Any Conservative Media Around?

UPDATED: Sunday, November 24, 2024 03:44
VIEWED: 9304
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Wednesday, August 28, 2019 6:05 PM


Trump recently pointed out that Fox News Channel has failed to continue it's high standards of News reporting.

Most folk already knew this when the 2 Libtard sons of Rupert Murdoch took over the reins and switched the successful formula to yet another failure version of the standard Libtard Media.

So now that FNC has given up the mantle of Conservative, honest, balanced, unbiased News reporting, who is there to take it's place? Is there anybody?

How badly have they slipped? I haven't been paying attention lately.

A list of mentions in this thread:

NewsMax Channel
Epoch Times
John Solomon's
News Nation TV network or channel

a list of censored is at
rates the political spectrum of businesses:


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 7:13 PM


Fox News was always trash. They were good at giving the equal and opposite spin that CNN did and having a bunch of hot women wearing sexy yet conservative outfits that showed off their legs while doing it.

But no. I don't think there is any conservative media around these days outside of independent journalism.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 5:37 PM



One America News Network.

Haven't seen it yet, I should check it out sometime.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019 8:45 PM


NewsMax Channel.


Tuesday, September 17, 2019 10:27 PM



You should check out Styxhexxenhammer666 on YouTube.

You're going to have to keep yourself from clutching your pearls and get over the fact that he's got long hair, regularly wears a leather jacket (sometimes without a shirt on underneath), sometimes wears occult t-shirts and doesn't give a fuck what you think of him.

He's a libertarian. His predictions for elections are just about on par with my own, which is to say almost 100% in the last 3 years. He makes his money selling the nearly 100 books he's written and put on Amazon. He doesn't accept any ad revenue from YouTube and never has as long as I've been watching him, and he also is on various other platforms such as Vimeo, DailyMotion and BitChute so he doesn't give a shit about being de-monetized and isn't afraid of being censored.

He regularly puts 4 videos out every single day including weekends. He fact checks and doesn't post censorious click bait bullshit. He calls out bullshit on both sides, although these days it's mostly about the Left because of how absolutely terrible they are right now.

BTW... this is one of my favorite videos he's ever done, just yesterday morning.

Calling out sad Lefty jerk offs that harassed his wife on social media instead of taking it up with him.

He couldn't even be bothered to change out of his bathrobe before making it.

Here's his channel:

(You'll have to just go to his channel from one of his videos here. The "url" tags don't work on this site like the "UBB CODES" tell you that they should.)

And the video on how he makes his money and the fact that all of his 4 daily videos are completely ad free because he feels that accepting ad revenue is how you get owned.

He's got more integrity in his pinky finger than the whole of Fox News, MSNBC and CNN combined.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 8:02 AM


Tarl Warwick (born: January 20, 1988 (1988-01-20) [age 31]), known by his screen name of Styxhexenhammer666, is an Occultist, author, editor and political commentator on Youtube. His videos cover various topics of interest such as religion, politics, world events, occultism and posts other miscellaneous material.

He has been endorsed by noted non-Nazi Richard Spencer[12] and later appeared in one of Spencer's podcasts.[13] In January 2018, in a since-deleted tweet,[8] he declared that he would be joining forces with the "further right," just like most people who definitely aren't Nazis do.

Warwick has dedicated a video to express his support for Varg Vikernes and encouraged his viewers to subscribe to his channel.[14]

Warwick has long been interested in the Third Reich. For example, he gave a five-star review of Hitler's Mein Kampf, calling Hitler "idiotic" and describing the book as reading like "a drastic corrective manifest for the primary purpose of improving mankind (albeit through somewhat stupid methods)".[15] After being called a crypto-fascist for saying "Nazism briefly worked" (on a video about his opposition to Communism),[16] Warwick defended himself in the comments section, arguing that he had spent years attacking corporations and authoritarianism on the left and the right.

I found nothing claiming he was educated anywhere, but plenty he is a Nazi.



Wednesday, September 18, 2019 8:32 AM


Maybe you should hear what he has to say about that particular smear campaign. He does go over it in great detail.

He also discusses how and why he didn't complete his college "education" as well.

But no. Go ahead and keep watching all of your multi-million dollar talking heads that work for multi-national corporations to get your news. It's clearly been working out great for you so far.

I'll watch the guy who makes enough money as an entrepreneur that he does the news without accepting any ad revenue for it and answers to nobody and won't be censored.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 8:34 AM


By the way, you're not one of the idiots that are harassing this guys wife, are you soyboy?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 10:37 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Trump recently pointed out that Fox News Channel has failed to continue it's high standards of News reporting.

Trump's Fox criticism puts the network's entire con in jeopardy

President Donald Trump spends most days watching hours of Fox News programming and many nights talking with its stable of pro-Trump hosts. But his recent criticism of the network shows that he doesn’t understand the con at the heart of the network’s model. Fox is a propaganda outlet whose success depends on maintaining just enough trappings of journalism to avoid that label. And if Trump turns his warning shots into a sustained assault, the result could spell disaster for the network.

Fox and Trump have enjoyed a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship. The network helped drive Trump’s political rise, all but fused with his administration after his election, and regularly cheerleads for him. Trump, in turn, is obsessed with the network, whose programming and personalities shape his worldview and frequently impact his decision. He regularly promotes Fox’s coverage and has given its hosts unprecedented access, lifting the network’s ratings.

But Trump clearly views the network as part of his messaging operation, and he has publicly aired his grievances when it has failed to live up to that standard by hosting Democrats or publishing unfavorable polls. While watching Fox on Wednesday morning, he again saw something he didn’t like: an interview with the Democratic National Committee’s communications director.

The president quickly responded on Twitter, denouncing the segment for “heavily promoting the Democrats.” After listing other Fox commentators who he claimed had taken Fox too far to the left, Trump declared: “We have to start looking for a new News Outlet. Fox isn’t working for us anymore!”

Trump’s critique was that it is unacceptable for the network to provide anything short of the sycophancy he gets from Fox hosts like Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs. Its failure to produce such programming around the clock is, in Trump’s telling, an affront to his supporters that should lead them to abandon the outlet for one of its competitors.

That view clashes sharply with Fox’s business model, which depends on creating the impression the network isn’t a 24/7 propaganda outlet.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 11:59 AM



He's already making the Lefty media destroy its credibility more with every passing day. I hope he tears Fox News down with his bare hands at the same time.

More swamp draining IMO.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 4:49 PM


Nelson Mandela : When Mandela died, Warwick made a video rejoicing his death.

He left college because he discovered there's a sucker born every minute. Being a con he'd figured why bother. YouTube here I come.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 8:16 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Nelson Mandela : When Mandela died, Warwick made a video rejoicing his death.

He left college because he discovered there's a sucker born every minute. Being a con he'd figured why bother. YouTube here I come.

Show me the video.

Also, he is more spot on by a long shot with his election predictions over the last 3 years than any reporter you or JSF listen to.

So keep bringing up bullshit and being wrong all of the time. It doesn't bother me either way.

And, as stated before, he doesn't make a single dime off of YouTube and takes zero ad revenue from them even though he makes 4 videos per day.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, September 19, 2019 7:28 AM


No video then, T?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, September 19, 2019 11:37 AM


I'll add T's parroting of what can only be assumed to be lefty outlet lies about the guy to slander him to the list of reasons to watch Styx.

I'd actually really love to watch the video where he supposedly celebrated Mandela's death to see, A: if it even exists in the first place, or B: how said video was taken wildly out of context.

As long as we're on the topic of racism in journalism. How about the NYT, huh?

Seriously, SJW idiots, nobody is above making jokes. Your cancel culture is sucking the fun right up out of everything and is coming home to roost, and you're just proving that with your own past.



Good thing guys like Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr don't give a fuck and you're starting to see the pendulum swing back twoard sanity again.

(SPOILER ALERT: The second one is Chappelle's impression of T)

It's time to flush these millennial turds down the drain.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 20, 2019 7:51 AM


Trusting a Conservative media but you know real Conservatives would also respect Freedom of Speech and the chaotic debate that may arise from it

I would recommend an un-biased, then form your own opinion, don't let someone broadcast an opinon into your mind. if you are Conservative, Libertarian, Independent whatever you are look at the news first then decide yourself

Get yourself some interesting feeds

Liveleak - although sometimes horrific in its reality

Twitter feeds you trust

Some people recommened the chaos of the chans, 4Chan or there was an original Japan Chan, I never really got the Chans, I think Pol was the taboo political debate. I could never really browse them but I did once in a while find some interesting linked from Chan to Twiiter or Twitter to Chan, maybe a kind UFO, weinstien, epstein, conspiracy, pirate news stuff linked from the Chans ... very wacked out Pirate News stuff and the 4Chan culture is weird to say the least, Daily Mail can be surprising good for that conspiracy gossip stuff but again its can also be very agenda driven. It can also help to know another langauge for exmaple French, Korean, Spainish whatever you speak as a second language, they way these words sound, the way they are formed, the gramar, the formation of these soundwaves in your brain where they are stored it can eventually have an influence on how you see the world and your political opinion, there is for example something very French about the French or Japan about the Japanese, know that the langauges and cultures can influence people.

I'm not very religious, maybe sometimes I'm even Anti the Big religions so in a ways I do sometimes respect the opinions of the pamella geller types, the ex muslim Atheists, jihadwatch feeds etc I already had little respect for the crap called 'islam' but Once they started threatening South Park, blowing up pop concerts and targeting cartoonists this 'islam' stonage jihad crap totally jumped the shark

The Left and Right both claim to have the answers...maybe we should look at parties as simply tools in a box, different tools for different jobs and unfortunately some of these tools are broken. Sad thing about right and left, the Reds and Blues is after a while Hitler and JoeStalin almost became one and the same

I like the more clam centrist guys finally, people who don't jump on a story but put facts together before it develops into politics mud slinging.
The Rubin Report formerly of the YoungTurk this guy Dave Rubin I would have watched a few times but I found his shows a little to long and sadly didnt have time to watch much more, Jimmy Dore can be ok but he did go crazy one time with that douche move and spat in Alex Jones face.

As for Fox maybe Tucker is the only one worth watching, Allen B West I would tune into once in a while or maybe I even watched some Glenn Beck back in the day before he went totally crazy, but Fox in general without a doubt has that weird 'Fox' vibe to it. I don't have any 'go to' news source, one week it could be totally different to the next, it could be CBSN, it could be a blog, I think is one of the lastest 'chans' as for Libertarian forums you have the Ron Paul discussion and you have the crazy kiwifarms news feeds for political drama you get any numbers of news outlets online Newsmax TV, the Guardian a British News Source, TheBlaze, and on Roku, breitbart, it could be NHK Japan, americanthinker,, Fusion, some South Korean tv channel, One America News Network, France24, , you can even catch News Feeds from Hawaii, Alaska or even the South Pole if you Wish, medium, gab and minds are starting to pop up in my feeds but they probably don't have enough content for me to follow them regular. , , I would even check democratic underground and maybe free republic once in a while, both the loony left and loony right and perhaps form some sort of balance in between.
The only problem with developing a free media source is you will once in a while get dragged into the fringe areas such as godlikeproductions, lunatic outpost, conspiracy type places that are out their at the frontier, on the edge. The other option is to come back to the more 'mainstream' places.

The problem with any big forum is eventually the Shills come in the Preacher types who say Preachers are not corrupt, the deny the pedo crimes of the Vatican, the Mossad, Mi6, and other shills, the Commies, the Fascists, the islamic apologists, when a forum gets so big, shapeshifters shills and agenda driven stooges are put in who parrot certain phrases like bots.

Finally social media can be an addiction after a while just like video games or drugs, do it for a few mins but don't let it consume you.
You have the freedom to choose what media you want.

If some political commentator or news broadcast show gets it wrong, gets it wrong again and again, my advice is to stop tuning in. Try to Avoid the drama show and deal with the facts.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Trump recently pointed out that Fox News Channel has failed to continue it's high standards of News reporting.

When were these 'high standards'?

America's Pravda along with CNN

Homosexual NeoCon Uniparty Lindsey Graham

suicide bombers became, in Fox Newspeak, homicide bombers

Mark Foley the Republican perhaps sent sexually inappropriate messages via email and text messages to teenage male pages, two news organizations anonymously quoted former pages as saying that they had sexual liaisons with Foley after they turned 18 and 21, respectively. The son-in-law of Rupert Murdoch and the husband of Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth, Matthew Freud, stated he and other members of the media mogul's family are "ashamed and sickened" by the right-leaning tendencies of Fox News in the opening salvo in a bid to displace Roger Ailes, the founder, and CEO of Fox News. Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes in the Superior Court of New Jersey. In her complaint, Carlson alleged that she was fired from her program for refusing Ailes' sexual advances. After Carlson came forward, six more women spoke to Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine, alleging that Ailes had sexually harassed them and that Ailes had "spoke[n] openly of expecting women to perform sexual favors in exchange for job opportunities."

Pedo Alan Dershowitz

convicts it employs, Oliver North, who helped Reagan backed Iranian terrorists and drug dealers an architect of the Iran-Contra affair

or the false reasons for War in Iraq by mini-Bush

such amazing 'standards' they had


Friday, September 20, 2019 9:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
No video then, T?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

"When Mandela died, Warwick made a video rejoicing at his death. He stated that Apartheid did need to end, but said Mandela was the leader of movements that should have been classed as terrorist."

Here is the video:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, September 20, 2019 9:59 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by second:
"When Mandela died, Warwick made a video rejoicing at his death. He stated that Apartheid did need to end, but said Mandela was the leader of movements that should have been classed as terrorist."

Just another big mouth flappin' his gums and feeding his ego on YouTube.

You Trump conservatives have to wonder though, if you say there's no conservative media out there... why do you suppose that is? In your minds at least. Deep State? Skeksis?


Friday, September 20, 2019 10:19 AM



Originally posted by CAPTAINCRUNCH:

Originally posted by second:
"When Mandela died, Warwick made a video rejoicing at his death. He stated that Apartheid did need to end, but said Mandela was the leader of movements that should have been classed as terrorist."

Just another big mouth flappin' his gums and feeding his ego on YouTube.

You Trump conservatives have to wonder though, if you say there's no conservative media out there... why do you suppose that is? In your minds at least. Deep State? Skeksis?

Trump certainly has his minion, servile dependents, paper trained.



Friday, September 20, 2019 11:22 AM



Originally posted by second:
"When Mandela died, Warwick made a video rejoicing at his death. He stated that Apartheid did need to end, but said Mandela was the leader of movements that should have been classed as terrorist."

Here is the video:
(link removed in reply because it was screwing up RWED formatting in the post)

Thank you, Second.

Not only did you do something useful that T apparently wasn't capable of doing, but you posted a somewhat genuine blurb about it. No wonder idiots believe that he rejoined in Mandelas death because he's a racist Nazi, if somebody's take of that little blurb is all they ever knew of him.

I'm assuming that you actually watched the video yourself, since you had nothing further to add. I'll take the time to point out the highlights to the two idiots that can't be bothered to watch a 5 minute video that would destroy their ill informed opinions of the guy.

1. He can finally rest... the poor dude just languished for years.

2. He was kept on display, not by his family, but by the Government of South Africa, sort of like a living mummy relic. (Ginsberg, anyone?)

3. He wanted to die back in his home town, but they wouldn't let him. They kept him in the hospital on life support for the last 6 months to a year.

4. The truth about the anti-apartheid movement is that like many other movements it started out with good intentions (equal rights for blacks and whites) and morphed into a terrorist outfit that attacked schools, put mines out in rural roads so that farmers would hit them and die... to this day, the ANC thugs continue to kill rural white farmers in a genocide against people who they still see as their oppressors although apartheid is long past.

5. Mandela, while not personally involved in these events, was the leader of these movements, which did have violent individuals within them. It should have been classed as a terrorist movement.

6. Apartheid did need to end. The way to do it was not to turn power over to other racists who in turn hated whites. Because of the way it was handled, South Africa went from marginally first world country, which was quite rich and stable at the time, and now it's falling apart because most of the talented and educated people are gunned down in the streets and there is continual racial violence.

7. He goes on to say that you should look up the term "necklacing" as it pertains to South Africa.

8. Direct Quote: "Mandela... really is nothing special. They see him as a sort of modern messiah. All these college kids love Mandela and say he's like Guevara or any of these other people... and they were all a bunch of lunatics who condoned guerilla warfare and terrorism. And the only reason the West turned a blind eye to that terrorism is because people back here were weeping many tears about those poor people in Africa under apartheid.... which ironically worked better than the current system they're using. It's not racist to say this. I'm simply saying the country is highly unstable, racism is working both directions in this country, and it's in many cases falling apart. There are a few rich communities that do well and everything else is sort of going to pot.


That's the sad truth that nobody really wants to say, because they don't want to offend anybody, but I'm not politically correct. I don't give a shit what people say. Mandela harbored terrorists, if not was one himself. And the world was better for his passing on. And also, he's a complete Commie.


Fuck Mandela. [middle finger] Glad he's dead."

Yup. Not racist. Not wrong either.

Also, the video is nearly 6 years old, and I doubt very much that 90% of his current subscribers have ever watched it. There's no way that Google's algorithm is putting that in anybody's recommended page, so the only way somebody is going to find a video like that on a channel which probably has 5 to 10 thousand videos is if they were looking for something they could use as a hit piece against him. Chances are that more of you people have seen this video than those who actually get their news from the guy.

His subscriber count was well under 100,000 in January of this year and has only gone up to nearly 400,000 in the last 9 months.

Chances are nearly 100% that none of his new subscribers in 2019 had ever seen that video. Chances are also nearly 100% that if they saw it they wouldn't take issue with it either.

The fact that this video remains in his channel and always will (until YouTube pulls it or de-platforms Styx) also speaks to his integrity. Unlike a few of you here caught changing or deleting posts after the fact, and the New York Times' lefty staffers who just deleted thousands of tweets from 10 years ago from their Twitter account, Styx has integrity.

Only a white idiot that thinks you can't say anything bad about a bad person or a person's bad behavior because of the color of their skin would agree that Styx isn't worth watching.

But like I said. Keep being lied to by the ones being paid millions per year to lie to you. I'll keep watching Styx and Pool and Ruben and Dore and the like, as well as researching polling methodologies and FEC reports, and I'll know what's actually going on and which way the vote is going to go ahead of time.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 23, 2019 4:32 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You should check out Styxhexxenhammer666 on YouTube.

You're going to have to keep yourself from clutching your pearls and get over the fact that he's got long hair, regularly wears a leather jacket (sometimes without a shirt on underneath), sometimes wears occult t-shirts and doesn't give a fuck what you think of him.

He's a libertarian. His predictions for elections are just about on par with my own, which is to say almost 100% in the last 3 years. He makes his money selling the nearly 100 books he's written and put on Amazon. He doesn't accept any ad revenue from YouTube and never has as long as I've been watching him, and he also is on various other platforms such as Vimeo, DailyMotion and BitChute so he doesn't give a shit about being de-monetized and isn't afraid of being censored.

He regularly puts 4 videos out every single day including weekends. He fact checks and doesn't post censorious click bait bullshit. He calls out bullshit on both sides, although these days it's mostly about the Left because of how absolutely terrible they are right now.

BTW... this is one of my favorite videos he's ever done, just yesterday morning.

Calling out sad Lefty jerk offs that harassed his wife on social media instead of taking it up with him.

He couldn't even be bothered to change out of his bathrobe before making it.

Here's his channel:

(You'll have to just go to his channel from one of his videos here. The "url" tags don't work on this site like the "UBB CODES" tell you that they should.)

And the video on how he makes his money and the fact that all of his 4 daily videos are completely ad free because he feels that accepting ad revenue is how you get owned.

He's got more integrity in his pinky finger than the whole of Fox News, MSNBC and CNN combined.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I have not watched this guy.

Not sure what occult has to do with Conservative media.

For claiming to be Libertarian, I see no mention of all his posts about the Debt, the Deficit, Balanced Budgets, or expanding the Economy.

I don't see anything that screams out Conservative to me from this guy. His hair isn't half as long as mine has been, I don't care about his fashion.


Monday, July 13, 2020 4:42 PM


Epoch Times. I have newspaper print copies of it.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:04 AM


Maybe Ruquss as a social media site, Gab or Bit-chute kinda 'Libertarian


Originally posted by CAPTAINCRUNCH:


well they removed Spiro and Nixon and then gave the VP position to the Rockefeller family
I guess they might also pass as Saudi or BritishRoyals


Tuesday, July 14, 2020 9:39 AM



Originally posted by THG:
Tarl Warwick (born: January 20, 1988 (1988-01-20) [age 31]), known by his screen name of Styxhexenhammer666, is an Occultist, author, editor and political commentator on Youtube. His videos cover various topics of interest such as religion, politics, world events, occultism and posts other miscellaneous material.

He has been endorsed by noted non-Nazi Richard Spencer[12] and later appeared in one of Spencer's podcasts.[13] In January 2018, in a since-deleted tweet,[8] he declared that he would be joining forces with the "further right," just like most people who definitely aren't Nazis do.

Warwick has dedicated a video to express his support for Varg Vikernes and encouraged his viewers to subscribe to his channel.[14]

Warwick has long been interested in the Third Reich. For example, he gave a five-star review of Hitler's Mein Kampf, calling Hitler "idiotic" and describing the book as reading like "a drastic corrective manifest for the primary purpose of improving mankind (albeit through somewhat stupid methods)".[15] After being called a crypto-fascist for saying "Nazism briefly worked" (on a video about his opposition to Communism),[16] Warwick defended himself in the comments section, arguing that he had spent years attacking corporations and authoritarianism on the left and the right.

I found nothing claiming he was educated anywhere, but plenty he is a Nazi.


Dude's a straight up Nazi.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020 9:41 AM



Second found his reaverfan sockpuppet password.

I knew you had that lying around somewhere. Where was it? Was it under the checkstubs for your hundred million dollar Trump tax returns?

Welcome back, retard.

You've got to be loving 2020 so far... everyone wearing masks so you can blend right in.

Burn any Wendy's to the ground yet this week?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 16, 2020 5:29 PM


All vists to conservative sites should be balanced with a vist to leftwing sites like democratic underground etc even if the social democratic left does seem a little loony these days
People built their own wiki when they thought wikipedia was following some global leftwing agenda
Has some strange entry on the top 20

Top 9 Conservative News and Opinion Websites


Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:32 PM


All MSM is conservative. It is owned and operated by conservatives who like the status quo.

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”

-Noam Chomsky, The Common Good

The notion that Medicare for All is somehow a far left idea when it's the norm all over the world is a good example of the truth of Chomsky's words.


Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:34 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
People built their own wiki when they thought wikipedia was following some global leftwing agenda

What a ridiculous and thoroughly debunked joke.


Saturday, July 18, 2020 1:10 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
All MSM is conservative. It is owned and operated by conservatives who like the status quo.

The notion that Medicare for All is somehow a far left idea when it's the norm all over the world is a good example of the truth of Chomsky's words.

I almost wonder if this can be posted with a straight face. But Extreme Libtards probably can.


Saturday, July 18, 2020 1:12 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
All MSM is conservative. It is owned and operated by conservatives who like the status quo.

The notion that Medicare for All is somehow a far left idea when it's the norm all over the world is a good example of the truth of Chomsky's words.

I almost wonder if this can be posted with a straight face. But Extreme Libtards probably can.

I know. That one is hilarious.

I had nothing to even say in reply when I read it. There are no words.

I didn't even know that level of stupid was a thing.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 18, 2020 1:13 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
All vists to conservative sites should be balanced with a vist to leftwing sites like democratic underground etc even if the social democratic left does seem a little loony these days
People built their own wiki when they thought wikipedia was following some global leftwing agenda
Has some strange entry on the top 20

Top 9 Conservative News and Opinion Websites

Wow. After more than 10 months, we get a veritable gold mine.
On very first visit, I find it chock full of real news stories, all over. This could be heaven.

And I did not know about
But i should have.

Thanks, JT.


Saturday, July 18, 2020 1:50 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
All MSM is conservative. It is owned and operated by conservatives who like the status quo.

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”

-Noam Chomsky, The Common Good

The notion that Medicare for All is somehow a far left idea when it's the norm all over the world is a good example of the truth of Chomsky's words.

This is nothing but pure fact.

I'm sorry your weak minds are so suggestible and incapable of rational thought, but then you are Russian trolls and a neoNazi with serious cognitive issues.

It's not like you're even close to intelligent.


Saturday, July 18, 2020 1:56 PM


Is Conservapedia a parody or not?

Conservapedia is a website that was founded to be (and continues to describe itself as) a conservative and Christian fundamentalist alternative to Wikipedia, although now, it is effectively an American-exceptionalist and dominionist group blog. The website was created by God-King Andrew Schlafly in 2006 because of his belief that Wikipedia is deceptively riddled with "liberal bias" and “atheist bias” [note 2], because apparently the best way to solve real or imagined bias is to create a website that is biased in an opposite way. The vast majority of articles go out of their way to blame pretty much everything negative on "liberals" (which is basically just used as a catch-all snarl term for anyone and everyone who disagrees with them on just about any given issue - which happens to be everyone), atheists, LGBT people, and/or evolution/climate change believers.

There is, in effect, no way to speak of Conservapedia as a collective voice or a reflection of the insights of a larger community; in contrast to open platforms like RationalWiki or Wikipedia. While there are some editors from time to time that seem legitimately interested in building a comprehensive encyclopedia, it is mainly just used by Schlafly and a few other trusworthy active editors/admins to promote their own viewpoints and pet causes. Bathed in the totally just light of Conservapedian Admin Logic™, any failure to toe the party line on any given issue, even on the use of un-'Murican British spelling, is considered "evidence" that one is an infiltrator of the liberal flavour. The problem is separating what Schlafly and his cohorts write as "truth" from what the trolls (and there are many of them) edit onto the site. In short, the entire wiki has always been one giant exercise in Poe's Law. Way too many of the website's pages say their most recent edit was by either DavidB4-bot (a minor edit bot), with most of the rest being by Conservative or 1990'sguy. Another problem is that like RationalWiki, an unexplained mass abandonment by users happened back in 2009 for no apparent reason; they left a lot of stubs.

Conservapedia's front page is often packed with assorted bigotry directed at atheists, muslims, LGBT people, immigrants, and many other marginalized groups, and its administrators ("sysops," in wiki parlance) see liberals, atheists, and "evolutionists" as the direct cause of society's ills. A favorite obsession of Conservapedians is being part of the solution by going after the "evils of the world", notably Barack Obama, Richard Dawkins, video games, atheism and that eternal seductress, homosexuality. To make their arguments appear in any way feasible, liberal (zing!) use is made of every fallacy in the book.

A fundamentalist Christian wiki encyclopaedia project which promotes Biblical creation and rejects science. Heavily criticised by both conservatives and liberals, it is the subject of ridicule from those who are used to getting information without a heavy dose of fundamentalist hilarity.
Conservapedia says:

1) all kangaroos are descended from a single pair who were on Noah's Ark.
2) gravity is an unproven theory.
2) Einstein's General Relativity "has nothing to do with physics".
3) only followers of Christianity are capable of religious faith
4) atheists are incapable of being moral
5) Jews are "touchy" about the Holocaust

These people are about as intellectually competent as Q-anon cultists.


Saturday, July 18, 2020 10:23 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
All MSM is conservative. It is owned and operated by conservatives who like the status quo.

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”

-Noam Chomsky, The Common Good

The notion that Medicare for All is somehow a far left idea when it's the norm all over the world is a good example of the truth of Chomsky's words.

This is nothing but pure fact.

I'm sorry your weak minds are so suggestible and incapable of rational thought, but then you are Russian trolls and a neoNazi with serious cognitive issues.

It's not like you're even close to intelligent.

Noam Chomsky is a commie faggot.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 22, 2020 3:08 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
All vists to conservative sites should be balanced with a vist to leftwing sites like democratic underground etc even if the social democratic left does seem a little loony these days
People built their own wiki when they thought wikipedia was following some global leftwing agenda
Has some strange entry on the top 20

Top 9 Conservative News and Opinion Websites
On very first visit, I find it chock full of real news stories, all over. This could be heaven.

Headlines just at this moment:

"Biden Struggles to Remember the Word “Aneurysm” During Livestream – With Only 19 People Watching!"

A moderate resigns from the "Paper of Record," The New York Times. And posts a ringing denunciation the Times has long deserved.

The Mainstream Media howled with outrage when President Donald Trump commuted the sentence of ally Roger Stone. But where was their outrage when earlier Presidents pardoned real embezzlers, traders-with-the-enemy, and terrorists? Where are they now while cities are burning and their mayors don't seem to care? [6] And where was outrage when Bill Clinton pardoned Weather Underground terrorist Susan Rosenberg who is now funding the Black Lives Matter riots?

Antifa Democrats burn down Portland Police Association building.

Setback for conspiracy deniers who insisted the torching of Notre Dame de Paris was an accident: "Arson suspected in burning of historic cathedral in western France."

BLM and Antifa terrorists attack police in Chicago. [11] Feds move to retake communist-occupied Portland. National Lawyers Guild supports Antifa terrorism. [12] BLM communist organization gets a taste of its own medicine. [13] Arson suspected in fire at Nantes Cathedral.

Real live Nazi stuff: Democrat Los Angeles County performed non-consensual transgender human experiments on children.

Biden threatens union workers with leftist climate junk science.

Communist Chicago mayor Lightfoot threatens White House Press Secretary.

Statue of Jesus in Miami beheaded; hate crime suspected.

President Trump fires his campaign manager, and replaces him with a former aide to Chris Christie, Bill Stepien. Maybe he will realize that distributing hydroxychloroquine to the public is essential to restoring Trump's rallies.

Pregnant white mother and her toddler brutally assaulted by leftwing racists. [19] 'I Can't Breathe' suspect wanted in murder.'

The Left's history of demolishing monuments. [21] Smithsonian: Rational thinking is "white". [22] Yes Virginia, the Smithsonian has been taken over by Progressive racists and communists.

Democrat/Marxist revolution has declared war on society: NY Police Chief bloodied. [23] Tim Pool: Far left goes full racist.

Corrupt Mueller team had no legal basis to investigate Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi. They knew Russia collusion was a hoax in June 2018 when they opened the investigations into Stone and Corsi; Mueller actively interfered in 2018 Midterms.

Corrupt Mueller team had no legal basis to investigate Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi. They knew Russia collusion was a hoax in June 2018 when they opened the investigations into Stone and Corsi; Mueller actively interfered in 2018 Midterms.

Propaganda distorting Middle Eastern history continues with yet another children's book telling the usual lies about Israel's founding.

One year old baby murdered in Leftist violence. [28]

Black Lives Don't Matter in Chicago: 64 shot and 13 killed in the Democrat stronghold.

Leftist brainwashing Day 46: White man threatens to kill everyone on Alaska Airlines unless they admit Jesus was Black. [29] It's your future America, if you vote Democrat. Antifa tries to cover-up murder of Black child.

Biden proclaims the 'European' identity of America: "Our culture is not imported from some African nation." [32] He probably meant to say sh--hole but was being polite.

Mueller to be subpoenaed in Obama-led coup attempt. [33]

Mueller recycles "Russia hacked the DNC" conspiracy theory. [34]

Seth Rich, the 27 year old Progressive Democrat Sanders supporter and hero, murdered four years ago this week. Rich leaked the DNC emails and the corrupt Clinton machine was defeated. Greater love has no man than this: that he lay down his life for his friends.

Facebook used to organize Antifa/BLM hate that resulted in shooting. [36]

As leftist riots continue, 3 more church burnings, [37] Virgin Mary statue set on fire. [38]

Democrat anti-Republican Klan tactics midway through their second century.

And that is just to start.
With just one click, one visit today, all in one shot.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020 8:51 PM


Trump's already back up over 42% approval in the aggregate. No matter what they try to do, and they've tried everything, they can't get him under 41.

Any other president in our history would be sitting at 10% approval. Half because they weren't Trump, and half because I don't believe there has ever been a point in time where one side has gone so far off the deep end that they're waking everybody who was sleeping up and people have had enough of this bullshit.

Once the debates start and Biden has to actually speak again, he's done. Trump is going to rip him a new asshole and embarrass him on the national stage.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 23, 2020 10:06 AM


Conservative media right here, folks. They don't even grasp the irony.


Thursday, July 23, 2020 11:16 AM


Yup. Look how well you turned out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 22, 2020 12:50 PM


John Solomon's


Wednesday, September 2, 2020 2:27 PM


I heard of some new News Nation TV network or channel. Not sure of content, buts sounds like antidote to Fake News MSM.


Thursday, September 3, 2020 3:37 PM



Friday, September 11, 2020 5:52 AM


I still think Fox should be called Faux, Tucker might be the only one worth watching on it

During the political silly season expect all kinds of insanity


Friday, September 11, 2020 2:04 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I still think Fox should be called Faux, Tucker might be the only one worth watching on it

Ever since Murdoch's Libtard kids took over, this keeps becoming more true.

Don't know from Tucker.


Friday, September 11, 2020 2:06 PM


I don't see CRTV mentioned yet.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 3:15 PM


I understand there is social media platform

Mark Levin has switched to it, after being heavily censored for citing such nonsense and Fake News as THE CONSTITUTION.

I see Michelle Malkin is on there as well, so there is gravitas. I might start to social media soon.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 4:39 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I understand there is social media platform

Mark Levin has switched to it, after being heavily censored for citing such nonsense and Fake News as THE CONSTITUTION.

I see Michelle Malkin is on there as well, so there is gravitas. I might start to social media soon.

Yup. All the Trumptards are flocking there to dish out the copium and cry together. They'll be free to spew all the lies and hate speech they want, and start plotting terrorist attacks, probably.

Trump won! Just you wait! He's gonna prove it's all a big conspiracy! He's got mountains of evidence! He's gonna prove it, any day now...

The gullibility of these fools is troubling.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 5:05 PM


Conspiracy a go-go with Newt.

Republican Casually Blames Jews for Stealing Election


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 7:51 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I understand there is social media platform

Mark Levin has switched to it, after being heavily censored for citing such nonsense and Fake News as THE CONSTITUTION.

I see Michelle Malkin is on there as well, so there is gravitas. I might start to social media soon.

Yup. All the Trumptards are flocking there to dish out the copium and cry together. They'll be free to spew all the lies and hate speech they want, and start plotting terrorist attacks, probably.

Trump won! Just you wait! He's gonna prove it's all a big conspiracy! He's got mountains of evidence! He's gonna prove it, any day now...

The gullibility of these fools is troubling.

Called it.

Apparently, patriotism is killing fellow citizens with whom you disagree.

Plan your murders here!


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 7:58 AM


Nothing fake about this! The math is spot on!

The "watermark" myth. Pushed by one of the reichwing's most phony thinktanks.

We’re supposed to “compromise” with these people?

“We want free healthcare and education, no wars, a sustainable, safe planet and a cutback on corporate power.”

”We want to kill you.”


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 8:11 AM


The screenshots, alone.

Former Congressman Ron Paul Welcomes White Supremacy With Open Arms. He thinks you're special, too.

Worshiping Hitler and promoting the killing of n-words are particularly popular things to say, now that you're free to say them.

6ix has found his new home!


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 11:04 AM







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