Avril doesn't like the animal theory

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 24, 2021 19:59
VIEWED: 2113
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Wednesday, August 18, 2021 8:17 AM


Top spy thinks lab leak much more likely than animal contact, and does not seem to trust the WHO on "extremely unlikely" label to lab leak theory, and does not seem to think that eating bats caused the plague.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 8:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Top spy thinks lab leak much more likely than animal contact, and does not seem to trust the WHO on "extremely unlikely" label to lab leak theory, and does not seem to think that eating bats caused the plague.

That story is from April 15th. Today is August 18th. There are more recent stories. For an example from yesterday:

Delayed Wuhan Report Adds Crucial Detail to Covid Origin Puzzle

A study documenting the trade in live wild animals at Wuhan wet markets stayed unpublished for more than a year

The origin story of Covid-19 remains a mystery mired in contentious geopolitical debate. But a research paper that languished in publishing limbo for a year and a half contains meticulously collected data and photographic evidence supporting scientists’ initial hypothesis—that the outbreak stemmed from infected wild animals—which prevailed until speculation that SARS-CoV-2 escaped from a nearby lab gained traction.

That same story got picked up by Yahoo, today:

. . . it seems likely to Goldstein that some Chinese authorities didn't want the presence of a thriving wildlife trade to become public knowledge. "It seems to me, at a minimum, that local or regional authorities kept that information quiet deliberately. It's incredible to me that people theorize about one type of cover-up," he said, likely referring to the hypothesis that the virus actually leaked from a nearby government-run lab, "but an obvious cover-up is staring them right in the face."

Here is the entire scientific report:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 9:23 AM


And whatever someone said more recently is more truer than whatever Avril said four months ago. Because truthiness comes from recentiness.

Also don't forget trusted sources. trustiness creates truthiness. Mainstream media outlets emit truons, tiny particles that create a truth like experience, frequently found in high density in fact checks and corporate sponsored memes.

Okay, I troll. But what about patient zero and the 12 initial patients who never visited these markets?


But Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, expressed considerable caution about the likelihood of the U.S. government solving this vexing mystery.

Asked if it’s possible the intelligence community will never have “high confidence” or a smoking gun on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, Haines responded, “Yes, absolutely.” Haines, who studied physics at the University of Chicago, held out the possibility of a eureka moment but refused to predict a breakthrough. “We’re hoping to find a smoking gun,” she said, but “it’s challenging to do that,” adding that “it might happen, but it might not.”

What does Avril know that we don't know?


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 9:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

On the flip side, SARS-Cov2 shows important RNA insertions that make the virus spike proteins far more effective at docking onto human cells. These insertions DO NOT appear in any related corona viruses of bats etc, and NO animal progenitor has been found with a wild-type virus that resembles this virus, despite repeated exploration of wildanimal viruses for a similar prototype.

Viruses do jump from animals to people. Ebola is thought to re-appear out of the wild from time to time, altho the reservoir has yet to be IDd (presumed bats). And AIDs is theorized to have jumped, several times, from Simian Immune Deficiency virus during the butchering/handling of bush (monkey) meat. So, not unheard of.

But if there was a lab in Kinshasa, Congo working on a strain of super-infective ebola,and an outbreak of super-infective ebola happened to break out there, I would go hmmm....

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 9:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

But if there was a lab in Kinshasa, Congo working on a strain of super-infective ebola,and an outbreak of super-infective ebola happened to break out there, I would go hmmm....

If the GOP was pushing a story, I'd go hmmm....
The GOP is pushing a story: Republican report says coronavirus leaked from China lab

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 10:05 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
On the flip side, SARS-Cov2 shows important RNA insertions that make the virus spike proteins far more effective at docking onto human cells. These insertions DO NOT appear in any related corona viruses of bats etc, and NO animal progenitor has been found with a wild-type virus that resembles this virus, despite repeated exploration of wildanimal viruses for a similar prototype.

Viruses do jump from animals to people. Ebola is thought to re-appear out of the wild from time to time, altho the reservoir has yet to be IDd (presumed bats). And AIDs is theorized to have jumped, several times, from Simian Immune Deficiency virus during the butchering/handling of bush (monkey) meat. So, not unheard of.

But if there was a lab in Kinshasa, Congo working on a strain of super-infective ebola,and an outbreak of super-infective ebola happened to break out there, I would go hmmm....

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Sort of like the WHO lab in Kinshasa in 1955 working SIV infected monkeys from Cameroon. The lab at which Hilary Koprowski was developing a polio vaccine, and HIV Patient Zero was Hilary Koprowski's patient. That's animal jump, and Hmmm. in the same incident


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 10:35 AM


from Second's link

It urged a bipartisan investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic that has killed 4.4 million people worldwide.

at "killed 4.4 million people" I'm at "bipartisan investigation" I think "do we teach transgenderism" is a partisan issue. "Killed 4.4 million people is not a partisan issue.

Anyway, Avril is a democrat, in the Biden administration. And who is Avril Haines?

Now as a bookstore owner myself, I can appreciate that

I wasn't a spy in the Obama administration, though
Maybe I missed my calling

I wasn't at Event 201 either. And what's Event 201?*7LzhJXDIubcYIOzWKBRaMA.jpeg


Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic.

What kind of pandemic? A novel coronavirus pandemic. In October of 2019, Bill Gates, the WHO and the WEF put on this event simulating an animal origin theory global pandemic that claims 65 million lives in a simulation, only weeks before the transmission of an actual novel coronavirus to humans from, supposedly, animals.

All 15 participants avidly posted online about the need for pandemic preparedness before the event, which is probably why they were selected by the committee.

Since the event, 3 of the participants support the global vaccination effort loudly and frequently. The same 3, Elias, Thiru and Halton, are heard throughout the simulation which can be found on youtube or from

3 more players, Borges, Harrington and Martinez, continue to have an online presence, but never mention coronavirus or pandemics again, and stick to subjects like their favorite science fiction novels.

The other 9 players never posted anything online again after the event.

One of those 9 is Biden's new intelligence chief Avril Haines.

My suspicion is that like Alice, Avril doesn't believe in coincidences.

Curious that Bill Gates, a man who once said "A vaccine program, if done right, could reduce the population of Africa" teamed up with a Pan-African communist revolutionary to create a vaccine program that has critics accusing of it of being a population reduction bioweapon, which is distributed everywhere but africa. Microsoft moving to Africa maybe?

^ ^ that's a joke, I mean, a real story but not enough motivation to genocide the planet for Bitler.

Curious how the event also lampshades conspiracy theories about it, that we would have "Conspiracy theories saying we unleashed this virus ourselves to give us more power"

So is it a conspiracy theory when the director of national intelligence who overlooks 16 US govt agencies says it? Or does she know something we don't?


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 10:37 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

That claim - that HIV(1) came from SIV infected chimp cells used to produce a polio vaccine - was easy enough to test. And it was tested and found to not be true.

First, leftover stocks of the polio vaccine in question were examined by independent laboratories, and were confirmed to have been made using monkey cells—not chimpanzee cells, as Hooper had claimed. Furthermore, none was contaminated with HIV or SIV. This data reinforces the vaccine developers’ statements that only monkey cells, not chimpanzee cells, were used in producing the vaccine.

Second, a 2004 study published in Nature found that the strain of SIV affecting chimpanzees in the area where Hooper claimed vaccine had been prepared using chimpanzee cells was genetically distinct from HIV strains. This refuted Hooper’s claims from yet another angle: even if SIV-infected chimpanzee cells from that area had been used to make the vaccine, they could not have been the source of HIV.

Epidemiological studies also highlight a serious problem with Hooper’s claims of an OPV/HIV link: HIV-1 (the first of two known species of HIV, more infective and virulent than the second, HIV-2) was likely introduced to humans prior to 1940, and in a completely different part of Africa than the location of the polio vaccine trial, probably via infected chimpanzees in Cameroon. The Congo vaccine trials took place in the late 1950s—at least a decade after HIV had begun spreading in humans, and probably longer, according to more recent estimates (Worobey 2008). The vaccine could not have been the source of a virus that had already been infecting humans for many years.
(references to original papers and data found at the link)

But polio vaccines WERE contaminated by a different virus - simian monkey virus 40, or SV-40, that infected the kidney cells of rhesus monkeys used to make the polio vaccines.

But from 1955 to 1963, according to a 1976 US National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded study, 98 million Americans alone probably were exposed to polio vaccines contaminated with SV40—a monkey virus that can cause cancers in animals.
... By 1960, scientists and vaccine manufacturers knew that monkey kidneys were sewers of simian viruses. Such contamination often spoiled cultures, including those of an NIH researcher named Bernice Eddy, who worked on vaccine safety. In 1959, fresh from co-reporting that the mouse polyoma virus could cause cancer in other animals, Eddy tested the rhesus monkey kidney substrate used to make polio vaccine. She injected 154 newborn hamsters with extracts of the cell cultures: 109 developed tumours.
... when Eddy presented her results to her boss, a polio vaccine champion named Joe Smadel, he was livid and disbelieving: “Its implications—that something in the polio vaccine could cause cancer—was an affront to his career.”
... Eddy tried to get word out to colleagues but was muzzled and stripped of her vaccine regulatory duties and her laboratory.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 10:58 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

That claim - that HIV(1) came from SIV infected chimp cells used to produce a polio vaccine - was easy enough to test. And it was tested and found to not be true.

That wasn't a speculation. That was an established fact I was using an example of a time both lab leak and animal cross could be a factor.

The existence of a fact check denial does not make a known fact not true. It just makes someone a liar. The "at least a decade after" relies on the 1939 HIV case, which was later proven to be a forgery suspected of coming from Koprowski's own office. Koprowski spent his life and medical career trying to clear his own name of blame, rather than trying to cure AIDS, which is probably more reprehensible than his causing of AIDS which of course could have very well been accidental.

I've researched this case for years, down to every detail, and of course books and movies have been made referencing it. I have even read an interview with the african animal merchant in Cameroon who sold the monkeys and said he told the WHO that the monkeys were sick and that they should get some healthy monkeys.

There's not really any question that the 1955 experiments in Kinshasa are the origin of HIV/AIDS. Trying to disprove it now would require more evidence than is in favor of the theory.

Anyway, it's just reference point, not the topic of this thread. If you don't want to believe in accepted african HIV or AIDS origin, go ahead. I'm sure this is the medically accepted origin, but you don't have to believe it. I believe in a lot of stuff that's not accepted. I'm just not going to get sidelined into debating it.

This is about coronavirus.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 11:03 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

as always - links for your claims are needed


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 11:11 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

as always - links for your claims are needed

No, they're not, because it's not the topic of the thread. Years of every report on this from every scientific journal is the source. I mean years. So if you're going to ask me to spend years verifying an anecdotal piece of information I posted to back up SignyM's suspicion, then no, I'm not spending years of my life doing that. I'm saying okay, I concede the point. HIV doesn't exist. You win. It doesn't matter. I don't gain anything by proving this side point that is not particularly relevant to the topic and it effects me and the topic not at all if you don't believe it or disagree.

I'm researching connections to people who may have known about a plan to release a novel coronavirus. That's relevant. If you wanted to have a debate about Koprowski's involvement and whether or not he did it intentionally, that would still be off topic and should have its own thread. But it's done now. everyone involved is dead.

Seriously. There are points where "Links" is valid for a questionable claim on which an argument is made. But what burden of proof are you pointing me towards for a single offhand comment I don't even want to spend time writing this response for? years of documentation on Koprowski's involvement with monkey tests, monkey blood transfusions and his plane tickets to Cameroon? I mean, I have actually dug through all of that at some point in my life, I was probably arguing it here on RWED at the time. But not doing that, no. Just go on not believing it. It makes no difference in my life whatsoever. It's a barely relevant point to anyone in the world at this point.

If I post "Taliban Surrenders" and you say "link?" that's legit
If I post "The new lucky charms tastes like Airline food" and you say "link?" I have the right to say "whatever, I don't care if you agree."
If I post "Hitler was a bad person" and you said "Links of everything bad he ever did?"
I'm going to not do that, sorry. Just don't believe it then.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 11:20 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

To get back to SV-40 - a genuine animal virus that came from earlier polio vaccines:

SV-40 is NOT a retrovirus. That means it doesn't insert itself into human DNA. And that means that egg and sperm can't have SV-40 virus inserted into their DNA, and that means SV-40 isn't a potentially heritable infection.

That said, pregnancies and cancers can show SV-40 on testing.

And these SV-40 pediatric cancers occur in children never exposed to the contaminated polio vaccine. The conclusion some are drawing is that SV-40 is actively infecting and spreading in humans.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 11:22 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

DT - there's a difference between fact, belief, and opinion. If you claim a fact that clearly runs contrary to available evidence, and don't provide a link that contains at least some kind of relevant evidence of your own, I'm not going to buy into your belief or opinion, no matter what thread you post it in.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 11:46 AM



A few months ago a friend of mine sent me an awesome research dig of the connection between Josef Mengele and John D Rockefeller. Now if what if in response to that, in some offhand reference to Hitler, I had suddenly gotten on his case and said "Prove the connection between Hitler and the Holocaust. Prove the Holocaust happened" He'd have been justified in telling me to fuck off.

To me, denial of man-made aids in africa is denial of the holocaust. I'm not going to debate it, and I'm not going to get sidelined into a discussion of its possible fictionalness. It's not "a claim of mine." It's known reality. It's at least consensus. If you don't want to believe it, then fine. It doesn't effect the discussion at hand, which is topic of this thread, could we return to that please.

For the love of God it's not my claim.

BTW, I do know people who claim that HIV does not cause AIDS. If you want to go there you can do that also, but in its own thread, and I'm not going to go there unless it's a really strong argument. I mean, sure, all known science and history could be wrong. Maybe Luc Montagnier is wrong, and HIV is not actually the virus that causes AIDS. I'm not saying it's sacrosanct information, I'm saying it's currently accepted information and I'm not debating it. I'm accepting it as a given, and moving from there to debate THE TOPIC AT HAND. If I don't do that, then I am stuck forever, for my entire fucking life proving that there is an invisible thing called a virus that makes you sick and I never get any further. It would be like proving that Germany were the bad guys in WWII.

Please either appreciate the awesome research above that I just did on the TOPIC or do not appreciate it, and go start your own thread. I thought I connected a remarkable number of dots there. So many that I jokingly thought of heading it with MKULLTA sex slave. (for the sake of PirateNews but alas I don't think John is here.)

Edit: I know you're reacting like you think that my offhanded AIDS comment is "dReAmTrOvE's cRaZy cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY!" It's not. It's accepted scientific consensus in circles I've been in for decades now. We're literally on "The Holocaust did actually happen level" and not at my crazy theory. I'm not debating it. HIV is a man made catastrophe, climate change is a man made catastrophe, the holocaust is a man made catastrophe, I would like to consider the topic that maybe Coronavirus is a man made catastrophe and not have to go back and debate all the others before getting there. I do understand these stalling tactics. They're to cause me to do infinite work on pointless side issues that are not the topic so that I cannot get to the point of proving or disproving the possibilities that are on topic. The problem with that is if you defeat the pursuit of information you and everyone else just fails to cure the problem. I'm part of the everyone who is going to die if this goes badly so not getting dragged into a distraction. Just disbelieve in man mad aids. It will make no effect on my life whatsoever whether you believe it or not.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

But if there was a lab in Kinshasa, Congo working on a strain of super-infective ebola,and an outbreak of super-infective ebola happened to break out there, I would go hmmm....

If the GOP was pushing a story, I'd go hmmm....
The GOP is pushing a story: Republican report says coronavirus leaked from China lab

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Republicans are not the ones researching the RNA sequence of SARS-Cov2, nor are Republicans admitting that the Chinese basically told them what to report. That is scientists, and the WHO, repsectively.

I have not personally decided where the virus came from. The evidence is circumstantial and could be coincidence. OTOH, if the Wuhan Lab really was doing gain-of-function contract work for American researchers, as the money trail seems to suggest, there would certainly be evidence: Reseach proposals, MOUs, transfers of money, progress reports etc etc. No contracted research is ever done without lots and lots of paperwork.

But the files at the Wuhan lab ... research notes, contracts, financial statements etc ... were NEVER examined by the WHO when they "investigated" the lab. And that just adds to the pile of circumstantial evidence.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

To me, denial of man-made aids in africa is denial of the holocaust. I'm not going to debate it, and I'm not going to get sidelined into a discussion of its possible fictionalness. It's not "a claim of mine." It's known reality. It's at least consensus. If you don't want to believe it, then fine. It doesn't effect the discussion at hand, which is topic of this thread, could we return to that please.

Over 50 years ago, when I was a young child, I recall reading some of my mom's medical books. I remember they used to televise the "seven warning signs of cancer" so I was looking up cancer and happened to stumble on Kaposi's sarcoma. The book mentioned, way back then, that it was prevalent in certain areas of Africa but rare elsewhere. Even then, they were postulating that it was caused by a virus.

I don't know why that stuck with me, but it did, and I think of it every time someone brings up the origins of AIDS. It was, apparently, endemic in parts of Africa over 50 years ago, and may have made the animal-human jump more than once, since SIV is common and handling bush meat is common. Just saying.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 1:07 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:

To me, denial of man-made aids in africa is denial of the holocaust. I'm not going to debate it, and I'm not going to get sidelined into a discussion of its possible fictionalness. It's not "a claim of mine." It's known reality. It's at least consensus. If you don't want to believe it, then fine. It doesn't effect the discussion at hand, which is topic of this thread, could we return to that please.

Over 50 years ago, when I was a young child, I recall reading some of my mom's medical books. I remember they used to televise the "seven warning signs of cancer" so I was looking up cancer and happened to stumble on Kaposi's sarcoma. The book mentioned, way back then, that it was prevalent in certain areas of Africa but rare elsewhere. Even then, they were postulating that it was caused by a virus.

I don't know why that stuck with me, but it did, and I think of it every time someone brings up the origins of AIDS. It was, apparently, endemic in parts of Africa over 50 years ago, and may have made the animal-human jump more than once, since SIV is common and handling bush meat is common. Just saying.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

The links links links on a meaningless offhand side comment that was meant as a half concession is just blatant bullying, and so I lost it at 1kiki.

Kaposi's sarcoma is not caused by HIV it's caused by Herpes 8. It's also been common in Italy since long before the HIV epidemic. Not saying no human could have ever gotten SIV, but the HIV epidemic is the result of a massive WHO blood transfusion campaign that used monkey blood from infected monkeys. That was why the Cameroon monkey merchant gave the interview to say that the WHO knew the monkeys were sick. The whole story has been written to the Nth degree many times by people who prior to writing books on the subject did far more research than I'm about to do to prove 1kiki wrong. If 1kiki wants to believe that it never happened, she's free to do so, it's really irrelevant to the point here.

I was just using it as an example of "when both animal jump and lab leak can be the problem." It doesn't matter, I could use a different example, but I don't need to even say this. I could just say "Avril thinks it's a lab leak" because look, she was in an exercise where the exact same people said the exact same thing about animal jumping coronavirus world wide epidemic plague in a role play and then a few weeks later those exact same people,

these guys

then are telling us there's been an animal jump coronavirus and it will become a worldwide plague

amd then the world treats it like a plague and

these guys

come up with this plan to vaccinate the planet, it's sus AF

And when you gather 15 pandemic prep experts and then they all go silent, that's not because they're morons. They're world experts, they're very likely smart people, they can figure it out.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 2:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

DT - I'm giving you a pass - indefinitely - on providing meaningful RELEVANT links for the any claims you've made, because you're ill. I can understand that. I've just recently gained enough energy back to do anything besides the minimum after a year and a half post-COVID-19. But you seem to have a problem with providing any meaningful RELEVANT links .ever. .at. .all.

If your facts are so well-known, it should be easy to find links everywhere. Just saying.

And fwiw I spent a LOT of time exhaustively researching your claims in everything from basic biochemistry to up-to-date published research, and I found literally nothing backing up any of your claims.

Because my research found no supporting evidence and plenty of contrary evidence, I'm letting you know that I'm accepting none of them until you provide meaningful RELEVANT links with evidence that shows what you claim. And that I'm done trying to do your research for you.

I think that's fair. I've made more than a good effort. But it's at an end.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 2:43 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

DT - I'm giving you a pass - for now - on providing meaningful RELEVANT links for the any claims you've made, because you're ill. I can understand that. I've just recently gained enough energy back to do anything besides the minimum after a year and a half post-COVID-19. But you seem to have a problem with providing any meaningful RELEVANT links .ever. .at. .all.


It's completely logical that a unrelated side comment does not need me to fuck everything I'm doing and spend time proving to you. Just don't believe it.
It doesn't matter.

This is not a real argument, just pointing out the weight of gratuitous burden

Here's the stupid:

If I wanted to say the Holocaust never happened, I could post train times from Munich to Tel Aviv and show that the trains ran daily, media reports of how overcrowded the trains leaving Germany were, and calculate from that from 1938 to 1945 over 2000 days with a normal capacity of 1500 passengers, overcrowded trains could carry 6 million jews.

All this argument would do would be to waste everyone's time proving that the holocaust did actually happen. I know this because I have relatives who were in it, I've met many people who were in it, I've even met nazis who were in it. Now sure, everyone could be lying in a global conspiracy, but what do I care if someone doesn't believe in the holocaust?

/end stupid

You telling me I didn't provide links after I spend hours digging them up is just a rhetorical trick. What you're missing is that I'm not trying to convince you to a political side to win a vote. I opened saying everyone who comes this way lives, those who don't, don't. I don't have to try to convince you. I actually believe that. There are a lot of people in the world. I will save who I can at the best possible rate of return. The reluctant are not more valueable people.

You've said nothing about the links I posted in this thread, or the topic of the thread or anything to do with the thread. You're just trolling me. The only purpose that serves is to make me look less credible so that, in my estimation, more people die. I think it's worth considering that, and rather than digging in your heels.

I'm not trying to prove Koprowski guilty of anything, he's already dead. I don't care whether you believe in man made aids or not. It doesn't matter. It's like it makes no difference if you prefer the mets or yankees.

Obviously I just did a lot of research on a topic which you're ignoring, and I often do. It's kind of spitting in my face to troll me on my thread and not even mention the topic or anything relevant to the topic.


If your facts are so well-known, it should be easy to find links everywhere. Just saying.

fair enough, but anyone can find in a five second google search. All I do by doing that is let you dictate how I spend my time, and then let you dictate what topics I talk about, and then we end up in an intractable argument anyway about something that doesn't matter to either of us. I'll skip that thanks just the same. On a relevant topic, I will post links. As I just did


And fwiw I spent a LOT of time researching everything from basic biochemistry to up-to-date published research, and I found literally nothing backing up any of your claims.

As have I, but I think it's actually impossible to research this topic and find "literally nothing" I found the syncytin link by myself with no conspiracy theory or covid pages, and now I find there's hundreds of doctors out there posting the same thing. I find it without even looking. I ran across two this morning, on other pages talking about other things.


So I'm letting you know that I'll accept none of them unless you provide meaningful RELEVANT links.

I'm trying to say the world, efficiently and effectively, not trying to change 1kiki's mind.

Anyway, you still haven't commented on the story I posted in this thread, which was full of links. Not biochemistry, but I kind of curious coincidence.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 2:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just a quick comment:

You telling me I didn't provide links after I spend hours digging them up is just a rhetorical trick.
No, I went to those links. And they didn't provide evidence to back up your claims.

Here are some example:

One was about 2-nonenal giving (some) old people an 'old-people' smell. And ... What does that have to do with sycytin? Or spike sprotein-1? You made an offhand comment about lipid biochemistry, that omega-7 lipids provide 2-carbon chains for biosynthesis. Believe me, I looked ALL of that up. And ... it just ain't there.

One of your links was to a Mercola web page, who - after researching every one of his claims - I've come to believe is a professional faudster. My first problem is that he provided no links to support ANY of his claims. Not one. Even though he Named Names, and links should have (again) been easy to provide. I was just supposed to take him at his word, that the people he pointed to were on board with him (rather than, perhaps he being on board with them). Nevertheless, I did research those claims AND I POSTED SOME OF THE CONTRARY EVIDENCE I FOUND, with links.

My days of trying to validated your claims are over.

You can post whatever you want. But I'm not going to accept your claims as meaningful until you back them up with something more than your own additional claims, at your convenience.

That's all I'm saying.

Post away. It's a free country.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 3:06 PM



I wasn't sure of Mercola at all, but he was the owner of the site that reposting the information, it was not his information.

I'll just post somewhere with people who already know this stuff, because they did the research

Okay, I troll, but you're a sockpuppet anyway, so what does it matter


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 4:44 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Meh. Don't stop posting here on my account. Some people here might agree with you.

As for being a sockpuppet - whatever. My real life would disagree with you. But that's yet another one of your claims for which you provide no evidence ... and why break your streak now?


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 6:47 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Meh. Don't stop posting here on my account. Some people here might agree with you.

As for being a sockpuppet - whatever. My real life would disagree with you. But that's yet another one of your claims for which you provide no evidence ... and why break your streak now?

Oh no, that one I can back up, it's just not important enough.

Anyway, Bumpity Bump. I hope someone here wants to discuss the thread topic

I mean, isn't it kind of eerie that our new head spy was in the test group for the bioweapon?

And she seems to be not a fan of the bioweapon plan


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 8:09 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:

To me, denial of man-made aids in africa is denial of the holocaust. I'm not going to debate it, and I'm not going to get sidelined into a discussion of its possible fictionalness. It's not "a claim of mine." It's known reality. It's at least consensus. If you don't want to believe it, then fine. It doesn't effect the discussion at hand, which is topic of this thread, could we return to that please.

Over 50 years ago, when I was a young child, I recall reading some of my mom's medical books. I remember they used to televise the "seven warning signs of cancer" so I was looking up cancer and happened to stumble on Kaposi's sarcoma. The book mentioned, way back then, that it was prevalent in certain areas of Africa but rare elsewhere. Even then, they were postulating that it was caused by a virus.

I don't know why that stuck with me, but it did, and I think of it every time someone brings up the origins of AIDS. It was, apparently, endemic in parts of Africa over 50 years ago, and may have made the animal-human jump more than once, since SIV is common and handling bush meat is common. Just saying.

The links links links on a meaningless offhand side comment that was meant as a half concession is just blatant bullying, and so I lost it at 1kiki.

Kaposi's sarcoma is not caused by HIV it's caused by Herpes 8. It's also been common in Italy since long before the HIV epidemic. Not saying no human could have ever gotten SIV, but the HIV epidemic is the result of a massive WHO blood transfusion campaign that used monkey blood from infected monkeys. That was why the Cameroon monkey merchant gave the interview to say that the WHO knew the monkeys were sick. The whole story has been written to the Nth degree many times by people who prior to writing books on the subject did far more research than I'm about to do to prove 1kiki wrong. If 1kiki wants to believe that it never happened, she's free to do so, it's really irrelevant to the point here.

I was just using it as an example of "when both animal jump and lab leak can be the problem." It doesn't matter, I could use a different example, but I don't need to even say this. I could just say "Avril thinks it's a lab leak" because look, she was in an exercise where the exact same people said the exact same thing about animal jumping coronavirus world wide epidemic plague in a role play and then a few weeks later those exact same people,

these guys

then are telling us there's been an animal jump coronavirus and it will become a worldwide plague

amd then the world treats it like a plague and

these guys

come up with this plan to vaccinate the planet, it's sus AF

And when you gather 15 pandemic prep experts and then they all go silent, that's not because they're morons. They're world experts, they're very likely smart people, they can figure it out.

This thread has been highly entertaining. Sorry it has not been on topic. kiki's endless bullying about cites for common knowledge information on tangential flyaway facets has met it's match, DT has brought down the hammer. Often Sigs piggybacks on these endless cites and linky demands.
Terra orbits Sol? Sites please.
Vietnam predates RMN's Presidency? Links please.
Plus, you are tearing apart their religious beliefs. They have invested decades of avoiding facts to reduce to the conclusions they have jumped to. They also like to start with the conclusion, and then prove the points which build to their conclusion, and no other.

I apologize in advance for not getting to the topic of your OP - things like that get sloppy around here the past years. But you have mentioned some things I have not seen elswhere, and I am trying to discern where your belief system is. Other threads more directly on topic have routinely been derailed with demands for irrelevant linkys or cites for common knowledge info.
So, if I might summarize, and please correct me if I'm incorrect:
You believe in HIV. After Luc Montagnier discovered it.
You believe in AIDS. Likely after Luc Montagnier hypothosized that it was caused by HIV.
You believe that HIV causes AIDS, even after Luc Montagnier only needed 8 months to disprove this, proving it could not do so.

When humans have "AIDS" but do not have, have never had, HIV, do you still believe the AIDS was caused by HIV, or maybe it is a "new strain" perhaps?

Thanks so much for clarifying for me. I don't need cites or linkys, just your beliefs.


Thursday, August 19, 2021 7:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

JSF: Why do you want to discuss BELIEFS?

Without reference to the real world - real events, real observations - we may as well be discussing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Pretty pointless, wouldn't you say?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, August 19, 2021 9:26 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

This thread has been highly entertaining. Sorry it has not been on topic. kiki's endless bullying about cites for common knowledge information on tangential flyaway facets has met it's match, DT has brought down the hammer. Often Sigs piggybacks on these endless cites and linky demands.


You did kind of nail it for the way the thread was looking to me.

HIV sounds like a virus I don't want. Though I think a lot of the condition of fagrot is caused by drugs, specifically I did say that karposi's sarcoma was caused by herpes 8, which is often co-infected with HIV, but doesn't have to be.

I have read the "HIV doesn't cause AIDS" theory, but nothing convincing yet. The weakest thing I've seen is that covid destroys lung theory is based on it, so that means an already weak theory is based on a theory that may or may not be true. It's too convenient a little that HIV serves the globalist anti-sex agenda. I think still, I wouldn't like to have it.

Siggie and Sockie,

He does have a point that you start at belief and work back, so it's relevant. But if your belief is I believe the better argument, then I'm more flexible. I'm not a mirror of you, I'm just more flexible. Though I'll grant that you're more flexible than you used to be. I had feared decades of defending the same position would have completely galvanized it in your mind.

Anyway, I'd rather move back to the topic. In this case, the topic we're avoiding is part of the "end of all humanity" topic that people are largely avoiding, and specifically is "a person in power happens to know that there is a plan to end all humanity and has just indicated that she is not happy with it" is the first sign of an end to the slaughter that there has been. That said, she may not know that the pax is in the vax.

I'm sure she's seen the theory, but she's undoubtedly also been bombarded with "experts" who tell her it's not true. If she thinks covid is a rampant highly contagious bioweapon she might ramp up vaccination. It's important to figure out how to get her ear and see if we can pause the rampant vaccination long enough to get the definitive test results that prove either the pax is or is not in the vax.

I'm pretty sure that it is at this point, but I can be wrong, and I think test results of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people who "got the covid" vs. uninfected to see what levels of syncytin are, what fertility numbers look like and also to investigate the general autoimmune dysfunction levels of these populations.

It has occurred to me that the reason there's only a small overlap of syncytin is that the invented bioweapon spike protein might contain a hodgepodge of a number of different enzymes essential to human reproduction.


Thursday, August 19, 2021 8:54 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Top spy thinks lab leak much more likely than animal contact, and does not seem to trust the WHO on "extremely unlikely" label to lab leak theory, and does not seem to think that eating bats caused the plague.

I think I am starting to get confused. Likely won't be able to complete this post.

This OP seems obvious. All reasonable folk know the gene sequence was spliced, not naturally evolved. So no wet market, no bats. Only Bioengineers.

But you have said the Pax is in the Vax.
And now you suggest meybe not, but you hope Avril will check for you.
I don't see the endgame here.
She is an appointee of Lord Darth Obiden, so she is not going to suddenly start telling the truth.


Thursday, August 19, 2021 11:41 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I think I am starting to get confused. Likely won't be able to complete this post.

This OP seems obvious. All reasonable folk know the gene sequence was spliced, not naturally evolved. So no wet market, no bats. Only Bioengineers.

But you have said the Pax is in the Vax.
And now you suggest meybe not, but you hope Avril will check for you.
I don't see the endgame here.
She is an appointee of Lord Darth Obiden, so she is not going to suddenly start telling the truth.

It's simple logic. Not as twisted as you're thinking. I'm not looking for Avril to save me, I am thinking if someone can get a message to her, she's closer to waking up than the rest of the Biden Administration.

The reason is that Avril was in the Event 201 "simulation" and so she saw the whole covid plan before it was enacted, as a game. And then she watched it happen. WHO WEF and Bill & Melina Gates Foundation ran that game.

So, she looks at that and is basically saying : WHO is lying to you. They released it as a bioweapon.

Now that is most of the way there. I don't know that she is yet to the point of "the pax is in the vax" She might just be thinking that Covid itself is the bioweapon. Sure, she's pegged the WHO as the problem, and she knows what they're up to.

But in the scenario, the pax was not in the vax. She is also surrounded by the Biden administration. So her intelligence agencies that she runs will tell her intelligence that will not back up the pax being in the vax, because they're Joe's spooks.

So if Avril looks at it like "The WHO, WEF and Bill Gates conspired to release a bioweapon, COVID19" then she might step up vax production thinking she's blocking the bioweapon.

If she's skeptical of the vax and puts it through the rigorous testing that it should have legally gone under, more than one of her spies notice the pax being in the vax. And I kind of got that she's just a little bit of a skeptical person, so when some of her guys tell her that and others tell her the vax is double plus good, she'll figure it out. But only if she has time to look and investigate and get those reports.

Why worry about Avril Haines at all? A lot of people are much more on to them. But none of those people have any power to stop the mass extermination. She's the only one who has expressed any skepticism to have that power. Sure, it's not something that falls under the CIA, but bioterrorism does fall under Homeland Security and associated agencies. And try getting something executed as public policy in America when the CIA is deadset opposed to it.

So definitely no wet market, no bats. Only Bioengineers. And sure, slim possibility exists that the pax is accidentally in the vax, or that I'm wrong, that's always a possibility. But I want her to see the pax being in the vax because she's someone who can do something about it. I think if she were into lying to toe the Biden line she wouldn't have just said that the WHO was lying about animal origins. That's not going to make the goon squad happy.

I half expect the next story is Biden calls for her resignation, but this was a little old, so maybe not.


Thursday, August 19, 2021 11:41 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I think I am starting to get confused. Likely won't be able to complete this post.

This OP seems obvious. All reasonable folk know the gene sequence was spliced, not naturally evolved. So no wet market, no bats. Only Bioengineers.

But you have said the Pax is in the Vax.
And now you suggest meybe not, but you hope Avril will check for you.
I don't see the endgame here.
She is an appointee of Lord Darth Obiden, so she is not going to suddenly start telling the truth.

It's simple logic. Not as twisted as you're thinking. I'm not looking for Avril to save me, I am thinking if someone can get a message to her, she's closer to waking up than the rest of the Biden Administration.

The reason is that Avril was in the Event 201 "simulation" and so she saw the whole covid plan before it was enacted, as a game. And then she watched it happen. WHO WEF and Bill & Melina Gates Foundation ran that game.

So, she looks at that and is basically saying : WHO is lying to you. They released it as a bioweapon.

Now that is most of the way there. I don't know that she is yet to the point of "the pax is in the vax" She might just be thinking that Covid itself is the bioweapon. Sure, she's pegged the WHO as the problem, and she knows what they're up to.

But in the scenario, the pax was not in the vax. She is also surrounded by the Biden administration. So her intelligence agencies that she runs will tell her intelligence that will not back up the pax being in the vax, because they're Joe's spooks.

So if Avril looks at it like "The WHO, WEF and Bill Gates conspired to release a bioweapon, COVID19" then she might step up vax production thinking she's blocking the bioweapon.

If she's skeptical of the vax and puts it through the rigorous testing that it should have legally gone under, more than one of her spies notice the pax being in the vax. And I kind of got that she's just a little bit of a skeptical person, so when some of her guys tell her that and others tell her the vax is double plus good, she'll figure it out. But only if she has time to look and investigate and get those reports.

Why worry about Avril Haines at all? A lot of people are much more on to them. But none of those people have any power to stop the mass extermination. She's the only one who has expressed any skepticism to have that power. Sure, it's not something that falls under the CIA, but bioterrorism does fall under Homeland Security and associated agencies. And try getting something executed as public policy in America when the CIA is deadset opposed to it.

So definitely no wet market, no bats. Only Bioengineers. And sure, slim possibility exists that the pax is accidentally in the vax, or that I'm wrong, that's always a possibility. But I want her to see the pax being in the vax because she's someone who can do something about it. I think if she were into lying to toe the Biden line she wouldn't have just said that the WHO was lying about animal origins. That's not going to make the goon squad happy.

I half expect the next story is Biden calls for her resignation, but this was a little old, so maybe not.


Friday, August 20, 2021 5:02 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

This thread has been highly entertaining. Sorry it has not been on topic. kiki's endless bullying about cites for common knowledge information on tangential flyaway facets has met it's match, DT has brought down the hammer. Often Sigs piggybacks on these endless cites and linky demands.


You did kind of nail it for the way the thread was looking to me.

HIV sounds like a virus I don't want. Though I think a lot of the condition of fagrot is caused by drugs, specifically I did say that karposi's sarcoma was caused by herpes 8, which is often co-infected with HIV, but doesn't have to be.

I have read the "HIV doesn't cause AIDS" theory, but nothing convincing yet. The weakest thing I've seen is that covid destroys lung theory is based on it, so that means an already weak theory is based on a theory that may or may not be true. It's too convenient a little that HIV serves the globalist anti-sex agenda. I think still, I wouldn't like to have it.

Siggie and Sockie,

He does have a point that you start at belief and work back, so it's relevant. But if your belief is I believe the better argument, then I'm more flexible. I'm not a mirror of you, I'm just more flexible. Though I'll grant that you're more flexible than you used to be. I had feared decades of defending the same position would have completely galvanized it in your mind.

You have mentioned Karposi's Sarcoma. I had thought it established, for most of a century now, that amyl nitrates, or maybe alkyl nitrates, would cause Karposi's Sarcoma.
I just ran across this:

I don't recall of all the details from so long ago - are you saying Karposi's Sarcoma cannot result from amyl nitrates, as previously known?

Anyhow, I can revise my assumptions of your beliefs:
You believe HIV exists, but not because Luc Montagnier discovered it and proved it's existence.
You believe HIV exists, because Gallo/Fauci stole his work, and proclaimed that they had discovered it. This after Gallo had already twice been found guilty of committing scientific fraud.
You believe in AIDS, but not because Luc Montagnier proposed his hypothesis that HIV caused AIDS.
You believe HIV causes AIDS because Gallo/Fauci proclaimed they had proven HIV causes AIDS, jumping to conclusion after Montagnier's hypothesis.
8 months later, when Luc Montagnier proved that HIV could not possibly cause AIDS, you ignored these facts and instead followed fraudsters and plagiarists Gallo/Fauci proclamations that scientific fact must not be followed, because Reagan was giving them money to say otherwise. This is where you jumped off of the science train and onto the wagon of AIDS Believers, The AIDS Religion.
It sounds like further details you have not pursued. Facts and truth which conflicts with your beliefs about AIDS (you must BELIEVE!!) have not piqued your curiosity.

Please correct anything I have wrong.
If I have all of that correct, then I think that, of 6ix, kiki, Sigs, your group of beliefs is unique among them.


Friday, August 20, 2021 5:17 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Top spy thinks lab leak much more likely than animal contact, and does not seem to trust the WHO on "extremely unlikely" label to lab leak theory, and does not seem to think that eating bats caused the plague.

I think I am starting to get confused. Likely won't be able to complete this post.

This OP seems obvious. All reasonable folk know the gene sequence was spliced, not naturally evolved. So no wet market, no bats. Only Bioengineers.

But you have said the Pax is in the Vax.
And now you suggest meybe not, but you hope Avril will check for you.
I don't see the endgame here.
She is an appointee of Lord Darth Obiden, so she is not going to suddenly start telling the truth.

As mentioned, I was unable to finish.
Event 201 occurred while Trump was President. Although Obamanation still ran the government through his shadow government, the person still communicating with the electorate was Trump.
They needed to steal the election, and the prerequisite was locking down the nation to steal the voting apparatus. So they needed to rapidly ramp up the scenario, and then perpetually extend the lockdown demands to keep the elections from escaping their control.
Side not: do you view the Belinda Gates divorce as relation to any of this?
So, does Lord Darth Obiden appoint Avril BECAUSE she partook in Event 201? Or DESPITE her partaking Event 2001?
How long do you think they expected her to toe the line? What is it that you think made her step out of line?
She has had almost 2 years now to figure this out. Although the article was a half year ago, do you really think she is so dumb that she really doesn't know? (my smartass quip is that: she is a Libtard, yes she is obviously stupid.)


Friday, August 20, 2021 11:16 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

As mentioned, I was unable to finish.

the videos? it's three hours, admittedly long

Event 201 occurred while Trump was President. Although Obamanation still ran the government through his shadow government, the person still communicating with the electorate was Trump.

yeah trump wasn't going to be useful to them in getting what they need to do to get the vax mandate so they had a military coup

They needed to steal the election, and the prerequisite was locking down the nation to steal the voting apparatus. So they needed to rapidly ramp up the scenario, and then perpetually extend the lockdown demands to keep the elections from escaping their control.

yeah sure, i accept all of that

Side not: do you view the Belinda Gates divorce as relation to any of this?

Melinda was part of the Bilderberg divorce fraud. it was a money laundering scheme. All the bilderbergers got divorced in the same year and that enabled them to steal company assets by court order. you'll notice they also got "provisional divorces" where they stay living together for a "test period" after which they can resume their marriage if they choose, but of course they will have stolen half their company resources by then without any review, regulation insider trading investigation, it all goes dark pools essentially

So, does Lord Darth Obiden appoint Avril BECAUSE she partook in Event 201? Or DESPITE her partaking Event 2001?

I think it's coincidental. i think she's his favorite spy, and was throughout the obama years.

How long do you think they expected her to toe the line? What is it that you think made her step out of line?

I mean, she's in a good position to fight the beast if she chooses to. I think that the sign of calling the WHO a liar was def out of line for the agenda. I think anyone at that summit besides elias thiru and halton would step out of line if they were ever in a situation where gates and co could no longer shoot them, like, idk, running the cia.

She has had almost 2 years now to figure this out. Although the article was a half year ago, do you really think she is so dumb that she really doesn't know? (my smartass quip is that: she is a Libtard, yes she is obviously stupid.)

she didn't make a comment until she was top spy. before that they would have just shot her. I imagine she knows, idk, but as i said, she's surrounded by libtards

Anyhow, I can revise my assumptions of your beliefs:
You believe HIV exists, but not because Luc Montagnier discovered it and proved it's existence.
You believe HIV exists, because Gallo/Fauci stole his work, and proclaimed that they had discovered it. This after Gallo had already twice been found guilty of committing scientific fraud.
You believe in AIDS, but not because Luc Montagnier proposed his hypothesis that HIV caused AIDS.
You believe HIV causes AIDS because Gallo/Fauci proclaimed they had proven HIV causes AIDS, jumping to conclusion after Montagnier's hypothesis.
8 months later, when Luc Montagnier proved that HIV could not possibly cause AIDS, you ignored these facts and instead followed fraudsters and plagiarists Gallo/Fauci proclamations that scientific fact must not be followed, because Reagan was giving them money to say otherwise. This is where you jumped off of the science train and onto the wagon of AIDS Believers, The AIDS Religion.
It sounds like further details you have not pursued. Facts and truth which conflicts with your beliefs about AIDS (you must BELIEVE!!) have not piqued your curiosity.

I knew a few people who died of HIV. some used the traditional treatment, some used alternative treatment, but they all died similarly. So I read the HIV doesn't cause AIDS, and wasn't convinced. I mean, there are a lot of possibilities here, other than that the drugs cause AIDS as the solution. I'm 100% sure the drugs do cause AIDS and wrote a paper on that myself, but that's just "destroys your immune system." There were definitely some symptoms of chronic infection these people had, and karposi's sacroma was one of them, but that's caused by the herpes 8 they were also infected with. The AIDS HIV + community is a bastion of plague, in part because they're overwhelmingly faggots. So who knows, it's a complicated mess of fag plague, and I don't want the fag plague. At that point I stopped pursuing it. I thought "if ever have this disease, no way am I taking the official treatment, because that sounds like AIDS." I'd look into the russian treatment. There was a discovery a while back that 7% of europeans had a different t cell receptor that was not an entry for HIV, and the russians made a selective white blood cell transfusion that gave the recipient an immunity to HIV which seemed to work.

As for Montagnier himself, I'm never sure, but I tend to put him on the "not a fraud" list. I've had Fauci and Gallo on my "def a fraud" list for a while. If you want to post a link I'll take a look, but I'm not going to dance up and down chanting Links! Links! Links! because you know, it's off topic, and who woudl do that anyway?


Please correct anything I have wrong.
If I have all of that correct, then I think that, of 6ix, kiki, Sigs, your group of beliefs is unique among them.

that would be interesting, but I think it was pretty completely inaccurate. I kind of counted gallo/fauci frauds at the time. there was an obvious profit corruption, and a commie anti-sex agenda. that said, there was also a plague.
So instead of going the fake news route, i went the WHO bioweapon route, which dug up all the stuff i posted on koprowski in kinshasa stuff, and the WHO mass transfusion program in africa that gave everyone "the sickness" as the africans called it. I cannot confirm that it was or was not the HIV, but I did know that the WHO spent stupid amounts of money spreading the sickness. So I assume they did this because they believed injecting all these people with sick monkey blood would do it. Also, the monkeys were sick, and not on the drugs. If it was just the drugs, then the WHO would just have created a massive panic over the plague, and given everyone vaccines.

I also have noticed that before covid, every time I typed the WHO, google would change it to The Who, as if Keith Moon, Roger Daltry and Pete Townsend were disseminating global bioweapons. But now whenever I type The Who, google changes it to the WHO, see above comment.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 3:46 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
As mentioned, I was unable to finish.


How long do you think they expected her to toe the line? What is it that you think made her step out of line?

I mean, she's in a good position to fight the beast if she chooses to. I think that the sign of calling the WHO a liar was def out of line for the agenda. I think anyone at that summit besides elias thiru and halton would step out of line if they were ever in a situation where gates and co could no longer shoot them, like, idk, running the cia.

She has had almost 2 years now to figure this out. Although the article was a half year ago, do you really think she is so dumb that she really doesn't know? (my smartass quip is that: she is a Libtard, yes she is obviously stupid.)
she didn't make a comment until she was top spy. before that they would have just shot her. I imagine she knows, idk, but as i said, she's surrounded by libtards

Anyhow, I can revise my assumptions of your beliefs:
You believe HIV exists, but not because Luc Montagnier discovered it and proved it's existence.
You believe HIV exists, because Gallo/Fauci stole his work, and proclaimed that they had discovered it. This after Gallo had already twice been found guilty of committing scientific fraud.
You believe in AIDS, but not because Luc Montagnier proposed his hypothesis that HIV caused AIDS.
You believe HIV causes AIDS because Gallo/Fauci proclaimed they had proven HIV causes AIDS, jumping to conclusion after Montagnier's hypothesis.
8 months later, when Luc Montagnier proved that HIV could not possibly cause AIDS, you ignored these facts and instead followed fraudsters and plagiarists Gallo/Fauci proclamations that scientific fact must not be followed, because Reagan was giving them money to say otherwise. This is where you jumped off of the science train and onto the wagon of AIDS Believers, The AIDS Religion.
It sounds like further details you have not pursued. Facts and truth which conflicts with your beliefs about AIDS (you must BELIEVE!!) have not piqued your curiosity.

I knew a few people who died of HIV. some used the traditional treatment, some used alternative treatment, but they all died similarly. So I read the HIV doesn't cause AIDS, and wasn't convinced. I mean, there are a lot of possibilities here, other than that the drugs cause AIDS as the solution. I'm 100% sure the drugs do cause AIDS and wrote a paper on that myself, but that's just "destroys your immune system." There were definitely some symptoms of chronic infection these people had, and karposi's sacroma was one of them, but that's caused by the herpes 8 they were also infected with... At that point I stopped pursuing it. I thought "if ever have this disease, no way am I taking the official treatment, because that sounds like AIDS." I'd look into the russian treatment.

As for Montagnier himself, I'm never sure, but I tend to put him on the "not a fraud" list. I've had Fauci and Gallo on my "def a fraud" list for a while. If you want to post a link I'll take a look, but I'm not going to dance up and down chanting Links! Links! Links! because you know, it's off topic, and who woudl do that anyway?


Please correct anything I have wrong.
If I have all of that correct, then I think that, of 6ix, kiki, Sigs, your group of beliefs is unique among them.

that would be interesting, but I think it was pretty completely inaccurate. I kind of counted gallo/fauci frauds at the time. there was an obvious profit corruption, and a commie anti-sex agenda. that said, there was also a plague.
So instead of going the fake news route, i went the WHO bioweapon route, which dug up all the stuff i posted on koprowski in kinshasa stuff, and the WHO mass transfusion program in africa that gave everyone "the sickness" as the africans called it. I cannot confirm that it was or was not the HIV, but I did know that the WHO spent stupid amounts of money spreading the sickness. So I assume they did this because they believed injecting all these people with sick monkey blood would do it. Also, the monkeys were sick, and not on the drugs. If it was just the drugs, then the WHO would just have created a massive panic over the plague, and given everyone vaccines.

I meant I was unable to finish my prior post.

You seem to continue to intermix the terms HIV and AIDS.
I am quite certain you have never known anybody who has had HIV, or died from it.
HIV is a relatively harmless virus, and folk have led long, productive, healthy lives while being HIV-Positive - AS LONG AS THEY DIDN'T KNOW IT.
As soon as folk started taking "treatments", they died from those treatments. If you alctually knew anybody who actually had HIV, they were a corpse - and they were also HIV-Negative.
AZT was found to be 6,000 times more fatal that the cancer it was engineered to treat. But then it was cross-purposed, so all those rich gays could pay for all of the R&D which created it.
Think about it. Fauci used a fake illness to convince healthy folk to take "drug cocktails" that would kill them. 40 years later, "treatments" is now called Vax.

You remember how to identify "HIV-positive" folk, right?
The test is for THE ANTIBODY! "HIV-positive" is DEFINED as a person or sample which has the HIV ANTIBODY - meaning, also be definition, that the IMMUNE SYSTEM worked absolutely correctly when it once contacted the HIV.
So, by identifying that a person has a WORKING IMMUNE SYSTEM, they can now be labeled as IMMUNO-DEFICIENT.
Yes, the AIDS Religion requires that you accept that a person has Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome only after proving that they have a perfectly functioning IMMUNE SYSTEM, which created the ANTIBODY to HIV.

I suspect you already knew that the test for "HIV-positive" was verifying the presence of the ANTIBODY for HIV. I do not know why you would have followed the Fairy Tale after that.

Yes, almost all drugs, or medicines, or remedies, are, by definition, Immuno-suppresant, or Immuno-deppresant, or Immuno-damaging.


Saturday, August 21, 2021 4:10 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I meant I was unable to finish my prior post.


You seem to conti8nue to intermix the terms HIV and AIDS.

I'm familiar with the HIV doesn't cause AIDS theory, I'm just not auto-updating my belief system to align to your belief system, just because we appear to agree on other things. It's a science, and I'd have to read a lot more about it to conclude definitively, but it's not a main focus for me right now. I'm going to go with "I don't want HIV on the chance that it causes AIDS"
Also it's now a carbon stamp of zombie fag, another reason not to want it, and it's a virus. And probably a genetically engineered bioweapon.

BTW, for the anecdotal virus are not normally good for you in the specific class to which HIV belongs, I've had two cats with feline leukemia. I'm pretty familiar with the long term infection degeneration of that disease.


I am quite certain you have never known anybody who has had HIV, or died from it.

Not sure why. One of them got it from a blood transfusion


HIV is a relatively harmless virus, and folk have led long, productive, healthy lives while being HIV-Positive - AS LONG AS THEY DIDN'T KNOW IT

Some people. Magic Johnson for one. But Magic Johnson is a physical powerhouse. I agree the treatment regimen is deadly


As soon as folk started taking "treatments", they died from those treatments. If you alctually knew anybody who actually had HIV, they were a corpse - and they were also HIV-Negative.

Peter definitely did.


AZT was found to be 6,000 times more fatal that the cancer it was engineered to treat. But then it was cross-purposed, so all those rich gays could pay for all of the R&D which created it.

yes, it's a bogus treatment, I was aware of that


Think about it. Fauci used a fake illness to convince healthy folk to take "drug cocktails" that would kill them. 40 years later, "treatments" is now called Vax.

He also apparently made the CMV vaccine which killed my sister, so granted, on many levels, he is not my favorite person


You remember how to identify "HIV-positive" folk, right?
The test is for THE ANTIBODY! "HIV-positive" is DEFINED as a person or sample which has the HIV ANTIBODY - meaning, also be definition, that the IMMUNE SYSTEM worked absolutely correctly when it once contacted the HIV.
So, by identifying that a person has a WORKING IMMUNE SYSTEM, they can now be labeled as IMMUNO-DEFICIENT.

I mean that's fair, Peter and Raj could have both gotten the virus, gotten over it, then had the antibody, then developed AIDS from the AZT. Entirely possible. I'm just not going to make a call on that until I have time to thoroughly research that. I was aware that the theory existed and had read some reports on it before. Enough to convince me the treatment was bogus, but less sure about the virus. Like this current virus. I'm not convinced that Coronavirus CAPS2Cov doesn't exist, it might be an engineered bioweapon, and might kill me right now, but it's the vax that's a threat to most people


Yes, the AIDS Religion requires that you accept that a person has Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome only after proving that they have a perfectly functioning IMMUNE SYSTEM, which created the ANTIBODY to HIV.

I mean it's not a religion, it's science. Medicult is a religion. The idea that Doctors are some Anunnaki initiated into the sabbatean inner circle and given god like powers of the snake, because that apparently is our new god (remember the cross on hospitals and ambulances? Now we have the snake. That's not fucking subtle.


I suspect you already knew that the test for "HIV-positive" was verifying the presence of the ANTIBODY for HIV. I do not know why you would have followed the Fairy Tale after that.

Because HIV, like COVID, could still be their own bioweapon. I would like as few of their bioweapons in my system as possible. HIV appears to me to be the creation of Hilary Koprowski and the WHO, and they put a lot fo effort into injecting africans with it. I don't doubt for a minute that your scenario of the healthy HIV survivor gets AZT treatments and dies from them as being probably more likely than the dies of a long term chronic infection of the virus. Long term chronic infections are rare. But that doesn't mean the virus is harmless. It might be a bioweapon. And yeah, of course most of HIV hype is a Fauci scam. It's what convinced me he was a scam.


Yes, almost all drugs, or medicines, or remedies, are, by definition, Immuno-suppresant, or Immuno-deppresant, or Immuno-damaging.

I mean the concept of patentable novel pharmaceuticals is also a scam. Bioactive compounds should be naturally occurring, because they interact in existing biological systems, if they're not, they're probably toxic.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 7:59 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
You seem to conti8nue to intermix the terms HIV and AIDS.


I am quite certain you have never known anybody who has had HIV, or died from it.
Not sure why. One of them got it from a blood transfusion

My statement remains correct. If your friend had HIV, then they would have been HIV-Negative, and woud have been dead before you knew they had HIV.
If you are claiming they were HIV-Positive, then that means, by definition, that when their body encountered HIV in the prior decades of thier life, then their Immune System worked properly and created the HIV Antibody, thereby defeating the HIV and deleting from their body - so they did not have HIV while they were still alive and talking to you.


HIV is a relatively harmless virus, and folk have led long, productive, healthy lives while being HIV-Positive - AS LONG AS THEY DIDN'T KNOW IT

Some people. Magic Johnson for one. But Magic Johnson is a physical powerhouse. I agree the treatment regimen is deadly

HIV-Positive folk already lived for decades with the HIV Antibody, whole populations did, until the 1980s when they were noosed with a label which said "HIV-Positive" and condemned them to die via "treatments"


As soon as folk started taking "treatments", they died from those treatments. If you alctually knew anybody who actually had HIV, they were a corpse - and they were also HIV-Negative.
Peter definitely did.

AZT was found to be 6,000 times more fatal that the cancer it was engineered to treat. But then it was cross-purposed, so all those rich gays could pay for all of the R&D which created it.
yes, it's a bogus treatment, I was aware of that

Think about it. Fauci used a fake illness to convince healthy folk to take "drug cocktails" that would kill them. 40 years later, "treatments" is now called Vax.
He also apparently made the CMV vaccine which killed my sister, so granted, on many levels, he is not my favorite person

You remember how to identify "HIV-positive" folk, right?
The test is for THE ANTIBODY! "HIV-positive" is DEFINED as a person or sample which has the HIV ANTIBODY - meaning, also be definition, that the IMMUNE SYSTEM worked absolutely correctly when it once contacted the HIV.
So, by identifying that a person has a WORKING IMMUNE SYSTEM, they can now be labeled as IMMUNO-DEFICIENT.

I mean that's fair, Peter and Raj could have both gotten the virus,

even decades prior, and they immediately created the Antibody, or they would have never "gotten over it"

gotten over it, then had the antibody, then developed AIDS from the AZT. Entirely possible. I'm just not going to make a call on that until I have time to thoroughly research that. I was aware that the theory existed and had read some reports on it before. Enough to convince me the treatment was bogus, but less sure about the virus. Like this current virus. I'm not convinced that Coronavirus CAPS2Cov doesn't exist, it might be an engineered bioweapon, and might kill me right now, but it's the vax that's a threat to most people
I have no disagreement with your current or recent statements about Fauci Flu in the past 2 decades. But I hope you can mentally compartmentalize and separate between the Fake AIDS Religion and the current covid.[


Yes, the AIDS Religion requires that you accept that a person has Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome only after proving that they have a perfectly functioning IMMUNE SYSTEM, which created the ANTIBODY to HIV.
I mean it's not a religion, it's science. Medicult is a religion.

Prior to his AIDS Fraud, Gallo had already been twice found guilty of Scientific Fraud, by the SCIENTIFIC Community - this was back when there were real scientists, not Affirmative Action retards who were gifted diplomas without merit.
So AIDS is Gallo's THIRD Scientific Fraud. I cannot call fraud a science. I call it a Religion because there is no proof, there never will be any proof of the existence of your God, the only way to partake is to BELIEVE, you must BELIEVE in the unbelievable, the fantastical, the unproveable in order to believe in AIDS.


I suspect you already knew that the test for "HIV-positive" was verifying the presence of the ANTIBODY for HIV. I do not know why you would have followed the Fairy Tale after that.
But that doesn't mean the virus is harmless. It might be a bioweapon. And yeah, of course most of HIV hype is a Fauci scam. It's what convinced me he was a scam.

Yes, almost all drugs, or medicines, or remedies, are, by definition, Immuno-suppresant, or Immuno-deppresant, or Immuno-damaging.

I mean the concept of patentable novel pharmaceuticals is also a scam. Bioactive compounds should be naturally occurring, because they interact in existing biological systems, if they're not, they're probably toxic.






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