So..5 people are dead as a result of Chumps stunts to avoid prosecution and litigations

UPDATED: Thursday, January 9, 2025 10:04
VIEWED: 13618
PAGE 6 of 8

Friday, January 15, 2021 8:45 AM


Oh, and P.S.....

Enjoy the renewed illegal wars with the Middle East.


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Friday, January 15, 2021 8:54 AM


2020 Recap:

Kamala Harris: "They're not going to stop ... this is a movement ... They're not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not."

Squad member: "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives"

Maxine Waters: "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere"

Nancy Pelosi: "I just don't know why there are not uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be."

Chris Cuomo: "show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time"

Biden calls Trump supporters "Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists."


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Friday, January 15, 2021 8:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG: This is simple folks. Sig kiki and Jack are playing lawyer for Trump and the insurgents... blah blah blah

There's a difference between defending Trump ang crticizing his critics (i.e. you) but you haven't figured that out yet, despite the fact that I've posted this a few times already.

IMHO you're believing, and are getting hysterical about, disinformation. There are REAL criticisms of Trump to be made, but you've been laser-focused on made-up stuff. Also, acting like jack-asses and advocating mob rule, blowing thru our Constitutional protecctions (free speech, innocent until proven guilty, elected reprsentation etc) as if they weren't there.

When you're ready to stop browbeating and defaming anyone who disagrees with you, meet me in "Trump: Good, bad, and ugly" because I'm ready to discuss Trump's REAL record, just not the deep-state's made-up stuff the media has you frothing about.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, January 15, 2021 8:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Gawd I can’t believe people are still defending that jerk ??

You mean the best US President in a lifetime?

The guy who was so effective that the Establishment destroyed Democracy in America to make sure we didn't have four more years with his guidance?

Yeah. People are still defending him.

Trump increased the National Debt by $7.8 trillion.

In his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump said he would "get rid" of the national debt during eight years in office, but instead of addressing the national debt during his four years in office, the Trump administration oversaw a significant increase even before the COVID-19 pandemic forced the government to pass massive stimulus legislation.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Everything was fine until The Establishment collaborated with China on the plandemic and killed the US economy.

This was a multi-national coup.

Had Covid never happened the steal wouldn't have been possible because even Never-Trumpers wouldn't have believed he lost.

Be sure to tell your grand-kids to be thankful to you for enslaving them to debt while they were children so there was only 4 years of Trump.

Trump increased the debt by $3.3 trillion in 3 years. The next $4.5 trillion was a bribe to voters in 2020 to reelect Trump. 6ix, you failed to notice that, didn't you? But you did take the bribe money, right?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 9:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


MAGON'S: Gawd I can’t believe people are still defending that jerk ??

SIX: You mean the best US President in a lifetime?
The guy who was so effective that the Establishment destroyed Democracy in America to make sure we didn't have four more years with his guidance?
Yeah. People are still defending him.

SEOND: Trump increased the National Debt by $7.8 trillion.

In his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump said he would "get rid" of the national debt during eight years in office, but instead of addressing the national debt during his four years in office, the Trump administration oversaw a significant increase even before the COVID-19 pandemic forced the government to pass massive stimulus legislation.

SIX: Everything was fine until The Establishment collaborated with China on the plandemic and killed the US economy. This was a multi-national coup.
Had Covid never happened the steal wouldn't have been possible because even Never-Trumpers wouldn't have believed he lost.

Be sure to tell your grand-kids to be thankful to you for enslaving them to debt while they were children so there was only 4 years of Trump.

SECOND: Trump increased the debt by $3.3 trillion in his 3 years. The next $4.5 trillion was a bribe to voters in 2020 to reelect Trump. 6ix, you failed to notice that, didn't you? But you did take the bribe money, right?

The thing that Trump made an issue of was JOBS, an issue that no other Republicans, and no Democrat, has touched, no matter how "woke" and "progressive" they are. Trump - or ANY USA President, for that matter- doesn't have the capacity to rebuild American manufacturing until s/he has the capacity to direct investment into rebuilding steel mills, chip fabs, textile mills, chemical and pharmaceutical plants and the myriad of other productive facilities that belong in a balanced, healthy economy. But making an issue of CHINA's predation on America's manufacturing sector and IDing the problem to the American worker was the right thing to do.

Not to worry: Biden* is in China's pocket, and our host relationshipwith China and other foregn nations will be restored and all will be well*. Even if Biden* has to destroy the Constitution and the dollar to stuff his brand of transnational fascism down everyone's throat.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, January 15, 2021 9:18 AM


2020 Recap:

Kamala Harris: "They're not going to stop ... this is a movement ... They're not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not."

Squad member: "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives"

Maxine Waters: "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere"

Nancy Pelosi: "I just don't know why there are not uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be."

Chris Cuomo: "show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time"

Biden calls Trump supporters "Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists."


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Friday, January 15, 2021 9:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
2020 Recap:

Kamala Harris: "They're not going to stop ... this is a movement ... They're not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not."

Squad member: "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives"

Maxine Waters: "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere"

Nancy Pelosi: "I just don't know why there are not uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be."

Chris Cuomo: "show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time"

Biden calls Trump supporters "Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists."


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, January 15, 2021 9:27 AM


I have a whole thread that proves trumptards are terrorists. They are by far the most dangerous terrorists in the US today.

That is objective fact, not opinion. You guys could use more facts in your sad troll lives.


Friday, January 15, 2021 9:34 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Trump is continuing what Obama started, but instead pf giving $17 trillion to the banks, some money actually came to Main Street. And just watch, Biden* isn't going to do any better, in fact he'll do a lot worse.

The thing that Trump made an issue of was JOBS, an issue that no other Republicans, and no Democrat, has touched, no matter how "woke" and "progressive" they are.

Trump is the first President to have fewer jobs at the end of his term than at the beginning. So much for "The thing that Trump made an issue of was JOBS"

Signym is using the classic political rhetoric tactic of whataboutism when looking at Trump's National Debt increase.

The tactic behind whataboutism has been around for a long time. Rhetoricians generally consider it to be a form of tu quoque, which means "you too" in Latin and involves charging your accuser with whatever it is you've just been accused of rather than refuting the truth of the accusation made against you. Tu quoque is considered to be a logical fallacy, because whether or not the original accuser is likewise guilty of an offense has no bearing on the truth value of the original accusation.

Signym did not touch Trump calling for Biden's assassination. No President has ever done what Trump did. A rerun from page 5 of this thread:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SECONDRATE, if a nuclear power station blows up, do you just shrug and say "Oh well, better luck next time" and continue on as before? Or do you try to find out what went wrong and mitigate the problem in your next design?

There is ALWAYS time to do better

Do you remember Trump's words about "Stop the Steal"? The Trumptards in Texas understood that to mean Biden stole the election. The Trumptards understood that somebody, obviously not themselves because they weren't Big Damn Heroes and they were too busy to fly to Delaware where Biden's home is, ought to "Stop Biden".

Biden won't concede that he lost the election and that Trump won by a landslide. Some Big Damn Hero needs to "Stop the Steal" and Stop Biden from Stealing the White House. I wonder what is the most direct way to Stop Biden, now that V.P. Mike Pence was too cowardly to Stop Biden? Marching in the streets on January 6th didn't Stop Biden from Stealing. Some well educated Trumptard will remember who are Lee Harvey Oswald and John Hinckley Jr. It is the next logical step the Trumptards will take to "Stop the Steal" and to Stop Biden.

Jan 4, 2021: “The fact is we won the presidential election, we won it big. And we're going to win tomorrow,” Trump said at an outdoor rally Monday night. "The Democrats are trying to steal the White House. You just cannot let them steal the Senate."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 10:15 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
2020 Recap:

Kamala Harris: "They're not going to stop ... this is a movement ... They're not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not."

Squad member: "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives"

Maxine Waters: "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere"

Nancy Pelosi: "I just don't know why there are not uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be."

Chris Cuomo: "show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time"

Biden calls Trump supporters "Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists."

2020 DEAD Americans Recap:

Kamala Harris, Squad member, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Cuomo, Joe Biden: 0

Donald Trump: 200,000? 300,000? funny?


Friday, January 15, 2021 10:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The lawyer for the “QAnon shaman” who was part of the deadly siege of the Capitol last week publicly petitioned President Donald Trump on Thursday to pardon his client.

In an interview on CNN, attorney Albert Watkins said his client, Jacob Chansley, “felt like he was answering the call of our president” when he stormed the nation’s seat of government last Wednesday during a riot that resulted in the deaths of at least five people.

Watkins, Chansley’s attorney, said on Thursday that his client, “like a lot of other disenfranchised people in our country, felt very, very, very solidly in sync” with the president — suggesting Chansley was incited to storm the Capitol in Trump’s name.

“He felt like his voice was, for the first time, being heard,” Watkins said. “And what ended up happening, over the course of the lead-up to the election, over the course of the period from the election to Jan. 6 — it was a driving force by a man he hung his hat on, he hitched his wagon to. He loved Trump. Every word, he listens to him.” These words:

“If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” Trump said. He also said that “you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

“We all have to understand that the words that were spoken by the president meant something, not just to my client. They meant something to a lot of people,” Watkins said in his interview.

“They listened to those words. And those words meant something to them. And they had a right to rely on the words of their president that was strewed forth worldwide,” he said. “And they did. And now they’re turning around [and] they’re getting arrested, as well many should be.”

Nevertheless, Trump “needs to stand up and own these people,” Watkins argued. “He has an obligation to them. He has an obligation to our nation. It’s not going to happen.”

Pressed by host Chris Cuomo on what exactly he would like Trump to do, Watkins replied: “Oh, give a pardon.”

Prosecutors also said Chansley had expressed his intention of returning to Washington, D.C., for President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration next week. But Chansley can't be there because of being in jail.

Watkins went on to compare the president’s supporters who stormed the Capitol to the Jonestown cult members who committed mass suicide at their settlement in Guyana in 1978: “You know the only thing different here? There’s no Kool-Aid.” I laughed out loud. Drinking the Kool-Aid concisely describes the Texas Trumptards I know.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 11:00 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Trump is the first President to have fewer jobs at the end of his term than at the beginning. So much for "The thing that Trump made an issue of was JOBS"

That's NOT TRUE.

If you're quoting, your 'source' is wrong, If you're pretending to quote, then you're wrong (both for inserting your fabrication into a quoted 'source' and for your made-up fact).

I'll give you one shining example of a president that lost jobs during his term: Hoover.

Do you want another one? Lincoln.

Even more, the numbers of employed should automatically go up with the population. So unemployment (or employment ) RATES are the figure to quote.

Nixon had higher unemployment at the end of his presidency. So did Truman, Eisenhower, Ford, and Regan.


Friday, January 15, 2021 11:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:


Trump is the first President to have fewer jobs at the end of his term than at the beginning. So much for "The thing that Trump made an issue of was JOBS"

That's NOT TRUE.

If you're quoting, your 'source' is wrong, If you're pretending to quote then you're wrong (both for inserting you fabrication into a quoted 'source' and for your made-up fact).

I'll give you one shining example of a president that lost jobs during his term: Hoover. Another one? Lincoln.

My source was Signym for this quote: The thing that Trump made an issue of was JOBS, an issue that no other Republicans, and no Democrat, has touched, no matter how "woke" and "progressive" they are.

And as for your claim that Hoover and Lincoln lost jobs, 1kiki, show me your proof. It doesn't exist because neither President wanted to know. Only since World War II has the government routinely collected data on employment. So that means there is solid data on the last 13 presidents, including Trump, not all 45 presidents.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 11:29 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Sure, sure, SECOND. Tell us how the Civil War
and the Great Depression were noted for their robust job growth. And ignore my link from the NYTimes about unemployment since WWII.

In fact - post some more lies!

After you ...


Friday, January 15, 2021 11:37 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Sure, sure, SECOND. Tell us how the Civil war and the Great Depression were noted for their robust job growth. And ignore my link from the NYTimes about unemployment since WWII.

In fact - post some more lies!

After you ...

Biden’s claim that Trump will be the first president with a negative jobs record

Here’s how the jobs records compare, with the presidents listed in the order of how many jobs were created. For presidents who did not take office in January, we started with the first month with a pay period on the 12th. Trump’s numbers are as of Biden’s debate comment.

Bill Clinton: 22.745 million jobs
Ronald Reagan: 16.322 million
Barack Obama: 12.503 million
Lyndon B. Johnson: 12.338 million
Jimmy Carter: 10.117 million
Harry S. Truman: 9.035 million
Richard Nixon: 8.911 million
John F. Kennedy: 3.804 million
Dwight D. Eisenhower: 3.218 million
George H.W. Bush: 2.617 million
Gerald R. Ford: 2.378 million
George W. Bush: 0.523 million
Donald Trump: -4.901 million

But these are just raw numbers. Given how the U.S. working-age population has increased dramatically over the last 75 years, let’s look at the records by the percentage gain in jobs during a presidency. Under that measure, here’s how the 13 presidents rank.

Harry S. Truman: +22 percent
Lyndon B. Johnson: +21.5 percent
Bill Clinton: +20.5 percent
Ronald Reagan: +18 percent
Richard M. Nixon: +13 percent
Jimmy Carter: +12.5 percent
Barack Obama: +9.5 percent
John F. Kennedy: +7 percent
Dwight D. Eisenhower: +6.5 percent
Gerald R. Ford: +3 percent
George H.W. Bush: +2.5 percent
George W. Bush: +0.5 percent
Donald Trump: -3.5 percent

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 11:43 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Sure, sure, SECOND. Tell us how the Civil War
and the Great Depression were noted for their robust job growth. And ignore my link from the NYTimes about unemployment since WWII.

In fact - post some more lies!

After you ...


Originally posted by 1KIKI:Even more, the numbers of employed should automatically go up with the population. So unemployment (or employment ) RATES are the figure to quote.

Nixon had higher unemployment at the end of his presidency. So did Truman, Eisenhower, Ford, and Regan.

Next time you try to "refute' a post of mine, try addressing the facts I posted.

And btw, Trump isn't the *only* president to have lost jobs during his presidency. That's a crock that even your own source refutes by bringing up Hoover as an example. And even your own 'source' ducks the question about its truthiness.


We cannot in good conscience give this claim a Geppetto Checkmark, so we will leave this unrated.


Friday, January 15, 2021 11:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Next time you try to "refute' a post of mine, try addressing the facts I posted.

Trump's job creating record is the worst on record. Pay attention to the word "record". You can't actually compare records of Presidents from before the President started collected the data that makes up the record. If the President didn't count how many people were employed, there is no record, leaving only guesses. Imagine how hard it is to know who was the slowest marathon runner in history before there were stopwatches measuring the time. It is unknowable. Who is the worst President in history at creating jobs when jobs are not being measured? It is unknowable. But once there were records for jobs, Trump set a new record for worst.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 12:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yeah, you GUESS the Great Depression never happened, that there were no bread lines, or mass poverty, and Hoover was STELLAR!!

And even YOUR OWN SOURCE don't mention Hoover (though it does ...). And even YOUR OWN SOURCE backs up the claim (even though it doesn't ...).


And btw, Trump isn't the *only* president to have lost jobs during his presidency. That's a crock that even your own source refutes by bringing up Hoover as an example. And even your own 'source' ducks the question about its truthiness.


We cannot in good conscience give this claim a Geppetto Checkmark, so we will leave this unrated.


Friday, January 15, 2021 12:32 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Yeah, you GUESS the Great Depression never happened, that there were no bread lines, or mass poverty, and Hoover was STELLAR!!

Donald Trump's proven record of job destruction is better than Herbert Hoover's opinions about how many jobs he destroyed. If there is a Presidential election between Trump vs Hoover, who would win based on jobs destroyed? At least Hoover didn't call on his true believers to overthrow FDR, so Hoover has got my vote. Also, Hoover was at FDR's Inauguration. Trump won't be at Biden's. Trump is the sorriest sore loser in American History.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover in convertible automobile on way to U.S. Capitol for Roosevelt's inauguration, March 4, 1933, Library of Congress

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 1:01 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Why are you even mentioning "Herbert Hoover's opinions" about his jobs record? There are plenty of historical and economic sources who do that.

Meanwhile ... let's get back to your ridiculous insistence that Trump has the worst jobs record OF ALL THE PRESIDENTS IN US HISTORY - a claim that even your 'source' couldn't stomach.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Yeah, you GUESS the Great Depression never happened, that there were no bread lines, or mass poverty, and Hoover was STELLAR!!

And even YOUR OWN SOURCE don't mention Hoover (though it does ...). And even YOUR OWN SOURCE backs up the claim (even though it doesn't ...).


And btw, Trump isn't the *only* president to have lost jobs during his presidency. That's a crock that even your own source refutes by bringing up Hoover as an example. And even your own 'source' ducks the question about its truthiness.


We cannot in good conscience give this claim a Geppetto Checkmark, so we will leave this unrated.


Friday, January 15, 2021 1:20 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Why are you even mentioning "Herbert Hoover's opinions" about his jobs record? There are plenty of historical and economic sources who do that.

Every Trumptard in Texas argues exactly like you do. They can't back down because their gearbox has no reverse. That inability doesn't serve them well, certainly not economically, socially nor politically. Trump has another very fine record, as good as his job killing record: most prisoners executed. Texas Trumptards like that record, thinking that is another reason Trump won and Biden lost.

Trump's last days in office marred by disregard for human life. Death penalty just another example. Trump reinstated federal executions after nearly 20 years, with three slated for this week. When will the U.S. drop the practice and join other Western nations?

Another two executions are planned before Joe Biden takes over the presidency, with Corey Johnson and Dustin Higgs due to receive lethal injections - despite fierce objections from lawyers and activists. Should this occur, some 26 per cent of all federal executions since 1927 will have been conducted in less than seven months, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The situation prompted Amnesty International Australia to write to Foreign Minister Marise Payne earlier this month, asking her to urge Mr Trump to call the remaining executions off.

Trump executing prisoners and Trump insinuating Biden deserves to die for stealing the election is cut from the same bolt of cloth.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 1:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by reaverfan:
I have a whole thread that proves trumptards are terrorists. They are by far the most dangerous terrorists in the US today.
That is objective fact, not opinion. You guys could use more facts in your sad troll lives.

Your method of "proving" anything (yanno, like RUSSIA!RUSSIA! and "Russian troll") is repeating the accusation over and over, fortified by others doing the same thing.

In fact, I seem to recall going to one of YOUR articles which mentioned FOUR (out of 80) arrestees who were rightwing, but failed to mention what political flavor the other 76 were.

What lacks evidence lacks credibility.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, January 15, 2021 2:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
I have a whole thread that proves trumptards are terrorists. They are by far the most dangerous terrorists in the US today.
That is objective fact, not opinion. You guys could use more facts in your sad troll lives.

Your method of "proving" anything (yanno, like RUSSIA!RUSSIA! and "Russian troll") is repeating the accusation over and over, fortified by others doing the same thing.

In fact, I seem to recall going to one of YOUR articles which mentioned FOUR (out of 80) arrestees who who rightwing, but failed to mention what political flavor the other 76 were.

What lacks evidence lacks credibility.

There is an abundance of evidence about Trump, but evidence doesn't enforce laws. There are a large number of steps, which can be delayed by clever lawyering, between evidence of Trump's crimes and criminal Trump being punished.

1) A rap sheet for a former president
If Trump is prosecuted, obstruction of justice, bribery and conspiracy to defraud the U.S. could be among the charges.

2) Donald Trump Has Hidden Evidence Of His Crimes For Years. Joe Biden Can Expose It. The new administration should open the books and expose the Trump administration’s misdeeds.

3) The People v. Donald J. Trump. The criminal case against him is already in the works — and it could go to trial sooner than you think.

4) to 11,900,000 more pieces of evidence about Trump's crimes:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 2:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I see SECOND is arguing nonsense again. About JOBS ...

1) SECOND, what you posted was factually wrong, and

2) Nearly every nation that got hit with Covid showed a spike in unemployment. It's not Trump's economic policy to blame, but his response to Covid-19, which could have been handled with much less disruption and fewer lives lost.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, January 15, 2021 2:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I see SECOND is arguing nonsense again. About JOBS ...

1) SECOND, what you posted was factually wrong, and

2) Nearly every nation that got hit with Covid showed a spike in unemployment. It's not Trump's economic policy to blame, but his response to Covid-19, which could have been handled with much less disruption and fewer lives lost.

Hey moron, not handling Covid-19 was predicted to crash the economy. Every country run by a fat dumb disorganized fucker like Trump has done badly. Boris Johnson, the fat dumb prime minister who can't shut the hell up, crashed the UK.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 15, 2021 4:07 PM


SECOND, I've checked out the last few posts in this thread. It's official, you've destroyed kiki and Sig, our resident trolls. It's also telling they don't mind looking stupid and coming across as liars. Again and again and again and again. It's definitely a mental heath issue.



Friday, January 15, 2021 4:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Look here! SECOND describes - himself! as he reverts to trolling and completely bails on the topic.

Every Trumptard in Texas argues exactly like I do. I can't back down because my gearbox has no reverse.
That's what happens when HIS OWN SOURCE fails to support his argument and his insistence it's true!

Trump is the first President to have fewer jobs at the end of his term than at the beginning.

We cannot in good conscience give this claim a Geppetto Checkmark, so we will leave this unrated.

Are you better than a stupid republican?


Friday, January 15, 2021 4:52 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Look here! SECOND describes - himself! as he reverts to trolling and completely bails on the topic.

Every Trumptard in Texas argues exactly like I do. I can't back down because my gearbox has no reverse.
That's what happens when HIS OWN SOURCE fails to support his argument and his insistence it true!

Trump is the first President to have fewer jobs at the end of his term than at the beginning.

We cannot in good conscience give this claim a Geppetto Checkmark, so we will leave this unrated.

Are you better than a stupid republican?

You got owned again, Russian troll. Go away.


Friday, January 15, 2021 5:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Hey moron, not handling Covid-19 was predicted to crash the economy. Every country run by a fat dumb disorganized fucker like Trump has done badly. Boris Johnson, the fat dumb prime minister who can't shut the hell up, crashed the UK.
Alessandro Mancini and Grazia Zafferani crashed San Marino. Alexander De Croo crashed Belgium. Giuseppe Conte crashed Italy. Prince Hans-Adam II crashed Liechtenstein. Sergio Mattarella and Pedro Sánchez crashed Spain. Macron crashed France. Stefan Löfven crashed Sweden. Guy Parmelin crashed Switzerland. David-Maria Sassoli crashed the EU. Merkel crashed Germany. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa crashed Portugal.

And so on.

Looking at the numbers, I can see that the world falls into 5 categories.

Rich nations with a lot to loose by shutting down that experienced an economic contraction

Poor nations with a lot to loose by shutting down that experienced an economic contraction

Nations so poor they can't even begin to test sufficiently that experienced an economic contraction.

Nations that took measures to stop COVID-19 no matter what it took in terms of liberties and their economy that experienced an economic contraction

Nations where we don't believe anything they say that may or may not have had epidemic COVID-19 that may or may not have experienced an economic contraction

Now, was Trump PARTICULARLY inept in handling COVID-19? I'd say so! Despite our estimation of ourselves as the indispensable nation, we had more per capita deaths than poor nations we think of as backwards, like Serbia, or Croatia, or Bosnia-Herzegovina. We could and should have done better.

But nothing could have saved the US from job loss and economic contraction.


Friday, January 15, 2021 5:45 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
2020 Recap:

Kamala Harris: "They're not going to stop ... this is a movement ... They're not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not."

Squad member: "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives"

Maxine Waters: "If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere"

Nancy Pelosi: "I just don't know why there are not uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be."

Chris Cuomo: "show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time"

Biden calls Trump supporters "Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists."

2020 DEAD Americans Recap:

Kamala Harris, Squad member, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Cuomo, Joe Biden: 0

Donald Trump: 200,000? 300,000? funny?

In your alternate reality maybe.

Scary place your brain lives in.


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Friday, January 15, 2021 9:48 PM


US police three times as likely to use force against leftwing protesters, data finds
Law enforcement responses to more than 13,000 protests show a clear disparity in responses, new statistics show

The statistics, based on law enforcement responses to more than 13,000 protests across the United States since April 2020, show a clear disparity in how agencies have responded to the historic wave of Black Lives Matter protests against police violence, compared with demonstrations organized by Trump supporters.
Given the DC police complicity in what happened, who could be surprised?


Saturday, January 16, 2021 12:44 AM


Funny. No mention about how there are more Leftist "demonstrations" in a weekend than there were Trump gatherings in 4 years.


Fuck your "facts".


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Saturday, January 16, 2021 4:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

People prominently filmed, and arrested bc of the DC riot, include a BLM activist, a CNN reporter, and many unaffiliated non-voters and registered Democrats. I've edited the article for brevity. it was wordy.


Rush to judgment on Trump? Multiple leftists arrested for Capitol riot
By Monica Showalter

When the Capitol riots happened on Jan. 6, the blame of President Trump was all over.

Supposedly, he was the instigator... Nancy Pelosi declared Trump guilty and rushed a crazily hasty second impeachment just days before Trump's exit...

The press also rushed to judgment — even the Wall Street Journal's editorial writers, claiming that Trump's political capital and credibility was now gone and he'd never run for president again.

But as news of the arrests comes out, showing who these branded Trump so-called supporters are, the conventional argument is starting to splinter apart.

The arrests made in the riots case are starting to show the kind of people who like to riot, which is to say extreme leftists.

Start with this freak, as reported by Fox News:

A left-wing activist who told Fox News last week that he'd followed a pro-Trump mob into the Capitol in order to "document" the siege is now the subject of a criminal complaint [by the] U.S. Justice Department.

John Sullivan can allegedly be heard egging on protesters in video he provided to the FBI, according to a federal criminal complaint...

He was charged Thursday in federal court in Washington after being arrested by the FBI. ... [and] remains in custody in ... Utah, on a U.S. Marshals Service hold request.
... he was a Black Lives Matter activist ... [who]... was caught on video bragging about posing as a Trump-supporter.

He had a pal, too, from CNN. According to this report from TrendingPolitics:

On Thursday night, damning new footage showed CNN's Jade Sacker inside of the Capitol with John Sullivan, the BLM member who was charged by federal prosecutors for inciting chaos on January 6th. Sacker co-conspired with the liberal activist in order to cause chaos and make Trump supporters look bad. The shocking video shows her and Sullivan celebrating and shouting "We did it!" when they got the footage they were looking for. ...

Verified twitter user Amuse breaks everything down in further detail in a series of tweets.

"To make this clear. CNN was embedded with BLM/Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters taping them incite a riot. This is freaking huge. If CNN is allowed to maintain its press access anywhere in DC there needs to be a serious overhaul of our entire system," he tweeted.

Here's another one, who showed up with furs, and also got himself arrested. According to the New York Post:

Aaron Mostofsky was busted Tuesday at his brother's house in Brooklyn by federal agents on multiple charges, including theft of government property for allegedly stealing a police riot shield and bulletproof vest, the source said.

Mostofsky, who is the son of Shlomo Mostofsky, a Supreme Court judge and a prominent figure in the Orthodox Jewish community, was photographed with both items.

Video circulating on Twitter following Mostofsky's arrest shows FBI agents swarming the home and carting out what appeared to be the fur pelts and walking stick he had on him during the insurrection.

His politics? According to this report, registered Democrat.

Even the press is starting to notice that the pieces aren't fitting together. Rather than a picture of all wicked and crazed Trump-supporters, charging the Capitol, leftist news outfit Bloomberg reported that its survey of various parties involved, including those who died or were arrested, didn't paint the desired picture. Conclusion?

Many of those shown in news footage had no party affiliation and voted sporadically, if at all.

Bloomberg's survey of the players showed that only the people who died of medical emergencies seemed to be fully normal Republican voters — the rest didn't vote at all, voted sporadically, voted Libertarian, independent, or Democrat, and in general were fringe players. Bloomberg, missing that obvious conclusion, seemed to consider these mostly arrested characters "Trump's people" and Trump's "base," in a bid to still pin the riots on Trump. But how anyone who votes Democrat or doesn't vote at all could be a part of Trump's rise and the huge crowds he draws was never actually explained. for Trump. This isn't rocket science.

More and more, it looks as though Trump was framed. This, in addition to transcripts not bearing out the claims that Trump called for an attack on the Capitol, as well as the inconvenient timeline — the FBI put out warnings of plans for disturbances days earlier, and the attack on the Capitol began before President Trump finished speaking and probably uttered the words the Democrats literally impeached him on.

It was a rush to judgment, a failure to look at facts...

Not the first, second, third, fourth, or even fifth time that's happened in four years ...

... The rush to judgment, incidentally, didn't affect just President Trump, who got a second impeachment from it....

Here's a blameless man named David Quintavalle, a retired Chicago firefighter, who was falsely accused of being the person who hurled the fire extinguisher that killed police officer Brian Sicknick, who, by the way, really was a Trump-supporter.

According to The Patch of Chicago:

The retired Chicago firefighter from Mount Greenwood — whom social media trolls called a "terrorist" and accused of fatally wielding a fire extinguisher that killed a cop as a mob of Trump-supporting insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 — was grocery shopping and celebrating his wife's birthday in Chicago, Patch has learned.

... Quintavalle had all his receipts and proofs. But this is how the left's rush to judgment went for him:

By Tuesday night, Quintavalle began getting angry calls from people saying he's a "f------ murderer" who belongs in jail. TV news reporters had staked out his house. Chicago police dispatched a patrol car to keep watch overnight, as well, his lawyer said.

Some folks got ridiculed for tweeting that Quintavalle wasn't "the guy" and his facial features don't match those of the man wanted for questioning by the FBI. One post claimed that tweets disputing Quintavalle's involvement in the U.S. Capitol insurrection were pushed by trolling Twitter "bots with practically no followers coming out of the woodwork."

Why didn't they just call them "Russian trolls"? That's what they seem to do around HERE when people insist on facts!


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, January 16, 2021 4:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Another bogus accusation bites the dust


US Official Refutes Arizona Prosecutors' Claims About Rioters Plans To "Capture & Assassinate" Politicians

Update (1730ET): Having already seen DHS refute the FBI's fearmongering over "online chatter",

Oh noes! The FBI lied? AGAIN??

noting that there were in fact "no credible threats," the top Federal prosecutor has just been forced to refute what appears be lies about strong evidence about assassination squads in The Capitol by Arizona state prosecutors.
MORE OH NOES! Arizona state prosecutors lied too???

What is the establishment coming to?


Having made every mainstream media's news-cycle today, and done a great job of ratcheting up the fear to '11'... Between The FBI 'lies' and these local prosecutors' 'lies', one might just get the impression that fear is being ratcheted up for political gain and to enable Patriot Act II's crackdown on "domestic terrorism" to more easily slide between the cheeks of an anxious American public desperate to be saved from this terror - to hell with liberty, just do something!


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, January 16, 2021 8:36 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump is on an execution spree. If you asked, he'd say blame the convicted, not himself, as if these executions are normal. Who is to blame for 5 people dead during the Capitol Building Riot? If you asked Trump, he'd say 'Not me'. But it was him, same as it was him restarting the executions in Federal prisons.

Dustin John Higgs was executed in the early hours of Saturday morning becoming the 13th and last federal death row inmate to be executed by Trump. Higgs maintained his innocence until his death. The tone of his voice was calm but defiant as he said his last words, "I'd like to say I am an innocent man," he said, mentioning the three women by name. "I did not order the murders," the report said.

Attorney General William Barr resumed federal executions in July 2019 after a 17-year hiatus to bring "justice to victims of the most horrific crimes." The federal government has authorized the executions of 13 federal death row inmates in about six months.

The Biden campaign has spoken out against the federal death penalty, due in part to the amount of wrongfully convicted inmates who have been given these sentences.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 16, 2021 9:11 AM


lol Fucking CNN. They're David Copperfield on meth.


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Saturday, January 16, 2021 9:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
lol Fucking CNN. They're David Copperfield on meth.

The insurrection at the US Capitol has sparked a political firestorm and unnerved millions of Americans. It has also unleashed a wave of criticism over the role played by pro-Trump media outlets such as Fox News, which fed lies and conspiracy theories about the election to angry supporters of the president for weeks.

"The mob that stormed and desecrated the Capitol ... could not have existed in a country that hadn't been radicalized by the likes of [Fox News hosts] Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, and swayed by biased news coverage," wrote Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan.

But are the airwaves of any democracy free of this kind of harmful propaganda and downright fiction? The United Kingdom, for one, comes pretty close.

Though the UK media scene is defined in part by a freewheeling and often partisan tabloid press with its own share of conspiracy theories, its TV news channels largely frame their coverage down the middle, with broadcasters such as the BBC and ITV maintaining high levels of public trust. Rupert Murdoch's Fox News is no longer on air in the country after failing to generate a significant viewer base.

A big factor in this is media regulator Ofcom, which enforces rules on impartiality and accuracy for all news broadcasters. Those who breach the rules can be censured or fined — putting pressure on TV channels to play stories fairly straight.

Russian state-funded news channel RT, for example, was slapped with a £200,000 ($272,000) penalty for repeatedly breaking impartiality rules in its 2018 coverage of the poisonings of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, as well as the conflict in Syria. It has not been fined since.

"What the impartiality rules do is ensure you cannot have the kind of shock jock culture — a far right, or indeed far left, one-sided interpretation of events," said Steven Barnett, a professor of media and communication at the University of Westminster.

The UK system isn't perfect. A review of BBC coverage ahead of the 2016 Brexit referendum found that its main news program was more negative on the European Union than Russian President Vladimir Putin. And two new media ventures expected to launch shortly could again push the limits of what's allowed. But according to experts, the framework has protected against the kind of disinformation peddled by Fox News in the United States.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 16, 2021 9:35 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
lol Fucking CNN. They're David Copperfield on meth.

The insurrection at the US Capitol has sparked a political firestorm and unnerved millions of Americans. It has also unleashed a wave of criticism over the role played by pro-Trump media outlets such as Fox News, which fed lies and conspiracy theories about the election to angry supporters of the president for weeks.

This message brought to you by the competition.

"Watch our fake news over other fake news. And when you buy your car insurance, cell phone plans and boner pills, tell 'em Rachel Maddow sent ya!"


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Saturday, January 16, 2021 9:45 AM


It should be apparent to those who are mainstream that Signym kiki and Jack are on full troll mode. They’re very sick and can’t seem to reenter the realm of reality. Their Neuroscience exposes that they create their own concept of truth, therefore theirs is an alternate reality. It’s very sad but their strategy is to create turmoil. To garner attention to themselves.

Having irresponsible opinions based on alternate untrue truths, makes it very obvious what place in society they fit into. Guys, your noxious perceptiveness, your unhealthy reality is on full display. I want you three to know that is what you project to others. That is what I and the other mainstreamers here see.



Saturday, January 16, 2021 9:49 AM



Originally posted by THG:
It should be apparent to those who are mainstream that Signym kiki and Jack are on full troll mode. They’re very sick and can’t seem to reenter the realm of reality. Their Neuroscience exposes that they create their own concept of truth, therefore theirs is an alternate reality. It’s very sad but their strategy is to create turmoil. To garner attention to themselves.

Having irresponsible opinions based on alternate untrue truths, makes it very obvious what place in society they fit into. Guys, your noxious perceptiveness, your unhealthy reality is on full display. I want you three to know that is what you project to others. That is what I and the others here see.

lol Okay, Dr. Ted.

Enjoy the rest of your day being a good little worker bee and spreading the terror.

You're seriously such a piece of shit dude.

Oh, and fix your signature again, idiot. Haken should take your HTML privileges away from you.


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Saturday, January 16, 2021 9:58 AM


For someone sucking on a government teat, Jack sure is antigovernment.



Saturday, January 16, 2021 10:01 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:
It should be apparent to those who are mainstream that Signym kiki and Jack are on full troll mode. They’re very sick and can’t seem to reenter the realm of reality. Their Neuroscience exposes that they create their own concept of truth, therefore theirs is an alternate reality. It’s very sad but their strategy is to create turmoil. To garner attention to themselves.

Having irresponsible opinions based on alternate untrue truths, makes it very obvious what place in society they fit into. Guys, your noxious perceptiveness, your unhealthy reality is on full display. I want you three to know that is what you project to others. That is what I and the others here see.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

This message brought to you by the competition.

"Watch our fake news over other fake news. And when you buy your car insurance, cell phone plans and boner pills, tell 'em Rachel Maddow sent ya!"

I don't think any Trumptard has a grip on reality. They all think they do, and loudly, constantly, falsely proclaim their superiority, but "the proof of the pudding is in the eating," the old proverb that the real value of something can be judged only from practical experience or results and not from appearance or theory or falsified claims. I'm just going by how I see the Trumptards spend their time when not voting and the crappy lives Trumptards actually have, lives that no President could fix for these fakers.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, January 16, 2021 10:12 AM





Saturday, January 16, 2021 10:28 AM




Saturday, January 16, 2021 10:30 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
People prominently filmed, and arrested bc of the DC riot, include a BLM activist, a CNN reporter, and many unaffiliated non-voters and registered Democrats. I've edited the article for brevity. it was wordy.


Rush to judgment on Trump? Multiple leftists arrested for Capitol riot
By Monica Showalter

When the Capitol riots happened on Jan. 6, the blame of President Trump was all over.

Supposedly, he was the instigator... Nancy Pelosi declared Trump guilty and rushed a crazily hasty second impeachment just days before Trump's exit...

The press also rushed to judgment — even the Wall Street Journal's editorial writers, claiming that Trump's political capital and credibility was now gone and he'd never run for president again.

But as news of the arrests comes out, showing who these branded Trump so-called supporters are, the conventional argument is starting to splinter apart.

The arrests made in the riots case are starting to show the kind of people who like to riot, which is to say extreme leftists.

Start with this freak, as reported by Fox News:

A left-wing activist who told Fox News last week that he'd followed a pro-Trump mob into the Capitol in order to "document" the siege is now the subject of a criminal complaint [by the] U.S. Justice Department.

John Sullivan can allegedly be heard egging on protesters in video he provided to the FBI, according to a federal criminal complaint...

He was charged Thursday in federal court in Washington after being arrested by the FBI. ... [and] remains in custody in ... Utah, on a U.S. Marshals Service hold request.
... he was a Black Lives Matter activist ... [who]... was caught on video bragging about posing as a Trump-supporter.

He had a pal, too, from CNN. According to this report from TrendingPolitics:

On Thursday night, damning new footage showed CNN's Jade Sacker inside of the Capitol with John Sullivan, the BLM member who was charged by federal prosecutors for inciting chaos on January 6th. Sacker co-conspired with the liberal activist in order to cause chaos and make Trump supporters look bad. The shocking video shows her and Sullivan celebrating and shouting "We did it!" when they got the footage they were looking for. ...

Verified twitter user Amuse breaks everything down in further detail in a series of tweets.

"To make this clear. CNN was embedded with BLM/Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters taping them incite a riot. This is freaking huge. If CNN is allowed to maintain its press access anywhere in DC there needs to be a serious overhaul of our entire system," he tweeted.

Here's another one, who showed up with furs, and also got himself arrested. According to the New York Post:

Aaron Mostofsky was busted Tuesday at his brother's house in Brooklyn by federal agents on multiple charges, including theft of government property for allegedly stealing a police riot shield and bulletproof vest, the source said.

Mostofsky, who is the son of Shlomo Mostofsky, a Supreme Court judge and a prominent figure in the Orthodox Jewish community, was photographed with both items.

Video circulating on Twitter following Mostofsky's arrest shows FBI agents swarming the home and carting out what appeared to be the fur pelts and walking stick he had on him during the insurrection.

His politics? According to this report, registered Democrat.

Even the press is starting to notice that the pieces aren't fitting together. Rather than a picture of all wicked and crazed Trump-supporters, charging the Capitol, leftist news outfit Bloomberg reported that its survey of various parties involved, including those who died or were arrested, didn't paint the desired picture. Conclusion?

Many of those shown in news footage had no party affiliation and voted sporadically, if at all.

Bloomberg's survey of the players showed that only the people who died of medical emergencies seemed to be fully normal Republican voters — the rest didn't vote at all, voted sporadically, voted Libertarian, independent, or Democrat, and in general were fringe players. Bloomberg, missing that obvious conclusion, seemed to consider these mostly arrested characters "Trump's people" and Trump's "base," in a bid to still pin the riots on Trump. But how anyone who votes Democrat or doesn't vote at all could be a part of Trump's rise and the huge crowds he draws was never actually explained. for Trump. This isn't rocket science.

More and more, it looks as though Trump was framed. This, in addition to transcripts not bearing out the claims that Trump called for an attack on the Capitol, as well as the inconvenient timeline — the FBI put out warnings of plans for disturbances days earlier, and the attack on the Capitol began before President Trump finished speaking and probably uttered the words the Democrats literally impeached him on.

It was a rush to judgment, a failure to look at facts...

Not the first, second, third, fourth, or even fifth time that's happened in four years ...

... The rush to judgment, incidentally, didn't affect just President Trump, who got a second impeachment from it....

Here's a blameless man named David Quintavalle, a retired Chicago firefighter, who was falsely accused of being the person who hurled the fire extinguisher that killed police officer Brian Sicknick, who, by the way, really was a Trump-supporter.

According to The Patch of Chicago:

The retired Chicago firefighter from Mount Greenwood — whom social media trolls called a "terrorist" and accused of fatally wielding a fire extinguisher that killed a cop as a mob of Trump-supporting insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 — was grocery shopping and celebrating his wife's birthday in Chicago, Patch has learned.

... Quintavalle had all his receipts and proofs. But this is how the left's rush to judgment went for him:

By Tuesday night, Quintavalle began getting angry calls from people saying he's a "f------ murderer" who belongs in jail. TV news reporters had staked out his house. Chicago police dispatched a patrol car to keep watch overnight, as well, his lawyer said.

Some folks got ridiculed for tweeting that Quintavalle wasn't "the guy" and his facial features don't match those of the man wanted for questioning by the FBI. One post claimed that tweets disputing Quintavalle's involvement in the U.S. Capitol insurrection were pushed by trolling Twitter "bots with practically no followers coming out of the woodwork."

Why didn't they just call them "Russian trolls"? That's what they seem to do around HERE when people insist on facts!


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


All you've shown us is that you're a liar, and a predictable one, at that.

The Antifa Lie: Conservative Lawmakers, Pundits Push A Baseless Claim That Leftists Were Behind Capitol Insurrection


Saturday, January 16, 2021 10:37 AM


(NOTE) The website of John Sullivan's "Insurgence USA" looks to me like a recently developed attempt to make the man look like a "leftist" activist. The site says *its entire reason for being* is to honor the life of...

..."Gorge Floyd."

Yes, it really says that. I smell a rat.

The guy was no "leftist," and his website is faked.


Saturday, January 16, 2021 11:37 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by THG:
SECOND, I've checked out the last few posts in this thread. It's official, you've destroyed kiki and Sig, our resident trolls. It's also telling they don't mind looking stupid and coming across as liars. Again and again and again and again. It's definitely a mental heath issue.

It's brutal. Second always eviscerates them - heck, we all do. I'd feel sorry for them if they had any self respect.

Didn't we used to play a game with trolls? Whack a troll?


Saturday, January 16, 2021 11:46 AM


Multiple GOP Lawmakers Collaborated with Pro-Trump Organizer of Jan. 6th Coup


Saturday, January 16, 2021 12:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


People prominently filmed, and arrested bc of the DC riot, include a BLM activist, a CNN reporter, and many unaffiliated non-voters and registered Democrats. I've edited the article for brevity. it was wordy.




Has John Sullivan, BLM activist been arrested? Yes, or no?
Did Jade Sacker, from CNN, accompany him? Yes, or no?
Were many of the arrestees unafilliated, sporadic voters? Yes, or no?
Were some of them registered Democrats? Yes, or no?
Have registered Republicans been falsely accused of rioting? Yes, or no?



All you've shown us is that you're a liar, and a predictable one, at that.

Indeed you have!

The Antifa Lie: Conservative Lawmakers, Pundits Push A Baseless Claim That Leftists Were Behind Capitol Insurrection



Leading Republican lawmakers and popular right-wing pundits are spreading a baseless conspiracy theory that antifa supporters—not a mob of pro-Trump insurrections, as has been amply documented—were responsible for the chaos and rioting in and around the U.S. Capitol building on Wednesday.

On Wednesday afternoon, Republican Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona tweeted that the Capitol's storming had "all the hallmarks of Antifa provocation," without offering any evidence to support that allegation.

Wednesday evening, in an interview on Fox News, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said although "some" Trump supporters could have been involved in the violence, "there is some indication that fascist antifa elements were involved, that they embedded themselves in the Trump protests."

Brooks went much further Thursday morning, tweeting, "Please, don't be like #FakeNewsMedia, don't rush to judgment," adding an unsubstantiated claim that "evidence growing that fascist ANTIFA orchestrated Capitol attack with clever mob control tactics."

Early Thursday morning, on the House floor, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), citing a largely debunked article by the conservative Washington Times (also heavily pushed by Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham), which claimed a facial recognition company has evidence that "antifa infiltrators" made their way inside the Capitol, said, "some of the people" who breached the Capitol "were masquerading as Trump supporters and in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa."

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Shannon Grove, the Republican leader in the California state Senate, tweeted and then deleted, "Patriots don't act like this!! This was antifa."

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told Fox News that "a lot of it is the antifa folks," citing "pictures" she had observed.

No verifiable evidence has been presented that members of antifa were a part of the mob

But there IS verifiable evidence that at least one was BLM ...


that stormed the Capitol building. However, there is plenty of evidence that MAGA supporters and QAnon members were involved in the invasion. For instance, Rick Saccone, a Republican former member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, posted a photo of himself on Facebook with the caption, "We are storming the capitol. Our vanguard has broken thru the barricades. We will save this nation. Are u with me?" The claims that Rep. Gaetz referenced were based on an anonymous source in a story published by the Washington Times. The story claimed that the source sent the newspaper facial recognition analysis from a tech company called XRVision, which purportedly matched pictures of rioters inside the Capitol to previous images of antifa supporters gathered in Philadelphia. As of Thursday afternoon, the Times report had gone viral and was the 11th most popular link on the internet. However, XRVision subsequently came out and denounced the story as completely false. The company told BuzzFeed News it has asked the Washington Times for a retraction and apology. In a statement, XRVision said its facial recognition software had actually identified two neo-Nazis and a QAnon supporter. “We concluded that two of [the] individuals were affiliated with the Maryland Skinheads and the National Socialist Movements,” the statement reads. “These two are known Nazi organizations, they are not Antifa.” The Times has now taken down the story.

You, STUPID, unwisely used the article to "debunk" my post, but the two barely relate (This is where your lack of comprehension comes in).

Did my article claim that Antifa "orchestrated","was behind", "provoked", or "was resposible for" the riot? Did it claim that "a lot" were Antifa, or BLM?
The closest to what I posted is that SOME anti-Trump elements embedded themselves into the riot, posing a Trump supporters.

You - AS USUAL - are responding to something I haven't even posted.

Look, I can't help that you're gullible and stupid and that others take advantage of your stupidity in order to lie. Only YOU can fix your stupidity.

Next time read what you post and make sure that you're responding to MY post, instead of strawmanning me, like all of you liars do.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, January 16, 2021 12:41 PM


Everything you posted has been debunked. Those are the facts. I don't waste time on Russian troll cunts who are enemies of the United States.






Democratic Donor Platform ActBlue in Chaos as Workers Flee
Sat, March 15, 2025 16:54 - 10 posts
Trump: Things President Biden Signed With "Autopen" Might Not Even Be "Valid"
Sat, March 15, 2025 16:52 - 5 posts
Russia Invades Ukraine. Again
Sat, March 15, 2025 15:22 - 8026 posts
The Honeymoon is Over
Sat, March 15, 2025 14:37 - 356 posts
Do you feel like the winds of change are blowing today too?
Sat, March 15, 2025 14:35 - 1008 posts
South Africa the "Rainbow nation" with 12 official languages
Sat, March 15, 2025 14:17 - 30 posts
End Is Nigh 4 Europe, Refugees, Illegal Immigration, Muslim Invasion...alarmist doomsday post
Sat, March 15, 2025 14:15 - 85 posts
China to mine the moon?
Sat, March 15, 2025 14:03 - 9 posts
Trump calls for building 10 New Super Cities the USA to create empty futuristic ‘Freedom Cities’ then filled up with Maga people
Sat, March 15, 2025 13:50 - 3 posts
Make America "GREAT"? We couldn't even hit "average"
Sat, March 15, 2025 13:45 - 72 posts
In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
Sat, March 15, 2025 13:23 - 5205 posts
Trunp loses again in Court
Sat, March 15, 2025 12:35 - 473 posts