2 SciFi films, one SciFi game

UPDATED: Friday, July 31, 2020 04:10
VIEWED: 4229
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Friday, June 12, 2020 11:56 AM


... stay crunchy...

Looking forward to:

Last of Us II - coming out in 7 days. First "game" (it's so much more than a game), was stunning and disturbing in equal parts. It blew away expectations of what a game experience can be.

Upcoming Film:
Tenet, from the brilliant Christopher Nolan (did Inception and others). Big fan, even of his films that are just ok by his standards. SPOILER ALERT: this is a pet peeve type trailer where they practically show you the whole movie - I quit it pretty quickly, but it doesn't take much to be interested in seeing it.

A film I recently saw:
The Vast of Night Quirky, sometimes engaging sometimes *yawn*, always cool for a low budget film, never really great, still worth watching if you like the genre (you are on this site, right?). Listen with headphones if you can - dialogue can be hard to hear at times. I believe the main male actor was channelling Brad Pitt - impressive performances from the unknown cast. Sound track gets an A-.


Saturday, June 13, 2020 9:49 AM


The Last of Us 2 is going to be more disproportionate Audience to Critics scores than any Hollywood movie in the last 3 years on RT before the shutdown and expose to the normies just how bought and paid for the video game critics that aren't completely agenda driven are.

The Left has gone full retard and started handing out red pills.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 13, 2020 9:54 AM


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 18, 2020 1:04 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Looking forward to:

Last of Us II - coming out in 7 days. First "game" (it's so much more than a game), was stunning and disturbing in equal parts. It blew away expectations of what a game experience can be.

It would be nice to have a regular conversation without Derpy around, blathering about all the nothing he knows.

Anyway, The Last Of Us was the last game hubby actually played. He doesn't bother with the time sink now, he just watches the play throughs on youtube.

But when he played it I made him call me over for all the story scenes so I could watch too. I'm sure we'll watch the new play through together, eventually.

It was a pretty cool game.

Wanted to tell you I watched a Sci-Fi movie on Hulu the other day called Aniara.

It was a transport ship bound for Mars that had to jettison its engines but because they were at full speed they just kept going...

I was kind of haunted by it for a few days. The ship used algae for oxygen, and when the food ran out they started processing it for food. As in, that's all they lived on... Eventually half the crew and passengers committed suicide, and the whole time they were telling people that they were going to find a planet and do a gravity slingshot and head back...

The movie ends with the ship passing a planet...24,000 years later, as a ghost ship. There are some other interesting odd bits about an A.I. that commits suicide, and how most of the people that survived went blind anyway. It's a fascinating downward spiral.

Had some analogies for me about this planet and where it's going and what the point is...I mean, even if we could travel at "light speed" we can't ever get to more than 3% of the observable universe anyway. In that we are stuck here.
We may have better food, but we still have blithering idiots around and even if things got better and we fixed mental illness...we're still stuck here.

Things like that always make me wonder if there were gods or higher beings and they too got bored of the cycle and offed themselves. Then I think of that episode of Voyager...

Even if 6ix could be fixed, who could spend a billion years around THAT??


Thursday, June 18, 2020 2:58 PM


We'll see who's right or wrong this weekend.

Every critic and their mother voted LOU2 a perfect 100 and the best game of all time. Only lemmings believe that claim, particularly when the gaming critics have shown themselves to be mere advertisers for production companies when they weren't blatantly throwing around their agendas.

They got to scratch both itches with this game.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 18, 2020 4:19 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

It would be nice to have a regular conversation without Derpy around, blathering about all the nothing he knows.



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Anyway, The Last Of Us was the last game hubby actually played. He doesn't bother with the time sink now, he just watches the play throughs on youtube.

But when he played it I made him call me over for all the story scenes so I could watch too. I'm sure we'll watch the play through together.

It was a pretty cool game.

I came real close to NOT buying this game. I watched LoU 1 on YouTube AND played it - both were great. I'm not a *gamer* so I just don't have those fast twitch gamer responses like people who go 12 hours at a time. IOW I die a lot, and that can be really frustrating and controllers aren't cheap.
I watched Frankieonpc do Last Of Us on Youtube

Older, English dude, so no wacky young teen or painfully immature comments - definitely a more adult review of the story and the play. I hope he does this one too.

Almost forgot about The Fireflies - funny.


Thursday, June 18, 2020 5:31 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Almost forgot about The Fireflies - funny.

You know, that would be a perfect stencil for the back of Baby Girls truck.

Been trying to come up with something cool and obscure to do. I always like to do something like that to all our cars. With Big Man Hubby driving it lets police know who it is and he gets pulled over less.

Glad you said something.


Friday, June 19, 2020 12:02 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

It would be nice to have a regular conversation without Derpy around, blathering about all the nothing he knows.



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Anyway, The Last Of Us was the last game hubby actually played. He doesn't bother with the time sink now, he just watches the play throughs on youtube.

But when he played it I made him call me over for all the story scenes so I could watch too. I'm sure we'll watch the play through together.

It was a pretty cool game.

I came real close to NOT buying this game. I watched LoU 1 on YouTube AND played it - both were great. I'm not a *gamer* so I just don't have those fast twitch gamer responses like people who go 12 hours at a time. IOW I die a lot, and that can be really frustrating and controllers aren't cheap.
I watched Frankieonpc do Last Of Us on Youtube

Older, English dude, so no wacky young teen or painfully immature comments - definitely a more adult review of the story and the play. I hope he does this one too.

Almost forgot about The Fireflies - funny.

That's a pretty thumbnail.

Too bad Joel gets brutally murdered by a tranny hero and Ellie gets her fingers ripped off by said tranny and the game ends with her crying after she tries to play guitar without fingers.

True story.

10/10. PERFECT GAME!!!!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 19, 2020 1:36 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Too bad Joel gets brutally murdered by a tranny hero and Ellie gets her fingers ripped off by said tranny and the game ends with her crying after she tries to play guitar without fingers.

It's apocalyptic, dumbass. You expect rainbows and butterflies?? I don't.


Friday, June 19, 2020 3:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I skipped thru the intro and it looks like every other bad zombie apocalypse movie I've ever seen.

Not interested.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, June 19, 2020 11:04 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Too bad Joel gets brutally murdered by a tranny hero and Ellie gets her fingers ripped off by said tranny and the game ends with her crying after she tries to play guitar without fingers.

It's apocalyptic, dumbass. You expect rainbows and butterflies?? I don't.

Besides the point.

Nobody who loved the first one and the characters is going to be a fan of the Leftist agendas interjected by the team that was lead by grifter Anita Sarkeesian who conned people into giving her a quarter of a million dollars for her Feminist Frequency series which she never worked on after getting the money.

Like making unnecessary sequels to The Matrix, this game nullifies any meaning from the story of a game that did not need a "conclusion"

Nobody was looking for the Apocalyptic LGBTQ Love Story this game shoves in your face.

Nobody wants to see this shit.

Yes. That is two dudes banging on your video game.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 19, 2020 11:48 AM


Metacritic Scores:

Critics: 95 / 100

Users: 3.4 / 10

I do hope that all of those free Playstation 5 consoles that the critics just sold their integrity to Sony for are worth every penny.

The gap will widen after the SJWs move on to the next thing and more real reviews keep coming in.

Their attention span leaves little to be desired.

Enjoy your man on man sex scene in your video game.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 19, 2020 11:56 AM


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 19, 2020 9:12 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
I watched Frankieonpc do Last Of Us on Youtube

Dam that looks good!

The last game I played wuz Simpsonz Hit & Run.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early .


Friday, June 19, 2020 9:17 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Wanted to tell you I watched a Sci-Fi movie on Hulu the other day called Aniara.

Saw that several months ago. It toppled The Road from the top spot on my Grimmest Moviez Ever list.

Its like a bummer version uv Passenjerz.

(dont do spoilerz, dammit!)

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early .


Friday, June 19, 2020 10:40 PM


I think I'm going to play some Super Mario 3, take down Bowser and save the Princess tonight in celebration of the release of TLOU2. Nobody is going to tell me what their preferred pronouns are and I won't be wondering who is wearing panties and who is wearing boxers, and it will be wonderful.

Enjoy your man on man video game sex, chicks with dicks, the brutal ending of beloved characters and the most depressing story ever told on the medium, for all the wrong reasons. Then, when it's all done, think about what else you could have done with $60.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 19, 2020 10:50 PM


Best video intro ever, and a shame that YouTube immediately sanitized it and you can only see it on BitChute now.

Keep it up, Youtube. Bitchute and the rest of alt-tech are coming for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 20, 2020 2:04 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Besides the point.

Yes. That is two dudes banging on your video game.

For someone that don't care, you sure do fixate a lot. Are you jealous those two dudes in an apocalypse are having a better time than you??

Seriously, you are a sad little prude child..


Saturday, June 20, 2020 2:08 AM



Originally posted by JO753:

Saw that several months ago. It toppled The Road from the top spot on my Grimmest Moviez Ever list.

Its like a bummer version uv Passenjerz.

(dont do spoilerz, dammit!)

It stuck with you though, didn't it?? You spent days thinking about algae, admit it!

That's the ones I like, the stuff that sticks around in your head a while, derails the train a spell!

I gave spoilerz 'cause I figured most of 'em wouldn't/couldn't watch it anyway.
Besides I think I'd have liked to have known NO ONE would make it before I watched it.


Saturday, June 20, 2020 4:40 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
You know, that would be a perfect stencil for the back of Baby Girls truck.

Been trying to come up with something cool and obscure to do. I always like to do something like that to all our cars. With Big Man Hubby driving it lets police know who it is and he gets pulled over less.

Glad you said something.

Sounds great - photos pls. I'd like to find out who the fan(s) are at N-Dog.

And thanks for the movie tip. I also happen to like bleak, apocalyptic films. There are some scifi gems on streaming services if you skip past the front suggestions. I took a class in college called Apocalyptic novel - no kidding. Day of Triffids, Earth Abides, etc. mostly old school titles. Couldn't believe I could get credit for it!

Poor Jack. Nothing to do all day but troll. He says The Covid is fake and yet it has f*cked him up good. He is right in one respect: a mask won't protect him from Covid rotting his brain.


Saturday, June 20, 2020 5:50 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Sounds great - photos pls. I'd like to find out who the fan(s) are at N-Dog.

Couldn't believe I could get credit for it!

Amazon has them, five bucks. Think I'll just do that. I stopped ordering stuff from there mostly, except for a few things we can't get here. Ordering from anywhere is a crap shoot these days though. Ordered Baby Girl a phone case from Walmart last week and the screen protector that came with was for another phone.

I'm sure someone somewhere is getting credit for "underwater basket weaving". Can't get credit for reading if the reading is fun, I guess...
Think I'd call them back and ask if the credit can be retroactively applied to "modern life skills"


Saturday, June 20, 2020 6:36 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Besides the point.

Yes. That is two dudes banging on your video game.

For someone that don't care, you sure do fixate a lot. Are you jealous those two dudes in an apocalypse are having a better time than you??

Seriously, you are a sad little prude child..

Nope. Just pointing out how the hypocrisy of the left is in all media, down to movie entertainment and even lowlier video games entertainment.

This really should just be a warning to you about Trump's re-election.

The media is constantly telling you things that aren't true, and for some reason you just keep believing them.

The disconnect is becoming more and more obvious to the normies who don't pay attention to things on the internet. The lefties in 2020 are so far bonkers that people are taking notice.

If you spend all day on twitter listening to the outrage mob screech, you'd think that this is what everybody thinks.

I assure you it's not. Like the Last Jedi, people are going to vote with their wallets on this one. And in November, Trump is going to crush Biden too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 20, 2020 8:39 PM


Found Wishy and her husband...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 20, 2020 8:45 PM


TLOU2 rockets up to 3.5!

33,718 user ratings.

Stay tuned for a Rotten Tomatoes style purge of the user ratings, because feels over facts!

It's The Last Jedi all over again. Or Dr. Who. Or Captain Marvel. Or (enter any SJW approved anything in the last few years here).

The problem here is that the normies know not to go by the critics reviews now. And when you start redpilling this many people with something as trivial as a video game it doesn't take very long for them to start connecting the dots and realizing that they shouldn't be okay with Left Wing Extremists tearing down monuments of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, despite what CNN has to say about it.

Never go full retard.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 10:22 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Wanted to tell you I watched a Sci-Fi movie on Hulu the other day called Aniara.

It was a transport ship bound for Mars that had to jettison its engines but because they were at full speed they just kept going...

I was kind of haunted by it for a few days. The ship used algae for oxygen, and when the food ran out they started processing it for food. As in, that's all they lived on... Eventually half the crew and passengers committed suicide, and the whole time they were telling people that they were going to find a planet and do a gravity slingshot and head back...

The movie ends with the ship passing a planet...24,000 years later, as a ghost ship. There are some other interesting odd bits about an A.I. that commits suicide, and how most of the people that survived went blind anyway. It's a fascinating downward spiral.

Hell of a flick, thanks for the tip. Yeah, I was in a bit of a gray mood after watching it.
Well done and acted (her bunkmate was a hoot, and her partner was also impressive) and the concept was very cool. Of course, I (all of us?) knew exactly what was going to happen to Amira. Humanity's slow death by it's own hands/dumb-assery? Gee, sounds familiar doesn't it?


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 8:01 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Well done and acted (her bunkmate was a hoot, and her partner was also impressive) and the concept was very cool. Of course, I (all of us?) knew exactly what was going to happen to Aniara. Humanity's slow death by it's own hands/dumb-assery? Gee, sounds familiar doesn't it?

Aniara is a science fiction poem written by Swedish Nobel laureate Harry Martinson in 1956. Martinson came up with the word Aniara while reading astronomer Arthur Eddington. Theodore Sturgeon, reviewing a 1964 American edition of Aniara for a genre audience, declared that "Martinson's achievement here is an inexpressible, immeasurable sadness. It transcends panic and terror and even despair and leaves you in the quiet immensities, with the feeling that you have spent time, and have been permanently tinted, by and with an impersonal larger-than-God force."

In December 2019 the extrasolar planet HD 102956 b was named after a character aboard the spacecraft, the pilot Isagel. The exoplanet's star was named Aniara.

Free Download of the poem, Aniara, translated in 1999 at

Or there is bittorrent of both the 1999 and 1963 English translations of Aniara. I prefer the 1963 version.

His most famous work, ANIARA: A REVIEW OF MAN IN TIME AND SPACE (1956), is an epic poetic cycle that relates the story of a luxurious space ship, loaded with 8,000 evacuees, fleeing an Earth made uninhabitable by human technological arrogance. A malfunction knocks the craft off course, taking these would-be Mars colonists on an irreversible journey into deep space and an existential struggle. Theodore Sturgeon declared that the poem achieved "an inexpressible, immeasurable sadness. [It] transcends panic and terror and even despair [and] leaves you in the quiet immensities, with the feeling that you have spent time, and have been permanently tinted, by and with an impersonal larger-than-God force." It has been translated into many languages, adapted into a popular avant-garde opera, and made into a 2018 Swedish feature film.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 9:39 PM


"Republicans Bad! Orange Man Bad! #SaveTheEnvironment"

posted from my iPhone that was created by one of the largest multi-national corporations the world has ever known, guilty of severe human rights abuses and a leader in global pollution that is done a half a world away so I don't have to choke on the fumes.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 26, 2020 4:53 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Of course, I (all of us?) knew exactly what was going to happen to Amira. Humanity's slow death by it's own hands/dumb-assery? Gee, sounds familiar doesn't it?

What wouldn't you give to get all the idiots transferred to another another doom ship?

I watched another apocalyptic movie on HULU that was much worse. It had Tim Daly from Wings and he was just a horrid bigot who couldn't stop railing at people's life choices even in the face of the end of the world. I would not recommend watching that one. I think it was After Daylight.


Sunday, July 26, 2020 4:56 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Nobody wants to see this shit.

Yes. That is two dudes banging on your video game.

Oh, and you bought the anti-propaganda. The person in front is a GIRL. You are an idiot.


Sunday, July 26, 2020 5:31 PM


Looks like a dude to me.

Also looked like a dude to Sony, which is why it was uncensored sex.

Sony makes a point of censoring out boobs in all of their games when they come to the US. All of them.

Except for that dude's flat chest.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 27, 2020 12:48 PM


After several purges at Metacritic, we're back up to over 135k user votes and a 5.6 score. With a lot of administrator privileges with zero oversight, they were able to bring it safely up over a 5. They know they can't bring it up to an 8 or a 9 (at least with people still following it... expect them to try to do it retroactively a year or two from now), and it will go down in history as yet another example of culture critics being completely out of touch with the people.

Nobody would have said anything if everybody gave it a 9 out of 10, but every single reviewer that writes in English gave it a perfect 100 score and starts their articles off about how stunning and brave the game was.

Nothing is perfect. Even my high school art teacher knew this, and that's what he told me 25 years ago when I asked him why he never gave "A+" grades in his class.

In art, 100 is an ideal. A concept. Something to strive for, but something that can never be attained. As a reviewer, you do nothing but damage your own integrity and devalue the worth of a perfect score by giving out 100s. This holds especially true when it comes out that the gameplay itself offers nothing new, and the only thing it really had going for it was a few years of graphical enhancements and an admittedly excellent voice acting cast. But there are other games out there you could say those two things about that weren't given perfect 100s. They just didn't say what the Marxists wanted them to say, so they didn't get the perfect score.

I don't think it's a mystery why retro-gaming has become so popular over the last 10 years and why so many of the kids in the Millennial and GenZ have taken to speedrun the classics rather than play the new games.

Games used to be fun. They didn't have agendas tied to their stories, and the technology wasn't there to do it even if the developers wanted to. Hell... half of those 100 review scores will tell you that the game isn't fun. Even the writer of the game Neil Druckman was quoted as saying "we don't use the word fun", when talking about his studio.

Nobody wants to pay to have somebody's politics and agendas forced down their throats, and they're tired of stories and characters ruined by the same people who have been rotting all other forms of entertainment from the inside out.

The first game sold over 17 Million copies since its launch. This sequel sold a record amount of copies at 4 Million during the first month of its launch. My prediction, which won't be fulfilled either way until at least 2027, is that this sequel will far under-perform the first game now that the initial launch is over and it was received so poorly from the general audiences in stark contrast to the access media critics.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 27, 2020 1:12 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Looks like a dude to me.

Also looked like a dude to Sony, which is why it was uncensored sex.

Sony makes a point of censoring out boobs in all of their games when they come to the US. All of them.

Except for that dude's flat chest.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


A thing that fails to work properly or is otherwise unsatisfactory or worthless.
"all three bombs were duds"


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Monday, July 27, 2020 11:12 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Except for that dude's flat chest.

You are just an incredibly shallow person. Looks don't matter a DAMN. We ALL end up worm food.

No one gives a damn what you look like.


Monday, July 27, 2020 11:35 PM



Look at Nilbog virtue signalling for a video game character.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 12:54 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Look at Nilbog virtue signalling for other human beings, of which I am NOT.

Only in bizarro 6ix world is being perfectly pretty an accomplishment.

Well, when one achieves so little to begin with...


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 1:02 AM


My life is fantastic, Nilbog.

What did you do today besides teach your daughter why she should hate whites and males, and eat your body weight with your brain damaged husband?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 4:59 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My life is a fantasy where I make believe I have one from the safety of the basement.

I made a meal for my family. Went to town and picked up our prescriptions. Went to the store to get groceries for my 80% blind grandmother. Brought them back and we are doing water color paints of large basic forms because she can no longer leave the house. Was back in time to walk the dog and make my kiddo a snack and a glass of tea after she came home from work. Played Scrabble on hubbys break at work. Cleaned up the kitchen and did the bills.

What DO you do all day?? Have a full day of trimming your toenails? Watching the neighbors come and go and actually LIVING a life??

You don't read, have pets, have a hobby where you create anything, have people who know you are alive, have goals, or any kind of value system.

If you died, would anyone even come looking??

If your life is SO GREAT, why would you need to convince anyone of that??


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 8:34 AM


It's obvious wish. Jacks a very unhappy gay man who is or isn't actively drinking, regardless of which remains a drunk.

Havd a good day wish


Stupid people don't know they're stupid, and they certainly don't realize how obvious it is to others.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020 11:29 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

If your life is SO GREAT, why would you need to convince anyone of that??

I'm not trying to convince you or anybody.

I'm laughing at you.

You keep talking about my life that used to be. Not the life I live now.

I wouldn't bring it up in a sci-fi film and sci-fi game thread at all if you weren't so obsessed with me and my life. You talk about me all the time.

I just have to wonder if your fat, pilled up, lobotomy brain lemming cuck of a husband ever gets jealous that you bring me up everynight when the three little piggies sit down to eat their McDonald's.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 29, 2020 4:00 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I wouldn't bring it up in a sci-fi film and sci-fi game thread at all if you weren't so obsessed with me and my life. You talk about me all the time.

LOL. You keep saying your life is FANTASTIC but no one here has seen ANY evidence you do ANYTHING.

Yanno, flies buzz around a sewer all day, sure seems you have plenty in common with them, but no one believes your life is fantastic.

Plenty of evidence it's pathetic and always will be!


Wednesday, July 29, 2020 4:03 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Have a good day wish

Same to you, man


Wednesday, July 29, 2020 12:28 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I wouldn't bring it up in a sci-fi film and sci-fi game thread at all if you weren't so obsessed with me and my life. You talk about me all the time.

LOL. You keep saying your life is FANTASTIC but no one here has seen ANY evidence you do ANYTHING.

Yanno, flies buzz around a sewer all day, sure seems you have plenty in common with them, but no one believes your life is fantastic.

Plenty of evidence it's pathetic and always will be!

What? Do you need videos of all the house rehab I've done, or all the DIY work I did on my car for literally pennies compared to what the mechanic would have charged me?

The wealth of information alone that I've learned since my sobriety might even be worth more than the actual work that has already been done. Most of that being work somebody would pay somebody else to do. All of it done better than the work I would have gotten if I did so.

Admittedly, the only thing that I had to pay somebody else to do was to weld the new flex pipe on the bottom of my car after removing the old one with my sawzall 2 inches from my face. It sucked not to be able to see that through myself, but since the personal uses for a welding machine and gear would be extremely limited at this point in my life, I couldn't justify that expense.

It turns out we have a great welder in town who does it super cheap and less then three hours after I called him he had it done for me in 15 minutes after the told me the time to show up. Only cost me $40 too.

He said it would have only been $25 if I hadn't rigged up my temporary McGyver patch to pass the emissions test and he didn't have to spend 10 minutes removing it all before starting the weld.

With affordable welding like that who even needs to know how to weld?

The car drives better than it did when I bought it 12 years ago now. And with the low milage I put on cars coupled with the low mileage on a car known to get 250,000 to 300,000 or more miles in its life, this $2,000 investment I made back in 2008 with about $700 in repairs including a new windshield and 4 new tires and breaks will probably last me another 12 years.

Oh... and BTW.... You're not getting any videos.

I don't really give two shits whether you believe me or not.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 29, 2020 11:21 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

What? Do you need videos of all the house rehab I've done, or all the DIY work I did on my car for literally pennies compared to what the mechanic would have charged me?

Funny, EVERY SINGLE ADULT I KNOW does that stuff. What makes you so special, again?

You are the only one that is amazed that you can do things. That's how a teenager thinks.



Thursday, July 30, 2020 12:15 AM


No. They don't.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 30, 2020 7:18 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Actually - yes, they do.


Thursday, July 30, 2020 9:32 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Actually - yes, they do.




What did you JUST SAY to me about absolutes the other day, Karen?

No. Not every single adult knows how to get up under a car and cut out a bad exhaust pipe. Not every single adult knows how to jack up the structure of their home SAFELY to get up underneath it and make repairs to it. Not every single adult knows how to properly prepare and mortar cinderblock wall so that it won't just break a year later. Hell... I hardly know any adults who know how to fix their lawn after they let weeds take it over.

The more I tear apart my house out of necessity, the more evidence I have that even people who think they fucking know it all have no clue what they're doing. If you or your husband were to try doing anything that I have done on my home so far you would fail miserably just like they did and you would leave any future owners left holding the bag because you are stupid and you cut corners and you think you know everything.

And go ahead and take a look at Millennial "adults" today. They're lucky if they even know how to change the oil on their car and how to mow the lawn.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 30, 2020 10:08 AM


I got a dipshit and his wife living a door down behind me that are letting a few maple trees grow unchecked immediately under their garage and next to the beautiful new fence that was put in when the house flippers got to it before selling it to them.

I warned him about it last year. He told me something like "yeah. I already talked about it with my wife. We know we have to do something". But it's out of sight out of mind for them, and they're not going to do anything until it gets so big that the limbs start breaking through the bottom of the soffit straight through the back of their roof and are large enough for them to see when they go out on their back porch. Maybe if they're lucky they'll get raccoons living in the garage first before it blasts totally through the roof and they can take care of it before they completely lose the garage. Forget about the fence too... that's already toast because of the tree root systems.

They played hell on my property because I was under the mistaken impression that they were Rose of Sharon trees when my neigbor (the prior owner) was giving them away with her hastas when she got foreclosed on, and I moved them and planted them up against my own home and had to deal with them years later when I realized what they actually were. Now I'm watching their garage get destroyed before my eyes and wondering just what the fuck it is I'm looking at.

I also told the young couple I like next door to me last year about squirrel holes that were in their fascia behind their gutter last year and they've still done nothing about it. I have direct access to see it from my master bedroom window. I've been telling them about how most of the water on the back corner of their home pools right up against the foundation for a year and they've still done nothing about it even though they admitted to me during that last flood that they did get water damage in their beautifully finished basement right where I told them they would. I really feel bad for her, because I remember when I first moved in she told me that she bought the house before she was even dating her husband and had spent years remodeling it with her family.

I'm sensitive to these issues because I let them damage all of my stuff out of ignorance. I'm trying to warn other people in the area ahead of time, but they're not going to take me seriously until some extremely expensive damages occurs. At one point, when going up on my roof to stop the leaking my neighbor said "you're really having some bad luck with that house". I didn't have the heart to tell her that it's all coming her way soon too because they don't do anything to fix small problems when they pop up.

I don't even like going up on their 12 foot high wooden front access porch because it doesn't even feel safe to walk on anymore. It's the ants. It's already ruined. I've told them for three years now that they need to be spraying for ants diligently, but that gets ignored as well. I only hope that they don't find out the hard way and it's not one of their daughters that are walking on it when it collapses.

I've already got one foreclosure behind me that has been vacant for 8 months and has needed the basement pumped dry 6 times already because the bank refuses to learn from its own goddamned mistakes and won't leave the power on. That guy in his daughter were dead broke and bankrupt after mom left for another guy and couldn't afford to do anything about any of it. These two young couples have money. And I really hope that they're ready to spend a lot of it when all of the neglect I've witnessed comes home to roost. Otherwise, they're going to walk away and I'm going to be stuck trying to sell a home with 3 dilapidated houses in the vicinity.

These little things that LITERALLY all adults should know how to do like cutting down young trees that are destroying your property or spraying for bugs are just not being done. They better hope that they fall into Karen's and Nilbog's "ALL ADULTS" category and actually know how to fix the major structural issues that their neglect have caused, otherwise money is going to be extremely tight for quite a while after getting it all professionally fixed.

At least I can blame my problems on myself and use that as a warning to never go back to drinking again. I let that all happen because I was a drunk useless fuck a and I was ignorant of all the bad shit happening just below the surface.

These people don't have that. They know about the issues and choose to do nothing about them. As far as I know, none of these people have alcohol or drug dependency issues (yet) and when this "bad luck" starts happening to them I'm going to have to really temper the urge to say "I told you so", because I know from a lifetime of experience that nobody likes being kicked when they're down.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 31, 2020 3:57 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Actually - yes, they do.




What did you JUST SAY to me about absolutes the other day, Karen?

No. Not every single adult knows how to....blah blah blah.

And go ahead and take a look at Millennial "adults" today.




Friday, July 31, 2020 4:10 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I got a dipshit and his wife living a door

I warned him about it last year. He told me something like "yeah.

Maybe if they're lucky they'll get raccoons living in the garage first before it blasts totally through the roof

I also told the young couple I like next door to me last year about squirrel holes of ignorance. I'm trying to warn other people in the area ahead of time,

I didn't have the heart to tell her that it's all coming her way soon too because they don't do anything to fix small problems when they pop up.

I've told them for three years now that they need to be spraying for ants diligently, but that gets ignored as well.

And I really hope that they're ready to spend a lot of it when all of the neglect I've witnessed comes home to roost.

Otherwise, they're going to walk away and I'm going to be stuck trying to sell a home with 3 dilapidated houses in the vicinity.

They better hope that they fall into Karen's and Nilbog's "ALL ADULTS" category and actually know how to fix the major structural issues that their neglect have caused, otherwise money is going to be extremely tight for quite a while after getting it all professionally fixed.

... none of these people have alcohol or drug dependency issues (yet) and when this "bad luck" starts happening to them I'm going to have to really temper the urge to say "I told you so", because I know from a lifetime of experience that nobody likes being kicked when they're down.

Seriously, do you even understand the word "tone"? Dooooooooooom. Dooooom!

You have all this paranoia and anxiety you project, just typing here. I can't imagine living near you and having some twit trying to tell me how to run petty shit in my life because he's got nothing better to do. ESPECIALLY with the shit going on this year!

I'd build a giant freaking barbed wire fence.

Squirrels and saplings...






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