The drugs thread - marijuana, tobacco, caffeine, cigarettes et al

UPDATED: Friday, November 19, 2021 07:21
VIEWED: 18788
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Wednesday, May 8, 2019 9:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I put asterisks on each end of the phrase

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, May 8, 2019 11:55 PM


Unlike you, I'm not trying to accomplish anything other than waste time until I've got bigger fish to fry. Well, AND try to figure out why ANYONE would support Chump in ANYTHING. He's unbelievably disgusting.

What are YOU trying to accomplish here?

This should be entertaining....


Thursday, May 9, 2019 12:04 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Unlike you, I'm not trying to accomplish anything other than waste time until I've got bigger fish to fry. Well, AND try to figure out why ANYONE would support Chump in ANYTHING. He's unbelievably disgusting.

What are YOU trying to accomplish here?

This should be entertaining....

Trying to have rational discussions with rational people, which is impossible with you.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 9, 2019 1:01 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Unlike you, I'm not trying to accomplish anything other than waste time until I've got bigger fish to fry. Well, AND try to figure out why ANYONE would support Chump in ANYTHING. He's unbelievably disgusting.

What are YOU trying to accomplish here?

This should be entertaining....




Thursday, May 9, 2019 1:37 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Trying to have rational discussions with rational people, which is impossible with you.

Sure you are, Cleopatra.

Half of these people can barely be called PEOPLE, let alone rational...

You can go to a coffee shop and have "rational discussions"...You and Rue are here for a reason, and as long as you keep pushing Commie Crap agendas, I'll be here to push back.

Please pass along this message to your "dear leader"...



Thursday, May 9, 2019 7:01 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Unlike you, I'm not trying to accomplish anything other than waste time until I've got bigger fish to fry. Well, AND try to figure out why ANYONE would support Chump in ANYTHING. He's unbelievably disgusting.

What are YOU trying to accomplish here?

This should be entertaining....

Trying to have rational discussions with rational people, which is impossible with you.

Do you know what is "the other thread" that this is continued from?


Thursday, May 9, 2019 11:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Trying to have rational discussions with rational people, which is impossible with you. - SIGNY

Sure you are, Cleopatra.
Half of these people can barely be called PEOPLE, let alone rational...
You can go to a coffee shop and have "rational discussions"...You and Rue are here for a reason, and as long as you keep pushing Commie Crap agendas, I'll be here to push back.
Please pass along this message to your "dear leader"...


See what I mean? Here I am, sitting comfortably at my kitchen table in a suburb of LA, with no ties whatsoever to RUSSIA!!!! and an eight-year history of poting here, and every time you even IMPLY tha I'm a "Russian troll" ... well, it's just one more reminder of how completely deluded you are.

Once upon a time this used to be great place to converse; there was none other like it on the internet that I knew of. What made it so unique was that Firefly attracted a uniquely diverse set of political beliefs - "market forces" libertarians like SARGEX and anarcho-libertarians like FREM, committed deep-staters who probably retired from one of those alphabet agencies like GEEZER, classical liberals like MAGONSDAUGHTER (Australia) and NIKI, southern conservative Republicans like AURAPTOR, then-current military people like FINN, cynics like KWICKO and JONGSSTRAW, anti-corporates/anti-interventionists like SUCCOTASH and GINOBIFFARONI, technical people like RUE (KIKI), all-around nice people like CHRISISALL and ANTHONYT, and people whose unique points of view could never be captured by a label ... like BYTEMITE and DREAMTROVE... but who always had insightful things to say. They all had two things in common:

1) Firefly and
2) They could (mostly) be counted on to DISCUSS things, take into account and respond directly and topically to what the other person had posted. Name-calling, personal attacks, defamation was nearly unheard of (except for GEEZER who was - like SECONDRATE= constantly strawmanning and deflecting.)

I could learn a lot coming here, and I did. I learned a lot about libertarianism, for example, something I'd never stumbled across before. If I wanted to know what Rush Limbaugh was saying, I could find it here. If I wanted to know what some people outside of the USA were saying (GINO, MAGONS, SARGEX), I could find it here too. I learned a lot about the varied POV that make up the USA and the world. My ideas were challenged, and I changed my mind on more than a few topics: the death penalty (against), the role of big government (should be limited as much as possible) and centralization (ditto), globalization (against), Democratic and Republican parties (equally corrupt).

As you know, I have strong opinions. But my opinions aren't unchangeable, I'm always looking for a chance to learn, to hear new insights and wonder How the hell did the come up with THAT?, to parse thru aassumptions, facts, and logic and unknot errors and find new ideas.

But I'll tell you, TWITCHY, that does not include being bullied and defamed by hate-filled people who show me every day that they're deluded to the point that they can't tell reality from fiction. What can I learn from THAT, except that some people are incredibly gullible, emotional, and nasty and can only tolerate confirmation-bias?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 9, 2019 11:14 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Once upon a time this used to be great place to converse;

This isn't the chat you are looking for. You will put down your dumb agendas and step away from the internets...


Thursday, May 9, 2019 11:15 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:


Boy, when you've only got the one brain cell, I guess you do the best you can with it


Thursday, May 9, 2019 11:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Once upon a time this used to be great place to converse;

This isn't the chat you are looking for. You will put down your dumb agendas and step away from the internets...

You keep proving how stupid you are every time you post like this.

The person with the agenda is YOU, TWITCHY, only you're so stupidly righteous that you can't even see it as an agenda, you see it as some sort of mission to "rid the world of stupid" or some such. Here's a plan: Start with yourself. Stop being so stupid, and rid the world of at least one dummy.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 9, 2019 12:35 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Trying to have rational discussions with rational people, which is impossible with you. - SIGNY

Sure you are, Cleopatra.
Half of these people can barely be called PEOPLE, let alone rational...
You can go to a coffee shop and have "rational discussions"...You and Rue are here for a reason, and as long as you keep pushing Commie Crap agendas, I'll be here to push back.
Please pass along this message to your "dear leader"...


See what I mean? Here I am, sitting comfortably at my kitchen table in a suburb of LA, with no ties whatsoever to RUSSIA!!!! and an eight-year history of poting here, and every time you even IMPLY tha I'm a "Russian troll" ... well, it's just one more reminder of how completely deluded you are.

Once upon a time this used to be great place to converse; there was none other like it on the internet that I knew of. What made it so unique was that Firefly attracted a uniquely diverse set of political beliefs - "market forces" libertarians like SARGEX and anarcho-libertarians like FREM, committed deep-staters who probably retired from one of those alphabet agencies like GEEZER, classical liberals like MAGONSDAUGHTER (Australia) and NIKI, southern conservative Republicans like AURAPTOR, then-current military people like FINN, cynics like KWICKO and JONGSSTRAW, anti-corporates/anti-interventionists like SUCCOTASH and GINOBIFFARONI, technical people like RUE (KIKI), all-around nice people like CHRISISALL and ANTHONYT, and people whose unique points of view could never be captured by a label ... like BYTEMITE and DREAMTROVE... but who always had insightful things to say. They all had two things in common:

1) Firefly and
2) They could (mostly) be counted on to DISCUSS things, take into account and respond directly and topically to what the other person had posted. Name-calling, personal attacks, defamation was nearly unheard of (except for GEEZER who was - like SECONDRATE= constantly strawmanning and deflecting.)

I could learn a lot coming here, and I did. I learned a lot about libertarianism, for example, something I'd never stumbled across before. If I wanted to know what Rush Limbaugh was saying, I could find it here. If I wanted to know what some people outside of the USA were saying (GINO, MAGONS, SARGEX), I could find it here too. I learned a lot about the varied POV that make up the USA and the world. My ideas were challenged, and I changed my mind on more than a few topics: the death penalty (against), the role of big government (should be limited as much as possible) and centralization (ditto), globalization (against), Democratic and Republican parties (equally corrupt).

As you know, I have strong opinions. But my opinions aren't unchangeable, I'm always looking for a chance to learn, to hear new insights and wonder How the hell did the come up with THAT?, to parse thru aassumptions, facts, and logic and unknot errors and find new ideas.

But I'll tell you, TWITCHY, that does not include being bullied and defamed by hate-filled people who show me every day that they're deluded to the point that they can't tell reality from fiction. What can I learn from THAT, except that some people are incredibly gullible, emotional, and nasty and can only tolerate confirmation-bias?

Recent Sig conversation:

Me: “I’m pro business rights.”
Sig: “Good to know you’re a facist!”

You’re either a hypocrite or just running up your post count.

And this about the fifth time in recent memory you’ve gone all soft on the good ole days of rwed. I remember it well and it wasn’t for softies - there was plenty of vicious snark.


Thursday, May 9, 2019 12:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Recent Sig conversation:

Me: “I’m pro business rights.”
Sig: “Good to know you’re a facist!”

You’re either a hypocrite or just running up your post count.

YOUR post was in the context of defending large transnational tech companies' "rights". There was nothing in there about "small business' rights" or "mom & pop shop" rights.

Now, WHAT IS FASCISM? (A question you repeatedly refuse to engage.)

Business "rights" are authorities allowed and enforced BY THE GOVERNMENT. It could be the "right" of a corporation to control its intellectual property. It could be the "right" of a corporation to schedule its emloyees and manage its business. It could be the "right" of a business not to serve blacks, or gays. It could be the "right" of a business to strictly ban unions. It could be the "right" of a business to "free speech", or to pollute the environment, or to hide profits in overseas subsidiaries.

It could be the "right" of a business to censor speech and control person-to-peron communication. You didn't limit or explain WHICH business rights you were in favor of.

So in other words, you believe in the government passing and enforcing laws ("rights") in favor of [big] business, business "rights" which run contrary to the public interest. In other words, fascism.

Go through this with me. Explain to me how government defense of corporations controlling communication content is NOT fascism. I'd be interested to find out.


And this about the fifth time in recent memory you’ve gone all soft on the good ole days of rwed. I remember it well and it wasn’t for softies - there was plenty of vicious snark.
There was a lot of snark, but it wasn't complete delusion. I remember specifically losing my cool with one poster who was completely taken in by the "Saddam WMD" hoax. In particular, his justification was that the UN had approved of our invasion, and in support he kept refering to an older UN resolution. I went thru this in great detail with him: That UN Resolutions superseded each other so that later resolutions voided previous ones. I went thru the UN charter, I posted the definitions of "supersede", I even posted REAL examples of where the UN authorized use-of-force, but nothing I posted made a dent. So I think I let loose with a volley of insults.

But you, TWITCHY, REAVERBOT, SECOND, THUGR ... you guys are completely deluded about some things, or you're just flat-out lying. You bully, defame, lie, and deflect constantly. That makes up somewhere between 85-99% of your posts. Basically, you guys meet the classic definition of "troll". Now prove me wrong. Audit your own posts. Do a count of how many of your posts were insults, and how many were on-point. Link to where you were actually TOPICAL in your response. Betcha you won't.

And cue the insults, deflection, and defamation in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 9, 2019 1:30 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Recent Sig conversation:
Me: “I’m pro business rights.”
Sig: “Good to know you’re a facist!”
You’re either a hypocrite or just running up your post count.

YOUR post was in the context of defending large transnational tech companies' "rights". There was nothing in there about "small business' rights" or "mom & pop shop" rights.

Now, WHAT IS FASCISM? (A question you repeatedly refuse to engage.)

Business "rights" are authorities allowed and enforced BY THE GOVERNMENT. It could be the "right" of a corporation to control its intellectual property. It could be the "right" of a corporation to schedule its emloyees and manage its business. It could be the "right" of a business not to serve blacks, or gays. It could be the "right" of a business to strictly ban unions. It could be the "right" of a business to "free speech", or to pollute the environment, or to hide profits in overseas subsidiaries.

It could be the "right" of a business to censor speech and control person-to-peron communication. You didn't limit or explain WHICH business rights you were in favor of.

So in other words, you believe in the government passing and enforcing laws ("rights") in favor of [big] business, business "rights" which run contrary to the public interest. In other words, fascism.

Go through this with me. Explain to me how government defense of corporations controlling communication content is NOT fascism. I'd be interested to find out.


And this about the fifth time in recent memory you’ve gone all soft on the good ole days of rwed. I remember it well and it wasn’t for softies - there was plenty of vicious snark.
There was a lot of snark, but it wasn't complete delusion. I remember specifically losing my cool with one poster who was completely taken in by the "Saddam WMD" hoax. In particular, his justification was that the UN had approved of our invasion, and in support he kept refering to an older UN resolution. I went thru this in great detail with him: That UN Resolutions superseded each other so that later resolutions voided previous ones. I went thru the UN charter, I posted the definitions of "supersede", I even posted REAL examples of where the UN authorized use-of-force, but nothing I posted made a dent. So I think I let loose with a volley of insults.

But you, TWITCHY, REAVERBOT, SECOND, THUGR ... you guys are completely deluded about some things, or you're just flat-out lying. You bully, defame, lie, and deflect constantly. That makes up somewhere between 85-99% of your posts. Basically, you guys meet the classic definition of "troll". Now prove me wrong. Audit your own posts. Do a count of how many of your posts were insults, and how many were on-point. Link to where you were actually TOPICAL in your response. Betcha you won't.

And cue the insults, deflection, and defamation in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

I recall a RWED which was just a bit kinder and gentler than now. But that was before G-String or THUGGR were here, or two changed to second.
I think I didn't participate as much then in this part of the board, largely because for that type of discussion I was on a different board. But it was still the roughest section of this board.


Thursday, May 9, 2019 2:38 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I think I didn't participate as much then in this part of the board, largely because for that type of discussion I was on a different board. But it was still the roughest section of this board.

You don't really participate NOW. I don't think I've seen anything halfway intelligent out of you in years.

Take away the times you jump on 6ix's bandwagon and try to poke fun at me for having sex *gasp* WITH MY HUSBAND, and the posts where you try to justify not taking meds for whatever neurological disorder you have....really...WHAT'S LEFT?


Thursday, May 9, 2019 2:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I would hope to have RIGOROUS discussions with people here. Sometimes rigor can be hard-edged, but it doesn't have to be personal.

TWITCHY, I've tried to limit myself to topical answers to your posts, but when you jump in and insult people in threads which aren't even political and you aren't being mentioned, WTF do you expect???

I guarantee you that I have, and will continue, to post opinions which both democrats AND republicans, neo-liberals AND conservatives will find uncomfortable: I'm an equal-opportunity disrupter! And when you guys will stop being such tools, I promise to turn up the volume on my criticisms of Trump.

Your turn. Ball's in your court.

PS: JSF's post about the tone of this forum was far more intellligent than anything you've posted in a long time. Now show us that you can post without the egregious insults and I'll do the same.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 9, 2019 2:58 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

And cue the insults, deflection, and defamation in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Okay, Cleopatra, I'll bite.

Do you deny that you said the US should give over its nukes TO RUSSIA to avoid an imaginary future war with Russia?

Do you deny deleting the page where you said that??

Do you deny staging a conversation with Rue about how you "changed your mind" to try to cover up what you said on this subject?

Do you deny that you say repeatedly that Russia isn't a threat, when it's abundantly clear by these statements that you think they are??

Can you even remotely grasp why we believe you to be working for Russia?? All you do is complain about us saying it, but you've somehow NEVER DENIED IT.

I'd love to know how you think anything you will ever say here could ever be taken seriously after that crap.
You laid down your cards and they revealed that the two of you are absolutely off your rockers, or traitors (if you are even IN this country) ta boot.


Thursday, May 9, 2019 3:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And cue the insults, deflection, and defamation in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...- SIGNY

Okay, Cleopatra, I'll bite.

Do you deny that you said the US should give over its nukes TO RUSSIA to avoid an imaginary future war with Russia?

Yes. I deny it, I never posted such a thing. And I asked you for a quote and a link as to where that was, and you never posted one. All I can figure is that you misread/misunderstood something that I posted and now your're convinced ... CONVINCED, I tell you! ... that I post-edited something. Sorry, I can't help you with your brain hiccup. But since I post frequently, it seems that if that was my true opinion I would have posted something like that more than once. So go look it up, take all the time you need to calm your suspicions.


Do you deny deleting the page where you said that??
Of course I deny it, because I never did. (BTW, it is impossible for a user to delete "a page". You can delete your own posts ... unless someone posts with quote and then your post is there for all posterity, unless you can get them to delete it too. And if you remove the title from a thread that you yourself started you can make it impossible to find unless someone knows the actual ID# that the database assigns to that thread, but deleting "a page" is impossible.)


Do you deny staging a conversation with Rue about how you "changed your mind" to try to cover up what you said on this subject?
Huh? WTF are you going on about? I don't recall posting a conversation about "changing my mind" on this topic, but if you say that I "staged" a conversation about this, it should still be available. Go find it, then. (The only issue that I changed my mind on was whether or not the Mueller report should be unredacted.)


Do you deny that you say repeatedly that Russia isn't a threat, when it's abundantly clear by these statements that you think they are??
Russia really has very scary deterrence, including those submarine drones armed with nuclear warheads parked off our coasts, designed to create tsunamis to flood our coastal cities. Not an aggressive threat, but a really butt-puckering deadman switch which we would do well to pay attention to.


Can you even remotely grasp why we believe you to be working for Russia??
Not at all. I've only ever posted about AMERICAN interests, and how I believe we are fucking them up. YOU'RE the one who's obssessed with Russia.


All you do is complain about us saying it, but you've somehow NEVER DENIED IT.
OH PUHLEEZ!!! I have denied over and over again that I'm Russian, I've denied working for Russia, I've denied Russian connections. I can see your paranoia cranking up, again.

Sentence by sentence you're working yourself into a complete fucking tizzy, until you post something that is demonstrably, provably false; which EVERYONE knows is false, and which YOU would know is wrong if you didn't have your head stuck so far up your ass.

*I'd love to know how you think anything you will ever say here could ever be taken seriously after that crap.*


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 9, 2019 6:09 PM


Ooops, you just gave away the game here in this ONE sentence...

"... which EVERYONE knows is false"

Like I said, there were other people on that thread. They have chosen to remain quiet because dealing with you is beyond stupid, but you know it and I know it.


We apologize, but an unknown error was encountered.
If the problem persists, please email haken[at]

This is what happens when you click on the thread in question.

I don't know or care how you did it, but you will NEVER EVER erase it from my or my families memory. I just wish I had reposted it in a dozen other threads...

You are both traitors, no matter how much you try to cover it up.


Thursday, May 9, 2019 7:57 PM


Wow. Absolutely crazy and a liar. That's quite an imagination you've got Wishy. You need to get back on your meds, like yesterday.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 10, 2019 12:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Ooops, you just gave away the game here in this ONE sentence...
"... which EVERYONE knows is false"
Like I said, there were other people on that thread. They have chosen to remain quiet because...

... they were afraid of hurting my feelings by calling me a "Russian troll"?


How about THIS, TWITCHY: They have chosen to remain quiet because they know you've got bats in your belfry on this issue?


We apologize, but an unknown error was encountered.
If the problem persists, please email haken[at]

This is what happens when you click on the thread in question.

WHAT is "the thread in question"? WHAT is the title? Maybe it can still be retrieved? Have you tried emailing Haken?

Give me the title and I'll see if I can recover any of it.


I don't know or care how you did it, but you will NEVER EVER erase it from my or my families memory. I just wish I had reposted it in a dozen other threads...
I wish you had too. Anything to quell this deep paranoia you've got going. Otherwise, you sound like a complete lunatic.

Has anyone checked you for bipolar disorder?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 10, 2019 1:23 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Ooops, you just gave away the game here in this ONE sentence...
"... which EVERYONE knows is false"
Like I said, there were other people on that thread. They have chosen to remain quiet because...

... they were afraid of hurting my feelings by calling me a "Russian troll"?


How about THIS, TWITCHY: They have chosen to remain quiet because they know you've got bats in your belfry on this issue?

We apologize, but an unknown error was encountered.
If the problem persists, please email haken[at]

This is what happens when you click on the thread in question.

WHAT is "the thread in question"? WHAT is the title? Maybe it can still be retrieved? Have you tried emailing Haken?

Give me the title and I'll see if I can recover any of it.

I don't know or care how you did it, but you will NEVER EVER erase it from my or my families memory. I just wish I had reposted it in a dozen other threads...
I wish you had too. Anything to quell this deep paranoia you've got going. Otherwise, you sound like a complete lunatic.

Has anyone checked you for bipolar disorder?

She already explained she is addicted to drugs aka meds, so, yes, she is bipolar.

For hunting down this thread, can the 5-digit thread ID number be shared with us? Or else the post number, aka message ID number would be 6 or 7 digits. Either one would help. This post is mid=1075828.

SIGs, how do you delete a post? Or do you just mean delete the contents of a post thru editing?


Friday, May 10, 2019 3:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

No, you're right: You can't delete a post, just the contents. I should have been clearer. TWITCHY hs no idea how databases work, and she can't imagine that sometimes databses fuck up too.

TWITCHY, hon, it's like you dreamed up this whole event. If you at least tell us the title of the thread maybe we can recover it. Or better yet, write to Haken and ask him to recover it for you, if he can. You need to settle this or it will fester in your mind like a splinter causing an infection.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 10, 2019 10:39 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
No, you're right: You can't delete a post, just the contents. I should have been clearer. TWITCHY hs no idea how databases work, and she can't imagine that sometimes databses fuck up too.

TWITCHY, hon, it's like you dreamed up this whole event. If you at least tell us the title of the thread maybe we can recover it. Or better yet, write to Haken and ask him to recover it for you, if he can. You need to settle this or it will fester in your mind like a splinter causing an infection.

Maybe the thread got moved to Troll Country if BungBetty got out of hand again.


Friday, May 10, 2019 3:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Nah ... you can still access threads in Troll Country (at least, last time I checked which was about 5 years ago!).

I HAVE seen the database behind this website corrupted from time to time. Entire gobs of posts by BRENDA and GSTRING (I forget under which name) have been lost, some threads are inaccessible. All it takes is for an index to get corrupted on entry and the records attached to it can't be found. I thought if maybe TWITCHY could tell us the thread title we could see what kind of index# was attached to it and play around by entering index numbers near the one in question and see if we can find the correct index.

But apparently TWITCHY can't (or won't) even tell us the thread title or any kind of link info (There IS a link, she says she pulls an error when she tries) which kind of leaves us at a loss to find and fix the problem.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 10, 2019 4:57 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Nah ... you can still access threads in Troll Country (at least, last time I checked which was about 5 years ago!).

I HAVE seen the database behind this website corrupted from time to time. Entire gobs of posts by BRENDA and GSTRING (I forget under which name) have been lost, some threads are inaccessible. All it takes is for an index to get corrupted on entry and the records attached to it can't be found. I thought if maybe TWITCHY could tell us the thread title we could see what kind of index# was attached to it and play around by entering index numbers near the one in question and see if we can find the correct index.

But apparently TWITCHY can't (or won't) even tell us the thread title or any kind of link info (There IS a link, she says she pulls an error when she tries) which kind of leaves us at a loss to find and fix the problem.

Yes, that link address is what contains the ID number that we could chase it down with.


Friday, November 12, 2021 7:58 AM


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... Asked Staffers who previously Smoked Marijuana to Resign

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Friday, November 19, 2021 7:21 AM


How drug overdose deaths surpassed 100,000 in one year

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2024 Election Environment Favorable to GOP
Fri, September 27, 2024 16:47 - 6 posts
Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
Fri, September 27, 2024 08:54 - 7253 posts
New York Times: Kamala Harris sucks at interviews
Fri, September 27, 2024 05:41 - 3 posts
The Honeymoon is Over
Fri, September 27, 2024 05:39 - 306 posts
Vox: The Republican Party is less white than ever. Thank Donald Trump.
Thu, September 26, 2024 22:22 - 1 posts
Sentencing Thread
Thu, September 26, 2024 20:45 - 379 posts
Fixing the internet
Thu, September 26, 2024 19:11 - 39 posts