Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster - Our thoughts and prayers

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 4, 2005 06:20
VIEWED: 2771
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004 2:23 PM


The horror of the disaster in the Indian Ocean has struck me pretty deeply, and I wanted to talk about it a little. Hence this thread.

Me and my family were rather worried through Boxing Day, because my uncle was holidaying in Thailand - fortunately he burns pretty easily so he avoids beaches and was having fun in the inland cities when the wave hit. We got his phone call late Boxing Day saying that he was okay, but that he has several friends who were on the coast who haven't made contact yet. Hope they're okay.

I'm struck by the sensitivity shown by both the tourists from the west in those countries and the western media. The donations and political reactions are heartening, and will grow as the scale becomes more manifest. The American tourists caught at the scene have made a good name for their country, a fair few of them helping out at the scene in terrible circumstances, and reacting soberly and compassionately to the disaster, realising the enormity. The same goes for the European tourists, I'm a Brit and some pretty amazing stories have been appearing on the BBC website account logs. We're all pretty much the same in the face of disaster. As for Sweden, I pray that their toll is not as high as feared. The news has not concentrated on high profile western tourist's narrow escapes, as I might have feared, but instead is committed to trying to convey what is going on there.

The important thing now is to give money to the relative charities (and not food or clothing aid, despite good intentions, for this kind of disaster it hampers relief efforts). CNN and the BBC ( has a good list, and Oxfam and The International Red Cross is a good start.

Firefly Fans, aside from their comical and incredibly lengthy political fisticuffs, and a bunch of warm, generous and deeply lovely people. As important as our Big Damn Movie is (and it's damn important to me!) it's rather insignificant currently compared to this disaster. So let's put our converting and extra box set buying aside for a little while and cough up and lead the drive for donations.

After my lengthy, annoyingly worthy, ramble; I'm leaving this thread open to those who wish to talk about their feelings, share information on the disaster and offer prayers. The less politics the better, even in jest. We shouldn't leave this to be 'News Story of the Week', because the effects will be lasting.

Thanks for listening to my emotional and overly long ramble.



Wednesday, December 29, 2004 5:28 PM


What the people in that region are going through is truly horrific.

If you have the means to support the relief effort here are some good places to start:
Red Cross and Red Crescent:
Doctor's Without Borders:

My thoughts and prayers are with those who are coping with this tragedy.

"... any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; ..." - John Donne


Wednesday, December 29, 2004 5:43 PM


Granted, I haven't paid as close attention as I should have to the details of what's going on, but every time I hear a revised mortality update my heart just stops. I can't comprehend the level of devastation that has happened. All I can do is pray.

Thanks for the links to donate. I've also noticed a few other sites (like IMDB) have donation links prominently displayed as well. Hopefully, people will take up the call.

Packer fans welcome.
All others tolerated.


Thursday, December 30, 2004 1:49 AM


It such a terrible and sad event, the scale of the disaster seems to get bigger and look more massive with each day. I'll give some over the next days, and try to donate as soon as possible to help these unfortunate people.

Homes have been destroyed, billions of dollars in damage, jobs vanished and thousands of people killed by this Earthquake and Wave. People died in many places India, Thailand, Indonesia... it just seems impossible to describe but this must be the worst Tidalwave yet. These Tsumani are terrible let's hope the people that survived can get through this and re-build their lives somehow


Thursday, December 30, 2004 4:45 AM


Agreed on just about everything. My prayers and thoughts are with the survivors.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, December 30, 2004 5:52 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

My wife has two friends that live in Sri Lanka and so far we have only heard from one of them. The other is still missing, though we remain hopeful. With the state of things on the island right now we hope that she is either in a hospital or the lack of phones and electric in most areas has prevented her from getting word out to us.

We have made a donation to the Red Cross for the disaster relief, and have donated blankets, clothes, and canned foods for the relief drive. I would ask that every Browncoat that can give to please do so for the survivors of this tragedy.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Meet Up:


Thursday, December 30, 2004 8:27 AM


Nathan had a cousin over there but he has heard news that everything is ok

From forum

Posted: 28 Dec 2004 8:34 pm
Post subject: Happy Holidays to all Browncoats from the Captain

Belated holiday wishes to the greatest fans a fella could ask for (and my fantastic castmates should they drop by this site). My wishes have all been granted thanks to a healthy, happy family, and a cousin in Phuket who is safe from harm and will be returning to us soon. Let the disaster that has befallen so many remind us all how tentative our grasp is on this planet earth. As much as we have, all can be swept away in an instant. I'm sending thoughts and prayers those who have lost loved ones and those who are still searching. I will be sending clothing, blankets, and canned food as soon as I return to LA, and hope you all do the same. Be well, Browncoats. Grab hold of your loved ones, let them know you are there for them, and make the most of all your blessings.
See you at the movies!
Nathan Fillion


Thousands of jobs destroyed, thousands of families homelesss in Thailand, Indonesia...
Many foreigners also killed

With a large proportion of Asia's populations under 18, U.N. officials have said up to a third of the victims could be children.

"There is no food here whatsoever. We need rice. We need petrol. We need medicine," said Vaiti Usman, an Indonesian woman in Indonesia's devastated Aceh province where tens of thousands died. "I haven't eaten in two days."

In many areas, health experts said the relief operation looked woefully inadequate with shortages of coffins, equipment and medicine, while emergency workers struggled with power outages, destroyed communications and badly damaged roads.

In parts of India's Tamil Nadu state, officials gave up counting the dead in their hurry to bury them in mass graves.

Fresh television pictures on Wednesday gave some idea of the unforgiving force of the killer wave, dragging terrified family members from each other's clutches, sweeping trucks and buses through buildings, flipping ships on to land.

1,000 Germans, 440 Norwegians and 200 Finns. By Wednesday, more than 1,200 bodies had been recovered at southern Thai beach resorts, but officials said the toll could be more than 3,000.

U.S. embassy officials continued to hunt for 2,000 to 3,000 Americans who remain unaccounted for, and asked travelers to check in with families. At least 12 Americans are known to be dead.

Norway's government said the tsunami threatened to become one of the worst disasters for its nation in modern times.

At Khao Lak beach, where officials say up to 3,000 people may have died, Thai and German rescuers searched the wreckage of a half-built luxury hotel on Wednesday after villagers said they had heard calls for help from people trapped inside.

In Washington, one U.S. official said Thailand's death toll was likely to be much higher because rescue teams had yet to reach some areas.

On Wednesday, the U.S. Pacific Command, the military command that operates in that part of the world, also said it is deploying 20 ships from docks in Hong Kong, Guam and the island of Diego Garcia.

The ships, many of which will take several days to arrive, are loaded with medical equipment and mobile hospitals, 41 helicopters, 2,100 Marines, 1,400 sailors and the capacity to generate 600,000 gallons of fresh water daily.

death toll from the devastating tsunamis topped 87,400.

Worried officials in the area believe disease could double that figure.

More than a million people have been left homeless by the disaster, and hospitals have been overwhelmed by at least 100,000 injured.

European leaders were also preparing their citizens for a grim New Year.
419 Danes, 263 Finns, 200 Czechs and 294 Singaporean tourists are among those reported missing.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has said hundreds of his countrymen probably died in the disaster.
A deputy foreign minister said on Thursday 33 Germans were confirmed dead, while more than 1,000 were missing

Thousands of tourists enjoying their Christmas holidays at Indian Ocean resorts, principally in Thailand, could be among the victims. Some 1,500 Swedes, 1,000 Germans, 600 Italians were missing.

It's very sad, the news just keeps getting worse every day for these people. Let's hope enough help can be given to them


Friday, December 31, 2004 2:35 PM



Originally posted by NervousPete:
The horror of the disaster in the Indian Ocean has struck me pretty deeply, and I wanted to talk about it a little. Hence this thread.

Me and my family were rather worried through Boxing Day, because my uncle was holidaying in Thailand - fortunately he burns pretty easily so he avoids beaches and was having fun in the inland cities when the wave hit. We got his phone call late Boxing Day saying that he was okay, but that he has several friends who were on the coast who haven't made contact yet. Hope they're okay.

I'm struck by the sensitivity shown by both the tourists from the west in those countries and the western media. The donations and political reactions are heartening, and will grow as the scale becomes more manifest. The American tourists caught at the scene have made a good name for their country, a fair few of them helping out at the scene in terrible circumstances, and reacting soberly and compassionately to the disaster, realising the enormity. The same goes for the European tourists, I'm a Brit and some pretty amazing stories have been appearing on the BBC website account logs. We're all pretty much the same in the face of disaster. As for Sweden, I pray that their toll is not as high as feared. The news has not concentrated on high profile western tourist's narrow escapes, as I might have feared, but instead is committed to trying to convey what is going on there.

The important thing now is to give money to the relative charities (and not food or clothing aid, despite good intentions, for this kind of disaster it hampers relief efforts). CNN and the BBC ( has a good list, and Oxfam and The International Red Cross is a good start.

Firefly Fans, aside from their comical and incredibly lengthy political fisticuffs, and a bunch of warm, generous and deeply lovely people. As important as our Big Damn Movie is (and it's damn important to me!) it's rather insignificant currently compared to this disaster. So let's put our converting and extra box set buying aside for a little while and cough up and lead the drive for donations.

After my lengthy, annoyingly worthy, ramble; I'm leaving this thread open to those who wish to talk about their feelings, share information on the disaster and offer prayers. The less politics the better, even in jest. We shouldn't leave this to be 'News Story of the Week', because the effects will be lasting.

Thanks for listening to my emotional and overly long ramble.


good post


Saturday, January 1, 2005 2:29 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

One of my co-workers left before Christmas, headed for home in India over the holidays. Told me he was going to be in Delhi and Madras. Wish we'd hear something. Red Cross has my bucks already.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 6:20 AM


A lot of people are missing or just haven't been able to call home and say it's ok

Here are some shots from outer space, it looks very bad

http: //www. . jpg

http: //www. . jpg






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