Another series of Mass Shootings... at Las Vegas... 40 + People Dead?

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 19:43
VIEWED: 12528
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Monday, October 2, 2017 8:25 AM


A Mass Shooter? Reports of People shot dead after shooting on Las Vegas Strip, at a Concert?
....possibly not terror NOT terrorist related, so the guy is not from the Middle East, didn't log on ISIS websites or say Al Lah Ackbar!? Shooting occurring at the Tropicana, another shooting at luxor in vegas, shooting at Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas. Seems like another Mass Shooting? show with video where you can hear automatic weapon fire. They cut to video where somebody is firing on the crowd. From the video, it looks bad situation. It may have been multiple shooters, it was a lot of burst...Police now say they have one suspect they were looking for, multiple casualties near Mandalay Bay Casino. People were running, hiding behind objects for cover, one of duty police officer shot dead while out with his family? Gunshots and deaths at Jake Owen music, a Country Music concert? in Las Vegas Village, Police Reports say he was shooting from 32nd floor of hotel - the Gunman was then shot dead - Police have found gunman's female companion, Marilou Danley?
Police Scanner. Absolutely sad hearing about all dead bodies, horrible sick event

something perhaps Similar to the historical Texas Tower Shootings?

Charles Joseph Whitman (June 24, 1941 – August 1, 1966) was an American mass murderer who became infamous as the "Texas Tower Sniper". On August 1, 1966, he murdered his mother and wife in their homes, then went to the University of Texas at Austin where he shot and killed three people inside the university's tower. He then went to the tower's 28th-floor observation deck, where he fired at random for some 96 minutes, killing an additional eleven people and wounding thirty-one before being shot and killed by police. Sixteen people were killed in total; a 17th victim died in 2001 from injuries sustained in the attack.

gunman opens fire on Mandalay Bay crowds

Officers responded to that hotel room and engaged the suspect, killing him, police said. They do not believe at this time that there were any other shooters, despite reports of multiple gunmen. Police said they do not have an accurate number of victims yet.... Mass Murdering Shooter was Possibly Going Through a Divorce & Sued a Las Vegas Strip Casino in 2012. Dan Bilzerian, the professional poker player and businessman, posted a video running from the concert saying, “a girl just got shot in the f*cking head.”

some of the online forums blogs message boards

number keeps rising. Holy smokes! I just read the same... 20 dead and over 100 injured. So sad. Sending prayers for all involved.
I just got a notification saying fifty have died.

Looks like it was at the Route 91 music festival across from Mandalay Bay, but shots look like they might have come from up in the hotel somewhere.
you can hear massive amounts of automatic gun fire.
I heard at least one report of multiple fatalities.

Fcking crazy, literally no where to run or hide if he's taking shots from above.


can hear the bullets.... automatic fire.

more news will be released shortly.

Two cops down, reports of 40+ dead. Moving from casino to casino it sounds like.
Excess of 20 dead and 100 plus injured. Main suspect shot dead.
Trying to locate male person of interest.

Country music singer Owen tweeted that he is OK:
Praying for everyone here in Vegas. I witnessed the most unimaginable event tonight. We are okay. Others arent. Please pray.
Shooter...has a criminal history and was known by local police.
More than 50 Dead?
MSM has identified the shooter, 64 year old Stephen Paddock but have yet to comment on his intent.

The Mandala Bay resort and casino has been placed on lock-down as police hunted an “active shooter” after automatic gunfire broke out at the Route 91 Harvest music festival.

Police said one suspect was "down" and at least two people were killed in the shooting, with about 26 others injured.

One music fan, who was attempting to film the band when shots were heard around the festival, captured the moment on camera.

The footage shows a few seconds of the stage before the music is interrupted by what sounds like machine gun fire.


Monday, October 2, 2017 9:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It sounds as if the family had no idea what was going on with the presumed shooter


The suspected shooter’s brother, Eric Paddock, said the family was stunned by the news.

“We have no idea. We’re horrified. We’re bewildered and our condolences go out to the victims,” Eric Paddock said in a brief telephone interview, his voice trembling. “We have no idea in the world.”

Given the suspect's age, he probably wasn't on social media. He didn't have a criminal record, he wasn't a military vet or retired law enforcement.

It's a little late for schizophrenia to be showing up. Usually begins in late teens and early twenties, and if you've been schizophrenic for a long time, your family probably knows. So ... Somebody with a recent stroke or other neurological event? An ultra-religious person attacking Sodom and Gomorrah? A 2nd amendment fanatic attacking people that he felt didn't walk the talk?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, October 2, 2017 9:12 AM


'They're all around, you're all going to die!' Mystery of woman kicked out of Vegas country music festival after shouting terrifying threat just an hour before gunman opened fire

Brianna Hendricks (left) was attending the concert with mother Shawn (right) and said a woman ran up to them shouting 'you're all going to die' around an hour before the shooting
'There was a lady who came running up behind us in the concert and she started to play with people's hair acting crazy and she told us that we're all going to f***ing die.
'She said they're all around us and we were going to die.

...was this just some random 'crazy' lady they met in Vegas

or was it connected to the attacks?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Given the suspect's age, he probably wasn't on social media. He didn't have a criminal record, he wasn't a military vet or retired law enforcement.

However I was wondering if you buy a lot of guns, purchase say 10 or 20 or 30 guns does that itself not set off flags...ATF officials sopme federal reactions to one person suddenly having too many guns? I dunno national security, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, NSA they spy on emails etc would they not have known something?

I think he might have already been know for some minor criminal offense according to the online links...but yeah didn't sound too serious a threat and was maybe an old guy living at some retirement camp/village not going to set off any red flags or alarms with Law Enforcement, National Security or FBI


Monday, October 2, 2017 9:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

One clue to whether this was a man who just went off his nut because of a stroke, advancing neurological degeneration, or drug use ... or someone who was honing a longstanding grotch against a particular group of people for ideological reasons .... would be the length of time over which he acquired his (considerable) store of weapons.

If he'd been buying them over the past 10 years, I'd say that this was long in the making. But if he purchased them all in the past six months, I'd look for some medical issue.

I'm a bit wary of what we'll find in the media. EVERYONE is going to want to spin this.

DHS has no reason to admit that there was a longstanding threat that they didn't find, despite the NSA's universal surveillance, even if there was one. And they SURE aren't going to admit that he was in the illegal NSA database, even if he was. Since he apparently had a foreign gf, this would have given the NSA the right to snoop in on their communications. But any info they might have on HIM will have to be reconstructed from other "legal" sources of info, so even if they know all about this guy, it will take a while for anything to come out. In any case, DHS says no credible threat to any other venues. Not sure that DHS has much credibility to say that. I mean .... how would they know? They missed him, didn't they? In fact, despite them looking up everybody's anus, they didn't predict ANY of the recent mass shootings, whether ideologically-inspired or not.

Rightwing will want to say that more guns would have solved the problem. Left-wing will want to say he's right-wing, or that he was a nutcase, or both.

Either way, the predicted media response will be for more government surveillance and more gun control.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, October 2, 2017 10:33 AM


They say the guy was using his girlfriends credit cards to gamble on. I'm gonna guess, since he was in Vegas....That he lost big money.

Testosterone and gambling and guns.. great combination!


Monday, October 2, 2017 10:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Wishimay:
They say the guy was using his girlfriends credit cards to gamble on. I'm gonna guess, since he was in Vegas....That he lost big money.

Testosterone and gambling and guns.. great combination!

But he had a lot of guns in his room. You don't go to Vegas to gamble with at least ten weapons in your possession just in case you lose. IF that were the case, everyone would visit Las Vegas with an arsenal. There was SOME forethought to this.

The guy was pretty young to be retired. Maybe he just got a bad diagnosis. Maybe he thought his retirement and his health care were going to disappear. But then, why shoot at random people, unless he felt that they were somehow to blame? The thing I hear about NV is that taxes are really low BECAUSE of the gambling and entertainment revenues. Wouldn't he see them as part of the solution, not part of the problem?

Maybe he had a serious gambling problem. Maybe he thought Las Vegas was the source of all of his ills.

I'd be really interested in how any of this makes sense.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, October 2, 2017 11:07 AM


They say he lived in a NEARBY retirement village, could prolly drive home and go get them...

"I'd be really interested in how any of this makes sense."

Ain't never gonna.


Monday, October 2, 2017 11:32 AM


The 10 Deadliest Mass Shootings In The USA



49th Street Elementary School shooting
101 California Street shooting
1984 New York City Subway shooting
1998 United States Capitol shooting incident
2008 Skagit County shooting spree


2010 ABB plant shootings
Alrosa Villa shootings
Appalachian School of Law shooting
2010 Appomattox shootings
Larry Gene Ashbrook
Atlantis Plastics shooting
1993 Aurora shooting
2012 Aurora shooting
2012 Azana Spa shootings


Bard College at Simon's Rock shooting
Mark O. Barton
2016 shooting of Baton Rouge police officers
D.C. sniper attacks
Bethel Regional High School shooting
Binghamton shootings
William Ray Bonner shooting spree
Bronx-Lebanon Hospital attack
Carl Robert Brown
Brown's Chicken massacre
Burnette Chapel shooting


California State University, Fullerton massacre
Camden massacre
Capitol Hill massacre
2007 Carnation murders
Carthage nursing home shooting
2016 Cascade Mall shooting
Chardon High School shooting
Charleston church shooting
2015 Chattanooga shootings
1993 shootings at CIA Headquarters
2016 Citronelle homicides
Clackamas Town Center shooting
Cleveland Elementary School shooting (San Diego)
Cleveland Elementary School shooting (Stockton)
2017 Clovis library shooting
2012 College Station, Texas shooting
2009 Collier Township shooting
Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting
2007 Colorado YWAM and New Life shootings
Columbine High School massacre
2017 Congressional baseball shooting
Connecticut Lottery
2011 Copley Township shooting
Covina massacre
Crandon, Wisconsin shooting
Cupertino quarry shooting


Daingerfield church shooting
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers
Laurie Dann
Lynwood Drake


Edmond post office shooting
1997 Empire State Building shooting
2003 Ennis shooting
ESL shooting


1986 FBI Miami shootout
2009 Fort Hood shooting
2014 Fort Hood shooting
2017 Fort Lauderdale airport shooting
Fountain Valley massacre
Freeman High School shooting
FreightCar America shooting
2017 Fresno shootings
Frontier Middle School shooting


Geneva County massacre
1946 Georgia lynching
Golden Dragon massacre
Goleta postal facility shootings
2011 Grand Rapids mass murder


Hartford Distributors shooting
Heath High School shooting
2016 Hesston shooting
Hi-Fi murders
2013 Hialeah shooting
1965 Highway 101 sniper attack
1996 Honolulu hostage crisis
2015 Harris County, Texas shooting


2011 IHOP shooting
Indianapolis mass murder
2014 Isla Vista killings


2016 Kalamazoo shootings
Kansas City massacre
Kelayres massacre
Kirkwood City Council shooting
Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting


2015 Lafayette shooting
2009 Lakewood shooting
Lane Bryant shooting
Lex Street massacre
Lindhurst High School shooting
Little Rock nightclub shooting
Lockheed Martin shooting
Lorenz-Sirloin Stockade murders
2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting
2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting
Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting
Luby's shooting


Madison High School shooting
Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting
1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting
Saint Valentine's Day Massacre
Utah prisoner of war massacre
2012 Minneapolis workplace shooting
2017 Mississippi shootings
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania shootings
2016 Mukilteo shooting


Northern Illinois University shooting


Oakland Elementary School shooting
Oikos University shooting
Old Salisbury Road shooting
Olean High School shooting
Orangeburg massacre
2016 Orlando nightclub shooting
2017 Orlando shooting


Palm Sunday massacre (homicide)
John Felton Parish
Pearcy murders
Pearl High School shooting
Penske shootings
2016 Pike County, Ohio, shootings
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers
2017 Plano shooting
James Edward Pough


Ramon Salcido murder spree
Terry Ratzmann
Red Lake shootings
Will Reynolds
Rosemary Anderson High School shooting
Ross Township Municipal Building shooting


1991 Sacramento hostage crisis
2009 Saipan shooting
2015 San Bernardino attack
San Ysidro McDonald's massacre
2017 Sandy attack
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
2013 Santa Monica shooting
Santana High School shooting
2011 Seal Beach shooting
2012 Seattle cafe shooting spree
2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting
Sylvia Seegrist
Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino
Michael Silka
2013 South Valley homicides
Southern California Edison shooting
2014 Harris County, Texas shooting
St. Joseph courthouse shooting
Standard Gravure shooting


Tacoma Mall shooting
Thurston High School shooting
Trang Dai massacre
Trolley Square shooting
2011 Tucson shooting
2015 Tyrone shooting


Umpqua Community College shooting
2010 University of Alabama in Huntsville shooting
University of Texas massacre
University of Texas tower shooting
UPS shooting in San Francisco


Chai Vang
Virginia Tech shooting


2015 Waco shootout
Waddell, Arizona Buddhist temple shooting
Wah Mee massacre
Wakefield massacre
Washington Navy Yard shooting
2012 Webster, New York shooting
2017 Weis Markets shooting
Wendy's massacre
Coy Wayne Wesbrook
West Nickel Mines School shooting
Westroads Mall shooting
Wichita Massacre
Wickliffe Middle School shooting
2016 Wilkinsburg shooting
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting


Xerox murders


Monday, October 2, 2017 12:31 PM


And Wishy wonders why I don't think people should be watching ultraviolent crap like Kingsmen.


Monday, October 2, 2017 1:04 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
And Wishy wonders why I don't think people should be watching ultraviolent crap like Kingsmen.

Yet you've played ultraviolent video games, and are probably one of the ones that say that doesn't mean anything. And I'm pretty sure you've watched your share of ultraviolent movies, you hypocrite. Ever seen ANY of the Die Hard movies? Sin City? Rambo? You're no hippy. (Not to mention, but Firefly isn't exactly free from violence, either!)

The truth is- if you're going to snap, you're going to snap no matter what you've seen and heard, but the games and movies don't help.

What makes more people violent than anything else is THESE kinds of shootings. Guys sit around and fantasize about being the "hero" who stops a shooter, arm themselves to an insane level, and then they have a bad day and do it themselves.


Monday, October 2, 2017 1:09 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:


49th Street Elementary School shooting
101 California Street shooting
1984 New York City Subway shooting
1998 United States Capitol shooting incident
2008 Skagit County shooting spree


2010 ABB plant shootings
Alrosa Villa shootings
Appalachian School of Law shooting
2010 Appomattox shootings
Larry Gene Ashbrook
Atlantis Plastics shooting
1993 Aurora shooting
2012 Aurora shooting
2012 Azana Spa shootings


Bard College at Simon's Rock shooting
Mark O. Barton
2016 shooting of Baton Rouge police officers
D.C. sniper attacks
Bethel Regional High School shooting
Binghamton shootings
William Ray Bonner shooting spree
Bronx-Lebanon Hospital attack
Carl Robert Brown
Brown's Chicken massacre
Burnette Chapel shooting


California State University, Fullerton massacre
Camden massacre
Capitol Hill massacre
2007 Carnation murders
Carthage nursing home shooting
2016 Cascade Mall shooting
Chardon High School shooting
Charleston church shooting
2015 Chattanooga shootings
1993 shootings at CIA Headquarters
2016 Citronelle homicides
Clackamas Town Center shooting
Cleveland Elementary School shooting (San Diego)
Cleveland Elementary School shooting (Stockton)
2017 Clovis library shooting
2012 College Station, Texas shooting
2009 Collier Township shooting
Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting
2007 Colorado YWAM and New Life shootings
Columbine High School massacre
2017 Congressional baseball shooting
Connecticut Lottery
2011 Copley Township shooting
Covina massacre
Crandon, Wisconsin shooting
Cupertino quarry shooting


Daingerfield church shooting
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers
Laurie Dann
Lynwood Drake


Edmond post office shooting
1997 Empire State Building shooting
2003 Ennis shooting
ESL shooting


1986 FBI Miami shootout
2009 Fort Hood shooting
2014 Fort Hood shooting
2017 Fort Lauderdale airport shooting
Fountain Valley massacre
Freeman High School shooting
FreightCar America shooting
2017 Fresno shootings
Frontier Middle School shooting


Geneva County massacre
1946 Georgia lynching
Golden Dragon massacre
Goleta postal facility shootings
2011 Grand Rapids mass murder


Hartford Distributors shooting
Heath High School shooting
2016 Hesston shooting
Hi-Fi murders
2013 Hialeah shooting
1965 Highway 101 sniper attack
1996 Honolulu hostage crisis
2015 Harris County, Texas shooting


2011 IHOP shooting
Indianapolis mass murder
2014 Isla Vista killings


2016 Kalamazoo shootings
Kansas City massacre
Kelayres massacre
Kirkwood City Council shooting
Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting


2015 Lafayette shooting
2009 Lakewood shooting
Lane Bryant shooting
Lex Street massacre
Lindhurst High School shooting
Little Rock nightclub shooting
Lockheed Martin shooting
Lorenz-Sirloin Stockade murders
2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting
2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting
Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting
Luby's shooting


Madison High School shooting
Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting
1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting
Saint Valentine's Day Massacre
Utah prisoner of war massacre
2012 Minneapolis workplace shooting
2017 Mississippi shootings
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania shootings
2016 Mukilteo shooting


Northern Illinois University shooting


Oakland Elementary School shooting
Oikos University shooting
Old Salisbury Road shooting
Olean High School shooting
Orangeburg massacre
2016 Orlando nightclub shooting
2017 Orlando shooting


Palm Sunday massacre (homicide)
John Felton Parish
Pearcy murders
Pearl High School shooting
Penske shootings
2016 Pike County, Ohio, shootings
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers
2017 Plano shooting
James Edward Pough


Ramon Salcido murder spree
Terry Ratzmann
Red Lake shootings
Will Reynolds
Rosemary Anderson High School shooting
Ross Township Municipal Building shooting


1991 Sacramento hostage crisis
2009 Saipan shooting
2015 San Bernardino attack
San Ysidro McDonald's massacre
2017 Sandy attack
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
2013 Santa Monica shooting
Santana High School shooting
2011 Seal Beach shooting
2012 Seattle cafe shooting spree
2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting
Sylvia Seegrist
Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino
Michael Silka
2013 South Valley homicides
Southern California Edison shooting
2014 Harris County, Texas shooting
St. Joseph courthouse shooting
Standard Gravure shooting


Tacoma Mall shooting
Thurston High School shooting
Trang Dai massacre
Trolley Square shooting
2011 Tucson shooting
2015 Tyrone shooting


Umpqua Community College shooting
2010 University of Alabama in Huntsville shooting
University of Texas massacre
University of Texas tower shooting
UPS shooting in San Francisco


Chai Vang
Virginia Tech shooting


2015 Waco shootout
Waddell, Arizona Buddhist temple shooting
Wah Mee massacre
Wakefield massacre
Washington Navy Yard shooting
2012 Webster, New York shooting
2017 Weis Markets shooting
Wendy's massacre
Coy Wayne Wesbrook
West Nickel Mines School shooting
Westroads Mall shooting
Wichita Massacre
Wickliffe Middle School shooting
2016 Wilkinsburg shooting
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting


Xerox murders


Either testosterone is a poison, or men have waaay more mental illness, or both...


Monday, October 2, 2017 1:17 PM


Updated...515 injured, 58 dead. So far.


Monday, October 2, 2017 1:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Before he opened fire late Sunday, gunman Stephen Paddock lived a quiet life for years in a small town outside Las Vegas, the WaPo writes.

A retired man, Paddock often visited Las Vegas to gamble and take in concerts, his relatives said. Public records show he was a licensed pilot, who owned two planes. And he had a hunting license from Alaska ... Family members said that Paddock spent much of his retirement in recent years staying in hotels in Las Vegas and gambling. They said he listened to country music and went to concerts at Vegas hotels.

In other words, he was shooting at people who - up until recently - could have been him.

So there's another avenue to pursue. In addition to trying to find out WHEN he purchased his guns, when was the last time (previous to this time?) that he checked into a hotel or gambled in Las Vegas? When did he have a sudden change of heart?

ISIS, btw, claims credit for this.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, October 2, 2017 1:45 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

ISIS, btw, claims credit for this.

FBI already said no he wasn't. Isis is trolling.


Monday, October 2, 2017 3:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

My guess is that Paddock was in the grip of powerful delusions. But, we'll see.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, October 2, 2017 3:42 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
And Wishy wonders why I don't think people should be watching ultraviolent crap like Kingsmen.

Yet you've played ultraviolent video games, and are probably one of the ones that say that doesn't mean anything. And I'm pretty sure you've watched your share of ultraviolent movies, you hypocrite. Ever seen ANY of the Die Hard movies? Sin City? Rambo? You're no hippy. (Not to mention, but Firefly isn't exactly free from violence, either!)

The truth is- if you're going to snap, you're going to snap no matter what you've seen and heard, but the games and movies don't help.

What makes more people violent than anything else is THESE kinds of shootings. Guys sit around and fantasize about being the "hero" who stops a shooter, arm themselves to an insane level, and then they have a bad day and do it themselves.

No. I don't play ultra violent video games. I already said my piece on that before and I'm not going to repeat myself again here.

I don't watch ultraviolent movies either. I've never seen a Saw movie or anything where there are people hurting other people just for the sake of hurting other people. It's sad that so many people do that they made so many of them.

Die Hard is hardly ultraviolent. I've never watched a Rambo movie, or Sin City either.

Your outright blatant Misandry is showing in full force again in this thread Wishy. Keep that in check.


Monday, October 2, 2017 3:48 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Between 1982 and 2017, 2 mass shootings were initiated by female shooters, 87 by male shooters. The mass shooting in San Bernardino on December 2nd 2016 was the only instance in which both a male and female were the shooters.
When it comes to mass shootings, credit needs to go where credit is due.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, October 2, 2017 4:56 PM


Yeah... Just wait until these kids we're pumping full of these movies grow up. Girls behaved a lot differently 20 years ago than they do now. Lots more girls are getting in fights at school today when that almost never happened when I was in school.

You wanted equality, you're going to get it. Expect stats like you just posted to even out in the next 15-20 years. KPO can put that in the predictions thread.

It's a good thing Wishy doesn't like guns. I expect one day she's going to snap and luckily for everyone around all she'll have is a knife or a rock on hand when it happens.


Monday, October 2, 2017 5:28 PM


Las vegas PD radio shooting at Mandalay Bay
25m audio recording. Takes them 17minutes to identify shooter is in room 135 on the 32nd floor.


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
Yeah... Just wait until these kids we're pumping full of these movies grow up.

How was this woman created?

CBS fires vice president who said Vegas victims didn't deserve sympathy because country music fans 'often are Republican'


CBS has parted ways with one of the company’s top lawyers after she said she is “not even sympathetic” to victims of the Las Vegas shooting because “country music fans often are Republican,” when discussing the tragic mass shooting that occurred in Las Vegas late Sunday night.

“This individual, who was with us for approximately one year, violated the standards of our company and is no longer an employee of CBS. Her views as expressed on social media are deeply unacceptable to all of us at CBS. Our hearts go out to the victims in Las Vegas and their families,” a CBS spokeswoman told Fox News.

Hayley Geftman-Gold, the network's now-former vice president and senior counsel, took to Facebook after a gunman opened fire at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas, killing at least 58 people and sending more than 500 others to hospitals.

“If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs [sic] will ever do the right thing,” Geftman-Gold wrote in a now-deleted message that was first reported and captured by The Daily Caller.

Geftman-Gold continued: “I’m actually not even sympathetic bc [sic] country music fans often are Republican gun toters [sic].”

Geftman-Gold is presumably referring to Sandy Hook, which occurred in Newtown, Conn. back in 2012. A 20-year-old gunman, Adam Lanza, killed 20 children and six adults during the tragic event that sparked intense political debates regarding gun control.

Geftman-Gold did not work directly with the network’s news division. According to her LinkedIn bio, Geftman-Gold worked at CBS since September 2016 and graduated from the prestigious Columbia University law school in 2000.

DATED Jan 2015?,-115.172864,3a,72.6y,182.43h,53.86t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNl_tRYUHT4rSwIvoJwglt-pJ3ai7VTwj8eWbAg!2e10!3e12!7i12000!8i6000

Some claim he had Antifa literature in his room, also reports of more than one shooter, some people say they also heard this on the Police scanners.


Monday, October 2, 2017 5:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This whole "the world would be better if women were in charge...".

All I have to do is look at Christine Lagarde, or "Mutti" Merkel, or Hillary ("we came, we saw, he died") Clinton ...

Women may not instigate as much PERSONAL violence, but they sure don't mind if the guys do their dirty work for them.

By the way, SIX, I doubt that females will catch up to males in terms of interpersonal violence. It can be instigated and increased by society, but I don't think it will ever even out because, across millenia and dozens of societies, it never has. I've never read of a bona fide report of a society of "women warriors". (The Amazons were myth, not reality.) But, we shall see.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, October 2, 2017 5:41 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Of this entire list of 128 rampage killers in the western hemisphere, going back to 1863, there's only 1 woman (Fugate, a teenager) listed, and she's in tandem with a much older male boyfriend and accomplice (Starkweather). Since that covers a very lengthy timespan and multiple cultures, where the roles of women were vastly different and undergoing active change, it's a pretty solid observation. Men can take credit for 99%+ of rampage killings.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, October 2, 2017 5:44 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

No. I don't play ultra violent video games.

I don't watch ultraviolent movies either.

Die Hard is hardly ultraviolent. I've never watched a Rambo movie, or Sin City either.

Your outright blatant Misandry is showing in full force again in this thread Wishy. Keep that in check.

You are 100%... completely... FULL OF SHIT.


Monday, October 2, 2017 6:05 PM


Paddock rented one room facing north and another facing east, and was dead by the time police arrived.

Either he planned to be there with his girlfriend and that's what he had two rooms for or he planned the hell out of this thing.

I wonder why 32nd floor, did that have some personal significance, or was it just what they assigned him??


Monday, October 2, 2017 6:05 PM


"I can see that suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please" Johnny Mandel
M*A*S*H theme song

Notes from Wiki: Suicide

Hanging, pesticide poisoning, firearms

Risk factors
Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, alcoholism, substance misuse

Limiting access to methods of suicide, treating mental disorders and substance misuse,
proper media reporting of suicide, improving economic conditions

Deaths [apparently, this figure is world wide.]
828,000 / 1.5% (2015)

Rates of completed suicides are generally higher in men than in women, ranging from
1.5 times as much in the developing world to 3.5 times in the developed world.
Suicide is generally most common among those over the age of 70 ...
Oonj: Stephen Paddock death: Suicide by Cop, public, in a blaze of glory.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Monday, October 2, 2017 6:12 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Stephen Paddock death: Suicide by Cop, public, in a blaze of glory."

Not by cop. Dead when they broke in. BBC has an audio scanner recording of the event. It's pretty clear there was no police shooting.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, October 2, 2017 6:19 PM


America loves a winner!

Saw this on twitter shortly after 5am EST this morning.

Going to hold comment until folks chill the fuck out and we know more of what happened.

CBS dyke crack whore lawyer already has been fired for what she posted on FB.

People are losing their freaking minds.


Monday, October 2, 2017 6:24 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

"Stephen Paddock death: Suicide by Cop, public, in a blaze of glory."

Not by cop. Dead when they broke in. BBC has an audio scanner recording of the event. It's pretty clear there was no police shooting.

OK. I missed something in the news I read, then.
Thought it said He only stopped shooting people when
the cops were able to nail him during the assault.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Monday, October 2, 2017 6:50 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

For sure, reporting can get chaotic in the middle of things.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, October 2, 2017 8:15 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
This whole "the world would be better if women were in charge...".

All I have to do is look at Christine Lagarde, or "Mutti" Merkel, or Hillary ("we came, we saw, he died") Clinton ...

Women may not instigate as much PERSONAL violence, but they sure don't mind if the guys do their dirty work for them.

By the way, SIX, I doubt that females will catch up to males in terms of interpersonal violence. It can be instigated and increased by society, but I don't think it will ever even out because, across millenia and dozens of societies, it never has. I've never read of a bona fide report of a society of "women warriors". (The Amazons were myth, not reality.) But, we shall see.

Maybe you're right. None of those history lessons had any societies where both men and women were being more and more desensitized to violence everyday via television though.

I'm done with the identity politics on this thread. I'm sure you can see how Wishy started it again with her blatant misandric posts and then swoops Kiki to the rescue of Feminism when I have anything to say about Wishy's bullshit. Funny how against identity politics Kiki is... except when she's not.


Monday, October 2, 2017 8:38 PM


According to NBC News national correspondent Peter Alexander, Eric Paddock has revealed that their father, Patrick Benjamin Paddock, was a bank robber who used to be on the FBI's Most Wanted list.

The Daily Intelligencerobtained an FBI poster dating back to 1969 that depicts a wanted man by the name of Benjamin Hoskins Paddock, who was "diagnosed as psychopathic, has carried firearms in commission of bank robberies" and "reportedly has suicidal tendencies and should be considered armed and very dangerous."

EDITED TO ADD. They are now saying he had 19 freaking guns with him. 19.



Monday, October 2, 2017 8:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I posted nothing but facts and clearly identified speculation about what was going wrong with Paddock (I supposed he was in the grip of delusions). I sniped no personal snipes, made no statement supporting Wish, and commented no comments as if they were facts.

I'm sorry you and facts have had such a falling-out that you feel the need to take out your frustration with them on me.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, October 2, 2017 9:17 PM


"Kiki:I'm sorry you and facts have had such a falling-out that you
feel the need to take your frustration with them out on me."

^ A tendency to Troll much?

Mass Shootings ... Las Vegas ...

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Monday, October 2, 2017 9:30 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I think things went south between Jack and me when he decided I'm a feminist, which makes me the enemy.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, October 2, 2017 9:58 PM


I think Senior Citizenship has put me beyond all that.
Now I just do what I want when I want, I no one seems
to notice ... Otoh, I don't spend much time with pals.

The Women's Lib movement is really beneficial to gals
like me. Else I never would have thought of sticking up
for myself.

It was like, "O! You mean you can Do that?!!"

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

Hey, I remember now ... When I was new on this board, there was a
member who disagreed with everything I said, & acted as if all my
remarks were aimed directly at her.

She was wrong, but I found it really insulting.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 4:42 AM


and through the chaos a more clear picture emerges

Personally I believe there may have been just 'one shooter' I know witness and even police remarked about more than one shooter, but its possible people were mistaken. in the blood, chaos and a streesful situation visual witness testimony can be un-reliable...a clear picture can distort over a few mins of strees and people do sometimes recall stuff incorrectly, the guy was heavily armed, may have quickly reloaded and used other guns or there may have been 'echos' of sound around the streets and buildings giving the illusion of more than one shooter?

Very sad situtaion, RIP to the victims and hopefully any injured have a quick and speedy recovery

the news on forum message boards, news sites and blogs

Patrick Benjamin Paddock - violent bank robber & father of Las Vegas shooter.

The father of the suspect in a deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday night was a bank robber who escaped from prison and wound up on the FBI's most-wanted list, the suspect's brother reportedly said.

CBS Fires Lawyer?

The Father of the Las Vegas Shooter Was a Notorious Bank Robber Who Escaped From Prison

. His late father, a notorious bank robber who spent eight years on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List after escaping from a federal prison in Texas, was a very different kind of criminal. The elder Paddock, whose nicknames included “Big Daddy” and “Chrome Dome,” was charged in 1960 with stealing about $25,000 from three separate bank branches in Phoenix, Arizona. Paddock was 34 at the time, and had already been to prison twice for his role in what the Arizona Republic called “confidence games.”

Who is Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock?
Born on April 9, 1953, Stephen Paddock was 64 years old, a retired accountant with a taste for high-stakes poker who had moved to Nevada just a couple of years earlier. He lived in an upscale retirement community, Sun City Mesquite, at 1372 Babbling Brook Ct, Mesquite, NV 89034, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas. Police is currently searching his home.

He had working ties to Goddard? NASA and Lockheed?

Stephen Paddock had worked for Lockheed Martin for three years in the 1980s. A Lockheed spokesman said:

“Stephen Paddock worked for a predecessor company of Lockheed Martin from 1985 until 1988. We’re cooperating with authorities to answer questions they may have about Mr. Paddock and his time with the company.”

Stephen Paddock had the number 13 tattooed on his neck.

There’s video footage showing someone who looks like Stephen Paddock in a pink NASA t-shirt wearing a pink pussy hat, at an anti-Trump protest in August 2017 in Reno, NV. (Recall that Paddock had another home in Reno, and had worked for Lockheed Martin, a defense/NASA contractor). The video was uploaded to IndivisibleKara’s Twitter account on August 23, 2017.

Steven Haffley found and uploaded to YouTube a video that better shows the guy in the pink pussy hat, who was standing next to a woman who looks like Marilou Danley.

Father Psychological Disorder
Paddock was diagnosed as psychopathic?. He reportedly had suicidal tendencies, as well.

Palmer M. Baker Jr., an agent in charge of the Phoenix FBI office, described him as "A glib, smooth-talking man who is egotistical and arrogant." He also made the following statement after he escaped from prison:

Since he has utilized firearms in previous crimes, has employed violence in attempting to evade arrest and has been diagnosed as being psychopathic, Paddock should be considered extremely dangerous
One of the brothers of the man who killed at least 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas just dropped a huge clue in the case. Stephen Paddock, 64, is believed to have killed himself before law enforcement officers entered the Mandalay Beach hotel room from which he committed the massacre.

At first, Eric Paddock told reporters his brother was “just a guy” who liked burritos, gambled, and went to Las Vegas shows.

“Mars just fell into the earth,” he told NBC News. “We’re completely dumbfounded.” Another brother, Bruce Paddock, separately told NBC his brother was a laid-back, “never-in-a-hurry,” law-abiding citizen who had never been violent.

Then Eric happened to mention that their dad was Benjamin Paddock, a notorious bank robber who was on the FBI’s Most Wanted List for eight years after escaping from a Texas prison.

According to the agency, their dad was a “diagnosed psychopath.”

Las Vegas Gunman Described as Wealthy Gambler, Loner
In recent weeks, the gunman made gambling transactions worth tens of thousands of dollars, although it was unclear whether they were wins or losses, NBC News reported, citing unidentified law enforcement officials.

Stephen Paddock’s father was an infamous bank robber who spent years on the FBI’s most wanted list. Patrick Benjamin Paddock also went by the alias of Benjamin Hoskins Paddock. This information was revealed by Bruce Paddock, Stephen’s brother. It was later confirmed by NBC News’ Peter Alexander that Patrick Paddock was Stephen Paddock’s father.
On October 1, Stephen Paddock killed 58 people on the Las Vegas strip after firing into a crowd who were watching a country music festival. A motive for the crime has not been released by authorities.

Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock: retired accountant, heavy gambler
FBI said they saw “no connection” between Paddock and international terror groups, and a stunned nation remained at a loss to understand the motive for the Sunday night massacre, which left 58 people dead and more than 500 injured.

Paddock was found dead, apparently of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, before a police SWAT team burst into his room in the Mandalay Hotel, one of Las Vegas’s most recognizable landmarks.

tephen Paddock Planned The Attack Well In Advance

Law enforcement officials say that there were more than 10 rifles and “19 weapons” found in Paddock’s room when he was killed. Based off of the video of the shooting, we can infer that at least one of the rifles was a fully-automatic weapon with multiple extremely large magazine.

Paddock either reloaded or switched weapons multiple times during the attack.

Stephen Paddock’s brother says that he didn’t even own that many guns, and nothing fully-automatic.

“It makes no sense. He’s never hit anybody. He’s never… he had a couple of hand guns, I think…he had a safe with a couple of hand guns. He might have had one long rifle, but he didn’t have any automatic weapons, that I knew of at any time. It just makes no sense,” Eric Paddock said.

Eric Paddock said that his brother had never been an “avid gun guy,” had no military background, and suggested that Stephen had to have obtained the weapons recently before the attack.
Stephen Paddock’s Father Was A Psychopathic ‘Most Wanted’ Bank Robber

Eric Paddock told journalists that their father was a convicted bank robber who had been on the FBI most wanted list in the 1960s.

Patrick Benjamin Paddock robbed Valley National Bank in 1960 and escaped with over $4,600. He was accused of robbing more banks, but was never convicted. Charges were dropped after he was convicted of the first robbery.

Reports state that he was “diagnosed as being psychopathic.”

He then escaped from the Federal Correctional Institution at La Tuna in Texas and placed on the FBI’s most wanted list.
Stephen Paddock Was Possibly Going Through A Divorce And In Debt

NBC News reports that Stephen Paddock was married and that he may have been going through a divorce. Eric Paddock identified Marilou Danley as his girlfriend.

Undersheriff Kevin McMahill said that prior to the shooting, Paddock had been using Marilou Danley’s slot club ID to gamble.

NBC reports that he had made large gambling transactions, but it’s unknown if those are wins or losses.

In 2012 Paddock had sued a Las Vegas hotel for “Negligence – Premises Liability,” claiming a floor obstruction made him slip and fall. The case was dismissed with prejudice before being settled in arbitration.
Benjamin Hoskins Paddock Jr. (November 1, 1926 – January 18, 1998) was an American bank robber from Sheboygan, Wisconsin who was on the FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list from 1969 to 1977. After being convicted of multiple bank robberies in Arizona, he was sentenced to a federal prison in Anthony, Texas, from which he escaped in 1969. This escape resulted in his addition to the FBI's Most Wanted List. In 1977, he became the manager of the Bingo Centre in Springfield, Oregon. In 1978, he was re-arrested in Springfield; he later pled guilty to escaping from prison and was sentenced to two more years in federal prison. In 1987, he was charged with racketeering and fraud by the attorney general of Oregon, but reportedly avoided jail time by paying a fine. He was the father of three sons, including Stephen Craig Paddock, who carried out the 2017 Las Vegas Strip shooting.

Vegas Shooter's Dad, Patrick Benjamin Paddock, Was a Convicted Bank Robber Who Escaped Federal Prison, Tried to Run Down FBI Agents With His Car
Stephen Paddock was seven years old at the time of his father's arrest.

Patrick Paddock was arrested on July 28, 1960, in Las Vegas, where he had fled after the bank robbery in Phoenix. "The FBI said Paddock tried to resist arrest and attempted to run down an agent with his car," reports a July 28, 1960, article in the Citizen. "A shot was fired and Paddock surrendered."

The FBI agents found nearly $3,000 and a loaded .38 caliber revolver in his car.

Police suspected Paddock had committed several Phoenix-area bank robberies, netting him a total of around $25,000. But he was only tried for one of the robberies. In December 1960, a jury found Paddock guilty and Judge Peirson M. Hall sentenced him to 20 years in prison, the maximum allowable sentence.

While in prison, Paddock was apparently diagnosed as suicidal and psychopathic. After eight years of incarceration, Paddock escaped from a Federal Correctional Institution in La Tuna, Texas, and was placed on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list.

Paddock was removed from the FBI's list in the late '70s, after he was found living in the Eugene, Oregon, area under the alias Bruce Werner Ericksen, running a bingo parlor. He was again arrested in 1978 but got out on parole; he remained a free man until 1987, when he was indicted on seven racketeering charges in Oregon.

The judge eventually let him off with no jail time and a $100,000 fine. He returned to Texas where he lived until his death in 1998.

NPR has updated the numbers to 58 dead and 515 injured. The latter number includes people hurt in the stampede, and isn't just gunshot wounds.

58 dead
500+ in the hospital

Vegas shooter's dad was a convicted bank robber who escaped Federal Prison

Las Vegas shooter's father, 'Bingo Bruce,' lived colorful life of crime and deception

Authorities speaking with shooter's companion, who is currently in custody.
It's Vegas, there are cameras on the cameras.

Police Recorded on one of those insta Snapchat Phone Apps

the Police on Scene


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 11:32 AM



The shooters who left digital trails have made it clear that their actions were prompted by their perceived loss of power and status in society. They felt slighted by women who do not obey them and their desires, by people of color and queer folks who have fought for, earned, and defended their civil rights, and by a society that doesn’t afford them the respect and place they believe they deserve by accident of their race and gender. They are the product of a changed and ever-changing social context in which historic forms of power and domination are being slowly but loudly destabilized, and of a society that socializes them to believe that this is wrong, and that they deserve to be in positions of power.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 11:55 AM


Whatever justifies your misandry and self loathing Wishy.

Don't think anybody here is going to bother clicking on that link, but thanks for sharing.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 12:04 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

The average American's response to mass shootings, from what I can tell:

1. Feel horrified. Pray for the families of the victims.
2. Read and share stories about individuals' heroism. Feel a little bit uplifted.
3. Shrug shoulders and say nothing can possibly be done.
4. Repeat.


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Syrian regime collusion with ISIS -


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 12:08 PM



Originally posted by kpo:
The average American's response to mass shootings, from what I can tell:

1. Feel horrified. Pray for the families of the victims.
2. Read and share stories about individuals' heroism. Feel a little bit uplifted.
3. Shrug shoulders and say nothing can possibly be done.
4. Repeat.

I skip right to 3 and be done with it.

Then again, I don't do facebook and I don't waste time virtue signaling like some other people on this board do.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 12:54 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Most mass-shooters turn out to be merely a white American man with a non-immigrant-sounding name, from Charles Whitman at the University of Texas tower back in 1966 onward. And from Whitman onward, killers of this sort are described as “deranged” or “disturbed” or “resentful,” their crimes a reflection of their own torment rather than any larger trend or force. They are “troubled” youths, like the white teenaged boy who shot up classmates in West Paducah, Kentucky, in 1997, or the two white teenaged boys who shot up classmates in Columbine, Colorado, two years later, or the white teenaged boy who carried out the atrocity in Newtown, Connecticut. Or “troubled” older people, like the white man in his 60s who shot up the congressional baseball game this summer. A report on the congressional-baseball shooter described his “descent into rage.”

If the killers are not whites with “normal” names, the responsibility for their crime would not be assigned solely to themselves and their tortured psyches.

If killers have Arab-sounding names, it's a new episode of jihad. How often has Donald Trump invoked “San Bernardino” in his speeches, as shorthand for the terrorist threat in our heartland?

If killers are Mexican, they would demonstrate the perils of immigration, and that Mexico is “not sending its best people.”

If killers are illegal immigrants, they’d dramatize the need to crack down harder, right now.

And if killers are black, I shudder to imagine the consequences.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 1:09 PM


I can't recall any black mass murderers that didn't have Muslim names.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 1:12 PM



Originally posted by G:
hold on until The Change comes.

What change? You had 8 years of hope and change and it didn't get done.

I'd just put that on the long list of other things that still won't get done when Democrats run the show again, along with things like taking care of the Electoral College and getting out of Middle Eastern wars.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 1:29 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
I can't recall any black mass murderers that didn't have Muslim names.

I see you missed the point about how the news covers these stories: If the killer is white, he is just another troubled man. If the killer is black, he is part of an international Muslim terrorist conspiracy to kill all Christians. That is how FOX News covers these stories.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 2:15 PM



Originally posted by SECOND:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
I can't recall any black mass murderers that didn't have Muslim names.

I see you missed the point about how the news covers these stories: If the killer is white, he is just another troubled man. If the killer is black, he is part of an international Muslim terrorist conspiracy to kill all Christians. That is how FOX News covers these stories.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

So is it how "The News" covers these stories or how "Fox News" covers these stories. Which is it? There's a big difference between the two statements.

I didn't miss the point. I was purposefully ignoring it.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 6:50 PM


America loves a winner!

So NOW the live in g/f is a " person of interest ", but not before ?

Gee, I'm glad the FBI guys are all over this one.


@second - for decades, the explanation for excessive black violence has been any number of the following - economically disadvantaged , living in a overtly racist country, broken homes and disintegrating family structure, constant reminders of being inferior by media and news reports of ... well, blacks committing crimes , poor education, etc...

These are LEFT WING excuses, which get amplified over and over again in a broken , agenda driven education system as well as the MSM echo chamber.

So when a OLD WHITE GUY, who seemingly had every known advantage there is... wealth, tall stature ( apparently guys who are tall get laid more and make more $ ) , why would he have any reason to strike out at society ???

It runs completely counter to what we're SUPPOSE to believe, unless...

It has zero do to w/ race at all. Hmmm...


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 8:16 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

It has zero do to w/ race at all. Hmmm...

I think I mentioned it's a gender issue, but you made record time in absolving white men for their part. Black males only make up 16% of mass shooters (meaning more than two at a setting). I expected you to make the same tired comment about "How many shootings in Chicago every weekend?" that white men make EVERY TIME gun control is brought up.

So far I've noticed this pattern among white men that they don't want to admit they have irrational anger issues. Deep-level denial is partially why this crap keeps happening.

"WHAAAAHHHHH, I'm not powerful and universally loved, I think I'll go shoot some things..."


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 9:40 PM


Yeah, because overgeneralizing everything to fit her agenda is Wishy's thing.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Of this entire list of 128 rampage killers in the western hemisphere, going back to 1863, there's only 1 woman (Fugate, a teenager) listed, and she's in tandem with a much older male boyfriend and accomplice (Starkweather). Since that covers a very lengthy timespan and multiple cultures, where the roles of women were vastly different and undergoing active change, it's a pretty solid observation. Men can take credit for 99%+ of rampage killings.

Per Kiki's quote here, there have been 127 rampage killers in the western hemisphere going back to 1863. Somebody want to take a guess at how many men have lived in the western hemisphere since 1863? A billion? Two billion? Ten billion?

Assuming only 1 billion, 0.000000127% of men who have lived in the western hemisphere since 1863 have become rampage killers.

Lookout women. You're in BIG trouble. They're EVERYWHERE!!!


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 11:04 PM


Data from earlier reports suggest a far smaller percentage of men—around 5 to 7 percent—were killed by intimate partners.

The CDC analyzed the murders of women in 18 states from 2003 to 2014, finding a total of 10,018 deaths. Of those, 55 percent were intimate partner violence-related, meaning they occurred at the hands of a former or current partner.

Take out the two percent for lesbian relationships, Men are GREAT.

How many spree killings is ENOUGH? How many domestic violence murders is ENOUGH to see that women AREN'T the problem?


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 11:18 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Then again, I don't do facebook

What's the difference between that and HERE?

I even know your name.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017 11:31 PM


America loves a winner!

Religion is irrational. Political motivation is irrational. And lord knows, women sure as hell are irrational as well.

Wish - your comments are truly worthless on this matter. You want to bash white men for the actions of Steven Paddock ? By all means, make an ass of yourself and go for it. No skin off my noes. You're just missing - everything.

BTW - Paddock seems to be the very opposite of what you claim as motivation for such violent temper tantrums. Wealthy, tall, white, no wife, but with a live in g/f... by many standards, he's living the dream. So why isn't the MSM getting the full story here ?






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