An Olive Branch to the Hillary Supporters

UPDATED: Friday, November 11, 2016 20:07
VIEWED: 6605
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016 12:01 AM


When I predicted 2 years ago in here that the next president was going to be an old white dude, I had no idea it was going to be Donald Trump.

When Trump won the primary, I kind of hated him. I had no idea that other than Ron Paul he would be the only other President or Presidential hopeful that I actually liked.

New York Times gives him a 95% chance of winning as of writing this. All he needs to do is win PA, MI or WI and it's his, and all 3 of those states look very likely, as well as NH and the 1 vote in Maine. Florida was close, but well outside of the recount threshold.

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016, Donald Trump will be announced as the 45th president of the U.S.A.

Please. Take as much time as you need to lick your wounds and cry it out. I trust that many of you will come to realize that you did not like Hillary or even what the Neo-Liberal Democratic party has become.

For better or for worse, We have all suffered almost 30 years of the Duopoly that ends tonight.

When you feel up to it, please take the time to read the wikileaks highlights and realize the massive corruption and collusion that has been happening this election, and realize that it likely has been happening from both sides for at least the last 30 years, if not longer. Now that the Election is over, I do believe that those of you with a clear head on your shoulders will read these emails and see just how bad we let it get when we were wearing our specific Party Blinders.

A message has been sent to the Elitists that have drained this nation of its wealth for their own means, and the crooked Media that hasn't served the people since the Nixon administration, on both the Right and the Left.

Neither the Democratic, nor the Republican parties will ever be the same again. If they do not change, they will die. You may not realize it now, but WE essentially voted in the first 3rd party presidential candidate this country has seen in over 160 years.

Now that he's in, we must keep Trump on task. I truly believe that he wants people to love him. He's 70 years old and a billionaire. He didn't need to do this. I believe that he genuinely wants "the people" to love him. I believe that he will not stop reaching out to the people on social media as he has done now that he is elected.

All we can do is look forward, and I hope that many of you look forward together with me to what I believe is the start of a brighter future. And even 4 or 8 years from now, when we have a different president from either side or even a true 3rd party, what will be a very different American Government.

We need to work together to unify the people af America once again. The last 16 years under GWB and Obama have driven a wedge between the people so severe that it is reaching a breaking point.

I hope to God and/or the Flying Spaghetti Monster that I am right about Trump. I do believe that things were getting so bad that it really was between Trump or all out Civil War in the near future. That still may be inevitable, but if I'm right about Trump than we may finally be able to start the healing.

It's going to be a rough start. The World stock markets are going crazy right now. Who knows what the short term effects of this will be before things stabilize?

Please. Give Trump a chance. Give peace a chance.

United WE stand.

Long live America!


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 12:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If Trump wins, it must be because all of those "Putin dupes" and all of that "Russian hacking" out there in middle-America! [/snark]
to THUGR, SECOND, KRAPO (even if he is British) and GSTRING (even if he is Canadian). I have never met such online dicks in my entire life, and that includes the reichwing here.

I think what happened to create such a surprise ... even if Hillary wins it will be by a razor's edge .... is the same thing that happened with Brexit: People would say that once you got outside of London, NOBODY was for Remain.

In the USA, there were so many newly- registered voters that were outside of ANY of the polls. And as far as I'm concerned, every time a DNC pollster called, I'd hang up, so I - and people like me- didn't show up in the polls either. Trump voters, instead of being dissuaded by rigged (at worst) or erroneous (at best) polling, were energized instead. Ditto for the gross and obvious bias of the MSM. to them too.

Except for the online assholes here, I know that many Hillary voters feel that they were doing the right thing, and are probably rattled right now. I hope that what comes next reassures and helps them.

And I'll do everything I can to fight Trump's more ridiculous policies at the state level. Which probably seems strange, but I split my ticket: I like what the Dems are doing here in my state, it's just at the national level that that the Dems were absolutely abhorrent.



Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?

G, THUGR, MAL4: Oh BTW, please define intelligence.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 2:09 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

to THUGR, SECOND, KRAPO (even if he is British) and GSTRING (even if he is Canadian). I have never met such online dicks in my entire life, and that includes the reichwing here.

In the USA, there were so many newly- registered voters that were outside of ANY of the polls. And as far as I'm concerned, every time a DNC pollster called, I'd hang up, so I - and people like me- didn't show up in the polls either. Trump voters, instead of being dissuaded by rigged (at worst) or erroneous (at best) polling, were energized instead. Ditto for the gross and obvious bias of the MSM. to them too.

Signym, it feels at times like we’re bombarded with poll coverage, but a little-noticed reality of the 2016 campaign is that we actually have many fewer polls out in the field than we are accustomed to. We’re seeing a general retreat from the polling field that seems likely to only intensify, meaning there are decent odds that one of these days we’re going to see the polls blow an election call in a serious way. I think one of these days is today.

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

And I'll do everything I can to fight Trump's more ridiculous policies at the state level. Which probably seems strange, but I split my ticket: I like what the Dems are doing here in my state, it's just at the national level that that the Dems were absolutely abhorrent.

Signym, I don’t think you will be able to slow down Trump if Republicans get to 51 seats in the Senate and if Republicans do the smart thing and change the rules so that Democrats cannot filibuster. It those two things happen then President Trump will be signing a large number of significant laws in his first year.

I am looking forward to my large tax cut that Hillary would never have given me.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 2:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow, suddenly you're nice.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?

G, THUGR, MAL4: Oh BTW, please define intelligence.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 2:31 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Assuming Trump wins - will I be glad? No.
Assuming hillary loses - will I be glad? YES!

I truly hope the 'democratic' party finally comes up with the breakthrough concepts that it's been needing since the days of Reagan. They are decades overdue, but the party's been too busy playing backroom politics to bother. I hope it now understands that you can't just write off Congress (and governorships and state legislatures) like it did for Obama's first mid-term election, because they tell you something important about the voters. And I hope it raises itself above the petty racist, sexist, ageist, class, 'demographic victim' identity-based appeals it's so corruptly employed in the past. Vote for me because you're black/ hispanic/ female/ young/ urban ... and you're a victim. Really? I can't think of a more biased and degrading appeal.

I consistently argued here that, rather than constantly ignoring and denying hillary's weaknesses, hillarities should have been making her a stronger candidate by fixing them. They should have engaged in political activism to make her do the right thing, and save hillary from herself (and the country from Trump). But they continued to see nothing wrong - from the way she was shoehorned-in by the DNC et al at the beginning, to the evident collusion and corruption exposed by Wikileaks at the end.

So much for that approach. I hope they've learned better.

To the people who earnestly voted for hillary, honestly and in good faith, I hope the 'democratic' party does better by you at the local level, the state level, and in future years. I hope to rejoin you for the next presidential election.

I TOLD YOU SO will be very sweet indeed, and repeated often.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 2:38 AM


Be nice Sigs.

I'm serious about this. I'm not gloating here or being sarcastic. In a very rare and very true moment for me, I have shown restraint. All of the bragging I wanted to do tonight if Trump won, I decided against in the end.

I really believe that for the first time in decades we have a chance to finally get some much needed healing between ideologies, and that in truth it's like I've always said that most of us, no matter where lie, would agree with at least 85% of the issues as any other of us when we're not pitted against each other by the Establishment Duopoly.

I fully expect Trump's speech to be along these lines. I feel he will be humble, and he will attempt to make the first inroads to extend his own olive branch to everyone who voted against him in his first speech as President Elect. I expect it to be short and sweet. I expect it to be a let down to all of those people waiting for him to finally come out and speak, tbh.... He will not talk about locking up Hillary, at least not now.

Our side won here Sigs... finally. You and I have always been against the status quo as long as I've known you here, since during the 1st GWB term. You and I are finally getting to see a non-establishment guy in charge.

Let us celebrate this historic moment with grace and open arms to everyone who is having a really bad night tonight.

I, for one, thank Second for being nice. I think that was a classy reply. I hope this thread continues from here on to be this civil.

Here's hoping for a better future, together. All of us.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 2:50 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

it feels at times like we’re bombarded with poll coverage, but a little-noticed reality of the 2016 campaign is that we actually have many fewer polls out in the field than we are accustomed to

Every single poll except USC/LATimes was wrong the vast, vast majority of the time. Even Nate Silver's 538 was wrong. gigo (For the younguns, from the early days of computers, it means 'garbage in, garbage out'.)

How does that happen? It's not that there weren't enough polls, it's that they all were doing the wrong things.

I would have thought that after the failure of the polls to predict 'Brexit', the pollsters would have made adjustments to their procedures. It looks like maybe not.

I TOLD YOU SO will be very sweet indeed, and repeated often.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 2:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Wow, suddenly you're nice.

I was never "nice". And only the Republicans in Congress will be holding back Trump's worst ideas. The Democrats won't be able to if there are 51 Republicans in the Senate and those Republicans change the filibuster rules. They can do it with only 51 votes, but only at the very beginning of 2017. Whatever filibuster rules they want will be the rules they get. And whatever laws the Republicans want to pass, once the filibuster rules are changed, are the laws we all will live with. The Democrats can't stop 'em.

6ixstringjack talks about status quo being broken by an anti-establishment Trump. I think it is really the stalemate between Dems and Reps is broken. The Republicans will have it all their way. No more stalemate for the next two years.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 3:03 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Second, you can choose to believe the country is wrong (which is what I believed for dumbya's eight years). Or you can choose to believe democrats are wrong-er, for writing-off the concerns of the people and so, losing the country in areas large to small, over time, until finally ... this.

I TOLD YOU SO will be very sweet indeed, and repeated often.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 3:05 AM


America loves a winner!

Stayed up for it, after having gone to bed early.

I'm thankful for what this country will NOT have to face, in so many ways. I can't predict the future, don't know what Trump will do, but with the House and Senate in GOP control, and Trump in the WH, I can at LEAST hope some of the disaster that's been wrought on our country can be - WILL be - undone.

Trump wasn't " my guy ", but I feel we really dodged a bullet.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 3:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by G:

Watching Trump's acceptance speech now. Calm, composed, personable, you might even say humble (maybe he's tired?). In all seriousness, I can't wait to see what he does over the next 4 years. He is playing the crowd like any great salesman. He does that like drinking water. That's the easy part. Let's see what happens next.

What happens next is Obamacare is repealed. Trump and Republicans promised to "repeal and replace" the law. They had many years to write their replacement, but they never did the work. I think that means there will be no replacement and the USA will go back to what it was before Obamacare.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 3:22 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by G:

Watching Trump's acceptance speech now. Calm, composed, personable, you might even say humble (maybe he's tired?). In all seriousness, I can't wait to see what he does over the next 4 years. He is playing the crowd like any great salesman. He does that like drinking water. That's the easy part. Let's see what happens next.

What happens next is Obamacare is repealed. Trump and Republicans promised to "repeal and replace" the law. They had many years to write their replacement, but they never did the work. I think that means there will be no replacement and the USA will go back to what it was before Obamacare.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 3:25 AM


You be nice too Second and G. :)

Nothing said here so far that can't be taken back with a simple apology, IMO.

From all replies here, I'm happy to say that there is a pretty good chance we can start coming together. Who'd have thunk it? On the RWED of all places.

Now is the time for cooler heads to prevail.

We've gotten at least a 4 year reprieve from the Establishment Duopoly that has pitted everyone against each other for so long.

None of that matters if 4 years from now we're still split 50/50 as a nation.

Trump's acceptance speech was exactly what I said it would be. So far so good.

Waiting for January with cautious optimism for the future.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:04 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.




No kidding.

Oh wait - Bernie was stooped. Second was pretty sure that disqualified him. And, yanno - also unelectable.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:32 AM


Part of my cautious optimism is on the issue of healthcare.

Obamacare doesn't work. It just doesn't.

Both of my parents are paying almost 3 times as much for their health insurance next year as they did before it was put in place, and the deductibles are much higher on the other end. Granted, I have health insurance now, along with 20 million others that didn't have it before, but for those who were barely able to call themselves "middle class" at the bottom of that rung, the insurance premium costs are so drastic that they're going to be in the poor house. Especially if the premiums continue to rise yearly as they have so far.

My dad is living off of his retirement and SSI benefits now. My step mom is 20 years younger than him. He's on VA benefits, but his premiums per month (just for her) were around $125 a month before. They're going to be over $350 per month next year. That's an extra $3,300 per year for a single person. She's probably going to live another 40+ years and he's paying those raised costs with the money he's going to leave her when he dies.

I'm not trying to argue, and I'm getting way off topic for the purpose of this thread. But I'm just saying that unless you're hovering around the "Poverty" level or you're Ultra-Rich, Obamacare REALLY hurts.

I'm actually VERY surprised that they allowed the notices for the increase in Obamacare to go out to families before the election. I truly believe that the increases in premiums had a much greater effect on the outcome of this election than Comey re-opening the email case on the 28th of October, TBH.

Can a Trump Administration do it better?

I don't know. I really hope so. The trick is going to be to find a way to make it work where most if not all of the 20 million newly insured remain insured, but there isn't a seriously unfair burden placed upon what's left of the dwindling middle class.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:38 AM


For the first time since 1928 the republicans hold the Executive and Legislative branches of government, that will, in turn, control the judicial branch - the Supreme Court.

And you all know what happened in 1929.

Now we're gonna see some REAL governing. By the way, Trump is now a politician!



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Wow, suddenly you're nice.

I was never "nice". And only the Republicans in Congress will be holding back Trump's worst ideas. The Democrats won't be able to if there are 51 Republicans in the Senate and those Republicans change the filibuster rules. They can do it with only 51 votes, but only at the very beginning of 2017. Whatever filibuster rules they want will be the rules they get. And whatever laws the Republicans want to pass, once the filibuster rules are changed, are the laws we all will live with. The Democrats can't stop 'em.

6ixstringjack talks about status quo being broken by an anti-establishment Trump. I think it is really the stalemate between Dems and Reps is broken. The Republicans will have it all their way. No more stalemate for the next two years.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at



Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:45 AM


Unbelievable, Trump has won and I still here bitching and moaning.



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
to THUGR, SECOND, KRAPO (even if he is British) and GSTRING (even if he is Canadian). I have never met such online dicks in my entire life, and that includes the reichwing here.

Good! Classless as always, SIGHEIL. I find it shocking that everyone you meet online doesn't treat you like the lying p.o.s. that you have proven yourself to be. It really is you that brings that out of people, so pat yourself on the back for that.

Watching Trump's acceptance speech now. Calm, composed, personable, you might even say humble (maybe he's tired?). In all seriousness, I can't wait to see what he does over the next 4 years. He is playing the crowd like any great salesman. He does that like drinking water. That's the easy part. Let's see what happens next.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:48 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
For the first time since 1928 the republicans hold the Executive and Legislative branches of government, that will, in turn, control the judicial branch - the Supreme Court.

And you all know what happened in 1929.

Now we're gonna see some REAL governing. By the way, Trump is now a politician!


This is all true SGG, but keep in mind, that as far as there is proof, Trump is much more aligned with an old school "Real" Liberal than Neo-Cons or Neo-Liberals on many social issues. He's financially Conservative, but at the same time I don't believe he will needlessly waste tons of taxpayer dollars like the current Neo-Con regime do.

Also remember that almost NOBODY in the establishment wanted him to win on either side, even in the media. Even O'Rielly didn't seem to like Trump. I think the only MSM guy that liked him at all was Hannity.

We'll continue to have a so-called Conservative Supreme Court, but remember with a 5-4 Supreme Court that Obamacare was still passed.

Trump has a lot of work ahead of him. There is no way that he's going to be able to just pass whatever he wants, regardless of the numbers in the House and Senate. Remember that people like Paul Ryan and John McCain hate Trump. Even Jason Chaffetz of Utah (Chairmain of the House Oversight Committee), who I respect a lot as a politician, would not endorse Trump up to the very end after the Access Hollywood tape came out.

Trump is going to have to prove to the "Good Guys" on either side that he's a Good guy before they work with him. That's the only way he's going to really get anything done. The Establishment Shills (see: Bad Guys) on either side are going to be against him no matter what.

At this point, if Trump proves that he is working for us and "They" are working against him, it's up to US to remove the old-school Establishment shills.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:48 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Then you should have worked harder to make hillary a better candidate.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:52 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Unbelievable, Trump has won and I still here bitching and moaning.



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Then you should have worked harder to make hillary a better candidate.


Come on guys. WE can do better.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 4:53 AM


I agree with you on one thing Rap: I saw this country headed toward a Civil War.

Well, maybe two things...I can't predict the future, but one thing's sure - the GOP is in full control. Now, let's see what happens. Now let's see them perform and "make this country great again."

Let's see the jobs, the Wall, 11 million illegals deported, the Blind Trust,
Ban on Muslims, One Religion, Repeal Obamacare and Replace with something better, Jail Hillary. Better schools, roads, bridges, etc.

Now the real work begins



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Stayed up for it, after having gone to bed early.

I'm thankful for what this country will NOT have to face, in so many ways. I can't predict the future, don't know what Trump will do, but with the House and Senate in GOP control, and Trump in the WH, I can at LEAST hope some of the disaster that's been wrought on our country can be - WILL be - undone.

Trump wasn't " my guy ", but I feel we really dodged a bullet.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:22 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Can a Trump Administration do it better (than Obamacare)?

I don't know. I really hope so. The trick is going to be to find a way to make it work where most if not all of the 20 million newly insured remain insured, but there isn't a seriously unfair burden placed upon what's left of the dwindling middle class.

Jack -

Back in 2009 many people supported single-payer.

And many supported the less radical public option.

Obama faced his biggest opposition in Congress, not in the public. If he had promoted either single payer or public option, or both; or simply not reneged on his public option promise, he could have gotten the public behind him. And while he might not have gotten the healthcare reform result he wanted that year, when he did get it, it would have been a far better one.

In another thread I posted that I think this system is fundamentally flawed. The entire structure of the medical system is geared to maximizing profit (fragmented into small subunits and multiple layers), even at the cost of national health (many people with inadequate or no care), and increased inefficiencies. Simply throwing government money at the insurance companies isn't going to fix fundamental flaws.
The most recent western nation I know something about that switched from private to public healthcare is Canada. But at the time they restructured the entire healthcare delivery system, so the government was able to reduce costs on the delivery end.
I believe that's how Canadian healthcare survived the switch, but the US' won't.
I don't think it's that we need less government healthcare, I think we need more.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:26 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I agree with you on one thing Rap: I saw this country headed toward a Civil War.

Well, maybe two things...I can't predict the future, but one things sure - the GOP is in full control. Now, let's see what happens. Now let's see them perform and "make this country great again."

Let's see the jobs, the Wall, 11 million illegals deported, the Blind Trust,
Ban on Muslims, One Religion, Repeal Obamacare and Replace with something better, Jail Hillary. Better schools, roads, bridges, etc.


I didn't see Rap reference Civil War in this thread, but I did say that in my first post. It was either Trump or the likelyhood of a Civil War very soon.

I don't believe Trump is the GOP. He Certainly isn't McCain or Romney or GWB or GWHB or any of their ilk. Given that, he is not in full control, unless, as I said in the last post he can make inroads to the "Good Guys" on both sides of the aisle. If he only panders to the "Right", then he will be 4 years of getting nothing done at all.

I believe lower taxes will bring jobs back here. It will allow businesses to employ more people, which in turn will bring income tax revenue from new sources. A 20% drop in corporate taxes on a small shop like my parents would allow them to hire 1 or 2, maybe even 3 guys part time.

Not only will he lower the corporate taxes to incentivize corporations to bring the jobs back to the U.S., but well before he was elected he put Ford on notice and told them they won't be selling their cars to Americans from Mexico without being slapped with a 35% tariff. Those two things in conjunction make it stupid for them to remain in Mexico. They would make more money in the US, being able to sell cars to Americans made by Americans. The question is, will he be able to do this?

The wall isn't to keep Mexicans out. We've given full citizenship to over 6.5 Million Mexicans legally since the mid 90s, and there's no reason to believe that is going to change. It will keep Mexicans and any other people from sneaking over the boarder without us being able to check them first.

There will be no "Massive Deportations", especially at gunpoint or anything silly like that. We've already got laws like eVerify out there. If they were enforced properly then people who weren't here legally and didn't have a social security number or a work visa would be entirely unable to find any work here. If they couldn't make any money here, they will willingly go back to Mexico and look for work there, and likely apply the correct way to be on a list to come here and one day become a Citizen.

I don't believe there would ever be a "Ban" on Muslims either. We just wouldn't take them in by the 100,000's of thousands at a time like they have done in Europe. You do realize how many Western European women have been beaten and raped by refugees from Syria and parts of northern Africa in the last year, don't you?

Of course all Muslims aren't to blame like that, but I don't think it's unreasonable to put a moratorium on the entry process until a reliable structure can be made to properly vet each and every Muslim who comes to our country to one day have legal citizenship. One at a time. No need to take them in by the hundreds of thousands on boats without checking them out first, and giving them the proper identification papers (work visas) like we would do for Mexicans until they are legal citizens.

I don't believe any of this is racist. It's just self preservation. Nobody is saying that we should close up entirely. It's just a matter of protecting our own well being, and the economic future and safety of our own children first.

I don't know what you mean by One Religion. I think that's a strawman. There's a lot of religions here. I've never personally been offended by anyone's particular religious beliefs. Especially since for many years I've been pretty much "Undecided".

Jail Hillary. Really not the place here to talk about that one. I implore you to read up on the history of the Clintons though, and especially everything that happend in Wikileaks. All I'll say on that is that if you go into all of that with an open mind, you might not find that idea as un-agreeable as you do right now.

Better Schools, Roads, Bridges, etc..... Time will tell on this one. If he can manage to bring more incoming taxes by somehow successfully doing everything mentioned above, we would be running quite a budget surplus within a few years that could be used to hire our own people to begin improving our infrastructure. Not just schools and roads and bridges... but maybe even solar panels on every roof one day and more wind mills one day. This would never happen in only 4 years, but maybe if we work together this could at least be the path to that better future.

As a bonus, all of those new jobs created will pay fairly decent and the income taxes will go back into the system to be recycled to help pay for more infrastructure jobs. (and the extra sales taxes from goods those jobs pay for will go to pay for better local schools and such).

Please. Give Trump a chance.

Sure, he started out with a Million Bucks from Daddy when he was just a kid, but he's worth Billions of dollars now. Sure, he didn't pay much taxes for a while, but he didn't break any laws to do it. Our Federal income taxes, for the most part, are only 2 pages long. His were over 1,200 pages last year. He didn't do them himself. He no doubt has a very well paid team of Tax Attorneys that do that for him every quarter.

My point is, instead of just another "idiot" politician that has ZERO business sense, we have a man on OUR collective side that has the ability to make OTHER countries start paying their dues to US. Whether that be fair trade agreements that don't screw us, or "protection" fees to our weaker allies that don't spend 1 Trillion a year on their massive Millitary.

I do hope you read this and understand what I'm saying SGG.

Clear Heads will prevail.

If you think something I said here is wrong, please let me know without attacking me on it, and we can discuss it.

I truly believe that what I've said here is not only agreeable in general, but I do believe that this is a very rough draft of the vision that Trump has for the future of America and Americans.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:40 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Now let's see them perform and "make this country great again."
Let's see the jobs, the Wall, 11 million illegals deported, the Blind Trust,
Ban on Muslims, One Religion, Repeal Obamacare and Replace with something better, Jail Hillary. Better schools, roads, bridges, etc.

It's not like I didn't tell you all, over and over, how weak hillary was as a candidate, how you all needed to look at her flaws realistically - or, as in many cases here, at all - and make her better.
I'm saying this because you seem to think that this Trump doom was visited on you by alien forces - rather than the roughly 50% OF DEMOCRATS who favored Bernie, or the roughly 70% of the rest of the country who are independents and republicans - and maybe take what THE PEOPLE were focused on to heart.
And no, I don't mean the wall. I mean their rage at the bland, blind, business-as-usual Juggernaut that only really talks to the peons when they need to be convinced to throw themselves under the wheels so their blood can grease the Juggernaut's path forward.
Democrats need to get their act together - and I can say this as one since for all these decades, up until the last two elections I've been a straight-ticket democratic voter.
This is the time for honest soul-searching.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:48 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Can a Trump Administration do it better (than Obamacare)?

I don't know. I really hope so. The trick is going to be to find a way to make it work where most if not all of the 20 million newly insured remain insured, but there isn't a seriously unfair burden placed upon what's left of the dwindling middle class.

Jack -

Back in 2009 many people supported single-payer.

Obama faced his biggest opposition in Congress, not in the public. If he had promoted either single payer or public option, or both; or simply not reneged on his public option promise, he could have gotten the public behind him. And while he might not have gotten the healthcare reform result he wanted that year, when he did get it, it would have been a far better one.

In another thread I posted that I think this system is fundamentally flawed. The entire structure of the medical system is geared to maximizing profit (fragmented into small subunits and multiple layers), even at the cost of national health (many people with inadequate or no care), and increased inefficiencies. Simply throwing government money at the insurance companies isn't going to fix fundamental flaws.
The most recent western nation I something about that switched from private to public healthcare is Canada. But at the time they restructured the entire healthcare delivery system, so the government was able to reduce costs on the delivery end.
I believe that's how Canadian healthcare survived the switch, but the US' won't.
I don't think it's that we need less government healthcare, I think we need more.

Hey 1kiki,

I have to admit that I truly don't know much about the subject of healthcare. All I know is the tangibles. The fact that I pay $1/month for medical/dental/vision and perscriptions while I am unemployed. The fact my 2nd cousin is currently able to walk again because even with her pre-existing condition the insurance company had to shell out $200k/year for a miracle experimental drug. On the flip side, my parents and my brother and sister-in-law (on the low end of middle class) are being SERIOUSLY screwed.

I'm not an Anarchist. When it comes to BIG Businesses that are essential to the health and well being of Americans, and preserving Constitutional Rights, I even believe in Government regulation, believe it or not.

Bill Clinton de-regulated the Telecommunications industry for instance. A side effect of that is that now there are only 6 corporations that own nearly EVERY SINGLE radio station, TV station, Newspaper and cell phone tower in America today.

Do you remember The Beastie Boys' song "Ill Communication"? "MA BELL!" "Ma Bell" was a different phone company in every state. Illinois Bell. Indiana Bell. Etc...

One day they were ALL under "Ameritech". Then "SBC". Then AT&T. Now AT&T is buying Time Warner. Without government regulations we will live in a country where all media we get in any format is created by one single company. That's some Scary Orwellian shit right there.

My point being that I agree that Government should get involved in the Healthcare industry, HEAVILY. (But only with people in charge that we can trust). The reason why Obamacare won't work is because when everyone has insurance, especially GOVERNMENT MANDATED INSURANCE, the hospitals and doctors and Big Pharma can just charge whatever the hell they want knowing that the U.S. has to pay for it. Obamacare doesn't work because it's really just taking control of insurance, when it's the Medical Industry that needs to be controlled.

It's worked pretty damn well for 95% or more of us when it comes to our Water and Trash Pickup Bills. If you don't live in or near Big Cities like Chicago, it is EXTREMELY reasonable on a per month basis. Hell, even with the insane prices in Chicago for those same services they're getting a bargain compared to an un-regulated alternative. Imagine how much private corporations would charge us today to reclaim and filter our water and to pick up and dispose of our trash if our local Governments weren't regulating them. ;)

My believe is that when it comes down to an individual basis, and even a small to mid-size business, the Government should largely mind their own business.

It's the HUGE corps that need to be broken down. Particularly Telecommunications and Healthcare. Things that are essential to our health and well being and preserving our Constitutional rights as Americans.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 5:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:



No kidding.

Oh wait - Bernie was stooped. Second was pretty sure that disqualified him. And, yanno - also unelectable.

The problem with Bernie was that he couldn't even get a majority of Democrats in the primary. How could he get a majority of the general election voters? Because he has better hair than Trump? And Bernie couldn't be Senator from any other state but Vermont. To voters anywhere but Vermont he would look like a Commie. Republicans know how to demonize Commies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 6:07 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The problem with Bernie was that he couldn't even get a majority of Democrats in the primary. How could he get a majority of the general election voters?

The problem with Bernie was that hillary, the DNC, the media, and the Obama administration made sure it would be a tilted primary.

And instead of them looking at all the contortions they were going through to try and guarantee the outcome - and going wtf are we doing here? and ... this must be really rickety if it needs so much help standing up - they, and you, closed their eyes, covered their ears, and taped their mouths shut, and plowed blindly ahead.

And instead of embracing Bernie as an agent of change in an election year where people were crying out for change, they picked more-of-the-same-hillary instead.

And how did that work out for you?


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 6:10 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


From your perspective and my perspective, oddly enough, we seem to see the exact same problems with Obamcare.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 6:21 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
It's not like I didn't tell you all, over and over, how weak hillary was as a candidate, how you all needed to look at her flaws realistically - or, as in many cases here, at all - and make her better.
I'm saying this because you seem to think that this Trump doom was visited on you by alien forces - rather than the roughly 50% OF DEMOCRATS who favored Bernie, or the roughly 70% of the rest of the country who are independents and republicans - and maybe take what THE PEOPLE were focused on to heart.
And no, I don't mean the wall. I mean their rage at the bland, blind, business-as-usual Juggernaut that only really talks to the peons when they need to be convinced to throw themselves under the wheels so their blood can grease the path forward.
Democrats need to get their act together - and I can say this as one since for all these decades, up until the last two elections I've been a straight-ticket democratic voter.
This is the time for honest soul-searching.

Sadly, 1kiki, I don't believe that anybody who wanted to try could have "made Hillary better". Many of the wikileaks were to and from people very close to her such as Podesta and Mills and Abadeen, and they were all referencing her bad decisions and unbridled hubris.

Hillary truly believed up until around 11PM CST last night that she was destined to be the President. That it wouldn't even be a close race. Guys from Fox news were even coming out and predicting She'd get over 320 Electoral Votes, the Senate was definitely lost to the Republicans and some even said that the House was in jeopardy of going Democrat.

She believed it. Her campaign believed it. Her voter base believed it. The DNC believed it. The MSM believed it (including 95% of FOX News). The GOP believed it. A vast majority of voters on either side believed it.

The only ones that didn't believe it were the "NEW MEDIA" rising on YouTube and the Internet, the L.A. Times Daybreak Poll, the IBD Poll, the Rasmussen Poll, me personally, and maybe one or two of you here.

I never had a doubt Trump would win this. All of my family told me I was crazy at worst, or just said "I doubt it, but I hope you're right".

Some claimed yesterday that she cancelled the fireworks in NYC that were planned when she won because she knew she was about to lose. I don't believe that at all. I believe that some of her top aids were able to get through to her on that one and convince her that gloating with fireworks was not the "best foot forward" after winning one of the most horrible election cycles ever if she had any intention of trying to work with the "other side" when everyone woke up on the 9th.

This is the woman who stole the election from Bernie Sanders. This is the woman who received, word for word, questions that would be asked in Debates from her head of staff Donna Brazil from her contacts at CNN (and got fired from CNN when was caught). This is the woman who ran CNN to the point where Wolf Blitzer actually emailed the DNC to ask them what questions to ask Trump in a one on one interview that would make him look stupid to the American Public. Billy Bush (the guy on the bus with trump) was Jeb Bush's cousin (and was ironically fired from Access Hollywood himself for what he said on the tape). After receiving millions of dollars, she sold a Uranim mine in Kazakhstan to a Clinton Foundation backer, which eventually was sold to Russia. (NO, she did NOT directly sell Uranium to Russia, like a lot of the crazy Right Wingnuts claim she did). Bill and Hillary left the White House in 2000 virtually penniless, yet they made $160 million personal income, outside of the Clinton Foundation in the last 16 years.

Each and every one of these things are documented in the Wikileaks and verified as TRUE. I don't provide any links because you can just go to Wikileaks and see for yourself or pretty much just Google any of them and see the results. (Don't believe anything that doesn't have OFFICIAL wikileaks sources though... There is A LOT of bullshit and HOAXES out there by a lot of liars).

I really didn't want to attack Hillary here, but she keeps coming up.

There was no fixing her.

I don't believe that she was particularly any more "evil" than any of our previous president or president wannabees in the last 3 decades or more. I actually feel sad for her in a way now that it's all over. She's the one that all of the wikileaks came out about. Well... she and many people below her. I don't think that Hillary will ever see any real prison time. I truly believe that she is Above the Law, and even if Trump fought hard to imprison her it would never stick. But there are a lot of people who worked for her and the DNC now that are extremely vulnerable now that she won't be President and she can't keep the current DOJ structure.

Alec Baldwin and the rest of the Hollywood Liberal Elite have been saying they'll "leave the country if" ever since GWB's 2nd term. The only Celeb who ever actually did so was Johnny Depp, and for that, he earns a HUGE deal of respect from me for following through.

I don't know how many, if any of the Hollywood Elite will actually have a different postal address tomorrow, but don't be surprised if some of the more prominant names you've heard regularly in Wikileaks the last few months are nowhere to be found.

I'm pretty sure that at this point they have an ankle bracelet on Anthony Weiner, but I bet if you're looking for Huma Abadeen tomorrow that's going to be the most difficult "Where's Waldo" you've ever played.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 6:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I was never "nice".= SECOND

You can say THAT again! And so I hope you feel like a giant dildo was stuck up your ass. Seriously. Fortunately for me, I live in CA, which is big enough and strong enough and Democratic enough to make its own state=sized plans. So if you live in TX like you say you do, good luck with all that.

Yanno, if you and GSTRING and THUGR and KRAPO and MAL4 had at least been somewhat restrained and even A LITTLE objective, and had not attacked me personally - over and over - I wouldn't be so pissed off. So you can whinge and cry about how awful life is for you, and FOR YOU I will be laughing my ass off.


I'm thankful for what this country will NOT have to face, in so many ways. I can't predict the future, don't know what Trump will do, but with the House and Senate in GOP control, and Trump in the WH, I can at LEAST hope some of the disaster that's been wrought on our country can be - WILL be - undone. Trump wasn't " my guy ", but I feel we really dodged a bullet. -GSTRING
What a coward. Now that the shoe's on the other foot, you start spewing bullshit? You and THUGR, the junior-high bully gang personified. I hope your life is a miserable fucking hell.


Be nice= SIX
Why? It wasn't you who was called a "comrade troll" and other not-so-nice names over and over. They took to neo-McCarthyism like ducks to water, got quite ... yanno ... fascistic about it.

But why am I surprised? If they can "R2P" themselves into killing a million or so people and not notice the blood smeared under their feet, why would being an asshole online be beyond them? I doubt even getting bitch-slapped by reality will get them to change.

I expect to see a lot of whining and crying about Trump. And for all the "I told you so's" that I expect to see launched from that side: By fielding Shillary as a candidate, you and the Dem party and got exactly what you deserve.

Looks like I'm going to have to change my signoff, buy a bottle of champagne, and undo the personal damage that Trump might inflict.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Sadly, 1kiki, I don't believe that anybody who wanted to try could have "made Hillary better". Many of the wikileaks were to and from people very close to her such as Podesta and Mills and Abadeen, and they were all referencing her bad decisions and unbridled hubris.

This is the woman who stole the election from Bernie Sanders. This is the woman who received, word for word, questions that would be asked in Debates from her head of staff Donna Brazil from her contacts at CNN (and got fired from CNN when was caught). This is the woman who ran CNN to the point where Wolf Blitzer actually emailed the DNC to ask them what questions to ask Trump in a one on one interview that would make him look stupid to the American Public. Billy Bush (the guy on the bus with trump) was Jeb Bush's cousin (and was ironically fired from Access Hollywood himself for what he said on the tape). After receiving millions of dollars, she sold a Uranim mine in Kazakhstan to a Clinton Foundation backer, which eventually was sold to Russia. (NO, she did NOT directly sell Uranium to Russia, like a lot of the crazy Right Wingnuts claim she did). Bill and Hillary left the White House in 2000 virtually penniless, yet they made $160 million personal income, outside of the Clinton Foundation in the last 16 years.

Each and every one of these things are documented in the Wikileaks and verified as TRUE. I don't provide any links because you can just go to Wikileaks and see for yourself or pretty much just Google any of them and see the results. (Don't believe anything that doesn't have OFFICIAL wikileaks sources though... There is A LOT of bullshit and HOAXES out there by a lot of liars).

I don't believe that she was particularly any more "evil" than any of our previous president or president wannabees in the last 3 decades or more. I actually feel sad for her in a way now that it's all over. She's the one that all of the wikileaks came out about. Well... she and many people below her. I don't think that Hillary will ever see any real prison time. I truly believe that she is Above the Law, and even if Trump fought hard to imprison her it would never stick. But there are a lot of people who worked for her and the DNC now that are extremely vulnerable now that she won't be President and she can't keep the current DOJ structure.

I really didn't want to attack Hillary here, but she keeps coming up.

There was no fixing her.

I'm not sure if I was thinking of fixing her, more like inexorably frog-marching her along the straight-and-narrow for the good of the party, the country, and the people - and even for her.

Just an observation - for the longest time I was focused on hillary's chances of blundering us into global thermonuclear warfare with Russia. But as I kept reading Wikileaks, I was astounded, then horrified, to see the spread, the depth, and the decades-long persistence of 'third-way' democratic corruption.

I also feel sorry for hillary, but from a different perspective. I believe she got seduced by the promise of money and power a long time ago. And to get there she allowed herself to be manipulated into something between a succubus and a marionette. So now, at her age - all the depraved things she allowed herself to become, all the laws she and bill broke, all the time and effort, the forced smiles, the mechanical laughs - Smile! hillary Laugh! hillary Put on you listening face! hillary Pitch your voice perfectly! hillary Walk confidently and don't fall! hillary Here's your fish! hillary. I wonder if her mind is intact anymore. Certainly her brain isn't. You could see it even during the debates, the way she surreptitiously watched her feet to keep from falling. And now she's 70, in failing health, barely human, and she doesn't have that big payoff she was sure she'd get in the end. All those decades of being crafted - for what? And what will happen when she's useless to tptb and they cut her strings and discard her?

Hillary truly believed up until around 11PM CST last night that she was destined to be the President. That it wouldn't even be a close race. Guys from Fox news were even coming out and predicting She'd get over 320 Electoral Votes, the Senate was definitely lost to the Republicans and some even said that the House was in jeopardy of going Democrat.

She believed it. Her campaign believed it. Her voter base believed it. The DNC believed it. The MSM believed it (including 95% of FOX News). The GOP believed it. A vast majority of voters on either side believed it.

Some claimed yesterday that she cancelled the fireworks in NYC that were planned when she won because she knew she was about to lose. I don't believe that at all. I believe that some of her top aids were able to get through to her on that one and convince her that gloating with fireworks was not the "best foot forward" after winning one of the most horrible election cycles ever if she had any intention of trying to work with the "other side" when everyone woke up on the 9th.

The only ones that didn't believe it were the "NEW MEDIA" rising on YouTube and the Internet, the L.A. Times Daybreak Poll, the IBD Poll, the Rasmussen Poll, me personally, and maybe one or two of you here.

I never had a doubt Trump would win this. All of my family told me I was crazy at worst, or just said "I doubt it, but I hope you're right".

Up until the votes were in that needed to be in, I believed it.

Alec Baldwin and the rest of the Hollywood Liberal Elite have been saying they'll "leave the country if" ever since GWB's 2nd term. The only Celeb who ever actually did so was Johnny Depp, and for that, he earns a HUGE deal of respect from me for following through.

I don't know how many, if any of the Hollywood Elite will actually have a different postal address tomorrow, but don't be surprised if some of the more prominant names you've heard regularly in Wikileaks the last few months are nowhere to be found.

I'm pretty sure that at this point they have an ankle bracelet on Anthony Weiner, but I bet if you're looking for Huma Abadeen tomorrow that's going to be the most difficult "Where's Waldo" you've ever played.

HA HA Ha ha ha !


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:19 AM



Originally posted by second:
The problem with Bernie was that he couldn't even get a majority of Democrats in the primary. How could he get a majority of the general election voters? Because he has better hair than Trump? And Bernie couldn't be Senator from any other state but Vermont. To voters anywhere but Vermont he would look like a Commie. Republicans know how to demonize Commies.

Please. Second....

Now that it's all over and there is no chance even of a recount after Hillary acknowledged the truth, I IMPLORE you to read some of the Wikileaks.

Bernie Sanders WON the Primary. It was stolen from him by the DNC. It was finally Hillary's turn. This is not a hoax. I'm not even half sure that this isn't your first time even hearing this because the MSM didn't cover it until very late in the election, but it is absolutely true.

You're probably right about the Commie thing when it comes to Republicans, but he won the Primary. It wasn't just with the college kids he was promising free college to. Comedians like Jimmy Dore and Sarah Silverman loved Bernie. Sarah sold out to Hillary, but Jimmy voted for Jill Stein.

Bernie was also the most "Environment Friendly" Presidential Hopeful EVER. Obama made some promises but didn't follow through on any of them. People believed Bernie though. Maybe he was a Commie, but he was likeable and people believed in him.

Look back at the Bernie Sanders rallies. They were insanely large for Primaries. They were as big if not even sometimes bigger than Trumps biggest rallies for the General. I honestly think the DNC made a mistake. (But then again, the Establishment wouldn't want Bernie in the office anymore than they'd want Trump in the office)

If Bernie was allowed to win and Hillary just faded away, there would have been no Wikileaks. There would have been no FBI investigation. It would have been Bernie VS. Trump, straight up.

People liked Bernie. Admittedly, I might have still voted for Trump because Bernie was a little too "Commie" for my taste, but I always liked Bernie. I might never have found out how much I actually like Trump if it wasn't Hillary on the other side. I'm not giving lip service here. I genuinely do really like Trump, and I really liked Bernie. I just hope Trump doesn't screw all of us, and that one day you see in Trump what I see in him now.

The thing is, if it was Trump VS. Bernie, it would have been a MUCH more positive affair overall. Maybe Trump bullied the hell out of him, maybe the MSM shielded him from Trumps blows? Maybe we'd still have Trump as President today, maybe Bernie would have won?

The one thing I can tell you is that a debate between Bernie and Trump would not have riled anyone on the "right" up at all. That "Hidden Trump Vote" I've been talking about for months now wouldn't even have been a thing.

Blacks would have probably turned out about the same as they did. Latinos would have been WAY down because I don't believe Trump would have come out swinging half as hard to build a base as he had to against Hillary and the entire MSM and DNC and Democratic Party and half the GOP.

(BTW.... Trump never called Mexican Illegals rapists. That was a soundbyte from his early and less PC days that was taken way out of context and has followed him for 8 months. It's easy to make a person sound really bad when you can just show the public the same 5 second clip of a 30 second idea over and over for 8 months until everyone who wasn't there believes it was true).

Prepare yourself for what you're about to see now. I'm going to throw you a bone you likely don't want to swallow. I'm only throwing you this because a video is worth a Million words, and I have little faith you will check the Wikileaks unless you actually bear witness to at least a chink or two in Hillary's armor....

Hillary calling deceased Robert Byrd, a previous KKK leader, a good friend and mentor.

And here's a video of Hillary referring to black people on "the streets" as "Super Predators" with "no conscience, and no empathy" that need to be "brought to heel" in 1996.

As you can see, both of these videos were much longer than a 5 second sound byte. That way you can tell that I'm not showing you a MSM soundbyte and you can see the comments in the context they were meant.

Bernie won man....

It's not Hillary's fault that Trump is President today. It's the DNC's fault for cheating and colluding and backing the wrong horse.

If you're going to play dirty politics like the GWB days, make sure the candidate you're trying to pass through doesn't have some super weak link like a virtually unsecured server with classified documents on it that any teenager with a 130 IQ couldn't hack.

As much as I sat back and silently said "Lock Her Up" with the crowd even up until yesterday, I've already changed my mind. I just never want to see Hillary or Bill or Chelsea or any of the corrupt DNC/DOJ puppets that worked close to her again. May they all just crawl back into whatever holes they came from.

The only other thing that I would like to see is that every single dollar that individuals like you or me had paid into the Clinton Foundation thinking we were giving money to people who needed help were returned to us. As for Qatar and Saudi Arabia and Goldman Sachs, F**k Qatar and Saudi Arabia and Goldman Sachs. Once the everyday man and woman get their money back from the foundation, the whatever is left over can be absorbed by the Government and be Trumps first Large payment on Americas 20 Trillion dollar deficit.


Seriously. I hope you're not mad. I'm not trying to argue with you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:40 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


... I hope you feel like a giant dildo was stuck up your ass. Seriously. Fortunately for me, I live in CA, which is big enough and strong enough and Democratic enough to make its own state=sized plans. So if you live in TX like you say you do, good luck with all that.

Yanno, if you and GSTRING and THUGR and KRAPO had at least been somewhat restrained and even A LITTLE objective, and had not attacked me personally - over and over - I wouldn't be so pissed off. So you can whinge and cry about how awful life is for you, and FOR YOU I will be laughing my ass off.

GSTRING- What a coward. Now that the shoe's on the other foot, you start spewing bullshit? You and THUGR, the junior-high bully gang personified. I hope your life is a miserable fucking hell.


Be nice= SIX
Why? It wasn't you who was called a "comrade troll" and other not-so-nice names over and over. They took to neo-McCarthyism like ducks to water, got quite ... yanno ... fascistic about it.

But why am I surprised? If they can "R2P" themselves into killing a million or so people and not notice the blood smeared under their feet, why would being an asshole online be beyond them? I doubt even getting bitch-slapped by reality will get them to change.

I hope it's not true of the majority of hillarities, but the ones on this site resemble her to a regrettable degree in terms of dishonestly and sheer meanness ... Though without the enticements of her money, fame, connections and power to be that way. At least hillary didn't sell herself like a cheap coke horse.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:45 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

From your perspective and my perspective, oddly enough, we seem to see the exact same problems with Obamcare.


I told you 1kiki, If any single two of us were to sit down face to face and hash our differences out without gouging each others eyeballs out, I'm confident that any single pair of us, no matter how far right or left we are, would agree on at least 85% of things.

That's the secret that the Establishment Duopoly never wanted us to know.

Maybe I'm just a dreamer.....

We've got 4 years to come together and create a bond they never expected us to ever be capable of creating.

We'll never agree 100% with anyone on everything, but we don't need to. If every one of us can agree with each other on 85% of things and agree to civilly disagree on the other 15%, we can create a "honeycomb" type structure that "THEY" never even imagined could be a possibility.

They won't know what the F**k to do with us ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Most people argue from fear. But when fear drives people to behave like assholes ... well, I hope that's a lesson learned. For them. Except THUGR who was apparently turned into a giant asshole in his young life, and seems incapable of changing his mind on anything.

So, speaking of assholes: Where IS that fellow, anyway? I'll bet he was all prepared to start crowing and be an even bigger asshole. and now he's slunk off to his nasty den. I hope he doesn't show his face for quite a while. All I can say is, he better learn how to create a new account and show up under a different name, because out of all of the assholes on this board, he was the nastiest.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?

G, THUGR, MAL4: Oh BTW, please define intelligence.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:09 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Be nice= SIX

Why? It wasn't you who was called a "comrade troll" and other not-so-nice names over and over. They took to neo-McCarthyism like ducks to water, got quite ... yanno ... fascistic about it.

But why am I surprised? If they can "R2P" themselves into killing a million or so people and not notice the blood smeared under their feet, why would being an asshole online be beyond them? I doubt even getting bitch-slapped by reality will get them to change.

I expect to see a lot of whining and crying about Trump. And for all the "I told you so's" that I expect to see launched from that side: By fielding Shillary as a candidate, you and the Dem party and got exactly what you deserve.

Looks like I'm going to have to change my signoff, buy a bottle of champagne, and undo the personal damage that Trump might inflict.

Hey Sigs... Hehe. Are you a 'lil drunk tonight? I'm only asking cause it takes one to know one. I'm about 24 Icehouse Beers into it myself. Shocking, I know, since I'm not making a total ass of myself yet. You might have noticed that there are some days where I can hyper focus. I'm just as drunk those days, but when I have an Anchor such as this to focus on I don't flounder all about in the wind and start spewing bile from my subconscious mind.....


I wasn't here for a lot of your abuse, but I know about abuse. Both here and elsewhere. Outside of Kaneman and Pirate News, I'm likely the most hated person on these boards, or at least the most pitied at least.

I don't get a lot of respect here, and I honestly don't deserve it for the most part.

I've just, honestly, never seen YOU this way before. You've always been nice to me, even when we disagree. Granted, we've never outright attacked each other, at least I don't remember ever getting really drunk and forgetting about it anyhow....

I've always respected you, for whatever that is worth. You always seem to be one of the few rational ones to me.

C'mon.... It's a party. We won! ;)

Second and G have actually been very cordial and even if they complain a little bit we've been having what I consider meaningful conversation at least for a change instead of the regular mud slinging.

Jury's still out on how THGRRI is taking the news. He/She hasn't shown up yet ;)

Outside of here, at least this thread, there's a LOT of chaos going on, I'm sure. About 3 days ago, Anonomyous even made a very serious video about how to console the "woman/women in your life" who were Hillary supporters when she lost.

This election SERIOUSLY HURT a lot of people. In the coming weeks you're likely to see a lot of "cry compilations" and other things made by juveniles who are rubbing it in, just like Hillary was going to do with those fireworks in NYC when she won.

We have an opportunity to TRULY take the High Road here Sigs.

Join me.

If they remain abusive to you, then that's on them. We have no reason right now to be defensive at all. As pathetic as this probably sounds, especially to them, this is the best night of my life in at least the last 5-6 years.

But I think they believe that it's not from a place of hate or spite or even "I told you so". At least I hope they believe that.

I honestly believe that we need to heal as a nation, and maybe I've been fooled, but I do believe that we have un-shackled ourselves, at least temporarily from the Establishment Duopoly and now is the time for us to squash our old beefs.

I know that you will be just as critical of Trump as I will be when he takes office.

I hope beyond hope that he can follow through on those promises, but I believe he needs our support to do that. Not just those that voted for him, but those from the other side as well.

He's already earned my respect. But he hasn't earned their respect at all. It's not their fault though. They saw him through the MSM/DNC/Neo-Liberal/Con lens...

His first week will be the True Test.

President Obama passed more Executive Orders than all 43 Presidents before him combined.

Trump promised that one of the first things he was going to do when he got into office was to start tearing them up. Not just Obama's, but GWB's as well. And if I know Trump, he's going to tell us all about which ones he tore up that day in a Tweet at 3AM in the F**king morning....

At least until the Inauguration, let's just pretend we all like each other.

This thing is finally over.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:29 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I'm not sure if I was thinking of fixing her, more like inexorably frog-marching her along the straight-and-narrow for the good of the party, the country, and the people - and even for her.

Just an observation - for the longest time I was focused on hillary's chances of blundering us into global thermonuclear warfare with Russia. But as I kept reading Wikileaks, I was astounded, then horrified, to see the spread, the depth, and the decades-long persistence of 'third-way' democratic corruption.

I also feel sorry for hillary, but from a different perspective. I believe she got seduced by the promise of money and power a long time ago. And to get there she allowed herself to be manipulated into something between a succubus and a marionette. So now, at her age - all the depraved things she allowed herself to become, all the laws she and bill broke, all the time and effort, the forced smiles, the mechanical laughs - Smile! hillary Laugh! hillary Put on you listening face! hillary Pitch your voice perfectly! hillary Walk confidently and don't fall! hillary Here's your fish! hillary. I wonder if her mind is intact anymore. Certainly her brain isn't. You could see it even during the debates, the way she surreptitiously watched her feet to keep from falling. And now she's 70, in failing health, barely human, and she doesn't have that big payoff she was sure she'd get in the end. All those decades of being crafted - for what? And what will happen when she's useless to tptb and they cut her strings and discard her?

I truly do feel sorry for her, but I won't lose any sleep over it. She was seduced by ambition and power, her and Bill both, at a very young age. The problem is, she always needed more. I believe that she was a true sociopath. I don't buy into the Conspiracy Theories out there that the Clintons have buried a lot of people, but the truth is there have been a lot of people around them who have co-incidentially died before their time over the last 3+ decades.

By any means, no matter what it took, SHE was going to be the first Female President of the U.S.A. No matter if by the time she got there she was knee-deep in multiple FBI investigations and no matter if she was also ended up being the first impeached Female President.

The most pity I have for Hillary in the end is that the history books will never forget her. But instead of being a George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, she will be remembered as the First Female Richard Nixon at best...

If the History Books ever truthfully tell Her tale, they will speak of how the deep collusion and underhandedness was likely to drive us directly into WWIII, this much is true.

Sometimes I wonder if maybe even with all of these leaks are we missing a crucial piece of the puzzle somewhere? Was Hillary perhaps looking out for all of our own well beings with the fervor She and Her camp were trying to dive head first into war with Russia, perhaps for the good of the American People?

I don't believe that at all. But when you read those emails and try to piece everything together it almost drives you a bit insane to believe this was just about a woman so drunk on power and a Committee that backed her that was so entirely corrupt that they were willing to engulf the planet in a firey hell before we had a chance to get around to creating SkyNet to do it for us.....


Up until the votes were in that needed to be in, I believed it.

Not sure what you meant here actually. Are you saying you thought Trump or Hillary would win? I was saying that except for a few "obscure" polls that are likely to be taken very seriously in 2020 and the "Underground Media", I was the only person I "Personally" knew that believed Trump would win.


HA HA Ha ha ha !

Right? ;)

Where's Waldo.... lol

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:33 AM



Originally posted by G:
Hahahahah! Still Desperate, still Pathetic:

Please G.



Let's be friends?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:43 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I honestly thought hillary would win. ALMOST all the polls said so, over months and months, usually indicating gaps too large to be closed by the margin of error. And somewhere in the back of my head I assumed that after the failure of the British polls to predict the Brexit vote, that the pollsters would have figured out what went wrong for that vote, and were doing it right for this vote. WELL! Apparently not!

I was just laughing about Huma and Where's Waldo. It caught me by surprise in a good, humorous way. ;)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:46 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Most people argue from fear......

WTF Sigs... Come on man (Woman?)... seriously, weird, I've known you like 13 years or something and don't know the answer to that question.

(Please anyone reading this refer any non-binary SJW bitches calling me a "Micro-Aggressive Cyst White Patriarch Male" who doesn't get it to read this post and let them put that in their bitch pipe and smoke it).

I'm cutting you off. I'm assuming for real that you're partying hard tonight and you can't hold whatever liquor you're drinking.

I know about being an Angry Drunk. Rum and me are very bad news. I put enough of that in my stomach and the Irish quarter of me comes out full force and would punch my best friend in the face for making a stupid joke I didn't like.

I'll say it one last time.


You and me Baby.

Don't Worry, Be Happy. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 9:08 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I honestly thought hillary would win. ALMOST all the polls said so, over months and months, usually indicating gaps too large to be closed by the margin of error. And somewhere in the back of my head I assumed that after the failure of the British polls to predict the Brexit vote, that the pollsters would have figured out what went wrong for that vote, and were doing it right for this vote. WELL! Apparently not!

I was just laughing about Huma and Where's Waldo. It caught me by surprise in a good, humorous way. ;)

I knew why you laughed 1kiki :)

I'm glad that we can finally joke a bit now.

But seriously, you ain't NEVER gonna find that woman again. Like Kaiser Sose..... Poof! She's Gone!

Don't feel stuped or "Duped" for believing Hillary was going to win. I was in the VAST minority. I'm sure I sounded just about as crazy to everyone I know in REAL life when I said unequivocally that Trump was going to win, the only difference is in REAL life I'm not Drunk like I always am here ;)

The only thing I was wrong about was the Bloomberg poll for Florida. They WAY oversampled the Hispanic vote and I figured Trump was going to win it by 9%. They came out like an ARMY and kept it well under the Bloomberg 2% in that poll.

The ONLY reason Trump won is because I was right overall about the Hidden Trump vote all across the nation.

Who would have ever thought that Trump was going to win BOTH Wisconsin and Michigan? He didn't even need Michigan, Arizona or Alaska before he had 270.

We've got a real opportunity here.

I think that people are really going to like Trump, now that he's got no reason at all to sling negativity to American Citizens of any color or creed.

The road will be rocky at first, and we might not all be happy at first, but try to look forward instead of at your feet. Look to a future where America is a better place for all of our children, and a place where future legal immigrants from everywhere still want to come and raise their own children in.

A Great America where we stand Undivided. Where we can feel safe and secure and still maintain our individuality at the same time.

We really are the greatest country that ever was, at least so far. A lot of us forgot that for a long time I think. I know I did.

The fact that WE were able to do what we did last night, Against All Odds, renewed my faith in the Freedom we have here.

The Fix WASN'T in....

Even if there was minor voter fraud here and there, which is possible, we came together and overcame it.

Our job isn't over. We must keep Trump on task. Unless I'm completely miscalculating the situation, I believe we have a leader that actually gives a shit about what his people think now.

Don't beat him up. Be firm, but fair. He's no Messiah. He's just a man. But nobody owns him. He's a 70 year old man worth billions who could have retired and been receiving the same Social Security benefits every other retiree gets 8 years ago, by law, even though he has that much money.

Instead, he spent less than 1/10th the money on his campaign that Hillary did. He spent the last 6 months doing 2-3 rallies all over the country every day. He spent the last week doing 4-5 rallies every day.

I'm only 37 years old and I felt exhausted just following him on YouTube, tbh....

Give Trump a chance.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 9:10 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


How many people here do you see me argue with? 2?
How many junior high bully-bitches do you whore around with? I think that's way more to the point.

Sorry, SIGNYM's been a pretentious pos for years and has earned what she gets back many times over.
Because, like, om'effing'g, she backs up her claims with evidence and out-thinks you with logic. THAT'S HORRIBLE!

Just look at this thread - who's throwing monkey shit first?
And whose entire thread got sent to troll country? Gosh ... whose was it, again? Help me out here, 'g'. It's right on the tip of my tongue ... I think the name begins with 'g'. I'm sure you can come up with the name, 'g'. I think you had something to do with that thread. Here, you look it up. Come back and tell me. ... Russia trolls get contract extension

That's just an observable Truth.
Yes, it is! So glad you finally noticed that about yourself!

And if you don't have Truth you have nothing.
I find facts are better. Truth sounds like a religious belief. And those are sketchy.

Don't need money and shiny babbles, but you have to have that. And do you know why Truth is so valuable?? Because it's FREE! How crazy amazing is that?
hmmm ... blahblahblah blah, blah blah blah and blahdyblah, blah blah blah blah ... CRAZY ... blahblah blah blah, blah blah blah


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 9:23 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


The ONLY reason Trump won is because I was right overall about the Hidden Trump vote all across the nation.

Who would have ever thought that Trump was going to win BOTH Wisconsin and Michigan? He didn't even need Michigan, Arizona or Alaska before he had 270.

That was a phenomenally good call on your part. It's not just true that hillary lost (due in part to sagging support from the usual demographic who weren't so thrilled with her and stayed home), it's also true that Trump won. He got out the non-urban vote like never before.

We must keep Trump on task. Unless I'm completely miscalculating the situation, I believe we have a leader that actually gives a shit about what his people think now.
Don't beat him up. ...
Give Trump a chance.

I'm not being mean here - but oh, to be young and have hope! I'm more 'wait and see' myself, but I honestly feel like I have no bias either for or against him - I'm very curious what he'll do.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 9:34 AM


Congrats to Six, Sig, and Kiki for their strong anti-Hillary positions all along. I'm proud of you for having the guts to make your case time and again despite the barrage of personal insults hurled at you by the rabid left-wing bullies and trolls here. Bravo!


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 9:40 AM



Originally posted by G:
Jack - good for you to call for peace and happiness. It's needed now more than ever. One thing you may have noticed is I treat people here the way they treat me. And I always start with the olive branch - that's how I have always been here or in RL. If you see me bashing someone it's because they have broken the branch and thrown it back in my face. How many people here do you see me argue with? 2? That should tell you something. Sorry, SIGNYM's been a pretentious pos for years and has earned what she gets back many times over. Just look at this thread - who's throwing monkey shit first? That's just an observable Truth. And if you don't have Truth you have nothing. Don't need money and shiny babbles, but you have to have that. And do you know why Truth is so valuable?? Because it's FREE! How crazy amazing is that?

Hey G,

As far as I know, this is the first time we've ever been friendly with each other. I didn't know you before, but you were somebody on "the other side" when I ducked back in here a while back and you just filled another "void" that somebody else filled before you were here.

TBH, other than our interactions with each other, many of which I'm sure I was too drunk to even ever remember, I really know nothing about you or how you are.

I'm pretty sure that until you were a part of this thread that you felt at least some of the hostility toward me that you do to Sigs. Not as much because I'm not here nearly as much, but I know I can be a drunk asshole sometimes when I am here.

I'm not joking when I say that I'm well over 20 Icehouse beers now. I started this thread over 9 hours ago and called Trump the winner almost 3 hours before any news network did. I did make sure that it was almost impossible to be wrong before I posted here.

I woke up yesterday morning, before I even voted, knowing I was going to get drunk last night and I couldn't wait to come here and tell you and the other "faceless" people on the "other side" to go F**k yourselves and do a dance on your pity party and piss all over you.

But somewhere between 9:30CST and 11:00CST PM, I had a much better idea.

I've said for many years here that all of us, no matter how far right or left can agree on at least 85% of all issues. Only in Politics are things "Black and White" and we just voted in somebody that was unabashedly Grey-scale.

What would the Return On Investment be to rub it in that the Other Side lost?

Absolute Zero.

This little conversation here is the perfect example though, of the ROI of doing the exact opposite.

I do believe, that even though we haven't put a "face to the name", we have just "Humanized" each other. In the future, when we disagree on something, we won't go all ape shit on each other about it like all Humans tend to do online when they're yelling at "Anonymous" on a computer screen.

I'll say it again, and this time give you one of my favorite songs by my favorite Rap Artist, Tupac. He made this one a few years after he died, from the Island that Huma Abadeen probably landed on a few hours ago.... ;)

WARNING: NSFW or those with delicate sensibilities

Ironically, given Hillary's close relationship with him and his wife, I've never been a fan of Jay-Z. Tupac hated on Jay-Z before he even met Beyonce. :)

I guess I've always been "West Side" in spirit....

Seriously G. Let's be friends.

If for no other reason, I'm really glad I made this thread than this conversation and the conversations I've had with Second and 1kiki today.

Cut Sigs a break.

Obviously Sigs has felt hurt and even ganged up on here and/or maybe in a bad spot right now.

Sigs was always Anti-Establishment like me the whole time.

We hated on GWB hard and took a lot of shit from the Right, and I was here full time for that. I've been a part timer since Obama got in, but we were still on the equal and opposite side together for that when I ducked in.

Tonight's vote wasn't the Racist, Mysoginist, Adlib-Phobic line you were fed 6 months ago G. That ain't me. It was about breaking down walls they built around us and between us.

This window isn't going to last forever.

We need to take advantage of it while we can.

Let's try to keep RWED more positive, at least until Janurary. I think by then a lot of us could work together behind the New(?) Government we just voted in.

Wouldn't that be F**king great if we found ourselves in a world where the Government truly was starting to work for US instead of itself for once?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 9:51 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Kasich would have crushed Hillary like a bug 48.4% to 41%.

Try not to forget that when praising Trump for his campaign brilliance. He ended 47.5% to 47.6%. That is 0.1% difference in Hillary’s favor. Hillary’s, not Trump’s favor.

You can’t even remember who Kasich is, right? But he would have destroyed Hillary easily.

Back in September, Gallup presented the findings of an important research project that, in retrospect, ought to have prompted a lot more soul searching among members of the press. What they did was, over an extended period of time, survey people and ask them what they were hearing about the two candidates.

The answer is that with regard to Hillary Clinton, they heard a lot about email. With regard to Trump, they heard about nothing in particular.

People heard loud and clear that Clinton was in some kind of trouble related to email whereas the stories about Trump — with the exception of the sexual assault allegations, which came after this study — do not seem to have broken through.

But by trying to cover all the different negative storylines about Trump, the press created a muddle in which nothing in particular stood out.

The typical Trump supporter was drawn to him out of either partisanship or attraction to his message. But the marginal Trump supporter is the reason he won. And that supporter was very likely influenced by the overwhelming media focus on the email matter.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 10:02 AM



I hope it raises itself above the petty racist, sexist, ageist, class, 'demographic victim' identity-based appeals

I mean... I spent most of my time on reddit the past few years. The atmosphere of most of the Trump supporters over there was "toxic gamer gator meme-lord" complete with dog whistles about how Hillary wasn't "experienced enough" (read: she's a woman). The talk over there is how feminism and empathy towards gay and transgender rights is the greatest evil society has ever known and will be the downfall of western civilization, and how cops are totally justified in shooting anyone who's darker than a light tan.

Plus things that I saw as non-issues, like Benghazi, or the emails, or this made up spirit cooker thing. The Epstein connection is a thing, but it's a thing for Trump too.

I voted for Hillary not because I liked her, not because I liked her policies, but because people actually were being victimized by Trump and some of his supporters. There's this us versus them attitude that exists between the straight middle white class and everyone else, where any gains by minorities are seen as an attack on the majority. That and I figure except maybe for Russia, Trump's foreign policy is going to be exactly the same as Hillary's, so I was focusing on domestic policy, social problems, and welfare.

Trump has a long way to go before he can win over the minorities from their fears - they don't have a lot to lose, but they can lose everything they've worked for.

That said, I am hopeful that the right wing will be more willing to reach across the aisle to the left wing now that they've won in a big way.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 10:14 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
That was a phenomenally good call on your part. It's not just true that hillary lost (due in part to sagging support from the usual demographic who weren't so thrilled with her and stayed home), it's also true that Trump won. He got out the non-urban vote like never before.

Well thank you, mi-lady *bows and tips hat*

But seriously, I've had nothing but free time. I have not worked a day in my life for much longer than I care to admit (although I'm sure I've admited it here if somebody wanted to be a dick about it).

I also assume that I'm EXTREMELY OCD although I've never been diagnosed. I'm not especially good at advanced math like Trig or Calc, but taxes are easy to me and Stats are my bag. It's seriously weird how much I enjoy statistics.

(Maybe not so weird. My half-bro who skipped a few grades and got a master's degree, all for free, works in Silicon Valley now doing statistics making 6 figures out of college now)

It's amazing what difference a healthy two-parent home can make.... :)

But I digress...

It's surreal that it's finally over now and that I was right all along. I've spent hundreds, likely thousands of hours in the last 3-4 months watching videos, watching rallies, studying polls (and more importantly the methodology of them polls)....

I hope to God and/or the Spaghetti Monster that nobody takes our Internet Free Speech away. None of this would have been possible without YouTube and Twitter and the Underground Media.

Not just my ability to "see through" the Bullshit, but if there were no UM or Wikileaks I think Hillary would have won in a landslide (at least according to the Wikileaks, that's what they planned for all along).

The good news is, as much as some might have hated it even 24 hours ago, President Trump LOVES Twitter. He LOVES social media. I don't think Internet Free Speech is going away at least for another 4 years. Maybe if we get lucky he gets around to destroying the Patriot Act before his time is up as well?


I'm not being mean here - but oh, to be young and have hope! I'm more 'wait and see' myself, but I honestly feel like I have no bias either for or against him - I'm very curious what he'll do.

I know you're not being mean 1kiki.

I know I sound like a stupid kid when I talk like this. I assure you that I am 37 years old going on 70 and half of my teeth will probably fall out of my face by the time I turn 40. My first "Real" job was my best job working for a retired house Rep doing Direct Mail.

I had 5 different business cards there depending on my particular "function" for a particular client, and I was only 20 years old. I wore a suit and a tie to work. Nothing "untoward", I assure you. I was a Project Manager one day, a Graphic Artist the next day, a Network Specialist the next day, VP of Marketing the day after that. Every day was an adventure. It honestly ruined every job I've ever had since. It was the best job I'll ever have.

I was able to tell my girlfriends to wear something nice and bring them to political fundraiser dinners for free. Lots of great food, some dancing, some raffles we won some cool stuff. We were the "eye candy" back then. Nobody knew who we were, but all of those old rich F**ks wondered who we were. Often I would come back from the bathroom or from being outside for a smoke and some super old dude would be chatting up my 20 something gf at the time.

Sorry.... got lost in a time warp there....

I guess my point is that I know all of the bullshit now. I've been scammed a few times in my life here and there. It makes you hard.

"I guess I've grown a little cynical"....

Maybe in January we find ourselves in for 4 more years of the EXACT SAME SHIT? If that happens, there is no way out short of an actual physical revolution. The one foretold by our Forefathers. The one about blood and trees of Liberty and such.

One that I'm definitely too cozy in my life to initiate or even take part in unless things get so oppressively bad that death is better than living anymore, which I don't think will ever happen in my life.

But I don't want to think about that now.

I believe in Trump, at least for now.

I will continue to believe in Trump until he gives me reason not to believe.

I want to believe. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 10:16 AM



I don't believe there would ever be a "Ban" on Muslims either. We just wouldn't take them in by the 100,000's of thousands at a time like they have done in Europe. You do realize how many Western European women have been beaten and raped by refugees from Syria and parts of northern Africa in the last year, don't you?


I don't believe any of this is racist. It's just self preservation. Nobody is saying that we should close up entirely. It's just a matter of protecting our own well being, and the economic future and safety of our own children first.

*shake head*

Ya lost me Jack. You can't want to unite the country and push away entire groups of people for "safety" at the same time. Some of those people live here and are Americans, but they see how we treat other people who look like them. Makes them scared, makes them more likely to be radicalized.

"Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither."


Maybe in January we find ourselves in for 4 more years of the EXACT SAME SHIT?

Honestly, I think this is more likely than not. But I'm trying this new thing called "keeping a positive outlook."


Wednesday, November 9, 2016 10:24 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Yanno, if you and GSTRING and THUGR and KRAPO and MAL4 had at least been somewhat restrained and even A LITTLE objective, and had not attacked me personally - over and over - I wouldn't be so pissed off. So you can whinge and cry about how awful life is for you, and FOR YOU I will be laughing my ass off. - GSTRING

Are you quoting that from your favorite source ZeroClass?

I'm thankful for what this country will NOT have to face, in so many ways. I can't predict the future, don't know what Trump will do, but with the House and Senate in GOP control, and Trump in the WH, I can at LEAST hope some of the disaster that's been wrought on our country can be - WILL be - undone. Trump wasn't " my guy ", but I feel we really dodged a bullet. -GSTRING

What a coward. Now that the shoe's on the other foot, you start spewing bullshit? You and THUGR, the junior-high bully gang personified. - SIGNY

Wrong again - how embarrassing. Once again you misattributed a quote. Au said that not me. That's like what? A dozen times now. What's up with your brain? My advice now Granny is get some meds, stay on them, take each day as it comes and enjoy the jello.
I think this should be your new SIGnature (see what I did there?)- GSTRING

There you go again, practicing "identity politics". I don't despise you because you're a useless piece of millenial dreck, I despise you personally because you're an asshole, and apparently STILL an asshole. You should be apologizing to me for the personal attacks, where you (and THUGR) followed me from thread to thread JUST to lie and name-call. It got so bad, one of your threads was relegated to TROLL COUNTRY, where it (and you) belong. Haken moderates with a light hand, so when you got called out, it's bad.

Are you ready to apologize?
I'll bet you still think you're a "nice person"!
So you're still the second-biggest asshole on the board. And a moron too.

Just as an aside, at some point I will define "intelligence" for you and then demonstrate how little you have of it.

G, THUGR, MAL4: Oh BTW, please define intelligence.






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