Hillary v Trump Debate #2

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Tuesday, October 11, 2016 3:31 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

No, voting for Trump is definitely dangerous and will be a disaster. Clinton may turn out that way but for now at least she is qualified.

Yes, President Trump would be a disaster, but not for the Republican Party.

I understand your post SECOND and its a good one. But I am talking about a Trump presidency as being a disaster for the country. I haven't gone into what the politics of a Trump presidency would involve on a generalized republican policy level. My biggest concern has always been his temperament, lack of knowledge and even his lack of intellectual curiosity. And what that would do to our foreign policy. The man's nuts.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Please scroll up to see my post. THUGR is just trying to bury it with idiocy.= SIGNY

Yeah that's funny. I am replying less with quotes with you and 1kiki because of all the cut and pasted subjective bullshit you post.

The person who is famous for cut-and-pasting subjective bullshit.... and not even marking it as a quote, is SECOND.


In this case as a way of avoiding my very simple question. Who are you afraid Hillary will start a war with?
Dood, what's your problem? You posted this question ins two places.

1) It should be very obvious from my post what the answer is, so apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

2) However, I specifically answered it in the other place where you posted. If you're feeling smug, you shouldn't, because you've just proved yourself a fool. Again.

In the meantime, since I've asked these questions ... oh, about two dozen times by now, and you DID promise me an answer:


You're even stupider than Trump. You questioning ANYone's intelligence is a joke.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


How any person could vote for Trump - no matter how bad Hillary is - is beyond me. How any WOMAN with any desire to claim she is intelligent and/or independent of thought is unfathomable. = G

It is easy to explain:
In the eight years since Obama’s election, the white working class had grown angry: at the economy that failed to deliver good jobs, at the failed prosecution of two wars, at a government bureaucracy that failed to deliver good healthcare for veterans, at policy-makers who bailed out megabanks in the 2008 financial crisis even as many Americans lost their homes. The party didn’t want another Mitt Romney and it sure as hell didn’t want Jeb Bush, just another Bush. It wanted, most of all, a man whose very existence is the opposite of everything prior nominees stood for.

So far, so good. It doesn't describe me, except very peripherally, but it could describe a lot of people - not only the dismissed Tea Partiers but also the dismissed Occupy Movement.


This was about more than finances and the macroeconomy problem. As a culture, working-class white Americans like myself had no heroes. We loved the military but had no George S Patton figure in the modern army. I doubt my neighbors could even name a high-ranking military officer. The space program, long a source of pride, had gone the way of the dodo and with it the celebrity astronauts. We had lost any trust in the media as guardians of truth and consequently many were willing to believe all manner of conspiracies about our allegedly foreign-born president and his supposed grabs for power. The same could be said about Hillary by only changing the details of the conspiracies.
Too bad that the conspiracies really occurred.


Many in the US and abroad marvel that a showy billionaire could inspire such allegiance among relatively poor voters. Yet in style and tone, Trump reminds blue-collar workers of themselves. Gone are the poll-tested and consultant-approved political lines, replaced with a backslapping swashbuckler unafraid of saying what’s on his mind. The elites of DC and NY see an offensive madman, blowing through decades of political convention with his every word. His voters, on the other hand, see a man who’s refreshingly relatable, who talks about politics and policy as if he were sitting around the dinner table.

More important is Trump’s message. Implicit in the slogan “Make America Great Again” is a belief that one’s country is not especially great right now and that’s certainly how many of Middletown’s residents felt.

Probably correct, but doesn't describe me.


The tragedy of Trump’s candidacy is that, embedded in his furious exhortations against Muslims and Mexicans and trade deals gone awry is a message that America’s white poor don’t need: that everything wrong in your life (and Trump's) is someone else’s fault.

Okay, now here's where I part company from not only "liberals" but also the rust-belt downtrodden.

1) Importantly, I don't see myself as a "woman" first, so "How any WOMAN with any desire to claim she is intelligent and/or independent of thought is unfathomable" doesn't apply to me. I identify myself FIRST as a human being. Anything that threatens "humans", by definition, will threaten me, despite me being "a woman". So species-wide threats take precedence over gender-specific threats.

2) Despite THUGR's and MAL4's constant lying, I am - and I see myself as - an American next, a citizen of the USA. This is my second-most important category. Threats to "America" aren't going to make exceptions for older white women. Whatever harms "America" ... missiles, detonated explosives, financial collapse ... will fall hardest on those least able to cope: the sick, disabled, cognitively or emotionally impaired, the elderly, and the poor. That means me, my husband, and our daughter, and my sisters. We're all in this together.

So responding to the nature of threats facing me, I see that


And that is the greatest danger for me, my husband, and our daughter, and my sisters.

I don't need to go back into history. I don't need to linke her to
Bill's destruction of Yugoslavia
Her vote to invade Iraq
Her State Department's destabilization of Ukraine (a democratically-elected government, by the way)
Destruction of Libya
Recognition of the coup government in Honduras (in which she admitted a role (
Her attempt to destroy Syria
Overall support of jihadists in the ME and elsewhere
Her general rampaging through the South China Sea and destabilization of nations everywhere she goes.

I don't need to refer to that, or link her to the neocons and banks and Saudis who support her, or convince you of her level of complicity and culpability in all of the above.


All I have to do is point to her recent and ongoing provocation of Russia. Launching baseless .... and I mean really baseless ... accusations about Russia, calling Putin a new Hitler, and in general acting like the complete neocon dick that she is.
Worse than being a neocon, she a STUPID neocon. The results of hers, Kerry's, Obama's, Bush's and Cheney's policies have been to march arm-in-arm with the Saudis and Qataris, whose main goals are to spread wahhabism throughout the world. AND SHE'S DONE A BANG-UP JOB OF THAT.
Now she stupidly wants war with Russia. She acts like Russia is some backwater nation like Iraq or Libya, which doesn't have the means or the will to defend itself. Our State Department (HILLARY'S State Department), CIA, and Pentagon have done everything they can to provoke Russia and that includes (but isn't limited to) bombing and strafing a Syrian Army position for over an hour despite repeated phone calls from Russia to the American Air Command. THAT was no "mistake", despite what Kerry said.

We are already in the beginning steps of WWIII. I can detail approximately a dozen aggressive acts initiated by the USA against Russia or Russia's partners - such as attempting a coup in Turkey. Don't you realize that a direct shooting war may have already started* ... and that Russia will do everything it can to survive from a militarily smaller position?

*Altho you won't find it in the western press. In retaliation for the Act of War of striking and strafing a Syrian Army position on purpose ...



"The Russian warships stationed in Syria’s coastal waters targeted and destroyed a foreign military operations room, killing over two dozen Israeli and western intelligence officers. “The Russian warships fired three Caliber missiles at the foreign officers’ coordination operations room in Dar Ezza region in the Western part of Aleppo near Sam’an mountain, killing 30 Israeli and western officers,” the Arabic-language service of Russia’s Sputnik news agency quoted battlefield source in Aleppo as saying on Wednesday.
The operations room was located in the Western part of Aleppo province in the middle of sky-high Sam’an mountain and old caves. The region is deep into a chain of mountains.
Several US, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari and British officers were also killed along with the Israeli officers. The foreign officers who were killed in the Aleppo operations room were directing the terrorists’ attacks in Aleppo and Idlib.

We are in a state of war, and have been for over a year. Saddam, Qaddafi, and Assad were just tests of our collective willingness not to see the elephant in the room.

OKAY, so Hillary is a warmonger, and she is, apparently, on-board with warring against Russia. She's certainly said so often enough.

She said so herself. "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders," To her, there is no America and no American interests. She wants open trade and open borders, she wants ... whatever it is that the transnationals and banks want so they can make more money from even poorer people.

As you know, I'm a patriot and a humanist. I combine both of these impulses into the idea that, instead of providing "aid" to the world or a home to economic migrants and victims of violence and poverty, we should first STOP destabilizing other nations, and turning them into such hellholes that people are forced to leave.

Right now, Hillary is on-track to make the rest of the world an even more dangerous place .... assuming she doesn't trigger a nuclear apocalypse out of sheer hubris ... and in her "borderless" "one world" ideal we will all be subject to the misery and poverty that she herself has unleashed. There is no way that all of her fantasies about "better education" and "green power" will withstand the nightmare that she seems committed to unleashing.

As far as what Trump said about women 11 years ago ... who the fuck cares? Compared to the shitstorms that Hillary and her neocon buddies have unleashed ... and are planning for our future ... it's a tempest in a teacup.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


All those projects that can't be done because there is no money? The money is being hidden. All the influence that the wealthy have in government? Bought with tax cheating money. I saw a review of five books on tax-cheating. Here is an interesting quote:

One of the reporters who worked on the Panama Papers is describing the main conclusion he drew from his months of delving into millions of leaked documents about tax evasion. “Basically, we’re the dupes in this story,” he says. “Previously, we thought that the offshore world was a shadowy, but minor, part of our economic system. What we learned from the Panama Papers is that it is the economic system.”

Who do you think Hillary's top donors are?

University of California $1,227,068
EMILY's List $1,189,664
JPMorgan Chase & Co $993,398
Citigroup Inc $985,975
Goldman Sachs $946,445
Morgan Stanley $925,134
Alphabet Inc (GOOGLE) $841,158
Time Warner $812,368
Harvard University $689,633
Microsoft Corp $681,986
US Government $634,221
Kirkland & Ellis $631,149 ANOTHER INTL WEALTH MGT FIRM
Stanford University $579,974
Akin, Gump et al $571,083 ANOTHER INTL WEALTH MGT FIRM
Paul, Weiss et al $569,572 ANOTHER INTL WEALTH MGT FIRM
National Amusements Inc $552,245
Bank of America $531,606
Greenberg Traurig LLP $518,645 ANOTHER INTL WEALTH MGT FIRM

Hillary's donors: International banks. Companies with content who want the TPP. A crap-ton of international wealth management law firms, who help their clients shelter their wealth.

So, when do you think Hillary is going start biting the hands that feed her? In her first year as President, do you suppose?

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 6:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Who do you think Hillary's top donors are?

University of California $1,227,068
EMILY's List $1,189,664
JPMorgan Chase & Co $993,398
Citigroup Inc $985,975
Goldman Sachs $946,445
Morgan Stanley $925,134
Alphabet Inc (GOOGLE) $841,158
Time Warner $812,368
Harvard University $689,633
Microsoft Corp $681,986
US Government $634,221
Kirkland & Ellis $631,149 ANOTHER INTL WEALTH MGT FIRM
Stanford University $579,974
Akin, Gump et al $571,083 ANOTHER INTL WEALTH MGT FIRM
Paul, Weiss et al $569,572 ANOTHER INTL WEALTH MGT FIRM
National Amusements Inc $552,245
Bank of America $531,606
Greenberg Traurig LLP $518,645 ANOTHER INTL WEALTH MGT FIRM

Hillary's donors: International banks. Companies with content who want the TPP. A crap-ton of international wealth management law firms, who help their clients shelter their wealth.

So, when do you think Hillary is going start biting the hands that feed her? In her first year as President, do you suppose?

I know what will happen. Hillary will request more money for enforcement at IRS; the Republican majority in the House will be outraged; the Republican minority in the Senate will filibuster; the IRS budget won't pass; Republicans will blame Hillary for her lack of leadership; Trump will ditto that from sidelines, but he will never release his income tax returns.

You left out some information to make your point stronger, at least 18 times stronger. For example, everybody who worked at University of California, for the last 18 years, is included in the $1,227,068 for UC:

"This table lists the top donors to this candidate in 1999-2016. The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates."

The really bad ones are retirees. Retired gave Hillary $60,009,819
Those old folks will be demanding increases in social security and medicare. If I were President, rather than Hillary, I'd tell those people that they won't get a raise until they go and get a job.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 7:23 PM


This "Hillary is a warmonger" mantra is a bunch of crap. It was Obama, not Hillary, who made the bad decisions on Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc. etc.

FWIW, both candidates are vile, greedy, loathsome, and corrupt. I would not and did not watch the 2nd debate. I'm long past done paying attention, and as far as the election goes I feel like Rhett Butler - Frankly, I don't give a damn.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 7:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Riverlove:
This "Hillary is a warmonger" mantra is a bunch of crap.

You're wrong.

It was Obama, not Hillary, who made the bad decisions on Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc. etc.
There's enough responsibility to go around, but the State Department was working hand-in-glove with the CIA to destabilize many different govts.

FWIW, both candidates are vile, greedy, loathsome, and corrupt. I would not and did not watch the 2nd debate. I'm long past done paying attention, and as far as the election goes I feel like Rhett Butler - Frankly, I don't give a damn.

Either Hillary was an effective Scy State who gained a lot of experience on "getting things done", or she was just a token appointee. Take your pick. Those early Wikileaks releases are already showing that she knew our "allies" (Saudi Arabia and Qatar) were funding ISIL. I'm sure there will be more.


I know what will happen. Hillary will request more money for enforcement at IRS; the Republican majority in the House will be outraged; the Republican minority in the Senate will filibuster; the IRS budget won't pass; Republicans will blame Hillary for her lack of leadership ...

And there you are: your big fat double standard is showing again.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 7:40 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
This "Hillary is a warmonger" mantra is a bunch of crap. It was Obama, not Hillary, who made the bad decisions on Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc. etc.

FWIW, both candidates are vile, greedy, loathsome, and corrupt. I would not and did not watch the 2nd debate. I'm long past done paying attention, and as far as the election goes I feel like Rhett Butler - Frankly, I don't give a damn.

But then - after the 2008 Rep convention you posted that Sarah Palin was *so* awesome that she heralded the end of the Democrats. Yep. You did. And no, it will never die.

Just like the current supporters of Trump will never escape the pure idiocy of their stance. Their posts will be brought up for years and years as certifiable proof have how poor their judgement is.

Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 8:25 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:


And there you are: your big fat double standard is showing again.

I'll show you a bigger, fatter, double standard. Trump will have no trouble passing his tax plan while Hillary will be fighting for her plan the next four years. But what are the plans?

There is a slight difference between Trump’s and Hillary’s Tax Plans. Maybe the third debate will cover that.

Describing Trump’s Tax Plan, his national policy director, Stephen Miller, employs the key rhetorical strategy known in the industry, technically, as lying.
The Clinton Official-led Tax Policy Center has wasted everyone’s time with a fraudulent analysis after admitting they had a software bug that prevented them from scoring the plan’s economic effects. Moreover, the TPC was privately informed they had modeled the wrong plan — not ours — but refused to correct their extremely embarrassing error and model our plan. For instance, our plan has explicit safeguards to keep hedge funds from abusing the business rate — it’s Hillary who plans secret benefits for Wall Street, not us. In other words, this article isn’t even about the Trump plan — but about the gross malfeasance of the deeply-biased Tax Policy Center. The Trump plan is revenue neutral, massively cuts middle-class taxes, and has huge benefits for low and middle-income families. The Clinton plan, as released by WikiLeaks, is “open borders,” Medicare and Social Security cuts, and benefits only for Wall Street.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 8:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Just like the current supporters of Trump will never escape the pure idiocy of their stance. Their posts will be brought up for years and years as certifiable proof have how poor their judgement is.
If wemanage to survive a Hillary Presidency, I'll be extremely relieved to say that you were right. On the other hand, if I'm right, there will be no pleasure in saying "I told you so". Possibly no oppty either.

But in the meantime,

Ash Carter (Pentagon) blew up the Syrian halt in hostilities by bombing and strafing Syrian troops for over an hour. This was AFTER Obama and Kerry were aiming for a negotiated settlement. Obama is no longer in charge of foreign policy: It's neocons all the way ... and that includes so-called "liberal" Democrats.

Regime change in Syria is still Hillary's #1 priority there. Including a "no fly zone" which even Ash Carter said would mean war with Russia.

Kiev just rejected Minsk. They were NEVER going to fulfill the agreement which had been negotiated by major EU nations and Russia, but the fact that they openly state their rejection NOW means that they may be preparing for war, again. Because winter is coming, and their living standard is in freefall.

Russia has called all of its citizens home. They just held a nuclear war drill for 40 million people.

Things are not cooling down; the neocons in the US government are provoking things forward.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:18 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
This "Hillary is a warmonger" mantra is a bunch of crap. It was Obama, not Hillary, who made the bad decisions on Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc. etc.

FWIW, both candidates are vile, greedy, loathsome, and corrupt. I would not and did not watch the 2nd debate. I'm long past done paying attention, and as far as the election goes I feel like Rhett Butler - Frankly, I don't give a damn.

But then - after the 2008 Rep convention you posted that Sarah Palin was *so* awesome that she heralded the end of the Democrats. Yep. You did. And no, it will never die.

Just like the current supporters of Trump will never escape the pure idiocy of their stance. Their posts will be brought up for years and years as certifiable proof have how poor their judgement is.

I had to look for Riverlove's Sarah Palin hero-worshiping. I found it at

"The party's over indeed, for the Democrats that is. Thanks to their rabid legions of defenders of liberalism pre-speech vitriolic attacks against Sarah Palin and her family, they have doomed themselves into extinction.

They have set the stage, and they have ignited and elevated Sarah to instantly become an ideological icon. An icon that represents almost everything that the Left despises, but rings oh so true to so many millions of people. How dare they criticize her love of family, her ability to govern while still loving and caring for her family. Did they ever ask a man that?

They prefer the Clinton style of family obviously, separate parents with a single child. How downright stupid or desperate or both are they to go after an 80% approval rating Governor, a woman with a track record of successfully defeating all her opponents? Are they totally nuts?

With respects to Helen Reddy, Palin is woman, hear her roar.

Oh, the hardcore Left will hold on for a while, but where are the "feminists"; oh that's right , you can be a family woman with a career, just as long as you subscribe to the social and political positions that NOW, Oprah, NARAL, Planned Parenthoood, et al fully support, which is Obama.

And they indeed have a right to support positions and candidates. But don't try to con anyone that you are independent and care about women, all women. That game ends with Sarah Palin. She will be everywhere, all the time now thanks to the tidal wave of both love and admiration for this great woman, and the extreme backlash against the political, media, and celebrity attackers.

She's going to be a great campaigner, and will attract millions of new and independent voters to her causes. Her one debate with Biden will be maybe bigger than the 2 Presidential debates. An event of historic importance. The clashing of two worlds in many ways.

I wonder what the Jihadist terrorists think of her. And something tells me that the Europeans and world leaders are going to love her too. Oprah's passing on Sarah, so will Ellen have her on? She danced so cutely with Barack, will she dance with Sarah?"

Now it is 2016 and Sarah Palin is asking for more of Riverlove's money. Sarah Palin for President 2020!

Just joking! I do NOT support Sarah Palin.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:26 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Just like the current supporters of Trump will never escape the pure idiocy of their stance. Their posts will be brought up for years and years as certifiable proof have how poor their judgement is.
If wemanage to survive a Hillary Presidency, I'll be extremely relieved to say that you were right. On the other hand, if I'm right, there will be no pleasure in saying "I told you so". Possibly no oppty either.


Remember this post of mine from August 14:


If Hillary wins and these is no nuclear Armageddon, will you admit you were wrong? If things actually somewhat improve in terms of income equality, personal freedoms... health care costs coming under control, environmental concerns being addressed, and international relations improving, will you fall to your knees and beg forgiveness for having been so completely wrong?

If there is a President Trump and the country survives four years with anything close to status quo, I will bow down to your wisdom. There doesn't even need to be improvement. Just a bare maintainance of the conditions we have now.

Challenge accepted?

I repeated that challenge a few times in the following few days but got nothing but hedging from you. But now I have a yes! Awesome!

Well... almost, of course. You would be "relieved" to find that I am right but would make no admission that you were WRONG. I know better than to expect such a thing from you. Learning from your mistakes? Not in the sig handbook LOL!

Never mind, I'm looking forward to seeing this play out. I will hold you to it, unlike those who gnashed their teeth and pulled their hair and cried whoa at the inevitable end of the US and all personal freedoms due to Obama's election in 2008.

Say, how did that prediction go again? Riverlove? Rap? Anyone? ;)

Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:31 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

If we manage to survive a Hillary Presidency, I'll be extremely relieved to say that you were right. On the other hand, if I'm right, there will be no pleasure in saying "I told you so". Possibly no oppty either.

It must be very stressful for Republicans -- always worried that a Democratic President will end the world very soon. Worried that there will be no opportunity to watch all the episodes of Firefly one more time than say goodbye to the family as H-bombs explode all around your house and the radioactive fallout drifts down on your lawn, your home, your life, burying you in the dust. It will be Hillary's fault.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:34 PM



Originally posted by second:
I had to look for Riverlove's Sarah Palin hero-worshiping. I found it at

"The party's over indeed, for the Democrats that is. Thanks to their rabid legions of defenders of liberalism pre-speech vitriolic attacks against Sarah Palin and her family, they have doomed themselves into extinction."

OMG awesome LOL! That thread is proof positive of what kind of brains brought on Palin and led straight on through to Drumph.

Sad though, to see posts from people long gone. HK and Chris and Tony. Kwicko and FMF. Shit, even Jongs and Hero and Kirk.

Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 1:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sweet! Remember this post of mine from August 14 =MAL4
No. Not really. I don't pay much attention to your posts, to be honest.


If we manage to survive a Hillary Presidency, I'll be extremely relieved to say that you were right. On the other hand, if I'm right, there will be no pleasure in saying "I told you so". Possibly no oppty either.- SIGNY

It must be very stressful for Republicans...=SECOND

Yes, it must be. I wouldn't know, tho, since I'm a lifelong registered Democrat. The difference between us, SECOND, is that I don't let party registration completely determined my POV, as you seem to have done. You trivialize the most important things that way. In that way, you're just like the Republicans that you hate.
Quote: H-bombs explode all around your house and the radioactive fallout drifts down on your lawn, your home, your life, burying you in the dust. It will be Hillary's fault. =SECOND
Well, if that comes to pass I'll certainly think of you, because it will be your fault as well.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 6:28 AM


Trump also said that it was 3 on 1 and he also mentioned the very old and unlimitedly powerful German-Jew George Soros.

Nobody says shit about him and lives to tell the tale.

George Soros is as old as the fucking Crypt Keeper and he pulls all of the strings and controls all of the Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs.

Most people don't even realize what Trump did in the 2nd Debate when he called out George Soros.

Google him.

Learn about him.

Learn about Hillary's emails with him and his people.

If ever there were a "Star Wars" type Emperor, George Soros would be it.

That's what Trump did for us on Sunday night.

He put a hit on is own head, by calling out one of the TRUE 1%.

More like the 0.0001%

If he were a low profile guy and did that, he'd be dead already from some freak accident.

Don't believe me.

Google it.

Because of Wikileaks, all of that information is there for all of us to see now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 6:35 AM


The only reason I get to talk about how evil George Soros is is because everybody thinks I'm crazy and I have an almost negative circle of influence.

Sometimes it pays to be the Drunken Master :)

Go ahead and Google "George Soros Hillary Borders"

I'm pretty sure that no matter where you fall on the political spectrum you will not be happy after reading it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

EDITED TO ADD: The TRUE reason I get to talk about George Soros is because I don't care if I die. I honestly kind of want to, and if I were to disappear tonight for this, I couldn't think of a better way to go.

Seriously Dude...

Fuck George Soros.

Make him lick my taint in town square when he is finally put on trial for his Globalist Hate Crimes.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 7:01 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Sweet! Remember this post of mine from August 14 =MAL4
No. Not really. I don't pay much attention to your posts, to be honest.


If we manage to survive a Hillary Presidency, I'll be extremely relieved to say that you were right. On the other hand, if I'm right, there will be no pleasure in saying "I told you so". Possibly no oppty either.- SIGNY

It must be very stressful for Republicans...=SECOND

Yes, it must be. I wouldn't know, tho, since I'm a lifelong registered Democrat. The difference between us, SECOND, is that I don't let party registration completely determined my POV, as you seem to have done. You trivialize the most important things that way. In that way, you're just like the Republicans that you hate.
Quote: H-bombs explode all around your house and the radioactive fallout drifts down on your lawn, your home, your life, burying you in the dust. It will be Hillary's fault. =SECOND
Well, if that comes to pass I'll certainly think of you, because it will be your fault as well.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?

I know I only float in and out of here Sigs, but at this point I feel that we're among the Veterans of the RWED in 2016.

We've had plenty to argue about over the years. I always hated GWB and then Obama and pretty much disappeared for 5 years at least during the Obama Lie. Before I ditched the RWED, we agreed on a lot of things, even if we disagreed on a lot of other things. But we always talked to each other like we were humans and not just some anonymous Name.

We've been stating our opinions so long and so hard here for so long that I don't even remember what we used to argue about. At this point, where we are, I feel that you are one of the few people that actually "get" it. Even if the base of your reasoning is a complete 180 degrees from where I start.

You've said in this very thread that you're a Democrat. I don't think I've ever said I was a Republican in 13 years here, but I won't deny the label if it makes people here feel better. I would be proud to say I was Libertarian if the current Libertarian Candidate and his running mate didn't bastardaize the whole thing........

I apologize for endorsing you since nobody here respects me at all and that might be used as a negative against you. I just wanted to tell you that I've always respected you over the like 12 or 13 years we've been posting here. Even when we fought each other on things, we always kept it civil and I believe that we're living proof that most people would agree with 80% of any other human's beliefs if tested.

I really believe that things are coming to a true crossroads. Our lives that we grew up will possibly disappear if the wrong choices are made. In the 4 presidential elections I've been old enough to engage in, this is the first time I'm actually enthusiastic about a candidate.

I understand if you're not, given your "base" beliefs, and I wouldn't ever try to "convert" you.

I know I'm "full of myself" but I'll admit that I might be completely wrong here. I just have to say that I'm basically in love with Donald Trump and if we were alone in a room together, I would grab him by the pussy and make out with him.

Seriously Sigs...

I know he's 70 years old, but I'd fuck that mop off of his head I love Trump so much!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 8:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Yes, it must be. I wouldn't know, tho, since I'm a lifelong registered Democrat. The difference between us, SECOND, is that I don't let party registration completely determined my POV, as you seem to have done. You trivialize the most important things that way. In that way, you're just like the Republicans that you hate.

I'd ask why you think Trump is the answer, but I'd rather write about why some Republicans, not just Democrats, think Trump should not be elected.

For a generation, the Republican party has been held together by a simple story that activists laid out in the 1950s. Coming out of World War II, President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Republican Party backed government policies that promoted equality of opportunity—projects such as education, infrastructure, government regulation, and social welfare. These policies were both effective and enormously popular. But wealthy men loathed government regulation and the taxes that an active government required. Calling themselves conservatives, they started a movement to undermine the idea that promoting equality of opportunity was the proper role for the American government.

They had a problem: Most Americans liked the government programs. So to push their agenda, movement conservatives rejected fact-based evidence and instead advanced a very simple narrative: hard-working white American men were under siege by minorities, women, organized workers, and “special interests” who wanted government handouts. Government policies that promoted equal opportunity were the very opposite of fair. They redistributed wealth from hard-working white men to lazy minorities.

The party held that good American men just wanted to get back to their traditional role: taking care of their children and their loving, homemaking wives. Central to the portrayal of the conservative American individualist was the idea of his morality. The ideal conservative man worked hard, wanted (and needed) nothing from the government, and loved and protected his wife and children. This paternalistic image offered followers a return to an idealized past, assuring the people who were falling behind in the modern economy that there was a simple cause for their distress. If only the government could be purged from the influence of black people, minorities, lazy workers, and unfeminine women who demanded that the government help them get equal access to schools and jobs, good American men could get back to their traditional role: taking care of their children and their loving, homemaking wives.

Richard Nixon welcomed this narrative into the Republican Party when he won voters by embracing the Southern Strategy and rallying the “Silent Majority” of hardworking white men who were trying to support their families while shiftless protesters mobbed in the streets. Then, in 1980, Ronald Reagan won the White House by continuing to draw upon this idealized image of the conservative male American. He warned voters against the mythical “welfare queen”—a lazy black woman who stole tax dollars to live in luxury—and promised to defend regular, hardworking Americans against such leeches.

This image has fired up poor and working-class Republican voters ever since the Reagan era, even as movement conservatives passed legislation that undermined working American’s security by sucking wealth upward. It was this narrative that enabled extremists to capture the GOP in the 1990s, dismissing traditional Republicans as RINOs—Republicans in Name Only. Ever since, the movement conservative narrative has dominated the Republican Party. Anyone calling for the government to promote racial or gender equality is, according this script, a threat to America.

And so when Trump called Mexicans criminals and rapists, he simply took the movement conservative narrative to its next logical step. If minorities and women who demand equality are a threat to the nation, then all good Americans must work to purge them from the country. When he mocked the disabled, attacked Muslims, and called working women pigs and sluts, he was simply stripping the genteel veneer from the same story that movement conservatives had long advanced.

But Trump’s tape about forcing himself on women undercuts this narrative. It affronts the men who could back his attacks on people of color, minorities, and organized workers—in part because they justified this stance as necessary in order to safeguard their wives and daughters.

The vicious crudeness evident in Trump’s tape strips away such paternalistic excuses and reveals his criminal lust for dominance. It is an attack on the Republican narrative that hit home for men who had otherwise bought the movement conservative line. Many Republican voters could still think of themselves as decent Americans defending traditional values when they supported a man who talked of criminal immigrants or deporting Muslims. But a sexual predator who sees women as his prey is a direct threat to the traditional image of a man whose role is to cherish and protect.

And so the release of the Access Hollywood tape was the turning point for many Republican men because it undercut their image of what their ideology meant all along. Trump wasn’t about respecting and defending the traditional family after all; he was a rich thug who felt entitled to grab whatever he wanted.

The vulgar boasting of a criminal thug may finally force the GOP to confront the ugly fantasy that has dominated its politics for a generation, and shock American politics back to decency.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 9:17 AM



EVERYONE is fighting against Trump.

It's not just the obviously biased CNN and MSNBC. It's not just the obvious left wing brainwashed kids in college that can't give a single reason that they don't like Trump other than the audio that came out last week.

Almost every single prominant Establishment Rethug came out last week. People that never liked him in the first place. Men who were able to play Pretend that they never said anything bad about anything behind closed doors. Paul Ryan, John McCain.... hell the audio was leaked to the press by "Billy Bush" who is Jeb Bush's Cousin. The ENTIRE FUCKING BUSH Family supported Hillary before that audio came out.

I give you a kind of pass since you weren't here when I hated every single fucking day on GWB....

But really Second. Take a step back and look at it all.

I know you don't support Hillary. You don't even like or trust her. You were a Bernie Sanders Supporter. And emails have come out that have proven that the Fucking Fix was in and Hillary Bought the election.

Maybe Reagan was one of them too, but every single president we've had were "Besties"....

George Bush, Bill Clinton, GWB, Obama. Neo-Cons and Lib-Cons. Selling America to the Highest bidder....

If you look at legitimate polls, hell just look at the turnout for Trump Rallys. He is annihilating Hillary. She can't even fill a High School areana while Trump is putting more asses in the seats than Justin Beiber. There is usually so many thousands that cant even get in and they just hang around outside and scare the tiny bit of Trump Haters away out of boredom.

Look at Hillary. Look at your entire life of voting for liars like Hillary. So many promises before they were elected, no delivery on any of them.


We probably would have been best friends 10 years ago here.

8 years of lies since then. No hope or change. 3 more unconstitutional wars. Worse race relations than we had back before the 60s. Riots in the fucking streets.

Hillary is bought and paid for by the CEOs of Goldman Sachs and all of the other major banks. She told them that she has their back even though she has a "private" and "public" way of thinking.

She told them that during a "speech" she was giving that cost them over $500,000 to listen to.

What Hillary says isn't that fucking magical. She's not a fucking God that is worth a half a million dollars to listen to for 15 minutes. The Clinton Foundation got that money because She told Them exactly what they wanted to hear.

Hillary was bought and paid for decades ago.

I'm all for a female president in our future. It has to be the right one though.

We already had a Black President who sold us out and made things much worse. His only contribution was "Obamacare" which even Bill Clinton said was horrible for the people.

Don't be stupid Second. Read the e-mails. Read how Hillary wants to open the boarders and make US and Candada and Mexico one single country like the UK just backed out of in the EU.

Don't think about stupid conversations made 11 years ago by people who thought nobody was ever going to listen. Trump's looked bad, but if you really listen to Hillary talking about her first case as a public defender and getting that rapist of a 12 year old off with 2 months served, it's much worse.

That's what Hillary and the MSM does..... they attack with meaningless things while we're halfway to full blown war with Russia because of Obama and nobody is fucking talking about that.


Are you even aware of our current situation with Syria and Russia now, or have you been focusing on an 11 year old tape provided to the Clinton Foundation by Billy Bush?

Even if you don't like the mother fucker, vote for him, or at the very least, don't sell your soul and vote for a fucking liar and theif and criminal that the Bush Family is backing. The same fucking Bushes that used to make so many people spit so much venom here 10 years ago.

I respect you Second if you vote your conscience. Vote for Jill Stein. Just get out of the way.

I hope one day we have a 3rd party, but if you look at how EVERYFUCKINGBODY hates Trump, he's like a 3rd Party we can vote for today.

Even most "Established" Republicans and FOX NEWS hates Trump.

Doesn't that mean something to you when Bill Fucking O'Rielly does his best to say that Trump will lose while still trying to maintain his "Hard core Right" fans?

Fucking Hannity is the only person in the media anymore that even pretends to like Trump.

THIS is why you should STRIKE!
THIS is why you should do what the MSM says NOT to DO!

Sure, I'm right leaning, but I'd be pissed if somebody labled me a Rethug.

I'm 37 years old and for the first time in my entire life I'm actually excited about voting for President. It's not about the lesser of two evils for me.

I believe Trump will knock those rich other fuckers on their asses. I believe that Trump will allow immigrants to come into our country, but it will be legal. He doesn't have to "round up illegals with guns".

If drugs were legalized, that's more than half of the illegal money right there. If government enforced existing laws and used "e-verify" to pay employees, that would take care of the rest.

If there were no need for an underground drug culture and people couldn't work in America unless they were verified as US citizens, they'd just walk back to Mexico themselves.

There is no reason to be violent and "round up" people. If you can't work here because you weren't born here, or didn't immigrate legaly, go back home and apply.

In the last 30 years over 6.5 million Mexican People have legally immigrated to the US. My Step Dad's Father is one of them. Don't think for a second that legitimate Mexican American's don't hate on illegals.

Especially ones that still own their own business even though they've been old enough to retire on SS benefits for over 5 years. He will fuking die at work.

He's actually been so successful that he doesn't talk to much of his family that I've only met a few times. He's the youngest. He grew up in a Caboosse of a Train. Cotton Picking, Brown Niggers...

First of the second generation of his family to go to college. His oldest brother would be 87 years old now if he wasn't dead.

We don't hang out with them. I asked why back in the day because I liked hanging out with them and I thought we had a good time watching Wrestlemania and I had a huge crush on what would be my step-cousin, I guess.

There was an argument I wasn't aware of though. My mom was his second "White Wife" and he spoke "Perfect English" and they thought we were marginalizing them and thinking of them as 2nd class citizens.

I don't know where that came from. It certainly wasn't from me. My "step-sister" Sara was the most beautiful Girl I ever saw and she seemed to enjoy our interactions.

She's probably like 34 now and still kind of attractive even though i found out she recently got divorced without kids, but I'm older now and we'll never have that attraction that we had when we were kids.

Let's not talk about that. I'd like to think that I'd be the best thing that ever happened to her, but I'm not a good guy. I don't want to end up on her list of things she wish she never did...

She was so beautiful though...

I remember a big family pic my step dad had back when they were all Copacetic and even me and my bros were in it. We were both like 13 then and only saw each other like once or twice a year at pool parties or WWF Wrestlemania back before the WWE was a thing.

She's a Teacher now. Single. Divorced. No Kids. Very Likely a Democrat....

That's the only negative I can think about Sara aside that she's old like me now.

I haven't seen her for years. I never would have said there was a negative 20 years ago.

Kids don't think about that shit.

It's only adults that think about hate.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 9:31 AM


Hey Girl! :)

Nah... Trump wasn't a warhawk. It's one of the HUGE reasons that even the Establisment Rethugs like Paul Ryan disavow him for some stupid shit he said in a locker room 11 years ago.

Trust me, I would not want to hear about you and Rihona and Sigs talking about how small my penis was behind closed doors 10 years from now ;)

Everybody hates Trump. It's ESPECIALLY telling when the entire Bush Family is backing Hillary. The only reason we heard that tape was because "Billy Bush", Jeb Bushe's Cousin was able to dig it up and give it to the Establishment.

Remember when we fucking hated GWB and Auraptor and others attacked us?

Part of me is asking you to "Get Read" and love Trump, but most of me is just asking for you to hate Hillary as much as I know you do and to not vote for her instead. Even get your friends who feel the same way to vote 3rd party.

Hillary is downright Evil, and there are so many documents to prove it.

You are so smart. Please don't vote for Satan.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 10:57 AM


This explains Trump voters. And it's what I've been saying since day one.

Change in total number of manufacturing jobs in metropolitan areas, 1954–2002. (Figures for New England are from 1958.)

Dark Red >58% loss

Red 43–56% loss

Pink 31–43.2% loss

Orange 8.7–29.1% loss [United States average: 8.65% loss]

Light Green 7.5% loss – 54.4% gain

Green >62% gain
Three metropolitan areas lost more than four fifths of their manufacturing jobs:

Change in per capita personal income in metropolitan counties, 1980–2002, relative to the average for U.S. metropolitan areas.

Dark Green income above average, growth faster than average

Light Green income above average, growth average or below average

Light Green income above average but decreasing

Pink income below average, growth faster than average

Red income below average, growth average or below average

Brownish income below average and further decreasing


Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:05 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


I am the world’s greatest expert on “second”. I know more about “second” than even you do, mostly because the opinions of the character that goes by the name “second” at has been recently realigned with my own. I’ve become sincere, even if that was not my intention two months ago. By the way, I used to log in as “two”.

I will make a few corrections in your understanding of “second”:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

But really Second. Take a step back and look at it all.

I know you don't support Hillary. [Wrong. I do support Hillary. Already voted for her and Tim Kaine]

You don't even like or trust her. [Wrong. I do trust her to act like a Democrat. I also trust that she won’t start WWIII, which contradicts Sygnym’s belief.

You’re also right, I don’t like Hillary. It should have been Obama running, but the Republicans revised the Constitution in 1947 with the Twenty-Second Amendment limiting an elected president to two terms in office.]

You were a Bernie Sanders Supporter. [Wrong. I am Not a Bernie fan. He was always too old to be President. And like all Independents caucusing with the Democrats, he makes promises that he has not really thought through.]

And emails have come out that have proven that the Fucking Fix was in and Hillary Bought the election. [This is false – yes, there are emails, but no, the emails don’t mean what you think they mean, either in the primary or general elections. This is also the same as a Trump talking point about Hillary stealing the election from him.

It is exactly the same as when Republicans claimed Obama was born in Kenya and because he is a foreigner, Obama cannot be President, therefore Republicans believe he stole the election from a natural-born-citizen named John McCain. ]

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:23 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
This explains Trump voters. And it's what I've been saying since day one.

Change in total number of manufacturing jobs in metropolitan areas, 1954–2002. (Figures for New England are from 1958.)

Dark Red >58% loss

Red 43–56% loss

Pink 31–43.2% loss

Orange 8.7–29.1% loss [United States average: 8.65% loss]

Light Green 7.5% loss – 54.4% gain

Green >62% gain
Three metropolitan areas lost more than four fifths of their manufacturing jobs:

Change in per capita personal income in metropolitan counties, 1980–2002, relative to the average for U.S. metropolitan areas.

Dark Green income above average, growth faster than average

Light Green income above average, growth average or below average

Light Green income above average but decreasing

Pink income below average, growth faster than average

Red income below average, growth average or below average

Brownish income below average and further decreasing


Russia trolls get contract extension

The only thing you need concern yourself with my friend, is the people, much like me, who are silently going to vote for Trump.

I'd never put a Trump/Pence bumper sticker on my car. I'd never put a Hillary for Prison sign on my lawn.

I live close to Gary, Indiana. Though there are no fights, I don't see any reason to incite one, or to get my windows smashed in when I pick up groceries. I'm not saying it would happen, I'm just asking, "What's the Point?".

There are literally TENS of THOUSANDS of supporters to every Trump Rally. On the very rare occasion Hillary feels well enough to do one, nobody shows up.

If you have no proof that I'm wrong, please don't reply :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:46 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

The only thing you need concern yourself with my friend, is the people, much like me, who are silently going to vote for Trump.

I'd never put a Trump/Pence bumper sticker on my car. I'd never put a Hillary for Prison sign on my lawn.

I live close to Gary, Indiana. Though there are no fights, I don't see any reason to incite one, or to get my windows smashed in when I pick up groceries. I'm not saying it would happen, I'm just asking, "What's the Point?".

There are literally TENS of THOUSANDS of supporters to every Trump Rally. On the very rare occasion Hillary feels well enough to do one, nobody shows up.

If you have no proof that I'm wrong, please don't reply :)

I've got proof. I've got an article from a 31 year old Republican, JD Vance, from Middletown Ohio. He explains why his people are voting for Trump.

How Donald Trump seduced America’s white working class

Social scientists have long studied the problems plaguing white working-class America -- like joblessness, divorce and alcoholism. But Mr. Vance has lived them, and he offers a compelling explanation for why it’s so hard for someone who grew up the way he did to make it.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow, what can I add to that, 6IX?

SECOND, I'm sure that Trump is NOT the answer. Will he turn around the economy? No. In fact, I expect some pain if he is elected. Will he set back some causes near and dear to my heart? Most likely yes.

I think you know all the the reasons why I believe that Clinton and Trump are personally morally equivalent (altho I give Trump a slight advantage on that):

BOTH have problematic Foundations. Trump solicited donations for business purposes, the Clintons used "pay to play" for favorable State Department access.
BOTH disrespect women. Hillary "went after" Bill's victims, and Trump has a potty mouth.
BOTH used the tax law in their favor. Neither one of them has respect for "the little people". We will probably see released internal documents bemoaning how Hillary hates people, or words to that effect.

HOWEVER Hillary is a darling of the neocons, the big banks, Wall Street (just watch how the stocks go up when Hillary's poll numbers do), establishment Republicans, international and content corporations, and the wealthy. But they all scatter like cockroaches when Trump does well. Trump has huge support among the enlisted and retired military, who are tired of cleaning up after neocon/ State Department/ CIA messes.


But all of that is simply to show there are no COMPELLING reasons to vote for Hillary. So now, my vote for Trump, as pointless as it will be:

I am virtually a three-issue voter. I know how frustrating those kinds of voters can be: gun control, abortion rights, or what-have-you. And yet, in this crazy political world. having been effectively abandoned by the Democratic Party since Bill Clinton and with a cowardly response (at best) from Obama in the midst of the greatest financial catastrophe and with the highest support enjoyed by any recent sitting President, we are at the situation where the little people are getting stiffed like never before economically and politically. Yep, rammed right up the ass.

My overriding issue is war with Russia. Full-spectrum dominance has been a neocon idee fixe since PNAC, and at THIS point they mean to destroy Russia. As crazy as that sounds, that has been part of their project to expand NATO, foment radical Muslim terrorism in Chechnya, overturn the Ukrainian (elected) government to take away Sevastopol, have Georgia invade S Ossetia, peck away at Azerbaijan and any Central Asian state they can find, and make Syria a "quagmire". And they don't mind using their Saudi-funded jihadists to do it. They (the deep state) have gotten way with it so many times already they no longer know what is possible and what isn't; they're insane on the topic and any general or analyst who's tried tell them otherwise has been "retired" or quashed, until the Joint Chiefs has become infested with yes-men and neocons. It's hard to credit how crazed they are. And, no, it's not "crazy like a fox", it's just "crazy".

Now we can discuss for pages and pages how much Hillary was responsible for our various military "interventions", but I don't need to: All I need to do is point to her CURRENT campaign and it's using "Russia" as a fear-mongering tactic to (literally) scare up votes. IF she is going to be elected President, she has completely poisoned any relationship she might have had with Putin - and whoever replaces him - for the foreseeable future. And the fact that she doesn't seem to have even THOUGHT of that tells me that she isn't putting much thought into any sort of diplomatic relationship at all with Russia. Either she's overlooked a very important point, or she's already decided that hybrid war/ nuclear brinkmanship is going to be her sole approach. And don't forget, this is not Hillary deciding, but her backers.

IF you sign an agreement which makes a private, international "trade tribunal" THE deciding factor on the prices that you can charge, and the environmental and labor laws that you can impose, you have literally lost the ability to decide, as a nation, how you're going to produce, and the protections that you put in place etc.

Now, I'm willing to go toe-to-toe through our American political process to decide those kinds of issues, but if those are no longer decided by our voting systems and our courts, what recourse do I have? The answer is "none". Those agreements literally shit-can democracy.

This is far down on my list, but it's one place where I strongly agree with Trump. Illegal immigration: all the convenience of slave labor, without having to leave home. It's not good for Americans, and quite frankly there are far better ways to "help" foreigners without treating them like pigeons. Not destabilizing their social and economic-justice governments- as was done in Guatemala in 2009, and not bombing the snot out of them (Libya, Syria, Yemen- with OUR DIRECT AID) - would be a great start, don't you think???

Is Trump "the answer"? Absolutely not. But in the strange situation that we're in, I think he's better than Hillary.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:59 AM


I feel that you posted that without finishing your thought Second, but I do appreciate your filling me in on your name.

I apologize for making you feel like you had to do that. I can say 100% that it wasn't my intention.

I'll be completely clear about my intentions.

Bill Clinton is a Rapist.

Hillary Clinton has spent Her life as a beard and covering for his deviant behavior. Not a traditional Beard. Bill Clinton isn't Gay. Bill Clinton is a Rapist.

Hillary Clinton has told the CEO of Goldman Sachs that She has a "Private" and "Public" point of view, and if you read the full email, she's letting the guys that just gave a half million dollars to the Clinton Foundation that She Supports Them even though She's going to lie to us.

Hillary imagines a future where there are open borders and the USA, Canada and Mexico are the same country. I'm not making this up. Ask Signey. Ask Wish...

Hillary and CNN and MSNBC and now even FOX are backed by George Soros. Google George Soros.

I hope you really love your name, Second.

If Hillary is elected President, be prepared to always be no greater than Second.

Imagine a world where the best you could ever hope for is Second place...

Are you even aware of what's going on in Syria now? Are you aware that almost a month ago we brokered a cease-fire with Russia and the Syrian Government?

Are you aware that 2 days before we were to meet with heads of Russia to collaborate on a surgical strike on ISIS, Obama sent our first attack on the Syrian Nation?

4 fighter jets. We never fired a single shot before this. We just armed rebels and taught them how to fight before this.

But we sent in 4 fighter jets and bombed...

We killed 84 Syrian Millitary, and ISIS went in and finished the job on that stronghold.

Russia said to US "WTF??????"

All we had to say was "OOPS! Bad Intel! Sorry!"

A fucking cease fire agreement, less than 48 hours away from working with :Russia to take out the Terrorists, and we destroy a legitimate Syrian Stronghold on accident, in the first physical strike that America has EVER done in Syria so far.

If you've been paying attention, that's what "WE" have wanted the entire time. We were backing the rebels. Training them and arming them, even though more than half of them defected to ISIS.

Meanwhile, Russia is trying to prop up the Syrian Government because it's one of the last countries in the Middle East that are not Extreme Jihadists, and they're right on the Russian Border.

They don't want 300,000 Syrian Refugees in their country to come and rape and beat their teenage daughters like they did in France.

Google It.

Don't plan a romantic trip to the Eiffel Tower with your lover any time soon unless you're heavily armed is all I'm saying....

THIS is what our "Lame Duck" president Obama is doing while everyone is worried about Trump grabbing theoretical girls by their pussy 11 years ago.

YOU are the one who is sad here.

Read a fucking book.

We have the internet now. Know more about what "your" country is doing without your consent.

I absolutely fucking guarantee that you don't agree with a single fucking thing Obama is doing right now when nobody is paying attention.

Hillary will continue this.

The MSM is bought and paid and keeps us all "entertained" and ensures that you will all vote for Hillary.

Even Republican Assholes like Paul Ryan and John McCain, who are bought and paid for, speak out against Trump after the video. I won't post it because he does have a family and as far as I know it's only in a few circles now, but Google "Jimmy Dore McCain" and read about stuff that McCain says when he thinks nobody is listening....

I'll just say that it involves CUNT, and when I used that word here a few years back everyone hated me for it, even though she was a legitimate one and deserved it.

Hillary scrubed her servers clean with a bleach program after a Congressional Subpenia for everything on her server. When she had nothing to give them, she said that she only emailed friends and family for yoga classes and her daughter's wedding.

Then 33,000 emails were released and she blamed the fact that she didn't realize some of them were Classified because of her concussion when she fell on her head.

99.9% of Americans other than one of "The Chosen" would be in Prison for the rest of their life or already dead from a firing squad for what Hillary has done.

You weren't here when GWB was president Second, but if you were I'd just turn on you and say WTF?

GWB endorses Hillary. George Bush and his wife endorse Hillary. Jeb Bushes's Cousin released that tape he kept from 11 years ago when he was somebody.

I used to think I knew who Liberals were back then. I thought I saw them again when they supported Bernie.....

But emails came out proving that Hillary rigged that election and screwed everyone out of a Bernie Presidency.

Hillary is Evil. Everyone Hillary associates with is Evil.

They are banking on us to either stay at home, or for you to vote for her instead of "wasting" your vote on a 3rd party.

Everything Hillary does is Evil.

There are thousands of emails out there proving it.

I can only lead the horse to the water.

Good luck in the New World, Second.

Hopefully Obama doesn't start WWIII while we're busy with this bullshit.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 12:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Wow, what can I add to that, 6IX?

Well SIG you could explain to 6ix ( an Alex Jones fan ) that your boy's candidacy is imploding. You could explain that Trump calling Romney a loser is funny, because it is Trump who is the loser. Yep, your boy is crying into his soup. Everybody is picking on me. lol...You could further explain to 6ix that as it Turns out Trump is weak, a whiner and a victim. These are not the characteristics of a winner. Who I might add is getting his ass kicked by a women who most Americans don't like either. Wow, now that's a loser.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 12:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THUGR: The typical Hillary supporter?

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 12:29 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
THUGR: The typical Hillary supporter?

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 12:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Just to memorialize that THUGR is pro-war. He doesn't care for what, as long as it's war.


THUGR: The typical Hillary supporter?
Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?- SIGNY

Russia trolls get contract extension THUGR

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 12:55 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Just to memorialize that THUGR is pro-war. He doesn't care for what, as long as it's war.

THUGR: The typical Hillary supporter?

This is why our Russian trolls SIG and 1kiki are so intent on disparaging Hillary and promoting Trump. It is also why the Wikipedia releases about Hillary cannot be trusted as truthful and not doctored. And I would add why 6ix is little more than a puppet and stooge.

The video shows Trump lying and spreading Putin's propaganda. The guy who actually wrote the email Trump reads and attributes to someone else comes from Putin's propaganda machine and the way it is represented is a lie.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 1:04 PM



Trump never whined.

He just kind of kicked her ass and told her that she will be in prison after he is elected.

Unlike the MSM, comparing Trump to some third world dictatorship, he explained exactly how he would legally do it. He said that he would confer with his Attorney General about having her prosecuted. This isn't some behind the scenes talk. This is exactly what he said in the Debate. Get a hearing aid, maybe?

The BEAUTIFUL thing about the FACT that Hillary Clinton and her endless stream of cronies that were granted Immunity is that they were never charged. They were never tried for their crimes against America.

Not One Single Person Was Put On Trial...

No Double Jeopardy claims for any of them, is what that means.

Like that 12 year old virgin that was raped and put in a coma that Hillary laughed about getting her rapist off with 2 months time served, they're all fresh and new.

Not a single one of them can say that they were already tried in a court of law and found Not Guilty.

And do I listen to Infowars? Sure. I already admitted here that I do. I also listen regularly to Jimmy Dore among others, and although I agree with 80% of what he says, sometimes he swings so far to the Left it makes me lurch as well.

I don't post Infowars here though, do I? When I post videos I go out of my way to find other sources, precisely For You. ;)

Is there a single sentence you want to argue me on in my previous posts, or are you content just throwing out the Alex Jones Strawman?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 1:12 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Trump never whined.

He just kind of kicked her ass and told her that she will be in prison after he is elected.

The polls show he lost 57 to 34%. It is obvious that you don't live in reality. And we don't threaten our candidate's with jail during an election. That is the way of countries run by dictators. The fact that that doesn't trouble you says it all.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 1:51 PM


Let's be honest THGRRI,

Most of America doesn't believe the polls. The "TRUST" polls for the MSM are at 6%. Barely half of the current approval rating for Congress.

If the numbers were flipped around, you'd be telling The Truth too.

Here's the Facts about the debates. Every one of the moderators, even the Fox News guy for the 3rd one openly admit that they affiliate with the Democratic Party.

The Second Debate was supposedly filled with "Undecided Independents". I could just show you a Jimmy Dore video to argue this point, but I'll do it myself and ask you how "Independent and Undecided" a school-teacher and a Muslim twenty something in full garb are. Really?

I will take a moment to throw out a Kudos to CIA agent Anderson Cooper, however. He barely said a thing and let his Girl tag team Trump while remaining almost silent the entire time. I admit that I was not expecting that....

But I digress...

The polls mean nothing. Read the fine print on them. The "Scientific" polls actually give you fine print and tell you that they poll more than twice the amount of self-identifying Democrats than self-identifying Republicans to come up with those numbers.

If anything has been proven true in this election, the Neo-Liberals don't give two fucks about The Truth. Why should they? Watch a video about kids being questioned on a college campus who they're voting for. Most of these "educated" kids can't even put a sentence together, and when they do, they parrot the lies told by CNN.

Trump won the debate, and he did it with class.

Watch the first 5 minutes again.

He had a fully loaded gun, and 3 Bill Clinton rape victims in the front row.

Immediately when the debate started, they came at Trump, 3 on 1, about the audio tape leaked by Jeb Bushe's Cousin Billy Bush.

Trump apologized to America. He tried to move on.

They weren't having it.

They continued to press him about it.

ONLY then, did he bring out the victims of Bill Clinton's Rape to a public that probably never even knew it was a thing because the MSM has been covering that up for 30 years plus.

BTW.... did you see the closeup of Bill's face at that point? Ghost White, am I right?

Trump won that debate in the first 5-10 minutes for no other reason than he wasn't destroyed by that tape. He didn't press the Bill Clinton is a Rapist issue any further, and they never said another fucking word about what was essentially an illegally taped conversation Trump had with somebody he thought he was friends with 11 years ago.

So yes. I did see the same debate.

And no. Your polls you show are bullshit, and you can easily figure out that for yourself without my help if you read the fine print.

On top of everything else there are SO MANY "closeted" Trump Supporters that they aren't even counting on that are going to come out and vote this time. People who haven't voted for years or even decades are going to come out and vote for Trump.

I'm going to call it the "Ghostbusters Syndrome".

Remember when Paul Feig and the Media called any man who didn't see the new Ghostbusters movie a Woman Hater? Remember when they made fun of them as basement dwellers?

Hillary just had emails come out calling Bernie Sanders supporters Basement Dwellers too....


Basket of Deplorables?

Redeemable? No. Not according to Hillary.

Every non PC Phobia in the book we were called.

There is not a single sign in a yard in my neighborhood. But I'm in Indiana and Trump will win by a landslide here, so why would any of us put a sign out and invite some Hillary supporter to throw a rock in our window?

Paul Feig is an idiot and an asshole, and he single-handedly lost Sony HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS by attacking the core Ghostbuster base. But he is not a criminal.

Hillary is not an idiot, but she's an asshole, and if you ignore the polls and just take a look at how Trump regularly fills NBA arenas for his rallys while Hillary can barely fill up a high school gymnasium, you might see The Truth.

I don't think Trump has to turn a single independent voter in the next 3 weeks. People were sick of the status quo before, but Hillary shit on their heads and insulted them on top of it.

Half of the Dems won't go out to vote because she's evil and she insults them in emails that her campaign never refuted.

Twice as many Rethugs will go out and vote for Trump this time because she insulted them LIVE, for everyone to hear.

Personally, I think Paul Feig and Hillary Clinton are going to have a lot to talk about November 9th.

Maybe they can collaborate on a "How NOT to do things" video on youtube, huh?


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Trump never whined.

He just kind of kicked her ass and told her that she will be in prison after he is elected.

The polls show he lost 57 to 34%. It is obvious that you don't live in reality. And we don't threaten our candidate's with jail during an election. That is the way of countries run by dictators. The fact that that doesn't trouble you says it all.


Russia trolls get contract extension

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 2:12 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Dude, answer the door. It looks like the doctor has arrived


Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 2:16 PM


Yep.... that's what I thought ;)

Don't look at the MSM polls, but everyone else here knows that you just got Punked by a Drunk, Son.

Peace out.


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Dude, answer the door. It looks like the doctor has arrived


Russia trolls get contract extension

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 2:25 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yep.... that's what I thought ;)

Don't look at the MSM polls, but everyone else here knows that you just got Punked by a Drunk, Son.

Peace out.

No Jack what they know is The Insanity of Alcoholism and alcoholic's.

Alcoholics Anonymous refers to, “the insanity of our disease.” This is a very literal statement. I can tell you a bit about understanding the active alcoholic but I cannot make it make sense to you because understanding the active alcoholic requires stripping away a lot of rational thought, the acknowledgement and willingness to learn from mistakes, the ability to recognize obvious patterns of behavior, and quite often, the application of common sense.

Like I said Jack, let the doctor in. AA


Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 3:52 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Like that 12 year old virgin that was raped and put in a coma that Hillary laughed about getting her rapist off with 2 months time served, they're all fresh and new.

Trump lied about that when he said:
“One of the women, who is a wonderful woman, at 12 years old, was raped at 12. Her client she represented got him off, and she’s seen laughing on two separate occasions, laughing at the girl who was raped.”
— Donald Trump

Since the "second" debate (named after me) Trump has told that story a dozen of times at rallies because it is a killer story, completely annihilating Hillary, but it's not a true story.

Trump mixes up a story about a long-ago criminal case. Clinton did not laugh at a rape victim.

In 1975, Clinton — then Hillary Rodham — was a 27-year-old law professor running a legal aid clinic in the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. After a 41-year-old factory worker was accused of raping a 12-year-old girl, he asked the judge to replace his male court-appointed attorney with a female one. The judge went through the list of a half-dozen women practicing law in the county and picked Clinton.

In her autobiography, “Living History,” Clinton wrote, “I told [prosecutor] Mahlon [Gibson] I really don’t feel comfortable taking on such a client, but Mahlon gently reminded me that I couldn’t very well refuse the judge’s request.” Gibson has confirmed that account in interviews with Newsday and CNN, saying Clinton told him: “I don’t want to represent this guy. I just can’t stand this. I don’t want to get involved. Can you get me off?”

Ultimately, the prosecution’s case fell apart for a number of reasons, including investigators mishandling evidence of bloody underwear, so in a plea agreement the charges were reduced from first-degree rape to unlawful fondling of a minor under the age of 14. Not until 2008 did the victim, Kathy Shelton, realize that Clinton had been the lawyer on the other side. She has since attacked Clinton for putting “me through hell,” and she appeared at a news event with Trump before the debate.

The rape case reemerged when the Washington Free Beacon in 2014 discovered unpublished audio recordings from the mid-1980s of Clinton being interviewed by Arkansas reporter Roy Reed for an article that was never published.

In the recorded interview, Clinton is heard laughing or giggling four times when discussing the case with unusual candor; the reporter is also heard laughing, and sometimes Clinton is responding to him.

Here are the four instances:

“Of course he [the defendant] claimed he didn’t [rape]. All this stuff. He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” (Both Clinton and the reporter laugh.)

“So I got an order to see the evidence and the prosecutor didn’t want me to see the evidence. I had to go to Maupin Cummings [the judge] and convince Maupin that yes indeed I had a right to see the evidence before it was presented. (Clinton laughs lightly between “evidence” and “before.”)

“I handed it [a biography of her expert witness] to Mahlon Gibson, and I said, ‘Well this guy’s ready to come up from New York to prevent this miscarriage of justice.’” (Clinton laughs, as does the reporter.)

“So [Judge] Maupin had to, you know, under law he was supposed to determine whether the plea was factually supported. Maupin asked me to leave the room while he examined my client so that he could find out if it was factually supported. I said ‘Judge I can’t leave the room I’m his lawyer!’ he said ‘I know but I don’t want to talk about this in front of you.’” (Reporter says, “Oh God, really?” And they both laugh.)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 8:55 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Putin ally tells Americans: vote Trump or face nuclear war
Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:35pm EDT

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Americans should vote for Donald Trump as president next month or risk being dragged into a nuclear war, according to a Russian ultra-nationalist ally of President Vladimir Putin who likes to compare himself to the U.S. Republican candidate.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a flamboyant veteran lawmaker known for his fiery rhetoric, told Reuters in an interview that Trump was the only person able to de-escalate dangerous tensions between Moscow and Washington.

By contrast, Trump's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton could spark World War Three, said Zhirinovsky, who received a top state award from Putin after his pro-Kremlin Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) came third in Russia's parliamentary election last month.

Many Russians regard Zhirinovsky as a clownish figure who makes outspoken statements to grab attention but he is also widely viewed as a faithful servant of Kremlin policy, sometimes used to float radical opinions to test public reaction.

"Relations between Russia and the United States can't get any worse. The only way they can get worse is if a war starts," said Zhirinovsky, speaking in his huge office on the 10th floor of Russia's State Duma, or lower house of parliament.

"Americans voting for a president on Nov. 8 must realise that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump. But if they vote for Hillary it's war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere."

Zhirinovsky's comments coincide with deep disagreements between Washington and Moscow over Syria and Ukraine and after the White House last week accused Russia of a campaign of cyber attacks against Democratic Party organisations.

Even as WikiLeaks released another trove of internal documents from Clinton’s campaign on Wednesday, Putin insisted his country was not involved in an effort to influence the U.S. presidential election.


Zhirinovsky likes to shock liberal public opinion and he has frequently heaped scorn on the West, which he and other Russian nationalists regard as decadent, hypocritical and corrupted by political correctness.

His combative style, reminiscent of Trump's, ensures him plenty of television air time and millions of votes in Russian elections, often from the kind of blue-collar workers who are the bedrock of the U.S. Republican candidate's support.

Zhirinovsky once proposed blocking off mostly Muslim southern Russia with a barbed wire fence, echoing Trump's call for a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

Zhirinovsky, who said he met Trump in New York in 2002, revels in his similarities with the American businessman - they are the same age, favour coarse, sometimes misogynistic language and boast about putting their own country first. Zhirinovsky has even said he wants a DNA test to see if he is related to Trump.

But unlike Trump, a billionaire real estate developer who casts himself as the anti-establishment candidate in the U.S. presidential race with no past political experience, Zhirinovsky is a consummate political insider who has sat in the Duma for more than two decades.

Putin has also praised Trump as "very talented", while the Republican candidate has said the Kremlin boss is a better leader than U.S. President Barack Obama. Clinton has accused Trump of being too cosy with Putin and questioned his business interests in Russia.

In other comments that have delighted Moscow, Trump has questioned the value of NATO for Washington, has spoken ambiguously about Russia's 2014 annexation of Ukraine's Crimea and suggested that the United States under his leadership would adopt a more isolationist foreign policy.

"He (Trump) won't care about Syria, Libya and Iraq and why an earth should America interfere in these countries? And Ukraine. Who needs Ukraine?," said Zhirinovsky, who once counted himself a friend of Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi and whose deaths he still laments.

"Trump will have a brilliant chance to make relations more peaceful ... He's the only one who can do this," he said, adding that Trump could even win a Nobel peace prize.


In contrast, Zhirinovsky described Clinton as "an evil mother-in law" and said her record as secretary of state under Obama in 2009-2013 showed she was unfit to lead her country.

"She craves power. Her view is that Hillary is the most important person on the planet, that America is an exceptional country, as Barack Obama said," said Zhirinovsky. "That's dangerous. She could start a nuclear war."

In typically chauvinistic remarks, Zhirinovsky said Clinton's gender should also bar her from the presidency.

"Most Americans should choose Trump because men have been leading for millions of year. You can't take the risk of having one of the richest, most powerful countries led by a woman president," he said.

Asked about lewd comments Trump made about women in 2005 that have harmed his campaign, Zhirinovsky defended the Republican: "Men all round the world sometimes say such things that are just for their comrades. We must only consider his business (and political) qualities."

Though Putin and Trump have never met, Zhirinovsky said he believed they could establish a close working relationship, adding: "Victory for Trump would be a gift to humanity. But if Hillary Clinton wins it will be the last U.S. president ever."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 9:24 PM



Originally posted by second:
Putin ally tells Americans: vote Trump or face nuclear war
Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:35pm EDT

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Americans should vote for Donald Trump as president next month or risk being dragged into a nuclear war, according to a Russian ultra-nationalist ally of President Vladimir Putin who likes to compare himself to the U.S. Republican candidate.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a flamboyant veteran lawmaker known for his fiery rhetoric, told Reuters in an interview that Trump was the only person able to de-escalate dangerous tensions between Moscow and Washington.

By contrast, Trump's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton could spark World War Three, said Zhirinovsky, who received a top state award from Putin after his pro-Kremlin Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) came third in Russia's parliamentary election last month.

Many Russians regard Zhirinovsky as a clownish figure who makes outspoken statements to grab attention but he is also widely viewed as a faithful servant of Kremlin policy, sometimes used to float radical opinions to test public reaction.

"Relations between Russia and the United States can't get any worse. The only way they can get worse is if a war starts," said Zhirinovsky, speaking in his huge office on the 10th floor of Russia's State Duma, or lower house of parliament.

"Americans voting for a president on Nov. 8 must realise that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump. But if they vote for Hillary it's war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere."

Zhirinovsky's comments coincide with deep disagreements between Washington and Moscow over Syria and Ukraine and after the White House last week accused Russia of a campaign of cyber attacks against Democratic Party organisations.

Even as WikiLeaks released another trove of internal documents from Clinton’s campaign on Wednesday, Putin insisted his country was not involved in an effort to influence the U.S. presidential election.


Zhirinovsky likes to shock liberal public opinion and he has frequently heaped scorn on the West, which he and other Russian nationalists regard as decadent, hypocritical and corrupted by political correctness.

His combative style, reminiscent of Trump's, ensures him plenty of television air time and millions of votes in Russian elections, often from the kind of blue-collar workers who are the bedrock of the U.S. Republican candidate's support.

Zhirinovsky once proposed blocking off mostly Muslim southern Russia with a barbed wire fence, echoing Trump's call for a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

Zhirinovsky, who said he met Trump in New York in 2002, revels in his similarities with the American businessman - they are the same age, favour coarse, sometimes misogynistic language and boast about putting their own country first. Zhirinovsky has even said he wants a DNA test to see if he is related to Trump.

But unlike Trump, a billionaire real estate developer who casts himself as the anti-establishment candidate in the U.S. presidential race with no past political experience, Zhirinovsky is a consummate political insider who has sat in the Duma for more than two decades.

Putin has also praised Trump as "very talented", while the Republican candidate has said the Kremlin boss is a better leader than U.S. President Barack Obama. Clinton has accused Trump of being too cosy with Putin and questioned his business interests in Russia.

In other comments that have delighted Moscow, Trump has questioned the value of NATO for Washington, has spoken ambiguously about Russia's 2014 annexation of Ukraine's Crimea and suggested that the United States under his leadership would adopt a more isolationist foreign policy.

"He (Trump) won't care about Syria, Libya and Iraq and why an earth should America interfere in these countries? And Ukraine. Who needs Ukraine?," said Zhirinovsky, who once counted himself a friend of Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi and whose deaths he still laments.

"Trump will have a brilliant chance to make relations more peaceful ... He's the only one who can do this," he said, adding that Trump could even win a Nobel peace prize.


In contrast, Zhirinovsky described Clinton as "an evil mother-in law" and said her record as secretary of state under Obama in 2009-2013 showed she was unfit to lead her country.

"She craves power. Her view is that Hillary is the most important person on the planet, that America is an exceptional country, as Barack Obama said," said Zhirinovsky. "That's dangerous. She could start a nuclear war."

In typically chauvinistic remarks, Zhirinovsky said Clinton's gender should also bar her from the presidency.

"Most Americans should choose Trump because men have been leading for millions of year. You can't take the risk of having one of the richest, most powerful countries led by a woman president," he said.

Asked about lewd comments Trump made about women in 2005 that have harmed his campaign, Zhirinovsky defended the Republican: "Men all round the world sometimes say such things that are just for their comrades. We must only consider his business (and political) qualities."

Though Putin and Trump have never met, Zhirinovsky said he believed they could establish a close working relationship, adding: "Victory for Trump would be a gift to humanity. But if Hillary Clinton wins it will be the last U.S. president ever."

The Russians are getting desperate so they are risking being more overt in their desire to see Trump beat Hillary. It's the same message we have been getting from our troll SIG for months now.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 10:53 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THGRRI:

The Russians are getting desperate so they are risking being more overt in their desire to see Trump beat Hillary. It's the same message we have been getting from our troll SIG for months now.

Trump went crazy today and threatened to sue the New York Times over sexual harassment! Twice in one day!

Can you imagine the discovery phase of this suit? Trump's lawyers would lock him inside his own gold-plated bathroom to keep him from going through with it.

There is not enough popcorn in the world for this movie.

Brian Stelter @brianstelter
Twice -- Trump threatened to sue during a phone interview Tuesday night, then an attorney sent a legal letter to NYT on Wednesday afternoon 5:27 PM - 12 Oct 2016

But wait!

Robert Costa @costareports
A lawsuit is being drafted now by Trump against the NYT. Very possible it could be announced tonight, though discussions ongoing.
8:46 PM - 12 Oct 2016

Trump is a Pig


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:46 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

The Russians are getting desperate so they are risking being more overt in their desire to see Trump beat Hillary. It's the same message we have been getting from our troll SIG for months now.

Trump went crazy today and threatened to sue the New York Times over sexual harassment! Twice in one day!

Can you imagine the discovery phase of this suit? Trump's lawyers would lock him inside his own gold-plated bathroom to keep him from going through with it.

There is not enough popcorn in the world for this movie.

Brian Stelter @brianstelter
Twice -- Trump threatened to sue during a phone interview Tuesday night, then an attorney sent a legal letter to NYT on Wednesday afternoon 5:27 PM - 12 Oct 2016

But wait!

Robert Costa @costareports
A lawsuit is being drafted now by Trump against the NYT. Very possible it could be announced tonight, though discussions ongoing.
8:46 PM - 12 Oct 2016

Can't wait to watch the political talk shows tomorrow.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Thursday, October 13, 2016 6:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Here are the four instances:

“Of course he [the defendant] claimed he didn’t [rape]. All this stuff. He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” (Both Clinton and the reporter laugh.)

This is inappropriate laughter; it shows callous disregard for the victim (whom everyone appears to believe was really raped, even Hillary).

It is the same as which accompanies "We came, we saw, he died" [laughter]

I wondered whether Hillary was a psychopath in her early days, or if Bill drove her to it. Now I know that it was baked right into the cake. Thanks.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Thursday, October 13, 2016 9:59 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Here are the four instances:

“Of course he [the defendant] claimed he didn’t [rape]. All this stuff. He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” (Both Clinton and the reporter laugh.)

This is inappropriate laughter; it shows callous disregard for the victim (whom everyone appears to believe was really raped, even Hillary).

It is the same as which accompanies "We came, we saw, he died" [laughter]

I wondered whether Hillary was a psychopath in her early days, or if Bill drove her to it. Now I know that it was baked right into the cake. Thanks.

A defense lawyer will defend clients that are guilty. But if you think the defense ought to take the side of the prosecution when the client is guilty, you don't know how American courts run. That quirkiness in the law is why Hillary did not even want to take this case, but the judge forced her to. That is the unpleasant working conditions of criminal lawyers.

As Secretary of State, Hillary had meetings with people who are no better than rapists. Her time with criminals in Arkansas was preparation for the Foreign leaders who are crooks, liars, embezzlers, frauds, torturers and mass-murderers.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:19 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Here are the four instances:

“Of course he [the defendant] claimed he didn’t [rape]. All this stuff. He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs.” (Both Clinton and the reporter laugh.)

This is inappropriate laughter; it shows callous disregard for the victim (whom everyone appears to believe was really raped, even Hillary).

It is the same as which accompanies "We came, we saw, he died" [laughter]

I wondered whether Hillary was a psychopath in her early days, or if Bill drove her to it. Now I know that it was baked right into the cake. Thanks.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?

First of all you suggest it shows Hillary acting inappropriately. It shows nothing of the kind. Second, defending the guilty is a necessary part of the rule of law as ugly as it is. You claim Clinton shows a lack of respect for a client while you defend the bombing of hospitals and aid convoys by Russia in Syria. You have no credibility SIG. And you never will again.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Thursday, October 13, 2016 10:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm not talking about defending the guilty, which is a necessary part of our justice system. Nor am I posting about having meetings with despicable foreign leaders, which is a necessary part of being Scy State. Maybe if you REREAD my post, you'll stop mis-representing what I said. Sheesh.


Royal Air Force Pilots Ordered To Shoot Down "Hostile" Russian Jets Over Syria
RAF Tornados bombing Isis targets in Iraq are to be armed with air-to-air missiles to protect them from attack by Russian aircraft — as a senior cabinet minister warned that Britain was prepared to shoot down Vladimir Putin’s jets.
Combat aircraft involved in Operation Shader over Iraq will be fitted with Asraam heat-seeking missiles, which can destroy any military aircraft flying today.
A senior defence source said: “Up till now RAF Tornados have been equipped with 500lb satellite-guided bombs — there has been no or little air-to-air threat. But in the last week the situation has changed. We need to respond accordingly.”
The move comes as tensions between the West and Russia escalated last night amid claims that Russia’s bombing raids have overwhelmingly ignored the Isis fighters they claim to be targeting and killed 150 civilians and injured 500 more.

Don't forget that Russia is defending the internationally-recognized government of Syria, and that the UK and USA (along with their jihadist-loving Saudi and Qatari partners) are attempting an ILLEGAL regime change in Syria, "Assad must go" is Hillary's mantra, remember?

This brings the UK and Russia one step closer to outright war, because Russia has declared they will shoot down any hostile aircraft which are operating (illegally) over Syrian territory.

AND ALSO... but first, lets' set the stage: Saudi Arabia is attacking Houthis in Yemen, bombing weddings, funerals and the like. We are supporting the Saudis with jet refueling, intel, munitions and general maintenance. The Houthis are fighting al Qaida (a Saudi creation) in Yemen, hence, we are helping Saudi Arabia, which is helping al Qaida.


US Joins Yemen Conflict With Cruise Missile Strikes On Anti-Saudi Targets
We can now put away any speculation whether the US will limit its support and arming of Saudi Arabia in its ongoing campaign over Yemen over "war crime" concerns.

Overnight, the U.S. military not only did not rebuke the Saudis for a military campaign that has claimed nearly 10,000 innocent civilian lives, but became the latest entrant in the Yemen offensive, when it launched cruise missile strikes on Thursday to knock out three coastal radar sites in areas of Yemen controlled by Iran-aligned Houthi forces, in what was supposedly a retaliation after failed missile attacks this week on a U.S. Navy destroyer, U.S. officials said.

Cited by Reuters, U.S. officials speaking on condition of anonymity, said U.S. Navy destroyer USS Nitze launched the Tomahawk cruise missiles around 4 a.m. (0100 GMT). The strikes, authorized by President Barack Obama, represent Washington's first direct military action against suspected Houthi-controlled targets in Yemen's conflict.

I sure hope you like war.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?


Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:51 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I sure hope you like war.

You honestly - key word: "Honestly" - think a guy who is as disrespectful of his own daughter is going to be more peaceful? The guy who said, "why can't we use nukes?" The guy who says he will get rid of ISIS in a month - all without knowing anything about the situation and the greater damage he can cause - or civilian lives he would (gladly) sacrifice while cleaning out our bomb arsenal. You've seen his scorched earth debate policy, how he's now claimed that "the shackles are off" which can't be one of the traits you want in someone with their finger on the button.
You can't possibly think that and expect anyone to think you have more than 2 IQ points or even a shred of honesty. OR not think you have an Agenda that makes truth telling secondary.

There's another thing SIG can't rap her head around. You and I G have never defended the United States or our allies when they were wrong. An example of that would be when a hospital, ( doctors without borders ) in Afghanistan was destroyed and it appeared the United States was responsible. We neither defended nor denied the incident. We never posted from unreliable sources that suggested it was done by someone else.

We have more than a years worth of SIG doing that every time when it comes to Russia and it's allies. To this day she denies that Russia invaded the Ukraine. To this day she is the driving force behind the threads created here that are structured in the form of attacks. Attacks designed to promote Putin's agenda and deflect from Russia's aggressions against it's neighbors and in the Middle East. She is nothing more than someone who trolls on behalf of Russia. She has a 100% record when it comes to pushing Russia's propaganda.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Thursday, October 13, 2016 4:51 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

What is the theme for Trump's Debate #3?

Donald Trump’s wild new rhetoric isn’t about winning — it’s about what comes next
Updated by Matthew Yglesias Oct 13, 2016, 2:11p

Donald Trump’s speech rebutting the growing swirl of sexual assault charges around him has a lot going on in it, but for my money the most important section came in the middle, when Trump went into a full-bore attack on the press.

“Let’s be clear on one thing,” he said, “The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism.”

Complaining about media coverage is nothing new from a political campaign, and certainly Hillary Clinton’s team has leveled plenty of complaints of their own. But Trump goes well beyond the standard campaign rhetoric to engage in a wholesale, broad-brush effort to entirely discredit the entire existing media ecosystem. It’s another example of a candidate who is moving beyond trying to win and pivoting to trying to make excuses for himself to lay the groundwork for his next act.
Trump says his followers must entirely reject the press

Trump’s thesis is not that reporters are out of touch with the struggles of ordinary Americans or implicitly biased in favor of liberals. He argues instead that the whole enterprise is root and branch untrustworthy:

They're a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with a total political agenda, and the agenda is not for you. It's for themselves. And their agenda is to elect Crooked Hillary Clinton at any cost, at any price, no matter how many lives they destroy. For them, it's a war. And for them, nothing at all is out of bounds.

He continued to argue that as a matter of conscience, people on the Trump Train need to reject the existing media ecosystem entirely:

This election will determine whether we're a democracy or, in fact, controlled by a handful of special global interests, rigging the system, and our system is rigged. This is reality. You know it, they know it, and pretty much the whole world knows it. The establishment and their media neighbors wield control over this nation through means that are very well-known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, rapist, xenophobe, and morally deformed. They will attack you. They will slander you. They will seek to destroy your career and your family.

This is much too broad-brush an argument to possibly work as a winning election campaign. People who get their news from CNN or the New York Times or People or Vox or wherever do so because they like those outlets. Complaining about particular stories or reporters is one thing, but only someone who already lives inside the Trump Bubble is going to find this argument persuasive, and to win an election he needs to reach people outside the bubble.

What this argument does do is offer Trump fans a ready explanation for why Trump lost the election.
Trump needs to salvage his brand

Trump is going to lose the election no matter what he does over the next four weeks. But he can still influence how he is perceived in the wider universe of conservatives. His problem is that the mainstream view among Republican Party elected officials and political operatives is deeply unflattering.

These people, including the ones who are supporting Trump, mostly feel that he is a weak candidate who is likely blowing what should be a very winnable race for the GOP. Many Republicans who sincerely prefer Trump to Clinton, in other words, nonetheless think Trump is bad for the party and hope that after the election he will go away so they can move on to greener pastures.

But taking personal responsibility for his own failings is anathema to Trump. More than a winning strategy, he needs a scapegoat.

And the media is in many ways a perfect scapegoat, because it sets up Trump for a next act.
Trump is likely setting himself up as a media entrepreneur

Despite Trump’s attacks on “the media,” the fact of the matter is that the CEO of his campaign, Steve Bannon, used to run a media company —, in which a major Trump donor, the Mercer family, is also a major investor.

Bannon has not, thus far, managed to do much to help Trump win the presidency. But his stewardship of Breitbart has shown real savvy and effectiveness in building up a digital-native conservative media brand. What Bannon’s site doesn’t have much of, at this point, is the kind of on-camera talent that could turn Breitbart into a video juggernaut. Trump himself, however, is an experienced television host, as is Trump’s close ally Sean Hannity, who is thought to be considering a departure from Fox News.

Also closely in the Trump orbit are Roger Ailes, the business genius who built Fox into the cable enterprise it is today before being ousted for sexual harassment, and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who owns the New York Observer.

While Trump and his team do not appear capable of winning a general election in the United States, they certainly have the right mix of skills and experience to operate a successful media company, folding the existing Breitbart and Hannity franchises together with the Trump brand to form Trump TV or Trump Media.

But to pull it off, they can’t exit the 2016 campaign surrounded by the stink of a loser. That makes their impending electoral defeat a pretty serious problem. A campaign to scapegoat the establishment press for Trump’s electoral defeat makes the perfect exit strategy.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:51 PM




Either Hillary was an effective Scy State who gained a lot of experience on "getting things done", or she was just a token appointee. Take your pick. Those early Wikileaks releases are already showing that she knew our "allies" (Saudi Arabia and Qatar) were funding ISIL. I'm sure there will be more.

Hillary Clinton Exits With 69% Approval Rating

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leaves the post as an overwhelmingly popular figure on the national political stage.

An eye-popping 69% of Americans approve of the job she has done as the country’s top diplomat, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, with a scant 25% disapproving of her performance.

You really need to make you arguments to fourth graders SIG. Every ones knows DASH is made up of professed Sunni. Some of us here know and have discussed Saudi Arabia's complex social programs to distribute its oil wealth amongst its citizens. And then how some of those funds get passed on again, sure. It’s in that process that funding may find its way to DASH. It is also common knowledge that Saudi Arabia funds extremists in order to enlist them into the fight against Iranian (Shia) and Russian aggression against Sunni interests in the Middle East. Even suggesting Hillary knowingly supports DASH just makes you someone who conspires and trolls on behalf of Russia.

It’s obvious SIG the complexities of dealing with our Middle Eastern allies or what the consequences of turning our backs on them might be, is beyond your ability to comprehend. I suggest you stop posting about it.


Russia trolls get contract extension






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