Make Russia Great Again

UPDATED: Saturday, August 12, 2023 09:02
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Friday, June 2, 2017 7:35 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Just a record of President Trump's actions as he works his way through Vladimir Putin's shopping list.

A few to get us started:

1) Cause discord at NATO, check:

"Trump pushes around NATO; lecture seen as unsettling alliance" -

2) Trying to remove sanctions on Russia from day one, check:

"How the Trump administration’s secret efforts to ease Russia sanctions fell short" -

3) Returning Russia's US "spy houses" confiscated after the US election interference, check:


#RussiaFirst #MakeRussiaGreatAgain


Friday, June 2, 2017 7:49 AM


America loves a winner!

Judicial Watch obtains new classified Clinton emails

A nonprofit legal watchdog claimed Thursday that newly unearthed documents show Hillary Clinton sent and received more classified information on her private server than previously known, and that the papers also show top aide Huma Abedin did favors for Clinton Foundation insiders.

Judicial Watch released more than 2,000 pages of documents it obtained pursuant to a May 5, 2015 court order, after filing a lawsuit against the State Department for failing to comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The new documents included 115 Clinton email exchanges that were not previously turned over by the State Department.

“These shocking new Clinton emails show why the Justice Department should reevaluate, reopen, or reinvigorate Clinton, Inc. investigations,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said on Thursday. “The casual violation of laws concerning classified material and noxious influence peddling show the Clinton State Department was ‘corruption central’ in the Obama administration.”

According to Judicial watch, on Dec. 6, 2010, Clinton shared classified information with non-U.S. government employees Justin Cooper, an aide to former President Clinton, and Clinton Foundation Director Doug Band. The email allegedly shows Clinton instructing her aide to print the correspondence, which involved allegations of theft by Bangladeshi banker and Clinton Foundation donor Muhammad Yunus.

Yunus was accused of embezzling $100 million from the Grameen Bank, which he founded.

In another instance, on March 14, 2011, Judicial Watch says State Department official Maria Otero emailed Clinton information about the Grameen Bank, and it was deemed classified and “confidential” by the State Department, but later redacted.

Judicial Watch claimed Clinton responded to Otero using her account, and copied Abedin’s unsecure email account as well-

Judicial Watch’s new emails appear to show multiple Abedin email exchanges from an unsecured server. They also appear to show that Clinton’s then-scheduler, Lona Valmoro, forwarded Clinton’s daily Secretary of State schedule to top Clinton Foundation officials, along with a “number of favors” that were requested.

In a May 10, 2010 email between Abedin and Band, Abedin said she “hooked up” people from the Russian American Foundation with the “right people” at the State Department. The Russia-American Foundation was then staffed by Clinton political supporters, according to Judicial Watch.

Additional documents allegedly show that Chelsea Clinton emails, an email sent by Clinton to Abedin saying she did not wish to fly on the same plane with former First Lady Michelle Obama to Betty Ford’s funeral, and an email chain between Clinton staffers showing they drafted a “doctors statement” as to why Mrs. Clinton fainted due to “dehydration” causing her to hit her head and suffer a “concussion” in December 2012. Judicial Watch’s email shows that the same group, including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines, prepared a discharge statement when she was released from the hospital.

Fitton added: “No wonder Clinton’s allies in the State and Justice Departments had been slow-walking and hiding these emails.”

Judicial Watch published the emails on their website.

There's nothing there w/ regards to Trump. This entire puppet show is to give comfort and cover for Hillary, and her TRUE treasonous actions regarding Russia ( UraniumONE and pay for play ) as well as her covert dealings on her illegal SERVER - it's not just an ' account ', as Hillary tries to tell us.


Saturday, June 3, 2017 3:03 AM


Not only did the White House try to lift the sanctions, but they were trying since Day One...very quiet-like, so as not to raise any suspicion. And Putin is chuckling all the way, never once hiding his disdain for the U.S., and never once hiding his smirk as he teases us with his misinformation.


Sneaky fucking Russians! - Cousin Avi, Snatch 2000

And all along Trump and Friends are denying any collusion. Actually collusion is regarding the election tampering, but sanctions are a different kettle of fish.
I know, I know...there's no law against lifting sanctions. We shall soon see. They're looking to lift sanctions from the Russian government, but too the banks (run by the Russian gov't).

But why? Good question. It seems that Kushner is deep in debt regarding 666 Fifth Avenue and a balloon payment is due shortly (within months is the report). So, sanctions must be lifted in order for Kushner to receive a loan to pay off that
balloon payment.

Naturally they must keep all this hush-hush. Why would Kushner be meeting privately with the president of the Russian bank that's run by a Putin appointed former FSB agent. Of course, Kushner conveniently forgot to mention this in his disclosure statement. Cooperate with the investigation?, YOU BET!

Again, all will come out in due time.

And trump has the nerve to call Hilary crooked. Fuuuuck, what a douchebag!



Originally posted by kpo:
Just a record of President Trump's actions as he works his way through Vladimir Putin's shopping list.

A few to get us started:

1) Cause discord at NATO, check:

"Trump pushes around NATO; lecture seen as unsettling alliance" -

2) Trying to remove sanctions on Russia from day one, check:

"How the Trump administration’s secret efforts to ease Russia sanctions fell short" -

3) Returning Russia's US "spy houses" confiscated after the US election interference, check:


#RussiaFirst #MakeRussiaGreatAgain


Saturday, June 3, 2017 9:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

When someone started this thread, I thought it was going to be a serious discussion about how Putin is trying to improve Russia.

Yanno, pay down foreign debts, bolster the ruble with gold, and make the Russian Central Bank follow Moscow's policy, to insulate Russia from more attacks on the ruble.

Take Saudi Arabia to the brink, and then make a deal with them, to insulate Russia from more oil-price wars.

Use sanctions as a way to increase agriculture, and forbid GMOs, to enhance Russia's agricultural products on the world market

Use sanctions to boost manufacturing.

Increase military spending to 5% of GDP, improve readiness, and develop and test new weapons systems

Reach out to manufacturing and military partners (China, Iran) for support

Reduce corruption at home

Create a non-SWIFT system of interbank payments

In other words, do everything possible to insulate Russia from military, financial, cyber, and economic aggression, and create Fortress Russia.


I think it's a great example. That's what WE need to do.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Saturday, June 3, 2017 10:03 AM


America loves a winner!

7) Enlist unstable American Citizens to help Putin:

Welp, thankfully Hillary wasn't elected, so her 'help' has been greatly diminished.


Saturday, June 3, 2017 10:09 AM


America loves a winner!

The Complete (And Ever Expanding) List Of Hillary's Excuses For Election Loss

Two-time failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has blamed everything and everyone other than the old lady looking back at her in the mirror for her 2016 presidential election loss. The politically irrelevant former politician began whining and complaining about her stunning loss to Donald Trump soon after Election Day, and shows no signs of letting up.

Here's a full list of all the people, organizations, government entities, and abstract concepts Hillary Clinton has blamed for her loss thus far:

1. Former FBI Director James Comey?

"[A]s I explain in my book, you know, the Comey letter, which was, now we know, partly based on a false memo from the Russians. It was a classic piece of Russian disinformation — comprimat, they call it. So, for whatever reason, and I speculate, but I can’t look inside the guy’s mind, you know, he dumps that on me on October 28th, and I immediately start falling," said Hillary.

She later added: "Remember, Comey was more than happy to talk about my emails, but he wouldn’t talk about the investigation of the Russians."

2. Sexism

"Men got paid for the speeches they made, and I got paid for the speeches I made. It was used, I thought it was unfairly used, and all of that, but it was part of the background music," whined Hillary.

She also said, "I never said I was a perfect candidate, and I certainly have never said I ran perfect campaigns, but I don't know who is or did. And at some point it sort of bleeds into misogyny."

3. The electoral system

"I beat them both," Hillary told New York Magazine, speaking of her irrelevant popular vote win against Trump and her primary win-by-Super-Delegates to Bernie Sanders.

4. WikiLeaks

?NY Magazine reports: "Clinton says she thinks she 'underestimated WikiLeaks and the impact that had, because I thought it was so silly.' Those hacked emails, dripped out over weeks, says Clinton, 'were innocuous, boring, inconsequential. And each one was played like it was some breathless flash. And so you got Trump, in the last month of the campaign, talking about WikiLeaks something like 164 times..."

5. "Minions"

"Clinton says she thinks she 'underestimated WikiLeaks and the impact that had, because I thought it was so silly.' Those hacked emails, dripped out over weeks, says Clinton, 'were innocuous, boring, inconsequential," reported New York Magazine. "And each one was played like it was some breathless flash. And so you got Trump, in the last month of the campaign, talking about WikiLeaks something like 164 times; you’ve got all his minions out there, you’ve got the right-wing media just blowing it up. You’ve got Google searches off the charts.'"

6. Right-wing media

"They have a mission," said Hillary of right-wing media. "They use the rights given to them under the First Amendment to advocate a set of policies that are in their interests, their commercial, corporate, religious interests. Because the advocacy media occupies the right, and the center needs to be focused on providing as accurate information as possible. Not both-sides-ism and not false equivalency."

7. Mainstream media

Hillary complained, "But what was really interesting, since the mainstream media covered that, as I say like Pearl Harbor, front pages everywhere, huge type, etc."

8. Democratic National Committee

"I had to inject money into it -- the DNC -- to keep it going," she said.

9. Democrat Party

"Let me just do a comparison for you. I set up my campaign and we have our own data operation. I get the nomination. So I’m now the nominee of the Democratic Party. I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party," cried the former secretary of state. "I mean it was bankrupt, it was on the verge of insolvency, its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. I had to inject money into it."

10. 1,000 Russian agents

"If you look at Facebook, the vast majority of the news items posted were fake. They were connected to, as we now know, the 1,000 Russian agents who were involved in delivering those messages," she said.

11. Vladimir Putin

"Putin wants to bring us down," she said. "And he is an old KGB agent. I had, obviously, run-ins with him, because that in large measure prompted his animus toward me, and his desire to help Trump."

12. Donald Trump

When Hillary was asked if she believed Trump was colluding with the Russians, she replied: "Yes ... yes. I’m leaning Trump. I think it’s pretty hard not to."

13. Republican-enabled voter suppression

"You had effective suppression of votes. Those of us who can remember the Voting Rights Act, the expansion of the franchise, and then I was in the Senate when we voted 98 to nothing under a Republican president, George W. Bush, to extend the Voting Rights Act," said Hillary.

"And the Supreme Court said, 'Oh, we don’t need it anymore,' throws it out, and Republican governors and legislatures began doing everything they could to suppress the vote."

14. Citizens United

"You had Citizens United come to its full fruition. So unaccountable money flowing in against me, against other Democrats, in a way that we hadn’t seen and then attached to this weaponized information war," complained the failed candidate.

15. Facebook

"And there have been some studies done since the election that if you look — let’s pick Facebook. If you look at Facebook, the vast majority of the news items posted were fake."

16. "Millions" of Twitter bots

"We see now this new information about Trump’s Twitter account being populated by millions of bots," said Hillary.

17. Steve Bannon

"So Bannon, who’d been running the Breitbart operation, supplying a lot of the ... untrue, false stories," Hillary said.

18. Netflix

Yes, Hillary even blamed Neflix: "Go to Netflix and say you want to see a political documentary, eight of the top 10 — last time I checked a few weeks ago — were screeds against President Obama or me, or both of us."

"Now, I love Netflix. We’re not making the documentaries that we’re going to get onto Netflix," she added.

19. "Alt-right" media like Infowars

"And they began to have some of their allies within the internet world, like Infowars, take out pieces and begin to say the most outrageous, outlandish, absurd lies you could imagine," whined Hillary.

20. Bernie Sanders

The Washington Examiner reports:

"To what extent do you assign blame to Bernie Sanders, to media for focusing on emails – " Kristoff started to ask.

"How much time do we have?" Clinton laughed after checking her watch.

21. Suburban women

22. Racism/Xenophobia

"Trump does have a visceral grasp of the American politcal underbelly; he really understands how to inflame people," explained Hillary, "whatever resentment, or point of anger you may have, he can get into it -- whether it's race, xenophobia, or Islamophobia, whatever it is."

23. "Anti-American forces"

"I take responsibility for every decision I made, but that's not why I lost," she said. "Anti-American forces are going after our economy and they are going after our unity as a nation."

24. Bad polling

"Guided by Americans and guided by people who had polling and data information," Hillary said.

25. Low-information voters

26. Content farms in Macedonia

"You know, there’s all these stories of guys over in Macedonia who are running these fake news sites and I’ve seen them now and you sit there and it looks like a sort of low-level CNN operation," Hillary said, after decrying these Macedonia's "content farms."

27. Fake news

"The other side was using content that was just flat-out false, and delivering it in a very personalized way, both sort of above the radar screen and below. And you know, look, I’m not a tech expert by any stretch of the imagination. That really influenced the information that people were relying on," Hillary said.

28. Colluding Trump campaign officials

"We're getting more information about all of the contacts between Trump campaign officials and Trump associates with Russians before, during and after the election," said Hillary.

29. Stupid Americans who can't tell the difference between real and "fake news"

30. The "broad assumption I was going to win"

"I also think I was the victim of a very broad assumption I was going to win. 'It doesn’t matter what you do to her ...'"

31. Goosefer

"You know, basically the group running this was the GRU which is the military intelligence arm of the Russian military and they have a very sophisticated cyber operation, in bed with WikiLeaks, in bed with Goosefer, in bed with DC Leaks," said Hillary.

32. DCLeaks

"?And you know, DC Leaks and Goosefer, which were dropping a lot of this stuff on me, they haven’t done anything since early January. Their job was done," she said. "They got their job done."

33. Data from the Republican National Committee

"I think that the marriage of the domestic fake news operations, the domestic RNC Republican allied data, you know, combined with the very affective capabilities that the Russians brought," said the Democrat.

34. Technology

"And what we saw was, in the election particularly, and I appreciate what Walt said, the first time that you had the tech revolution really weaponized politically — before it was a way to reach voters, you know, collect fundraising, do things that would help the candidate who was behind the messaging — that changed this time, and it changed for a number of reasons we should talk about," said Hillary.

35. The FBI

36. The GRU

"You know, basically the group running this was the GRU which is the military intelligence arm of the Russian military and they have a very sophisticated cyber operation," complained Hillary, "in bed with WikiLeaks, in bed with Goosefer, in bed with DC Leaks."

37. Deplorables

"And all of the Trump people go around screaming, 'Lock her up, lock her up,' and all of that," cried Hillary.

38. Team Hillary was too honest

"And we did not engage in false content," she said. "We may have tried to put every piece of information in the best possible light, and explanations, but we weren’t in the same category as the other side."

She lies from the very start of her interview, where she claims her problem was her e-mail ACCOUNT ( not server ) and that it had been done before, there were no rules against it, no laws against it, and she did nothing wrong which others hadn't done before.

100% and complete Bullshit. She either STILL doesn't understand the difference between her server and an e-mail ACCOUNT, or she thinks the American voter ( at least most of them ) is too damn stupid to know.

I happen to think it's both. She understands that in order to have total control over her e-mails, she needed her own server. But to Hillary, that's still just an ' account '. It's a file or something, which sits in her closet, and is guarded by Secret Service.

Just let that one sink in for a moment, as you ponder the fact that her and damn near all of the DNC's e-mail were hacked.


Monday, June 12, 2017 3:07 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
When someone started this thread, I thought it was going to be a serious discussion about how Putin is trying to improve Russia.

No Sig, save your gushing over Putin for the Putin fan thread.


Reduce corruption at home


Increase military spending to 5% of GDP, improve readiness, and develop and test new weapons systems

Don't forget all those foreign wars you keep cheerleading.


I think it's a great example. That's what WE need to do.

Funny, I can't recall your cheerleading America's military, or America's foreign wars.


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Monday, June 12, 2017 3:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Funny, I can't recall your cheerleading America's military, or America's foreign wars.- KRAPO
Our military should be ready to credibly DEFEND AMERICA, not serve as an endless cashcow of American tax dollars to Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, or Northrop Grumman. Or wind up having to support terrorists abroad, or conduct endless wars of aggression to support the petrodollar.

As a Brit, you should be now aware of Tony "the poodle" Blair's prevarications which got you into supporting the Iraq war. Did you learn nothing of how our militaries are being used to further interests that have nothing to do with self-defense?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Monday, June 12, 2017 5:07 PM


The Kremlin’s Newest Hybrid Warfare Asset: Gangsters

Russia and other states have taken to hiring street gangs and thugs to do the sort of dirty work that even spies don't want to touch. Following the WannaCry ransomware cyberattack, which shut down computers around the world from Russia to Taiwan last month, fingers have been pointed at North Korea. Sort of.

To be more exact, they’ve been pointed at the cybergang known as the Lazarus Group, the group of hackers linked to the 2014 attack on Sony Pictures and the theft of $81 million from a Bangladeshi bank. But journalists have tended not to draw any distinction between the Lazarus Group and the regime of Kim Jong Un, which is understandable. North Korea has relied on such criminals and thugs to do its bidding for years.

This puts the Hermit Kingdom, for once, ahead of the curve. There’s growing evidence that other states — particularly Russia — are increasingly turning to organized crime groups as proxies, intelligence assets, and sometimes even as hired killers.


Monday, June 12, 2017 5:18 PM


America loves a winner!

Who gave away 20% of our uranium rights to Russia ?


Monday, June 12, 2017 5:20 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Funny, I can't recall your cheerleading America's military, or America's foreign wars.- KRAPO
Our military should be ready to credibly DEFEND AMERICA, not serve as an endless cashcow of American tax dollars to Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, or Northrop Grumman. Or wind up having to support terrorists abroad, or conduct endless wars of aggression to support the petrodollar.

Ok so you support Russia's imperialism and foreign wars but not America's. Got it. Just thought we should make that clear because you did say the US should follow Russia's example. #contradictions


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Monday, June 12, 2017 9:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Ok so you support Russia's imperialism and foreign wars but not America's. Got it. Just thought we should make that clear because you did say the US should follow Russia's example. #contradictions-KRAPO
Oh, so you support egregious straw-manning. Got it.

BTW, I wrote a LIST of the things Russia was doing that I thought we should be doing, and imperialism wasn't in it. So thanks for lying.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Monday, June 12, 2017 10:59 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Who gave away 20% of our uranium rights to Russia ?

I see this spit out a hundred times a day and NONE of you ever fact check the crap you repeat..... She didn't even have to power to do that.

"Clinton did not represent the State Department on the panel of agency officials who approve deals such as the Uranium One transaction. The representative at the time, former Assistant Secretary Jose Fernandez, told the Times, "Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter," referring to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States."


Monday, June 12, 2017 11:09 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Who gave away 20% of our uranium rights to Russia ?


Originally posted by Wishimay:

I see this spit out a hundred times a day and NONE of you ever fact check the crap you repeat..... She didn't even have to power to do that.

"Clinton did not represent the State Department on the panel of agency officials who approve deals such as the Uranium One transaction. The representative at the time, former Assistant Secretary Jose Fernandez, told the Times, "Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter," referring to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States."


Moreover, the State Department was one of nine government agencies that had to sign off on the deals. Other federal and state regulators also had to approve them.
Did Hillary have the final signature on the State Department approval process? If so, that means she owns that item.

Additionally, the person vetting the deal was a documented Clinton supporter. After Fernandez met with Podesta pledging his loyalty and support "... donations to the Clinton Foundation from executives of Russian-owned Uranium One exceeded $145 million, according to the New York Times. In fact, those Clinton Foundation donations spiked just as the deal for Russia’s Rosatom to secure Uranium One was being finalized."

Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017 12:31 AM


And to be completely honest, Clinton sold the goods to a Canadian business man who quickly turned and sold them to Russian interests.

Yanno... for a buffer of deniability.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017 4:24 AM



"...and never once hiding his smirk..."

I've seen this same smirk on Netanyahu, Merkel, May, and pretty much every leader that has met with Trump. Shinzo Abe practically did a spit take when he was sitting next to Trump. No one takes him seriously. Maybe that's a new strategy? And then Trump has the nerve to say in his "speech" about why we were leaving the Paris Accord, "no one will laugh at the US any more." I just started howling when I heard him say that. I think the entire world started laughing when he said that. He may have set a world record for 'most humans laughing simultaneously' when he said that.

Honestly, I take some solace from the fact that the country isn't completely on fire yet.

So true! I'm smirking right now cause I feel the same way. I knew this would happen, maybe not quite this way, but I knew that if Trump won we would be holding our noses at the stink. We are not completely on fire, not yet, that is why these Russian investigations are so important. We must save face.



Tuesday, June 13, 2017 4:31 AM


Wait, you must have stock in Chap Stick, because you are sure kissing enough scaly Russian ass to corner the market.

Russia is so advanced by Putin's dictatorship that they are protesting all across the streets of Mother Russia and getting arrested in droves. Just for protesting, which is illegal in Leningrad.

The good people of Russia are sick and tired of Putin's Regime, that they have taken to the streets. Good for Russia, good for the Russian peoples!



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
When someone started this thread, I thought it was going to be a serious discussion about how Putin is trying to improve Russia.

Yanno, pay down foreign debts, bolster the ruble with gold, and make the Russian Central Bank follow Moscow's policy, to insulate Russia from more attacks on the ruble.

Take Saudi Arabia to the brink, and then make a deal with them, to insulate Russia from more oil-price wars.

Use sanctions as a way to increase agriculture, and forbid GMOs, to enhance Russia's agricultural products on the world market

Use sanctions to boost manufacturing.

Increase military spending to 5% of GDP, improve readiness, and develop and test new weapons systems

Reach out to manufacturing and military partners (China, Iran) for support

Reduce corruption at home

Create a non-SWIFT system of interbank payments

In other words, do everything possible to insulate Russia from military, financial, cyber, and economic aggression, and create Fortress Russia.


I think it's a great example. That's what WE need to do.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Tuesday, June 13, 2017 4:38 AM


Help me to guys got your stupid asshole president - Trump; and you're still complaining about Hilary. Typical reactionary bullshit!

Fuck Rappy, you got your beloved scumbag happy. Go out and throw out the first drunk, celebrate your fucking Russian/All American victory.

Oh! I'm sorry, did I just insult your little president? My bad, the new SCROTUM in Chief should be given more respect.....I just can't do it.

Hilary lost dude, move the fuck on!



Originally posted by AURaptor:

The Complete (And Ever Expanding) List Of Hillary's Excuses For Election Loss

Two-time failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has blamed everything and everyone other than the old lady looking back at her in the mirror for her 2016 presidential election loss. The politically irrelevant former politician began whining and complaining about her stunning loss to Donald Trump soon after Election Day, and shows no signs of letting up.

Here's a full list of all the people, organizations, government entities, and abstract concepts Hillary Clinton has blamed for her loss thus far:

1. Former FBI Director James Comey?

"[A]s I explain in my book, you know, the Comey letter, which was, now we know, partly based on a false memo from the Russians. It was a classic piece of Russian disinformation — comprimat, they call it. So, for whatever reason, and I speculate, but I can’t look inside the guy’s mind, you know, he dumps that on me on October 28th, and I immediately start falling," said Hillary.

She later added: "Remember, Comey was more than happy to talk about my emails, but he wouldn’t talk about the investigation of the Russians."

2. Sexism

"Men got paid for the speeches they made, and I got paid for the speeches I made. It was used, I thought it was unfairly used, and all of that, but it was part of the background music," whined Hillary.

She also said, "I never said I was a perfect candidate, and I certainly have never said I ran perfect campaigns, but I don't know who is or did. And at some point it sort of bleeds into misogyny."

3. The electoral system

"I beat them both," Hillary told New York Magazine, speaking of her irrelevant popular vote win against Trump and her primary win-by-Super-Delegates to Bernie Sanders.

4. WikiLeaks

?NY Magazine reports: "Clinton says she thinks she 'underestimated WikiLeaks and the impact that had, because I thought it was so silly.' Those hacked emails, dripped out over weeks, says Clinton, 'were innocuous, boring, inconsequential. And each one was played like it was some breathless flash. And so you got Trump, in the last month of the campaign, talking about WikiLeaks something like 164 times..."

5. "Minions"

"Clinton says she thinks she 'underestimated WikiLeaks and the impact that had, because I thought it was so silly.' Those hacked emails, dripped out over weeks, says Clinton, 'were innocuous, boring, inconsequential," reported New York Magazine. "And each one was played like it was some breathless flash. And so you got Trump, in the last month of the campaign, talking about WikiLeaks something like 164 times; you’ve got all his minions out there, you’ve got the right-wing media just blowing it up. You’ve got Google searches off the charts.'"

6. Right-wing media

"They have a mission," said Hillary of right-wing media. "They use the rights given to them under the First Amendment to advocate a set of policies that are in their interests, their commercial, corporate, religious interests. Because the advocacy media occupies the right, and the center needs to be focused on providing as accurate information as possible. Not both-sides-ism and not false equivalency."

7. Mainstream media

Hillary complained, "But what was really interesting, since the mainstream media covered that, as I say like Pearl Harbor, front pages everywhere, huge type, etc."

8. Democratic National Committee

"I had to inject money into it -- the DNC -- to keep it going," she said.

9. Democrat Party

"Let me just do a comparison for you. I set up my campaign and we have our own data operation. I get the nomination. So I’m now the nominee of the Democratic Party. I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party," cried the former secretary of state. "I mean it was bankrupt, it was on the verge of insolvency, its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. I had to inject money into it."

10. 1,000 Russian agents

"If you look at Facebook, the vast majority of the news items posted were fake. They were connected to, as we now know, the 1,000 Russian agents who were involved in delivering those messages," she said.

11. Vladimir Putin

"Putin wants to bring us down," she said. "And he is an old KGB agent. I had, obviously, run-ins with him, because that in large measure prompted his animus toward me, and his desire to help Trump."

12. Donald Trump

When Hillary was asked if she believed Trump was colluding with the Russians, she replied: "Yes ... yes. I’m leaning Trump. I think it’s pretty hard not to."

13. Republican-enabled voter suppression

"You had effective suppression of votes. Those of us who can remember the Voting Rights Act, the expansion of the franchise, and then I was in the Senate when we voted 98 to nothing under a Republican president, George W. Bush, to extend the Voting Rights Act," said Hillary.

"And the Supreme Court said, 'Oh, we don’t need it anymore,' throws it out, and Republican governors and legislatures began doing everything they could to suppress the vote."

14. Citizens United

"You had Citizens United come to its full fruition. So unaccountable money flowing in against me, against other Democrats, in a way that we hadn’t seen and then attached to this weaponized information war," complained the failed candidate.

15. Facebook

"And there have been some studies done since the election that if you look — let’s pick Facebook. If you look at Facebook, the vast majority of the news items posted were fake."

16. "Millions" of Twitter bots

"We see now this new information about Trump’s Twitter account being populated by millions of bots," said Hillary.

17. Steve Bannon

"So Bannon, who’d been running the Breitbart operation, supplying a lot of the ... untrue, false stories," Hillary said.

18. Netflix

Yes, Hillary even blamed Neflix: "Go to Netflix and say you want to see a political documentary, eight of the top 10 — last time I checked a few weeks ago — were screeds against President Obama or me, or both of us."

"Now, I love Netflix. We’re not making the documentaries that we’re going to get onto Netflix," she added.

19. "Alt-right" media like Infowars

"And they began to have some of their allies within the internet world, like Infowars, take out pieces and begin to say the most outrageous, outlandish, absurd lies you could imagine," whined Hillary.

20. Bernie Sanders

The Washington Examiner reports:

"To what extent do you assign blame to Bernie Sanders, to media for focusing on emails – " Kristoff started to ask.

"How much time do we have?" Clinton laughed after checking her watch.

21. Suburban women

22. Racism/Xenophobia

"Trump does have a visceral grasp of the American politcal underbelly; he really understands how to inflame people," explained Hillary, "whatever resentment, or point of anger you may have, he can get into it -- whether it's race, xenophobia, or Islamophobia, whatever it is."

23. "Anti-American forces"

"I take responsibility for every decision I made, but that's not why I lost," she said. "Anti-American forces are going after our economy and they are going after our unity as a nation."

24. Bad polling

"Guided by Americans and guided by people who had polling and data information," Hillary said.

25. Low-information voters

26. Content farms in Macedonia

"You know, there’s all these stories of guys over in Macedonia who are running these fake news sites and I’ve seen them now and you sit there and it looks like a sort of low-level CNN operation," Hillary said, after decrying these Macedonia's "content farms."

27. Fake news

"The other side was using content that was just flat-out false, and delivering it in a very personalized way, both sort of above the radar screen and below. And you know, look, I’m not a tech expert by any stretch of the imagination. That really influenced the information that people were relying on," Hillary said.

28. Colluding Trump campaign officials

"We're getting more information about all of the contacts between Trump campaign officials and Trump associates with Russians before, during and after the election," said Hillary.

29. Stupid Americans who can't tell the difference between real and "fake news"

30. The "broad assumption I was going to win"

"I also think I was the victim of a very broad assumption I was going to win. 'It doesn’t matter what you do to her ...'"

31. Goosefer

"You know, basically the group running this was the GRU which is the military intelligence arm of the Russian military and they have a very sophisticated cyber operation, in bed with WikiLeaks, in bed with Goosefer, in bed with DC Leaks," said Hillary.

32. DCLeaks

"?And you know, DC Leaks and Goosefer, which were dropping a lot of this stuff on me, they haven’t done anything since early January. Their job was done," she said. "They got their job done."

33. Data from the Republican National Committee

"I think that the marriage of the domestic fake news operations, the domestic RNC Republican allied data, you know, combined with the very affective capabilities that the Russians brought," said the Democrat.

34. Technology

"And what we saw was, in the election particularly, and I appreciate what Walt said, the first time that you had the tech revolution really weaponized politically — before it was a way to reach voters, you know, collect fundraising, do things that would help the candidate who was behind the messaging — that changed this time, and it changed for a number of reasons we should talk about," said Hillary.

35. The FBI

36. The GRU

"You know, basically the group running this was the GRU which is the military intelligence arm of the Russian military and they have a very sophisticated cyber operation," complained Hillary, "in bed with WikiLeaks, in bed with Goosefer, in bed with DC Leaks."

37. Deplorables

"And all of the Trump people go around screaming, 'Lock her up, lock her up,' and all of that," cried Hillary.

38. Team Hillary was too honest

"And we did not engage in false content," she said. "We may have tried to put every piece of information in the best possible light, and explanations, but we weren’t in the same category as the other side."

She lies from the very start of her interview, where she claims her problem was her e-mail ACCOUNT ( not server ) and that it had been done before, there were no rules against it, no laws against it, and she did nothing wrong which others hadn't done before.

100% and complete Bullshit. She either STILL doesn't understand the difference between her server and an e-mail ACCOUNT, or she thinks the American voter ( at least most of them ) is too damn stupid to know.

I happen to think it's both. She understands that in order to have total control over her e-mails, she needed her own server. But to Hillary, that's still just an ' account '. It's a file or something, which sits in her closet, and is guarded by Secret Service.

Just let that one sink in for a moment, as you ponder the fact that her and damn near all of the DNC's e-mail were hacked.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017 6:58 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


BTW, I wrote a LIST of the things Russia was doing that I thought we should be doing, and imperialism wasn't in it.

No, but it is in Putin's list, somewhere near the top, and you've cheered him on in every expression of it, so...

It's a pretty big exception to your "we should copy Russia" policy.


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Tuesday, June 13, 2017 7:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


BTW, I wrote a LIST of the things Russia was doing that I thought we should be doing, and imperialism wasn't in it.- SIGNY

No, but it is in Putin's list, somewhere near the top, and you've cheered him on in every expression of it,= KRAPO

No. I. Haven't.

So I challenge you, KRAPO, find that QUOTE of mine where I did that. Or STFU, and apologize to me for lying about me on this board. Or join THUGR on that list of liars who owes me an apology and is too much of a coward to admit they were wrong.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Wednesday, June 14, 2017 12:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey KRAPO, still too cowardly to admit you were wrong?

Or do you need more time looking for those quotes where I "cheered him [Putin] on in every expression of it"?


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Wednesday, June 14, 2017 1:32 AM


Russia is really working themselves into a froth trying to get in our pants these days...

Can't help but wonder if Putin is just really, really, really, bored.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017 3:05 AM


He's got a hard-on for World domination, so at the same time that he's looking to break up that old gang at NATO, he's got his "patriots" trying to fuck us in the nether regions "real good!" - 39 states was the Bloomberg report, where they hacked into the system.

Of course, there are those that only listen when Breitbart barks, or howls depending on your mood. Meanwhile, Putin is desperately trying to get his hand up our skirt to get to the good stuff. Stay tuned....



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Russia is really working themselves into a froth trying to get in our pants these days...

Can't help but wonder if Putin is just really, really, really, bored.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017 8:33 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Of course, there are those that only listen when Breitbart barks, or howls depending on your mood. Meanwhile, Putin is desperately trying to get his hand up our skirt to get to the good stuff. Stay tuned....

Oh noez! He's trying to grab me by the pussy!


Wednesday, June 14, 2017 8:56 PM


I was thinking today about those reports that Putin may be high functioning Aspergers, I can't help but wonder if he's trying to be the coolest kid on the block, because they DO that as adults. It's like in the Sherlock series he has to wear the scarf and hat to look cool. Hubby is very concerned as an adult with his appearance, because he didn't know how to be as a kid...They love getting respect for looking cool.

I don't think it's really about dominating the world, he just wants to take the USA'a spot in cultural influence and political influence. I think that's what that smug grin was about when they asked if he messed with the elections. I think he was thinking "Oh, the USA think they soo smart, well Putin smarter, I can screw with these guys any time I want". I think that's what the riding the horse bare chested was about. He wants to be THE world icon...


Saturday, June 24, 2017 8:22 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Trump working hard to water down bi-partisan Russian sanctions bill:


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Saturday, June 24, 2017 12:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Trump working hard to water down bi-partisan Russian sanctions bill- SIGNY
EXCELLENT IDEA! Some of our EU partners are livid about them:


Germany's Angela Merkel slams planned US sanctions on Russia
German Chancellor Angela Merkel shares concerns that proposed new US sanctions against Russia could hurt European companies, her spokesman says. He called the plans "peculiar."


Foreign Minister Gabriel and Austrian Federal Chancellor Kern on the imposition of Russia sanctions by the US Senate
We cannot, however, accept the threat of illegal extraterritorial sanctions being imposed on European companies that are participating in efforts to expand Europe’s energy supply network!

Plus, they're stupid.

"For Russian aggression in Syria"? You've got to be effing kidding me. If anyone should be sanctioned for aggression in Syria it should be us.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Saturday, June 24, 2017 4:02 PM


Geez.... If Merkel's against it that almost means that I'm for it.


Sunday, June 25, 2017 5:13 AM


A sense of humor!? He has a pulse ladies and germs....



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Of course, there are those that only listen when Breitbart barks, or howls depending on your mood. Meanwhile, Putin is desperately trying to get his hand up our skirt to get to the good stuff. Stay tuned....

Oh noez! He's trying to grab me by the pussy!


Sunday, June 25, 2017 5:15 AM


Yep, agree



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I was thinking today about those reports that Putin may be high functioning Aspergers, I can't help but wonder if he's trying to be the coolest kid on the block, because they DO that as adults. It's like in the Sherlock series he has to wear the scarf and hat to look cool. Hubby is very concerned as an adult with his appearance, because he didn't know how to be as a kid...They love getting respect for looking cool.

I don't think it's really about dominating the world, he just wants to take the USA'a spot in cultural influence and political influence. I think that's what that smug grin was about when they asked if he messed with the elections. I think he was thinking "Oh, the USA think they soo smart, well Putin smarter, I can screw with these guys any time I want". I think that's what the riding the horse bare chested was about. He wants to be THE world icon...


Sunday, June 25, 2017 5:27 AM


Yes, because Russia has proven to be an effective ally throughout the years and wants very much for America to succeed. Americans will benefit with jobs. And they really enjoy their place in the world.

And now, ladies and germs, a chorus of Kumbayah. Followed by tea and crumpets in the Oval Office.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
When someone started this thread, I thought it was going to be a serious discussion about how Putin is trying to improve Russia.

Yanno, pay down foreign debts, bolster the ruble with gold, and make the Russian Central Bank follow Moscow's policy, to insulate Russia from more attacks on the ruble.

Take Saudi Arabia to the brink, and then make a deal with them, to insulate Russia from more oil-price wars.

Use sanctions as a way to increase agriculture, and forbid GMOs, to enhance Russia's agricultural products on the world market

Use sanctions to boost manufacturing.

Increase military spending to 5% of GDP, improve readiness, and develop and test new weapons systems

Reach out to manufacturing and military partners (China, Iran) for support

Reduce corruption at home

Create a non-SWIFT system of interbank payments

In other words, do everything possible to insulate Russia from military, financial, cyber, and economic aggression, and create Fortress Russia.


I think it's a great example. That's what WE need to do.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Sunday, June 25, 2017 5:30 AM


Dude, we're in 2017 and your main squeeze, Donald Trump, actually won the presidency. Fast Forward to reality, the campaign is over.

Or is it?



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Judicial Watch obtains new classified Clinton emails

A nonprofit legal watchdog claimed Thursday that newly unearthed documents show Hillary Clinton sent and received more classified information on her private server than previously known, and that the papers also show top aide Huma Abedin did favors for Clinton Foundation insiders.

Judicial Watch released more than 2,000 pages of documents it obtained pursuant to a May 5, 2015 court order, after filing a lawsuit against the State Department for failing to comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The new documents included 115 Clinton email exchanges that were not previously turned over by the State Department.

“These shocking new Clinton emails show why the Justice Department should reevaluate, reopen, or reinvigorate Clinton, Inc. investigations,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said on Thursday. “The casual violation of laws concerning classified material and noxious influence peddling show the Clinton State Department was ‘corruption central’ in the Obama administration.”

According to Judicial watch, on Dec. 6, 2010, Clinton shared classified information with non-U.S. government employees Justin Cooper, an aide to former President Clinton, and Clinton Foundation Director Doug Band. The email allegedly shows Clinton instructing her aide to print the correspondence, which involved allegations of theft by Bangladeshi banker and Clinton Foundation donor Muhammad Yunus.

Yunus was accused of embezzling $100 million from the Grameen Bank, which he founded.

In another instance, on March 14, 2011, Judicial Watch says State Department official Maria Otero emailed Clinton information about the Grameen Bank, and it was deemed classified and “confidential” by the State Department, but later redacted.

Judicial Watch claimed Clinton responded to Otero using her account, and copied Abedin’s unsecure email account as well-

Judicial Watch’s new emails appear to show multiple Abedin email exchanges from an unsecured server. They also appear to show that Clinton’s then-scheduler, Lona Valmoro, forwarded Clinton’s daily Secretary of State schedule to top Clinton Foundation officials, along with a “number of favors” that were requested.

In a May 10, 2010 email between Abedin and Band, Abedin said she “hooked up” people from the Russian American Foundation with the “right people” at the State Department. The Russia-American Foundation was then staffed by Clinton political supporters, according to Judicial Watch.

Additional documents allegedly show that Chelsea Clinton emails, an email sent by Clinton to Abedin saying she did not wish to fly on the same plane with former First Lady Michelle Obama to Betty Ford’s funeral, and an email chain between Clinton staffers showing they drafted a “doctors statement” as to why Mrs. Clinton fainted due to “dehydration” causing her to hit her head and suffer a “concussion” in December 2012. Judicial Watch’s email shows that the same group, including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines, prepared a discharge statement when she was released from the hospital.

Fitton added: “No wonder Clinton’s allies in the State and Justice Departments had been slow-walking and hiding these emails.”

Judicial Watch published the emails on their website.

There's nothing there w/ regards to Trump. This entire puppet show is to give comfort and cover for Hillary, and her TRUE treasonous actions regarding Russia ( UraniumONE and pay for play ) as well as her covert dealings on her illegal SERVER - it's not just an ' account ', as Hillary tries to tell us.


Sunday, June 25, 2017 10:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SHINY- PUTIN is doing everything he can to make Russia great again. Heck, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Yeltsin years, Russia was in worse shape than "the west" after the 2008 crash, so it was a long slog upwards! But nobody is claiming that Russia is our "friend".

In fact, I'm saying we should do many of the same things that Putin did ... pay down our debts, re-introduce manufacturing, tend to our cybersecurity, become more self-sufficient ... BECAUSE we need to be able to withstand the shocks that ANYBODY (Russia included) might deal us.

So, thanks for putting words in my mouth, and in the mouths of a bunch of people.

And now I'll return the favor: YOU dolts (yeah, you Hillary-supporters) want to do the opposite: Rack up debt, depend on imports, militarily intervene everywhere, and pretend to be just one giant happy international family - under corporate rule. Thanks for being a traitor.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Friday, June 30, 2017 1:54 AM


Yes, I'm famous for putting things in people's mouths, but that aside, this country - The USA - needs to do many things to improve the quality of life for ALL Americans, not just a handful of people. Now, how we do that should be up to us.

Me, I want us to follow our own model: starting with making an amendment to have candidates for any national office, especially for president, have some public service experience - mayor, governor, dog catcher, senator etc. Yes, this is in reference to Trump. Now, I'm being serious here - the office is too important to turn it over to a complete idiot. I'm not being sarcastic or trying to be funny, the office is just too important.

Congress also needs some revamping. I mean, this whole obstruction thing is downright "fucked up" - now, from what I understand, you have the Dems following suit; to some degree. Since I began to really closely follow our political landscape, I've noticed that it's getting nastier - and I don't mean behind the scenes. We, the people need to make sure that they are doing their jobs. You don't do it - get the FUCK OUT! It's that simple. If you don't want to do your part to run the country, the people should have the right to "impeach" the stupid motherfuckers. Let's start there - get people in there that want to do the job.

Anything less, get the FUCK OUT!

Putin is out for Russia, and that's all well and good. Here's a shocker for you - great, he should do everything possible to help his country. FINE.
But I don't live in Russia, so I don't give a fuck what he does to help his country.

Now, if it turns out to be true that he's messing with us - FUCK HIM! I would love to be the one to program an ICBM to light his ass up, me personally aim it and pull the trigger. That is, of course, if he's messing with us.

You and Mr. Trump don't want to believe the intelligence community, again, I say FINE! In this country, we pride ourselves on following your gut and individual freedoms. Bravo, good for you. Be Free!

Now I know that there are individuals in this country that don't always believe as you or me. Some that are evil scumbags who don't have a soul and are more than willing to help themselves for the right price. The ones that are willing to step on whoever for their personal gain, but also have no qualms on advancing at the expense of others and the country. I am not naïve that these people exist and that they live here.

I was born and raised in this country, and I know we are far from perfect (actually there's no such thing as perfect), but this land, and the good people in it, is all we got. Putin, IMHO, wants to bring us down a notch....okay, no problem. This is his right as a Russian. Hell, it's natural!

That's why I say, fuck with us...try to destroy our way of tarnish our rep as being less than who we are as a people; then I say FUCK HIM. I say, expose those fuckers who in any way try to help him achieve that goal. Hang 'em by the balls in the nation's capital. I say, send them to Guantanamo...give them a taste of their own medicine.

Change this country for the better, I'm all for it! Let's start tomorrow. But WE determine that change, NOT PUTIN or anyone else for that matter. WE change it to what WE want...hell, that may cause a civil war at this point, but WE determine that, NO ONE ELSE! You want to root for Putin, be my guest, but I'm not going to kiss your ass because that's what you choose. You want that this country follows his model to rebuild a nation, I don't know enough about him, his country or his methods to say - "Yeah, that's good, let's do that." And I suggest that neither do you! Unless, of course, you have lived there...then I take that back.

P.S. I carefully crafted this response to address the issues, as thoughtfully as I could.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SHINY- PUTIN is doing everything he can to make Russia great again. Heck, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Yeltsin years, Russia was in worse shape than "the west" after the 2008 crash, so it was a long slog upwards! But nobody is claiming that Russia is our "friend".

In fact, I'm saying we should do many of the same things that Putin did ... pay down our debts, re-introduce manufacturing, tend to our cybersecurity, become more self-sufficient ... BECAUSE we need to be able to withstand the shocks that ANYBODY (Russia included) might deal us.

So, thanks for putting words in my mouth, and in the mouths of a bunch of people.

And now I'll return the favor: YOU dolts (yeah, you Hillary-supporters) want to do the opposite: Rack up debt, depend on imports, militarily intervene everywhere, and pretend to be just one giant happy international family - under corporate rule. Thanks for being a traitor.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.
I'll accept your apology any time, THUGR. But I know you're not man enough to give me one


Friday, June 30, 2017 3:40 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

White House could offer to roll back sanctions in first Trump-Putin meeting -

Also on the table is a return of Russia's spy compounds, confiscated by the Obama administration.

"It is not clear what Putin would be asked to give in return."

Hmm. Any guesses? An end to Russia's war in eastern Ukraine? The return of occupied Ukrainian territories? Compliance with the Minsk peace deal, at the very least?


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Evidence the Syrian regime sponsors ISIS -


Tuesday, August 7, 2018 4:03 PM


In a new New York Times interview, House Speaker Ryan looks at his time with President Trump and says he was able to avoid many tragedies while talking with the president in private.



Tuesday, March 8, 2022 4:27 PM


More war

highest gasoline in history, breaking the previous US record set in July 2008.


Saturday, August 12, 2023 9:02 AM


If we return Trump to power, ‘this is going to be no different from Putin’s Russia’ | Opinion






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