The Scumbag from Alabama - 5th Accusser Surfaces

UPDATED: Thursday, November 23, 2017 05:18
VIEWED: 4816
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Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:47 AM


Apparently "Judge" Moore was well known for chasing after underaged girls in and around town. The dirty little hornball.

Not only did she describe an encounter with him, but she has evidence.
Scumbag is as a scumbag does.



Tuesday, November 14, 2017 5:23 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Apparently "Judge" Moore was well known for chasing after underaged girls in and around town. The dirty little hornball.

Not only did she describe an encounter with him, but she has evidence.
Scumbag is as a scumbag does.


From those stories he sounds almost as bad as Jerry Seinfeld, dating his 12 year old girlfriend. Almost.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

From those stories he sounds almost as bad as Jerry Seinfeld, dating his 12 year old girlfriend. Almost.

Golly, you are an idiot. While still a 17-year-old high school student, Shoshanna came to public attention by dating Jerry Seinfeld. They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended.

Roy Moore was banned from the local mall in the 70s “Because He Repeatedly Badgered Teen-age Girls” for blowjobs.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:25 AM


It's hard to hide from the facts. JSF is apparently OK with this behavior because someone somewhere did it before. Therefore everyone can do it now. Because a democrat did it and got away with it, a republican should be able to as well. The well being of young girls everywhere be damned.

Just admit it JSF. You practice a very low standard of morels. Or, none at all.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:42 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

From those stories he sounds almost as bad as Jerry Seinfeld, dating his 12 year old girlfriend.

It's ok, JSF...we know you are a little slow.

This is a 2. This is a 7. I know they kinda look alike, so focus.

One is not legal in any state, one is. I'll give you a hint, it's the one with the seven. 7. (specifically, 17)

14 is also NOT LEGAL, unless her parents approve...and even then you and they should be taken out and shot.

The reason we don't let people date 12 year olds is because if a twelve yr old gives birth it is likely to kill her without medical intervention.

Not that your party cares about that.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:10 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

From those stories he sounds almost as bad as Jerry Seinfeld, dating his 12 year old girlfriend.

It's ok, JSF...we know you are a little slow.

This is a 2. This is a 7. I know they kinda look alike, so focus.

One is not legal in any state, one is. I'll give you a hint, it's the one with the seven. 7. (specifically, 17)

14 is also NOT LEGAL, unless her parents approve...and even then you and they should be taken out and shot.

The reason we don't let people date 12 year olds is because if a twelve yr old gives birth it is likely to kill her without medical intervention.

Not that your party cares about that.

Wishy has a great post... Until the last sentence. She just can't seem to manage to wrap up a good idea without blowing it up.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:26 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Roy Moore’s supporters believe that if you have the right principles, all other truth follows. Without God, there can be no morality. With God, and with a good man like Moore, there can be no error. This mentality, known in Christian scholarship as “presuppositionalism,” sustains evangelical support for President Trump, according to Molly Worthen, a professor at the University of North Carolina, who explained the phenomenon at last week’s Faith Angle Forum in Miami Beach. People who think this way dismiss inconvenient facts. When the Washington Post goes after Moore, and when Senate leaders tell him to drop out, Moore’s believers rally around him.

Evidence alone won’t pry these people away from Moore. But it can make the task of defending him more difficult. Anyone who claims that Moore is innocent, or that it’s impossible to know who’s telling the truth, is up against a mountain of evidence explained at


Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:31 PM



Tuesday, November 14, 2017 4:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Apparently "Judge" Moore was well known for chasing after underaged girls in and around town. The dirty little hornball.

Not only did she describe an encounter with him, but she has evidence.
Scumbag is as a scumbag does.


Tape recordings?
Propositions written on paper?
Stained clothing?
Eyewitness testimony of this or similar behavior?
Bruises that she showed someone at the time?
Someone (at least) that she told shortly afterwards to corroborate her statement?

I know that sexual harassment/ sexual assault often becomes a "he said- she said" thing, and because girls or young women are often intimidated by a differential in age and power quite often the statements don't come out until long afterwards. So I'm not saying it didn't happen, but that you still don't understand the nature of evidence. How do you even try a case like this??? (I have said the same thing about Bill Clinton. Allegations are just allegations until proven.)

By the way, in addition to the PRACTICAL reason of not killing a young girl if she should become pregnant, there is also a LEGAL reason for limiting the age of consent, and that is that young people of either sex often don't have the experience or judgment to consent to ANYthing, which is why they can't get credit card accounts or sign contracts.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 3:28 AM


Yes, these type of cases, a "he said, she said" often comes down to credibility; Who do you believe. This is not about hard evidence, but rather about the preponderance of evidence: the logical more convincing evidence and "it's probable truth and accuracy, and not on the amount of evidence." Of course, this is all subjective.

But here's the kicker in all of this: the statute of limitations has expired for there to be a criminal charge. So, this is not a criminal case. This is more a case considering the possible position for public service, namely the Senate. If, as a concerned citizen, you knew that a possible psychopath was running for public office, and you could prevent it from happening, what would you do? I remember when Clinton was running for president and Flowers came out the woodwork, we were all wondering.

The record shows that this man sought out young girls, not women, girls for sexual encounters and was banned from the local mall because he harassed these young girls at or below the age of consent. He took advantage of a minor who didn't have the maturity, physical strength or mental capacity of a consenting adult. Now he cloaks himself in the moral hypocrisy of corporate religion, or rather the institution of religion, pretending to be holier than thou claiming moral authority above the heathens and non-believers.

He hides his "sins" among the weak-willed and weak-minded to gain favor and possible ascension to the senate. As I stated above, the record speaks for itself, or as you could put it - the evidence. The 5th Accuser has his signed note in her yearbook as proof that they once new each other (he claims he never met her), and as for the 14 year old; WAPO has 30 witnesses who have been interviewed and provided statements. Plus 3 other victims who have come forward and given their full names. Again, not evidence in the strict sense, but enough to paint a rather disturbing picture of the man's moral character all those many years ago.

Is that enough to convict a man? No!

But we are not talking about criminal prosecution. This is a horse of a different color. The US Senate is an exclusive club of the highest order, membership does not come cheaply. So this case will be "tried" in the court of public opinion, of which everyone has one, two or three. Should his sordid, disgusting past keep him from serving the public and prevent him from joining the club? The pattern has been established (funny, there goes that word again - establishment); the die has been cast. Moore's behavior also must be taken into consideration; even if he's atoned for his sins privately to his maker via a confession and a rebirth in the tradition of the Christian faith. Therein lies the rub, he is now proclaiming his submission to serve the public and cannot hide behind the Bible.

He must, if he is to serve the people of Alabama, confess and publicly apologize to his victims. How so? Because he is to serve the public and must atone publicly for his violation of the public trust (since he was an assistant DA) - thereby serving both God and man. I say this despite the fact that in the Bible it clearly states that you cannot serve both.


Matthew 6:24

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

If he is truly a God-fearing Christian man, he will do this of his own accord, without hesitation and without question. This is the teachings of Jesus. No fanfare, no trumpets blaring and no grand announcements. God will reward or punish.

But, of course, this will not happen. He has shown to be defiant and stubborn (two Christian modes of moral submission to God/Jesus). He has steadfastly claimed that he has not committed these acts of sexual misconduct despite the fact that these women have come forward, and blaming the media for his alleged misdeeds. So why would the mall ban him from entering and patronizing the shops and stores? Good question right? Why doesn't BreitBart or ZeroHedge actually do some investigative reporting and dig into that aspect of the story. Talk to the manager of the mall, if he/she is still alive; or request the records that show the reason why.
Gee, I wonder how WAPO did it?



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Apparently "Judge" Moore was well known for chasing after underaged girls in and around town. The dirty little hornball.

Not only did she describe an encounter with him, but she has evidence.
Scumbag is as a scumbag does.


Tape recordings?
Propositions written on paper?
Stained clothing?
Eyewitness testimony of this or similar behavior?
Bruises that she showed someone at the time?
Someone (at least) that she told shortly afterwards to corroborate her statement?

I know that sexual harassment/ sexual assault often becomes a "he said- she said" thing, and because girls or young women are often intimidated by a differential in age and power quite often the statements don't come out until long afterwards. So I'm not saying it didn't happen, but that you still don't understand the nature of evidence. How do you even try a case like this??? (I have said the same thing about Bill Clinton. Allegations are just allegations until proven.)

By the way, in addition to the PRACTICAL reason of not killing a young girl if she should become pregnant, there is also a LEGAL reason for limiting the age of consent, and that is that young people of either sex often don't have the experience or judgment to consent to ANYthing, which is why they can't get credit card accounts or sign contracts.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:06 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, these type of cases, a "he said, she said" often comes down to credibility; Who do you believe. This is not about hard evidence, but rather about the preponderance of evidence: the logical more convincing evidence and "it's probable truth and accuracy, and not on the amount of evidence." Of course, this is all subjective.

But here's the kicker in all of this: the statute of limitations has expired for there to be a criminal charge. So, this is not a criminal case. This is more a case considering the possible position for public service, namely the Senate. If, as a concerned citizen, you knew that a possible psychopath was running for public office, and you could prevent it from happening, what would you do? I remember when Clinton was running for president and Flowers came out the woodwork, we were all wondering.

The record shows that this man sought out young girls, not women, girls for sexual encounters and was banned from the local mall because he harassed these young girls at or below the age of consent. He took advantage of a minor who didn't have the maturity, physical strength or mental capacity of a consenting adult. Now he cloaks himself in the moral hypocrisy of corporate religion, or rather the institution of religion, pretending to be holier than thou claiming moral authority above the heathens and non-believers.

He hides his "sins" among the weak-willed and weak-minded to gain favor and possible ascension to the senate. As I stated above, the record speaks for itself, or as you could put it - the evidence. The 5th Accuser has his signed note in her yearbook as proof that they once new each other (he claims he never met her), and as for the 14 year old; WAPO has 30 witnesses who have been interviewed and provided statements. Plus 3 other victims who have come forward and given their full names. Again, not evidence in the strict sense, but enough to paint a rather disturbing picture of the man's moral character all those many years ago.

Is that enough to convict a man? No!

But we are not talking about criminal prosecution. This is a horse of a different color. The US Senate is an exclusive club of the highest order, membership does not come cheaply. So this case will be "tried" in the court of public opinion, of which everyone has one, two or three. Should his sordid, disgusting past keep him from serving the public and prevent him from joining the club? The pattern has been established (funny, there goes that word again - establishment); the die has been cast. Moore's behavior also must be taken into consideration; even if he's atoned for his sins privately to his maker via a confession and a rebirth in the tradition of the Christian faith. Therein lies the rub, he is now proclaiming his submission to serve the public and cannot hide behind the Bible.

He must, if he is to serve the people of Alabama, confess and publicly apologize to his victims. How so? Because he is to serve the public and must atone publicly for his violation of the public trust (since he was an assistant DA) - thereby serving both God and man. I say this despite the fact that in the Bible it clearly states that you cannot serve both.


Matthew 6:24

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

If he is truly a God-fearing Christian man, he will do this of his own accord, without hesitation and without question. This is the teachings of Jesus. No fanfare, no trumpets blaring and no grand announcements. God will reward or punish.

But, of course, this will not happen. He has shown to be defiant and stubborn (two Christian modes of moral submission to God/Jesus). He has steadfastly claimed that he has not committed these acts of sexual misconduct despite the fact that these women have come forward, and blaming the media for his alleged misdeeds. So why would the mall ban him from entering and patronizing the shops and stores? Good question right? Why doesn't BreitBart or ZeroHedge actually do some investigative reporting and dig into that aspect of the story. Talk to the manager of the mall, if he/she is still alive; or request the records that show the reason why.
Gee, I wonder how WAPO did it?



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Apparently "Judge" Moore was well known for chasing after underaged girls in and around town. The dirty little hornball.

Not only did she describe an encounter with him, but she has evidence.
Scumbag is as a scumbag does.


Tape recordings?
Propositions written on paper?
Stained clothing?
Eyewitness testimony of this or similar behavior?
Bruises that she showed someone at the time?
Someone (at least) that she told shortly afterwards to corroborate her statement?

I know that sexual harassment/ sexual assault often becomes a "he said- she said" thing, and because girls or young women are often intimidated by a differential in age and power quite often the statements don't come out until long afterwards. So I'm not saying it didn't happen, but that you still don't understand the nature of evidence. How do you even try a case like this??? (I have said the same thing about Bill Clinton. Allegations are just allegations until proven.)

By the way, in addition to the PRACTICAL reason of not killing a young girl if she should become pregnant, there is also a LEGAL reason for limiting the age of consent, and that is that young people of either sex often don't have the experience or judgment to consent to ANYthing, which is why they can't get credit card accounts or sign contracts.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

yep. We should get some mo betta qualified Senators, like Hilliary.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:55 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Part of me hopes he wins - just to show how rotten the GOP and conservative movement has become.


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Syrian regime collusion with ISIS -


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 9:41 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by kpo:
Part of me hopes he wins - just to show how rotten the GOP and conservative movement has become.

Bill Clinton should have resigned. What he did to Monica Lewinsky was wrong, and he should have paid that price.

Many years ago, when I was a high school student making my first visit to Washington for a two-week summer camp for weird politics dorks, the dominant news story was then-President Bill Clinton’s August 17, 1998, admission that despite earlier denials, he “did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate.”

“In fact,” Clinton conceded, “it was wrong,” and it “constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible.”

In the days before the admission, there was considerable conviction in the chattering classes that the allegations, if true, would end up leading to Clinton’s resignation. That proved to be incorrect. Clinton was not shamed into resigning, and senior leaders of the Democratic Party did not pressure him into resigning.

At the time I, like most Americans, was glad to see Clinton prevail and regarded the whole sordid matter as primarily the fault of congressional Republicans’ excessive scandal-mongering. Now, looking back after the election of Donald Trump, the revelations of massive sexual harassment scandals at Fox News, the stories about Harvey Weinstein and others in the entertainment industry, and the stories about Roy Moore’s pursuit of sexual relationships with teenagers, I think we got it wrong. We argued about perjury and adultery and the meaning of the word “is.” Republicans prosecuted a bad case against a president they’d been investigating for years.

What we should have talked about was men abusing their social and economic power over younger and less powerful women.

The United States, and perhaps the broader English-speaking world, is currently undergoing a much-needed accountability moment in which each wave of stories emboldens more people to come forward and more institutions to rethink their practices. Looking back, the 1998 revelation that the president of the United States carried on an affair with an intern could have been that moment.

It was far from the most egregious case of workplace sexual misconduct in American history. But it was unusually high-profile, the facts were not in dispute, the perpetrator had a lot of nominal feminist ideological commitments, and political leaders who shared those commitments had the power to force him from office. Had he resigned in shame, we all might have made a collective cultural and political decision that a person caught leveraging power over women in inappropriate ways ought to be fired. Instead, we lost nearly two decades.

There is always more to be read about it at

But in the case of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, there were no real policy stakes. Had Clinton left office, Al Gore would have become president and pursued essentially the same policy.

More importantly, had Gore become president, perhaps he would have run and won as an incumbent. And think of the consequences: no Iraq War - Dick Cheney's favorite project - and no multi-trillion dollar war deficit.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Bill Clinton should have resigned. What he did to Monica Lewinsky was wrong, and he should have paid that price.
Yes, he should have, but Monica Lewinsky was not his biggest crime. GWB should have resigned too, as should Obama and Trump. And Hillary too. But not for personal crimes but for corruption in office.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:06 AM



We should get some mo betta qualified Senators, like Hilliary.




Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, these type of cases, a "he said, she said" often comes down to credibility; Who do you believe. This is not about hard evidence, but rather about the preponderance of evidence: the logical more convincing evidence and "it's probable truth and accuracy, and not on the amount of evidence." Of course, this is all subjective.

But here's the kicker in all of this: the statute of limitations has expired for there to be a criminal charge. So, this is not a criminal case. This is more a case considering the possible position for public service, namely the Senate. If, as a concerned citizen, you knew that a possible psychopath was running for public office, and you could prevent it from happening, what would you do? I remember when Clinton was running for president and Flowers came out the woodwork, we were all wondering.

The record shows that this man sought out young girls, not women, girls for sexual encounters and was banned from the local mall because he harassed these young girls at or below the age of consent. He took advantage of a minor who didn't have the maturity, physical strength or mental capacity of a consenting adult. Now he cloaks himself in the moral hypocrisy of corporate religion, or rather the institution of religion, pretending to be holier than thou claiming moral authority above the heathens and non-believers.

He hides his "sins" among the weak-willed and weak-minded to gain favor and possible ascension to the senate. As I stated above, the record speaks for itself, or as you could put it - the evidence. The 5th Accuser has his signed note in her yearbook as proof that they once new each other (he claims he never met her), and as for the 14 year old; WAPO has 30 witnesses who have been interviewed and provided statements. Plus 3 other victims who have come forward and given their full names. Again, not evidence in the strict sense, but enough to paint a rather disturbing picture of the man's moral character all those many years ago.

Is that enough to convict a man? No!

But we are not talking about criminal prosecution. This is a horse of a different color. The US Senate is an exclusive club of the highest order, membership does not come cheaply. So this case will be "tried" in the court of public opinion, of which everyone has one, two or three. Should his sordid, disgusting past keep him from serving the public and prevent him from joining the club? The pattern has been established (funny, there goes that word again - establishment); the die has been cast. Moore's behavior also must be taken into consideration; even if he's atoned for his sins privately to his maker via a confession and a rebirth in the tradition of the Christian faith. Therein lies the rub, he is now proclaiming his submission to serve the public and cannot hide behind the Bible.

He must, if he is to serve the people of Alabama, confess and publicly apologize to his victims. How so? Because he is to serve the public and must atone publicly for his violation of the public trust (since he was an assistant DA) - thereby serving both God and man. I say this despite the fact that in the Bible it clearly states that you cannot serve both.


Matthew 6:24

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

If he is truly a God-fearing Christian man, he will do this of his own accord, without hesitation and without question. This is the teachings of Jesus. No fanfare, no trumpets blaring and no grand announcements. God will reward or punish.

But, of course, this will not happen. He has shown to be defiant and stubborn (two Christian modes of moral submission to God/Jesus). He has steadfastly claimed that he has not committed these acts of sexual misconduct despite the fact that these women have come forward, and blaming the media for his alleged misdeeds. So why would the mall ban him from entering and patronizing the shops and stores? Good question right? Why doesn't BreitBart or ZeroHedge actually do some investigative reporting and dig into that aspect of the story. Talk to the manager of the mall, if he/she is still alive; or request the records that show the reason why.
Gee, I wonder how WAPO did it?



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Apparently "Judge" Moore was well known for chasing after underaged girls in and around town. The dirty little hornball.

Not only did she describe an encounter with him, but she has evidence.
Scumbag is as a scumbag does.


Tape recordings?
Propositions written on paper?
Stained clothing?
Eyewitness testimony of this or similar behavior?
Bruises that she showed someone at the time?
Someone (at least) that she told shortly afterwards to corroborate her statement?

I know that sexual harassment/ sexual assault often becomes a "he said- she said" thing, and because girls or young women are often intimidated by a differential in age and power quite often the statements don't come out until long afterwards. So I'm not saying it didn't happen, but that you still don't understand the nature of evidence. How do you even try a case like this??? (I have said the same thing about Bill Clinton. Allegations are just allegations until proven.)

By the way, in addition to the PRACTICAL reason of not killing a young girl if she should become pregnant, there is also a LEGAL reason for limiting the age of consent, and that is that young people of either sex often don't have the experience or judgment to consent to ANYthing, which is why they can't get credit card accounts or sign contracts.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

yep. We should get some mo betta qualified Senators, like Hilliary.


Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:19 AM


You may get your wish, although the GOP has distanced themselves from him (which I believe is a ploy: they claim that they will expel him once he is voted in. This does two things; it gets them off the hook with the conservatives and general public opinion, and it will appeal to the alt-right base because the Senate vote to expel will fail - kind of accidentally-on-purpose - and "Bob's your uncle" everybody's happy).

And yes, I agree, they're a bunch of sleaze-balls who will stop at nothing to keep their positions. Plus, the GOP will get their repeal of Obamacare, which is all they care about, and the "Donor" class will be appeased. Again everybody, except the middle class, will be happy.



Originally posted by kpo:
Part of me hopes he wins - just to show how rotten the GOP and conservative movement has become.


"Objective truths are established by evidence. Personal truths by faith. Political truths by incessant repetition."

Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria -
Syrian regime collusion with ISIS -


Friday, November 17, 2017 2:29 AM


Add Al Franken to the list of scumbags.

Here's a surprise - The King of Scumbags tweets about the Franken Case, but silent on the Moore Case. Now isn't that special!



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Bill Clinton should have resigned. What he did to Monica Lewinsky was wrong, and he should have paid that price.
Yes, he should have, but Monica Lewinsky was not his biggest crime. GWB should have resigned too, as should Obama and Trump. And Hillary too. But not for personal crimes but for corruption in office.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, November 17, 2017 2:40 AM


Solid Post, no matter what anyone says (cough, cough Sixpack, cough)

There is a big difference between being a teenager and dating a teenager; and an adult and harassing young girls (not women, girls) half your age. It falls under the category of pervert. Dirty Old man! Sexual deviant!

A man in his 30s chasing after teen girls 14, 15 or 16 is a "dirty old man, a sexual deviant.

Fuck the politics, it's still morally reprehensible. Fuck Roy Moore!



Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

From those stories he sounds almost as bad as Jerry Seinfeld, dating his 12 year old girlfriend.

It's ok, JSF...we know you are a little slow.

This is a 2. This is a 7. I know they kinda look alike, so focus.

One is not legal in any state, one is. I'll give you a hint, it's the one with the seven. 7. (specifically, 17)

14 is also NOT LEGAL, unless her parents approve...and even then you and they should be taken out and shot.

The reason we don't let people date 12 year olds is because if a twelve yr old gives birth it is likely to kill her without medical intervention.

Not that your party cares about that.


Friday, November 17, 2017 11:13 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Add Al Franken to the list of scumbags.

Here's a surprise - The King of Scumbags tweets about the Franken Case, but silent on the Moore Case. Now isn't that special!


If Senator Al Franken was forced to resign, Democrats have an opportunity to maintain the moral high ground without having to pay a political price for it. The Democrat Governor would appoint a Democrat to replace Franken. The Democrats could keep the pressure up on Moore. And they could help to establish a precedent wherein severe instances of sexual harassment warrant resignation. In the long run, that might create more of a problem for Republicans than for Democrats, because the overwhelming majority of sexual harassment is conducted by men, and there are 265 Republican men in Congress compared with 164 Democratic ones.

Instead, Democrats basically punted on the question. They are making a huge policy mistake. With Al Franken kicked out, Trump would be next. He has more than a dozen well-documented, on-the-record allegations of sexual assault against him. The fact that those allegations are known doesn’t make them less serious, and the fact that he won the Electoral College despite them does not absolve him. It is a good thing for the country and our future that we are taking sexual assault so seriously. But it is a very, very bad thing if the one exception is the most powerful, prominent abuser in the world.

17 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct. It’s time to revisit those stories -->


Friday, November 17, 2017 1:12 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Add Al Franken to the list of scumbags.

Here's a surprise - The King of Scumbags tweets about the Franken Case, but silent on the Moore Case. Now isn't that special!


If Senator Al Franken was forced to resign, Democrats have an opportunity to maintain the moral high ground without having to pay a political price for it. The Democrat Governor would appoint a Democrat to replace Franken. The Democrats could keep the pressure up on Moore. And they could help to establish a precedent wherein severe instances of sexual harassment warrant resignation. In the long run, that might create more of a problem for Republicans than for Democrats, because the overwhelming majority of sexual harassment is conducted by men, and there are 265 Republican men in Congress compared with 164 Democratic ones.

Instead, Democrats basically punted on the question. They are making a huge policy mistake. With Al Franken kicked out, Trump would be next. He has more than a dozen well-documented, on-the-record allegations of sexual assault against him. The fact that those allegations are known doesn’t make them less serious, and the fact that he won the Electoral College despite them does not absolve him. It is a good thing for the country and our future that we are taking sexual assault so seriously. But it is a very, very bad thing if the one exception is the most powerful, prominent abuser in the world.

17 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct. It’s time to revisit those stories -->]

What Franken admitted to and apologized for is yes, sexual harassment. If it is the last accusation against him it is possible what he did was a one off. A mistake which he is now paying for.

My point is that if more women come forward then he is a serial offender and should resign. If as I suggested it is a one time mistake, then those calling for his resignation are caught up in a frenzy and should back up a bit.


Saturday, November 18, 2017 3:54 AM


I really don't think they will ask him to resign. Like you said if it's a one off, then censure will be the remedy. But if others come forward, he's toast.

I think that's what the Dems are hoping for is a kind of "fishermen's net" type of deal. In other words, by Franken submitting to an investigation, they will require the same Senate investigation for Moore and his "alleged" conduct. Remember, this is for actions from before Franken was elected to office, same as Moore. That may be the ploy Dems are looking to spring on Moore and the Repubs.

As for Trump, the women who accused him are fighting mad because they feel they are being forgotten. And yes, I believe they are. I say they should raise a stink about it.



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Add Al Franken to the list of scumbags.

Here's a surprise - The King of Scumbags tweets about the Franken Case, but silent on the Moore Case. Now isn't that special!


If Senator Al Franken was forced to resign, Democrats have an opportunity to maintain the moral high ground without having to pay a political price for it. The Democrat Governor would appoint a Democrat to replace Franken. The Democrats could keep the pressure up on Moore. And they could help to establish a precedent wherein severe instances of sexual harassment warrant resignation. In the long run, that might create more of a problem for Republicans than for Democrats, because the overwhelming majority of sexual harassment is conducted by men, and there are 265 Republican men in Congress compared with 164 Democratic ones.

Instead, Democrats basically punted on the question. They are making a huge policy mistake. With Al Franken kicked out, Trump would be next. He has more than a dozen well-documented, on-the-record allegations of sexual assault against him. The fact that those allegations are known doesn’t make them less serious, and the fact that he won the Electoral College despite them does not absolve him. It is a good thing for the country and our future that we are taking sexual assault so seriously. But it is a very, very bad thing if the one exception is the most powerful, prominent abuser in the world.

17 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct. It’s time to revisit those stories -->]

What Franken admitted to and apologized for is yes, sexual harassment. If it is the last accusation against him it is possible what he did was a one off. A mistake which he is now paying for.

My point is that if more women come forward then he is a serial offender and should resign. If as I suggested it is a one time mistake, then those calling for his resignation are caught up in a frenzy and should back up a bit.


Saturday, November 18, 2017 8:20 AM


Stuart Smalley is gonna be fine...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 18, 2017 9:25 AM


Good point. It does make it impossible for the Republicans to not call for an investigation when it is a republican, if they go after a democrat for one accusation.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I really don't think they will ask him to resign. Like you said if it's a one off, then censure will be the remedy. But if others come forward, he's toast.

I think that's what the Dems are hoping for is a kind of "fishermen's net" type of deal. In other words, by Franken submitting to an investigation, they will require the same Senate investigation for Moore and his "alleged" conduct. Remember, this is for actions from before Franken was elected to office, same as Moore. That may be the ploy Dems are looking to spring on Moore and the Repubs.

As for Trump, the women who accused him are fighting mad because they feel they are being forgotten. And yes, I believe they are. I say they should raise a stink about it.



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Add Al Franken to the list of scumbags.

Here's a surprise - The King of Scumbags tweets about the Franken Case, but silent on the Moore Case. Now isn't that special!


If Senator Al Franken was forced to resign, Democrats have an opportunity to maintain the moral high ground without having to pay a political price for it. The Democrat Governor would appoint a Democrat to replace Franken. The Democrats could keep the pressure up on Moore. And they could help to establish a precedent wherein severe instances of sexual harassment warrant resignation. In the long run, that might create more of a problem for Republicans than for Democrats, because the overwhelming majority of sexual harassment is conducted by men, and there are 265 Republican men in Congress compared with 164 Democratic ones.

Instead, Democrats basically punted on the question. They are making a huge policy mistake. With Al Franken kicked out, Trump would be next. He has more than a dozen well-documented, on-the-record allegations of sexual assault against him. The fact that those allegations are known doesn’t make them less serious, and the fact that he won the Electoral College despite them does not absolve him. It is a good thing for the country and our future that we are taking sexual assault so seriously. But it is a very, very bad thing if the one exception is the most powerful, prominent abuser in the world.

17 women have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct. It’s time to revisit those stories -->]

What Franken admitted to and apologized for is yes, sexual harassment. If it is the last accusation against him it is possible what he did was a one off. A mistake which he is now paying for.

My point is that if more women come forward then he is a serial offender and should resign. If as I suggested it is a one time mistake, then those calling for his resignation are caught up in a frenzy and should back up a bit.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017 2:06 AM


Add Charlie Rose to the growing list of Scumbags.....stay tuned.



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Apparently "Judge" Moore was well known for chasing after underaged girls in and around town. The dirty little hornball.

Not only did she describe an encounter with him, but she has evidence.
Scumbag is as a scumbag does.



Tuesday, November 21, 2017 10:46 AM


It appears Franken has another accuser. If he goes I hope it is sooner rather than later and a democrat finishes his term.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Add Charlie Rose to the growing list of Scumbags.....stay tuned.



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Apparently "Judge" Moore was well known for chasing after underaged girls in and around town. The dirty little hornball.

Not only did she describe an encounter with him, but she has evidence.
Scumbag is as a scumbag does.



Thursday, November 23, 2017 5:18 AM


Yeah, I had heard about it. The Senate Committee that does these investigations, the Ethics Committee should start ASAP, then conduct a probe into Roy Moore. As well as Senator Conyers, although he did settle out of court.

The Shit is really hitting the fan. We may get another Special Prosecutor, just for this.....Sexual Misconduct.



Originally posted by THGRRI:
It appears Franken has another accuser. If he goes I hope it is sooner rather than later and a democrat finishes his term.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Add Charlie Rose to the growing list of Scumbags.....stay tuned.



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Apparently "Judge" Moore was well known for chasing after underaged girls in and around town. The dirty little hornball.

Not only did she describe an encounter with him, but she has evidence.
Scumbag is as a scumbag does.







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