I think I have delta

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Wednesday, August 25, 2021 9:40 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow. You really are a special child, Second.

You learn all the wrong lessons from everything.

It's little wonder you have no friends.

Don't go making any bombs today now.

6ix, you are the one talking about never again working a regular job, but instead mowing lawns and snow plowing driveways to earn the very little money you need to eat. The Unabomber, Mr Freedom personified, lived on very little money. The Unabomber Manifesto does not have anything you would object to, but because it is TL;DR "too long; didn't read" for 6ix, you will never know. Vaccines are an affront to the Unabomber's freedom. Funny about how 6ix swore to never get vaccinated.

I do a lot more than just eat with my money. It's quite comfortable and I'm never without entertainment or things to do.

Nothing funny about it. I'm not anti-vax. I'm just against this particular vaccination. It's never going to happen.

I don't give a flying fuck what some wannabe mass murderer 30 years ago said about anything.

Your attempts to link my possible future behavior based on similar thoughts I share with somebody who did bad things is just a fallacy. I could show a thousand instances of people who did bad things that share your beliefs too.

I could... but I've got shit to do.

Have fun in your mom's basement today, mad at the world that you have no friends, and stewing in the fact that you live a pointless and unfulfilling life.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 10:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I do a lot . . .

You keep missing the point, over and over. The Unabomber expressed in his Manifesto everything that Trump expressed while President. The Unabomber was there decades ahead of Trump. Trump could have used the Unabomber as both speechwriter and political strategist much more capable than the guys Trump hired, but the Unabomber was in prison. That was so unfortunate, but the Unabomber literally writes down on paper the very same ideas motivating the kind of people who vote for Trump and who won't get vaccinated and who struggle to stay in the middle class. The Unabomber was prescient about Trump and his voters and what kind of arguments Trump could use to win over his kind of voters.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 11:08 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I do a lot . . .

You keep missing the point, over and over. The Unabomber expressed in his Manifesto everything that Trump expressed while President. The Unabomber was there decades ahead of Trump. Trump could have used the Unabomber as both speechwriter and political strategist much more capable than the guys Trump hired, but the Unabomber was in prison. That was so unfortunate, but the Unabomber literally writes down on paper the very same ideas motivating the kind of people who vote for Trump and who won't get vaccinated and who struggle to stay in the middle class. The Unabomber was prescient about Trump and his voters and what kind of arguments Trump could use to win over his kind of voters.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I think Trump was not that good. He was pretty good, but not 100% clean. He couldn't stop the beast. I think he tried. But he was no Ted Kaczynski.

Second, I'm dubious of the idea that you would read enough written by someone who disagreed with you to come up with this theory, so where did you get it from?


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 11:10 AM



feeling about the same, thanks. maybe a little better but more likely it just that I don't do anything anymore and so I'm not as exhausted by the nothing I do. I just rot and wait to turn into a zombie like the vaxed.

hopefully getting some trump drugs soon. Not expecting a holy grail, but i'll try it


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 3:36 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I do a lot . . .

You keep missing the point, over and over. The Unabomber expressed in his Manifesto everything that Trump expressed while President. The Unabomber was there decades ahead of Trump. Trump could have used the Unabomber as both speechwriter and political strategist much more capable than the guys Trump hired, but the Unabomber was in prison. That was so unfortunate, but the Unabomber literally writes down on paper the very same ideas motivating the kind of people who vote for Trump and who won't get vaccinated and who struggle to stay in the middle class. The Unabomber was prescient about Trump and his voters and what kind of arguments Trump could use to win over his kind of voters.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I think Trump was not that good. He was pretty good, but not 100% clean. He couldn't stop the beast. I think he tried. But he was no Ted Kaczynski.

Second, I'm dubious of the idea that you would read enough written by someone who disagreed with you to come up with this theory, so where did you get it from?

It's all my idea. I had a feeling that the Unabomber was making bombs because he was a Trumptard before there was a Trump, but I didn't know until I looked up the Unabomber Manifesto a couple of days ago.

I really hope that 6ixStringJack is correct about Trump being reelected to the Presidency because I want to know if Trump will pardon the Unabomber and move him into the West Wing so that his thinking can enlighten Trump, making Donald sound less illiterate.

I just want to see how crazy Trump really is and hiring the Unabomber is the craziest thing I can think of that Trump might actually do. President Andrew Johnson pardoned the Confederates, who all deserved to hang, so why can't Trump pardon a murderer with a PhD to be the ghostwriter of what Trump thinks?

Andrew Johnson's abuse of pardons was relentless

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 7:43 PM


I keep forgetting to say that I am sorry these threads are not progressing the way you had hoped, but these derailments happen a lot here now.

I also still hope you are still getting better.

If you read the HCQ thread, you likely saw that HCQ has been used for decades to regularly treat Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. So maybe clinics like that are a source.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 8:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

feeling about the same, thanks. maybe a little better but more likely it just that I don't do anything anymore and so I'm not as exhausted by the nothing I do. I just rot and wait to turn into a zombie like the vaxed.

hopefully getting some trump drugs soon. Not expecting a holy grail, but i'll try it

Hi DT. If Signy hadn't asked how you're doing, I would have. I'm glad you're at least not feeling worse.

If you have significant African or Mediterranean ancestry you might want to be cautious using chloroquine. Roughly 10% of ppl with that ancestry have a G6PD deficiency, and their red cells can't handle the substance (or fava beans or other substances for that matter), and explode. Ivermectin is OK afaik.

FWIW I had my butt kicked for over a year. And I still sometimes get set back to zero (no energy, high HR), though thankfully not often at this point.

Please be patient and take care of yourself. A lack of energy, maybe even with sleepiness, is your body's way of telling you it's not doing well, and that you can't expect normal things from it.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 10:04 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I keep forgetting to say that I am sorry these threads are not progressing the way you had hoped, but these derailments happen a lot here now.

I also still hope you are still getting better.

If you read the HCQ thread, you likely saw that HCQ has been used for decades to regularly treat Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. So maybe clinics like that are a source.

Was probably always like that.
Feeling about the same, fortunately not getting worse.
Anyway, I have found a source


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Hi DT. If Signy hadn't asked how you're doing, I would have. I'm glad you're at least not feeling worse.

If you have significant African or Mediterranean ancestry you might want to be cautious using chloroquine. Roughly 10% of ppl with that ancestry have a G6PD deficiency, and their red cells can't handle the substance (or fava beans or other substances for that matter), and explode. Ivermectin is OK afaik.

FWIW I had my butt kicked for over a year. And I still sometimes get set back to zero (no energy, high HR), though thankfully not often at this point.

Please be patient and take care of yourself. A lack of energy, maybe even with sleepiness, is your body's way of telling you it's not doing well, and that you can't expect normal things from it.

Thanks. You had the Zovid?

Not black, no. No sickle cell or other forms of mediterranean anemia

Also, what exactly is your relationship with SignyM ?

hcq used to be popped like candy by travelers. IDK what the risks are for me, as I have these underlying conditions

I know that the covid autoimmune responses are going to be deadly in the long term. It would be nice if there was a home test for corona that wouldn't get me remanded to a gas chamber. What would be nicer is a non-invasive test like a telltale sign that it's covid and not a random virus that has nothing to do with this pandemic, which of course is always possible.

It's clearly not coxsackie because that comes with a specific rash or welt, but it still might be a non-pandemic related illness.

I strongly suspect though that it's covid, and that all the vaxed are carriers of a bioweapon. statistically, if this is true, it makes everything make sense. If it's not true, nothing around here makes sense. We don't have the numbers to have the kind of results we have. Virtually everyone who had gotten the vax has gotten covid, and virtually no one who has not gotten the vax has gotten covid.

It's odd. Anyway, IDK what I have, but it gives me only covid as a likely possibility any time I look up any of the symptoms. It could also be that the media takeover of the internet has deleted all competing data though

When you're as much of a skeptic as I am it undermines all the normal logical hypotheses


Thursday, August 26, 2021 1:51 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Fwiw, I (almost) never post about people except to address whatever they say here (except when I posted about my parents who were long-ago deceased). It's just my thing.

Re HCQ, I could look up the dosing scheduled again, but this is roughly correct: HCQ when used as an anti-malarial prophylactic is something like 100mg once a week, or 50mg if you're small. Used to treat COVID-19 I believe it was a loading dose of 400mg followed by 200mg twice a day. As you can see, the difference in dosages is substantial! ... ~30:1.

COVID-19 enters and attacks cells with the ACE-2 receptor. So in what tissues is the ACE-2 receptor found? What I found was very scattered. Different studies I looked at state different things because, I think, they looked a different tissues. DUH! You won't find something in a tissue if you don't look for it there.

Here are a couple of examples:
ACE2, the Putative Receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCoV, Has Significant Expression in the Nasal, Mouth, Lung and Colon Tissues
surface expression of ACE2 protein on lung alveolar epithelial cells and enterocytes of the small intestine. Furthermore, ACE2 was present in arterial and venous endothelial cells and arterial smooth muscle cells in all organs

I'm more than 50% that you have COVID-19, but I'm not entirely convinced either. GI-centered presentations have happened in the past, though not frequently. If I were you, as a general precaution just in case, I'd want to make sure that nothing is getting out of hand - so maybe monitor your O2 sats, HR, BP, and temp generally several times during the day, and also if you feel worse. You don't want anything serious sneaking up on you.

Your local hospital ... I take it it's a small community hospital? In general they're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Btw, I hope it's not Catholic, the ones I know of have really brutal end-of-life policies. That aside, is there any place better that's accessible?

Anyway, I hope you keep us up to date with how you're doing. And as Signy suggested, do you have someone who can routinely check up on you? And sound the alarm for a missed contact? Because you're there, and all the rest of us FFF are not there. And I really think you could use someone who can actively intervene on your behalf, just in case.

Please take good care of yourself, and keep yourself safe.


Thursday, August 26, 2021 2:12 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
I know that the covid autoimmune responses are going to be deadly in the long term. It would be nice if there was a home test for corona that wouldn't get me remanded to a gas chamber.

Are you afraid that the traveling grim reaper is going to sneak cyanide onto the tip of the qtip they shove halfway up to your brain before the nurse practitioner gets to you?


What would be nicer is a non-invasive test like a telltale sign that it's covid and not a random virus that has nothing to do with this pandemic, which of course is always possible.

Well... at least that's a reasonable concern.


I strongly suspect though that it's covid, and that all the vaxed are carriers of a bioweapon. statistically, if this is true, it makes everything make sense. If it's not true, nothing around here makes sense. We don't have the numbers to have the kind of results we have. Virtually everyone who had gotten the vax has gotten covid, and virtually no one who has not gotten the vax has gotten covid.

You're convinced that the only people in your circle who have gotten Covid were those who were vaccinated.

You're also convinced, through self-diagnosis on the internet that you don't trust at all that you have Covid.

You have not been vaccinated.

I'm not following your logic.


When you're as much of a skeptic as I am it undermines all the normal logical hypotheses

That's fair.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, August 26, 2021 11:37 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Fwiw, I (almost) never post about people except to address whatever they say here (except when I posted about my parents who were long-ago deceased). It's just my thing.

Re HCQ, I could look up the dosing scheduled again, but this is roughly correct: HCQ when used as an anti-malarial prophylactic is something like 100mg once a week, or 50mg if you're small. Used to treat COVID-19 I believe it was a loading dose of 400mg followed by 200mg twice a day. As you can see, the difference in dosages is substantial! ... ~30:1.

COVID-19 enters and attacks cells with the ACE-2 receptor. So in what tissues is the ACE-2 receptor found? What I found was very scattered. Different studies I looked at state different things because, I think, they looked a different tissues. DUH! You won't find something in a tissue if you don't look for it there.

Here are a couple of examples:
ACE2, the Putative Receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCoV, Has Significant Expression in the Nasal, Mouth, Lung and Colon Tissues
surface expression of ACE2 protein on lung alveolar epithelial cells and enterocytes of the small intestine. Furthermore, ACE2 was present in arterial and venous endothelial cells and arterial smooth muscle cells in all organs

I'm more than 50% that you have COVID-19, but I'm not entirely convinced either. GI-centered presentations have happened in the past, though not frequently. If I were you, as a general precaution just in case, I'd want to make sure that nothing is getting out of hand - so maybe monitor your O2 sats, HR, BP, and temp generally several times during the day, and also if you feel worse. You don't want anything serious sneaking up on you.

Your local hospital ... I take it it's a small community hospital? In general they're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Btw, I hope it's not Catholic, the ones I know of have really brutal end-of-life policies. That aside, is there any place better that's accessible?

Anyway, I hope you keep us up to date with how you're doing. And as Signy suggested, do you have someone who can routinely check up on you? And sound the alarm for a missed contact? Because you're there, and all the rest of us FFF are not there. And I really think you could use someone who can actively intervene on your behalf, just in case.

Please take good care of yourself, and keep yourself safe.

Unfortunately my local hospital is a world famous medical megaplex. too much money here. I've been calling it auschwitz for many years before this

I suspect at this point i'd classify in the official medical book as an asymptomatic carrier. It doesn't feel very asymptomatic, but i don't have their symptoms. one of my employees just got tested and has it, that means I have it. I have zero GI or respiratory symptoms.


Thursday, August 26, 2021 12:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Oh, GI symptoms are initial symptoms, not ongoing. You all had GI symptoms initially, just like ppl who get infected via the airborne route get a stuffy nose and sore throat very transiently.

Anyway, as long as you lack stamina or have other symptoms like a recurring high HR, from what I've read, you have symptoms.

Also, I'm glad you yourself believe you've solved the puzzle of what you caught, because it was vexing you mightily! But imo in a sense, whether it's COVID-19, or a flu, or something else, I believe that the end result is that that doesn't change what you should take care to do to keep yourself safe. So as long as you feel poorly, please try to check to make sure your vitals remain out of any danger zone, and please have people check in with you.

And, as Signy would say ... Peace, out.


Thursday, August 26, 2021 4:05 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I keep forgetting to say that I am sorry these threads are not progressing the way you had hoped, but these derailments happen a lot here now.

I also still hope you are still getting better.

If you read the HCQ thread, you likely saw that HCQ has been used for decades to regularly treat Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. So maybe clinics like that are a source.

Was probably always like that.
Feeling about the same, fortunately not getting worse.
Anyway, I have found a source


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Please be patient and take care of yourself. A lack of energy, maybe even with sleepiness, is your body's way of telling you it's not doing well, and that you can't expect normal things from it.

hcq used to be popped like candy by travelers. IDK what the risks are for me, as I have these underlying conditions

I know that the covid autoimmune responses are going to be deadly in the long term.

It would be nice if there was a home test for corona that wouldn't get me remanded to a gas chamber. What would be nicer is a non-invasive test like a telltale sign that it's covid and not a random virus that has nothing to do with this pandemic, which of course is always possible.

If you read the HCQ thread, I think we covered the pulse-oximeter, reading O2-Saturation. Seems a slam-dunk yea/nay indicator, as long as you are at the stage before requiring hospitalization, or soon after.

Perhaps I was partially mistaken - the full discussion happened just before that thread was started. Dr. Oz had given an excellent interview detailing the normal vs. covid results.

I strongly suspect though that it's covid, and that all the vaxed are carriers of a bioweapon. statistically, if this is true, it makes everything make sense. If it's not true, nothing around here makes sense. We don't have the numbers to have the kind of results we have. Virtually everyone who had gotten the vax has gotten covid, and virtually no one who has not gotten the vax has gotten covid.

It's odd. Anyway, IDK what I have, but it gives me only covid as a likely possibility any time I look up any of the symptoms. It could also be that the media takeover of the internet has deleted all competing data though

When you're as much of a skeptic as I am it undermines all the normal logical hypotheses


Thursday, August 26, 2021 11:06 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

COVID-19 Testing at Home—No Appointment or Prescription Necessary
take a COVID-19 test at home, with results on your smartphone in as little as 15 minutes


Thursday, August 26, 2021 11:08 PM



Ain't nobody going to use that at-home test linked to their cell phone that wasn't already willing to go to the doctor to get tested.

Let me know when they sell them at the Dollar Tree next to the at home drug testing kits.

Because if TPTB were actually serious about it and not just oppressing the people, especially in the lower income communities, they'd already be doing that.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, August 26, 2021 11:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I just did a quick post to remind me to get back to it, b/c I was in the middle of something else.

First of all, you have to have a smart phone to do this self-test.

Virtually everyone has a smart phone.
/ There are very few people who're holding onto their stupid phones.

And then you have to load an app which (I presume) makes your camera into a virtual spectrophotometer. And I'd say that anyone who does social media at all is probably OK with loading whatever app catches their interest.

Anyway, those are huge stumbling blocks to me. Imo it would be far better if the test was more like a pregnancy test - completely self-contained with a visual indicator anyone can use (unless they're blind or otherwise visually unable), which degrades over time so no one can peek after the fact.

Be that as it may, I was looking for at-home COVID-19 tests. And while there are many that allow you to SAMPLE at home, you have to send your sample to a lab and wait for results. The test I posted is the only 100% yu-du at-home COVID-19 test I found. And I posted it for information purposes - because it's an item I hadn't seen before, and it's probably new to people here as well.

Why are you so touchy about things posted for information purposes?


Friday, August 27, 2021 7:48 AM


That test is the end of medical privacy as we know it.

There's no way in hell that DT is going to use it.

Anybody dumb enough to use that deserves not to have any privacy.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, August 27, 2021 12:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

That test is certainly the camel's nose under the medical privacy tent FOR THOSE THAT CHOOSE IT.


And since ppl have no problem with giving away their privacy AND their free speech to 'social media', other corporations besides social media, and the government, not to mention people who give their thinking over to the m$m and google, I imagine there might be a substantial number of people interested.

Not me. Not you. Not DT. But other people might make that choice.

So, are you now all of the sudden for censorship so no one can post about these things? Are you now advocating not letting people have a choice in their own lives?


Friday, August 27, 2021 3:29 PM


Found a safe private at home test that the NWO hates
Binax Now
Anyway, here are the results

One of my employees and I have had the identical symptoms for a month, even changing symptoms within a day. of each other, until about a week ago. Employee is zeking out, I'm not. We took the test, he tested positive, I tested negative. My other employee had the sickness day one and not after and also tested negative.

The test is an antibody test, so the cytokine storm immune response is the zeking out which makes you test positive. The zeke comes from WWZ, I call it that because the spike protein is just all your essential reproductive hormones in one molecule, immune response against that is 20 different levels of bad in auto immune response. Trying to beat this thing without zeking out.

I have an underlying heart condition that is related to an ACE2 deficiency, so the virus is probably less virulent in me, but I've had much of the weakness. I think to the outside I would now appear to be an "Asymptomatic Carrier" but I'm plenty not well. I'm just not sick in a straightforward symptomatic way, I'm weak and sweat easily if I try to do anything. Heart rate is not as high as it was. This morning it was 53 when I got up. Hasn't really gone above 90 all day. But orthostatic intolerance is a major issue for me now

I guess there are a lot of questions, like "what causes more cell death, viral attack or cytokine storm?" and "can the virus be defeated without a specific immune response"

I see HCQ comes with retinal cell death, which is bad for me since I already have a problem with that. I'd probably go blind.

I can probably trigger the zeke any time I want and get out of this, but maybe be sterile and have other autoimmune issues

I cannot confirm I still have this virus, but I assume I do.

I got a new supplement Fucoidan a japanese seaweed thing.

It looks like it makes you zeke out

but also hinders the virus directly

One approach might be to take the fucoidan with anti-inflammatories to reduce the large scale dendritic attack that it would likely precipitate

Hesperidine looks promising


I tried this, couldn't confirm anything, but I think it exacerbates my neuropathy

Boswellia seemed like a no-brainer for this

The virus appears designed to create a maximal cytokine storm which would prompt maximum immune system smackdown on its head, so NFW this evolved to do that, because that defies the logic of evolution, so it was engineered to do that. The reasoning is obvious from the conspiracy angle. The spike protein is your own hormones. This is why the vax is full of immunoadjuvants. Maximum zeke.

I'm using the o2 meter in case there's ever a bad reading, I can switch gears to maximize immune response and accept the consequences of the zeke.

There's apparently fucoidan, and there's also GcMAF

I also tried Cordyceps which doesn't seem to have a noticeable effect

and EGCG-zink tea
this is harmless to do because there's no ill effects of the tea


Friday, August 27, 2021 4:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Binax Now

THANKS for posting this info!

More info is always better than less, imo.


Friday, August 27, 2021 4:06 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I have an underlying heart condition that is related to an ACE2 deficiency, so the virus is probably less virulent in me, but I've had much of the weakness. I think to the outside I would now appear to be an "Asymptomatic Carrier" but I'm plenty not well. I'm just not sick in a straightforward symptomatic way, I'm weak and sweat easily if I try to do anything. Heart rate is not as high as it was. This morning it was 53 when I got up. Hasn't really gone above 90 all day. But orthostatic intolerance is a major issue for me now
I've had the same issues. The only thing I can suggest to try, to make sure it's not dehydration, is to make sure to drink at least a liter of H2O a day.


Friday, August 27, 2021 4:31 PM


it's def not dehydration


Friday, August 27, 2021 8:10 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

That test is certainly the camel's nose under the medical privacy tent FOR THOSE THAT CHOOSE IT.


And since ppl have no problem with giving away their privacy AND their free speech to 'social media', other corporations besides social media, and the government, not to mention people who give their thinking over to the m$m and google, I imagine there might be a substantial number of people interested.

Not me. Not you. Not DT. But other people might make that choice.

So, are you now all of the sudden for censorship so no one can post about these things? Are you now advocating not letting people have a choice in their own lives?

No. But you have 18 other threads dedicated to the fake virus.

You posted this info in DT's thread about his own health condition.

Seems are really STUPID place to put it.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Friday, August 27, 2021 8:37 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:

That test is certainly the camel's nose under the medical privacy tent FOR THOSE THAT CHOOSE IT.

Not me. Not you. Not DT. But other people might make that choice.

So, are you now all of the sudden for censorship so no one can post about these things? Are you now advocating not letting people have a choice in their own lives?

No. But you have 18 other threads dedicated to the fake virus.

You posted this info in DT's thread about his own health condition.

Seems are really STUPID place to put it.

Thanks, but I thought it was fine. I'm here on social media sacrificing some privacy for survival advice, as a person with coronavirus.

My symptoms have drifted to what I'm not describing as an approximately "asymptomatic carrier" state. By which I mean, if I went into a hospital and they did an antibody test on me, checked my vitals, they would find me to not have covid, so I tend to say I don't actually have covid, since that's COronaVIrus Disease, and I don't have the symptomatic disease, I have the virus.

I'm guessing here, but it's a solid educated guess. I had day-for-day the same symptom changes as my employee who now has COVID. I don't think he was exposed to a secondary infection. I think two minor details separate us. I have an ACE2 deficiency, and he got drunk the night he got sick, by himself, drinking Corona, but I don't think it was the Corona that had the corona. I think he already had it, like me.

I worry that the virus will continue to destroy tissue if my immune system fails to recognize it and at the same time I worry that I will develop and autoimmune condition if my immune system does recognize it.

Another possibility that I've considered is that at some point I got over the actual virus, and no longer have it, and I'm experiencing the extreme weakness from residual additional ACE2 receptor loss.

I suspect, if that's not the case, if I were to have a PCR test done, it would show that I did have coronavirus. That said, I'm not inviting my employee back to work. I don't think that coronavirus is actually airborne, and I don't think he could infect me, but I'm just not going to make judgment calls on my own guesses, especially regarding the health of customers.


Friday, August 27, 2021 8:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
it's def not dehydration

Well - I was out walking during lunch once day with a coworker and came really, really close to passing out. You know - ears ringing, vision grey around the edges etc. And I felt completely unplugged- no steam, high HR. It was the second ambulance ride I ever took in my life (the first was for an asthma attack where I couldn't breathe). Anyway, I got put on a stretcher in a nice cool ER room and infused with 1L of normal saline, and that me good to go. I never would have guessed dehydration. But the warm weather greatly expanded my CVS, which caused my relative blood volume to go down, which created all sorts of havoc. My experience has made me cautious about that.

But if you're convinced - then OK! At least you feel you can rule that out.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
if I went into a hospital and they did an antibody test on me, checked my vitals, they would find me to not have covid

Their antibody tests are far more sensitive than the you-do home one. The brand you used has a really high specificity (it won't call something that's not COVID-19 to be COVID-19; but pretty low sensitivity, it misses about a third of known positives). That's the exact opposite of what you want in a screening test. where you want to catch as many positives as possible, even at the cost of false positives. Those positives can then be retested as a VASTLY reduced population, with a more specific test to weed out the false positives from the true positives.

Anyway, the test called for repeat testing 3 days later. Given the weakness of the test - insensitivity - I'd say a negative isn't necessarily a negative, but a positive is almost surely a positive.

Also, I haven't looked into the technology. Given that it's an ANTIBODY test, and that the antibody one finds in abundance on mucous membranes is IgA, I'm guessing (but it's only a guess) that it tests for IgA. But a substantial portion of the population has no detectable IgA (for many reasons, I won't go into that unless you want me to). Based on at least 3 stacked ifs !!!, it's possible you would never test positive for COVID-19 with that test.


Friday, August 27, 2021 9:22 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
it's def not dehydration

Well - I was out walking during lunch once day with a coworker and came really, really close to passing out. You know - ears ringing, vision grey around the edges etc. And I felt completely unplugged- no steam, high HR. It was the second ambulance ride I ever took in my life (the first was for an asthma attack where I couldn't breathe). Anyway, I got put on a stretcher in a nice cool ER room and infused with 1L of normal saline, and that me good to go. I never would have guessed dehydration. But the warm weather greatly expanded my CVS, which caused my relative blood volume to go down, which created all sorts of havoc. My experience has made me cautious about that.

But if you're convinced - then OK! At least you feel you can rule that out.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
if I went into a hospital and they did an antibody test on me, checked my vitals, they would find me to not have covid

Their antibody tests are far more sensitive than the you-do home one. The brand you used has a really high specificity (it won't call something that's not COVID-19 to be COVID-19; but pretty low sensitivity, it misses about a third of known positives). That's the exact opposite of what you want in a screening test. where you want to catch as many positives as possible, even at the cost of false positives. Those positives can then be retested as a VASTLY reduced population, with a more specific test to weed out the false positives from the true positives.

Anyway, the test called for repeat testing 3 days later. Given the weakness of the test - insensitivity - I'd say a negative isn't necessarily a negative, but a positive is almost surely a positive.

Also, I haven't looked into the technology. Given that it's an ANTIBODY test, and that the antibody one finds in abundance on mucous membranes is IgA, I'm guessing (but it's only a guess) that it tests for IgA. But a substantial portion of the population has no detectable IgA (for many reasons, I won't go into that unless you want me to). Based on at least 3 stacked ifs !!!, it's possible you would never test positive for COVID-19 with that test.


maybe you know more about the cardiovascular system than me, see what you make of this data

when I'm standing up, and pulse jumps to 80-90 bpm, not all the data changes

Lying down

respiratory rate 8/min
hr 50-60 bpm
PI% 10-15 (new data for me)

Standing up

respiratory rate 8/min
hr 80-90 bpm
PI% 4-5 (new data for me)

so clearly only one mechanism is responding. i think also logically it's the angiotensin with the lack of available ACE2 receptors to trigger vasoconstriction

It used to be, in my underlying condition, (which includes AFIB, a short term vagal vibration up to 400 bpm that used to be very strong, but now is weak, because of the berberine, but used to convince me i was going to die, now it's just only noticeable. maybe once or twice a day) anyway, what would happen with my orthostatic intollerance is it would correct only 50% of the imbalance from posture adjustment, and now it barely adjusts at all. like it'll jump to 90 and down to 80 or 85 even.

on dehydration

2 people in my family died of dehydration, and I also have hyponatremia. I consume water religiously in a measured fashion.

on the Binax, I read all that data, but there was a simpler answer: I have no covid symptoms that are the commonly known covid symptoms. I have the ones ER doctors know because they monitor endothelial inflammation and ACE2 receptor sensitivity. So I don't have the "joe walking down the street" ones like the cough, flu symptoms, etc.

Because those are all associated with the immune response. My employee didn't have them either until he zeked out. (had the immune response) prior to zeking out, he would also not have had the antibodies.

this thing doesn't trigger the immune system lightly, everyone's described it as the biggest cytokine storm they've ever scene. It annihilates surrounding tissue.

BTW I get how the antibody test works, and that it could be any antigen segment of the spike protein, but Zeke clearly had antibodies to many of them, because of the absurd overactive immune response.

All of this makes perfect sense as soon as you start seeing it as a bioweapon. It makes no sense for the evolutionary path of a normal pathogen, but it makes perfect sense as a weapon.


Friday, August 27, 2021 10:16 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just in general - when bedside monitoring ppl for occult internal bleeding, HR is used as a casual indicator. An increased HR by ~10 BPM going from lying down to sitting is considered an indication of low blood volume (as would happen with internal occult bleeding), as is an increase of ~10BPM going from sitting to standing. So you're right at the cusp of having indications of low blood volume with change in posture. Obviously you don't think you're bleeding internally! But if could mean your body isn't responding to blood pooling on standing appropriately.

When it comes to PI% it's a little trickier. There are so many signals that affect peripheral circulation, including temperature. A quick and dirty test is to lightly press on a fingernail and let go. As you press on it, it bleaches out because you've squeezed the blood out of it. When you let go it should pink-up rapidly as the blood refills it. That way you know at least your circulation to your fingers is good. But again, a lot of things affect peripheral circulation.

I just want to point out that O-sats (O2 saturation) is a really good indicator of lung condition specifically. Your lungs are where gas exchange takes place, and if that's impaired your O-sats go down. If you O-sats are good, at least your lungs are in good shape. If they go down, it may mean that your lungs are bad (or that you're simply not breathing a normal rate and depth).

Except for 'happy hypoxics', your best detector is how you feel. If you feel OK, and your O-sats are OK, you're probably OK. If you feel awful, you're probably not doing so well.

And I get that a lot of symptoms that we associate with illness are really cytokines (distinct from antibodies) running through us, raising our temps, giving us headaches, and so on. But not all symptoms are cytokine-caused. Headaches can have other causes, for example.

Anyway, this is about enough for me for today!

I hope you improve soon.


Friday, August 27, 2021 10:49 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Just in general - when bedside monitoring ppl for occult internal bleeding, HR is used as a casual indicator. An increased HR by ~10 BPM going from lying down to sitting is considered an indication of low blood volume (as would happen with internal occult bleeding), as is an increase of ~10BPM going from sitting to standing. So you're right at the cusp of having indications of low blood volume with change in posture. Obviously you don't think you're bleeding internally! But if could mean your body isn't responding to blood pooling on standing appropriately.

When it comes to PI% it's a little trickier. There are so many signals that affect peripheral circulation, including temperature. A quick and dirty test is to lightly press on a fingernail and let go. As you press on it, it bleaches out because you've squeezed the blood out of it. When you let go it should pink-up rapidly as the blood refills it. That way you know at least your circulation to your fingers is good. But again, a lot of things affect peripheral circulation.

I just want to point out that O-sats (O2 saturation) is a really good indicator of lung condition specifically. Your lungs are where gas exchange takes place, and if that's impaired your O-sats go down. If you O-sats are good, at least your lungs are in good shape. If they go down, it may mean that your lungs are bad (or that you're simply not breathing a normal rate and depth).

Except for 'happy hypoxics', your best detector is how you feel. If you feel OK, and your O-sats are OK, you're probably OK. If you feel awful, you're probably not doing so well.

And I get that a lot of symptoms that we associate with illness are really cytokines (distinct from antibodies) running through us, raising our temps, giving us headaches, and so on. But not all symptoms are cytokine-caused. Headaches can have other causes, for example.

Anyway, this is about enough for me for today!

I hope you improve soon.

I've had this low blood volume before, I'm pretty sure it's not that. Doesn't feel anything like it. that had a feeling of loss of energy faintness when standing, i'm not feeling that, not even a little. I think it's a regulatory error thing, the vasoconstriction. I've had a vasoconstriction problem for years, it used to be really bad, and now it's been minor for years, but it's back with this covid bug.

the o2 sat generally doesn't leave normal, or if it does, it's because of an error, it slipping on the finger or something. I've been religiously using the monitor not in a panicky way, but just because it's covid, and early on the readings were radical. HR would go up to 150 when standing, and that's also inefficient.

Now pulse is 60 atm, my respiratory rate is down to a very solid 4 breaths per minute, which these sites tell me is scarily slow, but my normal is more like 8, so slower than normal. still 4 is low for me.

The problem that i've had is that if i'm up and about doing stuff, like try to go to the grocery store or something, everything will degenerate quickly, i'll be back at 120 resting HR and difficulty breathing, etc. I'll also be really weak, have to stop to rest every 20 feet like i was 80 or something and then also have trouble carrying anything as heavy as a bag of groceries.

It's getting better over all, idk if this is the virus in decline or if it's just help from some supplements i was taking, or even my body just adjusting some autonomic system to compensate, but i'm still experiencing all those weaknesses if I go out and try to do anything.

Like maybe two weeks in, crossing the street would have been out of the question, in week three it would have done me in on the same level that a trip to the store now does me in.

not all symptoms are cytokine-caused, i know, but there is a lot of cytokine overkill specifically in covid. i'm not having as much of that as my employee. I have been getting some, like a headache or other inflammation. i'm not having as much of that the cough or the flu like symptoms that are immune response related. i know there are many levels of immune response

anyway, thanks for the info


Friday, August 27, 2021 10:49 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Just in general - when bedside monitoring ppl for occult internal bleeding, HR is used as a casual indicator. An increased HR by ~10 BPM going from lying down to sitting is considered an indication of low blood volume (as would happen with internal occult bleeding), as is an increase of ~10BPM going from sitting to standing. So you're right at the cusp of having indications of low blood volume with change in posture. Obviously you don't think you're bleeding internally! But if could mean your body isn't responding to blood pooling on standing appropriately.

When it comes to PI% it's a little trickier. There are so many signals that affect peripheral circulation, including temperature. A quick and dirty test is to lightly press on a fingernail and let go. As you press on it, it bleaches out because you've squeezed the blood out of it. When you let go it should pink-up rapidly as the blood refills it. That way you know at least your circulation to your fingers is good. But again, a lot of things affect peripheral circulation.

I just want to point out that O-sats (O2 saturation) is a really good indicator of lung condition specifically. Your lungs are where gas exchange takes place, and if that's impaired your O-sats go down. If you O-sats are good, at least your lungs are in good shape. If they go down, it may mean that your lungs are bad (or that you're simply not breathing a normal rate and depth).

Except for 'happy hypoxics', your best detector is how you feel. If you feel OK, and your O-sats are OK, you're probably OK. If you feel awful, you're probably not doing so well.

And I get that a lot of symptoms that we associate with illness are really cytokines (distinct from antibodies) running through us, raising our temps, giving us headaches, and so on. But not all symptoms are cytokine-caused. Headaches can have other causes, for example.

Anyway, this is about enough for me for today!

I hope you improve soon.

I've had this low blood volume before, I'm pretty sure it's not that. Doesn't feel anything like it. that had a feeling of loss of energy faintness when standing, i'm not feeling that, not even a little. I think it's a regulatory error thing, the vasoconstriction. I've had a vasoconstriction problem for years, it used to be really bad, and now it's been minor for years, but it's back with this covid bug.

the o2 sat generally doesn't leave normal, or if it does, it's because of an error, it slipping on the finger or something. I've been religiously using the monitor not in a panicky way, but just because it's covid, and early on the readings were radical. HR would go up to 150 when standing, and that's also inefficient.

Now pulse is 60 atm, my respiratory rate is down to a very solid 4 breaths per minute, which these sites tell me is scarily slow, but my normal is more like 8, so slower than normal. still 4 is low for me.

The problem that i've had is that if i'm up and about doing stuff, like try to go to the grocery store or something, everything will degenerate quickly, i'll be back at 120 resting HR and difficulty breathing, etc. I'll also be really weak, have to stop to rest every 20 feet like i was 80 or something and then also have trouble carrying anything as heavy as a bag of groceries.

It's getting better over all, idk if this is the virus in decline or if it's just help from some supplements i was taking, or even my body just adjusting some autonomic system to compensate, but i'm still experiencing all those weaknesses if I go out and try to do anything.

Like maybe two weeks in, crossing the street would have been out of the question, in week three it would have done me in on the same level that a trip to the store now does me in.

not all symptoms are cytokine-caused, i know, but there is a lot of cytokine overkill specifically in covid. i'm not having as much of that as my employee. I have been getting some, like a headache or other inflammation. i'm not having as much of that the cough or the flu like symptoms that are immune response related. i know there are many levels of immune response

anyway, thanks for the info


Friday, August 27, 2021 11:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I had bad orthostatic hypotension before. People who didn't know about it used to ask me what it was, and I used to say I stood up, but my blood didn't" which is to say that my blood vessels didn't constrict appropriately for the change of posture.

When I complained to my doctor about that and also generally low BP (I once felt so "unplugged I had hubby take my BP while lying down; it was 85/45) he just kind of laughed and said "EAT MORE SALT, DRINK MORE WATER".

It doesn't help to drink more water if you don't have enuf salt in your diet.

We found out the hard way. Hubby is what is called a "salt waster" (real thing, look it up) and was having all kinds of problems with his blood pressure. Sometimes it would shoot up, sometimes it would drop down, and his heart would stutter. It got to the point where we took a BP cuff and stethoscope every time we went to play tennis, when he would all at once feel profoundly tired and his heart would stutter.

They did all kinds of complicated tests in him including an IV pyelogram, a treadmill EKG (They started it, stopped, and got the crash cart) and a tested by cardio-endocrinologist. Meanwhile, they're telling him to reduce his salt intake. I recall one day he was chopping up an unused doghouse with a hand ax, and he called for me in a tone that told me Something Was Really Wrong, and when I ran out and saw him, he looked gray. When I tried to take his pulse I couldn't find a steady beat in there, anywhere.

Finally, one evening, when he was feeling like shit, I remember asking him what he ate that day. and when I added up all of the sodium for the day it was only 800 mg. This, for a guy who played racquetball four or more times and week and sweated pints of water -and associated salt!

So I asked him what the saltiest thing was that he liked, and he said "pickles". We didn't have any pickles, but we DID have ham. SO I shoved a package at him, went out and got some pickles and heavily salted up some leftovers and he felt better.

I wish I could say that was the last time that he had a problem, but he would forget to eat enough salt, and would occasionally crash. We wound up making up some "emergency pill bottles" of salt, like diabetics keep emergency glucose, and it did more or less end his problems.

I bring this up because you said you are HYPONATREMIC. That means, literally low (hypo) natr (sodium, the chemial symbol for sodium is Na for "natrium") emic (in the blood).


For maybe three days, try adding a teaspoon of salt to your diet over the course of a day. Of course, drink water. See if that helps. Low salt is no joke: it causes unstable HR, unstable BP, profound fatigue, and confusion. People have even died of it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, August 28, 2021 3:15 PM


Happy to hear that you are not getting worse and might be getting better.

When I was trying to recover, I did use Boost, a vitamin and mineral supplement without all the extra garbage (use the one labeled "original" only).

Because I didn't know what I had, I also did chicken noodle soup, and to settle the stomach saltine crackers and 7-Up.


Saturday, August 28, 2021 4:27 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

low sodium

thanks, but alas, not the culprit in this case. Hyponatremia a conditional I already have and treat. But thanks


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Happy to hear that you are not getting worse and might be getting better.

When I was trying to recover, I did use Boost, a vitamin and mineral supplement without all the extra garbage (use the one labeled "original" only).

Because I didn't know what I had, I also did chicken noodle soup, and to settle the stomach saltine crackers and 7-Up.

Boost I probably actually have some of

I'm allergic to chicken, and 7up probably also not going to help. but I should try some boost


Saturday, August 28, 2021 4:38 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

low sodium

thanks, but alas, not the culprit in this case. Hyponatremia a conditional I already have and treat. But thanks


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Happy to hear that you are not getting worse and might be getting better.

When I was trying to recover, I did use Boost, a vitamin and mineral supplement without all the extra garbage (use the one labeled "original" only).

Because I didn't know what I had, I also did chicken noodle soup, and to settle the stomach saltine crackers and 7-Up.

Boost I probably actually have some of

I'm allergic to chicken, and 7up probably also not going to help. but I should try some boost

For upset stomach, saltine crackers plus 7-Up is the home version of bromo-seltzer.


Saturday, August 28, 2021 6:41 PM


Ah, thanks. I don't have an upset stomach. just there is maybe some edema still and then there's some problem related to ACE2 loss that will probably last a while.

and thanks everyone for being helpful to me in this


Thursday, September 2, 2021 8:23 PM


In the OP of the Vaxtard thread, you mentioned inflammation.
This may be off-topic for that thread.
You did not specify what type of inflammation, or where.

Made me recall that when I first had the covid, in Nov 2019, myself and nobody else knew what it was.
After getting out of bed, I did find that I had joint swelling. About a year later, I finally attributed that to an RA condition. RA is what HCQ was used to treat.
At the time, I had assumed my illness was a form of stomach illness, food poisoning, etc. The sickesdt I've ever been in my life - lost over 20 pounds. When the joint swelling became evident, I had never had that before, but then I came to assume it was a reaction to BGH. I have always been sensitive to BGH, ever since it was created and put into dairy products. My friends and family use me as the canary to know which brands and products to avoid, since they are not as sensitive as me.
So I thought my joint swelling was just a reaction to BGH. The swelling was most noticeable in my knees. One knee I could not bend for weeks. And work had a bunch of steps which I needed to negotiate - so one leg would handle the stairs normal, the other swung like a club, around the rise.

So I treated it with my own private method, which I actually used for a number of different things for over 35 years.
I did what I call a flush.
First, I drink lots of water, until my urine is as close to clear as can be. This usually takes almost a day. There is no benefit in doing the next step without the urine getting clear first. This is a sign that your blood is mostly clean, most impurities and crud processed by liver, kidneys, whatever.
Next step is Niacin. The ersion that produces flush. Many Niacin nowadays are non-flush, which is a waste of time. I take enough for my bodyweight to produce a flush - a mild flush is best, but hard to calibrate that dosage. If there is no flush, I need to wait another day to try again, all the while taking in lots of water.
The flush is an expansion of capillaries, and many of these are in the skin, the dermis. Also in the dermis is temperature sensors. So the flush can feel hot, very hot, and itchy, and like overheating. It is not, but the expansion has shifted the heat transferring properties of blood to the more extremeties. When this happens, I mover around all of my wrists, knees and elbows, ankles, toes and fingers, and also massage any extremities, plus any spots of bruising or injury, where I was the stagnant blood flushed out and rep-laced with fresh, nutrient rich blood - which is why I want the cleanest blood available, it might be stuck there awhile as the injuries heal.

For you, your low salt issues may have some impact. I often suggest having a friend present the first time flushing. It will take between 10 and 45 minutes to take effect, depending upon stomach contents and dosage. It can last as little as a few minutes for a mild flush, or 20 minutes for a strong flush. I fyou lay down next to your tub, and it has some water in it (not enough to drown in), then you should be in good shape. Crawling into the tub can alleviate your hyper-hot sensation (although it won't injure you.)
When my mom was around 50-ish, she had some heart issue, and her doc had her doing some huge dosage or 500 mg, and then maybe twice per day.
I normally use 2 or 3 x 100mg tablet to get a mild flush. When I was 50 pounds heavier, I used 3 or 4 for the dosage.

This flush is effectively a cardiovascular exercise, but only the vessels, not the heart so much. The expansion does increase total volume, so laying down is good. Because the walls are flexing, moving, changing shape, it is difficult for plaque to get a foothold on the inside wall of the vessels. Helping prevent hardening of the arteries. This all done without increasing the blood pressure - although the heart does increase pace to keep flowing in the larger volume of the system. I have never passed out from a flush, nor come close.

Also, at the moment of flush, I would have my injuries or extremities el4vated above my heart, and massage them so that they could gravity drain back to my heart, and get replaced with the most fresh blood.

Hope that may help. Whether you use it, or think of something similar.

tStill hoping you get better.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 8:38 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
In the OP of the Vaxtard thread, you mentioned inflammation.

I had many of the same things. Everyone got the stomach ache, which didn't come with GI symptoms, it was just a really bad ache. like maybe a swelling of the stomach lining. then we all got a headache and joint aches.

I don't want to use real names here, so I'll call my employees C and M.

At this point, C recovered, and had no more symptoms, but M and me continued to have them. Impotence was next, and when I looked into that, heart swelling was implied. I suspected we might already have stomach and joint swelling. we both had shoulder pain and i had specifically finger nuckles, M had more pains than that.

The impotence lasted a couple days, but by then I was regularly measuring resting heart rate, which went up to 150, and then down little by little each day.

then we would get a midday HR increase and sweating, accompanied by a lot of weakness

M had this same problem, but on a particular day, around day 28, we had a divergence. His path went into a full symptomatic covid, with lung problems and coughing, and then he tested positive for covid antibodies

Mine took a lighter route, where there was an orthostatic intollerance, but not any specific focused problems. My joint pains largely went away at this point, whereas M's got worse, to a point where he had what must have been a heart attack, probably a minor one, but his left arm went numb after a coughing fit with chest pain.

At this point, my symptoms had faded to a very light level and C had no symptoms at all. Both C and me tested negative for covid antibodies at this time.

Now I suspect that the virus is actually gone from my system, but I continue to take the treatments anyway

M is recovering, and has a covid cough, and I've told him he cannot work until it's gone and that he should stay 12 feet instead of 6 on the off chance that he actually has covid and we don't, and not to go near the uninfected at all

But I suspect that he will recover soon, he seems much better.

Now the most noticeable thing in this for me of anything was that there is no good solid resource to tell you what to actually do if you have covid. Instead, there's a bunch of useless pages telling you everything but the intubation is useless, and the intubation is just literal suicide, and won't help

So the short answer to your question is most of the swelling was in the heart


Thursday, September 2, 2021 11:03 PM


I seem to be getting rapidly worse again


Friday, September 3, 2021 12:39 AM


Get some sleep.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, September 4, 2021 1:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

DREAMTROVE, you would normally have posted a few posts by now

You OK, man?

I'm gonna bump this a few times hoping to catch your attention.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, September 4, 2021 3:04 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
DREAMTROVE, you would normally have posted a few posts by now

You OK, man?

I'm gonna bump this a few times hoping to catch your attention.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

I'm a rotting corpse

Here's how it happened

There's more than one bioweapon. Each shot is its own plague. This is what I'm piecing together like Dennis Quaid in DOA. I'm already dead. I'm trying to figure out how they got me.

So the aforementioned moron G. had gotten the Moderna, and infected us with a bioweapon, and then M. my employee, got drunk with his brother who had gotten the J&J. It was just the two of them. He comes into my bookstore and coughs on me, C, and five customers.

Hours later I get sick with a second corona. Yes, I'm real sure, this one with the covid cough. The next morning I wake up, smelling like a zombie. I try cleaning everything, changing my bed down to flipping over the mattress chucking the pillow, new sheets until no zombie. Next morning, I smell like a zombie, my bed is a zombie nest, and now everything tastes like zombie. I go downstairs have a bowl of zombie guts, then drink my morning zombie blood and eat my brainamon roll, and everything smells like zombie also. can't even clean it off.

So, best case the media's cover story of some nose flaw is the problem and my life will just be hell. But I am pretty sure that's total bobkis, and I'm just a zombie, and now I rot until I die in a couple years from the no syncytin.

I have nothing to say about it and don't care, I just want to blow my head off.

Instead I'll use what little time I have left to try to find a cure.


Saturday, September 4, 2021 3:13 PM


You'll be fine dude. Sleep it off.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, September 4, 2021 3:19 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You'll be fine dude. Sleep it off.

For the last two days, everything has smelled like rotten zombie, everything has tasted like rotten zombie, and I have been the epicenter of the worst zombie stench I've ever been exposed to. Sleeping it off had no effect, it only got stronger


Saturday, September 4, 2021 3:19 PM



Saturday, September 4, 2021 3:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Covid affects your sense of smell. It's probably not you, just your olfactory patches.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, September 4, 2021 4:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Covid affects your sense of smell. It's probably not you, just your olfactory patches.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Yeah, I read the fact check. I mean, I'd love that to be true except that it would make my life suck.

Problem is, I smelled the zombies before I ever got sick. So did everyone else. We talked about it. One of my friends made guesses on who was vaxed by the smell alone and then asked people

Also, my bed smelled of zombie. I remade it, and got rid of the zombie smell, and then slept in it, and it smelled of zombie again.

I'm a zombie. I'd love that syncytin 2-nonenal test now, but I have to invent it first, and people also need to fund it, so I need to make myself some millions. I probably have a very short time to do it in.


Saturday, September 4, 2021 4:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Sinusitis will drip zombie smell (as distinct from 2-nonenal) out of your sinuses and down the back of your throat.

A bad tooth or bad gingivitis will emit zombie smell.

Eggs, milk, and cheese (or other dairy) will give your breath a zombie smell from the happy bacteria on your tongue.

Also, as Signy said, COVID-19 = altered or lost sense of smell.

And getting good sleep will help you recover from anything even faster, as Jack suggests.

Take your vitals so you don't unknowingly drift into a serious state. Get someone reliable to regularly check in with, or who you might regularly check in on you. Eat well. Don't push yourself into experiencing symptoms. Rest whenever and as much as you need. Sleep.

It may take a few weeks to get over the worst symptoms, and if you end up with long COVID, months to shake the rest of them and get back to 100%. So, as long as you're not in the middle of a medical crisis, have patience.

Please post and let us know how you're doing.


Saturday, September 4, 2021 5:38 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Sinusitis will drip zombie smell (as distinct from 2-nonenal) out of your sinuses and down the back of your throat.

A bad tooth or bad gingivitis will emit zombie smell.

Eggs, milk, and cheese (or other dairy) will give your breath a zombie smell from the happy bacteria on your tongue.

Also, as Signy said, COVID-19 = altered or lost sense of smell.

And getting good sleep will help you recover from anything even faster, as Jack suggests.

Take your vitals so you don't unknowingly drift into a serious state. Get someone reliable to regularly check in with, or who you might regularly check in on you. Eat well. Don't push yourself into experiencing symptoms. Rest whenever and as much as you need. Sleep.

It may take a few weeks to get over the worst symptoms, and if you end up with long COVID, months to shake the rest of them and get back to 100%. So, as long as you're not in the middle of a medical crisis, have patience.

Please post and let us know how you're doing.

can't use your own sockpuppet as a source.

but seriously, the fact check is as reliable as all fact checks, I weigh it in at 0%

The pillow picked up the most zombie, probably from sweat. It's obviously not neanderthal snot, and it's not tooth rot. it's the zombie. Now my sense of smell isn't 100% because of other guinea pigging i went under, but 2-nonenal odor from the vax zombies is what it smells like to me, pretty strongly

It gets worse when I sleep, backing up autoimmune zombie theory

My vitals completely stabilized before this started

Here's what I think happened

I got over the first covid I'll call covid-m2, because it came from a zombie who had just gotten 2nd moderna and been obviously zeked from it, he smelled older than old, he smelled like a rotting corpse. with old. but with roadkill.

then when i got over that with no zeking, M came in, coughed on me, after drinking with his brother, who had gotten the J&J, so i'll called that covid-j. This caused me a bad cough that lasted not very long at all, i felt sick all night and in the next morning it was gone with just the zombie smell remaining.

Now maybe covid-j itself smells like zombie. I've considered that as a possible explantion.

I assume the fact check explanation is just a blatant medical lie like everything they say, and there's no foundation at all, and all their patients are actually zombies and not imagining it

the frequency of that and the general consistency with what they're trying to do leans me to 90% i'm a zombie

If covid-j smells like a zombie, it'll go away in a few days, because clearly, after defeating covid-m2 my immune system was primed for massive smackdown on covid-j, so they're closely related

But this theory of mine proposes multiple viruses






five different variants, and the ones with a 2 are called "delta variant" by the media

anti-Delta vaccine boosters will be



because moderna and pfizer are making them

That would lead to seven variants

Seven golden vials filled with the wrath of God

Not because I'm a religious loon, but because the bioterrorists are religious loons.

All media companies belong to the same people and those people are in a satanic cult


Saturday, September 4, 2021 7:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Covid affects your sense of smell. It's probably not you, just your olfactory patches


Yeah, I read the fact check. I mean, I'd love that to be true except that it would make my life suck.

The symptom goes away when Covid-19 resolves. I would assume that altered sense of small would be GOOD news, since it' temporary.


DEAMTROVE: Problem is, I smelled the zombies before I ever got sick. So did everyone else. We talked about it. One of my friends made guesses on who was vaxed by the smell alone and then asked people
Also, my bed smelled of zombie. I remade it, and got rid of the zombie smell, and then slept in it, and it smelled of zombie again.
I'm a zombie. I'd love that syncytin 2-nonenal test now, but I have to invent it first, and people also need to fund it, so I need to make myself some millions. I probably have a very short time to do it in.

I've never smelled a zombie, seeing as they don't exist.

Apparently, you have never smelled rotting flesh, or you wouldn't describe 2-nonenal like that, either. 2-nonenal, according to people who characterize scents for a living, smells variously like


fatty green waxy cucumber melon
Fatty, green, waxy and vegetative with cucumber-melon, cereal notes and a chicken fat nuance

and tastes like


Fatty, green, melon, waxy, vegetative, tomato and mushroom with chicken nuances

It is GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the FDA to add as flavor or fragrance
Nothing in there about zombies or rotting flesh.


It IS associated with aging
and is that article is described as having an "unpleasant greasy or grassy odor".

Again, nothing in there about zombies or rotting flesh.

Maybe if you were less imaginative and more accurate in your odor description, comparing it to something you and others have actually smelled, someone can make heads or tails of what is that you're smelling, because if you really DO smell like "rotting flesh" then I would start looking for some body part that was literally rotting, and take care of it.

If all you're smelling is a greasy, waxy, cucumber smell with a nuance of chicken fat ... my guess is that your body odor has changed because your body is under stress. In my exprience (and I used to have a phenomenal sense of smell before chronic sinusitis scarred my olfactory patches) people who are under physiolgical or severe psychological stress smell different. Sour, sharp.


Given that it’s ["old people smell"] real, is it something we need to address beyond scolding the young that “old people smell” is an offensive descriptor? Maybe not. A 2012 Swedish study found that seniors’ body odors were the least offensive of any age group.

That said, they may forebear other changes that do warrant attention. For example, many women experience body odor changes during menopause. Hot flashes and night sweat during menopause cause excessive perspiration and increased fatty acids, resulting in Nonenal. And that old bugaboo, stress, can exacerbate the production of Nonenal in both women and men.

OTOH you posted

and now everything tastes like zombie. I go downstairs have a bowl of zombie guts, then drink my morning zombie blood and eat my brainamon roll, and everything smells like zombie also. can't even clean it off.
If EVERYTHING smells the same, then it's likely in your nose.

Try not to catastrophize what's going on. You're sick, possibly with Covid-19, and you will feel, think, and smell different for a while. But if you take care of yourself (and call 911 if your Osats drop to 93 or lower) eventually you'll get better.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, September 4, 2021 10:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm not sure if DT's 'rotting flesh smell' smells like slowly decaying dead bodies, but that's what I think of when DT says 'rotting flesh'. And it's a smell I'm very familiar with, since in one of my jobs the time-clocks at the employees entrance were catty corner to the coroner's suite, and all the employees got to smell that smell.

FWIW, it's very different from old-people's smell, which I've also smelled.


Sunday, September 5, 2021 12:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

DREAMTROVE: I hope you're feeling better today.
I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. I'm worried that you may be scaring yourself over things that either don't exist or don't matter. What matters is that you address your immediate medical issues.

This is the best advice I can give:

Please check your Osats. If 93 or lower (It's OK to wiggle it around on your finger to get the highest reading) call for help.

Rest as much as you need
Sleep as much as you can.
Take your Osats regularly.
Don't overexert yourself.
Have someone check in on you.
Get someone to get your groceries for you.
Eat good food, drink plenty of fluids, take ibuprofen for fever if necessary, and try to grab a few minutes of sunshine (really, just 5 will do) during the day.

***** Call for help if you run into a crisis.*****

It's easy to become scared especially if you already have dark theories about Covid-19, but that doesn't help.
Reach out to friends virtually so you don't become isolated.

***** Call for help if you run into a crisis *****

There are times when an illness or injury can't be handled at home, so reach out for help if you need it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake






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