Happy 10th Anniversary!!

UPDATED: Thursday, September 20, 2018 20:30
VIEWED: 1828
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Wednesday, August 29, 2018 1:37 AM


Hard to believe it was only 10 short years ago when Sarah Palin was as announced as the VP candidate, giving voice to those who would become the Tea Party Patriots.

So much has happened since then.

And I continue to wish Sarah the very best in all her endeavors.
Just too bad she was paired with such a despicable slug in 2008.


Friday, August 31, 2018 11:04 PM


Forgot to mention, also on Wednesday the 115th Birthday of Harley Davidson invaded Milwaukee.


Saturday, September 1, 2018 4:14 PM


Here is a post of mine from before Sarah Palin was selected. It is quite a decent snapshot of what the Tea Party grew from, the concepts and attitudes of those who became the Tea Party, what they stood for, all before they were gathered together and coalesced by Palin.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'm not sure if T's been a member of the site long enough since he's among those who constantly change their name around here for one reason or another, but if he was, I think this would be an interesting experiment.

I'd love to know what both T and JSF had to say about McCain in the months leading up to the 2008 election and compare those thoughts to these voiced in 2018.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It shouldn't be too hard to find my posts from that time. That was a decision I had to think about. If Palin had been at the top of the ticket, I certainly would have voted GOP for the only time since 1984. Similar to 2012, when I would have voted for Ryan if he had the top of the ticket.
I seem to recall recently noticing some posts from Thuggri from that time - but they may have been only viewed as quotes when others replied to him/her, the original posts might have all been deleted/removed from the threads I was looking at.

I just noticed that 1984 was the only Election that I voted GOP.

JEWELSTAITEFAN Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:45 PM


Conservatives don't like McRINO because he is the opposite of a conservative.
I will not vote for him. This is almost as bad as 1976.
I will have to get my sample ballot early and check into all the choices.
Remember, if a 3rd party gets a certain percentage of the vote, they start to get campaign funding and other election benefits during the next election cycle.
If the Republican party refuses to produce an acceptable candidate, it would seem that it is time to vote for a conservative or libertarian party candidate.


Saturday, September 1, 2018 4:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It's sad to think republicans birthed a genuine populist movement so many years ago, while democrats - who claim to be the party of the common person - are still mired in big-money back-room wheeling and dealing (while throwing scraps to disparate victim groups de jour).

But I think somehow the Tea Party must have failed, which is why the entire republican slate of Tea Party, Tea Partyesque, and Tea Party Lite primary candidates was bested by Trump, the ultimate republican outsider.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."


Sunday, September 2, 2018 3:02 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
It's sad to think republicans birthed a genuine populist movement so many years ago, while democrats - who claim to be the party of the common person - are still mired in big-money back-room wheeling and dealing (while throwing scraps to disparate victim groups de jour).

But I think somehow the Tea Party must have failed, which is why the entire republican slate of Tea Party, Tea Partyesque, and Tea Party Lite primary candidates was bested by Trump, the ultimate republican outsider.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."

I cannot agree with your conclusion.
In WI, I consider Tea Partyesque types to be Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Leah Vukmir, Sean Duffy, Mike Gallagher, Glenn Grothmann. All won their Primaries and/or are Holding Office.

In Media Market bubbles without a reasonable contingent, it would be difficult to conjure how the crumbs would be divided.


Sunday, September 2, 2018 10:23 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
It's sad to think republicans birthed a genuine populist movement so many years ago, while democrats - who claim to be the party of the common person - are still mired in big-money back-room wheeling and dealing (while throwing scraps to disparate victim groups de jour).

But I think somehow the Tea Party must have failed, which is why the entire republican slate of Tea Party, Tea Partyesque, and Tea Party Lite primary candidates was bested by Trump, the ultimate republican outsider.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."

I cannot agree with your conclusion.
In WI, I consider Tea Partyesque types to be Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Leah Vukmir, Sean Duffy, Mike Gallagher, Glenn Grothmann. All won their Primaries and/or are Holding Office.

In Media Market bubbles without a reasonable contingent, it would be difficult to conjure how the crumbs would be divided.

I'm trying to find examples of Trump candidates defeating Tea Party candidates in Primaries.
Do you have examples?
Was either an incumbent?
Was it a seat held by GOP this century?
Was a 2 candidate race?
If you want to answer in The Election thread, that is fine.


Monday, September 3, 2018 5:13 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
It's sad to think republicans birthed a genuine populist movement so many years ago, while democrats - who claim to be the party of the common person - are still mired in big-money back-room wheeling and dealing (while throwing scraps to disparate victim groups de jour).

But I think somehow the Tea Party must have failed, which is why the entire republican slate of Tea Party, Tea Partyesque, and Tea Party Lite primary candidates was bested by Trump, the ultimate republican outsider.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."

I cannot agree with your conclusion.
In WI, I consider Tea Partyesque types to be Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Leah Vukmir, Sean Duffy, Mike Gallagher, Glenn Grothmann. All won their Primaries and/or are Holding Office.

In Media Market bubbles without a reasonable contingent, it would be difficult to conjure how the crumbs would be divided.

I'm trying to find examples of Trump candidates defeating Tea Party candidates in Primaries.
Do you have examples?
Was either an incumbent?
Was it a seat held by GOP this century?
Was a 2 candidate race?
If you want to answer in The Election thread, that is fine.



Monday, September 3, 2018 5:27 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"I'm trying to find examples of Trump candidates defeating Tea Party candidates in Primaries."

The presidential primary of 2016, where Trump defeated everyone and became the nominee.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."


Monday, September 3, 2018 5:45 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
It's sad to think republicans birthed a genuine populist movement so many years ago, while democrats - who claim to be the party of the common person - are still mired in big-money back-room wheeling and dealing (while throwing scraps to disparate victim groups de jour).

But I think somehow the Tea Party must have failed, which is why the entire republican slate of Tea Party, Tea Partyesque, and Tea Party Lite primary candidates was bested by Trump, the ultimate republican outsider.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."

I cannot agree with your conclusion.
In WI, I consider Tea Partyesque types to be Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Leah Vukmir, Sean Duffy, Mike Gallagher, Glenn Grothmann. All won their Primaries and/or are Holding Office.

In Media Market bubbles without a reasonable contingent, it would be difficult to conjure how the crumbs would be divided.

Also, it sounds as if you are saying that while Tea Party ideals worked to correct GOP planks back towards Conservatives, Trump out-Conservatived the Tea Party.
If that were the case, I cannot object to any efforts to return GOP to Conservative roots, so Trump would not be a negative in this scenario.
Is that what you meant?

OTOH, I do not agree with that proposition of Trump being more Conservative than Tea Party - although I could agree that, so far, he has proven more Conservative as President than Establishment GOP.


Monday, September 3, 2018 5:47 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"I'm trying to find examples of Trump candidates defeating Tea Party candidates in Primaries."

The presidential primary of 2016, where Trump defeated everyone and became the nominee.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."

OK, thank you. I had erroneously conjured you were referring to 2018.


Monday, September 3, 2018 6:10 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

You're welcome! Any time. No need to let simple misunderstanding cloud a discussion, and I know I'm sometimes too brief to be clear.

THUGGER admits it's not about RUSSIA !!! and is, in fact, a witch hunt. "Trump better be innocent of any wrong doing, anywhere, anytime."


Monday, September 17, 2018 3:20 AM


In another thread, it was proclaimed that all Mid-term Elections lost Congressional seats for the Party occupying the White House.

Since Sarah Palin was selected, and Tea Party Patriots coalesced, there have only been 2 Mid-term Elections. Both of them with the worst President in history occupying the White House.
In 2010 Obama's 63 seat loss in the House was the most since 1942, besting even Clinton's, Truman's, LBJ's records. His loss of 6 Governor's Mansions did not best Clinton's 10 in 1994. His loss of 6 Senate seats did not best Clinton's 9 in 1994. Comparing the 63 to all other Combined Congressional seats, no other President was able to reach that amount since Truman in 1946 with 67. But 2010's combined 69 beat each entry since 1942. The all-3 combined 75 in 2010 even bested Clinton's Record 71 from 1994. The House Majority switched back to GOP.
In 2014 the Senate Majority switched back to GOP with Obama managing to lose 9 Senate seats, but only 13 House and 4 Governors. This Senate count tied Clinton for the most since 1958. His combined Congressional total for 2 Mid-terms of 91 is only bested since 1942 by Truman's 102. Truman did not get a 3rd Mid-term after being defeated in Democrat Primary Elections. But in 1952 Dems lost Majority in both Chambers of Congress. For the double Mid-term Senate losses, Obama's 15 beats all other attempts since Truman's 18.
This marked the 4th consecutive Midterm which changed Party Majority in at least one Chamber of Congress. Trump seems unlikely to allow this year to be the 5th. Making him the first to retain both Chambers since Jiminy Cotta.

This November might be viewed as a test of that Proclamation.

But something might be brewing. And MSM is never going to see what might result.

In the year of 2018 many Americans have had their eyes opened about how corrupt their Government has become. How they and other Law-Abiding Citizens have been malisciously and covertly spied upon by those who were entrusted with our safety, Security, Privacy, and Liberty. How Law-Abiding Citizens have been Maliciously Persecuted by these Criminal Thugs running the Agencies of our Government. How Justice is ignored, circumvented, undercut, and corrupted by DoJ. How Integrity is ignored, circumvented, undercut, and corrupted by FBI. How allegiance and Oath are uttered and disregarded with the flimsiest of rationalizations.

These unrestrained and unrestricted transgressions have never before been so clearly and demonstrably displayed as with Mueller, Borenstein/Rosenstein, Brennan, Comey, Hilliary, Lynch, Comey, Lerner, Rice, Obama, etc.

Some Americans may have already had their eyes opened in 2017. And then been aghast at the level of Corruption, Impunity, Treason perpetrated by Democrats and/or Liberals further itemized this year.

How will this all play out in November? Has the flippant usage of "Big Brother" diminished the horrors of what it means? Has the Education - or Reeducation - of Americans been dulled enough to prevent enough people from caring?

My life was conceived in the days following the Assassination of JFK.
A long time ago I asked my mother how could Americans ignore the Coup that had taken the White House, shelter their senses, blinder their observations, cower from Logic, Truth and Fact, succumb to the whitewash and cover-up? Not only from LBJ, and the Warren Commission, but also the kerfuffle following the Zapruder Film, and then in the 70s the Committee on Assassinations?

She said that everybody just wanted it to be over with.

My father was an unabashed Liberal - possibly to spite his parents. I had thought my mother to be similarly positioned in the spectrum.

Will Tea Party Patriots have similar attitudes? It really doesn't seem their style, to acquiesce to the Corrupt Powers That Be.

1963 is perhaps the last time the blatent Corruption of our Government has been exposed, until these Democrat Shenanigans of the past few years, taking until recent months to be adequately exposed. Some might consider if Democrat Corruption was also the root of the 1963 Coup.
That was only 18 years after the end of World War II. Which had started about 19 years following The World War - the War To End All Wars.
So perhaps a milquetoast undercurrent was strived for by the survivors of 2 World Wars. For those in the midst of an escalating Cold War.

But that type of undercurrent has been replaced with the knowledge and proven results of Reaganomics, the common capability of Financial Preservation, the prolonged relative Peace among World Nations, the rampant unrestrained and unrestricted Illegal Immigration since Tedward Kennedy passed the legislation in the 60s.

I am not betting on the Tea Party, or other Patriots in their wake, to fold. Or punt.


Monday, September 17, 2018 3:32 AM



Just too bad she was paired with such a despicable slug in 2008.

Wait...I thought she was the despicable slug!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Hard to believe it was only 10 short years ago when Sarah Palin was as announced as the VP candidate, giving voice to those who would become the Tea Party Patriots.

So much has happened since then.

And I continue to wish Sarah the very best in all her endeavors.
Just too bad she was paired with such a despicable slug in 2008.


Monday, September 17, 2018 3:35 AM


Yes, hang all those "law-abiding" motherfuckers for the "patriots" they are.
Is that too harsh? I could never tell if I went too far.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
In another thread, it was proclaimed that all Mid-term Elections lost Congressional seats for the Party occupying the White House.

Since Sarah Palin was selected, and Tea Party Patriots coalesced, there have only been 2 Mid-term Elections. Both of them with the worst President in history occupying the White House.

This November might be viewed as a test of that Proclamation.

But something might be brewing. And MSM is never going to see what might result.

In the year of 2018 many Americans have had their eyes opened about how corrupt their Government has become. How they and other Law-Abiding Citizens have been malisciously and covertly spied upon by those who were entrusted with our safety, Security, Privacy, and Liberty. How Law-Abiding Citizens have been Maliciously Persecuted by these Criminal Thugs running the Agencies of our Government. How Justice is ignored, circumvented, undercut, and corrupted by DoJ. How Integrity is ignored, circumvented, undercut, and corrupted by FBI. How allegiance and Oath are uttered and disregarded with the flimsiest of rationalizations.

These transgressions have never before been so clearly and demonstrably displayed as with Mueller, Rosenstein, Brennan, Comey, Hilliary, Lynch, Comey, Lerner, Rice, Obama, etc.

Some Americans may have already had their eyes opened in 2017. And then been aghast at the level of Corruption, Impunity, Treason perpetrated by Democrats and/or Liberals further itemized this year.

How will this all play out in November? Has the flippant usage of "Big Brother" diminished the horrors of what it means? Has the Education - or Reeducation - of Americans been dulled enough to prevent enough people from caring?


Monday, September 17, 2018 8:39 AM


The tea party was an astroturfed pseudo movement from the get go. Just the Kochs doing what they always do.

Useful idiots. Gullible dupes.

They related to Sarah, because she's just as dumb as they are.


Thursday, September 20, 2018 8:30 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
In another thread, it was proclaimed that all Mid-term Elections lost Congressional seats for the Party occupying the White House.

Since Sarah Palin was selected, and Tea Party Patriots coalesced, there have only been 2 Mid-term Elections. Both of them with the worst President in history occupying the White House.
In 2010 Obama's 63 seat loss in the House was the most since 1942, besting even Clinton's, Truman's, LBJ's records. His loss of 6 Governor's Mansions did not best Clinton's 10 in 1994. His loss of 6 Senate seats did not best Clinton's 9 in 1994. Comparing the 63 to all other Combined Congressional seats, no other President was able to reach that amount since Truman in 1946 with 67. But 2010's combined 69 beat each entry since 1942. The all-3 combined 75 in 2010 even bested Clinton's Record 71 from 1994. The House Majority switched back to GOP.
In 2014 the Senate Majority switched back to GOP with Obama managing to lose 9 Senate seats, but only 13 House and 4 Governors. This Senate count tied Clinton for the most since 1958. His combined Congressional total for 2 Mid-terms of 91 is only bested since 1942 by Truman's 102. Truman did not get a 3rd Mid-term after being defeated in Democrat Primary Elections. But in 1952 Dems lost Majority in both Chambers of Congress. For the double Mid-term Senate losses, Obama's 15 beats all other attempts since Truman's 18.
This marked the 4th consecutive Midterm which changed Party Majority in at least one Chamber of Congress. Trump seems unlikely to allow this year to be the 5th. Making him the first to retain both Chambers since Jiminy Cotta.

This November might be viewed as a test of that Proclamation.

But something might be brewing. And MSM is never going to see what might result.

In the year of 2018 many Americans have had their eyes opened about how corrupt their Government has become. How they and other Law-Abiding Citizens have been malisciously and covertly spied upon by those who were entrusted with our safety, Security, Privacy, and Liberty. How Law-Abiding Citizens have been Maliciously Persecuted by these Criminal Thugs running the Agencies of our Government. How Justice is ignored, circumvented, undercut, and corrupted by DoJ. How Integrity is ignored, circumvented, undercut, and corrupted by FBI. How allegiance and Oath are uttered and disregarded with the flimsiest of rationalizations.

These unrestrained and unrestricted transgressions have never before been so clearly and demonstrably displayed as with Mueller, Borenstein/Rosenstein, Brennan, Comey, Hilliary, Lynch, Comey, Lerner, Rice, Obama, etc.

Some Americans may have already had their eyes opened in 2017. And then been aghast at the level of Corruption, Impunity, Treason perpetrated by Democrats and/or Liberals further itemized this year.

How will this all play out in November? Has the flippant usage of "Big Brother" diminished the horrors of what it means? Has the Education - or Reeducation - of Americans been dulled enough to prevent enough people from caring?

My life was conceived in the days following the Assassination of JFK.
A long time ago I asked my mother how could Americans ignore the Coup that had taken the White House, shelter their senses, blinder their observations, cower from Logic, Truth and Fact, succumb to the whitewash and cover-up? Not only from LBJ, and the Warren Commission, but also the kerfuffle following the Zapruder Film, and then in the 70s the Committee on Assassinations?

She said that everybody just wanted it to be over with.

My father was an unabashed Liberal - possibly to spite his parents. I had thought my mother to be similarly positioned in the spectrum.

Will Tea Party Patriots have similar attitudes? It really doesn't seem their style, to acquiesce to the Corrupt Powers That Be.

1963 is perhaps the last time the blatent Corruption of our Government has been exposed, until these Democrat Shenanigans of the past few years, taking until recent months to be adequately exposed. Some might consider if Democrat Corruption was also the root of the 1963 Coup.
That was only 18 years after the end of World War II. Which had started about 19 years following The World War - the War To End All Wars.
So perhaps a milquetoast undercurrent was strived for by the survivors of 2 World Wars. For those in the midst of an escalating Cold War.

But that type of undercurrent has been replaced with the knowledge and proven results of Reaganomics, the common capability of Financial Preservation, the prolonged relative Peace among World Nations, the rampant unrestrained and unrestricted Illegal Immigration since Tedward Kennedy passed the legislation in the 60s.

I am not betting on the Tea Party, or other Patriots in their wake, to fold. Or punt.

And the attempts to Lynch Kavanaugh in the final 6 weeks before the Election might not be the wisest route.






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