The Nazification of the Republican Party

UPDATED: Thursday, May 18, 2023 06:56
VIEWED: 13716
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Friday, April 2, 2021 3:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
^ Apparently it hasn't been paying attention to what the Democrats are doing right now.

Apparently, you know nothing about John Boehner, Republican and retired Speaker of the House, who said that Republicans are acting crazy, not the Democrats. Boehner is familiar with what Democrats and Republicans are doing because it is his job at

More about John Boehner at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, April 2, 2021 3:12 PM


Don't care.

Democrats are trying to destroy America. Period.


" 'You're like the Nazis' is the new 'I don't like you'. That disqualifies her from marching around planet Who-Gives-a-Shit in a helmet? ~Bill Maher

PSA: Don't click on any links in Second's posts. He's trying to fish your private information out of you.


Friday, April 2, 2021 7:25 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Don't care.

Democrats are trying to destroy America. Period.

Period? I sure would love to see your data to back that up. You don't have any data but your feelings? Too bad for Trump voters making wild & emotional statements:

The Conservative Movement Is Rejecting America

A recent essay in a prominent right-wing outlet gives an unusually clear window into the modern right’s anti-democratic worldview. The American Mind — a publication of the Claremont Institute, an influential conservative think tank based in California — published an incendiary essay arguing that the country has already been destroyed by internal enemies.

“Most people living in the United States today — certainly more than half — are not Americans in any meaningful sense of the term,” Glenn Ellmers, the essay’s author, writes. “They do not believe in, live by, or even like the principles, traditions, and ideals that until recently defined America as a nation and as a people. It is not obvious what we should call these citizen-aliens, these non-American Americans; but they are something else.”

These seditious citizens are opposed, according to Ellmers, by “the 75 million people who voted in the last election against the senile figurehead of a party that stands for mob violence, ruthless censorship, and racial grievances, not to mention bureaucratic despotism.” (74,222,958 voted for Trump. 81,283,098 for Biden.)

If Trump voters and conservatives do not band together and fight “a sort of counter-revolution,” then “the victory of progressive tyranny will be assured. See you in the gulag.”

What exactly this counter-revolution entails is unclear, but Ellmers has some tips. “Learn some useful skills, stay healthy, and get strong,” he writes. “One of my favorite weightlifting coaches likes to say, ‘Strong people are harder to kill, and more useful generally.’”

Ellmers’s essay has been widely discussed in American media and intellectual circles, due to its bracing honesty about the modern right’s worldview and the prominence of the outlet that published it. Claremont is an influential institution of the right; one of its publications, the Claremont Review of Books, published the notorious “Flight 93” essay arguing that the 2016 election was a choice between Trump and national extinction. (“2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die,” that essay declared in its opening line.)

Minutes before the January 6 assault on Capitol Hill, former President Donald Trump told his assembled supporters that “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” In a 2019 speech, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) warned that “we have come again to one of the great turning points in our national history, when the fate of our republican government is at issue.” In a 2020 Facebook post, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy declared that “Democrats want to defund, destroy, and dismantle our country.”

Ellmers’s essay should be taken seriously because it makes the anti-democratic subtext of conservative discourse into clearly legible text. And it is a clear articulation of what the movement has been telling us through its actions, like Georgia’s new voting law: It sees democracy not as a principle to respect, but as a barrier to be overcome in pursuit of permanent power.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, April 2, 2021 7:29 PM



Originally posted by second:



" 'You're like the Nazis' is the new 'I don't like you'. That disqualifies her from marching around planet Who-Gives-a-Shit in a helmet? ~Bill Maher

PSA: Don't click on any links in Second's posts. He's trying to fish your private information out of you.


Friday, April 2, 2021 7:58 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:


No. Have you heard of the Vietnam War? The grandfathers of today's Trump voters said that if the Commies weren't stopped in Vietnam it is death for America. Wasn't true, but nobody who said Commies will kill America got around to correcting their wild & emotional beliefs when it turned out their beliefs were delusional rather than factual. I don't think Trump-voting grandsons will be correcting themselves fifty years from now about their delusional beliefs from 2021. Being wrong and not knowing right is passed from generation to generation, from Commie-hating Nixon-voting grandfather to the Democrat-hating Trump-voting grandson.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, April 2, 2021 8:19 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:





" 'You're like the Nazis' is the new 'I don't like you'. That disqualifies her from marching around planet Who-Gives-a-Shit in a helmet? ~Bill Maher

PSA: Don't click on any links in Second's posts. He's trying to fish your private information out of you.


Friday, April 2, 2021 10:24 PM


The denial and whining of a child who is proven wrong with no counter. ^


Friday, April 2, 2021 10:24 PM


Tucker Carlson Admits - Plainly - That He Plans To Support Fascism


Saturday, April 3, 2021 1:55 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
The denial and whining of a child who is proven wrong with no counter. ^

Go tell somebody you disagree with to kill themselves or call them a Nazi.



" 'You're like the Nazis' is the new 'I don't like you'. That disqualifies her from marching around planet Who-Gives-a-Shit in a helmet? ~Bill Maher

PSA: Don't click on any links in Second's posts. He's trying to fish your private information out of you.


Monday, April 5, 2021 7:55 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
The denial and whining of a child who is proven wrong with no counter. ^

Go tell somebody you disagree with to kill themselves or call them a Nazi.


I call you Nazi because everything you say is EXACTLY what Nazis say. It would be a delight if a real, PROVEN Nazi like yourself would kill themselves.

Your life is pointless, impoverished, and futile. It doesn't need to go on, being a drain on everyone and everything you come in contact with. You can end your misery.


Monday, April 5, 2021 8:50 PM


I see dickhead dumb dumb is still ranting about phantom Nazis.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Monday, April 5, 2021 10:24 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I see dickhead dumb dumb is still ranting about phantom Nazis.

You literally parrot everything actual Nazis believe. All of it.
Not all fascists know they're fascists. You're dumb enough, and you've already proven you don't know what words mean.


Monday, April 5, 2021 10:27 PM


Far-right activists converge on home of Idaho judge overseeing Ammon Bundy anti-mask case: report

On Monday, The Daily Beast reported that a group of far-right extremists with a history of violent brawling converged on the home of a judge in Boise, Idaho who is overseeing the case against infamous anti-government demonstrator Ammon Bundy.

"Many in the crowd on Saturday were not locals," reported Kelly Weill. "[Joey] Gibson, the leader of the far-right streetfighting group Patriot Prayer, had traveled interstate from western Washington. He and others were there to protest outside the home of a judge involved in the case of Ammon Bundy, the leader of a different far-right group. The protest, which Gibson helped promote by sharing the judge's address on the Internet, was a melting pot of fringe activists deeply invested in Bundy's already-contentious court case."
Nazis. They're just Nazis. They want fascism, and they want to kill anyone who doesn't.


Monday, April 5, 2021 11:25 PM




Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 2:57 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.

In what fantasy world is that happening?


Tuesday, April 6, 2021 3:00 PM


The Plague of Historical Amnesia in the Age of Fascist Politics

Bolstered by a former president and a slew of Vichy-type politicians, right-wing ideologues, intellectuals, and media pundits deny and erase events from a fascist past that shed light on emerging right-wing, neo-Nazi, and extremist policies, ideas, and symbols. As Coco Das points out given that 73 million people voted to re-elect Trump, it is clear that Americans “have a Nazi problem.”[7] This was also evident in the words and actions of former president Trump who defended Confederate monuments and their noxious past, the waving of Confederate flags and the display of Nazi images during the attempted coup on the Capital on January 6th, and ongoing attempts by the Republican Party legislators to engage in expansive efforts at enabling a minority government. America’s Nazi problem is also visible in the growing acts of domestic terrorism aimed at Asians, undocumented immigrants, and people of color.

Historical amnesia also finds expression in the right-wing press and among media pundits such as Fox News commentators Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, whose addiction to lying exceeds the boundaries of reason and creates an echo chamber of misinformation that normalizes the unspeakable, if not the unthinkable. Rational responses now give way to emotional reactions fueled by lies whose power is expanded through their endless repetition. How else to explain the baseless claim made by them, along with a number of Republican lawmakers, right-wing pundits, and Trump’s supporters who baselessly lay the blame for the storming of the US Capitol on “Antifa.” These lies were circulated despite of the fact that “subsequent arrests and investigations have found no evidence that people who identify with Antifa, a loose collective of antifascist activists, were involved in the insurrection.”[8]

In this case, I think it is fair to re-examine Theodor W. Adorno’s claim that “Propaganda actually constitutes the substance of politics” and that the right-wing embrace of and production of an endless stream of lies and denigration of the truth are not merely delusional but are endemic to a fascist cult that does not answer to reason, but only to power while legitimizing a past in which white nationalism and racial cleansing become the organizing principles of social order and governance.[9]

In the era of post-truth, right-wing disimagination machines are not only hostile to those who assert facts and evidence, but also supportive of a mix of lethal ignorance and the scourge of civic illiteracy. The latter requires no effort to assess the truth and erases everything necessary for the life of a robust democracy. The pedagogical workstations of depoliticization have reached new and dangerous levels amid emerging right-wing populisms.[10] It is not surprising that we live at a time when politics is largely disconnected from echoes of the past and justified on the grounds that direct comparisons are not viable, as if only direct comparisons can offer insights into the lessons to be learned from the past. We have entered an age in which thoughtful reasoning, informed judgments, and critical thought are under attack. This is a historical moment that resembles a dictatorship of ignorance, which Joshua Sperling rightly argues entails:

The blunting of the senses; the hollowing out of language; the erasure of connection with the past, the dead, place, the land, the soil; possibly, too, the erasure even of certain emotions, whether pity, compassion, consoling, mourning or hoping.[11]

It is clear is that we live in a historical period in which the conditions that produced white supremacist politics are intensifying once again. How else to explain former President Trump’s use of the term “America First,” his labeling immigrants as vermin, his call to “Make America Great Again” — signaling his white nationalist ideology–his labeling of the press as “enemies of the people,” and his numerous incitements to violence while addressing his followers. Moreover, Trump’s bid for patriotic education and his attack on the New York Times’s 1619 Project served as both an overt expression of his racism and his alignment with right-wing white supremacists and neo-Nazi mobs. Historical amnesia has become racialized. In the rewriting of history in the age of Trump, the larger legacy of “colonial violence and the violence of slavery inflicted on Africans” are resurrected as a badge of honor.[12]

America’s long history of fascist ideologies and the racist actions of a slave state, the racial cleansing espoused by the Ku Klux Klan, and an historical era that constitutes what Alberto Toscano calls “the long shadow of racial fascism” in America are no longer forgotten or repressed but celebrated in the Age of Trump.[13] What is to be made of a former President who awarded the prestigious Medal of Freedom to a blubbering white supremacist, ultra-nationalist, conspiracy theorist, and virulent racist who labeled feminists as “Feminazis.” In this case, one of the nation’s highest honors went to a man who took pride in relentlessly disparaging Muslims, referred to undocumented immigrants as “an invading force” and an “invasive species,” demonized people of color, and recycled Nazi tropes about racial purity while celebrating the mob that attacked the Capitol as “Revolutionary War era rebels and patriots.”[14] Under the banner of Trumpism, those individuals who reproduce the rhetoric of political and social death have become, celebrated symbols of a fascist politics that feeds off the destruction of the collective public and civic imagination.


Thursday, April 8, 2021 3:15 PM


Fox News takes a big step toward painting Capitol insurrectionists as heroes and patriots

On April 6, Fox News personality Tucker Carlson observed the three-month anniversary of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol—in order to mock the idea that it was noteworthy at all, and in a clear escalation of the effort not just to downplay what happened but to reframe it as almost heroic. Let’s review the reality.

On Jan. 6, a mob of violent Trump supporters threw aside police barriers and used poles and police shields to bash in windows and enter the U.S. Capitol. Hundreds of attackers massed outside a door and pushed en masse, shouting “heave ho” as police struggled to defend the door and keep them out. At least one officer was crushed in a door and had his helmet torn off. One Capitol Police officer was killed. Two more died by suicide not long after. A Washington, D.C. Metropolitan police officer was Tased until he had a minor heart attack, and heard his attackers yelling, “Kill him with his own gun.” Another was attacked by members of the mob who tore off his helmet and tried to gouge his eyes out. Many officers were sprayed with mace and bear spray. A Trump supporter in the crowd was trampled to death by her own people. Another Trump supporter was shot by law enforcement as she tried to climb through a recently smashed-in window very close to where members of Congress were under protection. There’s so much evidence of what happened that federal prosecutors call it “likely the most complex investigation ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice.”

This isn’t rumor. We have video—watch a small taste of it below.

Tucker described it, with over-the-top sarcasm, as the “white supremacist QAnon insurrection, that came so very close to toppling our government and ending this democracy forever.”

As if only the actual toppling of the government would have made it problematic to have people bashing in the windows of the seat of government, stealing things from government offices, and roaming the halls chanting their desire to hang the vice president—all as part of an effort to block the final certification of an election that had been affirmed and reaffirmed by local and state election boards, courts, and the Electoral College. As though only if all those flex-cuffs had been used on members of Congress would it have been a problem that men were stalking around carrying them.

“You saw what happened. It was carried live on television, every gruesome moment,” Carlson continued in the vocal equivalent of an eye roll. “A mob of older people from unfashionable zip codes somehow made it all the way to Washington, D.C., probably by bus. They wandered freely through the Capitol, like it was their building or something. They didn’t have guns, but a lot of them had extremely dangerous ideas.”

Police officers on the scene have been very clear that some of the insurrectionists did have guns. One rioter was arrested with multiple guns, including an AR-15, and Molotov cocktails in his truck parked nearby. Bombs were planted nearby. They also had stun guns and flag poles and all that mace and bear spray. They threw police barricades and fire extinguishers. They included organized cadres of hate group members.

Perhaps most of all, the idea that you can change the results of an election through violence because you didn’t like the result is in fact a dangerous idea. It’s one of the most dangerous ideas.

“They talked about the Constitution, and something called their rights. Some of them made openly seditious claims,” he said. “They insisted, for example, that the last election wasn’t entirely fair. The whole thing was terrifying, and then, as you’ve been told so very often, they committed unspeakable acts of violence.”

Carlson is being sarcastic, of course, acting like he’s exaggerating what happened in order to downplay it. But we are talking about people who pulled multiple police officers away from their stations and beat them. This is what Carlson is being sarcastic about, mocking the very idea that these “older people from unfashionable zip codes” could have “committed unspeakable acts of violence.”

The sedition—and there was sedition—was not that they claimed the election wasn’t entirely fair but that they were trying to overturn the results of a legal election through violence. They were talking about the Constitution … but their actions were to directly violate it.

Carlson went on to claim that Ashli Babbitt, the QAnon-believing Trump supporter shot as she climbed through a window, was “to this day … the one completely verified casualty of the insurrection, the only person whose death we can say definitively was caused by specific events on January 6.” Yeah. The specific event is that she was trying to get to the House chamber, where members of Congress were being quickly evacuated, and she was part of a mob that pushed past multiple police officers and then she tried to go through a broken window despite the fact that there was an officer with a gun clearly pointing at her.

But that’s not the only verified casualty. The New York Times has showed definitively how Rosanne Boyland, another Trump supporter intent on storming the Capitol, was trampled to death by the members of the mob around her.

Tucker Carlson isn’t interested in the reality of the situation, of course. He’s interested in telling his viewers that the insurrection was justified. Heroic, even. He went on to frame opposition to the bloody attack on the Capitol as entirely partisan, as something Democrats are mad about only because it was in opposition to Democrats. That would be how Republicans would think about it, for sure. But what Carlson is doing here is trying to delegitimize opposition to violent insurrection—when committed by Republicans—just as Donald Trump spent months trying to delegitimize the election results. This must be understood as a campaign to make the response to the Capitol attack partisan. Trump was impeached for inciting this insurrection, with 10 House Republicans voting to impeach and seven Senate Republicans voting to convict. When Fox News is done rewriting the story, the people beating down windows of the Capitol with poles and police shields and Tasing police officers will be unambiguously the heroes of the day. That’s where this is going.

FoxNazis attempting to rewrite history. Typical.


Thursday, April 8, 2021 4:04 PM


Racist Roomba needs a firmware update.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Thursday, April 8, 2021 11:35 PM


Is Gutfeld! the Worst Show on Television?
Greg Gutfeld’s new Fox News “comedy” show is the latest evidence that conservatives have no sense of humor.

Greg Gutfeld’s new right-wing comedy program might not be the worst program in television history, but it is undoubtedly the worst late-night comedy show in television history. (Yes, it is even worse than Chevy Chase’s.) It is excruciating and often depressing to watch. Even a couple of minutes makes you question the point of comedy itself and wonder if you’ll ever laugh again. It is the latest futile attempt at providing a conservative counter to The Daily Show and proving that conservatives are funny, too, goddamnit—a pathetic and profoundly insecure show that mostly serves as a collection of anxieties about the left’s cultural power.

But mostly it just sucks. The show’s logo, as many have pointed out, so closely resembles that of the cartoon strip Garfield that it cannot be an accident. Garfield and Gutfeld sound sort of similar—get it? Sadly, the logo is probably the funniest thing about the show.


Thursday, April 8, 2021 11:36 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Racist Roomba needs a firmware update.

Projection. ^


Thursday, April 8, 2021 11:37 PM


Don't know about Gutfeld, but Late Night Comedy hasn't been funny since Conan retired, and that's even a stretch. The last great Late Night host was Craig Ferguson.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Thursday, April 8, 2021 11:38 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Racist Roomba needs a firmware update.

Projection. ^


I'm an actual human being. Not a cheaply made synthetic knock-off.

Seriously robot, it's time for an upgrade.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Friday, April 9, 2021 4:13 PM



Saturday, April 10, 2021 9:07 AM


^ Put up by the Roomba's mask wearing buddies for the news to report on.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Saturday, April 10, 2021 10:27 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
^ Put up by the Roomba's mask wearing buddies for the news to report on.

It's all a big conspiracy, man!


Saturday, April 10, 2021 10:30 AM


Rep. Veronica Escobar says Stephen Miller should be locked up for 'heinous human rights violations'

In just one example of Miller’s cruelty, NBC News reported last year that while the previous administration had already been “piloting” family separation in the region well before former Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III formally announced the policy in May 2018, it was all going far too slow for Miller. He apparently desired that as many as 25,000 children be stolen from their parents, and during a White House meeting reportedly forced a vote through a show of hands on proceeding. Attorneys representing separated families have been seeking documents regarding this meeting.

Miller deserves to be held to account—along with officials like former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen—but Escobar admits the reality of a system that shields powerful people like them. “That is going to be very difficult, but it kills me that these people could potentially walk away—and even potentially rebuild their reputations,” she continued in the report. “I mean, I find them to be just among the most reprehensible, abhorrent people that our generation could have ever produced.”

While President Joe Biden has created a federal task force to reunite families separated at the southern border by the previous administration, other leaders in Congress have also expressed the urgency to hold former political appointees and officials like Miller accountable. Late last year, Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro publicly called for the formation of a special committee to investigate this humanitarian disaster and those who created it.

“I believe that, given the human rights abuses during the Trump administration, it would be appropriate for the United States to create either a human rights commission or for the Congress to create a select committee that investigates these abuses, makes recommendations for policy changes so that they don’t happen again in our country, and identifies individuals who should be held responsible and accountable for their actions,” Castro told Vox.

“The commission itself would not necessarily have the authority to prosecute,” he continued. “But just as with other committees, information could be forwarded to the Department of Justice for consideration of legal proceedings. Ultimately, any decision to prosecute would be separate and apart from the commission itself.” Just as Escobar fears that officials like Miller could potentially walk away, he and other former officials with the previous administration have already been plotting their next moves.

Miller is reportedly creating a group basically seeking to troll the Biden administration with lawsuits. “Anything the president does that we believe to be illegal is fair game,” Miller said according to The Wall Street Journal. One gets the feeling it’ll be just about everything. Miller should at the very least be treated as a pariah, yet congressional Republicans have brought him back for advice on immigration. He’s even been invited to at least one campaign event. Unlawfully appointed former acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, meanwhile, is opening up his own consulting firm with a handful of other officials from that administration.

Unlawful Chad’s new venture stated that “[m]y passion continues to be to help [DHS] accomplish their mission,” Politico reported. His “passions” while at DHS included being among the early architects of family separation, NBC News reported in 2019. “As far back as December 2017, when Wolf was acting chief of staff to [then-Secretary Kirstjen] Nielsen, he sent a list of 16 options to curb the number of undocumented immigrants to Gene Hamilton, counselor to then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, for review. Number two on the list: ‘Separate family units.’”

In her interview, Escobar further stressed a fundamental need to move away from failed deterrence-based policies not just from the previous administration, but over several decades, that have only resulted in the suffering of children and families. “I really do feel that this is a moment of reckoning,” she said. “And it is a moment of reckoning where we should recognize our colossal failure in the past, but the opportunity in the future.”
How can we ignore the Nazis if they won't go away?


Saturday, April 10, 2021 10:31 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
^ Put up by the Roomba's mask wearing buddies for the news to report on.

It's all a big conspiracy, man!

What's conspiratorial about that?

It's your MO.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Saturday, April 10, 2021 11:33 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
^ Put up by the Roomba's mask wearing buddies for the news to report on.

It's all a big conspiracy, man!

What's conspiratorial about that?

It's your MO.

More unsupported declarations based in nothing factual. You're on a roll, Nazi boy!


Saturday, April 10, 2021 11:36 AM


Campus Reform and its publisher, the Leadership Institute, are siccing armies of trolls on professors across the country.

Campus Reform is published by the Leadership Institute, a nonprofit that has trained conservative activists for four decades through the generous funding of billionaire donors like the Koch family. The institute reported more than $16 million in revenue in 2018 alone. Over the last several years, Campus Reform has targeted hundreds of college professors like Hatemi, leading to online harassment campaigns, doxxing, threats of violence, and calls on universities to fire their faculty. Professors featured in Campus Reform stories have felt isolated and confused as they came under attack, often over public statements they made but sometimes over things they said in class or even academic research they published. Campus Reform stories have regularly been picked up by a host of established conservative outlets, from Breitbart to Fox News, amplifying outrage and unleashing abuse in a manner that observers of the site note mirrors how far-right extremists attack their targets online.

“The effects of Campus Reform stories can be similar to the online harassment often deployed by white supremacists,” said Isaac Kamola, an assistant professor at Trinity College who studies the politics of higher education and closely monitors the site.

Kamola has tracked more than 1,570 stories posted on Campus Reform since 2020 and surveyed the 338 individuals they targeted, many of whose official profiles and contact details were linked to in stories about them. The survey, the results of which will be published by the American Association of University Professors’ Academe magazine, found that at least 40 percent of respondents received “threats of harm” following a Campus Reform article, mostly via email and social media but also often by phone, text message, or postal mail. One professor reported receiving thousands of emails, many of them laced with violent, racist, and sexist comments, Kamola said. In the most extreme cases, he added, online trolls published the professors’ personal information online, forcing them to change their phone numbers, leave their homes, and retain security. Less than half the people surveyed by Kamola reported receiving support from their universities’ administrations, and more than 12 percent reported facing disciplinary action as a result of a Campus Reform story. Three people said they lost their jobs.

The professors were targeted over a variety of liberal positions, the survey reveals, but a majority were singled out over their comments on race, and Black professors were disproportionately targeted. Those who discussed topics like antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Palestine were especially subjected to threats, the survey found. And the intimidation seemed to work, with nearly a quarter of surveyed professors saying that they dialed back their social media presence as a result of being targeted, even though others said that the experience bolstered their commitment to speak out about social justice issues.

“I basically know that Campus Reform has written something about me because I’ll just suddenly start getting vicious hate mail in my inbox,” said Asha Rangappa, a senior lecturer at Yale University who was twice the subject of Campus Reform stories and has described the site as an example of “domestic information warfare.”

“Within 24 hours, it will have been cited or replicated in an entire ecosystem of right-wing media,” she added, noting that professors who lacked the social media status to push back were particularly vulnerable. “It’s just never clear why it’s newsworthy; it’s portrayed as something crazy and outrageous, and it is never contextualized. But it very predictably turns into a barrage of targeted harassment.”

“The Leadership Institute has helped manufacture the right’s construction of anti-antifa hysteria, all while having a long history of platforming actual fascists.”
Anti-intellectualism is a hallmark of fascism. Look at history. Look at 6ix.


Saturday, April 10, 2021 2:34 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
^ Put up by the Roomba's mask wearing buddies for the news to report on.

It's all a big conspiracy, man!

What's conspiratorial about that?

It's your MO.

More unsupported declarations based in nothing factual. You're on a roll, Nazi boy!

Yup. Everybody is a Nazi.

Huge insult there, buddy. Might have meant something 10 years ago.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Sunday, April 11, 2021 8:37 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Yup. Everybody is a Nazi.

Huge insult there, buddy. Might have meant something 10 years ago.

As I've repeatedly tried to explain to you, not everyone is a Nazi. Just like the "good Germans" of the past, most Nazis don't even realize that their views are entirely fascist, since they don't even know what it is.

Your views, as you've expressed them right here in front of everyone, are those of neoNazis.


Sunday, April 11, 2021 8:40 AM


White supremacist propaganda appears around California cities as residents brace for 'White Lives Matter' rally


Sunday, April 11, 2021 9:14 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Yup. Everybody is a Nazi.

Huge insult there, buddy. Might have meant something 10 years ago.

As I've repeatedly tried to explain to you, not everyone is a Nazi. Just like the "good Germans" of the past, most Nazis don't even realize that their views are entirely fascist, since they don't even know what it is.

Your views, as you've expressed them right here in front of everyone, are those of neoNazis.

No. They're not.

Nationalism is not racism.

The only "minorities" I've shown disdain for are those who don't belong here, and those who do that want to allow them here... Almost exclusively Democrat politicians themselves.

If there's one group of Citizens that I actually hate collectively, it's the white college "educated" liberals.

Your insults mean nothing. They are not based in reality, and you've done the Jewish people a great disservice by shitting all over their legacy.

You are a racist and a hypocrite. You are a waste of carbon.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Sunday, April 11, 2021 10:24 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:
KKK Flyers Found in Huntington Beach Ahead of ‘White Lives Matter’ Rally


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
^ Put up by the Roomba's mask wearing buddies for the news to report on.

It's all a big conspiracy, man!

What's conspiratorial about that?

It's your MO.

More unsupported declarations based in nothing factual. You're on a roll, Nazi boy!

You were saying, fucko?



ALBION, MI — Albion College and the Albion Department of Public Safety say a student is responsible for racist graffiti found in a dorm last weekend.

Albion police brought the 21-year-old Black male in for questioning on April 6, according to Chief Scott Kipp. The student admitted to creating most of the graffiti, and video evidence from Albion’s Campus Safety Department confirms the statements made by the student, Kipp said.

The student was released after questioning, Kipp said. Once the investigation is complete, the information will be submitted to the Calhoun County Prosecutor’s Office for any charges related to the incident, he said.

The graffiti, which included racist epithets and multiple references to the Klu Klux Klan, was discovered in a stairwell inside Mitchell Towers on Friday, April 2, university officials said. Pictures of the graffiti were posted by City Watch NEWS Group on its Facebook page.

In a series of tweets Wednesday evening, April 7, college officials said the student was acting alone and acknowledged responsibility for the incidents. The student was immediately removed from campus and placed on temporary suspension while the college conducts a full investigation as part of its student judicial process, college officials said.

YUP! It's all a big conspiracy!


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Sunday, April 11, 2021 12:06 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Former President Donald Trump repeated familiar lies about the 2020 election Saturday when speaking to Republican National Committee donors gathered for the first time since Trump's defeat, a person in the room told CNN.

Donors assembled just down the road from his Mar-a-Lago home -- a sign that the institutions of the party remain centered around the former President as it looks to regain power in 2022.

Around 360 donors mingled poolside at the beachfront hotel with Republican officials, including chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and co-chair Tommy Hicks. But on Saturday night, guests were shuttled up the road to Mar-a-Lago, where Trump addressed the retreat behind closed doors.

Trump went through an extensive recounting of debunked claims the election was stolen from him, including detailed complaints about individual states, and insisted the results were rigged, the person in the room said. The former President once again took aim at former Vice President Mike Pence, whom he said had failed him in certifying the Electoral College results, according to the same person in the room.

The weekend is another clear example that the party remains loyal to Trump.
"Saturday's speech will be welcomed words to the Republican donors visiting Mar-a-Lago to hear directly from President Trump," said Jason Miller, a senior adviser to Trump, said ahead of the remarks. "Palm Beach is the new political power center, and President Trump is the Republican Party's best messenger."

"No one knows what the Trump effect will be in 2022 or 2024. He has promised to primary (Republicans who don't support him), so a great number of them don't want to risk that," said Fred Zeidman, a Republican donor from Texas who was not in Palm Beach. "He has not made a statement about not running in 2024, so it limits what anyone can do now, for fear of alienating the Trump supporters."

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, April 11, 2021 3:28 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by reaverfan:
KKK Flyers Found in Huntington Beach Ahead of ‘White Lives Matter’ Rally


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
^ Put up by the Roomba's mask wearing buddies for the news to report on.

It's all a big conspiracy, man!

What's conspiratorial about that?

It's your MO.

More unsupported declarations based in nothing factual. You're on a roll, Nazi boy!

You were saying, fucko?



ALBION, MI — Albion College and the Albion Department of Public Safety say a student is responsible for racist graffiti found in a dorm last weekend.

Albion police brought the 21-year-old Black male in for questioning on April 6, according to Chief Scott Kipp. The student admitted to creating most of the graffiti, and video evidence from Albion’s Campus Safety Department confirms the statements made by the student, Kipp said.

The student was released after questioning, Kipp said. Once the investigation is complete, the information will be submitted to the Calhoun County Prosecutor’s Office for any charges related to the incident, he said.

The graffiti, which included racist epithets and multiple references to the Klu Klux Klan, was discovered in a stairwell inside Mitchell Towers on Friday, April 2, university officials said. Pictures of the graffiti were posted by City Watch NEWS Group on its Facebook page.

In a series of tweets Wednesday evening, April 7, college officials said the student was acting alone and acknowledged responsibility for the incidents. The student was immediately removed from campus and placed on temporary suspension while the college conducts a full investigation as part of its student judicial process, college officials said.

YUP! It's all a big conspiracy!


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.

Where you at you little racist bitch?

You owe Daddy an apology.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Sunday, April 11, 2021 8:42 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Where you at you little racist bitch?

You owe Daddy an apology.

Ooh! You finally found one! Or did you? You talk like you've been to prison, Nazi boy.
Just another reason you never amounted to anything.


Sunday, April 11, 2021 8:58 PM


The Fascist Triad of White Supremacy, Misogyny and Xenophobia


Sunday, April 11, 2021 10:03 PM



Sunday, April 11, 2021 10:32 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Where you at you little racist bitch?

You owe Daddy an apology.

Ooh! You finally found one! Or did you? You talk like you've been to prison, Nazi boy.
Just another reason you never amounted to anything.

Nah. No prison.

I just know how to talk to little soy boys who want to sit on Daddy's lap.

I didn't "finally" find one. It just comes as zero surprise to me that not even 24 hours after I made the point somebody went ahead and did exactly what I said they were doing and got themselves caught.

TIP OF THE DAY: There are cameras everywhere today. If you try pulling that false flag bullshit, you better be damn well sure there isn't video evidence of you doing it.

Looks like they don't teach you that in college, huh?


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Monday, April 12, 2021 10:11 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Where you at you little racist bitch?

You owe Daddy an apology.

Ooh! You finally found one! Or did you? You talk like you've been to prison, Nazi boy.
Just another reason you never amounted to anything.

Nah. No prison.

I just know how to talk to little soy boys who want to sit on Daddy's lap.

I didn't "finally" find one. It just comes as zero surprise to me that not even 24 hours after I made the point somebody went ahead and did exactly what I said they were doing and got themselves caught.

TIP OF THE DAY: There are cameras everywhere today. If you try pulling that false flag bullshit, you better be damn well sure there isn't video evidence of you doing it.

Looks like they don't teach you that in college, huh?

They were too busy turning me into a Marxist.

Well, that college prank went wrong. He should have been studying communism.

God, you're dim.


Monday, April 12, 2021 10:15 PM


Tucker Carlson DOUBLES DOWN on RACIST Replacement Theory on LIVE Fox News

6ix hangs on his every word. The pampered rich boy who speaks for the commoners. The one who went to court and said no one should believe him.


Monday, April 12, 2021 10:50 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Where you at you little racist bitch?

You owe Daddy an apology.

Ooh! You finally found one! Or did you? You talk like you've been to prison, Nazi boy.
Just another reason you never amounted to anything.

Nah. No prison.

I just know how to talk to little soy boys who want to sit on Daddy's lap.

I didn't "finally" find one. It just comes as zero surprise to me that not even 24 hours after I made the point somebody went ahead and did exactly what I said they were doing and got themselves caught.

TIP OF THE DAY: There are cameras everywhere today. If you try pulling that false flag bullshit, you better be damn well sure there isn't video evidence of you doing it.

Looks like they don't teach you that in college, huh?

They were too busy turning me into a Marxist.

Well, that college prank went wrong. He should have been studying communism.

God, you're dim.

Oh. It's a prank when a black guy does it.

You seemed to think it was a HUGE FUCKING DEAL when you thought it was white dudes that did it.

I bet you think it's a huge laugh when some girl lies about a guy raping her and his entire future is ruined too. Hilarious.

Racist Roomba is hypocrisy personified.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021 1:49 PM


And a Democrat shot a congressman a few years back. The hundreds of murders by your side are suddenly negated by ONE exception?

No. You and your fellow Nazi racists are violent terrorists. That's what the evidence proves, repeatedly.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021 4:57 PM


Not surprised at all that the point went entirely over your pointy head.


Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021 9:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Is is the GOP that

* Has the National Guard deployed ... apparently indefinitely ... in the nation's capitol?

* Spread big whopping lies about the President via the M$M?

* Conducted politicized and baseless "investigations" and entrapment operations on political rivals?

* Is working hand-in-glove with corporate social media to censor dissenting opinions and obliterate free speech?

* Conducted massive illegal surveillance across the country?

* Tried, convicted, and executed an American citizen via a Star Chamber proceeding?

* Is preparing to stuff the Supreme Court?

* Is preparing to target dissenters as "domestic terrorists"?

* Locked down millions of people illegally, on the basis of "executive orders" at the state and local level?

* Is unwilling to secure the election to be free and fair, and willing to dilute honest votes with dishonest ones?

* Tolerates (and possibly funds) rioting, looting, and other forms of domestic terrorism in order to further a political agenda?

I'm going to "go there" and say that what the DNC is doing is from Hitler's playbook. And since, unlike many people here, I know my history, I say it's a fair comparison.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021 5:07 PM



Wednesday, April 14, 2021 5:08 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Is is the GOP that

* Has the National Guard deployed ... apparently indefinitely ... in the nation's capitol?

* Spread big whopping lies about the President via the M$M?

* Conducted politicized and baseless "investigations" and entrapment operations on political rivals?

* Is working hand-in-glove with corporate social media to censor dissenting opinions and obliterate free speech?

* Conducted massive illegal surveillance across the country?

* Tried, convicted, and executed an American citizen via a Star Chamber proceeding?

* Is preparing to stuff the Supreme Court?

* Is preparing to target dissenters as "domestic terrorists"?

* Locked down millions of people illegally, on the basis of "executive orders" at the state and local level?

* Is unwilling to secure the election to be free and fair, and willing to dilute honest votes with dishonest ones?

* Tolerates (and possibly funds) rioting, looting, and other forms of domestic terrorism in order to further a political agenda?

I'm going to "go there" and say that what the DNC is doing is from Hitler's playbook. And since, unlike many people here, I know my history, I say it's a fair comparison.

Wow. You Russian trolls really love to spread the lies, don't you?

Your existence is pointless. Just pull the trigger and make the world a better place for us good people.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021 7:38 PM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Is is the GOP that

* Has the National Guard deployed ... apparently indefinitely ... in the nation's capitol?

* Spread big whopping lies about the President via the M$M?

* Conducted politicized and baseless "investigations" and entrapment operations on political rivals?

* Is working hand-in-glove with corporate social media to censor dissenting opinions and obliterate free speech?

* Conducted massive illegal surveillance across the country?

* Tried, convicted, and executed an American citizen via a Star Chamber proceeding?

* Is preparing to stuff the Supreme Court?

* Is preparing to target dissenters as "domestic terrorists"?

* Locked down millions of people illegally, on the basis of "executive orders" at the state and local level?

* Is unwilling to secure the election to be free and fair, and willing to dilute honest votes with dishonest ones?

* Tolerates (and possibly funds) rioting, looting, and other forms of domestic terrorism in order to further a political agenda?

I'm going to "go there" and say that what the DNC is doing is from Hitler's playbook. And since, unlike many people here, I know my history, I say it's a fair comparison.

Wow. You Russian trolls really love to spread the lies, don't you?

Your existence is pointless. Just pull the trigger and make the world a better place for us good people.



Imagine the hypocrisy of a government who will allow businesses to card people to get a job or buy groceries, but won't card people to vote in elections and gives millions of non-citizens free money from taxpayers.


Thursday, April 15, 2021 10:08 AM


Tucker Carlson's revealing slip of the tongue stuns observers: 'Every day he becomes more and more explicit'

While discussing the treatment of a man charged as a part of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, Carlson tried to draw a comparison to the case of Bree Newsome, a filmmaker and activist who tore down the Confederate battle flag at the South Carolina statehouse in 2015, leading to her arrest.

But when Carlson described the incident, he didn't describe her tearing down the "Confederate flag," but simply "the flag" — a phrase that in American English typically refers to the American flag.

It was noteworthy for at least two reasons. First, Carlson seemed to be downplaying the commendable political motivations behind Newsome's act of protest. And second, it seemed to suggest his sympathy for and alliance with the Confederacy.

This second point is even more salient when considering the fact that his broader point was a defense of the Capitol insurrection — an event he has consistently tried to downplay — which included a man wielding the flag of the Confederate traitors through the government building as the mob tried to stop the counting of presidential votes.

Many argued that Carlson was quite clearly showing where he stands: with the insurrectionists.
Ain't MY flag, Tucker. That's the flag of traitors. Like you.






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