Robert Mueller's Day Off

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 12:30
VIEWED: 3998
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Wednesday, December 12, 2018 6:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Why isn't their lying a problem for Sig? Or for any of her cronies for that matter. Years of feigned outrage against others for lesser offenses ...
"Lesser offenses" like ...?

Lying the nation into war? Shredding the Constitution? Selling out the American manufacturing economy? Running up the deficit beyond comprehension? Giving up our borders and our sovereignty to the globalists? Killing millions of people? Putting our nation's wealth on a conveyor to the elite?

What "lesser crimes" might you be referring to, THUGR?

Oh BTW... I'll bet you NEVER answer that question! Man, that would be an easy $1000 to make.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, December 12, 2018 7:20 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Why isn't their lying a problem for Sig? Or for any of her cronies for that matter. Years of feigned outrage against others for lesser offenses ...
"Lesser offenses" like ...?

Lying the nation into war? Shredding the Constitution? Selling out the American manufacturing economy? Running up the deficit beyond comprehension? Giving up our borders and our sovereignty to the globalists? Killing millions of people? Putting our nation's wealth on a conveyor to the elite?

Picking two that can easily be blamed on Trump and the GOP:

1) "Running up the deficit beyond comprehension?"

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s legacy can be summed up in just one number: $343 billion.

That’s the increase between the deficit for fiscal year 2015 and fiscal year 2018 — that is, the difference between the fiscal year before Ryan became speaker of the House and the fiscal year in which he retired.

If the economy had fallen into recession between 2015 and 2018, Ryan’s record would be understandable. But it didn’t. In fact, growth quickened and the labor market tightened — which means deficits should’ve fallen. Indeed, that’s exactly what happened in each of the five years preceding Ryan’s speakership; from 2011 to 2015, annual deficits fell each year.

Ryan says that debt reduction is one of those things “I wish we could have gotten done.” Ryan, the man with the single most power over the federal budget in recent years, sounds like a bystander, as if he watched laws happen rather than made them happen.

More at

2) "Putting our nation's wealth on a conveyor to the elite?"

The IRS was gutted by Republicans who didn’t like having their rich friends audited all the time. This GOP war against the IRS has been going on since the mid-90s, when Republicans first started describing IRS agents as jackbooted thugs knocking down doors at midnight and scaring the women and children. But in 2010 Republicans won control of the House. Finally they could really do something to help their donors. And they did.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 13, 2018 2:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh gee, that's awfully sweet of you to answer for THUGR, especially because I know HE'LL NEVER ANSWER IT HIMSELF.

If I had $1 for every question that THUGR and GSTRING never answer I'd be ... well, not rich, but I'd have enough to buy someone a decent Xmas gift!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, December 13, 2018 7:20 AM


Is anybody wondering if second is capable of telling a truth for once?


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Why isn't their lying a problem for Sig? Or for any of her cronies for that matter. Years of feigned outrage against others for lesser offenses ...
"Lesser offenses" like ...?

Lying the nation into war? Shredding the Constitution? Selling out the American manufacturing economy? Running up the deficit beyond comprehension? Giving up our borders and our sovereignty to the globalists? Killing millions of people? Putting our nation's wealth on a conveyor to the elite?

Picking two that can easily be blamed on Trump and the GOP:

1) "Running up the deficit beyond comprehension?"

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s legacy can be summed up in just one number: $343 billion.

That’s the increase between the deficit for fiscal year 2015 and fiscal year 2018 — that is, the difference between the fiscal year before Ryan became speaker of the House and the fiscal year in which he retired.

If the economy had fallen into recession between 2015 and 2018, Ryan’s record would be understandable. But it didn’t. In fact, growth quickened and the labor market tightened — which means deficits should’ve fallen. Indeed, that’s exactly what happened in each of the five years preceding Ryan’s speakership; from 2011 to 2015, annual deficits fell each year.

More at

Before Obama, the worst Federal Deficit in history: $594.7 Billion, FY2004.
Federal Deficit 2010: $1.6529 Trillion.
Federal Deficit 2011: $1.2354 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Reduced, but still double the last reasonable Deficit.
Federal Deficit 2012: $1.2867 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. This increase is what second calls a decrease.
Federal Deficit 2013: $0.6685 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Reduced, but still far beyond the worst non-Obama Budget.
Federal Deficit 2014: $1.0751 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. This increase is what second calls a decrease.
Federal Deficit 2015: $0.3255 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Both House and Senate became GoP controlled following 2014 Election.

And then
Federal Deficit 2016: $1.4194 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan.
Federal Deficit 2017: $0.6662 Trillion. First Speaker Ryan Budget.
Approximate Federal Deficit 2018: $779 Billion.

These are Fiscal Years.
Paul Ryan became House Speaker on 29 October 2015.
This was already a month into FY2016.
So FY2017 was the very first Federal Budget which Ryan could craft, plan, draft, and negotiate Spending and Revenue Legislation to curb the runaway Federal Deficit.
So the accurate number is $753.2 Billion. The amount he REDUCED the Federal Deficit, first time out of the gate.

Adhering to his historical practice, the Truthometer reading on second is far into the negatives.


Thursday, December 13, 2018 8:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Is anybody wondering if second is capable of telling a truth for once?

Before Obama, the worst Federal Deficit in history: $594.7 Billion, FY2004.
Federal Deficit 2010: $1.6529 Trillion.
Federal Deficit 2011: $1.2354 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Reduced, but still double the last reasonable Deficit.
Federal Deficit 2012: $1.2867 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. This increase is what second calls a decrease.
Federal Deficit 2013: $0.6685 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Reduced, but still far beyond the worst non-Obama Budget.
Federal Deficit 2014: $1.0751 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. This increase is what second calls a decrease.
Federal Deficit 2015: $0.3255 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Both House and Senate became GoP controlled following 2014 Election.

And then
Federal Deficit 2016: $1.4194 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan.
Federal Deficit 2017: $0.6662 Trillion. First Speaker Ryan Budget.

These are Fiscal Years.
Paul Ryan became House Speaker on 29 October 2015.
This was already a month into FY2016.
So FY2017 was the very first Federal Budget which Ryan could craft, plan, draft, and negotiate Spending and Revenue Legislation to curb the runaway Federal Deficit.
So the accurate number is $753.2 Billion. The amount he REDUCED the Federal Deficit, first time out of the gate.

JewelStaiteFan, you got it all wrong because you listed the debt, but you should have listed the deficit. Two different words, two different meanings.

Those two numbers, deficit and debt, differ by hundreds of billions for the year.

But why am I bothering to explain the difference deficit and debt? Go to the table in billions of dollars at

Deficit vs Debt
2007 $161 $501 1.1% Iraq War cost.
2008 $459 $1,017 3.1% Bank bailout. QE.
2009 $1,413 $1,632 9.8% Stimulus Act.
2010 $1,294 $1,905 8.6% Obama tax cuts. ACA. Simpson-Bowles.
2011 $1,300 $1,229 8.3% Debt crisis.
2012 $1,087 $1,276 6.7% Fiscal cliff.
2013 $679 $672 4.0% Sequester. Government shutdown.
2014 $485 $1,086 2.7% Debt ceiling.
2015 $438 $327 2.4% Defense = $736.4 b.
2016 $585 $1,423 3.1% Defense = $767.3 b.
2017 $665 $672 3.4% Defense = $812.3 b.
2018 (est) $833 $1,271 4.0% Defense = $824.7 b.
2019 (est) $984 $1,187

What is the difference between deficit and debt? It's like owing an auto mechanic $500 and getting a payday loan for $2,500. Your deficit is $500, but your debt is $2,500. The $500 deficit is tied to your problem of spending more than your income. The $2,500 is tied to how good you are at swindling the payday loan place.

Try for another explanation.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 13, 2018 11:24 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Is anybody wondering if second is capable of telling a truth for once?

Before Obama, the worst Federal Deficit in history: $594.7 Billion, FY2004.
Federal Deficit 2010: $1.6529 Trillion.
Federal Deficit 2011: $1.2354 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Reduced, but still double the last reasonable Deficit.
Federal Deficit 2012: $1.2867 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. This increase is what second calls a decrease.
Federal Deficit 2013: $0.6685 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Reduced, but still far beyond the worst non-Obama Budget.
Federal Deficit 2014: $1.0751 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. This increase is what second calls a decrease.
Federal Deficit 2015: $0.3255 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Both House and Senate became GoP controlled following 2014 Election.

And then
Federal Deficit 2016: $1.4194 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan.
Federal Deficit 2017: $0.6662 Trillion. First Speaker Ryan Budget.

These are Fiscal Years.
Paul Ryan became House Speaker on 29 October 2015.
This was already a month into FY2016.
So FY2017 was the very first Federal Budget which Ryan could craft, plan, draft, and negotiate Spending and Revenue Legislation to curb the runaway Federal Deficit.
So the accurate number is $753.2 Billion. The amount he REDUCED the Federal Deficit, first time out of the gate.

JewelStaiteFan, you got it all wrong because you listed the debt, but you should have listed the deficit. Two different words, two different meanings.

Those two numbers, deficit and debt, differ by hundreds of billions for the year.

But why am I bothering to explain the difference deficit and debt? Go to the table in billions of dollars at

Deficit vs Debt
2007 $161 $501 1.1% Iraq War cost.
2008 $459 $1,017 3.1% Bank bailout. QE.
2009 $1,413 $1,632 9.8% Stimulus Act.
2010 $1,294 $1,905 8.6% Obama tax cuts. ACA. Simpson-Bowles.
2011 $1,300 $1,229 8.3% Debt crisis.
2012 $1,087 $1,276 6.7% Fiscal cliff.
2013 $679 $672 4.0% Sequester. Government shutdown.
2014 $485 $1,086 2.7% Debt ceiling.
2015 $438 $327 2.4% Defense = $736.4 b.
2016 $585 $1,423 3.1% Defense = $767.3 b.
2017 $665 $672 3.4% Defense = $812.3 b.
2018 (est) $833 $1,271 4.0% Defense = $824.7 b.
2019 (est) $984 $1,187

What is the difference between deficit and debt? It's like owing an auto mechanic $500 and getting a payday loan for $2,500. Your deficit is $500, but your debt is $2,500. The $500 deficit is tied to your problem of spending more than your income. The $2,500 is tied to how good you are at swindling the payday loan place.

Try for another explanation.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, December 13, 2018 11:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


JewelStaiteFan, you got it all wrong because you listed the debt, but you should have listed the deficit. Two different words, two different meanings. - SECOND
SECOND, he DID list the deficit. The deficit runs roughly between a half-trillion to a trillion-and-a-half dollars per year. The debt [which is the accumulated unpaid deficits of previous years] is somewhere in the realm of $21-22 trillion now.

Obama ran up ginormous deficits. Yes, I know it was because of the Financial Lockup of 2008. But then he went on to bless even more and more deficits. He DID sign the spending plans, did he not?

Dems same as Repubs: They don't mind spending money on stuff they like.

What's your point?


In any case, my point wasn't the Federal deficit (altho that too is a problem) but the policies of The Fed ... a PRIVATE banking institution which backstops the big banks, sets monetary (not fiscal) policy and which lends the gubmint money. The only group which has benefited from The Fed's "buying up toxic assets" are the banks (not home owners), and the other group which benefited from the Fed's 0 pct interest rates are the stock/ real estate/hedge fund speculators not the credit-card/ car loan/ payday-lending borrowers. The Fed should either be killed or wrangled to the ground,

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, December 13, 2018 12:13 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


Do Right, Be Right. :)

From the Federal Reserve, I can see perfectly well that JewelStaiteFan has mixed up deficit with debt.

The Federal government had a surplus from 1998 thru 2001, but it still borrowed money.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 13, 2018 12:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Federal deficit v debt (definition)

National Debt vs. Budget Deficits

First, it's important to understand what the difference is between the federal government's annual budget deficit (or fiscal deficit) and the outstanding federal debt (or the national public debt, the official accounting term). Simply explained, the federal government generates a budget deficit whenever it spends more money than it brings in through income-generating activities such as individual, corporate or excise taxes. In order to operate in this manner, the Treasury Department has to issue treasury bills, treasury notes and treasury bonds to compensate for the difference: financing its deficit by borrowing from the public (which includes both domestic and foreign investors, as well as corporations and other governments), in other words. By issuing these types of securities, the federal government can acquire the cash that it needs to provide governmental services. The federal or national debt is simply the net accumulation of the federal government's annual budget deficits: It is the total amount of money that the U.S. federal government owes to its creditors.

We can see the difference by simply looking at the amounts:

The Federal DEFICIT has been running in the half to one-and-a-half trillion dollar range, the Federal DEBT is in the $22 trillion-dollar range.

All you chart shows BTW is that UNDER OBAMA, the Federal government VASTLY outspent its revenues to an extent never before seen under any previous administrations - except possibly WWII, which isn't shown on the chart. THE BEST that Obama did to balance the budget was still WORSE THAN any previous administration.

Now, I would say that deficit government spending SHOULD BE counter-cyclical, but as some point someone has to turn down the tap or raise revenues.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, December 13, 2018 12:25 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

JewelStaiteFan, you got it all wrong because you listed the debt, but you should have listed the deficit. Two different words, two different meanings. - SECOND
SECOND, he DID list the deficit. The deficit runs roughly between a half-trillion to a trillion-and-a-half dollars per year. The debt [which is the accumulated unpaid deficits of previous years] is somewhere in the realm of $21-22 trillion now.

JSF FUCKED UP his numbers, but Federal Reserve knows the correct deficit numbers:

Federal government budget surplus or deficit (-), Billions of Dollars, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted

1987-01-01 -148.424
1988-01-01 -154.261
1989-01-01 -153.317
1990-01-01 -220.466
1991-01-01 -269.494
1992-01-01 -290.340
1993-01-01 -254.614
1994-01-01 -203.182
1995-01-01 -163.950
1996-01-01 -107.433
1997-01-01 -21.888
1998-01-01 69.269
1999-01-01 125.610
2000-01-01 236.239
2001-01-01 128.236
2002-01-01 -157.758
2003-01-01 -377.585
2004-01-01 -412.727
2005-01-01 -318.344
2006-01-01 -248.181
2007-01-01 -160.701
2008-01-01 -458.468
2009-01-01 -1412.687
2010-01-01 -1294.373
2011-01-01 -1299.593
2012-01-01 -1086.964
2013-01-01 -679.540
2014-01-01 -484.600
2015-01-01 -438.496
2016-01-01 -584.651

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 13, 2018 12:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


He FUCKED UP his numbers
His numbers roughly parallel yours, and the discrepancy CANNOT be explained by a deficit v debt error. IF he was quoting DEBT, his numbers would be in the $10-$22-trillion range, not in the $0.5-$1.5 trillion range, so climb down from your high horse on this one: You're wrong.

I don't know how to explain the discrepancies (which are relatively small compared to what you were posting about) but ONE possibility is that The Fed shows the deficit from January to January, but the Federal government's budget year runs from August to August, so that may explain some "slop" from year to year.

And once again: Your chart clearly shows that Obama's deficits were worse than any other's.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, December 13, 2018 1:58 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

He FUCKED UP his numbers
His numbers roughly parallel yours, and the discrepancy CANNOT be explained by a deficit v debt error. IF he was quoting DEBT, his numbers would be in the $10-$22-trillion range, not in the $0.5-$1.5 trillion range, so climb down from your high horse on this one: You're wrong.

I don't know how to explain the discrepancies (which are relatively small compared to what you were posting about) but ONE possibility is that The Fed shows the deficit from January to January, but the Federal government's budget year runs from August to August, so that may explain some "slop" from year to year.

And once again: Your chart clearly shows that Obama's deficits were worse than any other's.

The difference between the annual deficit and the annual increase in Federal debt is trivial -- a hundred billion here and a hundred billion there and pretty soon we are talking about real money. These "disagreements" about Federal deficits and National debts never pivot around different personal values. It's that both Republican and Democratic voters (but only the ones who are not rich) are easily confused and they don't actually know what they are talking about when they talk about Federal money. House Speaker Paul Ryan was depending on you not understanding what he was doing. Signym, JewelStaiteFan, 6ix have been pretty dependable.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, December 13, 2018 2:43 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If I had $1 for every question that THUGR and GSTRING never answer I'd be ... well, not rich, but I'd have enough to buy someone a decent Xmas gift!

If I had $1 for every quesiton of yours worth answering I might have enough for a day old bagel.


Friday, December 14, 2018 5:08 AM


Yep, been brainwashed since I was a know, the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem at every ballgame and so forth. Yeah, I'm a card-carrying Gung Ho motherfucking red-blooded American male, out to see the scumbags of the world get theirs.

Last time I checked with my All-American decoder ring, killing the enemy in time of war is a good thing.....sucking the enemy's dick in Macy's window...
not so much. But, like they say, "there's no accounting for taste."

So the Democrats that I know, love baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet. Plus fucking their girlfriends in the back seat, smoking Marlboros, and going to church on Sundays. Add JFK to the list and you have the "Trifecta."

Both Mueller and McCain had the balls to fight for this country and keep your
America-hating ass from getting shot off. Tell me, when was the last time you heard of Trump putting his life on the line for this country, oh and getting it in the ass from Putin doesn't count.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The Democrats I once knew never would have called Mueller or McCain a hero.

It's actually kind of scary the mass hypnosis that seems to have evolved over the last decade and a half.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, December 14, 2018 5:36 AM



Right, SHINY? Let's kill some foreigners for no reason whatsoever? That'll make us heroes?

Now your talking Siggy.....let's all go out and kill something! YeeeeeeeHawww!

How is it you guys say it: "Fucking A..."

Where is General Patton when you need him!?

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"

Gung Ho!

Nothing comes between me and my gun!

Any Questions!?


Lock n Load!


Friday, December 14, 2018 7:18 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If I had $1 for every question that THUGR and GSTRING never answer I'd be ... well, not rich, but I'd have enough to buy someone a decent Xmas gift!

If I had $1 for every quesiton of yours worth answering I might have enough for a day old bagel.



Friday, December 14, 2018 8:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Both Mueller and McCain had the balls to fight for this country and keep your America-hating ass from getting shot off. -SHINY
Yeah, because that invasion by the N Vietnamese ... it was right on our shores.

Seriously, SHINY???

You DO realize, don't you, that by blowing up, invading, and toppling other nations at random, that makes US the "scumbag of the world"? The "Alliance", as it were? When you were watching Firefly ... which side were you on?

At what point do you start applying the same code of ethics to us ... and to yourself ... that you apply to "foreigners"? If ever? Or are you just addicted to righteous violence?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, December 14, 2018 12:51 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:Tell me, when was the last time you heard of Trump putting his life on the line for this country, oh and getting it in the ass from Putin doesn't count.

Too funny, SGG!


Friday, December 14, 2018 12:57 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Is anybody wondering if second is capable of telling a truth for once?

Before Obama, the worst Federal Deficit in history: $594.7 Billion, FY2004.
Federal Deficit 2010: $1.6529 Trillion.
Federal Deficit 2011: $1.2354 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Reduced, but still double the last reasonable Deficit.
Federal Deficit 2012: $1.2867 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. This increase is what second calls a decrease.
Federal Deficit 2013: $0.6685 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Reduced, but still far beyond the worst non-Obama Budget.
Federal Deficit 2014: $1.0751 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. This increase is what second calls a decrease.
Federal Deficit 2015: $0.3255 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan. Both House and Senate became GoP controlled following 2014 Election.

And then
Federal Deficit 2016: $1.4194 Trillion. Before Speaker Ryan.
Federal Deficit 2017: $0.6662 Trillion. First Speaker Ryan Budget.

These are Fiscal Years.
Paul Ryan became House Speaker on 29 October 2015.
This was already a month into FY2016.
So FY2017 was the very first Federal Budget which Ryan could craft, plan, draft, and negotiate Spending and Revenue Legislation to curb the runaway Federal Deficit.
So the accurate number is $753.2 Billion. The amount he REDUCED the Federal Deficit, first time out of the gate.

JewelStaiteFan, you got it all wrong because you listed the debt, but you should have listed the deficit. Two different words, two different meanings.

Those two numbers, deficit and debt, differ by hundreds of billions for the year.

But why am I bothering to explain the difference deficit and debt? Go to the table in billions of dollars at

Deficit vs Debt
2007 $161 $501 1.1% Iraq War cost.
2008 $459 $1,017 3.1% Bank bailout. QE.
2009 $1,413 $1,632 9.8% Stimulus Act.
2010 $1,294 $1,905 8.6% Obama tax cuts. ACA. Simpson-Bowles.
2011 $1,300 $1,229 8.3% Debt crisis.
2012 $1,087 $1,276 6.7% Fiscal cliff.
2013 $679 $672 4.0% Sequester. Government shutdown.
2014 $485 $1,086 2.7% Debt ceiling.
2015 $438 $327 2.4% Defense = $736.4 b.
2016 $585 $1,423 3.1% Defense = $767.3 b.
2017 $665 $672 3.4% Defense = $812.3 b.
2018 (est) $833 $1,271 4.0% Defense = $824.7 b.
2019 (est) $984 $1,187

What is the difference between deficit and debt? It's like owing an auto mechanic $500 and getting a payday loan for $2,500. Your deficit is $500, but your debt is $2,500. The $500 deficit is tied to your problem of spending more than your income. The $2,500 is tied to how good you are at swindling the payday loan place.

Try for another explanation.


Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, your link is incorrect, and spews the same BS as second.

What second is saying is that I used the figure of the increase in Federal Debt from each year to the next year ( which is accurate), and he wants to use a fancy magic number to be defined as "Deficit" for each year.

It is like this: let's say you have 2 accounts to your name, a checking account and an unsecured personal loan. Adding these 2 together one year, we find that you are 20,000 in Debt. 12 months later, we find that you 24,000 in Debt. I would call this a Deficit of 4,000 over the year. But second says that this is actually a Surplus of 100 (if you are a Democrat), or a Deficit of 6,500 (if you are a Republican).

The question is, which figure are you going to believe?
The numbers that second posted claim that there was a Federal Budget Surplus for a few years at the end of the last Millennium, yet every single year the Federal Debt was larger than the year before, never being reduced by any Surplus. Do you believe those figures?


Friday, December 14, 2018 1:52 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:Tell me, when was the last time you heard of Trump putting his life on the line for this country, oh and getting it in the ass from Putin doesn't count.

Too funny, SGG!

Yep, too funny.



Friday, December 14, 2018 2:09 PM


Why is everybody making this more complicated than it is?

The deficit is how much extra debt is accumulated in a single year.

The debt is the overall accumulated debt we've taken on, up to and including the additional debt that was calculated the second that I wrote this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, December 14, 2018 2:53 PM


Rudy Giuliani Defends Michael Cohen's Hush Money Payments: 'Nobody Got Killed'

Is this guy for real? When he was Mayor of New York he had people arrested who tried to make a buck by cleaning your windshield as well as other low level offenses.



Saturday, December 15, 2018 12:19 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Why is everybody making this more complicated than it is?

The deficit is how much extra debt is accumulated in a single year.

The debt is the overall accumulated debt we've taken on, up to and including the additional debt that was calculated the second that I wrote this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I agree with you.
But second, and your link, both say the opposite.


Sunday, December 16, 2018 8:41 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Why is everybody making this more complicated than it is?

The deficit is how much extra debt is accumulated in a single year.

The debt is the overall accumulated debt we've taken on, up to and including the additional debt that was calculated the second that I wrote this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You are correct about complicated. I was explaining the method of how second was injecting confusion.

But, simply, it is Fake Libtard Maths that second was using. Not too surprising, since second only relies upon Fake News sources.


Sunday, December 16, 2018 9:32 AM


kiki and others SECOND keep saying no collusion because as you point out, as I, G and others have said before, collusion itself is not a chargeable offense. And, as you, I, G and others have also pointed out, the actual charges may include conspiracy, obstruction, money laundering, campaign finance violations, bank fraud and the list goes on. Hell, we could even see the RICO act enacted.

We've seen as many as 36 or so indicted with guilty pleas and jail time in Mueller's attempt to clean house. Comrade kiki and her few cronies post as though none of that reflects back onto Trump. He is now being investigated up the yazoo and the democrats haven't even started yet. This doesn't even include his corrupt cabinet members.

Trump has trashed our intelligence agencies, our justice department, the FBI and so on. Can you blame them for wanting to expose Trump as being the crook.



Tuesday, December 18, 2018 12:30 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Yeah, just like Mueller! Who started investigating on a wing and a prayer and a jacked-up warrant based on a fabricated "dossier".

How has the infamous Steele dossier panned out so far? It is a relatively compact collection of information about how the Donald Trump campaign may have worked with the Russians. Looking at it can help to organize the torrent of information coming at us.

The dossier includes 15 claims that are now fully or partially supported and 27 claims for which we have no evidence so far. These 27 claims include a fair amount of insider Kremlin gossip.

What I found most interesting is this: although there’s no public evidence one way or the other for these 27 claims, there doesn’t appear to be a single claim that we know with certainty is false. There are claims that have been denied by the American participants, but none that we have documentary proof of being mistaken. Partly this is because it’s hard to prove a negative, but it’s still surprising that not a single claim in the report has been conclusively debunked. It’s especially surprising since the dossier is a patchwork of raw intelligence, and even if it was well done by competent professionals you’d still expect it to include at least a few claims that, two years later, we could say were categorically false.

More at

It’s time to reconsider the Steele dossier. Lawfare has posted an excellent summary, in narrative form, of recent evidence in court filings that supports the material in the dossier. It also gives a good background summary of what the dossier is.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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