Elections 2020, Hey Jack, I Was Right. Trump And The Republicans Lost Big Time

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 16:11
VIEWED: 88221
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Sunday, August 25, 2019 10:21 AM


That's what we need. More turds from Illinois running the big show.

Doesn't matter though. That Joe Walsh has as much of a chance of winning a primary as this Joe Walsh does.

And this Joe Walsh isn't even running.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, August 26, 2019 2:56 PM




Wednesday, August 28, 2019 10:19 AM


Polls polls and more polls. All say Trumps in big trouble. Get a jail cell ready.

tick tock



Wednesday, August 28, 2019 2:07 PM


August 28, 2019 - All Top Dems Beat Trump As Voters' Economic Outlook Dims Quinnipiac University Poll

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, 54 percent of registered voters say that they would vote for former Vice President Joe Biden, while only 38 percent would vote for President Trump.

Matchups against other top Democrats show:

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders topping Trump 53 - 39 percent;

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren ahead of Trump 52 - 40 percent;

California Sen. Kamala Harris beating Trump 51 - 40 percent;

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg leading with 49 percent to Trump's 40 percent

Can you say landslide? I can, I can say landslide.

tick tock



Wednesday, August 28, 2019 2:24 PM


We'll see.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 10:10 PM


Surprise Georgia resignation jolts battle for the Senate

Democrats' path to a Senate majority after the 2020 elections got a little wider on Wednesday.



Thursday, August 29, 2019 5:09 AM


Guess nobody was worried enough to keep him on perpetual life support like they're doing to Ginsberg.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 29, 2019 6:33 AM


2020 election: US Senate battle

Democrats need to flip three states to win back the Senate if they also capture the White House. But only two Republicans are up in states President Trump lost in 2016 — Colorado and Maine — meaning Democrats will have to win in red states to control the chamber.



Thursday, August 29, 2019 9:35 AM


Man, are you setting yourself up for a laundry list of disappointments.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 29, 2019 10:32 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:
2020 election: US Senate battle

Democrats need to flip three states to win back the Senate if they also capture the White House. But only two Republicans are up in states President Trump lost in 2016 — Colorado and Maine — meaning Democrats will have to win in red states to control the chamber.

Sorry to repeat myself, but the Democrats won't have control of the Senate until there are 40 or fewer GOP Senators, because of the filibuster. The Democrats cannot impeach Trump or amend the Constitution unless there are 33 or fewer GOP Senators, because the Constitution requires a two-thirds super majority.

What the Democrats could get, if the GOP had 49 or fewer Senators, is their own replacement for Mitch McConnell, who kills every bill from the House of Representatives. It would be a little nicer if the GOP had to filibuster bills rather than never allowing bills to make it out of Senate Committees controlled by the GOP, but only a little bit nicer. The GOP will still have effective control to stop ANYTHING becoming law in 2021. And this will continue for many more decades, unless Trump accidentally ruins the GOP's reputation with voters.

Trump would have to do something much worse than G. W. Bush did. Worse than losing the Iraq War. Worse than the most recent recession (December 2007 and ended in June 2009). The GOP's reputation took a momentary dip, but it bounced back as voters began forgetting what happened. I'm not surprised. Most people's memories get pretty damn fuzzy in less than a year. And the GOP can capitalize on that, unless there is a Great Depression (October 29, 1929 – 1939) to ram that memory permanently into voters's heads. But then the people who remembered President Herbert Hoover died off. Newer voters knew effectively nothing about how the GOP crashed the economy in 1929.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 29, 2019 11:12 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SECOND:
Sorry to repeat myself, but the Democrats won't have control of the Senate until there are 40 or fewer GOP Senators, because of the filibuster. The Democrats cannot impeach Trump or amend the Constitution unless there are 33 or fewer GOP Senators, because the Constitution requires a two-thirds super majority.

Not trying is not the same as trying and failing. It would show Dem voters that Dems not going to sit by and do nothing. Can you say with 100% certainty that no GOP Senators would flip? That not one will start to worry about their re-election chances with them being tied to this lying monkey? And if 1 or 2 flip, that could start something bigger. It's UnAmerican to not try! Misbehave Goramnit!

Plus, it's their job and it's just ethically the Right thing to do. Let's not send a signal that when one party is "in control" the other one is pointless.


Thursday, August 29, 2019 1:37 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SECOND:
Sorry to repeat myself, but the Democrats won't have control of the Senate until there are 40 or fewer GOP Senators, because of the filibuster. The Democrats cannot impeach Trump or amend the Constitution unless there are 33 or fewer GOP Senators, because the Constitution requires a two-thirds super majority.

Not trying is not the same as trying and failing. It would show Dem voters that Dems not going to sit by and do nothing. Can you say with 100% certainty that no GOP Senators would flip? That not one will start to worry about their re-election chances with them being tied to this lying monkey? And if 1 or 2 flip, that could start something bigger. It's UnAmerican to not try! Misbehave Goramnit!

Plus, it's their job and it's just ethically the Right thing to do. Let's not send a signal that when one party is "in control" the other one is pointless.

Things will only irreversibly change for better when there are 33 or fewer GOP Senators, but getting the GOP down to only 49 Senators will get people overly confident that noticeably change is on the way. I hate to burst your optimistic bubble but it is NOT until the number drops to 33. Think of it as how much cancer is in your blood. The lower the number, the longer you live, and America won't be healthy enough to function until that number is 33 GOP Senators.

I'm not kidding about calling GOP Senators cancer. Have you ever talked to Ted Cruz or John Cornyn, Texas Senators? Those two are leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma all rolled together.

2017 was not a good year in the Senate. It passed a ridiculous tax cut that adds a $1 trillion per year to the National Debt (which should not happen when the economy is good) and the Senate picked a bunch of nitwits to be Federal Judges. In 2017, for the first time, the Senate’s decisions were often made by a coalition of GOP states representing less than half of the country’s population. The median share of senators supporting passed bills, confirmed judges and agency leaders, and other matters dropped to 58% (the lowest since 1930), with those senators representing just 49.5% of the U.S. population (the lowest ever)! Look at graphs to see the previous 200 years. Things are breaking down in the Senate and adding 2 more Democrats won't fix it. It will need at least 67 Democrats in the Senate.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 29, 2019 1:51 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SECOND:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SECOND:
Sorry to repeat myself, but the Democrats won't have control of the Senate until there are 40 or fewer GOP Senators, because of the filibuster. The Democrats cannot impeach Trump or amend the Constitution unless there are 33 or fewer GOP Senators, because the Constitution requires a two-thirds super majority.

Not trying is not the same as trying and failing. It would show Dem voters that Dems not going to sit by and do nothing. Can you say with 100% certainty that no GOP Senators would flip? That not one will start to worry about their re-election chances with them being tied to this lying monkey? And if 1 or 2 flip, that could start something bigger. It's UnAmerican to not try! Misbehave Goramnit!

Plus, it's their job and it's just ethically the Right thing to do. Let's not send a signal that when one party is "in control" the other one is pointless.

Things will only irreversibly change for better when there are 33 or fewer GOP Senators, but getting the GOP down to only 49 Senators will get people overly confident that noticeably change is on the way. I hate to burst your optimistic bubble but it is NOT until the number drops to 33. Think of it as how much cancer is in your blood. The lower the number, the longer you live, and America won't be healthy enough to function until that number is 33 GOP Senators.

I'm not kidding about calling GOP Senators cancer. Have you ever talked to Ted Cruz or John Cornyn, Texas Senators? Those two are leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma all rolled together.

2017 was not a good year in the Senate. It passed a ridiculous tax cut that adds a $1 trillion per year to the National Debt (which should not happen when the economy is good) and the Senate picked a bunch of nitwits to be Federal Judges. In 2017, for the first time, the Senate’s decisions were often made by a coalition of GOP states representing less than half of the country’s population. The median share of senators supporting passed bills, confirmed judges and agency leaders, and other matters dropped to 58% (the lowest since 1930), with those senators representing just 49.5% of the U.S. population (the lowest ever)! Look at graphs to see the previous 200 years. Things are breaking down in the Senate and adding 2 more Democrats won't fix it. It will need at least 67 Democrats in the Senate.

I believe you, and yet you'll never convince me of what the future holds! People dying from cancer still fight, they don't just wait and quote numbers.


Thursday, August 29, 2019 4:05 PM


rezident owtsidr

An alternativ stratejy iz to elect independents.

If 1/3 uv the senate wuz independents and they were non-moronz, The moron based Republican party woud shrink and shrivel like a raizen in the sun.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early .


Friday, August 30, 2019 8:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

I believe you, and yet you'll never convince me of what the future holds! People dying from cancer still fight, they don't just wait and quote numbers.

In Harris County, where the biggest city is Houston, all the Republican politicians lost their Harris county offices in November 2018. Every Republican from the justice of the peace all the way up to the top judgeship positions are gone and we don't have listen to their damn stupidity and their irrational fears, at least until the next campaigns start in 2020. That is impossible for the Federal government, which is not designed for a clean sweep to remove all traces of the stupidest, stubbornest, most cowardly jackasses of the GOP. That is because there will always be states that send GOP jackasses to Congress and so long as it is more than one-third of the states, those jackasses in the Senate will be able to wreck anything and everything. What is even worse, the Federal government can't purge itself of GOP judges, with their lifetime appointments, which is completely unlike judges in Harris County, who can be changed at every election.

Does it sound like I dislike Republicans? It goes far beyond disliking the politics of the typical Republican voter who approves of Trump. (There are Republicans that I approve of. Funny how they are not bitter at life, all are successful, and all know Trump is a crook and racist. These are people who are not an ugly skin-cancer on America, unlike your typical Trump-lover.)

There is something seriously wrong in the brains of people who make excuses for Trump, and it shows in other parts of their lives far away from politics. I had that same feeling about the people who made excuses for the stupid tactics used to fight the Vietnam War. Could they be convinced that what they were doing was a guaranteed losing strategy? No. Not even losing could convince them that they were fighting all wrong. Many were Democrats during Vietnam, but today they are Republicans. They switched parties, but they are still using the same brain as in 1970, and have the same problems they still haven't the brains to ever solve, no matter that it is 2019.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, August 30, 2019 9:22 AM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 30, 2019 10:09 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SECOND:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

I believe you, and yet you'll never convince me of what the future holds! People dying from cancer still fight, they don't just wait and quote numbers.

In Harris County, where the biggest city is Houston, all the Republican politicians lost their Harris county offices in November 2018. Every Republican from the justice of the peace all the way up to the top judgeship positions are gone and we don't have listen to their damn stupidity and their irrational fears, at least until the next campaigns start in 2020. That is impossible for the Federal government, which is not designed for a clean sweep to remove all traces of the stupidest, stubbornest, most cowardly jackasses of the GOP. That is because there will always be states that send GOP jackasses to Congress and so long as it is more than one-third of the states, those jackasses in the Senate will be able to wreck anything and everything. What is even worse, the Federal government can't purge itself of GOP judges, with their lifetime appointments, which is completely unlike judges in Harris County, who can be changed at every election.

Does it sound like I dislike Republicans? It goes far beyond disliking the politics of the typical Republican voter who approves of Trump. (There are Republicans that I approve of. Funny how they are not bitter at life, all are successful, and all know Trump is a crook and racist. These are people who are not an ugly skin-cancer on America, unlike your typical Trump-lover.)

There is something seriously wrong in the brains of people who make excuses for Trump, and it shows in other parts of their lives far away from politics. I had that same feeling about the people who made excuses for the stupid tactics used to fight the Vietnam War. Could they be convinced that what they were doing was a guaranteed losing strategy? No. Not even losing could convince them that they were fighting all wrong. Many were Democrats during Vietnam, but today they are Republicans. They switched parties, but they are still using the same brain as in 1970, and have the same problems they still haven't the brains to ever solve, no matter that it is 2019.

Yup - agreed. I saw someone post on this here forum, "What took you so long? I knew 2 years ago (about Trump)..." and I laughed because I knew Trump was a fraud from 32 years ago when Art of the Deal came out. "This f*cking guy..." "Snake oil" etc.

"There is something seriously wrong in the brains of people who make excuses for Trump..." I'm not sure it's "the brain" as much as just a lack of knowledge and experiences. Splitting hairs maybe. Maybe some or all of the above. But whatever - sitting around for 2020 is also a malfunction of the brain imho. You don't know anything until you try it.
Remember Y2K? Remember how we knew the earth would implode? Remember how Hillary DIDN'T WIN???

No worries - you keep hoping the GOP will get a better brain and I'll keep hoping the Dems won't be the same old weak-ass over-thinking hand-wringing do-nothing Dems they seem to have always been. That's the one thing I'll give Trump credit for - he knows most people hate conflict. They avoid it like the plague, especially if public failure might be a consequence. While he embraces it, loves it, and could give a f*ck if he's embarrassed. He'll just lie his way to the next one, bfd.


Friday, August 30, 2019 10:20 AM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 30, 2019 7:41 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Yup - agreed. I saw someone post on this here forum, "What took you so long? I knew 2 years ago (about Trump)..." and I laughed because I knew Trump was a fraud from 32 years ago when Art of the Deal came out. "This f*cking guy..." "Snake oil" etc.

"There is something seriously wrong in the brains of people who make excuses for Trump..." I'm not sure it's "the brain" as much as just a lack of knowledge and experiences. Splitting hairs maybe. Maybe some or all of the above. But whatever - sitting around for 2020 is also a malfunction of the brain imho. You don't know anything until you try it.
Remember Y2K? Remember how we knew the earth would implode? Remember how Hillary DIDN'T WIN???

No worries - you keep hoping the GOP will get a better brain and I'll keep hoping the Dems won't be the same old weak-ass over-thinking hand-wringing do-nothing Dems they seem to have always been. That's the one thing I'll give Trump credit for - he knows most people hate conflict. They avoid it like the plague, especially if public failure might be a consequence. While he embraces it, loves it, and could give a f*ck if he's embarrassed. He'll just lie his way to the next one, bfd.

I've got a story from today. The Houston Chronicle politely does not make it front and center that these judges are all Harris County brain-damaged Republicans, but they are brain-damaged. Again, there actually are Republican voters I admire, but those act nothing like the Trump-lovers or these judges:

Three sitting judges and eight former district judges in Harris County were publicly admonished by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct in response to complaints that for years they violated state law and judicial cannons by ordering hearing officers to deny no-cost bail to thousands of poor defendants.

But the actions this week came too late to affect most jurists’ behavior on the bench. Seven left their district seats last year either because they didn’t run or lost elections. One lost re-election back in 2016.

The misconduct probes of all 11 judges began in February 2018, when the Houston Chronicle obtained copies of memos and notes that showed that for a full decade most of Harris County’s felony court judges had provided different types of written or verbal instructions to the county’s hearing officers to routinely deny no-cash bail to all or most newly-arrested defendants.

The agency’s findings confirm most bans were in effect for years and largely went unnoticed and unchallenged until 2017 when Harris County judges and other officials were civilly sued in federal court for allegedly violating the rights of poor defendants by routinely failing to provide no-cost bail in many misdemeanor as well as felony cases. (The county is now in the process of settling that lawsuit). The article does not mention WHY Harris county is settling, but it is because stubborn old fool Republican politicians who would litigate it until the end of time got booted from office in the recent election. We'd still be fighting (and losing) the Vietnam War 50 years later if it wasn't for Congressional Democrats cutting off a Republican President's money to fight it.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, August 30, 2019 10:22 PM


rezident owtsidr

Stupid and evil. They got all basez covered.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early .


Saturday, August 31, 2019 7:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JO753:
Stupid and evil. They got all basez covered.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early .

You got that right about stupid and evil. There was a Republican judge who lost his elected position: Harris County District Judge Michael McSpadden told the Chronicle on Thursday that he stands behind his decision to deny personal recognizance (PR) bonds even if it violated the law.

For the evil part, McSpadden refused to admit he was targeting blacks. Oh, no, he's not a racist, he says. For the stupid part, McSpadden kept people in Harris County jail waiting years for their misdemeanor trials. The jail was over-stuffed with innocent people. The Republicans controlling Harris county would neither expand the jail nor would they lower the population of prisoners by using PR bonds. It was just a ridiculous mess created by the GOP. Either expand the jail or lower the prisoner population seems a simple choice, doesn't it? But not simple enough for a Republican voter to understand.

The funny part is that McSpadden didn't lose his job because he was a racist, an idiot judge, and all-around smug evil bastard. He lost it because of Trump's silly antics and general stupidity in Washington DC forced a slight shift in the votes for positions in Harris County, Texas in 2018.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, September 1, 2019 2:24 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

How Badly Can Trump Lose the 2020 Election?
(The Worst He Can Do Is Not That Bad)

In April 2011, Whet Moser of Chicago Magazine wrote a piece with an intriguing subtitle: “How Alan Keyes’s substantial – but not 100 percent total–loss to Barack Obama – explains the world, or at least birthers and the sudden political popularity of Donald Trump.” It was a retrospective article that looked at the 2004 Illinois senate race that launched Barack Hussein Obama to national prominence. But it was also forward-looking, as Moser was already noting something stirring within the Republican base toward Donald Trump and his Birther movement.

The contest between Obama and Keyes had already become a kind of measure of what percentage of the electorate is so blinded by either stupidity, insanity or raw partisanship that it will never under any circumstances vote for the Democrats. This was spawned by a hilarious piece screenwriter John Rodgers wrote in 2005 at his blog Kung Fu Monkey. In that post, Rodgers created a pretend conversation with his black friend Tyrone as they mused on how low President Bush’s approval numbers could go. They currently stood at 37%, and Tyrone insisted that they could go no lower than 27%.

John: Hey, Bush is now at 37% approval. I feel much less like Kevin McCarthy screaming in traffic. But I wonder what his base is —

Tyrone: 27%.

John: … you said that immediately, and with some authority.

Tyrone: Obama vs. Alan Keyes. Keyes was from out of state, so you can eliminate any established political base; both candidates were black, so you can factor out racism; and Keyes was plainly, obviously, completely crazy. Batshit crazy. Head-trauma crazy. But 27% of the population of Illinois voted for him. They put party identification, personal prejudice, whatever ahead of rational judgement. Hell, even like 5% of Democrats voted for him. That’s crazy behaviour. I think you have to assume a 27% Crazification Factor in any population.

Once this post went viral, the 27% floor became known as either the “Crazification Factor” or the “Alan Keyes Constant.” Over time, it’s been remarkable to see how many different unpopular opinions bottom out at approximately 27% in surveys. Whenever that happens, people inevitably shrug and make reference to the Alan Keyes Constant.

But I don’t think the number is correct for presidential campaigns. With the stakes so much higher than a mere Senate race, I think raw partisanship has more influence. So, if we ask how low Donald Trump’s approval number can go or how badly he might do in the popular vote in 2020, I think we need to project something closer to 37%.

Right now, people are beginning to lose confidence in Trump’s shepherding of the economy and his poll numbers are slipping as a result. But he’s still stubbornly holding on at around 40%.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 4, 2019 5:27 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

If only Trump gave a damn.

The Russians are coming.

That’s the message about the 2020 election from FBI Director Chris Wray (who this summer said Moscow is determined to interfere in the next presidential contest) and from former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats (who warned that Vladimir Putin’s regime and other foreign actors will concoct new methods for messing with American politics in 2020). Yet Donald Trump and his administration have done little to signal that thwarting another Russian attack — or an assault on the election from any other source — is a priority.

In the months before Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from her post as Department of Homeland Security secretary, she was instructed not to raise with Trump the issue of preventing Russian interference in 2020. (Any talk of Russia’s attempted subversion of US elections apparently irks Trump — as it should, for his election victory is indeed tainted by Moscow’s intervention.)

And Trump, who has never fully acknowledged Putin’s attack in 2016, recently noted that he would accept secret help, in the form of dirt on a political rival, from a foreign government for his reelection campaign. That remark, his call to allow Russia to reenter the G8, and his general Russia-didn’t-do-anything stance certainly send a signal to Putin: Feel free to do it again.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has blocked votes on a variety of election security bills.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 5, 2019 6:50 AM



Originally posted by SECOND:

If only Trump gave a damn. The Russians are coming.



Thursday, September 5, 2019 9:29 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SECOND:
If only Trump gave a damn.

The Russians are coming.

A friend made this observation, speculation:

2020 is in the bag. Trump will win pretty much as he did and by the relatively same margins as he did in 2016. Trump knows that he has Russia's help and they have assured him that, "no worries, comrade." He's made good on enough pro-Russian moves, chiefly sanctions lifted, Nato threatened, England/EU rattled, Ukraine snubbed, that they're still on board. And since we're doing little to protect our elections it should be pretty easy. I add that the US population still has no idea just how many voting machines and outcomes Russia controlled in 2016. Even our election "experts" have very little knowledge. AND even if they did there's no way any public official would even try and tell us. The Trump WH surely wouldn't, and anyone else who might would face immediate termination from our dictator. Trump exercised firing people as an early statement of control and domination - pretty smart, really.
Plus, consider: Trump knowing that he's got a lock on the next 4 years - 4 years of plundering our Treasury, filling his properties with countries looking for handouts and US gov officials getting room service on our dime, and very importantly staying out of jail - goes a long way to explaining his current behavior. As in total indifference to being even a remotely responsible president. He simply doesn't have to give a sh*t.


Friday, September 6, 2019 12:51 PM



New Generation Of Voters Emerges In 2020. Opps...


Friday, September 6, 2019 1:19 PM



Good luck with that.

You're going to need the millennials to vote in droves, because Gen Z isn't voting Democrat.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 6, 2019 2:02 PM




Friday, September 6, 2019 3:00 PM


Yes. I agree.

You must be exhausted.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 5:36 PM


Democrats have a chance in a heavily Trump district in North Carolina

We'll know in a few hours folks.



Tuesday, September 10, 2019 6:46 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Democrats have a chance in a heavily Trump district in North Carolina

We'll know in a few hours folks.


McCready raised nearly 5 million, compared to Bishop's nearly 2 million.

Sounds odd, for a heavly Republican district, doesn't it?

It does.

Here's a list of itemized contributions by the FEC, which requires any donations over $200 to be recorded and made public.

There's 30 pages there to pour through.

Do me a favor and count them up and tell me how much of it actually came from residents of NC.

Doesn't look like much of it did.

Anybody voting for this sellout isn't going to have their district represented when he's in the pockets of so many people that don't even come from North Carolina.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 6:58 PM



Top three donations of nearly $120,000 to his candidacy were from "Prism Communications", based out of D.C.

What is Prism Communications, you ask?

From their About Page:


At Prism Communications, we’re about one thing: winning.

Not winning awards. Not winning praise from pundits. Winning campaigns. YOUR campaign.

To get there, we put you first. We become a full partner in your campaign: from strategic planning to earned media to paid advertising, we help you tell your story and move voters.

We recognize that every candidate and every campaign are different. So we work with you to create a message and branding that reflect what you’re about. Then we build an integrated communications plan that marries traditional broadcast and cable advertising with online ads and video to deliver that message.

Our partners have years of experience in campaign management, strategy, and advertising, and we’ve assembled the top talent in the business to oversee our in-house production operation. All for one reason: to help you win.


I would think that from that mission statement, their plan is to make money by helping you run your campaign. But $120,000 donated to this guy's campaign would paint a very different picture, wouldn't it?


Somebody else with a lot of money wanted to pay Prism to handle his campaign and funnel money to him without having their name attached to the money.

Seems shady as fuck to me and should be investigated.

It also seems as if a majority of the largest donations were from D.C. as well as democrat strongholds of CA, IL and NY.

Even if there is no investigation, it's obvious that this Prism has been doing overtime handling this single election out of season when there's nearly nothing else to focus on. So much money pouring in from outside sources that shouldn't much care about a single seat in a single district other than a Democrat win would push a narrative that some would like to continue on with.

Humorously, there is also another special election in the 3rd district of NC tonight and nobody is talking about it.

The Republican guy there only raised $900,000 vs the Democrat raising less than half of that at $430,000.

Allen himself made $230,000 in personal money of his $430,000 total contributions to his own campaign fund. Doesn't look like Prism Communications is involved at all in that campaign. Quite a bit of the donations came from states outside of NC in this case as well, but nowhere near the scale of the 9th District donations.

I bet if Democrats pull off the tossup in District 9 but fail miserably in District 3 at the same time you're never going to hear about District 3 in the MSM.

Ask me how I know.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 8:53 PM


Republican Greg Murphy declared winner of 3rd District of NC with only 61% of precincts reporting.

You won't hear anything about this race tomorrow.

Meanwhile, with (only) 28% of precincts reporting in the 9th District (dragging this out all night long like they always do for ad revenue), Washington Post says Dem candidate leads 50.9% to 48.4%.

[all updates are from WaPo]

UPDATE: (12 minutes after original post)

46% of precincts reporting have Dem candidate leading 49.8% to 49.5%.

UPDATE 2: (17 minutes after original post)

55% of precincts reporting have GOP candidate leading 49.9% to 49.5%.

(WaPo page is incorrectly saying that Dem candidate is still leading when the percentages currently show otherwise)

UPDATE 3: (25 minutes after original post)

58% of precincts reporting have GOP candidate leading 50% to 49.3%.

(With GOP candidate slightly increasing the lead as votes come in, WaPo page still incorrectly stating that Dem candidate is leading. I know they both have the same first name guys, how about you do your damn jobs?)

UPDATE 4: (30 minutes after original post)

59% of precincts reporting have GOP candidate leading 50.1% to 49.3%.

(Lead still slightly widening for GOP candidate, but WaPo can't seem to get the right "Dan" listed as the leader)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 9:27 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 9:42 PM



With 79% of precincts reporting GOP Dan leading Dem Dan 50.4% to 48.9%.

Whoever fell asleep at the wheel for the last half hour at WaPo was fired and they finally acknowledged that GOP Dan is in the lead.


88% of precincts reporting GOP Dan leads Dem Dan 50.6% to 48.7%.

Total vote spread is right around 3,250 votes.

Unless the Dems pull off a miracle in the last 12% of precincts reporting, the spread will likely be too much to even demand a recall and this should be wrapped up tonight.

Somebody at Prism Communications is probably going to be fired.

Donations from Prism Communications on FEC website:


Once again, Prism Communications is a firm that gets paid to help somebody win their election. So somebody paid them quite a bit of money to help Dem Dan win the 9th District tonight and to anonymously funnel well over $100k into his campaign.

They should be investigated. States should also pass laws that bar any campaign contributions for state legislature to come from out of state as well.


92% of precincts reporting have GOP Dan up 50.7% to 48.6% with a vote spread of over 3,800 votes.

Somebody better check in on Rachel Maddow.


96% of precincts reporting have GOP Dan up 50.6% to 48.7% with a vote spread of over 3,600.

A slight increase and glimmer of hope for people who have no stake in this but have nothing better to do with their lives but wish on a star that North Carolina sticks it to Trump tonight?


Originally posted by THG:

We'll know in a few hours folks.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 10:13 PM




GOP Dan declared the winner with 95% of districts reporting at 50.6% to 48.7%.

92,272 votes to 88,839 votes.

Seriously. Don't anybody lose any sleep over any of this. Nobody here (I believe) is from NC and this doesn't actually mean anything.

Everybody and MSNBC, CNN and Fox News are thrilled either way. They made a lot of money tonight over nothing.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 10:16 PM


Seriously though.

Somebody ought to investigate Prism Communications, where the money for their $120k in donations came from and all states should pass laws to bar any outside money coming in from other states for these elections in the future.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 11:16 PM


And the NYT spin machine starts...

Unable to post the headline they wanted to with a victory, here's their backup plan.


Mr. Bishop’s narrow victory over Dan McCready in a conservative district demonstrated warning signs for President Trump in 2020.

No. No it doesn't.

McCready had help from a D.C. based campaign firm and raked in millions of dollars from out of state campaign contributions, "raised" 2 1/2 times as much money as the GOP candidate, outspent the GOP candidate nearly 3 to 1 and still couldn't win. The spread of GOP votes vs Democrat votes were at least 5 times greater than they were in the 2018 election that was in question and lead to this special election.

And in the mean time, the 3rd district race in NC tonight was a blowout.

Quit posting bullshit, NYT.

Oh, and BTW... Dem Dan is sitting on nearly half a million dollars of unspent campaign contributions. Somebody better make sure he doesn't walk away with that money.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 11:40 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Seriously though.

Somebody ought to investigate Prism Communications, where the money for their $120k in donations came from and all states should pass laws to bar any outside money coming in from other states for these elections in the future.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Many decades ago, when dems still wore a faint Kennedy glow, I remember getting letters from various out-of-state campaigns ... this (name the democrat) is in a tight race in (name the state) and needs your contribution to win.

Except for being computerized, statistics-run, and contracted-out, I'm not sure that Prism is any different from decades ago.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 1:05 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Seriously though.

Somebody ought to investigate Prism Communications, where the money for their $120k in donations came from and all states should pass laws to bar any outside money coming in from other states for these elections in the future.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Many decades ago, when dems still wore a faint Kennedy glow, I remember getting letters from various out-of-state campaigns ... this (name the democrat) is in a tight race in (name the state) and needs your contribution to win.

Except for being computerized, statistics-run, and contracted-out, I'm not sure that Prism is any different from decades ago.

The practice should have been outlawed decades ago even if it was much smaller scale. We're talking big money here. This is how AOC and Omar got in. They didn't get any money from people they were going to represent when they were elected either.

This particular race is a HUGE example of the problem though. It's completely impossible to deny the facts here.

First, as nearly everyone in the media likes to point out, this is a heavy Republican district. Yet, at the same time GOP dan only raised $1,954,334.65 cmpared to DEM Dan's $4,950,881.11.

Second, GOP Dan put up $250,000 of his own money for his campaign (about 1/8th of the money he raised). Dem Dan didn't put up a single cent of his money. He didn't have to. He's still got nearly 1/2 a million unspent bucks out of that $5Million he "raised".

Third, ALL candidates get money from outside interests and this certainly isn't a new phenomenon. PACs are the worst. GOP Dan got a majority of his money from "Club For Growth PAC". After the quarter of a million dollars he put up himself, the first 4 1/4 pages of 30 contributions are from this PAC in amounts ranging from $17,855.00 to $5,000. Most of his money raised was from this single PAC based in DC. You have to go halfway down the 5th page beyond this PACs contributions to even find the first NC state contribution of $6,288.10 from "Queen City Catering", and nearly at the bottom of the 6th page to find the second by a private citizen of $2,800.

(I'm assuming the maximum an individual can give in 2019 has been increased to $2,800 since there are a lot of those at this point, even though a Google Search of it has the FEC stating that limit is only $2,700.)

At this point, for GOP Dan, many of the contributions are from NC, but there are still a lot from out of state. Most of these $2,800 donations for Dem Dan are out of state however, and there were a great deal more of them to make up the $5 million Dem Dan raised.

I was going to put a list up, but you can just check out the site and look at the details. There's 10,041 donations on record for Dem Dan and 1,809 donations on record for GOP Dan. At only 30 results per page I could be cutting and pasting this all week and still not be done.

Long story short, my point is...

How can you expect your elected government officials to work for the people they're supposed to represent when the people who funded their way into office are nearly all outside interests.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 1:22 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

For a different take from the wonks (fwiw). One of the takeaways - that more money doesn't cause wins, but that big donors figure who might win and then put their money down to claim their future prize.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 8:47 AM


Win or lose doesn't really matter I suppose When you're doing this all over the place you're bound to win at least 50/50. I'm sure their success rates are higher than that and they do a lot of research.

I'm sure last night came as a shock to a few people who gave quite a bit of money.

Then, of course, you've got rich people who don't even live in the state that think nothing of throwing down $2,800 on a politician that's on their "side". I can't imagine $2,800 is enough to really buy any favors from an out of state politician in 2019. They're just trying to manipulate who has more seats in the house and have the money to just throw away on that number.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 9:42 AM


Spin, spin, spin...

Democrats didn’t win in North Carolina’s special election, but here’s why they’re still celebrating

Republicans Won Both Elections In North Carolina — But It’s Not All Bad News For Democrats

Why Republicans shouldn’t breathe a sigh of relief after N.C. win

I feel that I missed an opportunity here.

Next time I need to start making up some headlines and seeing how close they are to the real ones that come out.

All three of these are nearly identical and could have easily been predicted.

Keep lying to your readers guys and gals. 5th Place Rachel is feeling the sting of that long-term strategy now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 7:21 PM


I was sure this thread would have some replies today.

Did I steal everyone's thunder by preemptively posting the lefty outlet platitudes and assurances and calling them out for the bullshit click bait they were?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 14, 2019 10:52 AM




Wednesday, September 18, 2019 8:47 AM



Originally posted by THG:

New Generation Of Voters Emerges In 2020. Opps...

Wanted to make sure I found this post of yours to reply to when I posted this, T.

Young Trump Voters Like These Are Key to a 2020 Victory

By the way. Fix your fucking signature again, retard.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 10:41 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Wanted to make sure I found this post of yours to reply to when I posted this, T.

Young Trump Voters Like These Are Key to a 2020 Victory

The article says "could be" key, and that's from Trump's campaign manager, so duh. I think you fell for Newsweek's marketing is all. They quote a few young moonbeams and you're all over it like it's fact. One of them even says, "He means what he says and says what he means. I think that's what a president should do," which is incredibly stupid and funny when it refers to the biggest liar in the history of mankind.

I'd say Newsweek got a lot of money with that issue from GOP and Dem haters - a demographic they rarely appeal to. So good for them!

I find your image link interesting:

http: // is2. 4chan. org/ news/ 1568762941697. jpg

So now you're going to 4chan? That's a dark place I see you falling into and not coming out of.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
By the way. Fix your fucking signature again, retard.

^Maybe you should fix your grammar before being an @sswad?


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 12:19 PM



Originally posted by CAPTAINCRUNCH:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Wanted to make sure I found this post of yours to reply to when I posted this, T.

Young Trump Voters Like These Are Key to a 2020 Victory

The article says "could be" key, and that's from Trump's campaign manager, so duh. I think you fell for Newsweek's marketing is all. They quote a few young moonbeams and you're all over it like it's fact. One of them even says, "He means what he says and says what he means. I think that's what a president should do," which is incredibly stupid and funny when it refers to the biggest liar in the history of mankind.

I'd say Newsweek got a lot of money with that issue from GOP and Dem haters - a demographic they rarely appeal to. So good for them!

No. Newsweek is just doing what a large trend of lefty MSM is doing these days. It's "reluctantly" supporting Trump. They're going to be starved for rage-bait bullshit titles when he's out of office. This is about the 10th article I've shown along this trend now after I made that prediction.


I find your image link interesting:

http: // is2. 4chan. org/ news/ 1568762941697. jpg

So now you're going to 4chan? That's a dark place I see you falling into and not coming out of.

Google reverse image search sent me to 4chan.

You pretended to read that article. Didn't you see that image on the article page?

The fuckwits at these media corporations try to link their images in a way where they can't be used elsewhere. For stupid people, I'm sure it works. For the rest of us we could either download the image directly, download it through the Page Info if the direct download is blocked, or even just do an old Print Screen, save the image and upload it to an image server to share the link. Some of them even save their images with a webp extension which won't work on this website and isn't even viewable in many standard PC image programs. There are programs you can download to convert these to JPG files, then upload them to an image server to share the link.

Or, you can just save yourself a shit ton of hassle, paste the image into a Google Image Search field, click on the size of the image you're looking for, then find one that is usable on this site.

It turns out that this was the only one available on the Google Image Search in any size. Go ahead and check it out yourself.

I'll commend you for noticing that though. I saw it when I was posting it. I didn't think any of you dummies would catch it. But also color me completely unsurprised that you would try to use that against me.

But go back and look at the article you pretended to read. The image is their on the official article and wasn't a photoshop job on a Chan board.

While you're at it, take some time to actually read the article to realize just how wrong you are. Again.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
By the way. Fix your fucking signature again, retard.

^Maybe you should fix your grammar before being an @sswad?

Why don't you fix it for me, dummy?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 12:37 PM


While we're on the topic of your learning disability, Captain...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 1:12 PM


Sorry. Took a nasty spill while working yesterday and kind of hurting today.

Defo being a bigger dick than usual this morning.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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