Our Future in Space

UPDATED: Monday, July 11, 2022 11:37
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Thursday, December 21, 2017 9:52 PM


1. Is the USA the leading World Power?
Probably, eventho I think we're slipping.

2. Do we lead the world in Science?
Me: I really don't know. Nature grants the big brains, & I suspect those are
distributed world wide.

3. Besides the USA, what other countries have a space program?

4. Project for space program in a few decades: Exploring the universe with probes,
and later with manned ships.

5. OK. We can easily pick out the yellow dwarf stars. Apparently even now, we can
tell if they have planets in orbit. So we can pick out potential colony worlds.

6. When we have knowledge of 1 or more yellow dwarfs with an earthlike planet,
would we physically explore those systems 1st with smart probes ... or with
manned space craft?
i.e., Might we become someone else's UFOs?

7. OR are we gonna douche out, stall, fight amongst ourselves, and pick our noses?

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Thursday, December 21, 2017 11:37 PM


Unfortunately, being out in space triggers bad things in our DNA. We don't even remotely have the technology to make it to ANYWHERE self sustainable in usable condition, never mind radiation or lack of resources...

Space travel is not going anywhere, even the moon is ridiculously expensive. Trump calling for us to go back to the moon just shows how much he doesn't understand how pointless it is. Let the Chinese blow the billions of bucks, we need to focus on where we ARE.

Or.... just shoot all of the guns at once and explode into space. Either way, we're screwed


Friday, December 22, 2017 12:01 AM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
1. Is the USA the leading World Power?
Probably, eventho I think we're slipping.

2. Do we lead the world in Science?
Me: I really don't know. Nature grants the big brains, & I suspect those are
distributed world wide.

3. Besides the USA, what other countries have a space program?

4. Project for space program in a few decades: Exploring the universe with probes,
and later with manned ships.

5. OK. We can easily pick out the yellow dwarf stars. Apparently even now, we can
tell if they have planets in orbit. So we can pick out potential colony worlds.

6. When we have knowledge of 1 or more yellow dwarfs with an earthlike planet,
would we physically explore those systems 1st with smart probes ... or with
manned space craft?
i.e., Might we become someone else's UFOs?

7. OR are we gonna douche out, stall, fight amongst ourselves, and pick our noses?

But to answer your questions...



India, China, Russia, E.U. Germany, France, Canada, and Italy (several of those assist with satellites

We ARE sending probes, several to Mars (Maven and Curiosity), Voyager just left the solar system, Mariner and Messenger to Venus and Mercury flybys, Dawn to Ceres.

See above post.


Voyager was launched in 1977 with nuclear batteries that will cease to function sometime in the next five years...we will not be able to send probes to another system. Gliese is the closest system that may be habitable and it is 20 light-years away. 20 times 5.9 TRILLION. Good luck with that before we blow ourselves to bits.

The space race is a lie. There IS NO RACE. All we can do is run in circles for infinity.

Star Trek kept us wishing for a few more years, is all


Friday, December 22, 2017 12:16 AM


I find this video sums up the wonder and mind-boggling stupidity that is Earth.

This one helps me deal with the urge to wipe the rest of you off the planet and start over.


Friday, December 22, 2017 11:33 AM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
1. Is the USA the leading World Power?
Probably, eventho I think we're slipping.

2. Do we lead the world in Science?
Me: I really don't know. Nature grants the big brains, & I suspect those are
distributed world wide.

3. Besides the USA, what other countries have a space program?

4. Project for space program in a few decades: Exploring the universe with probes,
and later with manned ships.

5. OK. We can easily pick out the yellow dwarf stars. Apparently even now, we can
tell if they have planets in orbit. So we can pick out potential colony worlds.

6. When we have knowledge of 1 or more yellow dwarfs with an earthlike planet,
would we physically explore those systems 1st with smart probes ... or with
manned space craft?
i.e., Might we become someone else's UFOs?

7. OR are we gonna douche out, stall, fight amongst ourselves, and pick our noses?

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

#1: seems like China is a leading power.

#2: viability and survival of brains is the pertinent consideration. Brains in China, Democratic Korea, other places get removed from the gene pool, like Yurpean beheading in Medieval Ages or Crusades, or Testifying in Old Med.


Friday, December 22, 2017 2:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


We ARE in space, whether we recognize it or not.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, December 22, 2017 9:28 PM


A few things we gained because we decided to go to the moon.

1. CAT scanner: this cancer-detecting technology was first used to find imperfections in space components.

2. Computer microchip: modern microchips descend from integrated circuits used in the Apollo Guidance Computer.

3. Cordless tools: power drills and vacuum cleaners use technology designed to drill for moon samples.

4. Ear thermometer: a camera-like lens that detects infrared energy we feel as heat was originally used to monitor the birth of stars.

5. Freeze-dried food: this reduces food weight and increases shelf life without sacrificing nutritional value.

6. Insulation: home insulation uses reflective material that protects spacecraft from radiation.

7. Invisible braces: teeth-straightening is less embarrassing thanks to transparent ceramic brace brackets made from spacecraft materials.

8. Joystick: this computer gaming device was first used on the Apollo Lunar Rover.

9. Memory foam: created for aircraft seats to soften landing, this foam, which returns to its original shape, is found in mattresses and shock absorbing helmets.

10. Satellite television: technology used to fix errors in spacecraft signals helps reduce scrambled pictures and sound in satellite television signals.

11. Scratch resistant lenses: astronaut helmet visor coating makes our spectacles ten times more scratch resistant.

12. Shoe insoles: athletic shoe companies adapted space boot designs to lessen impact by adding spring and ventilation.

13. Smoke detector: Nasa invented the first adjustable smoke detector with sensitivity levels to prevent false alarms.

14. Swimsuit: Nasa used the same principles that reduce drag in space to help create the world’s fastest swimsuit for Speedo, rejected by some professionals for giving an unfair advantage.

15. Water filter: domestic versions borrow a technique Nasa pioneered to kill bacteria in water taken into space.

Common people, if you want the jobs of the future to be in America then going back to the Moon and beyond is imperative. Leading the way is imperative. The return on dollars invested is endless.



Friday, December 22, 2017 10:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Developments due to warfare


The telegraph

Ambulance service

Blood banks

Synthetic rubber, and synthetic silk (nylon)

Ultrasound, now used for medical diagnostics

Multi-engined aircraft

The jet engine


The original computer (to decode the Enigma machine)

Microwaves. from radar development

Meteorology, spurred by need for accurate weather predictions

Internet, by DARPA, originally called ARPANET

Clearly, war spurs technological development, so we should have more wars!


The rather sarcastic point being that development occurs in a variety of endeavors. If we were to turn our attention to renewable energy or environmental remediation, for example, we would probably see large advances in other technologies like computer modeling or nano-fabrication (for batteries)


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, December 23, 2017 12:16 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Developments due to warfare


The telegraph

Ambulance service

Blood banks

Synthetic rubber, and synthetic silk (nylon)

Ultrasound, now used for medical diagnostics

Multi-engined aircraft

The jet engine


The original computer (to decode the Enigma machine)

Microwaves. from radar development

Meteorology, spurred by need for accurate weather predictions

Internet, by DARPA, originally called ARPANET

Clearly, war spurs technological development, so we should have more wars!


The rather sarcastic point being that development occurs in a variety of endeavors. If we were to turn our attention to renewable energy or environmental remediation, for example, we would probably see large advances in other technologies like computer modeling or nano-fabrication (for batteries)


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You lie. All of those things were inventing by algore, along with Global Warming.


Saturday, December 23, 2017 3:56 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

]You lie. All of those things were inventing by algore, along with Global Warming.

*sigh* We know we can always count of JSF for a logical, reasoned answer...

Oh, wait, I mean the other thing. As in... we never can.

Seriously, THAT is your contribution to this conversation?????




Monday, May 7, 2018 7:55 PM



The moon has much higher rates of calcium, magnesium, titanium, iron and aluminum than here. That would be pretty tough on EVERYTHING.


Monday, May 7, 2018 8:45 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

The moon has much higher rates of calcium, magnesium, titanium, iron and aluminum than here. That would be pretty tough on EVERYTHING.

Enough magnesium to react with water?


Monday, May 7, 2018 8:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Magnesium does not react with water to any significant extent.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, May 7, 2018 9:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

'OUR' future is space.

Do you mean the geopolitical US, or human-kind? It looks like you're leaning toward the US.

Anyway, I don't think space is our friend. From cosmic rays, to the vacuum, to the near absolute zero cold to ... just the plain lack of the precise mineral mix, gravity, natural food that harbors beneficial microbes, and all the mundane conditions we evolved under ... we need all of that and we will never reproduce that completely.

I'll even argue that we've done such a great job fucking up the environment that used to nurture us that autism rates have gone up ... again ... not to mention the multiple species that have gone and will go extinct due to pollution. The earth ain't what it used to be, and ultimately we may not even survive that, let alone have a future in space.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Saturday, July 21, 2018 8:42 AM


OONJERAH, stop in say hello...



Saturday, July 21, 2018 6:24 PM


She's always come and gone.. Trump gets gone I'm sure there'll be more better things to chat about again...


Sunday, July 22, 2018 1:31 AM




Sunday, July 22, 2018 7:25 AM


Plenty of good things to talk about now. Nobody's fault but your own if you obsess over all the bad things.

OONJ was great at avoiding the bad things. I'm sure she has better things to do with her life than spend her time here since it's become more of a polarized, name-calling shit-show than it ever used to be.

And that's REALLY saying something.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 5, 2018 7:43 PM


Is the USA the leading World Power?
...but going back maybe while others might be catching up

Does the USA still lead the world in Science?
Not sure, it was ahead now the Gap is much closer

Besides NASA
The US private sector
ESA - a collection of European nations in one group but No Manned Program
North Korea
...almost everyone has a space program

NASA wanst to return to the Moon, Biden dislikes Musk
and China wants to win

We can see World's JWST will see more, however before you land there are assumptions, it was once assumed Venus was hot and swmapy...Mars had flowing water in its channels or canal

Distances are too far unless some form of Exotic Science finds a solution like Wormholes or Anti-Matter
NASA is currently opening an investigation to UFOs

Fermi Paradox


Originally posted by Oonjerah:
1. Is the USA the leading World Power?

Yes the USA is the leading world power and yes you are correct it is maybe politically and scientifically slipping, other nations are growing but maybe not so quickly, they grow a little more but may not be advancing rapidly
I think the USA seeing others advance is more a sign of American weakness

Personally I believe a lot of problems come from the USA either trying to police the world or expected to police the world, they spend a lot of wasted blood and treasure on this, before like say in World War 2 the USA got a reward for the sacrifice in war but not anymore and its becoming more damned if you do and damned if you don't also through media and politics the USA is set up to keep fighting itself instead of improving itself


Originally posted by Oonjerah:

2. Do we lead the world in Science?
Me: I really don't know. Nature grants the big brains, & I suspect those are
distributed world wide.

Yes and if you want to talk about the smartness of peoples

for a straight politically incorrect answer here I will actually be 'racist' or a race real-ist in my opinion, the USA is a melting pot of everyone in the world. Other peoples were often defined by tribe, religion, language, ethnicity, blood and old kingdoms and nation state... if you boil down to just intelligence testing ethnic people and nations of persons who counts out a complex math problem, does puzzles, crunches numbers, then who ranks highest? the people like the Japanese, the Koreans, Jewish, the Chinese maybe also i dunno Norway? all rank very high on the intelligence scale, the Askenazi Jew is an Eastern Tribe of maybe a White Jew mixed with other peoples, these tribe of Jew they moved around Poland?, Russia?, Azerbaijan, Ukraine etc they also rank very high, the Japanese typically rank very high however I do believe their is more to intelligence than a test.

European types and Americans are the next step down but rank close to the Top most intelligent nations

the next step down is South Asia, and parts of Latin America

below this is India and Latin America

below this again is most of the Middle East Arabia, the Middle East by the way was once the peak of Civilization, all the math, languages, buildings, once the cancer of islam took over Arabia went religiously extreme, inbred, went to war with itself, a regressed place that said said Death to the Outsiders and never recovered since

and Africa unfortunately ranks as one of the lest intelligent places on this Earth this includes Haiti which is also one of the lowest ranked in intelligence despite it being not part of Africa, its part of N.America it does however have a large population that is mostly of African heritage

Something is very wrong with Africa

That is not to say one's heritage or ethnicity decides everything, you often are what you make of yourself and your life's journey is what makes you and even if a lot of stuff is decided by blood line and DNA then within the genes of peoples you have people who have 'freaks' giant Japanese who can play basketball, White people who break dance and are addicted to fried chicken, Black dudes from the hood who drinks English tea and grow up sounding like Einstein, some white Russian dude who likes the Puerto Rico Flordia sun, plays flamenco on guitar, eats black ethnic food doesnt drink vodka and dances Salsa and the Rumba...I guess in a ways its not just DNA that defines you, its your 'spirit' for want of a better word. In India for example people's spirit are crushed by a caste system and you can get the same type of person he or she is smart born into wealth with a great education the other only knows poverty and the survival skills of living on the streets of India.

However that is not to say that some global elite 'conspiracy' could be at play to keep other nations dumb, regressive, inbred and stupid...its possible some elite or bank makes profit from conflicts? and for example poverty and disease will have an influence on the development of a child and an influence on intelligence.

Is it possible someone is for example trying to regress Black people, regress Black cultures make them stupid, keep India poor? keep countries fighting each others? before African American culture they took pride in getting US education, guys like MLK preached, Frederick Douglass writes, even the singer and song writer type there was jazz, reggae, mowtown, funk and blues music then replaced with terrible 'Rap' music is there a conspiracy behind Rap music, are the guys who own the record companies also invested in the US prison system? I wonder sometimes maybe not everything PirateNews posted was bullshit? Maybe some 'conspiracy' could have some truth to them

they are not just trying to push wars and regress the Black Community, if 'they' exist they are trying to push globalist wars and civil unrest everywhere

Japanese rank high in intelligence, in tests they rank high

However some intelligence tests are kind of stick up your ass, rigid, 'anal' too geeky if you will

they lack the examination of the creativity, spark or improvisation, thinking outside the box and thinking on your feet

No matter how smart some dude ranks on a 'test' I believe America's creativity and freedom of speech will put the USA on top and better them.

At the moment other nations are catching up
but only because of US stupidity or US bans
I believe Embryonic Stem Cell Research Ban by Bush was a huge mistake and it allowed other nations to push ahead

I have also read the Moon could be a resources for Helium 3 a fuel for a new type of Energy reactor called a 'Fusion Reactor' maybe


Project for space program in a few decades: Exploring the universe with probes,
and later with manned ships.

A HUGE announcement, MASSIVE speech by Trump will be made next year, I have no idea what is going to be in his speech. But look at USA and world history on this planet, we have great heroes who flew on the Shuttle, when Apollo got cancelled missions went international America got lifts on joint Russian-American missions, worked on space stations However on epic era is ending most of the Apollo astronauts are passing on, old astronauts dying Trump was close to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr that guy who was with this George Magazine and then he died in the plane crash, 2019 Marks 50 yrs yes FIFTY since America put a man on the Moon? After the Moon they were supposed to be at Mars within 5 or maybe 10 yrs tops? Why have they not returned?

conspiracy? i dunno there was a guy PirateNews who used to post crazy shit?

Who else can lead?
Robots, Machines, Tech?
China, the European agencies and ESA, Japan all heavily invest in futuristic machines and next generation technology and robotics...some times America invents the damn stuff but the other guys get to use and exploit it for 10 yrs before America has it

Future foreign missions, I believe the Europeans and Japanese have these new generations of space telescopes, spacecraft to fly through the Sun maybe, the Japanese and maybe robots and machines, the ESA have this mission to find and use Gravitational-Waves and check for these exotic anti-particles, there are also missions to find extra solar worlds or exoplanets I believe they will soon find maybe some huge number like 125,500 thousand alien planets or some crazy number like this...but its only 'cataloger' and numbering like counting grains of sand blown by the wind they could analyses the light and spectra but not much other use will be done for a while. Also the Europeans and Japanese might test new forms of space propulsion, futuristic engines...

However the Japanese and Europeans Are NOT pushing out, they are NOT risk takers and none of their governments would survive the political fall out of one of their own astronauts getting killed on a home grown space ship

Japan and Europe have no strong backbone here

China, Russia the United States have the strength for Manned Exploration

South Korea, India, Brazil these space programs will also continue to advance

the Private Sector can be a huge help, however I also believe they lack true 'backbone' once rockets start failing, money is lost and astronauts die the private sector will pull out


Originally posted by Oonjerah:

5. OK. We can easily pick out the yellow dwarf stars. Apparently even now, we can
tell if they have planets in orbit. So we can pick out potential colony worlds.



Project Orion

Right now if you magically became some super god and switched off the Sun, it would take a whole 8 minutes before people would see the sky had gone dark, that's how long of a time it takes light to travel at 'light speed'

The Snail vs Superman, the Flash, Quicksliver....and how slow we are to travel the big distances

Right now we are the Snail

The superpower of propulsion is getting on an aircraft and flying from the USA say to a far away place like India....but imagine you have to walk across America...imagine you need to walk even further away then all these crazy distances

the problem is distance it would be like trekking on foot, walking from down in Chile or Argentina, walking up through the jungles of S.America, up through Mexico, into the USA, across Canada Alaska, walk across the Ice of the North Pole, walking down through Siberia Russian, walk through North Korea and into China and then walking into India

and imagine you don't 'walk' this in one generation, maybe your family walks it, you die and maybe your daughter or your gran kids finally get there, that's the type of distances we talk in space

Project Orion could have got us there faster but in alternative propulsion there are risks, like 20 times chernobyl and fukushima exploding over all our heads putting poison and toxic in the air, soil and water

The fastest Spacecarft flying men were the Apollo missions of NASA
they flew at 39,800 + km/h 24,790 + mph

even if we could fly at the speed of light it would take years upon years to reach the nearest stars, that's the type of distances covered.

That is not to say maybe somewhere in the future someone develops a trick to cut through space time or build some science fiction wormhole. However right now the best scientists in the world say it will take years of a journey....far longer than when European explorers sailed for America and you do this in space with no resources, no air, no water...


Originally posted by Oonjerah:

6. When we have knowledge of 1 or more yellow dwarfs with an earthlike planet,
would we physically explore those systems 1st with smart probes ... or with
manned space craft?
i.e., Might we become someone else's UFOs?

I don't know


7. OR are we gonna douche out, stall, fight amongst ourselves, and pick our noses?

I agree Humanity or mankind is kinda fucked up, I try to be a futurist an optimist but there sometimes there is stuff of greed, backwards thinking and violence, failed political thinking in human people

I find it strange that USA never went back to the Moon, NASA beat the Russians
there clearly is some benefit to invest in space because other nations are doing it


Monday, August 6, 2018 1:58 AM


Come together, right now, over earth ...

If all the nations could contribute to the space program,
all the educated and industrialized ones, anyways ...

We'd get some amazing progress & a lot of good will.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Monday, June 13, 2022 11:30 AM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
Come together, right now, over earth ...

ESA does not anticipate Russian withdrawal from ISS


Monday, July 11, 2022 11:37 AM







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