it started in 1987....

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016 4:35 AM


rezident owtsidr

To hav the ability to spin a tale without the burden uv facts and lojik. AND to hav a major portion uv the sitizenry believ it!!!!

Such a fantasy. You coud rule the world with that power.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016 6:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

On the other hand, the "fairness doctrine" would require that for every public service announcement against smoking, you would need a disclaimer FOR smoking, and for every report on climate change you'd need an equal-time explanation as to why the concept is wrong. Ive seen an awful lot of nonsense being promulgated under the "fairness doctrine".

We need more than equal-time, we need to teach critical thinking. Having every student trot through a few debate courses, or being taught several courses in rhetoric, or journalism, or investigation would be extremely helpful.

But then, advertisers really don't want a discerning population, and neither do lenders, employers, politicians, or the military, do they? It's so much easier for TPTB when people are sheeple.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Tuesday, December 20, 2016 7:24 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
On the other hand, the "fairness doctrine" would require that for every public service announcement against smoking, you would need a disclaimer FOR smoking, and for every report on climate change you'd need an equal-time explanation as to why the concept is wrong. Ive seen an awful lot of nonsense being promulgated under the "fairness doctrine".

Youd haf to read the rulez. I'm sure if they instituted it now the GoPs woud word it in such a way that it woud help them andor hurt the Demz.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, December 20, 2016 10:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
On the other hand, the "fairness doctrine" would require that for every public service announcement against smoking, you would need a disclaimer FOR smoking, and for every report on climate change you'd need an equal-time explanation as to why the concept is wrong. Ive seen an awful lot of nonsense being promulgated under the "fairness doctrine".

We need more than equal-time, we need to teach critical thinking.

"If you aren't aware, Signym is a dumb-ass and Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND

The Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act banned the advertising of cigarettes on television and radio starting January 1971 only after tens of millions died from smoking. But did they? Opinions differ on the question of how many died. There is no reason, other than inertia, why Trump won’t repeal that law and let the people freely decide on which brand of addictive substance they want to smoke based upon factual commercials by Philip Morris. And besides, Trump promised to eliminate two regulations for every one enacted. He can start with the Smoking Act because increased cigarette manufacturing will bring high-paying factory jobs.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, December 26, 2016 1:33 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
To hav the ability to spin a tale without the burden uv facts and lojik. AND to hav a major portion uv the sitizenry believ it!!!!

Such a fantasy. You coud rule the world with that power.

I agree that this is terrible JO. It is something that EVERY president has taken advantage of since.... ESPECIALLY GWB and OBAMA.

These days, the MSM regularly "reports" news stories that were invented by our own Government and passed along to us as truth, with no dissenting opinions.

I'm not sure what your point here is, again.

This clearly wasn't anything Trump started, as he's not even a President yet.

It clearly wasn't a problem for the 12 years of Republican Rule and 16 years of Democrat Rule after it was passed....

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, December 26, 2016 11:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


On the other hand, the "fairness doctrine" would require that for every public service announcement against smoking, you would need a disclaimer FOR smoking, and for every report on climate change you'd need an equal-time explanation as to why the concept is wrong. Ive seen an awful lot of nonsense being promulgated under the "fairness doctrine". We need more than equal-time, we need to teach critical thinking. - SIGNY

"If you aren't aware, Signym is a dumb-ass and Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND

Hey, maybe if you read YOUR STATEMENT enough times you'll realize why the Dems lost this last election.


The Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act banned the advertising of cigarettes on television and radio starting January 1971 only after tens of millions died from smoking. But did they? Opinions differ on the question of how many died. There is no reason, other than inertia, why Trump won’t repeal that law and let the people freely decide on which brand of addictive substance they want to smoke based upon factual commercials by Philip Morris.- SECOND

All the more reason not to believe propaganda or advertising (which is just another form of propaganda).



"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Monday, December 26, 2016 11:38 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


To hav the ability to spin a tale without the burden uv facts and lojik. AND to hav a major portion uv the sitizenry believ it!!!!
Such a fantasy. You coud rule the world with that power. = JO

I agree that this is terrible JO. It is something that EVERY president has taken advantage of since.... ESPECIALLY GWB and OBAMA. These days, the MSM regularly "reports" news stories that were invented by our own Government and passed along to us as truth, with no dissenting opinions. I'm not sure what your point here is, again. This clearly wasn't anything Trump started, as he's not even a President yet. = SIX

Other than extreme youth, I can't imagine why two smart guys would be thinking that "fake news" is such a recent problem! Heck, I remember back to the days of "duck and cover" in the 1960s, under Kennedy, which was just a mind-fake on the entire population, especially young kids like me. Because, yanno, "duck and cover" would have never saved us from nuclear annihilation.

And then there was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which really escalated the Vietnam War under Johnson, which never happened.

Under Carter, the mujahideen and proto-al-Qaida (including a young Osama bin Laden) which our press helpfully re-labeled "freedom fighters" for the administration, greasing the way so that they could fight the Soviets and establish a brutal theocracy at home (which would become a huge festering wound and source of many terrorists.)

The whole Iranian hostage incident was stretched out by Reagan while he was running against Carter. Reagan was in secret negotiations with the extremist mullahs, promising them an arms deal if they would hang on to the hostages until the elections were over. Once Reagan won, the money that the CIA made from selling arms to Iran was used to illegally fund right wing death squads- the Contras - in Nicaragua, despite an express Congressional law against it. Known as the "Iran-Contra" scandal.

The "drug running" that Noriega was responsible for in Panama, GHWB's excuse to invade Panama and re-take the canal. (After that, the flow of drugs into the USA didn't slow down at all.)

The "WMD" in Iraq.

The "massacre" in Benghazi, Libya

All fake news.

Our government specializes in fake news. It has for a long, long time. Stop expecting "mommy and daddy government" to help you sort out real from fake news: Do you really think that the government and its government-parasitizing interest groups will tell you that they wanted to destroy Libya to protect the dollar, or that Assad was in the way of a gas pipeline from Qatar to the Mediterranean? Just assume they're lying until proven otherwise. In other words, deal with it like adults, and stop whining about it.


But advertising is even worse, because it's all fake news, all the time! Guys, we're being drowned in fake news, and have been since ... well, since I can remember, that's for sure. It's nothing new, and the "fairness doctrine" didn't even make a dent in it. I'm afraid you'll have to live by your wits in this Age of Mass Disinformation; but unlike before, we now have ready access to viewpoints from all over the world.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Saturday, December 31, 2016 5:58 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
To hav the ability to spin a tale without the burden uv facts and lojik. AND to hav a major portion uv the sitizenry believ it!!!!

Such a fantasy. You coud rule the world with that power.

Yes, the ability of spinning a tale without the burden of facts and logic was the hallmark of the Fairness Doctrine. When Libtards of the time created fabrications they knew they were immune to correction or intolerant objective critical thinking getting in their way, and when critical objective reasonable people posited rational and logical points, the Libtards used The Fairness Doctrine to clobber and bully and obfuscate the reasonable voices.

I am really, really surprised that you have come to understand this, JO. This is a complete departure, nay, reversal from the delusions that you normally seem to spout.


Saturday, December 31, 2016 6:15 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
To hav the ability to spin a tale without the burden uv facts and lojik. AND to hav a major portion uv the sitizenry believ it!!!!

Such a fantasy. You coud rule the world with that power.

Good point. The comments are a bit predictable. I skip most of those.


Saturday, December 31, 2016 6:16 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JO753:
To hav the ability to spin a tale without the burden uv facts and lojik. AND to hav a major portion uv the sitizenry believ it!!!!

Such a fantasy. You coud rule the world with that power.

Yes, the ability of spinning a tale without the burden of facts and logic was the hallmark of the Fairness Doctrine. When Libtards of the time created fabrications they knew they were immune to correction or intolerant objective critical thinking getting in their way, and when critical objective reasonable people posited rational and logical points, the Libtards used The Fairness Doctrine to clobber and bully and obfuscate the reasonable voices.

I am really, really surprised that you have come to understand this, JO. This is a complete departure, nay, reversal from the delusions that you normally seem to spout.

I don't think you were there, because it wasn't like that at all.


Sunday, January 1, 2017 12:54 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:This is a complete departure, nay, reversal from the delusions that you normally seem to spout.

Yes! Exactly! (exept the oppozit)

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Sunday, January 1, 2017 3:31 PM


I remember Duck and Cover. I only one instance when I was very small that we did a bomb drill and hid under our desks. That was replaced with semi-annual fire and tornado drills.

I'm old enough to have been a kid at the tail end of the Cold War ;)

"FAKE NEWS" isn't new to me. Obviously we've been recipients to it most of our lives. It's only now that the Government is giving it a name. Even though the writing is on the wall and the Democrats are finally realizing there is nothing they can do about Trump, they're spreading the "Fake News" Doctrine like never before and passing baseless accusations about Russia hacking our elections shamelessly only 6 weeks after they all said that the US Elections were impossible to rig when they thought they were going to win.

Obama just signed a Bill into effect that will attempt to prohibit "Fake News". That's not just about foreign influence, it's an assault on the 1st amendment. The most scary part about it is that it wasn't an Executive Order that Trump could just throw away when he gets into office (assuming he wanted to). It is an actual Bill that was passed through Congress and written into law by Obama. Assuming that Trump wanted to reverse it, he would have to work with Congress to get rid of it.

This Bill essentially allows our own Government to decide what is True and what is False.

At least now, "False" news won't be punished as a crime, but it will simply be scrubbed from the Internet by "The Powers that Be". Only "True" news, as decided by a few people on top, will be allowed to be distributed on places like Facebook and YouTube.

What makes this even scarier is that Obama handed the Keys to the Internet to the U.N. by Executive Order on September 1st, essentially opening up the door to foreign powers deciding what is True and what is False. It's bad enough when our own Government lies and manipulates all of us, but now our News is going to be determined by the U.N.?

Seriously, "Liberals" here.... take a step back and look at the bigger picture. There is a point when the term "Regressive Left" is a reality.

Our Founding Fathers thought that FREEDOM of SPEECH and FREEDOM of the PRESS was SO IMPORTANT that they made this the very first of the Bill of Rights. (even above the right to bear arms).

This is why, at least up until now, ANYBODY could be a "journalist" without any necessary level of education or needing to apply for a license.

Google the "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act".

Any true Liberal out there that was critical of the Patriot Act in 2001 should be just as equally critical of this bill.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 17, 2017 12:58 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JO753:
To hav the ability to spin a tale without the burden uv facts and lojik. AND to hav a major portion uv the sitizenry believ it!!!!

Such a fantasy. You coud rule the world with that power.

Yes, the ability of spinning a tale without the burden of facts and logic was the hallmark of the Fairness Doctrine. When Libtards of the time created fabrications they knew they were immune to correction or intolerant objective critical thinking getting in their way, and when critical objective reasonable people posited rational and logical points, the Libtards used The Fairness Doctrine to clobber and bully and obfuscate the reasonable voices.

I am really, really surprised that you have come to understand this, JO. This is a complete departure, nay, reversal from the delusions that you normally seem to spout.

I don't think you were there, because it wasn't like that at all.

Yes, I was there. And yes, it was exactly like that.


Monday, September 25, 2017 1:39 PM


rezident owtsidr

I believ the accumulated evidens prezented in this forum iz sufficient to proov, yes I say PROOV that JSF iz in fact Sean Hannity!!!!!!!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, September 25, 2017 4:28 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
I believ the accumulated evidens prezented in this forum iz sufficient to proov, yes I say PROOV that JSF iz in fact Sean Hannity!!!!!!!

From a conservative I'd consider that an insult. But since you have no clue of the meaning, I should consider it a compliment.


Wednesday, September 27, 2017 8:43 PM


rezident owtsidr

Lets see wuzzup with him today:

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, September 30, 2017 12:12 AM


America loves a winner!

Fairness Doctrine was a " fair " as the ACA is " affordable "

Meaning ( obviously ) not even a little.

Jo - learn how to fucking spell, you whack job.


Saturday, September 30, 2017 3:35 AM


rezident owtsidr

Hey look! Hannity wacht hiz show and wuz so embarrassed he took it off youtube!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, October 6, 2023 1:23 PM


Asian girl attacked and dragged by thugs in Oakland until some Asian men arrive on the scene. Oakland is a hellhole and lawless.

The song Joni Mitchell wrote during the Los Angeles riots






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