning’s newspaper had an article about the Texas Governor doing a HUGH favor for Trump when the Gov was only Attorney General of Texas:

Abbott's AG office nixed plan to sue Trump University
Abbott's office nixed plan to seek $5.4 million fine

By Brian M. Rosenthal and Gabrielle Banks
Updated: June 3, 2016 12:24am

AUSTIN - For seven months, a team of investigators in the Texas Attorney General's Office extensively scrutinized a for-profit real estate investment training program known as Trump University.

The investigators went undercover to attend seminars, interviewed dozens of students and requested hundreds of documents. Ultimately, records show, they determined in May 2010 that the program had illegally engaged in false advertising, and they asked their bosses to sue unless the business agreed to pay the state $5.4 million.

And then, everything stopped. Trump University decided to leave Texas, and the bosses decided not to file the lawsuit - a choice that did not sit well with at least one of the investigators.

"The case was closed and all the Texas consumers were left high and dry," said John Owens, then the deputy chief of the office's consumer protection division, who retired in 2011 after 20 years at the office.

"We were a little shocked," Owens added.

The investigation - and the decision by then-Attorney General Greg Abbott's office not to sue - has drawn a surge of attention this week thanks to a California judge's order unsealing documents in a lawsuit against the controversial training program named after a businessman who is now the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee.


Friday, June 3, 2016 8:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A list of 58 Conspiracy Theories (and Counting!) endorsed by Trump

For example: 3) Hawaii Official Was Murdered In Birth Certificate Cover-up

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived
1:32 PM-12 Dec 2013


Friday, June 3, 2016 8:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Trump Supporters "Terrorized" In Massive San Jose Street Brawl As Police "Lose Control"


Shocking scenes are occuring on the streets of San Jose as Trump supporters are chased, punched, kicked, and, as ABC News' Tom Llamas reports "terrorized" as the local police "appears to have lost control." Mobs of protestors, many carrying mexican flags
Ship them the fuck to Mexico if that's where their loyalties are

, took over the streets ahead of a Trump rally branding tire irons and burning American flags.

Protestors made up mostly of young ppl. Some throwing up gang signs. There were ppl who came to demonstrate & some who just wanted to brawl

— Tom Llamas (@TomLlamasABC) June 3, 2016

Full video of the chaotic situation...

This @Timcast video from the #Trump protest in San Jose is really disturbing.

— Blogs of War (@BlogsofWar) June 3, 2016

Social media is awash with videos of the events...

Our video of Trump supporter who says he was beaten up coming out of @realDonaldTrump rally.

— Tom Llamas (@TomLlamasABC) June 3, 2016

JUST IN: Trump supporters being attacked, assaulted by protestors outside Trump rally in San Jose - @Jacobnbc

— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) June 3, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Trump supporters pelted with eggs, bloodied by agitators outside San Jose rally (@SaraMurray)

— Breaking News Feed (@pzf) June 3, 2016

And just general rioting...

I called 911 but no one answered. Donald trump protest in San Jose, CA

— Marcus DiPaola (@marcusdipaola) June 3, 2016

Raw video: Fighting continues in streets following @realDonaldTrump rally in San Jose.

— M. Scott Mahaskey (@smahaskey) June 3, 2016

Raw video: Punches thrown in clashes following @realDonaldTrump rally in San Jose.

— M. Scott Mahaskey (@smahaskey) June 3, 2016

Anti-Trump rioters even burned American flags...

This happened tonight in San Jose (@dcbigjohn)

— Breaking News Feed (@pzf) June 3, 2016

No this is not the streets of Tehran... this is San Jose - the best city in America to get a job!!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, June 3, 2016 10:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Trump Supporters "Terrorized" In Massive San Jose Street Brawl As Police "Lose Control"

Ship them the fuck to Mexico if that's where their loyalties are

Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta condemned reports of violence on Twitter, writing, "Violence against supporters of any candidate has no place in this election."

Donald Trump Expounds on His Foreign Policy Views

Trump: "Did you notice they’re buying from everybody but the United States? They’re buying planes, they’re buying everything, they’re buying from everybody but the United States."

NYT: "Our law prevents us from selling to them, sir. "

Trump: "Uh, excuse me?"

NYT: "We still have sanctions in the U.S. that would prevent the U.S. from being able to sell that equipment."

Anyone who had so much as perused a daily newspaper over the past couple of decades would be familiar with this stuff.

Apparently Trump hasn't done that. What's more, over the past year, while he was running for president, he still didn't bother.

How is it that he hasn't picked up more stuff just by osmosis? It's not only scary, it's genuinely puzzling.

He obviously cares so little about foreign affairs that he actively resists learning anything about it. I guess that might ruin his prized ability to say anything he wants without letting facts get in the way.


Saturday, June 4, 2016 5:51 AM


Turns out that the "Mexican" judge was born in Indiana. His parents are of Mexican
heritage. But, little does his Drumpfness know, that the judge was on his side all along. He prosecuted gangsters of the Mexican drug cartels and was the subject of death threats, so much so that the Feds had to re-locate him and keep his whereabouts secret.

Of course, his Dumbness, shot off his mouth and made comments that the judge lives in the San Diego area. Way to Go! you stupid fuck. This judge fights the criminals
Don baby talks about in his dumb speeches and he goes off the deep end. I'm telling you, you can't make this shit up. He could get this judge killed.

Blind leading the Blind.



Originally posted by second:
Texas Republicans are little Trumps, except not as energetic, crooked and loud.

When, and if, Trump loses the election, the little Trumps will disown Trump as never being truly one of their own. But long before Trump even won the nomination, Republican big shots in Texas were doing special favors for Trump. This morning’s newspaper had an article about the Texas Governor doing a HUGH favor for Trump when the Gov was only Attorney General of Texas:

Abbott's AG office nixed plan to sue Trump University
Abbott's office nixed plan to seek $5.4 million fine

By Brian M. Rosenthal and Gabrielle Banks
Updated: June 3, 2016 12:24am

AUSTIN - For seven months, a team of investigators in the Texas Attorney General's Office extensively scrutinized a for-profit real estate investment training program known as Trump University.

The investigators went undercover to attend seminars, interviewed dozens of students and requested hundreds of documents. Ultimately, records show, they determined in May 2010 that the program had illegally engaged in false advertising, and they asked their bosses to sue unless the business agreed to pay the state $5.4 million.

And then, everything stopped. Trump University decided to leave Texas, and the bosses decided not to file the lawsuit - a choice that did not sit well with at least one of the investigators.

"The case was closed and all the Texas consumers were left high and dry," said John Owens, then the deputy chief of the office's consumer protection division, who retired in 2011 after 20 years at the office.

"We were a little shocked," Owens added.

The investigation - and the decision by then-Attorney General Greg Abbott's office not to sue - has drawn a surge of attention this week thanks to a California judge's order unsealing documents in a lawsuit against the controversial training program named after a businessman who is now the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee.


Saturday, June 4, 2016 5:53 AM


He reads the Enquirer.



Originally posted by second:
A list of 58 Conspiracy Theories (and Counting!) endorsed by Trump

For example: 3) Hawaii Official Was Murdered In Birth Certificate Cover-up

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived
1:32 PM-12 Dec 2013


Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:14 AM


It's awful that the protest devolved into violence. What wasn't shown was that there were young people within the "mob" trying to stop things from getting out of hand.

I really felt sorry for the young blonde lady who got pelted with eggs who was wearing a Trump shirt in support. That was unfortunate, that was shown more than
the video clip of the young women trying to stop a man from getting beat up by the
few "protesters" in the mob who were there to cause trouble.

It also didn't help that the venue Trump chose was within blocks of San Jose State University, where the majority of the students are of Hispanic descent, and the town is predominantly Democratic. That doesn't excuse the violence, but it's like the man playing with matches at the gasoline's about to blow up.
Some may even accuse him, or his staff, of deliberately playing with "matches" near
the gasoline station.

Matches + gas = BOOM!

Still though I hate the fact that these folks decided to take matters into their own hands, instead of allowing folks to protest peacefully without fear of getting sucker punched in the face, physically assaulted or worse - shot. That's one reason why I hate Bullies.

No matter what side their on.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Trump Supporters "Terrorized" In Massive San Jose Street Brawl As Police "Lose Control"


Shocking scenes are occuring on the streets of San Jose as Trump supporters are chased, punched, kicked, and, as ABC News' Tom Llamas reports "terrorized" as the local police "appears to have lost control." Mobs of protestors, many carrying mexican flags
Ship them the fuck to Mexico if that's where their loyalties are

, took over the streets ahead of a Trump rally branding tire irons and burning American flags.

Protestors made up mostly of young ppl. Some throwing up gang signs. There were ppl who came to demonstrate & some who just wanted to brawl

— Tom Llamas (@TomLlamasABC) June 3, 2016

Full video of the chaotic situation...

This @Timcast video from the #Trump protest in San Jose is really disturbing.

— Blogs of War (@BlogsofWar) June 3, 2016

Social media is awash with videos of the events...

Our video of Trump supporter who says he was beaten up coming out of @realDonaldTrump rally.

— Tom Llamas (@TomLlamasABC) June 3, 2016

JUST IN: Trump supporters being attacked, assaulted by protestors outside Trump rally in San Jose - @Jacobnbc

— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) June 3, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Trump supporters pelted with eggs, bloodied by agitators outside San Jose rally (@SaraMurray)

— Breaking News Feed (@pzf) June 3, 2016

And just general rioting...

I called 911 but no one answered. Donald trump protest in San Jose, CA

— Marcus DiPaola (@marcusdipaola) June 3, 2016

Raw video: Fighting continues in streets following @realDonaldTrump rally in San Jose.

— M. Scott Mahaskey (@smahaskey) June 3, 2016

Raw video: Punches thrown in clashes following @realDonaldTrump rally in San Jose.

— M. Scott Mahaskey (@smahaskey) June 3, 2016

Anti-Trump rioters even burned American flags...

This happened tonight in San Jose (@dcbigjohn)

— Breaking News Feed (@pzf) June 3, 2016

No this is not the streets of Tehran... this is San Jose - the best city in America to get a job!!

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, June 4, 2016 7:47 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Those private conversations that Paul Ryan mentioned between him and Trump culminated in Ryan’s endorsement of Trump upon the stated ground that Trump would become Ryan’s puppet. Trump, Ryan said, will support Ryan’s fiscal agenda. And regulatory agenda. And Legal Movement agenda. Which is what most large Republican donors care about. Trump’s made it clear that the federal judiciary will be a branch of Koch Industries. And that almost certainly is a promise he would keep.

He’s assured Ryan that the Kochs, the securities and banking industry donors, and the pharmaceutical industry donors will control their respective industry’s administrative agencies, beyond anything that existed even in the Reagan and Bush II administrations. He’s done so publicly about the EPA. And undoubtedly privately regarding the others.

Ryan doesn’t trust Trump to keep his promises. But I think he needn’t worry, not because Trump himself actually understands what a promise is—he doesn’t—but because it will be Ryan and the Kochs who choose the vice presidential nominee. The person who quickly will become the actual or de facto presidential nominee or, if the ticket wins, president within a few months. Dick Cheney would be perfect.


Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Too bad you're wedded to the idea of Hillary as the only alternative. Because it's not entirely clear at this point that she's going to remain unindicted, or that she'll win the general election. Too many people on both sides are enraged about the status quo = which is exactly what Hillary represents.

Let me just point out that the author left out vital relevant facts in the opinion piece. Doing that is known as cherry-picking. And whether you do that in the news, in discussion, in debate or in opinion, when you distort the facts, you've changed the nature of your communication into propaganda. But WE don't have any of THAT in the US, do we?!


Saturday, June 4, 2016 3:38 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Are your referring to the fake suicide, or the coverup and whitewash?

Or are you trying to blend them together, muddy the facts.

None of your false choices.

So you are incapable of answering the simple question?
Are you confused, or is it because you shun the truth at every turn?

It's always been a little bit unclear to what extent anyone believes Hillary shot Vince Foster in the head as opposed to cynically peddling murder theories for partisan advantage. Trump is seeking partisan advantage because he is in a fight with Hillary. See how Trump might be a liar?

How Foster died is very clear. In the days before his death, Foster was having trouble eating or sleeping. He told his sister that he was suffering from depression but was afraid that seeing a psychiatrist would cost him his security clearance. His sister provided him with the names of two DC-area psychiatrists anyway, and urged him to see one "off the record" to alleviate his clearance concerns. He called one, but got an answering machine. He spoke to his doctor on the phone in Little Rock and got a prescription for antidepressants.

Then his body was found in a park with a bullet through his head and a gun in his hand.

The US Park Police had jurisdiction over the matter and concluded, in conjunction with the FBI, that it was a suicide. Later investigations by independent counsels Robert Fisk and Kenneth Starr concluded the same thing. When a depressed man is found dead in a park with no sign of a struggle and gun residue on his hand, the natural conclusion is suicide, and every subsequent piece of evidence confirmed that finding. Depression plus easy access to firearms lead to an avoidable death, as it all too often does in the United States.

Your "natural conclusion" is fallacy, built upon fictional foundation.

When a man's body is conveniently placed in a location which will ensure the perpetrator(s) can maintain control over the direction and progress of the pretend "investigation" and the Crime Scene Evidence demonstrate that the Laws of Physics must be suspended for the staged scene to be believed, and the foreign materials like carpet fibers (not found within miles of the placement of the corpse) are bound within the blood of the fatal injury, then only the most gullible (aka Libtard) can leap to the Talking Points Conclusion of "Suicide."

I suppose you also believe that Sec. Ron Brown died in a plane crash? That plane crashes routinely result in the most prominent person on board's brain receiving bullet rounds sourced from a weapon never found within the plane's wreckage, although the empty holster it came from was found on the owner's body.
You also believe JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald?
And Lt Kara Hultgreen died as a result of anything other than Pilot Error?
And St. Nick travels the entire world of Christians in a single night one week before the New Year?

Somehow, at some point the Libtard practice of challenging or misunderstanding facts and truth as well as the practice of bashing Trump in you blended mix is going to confuse some people and imply that Trump is on the side of reality, truth, and fact.

I, however, do not infer that, and I will not vote for him - but you might convince others to vote for him who normally would not.


Saturday, June 4, 2016 3:49 PM



Originally posted by second:
A list of 58 Conspiracy Theories (and Counting!) endorsed by Trump

For example: 3) Hawaii Official Was Murdered In Birth Certificate Cover-up

How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived
1:32 PM-12 Dec 2013

Hey, now. This linky might be fun. Gotta chase it down when time allows, based upon your endorsement of it.


Saturday, June 4, 2016 3:54 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Trump Supporters "Terrorized" In Massive San Jose Street Brawl As Police "Lose Control"


Shocking scenes are occuring on the streets of San Jose as Trump supporters are chased, punched, kicked, and, as ABC News' Tom Llamas reports "terrorized" as the local police "appears to have lost control." Mobs of protestors, many carrying mexican flags
Ship them the fuck to Mexico if that's where their loyalties are

, took over the streets ahead of a Trump rally branding tire irons and burning American flags.

Protestors made up mostly of young ppl. Some throwing up gang signs. There were ppl who came to demonstrate & some who just wanted to brawl

— Tom Llamas (@TomLlamasABC) June 3, 2016

Full video of the chaotic situation...

This @Timcast video from the #Trump protest in San Jose is really disturbing.

— Blogs of War (@BlogsofWar) June 3, 2016

Social media is awash with videos of the events...

Our video of Trump supporter who says he was beaten up coming out of @realDonaldTrump rally.

— Tom Llamas (@TomLlamasABC) June 3, 2016

JUST IN: Trump supporters being attacked, assaulted by protestors outside Trump rally in San Jose - @Jacobnbc

— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) June 3, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Trump supporters pelted with eggs, bloodied by agitators outside San Jose rally (@SaraMurray)

— Breaking News Feed (@pzf) June 3, 2016

And just general rioting...

I called 911 but no one answered. Donald trump protest in San Jose, CA

— Marcus DiPaola (@marcusdipaola) June 3, 2016

Raw video: Fighting continues in streets following @realDonaldTrump rally in San Jose.

— M. Scott Mahaskey (@smahaskey) June 3, 2016

Raw video: Punches thrown in clashes following @realDonaldTrump rally in San Jose.

— M. Scott Mahaskey (@smahaskey) June 3, 2016

Anti-Trump rioters even burned American flags...

This happened tonight in San Jose (@dcbigjohn)

— Breaking News Feed (@pzf) June 3, 2016

No this is not the streets of Tehran... this is San Jose - the best city in America to get a job!!

I am not clear about your sentiment or intention here. Are you sympathizing with the law-abiding citizens who were assaulted and battered while the criminal thugs were under the protection of the "police" of San Jose?
Or are you endorsing the criminal thugs battering the law-abiding citizens? Or did you hope the criminals thugs would have also attacked their protectors, the "police" of San Jose?

Could you clarify please?


Saturday, June 4, 2016 4:01 PM



Originally posted by second:
Those private conversations that Paul Ryan mentioned between him and Trump culminated in Ryan’s endorsement of Trump upon the stated ground that Trump would become Ryan’s puppet. Trump, Ryan said, will support Ryan’s fiscal agenda. And regulatory agenda. And Legal Movement agenda. Which is what most large Republican donors care about. Trump’s made it clear that the federal judiciary will be a branch of Koch Industries. And that almost certainly is a promise he would keep.

This could be good news, if true. But who really believes Trump could keep a promise?

He’s assured Ryan that the Kochs, the securities and banking industry donors, and the pharmaceutical industry donors will control their respective industry’s administrative agencies, beyond anything that existed even in the Reagan and Bush II administrations. He’s done so publicly about the EPA. And undoubtedly privately regarding the others.

Ryan doesn’t trust Trump to keep his promises. But I think he needn’t worry, not because Trump himself actually understands what a promise is—he doesn’t—but because it will be Ryan and the Kochs who choose the vice presidential nominee. The person who quickly will become the actual or de facto presidential nominee or, if the ticket wins, president within a few months. Dick Cheney would be perfect.

Are you suggesting the Veep will run the country, the Administration, and Trump will become just a sales guy, a pitchman, somebody to grab headlines and scare the world, and tick off Americans? If so, interesting take. Do you think that dynamic has occurred before, or this would be something new?


Saturday, June 4, 2016 4:04 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Too bad you're wedded to the idea of Hillary as the only alternative. Because it's not entirely clear at this point that she's going to remain unindicted, or that she'll win the general election. Too many people on both sides are enraged about the status quo = which is exactly what Hillary represents.

I don't understand why so many don't see this. Of all the remaining candidates, she is the only one which truly embodies the status quo. Even when Cruz was in, she took the cake.


Saturday, June 4, 2016 5:56 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Are you suggesting the Veep will run the country, the Administration, and Trump will become just a sales guy, a pitchman, somebody to grab headlines and scare the world, and tick off Americans? If so, interesting take. Do you think that dynamic has occurred before, or this would be something new?

I think Cheney did Bush's thinking. He could think for Trump, too. Trump will need the help.


Monday, June 6, 2016 6:44 AM


Smoke and mirrors, my friend, smoke and mirrors.

All the candidates, including Drumpf, are of the "establishment." Bernie because he's been in politics a number of years, Hilary and the Donald, because he uses
the system to build his empire - all part and parcel of the status quo.

All this talk about "establishment" is a ruse, a flim-flam, a con game perpetrated
by people like Bernie and Drumpf so as to pretend to be different, and with the people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hilary, at least, is not pretending to be anything else but part of the "establishment," the so-called status quo.

Yes, Bernie does say he's a progressive.....really!? Then why did he declare himself a democrat? And why did he run for president? And Mayor, and so forth.
All of these positions are a large part of the "establishment" regardless of
ideology. Sure, Bernie marched with civil rights leaders and protested, but he
decided to work within that very "establishment" and locked himself in with the
rest of them. The Donald doesn't have a clue what he's doing; he's just doing
his "puppet" thing and repeating what he's told. He actually thinks he's going to run things in the White House. Good luck with that.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Too bad you're wedded to the idea of Hillary as the only alternative. Because it's not entirely clear at this point that she's going to remain unindicted, or that she'll win the general election. Too many people on both sides are enraged about the status quo = which is exactly what Hillary represents.

I don't understand why so many don't see this. Of all the remaining candidates, she is the only one which truly embodies the status quo. Even when Cruz was in, she took the cake.


Monday, June 6, 2016 7:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Donald Trump ups his game, moves from lying to meta-lying
Start at 5:45

Here is the start of a Jake Tapper question to Donald Trump this morning. Trump has just gotten done lying yet again—and at length—about his support for the Iraq War, and Tapper finally decides to move on:

TAPPER: At a rally in Sacramento, you accused [Hillary Clinton] of lying about your foreign policy as it relates to expressing support for Japan being able to get nuclear weapons.

TRUMP: A hundred percent.

TAPPER: Well, let me just read from you....This is from an April 3 interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News. You said: "North Korea has nukes, Japan has a problem with that. I mean, they have a big problem with that. Maybe they would in fact be better off if they defend themselves from North Korea."

And Chris Wallace says, "With nukes?"

And you say, "Including with nukes, yes, including with nukes."

From transcript at

This is followed by nearly a thousand words over the course of three minutes of Tapper vainly trying to get Trump to address his question at all. It's not that Trump tap dances or makes excuses or pretends he really meant something different. He just flatly insists on talking about something else and bowls over Tapper whenever he tries to get him back on track. Finally Tapper gives up and moves on again.

This is not a criticism of Tapper, who has been more aggressive than most about trying to hold Trump accountable for the things he says. But what can you do? Trump very plainly has expressed support for Japan getting nukes. It's on tape. He's been explicit on multiple occasions that we should withdraw our military presence from Japan unless they're willing to pay us a lot more money. That's on tape too.

Hillary Clinton responded with this: "It's no small thing when he suggests that America should withdraw our military support for Japan, encourage them to get nuclear weapons." That's 100 percent accurate. It's not even slightly exaggerated. And yet Trump blithely insists that she's lying and then refuses to answer questions about it. Eventually exhaustion sets in and everyone just lets it go.

How do you handle someone like that?


Monday, June 6, 2016 10:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Ben Stein: 'I don't think Trump knows a goddamn thing about economics' but he’ll still vote for Donald Trump despite his ‘preposterous’ ideas about the economy.

He is appalled by Trump’s anti-free trade rhetoric that he says could lead to a trade war. Hillary Clinton probably has a better grasp of things, Stein thinks. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, is “willfully ignorant”.

“I have seen a lot of elections and I have never seen anything like this. It seems to me it is a testament to the complete collapse of education that people can have such preposterous policies as an end to free trade and think that’s going to help America. It’s just startling that: a) the candidates know so little and; b) that the voters have not been better informed about this. The American education system is in a state of freefall collapse so that certainly explains a lot,” he says.


Monday, June 6, 2016 10:35 AM


Fuck Ben Stein.


Monday, June 6, 2016 12:18 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by reaverfan:
Fuck Ben Stein.

Huge Payday Fueled By Donald Trump’s Campaign

media executives in charge of much of America’s broadcasting industry were worried that Donald Trump, who eschewed traditional political advertising, might dampen prospects for a high-spending campaign season.

That fear is gone.

In the first few months of this year, some executives expressed concern that Trump might continue to rely on his extraordinary free media exposure and spend less money than traditional Republican candidates. But over the last two months, the concern has dissipated and transformed into excitement that this year is on track to be the most expensive election in history.

In reviewing the transcripts, we observed no discussions during any of the calls about the media’s role in creating the Trump phenomenon, or the media’s duty to present voters with the information necessary to make informed decisions.

Indeed, Trump’s rise has been paved by nonstop, largely tabloid coverage in broadcast media that has drowned out his competitors and pushed coverage of policy issues to the margins. By March of this year, Trump had received nearly $2 billion in free media coverage, precluding the need for significant advertising spending.






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