CNN Has Fewer Viewers Than The Food Network

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 09:52
VIEWED: 10438
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Thursday, April 25, 2019 5:00 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Apparently last night CNN garnered more than 1,000,000 viewers briefly. 1,440,000.

And FNC only peaked over 2,918,000.

CNN had 690,000 average, with 180,000 ages 25-54.

Food Network has 523,000 ages 25-49.


Friday, April 26, 2019 12:34 AM


I don't know anyone under 65 that still WATCHES news on any channel.

Most people I know scroll through news feeds on their 'vices, so I'm not sure what this thread even matters?


Friday, April 26, 2019 9:48 AM


The only news that Wishy gets is from article titles.

Maybe the first paragraph gets read if she's on her meds.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, April 26, 2019 2:03 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The only news that Wishy gets is from article titles.

Maybe the first paragraph gets read if she's on her meds.

I honestly can't think of anything you could post that could be more hypocritical.
Especially since everyone here knows you don't read ANYTHING, title or otherwise...


Friday, April 26, 2019 4:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
And still about a quarter of Fox News Channel viewership.

Fact-checking Trump's claim 'I never told Don McGahn to fire Mueller'

Today, CNN revealed that Trump flat out lied. Then Trump attempted to cover up.

So, that's why JewelStaiteFan compares Fox to CNN: because Fox is saying the opposite of CNN and since Fox has more viewers, Fox can't lie, no more than Trump can lie. But that, too, is a lie.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, April 26, 2019 4:22 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

CNN covers the 45 most outrageous lines from Donald Trump's rambling interview with Sean Hannity of Fox

1. "These are people that should be getting Pulitzers, not the ones that got the Pulitzers that got everything wrong."

Trump is referring to two reporters for Fox and another opinion columnist for the Hill newspaper who have reported on stories that he sees as favorable to him. Therefore they deserve Pulitzer prizes. Oh, and also the people who did win Pulitzers? They got everything wrong!

23. "This was a coup. This wasn't stealing information from an office in the Watergate apartments. This was an attempted coup."

I'd say this was deeply irresponsible for the President of the United States to repeatedly insist there was a coup against him with absolutely no actual evidence but, well, you already knew that.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, April 26, 2019 4:30 PM


... stay crunchy...

I might have to start watching Fox News:

Fox News judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano: "When the president asked Corey Lewandowski ... to get Mueller fired, that's obstruction of justice. When the president asked his then-White House counsel to get Mueller fired & then lie about it, that's obstruction of justice."

Fox News' Andrew Napolitano Says Trump Repeatedly Committed Obstruction of Justice

Fox News has steadily evolved into a quintessentially American form of State TV: it's a private enterprise that constantly backs the current regime not because it's a direct arm of the government, but because there's a fortune to be made doing it. That's the impetus behind a lot of partisan media: human beings naturally want their pre-existing views about the world reinforced, and are willing to pay for the service. But Fox has clearly gone to another place entirely, particularly in its primetime lineup, which now includes Sean Hannity, the president's Shadow Chief of Staff, whom he ranted to on-air for 45 minutes last night about a supposed "coup" against him.

Not everyone at Fox News HQ is succumbing to the sugar rush of chugging all that Kool-Aid, however. While Hannity might be nodding along as our Very Normal President admits he said the Obama administration wiretapped him because he had "a hunch" (also known as he made it up), Andrew Napolitano has taken a different line. The Judge is something of a Trump ally, but has gone after him before, including on the obviously corrupt and possibly illegal hiring of Matthew Whitaker to be the acting attorney general. Now Napolitano is out with an unequivocal condemnation of the Trumpian behavior detailed in The Mueller Report—and of William Barr, Whitaker's replacement in the attorney general role.


Friday, April 26, 2019 5:01 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
I might have to start watching Fox News:

Did you see them argue?



Friday, April 26, 2019 8:19 PM


Man... Esquire's Jack Holmes is quickly becoming the 12 year old darling journalist of the Left these days, huh?

Now we know where all of the old CNN viewers are going for their news.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, April 27, 2019 9:15 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:
I might have to start watching Fox News:

Did you see them argue?


Heh - Sorry, should have used my jokey voice!
Seriously, if Napolitano's total crucifixion of Dump was a trap... we need more traps!


Saturday, April 27, 2019 12:38 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
I might have to start watching Fox News:

Fox News judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano: "When the president asked Corey Lewandowski ... to get Mueller fired, that's obstruction of justice. When the president asked his then-White House counsel to get Mueller fired & then lie about it, that's obstruction of justice."

Fox News' Andrew Napolitano Says Trump Repeatedly Committed Obstruction of Justice

Fox News has steadily evolved into a quintessentially American form of State TV: it's a private enterprise that constantly backs the current regime not because it's a direct arm of the government, but because there's a fortune to be made doing it. That's the impetus behind a lot of partisan media: human beings naturally want their pre-existing views about the world reinforced, and are willing to pay for the service. But Fox has clearly gone to another place entirely, particularly in its primetime lineup, which now includes Sean Hannity, the president's Shadow Chief of Staff, whom he ranted to on-air for 45 minutes last night about a supposed "coup" against him.

Not everyone at Fox News HQ is succumbing to the sugar rush of chugging all that Kool-Aid, however. While Hannity might be nodding along as our Very Normal President admits he said the Obama administration wiretapped him because he had "a hunch" (also known as he made it up),

When Obama is wiretapping Trump, as we all now know, and Trump says that Obama is wiretapping him, that means "he made it up"

Every once in a while, if anybody ever wonders if maybe pizmo/CC/G-string is sane, we are gifted these glaring reminders that he is very far off the Reservation.


Saturday, April 27, 2019 7:47 PM


If they HAD wiretaps there wouldn't have been an investigation, they would have just shut everything down then and there. Trump can't shut up for 30 seconds about anything he has over on anyone. He's a fucking blowhard.

The reason there was an Investigation to begin with is because Papadopoulos was running HIS mouth.

I hope there is wiretaps and they got him talking about Ivanka, the old PERV.


Sunday, April 28, 2019 9:51 AM


LMAO screw CNN bunch of clowns if you ask me, and their dumb channels are everywhere, most hotels and airports on this Earth you can see this dumb station!

If we lost some of these news media channels I would not care, most of them just parrot the same crap.

The world is already connected so I have acess to enough so called 'news' and I am around media enough!

Mostly I don't watch news, or I try not to watch I have not really consumed it for maybe 10+ years, once in a while I do watch feeds online and flick through stations CNN, Fox, BBC, Russiatoday, some channel maybe in HongKong or Spain, Brazil or NHK Japan or Canada or NZ but its mostly curiosity and I can only really take a few mins before I'm disgusted and turn it all off. I follow certain online feeds, maybe something on liveleak or twitter or some online blog feed. News is everywhere trying to program you tell you what to think, at the bus stations, the stores, I will pass some canteen shop can get a free paper to read anytime. If I want to with one click I can see what a newspaper like the Guardian or LeMonde or Newyork Times or what someone in Thailand or S.Korea prints. I never really watched Fox, it seemed like a Globalist fake Conservative brand, the Rupert Murdoch family, not really American but America was open for business and its tv, radio and brands were sold out to foreign influencers. You can buy a political representative in America for something as cheap as 300 bucks $ $ that's why things get messed up when people who are supposed to represent you prostitute themselves out so cheaply.

In recent years CNN never struck me as an American tv news channel it just global tv channel, seemed like a globalist foreign controled brand, or infected with werid DeepState politics. You had Jewish Nepotism, a bunch of Jews or Zionists or Dual citizen Israelis getting other Leftwing Jews jobs on their Socialist buzz feed style news network, next the Britbongs all over CNN, some guy or girl from some posh British school saying how America needs to ban speech, give up its guns, finally are the weird communist types and are the war mongering Arabs, the Iranians and hags like Christiane Maria Heideh Amanpour CBE is a British-Iranian journalist, she goes on her weird rants calling terrorists 'activists' and almost gets sexually excited whenever she hears of a new war and some new place America is going to bomb.

The one positive I can say about Fox at least they did not cave into the jihad terroristic koranimals and at least Fox printed the Hebdo toons after the Europe bombings, islamic terror attack and Paris shootings. A small number of media outlets The Daily Beast, a German newspaper, Gawker website, a French magazine and The Washington Free Beacon printed the pictures but most media outlets, 90% of them caved and became a bunch of fucking cowards to these rodent jihadi scum, reminded me of reading the history of Salman Rushdie, Hirsi Ali and others who many leftwings wanted to throw under the bus, a mob of cowards and islamist apologists wanted to sacrifice them to islamic jihadis and appease the mass murdering jihad criminals. I see this as Western weakness, never before have a seen much of the Western world become so weird and degenerate and obsessed with globalism but also become so cowardly. I refuse to support any of these media cowards.

Ideal life for everyone is to live a life, maybe more time with your kids or to travel or to read or to enjoy the world? I would love to just work maybe 3-4 days a week and have most of the week to live the life, typically I don't always agree with French but that's one thing I respected about them, these people want to work to live a life not just live to wrok and pay bills. Why would I dislike CNN or Fox or class them all as the same. Why don't I trust media, I haven't watched them since the invasion of Iraq, maybe just maybe guys like 'Piratenews' Alex Jones and the David Ickes and other crazy had an influence on me, I liked the chaos of the old internet and the freedom and debate which came with radio and old tv, I don't know maybe the truth could be found on the old school bulletin boards, the debates in old college chat sites before the SJW movement came to shut it all down like a UN world police.

These days all of the hundreds and hundreds of old media companies in the United States of America, its a monopoly now and have come down to maybe six or even as small as 4 companies, which now rule them all. What happens when its globally? Everything maybe owned by 3 or 2 companies? Most of the media today are basically just talking bots, fake voices, fake smiles, fake people, they parrot some shit wrote in London, Saudi or Jerusalem, I have dozens of clips saved of random journalists parroting the exact same speech all acorss the world, in different places, all controlled by the same hive mind. Very few of these morons think for themselves anymore, 'Sinclair Broadcasting' most ofthe world is too busy, busting their ass, pay taxes, trying to pay bills, when they finally get to examine and question news, they are getting too old and its too late, the news is basically aimed at and marketed for zombies and sheep sitting in their retirement homes. A lot of us have finally concluded Media is there to program and brainwash you, when you do see it learn to laugh at the stupid circus, but understand some of it is probably deep state money, all those spending programs, political connected networks, foreign aid and the black hole underground budgets it goes around and arond in complex webs and circles, if spooks in the Mi6, the CIA and KGB were involved in Mass Mind Control, weird LSD hippie and black panther movements and MK-ultra stuff, then just imagine the crazy cyberpunk stuff they could be trying out on CNN, Fox or the Facebooks, it will take discipline to keep them out I don't know who all the Digital Drug Pushers are, but the drug only works in you let them in..... Sinclair Broadcast Group all parrot the same crap everywhere on Earth the same thoughts at the same time, like a bunch of clones or cyborgs, they don't even try hide it anymore. The Cyberpunk books, video games and movies, the books like 1984 the fiction like Dark City, They Live, Blade Runner, the Matrix that's where we are at now, they din't take '1984' as a warning they took it as a blueprint for control and as bad as it is in America in other places its gone worse. That's where we are at now, I guess a percentage of people do see we have been plugged into a 'Matrix' of sorts.

I am glad CNN is dying


Sunday, April 28, 2019 10:49 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
And still about a quarter of Fox News Channel viewership.

The Food Network has always been very popular, go to YOUTUBE and see how many hits many those cooking videos get. A lot of people love to cook and learn new dishes, the Food Network is under rated, it's more popular than most people think.


Sunday, April 28, 2019 5:12 PM


I watch a lot of Animal Planet and National Geographic. Steve Irwin was the greatest educator and entertainer television has ever had, and his kids are doing a great job continuing his legacy. Crikey!


Sunday, April 28, 2019 5:27 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
I watch a lot of Animal Planet and National Geographic. Steve Irwin was the greatest educator and entertainer television has ever had, and his kids are doing a great job continuing his legacy. Crikey!

I wonder if those have better ratings than CNN. Or it's twin, PMSNBC.


Sunday, April 28, 2019 5:32 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
LMAO screw CNN bunch of clowns if you ask me, and their dumb channels are everywhere, most hotels and airports on this Earth you can see this dumb station!

If we lost some of these news media channels I would not care, most of them just parrot the same crap.

The world is already connected so I have acess to enough so called 'news' and I am around media enough!

Mostly I don't watch news, or I try not to watch I have not really consumed it for maybe 10+ years, once in a while I do watch feeds online and flick through stations CNN, Fox, BBC, Russiatoday, some channel maybe in HongKong or Spain, Brazil or NHK Japan or Canada or NZ but its mostly curiosity and I can only really take a few mins before I'm disgusted and turn it all off. I follow certain online feeds, maybe something on liveleak or twitter or some online blog feed. News is everywhere trying to program you tell you what to think, at the bus stations, the stores, I will pass some canteen shop can get a free paper to read anytime. If I want to with one click I can see what a newspaper like the Guardian or LeMonde or Newyork Times or what someone in Thailand or S.Korea prints.

In recent years CNN never struck me as an American tv news channel it just global tv channel, seemed like a globalist foreign controled brand, or infected with werid DeepState politics. You had Jewish Nepotism, a bunch of Jews or Zionists or Dual citizen Israelis getting other Leftwing Jews jobs on their Socialist buzz feed style news network, next the Britbongs all over CNN, some guy or girl from some posh British school saying how America needs to ban speech, give up its guns, finally are the weird communist types and are the war mongering Arabs, the Iranians and hags like Christiane Maria Heideh Amanpour CBE is a British-Iranian journalist, she goes on her weird rants calling terrorists 'activists' and almost gets sexually excited whenever she hears of a new war and some new place America is going to bomb.

The one positive I can say about Fox at least they did not cave into the jihad terroristic koranimals and at least Fox printed the Hebdo toons after the Europe bombings, islamic terror attack and Paris shootings. A small number of media outlets The Daily Beast, a German newspaper, Gawker website, a French magazine and The Washington Free Beacon printed the pictures but most media outlets, 90% of them caved and became a bunch of fucking cowards to these rodent jihadi scum, reminded me of reading the history of Salman Rushdie, Hirsi Ali and others who many leftwings wanted to throw under the bus, a mob of cowards and islamist apologists wanted to sacrifice them to islamic jihadis and appease the mass murdering jihad criminals. I see this as Western weakness, never before have a seen much of the Western world become so weird and degenerate and obsessed with globalism but also become so cowardly. I refuse to support any of these media cowards.

Ideal life for everyone is to live a life, maybe more time with your kids or to travel or to read or to enjoy the world? I would love to just work maybe 3-4 days a week and have most of the week to live the life, typically I don't always agree with French but that's one thing I respected about them, these people want to work to live a life not just live to wrok and pay bills. Why would I dislike CNN or Fox or class them all as the same. Why don't I trust media, I haven't watched them since the invasion of Iraq, maybe just maybe guys like 'Piratenews' Alex Jones and the David Ickes and other crazy had an influence on me, I liked the chaos of the old internet and the freedom and debate which came with radio and old tv, I don't know maybe the truth could be found on the old school bulletin boards, the debates in old college chat sites before the SJW movement came to shut it all down like a UN world police.

These days all of the hundreds and hundreds of old media companies in the United States of America, its a monopoly now and have come down to maybe six or even as small as 4 companies, which now rule them all. What happens when its globally? Everything maybe owned by 3 or 2 companies? Most of the media today are basically just talking bots, fake voices, fake smiles, fake people, they parrot some shit wrote in London, Saudi or Jerusalem, I have dozens of clips saved of random journalists parroting the exact same speech all acorss the world, in different places, all controlled by the same hive mind. Very few of these morons think for themselves anymore, 'Sinclair Broadcasting' most ofthe world is too busy, busting their ass, pay taxes, trying to pay bills, when they finally get to examine and question news, they are getting too old and its too late, the news is basically aimed at and marketed for zombies and sheep sitting in their retirement homes. A lot of us have finally concluded Media is there to program and brainwash you, when you do see it learn to laugh at the stupid circus, but understand some of it is probably deep state money, all those spending programs, political connected networks, foreign aid and the black hole underground budgets it goes around and arond in complex webs and circles, if spooks in the Mi6, the CIA and KGB were involved in Mass Mind Control, weird LSD hippie and black panther movements and MK-ultra stuff, then just imagine the crazy cyberpunk stuff they could be trying out on CNN, Fox or the Facebooks, it will take discipline to keep them out I don't know who all the Digital Drug Pushers are, but the drug only works in you let them in..... Sinclair Broadcast Group all parrot the same crap everywhere on Earth the same thoughts at the same time, like a bunch of clones or cyborgs, they don't even try hide it anymore.

I am glad CNN is dying

Maybe I didn't make it clear. CNN is subsidized by the Pay Providers, because they all put CNN on their most basic level of service. Fox News Channel is always a Premium Channel. That way, every cheap bar, hair salon, airport, restaurant, lounge will display CNN for the masses, pretending that it is News.
Even with this market disadvantage, FNC blows them away.


Sunday, April 28, 2019 8:34 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
If they HAD wiretaps there wouldn't have been an investigation, they would have just shut everything down then and there. Trump can't shut up for 30 seconds about anything he has over on anyone. He's a fucking blowhard.

The reason there was an Investigation to begin with is because Papadopoulos was running HIS mouth.

I hope there is wiretaps and they got him talking about Ivanka, the old PERV.

Circular logic.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 28, 2019 9:24 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
If they HAD wiretaps there wouldn't have been an investigation, they would have just shut everything down then and there. Trump can't shut up for 30 seconds about anything he has over on anyone. He's a fucking blowhard.

The reason there was an Investigation to begin with is because Papadopoulos was running HIS mouth.

I hope there is wiretaps and they got him talking about Ivanka, the old PERV.

Circular logic.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Combining "logic" and a quote from BungBetty?
You need help, or more meds.


Monday, April 29, 2019 8:07 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
If they HAD wiretaps there wouldn't have been an investigation, they would have just shut everything down then and there. Trump can't shut up for 30 seconds about anything he has over on anyone. He's a fucking blowhard.

The reason there was an Investigation to begin with is because Papadopoulos was running HIS mouth.

I hope there is wiretaps and they got him talking about Ivanka, the old PERV.

Circular logic.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Combining "logic" and a quote from BungBetty?
You need help, or more meds.

Why do I need meds?

Look up circular logic. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 29, 2019 11:03 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Why do I need meds?

Look up circular logic. I don't think it means what you think it means.

I got yer "circular" right here Booger Brainz

Which one of you is Moe and which is Curly?


Tuesday, April 30, 2019 8:27 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
If they HAD wiretaps there wouldn't have been an investigation, they would have just shut everything down then and there. Trump can't shut up for 30 seconds about anything he has over on anyone. He's a fucking blowhard.

The reason there was an Investigation to begin with is because Papadopoulos was running HIS mouth.

I hope there is wiretaps and they got him talking about Ivanka, the old PERV.

Circular logic.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Combining "logic" and a quote from BungBetty?
You need help, or more meds.

Why do I need meds?

Look up circular logic. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I looked it up on the interwebs. Best result is from uncyclopedia.wikia
In reference to Circular Reasoning, it still means the same thing that I think it means.

You need meds altered if you think any form or version of Logic is related to anything about BungBetty.

Or else, if you think it means something different than the rest of us think, please explain.


Tuesday, April 30, 2019 8:32 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
If they HAD wiretaps there wouldn't have been an investigation, they would have just shut everything down then and there. Trump can't shut up for 30 seconds about anything he has over on anyone. He's a fucking blowhard.

The reason there was an Investigation to begin with is because Papadopoulos was running HIS mouth.

I hope there is wiretaps and they got him talking about Ivanka, the old PERV.

Circular logic.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Combining "logic" and a quote from BungBetty?
You need help, or more meds.

Why do I need meds?

Look up circular logic. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I looked it up on the interwebs. Best result is from uncyclopedia.wikia
In reference to Circular Reasoning, it still means the same thing that I think it means.

You need meds altered if you think any form or version of Logic is related to anything about BungBetty.

Or else, if you think it means something different than the rest of us think, please explain.

Is this split personality of yours retarded or something JSF?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 3, 2019 10:17 AM


You can learn something from the Food Network, nutirtion facts, cooking skills, sadly politics has become very divided and largerly a waste of time, who knows what Canadian said when, or what dude in Africa, India or Europe went crazy about 10 years ago .... its a set up, more or less become a stage show with 'actors' they are reading a script, most heated debates will be forgotten as they push a new agenda in 2020 or 2024 or whenever. Although watching CNN and others fail kinda makes me happy.


Friday, May 3, 2019 1:36 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
If they HAD wiretaps there wouldn't have been an investigation, they would have just shut everything down then and there. Trump can't shut up for 30 seconds about anything he has over on anyone. He's a fucking blowhard.

The reason there was an Investigation to begin with is because Papadopoulos was running HIS mouth.

I hope there is wiretaps and they got him talking about Ivanka, the old PERV.

Circular logic.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Combining "logic" and a quote from BungBetty?
You need help, or more meds.

Why do I need meds?

Look up circular logic. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I looked it up on the interwebs. Best result is from uncyclopedia.wikia
In reference to Circular Reasoning, it still means the same thing that I think it means.

You need meds altered if you think any form or version of Logic is related to anything about BungBetty.

Or else, if you think it means something different than the rest of us think, please explain.

Is this split personality of yours retarded or something JSF?

Do Right, Be Right. :)



Sunday, December 22, 2019 4:42 PM


I heard how dismal and devastating CNN viewerships has gotten lately, I think it was regarding the period around Thanksgiving.

But so far the only linky I find is here:


Monday, December 23, 2019 6:26 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I heard how dismal and devastating CNN viewerships has gotten lately, I think it was regarding the period around Thanksgiving.

But so far the only linky I find is here:

Here we go:

Far-left CNN, an anti-Trump, pro-violence, racist, fake news outlet that traffics in conspiracy theories, collapsed to a three-year low in the ratings during the week of November 25.

A three-year low.

Three years.

While Congress is impeaching the president.

Want Breaking News from Breitbart Direct to Your Inbox? Takes Just 2 Seconds...


And don’t you dare fall for the fake spin and blame Thanksgiving. Fox News increased its primetime audience by six percent when compared to this same week last year. MSNBC lost about 35 percent of its audience but didn’t hit no three-year low, pal.

CNN not only hit a three-year low, the Least Trusted Name in News fell to 18th place during primetime. Fox came in third. MSNBC came in fourth.

Did I mention CNNLOL came in 18th?

CNN’s ratings are so bad, some offshoot channel called Hallmark Movies and Mysteries beat it. Has anyone even heard of that channel? I haven’t–and TV is my life.

CNN’s demo audience, those 25-54 year-olds crucial to setting advertiser rates, fell to a five-year low.

Look at these numbers…

Primetime Viewers

Fox News: 2.2 million

MSNBC: 1.3 million

CNNLOL: 643,000

Total Day Viewers

Fox News: 1.33 million

MSNBC: 781,000

CNNLOL: 539,000

Good grief, the U.S. Congress is impeaching the president based on a hoax, and CNN is barely pulling in a half-million viewers, can’t attract even one-fourth of one percent of the American population.

This goes beyond low ratings. People are rejecting CNN.

One thing I don’t do off the clock is talk politics. You want to talk politics, let me punch in; that will be $25 an hour. I used to love to talk politics, but now that talking politics is my job, I’d rather talk about anything else. Actually, I don’t want to talk about anything. Silence. A book, a cup of Keurig, and silence, if you please.

But I tell ya, even without asking, people freakin’ hate CNN. What I mean is that they volunteer that information. Just bring it up. I hear it all the time, even from people who don’t know what I do for a living. Even strangers in waiting rooms. Hey, y’all mind if I change the channel? As long as it’s not CNN. And for a moment, we all forget we’re in a purgatory of plastic chairs, two-year-old magazines, and bad coffee as we form a bond built on pointing and laughing at CNN.

And it is not the fact that CNN is left wing.

MSNBC is left wing. No one’s arguing that MSNBC is lighting the world on fire, but MSNBC isn’t embarrassing itself.

CNN is just bad TV. Terrible TV. Unbearable to watch. Smug anchors. Endless repetition. Hate. CNN is tedious TV… Just like all propaganda.

These ratings are also another clear-cut sign that impeachment is a total dud.

HATEFEST FAIL: CNN Ratings Plunge To 3-Year Low
By Joseph Curl
Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer appear on stage during Turner Upfront 2016 show at The Theater at Madison Square Garden on May 18, 2016 in New York City.
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Turner

Covering then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump drove CNN’s ratings to all-time highs.

Hating on Trump day after day has driven the liberal network’s ratings to a three-year low.

“CNN fell to No. 18 in prime time this past week,” AdWeek reported. “The network aired a lot of specials, re-runs, and gave some of its prime time hosts multiple days off. Nevertheless, a drop is a drop and CNN had its lowest-rated week in 5 years among adults 25-54, and its lowest-rated week in total prime time viewers in almost 3 years.”

On basic cable for total viewers per day, the list is:

Fox News (1,331,000)
Hallmark (1,158,000)
ESPN (975,000)
MSNBC (781,000)
Nickelodeon (686,000)
HGTV (598,000)
Investigation Discovery (569,000)
CNN (539,000)
Lifetime (533,000)
A&E (530,000)

That’s right, Hallmark has nearly twice as many viewers as CNN, though to be fair, this is the season for Hallmark Christmas specials.

And the ratings plunge had nothing to do with the Thanksgiving holiday. During the same period, Fox News increased its primetime audience by 6%.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh summed it all up.

“ ‘Trump’s gotta get impeached! Trump’s gotta get thrown out of office! Trump’s gotta get convicted.’ That’s all CNN did. It’s all MSNBC does. They make no pretense of covering any other news unless it can somehow be tagged to the effort to get Trump. Well, ‘CNN’s ratings have collapsed to a three-year low during the week of November 25th,’ a three-year low while what has been going on? While the Democrats and Robert Mueller have been investigating Donald Trump!” Limbaugh said on his daily radio show.

“They’re on the air because of hatred! They’re on the air because their management hates Donald Trump.” he said. “They’re on the air because all they have is this rage and hatred — and a bunch of genuinely IQ-challenged, stupid hosts.”

“So, folks, be of good cheer. Understand that most people watching that don’t want to see it. Most people watching it are not being swayed or persuaded by it, because Donald Trump is doing exactly what he said he was gonna do. He’s draining the swamp, he’s exposing the swamp, and so all of this irrational, delusional hatred is exactly what we want. We want people to see it, we want people to be affected by it — and they are seeing it, they are being affected by it. They are turning it off,” Limbaugh said.

CNN’s been hating on Trump for a long time. In May 2017, Harvard University researchers found in a study that CNN’s coverage of Trump was 93% negative, just 7% positive. “CNN and NBC’s coverage was the most unrelenting — negative stories about Trump outpaced positive ones by 13-to-1 on the two networks,” the study noted. “Trump’s coverage during his first 100 days set a new standard for negativity.”

After the network fired economic analyst Stephen Moore — who Trump said he was going to nominate to serve on the Federal Reserve Board — Moore spoke candidly.

“CNN is the hate Trump network,” Moore said. “They just trash Trump every single hour of every single day. All they’ve talked about for two years is the [special counsel Robert] Mueller report — and how bad does it make them look now that it proved nothing?”

end quotes.

I understand that CNN was 18th place in Prime Time, while Fox was the 3rd ranked Network in Prime Time - I believe that was of ALL Networks/channels.
That CNN figure is their lowest in 3 years, while they rode Fake Impeachment into the ground.


Monday, December 23, 2019 6:59 PM


Wow... Hallmark Movies beat it?

People would rather watch a Christmas Rom-Com where GWB's daughter, Sabrina The Teenage Witch kidnaps A.C. Slater at gunpoint and makes him pretend that he's her boyfriend at the family Christmas party at a cabin in the woods.

Not looking good, CNN.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 13, 2020 4:43 PM


So far this year, Fake News MSM hysteria panic has pushed Fox News Channel to record-breaking ratings for Cable shows.


Monday, August 10, 2020 5:48 PM


Fox News now top-rated Network, of all networks, for the last 2 months - including primetime.

Of course, now with primetime clogged with BLMball and Lame Game Shows, it can't be too hard.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020 2:03 PM


Ever since babysitter Rupert Murdoch abandoned FNC, his Libtard kids have been working hard to destroy it, getting rid of useful personalities, trying to duplicate the failures of cnn.

FNC viewers started catching on with Election Night Fake News from them.

Since then, Fox News has lost 32% viewership, including 23% loss of Prime Time viewership.

Fox News has also instituted banning of guests who have appeared on Newsmax, OANN, other honest news networks.


Monday, December 14, 2020 7:37 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Ever since babysitter Rupert Murdoch abandoned FNC, his Libtard kids have been working hard to destroy it, getting rid of useful personalities, trying to duplicate the failures of cnn.

FNC viewers started catching on with Election Night Fake News from them.

Since then, Fox News has lost 32% viewership, including 23% loss of Prime Time viewership.

Fox News has also instituted banning of guests who have appeared on Newsmax, OANN, other honest news networks.

I didn't even realize FNC had hired Donna Brazille. They weren't even trying to be subtle about setting their ratings goal to the CNN level, were they?


Friday, March 26, 2021 10:08 AM


If all the cable "news" networks keep taking in the ratings, boner pill manufacturers might as well start advertising on this site. They might get more ad views.



" 'You're like the Nazis' is the new 'I don't like you'. That disqualifies her from marching around planet Who-Gives-a-Shit in a helmet? ~Bill Maher

PSA: Don't click on any links in Second's posts. He's trying to fish your private information out of you.


Saturday, May 15, 2021 3:39 PM



Thursday, May 27, 2021 7:21 PM


Copied from another thread:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Womp Womp.

Can we finally stop pretending that these people even matter anymore?

I watch YouTubers who regularly get a million views per day on their videos and they film them in their own houses.

Even the rerun of LevinTV bested all others in all categories.
That episode was the one revealing how Liar-In-Chief Fauci created and developed the Fauci Flu (covid-19).
I understand that that episode will be repeated again this weekend, on either Saturday or Sunday.


Monday, May 31, 2021 8:09 PM


Sounds like Fox News Channel with Libtard Lachlan Murdoch at the helm is waking up.
After the Libtard driven programming led to their drop in ratings in Jan - even less than Libtard competitors, somebody has decided to return to news reporting.

Libtard Juan Williams has announced he is leaving, either FNC or one of it's shows.
Ultra-Libtard Donna Brazile has moved from FNC to ABC.
Darthtard Chris Stirewalt was fired.

Ratings and viewership are reportedly better than ever.


Monday, May 31, 2021 9:23 PM


Holy shit. Donna Brazile was on Fox?

They're just chasing dollars and experimenting dude.

They owe no allegiance to anyone but themselves and God Money, just like all the other Cable "News" Networks.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, June 18, 2021 2:45 AM


I understand NewsMax is the 4th Largest News Channel or Network.

Funny how rating reports never include anything past the top 3.....


Thursday, April 14, 2022 8:29 AM


CNN has the most embarrassing launch of a streaming service ever.

I don't think anybody was interested in parenting tips from Anderson Cooper.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, April 14, 2022 11:57 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
CNN has the most embarrassing launch of a streaming service ever.

I don't think anybody was interested in parenting tips from Anderson Cooper.

yes, what about "parents" who want to brainwash their kid into being gay?

You must be just Racist.


Thursday, April 21, 2022 12:23 PM


CNN+ is to shut down after less than a month of existence.

Only spent $300 million dollars on that fiasco.


Monday, May 30, 2022 7:36 PM


Greta Van Sustren has moved to NewsMax.


Monday, May 30, 2022 8:56 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
CNN+ is to shut down after less than a month of existence.

Only spent $300 million dollars on that fiasco.

Nobody wanted to see Anderson Cooper tell you how to raise your kids.

This was actually a show that was going to happen.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, January 5, 2023 9:51 AM


Honestly, they should all probably just close up shop.

Half of the content creators I watch get more views in a day than CNN does. More than a few by quite a bit more. And they're just filming in a spare bedroom with a computer and a camera/mic setup that couldn't be more than $6k. There only real overhead is the bandwidth, and that's really only necessary if they do live streams too.

Some of these channels even give FOX a run for their money.

How are these talking heads and their yearly salaries reaching into the tens of Millions per year even justified at this point?


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Monday, January 30, 2023 4:05 PM


Hosts 'Growing Frustrated' As CNN Sees Worst Ratings Week in Nine Years


It's not news, necessarily, that CNN is not keeping up with the post-Trump administration times we live in — despite a change in course directed by new boss Chris Licht following a merger between CNN's parent company and Discovery. But when tanking ratings continue to sink to levels not seen in nearly a decade, there's bound to be some talk of whether the network is salvageable at all.

Enter a new dispatch from TheWrap noting CNN "notched its lowest ratings in nine years across all its day parts for the week of Jan. 16 through Jan. 22, 2023," per ratings data from Nielsen: "just 444,000 viewers in primetime, 93,000 in the all-important age 25-54 news demographic and 417,000 in viewers and 80,000 in the demo for total day."

As TheWrap noted, last week was "the first time since May 2014" that saw CNN stay below 450,000 viewers. And it's not like there was a industry-wide dip in viewers last week. It turns out Fox News Channel, the leader in cable news for almost too many consecutive weeks to track at this point, had 1.4 million total viewers and 176,000 in the 25-54 demographic during the same timeframe. Their primetime shows brought in two million viewers and 256,000 in the 25-54 range.

Get Fucked, CNN. Die already.

Then we'll start working on killing off MSNBC and FOX.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, March 23, 2023 11:24 AM


CNN has smallest weekly primetime audience in advertiser-coveted demo in over 30 years
CNN’s primetime lineup has failed to resonate with viewers

During the hours of 8-11 p.m. ET, CNN managed only 84,000 average viewers among the demo compared to 219,000 for Fox News. The last time CNN’s primetime audience was so tiny among the critical category was prior to the week of Sept. 30, 1991 – which is as far back as Fox News can track.

CNN’s primetime lineup has failed to resonate with viewers, and a gaping hole at 9 p.m. ET continues to cause problems as the network has still not named a permanent replacement since Chris Cuomo was fired in 2021. Recently, CNN has been airing a series of specials and town halls that have struggled to find an audience.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Thursday, March 23, 2023 8:51 PM


have they ever apologized for lies such as Hunter Biden, Russia, Muller or 'Pissgate'


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 10:22 AM


Cable News Ratings Friday May 12: CNN Prime Time Viewership Drops Below Newsmax


CNN prime time dropped on Friday to 335,000 average total viewers from 8 to 11 p.m, coming below right-wing channel Newsmax, which scored 357,000 average prime time viewers.

The ratings-beleaguered network landed in fourth place in prime time, also behind Fox News and MSNBC, which averaged 1.44 million and 1.08 million total average viewers in prime time — respectively.

In the key 25-54 age demographic, CNN did a bit better with 87,ooo average viewers. Fox led with 109,000 and MSNBC was in second with 98,000 average demo viewers. Newsmax, meanwhile, averaged 45,000 prime time demo viewers.

After 8 p.m. on Friday night, no CNN show rated above 300,000 viewers and Newsmax beat the network from 8 to p.m. Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace at 10 p.m. marked its lowest-rated hour since it launched on the network and dropped 25 percent since its Friday debut.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, June 6, 2023 9:52 AM


Embattled CNN chief apologizes to staff after embarrassing profile, vows to ‘fight like hell’ to win back trust

Just hang it up. You're done, dude. They smell blood in the water that isn't their own and they need a sacrificial lamb.

At this point, I think it hardly matters. Zaslav should just cut the ballast from Warner Bros. and sell the CNN brand to any BuzzFeed that will pay for it. The CNN brand is almost worthless in 2023.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.