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Stem-Cells, degenerate Gay Lesbo rights, Abortion, Janet Jackson's boob..what's the problem ??
Monday, January 3, 2005 6:22 AM
I'm still flying in 2021. How about you?
Monday, January 3, 2005 7:02 AM
Monday, January 3, 2005 7:41 AM
Monday, January 3, 2005 10:07 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Actually it’s called Tyranny. That’s what you call it when the government, under the control of a single person, usurps the will of the people and imposes his own will in its place.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Yah, you're right. Same-sex marriage isn't part of civil rights. I agree.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: Yah, you're right. Same-sex marriage isn't part of civil rights.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: I'd say that what you are saying is a joke if it wasn't so sad The truth can have that affect on people.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: I'd say that what you are saying is a joke if it wasn't so sad
Monday, January 3, 2005 10:19 AM
Monday, January 3, 2005 10:31 AM
Quote:Polygamy does still exist in the U.S. and Canada, albeit illegal. It has everything to do with the original tenets of the Mormon faith, and those who practice polygamy believe in the classical, fundamentalist interpretation of the faith, as begun by Joseph Smith.
Quote:It's an enlightening read about a religious segment of the U.S. population that many don't even know about, and how the practice of polygamy is destroying families.
Quote:After reading Krakauer's book, you may surprised to learn that almost all of the fundamentalist Mormons (and their huge families) live off the government, using welfare payouts; girls are forced to marry much, much older men and are expected to bear even more children; and that these poor kids and women have barely any education at all.
Monday, January 3, 2005 5:17 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: I really think that you should check a dictionary about this word.
Quote:Originally posted by Unicorn: The rights of the many gay people who don't flash small children to marry their equally inoffensive partners should not be trampled just because there is a minority of gay people who do run around clad scantily in gay pride parades.
Monday, January 3, 2005 6:44 PM
Monday, January 3, 2005 7:07 PM
Monday, January 3, 2005 10:10 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Okay. Tyrant: an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution b : a usurper of sovereignty In other words, a Mayor who ignores democratically enacted law by the will of the people in favor of his own ideology might be called a tyrant. Unless he’s usurping the will of the people in a way you agree with, then I guess it’s okay, right?
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: True. But why can’t I criticize perverts for being perverts without being accused of being anti-gay?
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: The way I see it, and the way I think millions of American see it, is that the pro-gay marriage camp is telling me that I must accept the perverts with the gay marriage or else I’m a bigot. I must accept the tyrant Mayors with the gay marriage. I must accept the insulting and dismissive attitude towards my sacred traditions.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Not because they are necessarily opposed to it or something like it, but because they are opposed to the perverts and the tyrant Mayors and the dismissing of their traditions. I’m in favor of gay marriage, but if I feel that in order to bring the gay community into the mainstream of American families I must acquiesce the perverts, then it’s not going to happen.
Monday, January 3, 2005 10:14 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Radhil: Sigmanunki: How has the thread been hijacked? This is about gay-rights which is in the threads title. Re-read the title. It's asking how these things are so important against so many other things. Thus, I say hijack. This thread was surely NOT intended to be a new debate on these topics. I merely find it amusing that it has.
Monday, January 3, 2005 10:33 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Radhil: Great post, by and large. Just one small flaw. Myth, legend, religion, all inform our morality and ethics. They are some of the founding blocks. It is impossible to separate morals from some legend that demonstrates it.
Quote:Originally posted by Radhil: ... but a religion often provides a grounding in practicality and reality (I say this with full sense of irony) that free-form ethics lack.
Quote:Originally posted by Radhil: The problem is not involvement of religion - the problem is the priority of religion. When beliefs come before reason, when a faith is more important than the results of that faith, is where it all goes FUBAR.
Monday, January 3, 2005 11:41 PM
Quote:Great post, by and large. Just one small flaw. Myth, legend, religion, all inform our morality and ethics. They are some of the founding blocks. It is impossible to separate morals from some legend that demonstrates it.
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:39 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Unicorn: Finn-- Not knowingly having accused you of anything (if I'm wrong, show me the quote, and I mean the complete sentence), I can't speak for the people who call you anything. I reiterate that in my view, to be anti-gay marriage is to take an unsupportable (and I say again, Unconstitutional) stance against the civil rights of a minority of United States citizens, including gays, lesbians, and all members of churches wishing to be free of state interference in bestowing the sacrements of marriage.
Quote:Originally posted by Radhil: Maybe you're listening to some loud-mouthed lunatic fringe lefty a bit much. I'm of the opinion that all lunatics should be ignored, myself. You are talking with what appears to be a crowd of reasonable people here, on this board. If you're being called bigot here (I've seen some statements of yours to suggest it's possible), it's also being pointed out why, and I doubt it's simply because of a problem with thongs. If it's from some lunatic somewhere else, it's worthy of being ignored. On the tyrant thing: Yes, rule of the majority by a minority (or singular) is tyranny. On the flip side, rule of the minority by a majority is mob rule. You cannot justify something as right simply because it falls into either category. Both are something to be avoided, in my opinion. To avoid either, it takes reason, and balance - traits in precious and rare supply these days, at least in the public spotlight.
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 10:38 AM
Quote:but the issue is more complex then polarizing it as gay marriage is right and traditionalists are bigots.
Quote:The problem is that the pro-gay marriage camp has become a mop up organization seeking to “cover-up” the problems with the gay community instead of pointing them out and denouncing them.
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 12:22 PM
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 1:46 PM
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 2:53 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Unicorn: I can agree with you that of course the gay community has problems (I don't personally know anybody who claims otherwise) if you can agree with me that these problems are not unique to the gay community. Everybody has problems.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: These pink thong wearing gay men certainly demonstrate a horrendous degree of immaturity by exposing themselves in such a manner that children are likely to see. But heterosexuals are just as likely to do that same thing. There are perverts are both sides. The difference is that if a heterosexual pervert does something that is offensive to me or my family, I can do something about it. I can criticize it. I can insist that there is something wrong with exposing my children to this and most intelligent people in this country will respect my feelings. But if a gay man does something similar and I criticize it, I’m as likely to be called a bigot or a homophobe. There’s no consideration given to the idea that I’m not a bigot or a homophobe. That I have no ill will towards gay people and even have some friends who are gay (who happen to agree with me on many things), or that I, in fact, support gay rights. Just that I criticized a gay man or the gay community is enough to get me labeled a bigot by a segment of the Left in this country. That’s the greater immaturity. It’s not rational, or just or equitable. It’s an immaturity of thought.
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 4:05 PM
I have a vote and I'm not afraid to use it!
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 4:16 PM
Quote:. . . a common law marriage can occur only when: 1. a heterosexual couple lives together in a state that recognizes common law marriages 2. for a significant period of time (not defined in any state) 3. holding themselves out as a married couple -- typically this means using the same last name, referring to the other as "my husband" or "my wife" and filing a joint tax return, and 4. intending to be married. [Emphasis mine]
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 4:20 PM
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 4:32 PM
Quote:Originally posted by rue: That is the CURRENT state of the law, not a historical one. As you may remember, the DOMA was adopted by many states in 1996 or later, which altered their common-law marriage rules.
Quote:Originally posted by rue: And I think you 'misunderestimate' history. Do you not think homosexuals actually existed in the past? For hundreds of years common laws covered all sorts of things - including when abortion is the perogative of a woman. Why is there no specific, ancient common law against homosexual relationships? Was it because they didn't happen? (Unlikely) More likely, the neighbors simply - looked the other way. Did not check too deeply into the nature of the relationship between same sex people living together BECAUSE it would not produce children, or paternity and inheritance questions. I find the silence of common law to a common situation simply astounding, and extremely revealing.
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 6:55 PM
Quote:Okay, one last post:
Quote: Examine REEQUEEN’s post who introduced his/herself to this discussion by calling me a bigot, whose support for my presumed bigotry apparently lies in her contention that Christians are “Rightwing Wingnuts” and “moon-faced morons.”
Quote:Now granted SIGMANUNKI and REEQUEEN may represent a fanatical wing of this discussion, but aside from their use of adhomenem and insults, their arguments are not dissimilar from the typical pro-gay marriage argument.
Quote:The pro-gay marriage strategy is to zealously and prejudicially attack traditionalism
Quote:Indeed, one can be in favor of gay marriage (as I am), but to criticize the gay rights movement is enough to get one labeled a bigot.
Quote:the gay rights activists put on parades in which they ALLOW weirdoes in pink thongs to represent the gay community. These promiscuous individuals did not happen to be in the parade by mistake. They were allowed to be in the parade by parade organizers.
Quote: Following the strategy as is used by SIGMANUNKI and REQUEEN, which is to say: Traditionalists are bigots therefore we will insult them.
Quote:Do you believe this is a strategy that is likely to prevail, or an immature attitude which needs revising? Indeed, it did NOT prevail and in fact, now there are eleven new States with laws restricting marriage to the traditional definition.
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 7:52 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Hmmm....then explain the state that does allow gay marriage. And then explain, in a few months or years time, why the Supreme Court did what it had to do, by voiding those laws for being unConstitutional. It could be a long time coming, but it will come. It's something called "change," you may have heard of it. As for the immature attitude, hey baby, it's what keeps me young.
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 9:03 PM
Tuesday, January 4, 2005 9:10 PM
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 7:13 AM
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 10:04 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Unicorn: Finn-- I understand your distress. .
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: Clearly you are afraid of anything other than complete mob rule. If you're in the majority, that must make you right. I think you forget that your majority is only a majority by a very slim margin. Still doesn't make it right.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 11:54 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: To further illustrate my point: Examine SIGMANUNKI’s posts who has consistently called me a bigot with no support for such a claim other then his contention of his own self-proclaimed reasonableness.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 12:17 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: This makes your arguments moot (and I've stated this before) as it implies that "straights" shouldn't marry as well. Why do you refuse to address this flaw in your argument?
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 12:43 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: A better analogy would be to say that I’m telling you that I think there is something wrong with the way the Nazis are doing things and that they will hurt Germany, which most intelligent people would say is accurate. And in response you’re telling me that I’m saying all Germans are Nazis, when it is quite clearly obvious that I am only criticizing the Nazis.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 12:49 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: ALL of what you've said about the gay community have a equivalent in the straight community in the same proportions. I find it interesting that you don't comment on these things.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Because it's not my argument. It's something you invented. You can't logically accuse me of bigotry if you use my argument, so you invent something and then pretend that I said it. But I never made any of the claims you accuse me of having made. You invented them all. You're entire posts is essentially a fabrication.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 12:53 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: So, you never said that gays are promiscuous? Wait a minute, you did.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: So, you never said (you know certain words have meanings and imply certain things, right?) that all gay men are the same type on the parade floats? Wait a minute, you did.
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: I could go on, but if you're not even going to read what you wrote, there's no point.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 12:54 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: ALL of what you've said about the gay community have a equivalent in the straight community in the same proportions. I find it interesting that you don't comment on these things. It’s not that I don’t comment on these things, but rather that you conveniently choose to ignore where I have said. You pick and choose my comments out of context to suit your pre-conceived accusation of bigotry. You fabricate a bigoted argument and claim I said it, when in reality I said no such thing. This is called a strawman.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 1:00 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: So, you never said that gays are promiscuous? Wait a minute, you did. Some gays are.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: So, you never said (you know certain words have meanings and imply certain things, right?) that all gay men are the same type on the parade floats? Wait a minute, you did. Actually I did not. You invented this.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: I could go on, but if you're not even going to read what you wrote, there's no point. This is the pot calling the kettle black.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 1:03 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: All I've read from you is something like, "The gay community is promiscuous and wears pink thongs on parade floats and I find that offensive!"
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: I've brought up (and others) that the straight community has the same problems in the same proportions. Quote yourself addressing this.
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: These pink thong wearing gay men certainly demonstrate a horrendous degree of immaturity by exposing themselves in such a manner that children are likely to see. But heterosexuals are just as likely to do that same thing. There are perverts are both sides.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 1:10 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: You did read the word imply right? If you didn't want to say this the you shouldn't have kept going on about only refering to gays that are on the parade floats. You should have said something like, "I know that they aren't representive of the gay community, but..." which is what you exactly didn't do. But then again, that'd take a lot of wind out of the sails of your argument.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 2:14 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by SigmaNunki: All I've read from you is something like, "The gay community is promiscuous and wears pink thongs on parade floats and I find that offensive!" Well, since I never made that quote, there is no possible way you could have read that from me. So this statement of yours is basically a lie.
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 2:41 PM
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 3:14 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: Quote:Originally posted by Unicorn: Finn-- I understand your distress. .Actually, if your example is any indication, I don’t think you do. Basically, you’re just calling me a bigot; you’re just using more words. Isn’t that really what you’re saying? Did I miss your point?
Wednesday, January 5, 2005 5:29 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Unicorn: Yes, you totally missed my point. I'm no anti-semite. I'm half Jewish, for crying out loud! But I've been unfairly called an anti-semite by a very emotional person (the girl in my story above) who couldn't be reasoned with and who woiuld not listen to a word I said after she made that decision about me. Therefore I understand your distress at being called a bigot when you take pains not to be one. That's all I was trying to illustrate with my (apparently too long and complicated) story. Now quit accusing me if name-calling! I'm working very hard to keep this conversation civil and reasonable, because it's the only way to get anything done and still feel good about the result.
Thursday, January 6, 2005 12:13 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Finn mac Cumhal: We've already determined that your assumptions about what I've said are essentially fabrications. This is simply further fabrication. And you're fabrications and accusations of bigotry continue to prove my point.
Quote: But even throwing aside the bigotry issue, how do you justify not allowing gays to marry given that it is unConstitutional to do so? Or is it now, america the free, unless you're gay? Do you not see the future implications by not allowing gays to marry? How many other things might come up in the future that are Constitutional, but because the majority find it icky or are uncomfortable with it and thus want it banned, it will be banned? What happened to all that freedom that I keep hearing you guys talking about?
Thursday, January 6, 2005 7:09 PM
Quote:Also, I put forth an argument without using any personal attack or any such thing.
Quote:I find it interesting that you've not commented on this. It kind of tells me that you havn't been reading my previous posts and are you just assuming the content.
Quote:I think that it must also be mentioned, that it is an unreasonable demand to say that it is only the gay community that must put forth a better image of themselves to prove that they are more than what some people perceve them as.
Friday, January 7, 2005 1:57 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: [snip] and he just threw in your name because, well, you disagreed with him.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: SigmaNunki, you clearly have more patience than I do, and I happen to admire that. I just can't emulate it because there's a not-a-thing-you-can-tell-me dynamic at work here. Since I already know I am not going to convince anyone (meaning Finn) that he's wrong, no matter how many times he's told he's wrong, and no matter what factual, reasoned, and logical reasons he's given that prove he's wrong, I went with the rant option.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: This is the rub, isn't it? To admit that heterosexual Christians may not act in a generally socially acceptable way is to admit that someone else may be right.
Quote:Originally posted by ReeQueen: "There is no grace under pressure for a cat on fire." Cosi
Friday, January 7, 2005 3:22 PM
Quote:Well, although I don't think I was rude (I backed up what I said) I definitly wasn't polite and I was somewhat aggressive. So I understand being thrown in that pile.
Quote:I don't know that it's patience, probably more akin to stubbornness
Quote:< sarcasm > What do you mean wrong? They're the majority! How can they be wrong? < /sarcasm >
Saturday, January 8, 2005 12:49 PM
Saturday, January 8, 2005 2:52 PM
Quote:Genesis 19 Sodom and Gomorrah brought down by God for amongst other things trying to rape a man. this is actually about kindness to strangers - a huge theme in the OT, Lot actually chucks out one of his daughters(or wives can't remember) to be raped instead.
Saturday, January 8, 2005 2:53 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Weasy: Why just from the bible? Because the christian's here so poorly argued their point I felt sorry for them.
Quote:Originally posted by Weasy: homosexuality spreads desease (like AIDS) so does hetoresexual sex - i didn't really want to put in the AIDS point, but I thought someone would eventually, and I'd rather have the rebuffle up before they did
Quote:Originally posted by Weasy: Religious Marriage: (Christian here but obviously this differs) Now, Finn and others, in the OT there is absolutely nothing wrong with Polygamy. In fact, Jacob forefather of Jesus himself - had two wives. So if you're going to argue that homosexual marriage is a slippery slope to polygamy - too late it's already there. Plus as someone else pointed out, the mormons never bothered to stop practicising it. By the settlement in Israel polygamy was outlawed.
Saturday, January 8, 2005 4:58 PM
Quote:Yes AIDS can be spread as efficiently through heterosexual sex as it can be through homosexual sex, but in reality we don’t see this. What we see is AIDS being spread largely by and within the gay community. What this suggests is that there is a larger amount of unprotected casual sex in the gay community then in the heterosexual community. Indeed, it suggests that promiscuity among the gay community may actually be a more common phenomenon then it is among the heterosexual community. And this stands to reason, as gay relationships are rarely burdened by unexpected pregnancies
Quote:Actually, federal law clearly prohibits polygamy, and so do the laws of most states.
Quote:In fact, I’m not sure there are any states in which polygamy is legal.
Quote:Gay rights activists were seeking to impose gay marriage through the courts in one state and then to seek a Supreme Court ruling to support the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution, thereby bypassing the democratic process.
Quote:I don’t believe this will work, but if the gay rights activists had managed to succeed, it is certainly reasonable to believe that polygamist would seek the same loophole. Gay marriage may yet become an institution, and if it does then it is likely that polygamists will seek establishment of polygamy. So the slippery slope argument is quite alive and well.