1000 Asylum-seekers grope, rape, and steal in Cologne, Germany

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Friday, January 8, 2016 11:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm sure you've seen this elsewhere, but I didn't want this important event to pass by without notice:

Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women

These drunken Muslim men behaved just like the ones in Tahrir Square, when a female American journalist (Lara Logan 2011) and a female Dutch journalist (2013) were attacked. But it's not just them: ALL women outside of the house are fair game. I know someone who lived in Egypt, and she said the groping and harassment are endless ...

Gang rape, the dark side of Egypt's protests



Friday, January 8, 2016 11:39 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Signy's cosying up to the European far-right continues.


1000 Asylum-seekers...

Cite that 1000 asylum seekers were responsible?


These drunken Muslim men...

'Drunken' Muslim men? You do realise that would mean they weren't Muslims don't you? Honestly, all these illogical reactionary conclusions - it's like having Auraptor back.

SIGNY: "You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns."

Grozny, Russia, 2000:



Friday, January 8, 2016 12:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And there is KPO, denying facts and supporting neo-liberal global mashup, again.

"Ms. Merkel Invited Me": Refugee Sex Assaults Reported In Finland, Switzerland, Austria


On Thursday, we got what appears to be confirmation that the “hundreds” of suspects involved in a series of sexual assaults on German women were largely of Arab origin. According to German media, many of the men were asylum seekers who had recently entered the country from the war-torn Mid-East.

The assaults occurred in the city center in Cologne, where eyewitnesses and victims say groups of marauding New Year’s revelers accosted women, in some instances making off with their belongings. Attacks were also reported in Hamburg, and Stuttgart.

Initially, the incidents received little media coverage but soon the word was out and the backlash from the German public was palpable.

Protests were staged in Cologne and opposition lawmakers lambasted Chancellor Angela Merkel for her open-door migrant policy which some say is destined to rip Germany’s social fabric to shreds.

Meanwhile, Cologne mayor Henriette Reker got herself into a bit of hot water by suggesting that German women have a responsibility to deter attacks by staying at “arm’s length” from would-be assailants. She also said Germany “needs to explain to people from other cultures that the jolly and frisky attitude during our Carnival is not a sign of sexual openness.”

Apparently, Germany isn’t the only country that needs to “explain” things to refugees. Reports now suggest that women in Finland and Sweden experienced similar assaults on New Year’s Eve by asylum seekers.

“Finnish police reported Thursday an unusually high level of sexual harassment in Helsinki on New Year's Eve and said they had been tipped off about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women,” AFP reports, adding that “three sexual assaults allegedly took place at Helsinki's central railway station on New Year's Eve, where around 1,000 mostly Iraqi asylum seekers had converged.”

"There hasn't been this kind of harassment on previous New Year's Eves or other occasions for that matter... This is a completely new phenomenon in Helsinki,” the city’s deputy police chief said. "The suspects were asylum seekers. The three were caught and taken into custody on the spot," Koskimaki told AFP.

Apparently, the attacks were premeditated. "Ahead of New Year's Eve, the police caught wind of information that asylum seekers in the capital region possibly had similar plans to what the men gathered in Cologne's railway station have been reported to have had," a police statement read.

And it wasn’t just Finland.

“Swiss police said several women were allegedly robbed and sexually assaulted in Zurich on New Year’s Eve, [in a] method 'a little bit similar' to that used in a spate of assaults in Germany,” The Herald Sun writes. “And it has now emerged that similar sex attacks were carried out in Austria, but police didn’t publicise the incidents ‘to protect the privacy of the victims’”.

Yes, "to protect the privacy of the victims" - or to protect against the prospect that publicizing the incidents would trigger a bloc-wide backlash against refugees, because while it's easy to say that the actions of seven individuals on a suicide mission in Paris aren't representative of the millions of asylum seekers flooding into Europe from Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, it's a bit harder to claim that apparently coordinated sexual assaults by thousands of would-be asylum seekers don't say something about the extent to which integration may be, in Slovak PM Robert Fico's words, "impossible."

On Thursday, Spiegel released the findings of a German Federal Police report on the Cologne attacks. Here are some bullet points (translated):

Officials were therefore prevented by close people rings from advancing to help caller
A man is quoted as saying: "I am Syrian, you have to treat me kindly Mrs. Merkel has invited me."
Witnesses were threatened when they named perpetrators.
People torn according to the report in front of the police residence permit, grinned and said: "You can send me anything, go get a new tomorrow." Whether they were genuine documents and what kind of documents, it is not apparent from the report.
Granted restraining orders have been ignored;To take repeat offenders in custody, due to lack of capacity was not possible.
After track closures due to overcrowding people had just walked on the side track and then on the rails back to the suspended platform.
When boarding trains there were physical fights, it was the "law of the jungle".

"Women with or without accompaniment went through a literally 'gauntlet' by the heavily intoxicated men masses, as one can not describe it," the report reads.

There you have it. "Heavily intoxicated men masses," comprised of Syrians who told police that they had been invited by Angela Merkel. That's sure to go over well with the German public and opposition lawmakers.

Apparently, Germany is set to uninvite those responsible, as the justice minister said the country could deport some suspects. Of course identifying the culprits will be next to impossible. Here's The New York Times:

The police have so far been unable to apprehend anyone, a fact that Wolfgang Albers, Cologne’s chief of police, attributed to the chaos in which the assaults took place, despite there being dozens of officers on duty in the area.

“The women were in a very difficult situation,” Chief Albers said in an interview Wednesday with the public radio station WDR 5. “They were afraid, they wanted to get away, and of course they did not notice any specific faces.”

In Hamburg, the police said Wednesday that they had received 53 complaints, more than half of them alleging sexual harassment, from victims age 18 to 25. They appear to have been targeted in a similar fashion in that city’s Reeperbahn red-light and club district on New Year’s Eve. Victims and witnesses in Hamburg also described the attackers as being dark-skinned or “looking Arabic.”

The New Year’s Eve mass-scale assaults, the police said, involved groups of several men taking advantage of the crowds to target young women by surrounding them. While several perpetrators groped the women, others picked their pockets, stealing wallets and cellphones.

Even if the authorities are able to apprehend suspects, they biggest challenge will be for victims to identify their attackers, given that several men appeared to have been involved in the attacks on each woman.

Here's the latest from Merkel who, while stopping short of subjecting her own policy to criticism, seems to be changing her stance - if only gradually.

"Of course after what happened, there are several very serious questions which go beyond Cologne. Are there connections or collective patterns? Are there elements of condemnation of women?"

"We must vehemently work against that. I don't think these are single cases. People have a right, and we as a state institution have the obligation to give the right answers to this."

Meanwhile, the first version of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" to be published in Germany since World War II went on sale Friday.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, January 8, 2016 11:45 PM


5 Republicans actually believe in democracy, does that make all Republicans bad people? Well, actually, YES, but you know what I mean?



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'm sure you've seen this elsewhere, but I didn't want this important event to pass by without notice:

Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women

These drunken Muslim men behaved just like the ones in Tahrir Square, when a female American journalist (Lara Logan 2011) and a female Dutch journalist (2013) were attacked. But it's not just them: ALL women outside of the house are fair game. I know someone who lived in Egypt, and she said the groping and harassment are endless ...

Gang rape, the dark side of Egypt's protests



Saturday, January 9, 2016 11:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yanno what I would have done, SGG? I would have let in only women with children, and ONLY women with children. Women and children are not about to go rampaging thru the streets and burning tires when the borders are blocked, nor are they about the start groping men en masse when they get liquored up in their newfound freedom.

And THEN, after the women and children have had a nice relaxing 5 years away from their (quite often) asshole menfolk, in the warn embrace of EU sexual mores, only THEN would I even THINK about letting in their husbands, and only then at the request of the women involved.

If you look at pictures of the "asylum seekers" they are primarily young, healthy, unattached, aggressive males. I've been told that some of these men would grab a baby, for the cameras and for the police, just to look more sympathetic, and literally toss the baby away as soon as the cameras/ police left. If these men were really intent on saving their families, and the circumstances were such that there was a premium on women and children, they would move heaven and earth to get their young ones and women folk to the border. That would have been a real test of their intentions.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 1:43 PM



Originally posted by kpo:
Signy's cosying up to the European far-right continues.


1000 Asylum-seekers...

Cite that 1000 asylum seekers were responsible?


These drunken Muslim men...

'Drunken' Muslim men? You do realise that would mean they weren't Muslims don't you? Honestly, all these illogical reactionary conclusions - it's like having Auraptor back.

SIGNY: "You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns."

Grozny, Russia, 2000:


So what the Hell happened?! Are hundereds of women lying?! I bet you don't believe the women who were assaulted by Clinton and Cosby.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 2:16 PM


why are you defending Muslim jihadists, molestors and rioters?? regressive leftists have a boner for jihadists? Is that how much you are programed to hate conservatives? You would rather support Islamists against Europeans and against conservative citizens of the United States of America?

Islamists are fullofshet, so many of them of them can get stoned, cheat, steal, get can get beer in Iran and Saudi Arabia you just need to know the right people. Their entire religion is full of it, total BS,
The imam, sheikh, mullah you see so many of them bashing down their own people with religion, total submission, total religious rule and subjugation....
then these very same rich so called 'copnservative' imam, sheikh, mullah fly off to Holland Netherlands and fly to Europe to buy hookers and get drunk and stoned
Islam is about submission, intolerence and racism...its a full of BS religious class ruling over a poor class of people. All large religions are BS but Islam amd the muslim faith takes the buscuit as the worst

These men are doing exactly as some 'Muslim Men' do....they see the West as kind of Babylon, as Sodom and Gomorrah....their sins, theft, rape and crimes do not count in the land of infidels
Their jihad and deceptions and al-taqiyya and all means are allowed decieve the West, their prophet mohammed indeed was a child rapist, liar and warmonger....and this is how their faith lay its foundation
They see the Western world as a Babylon and their theft, pornography, stoned drunkeness, rape and crimes do not add up in a land of non-believers

read up on Islam
download their translated books for free
it is about deception, jihad and submission


Originally posted by kpo:
Signy's cosying up to the European far-right continues.

You're a moron

take your head out of your ass

both the left and rightwing media have reported these riots, rapes and molestation

why are you so keen to bend over and take it up the ass from islamists
have you some kind of metal problem?

more news
Multiple New Year’s Eve Sex Attacks In Sweden, Police Compare It To Cologne

New Year’s Eve sex assaults also reported in Finland, Sweden and Austria

New Year sexual assaults in Frankfurt, police say

Muslim sex attacks rock 6 countries'The idea of multicultural Europe has failed'


Originally posted by kpo:


These drunken Muslim men...

'Drunken' Muslim men? You do realise that would mean they weren't Muslims don't you? Honestly, all these illogical reactionary conclusions - it's like having Auraptor back.


You're somewhat of a moron? Are you expecting the first wave to be truthful Talibans?

When it comes to islamics you seem almost brainless as if you know FuckingNothing

they are not conservative but sexual deviants, they rape animals, their prophet married a 6 yr old and sucked on the tongue of young books
he dressed in women's clothes and colored his hair
they smoke mind altering drugs in the Sisha or hookah pipe

they are allowed drink, booze, alcohol among the infidels if it helps them blend in as a disguise and if it helps spread islamism politics

trying reading their book the Quran or Koran

it is like a war manual at times, a cult book of superstition or an instruction of invasion by the trojan horse of immigration

There is Al-taqiyya, Kitman, Tawriya and Al-muruna.


Saturday, January 9, 2016 7:25 PM


As many as 1000 migrants have been involved in a plan to storm the Calais entrance to the Channel Tunnel in a bid to reach England, some armed with iron bars and hammers. The A16 road into Calais had to be shut for an hour as police fired tear gas at the crowd to drive them back.
“An attack on the tunnel by the illegal immigrants is in progress!” they posted “Be vigilant if you go to this area, especially around avenue Roger Salengro where groups of 50 to 60 illegal immigrants have been sighted…”

“WARNING! There are reports from reliable sources that a group of six or seven migrants are running around with iron bars, stones and hammers.”

The group also posted several videos of migrants congregating at roadsides, attempting to halt traffic.

The activity appears to have been going on for at least twenty four hours – last night the group posted a video showing drivers narrowly avoiding having an accident, as they swerved around mattresses and a tree branch which had been left in the road.

Commenting, Vanililaslise Short wrote: “…I was present, they are everywhere and it’s really not nice to be in the middle of hell!”

Sophie Lesuisse added: “They are everywhere…the entrance to the tunnel and the highway closed to the city.

Marine Canu replied: “Yes it’s heated, I just passed this driving. It’s super scary!”

Martial Lamoureux said: “All of this risks ending up in a pool of blood!”

Others reported activity elsewhere. Choubibi Bidoubidou commented: “I just found myself in the middle of the full onslaught of hundreds of migrants on the A16.

“Clashes also with CRS [French riot police] and tear gas. Very, very dangerous – take care.”

The A16 was shut for an hour both ways, France3 has reported, as the CRS tried to move on between 800 and 1000 migrants who had congregated there to block traffic.

Cologne sex attacks: ‘Rapefugees’ spark revolt against Angela Merkel

German police fired water cannon close to Cologne’s gothic cathedral last night in an attempt to prevent clashes between rival groups of left and right-wing demonstrators who had gathered for radically contrasting reasons to protest about the outbreak of sexual violence that scarred New Year’s Eve celebrations.


Sunday, January 10, 2016 9:44 PM



Sunday, January 17, 2016 1:19 PM


Muslim rape epidemic in Europe spotlighted by Cologne sex attacks: Media coverup

More than 600 women were groped, robbed or raped in the Cologne city square by a mob of 1,000 men of "Arab or North African" origin. Of the 31 suspects questioned so far by police, 18 are asylum seekers from Muslim countries.

Fueling the Muslim rape epidemic across Europe is a blame-the-victim mentality and the widespread media cover-up of the assaults after newspapers and TV stations were pressured to censor their coverage of crimes committed by Muslim immigrants to prevent backlash against refugees.


Sunday, January 17, 2016 3:42 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

There are too many reports from too many INDEPENDENT sources to dismiss the accounts as fictitious.

What would I do?

If you're going to let a bunch of people into your country, you'd expect some kind of cost. It looks like one cost might be that you need to increase the police by a factor of 5, maybe 10. And have a forceful police presence capable of controlling crowds and engaging in mass arrests. Fingerprint and DNA swab them. Trial consists of testimony by two witnesses who may or may not be police (they're not citizens). If they're guilty they get sent back to the country listed on the passport.

I hear Irbil, Syria is nice this time of year.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Sunday, January 24, 2016 6:19 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
It looks like one cost might be that you need to increase the police by a factor of 5, maybe 10.

This is going to cost Germany big money, and I mean BIG.... the stealing, the rapes, the hospital bills, processing them with papers, deporting them, putting the ones who do crime on trail
I see the Crisis adding one massive financial invoice for the Germans, who pays the bills - the checque is in the mail - Germany enters recession soon in a few months or in the very least next year

more online reactions


The biggest problem with Muslim immigrants isn't that they're uneducated, or unproductive, or that terrorists may hide within their ranks. It is that by and large, even fairly liberal Muslims do not want to genuinely socially integrate into the existing populations, and especially when it comes to social norms and behaviors. This isn't unique to Muslims, of course--this is true to some extent for any immigrants from a significantly different culture--but it seems to be particularly ingrained in Muslims, and in particular, the view of the role of women as subservient and/or needing to be protected to an extreme. Andrea Merkel seems to get bashed every time she says this from both sides on the immigration issue, but the lack of assimilation makes it both difficult for Muslims to find housing and work, and ferments social unrest.


Full title:

"German Cartoon Guide Teaching Migrants to Keep Hands Off Women, Not Beat Kids and Accept Gays Gets New Attention Following Group Rape Allegations"

In the wake of horrifying tales of sexual assault perpetrated by potentially up to 1,000 men on New Year’s Eve, German officials have made two stunning decisions.

The first, from Cologne, Germany — where the attacks took place — was Mayor Henriette Reker telling women to adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent further sexual assaults, which crossed the line into “victim blaming.”

The second, from the broader German government, was to crack down hard — not on those responsible for the assaults, but for those criticizing the Muslim immigrants who may have perpetrated them.

Swedish newspaper & police covered up previous rapefest

Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women

Western civilisation is adrift in the world of ideas : Comments

First world feminists ignore third world rapists

Muslims raped over 300 Swedish children and 700 women

1000s in organised assaults in Germany

Muslim Rape Wave in Sweden

Muslims Run Wild in Germany, Raping and Robbing

Hive Mind Psychology and the Rape of Europe

Sweden plays politics with rape

1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal in Cologne, Germany On New Year’s Eve

They've been covering it up for a while and it has come to light that this is in fact a game called tarrahush aka the rape game......

Sweden: Welfare migrant cuts throat of host family’s 7-year-old daughter

Mass rape by "refugees" in Cologne, Germany.


Monday, January 25, 2016 10:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Remember how everyone made fun of Hungary when they closed their borders early on???

I have to wonder what Merkel thinks she's doing, because - don't forget- she INVITED this clusterfuck.

But let me go out on a paranoid limb here, and speculate into some dark areas.

The Powers That Be, I imagine, have NO PROBLEM with security failures.


Because Merkel will never be at risk of being groped, and Obama will never be at risk of being blown up; they themselves are very well-protected. So they feel cocooned, sheltered.

But in fact, it would be a very ill-wind indeed that blew NOBODY any good, and if there is one thing that that terror attacks and disturbances are good at promoting, that is MORE INTERNAL SECURITY AND WAR.

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC)'s neocon authors speculated - BEFORE 9-11 - that what American needed was a "new Pearl Harbor", and amazingly, that's what they got.


Written before the September 11 attacks, and during political debates of the War in Iraq, a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" became the subject of considerable controversy. The passage suggested that the transformation of American armed forces through "new technologies and operational concepts" was likely to be a long one, "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." Journalist John Pilger pointed to this passage when he argued that Bush administration had used the events of September 11 as an opportunity to capitalize on long-desired plans.

Hollande used the 2015 Paris massacres to suspend the French Constitution, which is still suspended.

And who gets what out of a refugee crisis? Well, NATO, among other possibilities, which has been searching for a raison d'etre (reason for being) ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

My point being that TPTB don't necessarily view Islamic jihadism with the same alarm as you or I. It was a very useful tool in driving the Soviets out of Afghanistan, and in getting rid of Qaddafi and attempting to get rid of Assad. Nor do they necessarily have the impulse to protect us. We BELIEVE that they do, we trust that they do, but it's simply a belief.

So Merkel may have reasons for wanting a refugee crisis. Martial law in Germany, maybe?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Friday, February 12, 2016 8:51 AM


Old lady interviewed in Germany about migrants


Friday, February 12, 2016 9:43 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Old lady interviewed in Germany about migrants

At 4:32 on video

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, February 18, 2016 10:16 AM


Second truly is a piece of crap once again defending child rapists and support islamo invaders


Originally posted by second:


Is this yours? if so Your photoshop skills suck

Second your brain is twisted, if you are trying to be funny you suck
you are a piece of filth who supports Antifa Rioters, BLM fools burning cities and dumb inbred islamic jihadi terrorists

I'm not sure who is worse the wacko left or the wacko right...maybe you are worse than all?

Anyone watch those Alexjones radio people, they are really out there wacky patriotic LSD with some of their shows.
This one say its some kind of cultural, demographic, internationalist conspiracy....a bit tinfoil headed for me

but they do mention George Soros

if you don't know this guy you should search him on the net, he is some piece of work and it wouldn't shock me to see he is involved in the human traffic into the West

New Wave Of Migrants Coming
'Thanks Soros!'


Originally posted by second:
At 4:32 on video

Are you playing the role of regressive leftist here Second?
Photoshopping the video?
Defending radical Islamists, Rapists and Muslim Terrorists
Editing the woman's subtitiles
and playing the same old tired Bullshit argument of calling any critic of illegal immigrantion or critic of radical Islam a racist?

Think of how different some of these people are to you, some of them were rapists of goats, some would have watched Al-Qaeda, ISIS or some Saudi or Iranian backed terrorists and the Taliban carry out public executions.
Sometimes a mother will bash her own daughter's skull in with a rock because the daughter said something that offended this imaginary Al-Lah creature.
Normal for them can be a totally different way of life you do not understand or have never read of.


Thursday, February 18, 2016 4:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Some people just can't imagine that other people are different. I don't mean a little different, with tasty foods and interesting music and quaint dress, I mean REALLY different. Some people truly believe that everyone else is a western liberal under the skin, just waiting for a chance to express their inner being.

But some other people are sociopaths. And some other people truly believe that everyone should live under their religion. And still others believe that women are just property. And others still are traumatized, or have grown up under such dire circumstances that their immediate reactions could hardly be called "civilized". And others are truly racist.

It's a failure of imagination.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.


Saturday, March 5, 2016 7:26 PM


Breitbart London’s Milo Yiannopolous showed up to Friday’s White House press briefing, asking press secretary Josh Earnest about the rise of politically motivated censorship on online platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Yiannopolous began by quoting Reddit founder Aaron Schwartz, who argued that the importance of free speech also extended to social media sites, and brought up Obama’s previous statements denouncing university safe spaces and the coddling of college students.

Milo Yiannopoulos Asks White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest about Freedom of Speech


Sunday, March 20, 2016 8:11 AM


the Kurdish hype? or can this culture become part of the West?

Murder over a marriage: Kurdish woman is shot dead at a wedding in Germany after refusing to marry her cousin who is now the prime suspect

The 21-year-old woman was shot dead at a wedding in Hanover in Germany
Her devastated father later posted picture of her dead body on Facebook
She had refused to enter into an arranged marriage with her cousin, Sefin
She was shot dead on Sunday and police have warrant for cousin's arrest

Read more:

A Kurdish father whose daughter was shot dead at a wedding in Germany has posted a picture of her lying in a pool of blood on his Facebook page and is demanding justice.

He wrote that his beloved 21-year-old daughter Shilan had rejected an arranged marriage to her cousin and had paid for it with her life during a wedding ceremony in Hanover, Germany.

The father, named as Ghazi H., 50, posted the harrowing image of his daughter on Facebook as police continued to hunt for the cousin.

Read more:


Sunday, June 5, 2016 8:03 PM


Germany Rape Statistics 2016


Wednesday, July 20, 2016 8:02 AM


alexjones conspiracy? Mohammed Strikes Again & Again & Again


Wednesday, July 20, 2016 3:03 PM


Alex Jones is a sad joke. Don't post his BS and call it "news."


Sunday, November 7, 2021 6:35 AM


Just remember the perverted werido called 'Second' supports islamist pedophile terrorist creeps

German Kid Raped by Foreigners, Girl, 15, Raped by Nearly a Dozen Pedophjile Criminal Migration-Background Men for Hours

"New details have emerged regarding a gang rape last year in Hamburg that saw a 15-year-old girl raped over a period of two and a half hours by 12 men, ten of whom had a migration background."

I will try to never link to youtube ever again since all vids are now blocked and banned

will be linking to brighteon, gab, bitchute or rumble or some other site.


Sunday, November 7, 2021 11:59 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Just remember the perverted werido called 'Second' supports islamist pedophile terrorist creeps

German Kid Raped by Foreigners, Girl, 15, Raped by Nearly a Dozen Pedophjile Criminal Migration-Background Men for Hours

"New details have emerged regarding a gang rape last year in Hamburg that saw a 15-year-old girl raped over a period of two and a half hours by 12 men, ten of whom had a migration background."

I will try to never link to youtube ever again since all vids are now blocked and banned

will be linking to brighteon, gab, bitchute or rumble or some other site.

Every 4 years, German Libtards kept electing her, for 16 years. Clearly, this sort of Libtard supported criminality is what they wanted.


Monday, November 8, 2021 6:44 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Every 4 years, German Libtards kept electing her, for 16 years. Clearly, this sort of Libtard supported criminality is what they wanted.

More like she's on a constant loser streak but hanging around like a bad rotting muddy smell, the German system although it is a Federal system and a Republic it has it own unique influences different to the United States of America and is its own unique parlimentary system all about groups and alliances and coalition government, it is very different to the US, I will have to go and dig up an old fireflyfans thread but she lost voters in almost every election, but never stepped down, the party government politics keeps her in power. German Bundestag elections are about parties, groups of political party. They rig they system by teaming up with other guys and make coalition governments to keep other parties out of power. She lost seats and lost powers in the 2015 state elections, 2014 European Parliament election, 2017 German federal election, the 2021 election, although she is Open Borders and an Ex-Communist her party is the ' Christian Democratic Union' of parties these guys team up with another major group the 'Social Democratic Party of Germany' or SPD, there are other smaller parties that are growing and gaining power like the 'Greens' or some New Left Socialists but the one they all fear is the A-F-D or 'Alternative for Germany' so the major parties group up together to keep the A-F-D out of power.

Why is Merkel losing and why is the AFD growing? Perhaps because Merkel took in million upon millions of islamist jihadi refugees, in 2019 Germany took in 1.15 million refugees in that year alone, that is not to count all the Turkish already inside the country, then after 2019 she takes even more from Syria, Kenya, Bangladesh, Kosovo, Libya, Iran, Somalia, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Pakistan, Morocco etc some might be genuine real refugees but there are also been muslim terrorists inside the waves upon waves and waves of immigrants. The AFD are islamo-Aware, news tv then tries to describe them as Islamist-phobic whenever they talk about pop concert bombings or mass shootings ro cartoonists getting killed, the insane schizo news media calls it Islamist-phobias or some other retarded crap. I don't know the A-F-D maybe it is 'rightwing' but I have also seen crazy tv news media clips where they basically call the A-F-D 'Hitler' for asking if Germany should control its borders, they often compare the AFD to 'right wing populist news politics' compare it to things like Trump politics. The AFD call themselves European Conservatives and Reformists and seem to be anti-Islam and anti-immigration, Merkel through political trickery stays in power and hasd managed to keep them out of power although they continue to gain seats while Merkel continues to be a loser, the AFD is also against Merkel's Corona policy and is opposing further lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, AfD supports a ban on child genital mutilation, they want this abusive procedure banned especially when it is for extreme religion and for non-medical reasons, this has both the Zionist Jews and Islamic Muslims jumping up and down and shouting like crazy.


Monday, November 8, 2021 7:00 AM


Yeah. The EU totally fucked Europe. A good deal of that responsibility lies on Merkel's head.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 8:12 PM


second in a ways proved useful, screencaping vids since deleted


Originally posted by second:

Old lady interviewed in Germany about migrants

The fire will rise

islam might have been destroyed peacefully with toons mocking their stupidity

but perhaps thanks to second, instead it will be destroyed in burning shockwave clouds of atomic fire?

'I believe this is the 12th girl in France this year who has been killed by an immigrant...and that's just France.'

Political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek says young girls are being 'sacrificed on the altar of mass migration'.


When they can not win in battle they are told to invade by way of refugee or immigration, the Hijrah or Hegira?

Taqiyya is tactical deceit for the purposes of spreading islam, it is one of the the six forms of islamic deceit (others are Kitman, Tawriya, Taysir, Darura and Muruna).


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 9:28 PM


We should have just turned Mecca to glass after 9/11.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, December 4, 2022 5:36 PM



Monday, December 5, 2022 4:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Remember how everyone made fun of Hungary when they closed their borders early on???

I have to wonder what Merkel thinks she's doing, because - don't forget- she INVITED this clusterfuck.

But let me go out on a paranoid limb here, and speculate into some dark areas.

The Powers That Be, I imagine, have NO PROBLEM with security failures.


Because Merkel will never be at risk of being groped, and Obama will never be at risk of being blown up; they themselves are very well-protected. So they feel cocooned, sheltered.

But in fact, it would be a very ill-wind indeed that blew NOBODY any good, and if there is one thing that that terror attacks and disturbances are good at promoting, that is MORE INTERNAL SECURITY AND WAR.

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC)'s neocon authors speculated - BEFORE 9-11 - that what American needed was a "new Pearl Harbor", and amazingly, that's what they got.


Written before the September 11 attacks, and during political debates of the War in Iraq, a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" became the subject of considerable controversy. The passage suggested that the transformation of American armed forces through "new technologies and operational concepts" was likely to be a long one, "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." Journalist John Pilger pointed to this passage when he argued that Bush administration had used the events of September 11 as an opportunity to capitalize on long-desired plans.

Hollande used the 2015 Paris massacres to suspend the French Constitution, which is still suspended.

And who gets what out of a refugee crisis? Well, NATO, among other possibilities, which has been searching for a raison d'etre (reason for being) ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

My point being that TPTB don't necessarily view Islamic jihadism with the same alarm as you or I. It was a very useful tool in driving the Soviets out of Afghanistan, and in getting rid of Qaddafi and attempting to get rid of Assad. Nor do they necessarily have the impulse to protect us. We BELIEVE that they do, we trust that they do, but it's simply a belief.

So Merkel may have reasons for wanting a refugee crisis. Martial law in Germany, maybe?

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

RUSSIA!RUSSIA! = censoring media, and
Pandemic = controlling individual's movement, and
War in Ukraine = EU/NATO crushing individual national interests, and
Energy shortages = collapsing average living standards and martial law?

Never let a good crisis go to waste, indeed!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 18, 2023 11:03 AM


Low IQ inbred Arabs get into some kind of fist fight turf war in Germany


Wednesday, March 22, 2023 9:59 AM


Crime out of control in parts of Europe


and France itself looks uglier than parts of Pakistan, North Africa, Kenya and Arabia.

but Why does piece of shit second want 'Open Borders' in the West and continue to voice support for islamic jihadi shitlamic terrorists?

Germany: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ and ‘f**king Jews’ smash church window, verbally abuse churchgoers

A 12-year-old girl, Luise Frisch, was allegedly stabbed 32 times, and her body was dumped in secluded woodland in Freudenber

Police patrol homes of German schoolgirls who murdered 12-year-old Luise amid vigilante attack fears


Wednesday, March 22, 2023 10:02 AM


At this point, I think TPTB want all out war everywhere.

They just might get it.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Sunday, August 13, 2023 9:28 PM



Sunday, August 27, 2023 8:00 AM


Germany biohazard attack Man smears dog feces on far-CORRECT AfD politician


Tuesday, October 10, 2023 4:26 PM


Mother of missing Shani Louk says she's been told she's ALIVE: Tattoo artist paraded on back of Hamas truck after Nova festival massacre 'is critically ill in Gaza hospital'


Tuesday, October 10, 2023 11:39 PM


If they know what's good for them, they'd better be able to clone whatever fake Americans that the Legacy Media says were taken in the attacks, or they might have just started World War III with this little stunt.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, November 30, 2023 8:27 AM


Germany: 8 of 9 migrants convicted of ganging raping 15-year-old avoid jail time


Monday, January 15, 2024 9:52 AM




Friday, May 24, 2024 10:31 AM


Germany's far-CORRECT aka the AfD party expelled from European Parliament group?


Monday, May 27, 2024 10:04 AM


Germany’s authoritarian turn A desperate establishment won't tolerate dissent


Sunday, June 2, 2024 6:29 AM


A shitlam terroristic piece of jihadi filth goes around on a mass attempted murder stabbing rampage in Germany, the Traitor Western media hides the crimes of the islamist Koranimal and even tries to describe the event as some kind of bullshit Reich far-right Luftwaffe Hitler gathering of super rightwings event in Germany

The Cop programed to automatically hate his own Germans charges and spear tackles the wrong guy, a hero German gets slammed a wrestled into the ground

while the islamist with a knife comes behind the cop slashes him into the back of the kneck and uses the long knife to stab into the idiotic Police guy's ear

Everything is censored

The intranetz or 4chan or Anon bloggers or Germans have made the whole event into a 'Meme'

Muslim stabs Michael Stürzenberger

Brutal knife attack on Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger in Mannheim, Germany

Now idiotic Germans want the web censored yet again

Mannheim Messerangriff
Messerangriff auf Michael Stürzenberger und den Polizisten in Mannheim






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