Hooooooo Boy...

UPDATED: Thursday, November 12, 2020 10:00
VIEWED: 4724
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Monday, November 9, 2020 3:42 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

You're sadly misinformed. The left isn't why we didn't do better. The progressive wing did great. It was the corporate whores who lost.

I'll let AOC explain how I see it.

I've heard her and you, and it doesn't cut it. 85% percent of this country is left leaning to radical right. She may have helped turn out some on the left, but her far left agenda also hurt. It killed us in Florida. Do the math for yourself instead of taking as gospel what someone who just got elected herself says. Someone who won primarily due to her district being 60% plus Hispanic. Primarily due to tribalism. That’s not meant to be an insult, just a fact. I admit she is very talented and I’m not against her. The Somali community elected a Somali women to run their district in Minnesota for much the same reason. All ethnicities practice tribalism. Not all the time, but much of it.

It would serve your agenda better if socialists would stop trying to turn this country socialist overnight. It would serve the socialist community to accept we are not a socialist country. Remember, Sanders never got more than 20-25% support. To quote OAC, “It’s that if they keep going after the wrong thing, I mean, they’re just setting up their own obsolescence.”

It's like Black leaders and activists pushing too hard. Yes, I want most of what they want. But they are only 12% of the population. They are acting as though they won the election single handedly. That will piss many off hurting their agenda. No one group won this election. It was a team effort. They need to shut up and allow it to just get done. They need to remember they also need the entirety of the Democratic Party to work towards achieving their needs. Just as all other ethnicities need to do to move this country towards implementing fairer, better, policies.

They never speak to the white voter in a way that recruits them. They too often alienate them. Again, Blacks represent 12 or 13% of the population, therefore about 9 to 10% of the voting bloc; maybe. Whites represent 70% of voting Americans. Nothing happens without them. I’m talking about practicing smart politics, not emotional. I’m talking about unity. I want to win the next election. "I want to win the next election."


Killed us in FL? They voted to raise minimum wage.

The average American is very in favor of what the "left" wants.
Poll: The Green New Deal is as popular as legalizing weed

A better country is coming, if the Dems wake up. If they don't, they'll keep losing.


Monday, November 9, 2020 5:18 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'm not even going to read any posts in here today because with the news I woke up to I can just imagine what they look like and why ruin my day when it's in the 60's and I've got work to do outside?

With no clear mandate, this is not the way that a candidate wanted to win in 2020. The only real loser is the American people. Not because there is a probably Biden win in the end, but because no matter which way this turns out, if you thought that the worst of 2020 would be behind us no matter which side won, clearly you were fooling yourself. This is going to drag out longer than Bush/Gore did, and we all here are living proof that 2020 is a much worse year for something like this than 2000 was.

This election was pure 2020 through and through, and OF COURSE this is the way things had to go.

I will state for the record now that I would MUCH rather have been entirely wrong and saw a 500 point Biden landslide and taken all of the lumps from everybody here and in real life than have what we're left with now.

Three bits of advice to everyone today:

1. If you talk politics with friends and family, STOP talking to friends and family about politics immediately... or at least know that if you don't you likely risk losing some of them.

2. Along with social distancing measures when you're out, also practice situational awareness... especially when it's dark outside. Consider at least carrying some pepper spray on your person.

3. Try to be positive. We'll all get through this somehow.

Be safe, everybody.

I am truly, deeply sorry that this is the way things had to be.

You might be willing to turn your back on America, but I cannot convince myself to.

This is the first soft coup we have had, in our lives, in person and up close. It has been going on for decades and it has not been stopped before. Remember 4 years ago places in Philadelphia where thousands of votes were for Hilliary byut not a single vote for Trump?

After the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin was asked what kind of Government do we have. He replied something like a democracy, if we can keep it.
The Freedoms and Rights we have were our Birthright, granted to us before we were born, and now so many are willing to close their eyes, cover their ears, while the Nation is stolen away. If we allow this to proceed, we do not deserve the Nation, Liberties, Freedoms, and Rights which we allowed to be taken via fraud.


Monday, November 9, 2020 7:15 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'm not even going to read any posts in here today because with the news I woke up to I can just imagine what they look like and why ruin my day when it's in the 60's and I've got work to do outside?

With no clear mandate, this is not the way that a candidate wanted to win in 2020. The only real loser is the American people. Not because there is a probably Biden win in the end, but because no matter which way this turns out, if you thought that the worst of 2020 would be behind us no matter which side won, clearly you were fooling yourself. This is going to drag out longer than Bush/Gore did, and we all here are living proof that 2020 is a much worse year for something like this than 2000 was.

This election was pure 2020 through and through, and OF COURSE this is the way things had to go.

I will state for the record now that I would MUCH rather have been entirely wrong and saw a 500 point Biden landslide and taken all of the lumps from everybody here and in real life than have what we're left with now.

Three bits of advice to everyone today:

1. If you talk politics with friends and family, STOP talking to friends and family about politics immediately... or at least know that if you don't you likely risk losing some of them.

2. Along with social distancing measures when you're out, also practice situational awareness... especially when it's dark outside. Consider at least carrying some pepper spray on your person.

3. Try to be positive. We'll all get through this somehow.

Be safe, everybody.

I am truly, deeply sorry that this is the way things had to be.

You might be willing to turn your back on America, but I cannot convince myself to.

This is the first soft coup we have had, in our lives, in person and up close. It has been going on for decades and it has not been stopped before. Remember 4 years ago places in Philadelphia where thousands of votes were for Hilliary byut not a single vote for Trump?

After the Constitutional Convention, Ben Franklin was asked what kind of Government do we have. He replied something like a democracy, if we can keep it.
The Freedoms and Rights we have were our Birthright, granted to us before we were born, and now so many are willing to close their eyes, cover their ears, while the Nation is stolen away. If we allow this to proceed, we do not deserve the Nation, Liberties, Freedoms, and Rights which we allowed to be taken via fraud.

What are you going to do?

I'm honestly asking.

I'm not turning my back on America. I'm just saying that it is what it is. We all knew this was going to happen eventually. Even if Trump won, it would have happened in 2024 instead. The Establishment wanted the power back and they own the Legacy Media and have an inordinate amount of control over what people think. Even more than I thought they did, sadly, and I'm pretty disappointed about it.

But I'm sure as shit not going to behave like they did for the next four years. I've got plenty of stuff to keep me busy and I'm still working on fixing problems I made for myself with my bad behavior.

All of my successes the last four years are mine. I own them just like I own all of my shortcomings the five or so years before them.

If the Revolution ever comes, I'll be ready. But I'm not throwing the first stone. I've got too much to lose and I really don't think the next four years are going to be bad. Biden will be the definition of a lame duck presidency. Democrats aren't going to get anything accomplished, and they're going to turn on each other without Orange Man Bad distracting themselves from the fact that they are completely incompatible with each other. Just look at the previous dialog between NeoCon loving Ted and Gang of Four loving Marcos. It's already begun.

And the funny thing is, I wasn't pulling Marco's leg when I said we might have more in common than he thinks.

I'm certainly not a Socialist and I don't agree with him that it's the direction the country needs to take, but I'm sure as shit not a NeoCon/NeoLib Establishment fluffer like Ted and our current President Elect.

Say what you will about Marcos, but he never put evil trash people like John McCain or John Bolton on a pedestal just because they said bad things about Trump.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 9, 2020 7:31 PM


Oh... and BTW, JSF...

We both know that fraud occurred, and likely on a grand scale, but let's finally see some irrefutable evidence of it this time. There is zero chance that more people voted for a meat-puppet like Joe Biden than any other President in the history of America.

But that doesn't even matter if they can't come up with any real proof.

I'm tired of seeing only grainy fucking Bigfoot footage.

Trump has one last chance to make history here. But if he doesn't bring the receipts than he's out.

I don't want to see this go to the Supreme Court. There's a right way and a wrong way to do things and that is CERTAINLY the wrong way.

It's bad enough we live in a 2020 where we have zero faith in our Media and the Election Process itself... The last thing we need is a Constitutional Crisis on our hands, and that's exactly what will happen if Trump retains office without proof of wide-scale election fraud and a SCOTUS he picked giving it back to him.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 9, 2020 11:52 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Trump has one last chance to make history here. But if he doesn't bring the receipts [then] he's out.
This one of those times where I believe Trump's inability to pay attention to detail, and instead rely on rhetoric, will sadly derail any serious look into the question of fraud.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 12:03 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh... and BTW, JSF...

We both know that fraud occurred, and likely on a grand scale, but let's finally see some irrefutable evidence of it this time.

No, you don't. Not at all.
The one and only person claiming that there was fraud is Trump himself, and some of his sycophants, that's all.

There is ZERO evidence of any fraud. That's why his lawsuits are all slapped down. He was 0-10, last I saw.

He's a proven liar. He's just sowing doubt in your weak, 2 digit IQ brain, because you're just that stupid.

You live in an illusion, willingly, egged on by Russian trolls. Facts will never make you think.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 7:52 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh... and BTW, JSF...

We both know that fraud occurred, and likely on a grand scale, but let's finally see some irrefutable evidence of it this time.

No, you don't. Not at all.
The one and only person claiming that there was fraud is Trump himself, and some of his sycophants, that's all.

There is ZERO evidence of any fraud. That's why his lawsuits are all slapped down. He was 0-10, last I saw.

He's a proven liar. He's just sowing doubt in your weak, 2 digit IQ brain, because you're just that stupid.

You live in an illusion, willingly, egged on by Russian trolls. Facts will never make you think.

Read the rest of my post.

This is hardly a new thing. And the idea that voter fraud happens is hardly a partisan idea. They've just made it one leading up to 2020, and it's easy to do because most people can't remember what happened more than two weeks ago.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 8:05 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
There is zero chance that more people voted for a meat-puppet like Joe Biden than any other President in the history of America.


Fcksake - Deaf, dumb, and blind to the very end, and then some. You simply have no capacity to LEARN from observable data. FEELZ is what drives you and that's what people like Trump know and exploit. He's a conman - look it up.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 12:06 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

You're sadly misinformed. The left isn't why we didn't do better. The progressive wing did great. It was the corporate whores who lost.

I'll let AOC explain how I see it.

I've heard her and you, and it doesn't cut it. 85% percent of this country is left leaning to radical right. She may have helped turn out some on the left, but her far left agenda also hurt. It killed us in Florida. Do the math for yourself instead of taking as gospel what someone who just got elected herself says. Someone who won primarily due to her district being 60% plus Hispanic. Primarily due to tribalism. That’s not meant to be an insult, just a fact. I admit she is very talented and I’m not against her. The Somali community elected a Somali women to run their district in Minnesota for much the same reason. All ethnicities practice tribalism. Not all the time, but much of it.

It would serve your agenda better if socialists would stop trying to turn this country socialist overnight. It would serve the socialist community to accept we are not a socialist country. Remember, Sanders never got more than 20-25% support. To quote OAC, “It’s that if they keep going after the wrong thing, I mean, they’re just setting up their own obsolescence.”

It's like Black leaders and activists pushing too hard. Yes, I want most of what they want. But they are only 12% of the population. They are acting as though they won the election single handedly. That will piss many off hurting their agenda. No one group won this election. It was a team effort. They need to shut up and allow it to just get done. They need to remember they also need the entirety of the Democratic Party to work towards achieving their needs. Just as all other ethnicities need to do to move this country towards implementing fairer, better, policies.

They never speak to the white voter in a way that recruits them. They too often alienate them. Again, Blacks represent 12 or 13% of the population, therefore about 9 to 10% of the voting bloc; maybe. Whites represent 70% of voting Americans. Nothing happens without them. I’m talking about practicing smart politics, not emotional. I’m talking about unity. I want to win the next election. "I want to win the next election."


Killed us in FL? They voted to raise minimum wage.

The average American is very in favor of what the "left" wants.
Poll: The Green New Deal is as popular as legalizing weed

A better country is coming, if the Dems wake up. If they don't, they'll keep losing.

The problem reaver is you post that most Americas want what the progressives want. To raise the minimum wage, health care, climate change, a more inclusive society and a fairer and balanced justice system. To you this means most of the country, including those in the middle, agree with you. You've stated that here.

That's bullshit, instead, you agree with what most Americans want. You agree with what the Democratic Party has been fighting for, for years. Only you want credit for these ideas because you’re unaware of this fact. All you, and the younger generation did is join the Democrats and independents.

These issues have been on the table for years, repeatedly being blocked by the republicans. How many socialist are in congress or the senate, two, three? These are democratic ideas and always have been. Remember the clean water act. That wasn’t achieved by progressives. That was achieved by Democrats.

The youngest group of voters grew up thinking Obama was a socialist. That’s because that was the label pinned on him by the republicans. So they grew up thinking socialism is not so bad. They’ll figure it out soon enough.

History shows socialism doesn’t work. Just ask those who’ve lived it.



Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:02 PM


The country saw this and many other like videos which hurt democrats in the election. Many democrats believe this contributed to lost house and senate seats. Only the far left was for defunding to police. And the far left wanted to defund the police nation wide which the voters reacted negatively to.



Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:31 PM


Jesus, you sound like 6ix.

Cubans have always voted overwhelmingly Republican, as do Hispanic evangelicals.

If you've ever seen the Spanish language news networks, they're Spanish Fox News. Same reichwing bullshit.

And the Democrats did a shit job of reaching them. Just one more thing Dems fail at.

They're experts at losing what should be a sure thing. They don't know how to reach out to working people because that's not who they serve.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:
History shows socialism doesn’t work. Just ask those who’ve lived it.

From the Business Insider: The life vs death difference between a 'democratic socialist' and a 'socialist'

Trump and the entire Republican Party want to confuse you about those two terms. If you appear to be confused then Trump has accomplished his mission.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 2:00 PM


... stay crunchy...

Here we go.

People (THG & RF) work together to get what they want against a common enemy and once that enemy is gone they start to squabble about their differences. I remember thinking once Obama got in and had a unified congress all sorts of things would finally get done. Nope. Just more arguing. That is why I have always hated politics.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 2:54 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Here we go.

People (THG & RF) work together to get what they want against a common enemy and once that enemy is gone they start to squabble about their differences. I remember thinking once Obama got in and had a unified congress all sorts of things would finally get done. Nope. Just more arguing. That is why I have always hated politics.

I've got my own theory in two parts:

1.) Natural allies viciously fight over the meaning of words such as Socialist or Democratic Socialist, and thus kill the possible futures with unproductive bickering. To quote Business Insider: "Socialist" remains a dirty, and often misunderstood, term in the realm of US politics. The Cold War, in which animosity and paranoia toward the Soviet Union was pervasive in the US, is largely to thank for that. Nearly 21% of Americans consider socialism to be a threat to the US, according to Insider polling from last summer.

During his 2020 State of the Union address, President Donald Trump tapped into these sentiments.

"Socialism destroys nations. But always remember: Freedom unifies the soul," Trump said, as he accused Democrats of pushing a "socialist takeover of our health care system."

But what does it mean to be a socialist versus a democratic socialist, and is there even a difference?

2.) Natural allies fight over who will pay for government services. The conservatives use that unwillingness to pay as their WMD, a rhetorical mustard-gas or chlorine-gas-filled artillery shell, to destroy any politician creating new or expanded services. Worrying about paying almost never fails to kill new ideas in America. Did America worry about paying for H-bombs and delivery systems? It did not and the result was it flushed umpteen trillion down the toilet and has nothing to show for it that Americans can be proud of. At the very same time, America was flushing even more trillions for defense than the rest of the world. But useful expenditures? There is no money for those.

"While spending generously on nuclear weapons which serve no good purpose and only pose a mortal threat to the world – a single nuclear explosion in a major city would cause trillions of dollars of direct economic damage — governments are cutting programs serving the health and welfare of their citizens in response to the global financial crisis."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 5:25 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Jesus, you sound like 6ix.

Cubans have always voted overwhelmingly Republican, as do Hispanic evangelicals.

If you've ever seen the Spanish language news networks, they're Spanish Fox News. Same reichwing bullshit.

And the Democrats did a shit job of reaching them. Just one more thing Dems fail at.

They're experts at losing what should be a sure thing. They don't know how to reach out to working people because that's not who they serve.

Again just like jack. The facts say otherwise. In 2016, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won Miami-Dade County over Donald Trump by about 30 percentage points. Trump cut into that margin by more than 20 points. Look it up.

This was because Hispanics, and yes Cubans, believed Biden would be overly influenced by OAC's socialist agenda. And they said so.

I have no intention of debating this over and over again with you. Your posts are based in emotion and not facts. As I've pointed out before. You are too far to the left to see clearly. Your anger at the Democrats is evidence of that. Yes they're far from perfect but hate is revealed in many of your posts regarding the party.



Tuesday, November 10, 2020 5:34 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

We both know that fraud occurred, and likely on a grand scale, but let's finally see some irrefutable evidence of it this time. There is zero chance that more people voted for a meat-puppet like Joe Biden than any other President in the history of America.

Someone has been watching "Alternate Reality TV" again.



Tuesday, November 10, 2020 6:04 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
There is zero chance that more people voted for a meat-puppet like Joe Biden than any other President in the history of America.


Fcksake - Deaf, dumb, and blind to the very end, and then some. You simply have no capacity to LEARN from observable data. FEELZ is what drives you and that's what people like Trump know and exploit. He's a conman - look it up.

I've had to listen to you and your buddies on here whine for four years that Trump was President because of Putin.

Zero Russian collusion. Failed impeachment. Lot's of crying.

Voter fraud is massive. Somebody just needs to bring the proof and find a non compromised media outlet to show it to the world.

Otherwise, we will be living in a tyrannical state that you claim the last 4 years were. And trust me, whoever is running the show then is going to make you wish that Trump were still President.

It won't be Biden. He's the definition of a lame duck presidency. But you're unwittingly paving the way for that future with your blind partisanship.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 6:06 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Again just like jack. The facts say otherwise.

What the fuck do you know about facts, Ted?

You're still claiming that Trump was president because of Putin.

Hypocrisy, personified.

You are gross, dude.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 6:15 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Again just like jack. The facts say otherwise. In 2016, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won Miami-Dade County over Donald Trump by about 30 percentage points. Trump cut into that margin by more than 20 points. Look it up.

This was because Hispanics, and yes Cubans, believed Biden would be overly influenced by OAC's socialist agenda. And they said so.

I have no intention of debating this over and over again with you. Your posts are based in emotion and not facts. As I've pointed out before. You are too far to the left to see clearly. Your anger at the Democrats is evidence of that. Yes they're far from perfect but hate is revealed in many of your posts regarding the party.


And what "news" sources told them that? What do they know about socialism? Only what they've been told by Spanish speaking propagandists.

We're talking about people who aren't well-versed on politics. They believe what they're told, and the universal line, on both the right and center-right (there is no real centrism, other than a few democratic socialists. They're centrists, like me), is "socialism bad!"

Canada and Mexico have socialized healthcare, along with the rest of the first world. They're all quite happy with it. Why don't we?


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 6:19 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
Canada and Mexico have socialized healthcare, along with the rest of the first world. They're all quite happy with it. Why don't we?

I'm just curious. How much of your income do you pay toward various taxes now?

Workers get fucked from every direction in America, including more than half of them not even making enough money to make the job worth their while with the cost of goods in 2020.

Who pays for the Socialized Healthcare? Because the workers that don't have insurance today can't afford to be gouged even further on taxes.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 9:24 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
Canada and Mexico have socialized healthcare, along with the rest of the first world. They're all quite happy with it. Why don't we?

I'm just curious. How much of your income do you pay toward various taxes now?

Workers get fucked from every direction in America, including more than half of them not even making enough money to make the job worth their while with the cost of goods in 2020.

Who pays for the Socialized Healthcare? Because the workers that don't have insurance today can't afford to be gouged even further on taxes.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Glad you asked.

Do you have Google, or something similar?


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 9:51 PM


Do you have a real answer?

I don't feel like Googling and getting directed to where I'm going to give ad revenue to a website that shovels shit.

I want to know in your own words.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 11:58 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I don't feel like Googling and getting directed to where I'm going to give ad revenue to a website that shovels shit.

... not even making enough money to make the job worth their while with the cost of goods in 2020.

You are such a pansy, dude

Is that what you tell yourself so you don't get a decent job?? That it isn't WORTH it??

We're at 22%.

Type in "22% tax bracket for married filing jointly" if you want that answer... You don't even have to enter a site, pussyfingers




Wednesday, November 11, 2020 12:02 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I don't feel like Googling and getting directed to where I'm going to give ad revenue to a website that shovels shit.

You are such a pansy, dude




Wednesday, November 11, 2020 6:52 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by THG:

Again just like jack. The facts say otherwise. In 2016, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won Miami-Dade County over Donald Trump by about 30 percentage points. Trump cut into that margin by more than 20 points. Look it up.

This was because Hispanics, and yes Cubans, believed Biden would be overly influenced by OAC's socialist agenda. And they said so.

I have no intention of debating this over and over again with you. Your posts are based in emotion and not facts. As I've pointed out before. You are too far to the left to see clearly. Your anger at the Democrats is evidence of that. Yes they're far from perfect but hate is revealed in many of your posts regarding the party.


And what "news" sources told them that? What do they know about socialism? Only what they've been told by Spanish speaking propagandists.

We're talking about people who aren't well-versed on politics. They believe what they're told, and the universal line, on both the right and center-right (there is no real centrism, other than a few democratic socialists. They're centrists, like me), is "socialism bad!"

Canada and Mexico have socialized healthcare, along with the rest of the first world. They're all quite happy with it. Why don't we?

Yes, they have some social programs but they are in no way socialists. Big, and I mean big difference. American is the same. We recognize the necessity of social programs to assist a country's population.

I also find it disingenuous when you suggest people who have run from socialist countries, are to ignorant to recognize socialist leaning democrats as being a potential problem because they too practice a populist message, just as Trump did. Most Democrats see socialists as a problem as well.



Wednesday, November 11, 2020 7:54 AM



Yanno what?

I'm just going to sit back and let you two hash it out.

And Nilbog can cheerlead from the sides whenever she picks one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 9:14 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I've had to listen to you and your buddies on here whine for four years that Trump was President because of Putin.

Stupid, lying or just mentally lazy? Your average Trumptard can't be bothered to read more than a sentence before their Feelz kick in.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Zero Russian collusion.

Here's a clue: Don Jr., in the hotel, with Russians. "If those emails are what I think they are, I'm interested."


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Failed impeachment.

What was the make-up of the Senate? He got impeached = win.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Lot's of crying.

Lots of proof of guilt, lots of Trump lying, lots of GOP pole smoking.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Voter fraud is massive. Somebody just needs to bring the proof and find a non compromised media outlet to show it to the world.

Where? GOP lawyers are now 0-12 in lawsuits. Meanwhile we have hours of recordings of Trump in his own words trying to f*ck the vote.

You learned absolutely nothing from 4 years of embarrassing yourself. Like I said - you are incapable of learning.

"I am going to spend the next 4 years laughing at you - BIG Trump win!" - 6ixForBrains


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
And trust me, whoever is running the show then is going to make you wish that Trump were still President.

I think you irrevocably screwed yourself on the whole "trust me" thing. No one has been more wrong more often than you have on this forum, and likely no one ever will. I guess you can be proud of that.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 10:02 AM


Agreed G



Wednesday, November 11, 2020 1:21 PM


6ix's 4chan account:


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 9:57 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
6ix's 4chan account:

There's no such thing as a 4chan account. Anybody can post there "anonymously" without signing up.

I already showed you my map.

And I laugh at people with only a 148 IQ.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 11:13 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

And I laugh at people with only a 148 IQ.

I can't speak for all of us, but I'm really, really sure that people with higher IQs think you are a quaint little rodent.



Thursday, November 12, 2020 4:00 AM


Well, you're certainly not speaking for yourself, smoothbrain.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 12, 2020 9:23 AM


Stealing talking points from the left, now.


Thursday, November 12, 2020 10:00 AM


BTW, Marcos...

You should let Ted know how you feel about this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization?
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The Education Failure Facts Thread
Sun, March 16, 2025 02:35 - 32 posts
Trump Explains He Expects Prosecutions of Worst Criminals And Civil Rights Violators
Sun, March 16, 2025 02:31 - 4 posts
Music II
Sun, March 16, 2025 02:21 - 196 posts
Who hates Israel?
Sun, March 16, 2025 02:02 - 92 posts
Torching Teslas? Climate-loving liberals driven crazy by Trump harm their cause.
Sun, March 16, 2025 00:07 - 1 posts
Do you feel like the winds of change are blowing today too?
Sun, March 16, 2025 00:00 - 1014 posts