Evidence the Syrian government sponsors IS

UPDATED: Sunday, December 1, 2024 19:25
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Tuesday, May 3, 2016 5:26 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Not just the oil and gas trading between the Syrian regime and IS that is already well established. Evidence points to direct military collusion between the Syrian government, and IS:

IS files reveal deals between Assad and IS -


New letters obtained by Sky News, in addition to the massive haul of 22,000 files handed over last month, appear to confirm this.

They show:

:: An agreement with the Syrian regime to withdraw IS weapons from Palmyra.

:: A deal between IS and Syria to trade oil for fertiliser and;

:: Arrangements to evacuate some areas by Islamic State forces BEFORE the Syrian army attacked.

All appear to be pre-agreed deals and suggest direct evidence of collusion between the Syrian regime and Islamic State chiefs.


Wednesday, May 18, 2016 6:07 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Reuters finds 6 jihadis aided directly or indirectly by the Russian government to travel to Syria -

(Let's not leave out Russia, the Syrian regime's main ally and sponsor)


Thursday, May 19, 2016 11:16 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by kpo:
Reuters finds 6 jihadis aided directly or indirectly by the Russian government to travel to Syria -

(Let's not leave out Russia, the Syrian regime's main ally and sponsor)

What the hell are they up to? I am totally mystified - is there some grand design or is it just one hand not knowing what the other is doing? It's almost like they are trying to destroy Syria...

The world is against DASH. Once the rebels have been crushed there is no way DASH will be allowed to rule in Syria. Knowing this, Russia and Syria have a reason to see that the rebels are crushed first. That's why Putin bombed them 9 out of ten times instead of DASH.


Thursday, May 19, 2016 3:00 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Half a million killed in Syria, and ISIS is only responsible for a tiny fraction of them. Yet the world is fixated on them. In some ways ISIS is the best friend the Assad regime has - they steal all the headlines and the world's attention while the Syrian government quietly, bombs, gasses, starves, rapes and tortures protesters/rebels/civilians by the thousands.

ISIS and Assad are in a symbiotic relationship - one can't survive without the other. It's no surprise that you scratch the surface and immediately see strong evidence of cooperation and collusion - even when they are supposedly fighting each other (see Palmyra).


Friday, June 17, 2016 6:16 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Do I need to change the title of this thread to include Russia, I wonder?

Russian warplanes bomb Western-backed anti-ISIS rebels -


Russian warplanes bombed an elite force of US-trained Syrian rebels on Thursday in an attack apparently aimed at weakening the group’s ability to fight Isil.

The New Syrian Army (NSA), which receives training and direction from British, American and Jordanian special forces, said their base had been struck with cluster bombs.

The strike left two people dead and another 18 injured, appearing to incapacitate at least half of the force and drawing a furious reaction from Washington.

"Russia's latest actions raise serious concern about Russian intentions," a US official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity. "We will seek an explanation from Russia on why it took this action and assurances this will not happen again."

The attack took place in al-Tanf, a southeastern village near the Jordanian and Iraqi border that the NSA recaptured from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) in May last year.

Although Russia has justified military intervention in Syria with the need to fight extremist groups, its air strikes have strengthened President Bashar al-Assad’s hand and sapped rebel groups that had been fighting Isil.



Friday, June 17, 2016 6:53 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

More analysis on the Russian airstrikes in aid of ISIS here:


Al-Tanf is in an extremely isolated area of southern Syria, far from the fighting between anti-Assad rebels and the Syrian government. It appears, then, that Russia not only went out of its way to bomb a group that is fighting ISIS, but that they went out of their way to specifically target a group that has been supported by the West.

Why would Russia do such a thing? Some, including this author, believe that Russia has repeatedly proven that they are not interested in defeating terrorism in Syria. Instead, Russia benefits from the existence of ISIS for two reasons:

1. The presence of ISIS allows Russia to maintain the facade that the Assad government is continuing its war against the Syrian people in order to defeat terrorism.

2. ISIS often engages in battle with the same rebel groups that are fighting against Assad. Russia, then, is happy to use their airstrikes to assist ISIS in its campaign against moderate rebel groups.

If this logic is true, then rebel groups directly backed by the West would be the best targets for Russia to bomb since they are vetted by Western intelligence agencies to ensure that they have moderate ideologies, and since they are the best trained, best equipped, and most effective fighters on Syria's battlefields.



Saturday, June 18, 2016 7:52 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Update: Pentagon says the US scrambled jets to the scene of the attack, and tried to contact the Russians on a pilot to pilot channel. The Russians didn't answer, waited till the US jets left to refuel, then swooped in for another bombing run.


Saturday, June 18, 2016 8:27 AM



Originally posted by kpo:
Update: Pentagon says the US scrambled jets to the scene of the attack, and tried to contact the Russians on a pilot to pilot channel. The Russians didn't answer, waited till the US jets left to refuel, then swooped in for another bombing run.

One bombing run by the US against Assad and that will stop. Trust me, Clinton will respond to Putin differently than Obama. I am not blaming Obama because hind sight is based on a subjects history, but the Syrian uprising has been going on long enough now to see it has led to the destabilization of Europe. Leaders are becoming much more conservative because of all the refugees and the fear they include DASH. It also comes with a great expense. It cost 14 times less to set up a safe zone where they come from than to let them migrate.


Saturday, June 18, 2016 10:46 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Update: Pentagon says the US scrambled jets to the scene of the attack, and tried to contact the Russians on a pilot to pilot channel. The Russians didn't answer, waited till the US jets left to refuel, then swooped in for another bombing run.

One bombing run by the US against Assad and that will stop. Trust me, Clinton will respond to Putin differently than Obama. I am not blaming Obama because hind sight is based on a subjects history, but the Syrian uprising

Which is impossible to distinguish geographically, militarily, politically, and ideologically from al Qaida in Syria ...

You have this fantasy about a "pro-democratic" "uprising" in Syria which matches the fantasy about the "pro-democratic" uprising in Libya and the "pro-democratic" uprising in Egypt. Which turned out to be Saudi-paid Islamic extremists and Qatari-paid Islamic extremists, respectively.

The pro-democratic "Syrian uprising" .... if any can be said to exist ... was given an approximately two-month chance to separate from al Qaida in Syria, which they refused to take. Since they seem to be brothers-in-arms with Saudi-paid Sunni extremists, they should be treated as such.

IF YOU WERE TO LOOK AT THE WEAPONS THE SYRIAN JIHADISTS ARE FIGHTING WITH AND LISTEN TO THEIR ACCENTS, you would find many foreigners and many USA-made weapons. Instead of focusing on convoluted and nonsensical plots by Assad to "support" the jihadists (because in some insane world Assad would grow stronger as his enemies grow stronger) why not just draw a straight line as to "who is supporting whom"?

The real sponsors of Sunni extremism in Syria ... yanno transfers of actual arms, funds, and fighters ... are few: Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the USA.

So now you too- along with the State Department - consider terrorists to be your "friends". Good luck with that.

I'll tell you what I DON'T like about Trump: I think that he has never confronted either the international banking cartel, nor the CIA-State Dept multi-headed hydra, nor the military-industrial complex. The last person to confront them was JFK (BTW, ALL immigration was illegal under JFK) and look what happened to him.


Thursday, January 19, 2017 2:59 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Islamic State Steps Up Oil and Gas Sales to Assad Regime -

"Oil-and-gas sales to Assad’s regime are now Islamic State’s largest source of funds"


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Thursday, January 19, 2017 8:59 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by kpo:
Islamic State Steps Up Oil and Gas Sales to Assad Regime -

"Oil-and-gas sales to Assad’s regime are now Islamic State’s largest source of funds"


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -

I was reading that article this morning - incredible. I don't think some of our western minds can comprehend such crazy, seemingly incongruous relationships, but they happen all the time. Ukraine bought gas from Russia. It makes perfect sense there to them.

But of course it's all Fake News!

Doesn't America buy gas from Middle East countries it is at war with? Has not America bought gas from Russia?


Thursday, December 14, 2017 6:51 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

US-led coalition: ISIS fighters moving freely through regime territory -


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Syrian regime collusion with ISIS -


Thursday, June 13, 2024 5:38 PM



Originally posted by kpo:
Not just the oil and gas trading between the Syrian regime and IS that is already well established. Evidence points to direct military collusion between the Syrian government, and IS:

IS files reveal deals between Assad and IS -


New letters obtained by Sky News, in addition to the massive haul of 22,000 files handed over last month, appear to confirm this.

They show:

:: An agreement with the Syrian regime to withdraw IS weapons from Palmyra.

:: A deal between IS and Syria to trade oil for fertiliser and;

:: Arrangements to evacuate some areas by Islamic State forces BEFORE the Syrian army attacked.

All appear to be pre-agreed deals and suggest direct evidence of collusion between the Syrian regime and Islamic State chiefs.



Thursday, June 13, 2024 6:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The oil and gas trade was between TURKIYE and ISIS, and Erdogan made bank on that trade!

AFA the "agreements" between Syria and ISIS ... it was part of Syria's strategy to isolate the extremists in Idlib. And there they sit: isolated and powerless.

All one has to do is look at how ISIS' geographic spread was whittled down from most of Syria to almost nothing. That wasn't done by the USA, but by a combination of Syrian, Russian, and Iranian forces.

THUGR, in fantasy -land.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, June 13, 2024 6:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The oil and gas trade was between TURKIYE and ISIS, and Erdogan made bank on that trade!

AFA the "agreements" between Syria and ISIS ... it was part of Syria's strategy to isolate the extremists in Idlib. It was openly reported at the time.

And there they sit: isolated and powerless.

All one has to do is look at how ISIS' geographic spread was whittled down from most of Syria to almost nothing. That wasn't done by the USA, but by a combination of Syrian, Russian, and Iranian forces.

Oh, and BTW ... it's the USA occupying Syria's oilfields and wheat fields, not ISIS.

THUGR, in fantasy -land.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Thursday, June 13, 2024 8:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Syria, USA, China...

Syria, Hezbollah, Lebanon ...

Hezbollah, Hamas, Israel, Lebanon, Iran ...

Russia, Iran...

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Israel, Turkiye, Iran, Russia...

You won't be bored!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Why SECOND'S posts are brainless: "I clocked how much time: no more than 10 minutes per day. With cut-and-paste (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) and AI, none of this takes much time."
Or, any verification or thought.


Friday, June 14, 2024 5:14 AM


Who gets to decide to use the word 'Regime' why don't they say Saudis are a regime and call for 'Regime Change'?

Sky news are fuckingmorons, the channel originally was not a bad idea an alternative British 24/hr news but they soon became a NeoCon Aussie Rightwing influenced global brand, sensationalized and chased any BS propaganda story, heavily influenced by the vision of Australian Rupert Murdoch who was a NeoCon supporter and supported mini Bush and the invasion of Iraq, Sky they supported bombing Libya without any plan-B the opinion of Sky little difference to the pro-Palin, pro-Bush, McCain, Lindsey Graham Fox News Channel

not that tax payer funded BBC is much better

but Skynews is literally like Elliot Carver the James Bond villain

When they are not broadcassting propaganda to the world they are sending over their Piers Morgan, the British-Iranian war mongers who almost get sexually excited by death like Christiane Amanpour, foreigners like Richard Quest, the John Oliver types to hijack US media

The President who was once VP?

in 2014? Abu Dhabi is the capital city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudis

Joe Biden apologizes to Turkish president for remarks about ISIS

Vice President Joe Biden apologized Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday for saying the Turkish leader had conceded that his country mistakenly assisted foreign fighters, including extremists with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), seeking to depose the Syrian regime.

Turkey playing both sides, while guns were run from Libya into Syria and given to terrorists, Turkish Armed Forces invaded Iraq and areas of northern Syria since August 2016, during the Syrian Civil War.


Sunday, December 1, 2024 7:25 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by kpo:
Reuters finds 6 jihadis aided directly or indirectly by the Russian government to travel to Syria -

(Let's not leave out Russia, the Syrian regime's main ally and sponsor)

What the hell are they up to? I am totally mystified - is there some grand design or is it just one hand not knowing what the other is doing? It's almost like they are trying to destroy Syria...

The world is against DASH. Once the rebels have been crushed there is no way DASH will be allowed to rule in Syria. Knowing this, Russia and Syria have a reason to see that the rebels are crushed first. That's why Putin bombed them 9 out of ten times instead of DASH.

Wish you were here KPO.







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