Century of Scams

UPDATED: Sunday, June 2, 2024 03:41
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Monday, August 23, 2021 12:15 AM


I thought it might help give a where am I coming from for everyone
I don't know what i'm about to say here but I'll list a bunch of events of the last century and then weigh in on scamminess, and invite other people to add events and their own thoughts on the scamminess of each

WWI - scam. all sides were funded by the warburg brothers and many had queen victorias grandchildren as leaders. purpose, to feed secondary scams, create the fiat banking system, league of nations, both scams

prohibition - probably not a scam, but gave rise to organized crime

USSR - semi-scam. It was initially a globalist scam, became a weird distorted nationalism

Wiemar republic, also semi-scam, failed experiment
Nazis, scam. while addressing real concerns intitially, they were absorbing a nationalism and a socialism both of which were about something, and perverting it with mock nationalism and globalist agenda

WWII - scam. rockefellers and other american industrialists were funding all sides to aid the destruction of empires, pave the way for one world governance and the UN - another subsidiary scam.

WHO - originally staffed by nazis, was always a scam. first efforts were serial disasters in africa

NATO - another inherited nazi scam.

Korea - a real war about stopping the USSR or what was becoming sino-soviet red continent
Vietnam, the same, not a scam

Hippies. semi-scam. Real resistance that got co-opted by the CIA drug experimentation and fake political exercise

Television - a scam, mind control for the masses. Yes, I realize I'm posting this to a TV fan site

AIDS - at least part scam, not sure I by the full scam argument yet

the EU - total scam, part of a larger scam network of global governance and population control including related scams, the WTO, NAFTA, etc

gulf war - semi scam. someone was scamming, interfering for miscommunication to set up a bigger scam later, by creating a real problem

Internet - not a scam

Y2K - scam

Social media - a scam, centralizing communication apps into a hub doesn't serve any purpose other than to exploit laziness
amazon - scam, the same, there were many stores now there's one serves no function

google - initially not a scam, now a scam

iraq war - a scam. had nothing to do with WMD or 9/11 other scams, like afghanistan. which was a scam a decade earlier for the soviets

bitcoin - not a scam
bitcoin core blockstream now a scam, but the currency still works

arab spring - mega scam

obamacare - giga scam

covid - the ultimate world destroying scam. real disease, but disease and vax are both engineered bioweapons

okay, what'd I miss?


Planned Parenthood? All population control is a scam

Covid, animal theory is a scam

Psyops, Occupy Wall Street, BLM, Antifa, Qanon all scams
"Election" was a coup, and a scam, sure. The "coup" was not a coup, also a scam.o
Everything related to this was a scam
W was a scam, as was Obama. Politics is a scam
National Political Parties are a scam, and illegal
Neoliberal/Neoconservative scam.
Gang of Eight is a total fucking scam
"But Russia" is a scam
Clintons were always a scam.
The suicide of all of Hillary's enemies is a scam
Jeffrey Epstein was a scam, and his suicide was a scam, but his lolita island and lolita express delivered actual lolitas for elites, so that classifies it as not a scam? I wonder how many lolitas it cost to buy public policy? Or public private contracts? The corporate contract reward per lolita probably made them the most expensive hookers or all time

OS2/Warp was not a scam, "Windows" was a scam, yes, obviously yes
Microsoft has been a scam from top to bottom

Border Closing, all the shutdowns of corona were a scam. A whole lot of the free money was a scam. this is also under corona scam

Illegal Aliens might be a scam. I doubt there's a flood of them, it's probably just a political football excuse

JFK Assassination was a scam.

Iran Contra was a scam

LGBT is a scam
intersectionalism is a scam
SJWs are a scam

Academy Awards are a scam

Biden's senility is a scam. I think he's sane

"Infoterrorist" arrests and charges were a scam
Julian Assange
Bradley Manning
Ross Ulbricht
Edward Snowden


Monday, August 23, 2021 8:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

There are better explanations for why the world is the way it is than calling everything a scam.

I suggest the book The Pursuit of Wealth: the incredible story of money throughout the ages by Robert Sobel. Download the book for free from the mirrors at

From the introduction to The Pursuit of Wealth:

The theory that informs this book is that in modern times, in the aggregate, wealth is the prime mover.

One need not look to western society alone to realize how wealth can motivate a people to labor and creation, and how its absence or removal can lead to stagnation. One of the more interesting examples of this is the Kwakiutl, a tribe that inhabited the northern part of Vancouver Island near the mainland of British Columbia at the turn of the twentieth century. The eminent anthropologist Franz Boas studied them and produced a report that foretold by a couple of generations what would come to be known as Keynesian economics. Boas’ problem wasn’t a lack of observational skills or analytical sophistication. Rather, he did not fully comprehend what he had witnessed.

The Kwakiutl were famous for the potlatch, in which competing clans met regularly to stage contests in which they demonstrated just how wealthy they were by destroying their most valued possessions: canoes, blankets, and fish grease. Boas noted that large copper plates were also thrown off cliffs, although he commented that the throwers would return later to gather the pieces. The blankets were the most important, for these were the common denominator against which all the other possessions were measured.

Boas understood why the Kwakiutl loved the potlatch, citing self-esteem and status as important elements. The Kwakiutl ranked themselves by just how much they destroyed.

Boas wrote of this in a report to the Smithsonian Institution in 1895. Four years later, economist Thorstein Veblen would produce his Theory of the Leisure Class, in which he gave us the term conspicuous consumption, which would seem to help explain the potlatch.

What Boas noted but did not comprehend was that the Kwakiutl were quite wealthy, far more than neighboring tribes. The reason was that they worked hard to accumulate those possessions destroyed at the potlatch. There was a strong element of competition present that encouraged productivity and excellence—and accumulation. The Kwakiutl developed a system of banking that featured rates that rose sharply according to the length of the loan and the creditworthiness of the borrower. In their search for greater and greater wealth, they even created a system of credit purchasing, with copper plates serving as “credit cards.” This too encouraged hard and imaginative work. Moreover, the system exhibited many of the aspects of modern reserve banking. Boas noted that in a village of 150 people, there were only 400 blankets, but debts were owed amounting to 75,000 blankets. If the lenders had called in their loans, there would have been what Boas termed a “disastrous panic.”

Distressed by what to them was the wasteful nature of the potlatch, Canadian authorities attacked the practice, suggesting it was deleterious to economic development. Despite some setbacks, the authorities succeeded. The potlatch fell into disfavor. The Kwakiutl turned to commercial fishing to fit into the larger economy. But without the economic spur of the potlatch, initiative declined. So did the Kwakiutl economy. With the best of intentions, the authorities caused grievous harm to the Kwakiutl.

Whether Boas knew of Bernard de Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees (1705) is unknown. This work dealt with how a prosperous, hardworking community fell into distress when they abandoned their profligate ways in order to save. The pursuit of wealth is fundamental to western civilization. It was there at the dawn of recorded history; and probably even before.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 23, 2021 9:11 AM


Yes, that is a move towards "everything is a scam" which I think true to come degree. At top levels of scams I think evolution is the primary motivator, and one often exploited, but economics is definitely a major one. Clearly brainwashing is one, both religious and political. Actual religion I would put way near the top, but I think top layer motivators like this affect the motivations of the scammers more than their audience.

So, if any scam is led by a scammer, then the structure would look like this:

Religion (eg fulfill the book of revelations, follow a vision, etc.)
Evolution (extermination of a competing genetic line, like the Nazis)
Power (subjugating masses under one command, like the Soviets)

After that there's What do the scammers motivate others with

Money is a huge one, the scammers typically mint money, so themselves cannot be motivated by it, but they construct their economies so that everyone needs it, to aid in the manipulation

Fear. A pending apocalypse can always be invented for the purpose. Global Warming, international terrorism, end times, overpopulation, an invading enemy.

Greed. Non-economic greed, feeding the desire for more resources or the consumption of resources that leads to CIA manipulations to "limit the population of Africa to prevent africans from consuming african resources because americans might need them" which is an obvious case of the greed I'm talking about.

Hope. A promise of a better future is an excellent scam manipulator. It's everywhere in charities and philanthropic exercises, even govt and corporate ones (let's build this country a railroad so that people can have access to food, water and medical care, was used by the IMF to build railroads they knew were going to be used for stealing resources in the above african theft)

Force. Totalitarianism is another and maybe last resort of manipulators, the stick of some threat if people do not comply, used by fascist regimes, and moderns ones, the EU, increasingly the US, much more than in most of the late century. threats of police action, limitation of rights or even fines can be used as threats that can open a chain of action that ultimately ends in violence against you if you continue to not comply.

This current scam is a mix of these. It's largely fear, of the virus, but there's hope, which causes people to try to "vaccinate" others (it's not a vaccine, so it needs airquotes) and then it's also Force. the threats of not being able to travel or visit public places, and at times here in NY there was discussion of actual concentration camps.

So, yes, there are motivators for both scammers and the scammed. But that doesn't mean everything is a scam. A great deal of everything we hear a lot about is a scam, because manipulating media into focusing on it (usually through money, sometimes through force) is part of the scam


Monday, August 23, 2021 11:03 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Social media - a scam, centralizing communication apps into a hub doesn't serve any purpose other than to exploit laziness

I'm going to assume that you were heavily over-simplifying your bullet points and you know that this goes much deeper than merely exploiting laziness.

It might as well be crack the way it was designed.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 23, 2021 3:48 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Social media - a scam, centralizing communication apps into a hub doesn't serve any purpose other than to exploit laziness

I'm going to assume that you were heavily over-simplifying your bullet points and you know that this goes much deeper than merely exploiting laziness.

It might as well be crack the way it was designed.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

Yes it was an intentionally lazy vast oversimplification.

WWII, Rockefeller and company funded the nazis to power, they funded the war machines, they precipitated the war, to destroy world powers, colonialist, the league of nations, and to establish the new united nations and secure a future economy based on their own family oil business. Sure, there were other things going on, but that's where "follow the money" led me. If you went into the scams of WWII it would fill a library.


Monday, August 23, 2021 8:20 PM


AIDS was and is a scam.

Planned Parenthood has always been a scam, really a eugenics plan for "undesireables" as Margaret Sanger put it.

Y2K was not a scam. Took lots of effort to prevent the collapse of what we had, but some things still didn't get repaired in time.

End of last month, Lord Darth Obiden rewriting history for the past 22 years of GDP figures is a scam - for the past 16 years, the GDP of FY2000 has been agreed to by everybody.

Wuhan Wet Market is a scam.

Sorry, but Occupy Wall Street was a scam.

1 million man march was a scam.

Election 2020 results were a complete scam.

After release of the best operating system in history (of OS2/Warp), the obvious scam was "Windows" - all computer architecture collapsed after that, and the pitiful "apple" emerged as the "superior" OS remaining, except for real computer users. As always, apple continues to be "a computer for people who don't know how to use computers"

"Peaceful riots" and BLM and Antifag are all scams, or maybe the same scam.

Collusion with Russia was a scam.

Fake Impeachment 1 of Trump was a scam.

Fake Impeachment 2 of Trump was a scam.

Lord Darth Obiden closing the Border is a scam.

Free healthcare and Unemployment Benefit payments to Illegal Aliens who have never worked in USA are a scam.

Food stamps for Illegal Aliens are a scam.

Since 1990, the Democrap Party has been a scam.

JFK Assassination was a scam.

The Boland Amendment was a scam.

In WI, the Gay And Lesbian Special Rights Act of 1986 was a scam, granting extra rights to homosexuals, and turning Madison into the Gay and Lesbian Capital of the world.

Wind River not being nominated for an Academy Award was a scam.

Captain Marvel was a scam.

EU definitely a scam.

Jan 6th "insurrection" is a scam

Obamabots denying they were spying on American Citizens and Candidate Trump was a complete scam.

Lord Darth Obiden pretending to be sentient is a scam.

Branch Davidian Compound assault was a scam.

Ruby Ridge was a scam.

Murder of Secretary Ron Brown was a scam.

Whitehouse coverup of Lt Lara Hultgreen death was a scam.

Vince Foster "suicide" was a scam.

Prosecution of most of the folk in this thread:

is a scam.

State CON Laws are a scam, only purpose to prevent you from getting medical care.


Monday, August 23, 2021 11:20 PM


I read an analysis of Planned Parenthood that went like this, years back
Danger was the lesbian lover of Marie Stokes, and they were among the half a dozen of hitler's sluts. Neither one of them were down for killing children satanic sacrifice when he first suggested it to them, but they caved, because he was the alpha male. yeah, i know, source. that wasn't my argument, but I think it's sound. I'll dig it up some day.

AIDS, retroactive accounting, i'll look into it, missed this one
Wuhan Wet Market is most definitely a scam.
this is under corona scam

I was at Occupy Wall Street. It was such a fucking scam.
1 million man march was it a scam? I remember Farrahkhan ranting about 19.
these go with psyops also

The "Election" was a coup, and a scam, sure. The "coup" was not a coup, and that was a scam. all these go under psyops tho

OS2/Warp was not a scam, "Windows" was a scam, yes, obviously yes
Microsoft has been a scam from top to bottom
the whole company is a mix of purchased and stolen code
and they make more money from lawsuits than consumer sales

BLM is a scam sure, Antifa is also a scam, QAnon is a scam. They are all the same scam, called PsyOps, which is a scam

"But Russia" was a total scam. I missed the Impeachments of Trump sounds scammy

Border Closing, all the shutdowns of corona were a scam. A whole lot of the free money was a scam. this is also under corona scam

IDK if Food stamps for Illegal Aliens are a scam. I mean, those illegal aliens eat, and the money then goes to US businesses. I'd rather have that then people stealing food, depending on how illegal the aliens are

National Political Parties are a scam, and illegal

The Clintons have always been a scam. I think they were the same scam as Bushes. The Neoliberal/Neoconservative scam.

Yes, the JFK Assassination was a scam.

I'll have to look up the Boland Amendment
Something to do with the Contras who I suspect were also a scam

LGBT is a scam. The sexual deviants are not in the least aligned in their interests with each other. Bisexuals are normal girls and Lesbians are a warped feminazi version, Gays are misogynistic neckbeards and trannies as dysmorphic psychopaths.

This is part of "intersectionalism" which is a scam. you have to agree with all other groups that oppose normalcy because you have a common enemy of normalcy is pretty seriously scammy

The Academy Awards are a scam. They "award" greatness, thus tying greatness to themselves. Then they award their agenda. It's a total scam. The LaLaLand-Moonlight swap was the most obvious scam.
I didn't see Wind River or Captain Marvel

EU is one fo the more serious scams

SJWs are a scam everywhere, not just denying NDAA which was also a scam
this links back to intersectionalism though

I'm not sure Biden's non-senility is a scam. I used to be his neighbor, many years ago. He was always like that. He's like permanently aphasic
Waco was a scam. everything the clintons did was a scam

When I'm more awake I'll edit my post to add some of these

Also, I thought of some more

"Infoterrorist" arrests and charges were a scam
Julian Assange
Bradley Manning
Ross Ulbricht
Edward Snowden

I think I'll try to edit to a somewhat non-partisan scamminess, so everyone can contribute fairly. I think that some people in both parties are scams

Here's a political one "The Gang of Eight" is a total fucking scam. The idea that there are 8 magical people with unconstitutional "leadership positions" house/senate x majority/minority x leader/whip makes 8 positions all appointed by donors who are corporations, meaning 8 total corporate toadies who are then considered by the corporate media to be the "brains" of the govt and should make all the decisions is just death to democracy


Monday, August 23, 2021 11:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

We loved OS2. Complete object-oriented system. IBM killed it because the "big metal" mainframe guys saw the PC guys as a threat. Thirty-plus years later, they still haven't made an operating system with one-third of the capability

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 12:30 AM


Epstein didn't kill himself.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 8:08 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We loved OS2. Complete object-oriented system. IBM killed it because the "big metal" mainframe guys saw the PC guys as a threat. Thirty-plus years later, they still haven't made an operating system with one-third of the capability

OS/2 lives . . . and is for sale at a too high price. Scam?

IBM discontinued its support for OS/2 on 31 December 2006.[6] Since then, OS/2 has been developed, supported and sold by two different third-party vendors under license from IBM – first by Serenity Systems as eComStation since 2001,[7] and later by Arca Noae LLC as ArcaOS since 2017.

ArcaOS 5.0 – personal edition $129.00
ArcaOS 5.0 – personal edition brings you OS/2 power and performance like never before. With support for a full range of existing and new OS/2 software, running on modern multi-core and multi-processor systems, take your OS/2 experience to the next level for the 21st century. The ArcaOS Personal Edition is for individual users who will not be using it for business.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 8:41 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We loved OS2. Complete object-oriented system. IBM killed it because the "big metal" mainframe guys saw the PC guys as a threat. Thirty-plus years later, they still haven't made an operating system with one-third of the capability

OS/2 lives . . . and is for sale at a too high price.

IBM discontinued its support for OS/2 on 31 December 2006.[6] Since then, OS/2 has been developed, supported and sold by two different third-party vendors under license from IBM – first by Serenity Systems as eComStation since 2001,[7] and later by Arca Noae LLC as ArcaOS since 2017.

ArcaOS 5.0 – personal edition $129.00
ArcaOS 5.0 – personal edition brings you OS/2 power and performance like never before. With support for a full range of existing and new OS/2 software, running on modern multi-core and multi-processor systems, take your OS/2 experience to the next level for the 21st century. The ArcaOS Personal Edition is for individual users who will not be using it for business.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Their disclaimer that it won't run on all rigs and that you're responsible for knowing that beforehand isn't probably the best marketing strategy.

That being said, the minimum requirements would be hard not to meet, and if you've got a good enough rig you could easily set it up to run under VirtualBox.

Whenever I finally get around to upgrading my PC I plan on having a base install of every OS I can get my hands on set up under VirtualBox. I didn't even know this one was a thing, so looking forward to trying it out.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, August 24, 2021 7:51 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Epstein didn't kill himself.

Yep, that whole biz was a scam - but everybody knew it because, ahem, NEW YORK CORRECTIONS??? Really? What kind of moron thought he would survive that?

Department of Education has always been and will always be a scam. Thanks Jiminy Cotta.

And yes, Illegal Aliens getting USA Government handouts while at the same time United States Citizens and Veterans are in need is not only a scam, but a travesty.
Giving other criminals government handouts is also a scam, regardless of your rationalizations.
Giving handouts to drug addictd is also a scam.
Giving handouts to rioters and murderers is also a scam.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 8:12 PM


Everything about the poison/pesticide Sucralose is a scam.
The American Diabetes Association has been able to spread wide all of it's recipes with sucralose, and thereby expand it's membership by 4 fold. They claim their recipes which cause diabetes are "for diabetics" while turning healthy folks into diabetics.

Since sucralose causes insufferable and debilitating migraine headaches, headache medicines put sucralose in their headache medicines. I recall Tylenol specifically.

Since sucralose (a trichlorinate) caused a laundry list of health disorders, it is now put directly into milk, ice cream, candy, fruit, vegetables, chocolate syrup, fruit juice, and everything else. Why do we need to put poison directly into all of our foods - not at the growing stage, but in the prep and canning stage.

Engineered, designed, and manufactured as a poison and pesticide, sole purpose to kill living things.

I have helped folk end their neverending headaches, and end their diabetic shots (?insulin?), and one was forced to cancel 4 surgeries including brain surgery after going cold turkey off sucralose - plus she lost 90 pounds within 6 months (but it did permanently damage a gland in her brain, she will likely require medication for it for life).


Wednesday, August 25, 2021 10:09 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Giving handouts is a scam.

There, simplified that for you

but it is true, it's a scam

All "food substitutes" are a scam
Medication is also a scam


Thursday, August 26, 2021 4:53 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Medication is also a scam

Can you define that a little bit?
Vitamins, minerals, drugs, herbs?


Thursday, August 26, 2021 5:11 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We loved OS2. Complete object-oriented system. IBM killed it because the "big metal" mainframe guys saw the PC guys as a threat. Thirty-plus years later, they still haven't made an operating system with one-third of the capability

I cannot agree with your assessment. I do not recall IBM killing it. They merely failed to maintain a competitive front to the onslaught of defective Fake software from Micro$haft.
DOS and later Windows did not utilize a fraction of the capability of the IBM PS/2. It was universally understood that people would need to actually use OS2 to utilize PS/2, and that is why Billy Boy flooded the market with his cheap Fake defective useless giveaway scam of software.

It was a sales pitch. Pay now for the best software you will ever need, or take free handouts of Fake programs which we will make you pay for (many times over) down the line.


Thursday, August 26, 2021 5:14 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Medication is also a scam

Can you define that a little bit?
Vitamins, minerals, drugs, herbs?

Prescription Medications are patentable pharmaceuticals. In or to be patentable they have to be novel compounds not naturally occurring which means that they must be chemically synthetic analogues of bioactive compounds. And bioactive compound which is healthy has a less healthy version that can be made which is synthetic, usually by methylating or halogenating it. This is a scam to find "patentable novel compounds" that are just unhealthy analogues of already known medicines that work.

It's clear this is how the system work not just by the laws, but by the fact that whenever a new medicine falls out of patent protection, the companies and medical facilities they give kickbacks to, stop supporting it, and a new one is invented by the same process


Thursday, August 26, 2021 5:23 PM


Oh, yeah. Diamonds are a total scam. But I think it might be a little more than a century old. Definitely after 1900, but I'm not sure when the scam started.

Diamonds are worthless. They have no value. They only have "market value" - which is wholly dependent upon the restriction of distribution.
Huge rocks of pure diamond are used as doorstops in Africa, but being caught with one will get your whole family or village executed.

It was all a sales wager.
DeBeers bet that they could convince the dumbest half of the population (which had vaginas) to manipulate the half with money, or earnings (and pursued vaginas), to purchase completely worthless baubles for outrageous prices.
The opposing side of the bet was that any sensible person with a vagina, if they were truly an invested partner in any relationship, would not want the family resources squandered on meaningless and worthless baubles, particularly at the infancy of their partnership.
It seems now an insipidly easy bet.
DeBeers won. Although they were banned from doing business in America until sometime in the last 10 years or so.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Diamonds are forever (and if our love is also forever, you'll buy me a huge one)

Diamonds were still sold at real prices around 1900, but their market rate climbed as the market was cornered and strangled, and really soared in the 1950s.


Thursday, August 26, 2021 5:31 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Medication is also a scam

Can you define that a little bit?
Vitamins, minerals, drugs, herbs?

Prescription Medications are patentable pharmaceuticals. In or to be patentable they have to be novel compounds not naturally occurring which means that they must be chemically synthetic analogues of bioactive compounds. And bioactive compound which is healthy has a less healthy version that can be made which is synthetic, usually by methylating or halogenating it. This is a scam to find "patentable novel compounds" that are just unhealthy analogues of already known medicines that work.

It's clear this is how the system work not just by the laws, but by the fact that whenever a new medicine falls out of patent protection, the companies and medical facilities they give kickbacks to, stop supporting it, and a new one is invented by the same process

OK, just prescription sutff then?


Thursday, August 26, 2021 6:33 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

OK, just prescription stuff then?

specifically the novel rx things I just detailed

I don't think anyone would call traditional medicines "medication"
But that process I outlined is a scam, because it's about money and ownership, not about healing sick people


Thursday, August 26, 2021 6:34 PM


Bunch of highly educated drug dealers is all they are.

The fucking opioid plague is their responsibility.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 28, 2021 2:58 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

OK, just prescription stuff then?

specifically the novel rx things I just detailed

I don't think anyone would call traditional medicines "medication"
But that process I outlined is a scam, because it's about money and ownership, not about healing sick people

OK, not real medication and medicine, just the fake medication.
Thank you for clarifying.


Saturday, August 28, 2021 3:04 PM


When the Cancer Cure Hydrazine Sulfate became known, Big Pharma needed to shut it down because it was far too cheap. It was most effective with soft tissue cancers, but all cancers seemed to show some cure rate.

So NIH ran a fake trial. At first, the trial followed the protocols, and too many patients were getting cured. So then the trials reversed protocols, ensuring the patients would be killed, and so then the patients died.

These trials were a scam, as is almost anything the NIH does.
They had to get some special person in charge of NIH to do this sabotage, her name was Bernadette something.

Bernadette Healy.


Saturday, August 28, 2021 3:26 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Social media - a scam, centralizing communication apps into a hub doesn't serve any purpose other than to exploit laziness

I use the computers at the Public Library a lot.
When nearing close, the computers are supposed to shut down automatically. They are PCs using windows.
Lately they are having trouble shgutting down, they are getting hung up.
Once I noticed that the dialogue in the bottom left was showing it stuck on "" or somesuch.
I had had no facebook things open, I never do, and the computers restart everytime a user logs off. I mentioned to library staff, and they said nothing in their system is supposed to be talking to facebook.

I suspect it is not the last I've seen of this.


Saturday, August 28, 2021 3:32 PM


I don't understand Gang of 8 being a scam. From 1993, 1994?

You think Illegal Aliens are a scam? You don't think a record 1.1 million Illegal Aliens have invaded the southern border from Jan to July?

The Boland Amendment was the scam. Iran Contra was the workaround to save American lives after Democraps led by Boland shafted them. Tom Clancy wrote a modern day fable to explain it, called Clear and Present Danger.


Saturday, August 28, 2021 4:01 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Oh, yeah. Diamonds are a total scam.

Yep. Diamonds are forever except that they're manufactured by GE and also burn. It's currency for the control of Africa. And dumb westerners support it.

"medication" is specifically the term used by pharma for their synthetics, I don't think traditional medicine uses it because it's an academic nonsense word

Academia is a total scam. My mom had this rant to her classes on use of the english language in which she quanitifed the fakeness of a word by how many times it had been "ified" like "ificationizing." So if some academic is saying quantificationizing, that's because they're specifically avoiding "quantifying" which has a distinct meaning, and they want to drive you to their specific interpretation.

So medication is this sort of academic pseudo word. The word is medicine, but by making it "medication" they can exclude actual medicine and reduce it to petrochemicals that have undergone substitution reactions to make novel patentable toxins.

Then the Media. (hold on)

The Media is a gigascam

Then the media can tell you that you need to ask your healthcare professional (is a scam) about medication (is it right for you? do you have money?)

Fakebook does data collection everywhere, yes. It's part of the scam

Gang of 8 is a total fucking scam. The point is that the NWO can install all 8 people because they control the voting system. They therefore hold the votes open until they have the results they want, so no non-selected person can get in. Then they use those 8 people as a substitute for the US congress, and pretend these 8 people are the congress.

I first ran into this in the 2000s. The second Bush administration (was a scam, it was the second Clinton administration a puppet fake conservative) The media started with the whole gang of 8 thing, and it was a way to silence people on both sides who opposed the absurdity that was happening

the war
homeland security
patriot act
the marching univeral pharma
the banking scam*
energy (fracking etc)

* the banking scam was a scam 2008 was 1907 redux. Fake crisis to force out players who they didn't own (jews) and reward ones they did own. This Obama-Nation action throws a lot of doubt on the zionist NWO theory for me.

Energy scam fracking is a scam. Shale does not contain large amounts of hydrocarbon. it was a cheap and destructive oil exploration method

Deep water horizon was a chemical weapons test, scam

Obamacare was a scam

Arab spring was a scam


Saturday, August 28, 2021 4:15 PM



Saturday, August 28, 2021 4:18 PM


Here's another one, classic scam

Third world debt

The way third world debt is creating a "problem" that needs fixing

So, say you have a company like deBeers, and it does banking with JP Morgan.
You invent a need for a railroad for "social reasons" in Sierra Leone. Then this railroad is built with funds that SL borrows from the world bank, that the WB borrows from JPM, who borrows it from deBeers. Then, the railroad is built that will be used by deBeers for mining and basically nothing else. Those profits pay for the railroad, but there's also the govt of SL owes it.

Now there's a huge liberal outcry. A bill is created to forgive the poor starving africans in their grass huts, and it's submitted to congress. But then it looks like it's going to fail, so third world debt bonds are created, for well meaning liberals to buy, and then burn, for Africa. Then the bill passes anyway, and the govt uses tax payer money to sent to Africa, which then goes to JP Morgan, which then goes to deBeers.

Now it turns out that the payment scheme wasn't actually what it looked like, and there's a usage fee with the railroad that charges for use in a way structure to pay for the cost of the railroad, and so the govt of SL is stuck paying it anyway if it ever wants to use the railroad.

International finance


Saturday, August 28, 2021 6:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I was confused.

Was thinking Gang of 7.

yeah, no, gang of 8 is fake democracy

The brits have perfected this with their compound democracy, small numbers of voters can be located in districts to guarantee power players positions and then steamroll opposition parties. The EU is taking it to a whole new level.

This whole system is broke, we need a new one, or a not so great reset


Saturday, August 28, 2021 6:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I was confused.

Was thinking Gang of 7.

yeah, no, gang of 8 is fake democracy

The brits have perfected this with their compound democracy, small numbers of voters can be located in districts to guarantee power players positions and then steamroll opposition parties. The EU is taking it to a whole new level.

This whole system is broke, we need a new one, or a not so great reset


Saturday, August 28, 2021 6:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I was confused.

Was thinking Gang of 7.

yeah, no, gang of 8 is fake democracy

The brits have perfected this with their compound democracy, small numbers of voters can be located in districts to guarantee power players positions and then steamroll opposition parties. The EU is taking it to a whole new level.

This whole system is broke, we need a new one, or a not so great reset


Saturday, August 28, 2021 9:18 PM


Mexican Coke is a scam.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 28, 2021 9:52 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Mexican Coke is a scam.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

Coke is the real thing. Pepsi is a scam.
Coke 1886, the mormon church
Pepsi, 1890 the CFR/NWO


Saturday, August 28, 2021 9:57 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Mexican Coke is a scam.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

Coke is the real thing. Pepsi is a scam.
Coke 1886, the mormon church
Pepsi, 1890 the CFR/NWO

Nah... Referring to the "Hecho en Mexico" bullshit.

Word on the street since forever is that you got your Coke with cane sugar when you paid high prices for those glass bottles.

What they failed to tell people in the states is that Mexican law mandated Coke to use high fructose corn syrup in their Coke since 2013, supposedly in a doomed to fail attempt to curb the obesity rate in Mexico.

Mexican Coke isn't any different than US coke other than the glass bottle and the premium price.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Saturday, August 28, 2021 10:41 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

"Hecho en Mexico"

why would using HFCS curb an obesity problem? it's twice as likely to make you gain weight. corn is native to mexico, but still it seems silly. sugar probably is also.

```In 2013, a Mexican Coca-Cola bottler announced it would stop using cane sugar in favor of glucose-fructose syrup.[7] It later clarified this change would not affect those bottles specifically exported to the United States as "Coca-Cola Nostalgia" products.```
from wicked paedia

I dunno, but i guess one could read the label, which is probably in spanish.


Monday, August 30, 2021 10:24 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

"Hecho en Mexico"

why would using HFCS curb an obesity problem? it's twice as likely to make you gain weight. corn is native to mexico, but still it seems silly. sugar probably is also.

How dare you! Follow the science!


```In 2013, a Mexican Coca-Cola bottler announced it would stop using cane sugar in favor of glucose-fructose syrup.[7] It later clarified this change would not affect those bottles specifically exported to the United States as "Coca-Cola Nostalgia" products.```
from wicked paedia

I dunno, but i guess one could read the label, which is probably in spanish.

I haven't seen one to check it since I saw that video. I certainly don't take anything wikipedia says seriously. If you happen to see one, take a look at the listed ingredients and let me know.

It's more about the psychology of people though. After years of being told one thing, they'll just go on believing it long after that thing has changed.

Two examples spring to mind right now...

I was just talking to my friend's dad about painting and he said that with the new methods of mixing paint for color being done by the computers, you don't need to box in the colors anymore. His son will always do it anyhow and argue with him about it. I told him that's because you taught your son to do that when he was a kid and that's one of those things that he "knows" you just have to do because his dad taught him that "truth" when kids look up to their parents as the people who know everything.

And you probably would never notice it, but any time I end a sentence, I ALWAYS have two spaces after a period. (On, the second period is removed when the post is displayed even, but if you reply to one of my quotes to see the raw message they're there). Even though it was already the late-90's when I was taught how to type, that's how they used to do it because of typewriters. But with today's fonts on the computers, it's a redundancy, and wholly unnecessary.

You didn't notice that, but computer algorithm's do. Even if I wanted to lie about my age somewhere online, the system would know that I'm lying simply because of that extra space I put after a period when I type.

P.S. If you look around online, people will tell you that after you've been banned from YouTube that you will be able to successfully create an account, but within a matter of days to weeks they'll figure out that you did so and they will ban your new account. We're not talking about content creators that show their face either. It could just be people like me who never posted a video.

It's apparently not an IP ban, which would make sense since you could have 10 people living in the same house with the same IP. So throw the ability to target based off of alternate emails created from the same IP as the identifying factor as well.

My guess would be that these things might play a role, but it's a mish-mash of a lot of little things about the way that you type and the words that you use... the spelling and grammar mistakes that you make. The types of videos you watch. Putting one or two spaces after a sentence.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 30, 2021 11:28 AM


It's sort of like the subtle and obscure uses of language and formatting that 1kiki and SygnyM do that makes them the same person. I didn't do a thorough analysis, but my subconscious was like "hey, that's particularly oddball"

You could probably fool such an algorithm by creating an intentional character that had a particular way of speaking. I know that one thing I've always figured the govt. algos would catch me on is esp. the way i say govt. and algos.

If you really want to be incognito, you have to create an isolated system
You have a machine that sites by itself, and only logs on to alternate you
That setup has social media accounts and ties to a VPN old you never uses
Sign on at different times, maybe use a translator, some off brand


Saturday, September 11, 2021 4:22 PM


I won't be able to complete this, but I'll introduce the Cancer scam.
Forcing cancer foods down americans throats.

When I was about 20, a friend of mine in SoCal who was a Doctor pointed out to me the aisle which all doctors know as the Cancer Aisle, in stores which also sell "groceries" and call themselves "grocery stores"

Wasn't hard to identify then, and pretty much the same now.
Essentially, think of lunch meat. If the aisle has packaged and refrigerated meat, it is cance4r waiting to manifest in you and yours.

Frozen meat? Different aisle, not inherently cancer-causing - although I can't be too shocked what might have developed since.
Fresh meat department meat, or butcher meat? If it is prepared fresh, and never pre-packaged from a processing plant, then it should be still fresh meat. After purchase, you'll need to eat it within a day or so, and keep it refrigerated until cooking or eating.

This is going to include practically every hot dog or sausage dog. Bologna, salami, etc.
Sadly, practically everything at any sub or other sandwich shop is going to be cancer meat - exceptions are meatballs if they make them, and often tuna or other product from a can. Their "fresh turkey or chicken" is a loaf of processed meat parts, glued together with "slurry" and sliced fresh for the day.

When eating out, "pulled pork/chicken/turkey" is usually the actual real meat, it is pulled right from the bone. If you see the pulled fibers of meat muscle right on your fork, excellent chance you have real meat.
Chicken wings are hard to come by now, but biting that meat right off the bone means it is real meat. But many businesses are ecstatic with the marketing of "boneless wings" - which just means cancer meat, uber cheap, like chicken nuggets, the leftovers of meat processing, just glued and pressed together, and marked up ridiculously to sell as "wings"

You know dang well that reall meat cannot last for long without being frozen, or cooked and refrigerated. It cannot last for weeks worthof distribution and sitting on a shelf without going bad, even if it is "refrigerated".

In the original days of hot dogs, this crud could only last as far as the ice truck deliver4y system could keep it frozen. Therefore, every meat processing plant around made these from the scraps of the day, and every place had their own brand of hot dog.

A hundred years ago, actual deli stores were either butcher shops, or could get their meats fresh in the morning from their butcher, and then the delis would do their work for the meat they would sell for the day. Every deli's pastrami was different, because it was made only at that shop - unless it was processed and then frozen by a central plant.

So. Prepackaged meats, refrigerated only, not frozen and not fresh, those are the cancer meats. Even the "deli" at the "grocery store" uses meat mash loaf to slice turkey or chicken - when they are cooking real turkey and chicken in their own o9vens (thawed from frozen).

Keep in mind, it normally takes years and decades for cancer to take hold. So, grandpa eating a hot dog? Big whoop. But little children being stuffed with caner foods, and then get cancer in their 20s or 30s - and parents whine about why? They are just being stupid.

areas of thought:
oxidents vs antioxidants.
pro biotics vs anti biotics. Pro biotics support living tissue. Anti biotics kill biologicals, support dead tissue.
radicals vs free radicals. Free radicals, oxidants damage live muscle, support dead meat.

Think of the reasoning this way:
In a living animal, the muscle is meat. As the animal stays alive, the muscle does not rot away, turn to worms, decay.

When an animal dies, the meat stops it's life cycle, and naturally begins to decay, rot, deteriorate. Fresh meat can be eaten, cooked. It can also be frozen in order to halt the decay, for future eating/cooking. Otherwise, the meat naturally begins it's next step in the life cycle, and it is processed by smaller organisms.
In order to unnaturally stop the meat from it's natural decay, chemicals must be saturated into the decaying meat. This suspends the natural cycle of death. These chemicals suspend the meat in a dead state, not allowing life to take it's course (microbes, bacteria, etc).
When these death-sustaining chemicals are consumed by living animals, these chemicals are absorbed by the muscle - the live muscle which is not chemically saturated to stop the life cycle and become dead.

These cancer chemicals are also causing corpses to no9t deteriorate in their coffins in cemetaries, because the cancer-saturated meat is still "preserved" in it's unnatural state.

While these cancer chemicals are saturating the body, they are trying to stop the live muscle (meat) from staying alive and healthy, and are trying to help it be dead.

I'm not sure I explained all of that very well. I would not be offended by questions.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021 8:48 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
It's sort of like the subtle and obscure uses of language and formatting that 1kiki and SygnyM do that makes them the same person. I didn't do a thorough analysis, but my subconscious was like "hey, that's particularly oddball"

You could probably fool such an algorithm by creating an intentional character that had a particular way of speaking. I know that one thing I've always figured the govt. algos would catch me on is esp. the way i say govt. and algos.

If you really want to be incognito, you have to create an isolated system
You have a machine that sites by itself, and only logs on to alternate you
That setup has social media accounts and ties to a VPN old you never uses
Sign on at different times, maybe use a translator, some off brand

I have not catalogued their similarities a bunch.
But often, I find that folk in a similar geographical location have similar comments, and I attribute this to them being stuck in the same Libtard Media Bubble. The 3 strongest Libtard media bubbles are NYC, SoCal, and D.C. The size of the bubbles is the range of the airwaves.

Thus I do expect kiki and Sigs to have many of the same delusions and fake truths and pseudo-facts, and they do. I might be dismissing it too quickly. Did you recall that at least one of them claims to be from NY? One was from Buffalo IIRC.


Thursday, September 16, 2021 8:29 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
"Hecho en Mexico"

why would using HFCS curb an obesity problem? it's twice as likely to make you gain weight. corn is native to mexico, but still it seems silly. sugar probably is also.

```In 2013, a Mexican Coca-Cola bottler announced it would stop using cane sugar in favor of glucose-fructose syrup.[7] It later clarified this change would not affect those bottles specifically exported to the United States as "Coca-Cola Nostalgia" products.```
from wicked paedia

I dunno, but i guess one could read the label, which is probably in spanish.

Of course HFCS makes you fat, which is why their obesity problem has gotten worse since that law was passed.

But the corn lobby is a very powerful lobby. Haven't you heard of ethanol? Or the algore invention of Global Warming, all to get Tom Daschle's corn farmers more cash? They even multiply the amount of greenhouse gas output, but sell it as "less emissions" so that libtards will believe.

Not everybody is a smart as you and me, so maybe they really, really, really didn't know HFCS would make them all fat.


Sunday, June 2, 2024 3:41 AM







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