Belarus news... and Forced landing and arrest of two passengers event in 2021

UPDATED: Saturday, October 5, 2024 13:34
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Monday, May 24, 2021 4:10 AM


Belarus just Hijacked an Aircraft? it was flying from Greece to Lithuania
EU is calling it State sponsored Terror

State Police KGB-ish Gestapo Stasi style police onboard? fighter MiG-29 was launched to "escort" the plane to Minsk in Belarus

They seemed to admit it and are after some journalist guy accusing him of anti-government protest activity inside Belarus
Belarus is also trying to get some news channel that was announcing protest marches

A US made Boeing 737 Aircraft

Flight track


Ryanair Flight 4978 from Greece to Lithuania was over Belarusian airspace
Belarus Ryanair ‘hijacking’ - European leaders discuss sanctions after ‘act of state terror’ condemned.

Twitter gossip said -

They made threats to shoot down and kill a civilian passenger airline?

Other reports say a bomb threat was E-mailed

Not sure if Americans onboard but citizen of France, Spain, Austria , Russia, Belarus, Nigeria, Syria, Greece , Lithuania, citizens of Poland were reported onboard

a kind of terroristic communist fascist extra judicial kidnap to get one guy they didnt like, while making terror threats to destroy an airplane with innocent lives?

also bomb threat?

Lativian airline airBaltic says is no longer using Belarus airspace for its flights

Flightradar24 is a global flight tracking website
'We haven't seen any official airline announcements but it looks like some airlines are avoiding Belarus airspace.'

Donald Tusk - was President of the European Council from 2014 to 2019.
Lukashenko has become a threat not only to his own citizens but also to international security. His act of state terrorism demands an immediate and tough reaction of all European governments and institutions.


Back in the USSR days
Belarus, formerly known as Belorussia or White Russia, was the smallest of the three Slavic republics included in the Soviet Union


Thursday, May 27, 2021 1:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


By The Book - What Really Happened With The Ryanair Flight In Belarus

We yesterday looked at the record of Roman Protasevich, the western financed neo-nazi arrested on Sunday in Belarus. Another still open issue is how the incident developed.

Protasevich was arrested after a plane he was flying on from Greece to Lithuania was diverted to Minsk due to a bomb threat. There had been an open warrant of arrest against Protasevich which was enforced as he entered the country. NEXTA, the regime change organization in Poland where Protasevich had previously worked to organize a coup in Belarus, had doxxed policemen in Belarus and thereby endangered their families.

The Aviation Department of the Belorussian Ministry for Transport and Communication has published its official report of the incident. It is written in Russian and English language (scroll down for the English version). The report includes what seems to be the full transcript of the radio traffic between the plane and the air traffic control.

The report and the transcript debunk a number of false claims made in the 'western' reporting on the issue.

The main facts:

Department of Aviation in accordance with the requirements of Standards 5.2.5 and 5.3.1 of Annex 17 to the Convention on the International Civil Aviation, the Department of Aviation informs about the fact of an act of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

On May 23, 2021, a written message with the following content in English was sent to the e-mail of the National Airport Minsk from the e-mail address

“We, Hamas soldiers, demand that Israel cease fire in the Gaza Strip. We demand that the European Union abandon its support for Israel in this war. We know that the participants of Delphi Economic Forum are returning home on May 23 via flight FR4978. A bomb has been planted onto this aircraft. If you don’t meet our demands the bomb will explode on May 23 over Vilnius. Allahu Akbar.”

Taking into account the seriousness of the threat received, the information from the National Airport Minsk was forwarded to the relevant air traffic control services of Belaeronavigatsia State-Owned-Enterprise.

In accordance with the requirements of the Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention and the National Program for the Protection of Civil Aviation from Acts of Unlawful Interference in the Republic of Belarus, a response actions mechanism was put into effect in connection with acts of unlawful interference in the civil aviation activity.

The flight FR4978 en route Athens (Greece) - Vilnius (Lithuania), operated on a Boeing 737-800 by Ryanair. The aircraft departed from Athens airport at 07.10 UTC (10.10 Belarusian time), entered into the Republic of Belarus airspace under the control of the Minsk ACC at 09.30 UTC (12.30 Belarusian time). The entry point into the airspace of the Minsk FIR was SOMAT.

Some comments on this:

The report is 'by the book' as it should be.

Protonmail, from where the email was received, is a encrypted web-email service hosted in Switzerland which allows more or less anonymous traffic.

An alleged screenshot of the email currently gets peddled around by the Editor-in-Chief of NEXTA:

Tadeusz Giczan @TadeuszGiczan - 11:59 PM · May 26, 2021

Not that anyone had any doubts but ‘Hamas email’ was sent to Minsk airport 24 minutes after Belarusian air controllers warned Ryanair pilots there’s a bomb onboard.


Giczan is right in that the time shown in the screenshot is inconsistent with the timing of the Ryanair flight in the Belorussian airspace.

That however proves nothing. Time stamps in emails are notoriously unreliable as they depend on various computer timezone settings and several other variables.

Clocks, computers and phones in Switzerland are currently set to UTC(GMT)+2 hours. Clocks, computers and phones in Belarus to UTC+3. A email sent at 10:57 Geneva time would likely show up as sent at 11:57 in Minsk time. However, if the timezone of the computer/phone that is used to look at the email is set to UTC+4 the email time would be shown as 12:57.

Nice trick Mr. Nexta but that screenshot is unconvincing.

The content of the email is not convincing as a threat. The demand for a ceasefire in Gaza is nonsense as one was already in place since May 21. The mentioning of the Delphi Economic Forum in Greece is of interest. Roman Protasevich had taken part in it and was on his way back to Vilnius. Why was that explicitly mentioned? If Belarus used the email as a trick to catch Protasevich why mention the Delphi Forum in the threat email?

The last sentence of the email is of high interest because it decided where the plan would land: "If you don’t meet our demands the bomb will explode on May 23 over Vilnius."

In previous incidents of bombs on civil aircraft these were either set off by a timer or by a barometer (pressure = height over ground). That the extortionist would name a specific location for the bomb explosion can only mean that the bomb would be set off by a GPS device. This explains why the pilots decided to diverted to Minsk instead of finishing the much shorter leg to Vilnius.


The pilots decided to go to Minsk because the risk of a potential bomb going off over Vilnius, as announced in the email, was high.

The transcript of the radio traffic shows that the pilots, not the authorities in Belarus, made that decision.

Actually, it was Air Traffic Control (ATC) that diverted to Minsk


Pilot: OK, I give you (unreadable) can you say again IATA code of the airport that authorities have recommended us to divert to?
ATC: RYR 1TZ Standby.
Pilot: Standby, Roger.
ATC :09:41:00: RYR 1TZ .
Pilot: Go ahead.
ATC: IATA code is MSQ.
Pilot: can you say again please?
Pilot: MSQ, thanks.
Pilot: 09:41:58: RYR 1TZ Again, this recommendation to divert to Minsk where did it come from? Where did it come from? Company? Did it come from departure airport authorities or arrival airport authorities?
ATC: RYR 1TZ this is our recommendations.
Pilot:09:47:12: RYR 1TZ we are declaring an emergency MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY RYR 1TZ. our intentions would be to divert to Minsk airport
ATC: RYR 1TZ MAYDAY, Roger. Standby for vectors.
Pilot: Standby RYR 1TZ.
Pilot: 09:48:10 RYR 1TZ request descent to 10000 feet.
ATC: RYR 1TZ , descend FL100.
Pilot: descend (unreadable) RYR 1TZ.

I am convinced that the radio transcript as presented by the Belorussian air authority is complete and that nothing in it is fake. Air control radio traffic is not encrypted and lots of amateurs constantly record it. The Cockpit Voice Recorder of the Ryanair machine will also have a full copy of the talk.

Reportedly the Belorussian airforce sent up fighter jet to watch over the Ryanair flight. The Ryanair pilots were not made aware of that. There is no mention of it in the radio traffic transcript.

Sending up fighter jets to watch over planes under bomb or hijacking threat is however a standard operation procedure.

On July 14 2020 a bomb threat was made against a Ryanair flight from Krakow to Dublin. The plane made an emergency landing in Stansted:

The security scare on a Ryanair flight which sparked the RAF to scramble two fighter jets was due to a note claiming there was bomb on board the plane, airline bosses revealed last night.

Just three days later another Ryanair flight came under threat:

A 51-year-old British man has been arrested after a Ryanair flight from London to Oslo received a bomb threat.

Danish F-16 military aircraft were scrambled to escort the plane to Gardermoen Airport - the main international airport in Norway.

In a statement, police said the situation is now under control and the aircraft will now be examined by the emergency squad and bomb group.

It seems to me that the Belorussian authorities did everything by the book. Like in Norway the aircraft, its cargo and the passengers were examined by an emergency bomb squad. Here is how that looked in Minsk.


After the plane was declared clear by the bomb squad the authorities let the passengers board and leave to their original destination. Roman Protasevich and his Russian girlfriend, who had had a role in his regime-change efforts, were taken under arrest. At least one other passenger, who had originally planned to fly from Greece to Minsk with only a stopover in Vilnius, also went from board. Earlier speculations of KGB agents leaving the plane in Minsk have not been confirmed.

The aviation department report closes with this:

The Department of Aviation also wants to assure that the Belarusian aviation authorities, aviation organizations and the relevant law enforcement agencies of the state have taken and will continue to take the necessary measures and actions provided for by international and national legislation aimed at ensuring reliable protection of civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference.

For further consideration of the circumstances the Department of Aviation has invited representatives of ICAO, IATA, EASA, and EU and USA Civil Aviation Authorities.

Those international organizations should accept the invitation and take a deeper look at the issue. They should talk to the pilots and listen to the radio traffic as recorded by the cockpit voice recorder. I am convinced that they will find that everything happened exactly as the Belorussian authorities said. They received a bomb threat against the plane, informed the pilot and recommended to land in Minsk. The pilot weighted the circumstances and decided correctly to follow the advise.

There is only one big question for which we have yet to find an answer.

Who send the email that led to all this and for which purpose?

One can easily construe motives for both sides.

A. Belarus secret services wanted to capture Roman Protasevich no matter what and sent the email. They were willing to accept the predictable sanctions that would follow such a move.

B. The regime change gang that met in Greece wanted new attention and fresh sanctions on Belarus. Someone in the team sent the email. The group was willing to accept a few years of jail time for Protasevich who might or might not have been in on this.

I have no further evidence to decide if A or B is right. There is however a lot of historic evidence that 'western' supported regime-changers are extremely ruthless and willing to play with the lives and well fare of other people. My stomach feeling tends therefore to B.

In light of the above it is quite curious (but not astonishing) that 'western' governments are now pressing their airlines to avoid Belorussian airspace.

Russia, Belarus' big ally, is currently responding to that measure by prohibiting flights that avoid Belarussian from entering Russian airspace. A lot of flight schedules will have to change if this nonsense continues.

pictures and links at

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, May 27, 2021 7:53 PM


Guy is tinkering with politics in Belarus, has open warrant for his arrest in Belarus, and then takes a flight passing through Belarus airspace.
That makes me cringe, wince, frown.


Thursday, May 27, 2021 8:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

From Signy's post it looks like a bomb threat against that flight was received, and as per long-standing SOP documented historically for that airline from previous bomb threats, the flight was diverted. Once it landed, authorities acted on the outstanding arrest warrant.

They didn't divert the plane and bring it down just to arrest the guy.

It looks like, once again, the media is falsifying the story to fit the narrative, to propagandize us for tptb.


Friday, May 28, 2021 1:29 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

From Signy's post it looks like a bomb threat against that flight was received, and as per long-standing SOP documented historically for that airline from previous bomb threats, the flight was diverted. Once it landed, authorities acted on the outstanding arrest warrant.

They didn't divert the plane and bring it down just to arrest the guy.

It looks like, once again, the media is falsifying the story to fit the narrative, to propagandize us for tptb.

I usually try to convince myself that you are not really highly gullible.....but you keep posting the most inane comments.

Maybe I can FIFY: Belarus is really, really, really ticked at this guy, and really want to "arrest" him, which he says means "kill him"
So, as they track his whereabouts, they see he is on a plane. And the flight plan crosses Belarus airspace, on the way to Vilnius.
So, when it is in Belarus airspace, under ATC Minsk, they will direct the pilots to divert to Minsk and land there, so he can be arrested. As part of this deceit, they may or may not ananamously send a fake email threat about a demand for cease fire where there has already been a cease fire for days.

You sound like you have never even heard of chess - maybe you can only handle checkers or solitaire.

Why not divert to Kaunas instead? The flight was far closer to Kaunas than Minsk already, and Ryanair flies more flights there than anybody else. Obviously, because Belarus police were not waiting there to arrest the irritant.


Friday, May 28, 2021 4:08 AM


The talk wiki mod section of wikipedia reads like a cluster fuck
but the main wikipedia article seems ok


Ryanair Flight 4978 was an international scheduled passenger flight from Athens International Airport, Greece, to Vilnius Airport, Lithuania, on 23 May 2021. While in Belarusian airspace, it was diverted by the Belarusian government to Minsk National Airport where two of its passengers, opposition activist and journalist Roman Protasevich and his girlfriend Sofia Sapega, were arrested by authorities. The flight was escorted to Minsk by a Belarusian fighter jet under the pretence of a bomb threat on the orders of the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko. The aircraft was allowed to depart after seven hours, reaching Vilnius eight and a half hours behind schedule.

The event was widely condemned by civil aviation authorities and multiple governments. Initially some European states and airlines responded with new restrictions on flights passing through and from Belarus; on the day after the incident, the European Union initiated new sanctions, including closing off Belarusian airspace and carriers to the EU

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, from whose country the Ryanair flight originated, described the forced landing of the aircraft as a "shocking act" and said that political pressure on Belarus must be stepped up. Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias described the event as a "state-sponsored abduction"

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda accused Belarusian authorities of carrying out an "abhorrent action". He also said: "I call on NATO and EU allies to immediately react to the threat posed to international civil aviation by the Belarus regime. The international community must take immediate steps that this does not repeat". Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonyte informed the public that the pre-trial investigation has been started for forced disappearance and hijacking of the aircraft


Friday, May 28, 2021 5:05 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

JSF, I'm not making anything up. If you read Signy's post (you DID read the post - right?) the decision where to go was made by ATC.

And when it comes to which story has more eividence - Signy's or yours - well, yours has none, whereas Signy's has quite a bit.

Oh, as long you feel free to make snarky personal comments, let me return the favor. Why not land on Signy for being stupid and posting her post? Why land on me because I reiterated it? Is it because you have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old 'mean girl'? Or are you drunk posting?


Friday, May 28, 2021 7:59 AM


'WizAir avoiding Belarus airspace'

'The political escalation is going on.

Now Russia denied alternative routes for Airlines which requested it to avoid Belarus air space.'

Spain now telling Spanish operators and aircraft to avoid Belarus unless needed in an emergency. Also telling aircraft bound for Spain to avoid overflying Belarus.

'Updated: where are Belarus airlines allowed to operate now? See updated restrictions and track live'


Friday, May 28, 2021 2:53 PM


Belarus president tells Putin he has 'documents' on Ryanair incident

FBI and Poland have launched inquiries into Belarus plane, says Lithuanian police chief. The FBI launches probe

US, European nations call for investigation into Belarus plane diversion at UN Security Council

Belarus excuse...
'Accuses Hamas'?


Friday, May 28, 2021 4:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

JSF: Stop thinking with your feelz. Far from being "unprecedented!" the diversion of aircraft bc of bomb threats is commonplace. RyanAir itself had two previous diversions recently.

And the west has diverted aircraft bc political refugees were suspected to be onboard, most notably


Also remember, that the plane of Bolivian president Evo Morales was forced to land in Austria in July 2013, after France, Spain, Portugal and Italy had closed their airspace on American orders. because Edward Snowden was suspected to be onboard. (He wasn't.) Not only was the plane a commercial flight, it was transporting the President of a foreign nation. Where was the outrage then? All together, there is a list of about a dozen flight diversions and/ interferences not having anything to do with bomb threats, all perpetrated by the west.

In any case, the bomb threat emails were real, but not genuine. The question isn't whether there was a bomb threat or whether Belarus' response was legal and by the book, but who made the threat? It was awfully convenient for Belarus.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, May 28, 2021 4:36 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
JSF, I'm not making anything up. If you read Signy's post (you DID read the post - right?) the decision where to go was made by ATC.

ATC is Air Traffic Control. Do you think Air Traffic Controllers are volunteers who stop by after their daily shift at McDonald's? They are CONTROLLING AIRSPACE over BELARUS. Operated by the BELARUS GOVERNMENT. When the BELARUS GOVERNMENT says to divert a plane to Minsk so that dissidents can be arrested (instead of closer airports, like Kauna), then the Controllers divert the plane to Minsk unless they no longer have need of their heads being attached to their bodies.

And when it comes to which story has more eividence - Signy's or yours - well, yours has none, whereas Signy's has quite a bit.

Oh, as long you feel free to make snarky personal comments, let me return the favor. Why not land on Signy for being stupid and posting her post? Why land on me because I reiterated it? Is it because you have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old 'mean girl'? Or are you drunk posting?

Sigs did not post that everything that the Belarus Government issued as narrative for this political event was true and accurate.
Even though what she did post included comments from MoonofAlabama that the government story was true, I did not believe that Sigs is actually MoonofAlabama. And, in fact, Sigs posted correction of the stated assumption - pointing out the lies.
Sigs did not indicate that she fell for the narrative, without eying it objectively.
Unlike your apparent blanket endorsement of the Fake News narrative, which you indicated that you swallowed hook, link, and sinker.
Sigs did not post: "They didn't divert the plane and bring it down just to arrest the guy."


Friday, May 28, 2021 4:47 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
JSF: Stop thinking with your feelz. Far from being "unprecedented!" the diversion of aircraft bc of bomb threats is commonplace. RyanAir itself had two previous diversions recently.

And the west has diverted aircraft bc political refugees were suspected to be onboard, most notably

Also remember, that the plane of Bolivian president Evo Morales was forced to land in Austria in July 2013, after France, Spain, Portugal and Italy had closed their airspace on American orders. because Edward Snowden was suspected to be onboard. (He wasn't.) Not only was the plane a commercial flight, it was transporting the President of a foreign nation. Where was the outrage then?

Recalling the crimes of Obama? Have you forgotten what an unmitigated disaster Obamanation was?

All together, there is a list of about a dozen flight diversions and/ interferences not having anything to do with bomb threats, all perpetrated by the west.
Were these all at the whims of Obama?

In any case, the bomb threat emails were real, but not genuine. The question isn't whether there was a bomb threat or whether Belarus' response was legal and by the book
Incorrect - that is the real question, why divert a plane with a bomb on board to the farther airport of Minsk, instead of the nearer airport of Kaunas? Is THAT the by-the-book response? If a plane is near Chicago, it should be diverted to LAX while it carries a bomb?
In one of your examples, the plane was in RAF airspace - so why not divert the plane which was near Dublin to London, which was also farther away? Are you saying that only reasonable nations divert planes to a nearby airport, and only Belarus habitually diverts to a farther airport where arresting agents are waiting?

but who made the threat? It was awfully convenient for Belarus.

Convenient, my ass.
Like saying Covid was created and Lockdowns were enacted to be convenient for Biden to steal the election.


Friday, May 28, 2021 4:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The bomb threat was real. The first arrived before RyanAir was over Belarus.


So there have been, if the officials are to be believed, two bomb threat emails. The first one at 12:25 local time (9:25 UTC) arrived five minutes before the Ryanair flight at 12:30 (9:30 UTC) entered Belorussian airspace. That would have left enough time to contact the air traffic controller who then warned the plane. The email in the screenshot received at would have been the second one.

The Ryanair pilot was warned of the bomb threat at 9:30 utc but declared Mayday only at 9:47 utc. It took him several more minutes to change the course. The sender of the emails might have watched the plane's course on Flight Aware and prepared and sent the second email when the plane seemed not to react to the first one.

But even MoA questions the threat's credibility.


The content of the email is not convincing as a threat. The demand for a ceasefire in Gaza is nonsense as one was already in place since May 21. The mentioning of the Delphi Economic Forum in Greece is of interest. Roman Protasevich had taken part in it and was on his way back to Vilnius. Why was that explicitly mentioned? If Belarus used the email as a trick to catch Protasevich why mention the Delphi Forum in the threat email?

The last sentence of the email is of high interest because it decided where the plan would land: "If you don’t meet our demands the bomb will explode on May 23 over Vilnius."

In previous incidents of bombs on civil aircraft these were either set off by a timer or by a barometer (pressure = height over ground). That the extortionist would name a specific location for the bomb explosion can only mean that the bomb would be set off by a GPS device. This explains why the pilots decided to diverted to Minsk instead of finishing the much shorter leg to Vilnius.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, May 28, 2021 5:00 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The bomb threat was real. The first arrived before RyanAir was over Belarus.

So there have been, if the officials are to be believed, two bomb threat emails. The first one at 12:25 local time (9:25 UTC) arrived five minutes before the Ryanair flight at 12:30 (9:30 UTC) entered Belorussian airspace. That would have left enough time to contact the air traffic controller who then warned the plane. The email in the screenshot received at would have been the second one.

The Ryanair pilot was warned of the bomb threat at 9:30 utc but declared Mayday only at 9:47 utc. It took him several more minutes to change the course. The sender of the emails might have watched the plane's course on Flight Aware and prepared and sent the second email when the plane seemed not to react to the first one.

But even MoA questions the threat's credibility.

The content of the email is not convincing as a threat. The demand for a ceasefire in Gaza is nonsense as one was already in place since May 21. The mentioning of the Delphi Economic Forum in Greece is of interest. Roman Protasevich had taken part in it and was on his way back to Vilnius. Why was that explicitly mentioned? If Belarus used the email as a trick to catch Protasevich why mention the Delphi Forum in the threat email?

The last sentence of the email is of high interest because it decided where the plan would land: "If you don’t meet our demands the bomb will explode on May 23 over Vilnius."

In previous incidents of bombs on civil aircraft these were either set off by a timer or by a barometer (pressure = height over ground). That the extortionist would name a specific location for the bomb explosion can only mean that the bomb would be set off by a GPS device. This explains why the pilots decided to diverted to Minsk instead of finishing the much shorter leg to Vilnius.

MoA indicates that the only kind of bomb trigger could have been GPS. Technically incorrect. It could have been local trigger, a person on the ground at Vilnius waiting for the plane to get within range of the trigger signal. But the results and reactions would be the same.


Friday, May 28, 2021 5:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


JSF: Stop thinking with your feelz. Far from being "unprecedented!" the diversion of aircraft bc of bomb threats is commonplace. RyanAir itself had two previous diversions recently.

And the west has diverted aircraft bc political refugees were suspected to be onboard, most notably

Also remember, that the plane of Bolivian president Evo Morales was forced to land in Austria in July 2013, after France, Spain, Portugal and Italy had closed their airspace on American orders. because Edward Snowden was suspected to be onboard. (He wasn't.) Not only was the plane a commercial flight, it was transporting the President of a foreign nation. Where was the outrage then?

JSF: Recalling the crimes of Obama? Have you forgotten what an unmitigated disaster Obamanation was?

No, not forgetting.


SIGNY: All together, there is a list of about a dozen flight diversions and/ interferences not having anything to do with bomb threats, all perpetrated by the west.

JSF: Were these all at the whims of Obama?

No, I'm looking for that list again, but it goes back decades, thru Dem and GOP Presidents.


SIGNY: In any case, the bomb threat emails were real, but not genuine. The question isn't whether there was a bomb threat or whether Belarus' response was legal and by the book

JSF: Incorrect - that is the real question, why divert a plane with a bomb on board to the farther airport of Minsk, instead of the nearer airport of Kaunas? Is THAT the by-the-book response? If a plane is near Chicago, it should be diverted to LAX while it carries a bomb?

oh, c'mon JSF, even you have to admit that's an exaggerated example. The distance between Kaunas and Minsk is all of 163 flying miles. 15 minutes at 600 mph, and quite possibly the Kaunas airport doesn't have a bomb squad, emergency services etc that would be in Minsk. Stop getting stuck on irrelevant details.


JSF: In one of your examples, the plane was in RAF airspace - so why not divert the plane which was near Dublin to London, which was also farther away? Are you saying that only reasonable nations divert planes to a nearby airport, and only Belarus habitually diverts to a farther airport where arresting agents are waiting?

SIGNY... but who made the threat? It was awfully convenient for Belarus.

JSF: Convenient, my ass.
Like saying Covid was created and Lockdowns were enacted to be convenient for Biden to steal the election.

I have no idea how to disentangle that sentence. R U being sarcastic?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, May 28, 2021 5:42 PM


I believe the airplane is registered in Poland, now Poland has begun its own pre-investigation
We have several media sources which claim to have the real transcripts

Other media also claims some Transcripts are false or edited

Ryanair Head: Transcript Of Talks Provided By Belarusian Authorities Isn't True

The Minsk airport control service refused to contact Ryanair, falsely stating that the company did not answer the phone," - O'Leary noted in his letter.

'You Have Bomb On Board': Belarusian Transcript Of Ryanair Pilots Raises More Questions Than It Answers


Just after 12:30 p.m. local time on May 23, flying at an altitude of around 12,000 meters, Ryanair's Vilnius-bound flight FR4978 from Athens crossed into Belarusian airspace and made contact with air traffic controllers in the capital, Minsk.

"For your information, we have information from special services that you have bomb on board and it can be activated over Vilnius," the Minsk controller says.

"Ok," the pilot responds, "could you repeat the message?"

"I say again we have information from special services that you have bomb on board," the controller responds. "That bomb can be activated over Vilnius."

Nearly 16 minutes later, the pilot informs the Minsk controllers: "We are declaring an emergency MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY… Our intentions would be to divert to Minsk airport."

The conversation, detailed in an uncorroborated and incomplete transcript released by Belarusian officials, is a key piece of evidence in the evolving mystery surrounding Flight 4978, whose journey included an escort by a Belarusian Air Force fighter jet.

Ryanair Pilots Questioned Request to Land, Transcript Released by Belarus Shows


The back-and-forth between the cockpit and ground control suggests pilots sought clarity on diverting to Minsk

The whole event is very strange and there is a lot of political spin happening now

This event and the reality of it should be fully investigated

Even though there has been no Loss of Life and no actual 'Crash' I believe it might be wise for authority in Lithuania, Greece, the FBI and Polish Police to have an actual look at the Blackbox and Recordings and listen and see as to what happened between the Belarus Ground and the Pilots. I believe because the plan was manufactured by Boeing guys from the NTSB, the FAA and Boeing would be given access to the Flight recorder. This event has a big international element to it but I have read some transport history books before and watched some flight documentary so I believe perhaps the FAA or FBI may take part in the investigation being conducted by the NTSB. Belarus might be outside Europe and politically closer to Russia, maybe in some old Soviet Baltic travel zone but this aircraft traveled between 2 EU countries, I believe also Europe has some kind of Euro Control flight management transport system or EU Sky or Single European Sky Authority. I believe the FBI is now involved in an investigation into the plane 'hijack' and it would be normal for the FBI to get involved with investigations of terror threats or bomb threats.

Can Biden Do Anything About Belarus?

Biden mulls sanctions as Belarus blogger’s family beg for help

President Joe Biden said U.S. sanctions against Belarus are in play, but declined to offer more details.
Biden made the remark to reporters as he was leaving the White House en route to his home state of Delaware amid international outrage over Belarus' forcing down of a jetliner and arrest of a dissident journalist on board.

Biden blasts Belarus plane diversion as US vows to hold regime ‘to account’


Friday, May 28, 2021 6:03 PM


This is a very unusual flight path

Flight from Belarus to Barcelona Spain never happened the aircraft keeps going around in circles in the sky
rumors online say the Polish told them they did not have permission to enter French Airspace
Minsk to Barcelona is holding
' Reason is currently unknown. '

At this point, Belarus’ state airline Belavia is effectively cut off from Western Europe. Flights to Turkey continue, but will be routed via Russia now, adding time to each flight.
Flights to destinations to the east remain unaffected


Friday, May 28, 2021 6:41 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


One nice thing about the OP is that it links a lot of initial news reports. I did a thorough search of the 'news' on the topic, and it's clear that google's search of initial reporting has been scrubbed. There's precious little to be had.

While nearly all foreign NON-American/ British/ Australian (western) media made mostly un-editorialized mention of a bomb threat "A Ryanair plane flying from Athens to Vilnius had to make an emergency landing in Minsk on Sunday over a bomb threat, which later turned out to be misinformation. To escort the plane, Belarus deployed a fighter jet." (UrduNews) ...

... Yahoo reported this:
"The forced diversion of a passenger flight, evidently on the pretense of a fake bomb threat ..."

... Florida News Times made no mention of a bomb threat at all

... along with (for example) NewsNation that also made no mention of a bomb threat at all

... while the WaPo discounts that there was a bomb threat at all " a purported bomb threat"

... the EU reported false information "A number of Russian nationals are also reportedly removed from the plane" along with tons of insinuation "(given the close links between Belarus’s Lukashenko regime and Putin’s Russia, there are suspicions the passengers were part of the operation against Protasevich)."

... Australia called it a hijacking and Australia's Foreign Minister Payne specifically accused (without evidence, of course) ATC of being involved or actually lying about a bomb threat
/ and
"Reports at the weekend even suggested a ruse of a false bomb threat on board was used by air traffic control ... 'We are also concerned by reports that the Belarusian Government allegedly grounded the flight on the false pretense of a security threat' said Minister Payne."

... and MSN opines (without evidence again) about the motivations for diverting the flight and despite Ryanair's characterization of Minsk as being the closest airport.
"Ryanair says that its crew was 'notified by Belarus ATC [air traffic control] of a potential security threat on board and were instructed to divert to the nearest airport, Minsk.'"

BTW, the bomb threat came from a Swiss anonymous email service ProtonMail, also not reported in western media. You can google it yourself.

Now, one may speculate about the bomb threat, but to be NEWS there really needs to be factual evidence. And western media does a great job of ignoring the need for evidence especially when it questioned the existence of a bomb threat (that they knew for a fact existed), about the origins of the bomb threat, or about the motivations of a bomb threat, when it's not omitting that fact of a bomb threat completely.

And you claim the news is unbiased? complete? accurate?



Friday, May 28, 2021 7:15 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I believe the airplane is registered in Poland, now Poland has begun its own pre-investigation
We have several media sources which claim to have the real transcripts

Other media also claims some Transcripts are false or edited

Ryanair Head: Transcript Of Talks Provided By Belarusian Authorities Isn't True

The Minsk airport control service refused to contact Ryanair, falsely stating that the company did not answer the phone," - O'Leary noted in his letter.

'You Have Bomb On Board': Belarusian Transcript Of Ryanair Pilots Raises More Questions Than It Answers


Just after 12:30 p.m. local time on May 23, flying at an altitude of around 12,000 meters, Ryanair's Vilnius-bound flight FR4978 from Athens crossed into Belarusian airspace and made contact with air traffic controllers in the capital, Minsk.

"For your information, we have information from special services that you have bomb on board and it can be activated over Vilnius," the Minsk controller says.

"Ok," the pilot responds, "could you repeat the message?"

"I say again we have information from special services that you have bomb on board," the controller responds. "That bomb can be activated over Vilnius."

Nearly 16 minutes later, the pilot informs the Minsk controllers: "We are declaring an emergency MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY… Our intentions would be to divert to Minsk airport."

The conversation, detailed in an uncorroborated and incomplete transcript released by Belarusian officials, is a key piece of evidence in the evolving mystery surrounding Flight 4978, whose journey included an escort by a Belarusian Air Force fighter jet.

Ryanair Pilots Questioned Request to Land, Transcript Released by Belarus Shows


The back-and-forth between the cockpit and ground control suggests pilots sought clarity on diverting to Minsk

The whole event is very strange and there is a lot of political spin happening now

This event and the reality of it should be fully investigated

Even though there has been no Loss of Life and no actual 'Crash' I believe it might be wise for authority in Lithuania, Greece, the FBI and Polish Police to have an actual look at the Blackbox and Recordings and listen and see as to what happened between the Belarus Ground and the Pilots. I believe because the plan was manufactured by Boeing guys from the NTSB, the FAA and Boeing would be given access to the Flight recorder. This event has a big international element to it but I have read some transport history books before and watched some flight documentary so I believe perhaps the FAA or FBI may take part in the investigation being conducted by the NTSB. Belarus might be outside Europe and politically closer to Russia, maybe in some old Soviet Baltic travel zone but this aircraft traveled between 2 EU countries, I believe also Europe has some kind of Euro Control flight management transport system or EU Sky or Single European Sky Authority. I believe the FBI is now involved in an investigation into the plane 'hijack' and it would be normal for the FBI to get involved with investigations of terror threats or bomb threats.

Can Biden Do Anything About Belarus?

Biden mulls sanctions as Belarus blogger’s family beg for help

President Joe Biden said U.S. sanctions against Belarus are in play, but declined to offer more details.
Biden made the remark to reporters as he was leaving the White House en route to his home state of Delaware amid international outrage over Belarus' forcing down of a jetliner and arrest of a dissident journalist on board.

Biden blasts Belarus plane diversion as US vows to hold regime ‘to account’

Thanks for posting more info.


Friday, May 28, 2021 7:27 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Amateurs CONSTANTLY listen in on pilot/ATC conversations, which is how some really funny Youtube compilations are made. (I even posted some of them myself.)

Therefore if the Belarus' version of the transcript was wrong or incomplete, that could be pointed out by any number of people right away. Hence, Belarus has no reason to fake a transcript. In addition the "black box" records all cockpit noise, which would also reveal a fake transcript.

Why should Biden "do something" about a plane that was diverted to a major airport bc of a bomb threat? Why should Biden do ANYTHING about a foreign aircraft operating in foreign airspace where American lives and safety were not threatened?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, May 28, 2021 9:15 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Amateurs CONSTANTLY listen in on pilot/ATC conversations, which is how some really funny Youtube compilations are made. (I even posted some of them myself.)

Therefore if the Belarus' version of the transcript was wrong or incomplete, that could be pointed out by any number of people right away. Hence, Belarus has no reason to fake a transcript. In addition the "black box" records all cockpit noise, which would also reveal a fake transcript.

Equipment may have changed.
The Flight Data Recorder does constantly record all of the Flight Data, indicators, controls, etc.
But the Cockpit Voice Recorder normally does not. It normally records when triggered, like by voice, or by communication mic switch, or alarm activation, and other triggers. It does not normally record when all cockpit crew are focused on their instruments or calculations, not talking - or they did not used to. This is why recorder transcripts seem quite curt, brief, edited, and mere seconds are recorded when 8 minutes of flight time have elapsed.
CVR does record pilots chatting about hippos, ducks, and such - which are cloud formations (because they are supposed to be visually checking the sky), but the recordings did not used to be full of silence. Remember that the most heavily worn out spots in the entire cockpit are a pair of spots right in front of the seats of Pilot and Co-pilot, where their feet rest on the cowling. Everything else in the cockpit gets replaced, but not that. Every commercial piolt hopes for a long and boring flight, no excitement.

Amateur listeners also do not hear what is said in the cockpit, nor in the Control Tower, but only what is broadcast between.


Friday, May 28, 2021 11:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It's the conversation between the ATC and pilot that's at issue, isn't it?

How does the pilot learn about a bomb threat?


How does a pilot learn about a military escort?

ATC (Unless the military plane comes into view and waggles it's wings or shows it's missiles... no indication this happened.)

How does a pilot declare mayday?

How is a pilot directed to the alternate airport? given a heading?

All of that's recorded.

Whether the copilot complains to the pilot about the pilots bean-heavy lunch is irrelevant. As far as I can tell,all RELEVANT conversation is recorded.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, May 29, 2021 6:22 AM


Reading some online gossip this guy says
'the arrested passenger faces the death penalty in Belarus.'
This user comments 'Very disturbing. Journalism is a very dangerous profession for many.'

'Belarus will still trade with a lot of countries, it just means that it will all be handled by Moscow.'

This poster says 'The EU will just further sanction Belarus, making Russia their only ally. Hopefully the sanctioning of Russia will force the two to behave like real countries toward the rest of the world.'

'This is a huge deal. I hope the response is strong.'

As I understand it there could be as many as Five missing people, 2 writers or 'journalists' say and 3 let's say also 'strange' or odd passengers.

The Aircraft has been allowed reach its destination, some say on the orders of the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko. The Airplane allowed to depart Belarus, diverted from Greece and finally reaching Vilnius in Europe behind schedule but minus the missing journalist and his wife or girlfriend? Some compare it to the Bolivia guy and Snowden, Jen Psaki was also around back then in 2013 making statements on Evo Morales grounding incident. However I believe this is a different situation, it appears to be a far worse escalation with the whole nature of the hijack bomb threat, the MiG-29 fighter jet intercept and the detainment or kidnapping of a journalist.

FBI now launches a probe because of the terror threat nature of the event.
Two were detained and there seem to be 3 'missing people' it was speculated that these were some kinds of militarist spy or secret military police working with Belarus to capture the journalists.
All of the other people have been allowed reach their destination as the aircraft continued flight again.
The journalist Roman Protasevich, Sofia Sapega, 23, were arrested when the plane landed.
On social media we see reports from Belarus tv which said these missing passengers had been heading for Minsk anyway, and Minsk was convenient walking distance for his/her final destination.
Lithuanian police are now working to confirm who these missing unaccounted 3 are or what they were doing?

White House announces sanctions over Belarus' passenger plane interception

"Belarus's forced diversion of a commercial Ryanair flight under false pretenses, traveling between two member states of the European Union, and the subsequent removal and arrest of Raman Pratasevich, a Belarusian journalist, are a direct affront to international norms," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement.

The White House on Friday said the Department of State has issued a Level 4 Do Not Travel Warning to U.S. citizens, urging them to not travel to Belarus.

The White House said it is also coordinating with the European Union and other allies to develop targeted sanctions against Lukashenka and members of his regime


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Why should Biden "do something" about a plane that was diverted to a major airport bc of a bomb threat? Why should Biden do ANYTHING about a foreign aircraft operating in foreign airspace where American lives and safety were not threatened?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Aircraft makers take incidents very serious, if anything happens they do their best to fix it so it never happens again and I believe this is why flying is the safest form of travel.

There were many different nationalities on that aircraft flying across Europe, I believe American citizens were also on the aircraft or maybe dual citizens?

It is not really a 'foreign aircraft' the aircraft was built in the United States of America.
maybe built in Renton, King County built by Boeing Airplane Company in the US State of Washington

There are two big Aircraft manufacturing companies in the world, Airbus and Boeing, these guys are really world's only major large passenger aircraft manufacturers. You can buy other aircraft but people that own airlines typically only buy from one of the Big Two. There are lots of other Aircraft production companies making small sales to smaller airlines and you have military contracts, they make stuff for military but in commercial sales Boeing and Airbus are the big ones. Comac, I believe is Chinese civilian aircraft, they more or less copy Boeing/Airbus and deliver commercial planes for Air China, the company Bombardier I believe was a unique Canada Airline that done up old cars and tanks and military aircraft and airline in Canada, remade them got them all driving and flying out to remote areas in Canada, Mitsubishi also with a history of aircraft a Japanese company has bought a chunk of this Canadian company, Russia have their own military planes they sell, Lockheed made the super sonic spyplane SR-71 Blackbird, Northrop Grumman made the military F14 Tomcat from the Topgun movie, Russia has companies like the 'Tupolev' that built aircraft for civilian passengers, I believe they build for the Russian people and the Russian military. I believe you could add all the sales of all the other companies in the world and their sales of commerce aircraft still would not compare with Sales of Boeing or Airbus.
Boeing and Airbus with revenue streams of about 58 billion U.S. dollars and 49 billion euros, respectively, they are valuable additions to the economies of the United States and Europe.

Airbus is a European company, Boeing is an American company, Ryanair I believe is an Irish European Airline flying around Europe but they buy American Aircraft.
If something goes wrong with an American aircraft it is in America's interest to figure out what went wrong and fix it so it does not happen again. When an Aircraft hits the headlines for the wrong reason it can cost US sales, it then costs American jobs, it might also influence people's confidence in that particular aircraft sold.

It seems now this entire situation was contrived, the false appearance of an explosive, a bomb threat that never existed.
Followed by the arrest of a journalist or political protester, a guy Belarus did not like?


Sunday, May 30, 2021 12:27 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm not sure how an aircraft company can design a plane to prevent a bomb threat.

"a bomb threat that never existed" More accurately, the bomb THREAT existed, the but bomb itself didn't, as is true in nearly all bomb threats.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 2:23 AM


I don't recall seeing any account stating that the pilots knew about the fighter escort, until after landing. But maybe I missed it.


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
A US made Boeing 737 Aircraft

Flight track

Now this is an interesting linky. I didn't get to see it until Saturday, when this site was down. Or maybe Friday

Unfortunately, that site only seems to work for 7 days after the flight, so it likely will not be available sometime on Sunday. Actually, those are 2 sites, and they are both still up now.

They include a plot of the flight path, as if from satellite view above.
Below that, there is a data graph with airspeed (knots) or mph, and altitude in feet. flightradar24 has gradients on their graph, and some color coding regarding cruising altitude.

I'll post some data I found. Since I'm not there, I can't verify or confirm, but some of it does not seem to add up.

Looks like about over Lida when their flight path took a steep turn, completing a 180 degree change in direction - for no logical reason from their story. Then it flew farther out of it's way down to about Mir Castle, before finally vectoring over to the Minsk airport.

From Vilnius to Lida: 56 miles
Vilnius to Minsk airport: 123 miles
Vilnius to Kaunas: 57 miles
Kaunas to Minsk: 183 miles
Minsk airport seems to be 40 miles on the far side of Minsk.

Lida to Minsk: 93 miles
Lida to Kaunas: 90 miles
Lida to Mir Castle: about 75 miles

Mir Castle to Minsk airport: about 56 miles
Flight path from Lida to Mir Castle to Minsk airport: about 131 miles

Flight time: 2h, 51min = 171 minutes, from 10:29 (Belarus time) to 13:20.

From rough interpolation of the data from these 2 sites:
Around 10:47 the flight achieves cruising altitude (~38,000 feet).
After entering Ukraine airspace, around 12:10 the flight maintains cruising altitude but increases airspeed to about 470 knots, or 540mph.
This lasts until about 12:46 1/2, when there is a sudden bump up in speed, then sudden drop.
At about 12:49, 2 things happen: the speed suddenly jumps back up to it's prior rate briefly, then starts to plummet, and at this same moment the altitude departs it's cruising altitude and immediately and steadily drops.
At about 12:55 1/2 the altitude drop rate changes, starting to transition to leveling off at 10,000 feet. (note: if an imminent danger of fuselage breach, rapid descent would decrease the pressure differential between passenger cabin to exterior, and also takes away a danger of oxygen loss).

The flight path heads mostly directly from Athens toward Vilnius, with a bulge to avoid the north Aegean Sea for some reason.
The flight flew about 140 miles into Belarus airspace before performing a sudden U-turn, a few minutes away from escaping Belarus airspace when over Lida.
Diverting instead to the closer Kaunas, where Ryanair seems to have 3 flights daily, would have needed a far less drastic left turn, even if they wanted to avoid proximity to Vilnius. And flight time would have been at least 11 minutes less.
The distance of the reversed direction is farther from Lida than the Lithuanian border was. This direction towards Athens is not the direction of Minsk.
The new flight direction is not towards Minsk. There is little need for this, according to the story from the communists. However, such a direction would have still had the flight entering Lithuanian airspace briefly - and if there was a threat from the fighter "escort" to stay within Belarus airspace, this would explain the drastic flight path change.
After narrowly avoiding Lithuanian airspace, the flight path delves farther into the heart of Belarus, far from the savior of Lithuania. The flight finally turns toward Minsk after about 15 minutes towards Mir Castle.

From the transcript available:
12:30 Entered Belarus airspace.
12:41 Minsk ATC directs flight to Minsk airport.
12:47 pilots declare MAYDAY,
12:48 ATC authorizes descent to 10,000 feet.
13:20 Lands at Minsk airport.

Combining times from the communist script and from the interpolation of factual flight data:

10:47 attains cruising altitude.
12:10 Maintains cruising altitude but increases speed from about 420 knots to 470 knots (about 540mph).

12:25 - Purported first bomb threat email.
12:28 - Pilot contacts ATC for Belarus, based at Minsk (the only airport in Belarus), prior to entering Belarus airspace.
12:30 - Entered Belarus airspace.
12:31 - ATC informs Pilots of bomb threat. Pilots ask if info came from Lithuania, or Greece?
12:41 - Minsk ATC directs flight to Minsk airport.
12:42 - Pilots ask what authority is directing them to Minsk.
Apparent 5 minute void in transcript - maybe this is where ATC threatens to blow flight out of the sky unless they turn away from Lithuanian airspace.
12:45 - ATC reports threat code is Red, Pilot states will hold position, at altitude 39,000 feet.
12:46 1/2 - Sudden bump in airspeed, followed by sudden dip in airspeed.
12:47 - Pilots declare MAYDAY.
12:48 - ATC authorizes descent to 10,000 feet.
12:49 - 2 things happen: airspeed suddenly bumps back up to prior speed briefly, then drops; and altitude suddenly departs cruising altitude and descends rapidly (flight path color codes indicate this is after 180 degree U-turn has been completed, and now heading toward Mir Castle.)
12:52:30 - Pilot requests heading change to 130 to avoid something.
12:55 1/2 - Descent starts to transition to leveling off at 10,000 feet.
12:56 - Apparently the timestamp of 2nd bomb threat email.
12:58 - Changing heading from 130 to 070 or 090, then to 040 or 030 for 20 or 30 miles.
13:04 - Airport ATC says turn right to heading 080.
13:10 - Airport ATC says turn left to heading 010 for approach.
13:15 - Landing at Minsk airport.
13:20 - End of flight at Minsk airport.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 2:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

ATC didn't tell them about the fighter escort, so how would the pilots know?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 3:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


European officials have called a bomb threat improbable, and the European Union has restricted its carriers from flying over Belarus.

Yes, but would they have preferred that ATC and the pilots NOT respond to a bomb threat? Even if it seemed a little dubious?

The encrypted emailer really needs to come clean about the number, timing, and source of the (two?) emails.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 9:54 AM


I guess its possible some person in Belarus by their perspective are telling some kind of truth but the more information that comes out the less plausible the less credible the Belorussian story seems.
The Polish are involved bacuse the aircraft was operated by the Polish airline subsidiary Buzz, headquartered in Warsaw. Formerly called Ryanair Sun.

Why is the E-mail dated late, are they in different time zones?

Was the Email in Swiss German Schweizerdeutsch, was it in Belorussian in Eastern BieLa ruskaja mova, was the Email wrote in Arabic or was the Email in broken English?

Wikipedia quotes Legal experts
Ukrainian aviation lawyer Andriy Huk suggested that the interception by the military aircraft and redirection of the aircraft to a more distant airport could have jeopardized the safety of the passengers and crew. He also noted that Appendix 2 of Chicago Convention considers interception of civilian aircraft by the military as a very last resort, but the Belarusian military jet took off immediately. Associate professor at the Russian Higher School of Economics Gleb Bogush stated that the staging (dramatizing) of a bomb threat and the interception of the aircraft by the Belarusian authorities could have jeopardized the passengers and crew and that both the Chicago Convention and 1971 Montreal Convention should be used in the legal assessment of the case. He also called the situation "a very dangerous precedent"

At one time the Empire of old Fascist Japan delivered its Kamikaze Letters Late? Japan delivers its letter 7.5 hours after Japanese forces started an attack at Pearl Harbor??

Russia releases $500m loan to Belarus as west imposes sanctions

Is the Hamas thing real?
Irrelevant Information as a Distraction

'Hamas bomb threat sparked landing: Belarus'
'A Polish deputy foreign minister, Pawel Jablonski, told broadcaster TVN24 his government had heard from Protasevich's mother about his being in poor health.
Belarus's interior ministry said Protasevich was being held in jail and had not complained of ill health.'

Belarus points to Hamas bomb threat in plane diversion, Hamas rejects claim

Authorities released what they said was a text of the bomb alert as officials sought to defuse a mounting international outcry over what Western capitals have denounced as an act of "state piracy".
Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum denied his group had any knowledge or connection.
Minsk scrambled a warplane to escort a Ryanair flight on Sunday, flagging a bomb alert that proved false once the plane had made an unscheduled landing in Belarus where authorities arrested Roman Protasevich, a journalist critical of Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko.

Hamas is a mohammedan islamic terrorist miltant group in the area of israel pakestine,
Hamas it is "Islamic Resistance Movement" a Palestinian Sunni Islamist paramilitary organisation. It was started in 1987 during the First Intifada by Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi as the Gaza branch of the Muslim Brotherhood organization in Egypt.
In the 2006 Palestinian election, Hamas got 74 of 132 seats in parliament and controls the Gaza Strip.
The group wants to build a Palestinian state based on Islamic values in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip. Hamas does not recognize the State of Israel.
Hamas is known for its military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, which plans and carries out attacks on Israel. Because of its policy of suicide bombings and rocket attacks on civilians in Israel, the United States, European Union and other countries call it a terrorist organisation. The country of Jordan has made the group illegal. However, many of the international press, including the English-language edition of the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, refer to Hamas members by the more neutral term "militants."
I do not believe Hamas have targeted Greece or Lithuania before.
Something feels strange about this 'Hamas' excuse story?

Biden administration admonishes Belarusian government over dissident arrest

The Biden administration is imposing sanctions on Belarus for diverting a plane to arrest a dissident journalist. The incident is adding further tension to U.S.-Russia relations as President Biden and Russian President Putin are set to meet in Geneva soon.

The email published by Belarusian authorities has a timestamp of 12:57, which is 24 minutes after Belarusian air traffic control notified the Ryanair flight that the message had been received

strange odd timing

International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations and the European Cockpit Association issued a joint statement calling the event "an unprecedented act of unlawful interference" and "state-sponsored hijacking". They called for an independent inquiry into the event

Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko went on a yacht tour

'Take the long way home — because of restrictions imposed by Ukraine on overflights, Belavia’s IST-MSQ flight added 1 hr 23 min to its average flight time today'

German Airline Lufthansa announced it would suspend operations in Belarusian airspace until further notice. Singapore Airlines (SIA) also began rerouting flights bound for Europe to avoid Belarusian airspace from 25 May, citing safety concerns


Sunday, May 30, 2021 11:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Jeezus, endless handwringing from JAYNEZ.

Everything you posted, I already posted. I got my info from Moon of Alabama. Maybe you should go there and get some credible info instead mouthbreating hysteria.

The bomb threat was real but it didn't seem credbible because they demanded a ceasefire in Gaza altho one was already in effect. The mystery is who sent the emails, not Belarus' response. I posted that right away. Get over it, already.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 12:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


ProtonMail, [is] an encrypted end-to-end email provider in Switzerland which [which] promises 'Swiss Privacy Data Security and Neutrality'...

ProtonMail may or may not have made that quite explicit headline claim. It is however 100% false. Belarus received a legit bomb threat against a Ryanair flight via an email sent through the ProtonMail mail servers. After receiving the email it contacted the plane in question and recommended to the pilot to divert the plane to Minsk. The pilot voluntarily followed that advice.

ProtonMail has made no effort to correct the false impression and false headlines its statement has caused. It has instead obfuscated the issue as much as it could. ...

Due to the malign behavior of ProtonMail new sanctions against Belarus, which will directly or indirectly hurt every Belorussian citizen, were introduced by the United States, the EU and other countries.

Moon of Alabama has detailed the publicly available evidence of the case and has called on ProtonMail to correct the record. ProtonMail responded and communicated with me via Twitter. In its communication with me ProtonMail indirectly admitted that the above headline is wrong. The complete exchange is of public interest and therefore copied below.

How did this happen?

On May 23 at 9:25 utc some yet unknown person used a ProtonMail email account to send a bomb threat against Ryanair flight 4978 witch at that time was in the air flying from Greece to Vilnius, Lithuania.

The email was directly addressed in the "Send to:" field to the Lithuanian administration responsible for Lithuanian airports. The airport of Minsk, Belarus, with the email address, was copied in the "CC to:" 'Carbon copy' field of the very same email.

In communication with me ProtonMail tried to claim that this meant that Minsk was not directly addressed in that email. That is nonsense. Any email server will handled email addresses in the "Send To:", "Carbon Copy (CC) to:" and "Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) to:" fields equally in that it will resolve the IP-address of the appropriate server responsible for receiving emails to that email-address. It will then open a session with it that server and deliver the mail. It makes no difference for the receiving side in which "To:" field of the sent email it was mentioned. It will get a full copy of the email.

Minsk received the first email at 9:25 utc. At 9:30 utc Ryanair flight 4978 entered Belorussian airspace. It was immediately contacted by the Belorussian Air Traffic Control (ATC) and made aware of the bomb threat against the plane.

So, it's clear that the first bomb threat was received BEFORE the plane entered Belarus' airspace.

I have a question: If the email had been sent to Vilnus, why didn't the authorities there attempt to contact the Ryanair flight? Not in their airspace? Attempted to call Ryanair (like Belarus claims it did) but couldn't get anyone on the phone? (like Belarus claims happened)

The complete English language radio exchange between the Ryanair pilot, call sign RYR 1TZ, and the ATC as well as a narrative of what had happened was published by the Belorussian air traffic authorities (scroll down for the English version and the radio transcript).
The transcript is ONCE AGAIN made available, for your perusal

Yanno, this is very much like the "quid pro quo" that Trump was accused of, or the claim that "Trump incited insurrection". When you have the original source material available, why go to some secondary, tertiary, or more distant source for your info?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 9:41 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Jeezus, endless handwringing from JAYNEZ.

Everything you posted, I already posted. I got my info from Moon of Alabama. Maybe you should go there and get some credible info instead mouthbreating hysteria.

The bomb threat was real but it didn't seem credbible because they demanded a ceasefire in Gaza altho one was already in effect. The mystery is who sent the emails, not Belarus' response. I posted that right away. Get over it, already.

Thanks for your posts and new information, JAYNEZ.
She obviously does not get it, and likely never will. Not your problem.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 10:18 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I got my info from Moon of Alabama.

Do they have a different moon in Alabama?

Because where I come from we just call it Moon.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 10:26 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

ProtonMail, [is] an encrypted end-to-end email provider in Switzerland which [which] promises 'Swiss Privacy Data Security and Neutrality'...

ProtonMail may or may not have made that quite explicit headline claim. It is however 100% false. Belarus received a legit bomb threat against a Ryanair flight via an email sent through the ProtonMail mail servers. After receiving the email it contacted the plane in question and recommended to the pilot to divert the plane to Minsk. The pilot voluntarily followed that advice.

ProtonMail has made no effort to correct the false impression and false headlines its statement has caused. It has instead obfuscated the issue as much as it could. ...

Due to the malign behavior of ProtonMail new sanctions against Belarus, which will directly or indirectly hurt every Belorussian citizen, were introduced by the United States, the EU and other countries.

Moon of Alabama has detailed the publicly available evidence of the case and has called on ProtonMail to correct the record. ProtonMail responded and communicated with me via Twitter. In its communication with me ProtonMail indirectly admitted that the above headline is wrong. The complete exchange is of public interest and therefore copied below.

How did this happen?

On May 23 at 9:25 utc some yet unknown person used a ProtonMail email account to send a bomb threat against Ryanair flight 4978 witch at that time was in the air flying from Greece to Vilnius, Lithuania.

The email was directly addressed in the "Send to:" field to the Lithuanian administration responsible for Lithuanian airports. The airport of Minsk, Belarus, with the email address, was copied in the "CC to:" 'Carbon copy' field of the very same email.

In communication with me ProtonMail tried to claim that this meant that Minsk was not directly addressed in that email. That is nonsense. Any email server will handled email addresses in the "Send To:", "Carbon Copy (CC) to:" and "Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) to:" fields equally in that it will resolve the IP-address of the appropriate server responsible for receiving emails to that email-address. It will then open a session with it that server and deliver the mail. It makes no difference for the receiving side in which "To:" field of the sent email it was mentioned. It will get a full copy of the email.

Minsk received the first email at 9:25 utc. At 9:30 utc Ryanair flight 4978 entered Belorussian airspace. It was immediately contacted by the Belorussian Air Traffic Control (ATC) and made aware of the bomb threat against the plane.

So, it's clear that the first bomb threat was received BEFORE the plane entered Belarus' airspace.

I have a question: If the email had been sent to Vilnus, why didn't the authorities there attempt to contact the Ryanair flight? Not in their airspace? Attempted to call Ryanair (like Belarus claims it did) but couldn't get anyone on the phone? (like Belarus claims happened)

The complete English language radio exchange between the Ryanair pilot, call sign RYR 1TZ, and the ATC as well as a narrative of what had happened was published by the Belorussian air traffic authorities (scroll down for the English version and the radio transcript).
The transcript is ONCE AGAIN made available, for your perusal

Yanno, this is very much like the "quid pro quo" that Trump was accused of, or the claim that "Trump incited insurrection". When you have the original source material available, why go to some secondary, tertiary, or more distant source for your info?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

It took me a bit to find that .by is the domain of Belarus.
Why was the ATC in Ukraine not informing the Pilots of the bomb threat while in their airspace?

The EXTRACT of transcription you had posted was not the complete transcription, there was a lot missing.
The pilots were trying to get lots of info from ATC, and ATC was not very forthcoming.

Some commentary has asked why the plane was not in contact with Lithuanian ATC. When aircraft enter airspace controlled by a new (handed off to) ATC, the pilots are to switch to the new frequency for that ATC and establish contact. When they approached entry to Belarus airspace, they did so 2 minutes before crossing. They had not yet crossed into Lithuanian airspace, but they could have contacted Lithuanian ATC if they wanted to, but if a fighter interceptor was preventing them from proceeding, they might not.
The plane would need to switch to the Lithuanian frequency, the ATC cannot switch to the "plane's frequency".


Sunday, May 30, 2021 11:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

UKRAINE did not receive the emailed threat, UKRAINE didn't know about it, thereforethey couldn't do anything about it. It was sent directly to Vilnius, Lithuania.

Minsk, Belarus was cc:d, at least according to the email service.

So Vilnius, Roman's destination and presumed safe haven, gets an emailed bomb threat.

What was their response?

Did they HAVE a response?

Did they try to contact the Ryanair flight directly? Did they try to contact Ryanair corporate HQ? Ukraine ATC? Belarus ATC?

Did they ignore it?

There are phone records and server records and ATC records and all kinds of ways to ferret out what, exactly, happened. In this whole story I find no problem with Belarus' response which -as far as I understand- was according to protocol, but two VERY loose threads that might tell us who started this whole thing and why, and who was complicit.

1) Who sent the email?
2) What was Vilnius' response to the threat?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 11:23 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
UKRAINE did not receive the emailed threat, UKRAINE didn't know about it, thereforethey couldn't do anything about it. It was sent directly to Vilnius, Lithuania.

Minsk, Belarus was cc:d, at least according to the email service.

Why didn't VILNIUS (LITHUANIA) do anything about it?

As I explained, what could Vilnius do? Vilnius (or Lithuania ATC) had to wait for the plane to switch to their frequency - which the plane was about to do, before being diverted to the farthest airport available. Lithuania cannot switch to the Minsk frequency to interlope on those transmissions.
As soon as the pilot switched to the frequency for Lithuania, they could have been diverted to Kaunas airport - no muss, no fuss.


Monday, May 31, 2021 12:48 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I think you just explained why Belarusian ATC ordered the plane to land at Minsk, Belarus; instead of at Vilnius, Lithuania.

Belarus received the email bomb threat directly because it was cc'd.

While the plane was in Belarusian airspace it was under control of- and in communication with- Belarusian ATC; all other ATC control communications being excluded. So Belarusian ATC ordered the flight to land at Minsk because Minsk was the only airport Belarusian ATC could coordinate with. And Belarusian ATC obviously couldn't order the flight to land at a non-Belarusian airport under a different non-Belarusian ATC control.

Hence Belarusian ATC ordered the flight to land at Minsk, Belarus; and not at Vilnius, Lithuania, even though Lithuania was 'closer'.


Monday, May 31, 2021 3:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
UKRAINE did not receive the emailed threat, UKRAINE didn't know about it, thereforethey couldn't do anything about it. It was sent directly to Vilnius, Lithuania.

Minsk, Belarus was cc:d, at least according to the email service.

Why didn't VILNIUS (LITHUANIA) do anything about it?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

As I explained, what could Vilnius do? Vilnius (or Lithuania ATC) had to wait for the plane to switch to their frequency - which the plane was about to do, before being diverted to the farthest airport available. Lithuania cannot switch to the Minsk frequency to interlope on those transmissions.

So Vilnius ATC couldn't do anything bc they were not on contact with the plane, and KIEV ATC couldn't do anything bc they didn't know about the threat. It was all up to Minsk ATC.

BTW, where doyou getthis crazy idea that the fighter jet intercepted Ryanair before the bomb threat was received, and before the pilot sent out a mayday (request to land)?

Most people that I know say that the fighter jet didn't get off the ground until Ryanair had already turned around.

BTW Belarus has been requesting a full investigation from the ICAO. I heard they were going to do one,
then I heard they weren't. What are they, as crooked as OPCW?

I know you're jonesing to pin something, anything on Belarus, but we will never know who set this up until we know who sent the emails, and we'll never know unless an investigation is done.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, May 31, 2021 2:04 PM


A Second Bomb Threat?
Ryanair Boeing 737 Diverts To Berlin Following Bomb Threat

Phone Call reported bomb threat on board?


Monday, May 31, 2021 3:30 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
UKRAINE did not receive the emailed threat, UKRAINE didn't know about it, thereforethey couldn't do anything about it. It was sent directly to Vilnius, Lithuania.

Minsk, Belarus was cc:d, at least according to the email service.

Why didn't VILNIUS (LITHUANIA) do anything about it?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

As I explained, what could Vilnius do? Vilnius (or Lithuania ATC) had to wait for the plane to switch to their frequency - which the plane was about to do, before being diverted to the farthest airport available. Lithuania cannot switch to the Minsk frequency to interlope on those transmissions.

So Vilnius ATC couldn't do anything bc they were not on contact with the plane, and KIEV ATC couldn't do anything bc they didn't know about the threat. It was all up to Minsk ATC.

BTW, where doyou getthis crazy idea that the fighter jet intercepted Ryanair before the bomb threat was received, and before the pilot sent out a mayday (request to land)?

Most people that I know say that the fighter jet didn't get off the ground until Ryanair had already turned around.

BTW Belarus has been requesting a full investigation from the ICAO. I heard they were going to do one,
then I heard they weren't. What are they, as crooked as OPCW?

I know you're jonesing to pin something, anything on Belarus, but we will never know who set this up until we know who sent the emails, and we'll never know unless an investigation is done.

The Kaunas airport was the obvious preferable, closer destination.
The Lithuania ATC couldn't contact the plane YET, until the plane contacted them, which it was on the verge of doing.
The email reportedly was sent to some office in Lithuania. Perhaps the Belarussians knew that this office was not manned at this hour - and likewise knew that to office in Belarus which was CC'd was open and waiting for it.
Reasonable CCs on a legitimate email would have included Ryanair operations offices, and the national Aviation Authorities of the nations the flight overpasses, like Ukraine. And not just Belarus.

Most of the conversations around the web about this event discuss that the Interceptor fighter was launched immediately upon the plane entering Belarus airspace.
Why not 5 minutes before, when the email "threat" was received?
Otherwise, if it was not going to detonate until over Vilnius, why bother with the escort at all in Belarus airspace?

And, of course, landing at Kaunas would have eliminated all problems.


Monday, May 31, 2021 5:42 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

JSF, you, SLOPPY, and THUGGER all share the same eagerness to lynch someone on the basis of biased speculation. Your biases are different. But your emotional responses are the same.

And I have to ask you the same questions I ask THUGGER all the time - Why do you care so much? - And why should the US get involved?


Monday, May 31, 2021 5:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I agree with KIKI. JSF, you're ASSUMING that it was Belarus that sent the email.

But who benefited from this in the long run?

The west deep state, which was able to use this event to insist on YET MORE sanctions on, and interfering with a Russian partner. (And trust me, they'll eventually be extended to Russia too.)

This parallels the alleged Navalny "poisoning", which was in all likelihood a false flag.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, May 31, 2021 6:06 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Reading some online gossip this guy says
'the arrested passenger faces the death penalty in Belarus.'
This user comments 'Very disturbing. Journalism is a very dangerous profession for many.'

The journalist Roman Protasevich, Sofia Sapega, 23, were arrested when the plane landed.

White House announces sanctions over Belarus' passenger plane interception

"Belarus's forced diversion of a commercial Ryanair flight under false pretenses, traveling between two member states of the European Union, and the subsequent removal and arrest of Raman Pratasevich, a Belarusian journalist, are a direct affront to international norms," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement.

The White House on Friday said the Department of State has issued a Level 4 Do Not Travel Warning to U.S. citizens, urging them to not travel to Belarus.

The White House said it is also coordinating with the European Union and other allies to develop targeted sanctions against Lukashenka and members of his regime


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Why should Biden "do something" about a plane that was diverted to a major airport bc of a bomb threat? Why should Biden do ANYTHING about a foreign aircraft operating in foreign airspace where American lives and safety were not threatened?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Aircraft makers take incidents very serious, if anything happens they do their best to fix it so it never happens again and I believe this is why flying is the safest form of travel.

There were many different nationalities on that aircraft flying across Europe, I believe American citizens were also on the aircraft or maybe dual citizens?

It is not really a 'foreign aircraft' the aircraft was built in the United States of America.
maybe built in Renton, King County built by Boeing Airplane Company in the US State of Washington

There are two big Aircraft manufacturing companies in the world, Airbus and Boeing, these guys are really world's only major large passenger aircraft manufacturers. You can buy other aircraft but people that own airlines typically only buy from one of the Big Two. There are lots of other Aircraft production companies making small sales to smaller airlines and you have military contracts, they make stuff for military but in commercial sales Boeing and Airbus are the big ones. I believe you could add all the sales of all the other companies in the world and their sales of commerce aircraft still would not compare with Sales of Boeing or Airbus.
Boeing and Airbus with revenue streams of about 58 billion U.S. dollars and 49 billion euros, respectively, they are valuable additions to the economies of the United States and Europe.

Airbus is a European company, Boeing is an American company, Ryanair I believe is an Irish European Airline flying around Europe but they buy American Aircraft.
If something goes wrong with an American aircraft it is in America's interest to figure out what went wrong and fix it so it does not happen again. When an Aircraft hits the headlines for the wrong reason it can cost US sales, it then costs American jobs, it might also influence people's confidence in that particular aircraft sold.

It seems now this entire situation was contrived, the false appearance of an explosive, a bomb threat that never existed.
Followed by the arrest of a journalist or political protester, a guy Belarus did not like?

kiki, I do understand that you really hate America, and you continue to cheer it's destruction, but not all Americans feel that way.
Do you know the International Language of Aviation? What Language are Traffic Controllers required to speak at all International airports?
There is a reason for that.


Monday, May 31, 2021 6:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


(America) Do you know the International Language of Aviation? What Language are Traffic Controllers required to speak at all International airports?
There is a reason for that.

I hope YOU realize that there's no such language as American!

And that America didn't spread 'American'(English) around the globe, or even invent 'American'(English). Nope. The British did both, especially with their colonies that controlled roughly 23% of the global population and 24% of the total land area at its height!


Monday, May 31, 2021 6:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The reason for English being the "lingua Franca" of business everywhere is bc of the British Empire. I hope you didn't think it has anything to do with the USA.

BTW, I see that you're inaccurately "mind reading" KIKI again. I see no evidence that KIKI wants to "destroy America".

You OTOH seem exceptionality careless with American lives and American interests, constantly conflating them with other nations' interests.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, May 31, 2021 7:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

You know JSF, I have spent a lot of time, and effort, and words, insisting that Trump is innocent until proven guilty - a foundational American Constitutional value. And I've received a LOT of personal hate for my insistence on that, as well as other American Constitutional values.

And while it's not an American Constitutional value, I also require evidence before I provisionally accept claims. It's one of a few things I do to try to identify propaganda and not let it grab a hold of my emotions.

But unlike other people, I try hard to not change my values and standards just because I have some personal spite I want to exercise, or because some propaganda is trying to manipulate me into doing that.

So imo Trump is innocent until proven guilty. The riot at the Capitol is merely a riot and not an 'insurrection' until someone can show good evidence there was a coordinated plot to unseat the government. And Belarus is innocent until convincing evidence (and at this point there's no evidence at all) is shown that it's not.

And so forth.

I try to be consistent.

But here I see double standards righteously abound.


Monday, May 31, 2021 8:45 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Do you know the International Language of Aviation? What Language are Traffic Controllers required to speak at all International airports?
There is a reason for that.

I hope YOU realize that there's no such language as American!

And that America didn't spread 'American'(English) around the globe, or even invent 'American'(English). Nope. The British did both, especially with their colonies that controlled roughly 23% of the global population and 24% of the total land area at its height!

Goodness. You not only seem to be arguing with yourself, but also seem to be confusing yourself.

First you deny that the American English Language exists.
Then you claim that the American English Language was not exported by America, but by the British who only speak British English, or Colonial English, and cannot speak American English.

You have failed in the knowledge that the Language of International Aviation is NOT British English, nor Colonial English, nor Canadian English, nor Scottish English, nor Irish English, nor Australian English.
Of course, you must be correct. The British cannot even translate velour, cannot pronounce aluminum, and cannot identify parts of a vehicle such as hood and trunk, nor pronounce gasoline.
And obviously the first successful manned flight was in Kitty Hawk, Italy.
And the first Legal determination that man can fly was by Judge Patterson of Dayton, France.
You claim Britain was the middleman for delivering American English to the Aviation Industry, while less than a generation after their vaunted domination, they were on the verge of speaking German for eternity.

Did you even read the transcript? Did you not wonder in awe why no mention was made by the Communist Belarus ATC (halfway to the opposite side of the planet) of British meters or kilometers in specifying altitude, but instead in American (SAE) feet? (SAE must be in Warrendale, Pennsylvania, over in Transylvania)

The worldview in CA is obviously a warped sort of prism. Tally Ho, Old Chap - whatsis aboot?

I was born and raised in American, and of the hundreds or thousands of hours of Aviation communications I've heard, I never wondered what word they spoke, as long as it was a word. Nor the meaning of what words were spoken.
I cannot say the same when hearing so-called English from other nations.

Your proclamation that International Aviation speaks American English solely at the declaration of Britain is preposterous.


Monday, May 31, 2021 9:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just like Mexicans don't speak 'Mexican' - they speak Spanish, a language that originated in Spain; Americans don't speak American, we speak English, a language that originated in England.

You seem to be confused about what language is spoken by pilots around the world, since you reference 'America' when you talk about it. No, they don't speak American. There is no such language as American. They speak English, specifically Aviation English. "Aviation English is the internationally-established language of the skies, consisting of about three hundred terms that are a combination of professional jargon and plain English."

And you're even more confused about who spread English around the entire world, so that it became the 'international language'! And it wasn't America, it was the British who that did that, through their Empire. English was already the well established language of international business and travel long before the Kitty Hawk, through country and continent-spanning rail-lines, (a significant creation of the British Empire) as well as ships (also a significant creation of the British Empire).

And there was even significant international wireless communication after 1987, thanks to Marconi.

You seem to think history began in ... 1903 perhaps? That no international business, or travel, or communication existed before then?

Oh, and aviation uses all sorts of measures - yes, even metric. And airspeed is measured in knots, when it's not measured in m/sec. And distance is measured in nautical miles, usually. I supposed those were American inventions, too.

Just because you're a provincial American hick who doesn't know nuthin' about the rest of the world or history, doesn't mean your ignorance is correct!

And please, try to stop running your life on hatred.


Monday, May 31, 2021 9:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thank you, KIKI. Sometimes JSF needs to have his ignorance corrected.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, May 31, 2021 10:34 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Just like Mexicans don't speak 'Mexican' - they speak Spanish, a language that originated in Spain; Americans don't speak American, we speak English, a language that originated in England.

You seem to be confused about what language is spoken by pilots around the world, since you reference 'America' when you talk about it. No, they don't speak American. There is no such language as American. They speak English, specifically Aviation English. "Aviation English is the internationally-established language of the skies, consisting of about three hundred terms that are a combination of professional jargon and plain English."

... long before the Kitty Hawk,....

You seem to think history began in ... 1903 perhaps? That no international business, or travel, or communication existed before then?

Oh, and aviation uses all sorts of measures - yes, even metric. And airspeed is measured in knots, when it's not measured in m/sec. And distance is measured in nautical miles, usually. I supposed those were American inventions, too.

Just because you're a provincial American hick who doesn't know nuthin' about the rest of the world or history, doesn't mean your ignorance is correct!

And please, try to stop running your life on hatred.

Of course, mankind was flying planes around the world long before 1900 - everybody was doing it, every nation, in every language. You are obviously correct.

And your link was written by a dumbass, Obviously never heard of Air Canada Flight 143 in July 1983. Makes me question the qualifications, since that scenario became part of the simulation menu - which few pilots could avoid crashing with.
But that link provides another linky showing that feet is the correct International Standard of measurement in Aviation Altitude.

In your efforts to ignore reality, you have forgotten the key term: INTERNATIONAL AVIATION LANGUAGE, not local language.
Calibration units are not discussed mid-air, and have nothing to do with flight control units.
The ICAO language standard adopted in 1951 was in Chicago. That must be Chicago, UK.
Notably, the locations of the most schools for how to learn Aviation English are in UK - because the language and meanings are foreign to the British.

Just because you were able to look up some small historical details does not mean that you were able to mention a single item that I did not already know.
Your ignorance, and ignorance of your ignorance, is astounding.


Monday, May 31, 2021 11:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Of course, mankind was flying planes around the world long before 1900 - everybody was doing it, every nation, in every language. You are obviously correct.
JSF - if you have to make shit up and lie about what other people post, your thinking is outside of reality.

Bye bye.






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