I think I have delta

UPDATED: Monday, August 12, 2024 06:32
VIEWED: 9769
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Wednesday, August 11, 2021 6:32 PM


A vaccinated customer came in a few weeks ago, to a party we were having, and everyone got sick with symptoms that exactly matched his moderna vaccine and nothing else. I read about this viral shedding. I'm not posting this to make arguments or to hear that it's fake, but because I'm sort of seriously worried about my own health. The virus has infected my heart, and my heart rate keeps going up, but I'm also convinced if my immune system defeats it, I become zeke. It's really a dilemma. I'm sure delta is just exactly the "harmless adenovirus" (from the pfizer website) that both pfizer and moderna are using as a vector.

A friend of mine sent me this, but I'm always skeptical. Is this a limited hangout? are these guys govt or company counter agents? is this just a scam to sell a product? I tend to think the people on this and their info is legit here, and looks mostly good to me, something just seems a little bit off, like they want me to be their follower or something

I don't know where to get hydroxychloroquine, but I have access to some mycology. I avoid mushroom treatments normally because they're horrifically neurotoxic. Anyway, the main point of this post is to explain why I'm slow getting to stuff. If you saw me in person right now you'd get it. I'm terrified of becoming zeke, or would be if I could feel fear, an ability I lost years ago as a psychopharmacological guinea pig.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021 7:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Neither Pfizer nor Moderns are using viral vectors. That's J&J (Jansen), Sputnik V, and AstraZeneca..

Is there anyone that checks in with you every day? Or that you check in with? That way, if you don't show up they would know to take more drastic measures, like check in at your home or have someone do a wellness check.

In the meantime, I would strongly suggest that you get a thermometer if you don't have one, and especially a pulse-ox meter. Oxygen saturation is a stellar way to determine how sick you are and when to call 911. KIKI may know of a good brand. Can be found on Amazon.

In my experience there are a lot of ways to get a bad low reading (dirty finger, misplacement, calluses etc) but not too many ways to get a high reading, so try different positions and different fingers but if you can't get higher than 93, call in the troops.

Post every day if you can. If there is someone here that can email you, if you miss a post they can try checking in with you?

Try not to worry. Drink lots of fluids and rest, a lot.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021 7:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, supposedly elderberry extract is good for when symptoms first appear.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021 7:53 PM


I'm too sick to think atm. We've figured out who was patient zero, and the guy said he'd just gotten Moderna, but to be fair, he's also kind of a moron. could be a wild delta, but i think it's vaccine derived. i would love for it not to be. I really don't want to be zeked.

I did call 911 initially but then I told them to not come. I have lost everyone I know just about to that institution, not anxious to go there myself. I have a fever about 99-100, i have a thermometer. the worst symptom is a 120 resting pulse. (i have the pulse ox meter already also)

We really tried to nail it down as something other than covid related, but every site that matched the symptoms was a "what to expect if you've been vaxed" on both the pro-vax and anti-vax sites.

thanks for not trolling. I'm way too sick to deal with that also. I am really worried about getting the syncytin immune response, but also worried about the infection high heart rate. I don't know how to get hydroxychloroquine so I just made myself some reshi red mushroom soup. I'm so hesitant to use mushrooms because I know how neurotoxic they are, and I have a lot of underlying health concerns. So I also know they stop DNA replication in its tracks. That said, I can hear the tinnitus now from the mushroom soup, but we'll see if it has any effect. turkeytail would probably be many times worse, but I don't have any atm

Edit: clarifying what I mean by patient zero is kind of a moron, it's nto that he can't read his card, it's that he's the sort of person who will lie about anything if he thinks it will keep blame from falling on him for anything, and he hasn't shown anyone the card. Anyway, we all have his symptoms, and they show up as vax symptoms.

We got no respiratory symtoms at all, but we all got a viral heart infection, and that's also very rare on its own, This party was a few weeks ago, but everyone is still sick, and getting worse not better. very very fatigued, very high heart rate, fever, cannot exercise, no blood flow at all.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021 9:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It sounds like you're in touch with at least a few other people. Please, please try and set up a buddy system. Everyone to get in touch with someone once or twice a day, and if no contact then call ER. BC if you're unconscious on the floor, that's way past caring about what "they" might do to you?

Also, if you have working pulse ox, youifht want to check results. That has saved us from several pointless trips to the ER, but also propelled us in that direction when hubby had bacterial pneumonia.

Try not to worry. Easy for me to say! Not so easy to do. Do what you need to do so you can relax a bit.

Elderberry extract evidence is good for cold viruses, which is what coronaviruses are.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021 10:51 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It sounds like you're in touch with at least a few other people. Please, please try and set up a buddy system. Everyone to get in touch with someone once or twice a day, and if no contact then call ER. BC if you're unconscious on the floor, that's way past caring about what "they" might do to you?

Also, if you have working pulse ox, youifht want to check results. That has saved us from several pointless trips to the ER, but also propelled us in that direction when hubby had bacterial pneumonia.

Try not to worry. Easy for me to say! Not so easy to do. Do what you need to do so you can relax a bit.

Elderberry extract evidence is good for cold viruses, which is what coronaviruses are.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

It's probably adenovirus, because it's attack our hearts, not our lungs. Also, our patient zero got a vax, but he's not otherwise sick. It's just an undeniable pattern of everyone who was in contact with, hung out with him got sick, those who didn't, did not get sick. Now it's possible he could be an asymptomatic carrier of something else, I'd loveit to be something else, just don't think it is.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021 10:52 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

DT - WAY back when - Jan or Feb of 2020, I got sick in a way I've never been sick before, and a high HR and the feeling I was on the verge of collapse were the 2 biggest and most worrisome symptoms; along with a moderate 100-101F fever, and a dry, relentless, non-productive cough.

I'm pretty sure it was COVID-19 because there was a COVID-19 mini-epidemic here in SoCal before it was officially in the US, and obviously quite a bit before there was a vax. I have to say it took months before I had any energy, and a year before I stopped coughing.

I have no particular extra helpful tips to give you based on my experience. Nothing seemed to work. So just take care of yourself - rest when you need to, and keep hydrated.

But I do join Signy in her advice. Routinely check in with somebody, or have them check in with you, with the intention of either them personally visiting you in case the check-in goes silent, OR calling the police to do a wellness check.

Also, COVID-19 was notorious for causing O-sats to drop suddenly and precipitously. At that point you'll be in serious medical trouble. So I sincerely encourage you to check your O-sats often and call 911 when they drop below 93%.


Thursday, August 12, 2021 12:17 AM


Hopefully you didn't have Covid-19.

If you got Covid-19 and you got vaxxed after the fact, you're in much worse shape than if you never had it in the first place.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, August 12, 2021 12:26 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Oh DT, I forgot to add, also a nasty headache that showed up after a day that hung around for a couple of weeks. I wasn't sure if it was a fever(cytokine) headache, or a headache from all the coughing.


Thursday, August 12, 2021 1:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
A vaccinated customer came in a few weeks ago, to a party we were having, and everyone got sick with symptoms that exactly matched his moderna vaccine and nothing else. . . .

From that page: “I call the [COVID] vaccine ‘Zyklon-V.’ That is the gas the Nazis used to kill my relatives. So to express my sentiments, I call it Zyklon-V. It’s an absolute weapon of mass destruction. People are being lied to, and they’re running into the gas chambers themselves because of the pathogenic fear.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:18 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

DT - WAY back when - Jan or Feb of 2020, I got sick in a way I've never been sick before, and a high HR and the feeling I was on the verge of collapse were the 2 biggest and most worrisome symptoms; along with a moderate 100-101F fever, and a dry, relentless, non-productive cough.

I'm pretty sure it was COVID-19 because there was a COVID-19 mini-epidemic here in SoCal before it was officially in the US, and obviously quite a bit before there was a vax. I have to say it took months before I had any energy, and a year before I stopped coughing.

I have no particular extra helpful tips to give you based on my experience. Nothing seemed to work. So just take care of yourself - rest when you need to, and keep hydrated.

But I do join Signy in her advice. Routinely check in with somebody, or have them check in with you, with the intention of either them personally visiting you in case the check-in goes silent, OR calling the police to do a wellness check.

Also, COVID-19 was notorious for causing O-sats to drop suddenly and precipitously. At that point you'll be in serious medical trouble. So I sincerely encourage you to check your O-sats often and call 911 when they drop below 93%.

This can't be COVID per se, because the illness has no respiratory element. But I'm worried it's COVID related, that's why I'm dubbing it delta. I think delta is a virus shed from one or more of the vaccines, and in my case, people in my shop got sick from one guy in particular, who had just been vaxed.

Were you vaxed before you got this illness? or maybe in contact with the vax?
Or was it normal COVID with the SARS like symptoms also.

My 02 level has remained unchanged through this infection, but pulse and temperature was as you are saying here.

Also I got the headache, as did the others. The others symptoms were identical to mine. That's why I'm fairly sure of all this. I have an underlying heart condition but my workers are college students who don't have heart conditions.


Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:28 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

First of all DT, I hope you're doing better today than before.

My illness was definitely not vax-related because it was over a year and a half ago. I think my cough was extreme - I have many allergies and asthma anyway, and so a 'twitchy' airway.

Anyway, I'm happy to see you posting! But if you need to rest, rest as many hours as your condition is calling for. We can wait until you're back to your normal self to read your posts.


Thursday, August 12, 2021 12:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Whatever you have, DT, good to see you posting!

For OUR peace of mind, maybe a short post everyday in this thread, if you post nothimg else, so we know you're still kicking? For the next two weeks, anyway? Just an "I'm here" if nothing else?

Just, as KIKI says, don't overdo it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, August 12, 2021 1:41 PM



Thursday, August 12, 2021 5:57 PM


I might have gotten where we got this from wrong, and need to reconsider some stuff. I've been looking into what SignyM said, and I cannot see how. Moderna could be contagious. There was a guy here before the party setting up who had gotten the Janssen, which is an adenovirus. Or it could be non-vax related which I would love because boy do I not want that vax.

So a couple things. It's possible I've pegged the wrong patient zero. It could have been the guy setting it up, but then I don't have the sound correlation of contagion. But correlation doesn't prove causality. Or I could have the wrong adenovirus. It's an adenovirus we appear to have the symptoms of, and I was aware the Moderna was mrna, but I thought it made a modified adenovirus down the road, but if it doesn't, it doesn't. It's also possible me and my employees have a non-vax cariac adenovirusor something else mimicking those symptoms,, which seems like a freak oddity, but that doesn't mean it can't happen, I just wouldn't know where we got it, unless my patient zero also had this.

It does seem to match symptoms of delta still when I search, but no respiratory symptoms. None of us had them. I don't know what to make of this. Unless it's an overactive immune response to the shedding of a non-viral.

At any rate, I had to take an extreme measure, which was a reishi mushroom soup, which did knowck the inflammation to zero but will have lasting neuropathic damage. It's a nuclear weapon of anti-proliferation. That said, I'm incredibly weak and sweating and sleeping all the time, and not able to do anything and I doubt the virus has gone away, and the inflammation will be back. I'm going to stay in bed.

I have to be somewhat self skeptical because I got this illness very very strongly, as did my much younger workers, while I was researching these vaccine side effects. I would very much like this not to be related. Not just for my own sake, but if the vax has side effects this bad being contagious it's going to suck for all of us. If it's a random freak virus then it's not globally widespread but something local, and then it just sucks to be here right now.

To be fair to my panic, I've seen half a dozen people at this point in town who have developed autoimmune conditions since the vax, and it is starting to look like a zombie apocalypse here. But to be fair on the other side to SignyM there are also a lot of people not showing adverse signs of having gotten the vax. It's a lot of random chance encounters of immune cells and vax that leads to these mutant errors, the mutant error rate just appears high. I'd be a lot less suspicious of it if the establishment was pushing for "vaccinate over 70" since that population has the most threat from the original covid and the least side effects from the vaccine. Instead our authorities are pushing for "vaccinate the children" which makes no sense, since they have almost zero death risk from covid and incredibly high risk of autoimmune disorders from the vax.

I'm still solidly on "looks like a mass sterilizing bioweapon" but less sure that it's what I have right now. Whatever I have, it's not letting up, I just get weaker each day. But at least the heart rate is down today


Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:43 PM


Per that article, I also mixed up a zinc tea with added EGCG.
On the plus side, the heart rate is back to normal
On the minus side i don't feel any better or have any more energy
But that said, I can still meme it


Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:44 PM


Delta? Psssshhh...

I am the Alpha and the Omega.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, August 12, 2021 9:52 PM


Rev. 15.7

belteshazzar wrote:

And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever.

I figure those seven are named
Alpha made in some lab in china w/tony fauci, is the mark of the beast
Delta in the vax, is the blood of the dead man
Lamba is the vax for delta, and is the rivers of blood (hemorrage)
? some fever of fire (some anti brain fever)
? some gnawing of tongues (MS has this feature and is autoimmune)
? some parched earth, dehydrating disease*
Omega = small pox

*this will be deadly, most people don't take dehydration seriously enough

Delta variant is airborne, because at Delta, we love to fly, and it shows.


Friday, August 13, 2021 3:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

DT, I wouldn't worry about "catching" the SARS-Cov2 vaccine. If it would be possible to make an infectious SARS-Cov2 vaccine, then all that would be necessary would be to vaccinate some people and then have them come in contact others. That hasn't happened.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, August 13, 2021 3:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

However, I WILL add that, according to this article, scientists are working on "self-spreading" vaccines based on the genetically engineering a viral vector.


Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong?

Also, SOME vaccines that use weakened - but still active- viruses can cause disease as well as confer protection, such as the oral polio vaccine


Vaccine-derived polio spreads in Africa after defeat of wild virus

Not trying to make you paranoid. Bc if they really had a self-spreading vaccine for Covid-19, they wouldn't be working so hard to give everyone "the jab".

Just wanted to be complete with the story and give you a full picture.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, August 13, 2021 8:28 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Rev. 15.7

belteshazzar wrote:

And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever.

I figure those seven are named
Alpha made in some lab in china w/tony fauci, is the mark of the beast
Delta in the vax, is the blood of the dead man
Lamba is the vax for delta, and is the rivers of blood (hemorrage)
? some fever of fire (some anti brain fever)
? some gnawing of tongues (MS has this feature and is autoimmune)
? some parched earth, dehydrating disease*
Omega = small pox

*this will be deadly, most people don't take dehydration seriously enough

Delta variant is airborne, because at Delta, we love to fly, and it shows.

Don't you miss the days when all we had were pro-brain fevers?


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, August 13, 2021 9:39 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
DT, I wouldn't worry about "catching" the SARS-Cov2 vaccine. If it would be possible to make an infectious SARS-Cov2 vaccine, then all that would be necessary would be to vaccinate some people and then have them come in contact others. That hasn't happened.

I'm sure it's possible, and it looks like that's more likely with the Janssen. But the real question is the direct motivations and fears of the perpetrators. If they're more concerned with sterilizing all the peasants, they'd make it contagious. If they're more concerned with getting it themselves, they wouldn't.

I think they want it not to be contagious because of the degree to which they're pushing for 100%. Hence the Papers Please Nazi Pass. I suspected immediately that 70% herd immunity target would be abandoned as soon as we got there, and 100% push would replace it, because it's how the NWO works.

Still that might be why the Janssen version 1 got pulled, and the new Janssen is just rebranded Moderna.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
However, I WILL add that, according to this article, scientists are working on "self-spreading" vaccines based on the genetically engineering a viral vector.

Yes, self spreading vaccine is just called bioweapon.

We need biodefense before we get there


Friday, August 13, 2021 11:40 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
However, I WILL add that, according to this article, scientists are working on "self-spreading" vaccines based on the genetically engineering a viral vector.


Scientists are working on vaccines that spread like a disease. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, their 'self-spreading vaccine' examples weren't vaccines (even though in the end they acted like vaccines). They were intentionally released viruses to conduct bio-warfare against other species, like spreading rabbit disease in Australia to eliminate rabbits. To note about that example, iirc the rabbit population crashed about 90%. But since viruses aren't 100% (not even the feared Ebola or Marburg), the rest of the rabbits survived except now they have population immunity.

In that example, the point is that in the transition to the rabbit viruses becoming less overall deadly, the rabbits suffered mightily.

[This has nothing to do with anything except how Hantavirus Sin Nombre became a dominant strain in parts of the US: Hantavirus isn't primarily a disease of people, it's one of deer mice (and a few other rodent species), and plays an important part of their ecology. At some point a population of wild mice became infected. And their population probably crashed. It was likely a population generally protected from population pressures from other mice, due to an isolated location. The surviving mice were then immune due to individual exposure followed by population immunity. One mechanism btw is that nursing pups get antibodies in milk, and become armored against Hantavirus Sin Nombre. So a population of deer mice now exists compatibly with Hantavirus - spreading it easily in their excretions, but without for the most part becoming ill themselves. That population slowly expanded out of its natural range. And now wherever it encounters a naive (unexposed) population of deer mice, the naive population becomes infected and dies ... and the resistant mouse population takes over the territory.]

It's a logic-based theory that a pathogen can't be both highly contagious AND virulent. Because it would spread rapidly, kill all of its hosts off in short order ... and then die itself for lack of hosts.

But evolution doesn't 'think'. A pathogen doesn't say to itself 'oh I need to be milder to not rapidly kill off all my hosts before they have a chance to spread me'. Instead it runs through as many scenarios as evolve over time until the right combination of contagiousness and virulence is stumbled on that allows enough of the hosts to survive to keep the pathogen going.

And as rabbit viruses and Hanta virus shows, the transition of a new pathogen to a milder disease that's more transmissible can be EXTREMELY rough on the host population.

Anyway, anybody who thinks that a transmissible vaccine will stay within bounds is intensely stupid, no matter how technically 'smart' they may be. And the same has always been true for any bioweapon. It'll come back to bite you in the a$$.


Friday, August 13, 2021 12:11 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Once in our history, the world-wide population of human beings skidded so sharply we were down to roughly a thousand reproductive adults. One study says we hit as low as 40.

Forty? Come on, that can't be right. Well, the technical term is 40 "breeding pairs" (children not included). More likely there was a drastic dip and then 5,000 to 10,000 bedraggled Homo sapiens struggled together in pitiful little clumps hunting and gathering for thousands of years until, in the late Stone Age, we humans began to recover. But for a time there, says science writer Sam Kean, "We damn near went extinct."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, August 13, 2021 12:26 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Meteors and asteroids, volcanoes and ice ages, earthquakes and volcanoes, shifting magnetic protection and a cranky sun, floods and droughts, earth orbit wobble and the moon's influence, viruses and bacteria.

Nature has thrown a lot at the planet.

But everything else - widespread poverty despite helpful technology, toxics and trash everywhere, global warming ... that's us doing that to us and there's nothing else to blame.


Friday, August 13, 2021 12:41 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Meteors and asteroids, volcanoes and ice ages, earthquakes and volcanoes, shifting magnetic protection and a cranky sun, floods and droughts, earth orbit wobble and the moon's influence, viruses and bacteria.

Nature has thrown a lot at the planet.

But everything else - widespread poverty despite helpful technology, toxics and trash everywhere, global warming ... that's us doing that to us and there's nothing else to blame.

If you had gone to link, you'd read: Human genes record a "bottleneck" or a drastic narrowing of genetic diversity 70,000 years ago. David Quammen's new book Spillover is about people pushing into forests, swamps and places where viruses have been hiding. Those viruses are now beginning to cross over into horses, pigs, bats, birds and, inevitably, they threaten to "spillover" into us. For a virus, or bacteria, 7 billion potential hosts look like a fantastic opportunity.

In his new book Spillover, Quamman writes:

We're unique in the history of mammals. We're unique in this history of vertebrates. The fossil record shows that no other species of large-bodied beast — above the size of an ant, say or an Antarctic krill — has ever achieved anything like such abundance as the abundance of humans on Earth right now.

But our looming weight makes us vulnerable, vulnerable to viruses that were once isolated deep in forests and mountains, but are now bumping into humans, vulnerable to climate change, vulnerable to armies fighting over scarce resources.

1kiki, most humans have always lived like they're idiots and because of that, they die idiotically. The smarter humans will do what they can about climate change, for example, while the rest of humanity does not one damn thing to help. The stupider humans will make it worse because they want to be free to do as they please.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, August 13, 2021 12:43 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

DOOD, you're trying to tell me something I've known about for decades.

And you post is irrelevant to me.


Friday, August 13, 2021 1:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

DOOD, you're trying to tell me something I've known about for decades.

And you post is irrelevant to me.

Everyone I know in Texas who defends Trump thinks of themselves as smart. Every one of them. They will tell me over and over about how smart, wise, cautious, careful, brave, moral, etc they are. But I know how they live, outside of their politics. They do not demonstrate the qualities they brag about having in the way they live. They have endless struggles that smarter people easily avoid.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, August 13, 2021 1:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


DOOD, you're trying to tell me something I've known about for decades.
And you post is irrelevant to me.

KIKI: Everyone I know in Texas who defends Trump...

What does this have to do withe either 1) the topic at hand or 2) KIKI?

MORE irrelevance from SECOND!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, August 13, 2021 2:07 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

DOOD, you're trying to tell me something I've known about for decades.
And you post is irrelevant to me.

KIKI: Everyone I know in Texas who defends Trump...

What does this have to do withe either 1) the topic at hand or 2) KIKI?

MORE irrelevance from SECOND!

It is not irrelevant. DreamTrove is crazy. Craziness can be a problem:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Rev. 15.7

belteshazzar wrote:

And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever.

I figure those seven are named
Alpha made in some lab in china w/tony fauci, is the mark of the beast
Delta in the vax, is the blood of the dead man
Lamba is the vax for delta, and is the rivers of blood (hemorrage)
? some fever of fire (some anti brain fever)
? some gnawing of tongues (MS has this feature and is autoimmune)
? some parched earth, dehydrating disease*
Omega = small pox

*this will be deadly, most people don't take dehydration seriously enough

Delta variant is airborne, because at Delta, we love to fly, and it shows.

Signym, also relevant, I have never known a crazy person who was self-aware to their own craziness. They will tell you they are sane, but just not feeling completely well at the moment.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, August 13, 2021 5:43 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


K - DOOD, you're trying to tell me something I've known about for decades.
And you post is irrelevant to me.


S - They will tell me over and over about how smart, wise, cautious, careful, brave, moral, etc they are. But I know how they live, outside of their politics. They do not demonstrate the qualities they brag about having in the way they live. They have endless struggles that smarter people easily avoid.

S - I have never known a crazy person who was self-aware to their own craziness.
Oh the delicious irony. Not only can't you post a on-topic reply to me, you can't even post an on-topic continution to your own posts. Because ...

Bat-shit insane?


Terminally mendacious?

SLOPPY - why do you never start any threads of your own but instead spend 100% of your time crapping up everyone else's? Is it because you really have NOTHING you want to discuss and are only here to troll?


Friday, August 13, 2021 5:53 PM


I think it's not delta now. I seems to attack the heart like coxsackievirus, but if so, then it's probably coxsackievirus, which is closely related to the virus used in the Janssen vax, but not the same virus. difference delineated here, not sure if that would affect the cardiac pathogenicity or not

Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Well, their 'self-spreading vaccine' examples weren't vaccines

I mean ultimately what's a vaccine. The word just means to turn into a cow.

They were intentionally released viruses to conduct bio-warfare against other species

This one (the anti-rabbit bioweapon) will stick with me forever as probably the stupidest moment in human history


Originally posted by Second:

It is not irrelevant. DreamTrove is crazy. Craziness can be a problem:

Fair point. And I'm trying to be a problem. I aim to misbehave.

Obedience to a mad plan of global genocide, whether through Dr. Evil intent or through incompetence and corporate profiteering, is not crazy, it's just lazy.

Curing this bioweapon is going to take a fuckton of work.

At the moment I'm somewhat under the weather, but soon enough, a fuckton of work will begin, if anyone cares to join me.


Friday, August 13, 2021 7:49 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Oh the delicious irony. Not only can't you post a on-topic reply to me, you can't even post an on-topic continution to your own posts. Because ...

Bat-shit insane?


Terminally mendacious?

1kiki, did you notice DreamTrove's latest post? I am starting to doubt DT's sincerity rather than sanity. Never doubted 1kiki's sanity because I always believed 1kiki was trolling for Russia or Trump, 6 of 1, half-dozen of the other.

Originally posted by dreamtrove:
I think it's not delta now. I seems to attack the heart like coxsackievirus, but if so, then it's probably coxsackievirus, which is closely related to the virus used in the Janssen vax, but not the same virus. difference delineated here, not sure if that would affect the cardiac pathogenicity or not . . . .

Originally posted by Second:

It is not irrelevant. DreamTrove is crazy. Craziness can be a problem:

Fair point. And I'm trying to be a problem. I aim to misbehave.

Obedience to a mad plan of global genocide, whether through Dr. Evil intent or through incompetence and corporate profiteering, is not crazy, it's just lazy.

Curing this bioweapon is going to take a fuckton of work.

At the moment I'm somewhat under the weather, but soon enough, a fuckton of work will begin, if anyone cares to join me.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, August 13, 2021 8:36 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

DOOD, you're trying to tell me something I've known about for decades.

And your post is irrelevant to me.

Also ... DOOD. The book you cite is like a cheap plagiarism of 'The Coming Plague' published in 1994, and which I've posted about and cited a number of times.


Monday, August 16, 2021 7:44 PM


I had Covid in Nov 2019 and agtain at Christmas 2020.
The first time was the sickest I've been in my life, lost about 20 pounds. 2nd time much more mild, but it seems much more contagious. I didn't know I had it again until after everybody else got it. And I don't know where the 2nd round came from.


Monday, August 16, 2021 8:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I had Covid in Nov 2019 and agtain at Christmas 2020.
The first time was the sickest I've been in my life, lost about 20 pounds. 2nd time much more mild, but it seems much more contagious. I didn't know I had it again until after everybody else got it. And I don't know where the 2nd round came from.

When you were really sick, what was it like?

I may have had Covid b4 it was even recognized. We all caught the same thing like BAM! and all from the same individual. Fever, chills, body aches, terrible racking cough that wouldn't go away for weeks and weeks (in my case,months)

Fortunately nothing worse than that.

How are you feeling now?
Fully recovered, I hope?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, August 16, 2021 8:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, DT, how are YOU doing?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 8:17 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, DT, how are YOU doing?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Okay, still not over it.
I don't think it's the bioweapon.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 8:30 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I had Covid in Nov 2019 and agtain at Christmas 2020.
The first time was the sickest I've been in my life, lost about 20 pounds. 2nd time much more mild, but it seems much more contagious. I didn't know I had it again until after everybody else got it. And I don't know where the 2nd round came from.

I would be tempted not to buy into the narrative. The one thing I'm about 100% sure of at the moment is that the media is lying. Meaning, you cannot, generally, logically, have the same cold twice. They're not virulent enough to hide in the system and resurface and you're immune the second time.

I'd be tempted to assume the second was a separate virus. Did you get the vax?

I dismissed the idea of a rapidly mutating virus because I know that's not how viruses work, viruses are evolved to be hyper efficient, not hyper flexible, and flexibility is something you have to sacrifice in genetics if you want efficiency. That said, if it's a bioweapon they could have engineered multiple strains.

I'm aware there are wild type viruses and that all the virus paranoia has meant we haven't gotten them for a couple of years. Of course 99% of these are not coronaviruses.

My entire year has been overshadowed from everyone I know dying from obvious and blatant medical malpractice which just kind of makes one forget about natural threats.

I assume this is biowarfare at this point, but regular threats still exist. I say this because a hyper contagious bioweapon would wreck everyone's day. So if that's what's going on, we have to know.

There's been nothing hype contagious here, except maybe this heart virus I have. But it doesn't seem to come with any respiratory symptoms so I wrote it off as not covid from the start. maybe vax vector, but I'm doubting that now. The vax vector contagions have only 0.001% chance of heart infection and everyone had this problem. I mean, if you can trust information sources. Probably some virus the guy picked up when he got the shot.

Nov 2019, in china? or had it already spread? It's also possible the second was covid and the first was some wild type coronavirus.

I have to admit I was enjoying not getting sick for a year and a half because of everyone's health paranoia.


Thursday, August 19, 2021 5:35 PM


Health definitely getting worse rather than better. Hospital is now a 100% death rate around here now. Probably everywhere.
So I'm here at home hoping it's not prion shedding


Thursday, August 19, 2021 8:34 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I had Covid in Nov 2019 and agtain at Christmas 2020.
The first time was the sickest I've been in my life, lost about 20 pounds. 2nd time much more mild, but it seems much more contagious. I didn't know I had it again until after everybody else got it. And I don't know where the 2nd round came from.

I would be tempted not to buy into the narrative. The one thing I'm about 100% sure of at the moment is that the media is lying. Meaning, you cannot, generally, logically, have the same cold twice. They're not virulent enough to hide in the system and resurface and you're immune the second time.

I'd be tempted to assume the second was a separate virus. Did you get the vax?

I dismissed the idea of a rapidly mutating virus because I know that's not how viruses work, viruses are evolved to be hyper efficient, not hyper flexible, and flexibility is something you have to sacrifice in genetics if you want efficiency. That said, if it's a bioweapon they could have engineered multiple strains.

I'm aware there are wild type viruses and that all the virus paranoia has meant we haven't gotten them for a couple of years. Of course 99% of these are not coronaviruses.

My entire year has been overshadowed from everyone I know dying from obvious and blatant medical malpractice which just kind of makes one forget about natural threats.

I assume this is biowarfare at this point, but regular threats still exist. I say this because a hyper contagious bioweapon would wreck everyone's day. So if that's what's going on, we have to know.

There's been nothing hype contagious here, except maybe this heart virus I have. But it doesn't seem to come with any respiratory symptoms so I wrote it off as not covid from the start. maybe vax vector, but I'm doubting that now. The vax vector contagions have only 0.001% chance of heart infection and everyone had this problem. I mean, if you can trust information sources. Probably some virus the guy picked up when he got the shot.

Nov 2019, in china? or had it already spread? It's also possible the second was covid and the first was some wild type coronavirus.

I have to admit I was enjoying not getting sick for a year and a half because of everyone's health paranoia.

I never had vax. The 2nd time, the mi9ld time, my coworkers got tested and confirmed they had covid. Most of them refused to get vaxxed. The first time, there was no test.
I'm interested what you think, I was just going with the available info. I have never been tested.


Thursday, August 19, 2021 11:45 PM


I'm incredibly sick right now. I think you only can get covid from a medical establishment but i could be wrong.

the test is and has always been completely bogus. Those tests take a decade to develop. they have a test for 2002 sars antibodies and that's what they've been giving people. there's no test for covid. It's just not possible to make an accurate test in a year, or in four days which is how long they claim it took them to develop


Friday, August 20, 2021 12:01 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
My entire year has been overshadowed from everyone I know dying from obvious and blatant medical malpractice which just kind of makes one forget about natural threats.

Dying of this thing?

That sucks. I don't know a single person who's died of it.

In fact, the only person I've come into contact with who even claimed to have had it at any point was the guy who fucked up my gutter install last year and that was one of the 3 excuses he used not to come out and fix it before I stopped bothering.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, August 20, 2021 1:01 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Dying of this thing?

That sucks. I don't know a single person who's died of it.

In fact, the only person I've come into contact with who even claimed to have had it at any point was the guy who fucked up my gutter install last year and that was one of the 3 excuses he used not to come out and fix it before I stopped bothering.

I don't have covid. I'm pretty sure at this point I don't have delta. I have some heart virus. I hope it's not the prion thing.

I do know one person who died of covid. to be fair, he was 80. Now maybe it was some other flu, who knows. But maybe it was the bioweapon version 1, and the vax is just bioweapon version 2 because version 1 wasn't deadly enough. I mean, seven golden vials give them a lot of chances.


Friday, August 20, 2021 2:41 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


DREAMTROVE: I would be tempted not to buy into the narrative. The one thing I'm about 100% sure of at the moment is that the media is lying. Meaning, you cannot, generally, logically, have the same cold twice. They're not virulent enough to hide in the system and resurface and you're immune the second time.

I'd be tempted to assume the second was a separate virus. Did you get the vax?

I dismissed the idea of a rapidly mutating virus because I know that's not how viruses work, viruses are evolved to be hyper efficient, not hyper flexible, and flexibility is something you have to sacrifice in genetics if you want efficiency. That said, if it's a bioweapon they could have engineered multiple strains.

What I read is that, being single-stranded RNA, corona viruses do mutate far more often. That's because their RNA structure isn't stablized by a second strand.

How are your Osats? OK?
Any other symptoms?
Body aches?
Sore throat?

Any heart sensations besides fast heart rate? Skipping beats? Taking extra-hard THUMPS? Pressure in your throat? Feeling like you can't catch your breath? Irregular beat?

If the main symptom is fast heart rate ... well, there are a zillion reasons how that can happen.

A common one is fever: heart rate naturally goes up with fever.
Another is dehydration. Again, heart rate naturally goes up ... yes, up to 110-120 bpm- from dehydration.
Another common cause is anxiety attacks. If you're sick with something and it drives up your heart rate, you might become hyper-aware of your heart rate and then it goes up even more.
Caffeine or herbal supplements can make heart rate go crazy: I was taking SAM-e for about a month and it was doing GREAT for my arthritis, but all of the sudden my heart was doing the rhumba, not the foxtrot. Skipped beats, pressure at the base of my throat, like a burp that wuldn't come up, feeling momentarily "unplugged" when skipped beats (actually, premature atrial contractions). MOST uncomfortable!
Another common reason is mitral valve prolapse, which causes a "fluttering" heartbeat AND a feeling of anxiety!

And then, of course, if a lot of pple around you are sick with Covid-19, you could have an unusual presentation.

It pays to be very specific when describing your symptoms to a doctor:
What are they?
How do they feel?
Do they occur usually in one situation but not another? (for example, people with run-of-the-mill viruses tend to get worse in the evening, people wth heart failure feel worse in the heat.)
What makes it worse?
What makes it better?

We're not doctors here, but maybe if you clarify for yourself (and us) we can come up with some ideas.

But if your OSATS are less than 94 OR your heartrate is routinely over 120, I think you should really, really, see a doctor. And be cautious wth herbals ... they're not always beneficial, as I found out!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, August 20, 2021 3:17 AM


He's not going to give his symptoms to a doctor.

He's convinced that if he goes to the doctor that they're going to kill him.

Not sure why he's jumping straight to a heart disease though when diagnosing himself. That fuckin' WebMD site has probably killed more people from stress than it's ever helped.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, August 20, 2021 7:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

When people get sick and self-dx, they often jump to the diease(s) that they're most afraid of. And bc they're afraid, they don't want to have their fears confirmed by anyone.

But I've always found it helpful to address those fears head-on because more than 9 times out of 10, it's not what you think it is. Usually, it's not as bad as you fear. Somtimes, it's worse, but then at least you're doing something about it.

When my heart was really giving me concern, my mind got stuck on "congestive heart failure" bc arrythmias are "a" symptom of heart failure. And despite the fact that (1) I didn't have other symptoms of heart failure (my MIL, who lived with us, had CHF) and (2) I knew that it usually didn't come on suddenly and (3) there were several more likely explanations for PACs and (4) I already had a sneaking suspicion it was the supplement I had just recently started ...

.... I just couldn't unstick my mind from that fear. So they ran a bunch of tests, said my heart was working just fine, it was the "pacemaker" in the heart that had gotten irritable, and gave me some meds to calm it down. But when they said that the Rx made the heart pacemaker less susceptible to adrenaline, something clicked for me bc the supplement I was taking jacked up a whole bunch of neurotransmitters and hormones as a side effect, including adrenaline. Hmmm... So as uncomfortable as I felt, I decided not to take the meds and just tough out the symptoms. It took over two months for the supplement to wash out, but eventually it did. so even if somene chooses NOT to take the prescribed Rx, at least you know what it is.

And unfortunately for the medical profession, they're often called on to cure the incurable, like cancer or Parkinson's or rheumatoid arthritis, so they get tarred with a lot of bad associations. People expect too much of them (maybe bc the media portrays them as heroic life-savers) and when they can't deliver everyone assumes they did something wrong. But, yanno, we all have to die sometime, and the medical profession can't prevent that forever.

Anyway, DT, I hope you take some comfort from my story. Thru all of the medical crises that my family has lived thru - and there have been a lot, three of them ending in death - I've learned not to live in fearful denial, and also not to go borrowing trouble from the future bc it will come to you soon enough.

Do what you need to do to face whatever is going on and rid your mind of its fears.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, August 20, 2021 9:43 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
When people get sick and self-dx, they often jump to the diease(s) that they're most afraid of. And bc they're afraid, they don't want to have their fears confirmed by anyone.

Fair enough
On the other hand, to be completely fair, we're at "everyone officially diagnosed with anything dies" so no living person will ever have an official diagnosis again. And I'm at gf with gallstone, dad had infected stubbed toe, mom with hairline hip fracture, and dozens of other people in town with similar stories.

02 dip sometimes to 90, but is usually 95 to 97, which is lower than normal
fever and shakes sometimes, headache sometimes. More notably
fast heart rate
incredible weakness even when heart rate is normal
no respiratory symptoms at all
no digestive symptoms
no soar throat
limp noodle when it gets really bad
so all circulation blood heart symptoms
not effectively pumping is the most logical connection

did not go to webmd or similar sites no

why coxsackie virus? it causes all of these symptoms, is contagious and very common. I have to bear in mind that my employees also got it from one casual visit of an infected, and at least one shares my symptoms exactly, so it shouldn't be any 0.01% experience this. it has to be some 90% experience this, just on statistical odds.


I had a similar story once. I have underlying heart arrhythmia, and so I took a supplement for it, and arrhythmia got much worse, took me a little while to figure out it was the supplement. why idk. the supplement was chrysin, it lowered my heart rate but it strengthened the vagal afib pulses like 100x


Friday, August 20, 2021 10:50 AM


You see, I'm of the mind that there is enough centralized control where they're able to lie about numbers and fudge statistics to make the beer bug come off as much more dangerous than it actually was... money being the motivating factor for most of the people in the equation.

This I'm convinced of.

I can even take that in my mind to a possibility that it was all done to get billions of people to inject shit in their veins that (as far as we know) is untested, but possibly is a slow-acting bio-weapon itself... slow enough that people won't know for years that they made a mistake, and slow enough for most of the governments of the world to coerce and/or force the vast majority of their population to take it... fear being the motivating factor for most of the people in the equation.

This is a possibility. But I'm not convinced. And I really hope it's not the case. But man... are they pushing hard.

(And if I'm willing to even entertain that 2nd paragraph, I also have to be willing to entertain the equal and opposite. It could also be possible that once THEY have decided enough time has passed, they'll just unleash Beerbug 2.0 that will kill off 100% of everyone who refused the vaccination.

What better way to near-instantly eliminate anybody who wasn't easily corralled and wouldn't bend knee and kiss the ring?

The motivation there doesn't need to be restated.)

All of those scenarios are possible with only a few key decision makers who are sociopaths actually knowing the evil that is taking place.

Most importantly though, no matter what happens, it would be downright impossible to ever get the truth for any of it to come out. Even if it did, most people wouldn't believe it anyhow, and the Legacy Media would just tell the remaining people that it was all a conspiracy theory.

Claiming that anybody who goes to the hospital or the doctor now ends up getting murdered is where I draw the line.

What you're talking about is en-mass evil, down to the individual level, and it would require every medical professional to have knowingly and willingly given up their oath and become mass murderers to happen.

What is the motivation for that? To what benefit would that even be for them?

Money? I'm sure some would do it for money, but a very, very, very small amount of them. There would be new whistleblowers every day.

A promise that they and their family will be safe, given to them by the MIB behind closed doors? Every doctor and nurse in the entire country and/or world getting these visits? What about single professionals who have no loved ones they care about? Just kill them too and call it beer bug?

That seems like a pretty lousy plan that could easily fall apart. Far, far too many variables and chances that it could blow up in their face.

Don't let your paranoia go so deep off the crazy train that you end up killing yourself by not getting a legitimate heart problem taken care of.

Just make sure that nobody gives you the poke, and don't let them knock you out with anything.

Save yourself.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, August 20, 2021 12:39 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You see, I'm of the mind that there is enough centralized control where they're able to lie about numbers and fudge statistics to make the beer bug come off as much more dangerous than it actually was... money being the motivating factor for most of the people in the equation.

This I'm convinced of.

You and siggie both. I'll join you in that


This is a possibility. But I'm not convinced. And I really hope it's not the case. But man... are they pushing hard.

How hard they push on the everyone must get vaccinated against all logic makes it seriously look like an agenda. The pharmaceutical companies have started supplying vaxes to the third world at cost, and that cancels out the profit motive, because it must cost them money to make these secret deals and pressure everyone, and also logistics of giving out the vaccines.


(And if I'm willing to even entertain that 2nd paragraph, I also have to be willing to entertain the equal and opposite. It could also be possible that once THEY have decided enough time has passed, they'll just unleash Beerbug 2.0 that will kill off 100% of everyone who refused the vaccination.

sure, some smallpox variant

Most importantly though, no matter what happens, it would be downright impossible to ever get the truth for any of it to come out. Even if it did, most people wouldn't believe it anyhow, and the Legacy Media would just tell the remaining people that it was all a conspiracy theory.



Claiming that anybody who goes to the hospital or the doctor now ends up getting murdered is where I draw the line.

What you're talking about is en-mass evil, down to the individual level, and it would require every medical professional to have knowingly and willingly given up their oath and become mass murderers to happen.

What is the motivation for that? To what benefit would that even be for them?

Money? I'm sure some would do it for money, but a very, very, very small amount of them. There would be new whistleblowers every day.

Several things
1) Here's the way i think the NWO works.
There are masses of sheeple doing the right thing. and a small elite 2% of SJWs being evil.
2) that leaves millions of SJWs, but inside that community, it's millions of people trying to do the right thing and maybe 50,000 academics manipulating them to do evil
3) inside that community is tens of thousands of academics trying to do the right thing and a few hundred to a few thousand manipulating them into doing evil

For this hierarchy to work, the manipulators think they're fighting a fight for the right thing. One a small handful of guys need to know what the agenda is, and is capable of manipulating people into manipulating people

Now, take how healthcare was restructured with Obamacare

First, the hippocratic oath went out the window. no legal binding. you can hard patients

Second, the doctor shuffle. In the old days of the 20th century, you went to a physician, he worked for a hospital, and he was the guy they had who knew that stuff.

Now you go to a hospital and you see a hospitalist who works for a hospitalist association that is a small LLC owned by an insurance company. These guys are shuffled around every three days. If you're in a hospital, you might see a doctor every day. You could see 100 doctors in one visit if you're there for three months.

Now, the bad apples. The move to merge pharmacies and hospitals, with hospitalist associations. This means a random doc that no one will ever see again comes in and has full access to unlimited drugs.

I've read two stories recently about doctors intentionally mutilating or paralyzing patients to feed a god complex. Genuinely evil people. Also cocaine addicts.

So, I propose this model whereby in the last two years everyone I know who checked into a hospital with three exceptions, died. That's a 90% fatality rate for people who checked in with mostly minor health problem. The one major one was one of the survivors. Anyway, here's what I've worked out about how the evil works:

People go in, they see random doctors whose job it is in part to keep them there so the hospital makes more money so the hospitalist association makes more money so the insurance company makes more money (make no mistake, they make more money the longer you stay, your money, govt money, kickbacks) This extended stay means more chances of meeting Dr. Death.

If you ever get him, it's over, and by the time anyone realizes it, he's gone, and never coming back.

I've met Dr Death on several occasions and this has led me to this theory

Dr. Death has a few characteristics that differentiate him from doctors.

He's completely unreachable on a personal level, by anyone, including his co-workers. I've really asked.
He has some kind of substance abuse, or at least weird habits similar to those that do
He has a very depressing outlook on life, not just the patient's future.
He will actually actively stonewall you against any solution that can save the patient if you or another healthcare worker comes up with it.
He sometimes, though not always, will make careless mistakes that kill people, unplugging machines, ordering the wrong medication or surgery, and then will deny having ever ordered or prescribed anything
He will railroad unusual radical excessive treatment over the protests of everyone else
He will claim absolute authority to the point of outright lying. We ran into this several times, where our suspected Dr. Death would say, when someone tried to go over his head "No, I'm in charge of this dept, i'm the dept head. i'm in charge here" etc when it turned out he didn't even work there, he was a hospitalist.

So all the NWO has to do to create Auschwitz out of this situation is cover for Dr. Death, make sure he gets his drugs, and shuffle him around randomly so that by the time one hospital hates him, they never see him again.

I've spent way too much time in hospitals watching this sort of thing happen. Now of course, not all hospitalists are bad, they're like any other group, most of them are good people trying to do the right thing. And the pay is much higher, like 3x the pay, multiple hospitalists told me this, in the "why are you a hospitalist" and the hospitals generally hated the entire situation, the nurses, and techs complained constantly to us about it

I've been trying to solve this one for years, so I'm pretty sure this model is close to how it works

Everything about the NWO does not stop until it kills or enslaves everyone.






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