BatWAHMAN sinks to just 9% on Rotten Tomatoes FAN reviews.

UPDATED: Monday, July 22, 2024 06:25
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Tuesday, October 8, 2019 7:05 PM


America loves a winner!

In case anyone was in doubt of what most real fans think of this WOKE agenda bullshit being force-fed down the throats of viewers, wonder no more.

Step aside Captain Mary Sue. Your title for cringe worthy scolding of all things not hyping and praising all things ' grrrl power ' must take a knee to the new Queen of Wokiness.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 7:49 PM


BatSJW has an encore repeat performance tonight of it's Pilot.

Maybe you buried the lead....SJW Critics give it 72%.



Tuesday, October 8, 2019 8:32 PM


I didn't know anything about it until I was working a few days ago and heard a CW advertisement for the series premier as well as the season premier of Supergirl on the radio.

Don't ask me to tell you exactly what they said, but it was just about the cringiest Girl Power commercial I'd ever heard in my life. I wonder how much of the bad reviews are based off of the content of the show and how much of it was based off of the horrible marketing campaign. It would be a shame if the show wasn't half bad but it gets ruined because of SJW marketing.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 5:47 AM


America loves a winner!

I may have applauded them for making a comedy, Scary Movie style, with lines like …

" The suit is perfection "
" It will be , when it fits a woman "

But sadly for the CW fans, this was supposed to be SERIOUS !!

Oh, btw... 9% is now 8%.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 7:51 AM


... stay crunchy...

What seems even worse is people - especially young men - giving a sh*t about this, like it's some kind of victory, "Male Power!" Seriously, get a life.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 9:05 AM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 9:46 AM


Honestly, what I think is really gross here is not just the SJW's pretending that it's pathetic to laugh when something has been so obscenely SJW driven in marketing and makeup, but when they actively and willingly go out of their way to overlook that there are plenty of things out there that have strong female leads in them that get great reviews and no backlash at all when "Muh Vagina" isn't shoved down your throat.

Even the CW is capable of doing this. Just as they're capable of actually putting out good shows when most of the stuff they put out is total garbage, SJW ridden or not.

The Vampire Diaries was great, and while it had an ensemble cast, it certainly centered around Elana until late in it's run when Nina Dobrev moved on to bigger and better things, at which point several of her female co-stars started playing larger roles in an attempt to fill that void.

Critics Score: 85% / Audience Score 83%

And what about The 100?

Clark is a badass. Octavia is one of the most dynamic characters in TV today if you see her now vs. how she was on the first season. She's a straight up warrior, and Marie Avgeropoulos makes you believe that transformation and not even give it a second thought.

Octavia had a mixed relationship before her man died. Clark had a gay relationship with "Fear the Walking Dead's" Alycia Debnam-Carey's Lexa character (another badass).

But, strangely, there was no outrage about either of those relationships and they didn't detract at all from one of the most amazing TV shows out there today. I'd suspect because it was just done naturally and there wasn't a huge amount of Woke SJW bullshit surrounding any of it.

Critic Reviews: 92% / Audience Score: 77%

If you don't want to read between those lines, Captain, that's reflective of your own shortcomings as a person and any point you think you're trying to make here is meaningless.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 10:11 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

If you don't want to read between those lines, Captain, that's reflective of your own shortcomings as a person and any point you think you're trying to make here is meaningless.

Meh. My only "shortcomings" are that I have high standards in a country with low standards.
The CW is a teen/20s channel essentially, and so they make content for that demographic. Do you get that? These are people who are growing into themselves and discovering the adult world, so shows with messages about what they struggle with are what you will see. Empowered young females? Check. That's what young women want to see. I don't think the shows or their messages are the problem. More like 40-50 something males who have found themselves on the wrong channel and still expect to be catered to or simply don't get (most) of the multi-media world, and then want to bitch about something. "What about me!?" More male whining - yeah, that's what we need.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 10:43 AM


If we were only talking the CW, you might be onto something.

But we're not. It's everywhere. At least for now. But it's finally dying off.

And you're wrong about the CW anyhow. Although I think most of what they put out is trash and you'd never catch me dead watching a DC comic book show on the network, The 100 is on par with Battlestar Galactica, and The Vampire Diaries ended up turning into a very good show if you could get past the first half season of teen-angsty Twilight cringe bullshit before they went a more mature way with it. The Originals, it could be argued, is even better than the show it was spun off from.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 4:20 PM


America loves a winner!

So when an angry little lesbian waltzes in and isn't even inspired by Batman, but literally steals HIS stuff, then mockingly claims that HIS Bat suit will " be perfect when it fits a woman " , that's suppose to inspire other little girls ? His gear, his image, his reputation, and SHE thinks bringing in the crotch a bit is all it takes to equal and surpass his legacy ?

When the actress who plays BatWahman preemptively an needlessly pops off that there's already enough shows for OLD WHITE MEN , how the eff is that supposed to be " empowering " to women ?

It's laughable go-se, is what it is.

* Literally 20 years ago, when something called BUFFY the Vampire Slayer was on something called The WB, I opted to not watch it. Why ? Because, at the time, I assumed it literally wasn't made for me.

I determined that, on my own, w/ out SMG or Joss Whedon angrily snarking off about how ' old white men ' don't need to watch this show. Nor did I watch Angel, which was literally all about OLD WHITE MEN . It wasn't until Firefly came around that I really got into stuff Joss Whedon was doing and figured - ' OK, this I'll watch. Because space and guns and stuff. And I was an over 30 male, who was of European ethnicity. AKA " White " .

Then a funny thing happened. I liked Firefly, but I wanted more of this style of show, the writing, the drama, the comedy... so I watched. Angel. And I liked that too ! So then , before I knew it, I was drawn into watching Buffy.

Even though it wasn't made for me.

For fuck's sake, how DARE I like a show that wasn't made for me???


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 8:14 PM


I'm sure Vampire Diaries wasn't made for me, but nobody ever said that as far as I know. I'm glad I got past the first few episodes that were really lame because I ended up loving that show.

People laugh at me when I tell them that I watched it, but anybody who's really given it a chance has told me that I was right about it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 8:17 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
So when an angry little lesbian waltzes in and isn't even inspired by Batman, but literally steals HIS stuff, then mockingly claims that HIS Bat suit will " be perfect when it fits a woman " , that's suppose to inspire other little girls ? His gear, his image, his reputation, and SHE thinks bringing in the crotch a bit is all it takes to equal and surpass his legacy ?

When the actress who plays BatWahman preemptively an needlessly pops off that there's already enough shows for OLD WHITE MEN , how the eff is that supposed to be " empowering " to women ?

It's laughable go-se, is what it is.

* Literally 20 years ago, when something called BUFFY the Vampire Slayer was on something called The WB, I opted to not watch it. Why ? Because, at the time, I assumed it literally wasn't made for me.

I determined that, on my own, w/ out SMG or Joss Whedon angrily snarking off about how ' old white men ' don't need to watch this show. Nor did I watch Angel, which was literally all about OLD WHITE MEN . It wasn't until Firefly came around that I really got into stuff Joss Whedon was doing and figured - ' OK, this I'll watch. Because space and guns and stuff. And I was an over 30 male, who was of European ethnicity. AKA " White " .

Then a funny thing happened. I liked Firefly, but I wanted more of this style of show, the writing, the drama, the comedy... so I watched. Angel. And I liked that too ! So then , before I knew it, I was drawn into watching Buffy.

Even though it wasn't made for me.

For fuck's sake, how DARE I like a show that wasn't made for me???

Ever heard of Divorced Barbie?

She comes with Ken's car, Ken's House, Ken's Garage, Ken's Yacht, Ken's motorcycle.

BatSJW sounds like that.

Ran across a segment last night. Seems Kate (BatSJW) and Sophie have a lesbian fling.



Wednesday, October 9, 2019 9:04 PM


America loves a winner!

This 'wasn't MADE for you ' crap came out when Brie Larson was on her period and was whining about how A Wrinkle in Time wasn't made for middle aged white guys.

She clearly said this because the movie was hot garbage, and yet we all were supposed to fall in love with it because of #wahmenpower and #diversity.

Sorry hun, but hot garbage is still hot garbage, no matter what naughty bits you have betwixt your legs.

Then because Capt. Mary Sue's movie was slammed right up against the release of Avengers End Game, assuring it a massive box office showing, she got all full of herself and took great offense to the mockery and ridicule her plank of wood performance got from fans AND costars alike.

She's a miserable cunt, and it shows up on screen.

So now another miserable cunt, taking her cue from Ms Mary Sue decides she too wants in on the act, and voila, we have Ruby Rose, aka Bat-Wahman.

Woke Bitches don't learn.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 10:00 PM


Heard two great things today...

"92% of your audience doesn't like it? Don't you think you should be pandering to them and not the 8%?"

"Even lesbians in latex couldn't save this show."

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 10, 2019 10:13 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by AURaptor:

So when an angry little lesbian waltzes in and isn't even inspired by Batman, but literally steals HIS stuff, then mockingly claims that HIS Bat suit will " be perfect when it fits a woman " , that's suppose to inspire other little girls ? His gear, his image, his reputation, and SHE thinks bringing in the crotch a bit is all it takes to equal and surpass his legacy ?

When the actress who plays BatWahman preemptively an needlessly pops off that there's already enough shows for OLD WHITE MEN , how the eff is that supposed to be " empowering " to women ?

Man, if you need that explained.... I can't do it.


Thursday, October 10, 2019 10:24 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
If we were only talking the CW, you might be onto something.

But we're not. It's everywhere. At least for now. But it's finally dying off.

It's not everywhere - there you go again with you dramatic, all feelz over statement. Maybe you should sit down and have a rest?


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
And you're wrong about the CW anyhow. Although I think most of what they put out is trash and you'd never catch me dead watching a DC comic book show on the network, The 100 is on par with Battlestar Galactica, and The Vampire Diaries ended up turning into a very good show if you could get past the first half season of teen-angsty Twilight cringe bullshit before they went a more mature way with it. The Originals, it could be argued, is even better than the show it was spun off from.

Not even close to Battlestar - pretty funny. It's totally in the vain of most Young Adult Fiction like Twilight, or any of those recent teen trilogy flicks that just came out like Divergent, Maze Runner. Look at the cast for one. Their fun, no question, easy to watch if you are a scifi fan, but the demographics def skew young.

Hey, we're no 7! I have some issues with some of these on this list, definitely some age cross over happening, but just count the CW series that made this list. I honestly never watch the channel, but if you do and want to really know who they're making shows for, check out the commercials. What are they selling and what's the age group that would be buying? Beauty products? Axe? Check!


Thursday, October 10, 2019 11:44 AM


America loves a winner!


It's not everywhere - there you go again with you dramatic, all feelz over statement. Maybe you should sit down and have a rest?

So it’s just captain Mary Sue, or Rey-Sue in SW, or Thorina Jane Foster, or Lady 007,or NurseWho, ... but it’s not everywhere?


That’s funny.


Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:12 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
... if you do and want to really know who they're making shows for, check out the commercials. What are they selling and what's the age group that would be buying? Beauty products? Axe? Check!

I can't believe I'm agreeing with you on - well - anything, but checking out the commercials to see who the target audience is, is something I do all the time ... though sometimes a show will stumble into a completely different and unintended audience.

Also, the older people get, the less likely they are to spend their money on stupid crap, even if they have more of it to spend. So fewer shows are aimed at the cheapskate demographic.


Thursday, October 10, 2019 2:24 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:
... if you do and want to really know who they're making shows for, check out the commercials. What are they selling and what's the age group that would be buying? Beauty products? Axe? Check!

I can't believe I'm agreeing with you on - well - anything, but checking out the commercials to see who the target audience is, is something I do all the time ... though sometimes a show will stumble into a completely different and unintended audience.

Also, the older people get, the less likely they are to spend their money on stupid crap, even if they have more of it to spend. So fewer shows are aimed at the cheapskate demographic.

Plus, older people tend to have enough crap.

I worked in the periphery of a large Advertising market (photography) for about 5 years - I picked up things. "We need another black for this shot." Some of these nuggets even apply to Trump and his self-marketing. Actually, a lot of them do. Playing to people's wants and desires - he's all over that. And it makes no difference if you lie (as we understand it). Making people bend to your will is the goal and everything and anything that doesn't serve that aim is just in the way.


Thursday, October 10, 2019 2:37 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's not everywhere - there you go again with you dramatic, all feelz over statement. Maybe you should sit down and have a rest?

So it’s just captain Mary Sue, or Rey-Sue in SW, or Thorina Jane Foster, or Lady 007,or NurseWho, ... but it’s not everywhere?


That’s funny.

I honestly wouldn't notice much of it if you guys didn't keep bringing it up, and I honestly wouldn't care that much, because I believe the reasons behind the trend such as it is, is more greed than social preaching - some of each for sure, but mostly money (people keep forgetting the "follow the money " mantra, oiy).
Try and consider the marketing and $potential of opening up a new genre. Super Hero movies were getting pretty stale, weren't they? How interesting is another white male super hero? did Female Captain Marvel do? Just a tad over $1,000,000,000 (1 Billion) USD worldwide. You think the studio was happy with that? When something $works the gimmick goes viral, lots of people want in on it. Is Apple the only one making smart phones? They were for a short while - then, boom. Same thing with movie genres. We had western revivals for a while. Lately Strong Female leads. Everyone talks about it, it's part of society's conversation, it's big frellin' money. They'd be stupid not to mine it for all it's worth.

Uh-oh! Better plug your eyes:


Thursday, October 10, 2019 3:54 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's not everywhere - there you go again with you dramatic, all feelz over statement. Maybe you should sit down and have a rest?

So it’s just captain Mary Sue, or Rey-Sue in SW, or Thorina Jane Foster, or Lady 007,or NurseWho, ... but it’s not everywhere?


That’s funny.

All Rise. Grey's Anatomy. Bunch more that I ignore.

I'm trying to not include Stumptown, but technically it might be included. But it is really working well.


Thursday, October 10, 2019 3:58 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

I honestly wouldn't notice much of it if you guys didn't keep bringing it up, and I honestly wouldn't care that much, because I believe the reasons behind the trend such as it is, is more greed than social preaching - some of each for sure, but mostly money (people keep forgetting the "follow the money " mantra, oiy).
Try and consider the marketing and $potential of opening up a new genre. Super Hero movies were getting pretty stale, weren't they? How interesting is another white male super hero? did Female Captain Marvel do? Just a tad over $1,000,000,000 (1 Billion) USD worldwide. You think the studio was happy with that? When something $works the gimmick goes viral, lots of people want in on it. Is Apple the only one making smart phones? They were for a short while - then, boom. Same thing with movie genres. We had western revivals for a while. Lately Strong Female leads. Everyone talks about it, it's part of society's conversation, it's big frellin' money. They'd be stupid not to mine it for all it's worth.

Uh-oh! Better plug your eyes:

Captain Mary Sue did well for one reason and one reason only... it was effectively a prequel set up for End Game. It was almost guaranteed a box office bang. But look at the aftermath since then.. Brie Larson has gone in full melt down. She was basically written out of End Game despite being pigeon holed to come in and save the day. The follow up movie ? Yeah, not on the radar at present, despite the 1 billion dollar party ...gee, why is that? ( I guess you didn't notice the interviews she did w/ other Marvel stars, where basically they ALL despised her, as a person ? That hilarity has its own *threads )

But it's not just about the MCU. It's, as I said, the wokeness of Star Wars, Dr. Who,

Basically the only folks who don't see this as a real issue are choosing NOT to see it.

For obvious reasons.

* See Woke Star Wars thread in ' other sci-fi series ', and Alita threads in Cinema forums.

** adding this for funs.


Friday, October 11, 2019 4:55 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Basically the only folks who don't see this as a real issue are choosing NOT to see it.

For obvious reasons.

We just don't care? We got bigger problems?

Serious question: if this woke thing wasn't making studios money would they keep doing it as you say?



Friday, October 11, 2019 6:00 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

We just don't care? We got bigger problems?

Serious question: if this woke thing wasn't making studios money would they keep doing it as you say?


You're not paying attention. This is Hollywood projecting their politics and LOSING money, and they're doing it anyways.

Star Wars attraction Galaxy's Edge @ Disney is a colossal failure.
Batwahman opened to the lowest premier of any SHEro show of its kind
Dr Who is failing miserably.
They even removed Rose Tico from SW merch !

These once profitable franchises aren't just suffering from fan fatigue, they are taking a nose dive because woke political nonsense is being shoved down the throats of fans who refuse to accept it.

Look at Gillette, and it's ridiculous ad campaign which has cost them millions in dollars. They thought they could take a small hit then force people to accept their anti-Male garbage, and it didn't take. So they had to walk it back. Sorry, too late.

It's massive miscalculation going on in Hollywood, big business where these pin head suits think they can just roll out something and have it immediately be viewed as ' new and edgy ', when instead it's just lazy and pathetic.

You watch how Birds of Prey does, and compare it to Joker.


Friday, October 11, 2019 7:38 AM


It's not really an issue anymore, because it's ironing itself out.

Just as I've been predicting for quite a while, God Money is stepping in to fix everything. There's a very long and growing list of SJW-ism being removed from things because they're losing money.

Any sports fans out there may have noticed that ESPN only talks about sports now and ditched the political commentary, for instance.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, October 11, 2019 5:18 PM


America loves a winner!

Unfortunately, the damage is already done. Destroyed are the franchises of Star Wars, Dr. Who, The MCU ( now mSHEu ), DCEU, Terminator ( which c'mon, was already dead ) and Star Trek.

Looking back, it's a miracle that Firefly ever got made at all. Never could have that 'verse appear in any recognizable form from here on out. Not for a very long time, I hate to say.

Honestly... Space whores? The LACK of Chinese characters in a show where everyone speaks Chinese ? OMG, the SJW's would go insane!

Surprised it's not been banned already.


Saturday, October 12, 2019 1:17 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

We just don't care? We got bigger problems?

Serious question: if this woke thing wasn't making studios money would they keep doing it as you say?


You're not paying attention. This is Hollywood projecting their politics and LOSING money, and they're doing it anyways.

It's massive miscalculation going on in Hollywood, big business where these pin head suits think they can just roll out something and have it immediately be viewed as ' new and edgy ', when instead it's just lazy and pathetic.

So..... Money. These movies and series take time to conceive and produce and make, so there can be a long time cycle to any trend. Sometimes it takes a while for a new trend to get through the system and see if it survives. Yes, they gambled. They can afford to do that. It only continues if it makes cash money though, as you seem to indicate with removing merchant and cancelling programs.


Saturday, October 12, 2019 1:18 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's not really an issue anymore, because it's ironing itself out.

Just as I've been predicting for quite a while, God Money is stepping in to fix everything. There's a very long and growing list of SJW-ism being removed from things because they're losing money.

Any sports fans out there may have noticed that ESPN only talks about sports now and ditched the political commentary, for instance.

Again Money. Their social beliefs haven't necessarily changed, just the realization that it looses them money to use it in programming, check.


Saturday, October 12, 2019 3:37 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It's not really an issue anymore, because it's ironing itself out.

Just as I've been predicting for quite a while, God Money is stepping in to fix everything. There's a very long and growing list of SJW-ism being removed from things because they're losing money.

Any sports fans out there may have noticed that ESPN only talks about sports now and ditched the political commentary, for instance.

Again Money. Their social beliefs haven't necessarily changed, just the realization that it looses them money to use it in programming, check.

Yup. Money.

And a lot of jobs too.

The people up top don't believe any of this bullshit. They just heard the Twitter outrage mob for years and assumed this was where everything was all heading and were trying to capitalize it, so they hired a bunch of wackadoos that lost them a lot of money. Said wackadoos are either already fired, are in the process of being fired, or will eventually be fired.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 12, 2019 3:46 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Unfortunately, the damage is already done. Destroyed are the franchises of Star Wars, Dr. Who, The MCU ( now mSHEu ), DCEU, Terminator ( which c'mon, was already dead ) and Star Trek.

Looking back, it's a miracle that Firefly ever got made at all. Never could have that 'verse appear in any recognizable form from here on out. Not for a very long time, I hate to say.

Honestly... Space whores? The LACK of Chinese characters in a show where everyone speaks Chinese ? OMG, the SJW's would go insane!

Surprised it's not been banned already.

Honestly though, how much of that was really any good in the first place if not looked at through Nostalgia glasses?

Nothing Star Wars ever remotely lived up to the original trilogy long before the SJWs took that over. My personal opinion on Dr. Who was that what little I'd ever seen of it was just decent enough to watch if nothing else worth watching was on. I've also never been a fan of comic book movies except for a few that were surprisingly good. Aside from Sarah Connor Chronicles (which, just like Firefly, was cancelled because of corporate greed), the Terminator series has been DOA on everything since T2. As for Star Trek, the only series that I actually found thoroughly enjoyable was Deep Space Nine (imagine that... Black Captain and female number 2 was my favorite by far, with great storytelling minus the wokeness bullshit it's yet another example that it can be done).

I dunno man. Most of this stuff has been dead to me since my early 20s or even earlier than that. Even when I was a kid I knew that Ghostbusters II sucked. Ghostbusters 2016 was just disappointing to me because it was purposefully made to be a shitty movie instead of actually making up for how bad the sequel was.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 12, 2019 9:16 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

So..... Money. These movies and series take time to conceive and produce and make, so there can be a long time cycle to any trend. Sometimes it takes a while for a new trend to get through the system and see if it survives. Yes, they gambled. They can afford to do that. It only continues if it makes cash money though, as you seem to indicate with removing merchant and cancelling programs.

Since you are resigned to not pay attention, I'll let others speak for themselves.

It's not just ONE female character on the CW channel, but a much broader issue.

Posting over here to focus on the entertainment and sci-fi matters.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019 9:52 AM


Looks like week two shows a huge drop in viewership, and it's taking Supergirl down with it too.

Supergirl's season 1 premier had 12 million viewers. Season 5, episode 2 had around 1 million.

Batwoman is now officially the lowest performing CW/DC show of all time.

Viewership for the second episode fell 20% (it might have been as much as 30%... I can't recall, so I'm being conservative here). If you include viewership for the original airing of the pilot as well as the encore, viewership for the 2nd episode fell by 50%.

Online SJW woke pink haired weirdos doing their usual damage control, saying that the bad ratings and the show's struggles are because of online trolls. Unfortunately for them, nobody living in the real world listens to them anymore and the abysmal ratings speak for themselves.

Maybe a few more examples of these massive failures and a 380 electoral college blowout by Trump will finally get it through their thick skulls that people are tired of this bullshit.

Probably shouldn't have told "old white guys" that it wasn't made for them. Because besides old white guys it looks like pretty much nobody else gives a shit about CW/DC shows.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 16, 2019 6:11 PM


America loves a winner!


Wednesday, October 16, 2019 7:38 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Again Money.

I gotta give you serious cred for bothering.

I've never seen more of a waste of time and space then these three creepsters.

Their defcon level one is "fake female superheroes"


Wednesday, October 16, 2019 7:56 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

SOMEBODY is rusty, or fatigued.

BATwoman's BAT-errible BAT-second BAT-episode.

BAT-acular BAT-fail.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019 8:18 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Again Money.

I gotta give you serious cred for bothering.

I've never seen more of a waste of time and space then these three creepsters.

Their defcon level one is "fake female superheroes"

Some of these door knobs can't even agree with themselves. How'd we get so lucky?


Thursday, October 17, 2019 1:14 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Some of these door knobs can't even agree with themselves. How'd we get so lucky?

I'd like to think we've got perseverance or some such thing, but I think it's just that all the rest bounced off of the windmills enough times to realize the futility
I still got bounce, I guess...


Tuesday, October 31, 2023 5:52 AM


Another fans vs critics moment

29% vs 89


Tuesday, October 31, 2023 11:05 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's not everywhere - there you go again with you dramatic, all feelz over statement. Maybe you should sit down and have a rest?

So it’s just captain Mary Sue, or Rey-Sue in SW, or Thorina Jane Foster, or Lady 007,or NurseWho, ... but it’s not everywhere?


That’s funny.

I honestly wouldn't notice much of it if you guys didn't keep bringing it up, and I honestly wouldn't care that much, because I believe the reasons behind the trend such as it is, is more greed than social preaching - some of each for sure, but mostly money (people keep forgetting the "follow the money " mantra, oiy).
Try and consider the marketing and $potential of opening up a new genre. Super Hero movies were getting pretty stale, weren't they? How interesting is another white male super hero? did Female Captain Marvel do? Just a tad over $1,000,000,000 (1 Billion) USD worldwide. You think the studio was happy with that? When something $works the gimmick goes viral, lots of people want in on it. Is Apple the only one making smart phones? They were for a short while - then, boom. Same thing with movie genres. We had western revivals for a while. Lately Strong Female leads. Everyone talks about it, it's part of society's conversation, it's big frellin' money. They'd be stupid not to mine it for all it's worth./

Was Captain Idiot trying to make an argument that woke was good for making money here?

Here's one for you then too...


Uh-oh! Better plug your eyes:

Brie Larson Says Marvel's Superheroines Want an All-Female Movie (Circa October 10th, 2019)

And the closest thing she got to it was The Marvels, dropping November 10th.

How's that one looking?

THE MARVELS Could Be Shaping Up To Be An "Epic" Box Office Bomb For Marvel Studios


Recent box office tracking for The Marvels pointed to a disappointing opening weekend for the Nia DaCosta-helmed Captain Marvel sequel, but the latest updates indicate that the cosmic MCU adventure could perform significantly worse than expected.

Some analysts believe that $55M - $75M domestic debut will actually be closer to $45M, and The Marvels' tickets pre-sales have reportedly been the weakest for any Marvel Cinematic Universe movie in the post-Covid era, which suggests an overall lack of interest from potential cinema-goers.

The budget for Captain Marvel was AT LEAST $274 Million (Disney has been caught lying about production budgets more than once in 2023).

We just saw Five Nights at Freddy's, which was made on a $25 Million budget gross $80 Million in the US and nearly $53 Million internationally in its first 3 days. Disney/Marvel should consider itself VERY lucky if The Marvels manages $130 Million worldwide after its second weekend.

The Marvels Suffers Worst MCU Ticket Pre-Sales In 4+ Years


Captain Marvel 2 is set to perform significantly worse than its 2019 predecessor, as indicated by a recent report of poor pre-sale tickets.

The Marvels' pre-sale tickets have been the weakest for any MCU film in the post-Covid era, suggesting a potential lack of interest from general audiences in this new installment.

This would equate to The Marvels having lower presales than any MCU film since, at the latest, 2019's Spider-Man: Far From Home. This may come as a surprise as 2021's Eternals was a box office disappointment by Marvel standards, drawing in only $71.3 million opening weekend.

Captain Marvel 2 appears to be breaking a unique MCU streak of generating massive, fan-crazed excitement from opening weekend, with the possibility of a box office plummet if it's received poorly.

For example, Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania opened large with
$106.1 million domestically, but following lukewarm reviews and a lackluster fan reaction it only totaled $214.5 million.

A few weeks before its release it appears The Marvels would be lucky to hit $200 million total at the domestic box office.

If it makes only $45 Million on opening weekend, $200 Million Domestic is never going to happen. After watching the post-first-week dropoffs for cape flicks in 2023, I'd argue that even if it manages the best prediction of $75 Million opening weekend it's still not going to make $200 Million Domestic.

It's going to need to make $685 Million Worldwide to break even with that $274 Million budget.

We haven't had a MCU flick come out since the Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania's minor failure back in February, but since then we've seen not one, not two, but three massive DC comic book movie flops that lost a collective half a billion $ for Warner Brothers in 2023. And that even includes The Flash, which I have zero doubt is a superior movie in every single way to whatever The Marvels is. None of those movies were even particularly woke. The Latin dude playing Blue Beetle wasn't even a race swap since he was actually written like that in the comics.

So with everything else already going against The Marvels, the Big Brains at Disney thought they'd further help the movie's chances by timing their last two big-budget releases less than 2 weeks apart from each other with Wish coming out on November 22nd so they're in direct competition with each other.

Smart move, Disney. You haven't released a movie since Haunted Mansion months ago. What were you thinking?

The M-She-U experiment is dead, and the box office results for The Marvels will just be kicking the corpse.



Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, July 22, 2024 6:25 AM


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