13 Russian Nationals Indicted

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 17:28
VIEWED: 15216
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Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:21 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I'm sure Mueller is personally keeping you in the loop. / sarcasm

In other words ... liar.

No he doesn't. It's all over the news in this country kiki. If you lived here you would know that. You see we have a free press. You should get out more. It's not healthy sitting in a building in St. Petersburg day and night.



Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:24 PM


They would "Lock Her Up" and through away the key....are you kidding? No due process, why bother....this is how they think. Imagine if she would have said, "Hey Russia, please find the 33 thousand emails."

They would have her on bread and water in Guantanamo.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What is your definition of "Team Trump"?
What would be your definition of "Team Hillary"? Anyone who supported Hillary including some random Ukrainian national living in the USA?

"Team Trump" would be anyone working for Trump's campaign committee, just like "Team Hillary" would be anyone working for Hillary's campaign committee. That should be obvious.

If Hillary had Russian citizens who were paid $millions by Putin and working under false names within the USA to get Hillary elected, she would be in trouble with the law.


Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
They would "Lock Her Up" and through (sic) away the key....

Go find those quotes, or join the list of liars.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yanno, I'm pretty tired of crazy people, sociopaths, and drunkards making things up and claiming that I have posted them.

Apparently, a lot of the people who are aghast about Trump have serious mental and/ or ethical issues with reality and honesty.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:52 PM


LMAO.........Ha, ha, ha!



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
I'm sure Mueller is personally keeping you in the loop. / sarcasm

In other words ... liar.

No he doesn't. It's all over the news in this country kiki. If you lived here you would know that. You see we have a free press. You should get out more. It's not healthy sitting in a building in St. Petersburg day and night.



Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:53 PM


I meant throw, but I already joined the Liars Club, many moons ago.



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
They would "Lock Her Up" and through (sic) away the key....

Go find those quotes, or join the list of liars.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:55 PM


Yeah, we're right next to the pimps, whores and rapists.....#BIGAmericans, Woo Hoo!



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Yanno, I'm pretty tired of crazy people, sociopaths, and drunkards making things up and claiming that I have posted them.

Apparently, a lot of the people who are aghast about Trump have serious mental and/ or ethical issues with reality and honesty.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, February 18, 2018 8:05 PM


Mueller....the Big Kahuna! He's revving up the Collusion Machine and pretty soon he's gonna start mowing down the line.

Sing it Johnny!

"I hear the train a comin', rollin' round the bend, and I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when........Well I'm stuck in Folsom Prison and time keeps dragging on..."

Ah!, those Folsom Prison Blues!



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Good grief, your delusions know no bounds. I still can't figure out what the hell is wrong with you people.

That's a good question. Maybe it has to do with being - yanno - sociopaths who feed on hatred. Why let facts, reason, common sense, get in the way of a good hatred?

OK, that was fun. Now enough distractions and diversions. 13 Russians and 3 Russian companies indicted by Mueller. Word is, many more to come.



Sunday, February 18, 2018 8:13 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Yeah, we're right next to the pimps, whores and rapists.....#BIGAmericans, Woo Hoo!"
Actually, yes - you are. You like victimizing people. And for no reason other than you disagree with them. That's not much of a reason.

BTW - you may have missed my posts about an internet libeler's legal liability. You can be sued. And, in California, an ANONYMOUS website extends the statute of limitations beyond a year, up to indefinitely.

So I suggest you don't make it worth my while to go after you.

OTOH, if you can keep your discussions on-topic, civil, and most importantly - HONEST, we can get along just fine. Now, if being the stand-up guy you claim to be motivates you, you know, fighting the good fight for the right causes and so on - then being on-topic, civil, and most importantly - HONEST, should be no problem for you.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, February 18, 2018 8:41 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Everything going my way guys. Cry about it somewhere else. Everything I, G, SGG, Second, KPO, wishie and some others have been saying has been going on, is resulting in guilty pleas and indictments.

Add to that nothing, and I mean nothing you guys have been crying about has resulted in anything. No guilty pleas and no indictments. Why, no evidence. Love it...

tick tock

"Your way". Whatever you say, Sinatra.

You've allowed this to become who you are, haven't you? I'm going to actually feel bad for you when nothing comes of any of this.

You've accomplished nothing since November 9th of 2016. This IS your life now, so I understand why you would say "your way" about it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, February 18, 2018 10:17 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
HEY, ALL OF YOU IDIOTS: If you click on my name, you will see that I've been here since 2002.

So youre a real fan uv Firefly. That explainz why youre here. You coud hav been in America for decadez. Moles gotta hav their showz also.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Sunday, February 18, 2018 11:35 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

You're moving up on my list.

But, keep on trolling. Every time you troll, you reset the clock.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, February 19, 2018 12:34 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Actually, I do have a question for you.

What are you trying to prove?

That you're so stupid you can't believe a genuine American has a different opinion than you? That you can't be shamed or cowed into behaving like a decent person, not even for one short post? That you're so addicted to bullying it's worth being sued over? That you're so propagandized you can't even consider for a moment that the government might be lying to you?

What's going on in there?

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, February 19, 2018 2:01 AM


Kettle meet Pot, Pot, Kettle.



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Just a reminder to trolls - the trolling you do today - can be held against you years from now. Don't feel safe.



Monday, February 19, 2018 2:45 AM


Oh it's threats now, well, now this is a fine how do you do. Imagine, a libel case from someone slinging hash at folks all the way from California. Well, isn't that something.

You have a very entertaining and scrupulous mind. Will wonders never cease. It's amazing because this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. And it's funny you saying that I victimize people. What a load of horse shit. I have kept mostly to myself lately for just that reason, because you enjoy insulting people and when a body defends itself, suddenly it's called victimizing.

Change the subject, deflect and gaslight all you want. It makes no never mind to me.
No, I didn't miss your lame threats to sue for libel. Go right ahead, sue. You have a lot of nerve talking about keeping discussions on topic and civil. It's of no consequence, because anytime I bring up a topic or post a comment with my opinion you revert to name-calling and innuendo of drinking and mental instability.
Oftentimes I use my style of writing and my choice of prose to defend myself. In other moments I would get angry and spew forth a hail of curse words to vent.

At one time, I even offered up an apology and you saw fit to scoff at my offer. And without knowing me you take a statement I made to ridicule and embarrass me. And now you suggest that I be careful and dangle the threat of a lawsuit in my face, while professing that you wish to proceed discussing topics in a civil manner. It is the equivalent of speaking softly, while clubbing me in the back of the head.

But know this...I will continue to discuss, comment and otherwise hob-knob as I see fit. Should you care to reply, that is up to you. Should you not, again that is your prerogative. Should you chose to insult and/or belittle, again that is your choice. I am my own person, I do not follow what others do or say. Unless I agree with them; and I say so. I AM ME, SGG, always have been and always will be. I am no one's puppet or punching bag.

I am a human being, I give respect where respect is earned. I give no quarter and expect none in return.



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"Yeah, we're right next to the pimps, whores and rapists.....#BIGAmericans, Woo Hoo!"
Actually, yes - you are. You like victimizing people. And for no reason other than you disagree with them. That's not much of a reason.

BTW - you may have missed my posts about an internet libeler's legal liability. You can be sued. And, in California, an ANONYMOUS website extends the statute of limitations beyond a year, up to indefinitely.

So I suggest you don't make it worth my while to go after you.

OTOH, if you can keep your discussions on-topic, civil, and most importantly - HONEST, we can get along just fine. Now, if being the stand-up guy you claim to be motivates you, you know, fighting the good fight for the right causes and so on - then being on-topic, civil, and most importantly - HONEST, should be no problem for you.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, February 19, 2018 2:49 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Actually, I do have a question for you.

What are you trying to prove?

If I wanted to proov sumthing, I woud spend a day examining your posts for the last few yirz and charting the various aspects uv support for the TrumPutin conspirasy. Hardly nesusery tho. Your pozition haz been clear to the key playerz here for yirz.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, February 19, 2018 2:59 AM


You know, I just thought of something. I was replying to Second. So, you thought I was talking to you? Keeks, you okay? By the way, that phrase "Lock Her Up" is common among Hilary haters. I'm not sure where the "lie" comes in.



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
They would "Lock Her Up" and through (sic) away the key....

Go find those quotes, or join the list of liars.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, February 19, 2018 3:21 AM


It is a shot across the bow. Fair warning that something is coming down the road, just don't know when or what, but something's in the air. Now, you could argue, or discuss calmly, that I'm speaking out of turn and that I know nothing...that Mueller has shot his load.

True that. I know nothing. Mueller could very well have nothing more.

Tick tock...



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
What a fun day!

Indictment came today. All Russian names.

From second:


Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin,
Mikhail Ivanovich Bystrov,
Mikhail Leonidovich Burchik
A/K/A Mikhail Abramov,
Aleksandra Yuryevna Krylova,
Anna Vladislavovna Bogacheva,
Sergey Pavlovich Polozov,
Maria Anatolyevna Bovda
A/K/A Maria Anatolyevna Belyaeva,
Robert Sergeyevich Bovda,
Dzheykhun Nasimi Ogly Aslanov
A/K/A Jayhoon Aslanov
A/K/A Jay Aslanov,
Vadim Vladimirovich Podkopaev,
Gleb Igorevich Vasilchenko,
Irina Viktorovna Kaverzina, and
Vladimir Venkov.

How funny (?) that the descriptions and details that Rosenstein & Co. used could have been lifted from any number of threads or honest posters on this forum, it was almost like word for word. I'm tempted to say "vindication b*tches" but I'll wait because I know it's going to just get better.


Monday, February 19, 2018 3:29 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by JO753:
If I wanted to proov sumthing, I woud spend a day examining your posts for the last few yirz and charting the various aspects uv support for the TrumPutin conspirasy. Hardly nesusery tho. Your pozition haz been clear to the key playerz here for yirz.

In other words, you're lying your ass off and know - you've got nothing.

What do you think will happen when you really HAVE to prove I've been part of the 'conspiracy'? What quotes do you think you'll be able to find? Because there will come a time where you'll have to put up - or pay the price. Literally.

Better start looking for those quotes now, dood.

Tick, tock ...

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, February 19, 2018 3:35 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


"So, you thought I was talking to you?" No, I didn't. I thought you were talking ABOUT me. And ... libeling.

You pretend to have legal knowledge. You DO know that word, right? You know you don't have to be talking TO ME to be LIBELING me, right?

If I were you, I would try to pretend being a normally, averagely decent human being instead of a lying troll. Because you never know when YOU might be called to account. Literally.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, February 19, 2018 3:51 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


LET ME POINT OUT YOU STARTED WITH THIS: "They would "Lock Her Up" and through away the key....are you kidding? No due process, why bother....this is how they think. Imagine if she would have said, "Hey Russia, please find the 33 thousand emails."

They would have her on bread and water in Guantanamo.


Neither I nor Signy have EVER even suggested such a thing. And you weren't 'responding' or 'defending' yourself. You were attacking.

So go ahead. Try and defend your actions. See how far it flies in the face of facts.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, February 19, 2018 6:40 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 1kiki:
"Gee, no, do please point out your intense brilliance." I was pointing out your incessant lying. But carry on thinking you can lie about everything.

You realize how desperate you sound, right? "You lie about everything."

So if I lie "so incessantly" you should be able to point to them pretty easily, right? Go ahead then, point to all my lies. Come on, just a few then.

Or, just answer one question: do you know what Mueller knows? Let's see if you can - I'll just keep asking until you do.


Monday, February 19, 2018 10:18 AM


rezident owtsidr

I red the entire inditement.

Its a compliment to Joss Whedon that hiz show motivated this website and it got popular enuf to make it worth money to station sum trollz here.

Putin and hiz oligarks got more money than they coud spend in 1,000 lifetimez, so maybe theyd be willing to pay for a new seriez & more moviez!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, February 19, 2018 11:05 AM


lol... you have to be trolling yourself right now J0. You don't actually believe that anybody here is a Russian Troll that has been groomed for over a decade only to do Putin's work now that Trump is president, do you?

That's just insanity. Even I'm not that paranoid, and I used to be pretty gorramed paranoid. Go back to my posts from 2006-2007. I was terrified of the Patriot Act. Then again, I was 27 years old and still thought the world revolved around me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 19, 2018 11:07 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Nobody from Team Trump?

Trump is last stupid. It's called an investigation for a reason. This is how this one is unfolding. Witch hunt sig, nope, it's about the Russians. Trump can't stop it now. Even the republicans through Muellers actions are being forced to fall into line. It's that or look treasonous themselves.

It's also about conspiracy, it's about financial ties that leave Trump open to blackmail and even to committing acts of treason.

tick tock comrade



Monday, February 19, 2018 11:17 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
I red the entire inditement.

Its a compliment to Joss Whedon that hiz show motivated this website and it got popular enuf to make it worth money to station sum trollz here.

Putin and hiz oligarks got more money than they coud spend in 1,000 lifetimez, so maybe theyd be willing to pay for a new seriez & more moviez!

Good idea JO. No, great idea!!! For the show I mean and who should pay for it.

As for Russian trolls being here. Sig and kiki are of Polish decent. They've both posted that. Perhaps you remember? I believe their blood lines include Russian heritage. Sock puppet copped to this as well.

I think it's pride for the motherland that drives them and why they troll on behalf of Russia. And why if they do live here now are traitors to this country. I can understand pride in one's heritage but if they live here now, they should at least be fair in their judgements, even handed. They have been everything but.



Monday, February 19, 2018 12:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

KIKI, at this point I really think THUGR etc are really just trying to yank our chain, nobody could be THAT stupid! THUGR in particular insists on making defamatory and blatantly untrue statements (statements which can be PROVEN to be untrue) so he's just digging his hole deeper and deeper. Let him dig. And if the others want to follow him into that hole of total idiocy/ culpability, let them follow.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Monday, February 19, 2018 1:14 PM


Trump paying a price with students for using school shooting to suggest it happened because of the Russia investigation.



Monday, February 19, 2018 2:02 PM


This video answers your question better than I can Jack. Watch it, and if you think it is fake news than there is nothing further to discuss. This is about one aspect of the damage Trump is doing to America's foreign policy. This is a serious discussion by serious men.

Everything changed with these 13 Russian indictments. And it's far from being over. Not even close. Wiki leaks, the DNC hacking and then Trump. Now Jack, now everyone, now it begins.

In Munich, Russian Amb. Kislyak won't answer meddling question]


Monday, February 19, 2018 7:06 PM


So, Facebook admits that the majority of ad Buys occurred AFTER the Election.

Before Election Day the MSM was reporting that Hilliary would win, and the activities were anti-Hilliary. The day after the Election, MSM reports Trump won, and all activities switch to Anti-Trump.

So your Spin is that these disruptor groups are biased one way?


Monday, February 19, 2018 7:34 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So, Facebook admits that the majority of ad Buys occurred AFTER the Election.

Before Election Day the MSM was reporting that Hilliary would win, and the activities were anti-Hilliary. The day after the Election, MSM reports Trump won, and all activities switch to Anti-Trump.

So your Spin is that these disruptor groups are biased one way?

You must have an IQ of 2. You always misinterpret the point of the story. Russia asshole, your spin can't change that. It's like after a debate and you feel like the spin artist was watching something else. And I say an IQ of 2 because you really suck at it.

A spin room, also known as spin row or spin alley, is an area in which reporters can speak with debate participants and/or their representatives after a debate. The name refers to the fact that the participants will attempt to "spin" or influence the perception of the debate among the assembled reporters.



Monday, February 19, 2018 9:40 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by THGRRI:

As for Russian trolls being here. Sig and kiki are of Polish decent. They've both posted that.

I'm not much uv a historian, but I know that during WW2 Russia rounded up all the smart peepl they coud in Poland and massacred them.

Seemz like theyd hav good reazon to dislike Russia.
DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, February 19, 2018 10:01 PM



Originally posted by JO753:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

As for Russian trolls being here. Sig and kiki are of Polish decent. They've both posted that.

I'm not much uv a historian, but I know that during WW2 Russia rounded up all the smart peepl they coud in Poland and massacred them.

Seemz like theyd hav good reazon to dislike Russia.

Think Ukraine and the Russian migrants there and what happened. Think Georgia and the Russian migrants and what happened there when Bush was president. Poland is full of Russian communists. Kiki admitted her father was kicked out of Poland and England after that. It's no wonder after seeing how disloyal she is to the country that accepted her and her family. America

There were people who fought against communist servitude. Lech Walesa was born on September 29, 1943 in Popowo, Poland. After graduating from vocational school, he worked as a car mechanic at a machine center from 1961 to 1965. He served in the army for two years, rose to the rank of corporal, and in 1967 was employed in the Gdansk shipyards as an electrician. In 1969 he married Danuta Golos and they have eight children.

During the clash in December 1970 between the workers and the government, he was one of the leaders of the shipyard workers and was briefly detained. In 1976, however, as a result of his activities as a shop steward, he was fired and had to earn his living by taking temporary jobs.

In 1978 with other activists he began to organise free non-communist trade unions and took part in many actions on the sea coast. He was kept under surveillance by the state security service and frequently detained.

In August 1980 he led the Gdansk shipyard strike which gave rise to a wave of strikes over much of the country with Walesa seen as the leader. The primary demands were for workers' rights. The authorities were forced to capitulate and to negotiate with Walesa the Gdansk Agreement of August 31, 1980, which gave the workers the right to strike and to organise their own independent union.

The Catholic Church supported the movement, and in January 1981 Walesa was cordially received by Pope John Paul II in the Vatican. Walesa himself has always regarded his Catholicism as a source of strength and inspiration. In the years 1980-81 Walesa travelled to Italy, Japan, Sweden, France and Switzerland as guest of the International Labour Organisation. In September 1981 he was elected Solidarity Chairman at the First National Solidarity Congress in Gdansk.

The country's brief enjoyment of relative freedom ended in December 1981, when General Jaruzelski, fearing Soviet armed intervention among other considerations, imposed martial law, "suspended" Solidarity, arrested many of its leaders, and interned Walesa in a country house in a remote spot.



Monday, February 19, 2018 11:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
KIKI, at this point I really think THUGR etc are really just trying to yank our chain, nobody could be THAT stupid! THUGR in particular insists on making defamatory and blatantly untrue statements (statements which can be PROVEN to be untrue) so he's just digging his hole deeper and deeper. Let him dig. And if the others want to follow him into that hole of total idiocy/ culpability, let them follow.

Whatever. I don't care. He's an idiot who couldn't be bothered to google 'lawyer internet libel' and see that there are pages of lawyers doing a brisk business crushing libelers like him. That getting a lawyer is a matter of 'pick and chose', not some far-fetched fantasy.

I wasn't asking for him to swear to chastity and join Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, and devote the rest of his life to good works.

I just wanted him - and others - TO STOP TROLLING. TO STOP BEING ASSHOLES.

How could that be so hard?

And now I hope he shits his pants every time he thinks about OTHER people - not his cohort of laughing hyenas - judging his history of posts.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:55 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
KIKI, at this point I really think THUGR etc are really just trying to yank our chain, nobody could be THAT stupid! THUGR in particular insists on making defamatory and blatantly untrue statements (statements which can be PROVEN to be untrue) so he's just digging his hole deeper and deeper. Let him dig. And if the others want to follow him into that hole of total idiocy/ culpability, let them follow.

Whatever. I don't care. He's an idiot who couldn't be bothered to google 'lawyer internet libel' and see that there are pages of lawyers doing a brisk business crushing libelers like him. That getting a lawyer is a matter of 'pick and chose', not some far-fetched fantasy.

I wasn't asking for him to swear to chastity and join Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, and devote the rest of his life to good works.

I just wanted him - and others - TO STOP TROLLING. TO STOP BEING ASSHOLES.

How could that be so hard?

And now I hope he shits his pants every time he thinks about OTHER people - not his cohort of laughing hyenas - judging his history of posts.

You likely hit on it there. The hyenas were spending so much time in their circle jerk threads until they realized nobody else was visiting those barren wastelands, and now they've deserted those threads and ventured into threads which were productive until they polluted them.
So what minimal sense they had eroded during their circle jerk marathons.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 4:26 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by THGRRI:Lech Walesa

I remember my dad saying sumthing unfavorable about Lech. That wuz way befor I payed any attention to politics. Probably sumthing to do with my dad being a loyal GoP herd beast.

Apparently, Lech iz still able to get a crowd riled up. Unfortunately to boo him, I assume kuz he iz agenst Trump.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 7:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I just wanted him - and others - TO STOP TROLLING. TO STOP BEING ASSHOLES.
How could that be so hard? - KIKI

God, it's amazing what happens when people face consequences for assholeness, isn't it?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 7:45 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
This video answers your question better than I can Jack. Watch it, and if you think it is fake news than there is nothing further to discuss. This is about one aspect of the damage Trump is doing to America's foreign policy. This is a serious discussion by serious men.

Everything changed with these 13 Russian indictments. And it's far from being over. Not even close. Wiki leaks, the DNC hacking and then Trump. Now Jack, now everyone, now it begins.

In Munich, Russian Amb. Kislyak won't answer meddling question]

That didn't answer my question at all.

I asked you to humor me and pretend that there was no Russian narrative and then tell me what Trump has done that has made him the worst president we've ever had.

I'll say that I'm fully on board with throwing the book on him if he his found guilty of a nefarious collaboration with Russia that is against American interests. Of that you can be certain.

Short of that though, why do you think he's so bad?

And again, I'll mention that I wish he'd STFU on Twitter. I found it quite amusing before the election and even a while into it, but at this point his constant trolling doesn't seem to be doing anything but making people on your side rabid.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 10:19 AM


Historians and Scholars decide if a president is good or not Jack. Very educated people. Historians and Executive Branch experts. These experts, Democrat, Republican and Independent, together rated Trump dead last ( worst ever ). And you, you Jack, can't see for yourself any reason why. Any reason Jack. Do you realize how stupid that makes you?

That video had very valid reasons why he is a bad president. All our foreign policy people were telling our allies at this summit, don't worry about Trump listen to us. Trump isn't forever. That's hundreds of our people at this summit Jack. Hundreds of our foreign policy experts. Including Trumps hand picked people. That video showed all our allies were calling Trump stupid and untrustworthy.

The reasons for treating you like someone who's opinion should be respected are non existent Jack, non existent.

How Does Trump Stack Up Against
the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Overall rankings.
Presidents since World War II in boldface.
Presidents whose rank changed since last survey

100 = GREAT
2014 RANK
TOP 10 IN 2018
1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. F.D. Roosevelt
4. T. Roosevelt
5. Jefferson
6. Truman
7. Eisenhower
8. Obama
8. Clinton
9. Reagan
9. Jackson
10. L.B. Johnson
10. Wilson
11. Wilson
11. Reagan
12. Madison
12. L.B. Johnson
13. Clinton
13. Madison
14. J. Adams
14. Kennedy
15. Jackson
15. J. Adams
16. Kennedy
16. Monroe
17. G.H.W. Bush
18. Monroe
18. Obama
19. McKinley
19. Polk
20. Polk
20. Taft
21. Grant
21. McKinley
22. Taft
22. J.Q. Adams
23. J.Q. Adams
23. Cleveland
24. Cleveland
24. Ford
25. Ford
25. Van Buren
26. Carter
27. Van Buren
27. Coolidge
28. Coolidge
28. Grant
29. Hayes
29. B. Harrison
30. G.W. Bush
30. Hayes
31. Arthur
31. Garfield
32. B. Harrison
32. Arthur
33. Nixon
33. Taylor
34. Garfield
34. Nixon
35. Taylor
35. G.W. Bush
36. Hoover
36. Tyler
37. Tyler
37. Fillmore
38. Fillmore
38. Hoover
39. Harding
39. W.H. Harrison
40. A. Johnson
40. Pierce
41. Pierce
41. A. Johnson
42. W.H. Harrison
42. Harding
43. Buchanan
44. Trump

Methodology: Each expert was invited to rate each president on a 0-100 scale, with 0 = failure, 50 = average, and 100 = great. Scores were then averaged for each president, with presidents then ranked in order of highest average to lowest.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 10:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

You Don’t Think Smart People Can Be Scammed?

Do you really think the massive Russian disinformation campaign was not able to get millions of people to think less of Hillary Clinton?

> It got one well-intentioned North Carolina man to so believe she ran a child sex ring out of a DC pizza parlor that he showed up with an AR-15 and shot the place up!

> It got millions to think there was “there” there with Benghazi, even though eight Congressional investigations found no wrongdoing.

> It got millions — including my friend Matt’s hedge-fund uncle Mitch — to think Hillary gave Russia our uranium. (Snopes, among many others, points out this is false.)

I don’t know whether any of these three phony smears originated with the Russians. Let’s assume not. But once they were in the air — perhaps from Trump pal Alex Jones, who claims the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax? — the Russian operation amplified them.

Even with all this, Hillary won nearly 3 million more votes than Trump. Trump gets 47.3% and Hillary 47%, then the electoral college gives Trump 100% of the vote. Does that seem fair when nobody got 50%? Has any state ever had a runoff election for President when no one wins a majority? No.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 11:00 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

And now I hope he shits his pants every time he thinks about OTHER people - not his cohort of laughing hyenas - judging his history of posts.

How long does it take a stupid person hearing something before they get it? Nothing about you or what you post scares me. I have said many times here what we post is out there on google, and it shows the truth of it.

It shows you always come to the aid of Russia. It shows you always criticize America. It shows you lie and spin the truth into fiction. It shows most of, and nearly all the shit you've posted and laid claim to, was proven wrong after time, time and time again.

It shows I've given you every opportunity to call out Putin on something, anything these past few years and you never did. Even G's lost threads debating you about Russia are out there. Someone with any kind of talent can retrieve them. It further shows everything I've been posting here is true, or is in the process of being proven true and better yet, right.

So kiki comrade troll, do you get it? This is the focus now, and with the investigation it only gets worse for you. The facts are winning the day, and that makes it impossible for you to spin a good face onto Russia. It makes it impossible for you and sig to move the focus off Russia. Think wiki leaks and indictments. Mueller is working from the outside in. Trump is experiencing this like a noose tightening slowly around his neck and it shows.

Come on, you must be a little impressed with Mueller. You must wish Russia could get their act together and work the way our democracy is working. Utilizing the rule of law. All the gripes of late by you sig and others about our democratic institutions being corrupt, now working together so well to expose an outside threat. And to then clean house the way we have begun to do. Come on admit it, you're a bit envious comrade aren't you?



Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Nothing about you or what you post scares me. I have said many times here what we post is out there on google

You have been told that you're wrong, you have been given evidence that you're wrong, even YOUR OWN POSTS demonstrate that you lie. If there is any threshold about what you know or should have known which separates an honest mistake from a malicious lie, you passed that threshold a long time ago.

All of this so-called "history" of posts simply demonstrate that KIKI has a different opinion than you; it does not make KIKI a "comrade" anything, but your insistence that it does makes YOU legally liable for any damages that might happen. So I'd stop lying, if I were you.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, February 20, 2018 1:54 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Historians and Scholars decide if a president is good or not Jack. Very educated people. Historians and Executive Branch experts. These experts, Democrat, Republican and Independent, together rated Trump dead last ( worst ever ). And you, you Jack, can't see for yourself any reason why. Any reason Jack.

The reasons for treating you like someone who's opinion should be respected are non existent Jack, non existent.

How Does Trump Stack Up Against
the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Overall rankings.
Presidents since World War II in boldface.
Presidents whose rank changed since last survey

100 = GREAT
1. Lincoln 95
2. Washington 93
3. F.D. Roosevelt 89
4. T. Roosevelt 81
5. Jefferson 80
6. Truman 75
7. Eisenhower 74
8. Obama 71 8. Clinton –5
9. Reagan 69 9. Jackson –6
10. L.B. Johnson 69 10. Wilson –1
11. Wilson 67 11. Reagan +2
12. Madison 64 12. L.B. Johnson +2
13. Clinton 64 13. Madison +1
14. J. Adams 63 14. Kennedy –2
15. Jackson 62 15. J. Adams +1
16. Kennedy 62 16. Monroe –2
17. G.H.W. Bush 61
18. Monroe 61 18. Obama +10
19. McKinley 55 19. Polk –1
20. Polk 54 20. Taft –2
21. Grant 53 21. McKinley +2
22. Taft 52 22. J.Q. Adams –1
23. J.Q. Adams 52 23. Cleveland –1
24. Cleveland 51 24. Ford –1
25. Ford 47 25. Van Buren –2
26. Carter 45
27. Van Buren 44 27. Coolidge –1
28. Coolidge 42 28. Grant +7
29. Hayes 42 29. B. Harrison –3
30. G.W. Bush 40 30. Hayes +1
31. Arthur 40 31. Garfield –3
32. B. Harrison 38 32. Arthur +1
33. Nixon 37 33. Taylor –2
34. Garfield 37 34. Nixon +1
35. Taylor 33 35. G.W. Bush +5
36. Hoover 33 36. Tyler –1
37. Tyler 31 37. Fillmore –1
38. Fillmore 28 38. Hoover +2
39. Harding 25 39. W.H. Harrison –3
40. A. Johnson 25 40. Pierce –1
41. Pierce 23 41. A. Johnson +1
42. W.H. Harrison 19 42. Harding +3
43. Buchanan 15
44. Trump 12

Methodology: Each expert was invited to rate each president on a 0-100 scale, with 0 = failure, 50 = average, and 100 = great. Scores were then averaged for each president, with presidents then ranked in order of highest average to lowest.

Golly. EXPERTS!!
So Expert that they think the Next Addition to Mt. Rushmore should be Washington, T Roosevelt, or Lincoln!! Hint: they are already there.

So how might history look upon Trump? In this survey of Liberal experts, White House Alumni trends from 2014 to 2018 show GOP Nixon up one spot, Reagan up 2 spots, Bush 41 settled at 17 - the top half, Bush 43 up 5 spots. And Democraps Carter settled in the bottom half, and Clinton dropping 5 spots. The future polls look bad for Obama and good for Trump.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 9:00 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Golly. EXPERTS!!

So how might history look upon Trump?

Trump's mouth gives Experts all they need to know Trump spouts nonsense. Trump’s claim Mueller found ‘NO COLLUSION’ is Literal Nonsense.

One of Trump’s favorite methods to defend his innocence in the Russia investigation is to claim that any piece of evidence that does not explicitly assert his guilt is in fact evidence of his innocence. It is exactly like Trump saying he was cleared by the Warren Commission because the Warren Commission report makes no conclusion about Trump and Russia. However, Trump misread the indictment.

In fact the indictment declared that collusion has been detected. It didn’t name all of the conspirators, but the grand jury did definitely claim to know the names of conspirators who were not named in the indictment.

I quote paragraph 2 of :

From in or around 2014 to the present, Defendants knowingly and intentionally conspired with each other (and with persons known and unknown to the Grand Jury) to defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of the government through fraud and deceit for the purpose of interfering with the U.S. political and electoral processes, including the presidential election of 2016.

The indictment explicitly states that there are known unindicted co-conspirators. It does not address the question of whether one is, say, named Donald Trump.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 10:10 AM


Very well stated second. Funny how some here only want to argue and not discuss the facts as they are. Some of the responses to posts that are true representations of the facts as we are learning them are ignorant beyond belief. And there's that word again, conspiracy. tick tock


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Golly. EXPERTS!!

So how might history look upon Trump?

Trump's mouth gives Experts all they need to know Trump spouts nonsense. Trump’s claim Mueller found ‘NO COLLUSION’ is Literal Nonsense.

One of Trump’s favorite methods to defend his innocence in the Russia investigation is to claim that any piece of evidence that does not explicitly assert his guilt is in fact evidence of his innocence. It is exactly like Trump saying he was cleared by the Warren Commission because the Warren Commission report makes no conclusion about Trump and Russia. However, Trump misread the indictment.

In fact the indictment declared that collusion has been detected. It didn’t name all of the conspirators, but the grand jury did definitely claim to know the names of conspirators who were not named in the indictment.

I quote paragraph 2 of :

From in or around 2014 to the present, Defendants knowingly and intentionally conspired with each other (and with persons known and unknown to the Grand Jury) to defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing, and defeating the lawful functions of the government through fraud and deceit for the purpose of interfering with the U.S. political and electoral processes, including the presidential election of 2016.

The indictment explicitly states that there are known unindicted co-conspirators. It does not address the question of whether one is, say, named Donald Trump.



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 10:51 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Historians and Scholars decide if a president is good or not Jack. Very educated people. Historians and Executive Branch experts. These experts, Democrat, Republican and Independent, together rated Trump dead last ( worst ever ). And you, you Jack, can't see for yourself any reason why. Any reason Jack. Do you realize how stupid that makes you?

That video had very valid reasons why he is a bad president. All our foreign policy people were telling our allies at this summit, don't worry about Trump listen to us. Trump isn't forever. That's hundreds of our people at this summit Jack. Hundreds of our foreign policy experts. Including Trumps hand picked people. That video showed all our allies were calling Trump stupid and untrustworthy.

The reasons for treating you like someone who's opinion should be respected are non existent Jack, non existent.

So... no good reasons outside of the Russian narrative then, huh?

lol. You're a funny dude.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 11:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The greatest Presidents?

George Washington, as general, was so hated that soldiers were deserting from his army.

Abraham Lincoln was hated... HATED ... as President, for many of the same reasons that Trump is hated


When Lincoln took office in March 1861, he was entering a presidency he had won with only 39.8 percent of the popular vote. Reactions from the public were so negative that on the eve of his inauguration he had to be smuggled into the capital during the dead of night in a disguise. He was looked down upon for everything from his humble beginnings and lack of education to his awkward appearance and high voice. Even the commanding general of his armies, George McClellan, called him the “original gorilla.” (Gives a whole new meaning to to term “OG.”)

In 1861, Lincoln inherited a nation in crisis. With the United States on the brink of civil war, the American public was on edge and blamed Lincoln for everything going wrong in the country. Of course, Southerners hated him for trying to change the way of life they’d known for years. They resented him for trying to abolish slavery and declared their secession from the Union on February 4, 1861. But Northerners weren’t fond of him either, unimpressed with his slow start at the presidency. They expected him to being doing more and to be doing it sooner.

People even hated his speeches. The Gettysburg Address—now revered as one of the greatest speeches of all time and memorized by school children across the nation—was panned by many. One Chicago Times writer said: “The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly flat dishwatery utterances of a man who has to be pointed out to intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States.” Ouch.

Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, said the constant deluge of insults wore on the president’s feelings, and Lincoln himself reportedly said, “I would rather be dead than, as President, thus abused in the house of my friends.”

Truman was VERY unpopular at the end of his term

Why was Harry Truman so unpopular at the end of his presidency?
In February 1952, Gallup polls placed President Harry S. Truman's approval mark at 22%, one of the lowest-ever ratings for an active American president, only matched by Richard Nixon in 1974.
Essentially, Truman’s unpopularity mostly stemmed from the pressures placed on his Presidency by the Cold War with the Soviet Union and the ‘hot’ war in Korea. Among American voters, these played out as discontent with the conduct of the war, fears about communist influence, anger about industrial disputes, added to perceived corruption and nepotism.

Jackson, a populist, was disdained by the elites as being uncouth and uncultured OUTSIDER; the "party" that his supporters gave him wrecked the White House.

To many voters, the presidential candidates of 1824 were a lackluster, squabbling batch of what we’d today call Washington insiders. Known as “Old Hickory,” Jackson was the exception—the humble boy veteran of the Revolution and heroic victor at the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812, who had proved his mettle and virtue against the British and Indians alike... Supporters assured voters that the general’s natural talents far outshone the specious, elite distinctions of his chief competitor, John Quincy Adams—the son of a president, raised in royal capitals, who’d been a member of Phi Beta Kappa, a Harvard professor and secretary of state. [SOUND FAMILIAR?]

“The Majesty of the People had disappeared,” she shuddered. “A rabble, a mob, of boys, negroes, women, children, scrambling fighting, romping …. The whole [White House] had been inundated by the rabble mob.”

... Jackson’s conduct in office made official Washington no happier. Mrs. Smith’s husband was president of the Washington branch of the Bank of the United States (a rough counterpart of today’s Federal Reserve), and eventually lost his job when Jackson attacked it. Many of his friends held high appointments in the Adams administration and rightly worried over Jackson’s policy of “rotation in office.” Proclaiming that no one owned an office for life and that “men of intelligence may readily qualify themselves” for government service, the president began to “reform” the government by replacing experienced Adams men with loyal Jacksonians. His policy evolved into the spoils system, in which politics outweighed other qualifications in filling the civil service.

"Greatness" has little to do with popularity, and judging a President after one year in office is stupid.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 11:11 AM


Here's my response to your last post comrade troll sig



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 11:14 AM


Oh... BTW. I got home from work this morning and Trump was still president.

How's that impeachment clock working out for you?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 11:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Here's my response to your last post comrade troll sig
Keep digging.

BTW, the greatest threat to our democracy is people like you. You're willing to trample the Constitution because you're too stupid to put two thoughts together, and so your poor brain needs "protection" from scary facts and uncomfortable ideas.

Did you hear the patronizing from Friedman? The President would "explain" the problem in simple terms that the people would understand?? Jeez.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy






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