
UPDATED: Friday, October 6, 2023 13:30
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Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:48 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
Everyone involved is trash and will all eventually be labeled as terrorists.

(Right click and "view image" to blow it up and read it.)

hint to 6:
Facts that are clear to you and any reasonable person are coded as Libtard "fake news" for the deniers.

Well, there's the simple fact that they haven't committed any terrorists acts.

Antifa never walked into a church and murdered 9 black people. Antifa didn't drive a car into a crowd of people. Antifa didn't beat a man with a tiki torch and end up killing him. Antifa never promoted genocide and racism.

That's what you Nazis do. You're the textbook definition of terrorists.

Funny how everything there talks about Nazi violence and the heroic Antifas who stand up to it.

Plus New Jersey's governor is a racist himself, so it's no surprise his racist thugs would intentionally mis-classify their moral superiors.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:59 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What I find particularly distressing is how SOME people on this board are so willing to divide Americans into "them" and "us", and categorize and then castigate entire groups of people who IN THEIR MINDS believe/ stand for IN THEIR MINDS repugnant ideas.

Let's test your honesty and powers of observation. Cites for above please. My guess is you will conveniently leave some people out and also mistakenly *cough* lie *cough* about others. Do make sure you include how you hate Liberals and Democrats.

You can put me down for hating all white supremacists, racists, KKK, cheaters, stealers, bullies, idiots, dummies, lunkheads, pretentious louts, egomaniacs, bores, dictatorial fatheads and humorless stooges.


SIG, you just self diagnosed, that's progress.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 10:01 AM


Sign and share.

Restore federal funding to stop white supremacist hate
Tell DHS and key congressional leaders: Restore federal funding to stop Nazis, white supremacists and other right-wing extremists engaging in domestic terrorism.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 12:29 PM


lol... Nazi's and Satanists now, huh?

The word Nazi is losing it's meaning so you had to tack something else on it.

Was that you or the huffPo? No way I'd ever click on their link to find that one out, but that wouldn't surprise me.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 1:36 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by reaverfan:
Well, there's the simple fact that they haven't committed any terrorists acts.

"At least two journalists in Virginia were assaulted by violent counter-protesters ..." "By any means necessary they say can mean outing the nationalists at their work, or to their neighbors. Or, as we've seen recently, violence - fires, property damage, hand to hand combat, at protests across the country."

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 2:11 PM


To be fair though.... a lot of them are just privlidged college kids who broke away from their safe spaces for the weekend to act out their V for Vendetta fantasies. Just a bunch of whiny pussies that our school system made.

Remember when all those "scary clowns" were showing up all over the place for a while? All of the sudden some bad things were happening to people dressing up like clowns and you don't really hear about them anymore, do you?

I'm not calling for it, and I'd wish they would stop before it gets to that point, but eventually they're going to start getting beat around pretty good and when it's not a fun thing to do anymore most of them will go away.

The ones that stay are the ones that you have to keep an eye on at that point.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 3:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Frem wrote about the Black Bloc years ago. Today it appears that the most often violent wing of the Antifa protests is the Black Bloc, though Antifa demonstrators are violent in their own right.

A black bloc is a name given to groups of protesters who wear black clothing, scarves, sunglasses, ski masks, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other face-concealing and face-protecting items.[1][2] The clothing is used to conceal marchers' identities, and hinder criminal prosecution ... The tactic was developed in the 1980s ... Black blocs gained broader media attention outside Europe during the 1999 Seattle WTO protests, when a black bloc damaged property of GAP, Starbucks, Old Navy, and other multinational retail locations in downtown Seattle.

(the German black bloc) main focus became the struggle against the recurring popularity of Neo-Nazism in Germany. On the day of President Donald Trump's inauguration, black bloc groups were present among other protests in Washington D.C. and other places. The groups engaged in vandalism, rioting, and violence

Antifa is a far-left militant political movement of autonomous, self-described anti-fascist groups in the United States.

These groups are usually anti-government and anti-capitalist, and their methodologies and tactics are more aggressively violent and anarchistic than those of associated groups in the far left.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 3:13 PM


I know what they are. I don't disagree with you. There are a lot of scary people in the antifa movement.

All I'm saying is that a lot of them are the exact opposite of scary. The type of kids that are going to come back from college with their worthless liberal arts degree and live at their parents house into their 40's and bitch to the world that they shouldn't have had to pay for college.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 3:36 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

There were Antifa and Black Bloc members that instigated violence in their own right at Charlottesville. They weren't all the twee caricatures you describe (and caricatures are a form of dehumanization, btw).

The violence wasn't nearly as one-sided as portrayed in the propaganda that passes for news.

Trump was factual. There was violence on BOTH sides of agglomerated interests.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 4:16 PM


I agree with all of that. There are a lot of dangerous people in antifa and they did instigate violence. I'm not flip flopping here.

I'm just saying the movement is nowhere as near as big as people think it is. Antifa most of all would not admit that.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 5:41 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


DJ is rarely ever factual.
Who's DJ?

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 6:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You can put me down for hating all white supremacists, racists, KKK, cheaters, stealers, bullies, idiots, dummies, lunkheads, pretentious louts, egomaniacs, bores, dictatorial fatheads and humorless stooges.
So, do you hate much?

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Sunday, August 20, 2017 6:20 PM



Originally posted by G:
I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists...

You sure that "violent" needs to be a factor?

I'm only asking because who decides who is a Neo-Nazi or a White Supremacist? I've been called the former by Guy Fawkes no less than a dozen times in the last few days. Is it alright in your eyes that somebody come to my house and drag me out and beat the shit out of me?


other than the fact that it won't solve anything.

You're right about that part. I'd argue that it only makes the problem worse and you're going to see more people join in this idiocy than otherwise would have if it doesn't stop.


Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.


Ridding the country of them?

Who are these "we" you're talking about? Are you doing something right now in this effort? If you are, how are you "ridding the country" of anyone? Are you shipping them to another country? Are you killing them?

WTF are you even talking about?


Sunday, August 20, 2017 6:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by G:
I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists...

You sure that "violent" needs to be a factor?

I'm only asking because who decides who is a Neo-Nazi or a White Supremacist? I've been called the former by Guy Fawkes no less than a dozen times in the last few days. Is it alright in your eyes that somebody come to my house and drag me out and beat the shit out of me?


other than the fact that it won't solve anything.

You're right about that part. I'd argue that it only makes the problem worse and you're going to see more people join in this idiocy than otherwise would have if it doesn't stop.


Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.


Ridding the country of them?

Who are these "we" you're talking about? Are you doing something right now in this effort? If you are, how are you "ridding the country" of anyone? Are you shipping them to another country? Are you killing them?

WTF are you even talking about?


By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Sunday, August 20, 2017 6:35 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by G:

Which Trump are you talking about? DJ is rarely ever factual. If you think you can tell anything from those news clips you're smoking bad weed. Those sides are dressed alike most of the time (dark battle gear) and there was so much chaos it could have been anyone hitting anyone (except the black youth getting beaten in a parking garage... and oh yeah, Heather Heyer getting run over and killed by a Nazi).

I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists... other than the fact that it won't solve anything. Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.

Do you think America is a better country with Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists and Racists?


SGG, KPO, SECOND - are you signing on to this as well?

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 6:44 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What I find particularly distressing is how SOME people on this board are so willing to divide Americans into "them" and "us", and categorize and then castigate entire groups of people who IN THEIR MINDS believe/ stand for IN THEIR MINDS repugnant ideas.

You can put me down for hating all white supremacists, racists, KKK, cheaters, stealers, bullies, idiots, dummies, lunkheads, pretentious louts, egomaniacs, bores, dictatorial fatheads and humorless stooges.

You really,really hate Democraps and other Liberals with a vengeance.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 6:51 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
Well, there's the simple fact that they haven't committed any terrorists acts.

"At least two journalists in Virginia were assaulted by violent counter-protesters ..." "By any means necessary they say can mean outing the nationalists at their work, or to their neighbors. Or, as we've seen recently, violence - fires, property damage, hand to hand combat, at protests across the country."

Facts, schmacts. Truth is overrated when dealing with Libtards.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 6:56 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

DJ is rarely ever factual.
Who's DJ?

G's best friend and mentor, his hero.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 8:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by G:
DJ is rarely ever factual.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Who's DJ?


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
G's best friend and mentor, his hero.

Eh - doesn't help. All I'm coming up with is Dow Jones and Dee-Jay.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 8:17 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:


Originally posted by G:
I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists... other than the fact that it won't solve anything. Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.

SECOND - are you signing on to this as well?

Not me. It's a revenge fantasy. A Democrat might indulge himself with the fantasy on, but wouldn't do it.

. . . as one of the few people in the media who has been somewhat sympathetic to Mr. Trump, I am often asked to comment on his surprise victory, or more recently on his statements, policies and the gusher of news pouring out of this White House. For months, despite increasing chaos and incoherence, I have given Mr. Trump the benefit of the doubt: “No, I don’t really think he is a racist,” I have told skeptical audiences. “Yes, he says some stupid things, but none of it really matters; he’s not really that incompetent.” Or: “They’ve made some mistakes, but it’s still early.”

It’s no longer early. Not only has the president failed to make the course corrections necessary to save his administration, but his increasingly appalling conduct will continue to repel anyone who might once have been inclined to work with him.

From the very start of his run, one of the most serious charges against Mr. Trump was that he panders to racists. Many of his supporters, myself included, managed to convince ourselves that his more outrageous comments — such as the Judge Gonzalo Curiel controversy or his initial hesitance to disavow David Duke’s endorsement — were merely Bidenesque gaffes committed during the heat of a campaign.

It is now clear that we were deluding ourselves. Either Mr. Trump is genuinely sympathetic to the David Duke types, or he is so obtuse as to be utterly incapable of learning from his worst mistakes. Either way, he continues to prove his harshest critics right.

Mr. Trump once boasted that he could shoot someone in the street and not lose voters. Well, someone was just killed in the street by a white supremacist in Charlottesville. His refusal this weekend to specifically and immediately denounce the groups responsible for this intolerable violence was both morally disgusting and monumentally stupid. In this, Mr. Trump failed perhaps the easiest imaginable test of presidential leadership. Rather than advance a vision of national unity that he claims to represent, his indefensible equivocation can only inflame the most vicious forces of division within our country.

. . . after more than 200 days in office, Mr. Trump’s behavior grows only more reprehensible. Meanwhile, his administration has no significant legislative accomplishments — and no apparent plan to deliver any. Wilbur Ross’s Commerce Department has advanced some sensible and appropriately incremental changes to trade policy, but no long-term agenda has been articulated. Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue’s recently proposed legislation offers a sound basis for reforming immigration policy, but seems to have no prospects and has received comparatively little attention. The administration inexplicably downgraded infrastructure and corporate tax reform — issues with potentially broad-based support — to pursue a warmed-over version of Paul Ryan’s Obamacare repeal, which ended, predictably, in a humiliating failure.

Nothing disastrous has occurred on the foreign policy front — yet — but the never-ending chaos within the administration hardly inspires confidence.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 20, 2017 8:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by G:
I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists... other than the fact that it won't solve anything. Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
SECOND - are you signing on to this as well?


Originally posted by second:
Not me. It's a revenge fantasy. A Democrat might indulge himself with the fantasy on, but wouldn't do it.

Indulge you do.

Originally posted by second:

I don't need a moat. To make America great again in a Civil War I'll be literally hunting for people like you. It will be fun, at least for me, but not for you.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 8:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by G:

Which Trump are you talking about? DJ is rarely ever factual. If you think you can tell anything from those news clips you're smoking bad weed. Those sides are dressed alike most of the time (dark battle gear) and there was so much chaos it could have been anyone hitting anyone (except the black youth getting beaten in a parking garage... and oh yeah, Heather Heyer getting run over and killed by a Nazi).

I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists... other than the fact that it won't solve anything. Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.

Do you think America is a better country with Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists and Racists?


SGG, KPO - are you signing on to this as well?

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:00 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by G:
I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists... other than the fact that it won't solve anything. Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
SECOND - are you signing on to this as well?


Originally posted by second:
Not me. It's a revenge fantasy. A Democrat might indulge himself with the fantasy on, but wouldn't do it.

Indulge you do.

Originally posted by second:

I don't need a moat. To make America great again in a Civil War I'll be literally hunting for people like you. It will be fun, at least for me, but not for you.

I've had guns pointed at me, last year, in real life. Nobody died; I talked my out rather than shoot it out. I've been killing my limit of deer for 15 years. I could be an award winning sniper, the Chris Kyle of the next Civil War, but that is a wide, bright line I'm not crossing in this life. Maybe in a fantasy, but never in reality because what would parents think?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 20, 2017 9:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by G:

Which Trump are you talking about? DJ is rarely ever factual. If you think you can tell anything from those news clips you're smoking bad weed. Those sides are dressed alike most of the time (dark battle gear) and there was so much chaos it could have been anyone hitting anyone (except the black youth getting beaten in a parking garage... and oh yeah, Heather Heyer getting run over and killed by a Nazi).

I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists... other than the fact that it won't solve anything. Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.

Do you think America is a better country with Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists and Racists?


SGG, KPO - are you signing on to this as well?

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, August 21, 2017 1:01 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

wow. Thanks, I never would have gotten that reference.

I have to ask...WHY THE HELL NOT?? Where were you in the 90's or the 2000's?
Are you 16 yrs old? Did you just get TV? Did you grow up under a ROCK??

Even the people I know that do not like sci-fi know what "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS" is from. And this isn't the first time you haven't had a clue about references everyone else knows. Your grammar is bad as well. Are you Russian? Do you have brain damage?? Are you locked in a basement??

Seriously, what IS wrong with you??


Monday, August 21, 2017 1:36 AM



What cluster of events/ reactions led you to realize that you were dealing with a narcissist? I'm just really, really, really curious.

First, let me say that this is all new and fresh to me because it was recently that I encountered a female narc, and through that experience I discovered that my ex was also a narc.

Without going into too much detail, here's what I experienced:

Gaslighting: manipulate someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

For instance; saying that you did something in the past that was bad and wrong, but it wasn't you that did it, but the narc insists to the point of you questioning yourself "did I do that?"

My ex-girlfriend accused me of having an affair with a female friend of mine. She also accused me of hiding my cell phone so that she would not find out the truth (about my so-called affair). When I would deny it, she would only increase the frequency of her accusations. And, even though I would spend most of my free time with my girlfriend, she would accuse me of going behind her back to "hook up" with my "secret lover."

Of course, none of this was so, but the more I defended myself the more she would argue and say that it was her sound reasoning that brought her to that conclusion. She claimed that she never lies, she claimed to know about a lot of things but her best trait was discovering liars. This, of course, happened over a period of time (you may be asking why I continued the relationship with her for 4 months); she did not reveal this behavior in a fell swoop; like my ex-wife, she was very cunning and manipulative - it's what they do. It's very subtle until you begin to step back and really analyze the peculiar behavior.

They, at first, shower you with what is known as the "love bomb" - plenty of love and affection at the beginning of the relationship. They garner info on your idiosyncrasies, patterns of behavior and plan their mode of attack. Like I said, it's subtle at first. They tell you that they love you and coddle you, put you on a pedestal, then they lower the boom on you.

I started to notice similar patterns between her and my ex-wife like; the subtle little lies, the questioning your view of the event(s); then finally the arguments over the smallest things. But the most telling sign is the manipulation of the truth and your view of it; it would make me question myself. For instance; we met on an online dating site and she told me on the very first date, that she despised men who would not wear a shirt to show off their muscles. She thought it vulgar and cheap, and that she would never respond to men who did that.

Then one day she was showing me pictures of her family on her I-Phone and of her ex-husband (gee, she would say to me, what a jerk he was); when suddenly up pops a picture of a young stud (I'm assuming naked) with a selfie of his bare chest. She sheepishly (and quickly) swiped the picture away, but when I confronted her she claimed he was a friend and denied that she had ever said that she despised men who did that. It was only a matter of weeks before, plus how she was so adamant about her total dislike and disdain for such behavior from men, especially young men (since it reminded her of her son, age 32). I know what I heard her say, it was the first moment that I felt she was taking me for a "ride."

There are other instances, but you get the idea. Manipulation, cunning and deceiving extraordinaire. That's what I mean about keeping my wits about me.
It was only upon doing my research as to the patterns of behavior of this woman that led me to believe that my ex-wife was also a narc. Now, there are different types of narcs - aside from men and women narcs - there are those that are overt and those that are covert. They, both men and women, think that they are God's gift to sex.

They are very promiscuous; they often have several "hooks" on the line simultaneously; they have a "need" to be right all the time; they never admit to bad behavior on their part (it's always someone else's fault); it's rare that they will say sorry or even admit to maybe, possibly being wrong. If they do they quickly turn it around. Very low self-esteem; so they compensate by pointing the finger at others and proclaiming their faults (but never theirs). They also are skilled at getting others to side with them (through manipulation) and incorporate them in their accusations toward a victim - these people are called "flying monkeys." They do he/she's bidding and verify the narcs accusations. I came across some very interesting research and some very real and profound realizations, both about myself and my ex-wife (and this woman). Some can become violent when confronted with the pure truth, while others will seemingly escape criticism
and dump you faster than greased lightning.

That's my story.



Monday, August 21, 2017 1:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


What cluster of events/ reactions led you to realize that you were dealing with a narcissist? I'm just really, really, really curious.- SIGNY

First, let me say that this is all new and fresh to me because it was recently that I encountered a female narc, and through that experience I discovered that my ex was also a narc.

Without going into too much detail, here's what I experienced:

Gaslighting: manipulate someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

For instance; saying that you did something in the past that was bad and wrong, but it wasn't you that did it, but the narc insists to the point of you questioning yourself "did I do that?"

My ex-girlfriend accused me of having an affair with a female friend of mine. She also accused me of hiding my cell phone so that she would not find out the truth (about my so-called affair). When I would deny it, she would only increase the frequency of her accusations. And, even though I would spend most of my free time with my girlfriend, she would accuse me of going behind her back to "hook up" with my "secret lover." - SHINY

Holy crap, SHINY, that's insane. I mean, really crazy.

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Monday, August 21, 2017 2:21 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

What cluster of events/ reactions led you to realize that you were dealing with a narcissist? I'm just really, really, really curious.
First, let me say that this is all new and fresh to me because it was recently that I encountered a female narc, and through that experience I discovered that my ex was also a narc.

Without going into too much detail, here's what I experienced:

Gaslighting: manipulate someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

For instance; saying that you did something in the past that was bad and wrong, but it wasn't you that did it, but the narc insists to the point of you questioning yourself "did I do that?"

My ex-girlfriend accused me of having an affair with a female friend of mine. She also accused me of hiding my cell phone so that she would not find out the truth (about my so-called affair). When I would deny it, she would only increase the frequency of her accusations. And, even though I would spend most of my free time with my girlfriend, she would accuse me of going behind her back to "hook up" with my "secret lover."

when I knew females like that, it seemed they were always Soap Opera addicts. They seemed to really actually believe that the melodrama on soaps was the real world, and without imagining that the same drama was in their own lives, it would be too unexciting.
I tried talking sensibly to them, but it was an alternate reality.


Monday, August 21, 2017 2:33 AM


Exactly, they create and maintain an alternate reality, they are compelled by their illness (if you could call it that) and work hard to keep their "world" alive.

They convince themselves that they are right, everybody else is wrong!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

What cluster of events/ reactions led you to realize that you were dealing with a narcissist? I'm just really, really, really curious.

First, let me say that this is all new and fresh to me because it was recently that I encountered a female narc, and through that experience I discovered that my ex was also a narc.

Without going into too much detail, here's what I experienced:

Gaslighting: manipulate someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

For instance; saying that you did something in the past that was bad and wrong, but it wasn't you that did it, but the narc insists to the point of you questioning yourself "did I do that?"

My ex-girlfriend accused me of having an affair with a female friend of mine. She also accused me of hiding my cell phone so that she would not find out the truth (about my so-called affair). When I would deny it, she would only increase the frequency of her accusations. And, even though I would spend most of my free time with my girlfriend, she would accuse me of going behind her back to "hook up" with my "secret lover."

when I knew females like that, it seemed they were always Soap Opera addicts. They seemed to really actually believe that the melodrama on soaps was the real world, and without imagining that the same drama was in their own lives, it would be too unexciting.
I tried talking sensibly to them, but it was an alternate reality.


Monday, August 21, 2017 2:35 AM



Ain't dating wonderful?


Monday, August 21, 2017 2:39 AM


Yes, in some cases - BAT SHIT crazy!

It's the manipulation that drives them, that and the world that they create to float their egos. They believe it so strongly, that you must be careful
when confronting them with the truth.

I searched my soul deeply for answers and to self-evaluate as to why I met up with two in my lifetime. My ex wife and this woman, 30 years apart, but still met them I did.

Now I know what to look for.



Monday, August 21, 2017 2:40 AM


Fuck yeah, you're preaching to the



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Ain't dating wonderful?


Monday, August 21, 2017 2:41 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

wow. Thanks, I never would have gotten that reference.

I have to ask...WHY THE HELL NOT?? Where were you in the 90's or the 2000's?
Are you 16 yrs old? Did you just get TV? Did you grow up under a ROCK??

Even the people I know that do not like sci-fi know what "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS" is from. And this isn't the first time you haven't had a clue about references everyone else knows. Your grammar is bad as well. Are you Russian? Do you have brain damage?? Are you locked in a basement??

Seriously, what IS wrong with you??

Wow... another viscous attack from Wish. (Big surprise). This one just about as petty as it gets.

I'd be willing to bet that far more people in America would not get the 4 lights reference than those that do, even those who grew up in that era.

I love Sci-Fi. I couldn't stand TNG. It was the most boring entry to Star Trek, and it went on forever. I kind of liked Deep Space Nine and Voyager was alright. Honestly, I don't know why people like ST all that much. It's just mediocre all around.


Monday, August 21, 2017 2:45 AM


Here's why I shared. It has nothing to do with politics. I was given some sound advice and that person asked that I pass it on, when I was ready.

It's part of the healing process, plus it may do someone going through something similar, some good.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What cluster of events/ reactions led you to realize that you were dealing with a narcissist? I'm just really, really, really curious.- SIGNY

First, let me say that this is all new and fresh to me because it was recently that I encountered a female narc, and through that experience I discovered that my ex was also a narc.

Without going into too much detail, here's what I experienced:

Gaslighting: manipulate someone by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

For instance; saying that you did something in the past that was bad and wrong, but it wasn't you that did it, but the narc insists to the point of you questioning yourself "did I do that?"

My ex-girlfriend accused me of having an affair with a female friend of mine. She also accused me of hiding my cell phone so that she would not find out the truth (about my so-called affair). When I would deny it, she would only increase the frequency of her accusations. And, even though I would spend most of my free time with my girlfriend, she would accuse me of going behind her back to "hook up" with my "secret lover." - SHINY

Holy crap, SHINY, that's insane. I mean, really crazy.

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Monday, August 21, 2017 2:45 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


That kind of coldly intentional deceit and manipulation in order to 'win' feels a lot more like psychopathy to me.

Though whatever name you call it by it's still effed up.

And I'm glad you got out after only 4 months. It's not that long in the grand scheme of things, and it seems like no major damage - credit cards stolen, deadly diseases - was done. So - - - good for you!

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, August 21, 2017 2:46 AM



Originally posted by G:
I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists...

You sure that "violent" needs to be a factor?

I'm only asking because who decides who is a Neo-Nazi or a White Supremacist? I've been called the former by Guy Fawkes no less than a dozen times in the last few days. Is it alright in your eyes that somebody come to my house and drag me out and beat the shit out of me?


other than the fact that it won't solve anything.

You're right about that part. I'd argue that it only makes the problem worse and you're going to see more people join in this idiocy than otherwise would have if it doesn't stop.


Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.


Ridding the country of them?

Who are these "we" you're talking about? Are you doing something right now in this effort? If you are, how are you "ridding the country" of anyone? Are you shipping them to another country? Are you killing them?

WTF are you even talking about?

EDIT: Asking it again because it was ignored or missed.


Monday, August 21, 2017 2:49 AM


I agree. It's cold blooded and harmful, and it could prove deadly if you fuck with the wrong person. I've heard of cases, on both sides of the fence.

Meaning narcs harming folk, and of narcs being harmed by folks. Plus with a narc you never know when they are speaking truth, perhaps never.



Originally posted by 1kiki:

That kind of coldly intentional deceit and manipulation in order to 'win' feels a lot more like psychopathy to me.

Though whatever name you call it by it's still effed up.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, August 21, 2017 3:37 AM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
wow. Thanks, I never would have gotten that reference.

I have to ask...WHY THE HELL NOT?? Where were you in the 90's or the 2000's?
Are you 16 yrs old? Did you just get TV? Did you grow up under a ROCK??

Even the people I know that do not like sci-fi know what "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS" is from. And this isn't the first time you haven't had a clue about references everyone else knows. Your grammar is bad as well. Are you Russian? Do you have brain damage?? Are you locked in a basement??

Seriously, what IS wrong with you??

Wow... another viscous attack from Wish. (Big surprise). This one just about as petty as it gets.

I'd be willing to bet that far more people in America would not get the 4 lights reference than those that do, even those who grew up in that era.

I love Sci-Fi. I couldn't stand TNG. It was the most boring entry to Star Trek, and it went on forever. I kind of liked Deep Space Nine and Voyager was alright. Honestly, I don't know why people like ST all that much. It's just mediocre all around.

ding ding ding ding. I liked the TOS and Voyager. DS9 and STNG were lame, other than Yesterday's Enterprise. Whoopi? Jean Luc? Fraker? Get real.


Monday, August 21, 2017 3:47 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, in some cases - BAT SHIT crazy!

It's the manipulation that drives them, that and the world that they create to float their egos. They believe it so strongly, that you must be careful
when confronting them with the truth.

I searched my soul deeply for answers and to self-evaluate as to why I met up with two in my lifetime. My ex wife and this woman, 30 years apart, but still met them I did.

Now I know what to look for.


I've met a lot more than 2, and early on. It might help to realize that they are the only ones with a monitor to see behind the scenes, and they see the soap people are so blind to shenanigans around them.
Ever WATCH a Soap? Doctors never doctor, nurses never nurse, lawyers never discuss or argue law. The most productive people are housewives or maids. There is no time for irrelevant stuff like WORK.


Monday, August 21, 2017 3:50 AM



You sure that "violent" needs to be a factor?

I'm only asking because who decides who is a Neo-Nazi or a White Supremacist? I've been called the former by Guy Fawkes no less than a dozen times in the last few days. Is it alright in your eyes that somebody come to my house and drag me out and beat the shit out of me?

Me, I'm talking about like in Charlottesville. A rally/march whatever you want to call it. Of course, I don't agree with dragging a person out of their house to kick their ass, well there are some rare exceptions (known child molester, for instance).
Let me say one thing positive: at least with these White Supremacists they let you know their intentions. But no, I don't advocate violence unless defense is involved. Besides I think it would be bat-shit crazy doing the very thing Nazis were accused of during WWII, dragging people from their homes merely because they worshipped in a certain way or because of skin color, for that matter.


You're right about that part. I'd argue that it only makes the problem worse and you're going to see more people join in this idiocy than otherwise would have if it doesn't stop.

To be honest, I've been going back and forth about this because of the argument over how to deal with bullies. As I stated before, I hate bullies, had to deal with them early in my life. Sometimes the best way to deal with their bullying is to sock 'em in the nose. One good solid punch, or several, as the case may be; swiftly puts them to thinking that maybe this bullying thing isn't such a good idea after all. That punch, or rock, or stick to the head jars their thinking and gets their attention.

When I was a kid, I was bothered by a bully (bigger than me); until one day I had had enough, got mad, balled up my fist and punched said bully in the nose. The son of a bitch had the nerve to ask me why...why did I hit him?
He was only playing around. He stopped bullying me.

P.S. For some reason I thought this response was directed at me and I began to answer. Then I thought of deleting it (once I discovered my mistake), then I thought that I should leave it; to let you know my thinking.

That last statement I thought I wouldn't answer but, once again, I thought better of it.



Ridding the country of them?

Who are these "we" you're talking about? Are you doing something right now in this effort? If you are, how are you "ridding the country" of anyone? Are you shipping them to another country? Are you killing them?

Here, my final Golden Nugget: For one, they must be confronted. Why? Because it's the "punch in the nose" that's needed, not so much literally, but more in the sense that this is wrongheaded thinking. If a neighbor of yours keeps fucking with you, do you think that maybe you should say something for him to stop. But also to inform that you are asking for some consideration. Fair warning! Bad Behavior must be confronted and dealt with.

Who decides? Who decides who goes and who stays? Good question! Who indeed does decide who is superior? Who makes that determination? Dems, Repubs, Nazis or WS? Under what criteria? Skin color, really!? This country was founded under certain principles of FREEDOM; they are unwritten rules that have been passed down through generations. When this country was born, did Nazis exist? What about WS? Think about it! So, who has the right to say that this country belongs to one group who claim superiority? Did it ever belong just to them, those 230-odd years ago? What is their stake to this claim: this country belongs to us! The fact that it was stolen from the Natives of this land? Really! because of skin color? That's it!

What would be the fair way to decide this? and who gets to make that claim?
Our society, that's who, we the people!



Monday, August 21, 2017 3:52 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

That kind of coldly intentional deceit and manipulation in order to 'win' feels a lot more like psychopathy to me.

Though whatever name you call it by it's still effed up.

I agree. It's cold blooded and harmful, and it could prove deadly if you fuck with the wrong person. I've heard of cases, on both sides of the fence.

Meaning narcs harming folk, and of narcs being harmed by folks. Plus with a narc you never know when they are speaking truth, perhaps never.


that's fairly easy to understand. People get killed on Soaps all the time, takes half aseason to die from a bullet. Then the person shows up next week on a different Soap, no big deal.


Monday, August 21, 2017 4:15 AM



I'm not sure that he has the self-control to be a narcissist. I think of him more as an egoistic self-promoter.

"egoistic self-promoter" - that has narcissist written all over it!

Watch and listen to his speech patterns and "I'm the only one" "The best president ever" "I know better than you." etc. - Classic narc

On rare occasions he'll flip the script, but that's part of the manipulation.



Monday, August 21, 2017 7:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

GSTRING- not only does REAVERFAN "hate" certain groups of people, he's advocated violence against them. So while people like JSF and RAPPY hate "libtards" I don't recall them saying "They will be eradicated by the most efficient means possible". While this is framed like a "prediction", you'll notice that it applies to a category of people, and not whether they've engaged in violent behavior or not, and whether this is a situation of "Self defense" or not. So definitely "lynch mob" against a group of people.

You, yourself just posted "I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists". You did not specify that this would be in a self-defensive situation, so I guess you're advocating "lynch mob" mentality against a group of people that YOU identify, and not the application of the law after a duly constituted trial. You're the runner-up in the "hater" category.

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Monday, August 21, 2017 8:05 AM



Originally posted by G:

Again, you're trying waaaay too hard to not understand. Unless you really are a pro racist, Neo-Nazi, White Supremicist? I may have missed that.

Jack is absolutely a Nazi. He pretends to be some middle of the road guy just asking questions, but he's just a fucking Nazi. He defends them, supports them, and calls the people who fight them the "real fascists."

Classic Nazi behavior. Sieg Heil, Jack! Polish those jackboots!


Monday, August 21, 2017 8:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Again, you're trying waaaay too hard to not understand. Unless you really are a pro racist, Neo-Nazi, White Supremicist? I may have missed that.

Jack is absolutely a Nazi. He pretends to be some middle of the road guy just asking questions, but he's just a fucking Nazi. He defends them, supports them, and calls the people who fight them the "real fascists."
Classic Nazi behavior. Sieg Heil, Jack! Polish those jackboots!- SHINY

Quotes and links would be nice.

Have you ever read SIX advocating racial genocide? No? Me neither, but I HAVE read REAVERFAN advocating "eradicating" groups of people, and GSTRING advocating "beating the shit out of" groups of people, so if you want to advocate real fascist-like behavior, just go support that.

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Monday, August 21, 2017 8:11 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
GSTRING- not only does REAVERFAN "hate" certain groups of people, he's advocated violence against them. So while people like JSF and RAPPY hate "libtards" I don't recall them saying "They will be eradicated by the most efficient means possible". While this is framed like a "prediction", you'll notice that it applies to a category of people, and not whether they've engaged in violent behavior or not, and whether this is a situation of "Self defense" or not. So definitely "lynch mob" against a group of people.

You, yourself just posted "I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists". You did not specify that this would be in a self-defensive situation, so I guess you're advocating "lynch mob" mentality against a group of people that YOU identify, and not the application of the law after a duly constituted trial. You're the runner-up in the "hater" category.

God, you're really competing with Jack for stupidest poster.

Nazis aren't looking for a debate or a dialogue, dipshit. They are actively KILLING PEOPLE. They are TERRORISTS. They don't deserve free speech any more than a terrorist from ISIS deserves to come recruit more terrorists at our colleges.

I guess you were sleeping when the teacher talked about logic.


Monday, August 21, 2017 8:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


GSTRING- not only does REAVERFAN "hate" certain groups of people, he's advocated violence against them. So while people like JSF and RAPPY hate "libtards" I don't recall them saying "They will be eradicated by the most efficient means possible". While this is framed like a "prediction", you'll notice that it applies to a category of people, and not whether they've engaged in violent behavior or not, and whether this is a situation of "Self defense" or not. So definitely "lynch mob" against a group of people.

You, yourself just posted "I have no problem with people beating the shit out of violent Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists". You did not specify that this would be in a self-defensive situation, so I guess you're advocating "lynch mob" mentality against a group of people that YOU identify, and not the application of the law after a duly constituted trial. You're the runner-up in the "hater" category.- SIGNY

God, you're really competing with Jack for stupidest poster.
Nazis aren't looking for a debate or a dialogue, dipshit. They are actively KILLING PEOPLE. They are TERRORISTS. They don't deserve free speech any more than a terrorist from ISIS deserves to come recruit more terrorists at our colleges. I guess you were sleeping when the teacher talked about logic.- REAVERFAN

I guess YOU were sleeping when the teacher talked about logic. But at least you're consistent!

First of all, I would say that you're supporting the eradication of a GROUP of people, not based on what they've done (whether or not they've committed a crime or not) but on what YOU SAY "they" do.

Secondly, you seem to think that YOU can adequately identify who is a "Nazi" and who isn't. Yanno, having been called a "Russian troll" endlessly and inaccurately, I can tell you that THUGR, GSTRING, MAL4, SECOND, and SHINY can't tell shit from shinola, and based on the spittle that landed on my monitor from your direction, I'm very much in doubt of YOUR abilities to determine who belongs in which category. The Nazis had it much easier: at least they could tell who was circumcised or not.

The way we handle terrorists in this nation should be LEGALLY- punishment based on the individual's actions, after a duly constituted trial. That way, we can target the politically violent, whether they're radical Xtians who kill abortion providers, Antifa who mace others and club them over the head, or neo-Nazis who "KILL PEOPLE". Each one should be charged with the relevant crime and punished after a duly-constituted trial. THAT WAY, the BEHAVIOR is targeted, not a group of people, and especially not a group of people that YOU'VE identified (in your infinite wisdom) as deserving of "eradication".

You either support the rule of law, or you support mob violence' you can't have it both ways. And mob violence against a group of people is one of the defining characteristics of neo-Nazis.

By the way, GSTRING, I predicted your response PERFECTLY
* ... and then you'll say I'm "too wordy". And then you will - as always- refuse to address the pertinent points, and respond with even more lies and even more bullshit personal attacks.*

And voila! Here it is


Monday, August 21, 2017 9:28 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
You sure that "violent" needs to be a factor?

Of course. Speech is protected, violence is not.


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
I'm only asking because who decides who is a Neo-Nazi or a White Supremacist? I've been called the former by Guy Fawkes no less than a dozen times in the last few days. Is it alright in your eyes that somebody come to my house and drag me out and beat the shit out of me?

Don't be ridiculous. We're talking about Charlottesville. THEY decided, THEY call themselves these things, they applied for permits with those designations. Jack: you're trying waaaay too hard to not understand (bored?). We get enough of that from Kiki.


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Still, while we work on ridding the country of them, I'm happy to know some of them got shit canned.

We? Ridding the country of them? Who are these "we" you're talking about?

Geewhiz, I dunno... maybe Modern, intelligent society? < / duh >

Jack in dumbass overload: "Are you doing something right now in this effort? If you are, how are you "ridding the country" of anyone? Are you shipping them to another country? Are you killing them?

Again, you're trying waaaay too hard to not understand. Unless you really are a pro racist, Neo-Nazi, White Supremicist? I may have missed that.


See reaverfan's post below your reply if you couldn't figure out my line of questioning.

You made some pretty stupid comments in that post that I quoted, and I wanted to see if you and reaverfan were on the same page.


Monday, August 21, 2017 9:31 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Nazis aren't looking for a debate or a dialogue, dipshit. They are actively KILLING PEOPLE. They are TERRORISTS. They don't deserve free speech any more than a terrorist from ISIS deserves to come recruit more terrorists at our colleges.

I guess you were sleeping when the teacher talked about logic.

One murderous asshole got into a car and ran people over. They have him in custody and he's going to be tried and punished. There's no way he's getting out of that. Everybody saw him do it.

Where are these gangs of roving nazis that are going door to door and beating the shit out of people and killing them?

In your own head, that's where.


Monday, August 21, 2017 10:13 AM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Where are these gangs of roving nazis that are going door to door and beating the shit out of people and killing them?

Some in Europe.

Here, they are mostly cowards that resort to burning crosses (we still DO have that every now and then) and spray painting nasty things on garages and cars (not going to post the hundreds of them). But we have them..






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