Libtard's Love Affair With Ultra Liberal RINO McCain

UPDATED: Sunday, September 9, 2018 11:51
VIEWED: 8133
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Tuesday, August 28, 2018 10:50 PM


Russia Hated John McCain, and Will Miss Him Dearly

The New York Times Senators John McCain, left, and Tom Cotton at a Senate hearing last year on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

MOSCOW — He was long reviled by Russia’s state-controlled media as a deranged warmonger. President Vladimir V. Putin said he had “lost his roof” — in other words, gone crazy — during his time in captivity in Vietnam. Despite, or rather because of, all the abuse, however, Senator John McCain will be sorely missed in Moscow.

The Arizona senator’s death last Saturday from a brain tumor has deprived the Kremlin and its propaganda machine of not only a cherished punching bag but the central protagonist in their favorite conspiracy theory — the view that Western sanctions against Russia and President Trump’s inability to lift them have nothing to do with anything Russia has done but are the result of “Russophobia.”

This is why sig, kiki and other Russian trolls are so intent on bashing McCain.




Wednesday, August 29, 2018 12:03 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Just to get back to the title about McCain being a 'libtard' hero - I'm not quite sure what qualifies him as one, besides being on board with every globalist 'intervention' ever proposed - whether it was Bill's 'intervention' in Yugoslavia, or Dubya's 'interventions' in Afghanistan and Iraq, or Obama's 'interventions' in Ukraine, Libya and Syria.

But the republicans didn't move their position on sending the US into foreign affairs, it was the democrats. During Vietnam they tried being the peace party, but they realized it cost them votes, because they didn't know how to sell the brand. So they circled around behind our backs and stopped being the semi-isolationist liberal peace party, and became the 'interventionist' 'neo'-liberal war party instead.

If that's the equivalence that makes McCain a 'libtard' hero -all those foreign 'interventions - maybe it does more to make Hillary a 'neo'-con DINO hero instead.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."

McCain never met a Tax he didn't like.
He never saw Pork he didn't want in the Federal Budget.
He voted against spending reductions, Tax Cuts, Defense Spending, Freedom of Speech, and voted for everything opposite. He voted in line with Democrats more than any other Senator, and voted with GOP less than any other.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 3:26 AM


Awww, poor baby.....did the Big Bad MSM interrupt the latest episode of the Bachelorette, the bastards. You should write them a letter.

"Dear ABC, you interrupted my favorite big brutes!"
Bwah hahhahaha!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I was watching a good TV Show, a rare experience, when ABC interrupted for more fawning over their favorite R-coded Libtard.

Some highlights:
I keep forgetting that he graduated the Naval Academy at the absolute bottom of his Class, despite having an Admiral father.

No mention of his accomplishment of being the only American in all of history to single-handed fatally damage, destroy and Decommission an entire Aircraft Carrier.

Such a complete failure all his life, but this can be accredited to his severe bout of Libtardism.

The worst self-claimed Republican has died. May he open his eyes soon.

Now so many Patriotic American Veterans can have a far less despising animosity towards GOP members. So many have felt stabbed in the back with every sighting of McCain, he has been a nonstop thorn in the side of Patriotic Veterans for so long.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 3:32 AM


It doesn't take much to know that you guys are sick in the head.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yanno, I have to wonder if he's really dead, or if this isn't some elaborate staging so he can get out of the upcoming inquisiti ... I mean, depositions. This reminds me a lot of the Iran-Contra affair .... as the investigation slowly wended its way up through Oliver North and John Poindexter, the last culminating piece of testimony from then-head of the CIA William Casey was lost when Casey conveniently died. Of a pneumonia caused by a brain tumor, they said.

We joked at the time that 3 oz of lead was a considerable-sized tumor!

I guess I was a cynic, even back then.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 3:32 AM


It doesn't take much to know that you guys are sick in the head.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yanno, I have to wonder if he's really dead, or if this isn't some elaborate staging so he can get out of the upcoming inquisiti ... I mean, depositions. This reminds me a lot of the Iran-Contra affair .... as the investigation slowly wended its way up through Oliver North and John Poindexter, the last culminating piece of testimony from then-head of the CIA William Casey was lost when Casey conveniently died. Of a pneumonia caused by a brain tumor, they said.

We joked at the time that 3 oz of lead was a considerable-sized tumor!

I guess I was a cynic, even back then.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 9:16 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
GSTRING, your questions are disingenuous. You can badger me all you want, but I'm not about to answer stupid questions. People here who support antifa AND McCain? They know who they are. If you don't think it applies to you, then you don't have to get all huffy and defensive; just ignore it.

Talk about huffy and defensive! Geezus, I ask you to verify your bullsh*t and you run like your hair is on fire!

I get it: lying / making sh*t up is what you do.

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What I find so annoying is that all of the so-called "antifa" supporters here on this board...

And who would they be?

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
... who are so defensive of McCain's "legacy"...

And who would they be?

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
....seem to forget that McCain was a great supporter of Nazis in Ukraine. And no, I don't mean people who liberals here CHOOSE to (erroneously) call "Nazis"...

And who would they be?


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 9:44 AM



John McCain's epic farewell mic drop


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 10:10 AM



Originally posted by THG:

John McCain's epic farewell mic drop


Remeber, THIS is the single reason that T thinks that McCain is a hero.

Democrats are so hypocritical that it's just humorous at this point.

Sorry for your loss, buddy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 11:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Just to get back to the title about McCain being a 'libtard' hero - I'm not quite sure what qualifies him as one, besides being on board with every globalist 'intervention' ever proposed - whether it was Bill's 'intervention' in Yugoslavia, or Dubya's 'interventions' in Afghanistan and Iraq, or Obama's 'interventions' in Ukraine, Libya and Syria.

But the republicans didn't move their position on sending the US into foreign affairs, it was the democrats. During Vietnam they tried being the peace party, but they realized it cost them votes, because they didn't know how to sell the brand. So they circled around behind our backs and stopped being the semi-isolationist liberal peace party, and became the 'interventionist' 'neo'-liberal war party instead.

If that's the equivalence that makes McCain a 'libtard' hero - all those foreign 'interventions - maybe it does more to make Hillary a 'neo'-con DINO hero instead.

Agreed. "Liberals" used to be for free speech, and anti-war. I'm not sure how it happened but over the decades they've morphed into an authoritarian "politically correct" speech/ war-mongering crowd. I think the DNC kind of Pied-Pipered them into their new position. Boy, they're sure giving "liberals" a bad name! Crazy, huh?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 12:09 PM



Wednesday, August 29, 2018 1:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

McCain, as viewed by an old-fashioned liberal


The Other Side of John McCain
August 27, 2018
By Max Blumenthal
Consortium News Special

As the Cold War entered its final act in 1985, journalist Helena Cobban participated in an academic conference at an upscale resort near Tucson, Arizona, on U.S.-Soviet interactions in the Middle East. When she attended what was listed as the “Gala Dinner with keynote speech”, she quickly learned that the virtual theme of the evening was, “Adopt a Muj.”

“I remember mingling with all of these wealthy Republican women from the Phoenix suburbs and being asked, ‘Have you adopted a muj?” Cobban told me. “Each one had pledged money to sponsor a member of the Afghan mujahedin in the name of beating the communists. Some were even seated at the event next to their personal ‘muj.’”

The keynote speaker of the evening, according to Cobban, was a hard-charging freshman member of Congress named John McCain.

During the Vietnam war, McCain had been captured by the North Vietnamese Army after being shot down on his way to bomb a civilian lightbulb factory. He spent two years in solitary confinement and underwent torture that left him with crippling injuries. McCain returned from the war with a deep, abiding loathing of his former captors, remarking as late as 2000, “I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live.” After he was criticized for the racist remark, McCain refused to apologize. “I was referring to my prison guards,” he said, “and I will continue to refer to them in language that might offend some people because of the beating and torture of my friends.”

McCain’s visceral resentment informed his vocal support for the mujahedin as well as the right-wing contra death squads in Central America

Oh yes, that's right... I forgot that he also supported right wing death squads

— any proxy group sworn to the destruction of communist governments.

So committed was McCain to the anti-communist cause that in the mid-1980s he had joined the advisory board of the United States Council for World Freedom, the American affiliate of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). Geoffrey Stewart-Smith, a former leader of WACL’s British chapter who had turned against the group in 1974, described the organization as “a collection of Nazis, fascists, anti-Semites, sellers of forgeries, vicious racialists, and corrupt self-seekers. It has evolved into an anti-Semitic international.”

Joining McCain in the organization were notables such as Jaroslav Stetsko, the Ukrainian Nazi collaborator who helped oversee the extermination of 7,000 Jews in 1941; the brutal Argentinian former dictator Jorge Rafael Videla; and Guatemalan death squad leader Mario Sandoval Alarcon. Then-President Ronald Reagan honored the group for playing “a leadership role in drawing attention to the gallant struggle now being waged by the true freedom fighters of our day.”

On the occasion of his death, McCain is being honored in much the same way — as a patriotic hero and freedom fighter for democracy. A stream of hagiographies is pouring forth from the Beltway press corps that he described as his true political base. Among McCain’s most enthusiastic groupies is CNN’s Jake Tapper, whom he chose as his personal stenographer for a 2000 trip to Vietnam. When the former CNN host Howard Kurtz asked Tapper in February, 2000, “When you’re on the [campaign] bus, do you make a conscious effort not to fall under the magical McCain spell?”

“Oh, you can’t. You become like Patty Hearst when the SLA took her,” Tapper joked in reply.

But the late senator has also been treated to gratuitous tributes from an array of prominent liberals, from George Soros to his soft power-pushing client, Ken Roth, along with three fellow directors of Human Rights Watch and “democratic socialist” celebrity Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, who hailed McCain as “an unparalleled example of human decency.”

A low-information politician, just climbing on the magic "popularity" bus ...


Rep. John Lewis, the favorite civil rights symbol of the Beltway political class, weighed in as well to memorialize McCain as a “warrior for peace.”
Now THAT made me throw up in my mouth a little!


If the paeans to McCain by this diverse cast of political climbers and Davos denizens seemed detached from reality, that’s because they perfectly reflected the elite view of American military interventions as akin to a game of chess, and the millions of dead left in the wake of the West’s unprovoked aggression as mere statistics.

There were few figures in recent American life who dedicated themselves so personally to the perpetuation of war and empire as McCain. But in Washington, the most defining aspect of his career was studiously overlooked, or waved away as the trivial idiosyncrasy of a noble servant who nonetheless deserved everyone’s reverence.

McCain did not simply thunder for every major intervention of the post-Cold War era from the Senate floor, while pushing for sanctions and assorted campaigns of subterfuge on the side. He was uniquely ruthless when it came to advancing imperial goals, barnstorming from one conflict zone to another to personally recruit far-right fanatics as American proxies.

In Libya and Syria, he cultivated affiliates of Al Qaeda as allies, and in Ukraine, McCain courted actual, sig-heiling neo-Nazis.

While McCain’s Senate office functioned as a clubhouse for arms industry lobbyists and neocon operatives, his fascistic allies waged a campaign of human devastation that will continue until long after the flowers dry up on his grave.

American media may have sought to bury this legacy with the senator’s body, but it is what much of the outside world will remember him for.

When a violent insurgency swept through Libya in 2011, McCain parachuted into the country to meet with leaders of the main insurgent outfit, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), battling the government of Moamar Gaddafi. His goal was to make kosher this band of hardline Islamists in the eyes of the Obama administration, which was considering a military intervention at the time.

What happened next is well documented, though it is scarcely discussed by a Washington political class that depended on the Benghazi charade to deflect from the real scandal of Libya’s societal destruction. Gaddafi’s motorcade was attacked by NATO jets, enabling a band of LIFG fighters to capture him, sodomize him with a bayonet, then murder him and leave his body to rot in a butcher shop in Misrata while rebel fanboys snapped cellphone selfies of his fetid corpse.

A slaughter of Black citizens of Libya by the racist sectarian militias recruited by McCain immediately followed the killing of the pan-African leader. ISIS took over Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte while Belhaj’s militia took control of Tripoli, and a war of the warlords began. Just as Gaddafi had warned, the ruined country became a staging ground for migrant smugglers on the Mediterranean, fueling the rise of the far-right across Europe and enabling the return of slavery to Africa.

Many might describe Libya as a failed state, but it also represents a successful realization of the vision McCain and his allies have advanced on the global stage.

Following the NATO-orchestrated murder of Libya’s leader, McCain tweeted, “Qaddafi on his way out, Bashar al Assad is next.”

Like Libya, Syria had resisted aligning with the West and was suddenly confronted with a Salafi-jihadi insurgency armed by the CIA. Once again, McCain made it his personal duty to market Islamist insurgents to America as a cross between the Minutemen and the Freedom Riders of the civil rights era. To do so, he took under his wing a youthful DC-based Syria-American operative named Mouaz Moustafa who had been a consultant to the Libyan Transitional Council during the run-up to the NATO invasion.

In May 2013, Moustafa convinced McCain to take an illegal trip across the Syrian border and meet some freedom fighters.



An Israeli millionaire named Moti Kahana who coordinated efforts between the Syrian opposition and the Israeli military through his NGO, Amaliah, claimed to have “financed the opposition group which took senator John McCain to visit war-torn Syria.”

“This could be like his Benghazi moment,” Moustafa remarked excitedly in a scene from a documentary, “Red Lines,” that depicted his efforts for regime change. “[McCain] went to Benghazi, he came back, we bombed.”

During his brief excursion into Syria, McCain met with a group of CIA-backed insurgents and blessed their struggle. “The senator wanted to assure the Free Syrian Army that the American people support their cry for freedom, support their revolution,” Moustafa said in an interview with CNN. McCain’s office promptly released a photo showing the senator posing beside a beaming Moustafa and two grim-looking gunmen.

Days later, the men were named by the Lebanese Daily Star as Mohammad Nour and Abu Ibrahim. Both had been implicated in the kidnapping a year prior of 11 Shia pilgrims, and were identified by one of the survivors. McCain and Moustafa returned to the U.S. the targets of mockery from Daily Show host John Stewart and the subject of harshly critical reports from across the media spectrum. At a town hall in Arizona, McCain was berated by constituents, including Jumana Hadid, a Syrian Christian woman who warned that the sectarian militants he had cozied up to threatened her community with genocide.

But McCain pressed ahead anyway. On Capitol Hill, he introduced another shady young operative into his interventionist theater. Named Elizabeth O’Bagy, she was a fellow at the Institute for the Study of War, an arms industry-funded think tank directed by Kimberly Kagan of the neoconservative Kagan clan. Behind the scenes, O’Bagy was consulting for Moustafa at his Syrian Emergency Task Force, a clear conflict of interest that her top Senate patron was well aware of. Before the Senate, McCain cited a Wall Street Journal editorial by O’Bagy to support his assessment of the Syrian rebels as predominately “moderate,” and potentially Western-friendly.

Days later, O’Bagy was exposed for faking her PhD in Arabic studies. As soon as the humiliated Kagan fired O’Bagy, the academic fraudster took another pass through the Beltway’s revolving door, striding into the halls of Congress as McCain’s newest foreign policy aide.

McCain ultimately failed to see the Islamist “revolutionaries” he glad handled take control of Damascus. Syria’s government held on thanks to help from his mortal enemies in Tehran and Moscow, but not before a billion dollar CIA arm-and-equip operation helped spawn one of the worst refugee crises in post-war history. Luckily for McCain, there were other intrigues seeking his attention, and new bands of fanatical rogues in need of his blessing. Months after his Syrian boondoggle, the ornery militarist turned his attention to Ukraine, then in the throes of an upheaval stimulated by U.S. and EU-funded soft power NGO’s.

On December 14, 2013, McCain materialized in Kiev for a meeting with Oleh Tyanhbok, an unreconstructed fascist who had emerged as a top opposition leader. Tyanhbok had co-founded the fascist Social-National Party, a far-right political outfit that touted itself as the “last hope of the white race, of humankind as such.” No fan of Jews, he had complained that a “Muscovite-Jewish mafia” had taken control of his country, and had been photographed throwing up a sieg heil Nazi salute during a speech.

None of this apparently mattered to McCain. Nor did the scene of Right Sector neo-Nazis filling up Kiev’s Maidan Square while he appeared on stage to egg them on.

“Ukraine will make Europe better and Europe will make Ukraine better!” McCain proclaimed to cheering throngs while Tyanhbok stood by his side. The only issue that mattered to him at the time was the refusal of Ukraine’s elected president to sign a European Union austerity plan, opting instead for an economic deal with Moscow.

McCain was so committed to replacing an independent-minded government with a NATO vassal that he even mulled a military assault on Kiev. “I do not see a military option and that is tragic,” McCain lamented in an interview about the crisis. Fortunately for him, regime change arrived soon after his appearance on the Maidan, and Tyanhbok’s allies rushed in to fill the void.

By the end of the year, the Ukrainian military had become bogged down in a bloody trench war with pro-Russian, anti-coup separatists in the country’s east. A militia affiliated with the new government in Kiev called Dnipro-1 was accused by Amnesty International observers of blocking humanitarian aid into a separatist-held area, including food and clothing for the war torn population.

Six months later, McCain appeared at Dnipro-1’s training base alongside Sen.’s Tom Cotton and John Barasso. “The people of my country are proud of your fight and your courage,” McCain told an assembly of soldiers from the militia. When he completed his remarks, the fighters belted out a World War II-era salute made famous by Ukrainian Nazi collaborators: “Glory to Ukraine!”

Today, far-right nationalists occupy key posts in Ukraine’s pro-Western government. The speaker of its parliament is Andriy Parubiy, a co-founder with Tyanhbok of the Social-National Party and leader of the movement to honor World World Two-era Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera. On the cover of his 1998 manifesto, “View From The Right,” Parubiy appeared in a Nazi-style brown shirt with a pistol strapped to his waist. In June 2017, McCain and Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan welcomed Parubiy on Capitol Hill for what McCain called a “good meeting.” It was a shot in the arm for the fascist forces sweeping across Ukraine.

The past months in Ukraine have seen a state sponsored neo-Nazi militia called C14 carrying out a pogromist rampage against Ukraine’s Roma population, the country’s parliament erecting an exhibition honoring Nazi collaborators, and the Ukrainian military formally approving the pro-Nazi “Glory to Ukraine” greeting as its own official salute.

Ukraine is now the sick man of Europe, a perpetual aid case bogged down in an endless war in its east. In a testament to the country’s demise since its so-called “Revolution of Dignity,” the deeply unpopular President Petro Poroshenko has promised White House National Security Advisor John Bolton that his country — once a plentiful source of coal on par with Pennsylvania — will now purchase coal from the U.S. Once again, a regime change operation that generated a failing, fascistic state stands as one of McCain’s greatest triumphs.

McCain’s history conjures up memory of one of the most inflammatory statements by Sarah Palin, another cretinous fanatic he foisted onto the world stage. During a characteristically rambling stump speech in October 2008, Palin accused Barack Obama of “palling around with terrorists.” The line was dismissed as ridiculous and borderline slander, as it should have been. But looking back at McCain’s career, the accusation seems richly ironic.

By any objective standard, it was McCain who had palled around with terrorists, and who wrested as much resources as he could from the American taxpayer to maximize their mayhem. Here’s hoping that the societies shattered by McCain’s proxies will someday rest in peace.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 4:00 PM


You can always tell when sig is upset, and it's getting close to or its past her med time. Her posts start becoming a mile long of cut and pasted bullshit.



Wednesday, August 29, 2018 4:29 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by THG:
You can always tell when sig is upset, and it's getting close to or its past her med time. Her posts start becoming a mile long of cut and pasted bullshit.

Gotta run up that post count.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 4:47 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by THG:
You can always tell when sig is upset, and it's getting close to or its past her med time. Her posts start becoming a mile long of cut and pasted bullshit.

Gotta run up that post count.

1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told

Apparently they haven't received new instructions judging by what they continue to post here. It's pretty obvious they can't think independently. Nothing but a bunch of sad sacks. Inept blundering clowns.



Wednesday, August 29, 2018 8:40 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I was watching a good TV Show, a rare experience, when ABC interrupted for more fawning over their favorite R-coded Libtard.

Some highlights:
I keep forgetting that he graduated the Naval Academy at the absolute bottom of his Class, despite having an Admiral father.

No mention of his accomplishment of being the only American in all of history to single-handed fatally damage, destroy and Decommission an entire Aircraft Carrier.

Such a complete failure all his life, but this can be accredited to his severe bout of Libtardism.

The worst self-claimed Republican has died. May he open his eyes soon.

Now so many Patriotic American Veterans can have a far less despising animosity towards GOP members. So many have felt stabbed in the back with every sighting of McCain, he has been a nonstop thorn in the side of Patriotic Veterans for so long.

Awww, poor baby.....did the Big Bad MSM interrupt the latest episode of the Bachelorette, the bastards. You should write them a letter.

"Dear ABC, you interrupted my favorite big brutes!"
Bwah hahhahaha!


It was Good Doctor, with Freddie Highmore.

The Bachelors in Paradise has the biggest collection of Drama Queen Nancy Boys ever corralled. They make the girls look like he-men.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 8:45 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Just to get back to the title about McCain being a 'libtard' hero - I'm not quite sure what qualifies him as one, besides being on board with every globalist 'intervention' ever proposed - whether it was Bill's 'intervention' in Yugoslavia, or Dubya's 'interventions' in Afghanistan and Iraq, or Obama's 'interventions' in Ukraine, Libya and Syria.

But the republicans didn't move their position on sending the US into foreign affairs, it was the democrats. During Vietnam they tried being the peace party, but they realized it cost them votes, because they didn't know how to sell the brand. So they circled around behind our backs and stopped being the semi-isolationist liberal peace party, and became the 'interventionist' 'neo'-liberal war party instead.

If that's the equivalence that makes McCain a 'libtard' hero - all those foreign 'interventions - maybe it does more to make Hillary a 'neo'-con DINO hero instead.

Agreed. "Liberals" used to be for free speech, and anti-war.

That was a long time ago, before the 1960s - I didn't realize you were quite that old. errr... seasoned. That was before my time. But they were pro-war even in the 30s.

I'm not sure how it happened but over the decades they've morphed into an authoritarian "politically correct" speech/ war-mongering crowd. I think the DNC kind of Pied-Pipered them into their new position. Boy, they're sure giving "liberals" a bad name! Crazy, huh?


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 10:25 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I was watching a good TV Show, a rare experience, when ABC interrupted for more fawning over their favorite R-coded Libtard.

Some highlights:
I keep forgetting that he graduated the Naval Academy at the absolute bottom of his Class, despite having an Admiral father.

No mention of his accomplishment of being the only American in all of history to single-handed fatally damage, destroy and Decommission an entire Aircraft Carrier.

Such a complete failure all his life, but this can be accredited to his severe bout of Libtardism.

The worst self-claimed Republican has died. May he open his eyes soon.

Now so many Patriotic American Veterans can have a far less despising animosity towards GOP members. So many have felt stabbed in the back with every sighting of McCain, he has been a nonstop thorn in the side of Patriotic Veterans for so long.

Awww, poor baby.....did the Big Bad MSM interrupt the latest episode of the Bachelorette, the bastards. You should write them a letter.

"Dear ABC, you interrupted my favorite big brutes!"
Bwah hahhahaha!


It was Good Doctor, with Freddie Highmore.

The Bachelors in Paradise has the biggest collection of Drama Queen Nancy Boys ever corralled. They make the girls look like he-men.

Wow, if you believe McCain is a failure than you must really hate yourself. How can you look in the mirror? You being so much less than McCain. If he's such a loser to you, by your own judgement of what a success is, you would rate no higher than a slug



Wednesday, August 29, 2018 11:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


A Senator Masquerading as a Gas Station

John McCain is dead, and many people are celebrating whereas they should be sad. He wasn’t a friend of mankind—he was its enemy, but a really bad one. But with such grossly incompetent enemies—who needs friends?

McCain did a great deal to destroy America. He devoted his entire lifetime to American destruction. To start with, he was quite effective as a protester against America’s genocidal war on the people of Vietnam. Other Americans just marched around ineffectually, waving banners and shouting antiwar slogans, but not McCain! His own father had a lot to do with starting that war, but McCain made up for that by destroying 26 American war planes. That’s quite something! If every American flyer crashed as many planes, countless innocent lives would have been saved.

Of course, he could have done even better—and he did try. He almost managed to destroy the US aircraft carrier Forrestal by setting it ablaze. To top off his illustrious military career, he surrendered to the enemy and spent five years in a Vietnamese prison. This made him a hero—in Americans’ eyes only, while the rest of the world saw in him a murderer of Vietnamese children.

His “martyrdom” as a POW helped pave his way to a political career, first in Congress, then in the Senate. During his obscenely long career in national politics, McCain did what he could to make American “democracy” look like a complete joke and to hasten America’s collapse. This, by the way, wasn’t a tall order: American “democracy” had long been a cesspool—a playground for lobbyists and political technologists based on a fully gerrymandered system of fake elections. But he did his thing, and is therefore twice the hero.

Defecating into the cesspool of American politics doesn’t alter its chemistry much, but McCain pushed the limits here as well. If only he and the native genius that is Sara Palin had won the Presidency! This surely would have hastened American collapse by quite a substantial amount, bringing his life’s work to fruition. This was perhaps his greatest failing: he turned out to be a traitor to his own friends and a faithful servant to his political enemies. He shut down his electoral campaign two weeks before the election. Then he did whatever he could to kiss up to Obama and helped wreck the repeal of Obamacare. McCain deserves to have a gigantic sausage-shaped obelisk erected in his honor, made of the same lumpy, brown material that he was so full of throughout his political career.

Internationally, McCain was a stellar performer when it came to meddling in the affairs of other nations, often in ways that helped undermine America’s standing in the world. Whenever he visited a foreign country, the likelihood of civil war breaking out there went up by a notch, sometimes by two. He always had a warm place in his heart for terrorists—be they Ukrainian neo-Nazis or the homicidal maniacs of the Islamic Caliphate (a.k.a. ISIS). He managed to perform in spite of not being very smart: in 2013 he published an article on the website, thinking that it was Russia’s main newspaper (which was at that point two decades defunct).

He was one of the prime architects of the Ukrainian government’s “anti-terrorist operation” against its own citizens in the east of the country. His actions helped assure American defeat and Syrian victory in Syria and set the Ukrainian government he had helped install in 2014 on a course for self-destruction. Russia owes him a debt of gratitude for its reunification with Crimea after its two lost decades in the Ukrainian wilderness. He was also a champion of America’s own self-destruction through national bankruptcy, always being in favor of its profligate, fantastically corrupt and otherwise ineffectual defense spending.

His crowning achievement was his successful push for anti-Russian sanctions. They made it very difficult for Russian government officials to appear serious and resist the urge to say “May we have some more sanctions, please?” Thanks to these sanctions, Russia has moved rapidly toward achieving food security and has become one of the world’s major agricultural exporters; it has achieved or will soon achieve complete self-sufficiency in defense and in many other industrial sectors; and it is quite far along in making itself independent of the US dollar and of Western finance.

The effect of the sanctions in simultaneously driving down both the ruble and the Russian stock market has allowed the Russian government to sell dollars high and to buy up Russian industrial stocks low, effectively re-nationalizing Russian industry at bargain-basement prices, shifting the share of its government ownership from around 16% to at least 65% while squeezing out Western financial interests. The profits that would have otherwise been pocketed by Western investors are now flooding into the Russian treasury, to be spent on health, education, housing, roads and bridges and so on. McCain, you socialist you!

McCain also had a wonderful talent for being not just wrong but exactly wrong, as in the exact opposite of right. He called Russia “a gas station masquerading as a country.” That was great for Russia, because Russia was at the time a country masquerading as a gas station, to buy itself the time it needed to rebuild and rearm. Now that it has done so, the mask can come off, and Russia is most grateful to McCain for having given it plenty of cover just at the time when it most needed it.

It is a sad moment now that McCain’s untimely demise has sent him off to an eternity in Hell, because he didn’t get to finish his life’s work: destroying the United States. Nevertheless, we should call it a job well done, for the course on which he helped set the country is now unalterable. Even if he is replaced in his Senate seat by someone actually competent and able to act in his nation’s interest, this won’t alter its course by much, and certainly will not reverse it. Let us now observe a minute of silence in honor of John McCain, for upon his passing the American Collapse Party has lost a true leader.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 11:03 PM


Living a life of dishonor, despite favored birth with silver spoon, sounds like what Trolls consider to be the highest standard of heroism.
Trolls are mysterious miscreants.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018 11:12 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

A Senator Masquerading as a Gas Station

John McCain is dead, and many people are celebrating whereas they should be sad. He wasn’t a friend of mankind—he was its enemy, but a really bad one. But with such grossly incompetent enemies—who needs friends?

McCain did a great deal to destroy America. He devoted his entire lifetime to American destruction. To start with, he was quite effective as a protester against America’s genocidal war on the people of Vietnam. Other Americans just marched around ineffectually, waving banners and shouting antiwar slogans, but not McCain! His own father had a lot to do with starting that war, but McCain made up for that by destroying 26 American war planes. That’s quite something! If every American flyer crashed as many planes, countless innocent lives would have been saved.

Of course, he could have done even better—and he did try. He almost managed to destroy the US aircraft carrier Forrestal by setting it ablaze. To top off his illustrious military career, he surrendered to the enemy and spent five years in a Vietnamese prison. This made him a hero—in Americans’ eyes only, while the rest of the world saw in him a murderer of Vietnamese children.

His “martyrdom” as a POW helped pave his way to a political career, first in Congress, then in the Senate. During his obscenely long career in national politics, McCain did what he could to make American “democracy” look like a complete joke and to hasten America’s collapse. This, by the way, wasn’t a tall order: American “democracy” had long been a cesspool—a playground for lobbyists and political technologists based on a fully gerrymandered system of fake elections. But he did his thing, and is therefore twice the hero.

Defecating into the cesspool of American politics doesn’t alter its chemistry much, but McCain pushed the limits here as well. If only he and the native genius that is Sara Palin had won the Presidency! This surely would have hastened American collapse by quite a substantial amount, bringing his life’s work to fruition. This was perhaps his greatest failing: he turned out to be a traitor to his own friends and a faithful servant to his political enemies. He shut down his electoral campaign two weeks before the election. Then he did whatever he could to kiss up to Obama and helped wreck the repeal of Obamacare. McCain deserves to have a gigantic sausage-shaped obelisk erected in his honor, made of the same lumpy, brown material that he was so full of throughout his political career.

Internationally, McCain was a stellar performer when it came to meddling in the affairs of other nations, often in ways that helped undermine America’s standing in the world. Whenever he visited a foreign country, the likelihood of civil war breaking out there went up by a notch, sometimes by two. He always had a warm place in his heart for terrorists—be they Ukrainian neo-Nazis or the homicidal maniacs of the Islamic Caliphate (a.k.a. ISIS). He managed to perform in spite of not being very smart: in 2013 he published an article on the website, thinking that it was Russia’s main newspaper (which was at that point two decades defunct).

He was one of the prime architects of the Ukrainian government’s “anti-terrorist operation” against its own citizens in the east of the country. His actions helped assure American defeat and Syrian victory in Syria and set the Ukrainian government he had helped install in 2014 on a course for self-destruction. Russia owes him a debt of gratitude for its reunification with Crimea after its two lost decades in the Ukrainian wilderness. He was also a champion of America’s own self-destruction through national bankruptcy, always being in favor of its profligate, fantastically corrupt and otherwise ineffectual defense spending.

His crowning achievement was his successful push for anti-Russian sanctions. They made it very difficult for Russian government officials to appear serious and resist the urge to say “May we have some more sanctions, please?” Thanks to these sanctions, Russia has moved rapidly toward achieving food security and has become one of the world’s major agricultural exporters; it has achieved or will soon achieve complete self-sufficiency in defense and in many other industrial sectors; and it is quite far along in making itself independent of the US dollar and of Western finance.

The effect of the sanctions in simultaneously driving down both the ruble and the Russian stock market has allowed the Russian government to sell dollars high and to buy up Russian industrial stocks low, effectively re-nationalizing Russian industry at bargain-basement prices, shifting the share of its government ownership from around 16% to at least 65% while squeezing out Western financial interests. The profits that would have otherwise been pocketed by Western investors are now flooding into the Russian treasury, to be spent on health, education, housing, roads and bridges and so on. McCain, you socialist you!

McCain also had a wonderful talent for being not just wrong but exactly wrong, as in the exact opposite of right. He called Russia “a gas station masquerading as a country.” That was great for Russia, because Russia was at the time a country masquerading as a gas station, to buy itself the time it needed to rebuild and rearm. Now that it has done so, the mask can come off, and Russia is most grateful to McCain for having given it plenty of cover just at the time when it most needed it.

It is a sad moment now that McCain’s untimely demise has sent him off to an eternity in Hell, because he didn’t get to finish his life’s work: destroying the United States. Nevertheless, we should call it a job well done, for the course on which he helped set the country is now unalterable. Even if he is replaced in his Senate seat by someone actually competent and able to act in his nation’s interest, this won’t alter its course by much, and certainly will not reverse it. Let us now observe a minute of silence in honor of John McCain, for upon his passing the American Collapse Party has lost a true leader.

Post of the Week. More eloquent and fitting to the dunce than I could manage in time.


Thursday, August 30, 2018 3:00 AM


You Right Wing Nuts make me laugh. You call Republicans Democrats because your dickless orange leader doesn't know shit from shinola, and commands it.
So you guys follow along like good little geese
(swear to God, they juggle them).

You march to the drum beat and high-step with tiki-torch in hand, misinformed
and filled with righteous indignation because you claim superiority based
on skin pigmentation (or regional superiority). Check where the civilized world began.

And here you are denigrating a man who had BALLS. Fuck politics! He put his
life on the line so "we" could sit with our collective thumbs up our asses
and protest against foreign wars and ideologies that we haven't a motherfucking clue. Isn't it ironic. Here we are arguing tribally, with knee-jerk responses and "rigged" propaganda and we have the nerve to comment on
the life of a man who sacrificed so we could argue, fuss and fight.
Did he make mistakes? Of course he did. What man hasn't. Did I always agree with him...Hell No! Am I kissing his ring? Fuck No! But what tickles me
is how you guys like to ridicule anyone that doesn't agree with you and then call out those who have the nerve to acknowledge a man's legacy; but
meanwhile enjoy the freedoms that he suffered and sacrificed for on your behalf.

Totally disrespectful and and ultimately ungrateful.I think back to
those days where I stood in protest of a vile war that killed
millions and altered the mindset of two countries - Viet Nam and the U.S.
And what further tickles me is how you support a dickless wonder like Trump,
who has done nothing but greedily grab all he can, and have the nerve to
insult and ridicule - a typical narcissist move - anyone that has a decent bone in his body. Well fuck that! Go ahead and insult me and anyone who pays
tribute to John McCain. That's the point. He put himself out there so you
could have your say, no matter how fucked up you sound. No matter how full of shit you are. Why, by you guys talking all the shit you do, you are celebrating his life and what it stood for.

Yeah, it's mind-boggling and idiotically ironic, isn't it?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

John McCain's epic farewell mic drop


Remeber, THIS is the single reason that T thinks that McCain is a hero.

Democrats are so hypocritical that it's just humorous at this point.

Sorry for your loss, buddy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 30, 2018 7:53 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You Right Wing Nuts make me laugh. You call Republicans Democrats because your dickless orange leader doesn't know shit from shinola, and commands it.
So you guys follow along like good little geese
(swear to God, they juggle them).

You march to the drum beat and high-step with tiki-torch in hand, misinformed
and filled with righteous indignation because you claim superiority based
on skin pigmentation (or regional superiority). Check where the civilized world began.

And here you are denigrating a man who had BALLS. Fuck politics! He put his
life on the line so "we" could sit with our collective thumbs up our asses
and protest against foreign wars and ideologies that we haven't a motherfucking clue. Isn't it ironic. Here we are arguing tribally, with knee-jerk responses and "rigged" propaganda and we have the nerve to comment on
the life of a man who sacrificed so we could argue, fuss and fight.
Did he make mistakes? Of course he did. What man hasn't. Did I always agree with him...Hell No! Am I kissing his ring? Fuck No! But what tickles me
is how you guys like to ridicule anyone that doesn't agree with you and then call out those who have the nerve to acknowledge a man's legacy; but
meanwhile enjoy the freedoms that he suffered and sacrificed for on your behalf.

Totally disrespectful and and ultimately ungrateful.I think back to
those days where I stood in protest of a vile war that killed
millions and altered the mindset of two countries - Viet Nam and the U.S.
And what further tickles me is how you support a dickless wonder like Trump,
who has done nothing but greedily grab all he can, and have the nerve to
insult and ridicule - a typical narcissist move - anyone that has a decent bone in his body. Well fuck that! Go ahead and insult me and anyone who pays
tribute to John McCain. That's the point. He put himself out there so you
could have your say, no matter how fucked up you sound. No matter how full of shit you are. Why, by you guys talking all the shit you do, you are celebrating his life and what it stood for.

Yeah, it's mind-boggling and idiotically ironic, isn't it?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

John McCain's epic farewell mic drop


Remeber, THIS is the single reason that T thinks that McCain is a hero.

Democrats are so hypocritical that it's just humorous at this point.

Sorry for your loss, buddy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm not, nor have I ever been right wing, SGG.

The other day, I dug this thread up that I created many, many moons ago here.

Now is as good a time as any to use it as a rebuttal to a post...

Dated October 6th, 2008:


I've made up my mind that I'm voting for Obama.

Not for the reasons that you think, I assure you.

I know a third party vote This Time means nothing.....

I just want the Democrats to win and have all three of the big spots to themselves.

And then I want you to witness how nothing changes on Wall Street.

And then I want you to see that healthcare won't get any better, except by raising taxes on smokers (and probalby fat snacks) by 100%.

And then I want you to acknowledge that we're never leaving Iraq in this, our rotten-to-the-core two party system.

And MOST of all, in 4 years I want you to remember George W Bush and the hell his administration has brought to every single one of us little guys.

After all of that, I would think that voting for a third party to oust these anti-American bastards might just be a fun thing to do, just to see if it could possibly get any worse....

Two sides of the same coin is all, says the Donkey....

RIP in 2012 if we don't wake up.


I haven't changed at all politically. It's you wack job lefties that have over the course of the last decade. The fact that you're rallying around a slug like McCain in 2018 is all the proof anybody needs to see that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:19 AM


John McCain: Nation's capital prepares a hero's welcome for the late Arizona senator



Thursday, August 30, 2018 9:46 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You Right Wing Nuts make me laugh. You call Republicans Democrats because your dickless orange leader doesn't know shit from shinola, and commands it.
So you guys follow along like good little geese
(swear to God, they juggle them).

You march to the drum beat and high-step with tiki-torch in hand, misinformed
and filled with righteous indignation because you claim superiority based
on skin pigmentation (or regional superiority). Check where the civilized world began.

And here you are denigrating a man who had BALLS. Fuck politics! He put his
life on the line so "we" could sit with our collective thumbs up our asses
and protest against foreign wars and ideologies that we haven't a motherfucking clue. Isn't it ironic. Here we are arguing tribally, with knee-jerk responses and "rigged" propaganda and we have the nerve to comment on
the life of a man who sacrificed so we could argue, fuss and fight.
Did he make mistakes? Of course he did. What man hasn't. Did I always agree with him...Hell No! Am I kissing his ring? Fuck No! But what tickles me
is how you guys like to ridicule anyone that doesn't agree with you and then call out those who have the nerve to acknowledge a man's legacy; but
meanwhile enjoy the freedoms that he suffered and sacrificed for on your behalf.

Totally disrespectful and and ultimately ungrateful.I think back to
those days where I stood in protest of a vile war that killed
millions and altered the mindset of two countries - Viet Nam and the U.S.
And what further tickles me is how you support a dickless wonder like Trump,
who has done nothing but greedily grab all he can, and have the nerve to
insult and ridicule - a typical narcissist move - anyone that has a decent bone in his body. Well fuck that! Go ahead and insult me and anyone who pays
tribute to John McCain. That's the point. He put himself out there so you
could have your say, no matter how fucked up you sound. No matter how full of shit you are. Why, by you guys talking all the shit you do, you are celebrating his life and what it stood for.

Yeah, it's mind-boggling and idiotically ironic, isn't it?


+100 - damn straight SGG, well said, especially the Fuck Politics part. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some people here didn't understand a single word of what you just posted.


Thursday, August 30, 2018 11:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You Right Wing Nuts make me laugh. You call Republicans Democrats because your dickless orange leader doesn't know shit from shinola, and commands it. So you guys follow along like good little geese (swear to God, they juggle them).
ONCE AGAIN SHINY"GOOD"GUY, YOU'RE ARGUING WITH THE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD. It's a bad habit that a lot of so-called liberals here fall into. How about responding to the actual people here?


You march to the drum beat and high-step with tiki-torch in hand, misinformed and filled with righteous indignation because you claim superiority based on skin pigmentation (or regional superiority).
Those tiki-torch carrying regionally-superior goose-steppers that you refer to?


Activists of the Svoboda (Freedom) and Right Sector Ukrainian nationalist parties hold torches as they take part in a rally to mark the 106th birth anniversary of Stepan Bandera, one of the founders of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), in Kiev January 1, 2015.


Check where the civilized world began.


And here you are denigrating a man who had BALLS. Fuck politics! He put his life on the line so "we" could sit with our collective thumbs up our asses and protest against foreign wars and ideologies that we haven't a motherfucking clue.
Personally, I think HE didn't have a motherfucking clue. He went into the military because it was the only career choice that his family expected of him seeing as his father and grandfather were both Admirals


Isn't it ironic. Here we YOU are arguing tribally,
and righteously ...

with knee-jerk responses and "rigged" propaganda and we have the nerve to comment on the life of a man who sacrificed so we could argue, fuss and fight.
Bull. But more about that in a bit ...


Did he make mistakes? Of course he did. What man hasn't.
When you advocate for carpet-bombing a nation with which we were not at war (Cambodia) ... but don't learn from that "mistake" and go on to support right-wing death squads in Central America ... and don't learn from that "mistake" but go on to support takfiri terrorists on Bosnia ... but don't learn from THAT mistake but go on to support a corrupt dictatorial politician in Georgia .... but don't learn from THAT "mistake" and go on to support Nazis in Ukraine .... and ISIL in Syria ...

At some point, son, it stops being "mistake" and starts being a built-in character flaw.


Did I always agree with him... Hell No! Am I kissing his ring? Fuck No! But what tickles me is how you guys like to ridicule anyone that doesn't agree with you and then call out those who have the nerve to acknowledge a man's legacy;
Oh, no, I AM acknowledging his "legacy". It's a legacy of dead bodies and foreign interventions everywhere he went! If you can think of another legacy, let me know.


He put himself out there so you could have your say, no matter how fucked up you sound.
Bullshit. None of the "interventions" that he advocated so strongly for had fuck-all to do with our "freedoms". If he has TRULY been for our "freedoms" he would have voted against the so-called "Patriot Act" ... but he didn't. NEITHER HE NOR YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT OUR FREEDOMS ARE BASED ON. HINT: It's not rampaging across the globe bringing death and destruction everywhere.


+100 - damn straight SGG, well said, especially the Fuck Politics part. -GSTRING
OK, GSTRING, LET'S "fuck politics".

WITHOUT POLITICS (and his wife's considerable fortune) JOHN MCCAIN WOULD NEVER BE REMEMBERED. I'm sure there were dozens ... if not hundreds or thousands ... of servicemen and women who volunteered for Vietnam, and who took far more dangerous positions than he did, coming in at the bottom and not at the top ... who fought more bravely and heroically, and who sacrificed more, including those who sacrificed their lives ... not because it was a "career path" but because they truly did believe that they were fighting for something noble.

Do you see THEM lying in state???
So yeah ... let's shelve all of that political hoopla and let McCain be buried as a normal serviceman, and given a typical military funeral, and skip the spasmodic and hypocritical outpouring of "grief". John McCain was a genial guy who wormed his way into the bosom of national politics; without that he'd be nationally forgettable.


I'm not, nor have I ever been right wing, SGG.
The other day, I dug this thread up that I created many, many moons ago here. Now is as good a time as any to use it as a rebuttal to a post...
Dated October 6th, 2008:


I've made up my mind that I'm voting for Obama.
Not for the reasons that you think, I assure you.
I know a third party vote This Time means nothing.....
I just want the Democrats to win and have all three of the big spots to themselves.
And then I want you to witness how nothing changes on Wall Street.
And then I want you to see that healthcare won't get any better, except by raising taxes on smokers (and probalby fat snacks) by 100%.
And then I want you to acknowledge that we're never leaving Iraq in this, our rotten-to-the-core two party system.
And MOST of all, in 4 years I want you to remember George W Bush and the hell his administration has brought to every single one of us little guys.

After all of that, I would think that voting for a third party to oust these anti-American bastards might just be a fun thing to do, just to see if it could possibly get any worse....
Two sides of the same coin is all, says the Donkey....
RIP in 2012 if we don't wake up.


I haven't changed at all politically. It's you wack job lefties that have over the course of the last decade. The fact that you're rallying around a slug like McCain in 2018 is all the proof anybody needs to see that.

Very prescient, SIX. You were way smarter about politics than I was. At that time, I till thought Dems were marginally better than Repubs.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, August 30, 2018 11:35 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

OK, GSTRING, LET'S "fuck politics".

WITHOUT POLITICS (and his wife's considerable fortune) JOHN MCCAIN WOULD NEVER BE REMEMBERED. I'm sure there were dozens ... if not hundreds or thousands ... of servicemen and women who volunteered for Vietnam, and who took far more dangerous positions than he did, coming in at the bottom and not at the top ... who fought more bravely and heroically, and who sacrificed more, including those who sacrificed their lives ... not because it was a "career path" but because they truly did believe that they were fighting for something noble.

Do you see THEM lying in state???
So yeah ... let's shelve all of that political hoopla and let McCain be buried as a normal serviceman, and given a typical military funeral, and skip the outpouring of "grief".

I'm fine with that. Why do you assume I'd find that objectionable? I bet he wouldn't even care that much. How much MSM do you watch, btw? Boy, how you still don't get how it works.


Thursday, August 30, 2018 12:40 PM



Americans salute, pay respects to the late Senator John McCain


Thursday, August 30, 2018 1:01 PM


You still haven't told us who these "libtards" are who adore McCain, or why he was an "ultraliberal."

I know you're not from the US, so perhaps you aren't familiar with his record.

Or what words mean.


Thursday, August 30, 2018 1:56 PM



Even the antifa idiot comes out in defense of McCain with his mask on.

Stop. Seriously. You guys are killing me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 30, 2018 10:22 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You Right Wing Nuts make me laugh. You call Republicans Democrats because your dickless orange leader doesn't know shit from shinola, and commands it.
So you guys follow along like good little geese (swear to God, they juggle them).

You march to the drum beat and high-step with tiki-torch in hand, misinformed and filled with righteous indignation because you claim superiority based on skin pigmentation (or regional superiority). Check where the civilized world began.

And here you are denigrating a man who had BALLS. Fuck politics! He put his life on the line so "we" could sit with our collective thumbs up our asses and protest against foreign wars and ideologies that we haven't a motherfucking clue. Isn't it ironic. Here we are arguing tribally, with knee-jerk responses and "rigged" propaganda and we have the nerve to comment on the life of a man who sacrificed so we could argue, fuss and fight.
Did he make mistakes? Of course he did. What man hasn't. Did I always agree with him...Hell No! Am I kissing his ring? Fuck No! But what tickles me is how you guys like to ridicule anyone that doesn't agree with you and then call out those who have the nerve to acknowledge a man's legacy; but meanwhile enjoy the freedoms that he suffered and sacrificed for on your behalf.

Totally disrespectful and and ultimately ungrateful.I think back to
those days where I stood in protest of a vile war that killed
millions and altered the mindset of two countries - Viet Nam and the U.S.
And what further tickles me is how you support a dickless wonder like Trump, who has done nothing but greedily grab all he can, and have the nerve to insult and ridicule - a typical narcissist move - anyone that has a decent bone in his body. Well fuck that! Go ahead and insult me and anyone who pays tribute to John McCain. That's the point. He put himself out there so you could have your say, no matter how fucked up you sound. No matter how full of shit you are. Why, by you guys talking all the shit you do, you are celebrating his life and what it stood for.

Yeah, it's mind-boggling and idiotically ironic, isn't it?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

John McCain's epic farewell mic drop


Remeber, THIS is the single reason that T thinks that McCain is a hero.

Democrats are so hypocritical that it's just humorous at this point.

Sorry for your loss, buddy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm not, nor have I ever been right wing, SGG.

The other day, I dug this thread up that I created many, many moons ago here.

Now is as good a time as any to use it as a rebuttal to a post...

Dated October 6th, 2008:

I've made up my mind that I'm voting for Obama.

Not for the reasons that you think, I assure you.

I know a third party vote This Time means nothing.....

I just want the Democrats to win and have all three of the big spots to themselves.

And then I want you to witness how nothing changes on Wall Street.

And then I want you to see that healthcare won't get any better, except by raising taxes on smokers (and probalby fat snacks) by 100%.

And then I want you to acknowledge that we're never leaving Iraq in this, our rotten-to-the-core two party system.

And MOST of all, in 4 years I want you to remember George W Bush and the hell his administration has brought to every single one of us little guys.

After all of that, I would think that voting for a third party to oust these anti-American bastards might just be a fun thing to do, just to see if it could possibly get any worse....

Two sides of the same coin is all, says the Donkey....

RIP in 2012 if we don't wake up.


I haven't changed at all politically. It's you wack job lefties that have over the course of the last decade. The fact that you're rallying around a slug like McCain in 2018 is all the proof anybody needs to see that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I don't know why you get so defensive. When I point out that you got what you wanted because in 2006 and 2008 you voted to send your jobs overseas, to destroy the economy, to destroy America, and you are reaping the rewards of your idiotic votes, you get all defensive about how your vote is not your fault.
You should embrace how dumb your votes were, how successful was your plan to wreck American jobs and incomes, and thumbing your nose at those who provided for you all your life to that point.


Thursday, August 30, 2018 10:38 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You Right Wing Nuts make me laugh. You call Republicans Democrats because your dickless orange leader doesn't know shit from shinola, and commands it. So you guys follow along like good little geese (swear to God, they juggle them).
ONCE AGAIN SHINY"GOOD"GUY, YOU'RE ARGUING WITH THE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD. It's a bad habit that a lot of so-called liberals here fall into. How about responding to the actual people here?


You march to the drum beat and high-step with tiki-torch in hand, misinformed and filled with righteous indignation because you claim superiority based on skin pigmentation (or regional superiority).
Those tiki-torch carrying regionally-superior goose-steppers that you refer to?


Activists of the Svoboda (Freedom) and Right Sector Ukrainian nationalist parties hold torches as they take part in a rally to mark the 106th birth anniversary of Stepan Bandera, one of the founders of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), in Kiev January 1, 2015.


Check where the civilized world began.


And here you are denigrating a man who had BALLS. Fuck politics! He put his life on the line so "we" could sit with our collective thumbs up our asses and protest against foreign wars and ideologies that we haven't a motherfucking clue.
Personally, I think HE didn't have a motherfucking clue. He went into the military because it was the only career choice that his family expected of him seeing as his father and grandfather were both Admirals


Isn't it ironic. Here we YOU are arguing tribally,
and righteously ...

with knee-jerk responses and "rigged" propaganda and we have the nerve to comment on the life of a man who sacrificed so we could argue, fuss and fight.
Bull. But more about that in a bit ...


Did he make mistakes? Of course he did. What man hasn't.
When you advocate for carpet-bombing a nation with which we were not at war (Cambodia) ... but don't learn from that "mistake" and go on to support right-wing death squads in Central America ... and don't learn from that "mistake" but go on to support takfiri terrorists on Bosnia ... but don't learn from THAT mistake but go on to support a corrupt dictatorial politician in Georgia .... but don't learn from THAT "mistake" and go on to support Nazis in Ukraine .... and ISIL in Syria ...

At some point, son, it stops being "mistake" and starts being a built-in character flaw.


Did I always agree with him... Hell No! Am I kissing his ring? Fuck No! But what tickles me is how you guys like to ridicule anyone that doesn't agree with you and then call out those who have the nerve to acknowledge a man's legacy;
Oh, no, I AM acknowledging his "legacy". It's a legacy of dead bodies and foreign interventions everywhere he went! If you can think of another legacy, let me know.


He put himself out there so you could have your say, no matter how fucked up you sound.
Bullshit. None of the "interventions" that he advocated so strongly for had fuck-all to do with our "freedoms". If he has TRULY been for our "freedoms" he would have voted against the so-called "Patriot Act" ... but he didn't. NEITHER HE NOR YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT OUR FREEDOMS ARE BASED ON. HINT: It's not rampaging across the globe bringing death and destruction everywhere.


+100 - damn straight SGG, well said, especially the Fuck Politics part. -GSTRING
OK, GSTRING, LET'S "fuck politics".

WITHOUT POLITICS (and his wife's considerable fortune) JOHN MCCAIN WOULD NEVER BE REMEMBERED. I'm sure there were dozens ... if not hundreds or thousands ... of servicemen and women who volunteered for Vietnam, and who took far more dangerous positions than he did, coming in at the bottom and not at the top ... who fought more bravely and heroically, and who sacrificed more, including those who sacrificed their lives ... not because it was a "career path" but because they truly did believe that they were fighting for something noble.

Do you see THEM lying in state???
So yeah ... let's shelve all of that political hoopla and let McCain be buried as a normal serviceman, and given a typical military funeral, and skip the spasmodic and hypocritical outpouring of "grief". John McCain was a genial guy who wormed his way into the bosom of national politics; without that he'd be nationally forgettable.


I'm not, nor have I ever been right wing, SGG.
The other day, I dug this thread up that I created many, many moons ago here. Now is as good a time as any to use it as a rebuttal to a post...
Dated October 6th, 2008:


I've made up my mind that I'm voting for Obama.
Not for the reasons that you think, I assure you.
I know a third party vote This Time means nothing.....
I just want the Democrats to win and have all three of the big spots to themselves.
And then I want you to witness how nothing changes on Wall Street.
And then I want you to see that healthcare won't get any better, except by raising taxes on smokers (and probalby fat snacks) by 100%.
And then I want you to acknowledge that we're never leaving Iraq in this, our rotten-to-the-core two party system.
And MOST of all, in 4 years I want you to remember George W Bush and the hell his administration has brought to every single one of us little guys.

After all of that, I would think that voting for a third party to oust these anti-American bastards might just be a fun thing to do, just to see if it could possibly get any worse....
Two sides of the same coin is all, says the Donkey....
RIP in 2012 if we don't wake up.


I haven't changed at all politically. It's you wack job lefties that have over the course of the last decade. The fact that you're rallying around a slug like McCain in 2018 is all the proof anybody needs to see that.

Very prescient, SIX. You were way smarter about politics than I was. At that time, I till thought Dems were marginally better than Repubs.

SGG's head might explode when faced with reasoned, sensible point by point rebuttal.


Thursday, August 30, 2018 11:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SGG's head might explode when faced with reasoned, sensible point by point rebuttal.
I think SGG's head exploded two years ago. I hope he puts the pieces back together, for his sake.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Friday, August 31, 2018 6:58 AM


Of course you're not Right Wing, how silly of me. And I'm not leftie.
So where does that leave us? were trying to make a point with
that thread and it missed the mark. So you need to go back to the drawing board.

If the country doesn't work is because of suckers like you that think too
much and try and "fix" things by voting in that manner. You know why it doesn't work? Because we allow it to fail. Pure and simple. Democracy works
when people give a shit and put their reps to work. Make 'em sweat by
putting their feet to the fire.

For example: When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat Joe Crowley in Queens back in June. Crowley was a Dem big shot who was phoning it in and people began to notice. In walks Ocasio and ruffled some feathers and now she's the boss.
She wins the primary and takes him out, without breaking a sweat.
Sorry Joe, you suck. Time for some new blood. But it's not that simple.
Ocasio pounded the pavement, worked the neighborhoods and earned her way to Congress, New York's 14th District, and no one saw it coming, least of
all Joe Crowley.

And now there's a rep that is worth something working with the people. You guys call that left-leaning. You haven't got a clue what "left" is. But
even so, it ain't what you think.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
You Right Wing Nuts make me laugh. You call Republicans Democrats because your dickless orange leader doesn't know shit from shinola, and commands it.
So you guys follow along like good little geese
(swear to God, they juggle them).

You march to the drum beat and high-step with tiki-torch in hand, misinformed
and filled with righteous indignation because you claim superiority based
on skin pigmentation (or regional superiority). Check where the civilized world began.

And here you are denigrating a man who had BALLS. Fuck politics! He put his
life on the line so "we" could sit with our collective thumbs up our asses
and protest against foreign wars and ideologies that we haven't a motherfucking clue. Isn't it ironic. Here we are arguing tribally, with knee-jerk responses and "rigged" propaganda and we have the nerve to comment on
the life of a man who sacrificed so we could argue, fuss and fight.
Did he make mistakes? Of course he did. What man hasn't. Did I always agree with him...Hell No! Am I kissing his ring? Fuck No! But what tickles me
is how you guys like to ridicule anyone that doesn't agree with you and then call out those who have the nerve to acknowledge a man's legacy; but
meanwhile enjoy the freedoms that he suffered and sacrificed for on your behalf.

Totally disrespectful and and ultimately ungrateful.I think back to
those days where I stood in protest of a vile war that killed
millions and altered the mindset of two countries - Viet Nam and the U.S.
And what further tickles me is how you support a dickless wonder like Trump,
who has done nothing but greedily grab all he can, and have the nerve to
insult and ridicule - a typical narcissist move - anyone that has a decent bone in his body. Well fuck that! Go ahead and insult me and anyone who pays
tribute to John McCain. That's the point. He put himself out there so you
could have your say, no matter how fucked up you sound. No matter how full of shit you are. Why, by you guys talking all the shit you do, you are celebrating his life and what it stood for.

Yeah, it's mind-boggling and idiotically ironic, isn't it?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:

John McCain's epic farewell mic drop


Remeber, THIS is the single reason that T thinks that McCain is a hero.

Democrats are so hypocritical that it's just humorous at this point.

Sorry for your loss, buddy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm not, nor have I ever been right wing, SGG.

The other day, I dug this thread up that I created many, many moons ago here.

Now is as good a time as any to use it as a rebuttal to a post...

Dated October 6th, 2008:


I've made up my mind that I'm voting for Obama.

Not for the reasons that you think, I assure you.

I know a third party vote This Time means nothing.....

I just want the Democrats to win and have all three of the big spots to themselves.

And then I want you to witness how nothing changes on Wall Street.

And then I want you to see that healthcare won't get any better, except by raising taxes on smokers (and probalby fat snacks) by 100%.

And then I want you to acknowledge that we're never leaving Iraq in this, our rotten-to-the-core two party system.

And MOST of all, in 4 years I want you to remember George W Bush and the hell his administration has brought to every single one of us little guys.

After all of that, I would think that voting for a third party to oust these anti-American bastards might just be a fun thing to do, just to see if it could possibly get any worse....

Two sides of the same coin is all, says the Donkey....

RIP in 2012 if we don't wake up.


I haven't changed at all politically. It's you wack job lefties that have over the course of the last decade. The fact that you're rallying around a slug like McCain in 2018 is all the proof anybody needs to see that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 31, 2018 7:34 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Of course you're not Right Wing, how silly of me. And I'm not leftie.
So where does that leave us? were trying to make a point with
that thread and it missed the mark. So you need to go back to the drawing board.

How did it miss the mark?

Except for the fact that the world didn't end in 2012 like the Mayan's predicted, I was right about everything else I wrote in that post.


If the country doesn't work is because of suckers like you that think too
much and try and "fix" things by voting in that manner. You know why it doesn't work? Because we allow it to fail. Pure and simple. Democracy works
when people give a shit and put their reps to work. Make 'em sweat by
putting their feet to the fire.

I don't see how me voting in that manner was any worse for our country than anybody who legitimately voted for Obama, or for McCain either.


For example: When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat Joe Crowley in Queens back in June. Crowley was a Dem big shot who was phoning it in and people began to notice. In walks Ocasio and ruffled some feathers and now she's the boss.
She wins the primary and takes him out, without breaking a sweat.
Sorry Joe, you suck. Time for some new blood. But it's not that simple.
Ocasio pounded the pavement, worked the neighborhoods and earned her way to Congress, New York's 14th District, and no one saw it coming, least of
all Joe Crowley.

And now there's a rep that is worth something working with the people. You guys call that left-leaning. You haven't got a clue what "left" is. But
even so, it ain't what you think.

I don't know anything about her. Maybe she's great. She's in politics though, so I'm highly skeptical about that.

I don't know what you're talking about when you say that you're not a Democrat. You've said before yourself that you are.

My whole point here is that 10-15 years ago I was much more on the same page with Democrats than I was Republicans. I haven't changed at all. Neither have Republicans, in all actuality. They're just as bad as they ever were.

WTF happened to Democrats that I'm finding myself siding more and more with the Republicans on things these days is what I want to know. They've gone completely off the reservation.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 31, 2018 9:41 AM



As People Across The Country Mourn, Sen. McCain's Casket Arrives In Washington


Friday, August 31, 2018 10:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Of course you're not Right Wing, how silly of me. And I'm not leftie.
Speaking as someone who knows real lefties, I'd agree: You're not one.


So where does that leave us? were trying to make a point with that thread and it missed the mark. So you need to go back to the drawing board.
If the country doesn't work is because of suckers like you that think too much

How can one possibly "think too much"?
When someone predicts something that you didn't, it usually implies that they know something that you don't.
Maybe you should pay attention and engage your own thought processes instead of telling them to throttle back on theirs.


and try and "fix" things by voting in that manner. You know why it doesn't work? Because we allow it to fail. Pure and simple. Democracy works when people give a shit and put their reps to work. Make 'em sweat by putting their feet to the fire.
Yes, SGG. And since most Dems and most Repubs will never address the REAL issues ... or challenge the REAL powers (like globalists/deep-staters, banks, and monopolies) ... maybe the trick is to go "off the reservation" and vote third party.


For example: When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat Joe Crowley in Queens back in June. Crowley was a Dem big shot who was phoning it in and people began to notice. In walks Ocasio and ruffled some feathers and now she's the boss. She wins the primary and takes him out, without breaking a sweat. Sorry Joe, you suck. Time for some new blood. But it's not that simple. Ocasio pounded the pavement, worked the neighborhoods and earned her way to Congress, New York's 14th District, and no one saw it coming, least of all Joe Crowley. And now there's a rep that is worth something working with the people.
I predict that she'll turn out to be a nothing-burger. She's already climbed aboard the sychophantic "LUV MCCAIN" bus, which she wouldn't have done if she was a REAL leftist. I predict that HER promises will be like SECOND's opinions: as deep as the spit on a sidewalk. Plus, she's wealthy. That's a conflict of interest (hers v the people she's supposedly representing) right here.


You guys call that left-leaning.
Not me personally, no.


You haven't got a clue what "left" is. But even so, it ain't what you think.
Well, it sure ain't what YOU think.

I suggest that you do some reading here ...

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, September 1, 2018 7:29 PM



LIVE updates: John McCain to lie in state at Arizona Capitol


After decades of effusing lies in the US Capitol, now he will lie in AZ as well.


Saturday, September 1, 2018 8:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

When I was out shopping, I heard from one of the store people - who said it in a kind of awed wonder - that McCain was taken to three different places to lie in state. All I could think of was - how morbid, dragging a slowly rotting body around from place to place so people could come and gawk at it. We have NOT gotten away from the mindset of Madame Defarge, no matter how civilized and high-minded we like to pretend we are.

And how is that that our so-called 'liberals' here are singing the praises of a war-monger who did his best to make sure hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people all over the globe would die from US policies? What a perversity to be proud of. Sheesh.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."


Saturday, September 1, 2018 8:21 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
When I was out shopping, I heard from one of the store people - who said it in a kind of awed wonder - that McCain was taken to three different places to lie in state. All I could think of was - how morbid, dragging a slowly rotting body around from place to place so people could come and gawk at it. We have NOT gotten away from the mindset of Madame Defarge, no matter how civilized and high-minded we like to pretend we are.

I was actually thinking King Tut...


And how is that that our so-called 'liberals' here are singing the praises of a war-monger who did his best to make sure hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of innocent people all over the globe would die from US policies? What a perversity to be proud of. Sheesh.

I'm sure it's because Rachel Maddow or one of the other Leftist clowns have been telling them what a hero he is, all because he had some negative things to say about Trump.

I've said before that in order to operate on the level of hypocrisy that the modern Leftists do that you have to have a terrible memory.

And of course, at this point, anybody who says that McCain wasn't a hero is going to be labeled by them as a Commie, or a Nazi, or whatever word of the week they're throwing around.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 1, 2018 10:43 PM


At National Cathedral, former presidents pay homage as McCain takes his place in history



Sunday, September 2, 2018 8:37 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I'm sure it's because Rachel Maddow or one of the other Leftist clowns have been telling them what a hero he is, all because he had some negative things to say about Trump.

Hey, your turn. Siggy bailed on her fake claim - who are these people on this board, "singing the praises of McCain?" Or are you just making sh*t up again just like Siggy?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

And of course, at this point, anybody who says that McCain wasn't a hero is going to be labeled by them as a Commie, or a Nazi, or whatever word of the week they're throwing around.

You mean like how you just used "Leftist?"


Sunday, September 2, 2018 9:07 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I'm sure it's because Rachel Maddow or one of the other Leftist clowns have been telling them what a hero he is, all because he had some negative things to say about Trump.

Hey, your turn. Siggy bailed on her fake claim - who are these people on this board, "singing the praises of McCain?" Or are you just making sh*t up again just like Siggy?

Tell your clown friend T to tone down his adoration for McCain. His sycophancy is bleeding outside of the RWED into other forums.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

And of course, at this point, anybody who says that McCain wasn't a hero is going to be labeled by them as a Commie, or a Nazi, or whatever word of the week they're throwing around.


You mean like how you just used "Leftist?"

No. Nothing like that.

It's what you are.

When you call somebody a Nazi, however, it's laughable. Twice as funny when the next week you call that same person a Commie.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 2, 2018 10:13 AM


Funny, no sad, how being respectful of someone who served this country pushes the buttons of the haters here. It's not a surprise to me because they are as I've said, haters and another part of their tear it all down campaign.



Sunday, September 2, 2018 11:30 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


You mean like how you just used "Leftist?"

No. Nothing like that.

It's what you are.

People aren't Nazis or Commies? Of course they are. I'm not a "leftist" btw, whatever the hell you think it means. You don't even know who has said what around here:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

When you call somebody a Nazi, however, it's laughable. Twice as funny when the next week you call that same person a Commie.

What's laughable is I've never called anyone here a Nazi or a Commie. You're full of the same sh*t that Siggy is.


Sunday, September 2, 2018 1:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Siggy bailed on her fake claim- GSTRING

Gee, GSTRING, is that just reflexive with you?

(But it's an indication of how much I've gotten under your skin when you start trolling me in every post.)

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, September 2, 2018 1:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Funny, no sad, how being respectful of someone who served this country pushes the buttons of the haters here.- THUGR
Having been in the military doesn't automatically mean that you "served your country", especially when you betray the Constitution and follow it up with incessant warmongering.

I'm going to keep the focus on John McCain's TRUE legacy, if you don't mind: he was a hater who thought that "an enemy of my enemy is my friend" and buddied up with terrorists, death squads, tyrants, and Islamic extremists as a result.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, September 2, 2018 1:33 PM


Sig thinks her opinion of McCain means something. It doesn't and the country thinks this as well comrade. Just watch the news.



Sunday, September 2, 2018 1:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, September 2, 2018 1:39 PM


It's amazing to me how these Trumpets don't realize Trump has nothing but distain for them. His statement that he could shoot someone and they would still stick with him is not a complement. It is a statement of ownership and they are to stupid to realize it.



Sunday, September 2, 2018 1:46 PM


It's called swift boating comrade sig. No surprise you'll do anything , post anything to destroy the reputation of a good American. That's what russian trolls do.







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