USA Republicans cheer for Italy GiorgiaMelon neo-Fascist. What happened to 'Americans firstly '

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Sunday, April 16, 2017 10:38 AM


“I don’t want to be the president of the world,” Donald Trump declared in Washington on 4 April. “I’m the president of the United States. And from now on, it’s going to be America first.”

A week later, he stood alongside the secretary-general of Nato and told reporters at the White House: “Right now, the world is a mess. But I think by the time we finish, I think it’s going to be a lot better place to live ... because right now it’s nasty.”


Sunday, April 16, 2017 11:39 AM


"What happened to 'America First'?"

The MSM and goons like you.

I can't tell if you really don't know what you want and will just hate on everything Trump does, or if you're just gloating now.


Sunday, April 16, 2017 11:39 AM


stupid double posts.....


Sunday, April 16, 2017 1:31 PM


I think he's gloating.


Sunday, April 16, 2017 1:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow, yeah- good question! I read an excellent analysis, quite long, which I'll quote in brief. This from the Saker, who I check in with whenever I want a technical analysis of weapons capability ...


... I don’t think that anybody
Except a rather large portion of the American public, but I digress ...

seriously believes that Assad or anybody else in the Syrian government really ordered a chemical weapons attack on anybody. To believe that it would require you to find the following sequence logical: first, Assad pretty much wins the war against Daesh which is in full retreat. Then, the US declares that overthrowing Assad is not a priority anymore (up to here this is all factual and true). Then, Assad decides to use weapons he does not have. He decides to bomb a location with no military value, but with lots of kids and cameras. Then, when the Russians demand a full investigation, the Americans strike as fast as they can before this idea gets any support. And now the Americans are probing a possible Russian role in this so-called attack. Frankly, if you believe any of that, you should immediately stop reading and go back to watching TV. For the rest of us, there are three options ...
So Saker doesn't think that Assad "gassed his own people" this time either, because - just like the previous time - there were far too many downsides and absolutely no benefits from such an action.


I think that there is no need to dwell on the total illegality of this [American] attack. I would just underscore the supreme irony of a country basically built by and run by lawyers ... whose general population seems to be totally indifferent to the fact that their elected representatives act in a completely illegal manner. All that most American people care about is whether the illegal action brings victory or not. But if it does, absolutely nobody cares. You disagree? Tell me, how many peace demonstrations were there in the USA about the totally illegal US aggression on Yugoslavia? Exactly. QED.

My son perfectly summed up what Trump’s actions have resulted in: “those who hated him still hate him while those who supported him now also hate him“. Wow! How did Trump and his advisors fail to predict that? Instead of fulfilling his numerous campaign promises (and his own Twitter statements) Trump decided to suddenly make a 180 and totally betray everything he stood for. I can’t think of a dumber action, I really can’t. I have to say that Trump now appears to make Dubya look smart. But there is much, much worse.

The worst aspect of this clusterf**k is how utterly immoral this makes Trump appear. Think of it – first Trump abjectly betrayed Flynn. Then he betrayed Bannon.

[Sidebar: I mostly liked Flynn. I had no use for Bannon at all. But the fact is that they were not my best friends, they were Trump’s best friends. And instead of standing up for them, he sacrificed them to the always bloodthirsty Neocons in the hope of appeasing them. This is what I wrote about this stupid and deeply immoral betrayal the day it happened:

Remember how Obama showed his true face when he hypocritically denounced his friend and pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.? Today, Trump has shown us his true face. Instead of refusing Flynn’s resignation and instead of firing those who dared cook up these ridiculous accusations against Flynn, Trump accepted the resignation. This is not only an act of abject cowardice, it is also an amazingly stupid and self-defeating betrayal because now Trump will be alone, completely alone, facing the likes of Mattis and Pence – hard Cold Warrior types, ideological to the core ... The worst aspect of that is that by betraying people left and right Trump has now shown that you cannot trust him, that he will backstab you with no hesitation whatsoever.

... During his campaign Trump made a lot of excellent promises and he did inspire millions of Americans to support him. I personally believe that he was sincere in his intentions, and I don’t buy the “it was all an act” theory at all. Just look at the total panic of the Neocons at the prospects of a Trump victory and tell me this was all fake. No, I think that Trump was sincere.

I think this is the most telling part of Saker's analysis. There is no question that the deep state went full-force against Trump.


But when confronted with the ruthless opposition of the Neocons and the US deep state, Trump snapped and instantly broke because he is clearly completely spineless and has the ethics and morals of a trailer park prostitute.

So what we really have is a sad and pathetic version of Obama. A kind of Obama 2.0 if you want. The man inspired millions, he promised change you can believe in, and he delivered absolutely nothing except for an abject subservience to the real masters and owners of the United States: the Neocons and the deep state.

Trump did get what he apparently wanted, though: the very same corporate media which he claimed to despise is now praising him. And nobody is calling him a “Putin agent” any more. None of which will prevent the Neocons from impeaching him, by the way. He chose a quickfix solution which will stop acting in just days. How totally stupid of him. He apparently also chose the option of an “attack for show” to begin with, which turned into one of the most pathetic attacks in history, probably courtesy of Russian EW, and now that the USA has wasted something in the range of 100 million dollars, what does Trump have to show? A few flattering articles from the media which he has always hated and which will return to hate him as soon as ordered to do so by its Neocon masters. Pathetic if you ask me.

Ever since he got into the White House, Trump has been acting like your prototypical appeaser (it makes me wonder if his father was an alcoholic). How a guy like him ever made in business is a mystery to me, but what is now clear is that the Neocons totally submitted him and that they will now turn him into political roadkill.

So, what happened to "America First"?

I've been watching Trump's performance since the election, and think I've deduced a few things about him.

First of all, Trump tries to maneuver EVERY process into a situation in which He, Himself, is negotiating one-on-one with the Other Main negotiator. He has faith in his ability to apply brinksmanship/ Crazy Man tactics. ALL of his considerations seem to be wrapped around whether or not His Negotiating Position is strengthened, or weakened, by preceding events, people, and pressures. That's one of the reasons why - when faced with an unknown situation (which is most of them) - he states reflexively that the old deal was a bad deal, a terrible deal, the worst deal. That gives him room to negate all previous agreements if necessary, or at least hold them hostage while He Himself crafts a new one.

It also explains why he's so willing to ditch people and positions. Unpredictability is his stock-in-trade, and since he's the only one who is negotiating, it's up to him to decide whether a position is worth abandoning in favor of another. He doesn't mind abandoning former constituencies or allies.

Trump has made considerable progress in areas where the Deep State hasn't fought him- for example, the number of illegal immigrants attempting to cross the border has dropped by something like 72%, and (so far) the TTP and TTIP still look dead.

But the problem with Trump is that since EVERYTHING is up for negotiation, he doesn't know what it means to take a principled position. And since he's vastly ignorant of foreign affairs, he's extremely vulnerable to the information being brought to him. Once he allowed Flynn to resign, he lost all contact with the DIA analysts who were willing to be bad-news messengers, and now that McMaster is filtering the intel all Trump hears is the neocon version of events, similar to how Cheney manipulated GWB. It seems that Trump wants to be The Negotiator in Chief, but is allowing others to define WHAT is being negotiated.

The USA military is making all kinds of threatening moves ... striking Syria's military, sending a carrier group towards Korea, dropping MOAB on Afghanistan, and testing a (zero-yield) nuclear bomb in NV.

In the short run, this seems to be working with China: There seems to be a deal involving N Korea, Chinese currency values, allowable American imports, Chinese-American financial transactions etc. ON THE OTHER HAND .... you will not see China slowing down on its militarization plan.

And in the short run, I doubt that threats will work with the Russians, who have basically given up on anything sensible from the USA:


I have come to the conclusion that any and all types of dialog with the United States are simply a meaningless and useless waste of time. For one thing, there is no US policy on anything. Over the past week or so we saw both Nikki Haley and Rex Tillerson completely contradict themselves over and over again: “no we don’t want to overthrow Assad. Yes we do want to overthrow Assad. Yes we do. No we don’t“. This is almost painful and embarrassing to watch. This just goes to show that just like the Obama Administration, the Trump people are “[Russian word]” or “not agreement capable”. I explain this term in this analysis (written about Obama! Not Trump):

The Russians expressed their total disgust and outrage at this attack and openly began saying that the Americans were “[Russian word]”. What that word means is literally “not-agreement-capable” or unable to make and then abide by an agreement. While polite, this expression is also extremely strong as it implies not so much a deliberate deception as the lack of the very ability to make a deal and abide by it.

This mismatch of expectations is dangerous.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Sunday, April 16, 2017 2:45 PM


It would be nice to be a fly on the wall and know why they would want to lie about Assad... to know what the end-game is here. But we'll never know the reasons for it. I have no doubt a bunch of kids died, but I don't believe the story about how or why it happened. One thing is for sure.... Somebody, most likely a whole lot of somebodies, don't value human life at all.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. We sure won the lottery when we were born here instead of somewhere over there. I don't know why the blatant disregard for human life has not come home to roost yet, but I'm sure they have their reasons for that. I have a lot of ideas on that one. One day it will happen though.

And when people here are dying from this or that, most of us sheep are going to believe whatever the MSM tells us are the reasons for it. Even if they don't make any sense at all.

Everything is fake.

Have a happy Easter everybody.


Sunday, April 16, 2017 10:26 PM


You guys are not getting my point. My point is that Trump is being exactly who some of us here predicted he would be. You argued with us claiming he wouldn't be like this, but instead would be something, someone else.

He was going to drain the swamp, instead he filled it. He was going to put it to China. Well, maybe not anymore. After all, Trump meet the Chinese leader and found out he's a great guy. He was going to tear up NAFTA em, never mind. NATO is obsolete, two weeks later, not any more. America first, as soon as I fix the rest of the world. Now do you get my point. The point of this thread? It's time to start saying;

We told you so


Sunday, April 16, 2017 11:04 PM


He was gloating. But of course I knew they would do this, troll and haters were going to claim victory if anything went wrong, which it was guaranteed to, just as they painted anyone who didn't buy their bullsh*t as being Trump supporters. So, no, you didn't, you guys told us he would be Hitler. Instead so far he's a little weak, when the deep state pushes. Also remember that you guys suggested that we all support a pro-deep state coup to overthrow Trump, and now you're saying that the problem with Trump is he's too obedient to the wishes of the deep state? I'd agree with that last, but the whole logical chain is circular

6, it's pretty straightforward in a twisted sort of way. The DS wants a war, but absent that, the appearance of a war. "It does not matter if the war is going well, or at all. All that matter is that a state of war exist." Orwell is right, war is the engine for bad policy. So, Trump gives them authority for very limited war so they can play each explosion on every channel.

The first one, they took the command, and blew up a bunch of kids.

The second one, he said "I do this one, and I don't tell anyone when or how" so he arranged with Putin, who called Assad who we assume ordered the evacuation. I believe that the local troops stayed because they had videos of the attacks. That is probably correctly six victims from the Syrian Army. The family bombed with the stray bomb is fake news. The airstrip is in a vast nothing. even with houses around the statistical chances of hitting one are a trillion to one.

The third one the deep state was like, no, we're not letting him have this kind of no drama trauma conflict, so we're going to take the reigns,. then they had a bunch of people pose for a selfie as ISIS of iraq, holding up flags that said so, while they were standing like 20 of them in the middle of absolute complete gorram nowhere, they look ridiculous, and then the DS is like "this is who we're bombing" and then they ran the MOAB, and claimed victims... The afghans had no idea anything had happened. The whole ISIS thing is a snow job because the DS runs ISIS, they got them to pose for the selfie and who knows where they really are, but we know the real ISIS is boxed in with enemies on all sides, so they're not in Afghanistan.

So, this is a fake war to create the war mentality in the absence of war while the deep state finds another way to overthrow those govts. It's a Trump false narrative because the balatant opposition was too much for the DS.


Sunday, April 16, 2017 11:26 PM


Your post is just a bunch of subjective crap. Paranoia run amok. Gloating, not really. Concerned is more apropos. That said, I am reminding those here who argued Trump was honest, and a good choice for president, that their judgement sucks. That their logic and deductive skills are non-existent. And that as P. T. Barnum said. There's a sucker born every minute. You guys are those suckers.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
He was gloating. But of course I knew they would do this, troll and haters were going to claim victory if anything went wrong, which it was guaranteed to, just as they painted anyone who didn't buy their bullsh*t as being Trump supporters. So, no, you didn't, you guys told us he would be Hitler. Instead so far he's a little weak, when the deep state pushes. Also remember that you guys suggested that we all support a pro-deep state coup to overthrow Trump, and now you're saying that the problem with Trump is he's too obedient to the wishes of the deep state? I'd agree with that last, but the whole logical chain is circular

6, it's pretty straightforward in a twisted sort of way. The DS wants a war, but absent that, the appearance of a war. "It does not matter if the war is going well, or at all. All that matter is that a state of war exist." Orwell is right, war is the engine for bad policy. So, Trump gives them authority for very limited war so they can play each explosion on every channel.

The first one, they took the command, and blew up a bunch of kids.

The second one, he said "I do this one, and I don't tell anyone when or how" so he arranged with Putin, who called Assad who we assume ordered the evacuation. I believe that the local troops stayed because they had videos of the attacks. That is probably correctly six victims from the Syrian Army. The family bombed with the stray bomb is fake news. The airstrip is in a vast nothing. even with houses around the statistical chances of hitting one are a trillion to one.

The third one the deep state was like, no, we're not letting him have this kind of no drama trauma conflict, so we're going to take the reigns,. then they had a bunch of people pose for a selfie as ISIS of iraq, holding up flags that said so, while they were standing like 20 of them in the middle of absolute complete gorram nowhere, they look ridiculous, and then the DS is like "this is who we're bombing" and then they ran the MOAB, and claimed victims... The afghans had no idea anything had happened. The whole ISIS thing is a snow job because the DS runs ISIS, they got them to pose for the selfie and who knows where they really are, but we know the real ISIS is boxed in with enemies on all sides, so they're not in Afghanistan.

So, this is a fake war to create the war mentality in the absence of war while the deep state finds another way to overthrow those govts. It's a Trump false narrative because the balatant opposition was too much for the DS.


Monday, April 17, 2017 12:17 AM


Dig up those posts where anybody here said he was honest. I want to see them. I don't believe that those words were ever said by any person here and you're just making shit up again.

I'm still thrilled that we don't have Hillary. I'm a little concerned at recent events, but overall I think things have been going fine. I've actually complained very little in the last 3 months. My recent disappointment is nothing compared to the whining and bitching coming from you since Trump was elected.


Monday, April 17, 2017 12:24 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

FWIW I too am still glad we don't have Hillary. Of course you can't reverse time and run through reality in a different way to see how things would have been otherwise. But all I can imagine is Hillary, running straight to all-out war on day 1.

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Monday, April 17, 2017 6:59 AM


Politicians will always disappoint because they get into power by compromising. The real question is what they're compromising with. I'm as surprised as anyone that "scam artist" is good an answer as it is so far. We've all know this about him for years, and all posted it here, but the idea that the NWO (and Deep State) could be scammed, or at least go along with a false narrative rather than admit to losing, this hadn't occurred to me. I'd pretty much given the system up for dead when Bernie lost. Now I'm feeling okay about the way things turned out. I'm expecting that feeling not to last.

I took T's coffee. He just forfeited it.


Monday, April 17, 2017 7:50 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:
FWIW I too am still glad we don't have Hillary. Of course you can't reverse time and run through reality in a different way to see how things would have been otherwise. But all I can imagine is Hillary, running straight to all-out war on day 1.

I too am glad we don't have Hillary. I could not take another 4 years of email server stories (why isn't she in jail already, Trump?) or the over-heated musings that Hillary will destroy the world in a nuclear holocaust. With Trump as President, I feel especially thankful it is okay today to eat all the leftover chocolate candy you want because this may be your last Easter.

"It would be really great if the nitpickers could try to see the big picture and didn't solely focus on every little slur and lie I say." -- Donald Trump


Monday, April 17, 2017 9:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Trump is being what I SAID he would be- a loose cannon.

I voted for him DESPITE not knowing what he would do, because .... hmmm... what did I say, again? NOT knowing what Trump would do was better than knowing what Hillary would do.

Anyone who claims that I - or anyone here- said Trump was "honest" is a complete jackass. So, THUGR, you may as well claim that title - again.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Monday, April 17, 2017 12:50 PM



Originally posted by second:
With Trump as President, I feel especially thankful it is okay today to eat all the leftover chocolate candy you want because this may be your last Easter.

Even in peace, every Easter could be your last Easter.

Enjoy your chocolate.


Saturday, April 22, 2017 1:07 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
I think he's gloating.

It seems you guys are a bit confused..............

The meaning of the word "gloat"


contemplate or dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure:

"his enemies gloated over his death"
synonyms: delight · relish · take great pleasure · revel · rejoice · glory · exult · [more]

It's that thing that "Nelson" from the Simpsons does, ya know...

Generally, it's what a smug person would do when they or their side wins. Republicans won the whole she-bang so........I'll wait 'til the light bulb goes on.
you see smug people who win "gloat."

This has been a PSA for the hard of hearing, reading and the like.



Saturday, April 22, 2017 1:11 AM




Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Trump is being what I SAID he would be- a loose cannon.

I voted for him DESPITE not knowing what he would do, because .... hmmm... what did I say, again? NOT knowing what Trump would do was better than knowing what Hillary would do.

Anyone who claims that I - or anyone here- said Trump was "honest" is a complete jackass. So, THUGR, you may as well claim that title - again.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Saturday, April 22, 2017 1:14 AM


Don't bother's a lost cause!



Originally posted by THGRRI:
You guys are not getting my point. My point is that Trump is being exactly who some of us here predicted he would be. You argued with us claiming he wouldn't be like this, but instead would be something, someone else.

He was going to drain the swamp, instead he filled it. He was going to put it to China. Well, maybe not anymore. After all, Trump meet the Chinese leader and found out he's a great guy. He was going to tear up NAFTA em, never mind. NATO is obsolete, two weeks later, not any more. America first, as soon as I fix the rest of the world. Now do you get my point. The point of this thread? It's time to start saying;

We told you so


Saturday, April 22, 2017 1:19 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So THUGGER scores points with you when he completely misrepresents what others post.

What does that make you?

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Saturday, April 22, 2017 3:23 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Generally, it's what a smug person would do when they or their side wins. Republicans won the whole she-bang so........I'll wait 'til the light bulb goes on.
you see smug people who win "gloat."

This has been a PSA for the hard of hearing, reading and the like.

I voted for Trump, but the Republican's aren't "my side". This isn't a game.

Gloating is exactly what he was doing.

Don't be cute.


Saturday, April 22, 2017 9:21 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
So THUGGER scores points with you when he completely misrepresents what others post.

What does that make you?

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

As usual, 1kiki ignores the facts and attempts again, to deflect attention away from Trumps dismal presidency. Hey 1kiki, "Care to try addressing the facts." Come on 1kiki, try it once.


Saturday, April 22, 2017 5:08 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Generally, it's what a smug person would do when they or their side wins. Republicans won the whole she-bang so........I'll wait 'til the light bulb goes on.
you see smug people who win "gloat."

This has been a PSA for the hard of hearing, reading and the like.

I voted for Trump, but the Republican's aren't "my side". This isn't a game.

Gloating is exactly what he was doing.

Don't be cute.

Thanks for using the quote function. However, nobody else seems to be, so I can't figure what the reference is to or if it's correct. SGG seems to be replying to a DT post from a ways back, but I can't see what DT was replying to.


Saturday, April 22, 2017 5:21 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Generally, it's what a smug person would do when they or their side wins. Republicans won the whole she-bang so........I'll wait 'til the light bulb goes on.
you see smug people who win "gloat."

This has been a PSA for the hard of hearing, reading and the like.

I voted for Trump, but the Republican's aren't "my side". This isn't a game.

Gloating is exactly what he was doing.

Don't be cute.

Thanks for using the quote function. However, nobody else seems to be, so I can't figure what the reference is to or if it's correct. SGG seems to be replying to a DT post from a ways back, but I can't see what DT was replying to.

SGG's reply was to DT's first sentence of a very long post, as well as my post before it, which was a reply to the OP and the thread title...


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
"What happened to 'America First'?"

The MSM and goons like you.

I can't tell if you really don't know what you want and will just hate on everything Trump does, or if you're just gloating now.


Sunday, April 23, 2017 4:40 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
SGG's reply was to DT's first sentence of a very long post, as well as my post before it, which was a reply to the OP and the thread title...


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
"What happened to 'America First'?"

The MSM and goons like you.

I can't tell if you really don't know what you want and will just hate on everything Trump does, or if you're just gloating now.

So T was gloating about something? What was he gloating about? Is this referencing another thread or discussion?


Sunday, April 23, 2017 6:29 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
SGG's reply was to DT's first sentence of a very long post, as well as my post before it, which was a reply to the OP and the thread title...


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
"What happened to 'America First'?"

The MSM and goons like you.

I can't tell if you really don't know what you want and will just hate on everything Trump does, or if you're just gloating now.

So T was gloating about something? What was he gloating about? Is this referencing another thread or discussion?

That's what I can't exactly pin down.

I don't think anything recently is good for anybody, but T is happy about things because the MSM is happy about things. Doesn't matter what bad shit happens, so long as he feels justified that anybody who voted for Trump is a "bad guy".


Monday, April 24, 2017 2:22 AM


I stopped being cute when I was a baby. Now I'm ruggedly handsome.



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Generally, it's what a smug person would do when they or their side wins. Republicans won the whole she-bang so........I'll wait 'til the light bulb goes on.
you see smug people who win "gloat."

This has been a PSA for the hard of hearing, reading and the like.

I voted for Trump, but the Republican's aren't "my side". This isn't a game.

Gloating is exactly what he was doing.

Don't be cute.


Monday, April 24, 2017 2:56 AM



So T was gloating about something? What was he gloating about? Is this referencing another thread or discussion?

Hey JSF,

It seems that you have pinpointed the dilemma with several posts here. Okay, gather round children, allow me to retort: I think a good place to start is at Thrrgi's initial statement; then I commented about the whole "gloating" thing and attempted to clarify the meaning of the word. I was being sarcastic (or as 6 put it, I was being "cute").

To be clear, I don't know where DT and 6 got "gloating" from T's remarks. Hence my "explanation" or contribution regarding the meaning of the word. Usually, one "gloats" to piss off the other guy when one wins at something. Like when a Patriots fan gloats over how Tom Brady lead the football team to glorious victory and is a God, who's shit don't stink.

Or, in this case, how Trump beat the odds and made the MSM pundits look bad when he slaughtered Hilary in the general election. How he crushed her hopes and dreams when he scored the highest point total in the Electoral College in the history of the world; oh and how he crushed her in the popular vote (of course, it would have been, had it not been ruined by all those illegal votes in California. 3 million I heard. But I digress, perhaps DT or 6string would care to elaborate on the five Ws of T's supposed "gloating." (The 5 Ws, for the uninitiated, are who, what, when, where and why).

You see, to me T's comments were more about the recent Cirque du Soleil feats of acrobatic skill performed by our dickless leader (really, he should try out for the U.S. gymnastics team). Trump has done so much backpedaling and flip-flopping that it would make our Olympians seasick. His recent flip-flops with Obamacare, Putin and Russia, as well as Syria could drive anyone to drink. His campaign promises have been long forgotten, as much as his undying love for Comrade Putin.

What I see in his post is a commentary on the hypocrisy of his campaign, and now his administration (if you could call it that) and how he has reneged on the promises he has made throughout. Remember "Jail Hilary"? and who could forget our all-time favorite - "Repeal Obamacare." I don't see it as "gloating," but then again I'm funny that way.

I hope that helps.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
SGG's reply was to DT's first sentence of a very long post, as well as my post before it, which was a reply to the OP and the thread title...


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
"What happened to 'America First'?"

The MSM and goons like you.

I can't tell if you really don't know what you want and will just hate on everything Trump does, or if you're just gloating now.

So T was gloating about something? What was he gloating about? Is this referencing another thread or discussion?


Monday, April 24, 2017 4:03 AM




Monday, April 24, 2017 5:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


His recent flip-flops with Obamacare, Putin and Russia, as well as Syria could drive anyone to drink. His campaign promises have been long forgotten, as much as his undying love for Comrade Putin.

What I see in his post is a commentary on the hypocrisy of his campaign, and now his administration (if you could call it that) and how he has reneged on the promises he has made throughout. Remember "Jail Hilary"? and who could forget our all-time favorite - "Repeal Obamacare." I don't see it as "gloating," but then again I'm funny that way.- SGG

I look at it this way: Trump made a lot of promises. And Obama made a lot of promises too.

Nearly all of Obama's promises came to naught. Almost everything ... from the global "hope and change" to "withdraw our troops from Iraq and end middle east wars" to something as specific and small "close Gitmo" ... was never accomplished. We got an anemic recovery, a higher wealth gap and a greater hollowing-out of the middle class than ever before in recorded USA history, added more to the Federal deficit than all previous Presidents COMBINED with NO infrastructural repairs, more "free trade", universal electronic surveillance, summary execution of citizens without trial, more whistleblowers prosecuted than all other Presidents COMBINED, more middle east wars and more pointless aggression against China and Russia, and a corporate-structured health insurance bill with NO bargaining for better prices along with a sweetener of government (i.e. our tax) money to get us all shoved into the corporate maw.

Wow, what record-breaking, historic accomplishments!

When I voted for Obama, I distinctly recall thinking that he had no real political history, but that if he accomplished 15% of what he promised, I'd be impressed. As far as I can tell, he fell so far below that he didn't get my second vote.

Same with Trump. I didn't believe his promises either. I was only hoping for three things. If he doesn't get those accomplished, he won't get my vote next time.

Obama may be a better speaker than Trump, but he was a distinct failure as President.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Monday, April 24, 2017 10:54 AM


You see it correctly SSG. To date, Trump has been the biggest liar, flip flopper, and person who indulges in hypocrisy I've ever seen. I was not gloating. I was pointing out the facts and giving voice my concerns.

They're looking to deflect from Trump. Therefore they shift the conversation from Trump to me. If they didn't they would have to address all of Trumps failings.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

So T was gloating about something? What was he gloating about? Is this referencing another thread or discussion?

Hey JSF,

It seems that you have pinpointed the dilemma with several posts here. Okay, gather round children, allow me to retort: I think a good place to start is at Thrrgi's initial statement; then I commented about the whole "gloating" thing and attempted to clarify the meaning of the word. I was being sarcastic (or as 6 put it, I was being "cute").

To be clear, I don't know where DT and 6 got "gloating" from T's remarks. Hence my "explanation" or contribution regarding the meaning of the word. Usually, one "gloats" to piss off the other guy when one wins at something. Like when a Patriots fan gloats over how Tom Brady lead the football team to glorious victory and is a God, who's shit don't stink.

Or, in this case, how Trump beat the odds and made the MSM pundits look bad when he slaughtered Hilary in the general election. How he crushed her hopes and dreams when he scored the highest point total in the Electoral College in the history of the world; oh and how he crushed her in the popular vote (of course, it would have been, had it not been ruined by all those illegal votes in California. 3 million I heard. But I digress, perhaps DT or 6string would care to elaborate on the five Ws of T's supposed "gloating." (The 5 Ws, for the uninitiated, are who, what, when, where and why).

You see, to me T's comments were more about the recent Cirque du Soleil feats of acrobatic skill performed by our dickless leader (really, he should try out for the U.S. gymnastics team). Trump has done so much backpedaling and flip-flopping that it would make our Olympians seasick. His recent flip-flops with Obamacare, Putin and Russia, as well as Syria could drive anyone to drink. His campaign promises have been long forgotten, as much as his undying love for Comrade Putin.

What I see in his post is a commentary on the hypocrisy of his campaign, and now his administration (if you could call it that) and how he has reneged on the promises he has made throughout. Remember "Jail Hilary"? and who could forget our all-time favorite - "Repeal Obamacare." I don't see it as "gloating," but then again I'm funny that way.

I hope that helps.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
SGG's reply was to DT's first sentence of a very long post, as well as my post before it, which was a reply to the OP and the thread title...


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
"What happened to 'America First'?"

The MSM and goons like you.

I can't tell if you really don't know what you want and will just hate on everything Trump does, or if you're just gloating now.

So T was gloating about something? What was he gloating about? Is this referencing another thread or discussion?


Monday, April 24, 2017 11:29 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
You see it correctly SSG. To date, Trump has been the biggest liar, flip flopper, and person who indulges in hypocrisy I've ever seen. I was not gloating. I was pointing out the facts and giving voice my concerns.

They're looking to deflect from Trump. Therefore they shift the conversation from Trump to me. If they didn't they would have to address all of Trumps failings.

What failings?

You've had it out for the guy since day one. You're still mad about the pussy grabbing thing.

The only disappointments I've had with him so far is that he's done a few things that Hillary would have already done.

He's the first president ever that got China to ignore North Korea. The TPP isn't a thing we're involved in. He has been ripping up quite a few of Obama's executive orders and particularly been making inroads on 2nd amendment protections.

It's hard to imagine he can get any work done with all the hysterical animals like you bandying about and spewing shit everywhere.


Monday, April 24, 2017 11:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You see it correctly SSG. To date, Trump has been the biggest liar, flip flopper, and person who indulges in hypocrisy I've ever seen. I was not gloating. I was pointing out the facts and giving voice my concerns.

They're looking to deflect from Trump. Therefore they shift the conversation from Trump to me. If they didn't they would have to address all of Trumps failings. = THUGR

You see it INcorrectly, SGG. And THUGR.

Just as I have three hopes for Trump's administration, I had three for Obama: universal health care, meaningful economic repair, and an end to our ceaseless interventions everywhere. (He DID vote against the Iraq War, unlike Hillary)

The first inkling I had that Obama might be "more of the same" instead of "hope and change" "changing the way Washington works" was his appointment of Timmy Geithner as Treasury Secy. Obama had a historic oppty to be Roosevelt v.2 - the worst crash since 1929, a Democratic Congress - and he blew it. IF he had done something to help people instead of banks, Congress would have remained Democratic. Instead of learning that lesson, the DNC continued representing wealth.

My SECOND indication that Obama was "more of the same" was when he spoke on the tarmac of some unremarkable air base about "indefinite preventive detention". That should make anyone's blood run cold.

My THIRD hint that Obama was "more of the same" was when he flubbed health insurance, and for me this was one of THE issues of my vote. He first yanked single payer off the table and then by took away public option, after promising it in his second State of the Union (which BTW happens in January or February) .... a full year into his first term. I was angry, but I thought ... well, it's a complicated bill with a lot of moving parts. Let's see what happens.

But I was willing to give Obama a chance. I didn't decide against him until fairly far into his first term. It takes a long time to actually DO anything substantive, and not just speechify or tweet.

From the moment Trump was elected he faced an intransigent half of the population, but worse- an implacable deep state willing to "leak" lies and an compliant press willing to spray anything anywhere. Yes, Obama faced a lot of hostility, but it was not spread by the MSM.

So, I'm willing to wait and see what happens. I'm going to give Trump a chance, like I gave Obama a chance. My expectations are very low. As I have posted many times before, I voted for Trump for three things:

Reducing illegal immigration
Ending "free trade" deals
An end to our pointless hostility to Russia. I was hoping this would mean less "interventionism" abroad in general.

So far he's made progress on two of them and went way backwards on the third, but it's too early to speak of "failure", just as it would be too early to speak of "failure" for Obama.

I CAN talk about my concerns.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Monday, April 24, 2017 12:56 PM


Funny SIG. As I pointed out in an earlier thread. Being a Russian troll you would first argue why Trump should be president, and you did. Then, you would criticize him because after all, you are a Russian sympathizer, and he is president of the United States. It's pretty cut and dry comrade.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You see it correctly SSG. To date, Trump has been the biggest liar, flip flopper, and person who indulges in hypocrisy I've ever seen. I was not gloating. I was pointing out the facts and giving voice my concerns.

They're looking to deflect from Trump. Therefore they shift the conversation from Trump to me. If they didn't they would have to address all of Trumps failings. = THUGR

You see it INcorrectly, SGG. And THUGR.

Just as I have three hopes for Trump's administration, I had three for Obama: universal health care, meaningful economic repair, and an end to our ceaseless interventions everywhere. (He DID vote against the Iraq War, unlike Hillary)

The first inkling I had that Obama might be "more of the same" instead of "hope and change" "changing the way Washington works" was his appointment of Timmy Geithner as Treasury Secy. Obama had a historic oppty to be Roosevelt v.2 - the worst crash since 1929, a Democratic Congress - and he blew it. IF he had done something to help people instead of banks, Congress would have remained Democratic. Instead of learning that lesson, the DNC continued representing wealth.

My SECOND indication that Obama was "more of the same" was when he spoke on the tarmac of some unremarkable air base about "indefinite preventive detention". That should make anyone's blood run cold.

My THIRD hint that Obama was "more of the same" was when he flubbed health insurance, and for me this was one of THE issues of my vote. He first yanked single payer off the table and then by took away public option, after promising it in his second State of the Union (which BTW happens in January or February) .... a full year into his first term. I was angry, but I thought ... well, it's a complicated bill with a lot of moving parts. Let's see what happens.

But I was willing to give Obama a chance. I didn't decide against him until fairly far into his first term. It takes a long time to actually DO anything substantive, and not just speechify or tweet.

From the moment Trump was elected he faced an intransigent half of the population, but worse- an implacable deep state willing to "leak" lies and an compliant press willing to spray anything anywhere. Yes, Obama faced a lot of hostility, but it was not spread by the MSM.

So, I'm willing to wait and see what happens. I'm going to give Trump a chance, like I gave Obama a chance. My expectations are very low. As I have posted many times before, I voted for Trump for three things:

Reducing illegal immigration
Ending "free trade" deals
An end to our pointless hostility to Russia. I was hoping this would mean less "interventionism" abroad in general.

So far he's made progress on two of them and went way backwards on the third, but it's too early to speak of "failure", just as it would be too early to speak of "failure" for Obama.

I CAN talk about my concerns.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Monday, April 24, 2017 1:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Funny SIG. As I pointed out in an earlier thread. Being a Russian troll you would first argue why Trump should be president, and you did. Then, you would criticize him because, after all, he is president of the United States.
Funny THUGR, being a deep state troll, you first argue why Trump shouldn't be President (because you have no use for our democratic institutions) and then you argue why nobody should criticize any President. All while criticizing Trump.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Monday, April 24, 2017 1:27 PM


You're funny...Deep State within a state is a political situation in a country when an internal organ ("deep state"), such as the armed forces and civilian authorities (intelligence agencies, police, administrative agencies and branches of governmental bureaucracy), does not respond to the civilian political leadership.

There can't possibly be an Obama deep state. He was elected by the civilian population, fool. The fact that these intuitions worked with presidents, Clinton, Bush, Obama, all presidents to date, proves your conspiratorial deep state doesn't exist in this country. Only Russian trolls and disgruntled losers think it does. Your lack of critical thinking skills is astounding.

Russia wants to upend Western democracy


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Funny SIG. As I pointed out in an earlier thread. Being a Russian troll you would first argue why Trump should be president, and you did. Then, you would criticize him because, after all, he is president of the United States.
Funny THUGR, being a deep state troll, you first argue why Trump shouldn't be President (because you have no use for our democratic institutions) and then you argue why nobody should criticize any President. All while criticizing Trump.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Monday, April 24, 2017 1:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


There can't possibly be a n Obama Trump deep state. He was elected by the civilian population, fool.- THUGR
Fixed it for you.

As a deep state troll, you would, of course, deny it's existence.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

All those guns 1kiki, are pointed towards your beloved Russia. All those cyber capabilities, pointed right at Russia. Thanks Putin, and get ready to duck.


Monday, April 24, 2017 2:04 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

There can't possibly be a n Obama Trump deep state. He was elected by the civilian population, fool.- THUGR
Fixed it for you.

As a deep state troll, you would, of course, deny it's existence.

Wow, I mean really, that's it? SIG's critical thinking skills at work folks. First of all stupid. I am not in a position where I can contribute to a deep state conspiracy. I mean, you do realize deep state means you work for the state don't you? After all, it's you pushing this whole deep state thing.

And to your friends here. When she claims that deep state is working with a president, she is unknowingly admitting deep state doesn't exist. By definition, deep state doesn't recognize the civilian chosen leadership.


Monday, February 18, 2019 4:57 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

There can't possibly be a n Obama Trump deep state. He was elected by the civilian population, fool.- THUGR
Fixed it for you.

As a deep state troll, you would, of course, deny it's existence.

Wow, I mean really, that's it? SIG's critical thinking skills at work folks. First of all stupid. I am not in a position where I can contribute to a deep state conspiracy. I mean, you do realize deep state means you work for the state don't you? After all, it's you pushing this whole deep state thing.

And to your friends here. When she claims that deep state is working with a president, she is unknowingly admitting deep state doesn't exist. By definition, deep state doesn't recognize the civilian chosen leadership.

Oh my...



Friday, August 23, 2019 10:25 AM



‘If You Want To Run This Country...Explain Whose Side You Are On’


Friday, August 23, 2019 10:27 AM



Scaramucci Urges GOP To ‘Save The Country,’ Speak Out Against Trump


Saturday, August 24, 2019 9:12 AM




Saturday, August 24, 2019 9:24 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Scaramucci Urges GOP To ‘Save The Country,’ Speak Out Against Trump

We really need to keep a list of people who T loves now, Kiki.

I'm losing track. All I can ever remember is John McCain, but I know this is number 4 or number 5 now.

Right... of course. How could I forget Mueller too? Yanno, the guy who lied about WMDs during the GWB era.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 22, 2020 10:26 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

“I don’t want to be the president of the world,” Donald Trump declared in Washington on 4 April. “I’m the president of the United States. And from now on, it’s going to be America first.”


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

John Bolton says he is "troubled" by the prospect of Trump winning a second term


Tuesday, June 23, 2020 11:02 AM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020 11:51 AM



Keep laughing buddy.

Right now we're laughing together. But it will be fun to go right on laughing long after you've started to cry.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 10:54 AM


From Bolton to Mattis, Trump Faces Aides Turned Adversaries

(Bloomberg) -- As President Donald Trump’s battle for re-election heats up, he faces an unusual and potent foe: a raft of former top aides and Cabinet members -- including John Kelly, James Mattis, and now, John Bolton -- who have turned against him.

Trumps own cabinet and staff are saying what the rest of us have known since the beginning. Trump is a disaster. Yet moron Jack and a few others here keep insisting it's all fake news. How sad it that?


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 6:53 PM


Key word being "former".

I know English isn't your first language, Ted. Do you need me to provide you with a definition?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 7:35 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Key word being "former".

I know English isn't your first language, Ted. Do you need me to provide you with a definition?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Let me tell you about "former": there are many banks that "formerly" loaned to Trump, but stopped because he's a crook. Poor Donald. His lenders have turned against him. The Trump story of "All the President's Banks", inspired by Nixon's tribulations in "All the President's Men":

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, June 24, 2020 8:01 PM



Second understands English.

Stick with this guy, Ted. He'll teach you how to anti-America and not look illiterate while doing it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 27, 2020 2:11 PM


Trump defeated by virus. So sad...


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.




THG 10.17 13:25


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