Election Lawsuits

UPDATED: Friday, December 18, 2020 16:11
VIEWED: 1961
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Tuesday, December 1, 2020 2:54 PM


So many different cases are in the works, a result of so much unfettered Election Fraud, it is difficult to keep track of them all.

Sounds like one in PA with Mike Kelly is one of the most pertinent ones, with greatest merit.

Others are with Sydney Powell, Rudy Guliani, others in House races in various states like GA, NC, PA, MI, and maybe AZ, NV, CA.

I welcome info cntributions from other reasonable folk posting here.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 8:55 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I welcome info contributions from other reasonable folk posting here.

Now THAT'S a long wait for a train ain't comin'.

But cerealously, with all these issues with voting equipment, computer systems, arbitrary/illegal state and local counting procedures etc., etc., one has to wonder where were Trump's 'people' ahead of the election checking around the country, or at least in predictably close states ..... yanno, like, oh I don't know ... something akin to doing their jobs for their boss. It's almost like they just closed their eyes and "hoped" for the best. They forgot that Obamma cornered that market years ago.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 9:10 AM


What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world? :)


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 9:22 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” The comments, which drew immediate criticism from Trump attorneys, were especially notable coming from Barr, who has been one of the president’s most ardent allies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 9:27 AM



Originally posted by second:
Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” The comments, which drew immediate criticism from Trump attorneys, were especially notable coming from Barr, who has been one of the president’s most ardent allies.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

^ What all of these morons fail to take notice of is that Barr outright says that there was fraud.

ANY FRAUD is too much fraud.

Barr just left the door open for that. It's just time to bring the reciepts now.

And honestly, it won't take much. Nobody's trying to prove 5 million + votes in California were faked. Just need 10k here and 10k there in the close states that were stolen.

What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world? :)


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 9:47 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

And honestly, it won't take much. Nobody's trying to prove 5 million + votes in California were faked. Just need 10k here and 10k there in the close states that were stolen.

Too bad, but there isn't "10k here and 10k there". Heroic William Barr is not faking the numbers:

Since he was confirmed as attorney general, William Barr has been somewhat of a hero in the right-wing media universe. He has assailed the Russia probe. He has talked a big game about cracking down on Antifa. He has sharply criticized the news media. On and on it goes.

But his celebrity status took a hit on Tuesday when he undercut President Trump's brazenly false contention that there was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election. Speaking to the Associated Press, Barr said that, "to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election."

The statement from Barr, which merely recited a simple fact, not only cut against what Trump has been saying, but also what Trump's propagandists and allies in right-wing media have been feeding their audiences. For weeks, these media personalities have strung their audiences along, suggesting that damning proof of fraud was just around the corner. Which is why the comment from Barr stung so bad.

The comment effectively forced these right-wing stars to pick between acknowledging the reality Barr laid out or continuing Trump's fantasy. Trump's most devoted propagandists chose the latter. And so they started to throw Barr under the bus, just as they've done with every other conservative who has dared to contradict the president. (Think about how former conservative stars such as Jeff Sessions, Justin Amash, Paul Ryan, and others were treated when they didn't blindly oblige Trump's demands.)

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 9:49 AM


lol @ "per CNN"

How long did that Russian Collusion carnival drag on for, and these "facts" come out in under a week without anything being investigated.

We'll see, buddy.

Going to SCOTUS next. Thanks for fast tracking the whole thing for quick Orange Man Bad points, instead of doing the intelligent thing and sitting on it until Biden* was sworn in.

What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world? :)


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 9:57 AM


The grift just keeps going.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 10:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Going to SCOTUS next. Thanks for fast tracking the whole thing for quick Orange Man Bad points, instead of doing the intelligent thing and sitting on it until Biden* was sworn in.

Even Trump has said SCOTUS won't touch it. It's all over except for Trump's shouting.

“Well, the problem is, it’s hard to get into the Supreme Court,” Trump said on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” after host Maria Bartiromo asked him when he expected his challenges to make it to the justices.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 10:29 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Going to SCOTUS next.

It's oddly reassuring that Trump dfs are incapable of learning. "History didn't happen!"

Been meaning to ask you about your new Feelz / SJW sounding signature.. so, since it's a slow day:

"What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?"


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 11:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump has asked for campaign contributions (bribes) in exchange for Presidential pardons. At this moment, his name is redacted, but once he is out of office . . .

President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday night: “Pardon investigation is Fake News!”

As part of the investigation, more than 50 devices, including laptops and iPads, have been seized, according to the document. I wonder how Trump's people are functioning without those?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 11:25 AM



It's oddly reassuring that Trump dfs are incapable of learning. "History didn't happen!"

We'll see buddy.


Been meaning to ask you about your new Feelz / SJW sounding signature.. so, since it's a slow day:

Oh.... You misunderstood the message. There's nothing "feelz" or "SJW" about resenting the fact that worthless wastes of carbon, such as yourself, are sucking up what's left of my oxygen.


"What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?"

I got my disabled brother's electronic bike put back into the delivery schedule and shipped to his apartment after he fat fingered the automated phone system and accidentally had it put at a holding facility for pickup, 35 miles away from where he lives and over 200 miles from any family members.

It only took around 3 hours of talking to people at the facility three times after being bounced around to "Customer Service" in India who said that it was impossible to do and that he'd either have to pick it up himself (By walking 70 miles round trip) or that it was being shipped back to the sender at the end of the week.

Your turn: Tell me... What has a worthless piece of shit like you done on this slow Wednesday to earn your place in this crowded world?

The question is, of course, rhetorical (Just as it always has been since I made it my signature). You and I already both know the answer to that question is "nothing". Not one goddamned thing.

Enjoy your do-nothing day full of instant self-gratification via virtue signalling for easy dopamine hits, allowing your "Smart" phone to do all of your thinking for you, binge watching Netflix and jacking off.

What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world? :)


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 1:29 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
There's nothing "feelz" or "SJW" about resenting the fact that worthless wastes of carbon, such as yourself, are sucking up what's left of my oxygen.

Says the smoker 3PacksADayJack - can't make this sh*t up.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020 2:00 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So many different cases are in the works, a result of so much unfettered Election Fraud, it is difficult to keep track of them all.

Sounds like one in PA with Mike Kelly is one of the most pertinent ones, with greatest merit.

Others are with Sydney Powell, Rudy Guliani, others in House races in various states like GA, NC, PA, MI, and maybe AZ, NV, CA.

I welcome info cntributions from other reasonable folk posting here.

You just keep sending Trump money. He likes nothing more than taking money from his supporters pockets and putting it into his. Keep up the good work. You guys are up to 170 million at this point. Morons, complete morons.



Wednesday, December 2, 2020 2:01 PM




Wednesday, December 2, 2020 3:00 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So many different cases are in the works, a result of so much unfettered Election Fraud, it is difficult to keep track of them all.

Sounds like one in PA with Mike Kelly is one of the most pertinent ones, with greatest merit.

Others are with Sydney Powell, Rudy Guliani, others in House races in various states like GA, NC, PA, MI, and maybe AZ, NV, CA.

I welcome info cntributions from other reasonable folk posting here.

You just keep sending Trump money. He likes nothing more than taking money from his supporters pockets and putting it into his. Keep up the good work. You guys are up to 170 million at this point. Morons, complete morons.


How much money did you send to Biden* and the DNC. Not just this year. Your entire life?

I've never sent a politician, committee or PAC money and I never will.

A diphit and their money are easily parted.

What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world? :)


Thursday, December 3, 2020 8:57 PM


WI lawsuit made a brief stop at WI Supreme Court, returning later.

NV Court is holding arguments. Sounds like testimony is of Narive American leaders colluding with Obiden camp to defraud the Election in NV.

GA testimony points out that 4 Counties had vote counts faster than capacity of tabulating machines. The machines have max speed of 20,000 ballots per hour. But one reported 200,000 ballots in one hour in the morning, and another reported 56,000 ballots in an 8 minute span at 7:15am on 4 Nov.
When Fake News asked the corrupt Officials perpetrating the Fraud if there was any Fraud, the corrupt Officials who were perpetrating the Fraud announced that there was no evidence of widespread Fraud.

MI Legislature is holding hearings of Fraud testimony.

If MI (16 EV), GA (16 EV), WI (10 EV) have their results invalidated, Obiden has less than 270 Electoral Votes, and 28 GOP Majority States will decide who is Elected.

Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell Suit from PA still going to SCOTUS.


Tuesday, December 8, 2020 2:38 PM


Did Texas Attorney General Paxton just save America?

This suit has several interesting aspects.
It is one State suing 4 other States, which makes SCOTUS the originating Court.
It is suing for the 4 states violating the U.S. Constitution, which makes it of interest to SCOTUS.
Both of which make it fast-tracked to SCOTUS, therefore serves as barometer of the level of interest that SCOTUS has in ruling in this Election Fraud.

It also does not interfere with many other lawsuits, all which have not been ruled on their merits, only administrative procedural rulings.

It seems to have 2 main points.
1. Each of the 4 States bypassed their own State Legislatures (the sole authority for Election Laws and procedures, specified by the Constitution) to corrupt their Election Laws and Procedures under pretext of Covid, and therefore all 4 violated not only the U.S. Constitution, but also their own State Constitutions.

2. Each of the 4 States had at least one County which directly violated State Laws regarding how to treat or process each ballot, while other Counties in the same state abiding Election Laws and therefore treating those ballots differently - sometimes both sets of Counties being so directed by the State Election Officials to do opposite things. This violates the protection of all ballots being treated equally, as Bush v Gore set the Precedent Decision.

The remedy seems to be to remand the selection of Electors to the individual State's Legislatures, as specified by the Constitution. Sounds like McPherson v Blacker is the precedent decision for that.

All 4 of these States have both chambers of their Legislatures with GOP majority.
If any 3 of them select full slates of Electors for Trump, Trump remains President. 62 Electors total.

If they all 4 chose a Maine - Nebraska type compromise, all 4 could have the whole state portion going to Obiden (8 Electors total).
PA would have 7 Dem, 11 GOP.
GA would have 6 Dem, 8 GOP.
MI would have 7 Dem, 7 GOP.
WI would have 3 Dem, 5 GOP.
grand totals of 31 Dem, 31 GOP.
If 3 of the States do that, and any one of them selects an entire slate for Trump, then Trump wins, unless WI is the sole full slate for Trump, and then the Electoral College is 269-269, and the 28 (of 50) Votes in the House are controlled by GOP - so they could Elect Trump.


Tuesday, December 8, 2020 8:44 PM


I'm not sure if you saw this while I was arguing with retards in another thread, JSF.

Useful info. Opinion/Editorialization free.

What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world? :)


Wednesday, December 9, 2020 3:16 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'm not sure if you saw this while I was arguing with retards in another thread, JSF.

Useful info. Opinion/Editorialization free.

What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world? :)

What other thread?


Wednesday, December 9, 2020 3:53 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Did Texas Attorney General Paxton just save America?

This suit has several interesting aspects.
It is one State suing 4 other States, which makes SCOTUS the originating Court.
It is suing for the 4 states violating the U.S. Constitution, which makes it of interest to SCOTUS.
Both of which make it fast-tracked to SCOTUS, therefore serves as barometer of the level of interest that SCOTUS has in ruling in this Election Fraud.

It also does not interfere with many other lawsuits, all which have not been ruled on their merits, only administrative procedural rulings.

It seems to have 2 main points.
1. Each of the 4 States bypassed their own State Legislatures (the sole authority for Election Laws and procedures, specified by the Constitution) to corrupt their Election Laws and Procedures under pretext of Covid, and therefore all 4 violated not only the U.S. Constitution, but also their own State Constitutions.

2. Each of the 4 States had at least one County which directly violated State Laws regarding how to treat or process each ballot, while other Counties in the same state abiding Election Laws and therefore treating those ballots differently - sometimes both sets of Counties being so directed by the State Election Officials to do opposite things. This violates the protection of all ballots being treated equally, as Bush v Gore set the Precedent Decision.

The remedy seems to be to remand the selection of Electors to the individual State's Legislatures, as specified by the Constitution. Sounds like McPherson v Blacker is the precedent decision for that.

All 4 of these States have both chambers of their Legislatures with GOP majority.
If any 3 of them select full slates of Electors for Trump, Trump remains President. 62 Electors total.

If they all 4 chose a Maine - Nebraska type compromise, all 4 could have the whole state portion going to Obiden (8 Electors total).
PA would have 7 Dem, 11 GOP.
GA would have 6 Dem, 8 GOP.
MI would have 7 Dem, 7 GOP.
WI would have 3 Dem, 5 GOP.
grand totals of 31 Dem, 31 GOP.
If 3 of the States do that, and any one of them selects an entire slate for Trump, then Trump wins, unless WI is the sole full slate for Trump, and then the Electoral College is 269-269, and the 28 (of 50) Votes in the House are controlled by GOP - so they could Elect Trump.

Last night SCOTUS accepted the case.

And WV, TN have tried to join the suit with TX.

Sounds like SCOTUS has asked the 4 States for their excuses/evidence.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020 4:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"This violates the protection of all ballots being treated equally, as Bush v Gore set the Precedent Decision." As I recall, SCOTUS ruled that their Bush v Gore ruling was only good as a 1-time ruling and only for that particular case, which makes it seem as if it can't be held as a precedent.


Thursday, December 10, 2020 3:39 PM


16 other states have joined in.


Saturday, December 12, 2020 1:08 PM


Copied and Shared from another thread, nicely summarized:


Originally posted:

Key point amongst many:
"The suit claims the states’ electors should be invalidated because expanded mail-in voting due to the Covid-19 outbreak resulted in widespread fraud and irregularities."

Lawsuit filed in brief:

"Identity of Amici Curiae
As members of the federal legislature, Amici seek to protect the constitutional role of state legislatures in establishing the manner by which Presidential Electors are appointed to ensure the Electoral College selects the candidate for President of the United States that was chosen by counting only lawful votes.
Amici include 106 U.S. Representatives currently serving in the 116th Congress, listed above.

Relevance of Amicus Brief
to Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint
This brief amicus curiae presents the concern of amici as Members of Congress, shared by untold millions of their constituents, that the unconstitutional irregularities involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of the American system of elections. Amici respectfully aver that the broad scope and impact of the various irregularities in the Defendant states necessitate careful and timely review by this Court.

GOP "members" who are Patriotically honorable enough to support The Constitution - hopefully voters will remember them come time for their next election. from the gov pdf:

- Mike Johnson represents the Fourth Congressional District of Louisiana
- Gary Palmer represents the Sixth Congressional District of Alabama
- Steve Scalise represents the First Congressional District of Louisiana
- Jim Jordan represents the Fourth Congressional District of Ohio
- Ralph Abraham represents the Fifth Congressional District of Louisiana
- Rick W. Allen represents the Twelfth Congressional District of Georgia
- James R. Baird represents the Fourth Congressional District of Indiana
- Jim Banks represents the Third Congressional District of Indiana

- Jack Bergman represents the First Congressional District of Michigan
- Andy Biggs represents the Fifth Congressional District of Arizona
- Gus Bilirakis represents the Twelfth Congressional District of Florida
- Dan Bishop represents the Ninth Congressional District of North Carolina
- Mike Bost represents the Twelfth Congressional District of Illinois
- Kevin Brady represents the Eighth Congressional District of Texas
- Mo Brooks represents the Fifth Congressional District of Alabama
- Ken Buck represents the Fourth Congressional District of Colorado

- Ted Budd represents the Thirteenth Congressional District of North Carolina
- Tim Burchett represents the Second Congressional District of Tennessee
- Michael C. Burgess represents the Twenty-Sixth Congressional District of Texas
- Bradley Byrne represents the First Congressional District of Alabama
- Ken Calvert represents the Forty-Second Congressional District of California
- Earl L. “Buddy” Carter represents the First Congressional District of Georgia
- Ben Cline represents the Sixth Congressional District of Virginia
- Michael Cloud represents the Twenty-Seventh Congressional District of Texas

- Mike Conaway represents the Eleventh Congressional District of Texas
- Rick Crawford represents the First Congressional District of Arkansas
- Dan Crenshaw represents the Second Congressional District of Texas
- Mario Diaz-Balart represents the Twenty-Fifth Congressional District of Florida
- Jeff Duncan represents the Third Congressional District of South Carolina
- Neal P. Dunn, M.D. represents the Second Congressional District of Florida
- Tom Emmer represents the Sixth Congressional District of Minnesota
- Ron Estes represents the Fourth Congressional District of Kansas

- A. Drew Ferguson, IV represents the Third Congressional District of Georgia
- Chuck Fleischmann represents the Third Congressional District of Tennessee
- Bill Flores represents the Seventeenth Congressional District of Texas
- Jeff Fortenberry represents the First Congressional District of Nebraska
- Virginia Foxx represents the Fifth Congressional District of North Carolina
- Russ Fulcher represents the First Congressional District of Idaho
- Matt Gaetz represents the First Congressional District of Florida
- Greg Gianforte represents the At Large Congressional District of Montana

- Bob Gibbs represents the Seventh Congressional District of Ohio
- Louie Gohmert represents the First Congressional District of Texas
- Lance Gooden represents the Fifth Congressional District of Texas
- Sam Graves represents the Sixth Congressional District of Missouri
- Mark Green represents the Seventh Congressional District of Tennessee
- Michael Guest represents the Third Congressional District of Mississippi
- Andy Harris, M.D. represents the First Congressional District of Maryland
- Vicky Hartzler represents the Fourth Congressional District of Missouri

- Kevin Hern represents the First Congressional District of Oklahoma
- Clay Higgins represents the Third Congressional District of Louisiana
- Trey Hollingsworth represents the Ninth Congressional District of Indiana
- Richard Hudson represents the Eighth Congressional District of North Carolina
- Bill Huizenga represents the Second Congressional District of Michigan
- Bill Johnson represents the Sixth Congressional District of Ohio
- John Joyce represents the Thirteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania
- Fred Keller represents the Twelfth Congressional District of Pennsylvania

- Mike Kelly represents the Sixteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania
- Trent Kelly represents the First Congressional District of Mississippi
- Steve King represents the Fourth Congressional District of Iowa
- David Kustoff represents the Eighth Congressional District of Tennessee
- Darin LaHood represents the Eighteenth Congressional District of Illinois
- Doug LaMalfa represents the First Congressional District of California
- Doug Lamborn represents the Fifth Congressional District of Colorado
- Robert E. Latta represents the Fifth Congressional District of Ohio

- Debbie Lesko represents the Eighth Congressional District of Arizona
- Blaine Leutkemeyer represents the Third Congressional District of Missouri
- Kenny Marchant represents the Twenty-Fourth Congressional District of Texas
- Roger Marshall, M.D. represents the First Congressional District of Kansas
- Tom McClintock represents the Fourth Congressional District of California
- Cathy McMorris Rogers represents the Fifth Congressional District of Washington
- Dan Meuser represents the Ninth Congressional District of Pennsylvania
- Carol D. Miller represents the Third Congressional District of West Virginia

- John Moolenaar represents the Fourth Congressional District of Michigan
- Alex X. Mooney represents the Second Congressional District of West Virginia
- Markwayne Mullin represents the Second Congressional District of Oklahoma
- Gregory Murphy, M.D. represents the Third Congressional District of North Carolina
- Dan Newhouse represents the Fourth Congressional District of Washington
- Ralph Norman represents the Fifth Congressional District of South Carolina
- Scott Perry represents the Tenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania
- Guy Reschenthaler represents the Fourteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania
- Tom Rice represents the Seventh Congressional District of South Carolina
- John Rose represents the Sixth Congressional District of Tennessee
- David Rouzer represents the Seventh Congressional District of North Carolina
- John Rutherford represents the Fourth Congressional District of Florida
- Austin Scott represents the Eighth Congressional District of Georgia
- Mike Simpson represents the Second Congressional District of Idaho
- Adrian Smith represents the Third Congressional District of Nebraska
- Jason Smith represents the Eighth Congressional District of Missouri

- Ross Spano represents the Fifteenth Congressional District of Florida
- Elise Stefanik represents the Twenty-First Congressional District of New York
- Glenn “GT” Thompson represents the Fifteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania
- Tom Tiffany represents the Seventh Congressional District of Wisconsin
- William Timmons represents the Fourth Congressional District of South Carolina
- Ann Wagner represents the Second Congressional District of Missouri
- Tim Walberg represents the Seventh Congressional District of Michigan
- Michael Waltz represents the Sixth Congressional District of Florida

- Randy Weber represents the Fourteenth Congressional District of Texas
- Daniel Webster represents the Eleventh Congressional District of Florida
- Brad Wenstrup represents the Second Congressional District of Ohio
- Bruce Westerman represents the Fourth Congressional District of Arkansas
- Roger Williams represents the Twenty-Fifth Congressional District of Texas
- Joe Wilson represents the Second Congressional District of South Carolina
- Rob Wittman represents the First Congressional District of Virginia
- Ron Wright represents the Sixth Congressional District of Texas

- Ted S. Yoho represents the Third Congressional District of Florida
- Lee Zeldin represents the First Congressional District of New York

^Copy and share

I am disappointed that my Rep is not supporting The Constitution, and neither is Gallagher.

At least one did from WI. Also MI, PA, GA.


Monday, December 14, 2020 7:05 PM


It seems MI Electors are not required to meet and vote in only the State Capitol, they can meet elsewhere - But Fascist Gov Witless orders her State Gestapo to physically block access to government building.

With Dual Slates from GA (16 EV), PA (20), NV (7), AZ (11), WI (10), and MI (16) and objections from a dozen Congressmen on the Certification Day in January, this could be sent to the House to Elect Trump. A Senator would need to object as well, and I think several would be able, such as Cruz.
This would be a total of 80 Invalidated Electoral Votes, providing Obiden with a total of 226 Electoral Votes. Then it would not matter whether Trump was credited the alternate votes, because the House would likely Elect him 28-20.


Monday, December 14, 2020 7:26 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
o many different cases are in the works, a result of so much unfettered Election Fraud, it is difficult to keep track of them all.

Sounds like one in PA with Mike Kelly is one of the most pertinent ones, with greatest merit.

Others are with Sydney Powell, Rudy Guliani, others in House races in various states like GA, NC, PA, MI, and maybe AZ, NV, CA.

I welcome info cntributions from other reasonable folk posting here.

Perhaps I can help, you know, help you keep track of those court challenges against all those states? He has lost them all JSF, he has lost them all.
Does that help?

Oh yeah JSF tick tock. 37 days until Trumps evicted from the White House.



Friday, December 18, 2020 2:49 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

It seems MI Electors are not required to meet and vote in only the State Capitol, they can meet elsewhere - But Fascist Gov Witless orders her State Gestapo to physically block access to government building.

With Dual Slates from GA (16 EV), PA (20), NV (7), AZ (11), WI (10), and MI (16) and objections from a dozen Congressmen on the Certification Day in January, this could be sent to the House to Elect Trump. A Senator would need to object as well, and I think several would be able, such as Cruz.
This would be a total of 80 Invalidated Electoral Votes, providing Obiden with a total of 226 Electoral Votes. Then it would not matter whether Trump was credited the alternate votes, because the House would likely Elect him 28-20.

I hear that there are 7 States which have submitted Dual Slates of Electoral Votes. Likely there above 6 are included.


Friday, December 18, 2020 4:11 PM


Good God, you are a stupid bitch.

There was no fraud. None. Stop lying like a Russian troll bitch. No one believes you, not even yourself, troll.






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