What use is SHIT-LAMIC culture? Has Social Utopia Sweden wrecked itself by Radical Left politics becoming an Open Border Pro-islamist jihadi Country?

UPDATED: Saturday, July 27, 2024 06:53
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Tuesday, February 21, 2017 10:35 AM


There were some genuine refugees that came in but now Sweden has imported islamic hooligans, guys stealing cars, firebombing business and fighting each other in turf wars while the women screech and breed like crazy and there is now a parallel society operating.
ISIS supporters have traveled from Sweden to take part in Middle East genocides.
take note that a Shit-Lamic terrorist is not a race, it can be Black, White, Yellow or Brown!

TRUMP WTF!?!?!?!?!? globalist Media, CNN, BBC goes batshit fucking crazy...last night in Sweden." Sverige officiellt Konungariket Sverige, Sverige har en befolkning på 10 miljoner invånare
TRUMP SWEDEN!? globalist Media, CNN, BBC goes batshit fucking crazy... the Sweden story." Sverige officiellt Konungariket Sverige, Sverige har en befolkning på 10 miljoner invånare

'filming the rioting in Rinkeby, Stockholm last night. Here's some info on the riot, immigrant crime in Sweden and how my friend had to run from threatening muslim men.'

Sweden's police shut down their facebook page after the muslim riots

Sweden: Muslim Riot this Night, Police Cars burning

Riot right now - You can't make this up! Trump proved right!

Left eats itself? Minister Margot Wallström with the Confused Noise Network's Amanpour an Anglo-Iranian globalist bitch journalist who once described the jihadi terrorists attacking Hebdo as 'activists'

Margot Wallström (Swedish Foreign Minister) Humiliates Herself

Sweden: Muslim migrants gang-rape woman, broadcast it live
3 mahommedan Men Gang-Rape Young Woman in Sweden, Broadcast It Live on Facebook
Police raid apartment of rape, arrests made
...Their trail continues

Gang Rape Streamed On Facebook Live Just Share The Damn Info Please!

Refugee Terrorist Sentenced?
asylum seeker is jailed for life in Sweden after horrifying footage emerged of him taking part in the execution of seven men in 2012

Sweden is absorbing the vast majority of the migrants coming to Europe to seek asylum and the country is now in turmoil.

Violence and crime has swept the nation with police declaring they now have entire areas which are ‘no-go’ zones.

In 2015 alone Sweden, with a population of 9.5million, received over 160 000 asylum applications and the country is expected to take as many as 190,000 refugees, or two per cent of the population, in 2016.

Since the Second World War Sweden has prided itself on helping migrants who cross their borders despite some moves to the political right in recent years.

But now the once welcoming country has turned into a battle ground where Swedes are afraid to go outside and police are openly attacked by migrants.

Swedish prosecutors say eight men have been detained on suspicion of being part of a child porn ring where they reportedly discussed sexual abuse and sadistic murder.

Prosecutor Reena Devgun says "serious violent crimes against children were discussed" over the telephone, but didn't give further details.

Devgun said Friday the men, aged between 50 and 70, were suspected of aggravated child pornography-related offenses including possession and sharing of such material, and one was suspected of child rape.

Swedish media said one of them was sentenced in 2000 to psychiatric care for abducting and sexually abusing a boy in the late 1990s, adding he was released in 2015. One of Sweden's largest dailies, Dagens Nyheter, said they also discussed "ordering" a foreign child who would be kept in a soundproof room.

There was also a big bust in Norway recently and this recent one may be thanks to help from FBI, a Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet reports that in their phone conversations the men discussed acquiring a soundproofed facility where they could keep child or children captive. They allegedly discussed plans to take a foreign refugee child, because they believed the attention given to such a disappearance would not be as significant.

Migrants Responsible For 95% Of Sweden's Crime Increase - Justice Costs Surge By $8.7 Billion

Sex Slave Found Chained in Basement of Muslim Migrant Hookha Shop
The two so-called “stateless refugees” — so identified because they arrived in Sweden without identification papers and consequently can’t be deported — have been jailed for the rape which took place in Malmo, Sweden in March 2016.

The jailed mahometans are 28-year-old Khaled Azez Hegrs and 23-year-old Tareq Bakkar, both of no fixed address. They are from Kuwait and Syria respectively, and neither speak Swedish without a translator.

The court heard how the 23-year-old female victim was kidnapped at Gunpoint in Helsingborg, before being driven 60 kilometres south to Malmo. The men covered the security cameras covering the basement of a Shisha-coffee shop in the city before taking the woman below — where she told officers other migrant men were waiting.

The two convictions achieved were made on the strength of DNA traces found on a carpet in the storage basement of the Shisha bar, CCTV camera images, and witness statements. In addition to the jail sentence, they will also have to pay 264,400 Swedish Kronor (£24,000) compensation to the woman.

Many who are watching the Muslim invasion underway in Europe have predicted that Sweden will be the first domino to fall under the burden of the sheer numbers of lawless Muslims pouring across the Swedish border, attracted by Sweden’s freedom and generous social welfare system.

There are some horrible prices to pay for this liberal political correctness, allowing unvetted foreigners to take residence in a first world society. Many of those prices are very personal.

Once peaceful Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe and only one African nation on the planet has a higher rate of rape. At Sweden’s current rape rate, one in four female Swedes will be raped at least once in her lifetime, and in almost every case the rapist will be a muslim.

Facebook live assault: Armed men livestream attack on Swedish woman on Facebook - TomoNews

Swedish police officer speaks out

The mohammedans in this case were described as having exhibited particular ruthlessness and brutality.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017 10:52 AM


Paul Joseph Watson (ex-AlexJones reporter infowars??) on Twitter "Any journalist claiming Sweden is safe; I will pay for travel costs & accommodation for you to stay in crime ridden migrant suburbs of Malmo"...BBC hit piece on reporter Paul Joseph Watson about his "erroneous" Sweden claims. The BBC then fails to report on the actual Riots in Sweden last night. Nowhere to be found on their website #fakenews....Alt-right editor
journalists to visit
BBC News ·


Tuesday, February 21, 2017 11:00 AM


That's the MSM doubling down after Clinton lost. I don't know why they're trying to cover this up, especially since it can't be covered up.

This is more than a left vs. right thing. We'll probably never know who is the puppeteer.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, February 21, 2017 12:14 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
That's the MSM doubling down after Clinton lost.

So true. That's exactly what it is. And since she did lose, as the left is doing all over the west right now, which I suspect is a referendum on this multi-national union plan, and mideast policy, which to some extent is a set up, but at any rate might spell the end of the MSM


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 2:12 PM


Sweden Democrats MP thanks Trump while CNN plays migrant violence down

Did Trump Cause Riots In Sweden?? The Young Turks goes full retard

an endless march of mohammedans a few weeks back

humanitarian, moral super power?
The Swedish refugee super state?

Published on Feb 21, 2017

In the unrest, which began at around 8.30pm after a man was arrested next to Rinkeby metro station, a pedestrian on his way home was beaten and robbed and a press photographer was hospitalized after being attacked by a group of around 15 people.The riots continued late into the night, with police reporting later that shops were looted, and that a number of cars were set on fire during a second violent riot. The shocking scenes in Rinkeby, where 61 per cent of residents were born abroad, come after Trump told a rally in Florida over the weekend that Sweden is “having problems like they never thought possible” as a result of mass migration.

social justice mindset?

Elections loom France, elites freak have a shit attack as a 'Nationalist' party may win


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 3:31 PM


Sweden? whoopi goldberg forget donald trump is right! Jedediah debate
ABCshow the View

Scott Adams talks about Trump's Sweden Comment, youtube Scott Adams vid

trends of facebook, youtube now go....

They start with leftwing journalists and comedians making jokes, make a mockery of Trump

...but later read...

My family is from Malmo - this is horrible and must stop. 2 chronicles 7:14 must happen. o
MUSLIM DOMINATED MALMO, SWEDEN CRUMBLING: Call for military intervention as Muslim thugs turn city into 'no-go zone'
Unfortunately for Swedish people, Sweden will be soon Islamized and become the wake up call for the rest of Europe

#NordicResistanceMovement #IStandWithSweden
#PrayForSweden #MuslimInvasion
#Refujihadis #rapefugees
#banislam #exmuslim
#RealVikings #ViolenceAgainstwomen #WomenSelfDefence #rape #IstandwithSweden #IStandWithDenmark #Constitution #WakeupAmerica #AnnCoulter #NRA
#GoldenDawn #Defend_Europe
#IllegalImmigration #Brexit
#LastNightInSweden #StandWithSweden
#MoslemsSweden the top of my trends I get some promoted posts that are some leftwing comedian making anti-Trump jokes, put a page or two down and its full of nationalistic anti-moslem, pro Europe, pro Western posts

Next we have a quick look at the trends internet forums, I will post many...the only forums I do not include in this are dumbass Pakistani ip forums which you can well imagine have a bias against America, Buddhists, Hindus and Western society as a whole so I thought it irrevelant to post their useless Pakistani-Islamo opinions here

but when you see internet replies from people who have been to Sweden and Europe, Swedish on the net, or people living in Sweden now...
...something may be happening


While the president could have used better technical wording to make his point, his overall thesis was correct. There may not have been some single huge news-breaking incident the night before in Sweden, but Trump was referring to a news program that demonstrated that there is something very horrible happening in Sweden — and not just “last night”, but every night.

In response to President Trump’s legitimate reference to trouble in Sweden, and the media’s illegitimate mockery of him over it, The Glazov Gang is running its special episode with journalist and author Ingrid Carlqvist on the Muslim Rape of Sweden, which unveils the horror Sweden is now facing.

Don’t miss it!

Swedish police reported that riots erupted in a heavily immigrant populated Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby after officers arrested a suspect at an underground station on drug charges. Soon after the arrest, a group gathered and started hurling rocks and other projectiles at the officers. One officer was prompted to fire a warning shot “in a situation that demanded he use his firearm,” according to police spokesman Lars Bystrom.

Bystrom added that “nobody has been found injured at the scene and we have checked the hospitals and there hasn’t been anyone with what could be gunshot wounds,”

Police were forced to retreat to a nearby gas station as the group of about 30 masked hooligans kept on throwing stones at them.

The riots continued as more thugs joined in setting cars ablaze and looting shops. Rinkeby started to look “like a warzone” according to a journalist at the scene. A photographer from the media outlet Dagens Nyheter said that about 15 rioters beat him up while he was in the process of documenting the riot.

The photographer said: “I was hit with a lot of punches and kicks both to my body and my head. I have spent the night in hospital,”

The chaos that started at around 8 p.m., ended shortly after midnight. No arrest was made but police filed reports on three violent acts, violence against an officer, two assaults, vandalism and aggravated thefts, authorities said.

Re: Holy Hannah!! Trump was correct about Sweden.. [cerveloguy] [ In reply to ]
Quote | Reply
Feb 21, 17 10:19
Post #2 of 60 (952 views)
He's ahead of his time.
How does Danny Hart sit down with balls that big?
Re: Holy Hannah!! Trump was correct about Sweden.. [BLeP] [ In reply to ]

Sweden doesn't have a problem with immigrants just like France didn't have a problem with a large, unassimilated Muslim population.

It's the party line. It's also pretty clearly not true.


Nashville, TN

#3 6 hrs ago
We are in such an advanced state of politically correct insanity that when you state the obvious, i.e. that having muslims creates enormous problems, you are called crazy, a hater, Hitler etc. In 2010 terrorist bombs actually blew up in Stockholm and will blow up again. Sweden has created muslim ghettoes and the consequences will get worse (see France).

The disorder reportedly broke out after police arrested a wanted person, believed to be a drug dealer, at the subway station in Rinkeby at about 8pm that night.
'It happened in connection with an intervention near the metro station, the officers were to detain a person, our colleagues got stones thrown at them' Eva Nilsson at the police regional command center in Stockholm told Aftonbladet.

Read more: Riots in the Stockholm suburb Trump mentioned in speech | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

A Swedish police officer recently offered up a little more truth than people are used to when he posted an epic rant on Facebook about immigrant crimes plaguing his police department and his country. In the beginning of the post, the police officer said that he was "so ****ing tired" and warned that "what I will write here below, is not politically correct." With that warning, below is brief taste of what followed courtesy of RT:

"Here we go; this is what I’ve handled from Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment.

“Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again. Christopher… what, is it true? Yes, a Swedish name snuck in on the edges of a drug crime. Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again

“Countries representing all the crimes this week: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about their nationality and identity.”

Read more:

It would appear the mainstream media (along with several celebrities and Swedish politicians) is going to be apologizing to President Trump once again.

Having spent the entire new cycle trying to ignore the immigrant crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, both Dagbladet and Expressen reports riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated Stockholdm borough of Rinkeby, Sweden with police firing warning shots as 100s of young people throw stones and burn cars.

During the evening hundreds of young people gathered in the center of Rinkeby, well known for its high concentration of immigrants and people with immigrant ancestry.

In June 2010, Rinkeby was the scene of riots and attacks against the local police station and Rinkeby is the region in which the '60 Minutes' crew were attacked in 2016.

The problems Sweden faces integrating large numbers of Muslim immigrants is a subject on which Nordstjernan columnist Ulf Nilson has written many times. His warnings of increasing radicalization among Sweden’s Muslims – warnings he started to broadcast a decade ago – now seem eerily prophetic in light of an Associated Press investigation that found Stockholm to be a breeding ground for jihadists among Swedish Somalis.

According to the AP report, which first ran Jan. 24, an al-Qaida-linked group is busy recruiting anti-government fighters among Somali youths living in Rinkeby. A suburb of Stockholm, Rinkeby has earned the nickname of “Little Mogadishu” because of the number of Somalis living there. Rinkeby is also the center of the recruiting efforts of al-Shabab, a group with ties to al-Qaida.

Rinkeby is a known problem area in Stockholm. It was here NRK journalist Anders Magnus was attacked with stones last spring, and here the police never go in the evenings without reinforcements from other patrols according to Dabladet. A freelancer the newspaper spoke to, described the situation as serious.

BREAKING: Massive riots happening now in Sweden. Stockholm in flames. Trump was right again!

— Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) February 21, 2017

"I've been in some turmoil, but this is something extra. It looks like a war zone here", he was quoted as saying.

Freelance Photographer Janne Åkesson has also been at the site Monday night and early Tuesday. "They threw stones at police and police fired warning shots. I got out when it was at its worst" he said to Dagbladet. He added that there were many youths with hoods and hats on.

"It was very chaotic. I have seen much in Rinkeby: they burn cars all the time - unfortunately this was beyond the ordinary."

* * *

As Expressen reports (via Google Translate):

The alarm came to the police at 20:18 on Monday evening. A police patrol should then have been in the area for disposing of a wanted person.

In connection with this began several people at the subway throwing stones at police.

There appeared a number of young people threw stones at the police patrol. I do not know how many it concerned, but there will be several people anyway, says Lars Bystrom, spokesperson at the Stockholm police, told Expressen TV.

Thank you Donald Trump from Sweden
Thank you Donald Trump from the bottom of my heart. Me and my friends have seen major changes in Sweden during the last 20 years for the worse. The climate of debate has become insane. They are labeling any criticism of immigrants as hate speech. There are actual laws being put into place to silence crititcs of the muslims coming to sweden. Muslims who in general cant participate in society and also bring crime and rape culture to oir beautifull country.

I have 2 daughters and I fear for their future. I have a blo de girlfriend who I fear for when she takes a walk alone.

This is not written about or the fake news blame us the native swedes for the rise in number of rapes.

It is insane and you are correct. Today Swedish media is runnings negative stories about Donald Trump as they have during the last year and a half. There is no way for us ordinary people to oppose the medias lies.

Therefore I thank you from the bottom of my heart for speaking out for us the ordinary people...

If any Glpers would like to send complaints to swedish media about their fake news it would be much appreciated.

So there you go

something did, maybe HAPPEN in Sweden....or is it all just 'conspiracy' ???

Filibustering to defend Rapefugees in Swedenstan


Azita Raji former US Ambassador to Sweden. When the US appoints a muslim to be your Ambassador to your Western Christian country, thats a clue that you are looked on as Swedenstan.

Well she not only filibustered through this interview she answered questions that weren't even asked of her because the questions Tucker asked made her squirm.

SWEDEN: Trump vs Media Lies! | Louder With Crowder
"Qurans Up Don't Shoot" - Are You Fucking Kidding Me?


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 3:35 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
That's the MSM doubling down after Clinton lost.

So true. That's exactly what it is. And since she did lose, as the left is doing all over the west right now, which I suspect is a referendum on this multi-national union plan, and mideast policy, which to some extent is a set up, but at any rate might spell the end of the MSM

Welp, there goes your creditability. There's a reason this thread is all Jack and JAYNEZTOWN.



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 3:47 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
That's the MSM doubling down after Clinton lost.

So true. That's exactly what it is. And since she did lose, as the left is doing all over the west right now, which I suspect is a referendum on this multi-national union plan, and mideast policy, which to some extent is a set up, but at any rate might spell the end of the MSM

Welp, there goes your creditability. There's a reason this thread is all Jack and JAYNEZTOWN.


Don't sweat it DT. Your credibility is shot with THGRRI and probably Second. Possibly with G, worst case scenario.

Keep this up though and the clown might make a visit and call you a Nazi. Then he'll disappear again, so who cares?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:20 PM


Tucker Carlson vs former Ambassador To Sweden, a moslem Azita Raji

Azita Raji Defends Swedens Refugees and Squirms under Pressure from Tucker Carlson!


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:22 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Don't sweat it DT. Your credibility is shot with THGRRI and probably Second. Possibly with G, worst case scenario.

Keep this up though and the clown might make a visit and call you a Nazi. Then he'll disappear again, so who cares?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I haven't been reading THGRRI for a few days now, so I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me.

Second will come around unless it's a sockpuppet account. She? at least attempts to make a reasoned argument instead of plugging ears and going nananana, and then posting "you suck"

G doesn't seem to have any problem with me.


Nice to see you back in full PN mode


My one and only comment: don't be a troll. If you just nay say every post not comming from a clintonista, then you are going to have 20% of people you post to actually listening to you.

There's not a lot of difference between a one line troll and a copy pasta mega-spam troll. They take my scrollbar the exact same amount of time to skip.

So, stop and say "Good point" to someone who doesn't agree with you, or skip and be skipped.

Hey, I've reposted threads by Auraptor (no offense man) because I thought they were that insightful. And I knew that, because I read them. And I did that because he's a decent guy who I just happen to disagree with a lot. But I never reposted a thread by Kaneman because I didn't read them.

Balls in your court. That's all. Nothing personal. Just very sick, stuck in bed, but still running time management.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:27 PM


As long as ABBA is safe Sweden will be just fine. A handful of Muslims burning cars, and a few hundred raping Swedish women won't make a dent in their Socialist Utopia.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5:32 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
As long as ABBA is safe Sweden will be just fine. A handful of Muslims burning cars, and a few hundred raping Swedish women won't make a dent in their Socialist Utopia.

Oh they're just doing it to get attention.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5:51 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
As long as ABBA is safe Sweden will be just fine. A handful of Muslims burning cars, and a few hundred raping Swedish women won't make a dent in their Socialist Utopia.

Oh they're just doing it to get attention.

Well if that's the case they're gonna have to burn a lot more cars and rape a lot more women.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 6:20 PM


When Trump started pushing this hysteria about Sweden the rest of the world laughed. This shit only makes you guys part of the joke.

Sweden hasn’t had any terrorist attacks since it took in a recent wave of asylum seekers. The most recent terrorist attack happened in 2010, when two bombs exploded in Stockholm, killing only the bomber, Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, an Iraqi-born Swede.

If anything happened after Trumps remarks I'm sure the alt right was behind it.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 6:26 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by Riverlove:
As long as ABBA is safe Sweden will be just fine. A handful of Muslims burning cars, and a few hundred raping Swedish women won't make a dent in their Socialist Utopia.

Oh they're just doing it to get attention.

Well if that's the case they're gonna have to burn a lot more cars and rape a lot more women.

Oh, they will.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 6:35 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
When Trump started pushing this hysteria about Sweden the rest of the world laughed. This shit only makes you guys part of the joke.

Sweden hasn’t had any terrorist attacks since it took in a recent wave of asylum seekers. The most recent terrorist attack happened in 2010, when two bombs exploded in Stockholm, killing only the bomber, Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, an Iraqi-born Swede.

If anything happened after Trumps remarks I'm sure the alt right was behind it.

I agree, Sweden is pretty stable. Tempting fate a lil to play this game, no? Ewok says it'll happen, media says it won't, so either way, it'll happen. Inside job? Less sure. 6 made an excellent point. The focus makes 'em start hitting each other. Sort of like rwed


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 8:40 PM


Welfare Benefits Nation State ready to bankrupt itself?

6-8 agao a small problem...another

6-8 years Sweden, a minor problem?

just some foreign youths making some noise?

Sweden has the most welcoming asylum policies and most generous welfare programs in the European Union. The Swedish government seem strangely compelled to import one of the most aggressive and detrimental immigrants in the world. In Sweden “foreign born” mainly refer to Muslims, and the country’s largest immigrant group is around 80-90% Islamic. One Iranian immigrant to Sweden expressed astonishment at his new country’s policies: “In Sweden my family encountered a political system that seemed very strange. The interpreter told us that Sweden is a country where the government will put a check into your mailbox each month if you don’t work. She explained that there was no reason to get a job.”

Swedish parents are entitled to 480 days (16 months) of parental leave for each child, with most of it on 80% of full pay; on average, fathers take about a quarter of this shared time off to be with the baby. Asylum seekers are offered immediate emergency accommodation on arrival in Sweden before being relocated to temporary housing. Single adults are given a daily benefit of 71 Swedish kronor per day (2,159 kronor or $256 per month), with more available for those with families. Those granted asylum are then given help finding accommodation, are entitled to free Swedish for Immigrants lessons and may also be offered an 'introduction benefit' from Arbetsförmedlingen, Sweden's Employment Agency, giving them an income of 6,468 Swedish kronor per month ($769) while they search for work. Family benefits have been and remain the hallmark of the Swedish welfare state. The complex of benefits, provided at the national level, are aimed at assuring mothers and fathers financial security at childbirth or adoption and, importantly, allowing parents to combine work, education and family life. Swedish parents are entitled to 480 days of paid parental leave when their child is born or first adopted - a very high figure compared to international standards. In Sweden, if you are in a car accident or similar, and end up with a disability, you may have the right to financial assistance for home adjustments, for example, to make it possible for you to move around in the house with a wheelchair, move the kitchen or a bedroom from upper to lower floor and so on.

I think some of you are missing a point here, I now some Nordics or Swedes and if you ever met them or been across Europe you might know Sweden was both at the same time kinda cool/hip and then dull ass boring both at the same time. They live or lived in a kind of homogeneous society, that sounds strange in American but in Sweden and other places you had a few of these ethnically culturally pure homogeneous culture especially last century...not that I care for them, you can live there and work there but they are a fucking snore, dull as dishwater, but at the same time a kind of curiosity or weird and sometimes they will like you simply as a curiosity because you are not exactly one of them, new blood, fresh meat, with different foreign ideas.... Japan perhaps being another example

These kind of mono-cultures will sometimes follow a Borg mindset, law of jante in sweden, everyone pod people, everyone's brain replaced, imagine everyone got duplicated by clones or life model decoys or everyone becomes a robot, invaders of the body snatchers style stockholm syndrome...that's sometimes the way the rich homogeneous 'cultures' operated....and if you step out of line, speak against the social conformists then sometimes a very abusive public shame. What they offer is stability, and really fucking low crime rates
I think Sweden was like Iceland or Japan, like you did have crimes or smuggling or mafia of sorts but under the general population, crime against ordinary working people was at zero, you got ZERO robbery, point zero zero one killing, one murder in the past 50 years...I mean ridiculous statistics that make it super safe, on paper statistically

Almost all of the Western countries have slowing birth, economic growth, population decline...Sweden is one of the first to break, it brings in immigrants from Bolivia, Greece, Spain, Russia, S.Korea, Canada, S.Africa, France you name it everyone went to Sweden and strangely they all kinda fit in, learn customs, know the culture they speak the language and get Swedish papers
Then recently come the 'others' the moslems or the immigrants islamics, mohammedan migrants or illegal economic opportunists...and suddenly a place with a crime rate of near ZERO
suddenly it sees a massive rise in car theft, lootings, molestation of young kids and rape of childern, burnings, shootings, grenade attacks, people convicted for connections to jihadists terror networks, burtal kidnapping and rapes of women....'or so the conspiracy goes'

Because firstly and foremost, Sweden still has a hive-mind, they all must repeat what the master central computer mind says
I mean the government should always be correct, so they should always parrot that propaganda, no?

and the government has yet to make it official to say
that Sweden has a problem

Maybe Sweden had a murder rate of 3 people in every 70 years
and that has dramatically risen to 300 people murdered in one year

or maybe its all still hush, ssshhhh, quiet, hush
....and the public is still not officially allowed talk about this
Law of Jante - Unicorn Syndrome and all in PERFECT ENGLISH
another thing Sweden offers so people don't have to learn a weird language like Portuguese or Norwegian or some weird dialect in a random part of the Far-East, its ok... because Sweden already has perfect English as a secondary language
...and yet even though both communities can share one language they may prefer living separate and sometimes will still hate each other
and then you got that whole Socialist, Marxist heritage?
Sweden was one of the only places where political Socialism worked, one time the poster boy for the leftwings?

they need to openly chat, figure it out

My experience
the more you or any nation tries to cover this stuff up the worse it gets, gas mains about to blow, it becomes like a pressure cooker...
best they have an open discussion now

else, see all those crazy ass Nordic cold as ice whites realize the shit is going to hit the fan some months and years later
and see the Pendulum swing the other way, extreme style...the political problems of Obama and Bush and Trump is nothing compared to what may come

not to mention the problems of a growing parallel islamo society in the heart of Sweden, one hive mind of islamics vs infidels unwilling to join the other hive-mind

debate now, or the longer, the later they leave this 'debate'....the worse the opposite reaction and backlash is going to be


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 9:59 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Welfare Benefits Nation State ready to bankrupt itself?

6-8 years Sweden, a minor problem?

An oversimplification, but generally.... The thing is there's always been a strong nationalistic streak in Sweden, but it is dominated by political correctness to the point that even the far right must phrase their positions in PC arguments. This is common is western europe because of the western US based left influence.

By contrast, eastern europe is generally very right wing, and was suppressed into leftness by force. Eastern Europeans in western nations bring these ideas and it empowers local conservatives to say "yes, this system is screwing us."

When it breaks it will be major, and the powers that be have been counting on it for a while. I'm sure they have their alt-right solution already planned out.

I wouldn't call them socialist, because it's not really a state run economy, it's a capitalist country, but they do have strong democratic socialist parties, like Germany.

The European left has also fallen apart do in part to the immigration, and failure of integration, and in part due to the economic disaster of the EU and the Euro, and also in part due to the red-green alliance, a political move that swept across some western european counties where greens joined the communist party.

The basic effect of the red green alliance is that greens end up withdrawing when there is a viable communist, and with them goes their labor and environmental platforms, and what you're left with is a communist party in a corporate country, and like any other party, can be bought.

So, you have outsourcing and fracking and the left is just not delivering what it promised because it's essentially forked it all over to the commies, and by proxy, to industry.

With the left having nothing to offer, social dems offering the same nanny state only now supporting a 20%+ migrant population, and an increasingly aging population, there really isn't much there to support. So, Christian Dems are bound to get the upper hand.

Only in the current climate, in order to do so, they need to oppose the measures which brought them here: The age imbalance is caused by the birth control policies, which have made an effective one child policy for most of europe, the immigrant populations are due to the open borders policy of the EU, the economic collapse is do to the social supports, outsourcing, and mostly, the ECB.

All of this means Exit is the winning strategy if any conservative party wants to win a European election. I don't see this as genetic or cultural determinism but the inevitable result of ineffectual liberal national policies and bad EU policies.

The result? A lot of independent right wing states, which are going to very from moderate (tories of christian dems) to far right, (SNP, etc.)

So outside of this, there's still western meddling in Ukraine, perhaps upcoming in Belarus, so expect to see resistance to that in the form of some United Ukraine party replacing Svoboda, which will be more tolerant but also more conservative, and more pro-Russian.

The only kink in this switch is that muslims might congregate into friendly nations like France, and could elect and islamic government.


Thursday, August 16, 2018 2:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Coordinated attacks by rioters in multiple cities...


Sweden Violence: Dozens Of Vehicles Vandalized, Burnt Across Multiple Locations

Over 80 vehicles were vandalized, and dozens set on fire in multiple locations in Sweden by masked youths on Monday evening, reports said.

The police records show multiple vehicles were set on fire within hours at Malmö, Gothenburg and Helsingborg. Footage that was recorded shows youngsters targeting vehicles at a shopping center and a hospital parking lot at Frölunda Torg.

Which inevitably leads to this ...


"I'm Not A Racist, But I'm A Nationalist": Why Sweden Faces A Historic Election Upset

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Monday, September 4, 2023 4:04 PM


Clashes erupt in Sweden's third largest city after another Quran burning and at least 3 are detained

also a Kazakh and Hunter Biden link?


Friday, October 6, 2023 12:12 PM


Magdalena Andersson Social Democrats, Ulf Kristersson Moderate, Nooshi Dadgostar Left, Annie Lööf Centre

all join up to keep the Sweden Democrats out!?

on the Eastern Front?

Nobel Foundation allows Russia, Iran and Belarus back into organisation

What is the cause of Sweden’s ‘terrorist-like’ epidemic of violence?

Sweden to call in military to help crack down on gangs
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has blamed "irresponsible immigration policy and a failed integration"

Sweden turns to military to help police combat gang crime

Sweden Dying-Her neighbors watch – and worry

When I first moved to Norway in 1999, I often heard the term amerikanske tilstander – “American conditions.” It was never, ever used positively; it didn’t refer, for example, to things like freedom and prosperity. No, it was always used to describe some dreaded social or cultural or economic phenomenon that was supposedly on the rise in Norway and that threatened to make the country look more like – horrors! – the United States. Evangelical Christianity? Amerikanske tilstander! Gun crime? Amerikanske tilstander! Rough-and-tumble election campaigns? Dumb TV shows? Private medical options? Growing economic inequality? Amerikanske tilstander!

Back then, you never, ever heard of svenske tilstander – “Swedish conditions.” On the contrary, the three countries of Scandinavia prided themselves on their very similar “conditions.” Often, after one of the countries passed a law permitting or (more frequently) restricting or forbidding something, the other countries would snap quickly into line and pass a similar law, lest they drift too far apart legislatively.

No more. For many years, there’s been one major legislative difference among the three countries, a difference that has given rise to a significant divergence in socioeconomic outcomes. The difference is this: while Sweden, until relatively recently, kept its gates very wide open for Muslim immigration, Denmark began cutting down the flow many years ago, and Norway has been somewhere in the middle. The result: massive Islamic violence, criminality, and other varieties of malefaction in Sweden, considerably less of that sort of thing in Denmark, and, again, a state of affairs somewhere in the middle in Norway.

In recent months, the Swedish mayhem has been steadily ramped up. Not that Norway is the peaceable kingdom it used to be. Women used to walk at night in downtown Oslo without fear of being raped; that sense of security ended years ago. These days, pretty much every weekend brings a new round of stabbings in the city – something that just didn’t happen a few years ago – and a while back the hobby of car-burning, long popular in Sweden, started to be taken up by the capital’s young Muslim set. On June 25 of last year, an Iranian gunman killed two people and wounded twenty-one outside Oslo’s major gay bar. Still, so far Osloites have yet to become accustomed to the bombs, hand grenades, and massive explosions that have made many parts of Sweden feel like wartime Afghanistan.

In both Denmark and Norway, as a result, the citizenry have been increasingly attentive to Sweden’s Muslim mayhem. But since Norway’s border with Sweden is 1000 miles long, while Denmark and Sweden are connected only by a single bridge, the level of concern is, I think, even greater in the land of the fjords than in the land of Lego.

The result? Lately, almost daily references in Norway’s media – especially its alternative media – to svenske tilstander. (Just the other day, it occurred to me that I hadn’t heard about “amerikanske tilstander” in a very long time.)

On September 29 alone, a headline in Norway’s newspaper of record, Aftenposten, explained that two of the country’s major political parties were now saying that Norway needs to “Look to Denmark to Avoid Swedish Conditions”; an article in the “radical socialist” daily Klassekampen bore the headline “Swedish Conditions”; Aftenbladet ran an editorial, “Poor Sweden,” in which the subhead read “‘Swedish conditions’ is not an anti-immigration slogan. It’s a gloomy lesson. Norway can’t afford to be naive, because gang violence is here already.” Also on the same day, a column in VG, Norway’s biggest daily, was headlined “Fear of Swedish Conditions.” In it, one could read that according to Jale Poljarevius, the head of the Swedish police, his country hasn’t been as dangerous as it is now since 1945.

Then there’s an opinion piece in Nettavisen in which veteran reporter Anders Magnus writes: “Cramped housing, poverty, and alienation get much of the blame for the wave of violence in Sweden. Does it have nothing to do with culture?” The answer, of course, is yes. Magnus recalls being in Stockholm’s Rinkeby neighborhood seven years ago to conduct an interview at a café and being told by a threatening group of young men: “You’re not allowed to be here. This is our territory.” There ensued a bout of stone-throwing. Even then, Rinkeby wasn’t ruled in accordance with Swedish law but by clans from, as Magnus puts it, certain foreign countries; instead of police, they had gangs of “armed young men,” although, Magnus adds, to call them gangs makes them sound more harmless than they really are.

Today there are fifty or so “our territories” in Sweden. Magnus hastens to add that the situation isn’t yet quite as bad in Norway, though such clan-governed enclaves – which, again, is Magnus’s rather delicate way of putting it – can be found in certain Norwegian cities. We must, he says, dare to ask whether the time has come to put the brakes, temporarily in any case, on immigration from clan-dominated honor cultures. Note that, for a mainstream journalist in Norway, these are actually strong words. But in 2023, they’re nowhere near strong enough. Note, too, all the euphemizing in which he engages in order to avoid mentioning Islam.

Also published on September 29 was an article by a Swedish refugee. No, not a refugee to Sweden, but a refugee from Sweden – to Norway. “I’m done with Swedish conditions!” proclaims Micke Larssen at the alternative news and opinion site “Two exploded residential buildings, a murder, and proposals for the introduction of ‘emergency schools’ for pupils who can’t go to a normal school without threatening and beating up teachers and schoolmates”: this, Larssen points out, was part of a single day’s news fare on taxpayer-financed Swedish Television – which, despite such content, still strives “to maintain the illusion of Sweden as the peaceful ‘country that’s just right.’” Larssen explains that he moved to Norway because he

“was tired of living in a country where violence increases month by month, without anyone even trying to reverse the trend. A country where police officers sit paralyzed in their police cars while masked perpetrators throw large rocks at the cars to try to break their windows, a country where healthcare has gone from world-class to almost non-existent, where more and more students go through the entire school system without learning to read and count.”

Sweden, Larssen pronounces, “is lost for the foreseeable future, maybe forever!” I’ll bet on forever. He goes on to say something that’s been said a million times before: that Swedish politicians, many years ago, welcomed immigrants on the assumption that they would eventually integrate. The politicians turned out to be wrong. The same thing has happened in Norway, and throughout Western Europe, on a somewhat smaller scale. Which is why Larssen closes his article by fretting that he’ll eventually have to become a refugee again. His article reminded me of a news report I saw in the Netherlands about fifteen years ago. It was about the fact that Dutch people were now, in larger and larger numbers, moving to Norway to escape the increasing immigrant crime in the Netherlands. I wonder how many of those people now wish they’d picked Hungary or Uruguay or New Zealand instead.

The problem in Sweden is so bad now that even international media that have gone out of their way for years to avoid addressing the Islamic issue honestly have felt obliged to pay heed to the Swedish crisis – and to hint, at least, at the reasons for it. “Swedish PM looks to military for help amid gang violence spike,” read an AP headline on September 28. The article quoted PM Ulf Kristersson: “Sweden has never before seen anything like this. No other country in Europe is seeing anything like this.” Well, it’s been coming for years. Good of you to finally notice. Also noted was that Kristersson had met with an American official to get advice on crime-fighting. Which official? Hilariously enough, New York Mayor Eric Adams, under whose lax, incompetent leadership the Big Apple has descended into anarchy.

On September 29, CNN covered the Swedish story, noting Kristersson’s promise to be tough on gang criminals: “We will take them to court. If they’re Swedish citizens they will be locked up for a long time in prison and if they are foreign citizens, they will also be expelled.” Alas, most of those young gangsters are second- or third-generation immigrants with Swedish passports, and, whatever Kristersson says, his nation’s courts are presided over by judges to whom a tough sentence is six months’ probation. And the prisons are country clubs.

In any event, many of the news media that are now suddenly paying attention to the Swedish crisis are reporting on it as if it happened almost overnight – and as if it’s unique to Sweden. On the contrary, some of us, all over Western Europe, have been writing about these dire developments – and prophesying doom – for at least a quarter of a century. And we’ve been endlessly demonized for it by bien pensant academics, journalists, and politicians who’ve painted us as the existential threats to European social harmony; some of us have been hauled into court, others summoned to police stations for questioning; people like Peder “Fjordman” Jensen, a brilliant, Arabic-speaking Islam expert – and patriot – who should be considered a Norwegian national hero, was so cruelly defamed that he found it unable to find even the most menial work in Norway and had to move abroad. When does he get his restitution? Where does he go to get his reputation back?

Another quote from the newly awakened Swedish PM: “It’s political naïvité that brought us here. It’s an irresponsible immigration policy and failed integration that have brought us here. Parallel societies that create criminal gangs, where children can be educated into being future murderers.” So now it’s OK, I guess, to say this in Sweden? For decades, Jimmie Åkesson’s Sweden Democrats were treated as if they were criminals simply for stating these home truths. They’re now the biggest party in the Riksdag. Which, of course, is a major part of the reason why the Swedish PM has suddenly snapped into line. To politicians like Kristersson, it didn’t matter when it was just their country in peril; the moment of truth didn’t come until their careers were on the line.

Another line from Larssen. “Norwegians,” he opines, “don’t want ‘Swedish conditions,’” but they don’t really “understand what has happened to Sweden,” and are thus, he worries, perhaps incapable of preventing the same thing from happening to their own country. On the contrary, while the mainstream media and all but a few brave politicians have routinely ignored or sugarcoated the facts (“diversity is our strength!”), my impression is that an increasing number of ordinary Western Europeans – including Norwegians, and even including Swedes – get it by now. And they care about it. Growing numbers of them vote for politicians like Åkesson, or the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders, who’ve campaigned on their determination to take serious action on the immigration front. But somehow, these crusaders never get quite enough votes to empower them to act.

And so things just get worse and worse. In 2011, after having lived in Oslo for twelve years – and witnessed the city’s increasing nocturnal terrorization by marauding youths – I settled in a small mountain town two hours west of the capital. At the time, while certain parts of Oslo were already teeming with Muslims, in this little burg there was a mere scattering of young Muslim husbands and wives, most of them pushing baby carriages and strollers. Years later, when I’d see groups of children walking home from school, there’d be a sprinkling of Muslims amidst the ethnic Norwegians.

Then, the other day, waiting for a bus in the late afternoon, I noticed a group of about six or eight teenage Muslim boys making their way up the sidewalk on the other side of the street. These, I reflected, were the children who’d been in those carriages and strollers. They weren’t quite a gang. They didn’t have that threatening air. But they were all hanging with one another – not with their ethnic Norwegian schoolmates. Which meant that the peeling off, the self-segregation, had begun. And that’s the first step.

A couple of days later, someone close to me, whose hometown this is, was walking home at night through the historically safe and sleepy center of our little town when he saw a group of immigrant youths hanging around a car, talking loudly and giving off an unmistakable air of aggressiveness. It made him feel suddenly as if he was in Oslo, where he’s been physically assaulted by Muslims twice (in addition to being beaten up in Kongsberg and mugged in Amsterdam). So instead of taking a chance, he chose to linger behind some bushes and wait until the group moved off. “I’ve never felt so vulnerable in this town before,” he said.

I left it behind in Oslo. But it’s coming here, too. And you can’t keep running.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023 6:19 AM


Why are Sweden and Germany going opposite ways on labour migration?


Saturday, June 15, 2024 11:37 AM


Left Party: ”Prioritising climate action over market interests”

Greta Thunberg's mother - La Voix

Last Night in Swedistan

Iran and Sweden carried out a prisoner swap Saturday that saw Tehran release a European Union diplomat and another man for an Iranian convicted in Stockholm of committing war crimes over his part in 1988 mass executions in the Islamic Republic. The arrest of Hamid Nouri by Sweden in 2019 as he traveled there as a tourist likely sparked the detentions of the two Swedes, part of a long-running strategy by Iran since its 1979 Islamic Revolution to use those with ties abroad as chip in negotiations with the West.

EU Diplomat Released in Prisoner Swap for Iranian War Criminal


Saturday, July 27, 2024 6:53 AM


Doctors / engineers in Sweden throw their feces to Swedes.






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