Who Is Running In 2020?

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 15:47
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Friday, September 6, 2019 6:58 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
The polls I linked to at RCP are either limited to people who (say they) are democrats voting in the primary, unstated, or across party lines and presumably adjusted for the people in the different categories (D/ R/ I).

So I think they represent a narrower D portion of the spectrum.

The problem is that 999 people out of 1,000 aren't even going to bother looking at the methodology or are even aware that such a thing as polling methodology even exists. I'm probably being extremely generous with that number too.

Smart people know that the polls are bullshit, but most people don't. I didn't know a single person who voted for Trump in 2016 that actually thought he was going to win. I was the only person who said it was a sure thing.

Skewing polling results intentionally with the methodology is lying by structure, even when the methodology is easy to find. Most horses aren't going to drink the water, even when they're lead right to it.

My question is, why do it again? And so soon.

I don't think the answer to that question is a simple one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 8, 2019 6:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Tuksi Gabbard is still running! Despite having been squeezed out of the third debate by rules that even pollsters think are nuts and smeared by every M$M outlet, she's continuing forward.

Good for her! The fact that the M$M takes every oppty to slam her lets you know thar she's one of the few that represents a real difference on the dem side. The rest are just droids.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Sunday, September 8, 2019 6:43 AM


I do want to vote for her in the primary.

I'd feel better about doing it if she wasn't a Democrat when it comes to gun ownership though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 8, 2019 8:10 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Tuksi Gabbard is still running! Despite having been squeezed out of the third debate by rules that even pollsters think are nuts and smeared by every M$M outlet, she's continuing forward.

Good for her! The fact that the M$M takes every oppty to slam her lets you know thar she's one of the few that represents a real difference on the dem side. The rest are just droids.

How much m$m do you consume?? I’ve barely seen her even mentioned and it wasn’t close to being slammed. You’re not making sh*t up again are you?

Anyone else have a clue why the Nationalists are such fans of hers? Disruption pure and simple?


Sunday, September 8, 2019 9:31 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Tuksi Gabbard is still running! Despite having been squeezed out of the third debate by rules that even pollsters think are nuts and smeared by every M$M outlet, she's continuing forward.

Good for her! The fact that the M$M takes every oppty to slam her lets you know thar she's one of the few that represents a real difference on the dem side. The rest are just droids.

How much m$m do you consume?? I’ve barely seen her even mentioned and it wasn’t close to being slammed. You’re not making sh*t up again are you?

Barely mentioned, is the same thing in a different form. If the MSM took that tac with Trump the last 3 years, the Democrats would have a much better shot at winning in 2020.

Google hid her from searches, and she's in the middle of a lawsuit against Google for it. Twitter hid the fact that she was the second trending term on their website for 24 hours after the 2nd debate where she killed Harris' presidential run.


Anyone else have a clue why the Nationalists are such fans of hers? Disruption pure and simple?

Why don't you watch a debate and see for yourself?

You'll have to watch re-runs though, because the DNC successfully "Bernied" her from the 3rd debate.

But if you can't be bothered with that, well, the fact the DNC doesn't want her and is willing to break their own rules to keep her out, and the fact that Google and Facebook didn't want her are good enough for me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 8, 2019 4:07 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Tuksi Gabbard is still running! Despite having been squeezed out of the third debate by rules that even pollsters think are nuts and smeared by every M$M outlet, she's continuing forward.

Good for her! The fact that the M$M takes every oppty to slam her lets you know thar she's one of the few that represents a real difference on the dem side. The rest are just droids.

How much m$m do you consume?? I’ve barely seen her even mentioned and it wasn’t close to being slammed. You’re not making sh*t up again are you?

How stupid, or reclusive, or ignorant, must you be to not know that MSM is slamming her, and/or deleting any mention of her? To not know google is actively subverting any search engine results fo her, hiding her from public view?

You really push the limits of credibility, unless you just start each post admitting that you are a Libtard, an unmitigated desert of information and knowledge.


Sunday, September 8, 2019 4:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The smearing of Tulsi Gabbard by BOTH the democrats and the m$m? Discussed already. Anyone who debates that it happened is either deliberately ignorant, mentally deficient, or lying.


Saturday, January 12, 2019 6:52 PM Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Tulsi Gabbard has already been mentioned. As a Hindu, a woman, part-Samoan AND an Iraq veteran you'd think she would be high up in the DNC identity-politics race, but her "fatal flaw" is that she wants to end our endless wars. THAT, of course, is poison for the Democratic establishment, which wants all war all the time. So of course she's getting a ration of shit, being called Assad's favorite democrat and other crap like that.

Fucking Democratic sellouts. May they burn in hell.


Sunday, January 13, 2019 4:03 AM Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Fucking Democratic sellouts. May they burn in hell.- SIGNY

No one really wants war, you are the only that obsesses about it at an Olympic level. I just imagine every time you type the word you feel a little tingle. - WISHY

My god you're such a fucking moron you're an embarrassment to morons everywhere.


Tulsi Gabbard is where I draw the line. She’s a right wing lunatic, she supports Assad, she’s a Trump pal, she tried to sabotage the DNC from within in 2016, and Russia Today loves her. She’s the one Democrat I will oppose in 2020. She’s not a real Democrat, she’s Steve Bannon.
5:46 PM - 11 Jan 2019

My support for every other Democratic 2020 candidate still stands. But Tulsi Gabbard? Hell no. She should have been banned from the party a long time ago. Fucking monster. She’ll use her campaign to try to destroy the Democratic Party during the primary. I won’t allow it.

The funny part is, looking through all the tweets mentioning “Tulsi Gabbard” right now, the only ones saying positive things about her are Trump supporters and alt-right. Their deranged fantasy is that she turns the Democratic Party into a right wing puppet of the Kremlin.

‘No different than Trump with Putin’: Howard Dean says Tulsi Gabbard should resign for defending Assad

A furious Howard Dean blasted Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) on MSNBC Sunday morning for her defense of Syrian President Assad, with Dean saying the Hawaiian lawmaker should resign from Congress. color = lightblue>

Noah Shachtman
?Verified account @NoahShachtman
Tired of Putin? Vote Assad 2020!!!!!!!

Markos Moulitsas
These are the Tulsi Gabbard fans—Russian propaganda outlet and a KKK grand puppy dragon or whatever pretentious-ass title they give themselves.


Friday, March 15, 2019 12:14 AM Originally posted by rue:
Media Hit-Job Continues As Colbert Ambushes Tulsi Gabbard


Friday, August 2, 2019 12:33 PM Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And here is Tulsi, getting the screw-job from a bunch of women of color ( Kamala Harris (Yanno,like she is.) Next, they'll be calling her a "Russian troll"


Sunday, August 4, 2019 11:47 AM Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Tulsi Gabbard sues Google, claims 'election interference' over suspension of ad account
Nicholas Wu | USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, member of Congress and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard launched a lawsuit against Google claiming "serious and continuing violations of Tulsi’s right to free speech" because of Google's suspension of the Gabbard campaign's advertising account during the first Democratic presidential debate.

The campaign asks for an immediate court injunction to stop further meddling from Google and payment of financial damages.

According to the lawsuit, filed by lawyers representing Gabbard's campaign Tulsi Now Inc., Google suspended the Gabbard campaign's advertising account for several hours during the first Democratic debate, when Gabbard was briefly the most-searched candidate on Google.

"On June 28, 2019, millions of Americans asked Google about Tulsi Gabbard," the lawsuit says. "Tulsi sought to answer them. But Google silenced her."

In response, Google says "automated systems that flag unusual activity on all advertiser accounts -- including large spending changes" were to blame for the suspension of Gabbard's account. Google says their automated systems aim to "prevent fraud and protect our customers."

"In this case, our system triggered a suspension and the account was reinstated shortly thereafter," said Google spokeswoman Riva Sciuto. "We are proud to offer ad products that help campaigns connect directly with voters, and we do so without bias toward any party or political ideology."

The New York Times first reported the lawsuit. Warning of the "dominance of big tech companies," Gabbard told the Times, "This is a threat to free speech, fair elections and to our democracy, and I intend to fight back on behalf of all Americans.”

Gabbard's campaign website took a more aggressive tone.

"Tulsi Takes Google to Court Over Election Interference," said a banner at the top of Gabbard's campaign website, mirroring language about Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Republicans have long attacked tech giants like Google for what they see as an ideological bias. Last month, President Donald Trump held a "Social Media Summit" at the White House, where he hosted prominent conservative detractors of tech companies.

Ahead of the summit, Trump railed on Twitter against the "tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression" of the tech companies and said they would not be able to do so for much longer.

"if Google can do this to Tulsi, a combat veteran and four term Congresswoman who is running for the nation’s highest office, Google can do this to any candidate, from any party, running for any office in the United States," says a statement on Gabbard's website.
/ I hope Tulsi get $50million to fund her campaign



WaPo Publishes Gabbard Smear Piece Filled With Blatant Lies
Caitlin Johnstone

The Washington Post, which is wholly owned by a CIA contractor who is reportedly working to control the underlying infrastructure of the global economy, has published a shockingly deceitful smear piece about Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard in the wake of her criticisms of her opponent Kamala Harris’ prosecutorial record during the last Democratic debate.

The article’s author, Josh Rogin, has been a cheerleader for US regime change interventionism in Syria since the very beginning of the conflict in that nation...

His article, titled “Tulsi Gabbard’s Syria record shows why she can’t be president”, is one of the most dishonest articles that I have ever read in a mainstream publication, and the fact that it made it through The Washington Post’s editors is enough to fully discredit that outlet.

You can read Rogin’s smear piece without giving Jeff Bezos more money by clicking here for an archive. There’s so much dishonesty packed into this one that all I can do is go through it lie-by-lie until I either finish or get tired, so let’s begin:

“Gabbard asserts that the United States (not Assad) is responsible for the death and destruction in Syria, that the Russian airstrikes on civilians are to be praised”

This is just a complete, brazen, whole-cloth lie from Rogin. If you click the hyperlink he alleges supports his claim that Gabbard asserts “Russian airstrikes on civilians are to be praised,” you come to a 2015 tweet by the congresswoman which reads, “Bad enough US has not been bombing al-Qaeda/al-Nusra in Syria. But it’s mind-boggling that we protest Russia’s bombing of these terrorists.”

Now, you can agree or disagree with Gabbard’s position ...[but] There is simply no way to represent the content of her tweet that way without knowingly lying about what you think it says.

Just as an aside, misrepresenting what other people have said seems to be a common tactic around here too ...

“That bias, combined with her long record of defending the Assad regime and parroting its propaganda, form the basis for the assertion Gabbard has ‘embraced and been an apologist for’ Assad, as Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) said Wednesday post-debate on CNN.”

Gabbard has no record whatsoever of “defending the Assad regime”.



Sunday, August 11, 2019 2:53 PM Originally posted by 1kiki:

Who’s Afraid of Tulsi Gabbard?

“It just shows,” says Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, “that launching a smear campaign is the only response to the truth.”

Gabbard, 38, burst into headlines after a July 31 Democratic Party presidential debate, when she went after California Senator Kamala Harris’s record as Attorney General of the State of California. The “smear campaign” refers to the bizarre avalanche of negative press that ensued, as reporters seemed to circle wagons around a Harris, a party favorite.

If you want to see what the democratic party really stands for, look who they attack. -1k

The Gabbard-Harris exchange was brief but revealing, as a window into a schism in the Democratic Party. Harris was elected Attorney General of California in 2010. She frequently sought moderate or even conservative positions on issues like criminal sentencing, drug enforcement, and prison labor. These stances were standard among Democrats back when being “tough on crime” was considered an essential component of the “electability” argument.

The Democratic electorate has changed, becoming especially concerned -01 about mass incarceration. However, the party has not quite caught up. Gabbard exposed these divisions in the July 31 event, when she said: “She put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana, and then laughed about it -02 when asked if she ever smoked marijuana.”

The Detroit crowd cheered all the way through Gabbard’s next point, about Harris’ blocking the introduction of DNA evidence -03 in a murder case. The applause unnerved Harris, who looked like someone dented her car. She’d been at 20 points in a July 2 Quinnipiac poll; after a multi-week slide that culminated with Gabbard’s attack, Harris was at 7 percent -04, a “distant fourth” behind Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.

When media drumbeats a particular position, in this case anti-Gabbard, it functions as part of the deep state that wants to control elections by controlling your information, and your opinions. -1k

Having wounded a presumptive frontrunner backed by nearly $25 million in campaign funds, Gabbard instantly became the subject of a slew of negative leaks, tweets, and press reports. Many of these continued the appalling recent Democratic Party tradition of denouncing anything it doesn’t like as treasonous aid to foreign enemies.

* Harris national press chair Ian Sams tweeted, “Yo, you love Assad!” -05, a reference to Gabbard’s controversial visit with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad in 2017.
* He then tweeted a link -06 to an insidious February 2 NBC News story, which asserted that Gabbard’s campaign was the beneficiary of Russian bots.

* Harris herself meanwhile gave a sneering interview to Anderson Cooper. “This is going to sound immodest,” she said, but as a “top-tier candidate,” she could “only take what [Gabbard] says and her opinion so seriously.”
* She added Gabbard was an “apologist for an individual, Assad, who has murdered the people of his country like cockroaches.”

* The New York Times wrote Gabbard believes the United States has “wrought horror on the world” and that “critics have called her actions un-American.” -07

* Politico denounced Gabbard’s “Star Wars bar scene-like following” and hissed -08
that the Daily Stormer was a supporter (Gabbard has repeatedly condemned white nationalism and sworn off their support).

* On The View, co-host Sunny Hostin called -09 Gabbard a “Trojan Horse,”

* while Ana Navarro viciously insinuated Gabbard, an Iraq veteran, was part of a foreign column. “I suspect there is something going on,” said Navarro. “I think she’s a decent human being who served this country, but I’m paranoid.”

The campaign against Gabbard is part of another remarkable shift in the Democratic Party. Barack Obama’s star began to rise as a presidential candidate 12 years ago, in 2007, when asked in a debate if he’d be willing to meet with Iran, Syria -10, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea.

Obama said he would -11, that “it is a disgrace that we have not spoken to them.” He added: “The notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them — which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of [the Bush] administration — is ridiculous.” He went on to cite, as Gabbard has done, the example of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, who both met with Soviet leaders.

It is true that Hillary Clinton pushed back against Obama’s position in that debate, calling it “irresponsible,” but the moment was a key in endearing Obama to liberal voters who were tired of Bush’s gunboat lunacy. The episode also helped define one of the more meaningful policy differences between Clinton and Obama. But the progressive position that meeting with dictators and/or adversaries is not only defensible but desirable no longer has any representation in major America media.

Gabbard’s position approach to war and intervention may be different from Obama’s (and especially different from president Obama, as opposed to candidate Obama), but it’s not as has been represented in most press accounts, some of which have bordered on the insane. This comically absurd passage -12 appeared in the New York Times: (passage failed to load in article)

Forget about arguing Gabbard was a “Trojan Horse”; this piece argued that by meeting with Assad, she was somehow opposed to democracy generally, and that this was hypocritical because she is running for president in a democratic election. This is even more preposterous than the goofball right-wing talking points arguing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is hypocritical because she espoused socialism while wearing a nice suit.

Gabbard’s actual views follow logically from her experience as a soldier in the Middle East, and as a native of a state that went through a remarkable nuclear scare -13 a year ago.

She’s not an isolationist. She’s simply opposed to bombing the crap out of, and occupying, foreign countries for no apparent positive strategic objective, beyond enriching contractors.

She is like many soldiers (and embedded reporters for that matter) who returned disillusioned from the Middle Eastern theater. Of concern: the extreme loss of life among both Americans and resident populations, and the outrageous profiteering amid abuse of foreign contract workers who are used to staff and service American bases.

In a long-ranging interview with myself and my co-host Katie Halper, for a new Rolling Stone-produced podcast, Gabbard spoke about her political evolution, Iraq, the 2018 nuclear scare in Hawaii, her decision to run for president, the confrontation with Harris, and the state of both the media and the Democratic Party.

The full interview will be released in audio and video soon. Here, in the meantime, are excerpts:

On the issue that drove her to run for the Hawaii state legislature at the age of 21:

The most populated island in the state is the island of Oahu, where I live and where I grew up. What I saw through this process as we were going around gathering signatures, getting people aware of the danger of building a landfill over a water aquifer, was how close the landfill developer was with the politicians who were greasing the wheels to get this project approved without really being the consumer protectors that they’re supposed to be.

So that, for me, was saying, “Hey, I can go out and gather signatures all day, but I want to be in that room where they’re making the decisions.” So that was what drove me to make that decision.

On her experiences in her first deployment in Iraq with a field medical unit of the Hawaii National Guard, and how they started to change her mind about the war:

We were lied to, and… we were betrayed…. This really wasn’t about going after Al-Qaeda. This wasn’t about fulfilling that mission of protecting the American people at all. It was a regime change war that was launched under the guise of national security, under the guise of humanitarianism, and, “Look at all these atrocities that this brutal dictator has done to his own people,” and done really for the benefit of corporate interests and oil.

On the military’s use of “Third Country Nationals” on bases in Iraq:

We started making friends with what were called the Third Country Nationals that were hired by KBR Halliburton to come and do things like clean the outhouses, or cook the meals in the chow hall, so we’d start to make friends with them and talk with them and go outside behind the tent, start cooking rice and sharing food, and just started asking them, “Hey, how much are you guys making? How are you being treated?”

It was outrageous to see. I mean, hearing, “Oh, I get paid $500 a month,” a month, “to work 12-hour days, six, seven days a week.” “How often do you get home to see your family?”
“Maybe once a year, but probably every other year.”

And just knowing the billions of dollars these companies are making, and really to have this indentured servitude, it just, it went to, “Well this is the military industrial complex.”

On her conclusions about the efficacy of foreign interventions:

We look at terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS. They have been born out of these wars, and have been strengthened because of these wars and interventions. So it’s made us less safe, as a country. It has come at a tremendous cost to both our service members and their families…

It’s come at a tremendous cost to the American people, with the $6-plus trillion that’s been spent since 9/11 alone. Families in Flint, Michigan right now, who are still being told, “Sorry, there’s just not enough money to make sure you’ve got clean water…” We’re still spending $4 billion a month in Afghanistan.

On the underpublicized Hawaii nuclear scare of 2018, and how that motivated her to run for president:

Early on a Saturday morning, over a million people all across our state woke up to a warning that went out across cell phones, blaring on sirens, saying, “There’s a missile incoming. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.”

It was absolutely terrifying, terrifying, because we quickly came to realize there was no shelter. There was nowhere for our loved ones to go, and this is where we had kids on our University of Hawaii college campus sprinting in all directions. “Seek immediate shelter,” but where do you go?

On the media reaction to her exchange with Senator Kamala Harris:

It’s so ridiculous that it’s laughable. It’s so ridiculous. But it just shows, though, that launching a smear campaign is the only response that they have to the truth, which means they’re afraid of the truth because it’s real. And more and more people are seeing past the façade that they have built up for so long.

On an NBC News story on February 2, asserting that she was being supported by the “Russian propaganda machine” -14 – a story that appeared timed to the launch of her campaign:

We were contacted about that story a few days or maybe a week before my official launch for my campaign for president, and we were told it was going to come out in the week after I was going to announce my candidacy… until all of a sudden we found out when the article was posted. I think it was two hours before I gave my speech.

On the revival of this storyline after the debate exchange with Harris:

I think it, again, it’s revealing about how pathetic it is that that’s all they can respond to when really the issue that I was raising in that debate with Senator Harris was the record that she claims to be very proud of as Attorney General, a record that she claims is about being a champion for the people… Instead of responding to that and saying why she’s so proud of this, she responds with a smear campaign.

On the general practice of accusing people you disagree with of disloyalty, beginning with those who opposed the Iraq war:

Those brave few who stood up against that vote, who stood up against the war, were accused of that. “You love brutal dictators! You love Saddam Hussein! You’re not a real patriot! You must not love America unless you support this war!” And look at how those same attacks are being lobbed against me today for being a leading voice against the regime change war that we’re continuing to wage now today in Syria…

On Democrats who say they’ve seen the light about Iraq:

If you look at a lot of politicians now, it’s easy and popular to say, “Oh, of course the Iraq War was wrong. Of course,” now that we’re almost 20 years later from launching that war.

But what about today? Where’s your courage today to stand up against the regime change efforts in Syria, and in other countries, frankly, that are happening right now?

On the state of cooperation, or lack thereof, within congress:

After the last votes of the week are done, it’s sprinting to the car and to the airport. And I get it, because we need to get back home to our constituents and to be able to spend time with folks in our district… It really just gets to, I think, that bigger problem where there’s not a will or a desire to engage with people who you may disagree with, maybe on a few things, or maybe a lot of things… This hyper-partisanship and putting party before people, putting politics before the wellbeing of the people.

On her background and how it informs her view of how to improve political dialogue in America:

Where I come from, where we find the solution is called ‘aloha’… What “Aloha” really means is, “I come to you with respect, I come to you with love and compassion and care,” and a recognition that, no matter your political beliefs, what party you belong to, your race, ethnicity, religion, orientation, all of these things that are too often used to divide us, “Aloha” is that recognition that we are all connected.








And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?


Monday, September 9, 2019 8:50 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:


Thursday, September 12, 2019
Joe Biden
Cory Booker
Pete Buttigieg
Julián Castro
Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar
Beto O’Rourke
Bernie Sanders
Elizabeth Warren
Andrew Yang

Polling criteria

A candidate must receive 2 percent support or more in four national or early state polls—Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and/or Nevada—publicly released between June 28, 2019, and August 28, 2019. Any candidate’s four qualifying polls must be conducted by different organizations, or if by the same organization, must be in different geographical areas. Qualifying polls are limited to the following organizations and institutions:
Associated Press
ABC News
CBS News
Des Moines Register
Fox News
Monmouth University
NBC News
New York Times
National Public Radio
Quinnipiac University
University of New Hampshire
Wall Street Journal
USA Today
Washington Post
Winthrop University

Grassroots fundraising
Candidates must also provide verifiable evidence that they reached the following fundraising thresholds:
Donations from at least 130,000 unique donors; and
A minimum of 400 unique donors per state in at least 20 states.

Has anybody been following how close Tulsi is to getting the Polling threshold? If she achieves it now, it would qualify her for the October debates.
I really hope she gets into the debates, it would help waken up the Party, and re-align it. Not enough to win against Trump, but perhaps shape the future into something useful.

I am going to try to find what these polls are showing for Tulsi. All assistance is welcome. Otherwise, this is a reminder for me to do this.


Thursday, September 12, 2019 7:26 PM


I have heard that Gabbard only had one poll qualifying, but that might be incorrect info. Also, it seems that there was only one qualifying poll following the last debates, making it impossible for Gabbard to qualify - perhaps MSM is helping Dems do to Tulsi what DNC did to Bernie last time.
I am surprised how difficult it is to come by results on this information.

It seemed Winthrop hadn't had a poll since April.

This story from 13 August has a progress chart of who ws qualified and by how much:

Looking at RCP, I see the following polls:
11 September
CNN - Gabbard 2%
Quinnipiac - 0%

8 September
ABC/WaPo - 2%
CBS (Iowa, NH, NV, SC) - 1% each

28 August
Quinnipiac - 1%
USA Today - 0%

26 August
Monmouth - 1%

16 August
FOX News - 1%

6 August
Quinnipiac - 1%

29 July
Quinnipiac - 1%

27 July
LA Times - 0%

That is all of the qualifying polls that I see since 24 July. I welcome any input of others I've missed. It may be a concerted and coordinated effort to withhold polls while Tulsi is trying to qualify.

Tulsi had 5% in a CBS Tracker poll from 9-18 July, which had reportedly qualified her for that one poll early on.
So the 2 new ones give her 3 qualifying polls, and I guess she only needs one more.


Friday, September 13, 2019 11:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Michael Hudson: Why We Need to Abolish the Democratic National Committee, Even if That Means Breaking Up the Democratic Party
Posted on September 12, 2019 by Yves Smith

Thursday’s debate on Walt Disney’s ABC channel is shaping up as yet another shameless charade. The pretense is that we are to select who the Democratic presidential candidate will be. But most Americans, as the Irish say, vote with their backsides, belonging to the informal but dominant party of non-voters who choose not to be sucked into legitimizing the bad choices put before them.

The debate is being presented as a reality entertainment show. The audience is invited to rate the candidates who seem most likely to implement the policy they want – but not including the economy. Most Americans are now living from paycheck to paycheck and cannot come up with even $400 in an emergency. They are afraid to go on strike or even to complain about their job, because they are afraid of getting fired – and of losing their corporate health care, knowing that getting sick may wipe them out. These problems will not appear on Walt Disney.

Voters basically want what Bernie Sanders is promising: a basic right to Single Payer health care and a retirement income. That means protection against the Republican-Democratic threats to cut back Social Security to balance the budget in the face of tax cuts for the richest One Percent and rising Cold War military spending. This means a government strong enough to take on the vested financial and corporate interests and prosecute Wall Street’s financial crime and corporate monopoly power. When neoliberals shout, “But that’s socialism,” Americans finally are beginning to say, “Then give us socialism.” It beats being ground down into debt peonage.

But here’s the trick that the TV debates sweep under the rug: It is not the voters who are empowered to choose the Democratic Party’s candidate. That privilege belongs legally to the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Since stacking the political deck in 2016 to serve up Hillary Clinton as nominee, it has put in place rules that will enable its Donor Class members, superdelegates and other lobbyists for the One Percent to repeat the trickery once again in 2020.

I hope that the candidate who is clearly the voters’ choice, Bernie Sanders, may end up as the party’s nominee. If he is, I’m sure he’ll beat Donald Trump handily, as he would have done four years ago.

But I fear that the DNC’s Donor Class will push Joe Biden, Kamala Harris or even Pete Buttigieg down the throats of voters. Just as when they backed Hillary the last time around, they hope that their anointed neoliberal will be viewed as the lesser evil for a program little different from that of the Republicans.

So Thursday’s reality TV run-off is about “who’s the least evil?” An honest reality show’s questions would focus on “What are you against?” That would attract a real audience, because people are much clearer about what they’re against: the vested interests, Wall Street, the drug companies and other monopolies, the banks, landlords, corporate raiders and private-equity asset strippers. But none of this is to be permitted on the magic island of authorized candidates (not including Tulsi Gabbard, who was purged from further debates for having dared to mention the unmentionable).

... DNC donors favor Joe Biden, long-time senator from the credit-card and corporate-shell state of Delaware, and opportunistic California prosecutor Kamala Harris, with a hopey-changey grab bag alternative in smooth-talking small-town Rorschach blot candidate Pete Buttigieg. These easy victims are presented as “electable” in full knowledge that they will fail against Trump.

... The effect [of the DNC's shift towards serving the 1% - SIGNY] has been to make America into a one-party state. ... That is why most Americans owe allegiance to no party.

The Democratic National Committee worries that voters may disturb this alliance by nominating a left-wing reform candidate. The DNC easily solved this problem in 2016: When Bernie Sanders intruded into its apace, it the threw the election. It scheduled the party’s early defining primaries in Republican states whose voters leaned right, and packed the nominating convention with Donor Class super-delegates.

After the dust settled, having given many party members political asthma, the DNC pretended that it was all an unfortunate political error.
But of course it was not a mistake at all. The DNC preferred to lose with Hillary than win with Bernie, whom springtime polls showed would be the easy winner over Trump. Potential voters who didn’t buy into the program either stayed home or voted green.

... The legal kerfuffle raised by Sanders supporters in the aftermath made the switcheroo official. The courts affirmed that the Democratic Party’s candidate for president is legally chosen by the DNC alone, and may or may not be the candidate elected by voters in the primaries. To cap matters, the superdelegates serve as a safety valve against any candidate unwilling to go whole-hog neoliberal.

A legal tangle of state and national U.S. election laws effectively blocks third parties from meaningful representation in Congress. Registered Independents such as Sanders are constrained to caucus with and serve on committees of one of the two parties....


This is JO's contention that the political parties have too much power.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Saturday, September 14, 2019 6:28 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I wasn't at home for the third debate, so I just got around to watching the first hour of it (out of 3).

One weird and possibly true factoid I read is that most people watch only the first third, so at this point I'm where most people supposedly are.

CNN said that Biden, Harris and O'Rourke won the debate, but I was too slow capturing the article and now it's gone. WaPo and the NYTimes both opined that Trump won the debate. But the NYTimes gives Warren first place, Harris second, and Booker third.

In the first hour Sanders and Warren got precious little air time. I thought Harris and O,Rourke got a huge amount relatively speaking. If I were trying to read the tea leaves for meaning, I would say that tptb really don't want either Sanders or Warren.

“It was kind of mind blowing to realize that the country 50 miles away from where I live — that people could go to the doctor whenever they wanted and not have to take out their wallet.” B. Sanders


Saturday, September 14, 2019 8:51 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
WaPo and the NYTimes both opined that Trump won the debate.

What did I say about the media slowly coming out and "reluctantly" backing Trump.

There's no way they want that money train to end.


But the NYTimes gives Warren first place, Harris second, and Booker third.

I think Warren is going to be the nominee.

The Twitter army, made up of ex-Clinton staffers have started gunning for Susan Sarandon again, and blaming the last 3 years of Trump on her inability to put women first when she didn't vote for Hillary after the DNC and MSN screwed Bernie Sanders. I think the best Tweet so far was something along the lines of "What, do they bring her out of a cryogenic freeze every time a female candidate has a chance at winning the Presidency?".

Biden isn't looking good these days. Did you see when he brought up a what-if scenario where he asked what would happen if Obama had been assassinated after he was the nominee, then went on and said that 40 kids were killed at Kent state and segwayed into how he was the first US Senator he knew?

It seriously made zero sense, and if you're going to bring up a what-if like that it better come to a serious point. I'm sure he had one, but he lost it mid thought. And by the way, buddy, 4 kids were killed at Kent State and 9 were injured.

He also forgot Warren's name once or twice in the 3rd debate.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 14, 2019 10:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Someone ... I think it was The Duran ... opined that TPTB (the deep state in this case) back candidates on which they have kompromat. That way, should the candidate win, TPTB can arm-twist them into following their policies.

I know Hillary was deeply corrupt. My god, she didn't jave "dirt" on her, she had an entire farm's-worth! I heard her and Bill described as "Arkansas grifters" ... yeah, but with a phenomenal string of "suicides" in their wake!

I think Obama was compromised somewhere: How else could he have done such an amazing U-turn from his campaign promises to his appointment?

GW Bush! Well! Aside from being Cheney's brain-blown meat puppet, he had this nice cozy relationship with Bandar "Bush" bin Sultan, Saudi's chief henchman and head of their jihadist proxies. (9-11 info is finally coming out, thanks to lawsuits filed against the Saudi government, which had been blocked by all previous WH administrations)

We already know about Bill,

HW Bush WAS the deep state, and Reagan was HIS meat-puppet.


Anyway, the DNC and TPTB only want people they can control. Candidates with nothng serious in their past aren't controllable.


BTW Tulsi Gabbard is STILL running, despite not being included in the debate, and is doing well in the early primary states, in some cases outpollig Harris who's just a political hack who'll do anything to climb the political ladder.

I intend to donate to Tulsi's campaign. She stuck up for Sanders more than Sanders stuck up for Sanders ... she quit the vice-chair of DNC while he just rolled over and endorsed Hillary. I think she has more integrity, I like her foreign policy better, and overall I think she'd make a better candidate than Sanders. Plus, she'll keep the foreign policy debate alive.

She doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell, but she'll be a good influence on the other candidates.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Sunday, September 15, 2019 9:36 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

From today's NYTimes - front page, above the fold:

Kamala Harris Was Ready to Fight From the Beginning

In her first race, she defied her old boss, a fund-raising pledge, and the implication that she owed her career to her ex-boyfriend.
6m ago

“It was kind of mind blowing to realize that the country 50 miles away from where I live — that people could go to the doctor whenever they wanted and not have to take out their wallet.” B. Sanders


Sunday, September 15, 2019 12:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Who did worst, and who did best in third debate?

But I'm still pulling for Tulsi. The DNC is doing their best to smother her, just as they did Steyer and Williamson. Just more DNC shenanigans.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Sunday, September 15, 2019 3:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Who did worst, and who did best in third debate?

But I'm still pulling for Tulsi. The DNC is doing their best to smother her, just as they did Steyer and Williamson. Just more DNC shenanigans.

That graph only shows 9 candidates. So one of the already qualified is missing, as well as Tulsi being absent.

Conspiracy of omission, anyone?


Sunday, September 15, 2019 4:14 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
“It was kind of mind blowing to realize that the country 50 miles away from where I live — that people could go to the doctor whenever they wanted and not have to take out their wallet.” B. Sanders

My friends from Canada were kind of mind-blown to realize that they could come to America, and get quick medical care, instead of being placed on a 2-year waiting list to diagnose an ailment which would kill them in 6 months.


Sunday, September 15, 2019 4:15 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I wasn't at home for the third debate, so I just got around to watching the first hour of it (out of 3).

One weird and possibly true factoid I read is that most people watch only the first third, so at this point I'm where most people supposedly are.

CNN said that Biden, Harris and O'Rourke won the debate, but I was too slow capturing the article and now it's gone. WaPo and the NYTimes both opined that Trump won the debate. But the NYTimes gives Warren first place, Harris second, and Booker third.

In the first hour Sanders and Warren got precious little air time. I thought Harris and O,Rourke got a huge amount relatively speaking. If I were trying to read the tea leaves for meaning, I would say that tptb really don't want either Sanders or Warren.

“It was kind of mind blowing to realize that the country 50 miles away from where I live — that people could go to the doctor whenever they wanted and not have to take out their wallet.” B. Sanders

I keep hearing that the winner of all of the Dem debates so far has been...Trump.


Sunday, September 15, 2019 4:24 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have heard that Gabbard only had one poll qualifying, but that might be incorrect info. Also, it seems that there was only one qualifying poll following the last debates, making it impossible for Gabbard to qualify - perhaps MSM is helping Dems do to Tulsi what DNC did to Bernie last time.
I am surprised how difficult it is to come by results on this information.

It seemed Winthrop hadn't had a poll since April.

This story from 13 August has a progress chart of who ws qualified and by how much:

Looking at RCP, I see the following polls:
11 September
CNN - Gabbard 2%
Quinnipiac - 0%

8 September
ABC/WaPo - 2%
CBS (Iowa, NH, NV, SC) - 1% each

28 August
Quinnipiac - 1%
USA Today - 0%

26 August
Monmouth - 1%

16 August
FOX News - 1%

6 August
Quinnipiac - 1%

29 July
Quinnipiac - 1%

27 July
LA Times - 0%

That is all of the qualifying polls that I see since 24 July. I welcome any input of others I've missed. It may be a concerted and coordinated effort to withhold polls while Tulsi is trying to qualify.

Tulsi had 5% in a CBS Tracker poll from 9-18 July, which had reportedly qualified her for that one poll early on.
So the 2 new ones give her 3 qualifying polls, and I guess she only needs one more.

RCP shows no new polls since 11 September.


Sunday, September 15, 2019 4:30 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
“It was kind of mind blowing to realize that the country 50 miles away from where I live — that people could go to the doctor whenever they wanted and not have to take out their wallet.” B. Sanders


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
My friends from Canada were kind of mind-blown to realize that they could come to America, and get quick medical care, instead of being placed on a 2-year waiting list to diagnose an ailment which would kill them in 6 months.

NONE of my friends from Canada ever had that happen. One friend had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at a young age, and went through an entire regime of chemotherapy, finally being successfully treated with a stem-cell transplant - all for free. Another one had a very elderly mother who required a lot of medical care, who lived a comfortable long life for decades in a Canadian nursing home - all for free. Another friend who was a therapist was able to treat a patient through extensive neuro-rehabilitation after the patient lost a good chunk of brain function to herpes encephalitis - all for free.

These would either not have been treated in the US, or they would have bankrupted the patients and their families.

“It was kind of mind blowing to realize that the country 50 miles away from where I live — that people could go to the doctor whenever they wanted and not have to take out their wallet.” B. Sanders And at half the per capita cost as the US.


Friday, September 20, 2019 12:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio drops out of 2020 presidential race


Friday, September 20, 2019 1:12 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

NYTimes today

Young Black Voters’ Message to Parents: Break Up With Biden

An organic effort by black millennials and Gen Z-ers to influence older family members against Joe Biden may be important in the Democratic primary.

Young people still “feel the bern,” but not just for Bernie Sanders anymore.


Friday, September 20, 2019 3:08 PM


It's either Warren or Biden.

DNC doesn't care. They're good with either of them.

Neither of them will win the General.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 20, 2019 3:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Do you think they're OK with Sanders?

“It was kind of mind blowing to realize that the country 50 miles away from where I live — that people could go to the doctor whenever they wanted and not have to take out their wallet.” B. Sanders And at half the per capita cost as the US.


Friday, September 20, 2019 3:56 PM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 20, 2019 4:19 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, fwiw, I agree about Sanders. I'm just not sure how bought / compromised Warren is, or if they're just settling for her as the best available Biden ver B. Neither Buttigieg nor Harris seem to be breaking out into an acceptable poll number (though Harris keeps slowly sinking, and Buttigieg has come up some, and they are now about equal).

“It was kind of mind blowing to realize that the country 50 miles away from where I live — that people could go to the doctor whenever they wanted and not have to take out their wallet.” B. Sanders And at half the per capita cost as the US.


Friday, September 20, 2019 8:22 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Well, fwiw, I agree about Sanders. I'm just not sure how bought / compromised Warren is, or if they're just settling for her as the best available Biden ver B. Neither Buttigieg nor Harris seem to be breaking out into an acceptable poll number (though Harris keeps slowly sinking, and Buttigieg has come up some, and they are now about equal).

“It was kind of mind blowing to realize that the country 50 miles away from where I live — that people could go to the doctor whenever they wanted and not have to take out their wallet.” B. Sanders And at half the per capita cost as the US.

Warren is just another Nancy Pelosi when you pull away the fake buckskin dress and moccasins.

I think the DNC is really worried about Biden's mental health. They need a backup. I think they wanted it to be Harris, but Tulsi destroyed her so they punished Tulsi by illegitimately barring her from the 3rd debate.

Bernie's just a clown they're parading around because a large demographic of Democrat voters would revolt if he weren't up there too. He's just there to eventually bow out once it's clear to everyone that he will lose and then he will be endorsing Biden or Warren, whoever is the top dog at that point. I think it will be Biden still, although that's only because he's still polling the highest despite his string of pretty major gaffes recently.

I know the Democrats have nearly perfected the art of Weekend at Bernies-ing their politicians by now, from Ted Kennedy to Ginsberg, but this might be the first time they put a mindless meat puppet into office. Shows how desperate they are.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 21, 2019 9:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Tulsi Gabbard

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Monday, September 23, 2019 2:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Watch Tulsi Gabbard Wipe The Floor With A Well-Known War Hawk

“Look Neil, I’m a soldier,” Gabbard began after Cavuto went on the offensive. “And I took an oath as a soldier as well as a member of Congress to support and defend our Constitution of the United States, to serve the American people.”

“And it’s a huge disgrace to hear our commander-in-chief basically put us in a position —the American people, our men and women in uniform, our military assets — in a position where we are servants of the Saudi kingdom. Standing by and awaiting their orders on how we should proceed.”

Indeed Gabbard remains a rare voice: as a veteran seeking to dismantle American Empire and its regime change wars abroad, akin to a "Ron Paul of the Left".

This is why it appears the Democrats are doing everything they can to keep her out of the debates, despite her consistently polling higher than some of those who do make it to the stage.

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?

cross posted here
Where has SIG and 1kiki's outrage about anyone allying with Saudia (sic) Araba(sic) gone ?

and here
my platform as presidential candidate - what's yours?


Monday, September 23, 2019 8:07 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have heard that Gabbard only had one poll qualifying, but that might be incorrect info. Also, it seems that there was only one qualifying poll following the last debates, making it impossible for Gabbard to qualify - perhaps MSM is helping Dems do to Tulsi what DNC did to Bernie last time.
I am surprised how difficult it is to come by results on this information.

It seemed Winthrop hadn't had a poll since April.

This story from 13 August has a progress chart of who ws qualified and by how much:

Looking at RCP, I see the following polls:
11 September
CNN - Gabbard 2%
Quinnipiac - 0%

8 September
ABC/WaPo - 2%
CBS (Iowa, NH, NV, SC) - 1% each

28 August
Quinnipiac - 1%
USA Today - 0%

26 August
Monmouth - 1%

16 August
FOX News - 1%

6 August
Quinnipiac - 1%

29 July
Quinnipiac - 1%

27 July
LA Times - 0%

That is all of the qualifying polls that I see since 24 July. I welcome any input of others I've missed. It may be a concerted and coordinated effort to withhold polls while Tulsi is trying to qualify.

Tulsi had 5% in a CBS Tracker poll from 9-18 July, which had reportedly qualified her for that one poll early on.
So the 2 new ones give her 3 qualifying polls, and I guess she only needs one more.

17 Sept
NBC News - 1%

19 Sept
New Jersey from Monmouth - 2%
FOX News - 0%

22 Sept
Des Moines Register - 2%

I listed the Monmouth because it is a qualifying source, but New Jersey is not included in the geopgraphical regions allowed for qualifications.

But it looks like 22 Sept gives Tulsi the 4th poll she needed.

I have not heard anything about this on Fake News.

Will DNC disqualify her for some excuse?
Rearrange the Qualifications?
Change the deadlines?
Will she be in the next debates?

I hope she takes down Fauxcahontas


Friday, September 27, 2019 5:46 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have heard that Gabbard only had one poll qualifying, but that might be incorrect info. Also, it seems that there was only one qualifying poll following the last debates, making it impossible for Gabbard to qualify - perhaps MSM is helping Dems do to Tulsi what DNC did to Bernie last time.
I am surprised how difficult it is to come by results on this information.

It seemed Winthrop hadn't had a poll since April.

This story from 13 August has a progress chart of who ws qualified and by how much:

Looking at RCP, I see the following polls:
11 September
CNN - Gabbard 2%
Quinnipiac - 0%

8 September
ABC/WaPo - 2%
CBS (Iowa, NH, NV, SC) - 1% each

28 August
Quinnipiac - 1%
USA Today - 0%

26 August
Monmouth - 1%

16 August
FOX News - 1%

6 August
Quinnipiac - 1%

29 July
Quinnipiac - 1%

27 July
LA Times - 0%

That is all of the qualifying polls that I see since 24 July. I welcome any input of others I've missed. It may be a concerted and coordinated effort to withhold polls while Tulsi is trying to qualify.

Tulsi had 5% in a CBS Tracker poll from 9-18 July, which had reportedly qualified her for that one poll early on.
So the 2 new ones give her 3 qualifying polls, and I guess she only needs one more.

17 Sept
NBC News - 1%

19 Sept
New Jersey from Monmouth - 2%
FOX News - 0%

22 Sept
Des Moines Register - 2%

I listed the Monmouth because it is a qualifying source, but New Jersey is not included in the geopgraphical regions allowed for qualifications.

But it looks like 22 Sept gives Tulsi the 4th poll she needed.

I have not heard anything about this on Fake News.

Will DNC disqualify her for some excuse?
Rearrange the Qualifications?
Change the deadlines?
Will she be in the next debates?

I hope she takes down Fauxcahontas

Has anybody heard if they are allowing Tulsi into the debates?


Friday, September 27, 2019 6:11 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Who has qualified for the fourth Democratic debate - The ... › politics › 2019/09/17 › who-has-qualifie...
3 hours ago - Gabbard appears to be the 12th candidate to qualify for the October debate.


Who Will Make The Fourth Democratic Debate? | FiveThirtyEight › features › at-least-11-candidates-will-make-the...
Sep 9, 2019 - Billionaire Tom Steyer has qualified for the fourth Democratic presidential primary debate.


De Blasio Quits Presidential Race; Trump Gloats - The New ... › nyregion › de-blasio-2020-drops-out
Sep 20, 2019 - Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City, whose run for the Democratic ... to the mayor that he would not qualify for the fourth Democratic debate ...


Friday, September 27, 2019 8:17 PM


Yup. Tulsi is in.

They're splitting it into two debates though. 11 was fine for one, but 12 is somehow the magic number where they need a split.

There's zero chance that Tulsi and Warren are going to be in the same debate. The DNC wouldn't allow that. My only real question is whether Biden and Warren will be.

Remember, after the first priority of making the DNC pick look good, this is all about ratings here folks. If it weren't, only the top 5 would be in one debate and they'd throw the rest of them in the 2nd debate that nobody would watch. They're going to split up the top 3 somehow.

The way I figure it, whoever is in the same debate as Tulsi is the one(s) the DNC is throwing under the bus.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 29, 2019 6:54 PM


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 29, 2019 8:52 PM


Speaking of the literal Devil...

Has anybody else heard rumors that Clinton is going to announce she's running during her upcoming week long press tour for some dumb book that nobody but pink haired man hating weirdos and Wishy are going to buy?

Just when I thought the Democrats couldn't possibly become more entertaining...

Please, please announce you're running, Hillary.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 29, 2019 8:59 PM


Oh... Not that I'd ever vote for any of them, but a little PSA to our lefty friends here...

According to Newsweek, if you support Bernie for 2020 over Warren, it's because you're no better than those incel, neck-beard, basement dwelling trolls that didn't watch Ghostbusters in 2016.

You people are so easy to manipulate.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 30, 2019 4:44 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yup. Tulsi is in.

They're splitting it into two debates though. 11 was fine for one, but 12 is somehow the magic number where they need a split.

There's zero chance that Tulsi and Warren are going to be in the same debate. The DNC wouldn't allow that. My only real question is whether Biden and Warren will be.

Remember, after the first priority of making the DNC pick look good, this is all about ratings here folks. If it weren't, only the top 5 would be in one debate and they'd throw the rest of them in the 2nd debate that nobody would watch. They're going to split up the top 3 somehow.

The way I figure it, whoever is in the same debate as Tulsi is the one(s) the DNC is throwing under the bus.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I agree with this assessment. Since she is Bernie light, what if they put her and Bernie together, protecting Faux-cahontas and BiteMe?


Monday, September 30, 2019 6:11 PM




Monday, September 30, 2019 6:14 PM




Monday, September 30, 2019 6:15 PM




Monday, September 30, 2019 7:55 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yup. Tulsi is in.

They're splitting it into two debates though. 11 was fine for one, but 12 is somehow the magic number where they need a split.

There's zero chance that Tulsi and Warren are going to be in the same debate. The DNC wouldn't allow that. My only real question is whether Biden and Warren will be.

Remember, after the first priority of making the DNC pick look good, this is all about ratings here folks. If it weren't, only the top 5 would be in one debate and they'd throw the rest of them in the 2nd debate that nobody would watch. They're going to split up the top 3 somehow.

The way I figure it, whoever is in the same debate as Tulsi is the one(s) the DNC is throwing under the bus.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I agree with this assessment. Since she is Bernie light, what if they put her and Bernie together, protecting Faux-cahontas and BiteMe?

Anybody follow Vegas odds? How likely are Tulsi and Faux-cahontas to be in the same debate?


Monday, September 30, 2019 8:04 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I agree with this assessment. Since she is Bernie light, what if they put her and Bernie together, protecting Faux-cahontas and BiteMe?

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Anybody follow Vegas odds? How likely are Tulsi and Faux-cahontas to be in the same debate?

Eh, sorry, I can't answer that.


Monday, September 30, 2019 8:08 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Speaking of the literal Devil...

Has anybody else heard rumors that Clinton is going to announce she's running during her upcoming week long press tour for some dumb book that nobody but pink haired man hating weirdos and Wishy are going to buy?

Do Right, Be Right. :)



Monday, September 30, 2019 8:11 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Who has qualified for the fourth Democratic debate - The ... › politics › 2019/09/17 › who-has-qualifie...
3 hours ago - Gabbard appears to be the 12th candidate to qualify for the October debate.


Who Will Make The Fourth Democratic Debate? | FiveThirtyEight › features › at-least-11-candidates-will-make-the...
Sep 9, 2019 - Billionaire Tom Steyer has qualified for the fourth Democratic presidential primary debate.


De Blasio Quits Presidential Race; Trump Gloats - The New ... › nyregion › de-blasio-2020-drops-out
Sep 20, 2019 - Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City, whose run for the Democratic ... to the mayor that he would not qualify for the fourth Democratic debate ...

You found these, going back a couple weeks it seems. But I have not heard one mention of Tulsi in the debate from MSM. Has anybody? Or are they keeping it a secret? No point in Fake News spouting any such thing as News, right?

BTW, folk keep asking me about who this Tulsi person is.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 12:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

with Hillary opening her yap recently about her marriage ("gutsiest thing I ever did)

and Ukraine

and Syria

it looks to me that Hillary is hoping for another bite of the apple.


I looked up CA voting to see if I could write someone in ... I can't. If I'm faced with something like a Pence/ Hillary choice I need to figure out a way of adequately expressing my disgust, besides staying home.

But if the ticket doesn't have Trump on it, I'll bet you will see the lowest voter turnout in decades and decades.

Dems are upset that Trump doesn't behave like a "normal" politician, but that's exactly WHY people voted for him. In Italy, they voted for a comedian (Beppo Grillo/ Five Star) in Hungary they voted for a comic actor (Zelenskiy). It's just an expression of how frustrated people are with "establishment" politicians of all parties who just keep fucking their people in the ass.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 2:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.
Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria

Sanders criticized withdrawing troops from Syria. Perhaps it's because of a deeply felt personal identity of being part of a community of Jewish Holocaust survivors and those who fled ahead of time (including his Polish Jewish parents). Sanders is Jewish. His sense of Jewishness might be overwhelming his generally secular, universal call for a just and peaceful society.

Warren OTOH supported the withdrawal.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 8:23 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Russia's and Assad's War Crimes in Syria

Sanders criticized withdrawing troops from Syria. Perhaps it's because of a deeply felt personal identity of being part of a community of Jewish Holocaust survivors and those who fled ahead of time (including his Polish Jewish parents). Sanders is Jewish. His sense of Jewishness might be overwhelming his generally secular, universal call for a just and peaceful society.

Warren OTOH supported the withdrawal.

Being Jewish, why does he constantly support and vote for every opportunity to screw over Jews of Israel? Does he also want the Israeli Capital to be in Tripoli, Jordan, or Kandahar?


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 8:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Could you please post examples? Thanks!


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 4:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, darn, I couldn't find the thread where Jack says that Hillary is going to run.

But I give him all credit for being at the forefront of that speculation, which has been coming up to speed over the last few days.

from predictit

Hillary Clinton('s social media team) fired off a response to President Trump's Tuesday tweet that "Crooked Hillary Clinton should enter the race," adding "Only one condition. The Crooked one must explain all of her high crimes and misdemeanors including how & why she deleted 33,000 Emails AFTER getting “C” Subpoena!"
Hitting back, Hillary Clinton's Twitter account responded:
"Don't tempt me. Do your job."
As we noted earlier Tuesday, speculation is rampant that Clinton is going to enter the 2020 presidential race for a third bite at the apple.

Elizabeth Warren's Story About Getting Fired For Being "Visibly Pregnant" Unravels After Documents, Video Emerge
Maybe this is why Twitter is abuzz with rumors of Hillary Clinton putting the ol' pantsuit on again to try and knock Trump off the mountain.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 8:09 PM


Credit doesn't go to me though.

I just watch legitimate news sources that fact check and don't push propoganda from either side.

Independent journalism is where it's at. I've known of inklings that Hillary was planning on running as early as her book tour was announced. Probably nearly two weeks ago, which was long before Trump made that tweet.

It's also suspected that she's not even seriously running. There is an investigation that is commencing into Hillary as we speak concerning her server her e-mails that is getting very little coverage in the Legacy Media, and I'm assuming even on Fox News.

It's speculated that her possible run for President will just be a way to get public opinion against the Trump administration for investigating her while she's a candidate for President since that is working out so well for Biden at the moment.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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