How is this PoS still in office?

UPDATED: Friday, August 10, 2018 19:04
VIEWED: 3098
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Thursday, August 9, 2018 9:20 AM


... stay crunchy...

Border family separation isn't "zero tolerance" - CBP looked for parents to charge so they could kidnap kids

"The official story of the Trump administration's family separation policy is that it came about as a result of "zero tolerance" in which every person who could be charged with a crime would be, and that meant that parents were arrested too, and since the parents were going to jail, their kids had to be held somewhere.

But as Congress has delved into the process, grilling the Trump officials who enforced the policy, an even crueler, more awful picture has emerged.

It turns out that border guards charged "less than a third" of the adults who crossed the border since the policy began -- but that they preferentially brought charges against parents so they could take their kids away.

In other words, child separation wasn't the inadvertent side-effect of a zero-tolerance policy.

There is no zero-tolerance policy. There is only a family separation policy."


Straight up kidnapping - there's no other better description. Lock him up!


Thursday, August 9, 2018 10:42 AM


Still not kidnapping.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 9, 2018 10:53 AM


Amazing G simply amazing. Jack cries and bitches about our government constantly. Because it's Trump Jack mounts a defense that deflects from the point. The point being the monstrosities being committed by the Trump administration against children and their families. What a troll.



Thursday, August 9, 2018 10:57 AM


One of the monstrosities done by our government is allowing virtually unchecked illegal immigration, and then refusing to do anything about it after the fact when kids are involved.

It shouldn't have ever come to that in the first place, because these people should not have received government benefits and healthcare and education, nor should they have been able to receive any wages after crossing. Had those laws that we already have in place ever been followed, then kids would never have been separated from their parents because nobody would be coming over here illegally.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 9, 2018 11:12 AM


One of the things trolls do here is to equate ( to treat, represent, or regard as equal, equivalent, or comparable ) They add a wrong to argue one wrong against another. They do this to shift guilt from one subject to another.

In other words. If someone posts something negative about Trump, instead of addressing the Trump infraction they just switch to a perceived wrong by someone else. This way they never have to face up to what Trump is accused of. It's been the biggest way they deflect away from addressing the truth about anything. It's what Jack just did above.



Thursday, August 9, 2018 11:36 AM


I've been wondering that since he was elected.


Thursday, August 9, 2018 1:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"How is this PoS still in office?

Because Trump is an extreme reaction to an extreme situation, and because Dems have failed to recognize how extreme it is ... and in fact had enabled the situation to become even MORE extreme.

In 2007, when GOPers were crowing about how the economy was ON FIRE!!! (You know who you are.)...
... I was trying to tell them that income inequality was as high as it had been since 1929, and that an economy balancing on such a narrow base would simply have to fall over. I couldn't predict exactly what would push it over, but I knew that it would fall ... and it did.

OBAMA MADE THE SITUATION WORSE. He "solved" the financial crisis by hemorrhaging money to the banks, and The Fed followed up with an orgy of low-interest rates and money-printing (qualitative easing) in which they bought up the banks' bad assets and relieved the banks of their financial woes. ALL OF THIS MONEY WENT TO THE WEALTHY ELITE.

The gap between the wealthy and the rest of us has only gotten LARGER, not smaller, under Obama. On top of that, debt at all levels of society ... financial debt (hedge funds, speculation), personal debt (houses, cars, student loans, payday loans etc.), corporate debt, trade debt, financial debt, and government debt... has simply exploded.

As far as "unemployment", "inflation*" and "GDP" are concerned .... the methods used to calculate these figures are constantly being "revised" to produce happier and happier numbers.

Fortunately, Shadowstats does us all a great service by continuing to use the OLD formulas to calculate todays statistics, so that we can get a comparison to what the numbers would like like if the government had kept its formulas constant.

According to them, current inflation is about 10% and current unemployment is about 25%.

* I recall when the government decided to factor "heuristics" into the inflation calculation. As previously calculated, inflation was simply calculated based on price increases of a standard "basket of goods". Then the government, decided in its infinite wisdom, that if certain items ... say, steak ... got too expensive, people would drop "steak" from their actual goods and substitute "ground beef". Therefore, the government dropped "steak" from the basket and dropped in "ground beef".

Sure, "steak" it too expensive, but how about "ground beef"?
Sure, "ground beef" is too expensive, but how about "chicken"?
Sure "chicken" is too expensive, but how about "beans" and "rice"?
Okay, maybe "beans" and "rice" are too expensive, so how about "soylent green"?

I think you can see how this process is subject to abuse, and it can apply to anything .... housing, health care ("How about some herbs and OTC meds?"), transportation ...


The point is that people were getting screwed under Bush, and they were getting screwed under Obama, AND THEY KNEW IT, despite all of the happy-talk and phonied-up statistics.
The entire west coast has a homelessness crisis.
We are in the middle of an opioid epidemic.
A large portion of America is quietly drinking itself to death.
Health insurance is totally unaffordable for about a quarter of America, but not to worry! Big pharma is mkaing higher profits than ever before!
More people are living in their cars than even before.
A full quarter of Americans are food-insecure.

And Hillary offered MORE OF THE SAME. Is it any wonder that about half of the voters of the USA revolted??

Trump may be a POS about some things, but the Dems need to offer up a real alternative, not just another flim-flam man like Obama.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, August 9, 2018 1:32 PM


Wow, as the evidence begins to grow against Trump, it's astounding that sig thinks if she continues to play both sides, she will be remembered as being on the right side of the debates. That she can assert plausible deniability to her actually supporting Trump.

Not so comrade...

SIG from posts that show she plays both sides. Whenever she does she always has Trump as the better candidate. To do this she has to completely demonize Hillary. Remember that Hillary always suffers SIG's wrath. When it comes to Trump it's always yeah but...


Again, I have just speculation. But I sense that there is something driving Trump besides the challenge of running for office, and that he really does have a goal. First of all, unlike Hillary, who I think is so wedded to international banks she would unhesitatingly sell the US economy downriver, Trump is a national capitalist. He makes all of his money here, not abroad. His power, his ego, and his fortune are attached to the UNITED STATES leisure economy, not to Goldman Sachs or the military-industrial complex. And from that vantage point, Trump has seen American economic prospects (and therefore his) deteriorate due to outsourcing and needless bellicosity. From his viewpoint, he would make "better deals" for American than the previous six leaders and one prospective one. And he probably would. Trump's self-interest in something I can believe in.

I always wondered why Hillary gave me a big case of the willies every time she tried to be charming. Now I know why: HILLARY CLINTON, WARMONGER



Thursday, August 9, 2018 2:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BTW, in case you doubt my criticisms of GWB's policies, and my predictions of their near-term failure, this is what I posted before and at the beginning of the financial meltdown.


Hoo yeah! The economy's ON FIRE!
But not in a good way.
Big selloff on Wall Street
Dow, down 360 pts.


Dollar hits new lows, lashed by China reserves view


Biggest Slump in US Housing in the Last 40 Years

We have eight years of Bush's aggressive "trickle down" economics to thank.


Meanwhile, our real-world economy is crumbling


Economic nightmare scenario (A prediction by Nouriel Roubini of the upcoming disaster, Feb 2008)


Despite what doom/gloomers say, economy roars on Part II
(An ironic title)


Despite what doom/gloomers say, economy roars on.
Just more fuel for the economy which is on FIRE!
U.S. Stocks Rise on Verizon Profit; S&P 500 Nears 5-Year High

I'm clearly not a Republican. I believe in criticizing where criticism is due, especially about important things. I've lashed Bill and Hillary Clinton and Saint Obama, but I've also lashed GWB, Cheney, and even Saint Reagan.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, August 9, 2018 2:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Wow, as the evidence begins to grow against Trump, it's astounding that sig thinks if she continues to play both sides, she will be remembered as being on the right side of the debates. That she can assert plausible deniability to her actually supporting Trump.

Not so comrade...

SIG from posts that show she plays both sides. Whenever she does she always has Trump as the better candidate. To do this she has to completely demonize Hillary. Remember that Hillary always suffers SIG's wrath. When it comes to Trump it's always yeah but...

Let me walk you thru my reasoning AGAIN. Maybe it will help this time.

I fully acknowledge that Trump is a member of an elite; the nationalist elite. But Bill, Hillary, and Hussein ALSO do an elite's bidding, in their case, the globalist elite. The question is ... which elite is going to do you the most harm?

The globalists want to eliminate the sovereignty of all nations. They want banks and trade tribunals and corporate consortia to make the rules. Those entities will tell you how to manage your government's budget, how to manage your currency, what you will invest in, what you will produce, what kind of environmental and labor and wage standards you'll follow, whether or not your government will impose "austerity" on its people, how many migrants and refugees you'll accept, what wars you'll participate in, which (other) nations you'll sanction etc. They do this by binding nations into "free trade" agreements which are adjudicated in secret meetings, "alliances" which require military support, and banking agreements with the BIS, IMF, and World Bank. NOTE THAT THEY SUBVERT ANY PRETENSE OF DEMOCRATIC SELF-DETERMINATION OF THE AFFECTED NATIONS.

THIS IS NOT A SECRET. If you want to look at a model of how this works, just look at how the IMF treats its debtor nations, whose populations are squeezed to the wall for repayment money.

But if you want an even sharper look at how this works, look at GREECE. Their government took improvident loans (with Goldman's help) and now that the nation has to repay those loans, the "Troika" has kept Greece on life support, lending just enough to keep Greece from going completely bankrupt (and funneling tax money to the German, Nederlander and Finnish banks that were the original lenders in the process) but not enough to actually jump-start the economy to raise revenues to be able to repay those loans without robbing from the average citizen. So what is the Greek government allowed to do? Well, it's not allowed to invest in infrastructure (in fact, they're required to sell off their money-making ports and airports), it's not allowed to continue pension payments to poor Greek citizens, it's not allowed to lower the value of its currency (because it shares the EU currency), it's not allowed to change its tax policy, it can't even reduce its military spending (because of NATO agreements) ... in other words, the Greek government has to do exactly whatever the lending banks tell it to do.

Now, let's consider the United States.

IF there was ever a nation whose debt load is extremely high, and whose real production is so low as to make those debts un-payable with real goods ... it's the USA. The only thing holding up the petrodollar recently has been our military: We made a point of destroying (or trying to destroy) any petro-nation that sought to break free of the petrodollar regime - Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Libya. The international banking structure, looking at the USA realistically, must realize that our currency is floating on nothing but hot air. If there was ever an economy that made itself ripe for the picking, it's us.

I FRANKLY DO NOT WANT TO BE IN THE CLUTCHES OF THE GLOBALISTS WHEN THAT HAPPENS. Several years ago, in a discussion with BYTEMITE, I just mentally and emotionally landed on the "nationalist" side of the fence.

A nation simply cannot solve its problems if it gives up its sovereign powers ... the ability to control its borders and determine its economic and foreign policies. Once you give up your authority to entities over which you have not even theoretical democratic control, you will be flayed alive without anesthesia on the altar of international finance, and bled for as long as they can keep you alive. And when they can no longer wring any more blood or flecks of tissue, they will swoop in and pick off your real assets ... land, buildings, parks, water, oil, fisheries, and you'll be dumped on the trash heap.

Trump is a flawed President in so many ways. But he understands some important things very clearly, and his election saved us from making fateful and - I believe- fatal decisions for our nation.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, August 9, 2018 2:54 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"How is this PoS still in office?

Because Trump is an extreme reaction to an extreme situation, and because Dems have failed to recognize how extreme it is ... and in fact had enabled the situation to become even MORE extreme.

. . .

The point is that people were getting screwed under Bush, and they were getting screwed under Obama, AND THEY KNEW IT, despite all of the happy-talk and phonied-up statistics.
The entire west coast has a homelessness crisis.
We are in the middle of an opioid epidemic.
A large portion of America is quietly drinking itself to death.
Health insurance is totally unaffordable for about a quarter of America, but not to worry! Big pharma is making higher profits than ever before!
More people are living in their cars than even before.
A full quarter of Americans are food-insecure.

And Hillary offered MORE OF THE SAME. Is it any wonder that about half of the voters of the USA revolted??

Trump may be a POS about some things, but the Dems need to offer up a real alternative, not just another flim-flam man like Obama.

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

Homelessness crisis? Take it up with your governor. But there are a few things the Feds could handle, but don't for very straight forward reasons.

A Survey of Americans and found most like a $15 Minimum Wage, Free College, and Universal Health Care. No elected Republican would vote for any of that, but a majority of elected Democrats would. And that is the simple reason why you can’t have what you desire from Congress. To get anything passed requires fighting against every GOP Senator and a few Democratic Senators.

It requires every Democrat in the Senate to align against every Republican. If you don’t have 60 Democratic Senators, the vote fails. Even when you do have enough Democrats, a guy like Senator Joe Lieberman or Senator Max Baucus will water down the bill or a Senator Ted Kennedy will drop dead when his vote is most needed.

The result will be a Lieberman’s and a Baucus’s watered down version of the Democrats’ bill: in name only the country will get a $15 Minimum Wage (but it rises slowly over a decade to $15 and is not adjusted for inflation) or Universal Health Care (but it takes decades to become “Universal” and even then a large percent of the population is excluded since the voters of Montana don’t like certain people and insurance companies are protected since Connecticut is headquarters for insurance companies and Americans will still be paying the highest medical bills in the Universe since everybody loves doctors too much). This is all thanks to the few Liebermans and Baucuses in the Democratic party and because the American Constitution gives extraordinary power to Senators from states with very small populations.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 9, 2018 3:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Homelessness crisis? Take it up with your governor.
This is not a "California" problem. Seattle and Portland are also affected.


A Survey of Americans and found most like a $15 Minimum Wage, Free College, and Universal Health Care.
How do we keep "free" college and universal health care from becoming just another gift of tax money to the corporations? Because looking at how Medicare Part D and Obamacare operate, that's all it's become.

And what do you think of our place in the "globalist" world? Are you for it, or for national sovereignty?

There will be life after Trump, and we can make (national) course corrections PROVIDED WE STILL HAVE THE AUTHORITY AND RESOURCES TO DO SO. But unless we keep our wits about us, we may very well wind up on the wrong side of the "rentier" economy, owing everything and owning nothing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, August 9, 2018 4:00 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Homelessness crisis? Take it up with your governor.
This is not a "California" problem. Seattle and Portland are also affected.


A Survey of Americans and found most like a $15 Minimum Wage, Free College, and Universal Health Care.
How do we keep "free" college and universal health care from becoming just another gift of tax money to the corporations? Because looking at how Medicare Part D and Obamacare operate, that's all it's become.

And what do you think of our place in the "globalist" world? Are you for it, or for national sovereignty?

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

Homelessness in Seattle and Portland is a problem for the governors of Washington state and Oregon. The state legislatures should be able to solve this. I know why they can't. The state constitutions were modeled after the Federal constitution and has the same problem: a determined minority can kill legislation that would build cheap housing. And most of the middle class voters don't want their state representative to create cheap housing for the homeless because it would reduce the value of their expensive homes. And the real homeless don't have any representative to bargain for them because they can't even vote since they don't have a home address.

Medicare for All isn't going to get support from voters that already have Medical coverage at work, therefore some Democratic Congressmen won't support it. And it will never get support from any Republican Congressman. The GOP still hates Medicare for 65 and older. They won't expand to 64 or younger.

And Free College is a give away of tax money to those whose children were going to college no matter if it was not free.

As for being a "globalist" when I was working for Bechtel I went everywhere in the world, including Texas, wherever there was crude and gas. And before that, I was murdering people from a helicopter, which would have been the peak of my life except Nixon was a fucking idiot with a ridiculous and futile strategy and I was relieved to be shot down and sent home to a VA hospital, away from Nixon. In the hospital I loved watching Nixon be burned by Watergate. He deserved it for what he did to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

Trump is another fucking idiot with a ridiculous and futile strategy for international trade. Trump even gets into fights with Canada over trade, yet America runs a trade surplus with Canada. Trump is as stupid as Nixon was, and both those morons had heightened support from Republican voters who could see nothing unusually wrong with their leader's strategy.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 9, 2018 4:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Trump kept us out of two gigantic "free trade" agreements and is torpedoing NAFTA. UNLIKE OBAMA, Trump has not started any new wars. In fact, we may be bringing a lot of troops home soon. I'm not sure what his strategy is with China, I think it's somehow linked to N Korea ... maybe something like ... we make nice with N Korea (which will allow us to bring our troops home) and you stop stealing so many of our jobs. But there's too much backroom negotiating to parse; I'll have to wait and look at the results.

So, what's YOUR plan for America, SECOND? A free lunch for all? More identity politics? Or just continuing to make a crap-ton of money while you stir the pot here for your own amusement?

You're just too biased for reasonable discussion. I hope you don't mind, but I don't intend to reply.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, August 9, 2018 4:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I just wanted to make sure that this didn't get lost in SECOND's endless whinging about trivialities

Wow, as the evidence begins to grow against Trump, it's astounding that sig thinks if she continues to play both sides, she will be remembered as being on the right side of the debates. That she can assert plausible deniability to her actually supporting Trump.
Not so comrade...

SIG from posts that show she plays both sides. Whenever she does she always has Trump as the better candidate. To do this she has to completely demonize Hillary. Remember that Hillary always suffers SIG's wrath. When it comes to Trump it's always yeah but... - THUGR

Let me walk you thru my reasoning AGAIN. Maybe it will help this time.

I fully acknowledge that Trump is a member of an elite; the nationalist elite. But Bill, Hillary, and Hussein ALSO do an elite's bidding, in their case, the globalist elite. The question is ... which elite is going to do you the most harm?

The globalists want to eliminate the sovereignty of all nations. They want banks and trade tribunals and corporate consortia to make the rules. Those entities will tell you how to manage your government's budget, how to manage your currency, what you will invest in, what you will produce, what kind of environmental and labor and wage standards you'll follow, whether or not your government will impose "austerity" on its people, how many migrants and refugees you'll accept, what wars you'll participate in, which (other) nations you'll sanction etc. They do this by binding nations into "free trade" agreements which are adjudicated in secret meetings, "alliances" which require military support, and banking agreements with the BIS, IMF, and World Bank. NOTE THAT THEY SUBVERT ANY PRETENSE OF DEMOCRATIC SELF-DETERMINATION OF THE AFFECTED NATIONS.

THIS IS NOT A SECRET. If you want to look at a model of how this works, just look at how the IMF treats its debtor nations, whose populations are squeezed to the wall for repayment money.

But if you want an even sharper look at how this works, look at GREECE. Their government took improvident loans (with Goldman's help) and now that the nation has to repay those loans, the "Troika" has kept Greece on life support, lending just enough to keep Greece from going completely bankrupt (and funneling tax money to the German, Nederlander and Finnish banks that were the original lenders in the process) but not enough to actually jump-start the economy to raise revenues to be able to repay those loans without robbing from the average citizen. So what is the Greek government allowed to do? Well, it's not allowed to invest in infrastructure (in fact, they're required to sell off their money-making ports and airports), it's not allowed to continue pension payments to poor Greek citizens, it's not allowed to lower the value of its currency (because it shares the EU currency), it's not allowed to change its tax policy, it can't even reduce its military spending (because of NATO agreements) ... in other words, the Greek government has to do exactly whatever the lending banks tell it to do.

Now, let's consider the United States.

IF there was ever a nation whose debt load is extremely high, and whose real production is so low as to make those debts un-payable with real goods ... it's the USA. The only thing holding up the petrodollar recently has been our military: We made a point of destroying (or trying to destroy) any petro-nation that sought to break free of the petrodollar regime - Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Libya. The international banking structure, looking at the USA realistically, must realize that our currency is floating on nothing but hot air. If there was ever an economy that made itself ripe for the picking, it's us.

I FRANKLY DO NOT WANT TO BE IN THE CLUTCHES OF THE GLOBALISTS WHEN THAT HAPPENS. Several years ago, in a discussion with BYTEMITE, I just mentally and emotionally landed on the "nationalist" side of the fence.

A nation simply cannot solve its problems if it gives up its sovereign powers ... the ability to control its borders and determine its economic and foreign policies. Once you give up your authority to entities over which you have not even theoretical democratic control, you will be flayed alive without anesthesia on the altar of international finance, and bled for as long as they can keep you alive. And when they can no longer wring any more blood or flecks of tissue, they will swoop in and pick off your real assets ... land, buildings, parks, water, oil, fisheries, and you'll be dumped on the trash heap.

Trump is a flawed President in so many ways. But he understands some important things very clearly, and his election saved us from making fateful and - I believe- fatal decisions for our nation.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, August 9, 2018 5:14 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I just wanted to make sure that this didn't get lost in SECOND's endless whinging about trivialities.

Cutting through your ignorant crap, Signym, Greece made the mistake of switching to the Euro from the Drachma. They were told repeatedly that was a giant mistake before doing it. Yanis Varoufakis, a Greek economist, has explained it in simple English many times with many details in his books. I wish I could be certain that America will never drop the dollar for some international unit of currency, but if a foolish Congress approved, eventually it would be a Greek level disaster.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 9, 2018 7:15 PM


From the thread title, it sounded like you were talking about Fienstein lobbying to give more money to China while keeping her Chinese Spy staffer, for her hubby raking in millions from China, or Rod Rosenstein, or Mueller, or Weinstein, or Debbie Stabenow, or Tammy Baldwin, or Adam Schifty Schiff, or Senate leader Mitch Chao.

But with you turning a blind eye to ignorance, Collusion, corruption, bribery, espionage, Treason, crimes of the worst of the Democraps, this merely focuses the spotlight on your bias and imbalance.


Thursday, August 9, 2018 10:30 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"How is this PoS still in office?"

Because we don't (yet) allow open coups, military juntas, or armed revolt. Do you have a problem with that?

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."


Thursday, August 9, 2018 10:32 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

COOL! It's going into my stash of useful links.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."


Thursday, August 9, 2018 10:57 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"How is this PoS still in office?"

Because we don't (yet) allow open coups, military juntas, or armed revolt. Do you have a problem with that?

Post of the week. Maybe even the month.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 10, 2018 12:22 AM


You're arguing with a nihilistic redneck and 3 Russian trolls.

It's a concentrated look at social media today.


Friday, August 10, 2018 12:26 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

COOL! It's going into my stash of useful links.

Yeah. What a goldmine.


Friday, August 10, 2018 2:11 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Do you have a problem with facts?

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."


Friday, August 10, 2018 2:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by reaverfan:
You're arguing with a nihilistic redneck and 3 ... trolls.

Oh well, let's see...

SECOND is the nihilistic redneck. GSTRING and THUGR are two of the trolls and ... amazingly! Here you are: The third troll!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Friday, August 10, 2018 2:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I just wanted to make sure that this didn't get lost in SECOND's endless whinging about trivialities. - SIGNY

Cutting through your ignorant crap, Signym, Greece made the mistake of switching to the Euro from the Drachma. They were told repeatedly that was a giant mistake before doing it. Yanis Varoufakis, a Greek economist, has explained it in simple English many times with many details in his books. - SECOND

Well, speaking of SECOND's ignorant crap ... Yanis Varoufakis became the Greek Minister of Finance in 2015. Greece adopted the Euro in 2001. If they were "told repeatedly" that adopting the Euro was a "giant mistake", it certainly wasn't by Varoufakis, who could have only bemoaned that fact retroactively.

I wish I could be certain that America will never drop the dollar for some international unit of currency, but if a foolish Congress approved, eventually it would be a Greek level disaster.
Oh, but America already HAS dropped the dollar for an international currency. That happened when Nixon switched from the gold-backed dollar in 1973, and created the fiat-based "petrodollar".

And you're right: it's a Greek-level disaster. Or, it will be. And many people have already "told repeatedly" that it was a "giant mistake". So "I told you so"s are at the ready, and able to be deployed at a moment's notice.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Friday, August 10, 2018 4:54 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

COOL! It's going into my stash of useful links.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."

That looks like an awesome site. I need to delve into their underlying foundation, and how they interpret the changes in formulation.

But the Unemployment figures clearly expose how feverishly Obama toiled to cover up his disastrous failures.
And the GDP figures also look far more realistic than any other data set I've seen - and really shows the gains Trump has made, with more clarity.
Trump should really be trumpeting at least these 2 sets of data.
No real surprise that Democrap campaigners aka MSM have buried this sort of factual information.


Friday, August 10, 2018 6:10 AM


Sorry to burst your bubble JSF, but those numbers have no real meaning anymore after Obama's quantitative easing.

It's all monopoly money now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 10, 2018 7:25 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry to burst your bubble JSF, but those numbers have no real meaning anymore after Obama's quantitative easing.

It's all monopoly money now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The GDP figures are % changes, not $ values.
And I don't think Unemployment numbers are revalued due to QE.


Friday, August 10, 2018 8:49 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry to burst your bubble JSF, but those numbers have no real meaning anymore after Obama's quantitative easing.

It's all monopoly money now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The GDP figures are % changes, not $ values.
And I don't think Unemployment numbers are revalued due to QE.

% changes don't even matter much any more. Certainly not in the long term. The DOW is due for a major correction, and this time next year we're in the longest period of "growth" that we've ever recorded.

And if you think the unemployment numbers are good under Trump, then you're reading those statistics incorrectly.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 10, 2018 8:54 AM


... stay crunchy...

Meanwhile, today...

- Trump plays golf. Which I think is good - he has less opportunity to f*ck things up from a fairway.

- More Republican Trump supporters get exposed for the PoS they are:
GOP Rep. Chris Collins used campaign funds to pay legal bills for insider trading investigations

- Trump Cabinet member faces the bright light of litigation:
"From suspect stock deals to billion-dollar exaggerations — here are all of the allegations dogging Wilbur Ross"

Be careful what you wish for... with Pruitt out the new EPA chief has learned to keep quite while destroying things.

- IA says EPA should impose a ‘blanket ban’ on asbestos
The national association of architects condemns the deregulation of the toxic building material" You may remember asbestos being a favorite building material of Trump's backwards, zero learning brain. It had magical powers for him, like a tv dinner did.

The EPA Is Gutting Regulations That Keep Us Safe
If you've only been following the drama of Scott Pruitt and his replacement at the EPA, you only know half the story. Environmental regulations are under attack all across America, and the siege is just beginning.

"Scott Pruitt, the former Environmental Protection Agency administrator who was finally defenestrated in July 2018, built his legacy on the promise of rolling back as many environmental regulations as he could. Former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, Pruitt’s replacement at the EPA, is far better schooled in Washington politics. And his goals are the same as Trump’s and Pruitt’s—to continue the most ambitious deregulatory agenda the country has ever seen.

"All these waterways are under threat from mining or agricultural waste, yet the EPA under Trump has undermined clean water regulations at a rate unseen in generations. The effects will be felt everywhere that water flows."

More on damaging water safety:


The EPA rolled back Obama-era rules on how to handle and store toxic waste residues from burning coal on Tuesday. And now, drinking water across the country could be at risk of being contaminated by the byproduct of burning coal for power: toxic coal ash.

The rollback gives authority back to state and industry officials to oversee how coal ash is stored and allows states in some cases to stop monitoring groundwater. But the groundwater contamination in Memphis shows why doing that may be a bad idea.

How about climate change?
"While the list of deregulatory goals at Trump’s EPA can feel exhaustive—chemical plants, air pollution, more haze in national parks, keeping asbestos legal—there is one target, a “hoax created by and for the Chinese,” in the president’s words, that rises above the rest. That is, of course, climate change.
On a surprisingly warm day late last winter, I attended a public hearing in San Francisco—a contentious and unhappy legally mandated meeting to discuss the repeal of Clean Power Plan. Proposed in 2014 under Gina McCarthy, this is Obama’s most controversial EPA legacy, a rule that aims to fight climate change by promoting cleaner energy sources at the expense of coal. (Repealing the “so-called Clean Power Plan” was item number one on an action plan sent by coal baron Bob Murray, Andrew Wheeler’s former boss, to the Trump administration shortly after inauguration. The wish list has proven a valuable guide to the administrator’s agenda, environmentalists say.)


Ask yourself: Who do these changes help/$benefit? Nobody I know.


Friday, August 10, 2018 9:13 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Meanwhile, today...

- Trump plays golf. Which I think is good - he has less opportunity to f*ck things up from a fairway.

Trump tweets and brags about being only the 5th person to ever have a recorded Condor, but Omorosa "may have been" lurking deep in the rough and have video proof that it was really a Double Bogie.

Sources close to the President say that a joint task force of Trump's best men are doing whatever in their power to recover this evidence. Omorosa has been missing for hours now, and since the video has not leaked onto the internet as of the time of this reporting, it is assumed that Putin himself has even gotten involved, using the very same Russian technology that hacked our election to force Omorosa's phone into Airplane mode.

Muller is investigating.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 10, 2018 11:27 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

"How is this PoS still in office?"

Because we don't (yet) allow open coups, military juntas, or armed revolt. Do you have a problem with that?

Post of the week. Maybe even the month.

Wrong, or wrong headed anyway. I wouldn't expect anything else from a russian troll and a moron. Trump is still in office because we have laws in this country. Something Trump is trying his hardest to change with the support of the likes of our russian troll and moron.



Friday, August 10, 2018 11:43 AM


Judge threatens to hold Jeff Sessions in contempt over asylum deportation

A frustrated federal judge lashed the Trump administration Thursday and threatened to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt after being told the government had deported an asylum seeker despite clear assurances she wouldn’t be touched.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan said the government had “spirited away” the woman and her child, sticking them on a plane back to El Salvador early in the morning even though she was a plaintiff in a groundbreaking case aiming to overturn the administration’s new stricter asylum policy.

Yep, even our bigoted Attorney General is being taken on by our so called corrupt judicial system. This little post shows what side is right and what side is wrong in our current immigration debate. It is also a window into who is going to win.


Friday, August 10, 2018 12:16 PM


... stay crunchy...

- Russia state tv anchor proclaims:
"Cut sanctions or we stop helping you with elections!"

- Trump and Pence want $8 billion for the space force. Meanwhile, Trump proposed $3.7 billion in cuts to education, $17 billion in cuts to food stamps, and $6.6 billion in cuts to housing.


Friday, August 10, 2018 12:36 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

"How is this PoS still in office?"

Because we don't (yet) allow open coups, military juntas, or armed revolt. Do you have a problem with that?

Post of the week. Maybe even the month.

Wrong, or wrong headed anyway. I wouldn't expect anything else from a russian troll and a moron. Trump is still in office because we have laws in this country. Something Trump is trying his hardest to change with the support of the likes of our russian troll and moron.


I see that hypocrisy has become so natural to you that you can't even tell when you're duplicity is on display in a single post.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 10, 2018 12:43 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry to burst your bubble JSF, but those numbers have no real meaning anymore after Obama's quantitative easing.

It's all monopoly money now.

That's what the site helps show. It show the numbers using the OLD calculations - before they changed them to make prettier numbers.

Here's how the BLS changed the calculations in 1974, to 'adjust' the 'basket of goods' to actual consumer buying habits, when the previous items got too expensive for people to buy:
The BLS uses ongoing 'revisions' to its 'basket of goods' in CPI calculation:
The BLS' 2018 explanation as to how it 'revises' its 'basket of goods' year to year for its CPI calculation:

In 1994 (Clinton) the BLS changed the way it calculates unemployment. People unemployed for more than a year are dropped from the total, even if they're still looking for work.

The shadowstats website does the calculations using the original basis and formulas.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."


Friday, August 10, 2018 12:55 PM


Obama and Clinton Obama and Clinton. Look up and you'll see some who are so panicked they are desperate to change the subject. Why in gods name with all that's going on would anyone want to talk about two people who are no longer in government? Desperation is why. Hey everyone look over here because my guy is so fucked up and corrupt I can't defend him. I need for you to engage with me on a different topic as I attempt to distract you and keep you from seeing just how fucked up Trump is.



Friday, August 10, 2018 5:40 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Obama and Clinton Obama and Clinton. Look up and you'll see some who are so panicked they are desperate to change the subject. Why in gods name with all that's going on would anyone want to talk about two people who are no longer in government? Desperation is why. Hey everyone look over here because my guy is so fucked up and corrupt I can't defend him. I need for you to engage with me on a different topic as I attempt to distract you and keep you from seeing just how fucked up Trump is.


Who is desperate?

How many chips exactly do you think I have in this game, T?

I'm going to answer that for you right now.


Whether or not Trump stays in the white house until 2024 or he gets shipped to Gitmo for the rest of his life, it makes absolutely no difference to me.


You are the hysterical one here. You are projecting your own desperation onto other people. I've got to imagine that in the last two years you've actually aged 10 years with all this undue stress you're putting on yourself.

Politics right now to me is nothing more than my version of rooting for a sports team since I don't enjoy watching any professional athletes these days. If the Bulls lose, that sucks, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Get it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 10, 2018 5:58 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Meanwhile, today...

- Trump plays golf. Which I think is good - he has less opportunity to f*ck things up from a fairway.

Trump tweets and brags about being only the 5th person to ever have a recorded Condor, but Omorosa "may have been" lurking deep in the rough and have video proof that it was really a Double Bogie.

Sources close to the President say that a joint task force of Trump's best men are doing whatever in their power to recover this evidence. Omorosa has been missing for hours now, and since the video has not leaked onto the internet as of the time of this reporting, it is assumed that Putin himself has even gotten involved, using the very same Russian technology that hacked our election to force Omorosa's phone into Airplane mode.

Muller is investigating.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Seriously? Nobody got a chuckle out of this?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 10, 2018 6:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I did!

But I had to look up "condor" in golf.

Condor??? How the hell did you dig up THAT reference?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Friday, August 10, 2018 7:04 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I did!

But I had to look up "condor" in golf.

Condor??? How the hell did you dig up THAT reference?


I'd never heard of it before. I was actually just going to say Eagle, but for whatever reason I had looked up something about golf on Google while writing that and saw "what is a Condor" in the google questions. I never even knew that anybody got a "Triple Eagle" before, let alone 4 people. It would require getting a hole in one on a Par 5. It could technically be done by getting a two-shot on a Par 6, but that's never happened in the history of Golf on record.

I knew the term Double Eagle as well, but I guess they also call that an Albatross in parts of the world.

Now that I'm reading more about this, I should have said that he Tweeted that he was the first person to ever get an Ostrich. That would be a hole in one on a Par 6, which it is believed will never be achieved by human beings and is just folklore.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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