Trump CPAC speech (full)

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 15:16
VIEWED: 3329
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Saturday, February 25, 2017 6:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I hate listening to political speeches, especially long ones, but I think this is well worth it.


Saturday, February 25, 2017 7:57 PM


Bump. I'll watch this tomorrow, but I know mom wants to watch it.

Y'all would be surprised how many people of Trump's generation i know who were straight lefties up until right now, when they're all like um, why the sudden hissy fit, just because hillary lost? I just had a friend visiting who actually campaigned for her and was saying, yeah, she was what we had to work with, nothing to write home about, maybe trump will work out. The media definitely is the message.

So mom's decided to watch all the trump speeches and actually make her own mind up instead of watching MSM on trump. All they do is read his twitter feed and comment on it anyway. (last speak he said "Tomorrows headline will be Trump Rants and Raves" and he was quite calm, but he was right)

Stay shiny.


Sunday, February 26, 2017 1:35 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Not in the sense of being unintelligible, but because a lot of his ideas contradict each other. But he's making a pitch to the daily economics us 99.9% face. And that makes it a good sell.

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Sunday, February 26, 2017 8:13 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:
. . . he's making a pitch to the daily economics us 99.9% face. And that makes it a good sell.

The 99.9% in California have lost touch with reality. Trump’s policy will crash into the reality of construction in Texas:

Throughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump advocated a “deportation force” to track down and remove millions of immigrants here illegally. This week, he moved closer to that goal with a memo instructing federal authorities to broaden the scope of targeted deportations.

In Texas, an estimated 400,000 construction workers reside illegally, according to one study.

“We do have a workforce shortage in this country for middle-skill workers in construction,” said Jerry Nevlud, president of the Associated General Contractors of America Houston chapter. “The people who say the (immigrants here illegally) are taking jobs, you kind of wonder how many of them would have their sons and daughters get in the industry in its current state.”

The depth of immigrants illegally here working in construction has been verified in countless studies. In 2013, the Workers Defense Project and the University of Texas at Austin surveyed 1,194 laborers on Texas work sites and found half were undocumented. A Pew Research report from November concluded that 28 percent of construction workers were undocumented, as well as 26 percent of agricultural workers and 17 percent of production workers.

In all, Texas was home in 2014 to about 1.7 million unauthorized immigrants — 24 percent working in construction, according to a study by the Waco-based Perryman Group. Those workers contributed $33.75 billion to Texas construction in 2015, out of a total gross product that year of about $85 billion.

That sort of economic impact can’t be replaced, the study concluded. “Even if all currently unemployed persons filled jobs now held by undocumented workers, the state would be left with a glaring gap of hundreds of thousands of workers if the undocumented workforce were no longer available,” the researchers wrote.

Texas builders say it’s simply too difficult to recruit domestic workers, especially young adults, to consider construction work. Often, they are on the job for about two weeks — sometimes less in the summer — before they quit, said Mike Dishberger, owner of Sandcastle Homes and president of the Greater Houston Builders Association.

“Getting even high school kids, college kids to work outside in Houston heat, in the summer, is extremely hard,” he said.

Nestor Rodriguez, a sociologist who studied immigrant labor for years while at the University of Houston, was more blunt: “The commercial construction companies (say) only Mexicans stay on the roof when it gets to be 104 degrees.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, February 26, 2017 11:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Representative snippets of the speech, Some are commentaries from Trump, some are promises.


I'll do this whenever I can

Fake news- enemy of the people. Sources: They make them up when there are none. Bad polling (Not LA Times). False narrative. "We're going to to something about it"

Will put its own citizens first (not) traded away jobs, defended other borders, let everyone in Build a wall, "gonna start soon", "getting the bad ones", "keep my promise"

Trillions of dollars overseas while allowing our infrastructure of all apart. $6 trillion in the Middle East.

Failed healthcare law threatens the nation with catastrophe. Best thing to do is let it implode. But it's not the right thing to do. Repeal and replace

Inherited national debt, $20 trillion dollars. Foreign policy that's a disaster. "We're going to win big" [on the international scene].

"well stop the drugs from pouring in". "We get the drugs, they get the money. We get the problems, they get the cash."

Reducing violent crime. Chicago. Seven people shot in that great American city.

Make trade deals, one on one. None of these big quagmire deals.
NAFTA = economic undevelopment.

Authorized construction Keystone and Dakota Access pipeline. [will] Lift restrictions on American energy ... natural gas, shale oil, and clean coal. Miners are going back to work.

Reducing regulation, "going to put the regulation industry out of business" "I want regulations"

Make our tax code more simple and more fair for everyone, including the people and the business.

Military- bigger, and better, and stronger than before .... One of the greatest military buildups in history.

Totally obliterate ISIS.

Screen our borders.

Take a look at what happened in Sweden .... Germany .... France .... Nice ... Paris. Never reported.

Still don't have my Cabinet approved ... Democrats please, approve our Cabinet and get smart on healthcare too, if you don't mind ...

Caterpillar, Tractor (?) Campbell's Soup, 29 building in this country

Meeting with unions, meeting with police ...

Checking off the promises made to the American people, reduce taxes, cut regulations, support our police, defend our flag, rebuild our military, take care of our great great veterans, fix broken and embarrassing trade deals, cut wasteful spending promote our values, rebuild our inner cities

The GOP will be the party of the American worker. Not answer to donors or lobbyists or special interests

"There is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency, or global flag. This is the United States of America that I'm representing, I'm not representing the globe, I'm representing your country. There is one allegiance that unites us all."

"All totally equal in the eyes of almighty god"

I think I captured all of the important parts. For discussion


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Sunday, February 26, 2017 1:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I find it interesting (telling) that for someone who says they only like 20% of what Trump stands for you seem to defend him 100% of the time.-BACKINGSTRINGMODE

Dood, did I say I was supporting him? All I did was try to capture a longish speech in writing, for discussion. Unless you think providing information is "supporting"? I guess that explains your desire to plug your ears: Maybe you think hearing the other side is going to contaminate your brain.

Now, do you have anything SPECIFIC to say about the speech?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Sunday, February 26, 2017 1:47 PM


If our presidents had gone to the beach for fifteen years...
Willing to knock Bush I see.
Also, some of this is platitudes, some is stealth oil handouts, but the build up the military is classic eisenhower/reagan as a substitute to make the military industrial complex happy without going to war, in other words, = peace.


Sunday, February 26, 2017 2:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


The 99.9% in California have lost touch with reality.
AS USUAL, SECOND-RATE-TROLL assassinates people's character with ZERO evidence to back it up.

BTW SECOND, I didn't say I approved the package he was selling.

BUT LIKE REAGAN, AND UNLIKE THE DEMOCRAPIC PARTY, Trump has found a message that resonates with a lot of people.

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Sunday, February 26, 2017 9:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I said you defend him, not support. Think about it - any time Trump speaks there's a higher than 50-50 chance he's lying. If you don't get that you've been asleep or are a wantonly imbecile. I'm sure even his supporters understand he tells some whoppers. Most everyone that speaks English knows this. The fact that you want to talk about his words I take as yet another deflection, another defense on your part. - GSTRING


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Sunday, February 26, 2017 10:33 PM



Sunday, February 26, 2017 11:42 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

BTW SECOND, I didn't say I approved the package he was selling.

BUT LIKE REAGAN, AND UNLIKE THE DEMOCRAPIC PARTY, Trump has found a message that resonates with a lot of people.

Too bad for you if you do not approve of the entire package Trump is selling because he promises to deliver everything, not just the three things you wanted. Trump said in that speech: "One by one, we're checking off the promises we made to the people of the United States. One by one, a lot of promises. And we will not stop until the job is done." Are you sure you want all those campaign promises fulfilled? Because you're getting far more than you asked for. You're getting every item on Trump's menu. It might be more than you can digest without vomiting.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, February 27, 2017 2:57 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


because he promises to deliver everything, not just the three things you wanted
What three things were those?

Are you sure you want all those campaign promises fulfilled?
You willing to fight Trump on anything? Because I seem to recall posting quite often that the time to whine and pout has passed - posts which you assiduously ignored. Are you STILL whining and pouting?
Meanwhile, I'm looking around to see who is creating a focus that people will get behind. But it certainly isn't the demoCRAPic party. But I guess you haven't noticed how miserably they've failed you, how quickly they've dumped all pretense of being for the average person, rather than their cozy political nests.

How did your beloved 'democratic' party fuck up so badly?


Monday, February 27, 2017 7:20 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You willing to fight Trump on anything? Because I seem to recall posting quite often that the time to whine and pout has passed - posts which you assiduously ignored. Are you STILL whining and pouting?- KIKI
SECOND specializes in whining and pouting.


I said you defend him, not support. Think about it - any time Trump speaks there's a higher than 50-50 chance he's lying. If you don't get that you've been asleep or are a wantonly imbecile. I'm sure even his supporters understand he tells some whoppers. Most everyone that speaks English knows this. The fact that you want to talk about his words I take as yet another deflection, another defense on your part. - BACKINGSTRINGMODE



I can't believe the crap I get just for bringing information here. You guys... THUGR, GSTRING, and CATCHER ... do you love wallowing in ignorance? You have no idea what I thought of the speech, and (despite the fact that I have stated it over and over again) no idea what I think of Trump, but you sure don't mind going into attack mode based on .... nothing. Good lord.

From your response, I learned that you REALLY aren't here to discuss anything. What you REALLY want to do is attack other posters. Even if you have to create some sort of fantasy about them in order to do it.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Monday, February 27, 2017 8:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Now, as to what I thought of the speech....

As I was listening to it, my side remark to the screen (and to hubby) was "Those sure are a lot of promises, Donald. Heal the sick, cure the lame ....

Overall, I get the impression that Trump feels he has made a contract with the American people to achieve certain things. He has a checklist ... gold in the master-bath, illegal immigrants out of the USA, skylights in all ceilings, righting bad deals ... but doesn't seem to realize that they all need a foundation first.

I agree with much of his commentary - the news has been fake for decades. Centuries, even. I learned about war-mongering and "yellow journalism" when I was a child, and yanno what? Nothing has changed.

The mideast is in shreds, and it's all thanks to our foreign policy. The various administrations - Democrap as well as Rethuglican - have literally sacrificed Americans on the altar of globalism. The debt is too high. Our infrastructure is crumbling. We would have been better of without those multilateral trade deals. We need energy independence in order to free out foreign policy. Our tax code is like the Great Barrier Reef of regulations. Illegal immigration is bad for us. In fact, massive LEGAL immigration- beyond the rate that can be integrated - is bad for ANY nation.

But "We're going to win big" [on the international scene]? Is THAT the answer? Is "clean coal"? "Reduced banking" regulation?

Yes, it is possible to Make our tax code more simple and more fair for everyone, including the people and the business. BUT NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO LIKE IT, especially business, if it's going to be "fair".

Yes, it is possible to have Military- bigger, and better, and stronger than before .... One of the greatest military buildups in history. without breaking the budget ... BUT THE MILITARY CONTRACTORS AREN'T GOING TO LIKE THAT EITHER BECAUSE THEY"RE GOING TO HAVE TO PRODUCE SOMETHING OTHER THAN OVERPRICED BOONDOGGLES..

Yes, there ARE healthcare plans that will provide better healthcare at lower cost, but NOT IF PRIVATE INSURANCES AND PRIVATE HOSPITALS ARE INVOLVED.

Also, parts were missing. The part about normalizing relations with Russia: too bad it was missing. The part about destroying Iran: GOOD thing it was missing.

These promises, they can all rest together, but only in some fantasy-libertarian foundation where businesses are all small- and medium-sized and are competing for against each other, the functions of national government are not to bloat the already-bloated coffers of the uber-global-wealthy but to defend the borders, and if we develop in an limitless environment. The facts are that we have companies that are already, or want to become international monopolies, and they see nation-states as impediments which must be destroyed in order to create new centers of power, and that our resources are limited.

Best part of the speech:

"There is no such thing as a global anthem, a global currency, or global flag. This is the United States of America that I'm representing, I'm not representing the globe, I'm representing your country. There is one allegiance that unites us all."

Except that identity-politicians don't want unity, they want disunity.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Monday, February 27, 2017 1:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You see?

Like I said: No interest in discussing anything. Now that you have my opinion - instead of the voices in your head - you suddenly become scarce. That's OK, I'm just thinking out loud here anyway, I don't really need your input. I've since learned that most people here (with a few exceptions) don't really have any thoughts on most topics anyway.

Just one more thing to add: Does Trump understand that business has an allegiance to the green in its pocket, not the United States? That there is still an irreducible conflict between those who profit from the labor of others, and "everyone else"?

So when I've been trying to figure out what Trump means when he says "the American people" is he

1) Naively conflating the interests of all Americans into one big happy economic family?
2) Cynically talking about "Americans" to gain our support, while furthering the interests of the American oligarchs (as opposed to the international ones)?
3) Understanding of the economic divide and using the 0.01% to further the interests of average Americans?

My bet is it's not #3. Just trying to figure out what Trump will do once he reaches that conflict.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Monday, February 27, 2017 1:08 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I agree with much of his commentary - the news has been fake for decades. Centuries, even. I learned about war-mongering and "yellow journalism" when I was a child, and yanno what? Nothing has changed.

And where was that comrade?



Monday, February 27, 2017 1:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I agree with much of his commentary - the news has been fake for decades. Centuries, even. I learned about war-mongering and "yellow journalism" when I was a child, and yanno what? Nothing has changed.- SIGNY

And where was that comrade?- THUGR

OMFG, I can't believe how stupid you are!!! "Yellow journalism" was in the AMERICAN HISTORY curriculum you fucking moron. It still is. Look, the Tennessee grades 9-12 current curriculum:

Did you drop out of school before you got to 10th grade? That would explain a lot!


Origins: Pulitzer vs. Hearst
Etymology and early usage
The term was coined in the mid-1890s to characterize the sensational journalism that used some yellow ink in the circulation war between Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal. The battle peaked from 1895 to about 1898, and historical usage often refers specifically to this period. Both papers were accused by critics of sensationalizing the news in order to drive up circulation, although the newspapers did serious reporting as well.

My god you are cringeworthy, did you know that?

Here's a thought: try using "the google" BEFORE you post about something about which you know nothing.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Monday, February 27, 2017 1:43 PM


Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.

I'm not speaking about this and neither is George Bush and the rest of government. Only you and Trump are and it's a straw man argument against legitimate news. It actually applies to Trumps news statements, his press releases and your posts here. I'm talking about what Trump is doing, delegitimizing the press. You're defending and propelling the strategy behind what he is doing, by yourself trying to apply to legitimate news what applies to you.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I agree with much of his commentary - the news has been fake for decades. Centuries, even. I learned about war-mongering and "yellow journalism" when I was a child, and yanno what? Nothing has changed.- SIGNY

And where was that comrade?- THUGR

OMFG, I can't believe how stupid you are!!! "Yellow journalism" was in the AMERICAN HISTORY curriculum you fucking moron. It still is. Look, the Tennessee grades 9-12 current curriculum:

Did you drop out of school before you got to 10th grade? That would explain a lot!


Origins: Pulitzer vs. Hearst
Etymology and early usage
The term was coined in the mid-1890s to characterize the sensational journalism that used some yellow ink in the circulation war between Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal. The battle peaked from 1895 to about 1898, and historical usage often refers specifically to this period. Both papers were accused by critics of sensationalizing the news in order to drive up circulation, although the newspapers did serious reporting as well.

My god you are cringeworthy, did you know that?

Here's a thought: try using "the google" BEFORE you post about something about which you know nothing.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake




Monday, February 27, 2017 2:05 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

OMFG, I can't believe how stupid you are!!! "Yellow journalism" was in the AMERICAN HISTORY curriculum you fucking moron. It still is.

Did you drop out of school before you got to 10th grade? That would explain a lot!

Signym, try sarcasm instead of direct insults. For example of professional grade sarcasm:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, February 27, 2017 2:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You see?

Like I said: No interest in discussing anything. Now that you have my opinion - instead of the voices in your head - you suddenly become scarce. That's OK, I'm just thinking out loud here anyway, I don't really need your input. I've since learned that most people here (with a few exceptions) don't really have any thoughts on most topics anyway.

Just one more thing to add: Does Trump understand that business has an allegiance to the green in its pocket, not the United States? That there is still an irreducible conflict between those who profit from the labor of others, and "everyone else"?

Why discuss anything with you? Your mind is cloudy. You're thoughts are slow. And if you were to change your opinion, what does anyone gain by that? There is a nice little article explaining what 1kiki, Signym, and Trump are doing when you "discuss" politics.

1kiki has used "straw man" many times. That never adds any understanding to the discussion.

The term ‘straw man' to defend against any and all criticism in online argument is so widespread, the strategy has been added to a comic pantheon of argumentative personae. The point is that the tools we've used to make sense of and evaluate and improve our attempts at rational exchange have been tools of subverting it.

Signym and Trump have used "fake news" often. That never adds any understanding to the discussion. From the article:

And now we see the same phenomenon with the expression ‘fake news.' The term had its purchase originally as one to explain the proliferation of false stories about the 2016 Presidential election in the US. For example, that the Pope endorsed Donald Trump, that Hillary Clinton was running a child pornography ring in a pizza parlor's basement. Now, however, the expression ‘fake news' is used by Donald Trump to disparage claims he holds are contrary to his interests. And so he says that CNN is fake news, and that the Russian ties to General Flynn is fake news. And so vocabulary we'd used to understand our joint exercise of reason is now part of that exercise and changing and being changed by that exercise.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, February 27, 2017 2:32 PM



Originally posted by G:

You forgot some people. Magons. Mal4prez, second, KPO. Reaverfan... I'm sure there are others. I can only imagine what Kwicko and AnthonyT, Frem would say to see your devotion to that orange pos.

People are a spectrum. They can't be clumped. I've never had a disagreement with KPO. Mal4Prez is fine in other sections than RWED, but she has been known to revert to pretty serious troll here. Kwicko would sometimes take after someone that wasn't Rap, and woe be he or she. Anthony was always extremely polite and never at all a troll. Magon is someone I don't really agree with politically but we rarely get into it. Same on the other side for Auraptor, never really had an argument with him. I actually agree with Auraptor about 20% of the time, but I will basically defend someone 100% of the time. Again, no issues outside of RWED. ReaverFan I don't really know, so far, seems a snarky sort. Thgrri appears to me to be just like Citizen, so until I know more, I'm just going to treat him as if he were. Frem is just Frem. When you're coming from a unique perspective, you're never going to have agreement, and never really disagreement. Unless someone becomes a recruit and then doesn't pan out. But that's personal, not political. Siggie is off in Siggieland which has moved from where it was, and I don't really have a problem with her. I don't always agree with her, but that's fine. Second is more mellow, like someone more ready to debate or consider the opposition point of view.

I probably agree with most people around 20%. there are a few 5% or 0% and then there are a number of 50%, and a few 80% or so. I agree with trump about 50% of the time, which is probably no worse than my agreement with bernie. The idea that trump is planting people to block his own bad policy campaign promises gives me hope, or that the infrastructure projects will be state run and therefore use alternative energy, these are good things, resulting from some initial ideas that maybe weren't so good. I'm still wait and see. I'll defend anyone who is being unfairly attacked or has a solid point.


Monday, February 27, 2017 5:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You misunderstood of course. You said: "I learned about war-mongering and "yellow journalism" when I was a child.

And THGRRI asked: "where was that?" Not "what is that..." and then you went into hag mode. -BACKINGSTRINGMODE

THUGR acted like this was some kind of foreign concept and insinuated that only people with Russian education would know about it. So I provided him information (since he seems to be unaware of grade 9-12 curriculum) that
1) It was an American phrase for an American phenomenon
2) It's quite well-known by many Americans
3) It's still in the American curriculum

To answer his question directly, I learned about in near Buffalo, NY when I was a child.


I can't believe the crap I get just for bringing information here. You guys... THUGR, GSTRING, and CATCHER ... do you love wallowing in ignorance? You have no idea what I thought of the speech, and (despite the fact that I have stated it over and over again) no idea what I think of Trump, but you sure don't mind going into attack mode based on .... nothing. Good lord.- GSTRING

You forgot some people. Magons. Mal4prez, second, KPO. Reaverfan... I'm sure there are others. I can only imagine what Kwicko and AnthonyT, Frem would say to see your devotion to that orange pos.-GSTRING

Bandwagon fallacy.


Oh, and we do know what you think of Trump, "I only support 20% of his ideas," but you'll defend him 100% of the time. You're kinda screwed up, really.
Most people here wasted their energy on fictitious (BUT RUSSIA!) or irrelevant (small hands, stupid cartoons) objections. I wrote a rather long post about all of the things Trump would have to do to *really* restore the American economy - which he isn't doing- and have also attempted to get anyone of this group of parrot-alikes to even begin to define American interests. But I simply don't want to waste my time in arguing stupid points, which brings up the question: why am I even discussing this point with you? It's a stupid point.

In one thread, you were so ANXIOUS to hear Trumps' words - especially in press-briefing form ...

Yes, absolutely. How can they write about what the White House believes if they can't ask them?

Here is an entire speech, which you can't be bothered to listen to

Think about it - any time Trump speaks there's a higher than 50-50 chance he's lying... The fact that you want to talk about his words I take as yet another deflection, another defense on your part.
Well, either his words are important, or they're not.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Monday, February 27, 2017 5:50 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Most people here wasted their energy on fictitious (BUT RUSSIA!) or irrelevant (small hands, stupid cartoons) objections. I wrote a rather long post about all of the things Trump would have to do to *really* restore the American economy - which he isn't doing- and have also attempted to get anyone of this group of parrot-alikes to even begin to define American interests. But I simply don't want to waste my time in arguing stupid points, which brings up the question: why am I even discussing this point with you? It's a stupid point.

Trump would agree. Especially about the Russian thing.



Monday, February 27, 2017 5:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Most people here wasted their energy on fictitious (BUT RUSSIA!) or irrelevant (small hands, stupid cartoons) objections. I wrote a rather long post about all of the things Trump would have to do to *really* restore the American economy - which he isn't doing- and have also attempted to get anyone of this group of parrot-alikes to even begin to define American interests. But I simply don't want to waste my time in arguing stupid points, which brings up the question: why am I even discussing this point with you? It's a stupid point.

Trump would agree. Especially about the Russian thing. THGUR


No evidence yet of Trump team, Russia collusion: U.S. lawmaker

The head of a congressional committee investigating possible contacts between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia's government said on Monday the panel had not yet seen evidence of inappropriate communications with Moscow and insisted there was no need for a special prosecutor.

"What are we going to appoint a special prosecutor to do, exactly?" Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, asked at a news conference.

Nunes said U.S. intelligence officials had not yet presented the committee with any evidence of contacts between Trump campaign staff and Russian intelligence. However, the top Democrat on the committee said later on Monday that it was far too early to make such a determination.

"It's been looked into and there's no evidence of anything there," Nunes told a news conference, called days after a weekend report by the Washington Post that the Trump administration asked him and Senator Richard Burr, the chairman of that chamber's intelligence panel, to call journalists to knock down reports about possible collusion.

The story prompted questions about whether congressional committees led by Trump's fellow Republicans would conduct a serious investigation of the politically charged allegations.

Nunes said the White House had not asked him to knock down the reports, and said he did not think his communications with news organizations had been inappropriate.

Underscoring the partisan divide, Representative Adam Schiff, the intelligence committee's top Democrat, told his own news conference that it was far too early in the process to come to any conclusions.

"When you begin an investigation, you don't begin by stating what you believe to be the conclusion," he said.


Separately, Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, said Nunes' remarks raised "serious questions about stonewalling."

White House press secretary Sean Spicer told a news briefing that administration officials did their job "very effectively" by ensuring reporters got the answers they needed.

Potential contact between Trump's campaign and Russia, and possible Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election on Trump's behalf, have prompted Democrats to demand a select committee or special prosecutor.

Most of Trump's fellow Republicans in Congress have resisted such suggestions, frustrating Democrats, who contrast their approach with their multiple investigations of 2015 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, including her use of a private email server.

Schiff said on Monday he was not confident that James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, would provide investigators with all the information they would need.

Comey, a Republican, drew furious criticism from Democrats for saying just before the election that he was looking at emails related to Clinton's use of a private server.

Nunes said he did not want U.S. citizens to be hauled before Congress because of news reports about their potential ties to Russia. "We can't have McCarthyism back in this place," he said, alluding to the notorious 1950s Senate hearings into Americans' potential ties to Communism.

It's FAKE NEWS, THUGR. Stop being so gullible.

Usually, I put a lot of news items into the "interesting if true" category, but the timing, tempo, and especially the constantly shifting narrative (pointing fingers in all kinds of directions all at once) plus the beneficiaries of these stories paint a pretty convincing picture that its all hogwash.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake



Tuesday, February 28, 2017 1:15 AM



Originally posted by G:

Sure, people who share the same opinions can be "clumped" in that regard. I would use a different word probably. Whatever.
When Trump won I was horrified, embarrassed and also excited at about 95% for the first 2 and 5% for the excited part. "Maybe, since he is so outside the beltway and such a good sales person (I've known a few amazing sales people - shudder) he'll actually show us how to get positive things done? (Seriously, it's obvious).


Sure, it's early, but it's already worse that I expected.

You have always been an exceptionally kind person DT, so I wouldn't expect you to have any negative feelings about anyone here, especially the *olde* ones, no matter their behavior. Here's to hoping you don't change any time soon.


thanks. I don't have any ill will, towards the others, especially, there was something lovecraftian about that. There's there are a few people i would like to not have an RWED discussion with, and it's always a mistake to do so. A couple people are combative.

What I don't say is how high an opinion I have of some of the people with whom I do disagree, like Auraptor, and some of those who I've always envied the social skills of, that we could all guess.

I was flabbergasted that Trump won. I was delighted that Hillary didn't, but hadn't even considered the possibility. I remember the moment when he started actually fighting, going to black neighborhoods in Detroit and Philly, and I thought, Oh, man, now it's on! Because HRC had dragged his name through the mud, and here was a man with billions of dollars who had spent 70 years working on that name. That's what he has to leave his children. that's a huge investment, a lifetime, and you can't buy that away with a bribe. But I didn't think he'd actually pull it off until 9PM on election night it dawned on me. My next thought was: If this happens, it will be totally awesome, not because we'll get Trump, or even because we won't get Hillary, but because it will mean that the well oiled machine that has been handing our elections and policies for decades will have actually fucked up. And badly. It was clear that HRC and the media had installed Trump in the RNC over the RNC's total spaz attack because they knew he would lose, and I predicted that night what I call DC's immune system, the lobbyists, the banks & the media, would have a total hissy fit in the morning. I didn't know they'd still be whining like a walking wedgy 4 months later.

It wasn't about an election or candidate, it was about a system that needed to break. If Trump is actually trying to appoint people to block Trump, it could turn out better than I had hoped. That said, I have very serious reservations about the administration. But anyone trying to hit undo and re-install the robotic killing machine that just committed the Pashtun Genocide, that did Iraq, Afghanistan, Arab Sping, that was behind Rwanda and Yugoslavia, and stick that monster back into power because we fear chaos and change? Seriously, that's some blue pill thinking right there.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017 4:01 AM


Watching CPAC speeches; yeah, of course. I'll put that on my bucket list right after #27, sticking pins in my eyes.


Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I remember the moment when Trump started actually fighting, going to black neighborhoods in Detroit and Philly, and I thought, Oh, man, now it's on! Because HRC had dragged his name through the mud, and here was a man with billions of dollars who had spent 70 years working on that name. That's what he has to leave his children. that's a huge investment, a lifetime, and you can't buy that away with a bribe.

Interesting notion, but unbelievable explanation of Trump’s 70 years.

For a very recent example of how unbelievable: If Trump was worried about his name "being dragged through the mud" by Hillary or anybody else, he could have gone to trial for Trump U anytime in the last 6 years. The Trump Organization said in a statement in November: "While we have no doubt that Trump University would have prevailed at trial based on the merits of this case, resolution of these matters allows President-Elect Trump to devote his full attention to the important issues facing our great nation."

Maybe the real reason Trump did not go to trial was he does not care about his reputation, only the money, which would explain why he settled rather than protect his family’s reputation built over 70 years. The real cost of the $25,000,000 fine to Trump is after tax, not before it. And most business settlements are fully tax deductible. The only part that arguably may not be is the $1 million in penalties. So the final cost to Trump of the fine could be zero. ZERO! We will never know if it is precisely zero because we will never see Trump’s 2017 tax return. Trump will keep that a top secret, unlike every other President. He's unworried about that part of his reputation.

To go to trial would cost Trump the price of lawyer fees, but he keeps clean the Trump family reputation. To settle would cost Trump no money and all his reputation. Which did he pick?

With every claim Trump makes about himself, he is still building his family reputation, isn’t he? Or is he tearing down his family reputation?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, February 28, 2017 11:00 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump incorrectly told a group of county sheriffs in February 2017 that the U.S. murder rate was the highest it had been in 47 years. The president is lying on purpose. The evidence for the theory? Nobody says ‘believe me’ unless they’re lying. Trump said ‘believe me’ six times in his CPAC speech.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, February 28, 2017 3:16 PM



Donald Trump had been doing this my entire life, and Mr New York has stuck his name all over the place here. He pumps up his name, and then he and his kids cash in. They've been running that game the last 40 years and they intend to run that forever.

Trump university is one example, they're are lots, and yes, they're always a scam. The cartoon is pretty accurate, except that Apprentice can't get an Oscar, it can only get an Emmy.






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